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Rev 17 to Surveillance Instruction SI-114.1, ASME Section XI ISI Program Unit 1
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Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1992
From: Crane E
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ML20101F196 List:
SI-114.1, NUDOCS 9206240329
Download: ML20101F201 (187)




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REVISION DESCRIPTION: General revision to define organization responsibilities, incorporate support modifications, CCHz changeout, and residual heat removal (RHR) modifications; revised Exam Tables to better define weld numbers, support numbers, valves and other components subject to examination in ISI interval revised Augmented Inspection Sections added augmented ~ exam tables, respont.ible organization, inspections completed, and sequence of orders revised section on Successive Inspections, added Successive Inspection Table, Revised Notice of Indication (NOI) Section, added section on Corrective Action, revised Requests for Relief (RFR) to reflect Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Safety Evaluation Report (SER) Summary Evaluation, added five additional RERs (ISI-14, -15, t -16, -17, and -18), revised various ISI Drawings. .J r-o 1-i i 2 I i L l ( {U l 1328C/COC3

sueJoa swei SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME EECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 2 of 123 IABLE OF CONTENTS Engt ,s. Owner Statement 4 0.1 Prerequisites. 5 0.2 Precautions. 5 1.0 Statement of Applicability 5 2.0 Purpose. 6 3.0 Inspection Intervals and Inspection Periods. 6 4.0 Codes of Record and Code Cases 7 5.0 Method of Implementation and Responsibilities. 9 6.0 Abbreviations and Definitions 16 7.0 Components Subject to Examination - ASHI Code Class 1 18 8.0 Components Subject to Examination - ASME Code Class 2 44 9.0 Components Subject to Examination - ASME Code Class 3 56 10.0 Authorized Inspector 61 11.0 Examination Method and Calibration Blocks 62 12.0 Qualifications of Nondestructive Examination Personnel 62 ~ 13.0 Acceptance Criteria. 62 14.0 Repairs anu Replacements 42 15.0 Pump and valve Testing 63 16.0 Records and Reports 63 17.0 Notification of Indication 66 18.0 Corrective Action Program. 69 49.0 Sequests for Relief. 69 20.0 Augmented Inspections 69 21.0 Interface Documents. 78 ) 22.0 Developmental References 78 I i ,f, A WW (NP 2M ) 1328C/COC3 ~,

Sunderd Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION II Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 3 of 123 l TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PJgg APPENDICES l Appendix A - Tables. 81 Appendix B - Data Sneets 108 Appendix C - Notification of Indication Form 109 Appendix D - Guidelines f.,r Determining Piping Component Support Examination Boundaries 110 Appendix E - Field Corrected Drawing Transmittal Form 122 SOURCE NOTES 123 M Rexision - List 1 ................... - 'alve Tables 1 Attachment " - Requests for Relief 2 I i 1 l) = 4 3 -4 N'A 40004 (NP 2,*)1) 1328C/COC3

Sua&rJ Sh es SI-114.1 l ~ SURVEILLhNCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTkUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 4 of 123 OWNER STATEMENT Owner Tennessee Valley Authority Address of Corporate Office: Chattann ga Offica Compler 1101 Ma. Ret Street Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2831 Name and Address of Nuclear Power Plant Sequoyah Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 2000 Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 Applicable Nuclear Power Units: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Commercial Operation Date: July 1, 1981 l 1 I b l, b J ] ^4 N (NP191) 1328C/COC3

StasJarJ Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 5 of 123 O.1 PREREQUISITES 0.1.1 When craft support of minor or similar maintenance (examples: scaffolding, insulation removal, buffing of welds using scotchbrite pads, and cleaning bolts) is required to facilitate perfornsnee of this Surveillance Instruction (SI), a work request (WR)/ work order (WO) may be used. This RR/WO shall be processed in accordance with Sequoyah Standard Practice (SSP) 6.21 and the system code for SI-114.1 (system code 114.1) will be referenced on the NR. Additional NRs are required to remove fire barrier insulation foam in sleeves, piping support clamps, steam generator support rings, reactor coolant pump flywheel access covers and plugs, etc. 0.1.2 Contact Radiological Control (RC) for radiation work permit (RNP)/ ALARA preplanning requirements. 0.1.3 Controlled copies of ASME Section XI Code Classification Drawings and IOI Drawings are issued through DCRM. 0.2 Precautions 0.2.1 Safety belts should be worn when working from scaffolding or ladders in accordance with AI-56. 0.2.2 Protective clothing, such as long-sleeve shirts or gloves, should be worn except in RNP areas when working around hot pipes and equipment. O.2.3 Care should be exercised when climbing on plant structures and piping to ensure firm footing. Flexing of instrument lines and electrical conduit, for example, could cause equipment damage as well as bodily injury resulting from a fall. Walking on insulation shall be avoided. 0.2.4 Efforts should be made to ensure proper planning to reduce delays and radiation exposure in performance of the work, h 0.2.5 Read and observe all applicable precautions as indicated in Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SON) Administrative Instruction i AI-8 " Access to Containment," and Sequoyah Standard Practice (SSP) 12.8 " Foreign Material Exclusion." 1.0 STATEMENT OF APPLICABILITY This program outlines requirements for performing the first 10-year interval inservice nondestructive examinations (NDEs) of the SON Unit 1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Class 1, 2, and 3 (equivalent) components (and their supports) containing water, steam, or radioactive material (other than radioactive waste management systems). The program has been organized to fulfill inservice examination requirements of Standard (STD) 6.10 and comply as practical with the j requirements of Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. I A4MWJ(NP:NO 1328C/COC3

SuoduJ Scwce SI-114.1 SURVEIILANCE ASME SECTION XI Revis1or. 17-INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 6 of 123 7 In addition, this program implements applicable portions of the SON Technical Specifications. The Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program satisfies the requirements of Surveillance Requirements, I, and 4.4.10, and partially satisfies the requirements of i Surveillance Requirement 4.0.5. Inspection frequencies are in accordance with Appendix A of this instruction and are generally scheduled to coincide with outage periods. I The requirements of this program are applicable beginning at the date of commercial operation of the unit. 2.0 PURPOSE The ISI Program shall be used for planning inspections and examinations of SON ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 (equivalent) components for the first ISI interval. The examinations required by this program will establish acceptance of components for continued service. 3.0 INSPECTION INTERVALS AND INSPECTION PERIODS The inservice examinations required by ASME Section XI shall be performed during each 10-year interval of service (inspection interval). The inspection intervals represent calendar years after the unit has been placed into commercial service. The commercial operation date for Unit 1 is July 1, 1981. The inspection interval may be decreased or extended by as much as one year. If the unit is out of service continuously for six months or more, the inspection interval may be extended for an equivalent period. This SI may be performed in any mode and is applicable for all operational modes. The inspection interval shall be separated into three inspection periods. Except for examinations that may be deferred to the end of the inspection interval, the required examinations shall be performed in accordance with the following schedule. Minimum Examinations Maximum Examinations j Inspection Period Completed. Percent Completed, Percent, h 3 Years 16 34 7 Years 50 67 10 Years 100 100 Thp examinations deferred to the end of the inspection interva? shall be completed by the end of the inspection interval. I 1 LJVA 4WM4 [Nf l90 1328C/COC3

. SteeJard Skes SI-114.1 SURVEZLLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION. INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 7 of 123 q On August 26, 1985 SON Unit I went off line and remained off line until November 10, 1988. In accordance with IHA-2400(c) TVA will extend the first interval by 1,173 days. As a result of this extension, the first interval will end on September 15, 1994. The period duration will be as follows: First period: July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1984 Second period: July 1, 1984 through September 15, 1991 j Third period: September 16, 1991 through September 15, 1994 l 4.0 CODES OF RECORD AND CODE CASES Preservice examinations were conducted in accordance with the 1974 L Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, of ASME Section XI. SI-114 was the Preservice Inspection (PSI) Program for SON Units 1 and 2. The SON Unit 1 operating license (low power) was issued on February 29, 1980. Thus, as a minimum the ISI Program shall not be prepared to a Section XI Code Edition and Addenda prior to the 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda. 6 In accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.55a(g)(4)(iv), this program was prepared to meet the requirements of the 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda, of Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Steam Generator Tubing Examination requirements are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.83, Rev. 1, and Technical Specification and Surveillance Requirement 4.4.5. In accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.55a(b)(2), the extent of examination for piping welds Examination Categories B-J and C-F is in accordance with the 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda of ASME, Section XI (Examination Categories B-J, C-F and C-G). Extent of examination is defined as criteria for the selection of Class 1 and Class 2 components for examination and as criteria for determining which Class 2 components may be exempt from examination. The extent of examination specifies the length of weld to be examined. See Section 19.0 and Attachment 3 of this program for requests for relief information. i The qualifications of NDE examination personnel shall be as per paragraphs IWA-1600, INA-2300, and Table IWA-1600-1 of ASME Section II j 1983 Edition, Winter 1985 Addenda. TVA will use the 1984 Edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A for certification of NDE personnel as approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) letter from S. C. Black to ( O. D. Kingsley, Jr., dated January 18, 1990. (TAC No. 72833) L w l i J VA 4M24 (NP 2,90 1328C/COC3 .m

l SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 8 of 123 TVA will use the following Code cases which have been approved by the NRC per Regulatory Guide 1.147 and as outlined on the applicable NDE procedures N-209, Conditional Acceptance of Identifiable Isolated or Random Rounded Indications N-234, Time Between Ultrasonic Calibration Checks N-235, Ultrasonic Calibration Checks per Section V N-307-1, Revised Ultrasonic Volur.s for Class 1 Bolting, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-G-1, When the Examinations are Conducted from the Center Drille5 Hole N-308, Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants N-401-1, Eddy Current Examination N-402, Eddy Current Calibration Standard Material N-416, Alternative Rules for Hydrostatic Testing of Repair or Replacement of Class 2 Piping H-420, Extent of VT-1 Examinations, Category B-G-2 of Table IWB-2 500-1. N-435-1, Alternative Examination Requirements for Vessels with Wall Thickness 2 Inches or Less N-461, Alternative Rules for Piping Calibration Block Thickness Code Cases N-341, Certification of Level III NDE Examiner, and N-356, Certification Period for Level III NDE Personnel, were authorized for TVA uks by NRC by memorandum from Gary L. Zech to S. A. White dated Jan'ary 25, 1988. Code C0se N-460, Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds, was authorized for TVA use by NRC by memorandum from Suzanne C. g Black to O. D. Kingsley, Jr., dated December 13, 1989. j TVA will utilize Regulatory Guide 1.150, Rev. 1, " Ultrasonic Testing of Renctor Vessel Welds During Preservice and Inservice Examinations," for its examinations as outlined in the applicable NDE procedure. d I (_)VA 40M4 (N7 2hD 1328C/COC3 l

-.- ~.~. sumiard skes SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 9 of 123 .-_of 5.0 Mz1 NOD OF IMPLEhrxTATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES f Any revisions initiated by_ otbar aroups shall be submineDo ISI Procrass for approval prior to incorporatino the revisions into th13 program. 5.1 ISI Procrams 5.1.1 ISI Program Responsibilitiest A. Defining ASME Section XI Code Classification 1, 2, and 3 (equivalent) boundaries in accordance with 10 CFR 50.2(v), Regulatory Guide 1.26 R3, ASME Section XI and guidelines in 10 CFR 50.55a. j PT B. Preparing / revising ASME Section XI color-coded boundary classification drawings to identify the ASME Section XI Code Classification 1, 2, and 3 (equivalent) boundaries within each plant system as defined in 5.1.1.A. These drawings are to be used for all ASME Section XI program activities only. See Attachment 1 for drawing list. C. Preparing / revising ASME Section XI drawings which identify the Class 1, 2, and 3 equivalent components (including supports) that require inservice and/or preservice nondestructive examination (NDE) to satisfy ISI Program requirements. See Attachment 1 for drawing list. D. Preparing / revising SON ISI Programs as required. E. Ensuring that these programs provide detailed instructions for ISI including the following information as a minimum: P 1. The ASME Section XI Code of Record for ISI. 2. The inspection interval. 3. A list of the Section XI boundary classification drawings (for ISI only). 4. A list of the ISI drawings. 5. An examination schedule in tabular form and provide y the 40-year sample, the 10-year interval sample, and l$ the samples for the three periods within the interval. l l ; 6. Augmented examination requirements based on other codes / standards, regulatory guides, etc. 7. The NDE method to be used for each component. g_ L I f jtVA 4HM4 (NP U)l) 1328C/COC3

StasJarJ Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 10 of 123 7 8. The ASME Section XI examination categcry for each component. 9. Copies of all requests for relief. 10. Name and address of owner.

11..Name and address of generating plant.

12. Name or number designation of the unit. 13. Commercial operating date for the unit. 14. A description of the system for maintaining status of completed work. 15. Discussion of scan plans which provide details of required component examinations such as component identifier, NDE procedure, calibration block, drawing number, etc. F. Ensuring that Notification of Indication (NOI) Form lu included as an appendix within ISI programs. G. Preparing / revising component support tables, identifying each support, its types, and its operations characteristics. H. Providing PSI and/or ISI ASMI Section XI interpretations as requested by various site organizations or as required in program development and implementation. I. ISI Programs shall be responsible for preparing and revising the initial piping component support examination boundaries, Appendix D. 5.1.2 ISI Programs PRISIM Responsibilities: A. Providing a list of components requiring examination during each period of the 10-year interval that includes the components that nust be examined during a specific refueling outage. This list will be provided to the Site L } Quelity Organization and the Inspection Services Organization in accordance with plant schedules. e B. Providing any additional samples required due to examinations performed. C. Approving scan plans and revisions affecting component selection or the NDE method. 4 I -i l (_) VA 4MM (NP 2 H) 132BC/COC3

SumerJ Stres S8-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 11 of 123 5.1.3 ISI Procrams Request for 2elief Responsibilititas 3 A. Determining if a request for relief is required because of areas which are inaccessible or partially inaccessible for examination or because it is determined that conformance with ASME Code requirements is impractical. B. Ensuring that requests for rallef include supporting information on the need for relief and any alternate examinations are documented. C. Submitting Requests for Relief to Site Licensing. 5.2 The Inspection Services Organization (ISO) 5.2.1 150 Shall be Respon11ble for: A. Preparing / revising PRISIM data base to include all ccmponents within the ISI Program Instruction for SON, B. Preparing / revising scan plans for each refueling outage of an inspection interval utilizing PRIEIM. ~ C. Providing Level III approval of each scan plan revision and maintaining a scan plan revision history log. D. Submitting scan plans to the Site Quality Organization in accordance with plant schedules. E. Any areas that are inaccessible or partially inaccessible for examination will be evaluated by NDE Level III personnel to determine if a request for relief should be submitted to the NRC. This information shall be provided to ISI Programs. F. NDE Level III shall :ompare completed examination results to the requirements of the scan plan, identify any limitations or impracticc' examinations, and provide notification to ISI Programs for possible action in accordance with Section 19.0 of this program. 5.2.2 I1Q_1gsponalbilities When NDE Performed by__Contractota: A. Ensuring the adequacy of prospective contractor's QA programs in accordance with the TVA NQA Plan. B B. Ensuring the preservice and/or inservice examinations are performed in accordance with TVA NDE procedures or performed in accordance with contractor procedures that have been authorized for use by ISO. C. Contract preparation and administration will be the responsibility of ISO. Inspection plans submitted by outside contractors shall be reviewed and approved by ISO prAor to use. T1 i VA 4PM4 (NP 1H) 1328C/COC3 i i 1 _________________.___________.______._____.___._______.________________.______J

SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 12 of 123 5.3 The Site Ouality Orcanization (S0Q1 s 5.3.1 S.QQ Responsibilities on Scheduled Exadnations: Providing a list of the components to be scheduled for examination during each refueling outage to the Inspection Services Organization. This will be provided in accordance with plant schedules. 5.3.2 S00 Responsibilities on Distribution of S en_Elana t Submitting copies of the approved scan plan to site management and to the authorized Nuclear Insersice Inspector (ANII). 5.3.3 500 Responsibilities on Pet (qIrlace cf N2g A. Performing NDE in accordance with ISI Program Instructions, applicable scan plan, and NDE procedures utilizing personnel certifieo in accordance with QMP-102.4. B. Ensuring that the services of an Authorized Inspects n Agency (AIA) are used when performing Code-required examinations through a contract established with an AIA. Duties of the AIA inspector are described in IWA-2000, Section XI, of the AShE Code. C. Arranging for the AIA representative to have access to any documents and all parts of the plant and offices (subject to plant security and health physics requirements) necessary for performing his required duties. D. Notif ying the ANII prior to starting examinations. E. Preparing NOIs for examination results which, when evaluated by Level II or III examination personnel, do not meet the acceptance criteria of the lTDE procedure. NOIs do not apply to PSI NDFs following repair and replacement activities. F. Ensuring that NOIs are forwarded to Plant Management as notification of discrepant conditions and for disposition. A copy is to be sent to ISI Programs. G. Ensuring that NOIs are closed by performing follovup g examinations as required by the disposition. H. Documenting follow-up examination by recording examination report number on HOI form prior to closure. I. Ensuring that original of the closed NOI is filed with the original examination report and a copy is sent to ISI Programs. I ~ i .yva40%4(sr290 1328C/COC3 i i l

