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Semiannual Effluent Releases Rept 23,Jan-June 1987
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
Shared Package
ML20237K112 List:
23, NUDOCS 8709040201
Download: ML20237K117 (18)


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Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursuant to Facility Operating Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56 l

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Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursuant to Facility Operating Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56 Preparation Directed By:

D. M. Smith, Manager Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station


I. Introduction ii II. Tables IA. Gaseous Effluents - Summation 1 of All Releases IB. Gaseous Effluents For Release 2 Point - Main Stack IC. Gaseous Effluents Fore Release 4 Point - U/2 & U/3 Roof Vents 2A. Liquid Effluents - Summation of 6 All Releases 2B. Liquid Effluents 7

3. Classes of Solid Radioactive 9 Waste Shipments 4

III. Attachments A. Supplemental Information 10 B. Sunmary of Unplanned Releases 12 Technical Concurrences: (for accuracy of information)

.i /Z)' M 4at c. ~ YY D'irector-Radiation Protection Date JDirector-Radkaste r @ v A <. ru

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In accordance with the Unique Reporting Requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.2.h(2) applicable during the report period, this report

. summarizes the Radioactive Effluent Release Data for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 for the period January 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987. The notations E and E- are used to denote positive and negative exponents respectively, to the base 10.  !

The release of radioactive materials during the report period was within the Technical Specification limits. Revisions were made to the Offsite Dose  !

Calculation Manual (ODCM) during the report period.

However, these changes will not reduce the accuracy or reliability of dose calculations or setpoint determinations. A revised copy of the ODCM has been submitted with this report. Changes to the ODCM have been indicated by a bar in the right-hand margin adjacent to the lines which have been changed.

Section 9.0 of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power i Station Solid Radwaste System Process Control Program 4- (PCP) requires that revisions to the PCP be submitted with Semi-Annual Effluent Releases Report. Therefore, copies of the PCP, revision numbers 3 and 4 are being submitted to reflect changes which occurred during the report period. ,

Unplanned releases of liquid radioactive material occurred via High Pressure Service Water (HPSW) and from .

the 'B' Waste Sample Tank during the report period. In addition, there was one occasion where the lower limit of detection requirement was not met for Ce-144. These events are discussed in the attachment section of the report.





Unit Quarter Quarter 2&3 1 2 Error, %

ll l A. Fission & activation gases 1

1. Total release Ci 1.01 E4 7.81 E2 54.0'E0 l
2. Average release rate for period uCi/sec f!27 E3 1.01 E2
3. Gamma Air Dose Millirad 6.05 E-2 4.33 E-2 Percent of Tech. Spec.  % 6.05 E-1 4.33 E-1
4. Beta Air Dose Millirad 7.07 E-2 2.23 E-2 Percent of Tech. Spec.  % 3.54 E-1 1.11 E-1 "i _

B. Iodines

1. Total iodine-131 Ci 1.24 E-2 2.64 E-3 61.0 E0
2. Average release rate for period uCi/Sec 1.58 E-3 3.36 E-4
3. Critical Organ Dose Millirem 5.57 E-2 1.31 E-2 Percent of Tech. Spec.  % 3.71 E-1 8.73 E-2 C. Particulate
1. Particulate with half-lives greater than 8 days (includes Alpha and Strontium 89-90) Ci 3.83 E-3 2.37 E-4 61.0 E0
2. Average release rate for period uCi/Sec 4.87 E-4 3.01 E-5
3. Gross Alpha Radioactivity Ci 8.30 E-5 2.97 E-5 D. Tritium
1. Total release Ci 2.01 El 5.68 C0 94.0 E0

~2. Average release rate for period uCi/Sec 2.55 EO 7.22 E-1 (1)

I.  !




Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2&3 1 2 1 2

1. Fission gases Krypton-85M Ci 2.46 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Krypton-87 Ci 1.80 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO -


Krypton-88 Ci 1.37 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E10 Xenon-133 Ci 7.09 E3 2.95 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-135 Ci 1.21 E3 1.20 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-135M Ci 3.07 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Xenon-138 Ci 4.60 E2 0.00 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 E0

,1 Xenon-133M C1 1.18 E2 1.19 El 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Unidentified Ci 0.00 E0 2.87 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Total for period Ci 9.75 E3 7.14 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 E0

