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Rev 18 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/1988
Shared Package
ML20153G840 List:
PROC-880105, NUDOCS 8809090163
Download: ML20153H385 (7)





Original ODCM Revision 1 Revision 2 02/29/80*

Revision 3 04/15/80**

02/10/81 10/07/80**

11/03/80, 06/04/81**

Revision 4 (10/22/81, 11/22/82 04/29/82**)

Revision 5 11/28/81,


Revision 6 Revision 7 10/21/82**

Revision 8 01/20/83**

Revision 9 03/23/BJ**

Revision 10 12/16/B~t*

Revision 11 03/07/84**

Revision 12 04/24/84**


Revision 13 Revision 14 02/19/85**

, s Revision 15 12/02/85 Revision 16 04/14/86 "4

Revision 17 11/05/868**

Revision 18 01/16/87**




Approved by-RARC Chairm n

' Date/ / I E[


Approved by-A Date]




Approved by_

Nk Date_

M Plant Manager

  • Lov Power license for Sequoyah unit 1
    • RARC Meeting date
      • Date approved by RARC Chairman 8809090163 890923 ADOCK0500g7 1157c PDR R

o SEOUOYAll NUCLEAR PLANT OTTSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL-ETTECTIVE PAGE LISTIN_G REVISION 18 Zeit I through 68 Revision 69 through 72 73 through 84 Revision 17 85 Revision 18 Revision 17 Revision 18 69 e

8 l

l I

IPL-1 i



e TABLE 3.1 (Sheet 1 of 4) ~



Esposure rathway Saripiln9 and Type and frequency and/or $mple 5 apple tocations*

Collection Frequency of Analysis

1. f.8R80RNE
c. Particulates 4 sapples from locations Continuous sagier Analyze for gross beta (in different sectors) at operation with sagte radioactivity > 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or near the site boundary collection once per following filter change.

(t.M 2, 3, 4 and 5) 7 days (more frequently Perform game isotopic if required by dust analysis un each sapple loading) if gross beta > 10 times yearly mean of control smple.

Covposite at least once per 92 days (by location for gansna scan) 4 sapples froni etwasnities 4

approulmately 6-10 miles distance from the plant (rM 2, 3, 8, and 9) 3 sa yles froni control locations greater than 10 miles froni the plant (RM 1, 3, and 4)

b. Radlolodine samles fran same locations Continuous sanpler 181 1 at least once per as local (LM) and Remote (RM) operation with filter 7 days

' air particulates collection once per i

7 days

c. Soit septer frone sane.1ccations once per 3 years Gmna scan,
  • 4r, ' "ir as air particulates once each 3 years
2. CIRECT PADIATION 2 or pore doslmeters placed Once per 92 hys C.wivna dose at least at 10 oF the air particulate sappilng stations (LM-3, LM-4, once per 92 days LM-5, FM-2 RM-1.k RM 3,Ph-3, PM-8, PM-9, and RM 4) 2 or more dosimeters placed at each of at least 30 other locations.
o o en

' Figures 3.2 and 3.5)

  • Q a


-aEeO 4 5spie localicas are sht*= on figures 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.

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I TA8tE 3.1 (Sheet-2 of 4)


Esposure Pathway say11og and and/or samle Sample locations

  • Collection Frequency lype and frequency of Analysis
3. ImTER80 Rare
o. Surface TRM 497.0 Collected by automatic Ganna scan of each (Figure 3.4)

IRM 483.4 sequential-type sanpler**

corrposite smple.

IRM 473.2 with conposite sanples Caiposite for trittien collected over a period analysis at least of $ 32 days once per 92 days

b. Ground Isamleadjacentto At least once per 92 Cross beta, ganma scan (Figure 3.2) plant (location 18-6) days and trititsn analysis at least once per 92 days I sapple frorn ground water source upgradient
c. Orinking 1 sarple at the first Collected by autanatic Cross beta and gema (Table J.3) potable surface water sequential-type sanpler**

scan of each comosite (Figure 3.4) supply downstrearn frorn with contosite sanpit sarre)e. Camposite for the plant (IRN 473.0,).

collected over a period

- t r a t t ien.

  • Mr. *osr at least of $ 31 days once per 92 days I sarple at the next 2 Crab sanple once per 31 downstream p lable surface days water suppleers (greater than 10 miles downstreani)

{IRM 470.5 and 466.3)

'i 2 s q les at control 5arrples collected by locations (IRM 49F.0 automatic sequential-and IRM 503.8) type smpler with conposite sanple collected over a period of $ 31 days

d. Sediment IRM 496.3 At least once per 184 Canna scan of each TRM 483.4 days TRM 490.8 sanple TRM 4T2.6 7 am le locations are shown on FI ures 3.1, 3.2 3 5
    • 5mplesshallbecollectedbyco$1ectinganalIquo.3,3.4,3.5,and3.6.t at Intervals not anceeding 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

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1AstE 3.1 (sheet 3 of 4) ' '

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGtNt Esposure rathway Sanpling and type and frequency and/or Seele Sanple tocations*

_ Collection Frequency of Analysis

c. Shoreline TRM 485

.At least once per 184 G.wna scan of each Sedlaent 1RM 478 days sanple (Figure 3.4) 1Rrl 477



o. Milk 1 sanple fran milk producing At least once per 15 days Ge ma isotopic and (Figure 3.6) animals in each of 1-3 areas Indicated by the cow census 1211 analy3r sis of each sanple.

5r once where doses are calculated per quarter


to be highest. If sanples are not available from a allk animal location, doses to that area will be estimated by projecting the doses fran concentrations detected in milk from other sectors or by sapp!!ng vegetation where allk is not available (Table 3.1, 4.d)

At least 1 sample from a coatrol location.

b. Fish E sam le each for N1ckajack, At least once per 184 Ganma scan on edible Chickhmauga, and Watts Bar days. One sanple of portion Rcservoirs each of the following species:

Channel Catfish IJhlte Crapple Smallmouth Buffalo "5 apple locations are shown on Figures 3.1, 3.2. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.

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TABLE 3.1 (Sheet 4 or 4; v RADIOLOGICAL EWIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRMI brosure Pathway and/or Sample sangle tocations*

5mpling and Collection Frequency Type and frequency of Analysis

c. Invertebrates IRPt 496.$

(Asiatic Cims) 1Rtt 483.4 At least once per IRM 490.8 184 days.

Gmna scan on edible portion

d. Food Products I sapple each of principal food products grown at At least once per 365 private gardens and/or days at tine of cena scan on edibte portion harvest. The types farms in the innediate vicinity of the plant.

of foods available for sanpling will vary.

following Is a list of typical foods which may be available:

Cabbage and/or Lettuce Corn Creen Beans Potatoes tomatoes

e. Vegetation I sanyle from up to three At least once per 31 days Cmna scan at Icast (Faggre 3.6)

Iopations of milk-producing animals where a sapple of once per 31 days.

milk is not available and

  • '5r and '05r at each air particulate analysis and least station once per 92 days B
  • 5 ample locations are shown on Figures 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3 6 Entire page changed.

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.t SQN ODCM Page 85 of 85 1

Revision 18 l



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E Milk and vegetation collected

.O Vegetation only collected

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-; N Note:

Vegetation is also collected at each air monitoring station.

See Figure 3.1 1157e