1 Sunderd SDect SZ-114.1 1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 13 of 123 J. Preparing examination reports f or completed examinations ~ in accordance with the format in the NDE procedure. 1. Ensuring that all scan plan examinations are completed prior to the completion of each refueling outage. 2. Ensuring that status of coupleted examinations are recorded in the scan plan. 3. Ensuring that report number, date of exsmination, examiners initials and any comments or discrepancies (NOI number) are recorded in the scan plan. 4. Submitting the original examination reports to DCRM as OA records. K. Ensuring that ISI Programs is notified of any areas that are inaccessible or partially inaccessible for examination. This information will be evaluated by Level III examination personnel to determine if a request for relief should be submitted to the NRC. This information shall be provided to ISI Programs. L. An NDE Level I! or III individual shall evaluate the NDE results in accordance with ASME Section %3, IWA-3000. The results shall be compared with recorded results of the preservice NDE and previous inservice NDE results. 5.3.4 SOO Responsibilities on Reports: A. Preparing ISI Summary Report including Form NIS-1 in accordance with requirements of ASME Section XI IWA-6000. B. Ensuring that Form NIS-1 is signed by the ANII. C. Subraitting Inservice Inspection Summary Peport within 90 days of the completion of the inservice inspection (refueling outage) to Site Licensing. D. Following each refueling outage when inservice examinations are performed, the Site Final Report Cover Sheet in Appendix B shall be completed by SQO Lnd submitted to the plant with the final report discussed in Section 16.0. E. Submitting the Final Report which contains the Summary Report to DCL4 as a QA record. 5.3.5 S00 Respcnsibilities When NDE Performed by Contractors: A. Ensuring that contractors are familiar with the ISI Program Instruction being used. l l (J1v.* totC4 (NP 2SO 132BC/COC3 t

$3aDdArd Slett SI-124.1 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 14 of 123 B. Ensuring contractors are certified using guidelines of 3 GMP-lO2.4. C. Maintaining surveillance of contractor ISI or PSI activities to verify compliance with the contract and applicable ISI Program Instruction requirements. 5.3.6 SOO Responsibilities With PSI Conducted in Manufacturer's Shop S00 is responsible for ensuring records are identified and documented as are TVA-generated reports in accordance with this instruction. Other report formats may be utilized provided the minimum required information is contained therein. 5.3.7 S00 Ferponsibilities for Component Support Boundaries SQO shall be responsible for determining the examination boundary for new or modified supports. 5.4 Site Document Control and Records Mapagement (DCRM) DCRM shall be responsible for issuing controlled copies of ASME Section XI Code Classification Drawings and ISI Drawings to specified distribution lists. DCRM shall be responsible for providing controlled copies of ISI Pr3 gram instructions to 550, the Authorized Nuclear Inspection / Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANI/ANII), ISI Programs Supervisor, and to the Site Licensing Manager as requested. 5.5 Steam Generator Maintenante and Technoloov (SCMT) 4 FGMT shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements related to steam generator tubing j contained in Sections 7.3.8, 20.4, 20.6, and 20.13. SGMT is responsible for the selection of steam generator tubes to be examined for Section X1 credit. j 5.6 Site Licensing _Manaaer l Site Licensing Manager is responsible for submitting ISI Program Instructions, revisions, requests for relief and reports to the NRC for review and/or approval. All ASME Section XI correspondence [ shall include ISI Programs on distribution. 5.7 Etant ManaagI Plant Manger Js responsible for approving and issuing SI-ll4.1. The Plaut Manager is respoasible for designating the organization 7 responsible for preparing dispositions for NOIs. l b)^ 4*M4 (NP 2SO 1328C/COC3

suodud ske SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASMZ SECTION XI Revisica 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 15 of 123 5.8 Site Enaineerino ~y Site Engineering is rerponsible for designing, fabricating, erecting, and constructing all structures, systems, and components to quality standards commensurate with the importance cf the safety function to be performed. Design for access in accordance with the ASME Code, Section XI must be satisfied. Site Engineering is responsible for evaluating and providing a disposition for indications initiated by a Notification of Indication (NOI). 5.9 ESI Conducted in Manufacturer's Shop If examinations were performed in the manuf acturer's shop, they may Sj serve as PSI eraminations provided: A. They were performed after hydrostatic test of vessel. B. They were conducted uader conditions and with methods expected to be employed for subsequent ISI examinations, j 5.10 1pplementation 5 ISI Programs, ISO, and SQO utilize a computerized data Lane system, PRISIM, for status and Section XI credit of completed ISI examinations. PRISIM data base is utilized to provide a listing of components requiring examination during the 10-year ISI interval, each pe.iod and scan plans for a specific refueling outage. All specific NDE procedures used during the inspection program shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the NDE Procedures Manual, QMP-110.5. FDE procedures will be implemented in accordance with SSP 3.1. Whenever an unacceptable indication is discovered, Section 17.0 of this procedure and the form in Appendix C shall be utilized. In those cases where an outside contractor is furnishing inservice j examination services, the contractor will normally initiate the form in Appendix C under the supervision of the SQO Representative. See Section 17.0 of this program. 5.11 Scan Plan The scan plan should include as a minimum references to components .- b. to be examined, methods of examinations, examination procedures, L and calibration standards. Prior to performing examinations on a system or component, the scan plan shall be approved by ISI T Programs and an NDE Level III individual from ISO. ISO shall submit scan plans to SQO in accordance with plant schedules. S00 shall submit copies of the approved scan plan to Site Management r and to the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector. When inservice { examinations are implemented by instructions other than this program (e.g., maintenance instructions), copies of the instruction ji _)vA 4mwn (NP 191) 1328C/COC3

' SumJnJ Sheet SI-114.1 ~ SUPTE2LLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 16 of 123 data sheets shall be submitted to S00 by the performing organization to allow these examinations, if applicable, to be included in the reports discussed in Section 16.0. During implementation phases (usually outage periods), it may become necessary to change the scan plan. Scan plan changes can be initiated by SQO, ISO, and ISI Programs, or by other personnel involved with the implementation of the scan plan. All changes shall be coordinated with an 500 Representative and, as needed, with the appropriate plant planning and scheduling personnel for facilitating the use of supporting craft personnel. Revisions to the scan plan shall be controlled in the same manner as the original. ISO shall maintain a scan plan revision history log. However, interim working copies may be hand written to allow examinations to be performed before a formal revision is issued. These changes shall be approved by an ISI Programs Specialist and an NDE Level III. Both individuals shall sign and date all such changes. 5.12 Pipino Confiouration Chances When major portions of existing piping are replaced or whole new systems are added, a system walkdown should be performed by ISI Programs to identify the piping configuration, welds, and components that will be included in the inspection program. If variations in configuration are discovered or modifications (including additions and deletions), replacements, or repairs are made during the service life of the unit, these changes Phall be marked on field corrected copies of the appropriate drawings. These field corrected copies shall be used in the performance of examinations. Copies of these field corrected drawings shall be transmitted to ISI Programs by SQO using a drawing transmittal form as in Appendix E of this program. A file and transmittal number log of the corrected drawings and transmittal forms shall be maintained by SQO for future reference. ISI Programs shall be responsible for reviewing the proposed change, revising the drawings as necessary, and issuing the revised drawing prior to the next refueling outage. The transmittal form shall be returned to the SQO af ter the referenced drawings have been revised by an ISI Programs representative. The ISO scan plan shall be revised as necessary to reflect these field corrected drawings (interim working drawings) and any PSI /ISI examinations performed due to these variations in configuration. C 6.0 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIQHS 6.1 AIA - Authorized Inspection Agency. 6.2 AI - Authorized Inspector (may denote an ANI or ANII). 6.3 ANI - Authorized Nuclear Inspector. + 6.4 ANII - Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector. I'. vA 4mw4 (NP 2N0 1328C/COC3

.~- - SeaJard Sket 5I-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGCAM -Page 17 of 123 ~ Tyne A Examination Boundary ~, The type of boundary to be used for 6.5 those supports that are attached to building floor, walls, ceiling, .i or embedded plate. 6.6 Type B Examination Doundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to another existing support. 6.7 Type C Examination Boundary: The type of boundary to be u_ed for those supports that are attached to existing steel. 6.8 Type D EKamination Boundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to an intervening element. 6.9 Notice of Indication (NOI) - A form used to report any discrepant conditions found during the performance of nondestructive examination. Used for ISI exa.minations only. 6.10 Scan Plan - A schedule of examinatlocs requirsd to be performed during a particular per3cd of time. 6.11 NDE - Nondestructive Examination. 4 6.12 WR/WO - Work Request / Work Order. 6.13 PER - Problem Evaluation Report. 6.14 Program for ISI Data Management (PRISIM) - A mainframe computer program for scheduling, tracking, maintaining status, and reporting of ISI examinations performed on a site / unit basis. It has the capability to allow categorization of these examinations by araas as needed for Code credit, NUREG credit, additional eram credit, augmented credit, etc. 6.15 Components - Denotes items in a poter plant such as vessels, piping systems, pumps, valves, and component supports. 1 6.16 Normal Operation - Normal plant operation conditions include reactor startup, operation at power, hot standby, and reactor co- ',wu to cold shutdown conditions. Test conditions are excludeC. 6.17 P-osure-Retaining Material - Applies to items such as vessel l heads, nozzles, pipes, tubes, fittings, valve bodies, bonnets, I disks, pump casings, covers, and boltings which join pressure-retaining items. { 6."18 Repair - Those operations involving welding, heat treatment, or defect removal which are required to restore an item to a safe and satisfactory operating condition. i 6.19 Replacement - Replacements include spare and renewal components, or parts of a component (e.g., valve body bonnet, disc, bolting). It also includes the addition of corponents such as valves and system changes such as rerouting of piping. For the purpose of this T-pr cedure, the term replacement shall apply where attachment to the j pressure boundary is by wolding or mechanical means. pv^4mmtmP2Mo 1328C/COC3

54asJud Mces I l SI-114.1 h SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 10 of 123 6.20 FIR - Finding Identification Report 3, 6.21 SCAR - Significant Corrective Action Reports 6.22 Examination - Denotes the performance of all visual observation and nondestructive examination. 6.23 Inservice Inspection (ISI) - Inspection required by ASME Section XI during the service lifetime of the power unit. 6.24 Notdestructive Examination (NDE) - Methods used for the detection and evaluation of discontinuities and the measurement of physical dimensions and condition of items. These methods include radiography, ultrasonic, eddy current, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, inservice visual, and welding visual. These methods do not impair the serviceability of the items. 6.25 Preservice Inspection (PSI) - Inspecticas required by ASME Section XI to be completed prior to initial pi startup, or inspections required by ASME Section XI if a esmp6 c is replaced, added, repaired, or altered during the service lifetime of a power unit. 7.0 COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO EIAMINATION--AS_ME CODE CLASS 1 (EQUJVALIFD II ASME Code Class 1 (equivalent) components to be examined during the inspection interval are outlined in the following paragraphs. The entire length of each weld described shall be examined for the first 10-year ISI interval unless otherwise noted. When a portion of a weld length is to be examined during an inspection period, the areas examined each inspection period shall be documented on the examination data sheets. Component. 9xempted from examination are discussed in Section 7.7 of this program. Appendiz A, Table A, provides additional information such as reference drawing numbers and ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, examination categories. 7.1 Egastor "essel l 7.1.1 Rgattoc Vessel Sean Welds Circumferential Shell Welds There are four circumferential welds (each ~ [ approximately 50 feet in length) la the vessel L cylindrical shell, three of which are located behind the thermal shield. The entire length of each of these velds will be ultrasonically examined during l 1 _j VA 4Mo4 (NP PH) 1328C/COC3

=. SusJ2tJ5kd SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 19 of 123 the third inspection period using remote inspection e devices from the vessel ID with the core internals removed. The vessel shell sections are machined forgings fabricated of A-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel and are clad with weld deposited austenitic stainless steel. Loncitudinal Shell Welds There are no longitudinal shell welds associated with the reactor vessel. Closure Head Circumferential Weld v. The entire length of the closure head cap weld (approximately 41 feet in length) will be manually ultrasonically examined from the head outside diameter. The length of weld to be examined each inspection period is included in Table A of Appendix A. During the conduct of the Unit 1 preservice examination a flaw indication in the closure head weld was observed (weld 09-10). Flaw evaluation and acceptability was based on Code Case N-209 (see Nonconforming Report 6P for additional information concerning flaw evaluation and location). In addition to the examinations above, the flaw indication volume shall be examined during each inspection period. This provides examination of the flaw indication volume for ?hree succc231ve inspection feriods. Shr.cbf t bese successive examina".icus reves; that tn* flaw indication has I remsined essentially unchragad, then the examination l-f requency may revert to that of Examination Category i B-A of Table IWB-2500-1 of ASME Section XI. If the successive examinations reveal that the flaw indication size has increased, then technical ~ justification shall be presented to NRC for allowing continued operations. I The closure head ring is fabricated of A-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel. The closure besd hemispherical section is f abricated of A-533, f Gr. B, Class 1, manganese-molybdenum steel. Both sections are clad with veld deposited austenitic stainless steel. Lower-Head Circumferential Weld l The entire length of the lower head circumferential l weld (approximately 38 feet in length) will be ultrasonically examined during the third inspection !I I JvA 4Wxa p3P 2MO 131BC/COC3 ~.

SunJard Sheet SE-1A4.a SURVEILLANCE ASME'SECTION 22 Rev# pion 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 20 of 123 period using remote inspection devices from the vessel inside diameter with the core internals removed (see Request for Ielief ISI-5). The lower-head sections are f abricated of A-533, Gr. B, Class 1, manganese-molybdenum steel, and are clad with weld deposited austenitic stainless steel. C1qsure Head Merl M u gl Weld The closure head does not include any meridional welds. Lower-Hu d Mer1 M u gL_ Welds There are six meridional welds (each approximately 4 feet in length) located in the lower head. The entire length of each of these welds will be ultrasonically examined during the third inspection period using remota inspection devices from the vessel inside diameter with the core internals removed. The lower-head section material is fabricated of A-533, Gr. B, Class 1, manganese-molybdenum steel and clad with weld deposited austenitic stainless steel. Shell-To-Flance Weld The entire length of the shell-to-flange veld (approximately 50 feet in length) will be ultrasonically examined from the vessel inside diameter using remote inspection devices during the third inspection period (see Reguest for Relief ISI-10). The vessel flange section is fabricated of A-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel and is clad internally and on the gasket face with veld deposited austenitic stainless steel. Closure Head-To-Flance Feld and Flex Area The entire length of the head-to-flange weld (approximately 45 feet in length) will be manually, L ultrasonically examined from the head outside diameter The entire length of the closure head-fle; area will be surface examined during the e inspection interval. The length of weld to be examined each inspection period is included in Table A of Appendix A. LjVA 40M4 (NP 190 1328C/COC3

suodard Shett SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 21 of 123 gy The closure head flange section is fabricated of A-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel and is clad internally and on the gasket f ace with weld i deposited austenitic stainless steel. Fepair Welds Base metal weld repairs in the beltline region where the repair depth exceeds 10 percent nominal of the vessel wall shall be ultrasonically examined. There are no base metal repair welds in the beltline region of the Unit I reactor vessel. 7.1.2 Reactor Vessel Nozzle-To-Vessel Welds There are four inlot nozzles (27.500 inch ID) and four outlet nozzles (29.937-inch ID). The eight nozzle-to-vessel welds will be ultrasonically examined from the inside diameter using remote inspection devices. The four outlet nozzle-to-vessel welds shall be ultrasonically examined from the nozzle bore when the upper internals are removed during the first inspection period. The inlet nozzles are not accessible until the core barrel is removed. The four inlet nozzle-to-vessel welds shall be ultrasonically examined from the nozzle bore and from the vessel shell inside diameter during the third inspection period when the core barrel has been removed. The outlet nozzle-to-vessel welds shall also be ultrasonically examined from the vessel shell inside diameter during the third inspection period when the core barrel has been removed. A proposed examination schedule change has been submitted to NRC i.n accordance with Request for Relief ISI-14. The nozzle forgings are fabricated of A-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel and are clad with veld deposited austenitic stainless steel. 7.1.3 Reactor Vessel Nozzle Inside Radius Section The eight nozzle inside radius sectionz (including the outlet nozzle integral extensions) shall be ultrasonically examined at the same time as the examination of the nozzle-to-vessel welds (see Section 7.1.2). a b Nozzle forging material is identified in Section 7.1.2 of this program. r 7.1.4 Reactor Vessel Partial Penetration Welds The vessel includes 4 Upper-Head Injection (UHI) nozzles e i l (capped in Unit 1 Cycle 4 UHI removal), 1 vent pipe nozzle, I 78 control rod drive nozzles, and 58 instrumentation nozzles } with partial penetration welds. Approximately 25 percent of i l jlVA 40M (NP 2SI) 1328C/COC3

SueduJ Skri SI-314.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION X7 Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 22 of 123 each group of nontles shall be visua .y examined f rom the vessel outside diameter in accordance with visual examination me thod VT-2. This 25 ptreent shall include 1 UHI nozzle, 1 vent pipe nozzle, 20 control rod drive nozzles, and 15 instrumentation nozrles. Examination of these nozzles during the inspection interval shall be distributed among the inspection periods in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. 7.1.5 Reactor Vessel Notile-To-Safe End Welcs The inlet and outlet nozzle-to-safe und welds shall be ultrasonically examined from the inside diameter using remote inspection devices. The ultrasonic examination shall be performed at the same time as the examination of the nozzle-to-vessel welds cenducted from the nozzle bore (see Section 7.1.2). All of the nozzle-to-safe end welds shall also be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval coincident with the ultrasonic eaaminati.ons. The SON Unit 2 Report- " Evaluation of Cracking in Reactor Vessel Nozzl9 Stainless Steel Buttering"--states that Unit I nozzle-to-safe end welds RC-09-SE and RC-32-SE shall be examined during the first inspection interval (see memorandum from D. W. Wilson to H. L. Abercrombie, dated August 1, 1986 (L18 860730 899)). The remaining nozzles will be examined during the normal ISI intervals. Each nozzle safe end weld is a stainless steel type 304 weld build up (buttering). 7.1.6 Reactor Vessel Pressure Fe uinin0 Bg]Mnc unige r Than_.Ivg Inches In Diareter During each refueling outage all closure studs, nuts, and washers are removeo. All of the 54 closure studs, nuts, washers, and ligaments between the vessel flange stud holes shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. The closure nuts shall be magnetic particle examined. The closure studs shall be ultrasonically and magnetic particle examined. The ligaments between the vessel flange stud holes shall be j ultrasonically examined. The closure washers shall be visually examined in accordance ith visual examination 4 method VT-1. The bolting may xamined either (a) in place under tension, (b) when the ct- -

  • an is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is rem)w=

Provisions for this examination are included in 0-MI-MRR-068-005.0. Where needed the examinations of the studs should be identified with the particular stud in accordance with the unique identification system for the studs and nuts. ..o & 40W4 (NP MI) 1328C/COC3

