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Rev 5 to Abnormal Operating Instruction AOI-25.3, Loss of 120-Volt AC Vital Instrument Power Board 1-III
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Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/1987
From: Anthony J, Epperson J
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ML20237H133 List: ... further results
AOI-25.3, NUDOCS 8708170221
Download: ML20237H452 (6)


{{#Wiki_filter:-_ 4 TENNESSEE, VALLEY AUTHORITY SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT ABNORMA'L OPERATING INSTRUCTION-4 A01-25.3 LOSS OF 120V AC VITAL INSTRUMENT POWER BOARD 1-III Unit 1 Revision 5 PREPARED BY: J. M. Anthony RESPONSIBLE SECTION: Operations REVISED BY: Jeff Epperson SUBMITTED BY:. ,l d_ ' Ris onsible Section Supervisor PORC REVIEW ATE Ok APPROVED BY: Plant Manager ~ DATE APPROVED: ~JUN 0 81987. Reason for revision (include all Instruction Change Form Nos.): Revised to streamline operator actions, delete erroneous appendices "A"and "B". The last page of this instruction is number: 4 l~ ~ 0029H/ SAT /vid g81{0g 87 7 p

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT PLANT INSTRUCTION REVISION LOG f ABNORMAL OPERATING INSTRUCTION ADI-25.3 REVISION lDate l Pages l REASON FOR REVISION (INCLUDE COMMIT-LEVEL lADDrovedl Affected! MENTS AND ALL ICF FORM NUMBERS) 1 I I O l 9/30/80lAll 1 l l l I 1 112/19/8012.3.6 l I l I 2 1 9/12/83l A11 l I I I 3 1 7/31/8411 l l l l 4 l 10/4/8412 1 1 5 J U N OIR 1987 l All l Revised to streamline operator actions, l l Idelete erroneous appendices "A" and "B". I I l .[ l l l l~ l l I I I I l l 1 I' I I I l l l I I I I I I I l l l I i 1 ~ l l i I I-1 I I I I I I i l l l l l l l l l l l I i l 0029H/ SAT /vid

p SQN AOI-25.3 Page 1 ~ Revision 5 I. SYMPTOMS A. Alarms 1. 120V AC VITAL PWR BD 1-III UV OR BREAKER TRIP 2. 120V AC VITAL INVERTER 1-III ABNORMAL ( B. Indications 1. Power Range Channel N-43 failure. 2. Auto and manual Rod Block and Rod Stop due to High Flux Rod Stop, and C-5 Interlock. 3. Loss or decrease of Feedwater Flow to all steam generators, a 4. Loss of feedflow Portion of Signal to feedwater control [ system resulting in failure to control steam generator level if channel 3 is selected. 5. Possible reactor trip and Turbine Trip. 6. Possible reactor trip due to Steam Generator Low-Low Level. 7. Malfunction of trip status lights and safeguards systems annunciators. C. System Partial failures 1. Reduction of feedwater flow due to demand signal from steam generator 3 failing low, 2. Loss of power to both trains of Solid State Protection l System input relays for Channel III. { 3. If pressurizer level is selected to channel LT-68-320 for l control, pressurizer low level auto actions will occur. 4. If Pressurizer Pressure is selected to channel PT-68-323 the sprays will be closed and the back-up heaters energized I until locked out by the low level signal if LT-68-320 was selected for level control. 0147H/ SAT /vid l

SQN AOI-25.3 ,r Page 2 -{ Revision 5 .I. SYMPTOMS (continued) C. System Partial failures (cont) [ 5. Loss of Steam Generator Power Operated Relief valves l PIC-1-13A and PIC-1-24A if in normal mode. NOTE: The above failures are of greatest immediate ~f: consequence, for complete loads list of vital board 1-III see Appendix A. II. AUTOMATIC ACTIONS A. Possible reactor trip due to low-low S/G level. III. IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS A. None I IV SUBSE00ENT OPERATOR ACTIONS A.. If reactor trip occurs then refer to emergency instructions. B. Dispatch operator to turbine drive AFW pump 1A-S to transfer turbine controller to auxiliary control (located on west wall of room, outside near local control cabinet). C. If reactor does not trip, then, at the NIS panel defeat the PR rod stop. D. Assume and maintain manual rod control. NOTE: Do not use bank select; use of bank select will cause the bank overlap program to be lost. E. Dispatch operator to restore power to failed coard (transfer to auxiliary power supply). F. Assume Manual control of steam generator water level on the affected steam generators. G. Transfer Power Operated Relief Valves PIC-1-13A and PIC-1-24A to Auxiliary control room. H. Verify pressurizer level and pressure are not selected to LT-68-320 and PT-68-323 respectively. L 0147H/ SAT /vid' A 9

(_--_-_____ SQN A0I-25.3 Page 3


Revision 5 IV. udBSE00ENT OPERATOR ACTION (cont) I. If power is restored to the failed boards return systems to normal operating mode. NOTE: Due to' feedback signals and time delays in circuitry controllers may not control immediately. h J. Evaluate the need to shttdown per TS if power cannot be restored to the affected board. If necessary, conaence orderly shutdown to the hot standby condition per G01-5 and GOI-3. 'I. Initiate REP per IP-1 (Engineered Safety Features) as required. Refer to TS NOTE: Operation may be continued at the discretion of the ~ Manager, operations group, with respect to Tech. Spec. section 3. 'l K. Dispatch operator to Cardox units to verify master valves are closed. V. REFERENCES A. TS, B. S01-55 series C. 45N706-3 ^ l i 0147H/ SAT /vid I

) ) SQN ~ A01-25.3 l Page 4 i Revision 5 j [ APPENDIX A I. Page 1 of 1 l f Load' List: 120V AC VITAL INST. POWER BD.1-III SSPS(A)CilIIIinputrelays(1-R-46) SSPS (B) CH III input relays (1-R-49) NIS instr. power CH III ~ NIS control power CH III -[ Process protection set III (1-R-9) l UHI accumulator CH III isol. valve FCV-87-23 RCP 3 UV and UF relays AFWP turbine flow controller (normal) FIC-46-57 TOAFWP S/Gs 3 and 4 LIC-3-172, 175 TDAFWP S/Gs 3 and 4 instr. loop Incore temp. monitoring system I Instr. bus 3 and transformer power FIC-3-48,70 Aux. control panel A instr. bus Process control group 3 (1-R-20) g. B0P process instr. control rack (1-R-126) l Control room doors security lock AB instr. A bus 2 B0P process instr. control rack (1-R-128) .f AB instr. A bus 1 Aux. relay rack, A bus (1-R-76) Aux.. relay rack, C bus (1-R-76) l NSSS aux. relay rack, A bus (1-R-58) ~ L Aux, control panel, A bus Aux. relay rack, A bus (1-R-75) SSPS control room demod. Aux control panel, C relay bus ~ Aux, control panel, A instr. bus ~ Control air header A moisture alarm Aux. relay rack.A bus (1-R-72) Post accident monitoring 1 LOCA Hp cntmt. flow monitor XI-43-200 Control bldg. CO2 fire protection C02 fire protection DG 1A, 2A, and lube oil room Loose parts monitor equipment panel (0-R-139) Reactor vessel level instrumentation system fluid dynamic flow sensors .Inplant VHF radio repeater F2 UHI instr. bus 3 j 0147H/ SAT /vid )}}