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Responds to 890427 Request for Review of Agreements W/Present or Former Vendor Employees for Clauses Restricting Employee Freedom to Raise Safety Issues to Mgt & Nrc.No Restrictive Clauses Identified
Person / Time
Site: 07000036, 07001100
Issue date: 07/07/1989
From: Fortney R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8907140099
Download: ML20246F941 (1)



SUL 1 DiEC'D :

GSMESSTISN ENGINEERING Ray A. Fortney Vice President f

. July 7, 1989 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.:20555 Attention: Vendor Inspection Branch Attention: Director, Office of Enforcement Docket No. 70-1100, 70-36 Gentlemen:

Reference is made to the two letters dated April 27, 1989 from the -

NRC's Executive Director for Operations to Mr. Charles E.

Hugel, Chairman of the Board. and-Chief Executive Officer of Combustion Engineering, Inc. (C-E).. I am replying to those letters at Mr. Hugel's request The referenced letters requested C-E to review agreements with its present or former employees. for the presence of clauses which' would restrict an employee's freedom to raise safety issues to management and to-the NP.C.

We have reviewed the few agreements settling U.


Department of ~ Labor proceedings involving C-E or Impell Corporation, a C-E subsidiary, as well as applicable labor agreements.

No such restrictive clauses were identified.

As the C-E corporate officer whose direct responsibilities include both C-E's Nuclear Power Businesses and.Impell Corporation, I want to assure you of C-E's long-standing commitment to nuclear safety and to the importance of permitting employees to raise concerns about potential safety issues.

Please let me know if there are any further questions on this matter.

Very truly yours, a/'4 Ray A. Fortney

/mb cc:

C. E. Hugel J. A. Famiglietti G. S. Kimmel A. E. Scherer S. T. Brewer D. E. Smith Combustion Engineenng, Inc.

900 Long Ridge Road (203) 328-2251 Post Office Box 9308 Fax. (203) 328-2263 stamford. Connecticut 06904 8907140099 890707 PDR ADDCK 07000036 fr p/2 C-PDR-q:#


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