_ - -. - ~ ~. _. - -._ ~ - -. - - - - - - - - _.. - - _ -. - - StandatJ Stret S1-114,1 ^ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION X.I Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 23 of 123 I The 7-inch diamster studs, nuts, and washers are fabricated of SA-540, Gr. B23 Nickel, chrome-molybdonum steel. 7.1.7 Reactor Vessel Prnssure Retaining _holting.Two Inchas_And Spa 11er In Diameter There is ao pressure retaining bolting two inches or smaller in diameter. 7.1.8 Reactor Vessp1 Inteorally Welded Attadgtsnin There are no integrally welded vessel supports. 7.1.9 Reactor Vessel InLarlor The vessel interior shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-3. These examinations shall include the space abovt and below the reactor core that is made accessible for examination by removal of components during normal refueling outages. The examinations shall be performed at the first refueling outage and subsequent refueling outages at approximately three-year intervals. 7.1.10 Reactor Vessel Removable Core Support Structurns The visually accessible attachment welds and visually accessible rurfaces of the core support structure ahall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-3. This examination m be deferred to the thito inspection period. The structr s shall be removed from the reactor vessel for examinatic The removal of the c ore support structure is implemt .ed by MI-1.4. 7.1.11 Roactor Vessel C uirol Rod Ddve Housings Q There are 78 control rod drive 1.ausings penetrating the closure head. Each housing includes a pressure retaining dissimilar metal bu _ weld. There are 20 peripheral control rod drive housings. Two (10 percent) of the peripher t housing butt welds shall be ultrasonically examined daring the 1.3pection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendir A. The housings consist of a 6-inch OD adapter of A-182. 304SS and a 4-inch OD body j of J4-107. 1 7.1;12 Eg2 c or Vessel AAxiliary. Head AQ gttra Each of the four auxiliary head adapters includes a pressure retaining dissimilar metal veld. The four dissimilar metal welds shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. I LivA ewa (Nr 2w) 1328C/COC3 - ~.. ~ . _ - ~

-=~.- _ SenderJ SCret SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 24 of 123 The adapters consist of a SA-182, 304SS upper portion and a l SB-166 lower portion. See Section for information j on RV auxiliary head adapter circumferential pipe cap i welds. The pipe cap welds are included in the reactor coolant system. 7.2 PresgurlsqI 7.2.1 PIgandigr Circumferential Shell-To-Head Helds There are two circumferential shell-to-head welds, each approximately 24 feet in length. The entire length of each i weld shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in acccrdance with Table A of Appendix A. All vessel shell and head sections are fabricated of SA-533, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel and are clad with austenitic stainless steel. 7.2.2 Pressurizer Loncitudinal Shell-To-Head Welds There is one longitudinal weld intersecting each circumferential shell-to-head weld. One foot of each ~ longitudinal weld shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection periods in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. The one foot of weld examined during each examination shall include the length of weld as measured from the point of intersection of the longitudinal weld with the circumferential head-to-shell we4d. The vessel shell section material is identified in Section 7.2.1. 7.2.3 Pressurizer Circumfgtgotial and Meridional Head Heldg There are no pressurizer circumferential or me.idional head welds. I 7.2.4 Pressurizer Nozzle-To-Vessel Helds and Nezzle Inside.Redina Section The pressurizer includes three 6-inch safety valve nozzles, one 6-inch relief valve nozzle, one 4-inch spray nozzle, and one 14-inch surge nozzle. All of the nozzle-to-vessel welds, including nozzle inside radius section, shall be ~ j ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in l [ accordance with Table A of Appendix A. l r The nozzles are fabricated of SA-508, Class 2, manganese-molybdenum steel. 7.2.5 Pressurizer Heater Penetration Helds r l i l' There are 78 heater penetration welds located in the j pressurizer lower head. Approximately 25 percent of the jI5 4M24 (NP 2SO 1328C/COC3 1

_.____.__m mm_._ m._. ._m MaeJarJ Sket j S1-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 25 of 123 heater penetration welds (20 welds) shall be visually examined during the inspection interval in accordance with visual examination method VT-2. Examination of these penetrations during the inspection interval shall be distributed among the inspection periods in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. -7.2.6 ErgsgurizEr Nozzle-To-SAfg_End Welda j Each of the six nozzlos identified in Section 7.2.4 includes i a welded forging safe end. All of the nozzle-to-safe end ) welds shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Safe end connections are SA-182 Gr. F-316L forgings. i 7.2.7 Ettingrizer Pressutg._Eclaining Boltingl nIggr Than Twg Inchen In DinamicI There is no pressure retaining bolting larger than 2 inches in diameter. 7.2.8 Erg 31grizer Pressure Retainlag Boltina Two_Inghts_And Smallar._In_Rifwater All of the pressurizer manway bolts shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-1. The examinations during the inspection interval shall be in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. The bolts may be examined in place under tension or when the bolts are removed. It is preferable to perf orm the examinations when the bolts are removed if possible. Removal of the manway cover is performed in accordsnce with 0-MI-KXX-068-004.0 and provides for examination of bolting. The manway includes 16 bolts at 1.88 inches in diameter. 7.2.9 Pressutil_tr._Intigtally Welded Support Attachments Ergasurizer Support Skirt The entire length of the pressurizer support skirt-to-vessel weld (approximately 23 feet in length) shall be surface examined (magnetic particle) during the inspection interval in h. accordance with Table A of Appendix A. L The support skirt is approximately 1.5 inches thick l r and is fabricated of SA-516, Gr. 70, carbon steel [ plate. r I k. Il l'TVA4WN4(NP190 LJ 132BC/COC3

Su2J.rJ Sheet S1-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Ravision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 26 of 123 Pressurizer Seiggic Lugg There are four (4) integrally welded seismic lugs on the pressurizer, whose design base thickness is greater than 5/8 inch. All four (4) lugs shall be surface examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. /.3 Sig3p Generators (4) 7.3.1 Steam Generster Pritaary Side CircymtgrantiALAnd_ligridignal llead Welds There are no steam generator primary side circumferential or meridional head welds. 7.3.2 Sigam Generator Primary Tubesheet-To-11ead_WMd Each steam generator includes a tubesheet-to-head weld (approximately 36 feet in length). The entire length of each weld shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval. The entire length of a tubesheet-to-head weld shall be examined during the first and recond inspection periods. The entire length of the two remaining welds shall be examined during the third inspection period. See Table A of Appendix A for examinations during the inspection interval. The tube plate is a SA-508, Class 2, steel forging, clad on the primary side with NiCrFo alloy. The hemispherical chamber is a SA-216, Gr. WCC casting, clad with austenitic stainleas steel. 7.3.3 Steam Generator Primary Nozzles Ir.sida_EAdiul_SEC112D The steam generator primary cozzles are an integral part of the vessel. Each steam generator consists of two integrally cast nozzles. The notales are fabricated to SA-216, Gr. WCC. The primary nozzles inside radius section of all nozzles shall be ultrasonically examined. In accordance with the SQN Unit 1 NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated February 7, 1991, Enclosure Paragraph 2.3 (page 4) states "that delaying the volumetric examination of the nozzle sections until the third inspection period of the first inspection interval and then following the Code requirements g is acceptable." See Request for Relief ISI-6. 7.3.4 Steam Generator Primary Nozzle-To-Safe End Welds Each steam generator includes two tozzles with buttered safe ~ ends. Each nozzle-to-safe end weld from each generator shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. t ,TVA 40M4 (NP 290 1328C/COC3

- - - _ ~ - _. -, -.., - SeedarJ $ket 5I-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 27 of 123 The nossles have tuttered 308L sate ends. 7.3.5 Stesa Canerator Primary EI_gangr e Retainino Balting_Latqti I]1an Two IncittAJn Diameter There is no pressure retaining bolting larger than two inches in diameter. Steam G ntIAtgr Prlaary Preisure RetBlalDg1111AE_'br2 7.3.6 i Inches And Smaller In Diameter Each steam generator includes two manways. Each manway i includes 16 connections at 1.88 inches in diameter. All the manway bolting (all bolts, studs, and nuts) from each steam generator nanway shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-1. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. The bolting may be examined lu place under tension or when they are removed. It is preferable to perform the examinations when the bolting is removed if possible. Removal of bolting is performed in accordance with 0-MI-MXX-068-003.0 and provides for examination of bolting. l 7.3.7 Ettaa San 2 Inter Primary Intecrally Welded SMppart Attachments There are no integrally welded vessel supports. The four main support pads are secured to the steam generator fleid support system by high strength bolts. 7.3.8 Etegm Generator Tubing Steam Generator Maintenance and Technology (SGMT) shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements related to steam generator tubing contained in this program. Each steam generator tube bundle consists of 3,388 NACrFe alloy (Inconel SB-163) U-tubes of 0.875 0.D. by 0.050 average wall thickness. During the inspection interval, steam generator tubing shall undergo eddy current examinations. Other NDE methods may be utilised to improve characterization of an indication but eddy current shall be atilized to determine compliance with L acceptance criteria. These examinations shall be performed in accordance with the SON Technical Specifications and satisfy Surveillance Requirement The initial and r-additional samples (as required) identifying the steam r ~ generator tubes to be examined shall be supplied by SGMT for inclusion in the scan plan. The Steam Generator Maintenance r and Technology Supervisor is responsible for the selection of steam generator tubes to be examined. j lVA 4M64 (NP zs0 1328C/COC3 ~

sasdud sket. -- g w-SI-114.1 eAM tLt.DC E ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 l#fivqCTIUM INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 28 of 123 I ...w.s,m. y. u.m sw m,.w.,.._.s w, n. ~ ~..z-j Steam Generator Sample Inspsetlom ,I <j Each steam generator shall be determined operable { during the shutdown by selecting and inspecting at least the minimum number of steam generators specified in Table 1 of Ap;endix A. Steam Generator Tube Sample Selection and laipiction [C.2) The steam generator tube minimum sample size inspection result classification, and the corresponding action required shall be as specified in Table 2 of Appendix A. The ISI of steam ganerator tubes shall be performed at the frequencies specified in Section, and the 7: inspected tubes shall be verified acceptable per the acceptance criteria of Section The full length of a minimum of S (as defined by Appendix A, Taole 1) tubes selected for inspection will be examined {TVA commitment to NRC L44 850617 801). Note that the hot leg inspection sample and the cold leg inspection sample do not necessarily involve the same tube, (i.e., it does not preclude making separate entries from the hot nd cold leg sides and selecting different tubes on the hot leg and cold leg sides to meet the minimum sample). The tubes selected for each ISI shall include at least 3 percent of the total number of tubes in all steam generators; the tubes selected for these inspections shall be selected on a random basis excepts a. Where experience in similar plants with similar water chemistry indicates critical areas to be inspected, then at least 1/2S (as defined by Appendix A, Table 2) tubes inspected shall be from these critical areas. b. The first sample of tubes selected for each inspection (subsequent to the PSI) of each steam generator shall include: 1. All nonplugged tubes that previously had detectable wall penetrations greater than L[ 20 percent. 2. Tubes in those areas where experience has indicated potential problems. 1 3. A tube inspection (pursuant to I Section shall be performed on f.' each selected tube. If any selected tube does not permit the passage of the eddy current probe for a tube inspection, this I.,ilvA us)4 (NP 231) 1328C/COC3

secarJ shree SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI R0vicion 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 29 of 123 shall be evaluated and recorded and an adjacent tube shall be selected and subjected to a tube inspection. c. The tubes selected as the second and third samples (if required by Table 2 of Appendix A) during each ISI may be subjected to a partial tube inspection provided: 1. The tubes selected for these samples include the tubes from those areas of the tube sheet array where tubes with imperfections were previously found, 2. The inspections include those portions of the tubes where imperfections were previously found, d. The results of each sample inspection shall be classified into one of the following three categories: CateaorY 1RZDeCtion ELARLLS C-1 Less than 5 percent of the total tubes inspected are degraded tubes and none of the inspected tubes are defective. C-2 One or more tubes, but not more than 1 percent of the total tubes inspected are defective, or between 5 and 10 percent of the total tubes inspected are degraded tubes. f C-3 More than 10 percent of the total tubes inspected are degraded tubes or more than 1 percent of the inspected tubes are defective. NOTE In all inspections, previously degraded tubes must exhibit significant (10 percent) further wall penetrations to be included in the above parcentage calculations. 1 IT pectior. Frequencies C 41 The 6bove required ISIS of steam generators shall be performed at frequencies indicated in the m following paragraphs and in such a manner that the maximum allowable time between eddy current inspections on individual steam generators is 72 months. i; 1 L'lVA 40@4 (NP 2M) 1328C/COC3

hooJuJ Shcre SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 30 of 123 a. The first ISI shall be performed after 6 Ef fective Full Power Months but within 24 calendar months of initial criticality. S ubsequent ISIS shall be performed at intervals of not less than 12 nor more than 24 calendar months after the previous inspection. If two consecutive inspections following service under All Volatile Treatment conditions, not including the PSI, result in all inspection results falling into the C-1 category or if two consecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation has not continued and no additional degradation has occurred, the inspection interval may be extended to a maximum of once per 40 months. 4 b. If the results of the ISI of a steam generator conducted in accordance with Table 2 of Appendix A at 40-month intervals fall in Category C-3, the inspection treguency shall be increased to at least once per 20 months. The increase in inspection frequency shall apply until the subsequent inspections satisfy the criteria of section; the intsrval may then be extended to a maximum of once per 40 months. c. Additional, unscheduled ISIS shall be performed on each steam generator in accordance with the first sample inspection specified in Table 2 of Appendix A during the shutdown subsequent to any of the following conditions, 1. Primary-to-secondary tubes leaks (not including leaks originating from tube-to-tube sheet welds) in excess of the limits i of Technical Specification 2. A seismic occurrence greater than the Operating Basis Earthquake. 3. A loss-of-coolant accident tequiring t actuation of the engineered safeguards. 3 h. "t 4. A main steam line or feedwater line break. Aragptance Crl Rtin l a. As used in Section 7.3.8: 1. Imper (ectio.n means an exception to the dimensions, finish or contour of a tube from that required by fabrication drawings , r i L iVA 4W44 (NP 2H) 1328C/COC3

setand swo SI-114.1 $URVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI R:violos 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INOPECTION PROGRAM Page 31 of 123 or specifications. Eddy-current testing indications below 20 percent of the nominal tube wall thickness, if detectable, may be considered as imperfections. 2. Qt2IAi&Linn means a service-induced cracklog, wastage, wear or generg1 corrosion occurring on either inside or outside of a tube. 3. Engraded Tubt means a tube containing imperfections greater than or equal to 20 percent of the nominal wall thickness caused by degradation. 14 4. Percent Dentadatlan means the percentage or the tube wall thickness affected or removed by degradation. 5. Defect means an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the plugging limit. A tube containing a defect is defective. 6. Pluosino Limit means the imperfection depth at or beyond which the tube shall be removed from service because it may become unserviceable prior to the next inspection and is equal to 40 percent of the nominal tube wall thickness. 7. Haserviceable describes the condition of a f tube if it leaks or contains a defect large enough to affect its structural integrity in the event of an Operating Basis Earthquake, a loss-of-coolant accident, or a steam line or feedwater line break as specified in j Section 8. Tube Inspection means an inspection of the steam generator tube from the point of entry (hot leg side) completely around the U-bend to the point of exit (cold leg side) (i.e., tube end to tube end). [ Entries may be made from either the hot or cold leg sides and separate entries on the hot leg and cold leg sides on different tubes are allowed. 9. Ereservice Inspection (PSI) means a tube inspection of each steam generator tube performed by eddy current techniques prior to service to establish a baseline .1 ) V^ *"** @" ## U 1328C/COC3

$ts!dzad Sbert SI-114.1 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 32 of 123 l condition of the tubing. This inspection shall be performed prior to initial power operation using the equipment and techniques expected to be used during subsequent ISIS. b. The steam generator shall be determined operable after completing the corresponding actions (plug all tubes exceeding the plugging limit and all tubes containing through-wall cracks) required by Table 2 of Appendix A. 7.4 Eining I All ASME Code Class 1 piping systems to be examined are f abricated of stainless steel. The reactor coolant main loop piping straight lengths-are centrifugal cast and the elbows are static cast. The reactor vessel auxiliary head adapter is included in Sections 7.1.12 and Specific material specifications for each t piping system are included on the weld isometric. See Request for Relief ISI-3 for Class 1 longitudinal, circumferential, and pipe branch connection welds, examination categories B-F and B-J, which have interference problems for volumetric examination. The following Class 1 piping systems are subject to examination: Reactor Coolant Main Loop (RX) Other (RC) Chemical and Volume Control (CVC) Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Safety Injection (SI) Upper Head. Injection (UHI) The UHI System was removed from service during Unit 1 Cycle 4. For reference to the schedule of examinations performed on this system, see revision 14 of this instruction. Reference Sections 7.1.12 and 7.4.1 Elpino Dissimilar Metal Welds i There are no Class 1 dissimilar metal welds, 7.4.2 Pipino Pressure Retainino Boltino Larger Than 2 Incher_in j Diameter .[ There is no piping pressure retaining bolting larger than 2 L inches in diameter. fl 7.4.3 Pipino P essure Retaining Boltino 2 Inches and Smaller in

j Diameter The following systems contain bolted piping flange coanections.