2. lodines lodine-131 Ci 2.78 E-3 1.64 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 lodine-133 C1 2.94 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 lodine-135 Ci 5.81 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Total for period Ci 6.30 E-3 1.64 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO
3. Particulate Strontium-89 Ci 2.19 E-3 5.20 E-7 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-90 Ci 2.63 E-6 2.20 E-7 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-91 Ci 1.60 E-3 6.29 E-5 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cesium-134 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 (2)

TABLE 1B (Continued)

CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2&3 1 2 1 2 Cesium-137 Ci 3.39 E-5 1.20 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cesium-136 Ci 1.09 E-1 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Barium-139 Ci 2.31 E-2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Barium-140 Ci 8.08 E-4 3.95 E-5 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Lanthanum-140 Ci 5.19 E-4 2.00 E-5 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cobalt-57 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cobalt-58 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cobalt-60 Ci 0.00 E0 2.10 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Zinc-65 Ci 3.57 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Yttrium-91M Ci 2.60 E-2 3.40 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 lodine-133 Ci 4.35 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Copper-64 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Rubidium-88 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Manganese-54 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-92 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cadmium-109 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Technetium-99M Ci 1.99 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Tellurium-132 Ci 1.05 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Totals C1 1.63 E-1 4.66 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO (3)



GASE0US EFFLUENTS FOR RELEASE POINT: U/2 & U/3 Roof Vents CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2&3 1 2 1 2

1. Fission gases Krypton-85M Ci 7.25 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Krypton-87 Ci 6.05 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 l Krypton-88 Ci 1.24 El 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xencii'4 33 Ci 2.84 El 4.57 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-135 Ci 2.72 E2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-135M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Xenon-138 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-133M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Unidentified Ci 2.44 El 6.25 El 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Total for period C1 3.51 E2 6.71 El 0.00 EO 0.00 E0
2. lodines Iodine-131 Ci 9.60 E-3 2.48 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 lodine-133 Ci 1.45 E-2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 lodine-135 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Total for period Ci 2.41 E-2 2.48 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 EO
3. Particulate Strontium-89 Ci 2.58 E-4 2.45 E-5 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-90 Ci 1.60 E-5 1.27 E-5 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-91 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cesium-134 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cesium-137 Ci 9.29 E-5 1.18 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 (4)

TABLE'1C (Continued)

CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE Nuclides keleased Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter l 2&3 1 2 1 2 Cesium-138 C1 2.07 E-2 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Barium-139 Ci 6.93 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1 Barium-140 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Lanthanum-140 Ci 7.74 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Cobalt-57 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Ccbalt-58 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cobalt-60 Ci 2.65 E-5 0.00 E0 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Zinc-65 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 4 Yttrium-91M Ci 1.70 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1 lodine-133 Ci 1.12 E-3 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Copper-64 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Rubidium-88 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Manganese-54 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-92 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Chromium-51 C1 1.64 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Technetium-99M Ci 6.98 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Molybdenum-99 Ci 5.83 E-6 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 l

Totals Ci 3.18 E-2 1.55 E-4 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1



LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit Quarter Quarter Est. Total 2&3 1 2 Error, %

A. Fission & activation gases i

1. Total release (not including Ci 9.88 E-2 9.29 E-2 32.0 E0 tritium, gases, alpha)
2. Average diluted concentration uCi/ml 2.12 E-9 3.10 E-9 during period
3. Body Dose Millirem 6.73 E-2 5.12 E-1 Percent of Technical Specification  % 2.24 E0 1.71 El i
4. Bone Dose Millirem S.80 E-2 3.92 E-1 l Percent of Technical Specification  % 5.80 E-1 3.92 E0 B. Tritium 4
1. Total release Ci 1.93 El 1.29 El 39.0 E0
2. Average diluted concentration i during period uCi/ml 4.14 E-7 4.32 E-7 ) l I

C. Dissolved and entrained gases {


1. Total release Ci 1.01 E-1 7.00 E-3 42.0 E0
2. Average diluted concentration during period uCi/mi 2.16 E-9 2.34 E-10 D. Gross alpha radioactivity
1. Total release Ci 1.06 E-4 1.43 E-4 39.0 E0
2. Average diluted concentration during period uCi/ml 2.27 E-12 4.81 E-12 E. Volume of waste released (prior to dilution) liters S.60 E6 6.13 C6 32.0 E0 F. Volume of dilution water used during period liters 4.67 E10 2.99 E10 30.0 EO (6)


LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

?&3 1 2 1 2 Strontium-89 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.39 E-4 1.02 E-4 Strontium-90 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 6.21 E-5 S.26 E-5 Alpha C1 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.06 E-4 1,43 E-4 Tritium Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.93 El 1.29 El Phosphorus-32 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 2.55 E-3 9.34 E-4 Iron-55 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.75 E-3 1.85 E-3 Xenon-131M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-133 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 2.14 E-2 2.76 E-3 -

Xenon-133M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO o Xenon-135 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 7.87 E-2 4.24 E-3

' Xenon-138 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Krypton-85M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Krypton-87 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Krypton-88 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Xenon-I35M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.02 E-3 0.00 E0 Manganese-54 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 9.69 E-5 2.05 E-4 Celsium-134 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 4.38 E-3 2.67 E-2 _

Cesium-137 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 6.07 E-3 3.)4 E-2 Cesium-138 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Zinc-65 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 2.16 E-2 3.27 E-2 Sodium-24 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 3.02 E-3 9.35 E-5 Cobalt-58 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 8.16 E-4 1.26 E-3


Cobalt-60 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 5.78 E-3 1.55 E-2 lodine-131 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.12 E-3 7.90 E-3 lodine-133 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.87 E-4 1.99 E-4 ..

s Molybdenum-99 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 (7)

7 TABLE 2B (Continued)

CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE Huclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2&3 1 2 1 2 lodine-135 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Barium-140 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Heptunium-239 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Chromium-51 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.20 E-2 1.28 E-3 Yttrium-91M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-91 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Antimony-122 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Tellurium-132 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 6 Niobium-95 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 8.52 E-5 1.02 E-4 Lanthanum-140 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 2.21 E-4 0.00 E0 Cadmium-109 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cesium-136 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.58 E-4 2.73 E-4 Silver-110M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.15 E-3 9.78 E-4 I

Cesium-144 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E-3 0.00 EO Antimony-124 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 i l

Iron-59 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Tellurium-129M Ci 0.00 E0 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Tellurium-131M Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO Zirconium-95 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Cerium-141 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 Strontium-92 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.83 E-4 1.09 E-4 l I L Copper-64 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 4.11 E-2 0.00 E0 l

! lodine-134 Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 4.68 E-5 0.00 EO Total for Period (above) Ci 0.00 EO 0.00 E0 1.95 El 1.30 El (8)


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l Facility: Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 DPR-44 Licenses:


1. Regulatory Limits (Technical Specification Limits)

A. Noble Gases:

1. $ 500 mrem /Yr - total body " instantaneous" limits per 1 3000 mrem /Yr - skin Tech.. Spec. 3.8.C.l.a
2. 1 10 mrad - air gamma - quarterly air dose limits per 5 20 mrad - air beta Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2.a
3. $ 20 mrad - air gamma - yearly air dose limits per 5 40 mrad - air beta Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2.b B. Iodines, Tritium, Particulate with Half Life > 8 days:
1. $ 1500 mrem /Yr - any organ " instantaneous" limits per (inhalation path) Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.l.b
2. $15 mrem - any organ - quarterly dose limits per Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.3.a
3. < 30 mrem - any organ - yearly dose limits per Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.3.b C. Liquid Effluents:
1. Concentration < 10 CPR 20, " instantaneous" limits per Appendix B, Ta51e II, Col. 2 Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.1
2. $ 3.0 mrem - total body - quarterly dose limits per

$ 10 mrem - any organ Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.2.a

3. $ 6.0 mrem - total body - yearly dose limits per 5 20 mrem - any organ Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.2.b
2. Maximum Permissible Concentrations MPCs are not used to calculate permissible release rates and concentrations for gaseous releases.

The MPCs specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, j for identified nuclides are used to calculate permissible release rates and concentrations for liquid releases per Peach Bottom Technical Specification 3.8.B.1.



l (10) {

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ATTACHMENT A (Continued) s


3. Average Energy Not applicable.
4. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity o A. Fission and Activation Gases The method used is the Nuclear Data 6600/6700 Counting System

- Gas Marinelli B. Iodine _.

The method used in the Nuclear Data 6600/6700 Counting System

- Charcoal Cartridge C. Particulate:

The method used is the Nuclear Data 6600/6700 Counting System

- Air Particulate Sample, 47 mm filter D. Liquid Effluents:

4 The method used is the Nuclear Data 6600/6700 Counting System and the Radwaste Liquid Discharge Pre-Release Method with a liter bottle.