All of the bolts or studs and nuts in each flange connection shall be visually examined during the inspection interval in accordance with visual examination il {f VA 4MO4 (NP 2H) 1328C/COC3

SaodisJ SCret SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 33 of 123 method VT-1. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. The bolting may be examined in place under tension or when the bolting is removed. Eractor Coolant System Piping Boltino The Reactor Coolant System piping includes bolted flange connections. Chemical and Volume control System Ploino BaltlA2 The Chemical and Volume Control System (seal water injection) piping includes boltsd flange connections. RHR System Pipino B.giting The RHR System piping does not include any bolted connections. ~ Safety Injection System Pipino Lalting ) The Safety Injection System piping includes bolted flange connections. 7.4.4 circumferential and Loncitudinni P.1 ping Helds All Class 1 piping is seamless. Circumferential pipe welds four inches and greater nominal pipe size selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined. Circumferential pipe welds less than 4-inch nominal pipe size selected for examination shall be 11guld penetrant examined. I The examinations performed during the inspection interval l shall include approximately 25 percent of the 40-year sample of circumferential welds. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Reactor Coolant System Main Loop Ploina I Circumferential Welda l The Reactor Coolant System Main Loop piping includes circumferential pipe welds 4 inches and j greater nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval j in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are no Class 1 pipe welds less than 4-inch nominal o pipe size in the Reactor Coolant System Main Loop {' va4oom (Nr 3 0 1328C/COC3

StandarJ Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE IESPECTION PROGRAM Page 34 of 123 piping. Two circumferential welds in the Reactor Coolant Main Loop piping, RC-23S1 (Loop 3) and RC-31S1 (Loop 4) are located inside the reactor vessel shield wall and are inaccessible for examination. See Request for Relief ISI-7. Reactor Coolant _ System Ploing_Circumfgrential Welds Reactor Coolant Systes piping includes circumferential pipe wolds 4 inches and granter nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are pipe velds less than 4-inch nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be + 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Chemical and Volume Control System Ploing Circumferential Welds The Chemical and Volume Control System piping (including seal water injection) includes circumferential velds less than 4-inch nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are no Class 1 pipe welds 4 inches and greater in the CVCS system. RHR System Ploins Circumferential Welds The RHR System piping includes circumferential welds 4 inches and greater nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasoalcally and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with 1 Table A of Appendix A. There are no Class 1 pipe j welds less than 4-inch nominal pipe size in the RHR system.

l Esf9tv Injection System Ploinc Circumferential 5
J pg

( the Safety Injection System piping includes 11 tumferential pipe welds 4 inches and greater non.nal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically aid 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are pipe welds less than 4-inch nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. p, [f^***@ PED 1328C/COC3

j sea.<J ske 51-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 35 of 123 Reactor Vessg1_ Auxiliary Head Adapter Cap Welds r The graylock connectors were removed from service in Unit 1 Cycle 4 and replaced with welded pipe caps. One of these four circumferential pipe cap welds (= 5.5 in.) shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Section of Table A of Appendix A. See Section 7.1.12 for information on reactor vessel auxiliary head adapter dissimilar metal welds. 7.4.5 Branch Pipino Connection Welds The entire length of each branch pipe connection weld selected for examination shall be examined. Branch pipe connection welds exceeding 2 inches nominal pipe size selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined. D:anch pipe connection welds 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined. The examinations performed during the inspection interval shall include approximately 25 percent of the branch pipe connection welds. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. I NOTE: In the case of branch pipe connections 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller, the welds of all the systems affected have been combined and shall be evenly distributed over the four inspection intervals. Reactor Coolant System Main Loco Branch Pine Connection Welds b The Reactor Coolant System Main Loop piping ) includes a branch pipe connection veld exceeding } 2 inches nominal pipe size. This wold shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are branch pipe connection welds 2 inches nominal pipe size ar.d smaller. The welds selected for examination shall be 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. HQII: Each of these branch pipe connections 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller has a special boss. This is a special boss for use with temperature elements with an outside diameter (OD) of 0.875 inch. The special boss has an OD = 2-1/2 inches a .01 inch with an inside diameter (ID) of i' [JA 4Mm (NP 190 132BC/COC3

i Masdud ske SI-114.1 { SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 I INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INAPECTION PROGRAM Page 36 of 123 ] 0.9 inch reamed to provide 0.015 inch - 0.020 inch clearance with 0.010 inch I misalignment. Assuming the worst possible case (the weld to pipe falls), the largest hole is that for a 2-inch pipe (any schedule). Therefore, it shall be treated as a 2-inch branch pipe for ASME Section XI purposos. See contract 68C60-91934, (N2M-2-8) drawing nos. 206C470 and 206C471 and installation detail N2M-2-50. Reactor Coolant System Branch Pipe Cogng.ction Welds The Reactor Coolant System piping includes branch s pipe connection welds exceeding 2 inches nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There ata branch pipe connection welds 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller. The welds selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Chemical and Volume Control System Branch Pipa Connection Welds The Chemical and Volume Control System piping includes branch pipe connection welds exceeding 2 inches nominal pipe size. The welds colected for examination shall be ultrasonically and 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There is a branch pipe connection veld 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller. This weld is not scheduled for examination this interval. When this weld is selected for examination it shall be liquid penetrant examined. RHR System Branch Ploe Connection Welda The RHR System piping includes branch pipe connection welds exceeding 2 inches nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and 11guld penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are branch pipe connection welds 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller in the RHR System. These welds are not scheduled for examination this interval. When these welds are selected for examination they j shall be liquid penetrant examined. l [,.% 4MX)4 (NP 191) 132BC/COC3 i

MasJarJ Sh<ct SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 37 of 123 Safety injection System Branch Pipe Connection Etidi The Safety Injection System piping includes branch pipe connection welds exceeding 2 in:hes nominal pipe size. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and liquid penetrant examined during the inspection futerval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. There are branch pipe connection welds 2 inches nominal pipe size and smaller. The welds selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. 7.4.6 Elpino Socket Welds The entire length of each sockat veld selected for examination shall be liquid penetrant examined. I The examinations performed during the inspection interval shall include approximately 25 percent of the socket welds. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Reactor Coolant System Pipine Socket Wglds The Reactor Coolant System piping includes socket welds. The welds selected for examination shall I be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Chemical and Volume Control System Pipina Sprimi Nelds The Chemical and Volume Control Syste.n piping i includes socket welds. The welds selected for examination shall be examined during the I inspection interval in accordance with Table A of I Appendix A. RHR System Pipino S;cket Welds The RHR System piping includes socket welds. The = 7 welds selected for examination shall be examined 1 during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Egfety Iniection System Pipino Socket Welda ^ The Safety Injection System piping includes socket welds. The welds selected for examination shall be examined during the inspection interval in y accordance with Table A of Appendix A. (* l {}^ 4xn4 (NP191) 1328C/COC3

Sunda:J Shret SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 38 of 123 7.4.7 Pinino and Valve Intearally Welded Support _Membgra Integrally welded support members include the support attachments of piping required to be examined by Examinatic. Category B-J. Included are those supports which have attachment welds to the valve and piping pressure retaining boundary and those attachments Eh212 suoport base material desian thickness is 5/8 inch and greater. The entire length of each support attachment weld selected for examination shall be surface examined. The examinations performed during the inspection interval shall include 100 percent of the integrally welded support members. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of l Appendix A. Reactor Coolant System Pipino and Valve 12112IA11Y Nelded_. Support Members i The Reactor Coolant System piping includes integrally welded support members. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Chemical and Volume Control System Piping _and Yalve Integrally Welded Support Members The Chemical and Volume Coterol System piping does not include any integrally welded support members. RHR System Ploina and VgJve Intecrally Welded Eytoort Members } The RHR System piping includes integrally welded I support members. All of these supports shall be } examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Safety Injection Syutem Ploina and Valve Integrally Welded Support Members { The Safety Injection System piping includen J integrally welded support members. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. 7.4.8 Pipino and valve Component Supports All piping and valve component supports of piping required to be examined by Examination Category B-J shall be ~ visually examined during the 'nspection interval in accordance with visual examination methods VT-3 and VT-4 as applicable. This examination includes integrally welded '/A 4NpM (NP 2MI) 132BC/COC3 m ,,-w ,--,n.---

~ _ _ _m m LaodarJ $bret P SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ~ ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 39 of 123 and nonintegrally welded component supports. Component supports extend from the piping and valves up to and including the attachment to the supporting structure. The setting of snubbers, shock absorbers. and spring-type hangers shall be verified in accordance with the applicable NDE procedure with the acceptance criteria identified in the Scan Plan (see PRISIM data base) or the applicable work r instruction. For information, the acceptance ranges are listed in the component support acceptance range drawings in Attachment 1. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. e Reactor Coolant System Piping and.Valvt_C9tppnant Supports The Reactor Coolant System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Chemical and Volume Control Systgm Ploing and Valve Comoonent Supports The Chemical and Volume Control System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. l RHR System Ploino and Valve Component Supports The RHR System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Eafety Injection System _PJpino and Valve Component Supports The Safety Injection System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Reactor Coolant System Main Loco Pipino and Valv_2 7 Component Supports ! ? 'l The Reactor Coolant System Main Loop Piping includes component supports. All of these shall i be examined during the inspection interval in 1 accordance with Table A of Appendix A. i 1 'v 4 4 m c4 04P 2s t) 1328C/COC3 .m.....~

l susau.s ssm SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM page 40 of 123 7.5 Ecastor Coolant Pumps (4) - RCP 7.5.1 RCP Pressure R ininlag_E21 Lina LEttgMI_1hMLhQ_inchta_la t Diameter The main flange on each pump includes 24 bolts of 4-1/2 inches in diameter and 30-1/2 inches in length. All the bolts f rom each pump shall be ultrasonically examined } during the inspection interval. Bolting may be examined either (a) in place under tension, (b) when the connection is disassembled, or (c) when the bolting is removed. T1ange ligaments between threaded bolt holes shall be visually examined (VT-1) once during the inspection interval if the connection is disassembled at any time during the inspection interval. If the bolts are removed at any time during the inspection interval, each bolt shall be magnetic particle (MT) examined and all threads in the base material shall be visually examined (VT-1) once during the inspection interval. This examination may be deferred until the end of the interval. The main flange bolts are f abricated of 4340 steel, heat treated to A-540, GR. 24. Provisions for this examination are included in MI-2.2. 7.5.2 RCP Pressure R_clainino Boltinc 2 Inchga_and Strallfr in DiametgI Each RCP includes two sets of pressure retaining bolting 2 inches and smaller in diameter. The bolting sets include the number 1 seal housing and cartridge seal assembly bolting. The Number 1 seal housing and cartridge seal assembly bolting includes 12 HEX head cap screws at 2 inches in diameter. The number 1 seal assembly bolting from each pump shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-1. The cartridge seal f assembly bolting is Class 2 (8 socket head cap screws at 1.5 inches in diameter) and does not require examination (see memo to C. R. Brimer from V. A. Blanco dated I I January 10, 1987, No. B25870109045). p The bolting may be examined in place under tension or when removed. It is preferable to perform the examinations when ~ the bolts are removed if the connection (s) is disassembled. Removal of bolting is performed in accordance with MI-10.2.2 and MI-10.2.3 and provides for N examination of bolting. All of the bolting from one RCP shall be examined during the first inspection period, and all of the bolting from a different pump shall be examined during the second lT [pA 40m4 ow aso 1328C/CoC3 1

m __m .__m ._m ..m ManduJ Meet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PRCGRAM Page 41 of 123 inspection period. All of the bolting from the twmaining two pumps shall be examined during the third inspection i period.

7. % 3 RCP_Intagupy Welded Eupport Memben There are no integrally welded support components f

associated with the RCP. 7.5.4 RCP Component Suppqrta Each RCP includes three integra13y cast pump feet bolted to the support system. All component supports from each pump t shall be visually examined during the inspection interval in accordance with visual examination method VT-3. Support components extend from the RCP to and including the attachment to the supporting structure. All of the supports from one RCP shall be examined during the first inspection period, and all of the supports from a different pump shall be examined during the second inspection period. All of the supports from the remaining two pumps shall be examined during the third inspection period. 7.5.5 RCP__ Casino Welds Each Unit 1 RCP casing includes a 2-piece welded type 304SST casting. The casing welds cannot be ultrasonically examined and achieve meaningful results due to limitations of examining integrally cast material. The entire leng;h of one RCP casing weld shall be liquid penetrant examined during the inspection interval. This examination may be deferred to the third inspection period (see Request for Relief ISI-8). I 7.5.6 RCP Ca-{ng If a pump is disassembled for maintenance during the inspection interval, the internal pressure boundary '[ surfaces shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-1. Disassembly of RCP's is performed in accordance with MI-2.2 and provides for these visual examinations, a l ( If during the inspection interval a pump from either Unit 1 [ or Unit 2 is not disassembled for maintenance, a pump-from one unit shall be examined from the exterior by ultrasonic tj thickness measurements (see Request for Relief ISI-1). 7.6 { A tabulacion of valves is contained in Attachment 2. 1 J'{A 4MN (NP 2H) 1328C/COC3


  • 6.1 Yalve Pressure RefalI)ina. Bolting LCLger Thpn 2 Incites in l!15Ett.RI There are no valves with pressure retaining bolting larger than 2 inches in diameter.

7.6.2 yalve Premte,RetsiningE11no 2 InchtLan1JmalltI_in Dinmeter The following sy1taas contain valves with bolted bonnet connections. All of the bolus or studs and nuts in each cbanection not excludod in accorcance with Code Case N-426 shalt be visually er3 mined during the inspection interval in acr3rdrace with Visual examination %ethnd VT-1. The examinationa shcIl be distributed during the inspection f interval in accordance witn Table A of Appendix L: Tne bolting may be examined in place under tension or when the bolting is removed. It is preferable to examine the bolting when removed if possible. Valve disassembly is performed in recordance with MI-6.15 and provides for examination of bolting. Reactor Cnglant System Valve B2111Dg The Reactor Coolant System includes valves with bolted bonnet connections. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. ChemiceLand Volume Contr.0LSYMen Valve B91 ting The Chemical and Volume Control System includes valves with bolted bonnet connections. All of these have been excluded from examination in accordance with Code Case N-426 during the inspection interval. B.esidual Heat PS2cval (PHR) Syster Valve Bniting } The RHR System includes valves with bolted bonnet connections. All of these shell be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendix A. Enfaty_ Iniection System Valve Bo!. ling L The Safety Injection System includes valves with bolted bonnet connections. All of these shall be ') examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table A of Appendin A.

l saaoaska l SI-114.1 ~ 'JURVE2 LLANCE ASHI SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 43 of 123 7.6.3 Valve Integrally Welded Support Members Examination of valve integrally welded support members is included in Section 7.4.7 7.6.4 Valve Comp 2 Dint Syprorts Examination of valve component rapports is included in Section 7.4.8. 7.6.5 Yalse Body Welds There are no valves with body welds. r 1.6.o Vl? yg_Jad 8.e s The internal p'.esaiare boundary surfaces of velve bodies exceeding 4-inch nominal pipe size shall be visually examined in accordance with visual eramination method VT-1. Examinations are limited to one valve within each group of valves that are of the same constructional design (i.e., globe, gate, or check valve), manufacturing method, and that are performing similar functions in the system. When it becomes necessary to disassemble any valve, s ubject to internal surf ace visual examination, for normal maintenance purposes, the interior surfacs of the valve body will be visually examined and the rasults recorded. See Request for Relief ISI-2. A tabulation of valves by groupings is presented in Table 1 of Attachment 2. Disassembly of valves is pertormed in accordance with 0-MI-MVV-000.008.0 and provider for examination of valve internal pressure boundary surfaces. I Valve examinations are listed on Valve 'nterior Examination Drawings in Attachment 1. l 7.7 Exempted Components Components exempted from examination include component connections, piping, and associated valves and their supports that are one inch nominal pipe size and smaller, except for steam generator tubing a components connected to and part of the reactor coolant pressure ~ boundary (defined in 10 CFR 50, Section 50.2(V): revised January 1.- i 1975) but exempted from Class 1 requirements by regulations of the g regulatory authority having jurisdiction at the plant sites reactor

1 vessel head connections and associated piping, 2-inch nominal pipe size and smaller, made inaccessible by control rod drive penetrations.

1 [}1 I 6% JNxH (NP 230 132BC/COC3

m mm m--- Sundard $kes .==. SI-114.1 SURFEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revlalon 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 44 of 123 i 7.8 Successive Examinations areas of flaw indications evaluated in accordance with IRB-3122.4 and SSP-3.4 that qualify for continued service shall be reexamined during the next three inspection periods listed in the inspection schedules. If the re-examinations reveal that the flaw indications remain essentially unchanged for three successive inspections, then the component examination schedule may revert to the original schedule. Exceptions to this requirement may occur when the examination schedule is dictated by an augmented inspection requirement. Components requiring successive examinations shall be scueduled for examination in accordance with Table D of Appendix A. ) l 7.9 Eystem Pressure Trats All ASME Code Class 1 (equivalent) system pressure tests shall be in accordance with Technical Inrtruction (TI) 89, " Inservice Testing Required by ASME Section XI." 8.0 COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION - ASMR C@E CLASS 2 (EQUIVALEE[1 I The ASME Code Class 2 (equivalent) components to be examined during the inspection interval are outlined in the following paragraphs. Extent of l examination for piping welds will be in accordance with paragraph -t IWC-2411 and Table IWC-2520 of the 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, ASME Section XI (caamination categories C-F and C-G). Components that are exempted f rom examination in accordance with IWC-1220 of ASME Section YI are discussed in Section 8.13 of this program. Where examinations specify a percentage of the total length of weld to be i examined, the areas (s) examined shall be documented in the ex an iuation report. Where a percentage of weld length is not referenced, he entire weld length shall be examined. Table B in Appendix A supplies additional information such as reference drawing. numbers and ASME Section XI Table-IWC-2500-1 examination categories. 4 i y j 8.1 Steam Generat2IJ (4) 8.1.1 Steam Generator Srcondary Side Circumferential Shell helds I T f There are three cl.cumferential shell velds at gross structural (?scontinuities on each generator. The entire 1ength of these three shell welds from one st.ean generator 3 j shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval. The number of welds to be examined during each inspection period shall be in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. One of the three welds on each steam generator is partially inaccessible for examination due to the upper steam .o generator support arrangement (weld nos. SGW-D1, D2, D3, @ 4M44 (NP LH) 1328C/COC3 gy~.----_-.-y. -._,w-,_ --7,,7.y,,-.,-,,,,-c,_,-, n y,_. - -,, _,we ,,-,y .._,-,.-,,w. ,vr-,--

l NusJud Shrd SI-114.1 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Ravision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 45 of 123 and D4; see Request for Relief ISI-4). The weld selected for examination sna11 be ultrasonically examined on a best-effort basis. The vessel shell sections are fabricated of SA-533, Gr. A, Class 1, steel plate. 8.1.2 Steam Generator Seggndarf Side C11mferential Head _}ftisla Each steam generator includes a circumferential head-to-shell weld. The entire length of one head-to-shell weld shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The weld selected for examination may be from the generator selected for examination by Section 8.1.1. The vessel head section is f abricated of SA-533, Gr. A, Class 1, steel plate. 8.1.3 Eteam Generator _ Secondary Side Tubeth.eet-To-Shell Weld Each steam generator includes a tubesheet-to-shell weld. The entire length of one tubesheet-to-shell weld shall be ultrasonically exsnined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The weld selected for examination may be from the generator selected for examination by Section 8.1.1 The tube plate is a SA-508, Class 2, steel forging. E,1.4 Steam Generatpr Secondary Side Nozzle-To-Vessel Weldi_gnd No2sle-To-Vessel Inside Radius Each steam generator includes one feedwater nozzle (3.62 inches nominal wall thickness) and one main steam nozzle (3.62 inches nominal wall thickness). All of the nozzle-to-vessel welds from each gec9rator shall be ultrasonically and magnetic particle examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The nozzle inside radius sections on each nozzle will be ultrasonically examined once during the inspection interval. (


CAQR CHS 900013). The nozzles are fabricated of SA-508, Class 2, steel. 8.1.5 Eteam Generator Secondary Side Intearally Welded Support Attachments There are no integrally welded vessel support attachments. 8.1.6 Steam Generator Secondary _Elde Componnat_Eppparts There are no component supports (including mechanical and hydraulic supports) which are in contact with the vessel. 1 i yvA 4mwi (N? :90 132PC/COC3

Standard Shres SI-114.[ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 46 of 123 8.1.7 Steam Gengrator Secondary Side Ptgasure Retainino Bolting-Exceedino 2 Inches in Diameter There is no steam generator secondary side bolting exceeding 2 inches in diameter. 8.2 RHR Heat Exchan2 prs (2) - RHRHX 8.2.1 RHRiiX_ Circunf erential Welds RHRHX Shell Circumfriential Weld There is one circumferential shell weld located at a gross structural discontinuity on each RHREX. The entire length of this shell weld f rom one heat Rn exchanger shall be ultrasonically examined during each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A (see Request for Relief ISI-16). The RHRHX shell section is fabricated from SS, SA-182, F304. RHRHX Head CireuritcInntial. WeJA There is one circumferential head-to-shell weld per REREX. The entire length of one head-to-shell weld shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The weld selected for examination may be from the heat exchanger selected for examination by sectior' The channel cylinder section (shell) and channel head are one inch thick f abricated f rom SS, SA-240, TP-304. RHRHX Tubesheet to Shell Weld There are no RHRHX tubesheet-to-shell welds. 8.2.2 RHREX nozzle-to-Vessel Welds b The channel cylinder section of each RHRHX includes one inlet nozzle (14-inch ID) and one outlet nozzle (14-inch E-ID) over 1/2-inch nominal thickness. A total of four nozzle-to-vessel welds from the two RHRHX will be liquid g, penetrant examined during the inspection interval. The nozzle-to-vessel welds and nozzle inside radius sections i will not be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval (see Requests for Relief ISI-13). I The nozzles are 2.5 inches thick, fabricated from SS, SA-240, TP-304. 'I J VA 4Mm4 (NP 190 1328C/COC3

SundarJ Sett 81-114.3 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASKE SECTION XI Revlalon 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 47 of 123 8.2.3 RHRHX Integrally Helded Support Attashments There are two integrally welded support attachments (1-inch) on each RHRHX whose base material exceeds 1/2-inch nominal thickness. A total of two support pad-to-vessel welds from the RHRHX will be liquid penetrant examined during each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The welds selected for examination may be condt?cted on one heat exchanger and shall cover 100 percent of the required area of each support attachment. The support pad is fabricated from SS, SA-240, TP-304. ~ 8.2.4 RHRHX Corponent Supports /J There are two component supports on each RHRHX which are in contact with the vessel. All component supports from each heat exchanger shall be visually examined during the inspection interval in accordance with visual examination me thod VT-3. This examination includes integrally welded and nonintegrally welded couponent supports. Component supports extend from the heat exchanger to and including the attachment to the supporting structure. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection a interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. There are no mechanical (snubbers) and/or hydraulic (shock absorbers) supports which are in contact with the vessel. 8.2.5 RRRHX Pressu}e Retainino Bolting Exceedino 2 Inchga_in Di ame ter There is no RHREX bolting exceeding 2 inches in diameter. 8.3 Recenerative Heat Exchancer Section 8.3 has been dele ed from this program in accordance with IWC-1220 (c) of ASME Section XI (see Request for Relief ISI-12). 8.4 Excess Letdown Heat Exchancer Section 8.4 has been deleted from this program in accordance with [] IWC-1220 (c) of ASME Section XI (see Request for Relief ISI-12). U 8.5 Centrifugal Charoino Eymn (CCP) Tank /(Boron Injection Tank BIT) (One) i NOTE: The CCP tank was formerly identified as the BIT tank. This change occurred in Unit 1 Cycle 4 refueling outage. As a f. transition, both ids are being retained for traceability. u (jrVA 4M94 (NP 1H) 1328C/COC3

l l SuaJatJ Sket SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASMZ SECTION XI Ravision 17 INSTRUPTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 48 of 123 8.5.1 CCP Tank (BlT) Circumfgrantial Shell and Head Welds There are two circumferential head-to-shell welds located at structural discontinuities on the CCP Tank. These welds shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The examinat*^7 shall cover 100 percent of the weld length. The head auJ shell are SA-264 material consisting of SA-516, GR70 steel backing outside with 1/8 inch SA-240, TP304L cladding inside. 8.5.2 CCE_T.ank_ { BIT) Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds There are two nozzles, one located en each head with a 6-inch inside diameter whose nominal thickness (2.00 in.)

J is greater than 1/2 inch. These nozzle-to-vessel welds shall be ultrasonically and surface examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A.

The examination shall cover 100 percent of the weld length. The nozzles are f abricated to SA-350, LF2. 8.5.3 CCP Tank (BIT) Inteorally Wglded Supports There are four integrally welded support attachment pads welded to the shell, whose base material design thickness is 5/8 inch and therefore requires surface examination in accordance with Table IWC-2500-1 of ASME Section XI. 8.5.4 CCP Tank (BIT) Componant Supports There are four component supports associated with the CCP tank. All of these supports shall be visually examined (VT-3) during the inspections interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. 8.5.5 CCP Tank (BIT) Pressure Retainino Boltino Exceedina Tw2 Inches in Diameter There are 16 manway cover studs at 2-1/2 inches in diameter. All 16 studs shall be ultrasonically examined during the inspection interval in accordante with Table B of Appendix A. The studs may La examined in place under tension or when they are removed. It is preferable to ~ ij perform the examinations when the studs are removed. L 8.6 UHI Water Accumulator Section 8.6 has been deleted from this program in accordance with IWC-1220 (a) of ASME Section XI. This component has also been removed from service. L.

pVA 4XO4 (NP 2hl) 132BC/COC3

Maadard Steet i SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSThUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 49 cf 123 8.7 UHI Surce Tank vn Section 8.7 has been deleted from this program in accordance with IWC-1220 (a) of ASME Section XI. This component has also been removed from survice. 8.8 Egal Water Injection Filters Section 8.8 has been deleted f rom this program in accordance with IWC-1220 (c) of ASME Section XI (see Request for Relief ISI-12). 8.9 Elpinq Material specifications for each piping system are stated on the weld map isometrics. The following Class 2 piping systems are a subject to examination: Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Safety Injection (SI) Main Steam (MS) Feedwater (FW) Containment Spray (CS) Upper Head Injection (UHI) - The UHI system was removed from service during Unit 1 Cycle 4. For reference to the schedule cf examinations performed on this system, see Revision 14 of this instruction. 8.9.1 Ploina and Valve Intecrally Welded Support Members Integrally welded support members include the support attachments of piping required to be examined by Examination Category C-F. Included are those supports which have attachment welds to the valve and piping pressure retaining boundary, and those attachments whose support base material desica_ thickness 3xqgeds 3/4 inch (see PRISIM data base). The entire length of each support attachment weld selected for examination shall be surface examined. The examinations performed during the inspection interval shall include 100 percent of the integrally welded support members. The examinations shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A (see Request for Roller ISI-17). { Residual Heat Re noval (RHR) System _Pipino and ( Valve Integrally Welded Support Members The RHR System piping does not include any integrally welded support members. l jivA 4mma (Nr :w3 1328C/COC3

Suadad 36<<t SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 50 of 123 1 l Safety Injection System Pipino and Valve Inteorally Welded Suoport Members The Safety Injection System piping includes integrally welded support members. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. Main Steam Systen Piping.and Valve Integrally }fglded Support Members The Main Steam System piping includes integrally welded support members. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendir A. n Feedwater System Ploino and Valve Inteorally Welded Suncort Members The Feedwater System piping includes integrally welded support members. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendir A. Containment Soray System Pipino and Valve Inteorally Welded Support Members The Containment Spray System piping does not include any integrally welded support members. 8.9.2 Pipino and Valve C mponent Supports All piping and valve component supports shall be visually examined during the inspection interval in accordance with visual examination methods VT-3 and VT-4. This examination includes integrally welded and nonAntegrally welded g. component supports. Component supports extend from the piping and valves to and including the attachment to the j supporting structure. 1 The setting of snubbers, shock absorbers and spring-type hangers shall be verified in accordance with the applicable NDE procedure with the 'sceptance criteria shown in the Scan Plan (see L"_ISIM data base) or the applicable work instruction. For information the acceptance ranges are (]3 listed in the component supports acceptance range drawings in Attachment 1. The examinativas shall be distributed during the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. a 1 VA 4W24 (NP Z94) 1328C/COC3

Standard Sheet - ' SI-114.1. ~ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Rcvicion 17 . INSTRUCTION INSERVICE : INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 51 7f 123- Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Syst(a Pinino and [ . Valve Comoo,ngnt Supoorts ) The RHR System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in accordance-with Table B i of Appe7 dix A. Safety Iniection Syst m_Eiging and Valve Comconent Suecarts The Safety Injection System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in g accordance with Table B of Appendix A. ' N*4 Main Steam System Ploino and Valve Component EE2P9111 I l' The Main Steam System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during y the inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. L. Feedwater System Pirino 'and Valve Comoonent Sunoorts The Feedwater System piping includes component i -f supports. All of these shall be eranined during


the inspection-interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. f Containment Sorav System Ploino and Valve is Comoonent Sup_ orts p The Containment Spray System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during the inspection interval in i accordance with Table B of Appendix A. 1 r 3 8.9.3 Pressure-Retainino Boltino l There is no Class 2 Pressure-Retaining Bolting larger than I - two inchas in diameter. , g 8.9.4 Circumferential and Lonoitudinal Pipe Welds i: c-. Selection of welds for examination is based on Table g' INC-2520, Paragraph.IWC-1220, and Paragraph IWC-2411 x (Summer 1975 Addenda). All cf the welds selected shall be examined during the inspection interval and distributed in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. rg } vA 4mw4 pm un). 1328C/COC3 V y-4se'---r T y .--4 -y g g y-- p ~ w to

%sdard Sheet SH-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 52 of 123 9 The entire length of each weld selected for examination shall bs ultrasonically and/or surf aced examined. Circumferential and longitudinal piping welds in piping with a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 inch or less shall be surface examined. Circumferential and longitudinal piping welds in piping with a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 inch shall be ultrasonically and surfaced examined. The areas subject to examination include circumferential pipe welds at structural discontinuities, within 3 pipe diameters of the centerline of rigid pipe anchors, anchors at the penetration of pr?.aary containment or at rigidly anchored components, and longitudinal weld joints in pipa fittings. Residual Heat Remc al (RHR) Pipina The RHR Piping System includes Class 2 circumferential and longitudinal piping welds with a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 inch subject to examination. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and surfaced examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The RER piping system includes the circumferential and longitudinal pipe welds with a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 inch or less. The welds selected for examinati,n shall be surf ace examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. l 1 3.4.2 Safety Injection Pininc ,i The Safety Injection Piping System includes Class 2 circumferential piping welds with a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 inch subject to examination. The welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and surface examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. The safety injection piping system includes the circumferential and longitudinal pipe welds with a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 inch or less. The welds selected for examination shall be surfaced examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A. = Main Steam Piping The Main Steam Piping System includes Class 2 circumferential and longitudinal piping welds with a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 inch subject to examination. The circumferential and longitudinal piping velds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and surf aced examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of j i vA 40%: (NP PH) 132BC/COC3

,~ - ~. .. ~ r SuoJuJ Sket ' SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI ~Rev131on'17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM ~ Page 53 of 123' Appendix A. There are no circumferential and longitudinal pipe-welds with a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 inch or less in the Main Steam System. Feedwater Piping . g-The Feedwater Piping System includes Class 2 { circumferential and longitudinal piping welds 41th a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 ~ inch subject to examination.'- The circumferential { and longitudinal piping welds selected for examination shall be ultrasonically and surfaced examined each inspection interval in accordance g with Tab 2e B of Appendix A. The one longitudinal pa weld is on Loop 4 at the reducing elbow (18" X 16"). The feedwater piping system includes -circumferential pipe welds with a nominal wall 'th;ckness of 1/2 inch or less. 1The-circumferential weld scheduled for the 40-year sample has not been scheduled-for examination 7 this interval. There are no longitudinal pipe j welds with a nominal well thickness of 1/2 inch or less in the feedwater system. Containment Soray_Pioino The Containment Spray Piping System includes Class 2 circumferential and longitudinal piping ,-[ welds with a nominal wall 1 thickness of 1/2 inch or less, subject to examination. The circumferential and longitudinal pipe welds

[g selected for examination shall be surface C-examined each inspection interval in accordance with Table B of Appendix A.

There are no circumferential and longitudinal pipe welds with g l c a nominal wall thickness greater than 1/2 inch in the Containment Spray System. 8.9.5 Branch Ploine Connection Welds There are no Class 2 branch pipe connection welds. 11 l -l =- 8.10 Egmp_1 8.10.1 RER Pnmos (2) - RHRP l Intearally Welded Sueoorts l There are no integrally welded supports associated with the RHRP. f 1. qvA 4mm4 (NP 2au 1328C/COC3 .~ _._.-_..-._.__._.,..~....a._._...u._,.,._....

. _ ~. -,r.~-~

Sta0/ud Sheet

-SI-114.1 I SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 54 of 123 q E.10.1.2.RHRP Suceert Comoonents h . vy Each RHRP includes one component support bolted to the pump feet which are integrally forged with i the pump. The component support from each pump. shall be visually examined during the inspection-interval in accordance with visual examination method VT-3. Support components extend from the RHRP to and including the attachment to the 4 supporting structure. } Both of the _ RHRP support components shall be examined during the inspection' interval. RHRP Supports - Methagical or Hydraulic iw I There are no mechanical or. hydraulic supports associated with the RHRP. RRRP Pressure Retainino Boltina 4-The stuffing box extension to pump casing _j connection bolting is not greater than two inches in diameter, j The connection includes 24 studs at 1-1/4 inches in diameter with nuts and washers. The studs are fabricated to SA-193, GR. B7, and the nuts to f SA-194, CR. 2H. tl B.10.1.5 RHRP Casina Welds The RERP does rot include any casing welds. The 4 casing is a one piece forging fabricated to SA-182 F304. 8.10.2 CVCS Centrifuoal Charaino Pumos (2) CCP m T e Examination of these pumps, and their associated component i supports, pressure retaining bolting, and casing welds are exempted under previsions outlined in table IWC-2500-1 and accompanying footnotes, examination categories C-C, C-G, which limit the exam requirements to components in piping examined under examination category C-F. 8.10.3 CVCS Positive Displacement Pumo(1) PCP/Reciprocatino Charoino Pump Examination of these pumps, and their associated component supports, pressure retaining bolting, and casing welds are exempted under previsions outlined in table IWC-2500-1 and accompanying footnotes, examination categories C-C, C-G, i which limit the exam requirements to components in piping examined under examination category C-F. s t ]VA MM4 (NP 2St) 1328C/COC3


Saadard Shres S3-114.1 SURVEZLLANCE ASMZ SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 55 of 123 8.10.4 Safety Iniection Pumes (2) SIP Examination of these pumps, and their associated component supports, pressure retaining bolting, and casing welds are exempted under previsions outlined in table IWC-2500-1 and accompanying footnotes, examination categories C-C, C-G, which limit the er'm requirements to components in piping examined under examination category C-F. 8.11 Valves Systems including ASME Code Class 2 valves subject to examination are identified in Section 8.9. A tabulation of valves is presented in Attachment 2, Table 3. 8.11.1 Valve Inteorally Welded Sueports Examination of valve integrally welded support members is included in Section 8.9.1. 8.11.2 Valve Component Suoports Examination of valve component supports is included in Section 8.9.2. 8.11.3 Valve Pressure-Retainino Boltino There is no Class 2 pressure-retaining bolting greater than 3 2 inches in diameter, k 8.11.4 Valve Body Welds f There are no Class 2 valves with body welds. 8.12 System Pressure Test I ( All ASME Code Class 2 (equivalent) system pressure tests shall be in accordance with TI-89, " Inservice Testing Required by ASME i Section XI." 8.13 Exempted Components 8.13.1 Exempted Components (Except Pipino Weldal u Components exempted from examination includes j (a) components of systems or portions of systems that l during normal plant operating conditions are not required j to operate or perform a system function but remain flooded under static cnnditions at a pressure of at least 80 percent of the pressure that the component or system will be subjected to when required to operate; or (b) components of systems or portions of systems, other than RHR Systems and Emergency Core Cooling Systems, that are not required to operate above a pressure of 275 psig or 2 above a temperature of 200*F; or (c) component connections NA 4'X*4 (NP 2SI) 1328C/COC3 l