5. Batch Releases A. Liquid 01 02
  1. of Batch Releases: 74 32 'y Total Time for batch releases, minutes 19842 21174 Maximum time period for a batch release, minutes 340 340 Average time period for batch release, minutes 268 258 Minimum time period for a batch release, minutes 240 240 Dilution flow (Liters) 4.67 E10 2.99 E10 B Gaseous: N/A
6. Abnormal Releases A. Liquid: See Attachment B B. Gaseous: None (11)





' Unplanned Liquid. Release Via the 2P High Pressure Service

Water-I ~ On May 10, 1987, a ; suspected release was detected by a peak which i occurredfon the 2B High Pressure Service Water (HPSW) radiation  ;

monitor. No grab! sample was obtained during the 15 minute  !

duration of the event. The calculated doses are based on the

. methodology presented in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual-(ODCM) assuming a releaue rate of 3 gpm and average release concentrations based on the radiation monitor strip chart. The Unit 2 Residual Heat Removal System was inspected for leaks, however, none were found. Later - sc.nples . indicated no levels of activity. The whole body dose as 6 result of the release was:

calculated at 5.96E-5 mrem, and the bone dose was calculated at 6.78E-5 mrem. J Unplanned Liquid Release Via the 2A High Pressure Service Water On May 10, 1987, a suspected release was detected by a peak which

  • occurred on the 2A HPSW radiation monitor. No grab sample was f-obtained during the 15 minute duration of the event. The calculated doses are based on the methodology presented in the 6

ODCM assuming a release rate'of 3 gpm and average release concentrations based on the radiation monitor strip chart. 'The suspected release was the result of crossover contamination from the 2B'HPSW monitor when'the 'B' HPSW loop was placed in service.

The whole body dose as a result of the release was calculated at 1.48E-5. mrem, and the bone dose was calculated at 1.69E-5 mrem.

Unplanned Release From the "B" Waste-Sample Tank During a Planned Floor Drain Sample Tank Release On April 2,-1987, at 1410 hours0.0163 days <br />0.392 hours <br />0.00233 weeks <br />5.36505e-4 months <br />, a Floor Drain Sample Tank (FDST) release to the river was initiated. During this release, it was

-observed that the "B" Waste Sample Tank (WST) level began to decrease. At 1800 hours0.0208 days <br />0.5 hours <br />0.00298 weeks <br />6.849e-4 months <br />, the release was suspended and the "B" WST valves were checked. It was determined that valve 146, a manual gate valve usedLto release the Waste Sample Tanks, had been left open inadvertently following a previous Warte Sample Tank release. The 146 valve was closed and the "B" Waste Sample Tank level was stabilized, thus allowing the completion of the FDST release. Based on the level recorder, 6792 gallons had been released to the river calculated at 5541 microcuries, which is 0.21% of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). The whole body' dose as a result of this release was calculated at 2.16 E-3 mrem, and the bone dose was calculated at 1.56E-3 mrem.


_ - - - - - - - ------___------o

ATTACHMENT B (Continued)

Unplanned Liquid Release Via the 2A High Pressure Service Water On June 10, 1987, a suspected release was detected by a peak which occurred on the 2A HPSW radiation monitor. No grab sample was obtained during the five minute duration of the event. The calculated doses are based on the methodology presented in the ODCM assuming a release rate of 3 gpm and average release concentration based on the radiation monitor strip chart.

Because of the short duration, it is suspected that the leak may have been a possible radiation transient at the monitor. The whole body dose as a result of this release was calculated at 1.25E-5 mrem, and the bone dose was calculated at 1.43E-5 mrem.

,CE-144 Lower Limit of Detection Requirement Failure On March 20, 1987, a liquid radwaste tank was processed for release based on analytical results from a high resolution gamma detector which failed to meet the lower limit of detection (LLD) for Ce-144 as defined in Technical Specification, table 4.8.1.

The LLD for the detector as of that date was determined to be 5.47E-7 uCi/ml for Ce-144, which is 9.4% above the maximum allowable valve of 5.0E-7 uCi/ml. The detector's failure to meet f the LLD requirement is httributed to nigh fluctuations in the background count rare for that detector. This higher count rate caused interference in the measurement of Ce-144, thus reducing the sensitivity of the instrumentation.

The background fluctuation was discovered as a result of a daily monitoring program for LLD. Upon the discovery of the LLD failure, liquid radwaste gamma analyses were restricted to another detector which meets the required LLD.

It should be noted that of the eleven isotopes listed in Technical Specifications, table 4.8.1 which are analyzed using direct gamma isotopic analysis, Ce-144 is the only isotopa for which the LLD requirement was not met.