Seedstd SDect SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 56 of 123 (including nozzles in vessels and pumps), piping and associated valves and vessels (and their supports) that are 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller. 8.13.2 Exempted Comptnents (Pioine Welds Only) Piping exempted from examination include (a) Piping systems where both the design pressure and temperature are equal to or less than 275 psig and 200*F, respectively; (b) piping systems or portions of systems other than emergency core cooling systems which do not function during normal reactor operations (c) :.iping that is 4-inch nominal pipe size and smaller. 8.14 Egecessive Examinations j-Components with flaw indications evaluated in accordance with IWC-3000 and SSP-3.4 that qualify for continu<d service shall be reexamined during the next inspection period listed in the inspection schedule. If the reexamination reveals that the flaw indications remain essentially unchanged the component examination schedule may revert to the original schedule. Exceptions to this requirement may occur when the examination schedule is dictated by an augmented inspection requirement. Components requiring successive examinations shall be scheduled for examination in accordance with Table D of Appendix A. 9.0 COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO EIAMINATION - ASME CODE CLASS 3 (EOUIVALENT) ASME Code Class 3 (equivalent) component supports and restraints within the boundaries identified in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 for components exceeding 4-inch nominal pipe size shall be visually examined, VT-3, during each inspection period. Mechanical and hydraulic snubbers, spring loaded and constant weight supports within the boundaries ideatified in section. 1 for components y exceeding 4-inch nominal pipe size shall be visually examined, VT-4 during each inspection period. 'l 9.1 Picino and Valve Component Supports All piping and valve component supports shall be visually examined l during each inspection period in accordance with visual examination i methods VT-3 and VT-4. This examination includes integrally welded and nonintegrally welded component supports. Component supports extend from the piping and valves to and including the attachment to the supporting' structure. The setting of snubbers, shock absorbers and spring-type hangers shall be verified in accordance p with the applicable NDE procedure with the acceptance criteria { shown in the Scan Plan (see PRISIM data base) or the applicable work instruction. For information the acceptance ranges are listed in the corponent support acceptance range drawings in The examinations (100 percent) shall be conducted during each inspection period during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 1 }VA409x(NPr>O 132SC/COC3

SunJard Shert 51-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASNZ SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 57 of 123 9.1.1 Auxiliary Feedwater System Ploino and Valve Compangnt Supports The Auxiliary Feedwater System piping includes component -supports. All of these shall be examined during each inspection period in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.1.2 Chemical and Volume Control System Piping and Valve Component Supports The Chemical and Volume Control System piping component supports are not required to be examined because there is no examination category for this piping. This piping is TVA Safety Class D. (The change in support numbers during the second period was due to new class boundaries.) m 9.1.3 Component Coolino System Pipino and Valve Component Supports The Component Cooling System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during each inspection period in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.1.4 Containment Soray System Pipino and Valve Component Supporta The Containment Spray System piping has no component supports. (The change in support numbers during the second period was due to new class boundaries.) 9.1.5 Essential Raw Coolina Water System Ploino snd Valve Component Supports The Essential Raw Cooling Hater System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during each inspection period in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.1.6 Eng1_ Ecol Coo 11no System Ploino and Valve Conponent Supports The Fuel Pool Cooling System piping includes component supports. All of these shall be examined during each Inspection period in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.1.7 RER System Piping and Valve Component Supports The RER System piping has no component supports. (The r change in support numbers during the second period was due to new code class boundaries.) 9.1.C Safety Iniection System Pipino and Valve Component Supports The Safety Injection System piping has no component supports. (The change in support numbers during the second period was due to new code class boundaries.) [IYA 4W44 (NP 1H) 1328C/COC3 F

m 5:asJard Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM page 58 of 123 l 9.2 Equipment Component Supports The equipment component support and tha associated integrally welded support attachment will be (VT-3) examinad together. 9.2.1 Containment Sprav Heat Exchanger (2) Support - CSH (ERCM1 There is one component support on each CSH. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.2 Nonrecenerative Letdown Heat Exchancer_(1) Support - NRLHX 1.CCS1 7-There is one component support on the NRLHX. This support shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval it accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.3 Gas Stripper and Boric Acid Evaporator (1) - GSBAE (CCSI GSBAE Evaporator Condensor (1) Support - EC The:- are two component supports on the EC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. j GSBAE Distillate cooler (1) Sunoort - DC (CCS) l There are two component supports on the DC. r These supports shall be (VT-3) examincd during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. [ GSBAE Vent Cooler (1) Support - VC (CCS) L There are two component supports on the VC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. GSBAE Support Frame (1) Support - SF (CCS) The SF consists of one component support. This ~ support shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. t f 9.2.4 Component Cgglina Surgt_Ignk (1) Supp2rt - CCST (CCEl J There is one component support on the CCST. This support l 3l shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. l i p va 4twa (NP 30 1328C/COC3 i 8

SunJud Shut SI-114.1 SURVE2LLANCE ASME SECTION X2 Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE IhSPECTION PROGRAM Page 59 of 123 9.2.5 Component Coolino System Positive Disolacement Charging Pump Oil Cooler (1) Support - PDOC (CCS) There are two component supports on the PDOC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2,6 Component Coolino Water Gross Failed Fuel Detector (1) Support - GFFD (CCS) There is one component support on the GFFD. This support shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.7 Centrifuoal Charoino Pumo Gear Oil Cooler (2) Support - CCPGOC (ERCW) There are two component supports on each CCPGOC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. t 9.2.8 Centrifuoal Charoino Pumo Oil Cooler (2) Support - CCPOC (ERCW) There are two component supports on each CCPOC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.1.9 Waste Gas Comoressor Heat Exchancer (1) Support - WGCHX (CCS) There are two component supports on the WGCEX. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.10 Centrifuoal Charoino Pump Mechanical Seal Cooler (4) Support - CCPMSC (CCS) { There is one component support on each CCPMSC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.11 RFR Pump Segl Cooler (2) Support - RRRSC (CCS1 There is one component support on each RERSC. These supports.shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of ADpendix A. p 9.2.12 Safety Injection Pump 011 Cooler (2) Support - SIPOC (ERCW) There are two component supports on each SIPOC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection jnterval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. h va aomi (NP 190 1328C/COC3


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=.. Sendard %cti S8-114.1 ~ SURVEfLLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 60 of 123 9.2.13 Safety Iniection Pumo Seal Cooler (4) Support _ SIPSC (ERCW) There is one component support on each SIPSC. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.14 Component Coolino System Seal Water Heat Exchanger (1) Support - SWHX (CCS) { There is one component support on the SWHX. This support i shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. t-9.2.15 Comoonent Cooling System Thermal Barrier Rooster Pump (2) [? Support - TBBP (CCS) There are two component supports on each TBBP. These supports shall be (VT-3) eramined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. i 9.2.16 Turbine Driven Auxiliary Fecdwater Pumo (1) Suppott_- j, TDAFP (AFW) There are two component supports on the TDAFP. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.17 Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumo (2) Suonort - MDAFP (AFW) There are two component supports on each MDAFP. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.18 Component Coolino System Water Pumos (3) Support - CCSWP (CCS) f' There is one component support on each CCSWP. These h supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.19 Component Coolina Heat (4) Support - CCHX (CCS) ') There is one component support on each CCHX. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection m interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. P 9.2.20 Essential Raw Coolina Water System Strainer Supp9rt (2l Sucoort - ERCWS (ERCW) I There is one component support on each ERCWS. These l supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. j rv^ 4mm4 (NP 290 132BC/COC3 l l.

Standard Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 61 of 123 9.2.21 Essential Raw Cooline Water System Puno Station Puro (8) j Support - ERCWP (ERCW) There is one component support on each ERCWP. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.22 Enel Pool Coolina And Cleanino System - Soent Fuel Pit Epps (3) Saoport - SFPP (FP_CJ There is one component support on each SFPP. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.21 Fuel Pool Cooling And Cleaniro System - Spent Fuel Pit Heat P! Exchancer (2) Support - SFPEX (FPC) There are two component supports on each SFPHX. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.24 RHR Heat Exchancer Secondary Side (2) Supports - RHRHSXH (CCS) There are two component supports on each RERHSEX. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.2.25 ERCW Screen Wash Pumo 1 2) Support - ERCWSWEH (ERCW) There is one component support on each ERCWSWPH. These supports shall be (VT-3) examined during the inspection interval in accordance with Table C of Appendix A. 9.3 System Pressure Tests All ASMI Code Class 3 (equivalent) system pressure tests shall be in accordance with TI-89, " Inservice Testing required by ASME Section II." 10.0 AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR TVA shall employ an Authorized Inspection Agency in accordance with ASMZ Section XI for inservice examinations, repairs, and replacements of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 (equivalent) components at SQN. The Authorized inspector (s) shall verify, assure, or witness that code requirements have been met. He shall have the prerogative and authorization to m require requalification of any operator or procedure when he has reason r to believe the requirements are not being met. TVA shall provide access i for the Authorized Inspector (s) in accordance with IWA-2140 of ASME Section XI. TVA's interface with the Authorized Inspector for ISI, Repairs and Replacements is defined in STD-6.10, SSP-13.3, AI-19 Parts IV and VI. a vr acau (NP 2SO 1328C/COC3

SushrJ Sket SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI R2 vision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 62 of 123 11.0 EXAMINATION krauODS AND CALIBRATION BLOCKS i 11.1 Examination Methods NDE examinations shall be performed in accordance with this program os scheduled in Appendix A, the applicable Scan Plan, QMP-102.4, and QMP-110.5. Requirements for NDE methods shall be in accordance with INA-2210 through IWA-2233 of ASME Section XI. I If, during an examination, it is determined by an NDE Level III that code exam coverage cannet be achieved, the fact shall be documented on the data sheet and a best-effort examination shall be performed. ISI Programs shall be informed in writing of the limited exam. rA Data must be provided on the exam sheet to determine the percentage of code exam coverage a-hieved. 11.2 CALIBRATION BLOCKS Calibration blocks will be used for ultrasonic examinations (a calibration tube will be used for eddy-current examination of steam generator tubing). The blocks will be fabricated to the ' ~ ~ general requirements of ASME Section V and ASME Section XI. The blocks shall be f abricated of the material to be examined or equivalent P numbers. Mill test reports shall be obtained and retained by NQA for all calibration blocks. The blocks shall employ drilled holes and/or notches for calibration reflectors j (See Request for Relief ISI-9), l. ISO shall maintain as-built calibration block drawings. The r calibration blocks shall be stored at the plant site and maintained by SQO personnel. L 12.0 OUALIFICATIONS OF NDE PERSDlMEL L Personnel performing NDE operations shall be qualified in accordance with IWA-2300 of ASME Section XI as required in QMP 102.4. 13.0 ACCEP"'ANCE CRITERIA All acceptance standards for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 (equivalent) f_ components shall be in accordance with IWA-3000, IWB-3000, IWC-3000, or L IWD-3000 of ASMI Section XI, except where ASME Section III examinations are employed to satisfy ASME Section XI requirements. 14 [ 14.0 REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS p All ASME Section XI components and their supports, ASME Classes 1, 2, }~ Replacement Program implemented by AI-19 Parts IV and VI and SSP-13.3. and 3 (equivalent) shall be repaired in accordance with the Repair and l ASME Section XI repairs and replacements may be coordinated as necessary with ISI Programs. 'i j ' b v^ 4xm (NP 190 1328C/COC3 l 1

Sundasd Shces ~ SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI hevision 27 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 63 of 123 n 15.0 PUMP AND VALVE TESTING Pump and valve testing shall be in accordance with TI-89, "Inse rvice Testing Required by ASMI Section XI." 16.0 RECORDS AND EEEQ_RIS 16.1 Reosir and Replacement Reports Repair and Replacement Form NIS-2 reports shall be prepared in accordance with AI-19, Parts IV and VI, and SSP-13.3. 16.2 Report for ISI of Class 1 and 2 Components SQO shall prepare an ISI Report for Class 1 and 2 components to be !? submitted within 90 days after the completion of the ISI to the NRC Region II Office in accordance with IWA-6220, ASME Section XI. The ISI Report shall have a cover sheet providing the following informations t 1. Date of document completion. [. 2. Name and address of owner. 2 Name and address generating plant. 4. Name or number assigned to the nuclear power unit by TVA. k 5. Commercial operation date for unit. All reports shall provide the following information as a minimum. 1. Numbers assigned to the components by the state. 2. National Board Number assigned to the components by the c manufacturer. 3. Names of the components and descriptions including size, capacity, material, location, and drawings to aid identification. r 4. Name and address of principal manufacturer (e.g., -L Westinghouse, GE, etc.) and the principal contract number which will identify the subcontractors. v.anufacturer's ~ component identification numbers. ] 5. Date of completion of the examination. 6. Name of ANII who witnessed or otherwise verified the examinations and his employer and business address, when required. 1 7. Abstract of examinations, conditions observed; and corrective measures recommended or taken. ~ 1 j[WA 4WMJ (NP 2SO 1328C/COC3 i l

- %darJ Stret SI-114.1 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASHI SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 64 of 123 Signature of ANII, when required. 8. 9. Owner's Pata Report for ISI, Form NIS-1, as shown in Appendix II, of ASNI Section XI and Forms NIS-2 as identified above in Section 16.1. SQO shall submit the Inservice Inspection Report to the plant manager for retention as part of the final report discussed in Section 15.3. SOO shall submit applicable summaries of the report with a cover sheet as described above to the NRC via SQN Site a Licensing. 16.3 Eite Final Report I A detailed report of all examinations shall be prepared by 500 i 1 (and/or the performing or responsible organization) and should contain, but not be limited to, the following information: Cover Shami - Data Sheet 1 in Appendix B will be completed and used as a cover sheet for the Site Final Report and to document the review process. Table of Contents I. Introduction - The introduction should include the following information: Plant, unit number, PSI or ISI and cycle number, systems, components and vessels examinations were performed on, organization examinations were performed by, dates examinations were performed, ASME Section XI Code of Record. II. Summary - The summary should include a brief description of the overall inspection. III. Summary of Notifications - The summary of notifications shall give a short summary of each notification report along with the indication discrepancy and its location. It a should also contain the final disposition including a r reference to the corrective action taken and the date of _ i{ completion. IV. Examination Plan - The Examination Plan shall give a detailed description of all areas subject to examination during the inspection. It should contain the following information: Examination Area, Code Category, Weld Size, Reference Drawing, Examination Method, Procedure, Calibration Block, date of examination and result of examination. v V. Summary of Personnel Certifications 5 VI. Calibration Sheets l j VA wm (NP 191) 1328C/COC3

S.andard Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASMI SECTION XI Reviolon 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 65 of 123 VII. Examination Data Sheets VIII. Copy of the ISI Report as Discussed in Section 16.2 For eddy current examination of heat exchanger tubing, the report shall include a record indicating the tube (s) examined (this may be marked on a tube sheet sketch or drawing), the extent to which each tube was examined, the location and depth of each reported indication, and the identification or the operator (s) and data evaluator (s) who conducted each examination or part thereof, ard magnetic media and strip charts as applicable. All procedures and equipment shall be identified sufficiently to permit duplication of the examination at a later date. This shall include initial calibration data for the equipment and any vb significant changes. All required and pertinent information will be recorded on the appropriate data sheets by the performing organization. When portions of the inspection work are contracted, a detailed report will be submitted to TVA by the contractor with all pertinent and required information. TVA will retain the original copies of all raw data taken. 500 shall review and submit the Site Final Report in accordance with SSP 8.2, " Surveillance Test Program," for retention as a quality assurance record in accordance with SSP-2.9, " Records Management." { 16.4 Records for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 (Equivalent) The following records are QA Records and shall be retained in accordance : 1. Site Final Report - SSP-2.9 2. NDE Procedures - CMP-110.5 3. Calibration Block Drawings - QMP-105.4 The following drawings are retained as QA records: i c, 1. ASHI Section XI Boundary Classification Drawings 2. ASMI Section XI ISI Drawings ~ i: (g 16.5 Recards of System Pressure Tests Records of the visual examinations conducted during system leakage or hydrostatic tests shall consist of an itemization of the number and location of leaks found in a system and the corrective actions taken. 't ]J VA 40N4 (NP 231) 1328C/COC3 e n.

- -~ . - ~ , ~ ~ i samuw swei S8-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI . Revision 17 INSTRUCTION. INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 66 of.123 1 -16.6 Augmented Examination Reports e3 Augmented examination special-reports shall be submitted to the NRC Region II; Office within the time period specified for each-augmented examination. For specific details on records,. reports + and reporting see Sectior 20.0, Augmented Inspections. 'The status l of augmented examinations requested by ISI Programs and - implemented by SQO shall be maintained in a computerized data base (PRISIM). t -16.7 Status of' Completed Examinations ISO maintains a computer based status listing (PRISIM data base) of the examinations completed for ASME Section XI credit for examinations performed during the inspection period and interval. iY This listing as a minimum identifies the component examined, ASME class, examination method, and outage cycle when the examination was performed. This listing may also be used to identify 'I components'to be inspected in the future. 17.0 NOTIFICATION Of IMDl. CATION 5[; 17.1 The Notification of Indication (NOI) form in Appendix C of this program is to be used to (1) notify Plant Management of an indication found during the performance of scheduled ISI examinations that will require evaluation and-a disposition in accordance with plant procedures, (2) notify ISI Programs that an indication that exceeds the acceptance criteria of Article 3000 of .i the ASME Section XI Code has'been documented on an examination ' [, report form contained within the NDE procedure used for examination, (3) provide ISO and S00 with a-method to track <-f7 examination reports that require reexamination or a documented H disposition for closure, and (4) as a final product, with the id disposition provided under plant procedures added to Part II of the form, provide ISI Programs a method of determining if '} additional Code examinations are required. J 17.2. Functionally an NOI Form shall be initiated and processed as 1 follows. 1 5 17.2.1 Part 1 of an NOI Form will be initiated by the NDE 4 Examiner when an indication exceeds the acceptance 5 criteria of the NDE Procedure being used to perform a d scheduled ISI examination.. The Examiner will sign and date the NOI Form. The Field Supervisor, in the case of ~ contracted examinations, will review the information in Part I and sign and date the NOI Form as approving the i s I' ' information. The S00 Representative will review for i ~ q eccuracy, sign and date the NOI Form. J 17.2.2 Af ter completion of Part I, SQO shall send the original NOI Form and a copy of the Examination Report to Site j. l Engineering as a notification to plant management that an indication requiring evaluation has been found. A prompt

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i determination of any impact on operability must be made in ] TvA 40&34 (NP 2SO J 1328C/COC3 i-

SendarJ Stret SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROJRAM Page 67 of 123 accordance with plant procedures. SQO shall also send a copy to ISI Programs as notification that a potential exists for additional examinations to be performed per ASME Section XI. 17.2.3 Site Engineering shall be responsible for evaluating and providing a disposition for the indication in accordance with plant procedures. The disposition shall be l documented in detail on an administrative control program document (PER, Fla, SCAR, WR/WO, etc.) if required by Section 18.0. i 17.2.4 Site Engineering shall include the final disposition on the NOI Form in Part II, sign cnd date the NOI Form and g return the original to the 500 Representative for je closure. Reference to any PERs, FIRS, SCARS, WR/WOs, etc., shall be included. 17.2.5 The 500 Representative shall immediately, upon receipt, provide a copy of the NOI Form bearing the recorded disposition to ISI Programs for determination of additional examination requirements. 5 t 17.2.6 Upon notification from ISI Programs, the S00 Representative shall check "yes" or "no" for additional examinations, and he shall close the NOI Form in Part Ill by reexamination, in the case where work was performed as a part of the disposition, or ty verification of the disposition if no physical work was required to remove or ( modify the indication. _ f ^ 17.2.7 The original NOI Form shall be filed with the original examination report. A copy of the form shall be sent to ISI Programs for closure of their files. The reezamination report, if applicable, shall reference the { NOI number. The NOI Form and original examination report {. shall eference the reexamination report number. 17.3 Additional Sample Selection for CC-1 and CC-2 NOIs u Af ter a NOI has been dispositioned and returned to the SQO Representative, a copy shall be forwarded to ISI Programs for 1 evaluation to determine if additional examinations shall be required. If it is determined that additional examinations are required, these examinations shall be performed during the same outage as the initial examinations. A sample is defined as those items (welds, areas, or parts) as described or intended in a particular examination category and item number and within the same system. For component support samples, the additional examinations may also be limited to component supports within the same examination method (VT-3, and VT-4). The initial sa...ple is j the sample scheduled for examination at a particular outage for Section XI credit. For steam generator tubing, additional samples ) shall be per Section 7.3.8. jrVA 40WJ4 (NP 1H; 1328C/COC3 - - - - )

1 sumand ske SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17-INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 68 of 123 17.'a.1 Evaluation For First Additional Sample A first additional sample shall be selected for those examinations performed in the initial sample that reveal indications exceeding the corresponding acceptance standards of IWX-3000 of ASME Section XI. The first additional sample shall include approximately the same number of items examined in the initial sample. The first additional sample shall be selected from the ten year interval sample. The items selected should be from those items that have the longest service time from its previous inservice examination. If a system contalus a sample within the same examination category and item number as the initial sample which had ?? the indication and is not scheduled for examination this outage, this system sample shall be evaluated to determine if it should be examined this outage to provide a representative sample from each system within a particular examination category and item number. This evaluation should consider, but is not limited to, the type of indication found in the initial sample and similar system design and operating parameters. The ISI Programs Representative shall submit the additional sample to the SCO Representative for addition a to the scan plan. 17.3.2 Ryaluation for Second Additional Samole A second additional sample shall be selected for those examinations performed in the first additional sample that ~ reveal indications exceeding the corresponding acceptance I standards of IWX-3000 of ASME Section XI. The second additional sample shall include all the remaining items of the ten-year interval sample not examined in the initial or first additional sample during this outage. If no a items remain in the ten year interval sample (e.g., Accelerated Field Neld Program) and indications were found in the first additional sample, a notification of sample results shall be made to Site Engineering as described in Section 17.3.3. The ISI Programs representative shall submit the second additional sample to the SQO Representative for addition to the scan plan. 17.3.3 Notification of Samole Results to Sitg Encineering After completion of the second additional sample 7 examinations, ASME Section II code requirements for {^ additional examinations are complete. If exarinations performed in the second additional sample reveal indications exceeding the corresponding acceptance standards of INX-3000 of ASME Section XI, Site Engineering shall be notified. Site Engineering shall be notified to ,j lVA 4M*4 (NP 2.91) 1328C/COC3

SundAfd bAffl SI-114.1 SURUEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 69 of 123 evaluate the indications and make recommandation(s) for EU further action, if needed, within this and/or other systems. This notification shall be sent to the Site Engineering Operations Support by ISI Programs for coordination with the applicable Site Engineering staff. Included in thG notification should be a summary of the indications found, number of examinations and numoer of indications in each sample, type of examination performed, examination category and item number, copies of the NOIs, and any other pertinent information. 18.0 CQFRECTIVE ACTION PROGENs p. Any corrective action required as a result of ISI examinations shall be handled in accordance with SSP-3.4, SSP-3.6, SSP-3.7, or SSP-6.21. 19.0 REOUESTS FOR RELIEF Where TVA has determined that certain code requirements or examinations are impractical, TVA will submit written requo.s for relief to NRC with information to support the determinaticus and any proposed alternate examinations. The impractical code requirements or examinations shall be identified in this program, and references to particular requests for relief shall be included. When impractical examination requirements are identified in the field, ISO shall notify ISI Programs such that the information may be included i la this program and requests for relief may be prepared if necessary. Requests for relief shall be submitted to the NRC via SON Site Licensing. [ Sequoyah Unit 1 Requests for Relief are contained in Attachment 3. TVA submitted 13 Requests for Relief (ISI-l to ISI-13) from Code Requirements. ISI-1, ISI-3 to ISI-6, ISI-8 to ISI-10, and ISI-13 were granted. ISI-ll was withdrawn, ISI-12 was not needed, and two, ISI-2 and ISI-7, were postponed. For more detailed information on Requests for Relief, see Safety Evaluation Report, dated February 7, 1991, from g F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to O. D. Kingsley, Jr. (A02 910214 009), and Safety ( Evaluation Report dated October 21, 1991, from F. J. Hebdon to D. A. Nauman (A02 911024 003). On August 21, 1991, TVA submitted Request for Relief ISI-14 to the NRC requesting a response by June 1, 1992. TVA has now identified four (4) other areas where code requirements are impractical. These Requests for Relief are identified as ISI-15, -16, ~ - 17, and -18. These Relief Requests shall be submitted to the NRC with Revision 17 of this program. 20.0 AUGMENTED INSPECTIOES Augmented inspections are performed in addition to ASME Section XI code requirements. The augmented inspections may be required by the NRC or self-imposed by TVA. 40W4 (NP M 1328C/COC3 r y

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SuaJud SDcc: Sl-114.1 ~ SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 70 of 123 Augmented examinations of components that require reporting (verbal or written) to the NRC shall be the responsibility of the organization ' eesignated in the particular examination. lhese reports shall be submitted to the NRC Region II Office withir the time ;?riod specified for each augmented examination. Eacn augmented exam shall 4 tate the required reporting time and the document requiring tha information to be included in the report. See Table E of Appendix A for examination schedules. 20.1 Feedwater Nozzle-to-Pipe Welds and Adiacent Pipe and Nozzle Areas The requirements of NRC IE Bulletin 79-13 were satisfied during the Unit 1, Cycle 1 outage. Due to the safety-related ramifications of the steam generator nozzle transition section i cracking problem, TVA will perform an augmented inspection [ (reference memorandums L29 831222 836 and L29 840105 856, and memorandum from D. F. Goetcheus to J. T. Lewis (S57 880902 911)) of four feedwater nozzle transition pieces during the inspection interval as listed below. The augmented examination of the steam generator nozzle transition section shall include 100 percent volume of the transition pieces, the nozzle-to-transition piece velds, transition piece-to-pipe welds, and base caterial adjacent to each weld for a distance of two wall thicknesses. These welds '~ shall be ultrasonically examined and ultrasonic sensitivities should be equivalent to those required by NRC-IE Bulletin 83-02. Results of the examination shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.3. FEEDWATER NOZZLE TRANSITION PIECE EXAM SCHEDULE Cycle Examination Areas j 1 IE Bulletin 79-13 completed 2 1 nozzle-to-pipe weld and adjacent pipe and nozzle area 3 1 nozzle-to-pipe veld and adjacent pipe and nozzle area 4 All nozzle transition section pieces and welds u 5 All nozzle transition section pieces and welGs 6 All nozzle transition section pieces and welds 20.2 RPV Nozzle Safe Ends The augmented examination requirements of the RPV nozzle-to-safe end welds are included in the final report - " SON - Evaluation of cracking in teactor vessel nozzle stainless steel buttering." The ~ examinations for Unit I will be monitored at the normal ISI ~ l intervals (see Section 7.1.5) for dissimilar metal welds as required by Section XI of the ASME Code. This augmented examination does not require a special report. Results of the examination shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. 20.3 Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel The augmented examination requirements of the reactor coolant pump flywheel are included in Regulatory Posi'Aon C.4.b of Regulatory 'l ]lVA 4fHX)2 (NP 2So 1328C/COC3

suadud sket SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Ravision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 71 of 123 Guide 1.14; (1) an in-place ultrasonic examination of the areas of higher stress concentration at the bors and keyway at approximately 3-year intervals during the refueling or maintenance shutdown coinciding with the ISI schedule as required by Section II of the ASMI Code, and (2) a surface examination of all exposed surfaces and cor.plete ultrasonic examination at approximately 10-year intervals during the plant shutdown coinciding with the ISI schedule as required by Section XI of the ASME Code. This examination is performed in accordance with Sequoyah Technical Specifications and satisfies Surveillance Requirement 4.4.10a. This augmented examination does not requira a special report unless the examination reveals a flaw. If the examination and evaluation indicate an increase in flaw size or growth rate 4 greater than predicted for the service life of the flywheel, the results of the examination and evaluation should be submitted to the NRC for evaluation. Refer to Regulatory Guide 1.14 for information to be included. The examination results shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. The flywheel consists of 2 plates, approximately 5 inches and 8 inches thick, bolted together. Each plate is fabricated from ~ vacuum degassed A-533, GR. B, Class 1, steel. The 3-year in place RCP examinations shall be recorded using the RCP motor serial number and exam ID: RCP Motor S/N - BOREKEY (i.e., 4S-81P352 - BOREKEY) For the 10-year exam, the ID's shall bet RCP Motor S/N - SUR (i.e., 4S-SlP352 - SUR) RCP Motor S/N - VOL (i.e., 4S-81P352 - VOL) i{ See Augmented Examination Table Appendix A, Table E for RCP LJ flywheel scheduled examinations. rl 20.4 Steam Generator Tubing i Steam Generator Maintenance and Technology (SGMT) shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements of this section. Refer to Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements 4.0.5 and and sections 7.3.8 and 16.0 of this program for information to be .) inclu6ed. Plant management shall report this information to the NRC 1 Region II Office within the time period specified. See Plant ,j Instruction AI-18 series for reporting instructions. L J TVA 4uun (NP 231) 1328C/COC3

StasJarJ Sheet 1 SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Rsvicion 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 72 of 123 a. Tube Plugging Report Following each lusarvice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the NRC within 15 days of steam generator manway closure. b. Inservice Inspection Results Report The complete results of the steam generator tube ISI shall be submitted to the NRC in a special report pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2 witain 12 months following completion of the inspection (steam generator manway closure). Steam Generator Maintenansa and Technology shall prepare this special report and submit the report to the NRC Region II Office within the stated time period, This special report shall include: 1. Number and extent of tubes inspected. 2. Location and percent of wall-thickness penetration fox each indication of an imperfection. ~ 3. Identification of tubes plugged. c. Category C-3 Report Results of steam generator tube inspections which fall into Technic 61 Specification Category C-3 require prompt notification of the NRC pursuant to Technical Specification i 6.9.1 prior to resumption of plant operation. t The written followup of this report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to determine cause of the tube degradation and corrective measures to prevent recurrence. u 20.5 RPV Nozzle Claddinc e All vessel nozzles cladding shall be ultrasonically examined at the end of each 10-year inspection interval, using techniques at least as sensitive as those used to conduct the supplemental examinations performed prior to fuel loading. These examinations are performed during the automated reactor vessel nozzle inspection. This examination is performed in accordance with SQN {} Technical Specifications ad satisfies Surveillance Requirement [- 4.4.10b. This augmented examination does not require a special report. Results of the examination shall be reported to NRC via the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. r L Nozzle forging material and cladding is identified in Section 7.1.2. w- 'l jlVA 40M4 (Nr 2">O 1328C/COC3

l sucuJ 5x ci a SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASHI SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 73 of 123 20.6 Steam Generator Feed Rino and J-Tubes v SGMT shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements of this section. The carbon steel J-tube nozzles have been replaced with Inconel 600 J-tube nozzles. This material is resistant to erosion corrosion damage. Inspection of the J-tube nozzles is not necessary. An ultrasonic thickness check of the feed ring header and tee shall be performed on a frequency of every 10 years. This augmented examination is self-imposed by TVA (S01 860515 828) and does not require a special report. Results of the examination shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Saction 16.3. 20.7 Control Rod Guide Tube Flexures Mechanical Maintenance shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements of this section. Any revisions or waivers of this examination plan as stated in this section shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor or his designee. Due to the potential of intergranular stress corrosion cracking of guide tube flexures, the following control rod guide tube flexure augmented examination plan shall be initiated (see Westinghouse reference memorandums A27 840123 022 and Lol 840723 035). The control rod guide tube flexures shall be visually examined in accordance with visual examination method VT-3 (see section 11.1) during each refueling outage. These examinations shall be performed in accordance with SMI-0-68-15. At each scheduled refueling outage the tops of all guide tubes shall be visually examined to assure that all flexures are in their proper orientation. If any flexure heads are discovered to be broken from their stems, the heads should be retrieved and flexurelers f inserts installed. If flexureless inserts are not installed after (_ a break has occurred, a safety evaluation will be required to confirm continued safe plant operation. A copy of the VT data sheets shall be forwarded to the appropriate cognizant engineer.

i The PRISIM identifiers for the control rod guide tube flexures are

CRDTUBEFLEX-A07 CRDTUBEFLEX-E09 CRDTUBEFLEX-GOS CRDTUBEFLEX-Jll CRDTUBEFLEX-LO7 g This augmented examination is self-imposed by TVA and does not require a report. Results of the examination shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.3. ni I VA 40M8 (NP 2Si) 1328C/COC3

. _. ~ SunJarJ Nkcet ' SI-114.1-SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI. Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 74 of 123 20.8 Rod Control Cluster Assembly (RCCA) Claddino Hear Measurements PNR Fuel Engineering shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the-technical and administrative requirements related to this section. r The RCCA rodlet cladding wear.for both SON units has been examined via the eddy current measurement NDE technique. Encircling coils were used for total area loss determinations and profilometry data taken to characterize w' ear scars. SON Unit 2-RCCAs were' inspected for rodlet cladding wear in February 1989. a I q. SQN Unit 1 RCCAs were inspected in April 1990. Results were documented.(L38 890511 800 and L36'901030 800). Summaries were provided for the ISI Reports discussed in Section 16.2. r if Because TVA has cladding wear data for each unit's RCCA: and has i implemented an axially repositioning program, RCCA inspections need only to be done periodically in the future when identified by PWR Fuel Engineering. When performed, the results will be reviewed, the wear data bases updated, and specific repositioning plans revised as necessary. Any RCCA with excessive rodlet cladding wear.will be replaced. F ~~ RCCA wear examinations via NDE techniques are self-imposed by TVA and do not require a special report. An examination summary shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.3 whenever the RCCAs are inspected for either SON unit. j 20.9 Accelerated Field We}d Procram IC.11 - COMPLETE In accordance with R. L. Gridley's January 30, 1987 memorandum to B. J. Youngblood (L44 870130 804), TVA committed to implement an i i Accelerated Field Weld Program for SON Unit 1-and 2. This l-augmented and accelerated program requires completion of i. 100 percent of ASME Classes 1 and 2 piping, piping support, and component (reactor vessel,-steam generator, pressurizer, and reactor coolant pumps) support field welds that are in the first 10-year program in the two (2) consecutive refueling outages following restart. The Accelerated Field Weld Program was completed during the Unit 1 Cycle 5 refueling outage. The results were included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. 20.10 Thimble Tube Guide Site Engineering shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements of this section. [ ^ Due to the potential thinning of thimble tube guides as reported Ron NRC Bulletin 88-09 and Information Notice No. 87-44 supplement 1, TVA performed an augmented examination of the t j thimble tubes using Edd Current Examination (ET) during the i i Unit 1 Cycle 4 refueling outage. See ". W. Fortenberry's July 21, 1988 memorandum to S. J. Smith (S57 880721 821) and E J. F. Murdock's June 3, 1988 memorandum to J. B. Hosmer (L29 880531 914). 't hVA d@M4 (NP 2Sl> 1328C/COC3 l L

-o sumbrisbur: SI-ll4.1-SURgEILLANCE-ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION-INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 75 of 123 Future examinations shall be to examine all thimble tubes. at each outage until a wear data base has been established.. Results of the examinations shall be forwarded to Site Engineering. See P. J. Trudel's April 20, 1990 memorandum to M. J. Burzynski (B25 900420 008). Results of the examinations shall be included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.3. 20.11 Examination of Ploino Connecte6 to the Reactor Coolant System Due to Thermal Stresses - COMPLETE I Due to the potential thermal stresses on unisolatable piping attached to the RCS (see NRC Bulletin 88-08) TVA has examined the s: following areas:

1) the four 1.5-inch high head injection lines, r.j4
2) the 2-inch pressurizer spray line from the charging path, i
3) the. 3-inch alternato charging path, and 4) the 3-inch normal charging path.

All of the welds up to the first valve have been PT examined, and the 3-inch'line has been UT examined as well. These exams were conducted during Cycle 3 shutdown period. .The SON Project Engineer has prepared a report to Licensing, who in turn prepared a report to the NRC. (See memorandums ~~ B29 880906 008, SOB 880830 843, L44 880824 802, and B25 880819 014.) 20.12 Examination of Pressurizer Surge Line Due to Occurrence of Thermal Stratification - COMPLETE e I- ). [ The.reguirements of IEB 88-11 were satisfied during the Unit 1 Cycle 4 refueling outage. The following paragraphs are being retained for historical information only. Due to the thermal stratification of the pressurizer surge line (see ARC Bulletin 88-11) TVA performed a visual inspection on the l pressurizer surge line. This examination should determine any 2 gross discerrable distress or structural dmnage in the entire pressurizer surge line, including piping, pipe supports, pipe whip restraints, and anchor bolts. This examination was scheduled and performed per SMI-0-68-4. The results of the examination are to be coordinated in accordance ]. with SMI-0-68-4. NE Operations Support submitted the results of 't - the examination to Nuclear Technology and Licensing for submittal to the NRC within 30 days after completion of the examinations. 20.13 Pressurizer Relief Line Repair Welds and Adioinino Areas The augmented examination requirements of the pressurizer relief line (draw bead welds) are included in the Technical Specifications 4.0.5 and The pressurizer relief line repair welds (RCF-24P and RCF-24H) and adjoining areas shall be n ]VA 4WW4 (NP 2SO 1328C/COC3

StandarJ Sket SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASNI SECTION XI Revision 17 l INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Pago 76 of 123 examined in accordance with TVA procedure N-UT-25 using improved ultrasonic detection and evaluation procedures prior to entering Mode 4 whenever the plant has been in cold shutdown for 72 hours if the examination has not been performed in the previous or more six months. This procedure has been qualified in accordance with NRC IE Bulletin 83-02 by demonstrating proficiency in detecting Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC). All future examinations of the pressurizer relief line repair welds will be performed using this procedure or a procedure with ultrasonic sensitivities equivalent to those required for detecting IGSCC. In the event these 6-month period examinations find the piping free of unacceptable indications for three successive inspections, the inspection interval shall be extended to 36 month intervals (12 months to coincide with a scheduled refueling outage). The report shall be submitted with the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. See examination history below: Examination History Date Examinations Were Performed Erg.lin gi_gnd r i @ 9-26-80 (Examination Perf ormed Start of first 6-month period by SI-284) 5-15-81 (Examination Perf ormed End of first 6-month period by SI-284) Start of second 6-month period 1-25-82 (Examination Perf ormed End of secord 6-month period by SI-284) Start of third 6-month period I i 11-1-82 (Examination Performed End of third 6-month period I by SI-284) Start of first 35-month period 9-14-85 (Examination Performed End of first 36-month period by SI-284) Start of second 36-month period y 8-2-88 (Examication Performed End of second 36-month period by SI-114.1) St c of third 36-month period XX-XX-91 (Examination Performed End of third 36-month period f by SI-114.1) Start of first 80-month period 20.14 EPV Closure Head Circumferential Weld (WO9-10) e 7i t See subsection of this program for augmented examination requirements. This augmented examination does not require a special report. Results of the examination shall be included in [ the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.2. See the following table: 1328C/COC3

  • In m>

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. SasJard Shces ~ SI-114.1 . SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Rovision 17 -INSTRUCTION ' INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 77 of 123 W RV Bead Flaw Examination Dates by Cycle: Cycle 2 (WO9-10B) First Period Cycle 4 (WO9-10B-FLAN) Second Period . Cycle 6 (WO9-10B-FLAW) Third Period -20.15 Main Feedwater Isolation Valves q The augmented eramination requirements of the Main Feedwater Isolation valves were satisfied during the Unit 1 Cycle 5 refueling outage. This information is being retained for historical purposes. Site Engineering shall be responsible for ensuring the adequacy of the technical and administrative requirements of this section. b Due to the bonnet indications found by previous inspections, MFIVs 1-FCV-3-33 and 1-FCV-3-47 received an augmented magnetic particle (MT) examination during Unit 1 Cycle 5 refueling outage. ii The bonnet indications were determined not to be service related and were identified as artifacts of the casting process used to 7, produce-the valve bonnets. The purpose of the re-examination is to verify that no progression of the damage is occurring. The examinations shall be performed in accordance with the followings The results of the magnetic particle examination vill be a. compared to the previous examination record for evidence of pronagation based on the measured length of the indication. If the indication seems to have grown, the ends of the indication will be examined optically either in situ or by replication and laboratory examination for evidance of growth. 'I b. If measuring the indication shows growth but no evidence of crack extensions can be visually seen, the ends of the indication shall be stenciled with a low stress punch, and -the bonnet or body shall be reinspected in the following outage. If there is definite evidence of crack propagation based on c. visual inspection, it shall be referred to Site Engineering (Mechanical / Nuclear). Engineering will evaluate the l condition and recommand that the bonnet or body affected be weld repaired or replaced, as necessary. " Definite evidence" is considered to be fatigue-type cracking emanating from the end of the previous indication or stress corrosion cracking. In either case, the propagated cracking would be free of the high temperature corrosion product present in the previous examination. d. If there is no evidence of growth associated with the reinspection,-no further inspection is required. r i;}'VA 40M4 (NP 191) 132BC/COC3

Silsdud Stee '

51-114.J ~ -SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Ravision 17 INSTEUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 78 of 123 This augmented examination was self-imposed by TVA P (B25 891228 008) and did not require a special report.- Results of the exa:ninations were forwarded to Site Engineering .(Mechanical / Nuclear) by SQO and included in the ISI Report discussed in Section 16.3.- 21.0 INTERTACE DOCUMENTS 21.1.1 Quality Methods Procedure QMP-102.4, Qualification and Certification Requirements for NQA NDE Personnel 21.1.2 Quality Methods Procedure QMP-110.5, Nondestructive Examination Procedures Approved for Use on CSSC Items at All Nuclear Plants 21.1.3 Quality Methods Procedure QMP-105.4, Control of Calibration Blocks. 21.1.4 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Administrative Instructions AI-8, AI-18 (Series) and AI-19 (Part IV and Part VI). 21.1.5 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Site Standard Practice SSP-2.9, SSP-3.1, SSP-3.4, SSP-3.6, SSP-3.7, SSP-6.21, SSP-8.2, SSP-12.8, and I ' - ' SSP-13.3. 21.1.6 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Technical Instruction TI-89. 4 21.1.7 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Special Maintenance Instructions 1 SMI-0-68-04 and SMI-0-68-15. 21.1.8 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Maintenance Instructions 0-MI-MRR-068-005.0, MI-1.4, 0-MI-MXX-068-004.0, 0-MI-MXX-068-003.0, MI-2.2, MI-10.2.2, MI-10.2.3, MI-6.15, 4 0-MI-MVV-000.008.0. 22.0 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES t w 22.1.1 Memorandum from D. W. Wilson to H. L. Abercrombie, dated August 1, 1986 "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, 4 " Indications in Class 1 Welds" (L18 860730 899). 22.1.2 Memorandum from V. A. Blanco to C. R. Brimer dated January 10, 1987 (B25 870109 045). -.l1 - 22.1.3 Memorandum from G. C. Zech to S. A. White dated January 25, 1988 allowing use of code cases N-341 and N-356. 22.1.4 Memorandum from P. G. Trudel to M. J. Burzynski dated April 20, 1990 (B25 900920 008). I ' 1 22.1.5 Memorandum from R. L. Gridley to B. J. Youngblood dated January 30, 1987 (L44 870130 804). t l l- [ } VA 40004 (NF 2m) 1328C/COC3

1 5asJatJ Shet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 79 of 123 5 22.1.6 NRC Bulletin 88 n9 and Inf ormation Notice 87-44 supplement 1, " Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors." 22.1.7 Memorandum from R. W. Fortenberry to S. J. Smith dated July 21, 1988 (S57 880721 821). 22.1.8 Memorandum from J. F. Murdock to J. D. Hesmer dated June 3, 1988 (L29 880531 91t). ( 22.1.9 NRC Bulletin 88-08, " Thermal Stresres on Piping Connected to ggg Reactor Coolant Systems." 22.1.10 NRC Sulletin 88-11, " Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification." f1 22.1.11 Memorandum from D. F. Goetcheus to J. T, Lewis dated Set,tember 2, 1988 (S57 830902 911). 22.1.12 Letter from S. C. Black to 0. D. Kingsley, Jr., dated January 18, 1990, " Nuclear Quality Assurance Plan" (TAC No. 72833), allowing the use of 1984 Edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A for certification of NDE personnel. 22.1.13 Memorandum from P. G. Trudel to L. E. Martin dated April 17, 1989 (B25 890417 024). 22.1.14 Memorandum from S. C. Black to 0. D. Kingsley, Jr., dated December 13, 1989, allowing the use of Code Case N-460. 22.1.15 Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon to O. D. Kingsley, Jr., dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 000). I 22.1.16 Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon to D. A. Nauman d 't ed DJ ton'r 21, ] 1991 (A02 911024 003). 22.1.17 Memorandum from P. G. Trudel to R. L. Lumpkin, Jr. dated December 28, 1989 (B25 891228 008). 22.1.18 Memorandum from G. J. Pitz1 to G. L. Belew dated January 5, 1984 (L29 840105 856). 22.1.19 Memorandum from T. F. Ziegler to R. C. Parker dated December 27, 1983 (L29 831222 836). u 22.1.20 NRC Bullstin 83-02, " Stress Corrosion Cracking in Large-Diameter ] Stainless Steel Recirculation System Piping at BWR Plants." 22.1.21 NRC Bulletin 79-13, " Cracking in Feedvater System Piping." 22.1.22 Memorandum from D. F. GemcLeus to G. L. Belew dated May 15, 1986 (501 860515 828). i ~ 22.1.23 Memorandum from R. S. Howard, Westinghouse, to J. P. Darling dated July 9, 1984 (LO1 840723 035). O C s Iv^ 4mm (NP 913 132BC/COC3

SuoJssd hkre SI-A14.1 SURFE!LLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 ~ INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 80 of 123 22.1.24 Memorandum f rom J. L. Tain, Westinghouse, to J. A. Raulston, Y dated January 19, 1984 (A27 840123 022). l 22.1.25 Memorandum from W. E. Pennell to R. A. Sessoms dated August 10, 1987 (B41 870810 003). 22.1.26 Memorandum from J. A. Kirkebo to Site Directors dated June 24, 1987 (L29 870528 815). 22.1.27 Menorandum from J. A. Domer to NRC dated June 17, 1985 (L44 850617 801). 22.1.28 Me<norandum f rom J. L. Wilson to NRC dated August 21, 1991 (S10 910821 d48). 4 22.' 29 Memorandum from R. R. Calabro to Those listed dated May 16, 1989 (L38 890511 800). 22.1.30 Masaorandum from R. R. Calabro to Those listed dated October 30, 1990 (L36 901030 800). 22.1.31 Memorandum from P. G. Trudel to M. J. Ray dated September 6, 1988 (B29 880906 008). 22.1.32 Memorandum from L. E. Martin to P. G. Trudel dated August 30, 1988 (508 880830 843). 22.1.33 Memorandum from M. J. Ray to NRC dated August 24, 1988 (L44 880824 802). 22.1.34 Memorandum f rom P. G. Trudel to S. J. Smith dated August 19, 1998 (B25 880819 014). I 22.1.35 Instruction Manual - 173-inch ID Reactor Pressure Vessel - Rotterdem Dockyard Company, Contract No. 68C60-91934, N2M-2-3. 22.1.36 Westinghouse Technical Manual - Pressurizer, TM 1440-C225, Contract No. 68C60-91934, N2M-2-6. ?2.1.37 Westinghouse Technical Manual - Vertical Steam Generators, TM 1440-C324, Contract No. 68C31-91934, N2M-2-4. 22.1.38 Westinghouse Instruction Manual - Auxiliary Heat Exchangers, Contract No. 68C60-91934, N2M-2-25. iL 21.1.39 Westinghouse Instruction Book - Reactor Coclant Pump, Contract l' No. 68C60-91934, N2M-2-5. 22.1.40 Ingersoll-Rand Instruction Manual - Residual Heat Removal Pumps, Contract No. 68C60-91934, N2M-2-30. Ii v4 4DN4 (NP 290 132BC/COC3 .. ~. - - - -

= L. -. L4 w .. ~ _. 5 Y E e ' APPENDIX A E ~ -2 TABLE A T a wm 2 SEWOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM CLASS 1 COMPONENTS H< m en CM O Program Esction XI 40 Yr. Sa@le 1>. Insp. Interval mQ Re/erence Es ari Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Peference Component Sutton Method Category Walds/of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. t%q. No. M A. Egactor Vessel 1. Circumferential Shell Welds UT B-A 4/50 ft. 4/50 ft. 0 0 4 Cte1-2343-B m 2 2. Closure Head Q } Cire Weld UT B-A 41 ft. 41 ft. 13 ft O ft. 28 ft. CHM-2358-A Qn5 3. Lower Head Clrc Weld UT B-A 38 ft. 38 ft. O ft. O ft. 38 ft. CHM-2343-8 ym tra M m 4. Lower Head Mg h, i Merldlonal Welds UT B-A 6/4 ft. 6/4 ft. 0 0 6 C h 2343-8 i =M i 5. Shell-t o-Flange =e " Veld UT B-A 50 ft. 50 ft. O ft. O ft. 50 ft.2C % 2343-8 $ow 6. Llosure Head-E to-Flange Weld UT B-A 45 ft. 45 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. C h 2358-A Closure Head-to-Flange Flen Area MT B-A 45 ft. 45 ft. 0 0 d5 ft. C h 2358-A i 7. Norrie-to-

  • o so tn Vessel Welds 7.1.2 UT B-D 8

8 4I O 41 CHM-2343-B j** i Dutiets Inlets C h 2360-A

  • (* [

ww (Bore CF#4-2361-A $ 7.* & Shell d" o i n

10) 4 "0

Oo Outlets [ 4 (Shel: I 10) I The four outlet nearle-to-vessel welds enaseination f rom the vessel shell shall be done in the third inspection period. 2 5ee Request for Relief 151-10 i 1 1 .]

h 1 A b4".A NW ~' s= s- ? f APPENDIX A h k g TABLE A wm ,] SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM CLLSS 1 COMPONENTS MN cw 0 Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sarple 1st Insp. Interval w Reference Exam Enam N6. Length No. Length Inspe. N Periods Reference @n" C eponent Section Method Caitgarv Weids/of Weld W lds/of Weld 3 vrsu l.r i d g_yr.s J _ m _Fa. t A. Reactor Vesstl (cont'd) 1 8. Inside Radius Sections (Includes 7.1.3 UT B-0 8 8 4 0 8 CHM-2343-6 Integral Entensions Outlet (4 Inlet C % 2360-A y l on the Outlet Nozzles) 4 Outlet) O N-2361-A y wA l 9. Vessel Pene-1 l trations and ON-2651-C Attachments 7.1.4 VT-2 B-E 37 37 12 12 13 MSG-0004-C ym Li M vg "w

10. Nozzle-to-Safe End Welds 7.1.5 UT,PT S-F 8

8 4 0 4 OH-2343-B l Outlet Inlet @g l w i m l

11. Closure Studs 7.1.6 UT.MT B-G-1 54 54 18 18 18 CHM-2341-8 l

and Nuts 7.1.6 MT B-G-1 54 54 18 18 18 CHM-2341-B y l k

12. Ligaments Between Threaded Stud Holes 7.1.6 UT B-G-1 54 54 18 18 18 CHM-2341-0
13. Closure Washers 7.1.6 VT-1 B-G-1 54 54 18 18 18 OH-2341-B m nr rn


14. Vessel Interior 7.1.9 VT-3 8-N-1 1

1 1 1 1 CHM-2343-8 a w N W N O

15. Removable Core

$o? 8' " Support o Structure 7.1.10 VT-3 B-N-3 See Program Section 7.1.10 "0 O .U. m

l' g. r- ~ r- ~ I'~ ? x i' R t-a APPENDIX A z g TABLE A [ m SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM CLASS 1 COMPONENTS MN ~ c: w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval gr{ l Reference r uam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n j Comconent Section Method Catecorv Weldf or Veld Welds /of Veld 3_yr_L. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dw. No. \\ A. Reactor Yessel (cont'd) 4

16. Control Rod cpi-2651-C Drive Housings 7.1.11 UT 8-0 2

2 0 1 1 CHPS-2359-A

17. RV Aux Head mm M

^ Adapters 7.1.12 UT,PT B-F 4 4 1 1 2 CHM-265'-C ISI-0014-A M$ "N f ) B. Pressurizer j Em mM t 1. Ci rcumferenti al "G l 'o Shell-to-Nead O ~z Welds 7.2.1 UT B-8 2/24 ft. 2/24 ft. 12 ft. 12 ft. 24 ft. ISI-0394-C @x I ao 2. Longitudinal o" Shell-to-Head "o Welds 7.2.2 UT B-B 2/v ft.1 2/1 ft. 1 0 1 ISI-0334-C 3. Nozzle-to-Vessel i Velds and In;ide Radius Section 7.2.4 UT B-D 6 6 2 2 2 ISI-0394-C i 4. Hester ao m os Penetrations 7.2.5 VT-2 B-E 78 20 6 7 7 MSG-0306-A eww 5. Nozzle-to-Saf e t$ w i w o". End Velds 7.2.6 UT.PT B-F 6 6 2 2 2 ISI-0394-C o"" s o mw i-O .a t n i 10ne foot of the longitudinal weld selected for examination is that section of weld intersecting the circumferential shell-to-head weld examined. 1 I I I

y r- -~ 1 ~r ,. / p 7 2 'e E e. t E 5 APPENDIX A ) 5 h TABLE A m ,] SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM CLASS 1 COMPONENTS yN cw ~ g g t* w{ Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sunple 1st Insp. Interval Reference Enam Exam No. Lw19th No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n" Comoonent Section Method CattS2rv Welb /of Veld Welds /of Veld 3 vu. 7 vrs. 10 vrt. Dwo. No.

8. Pressurizer (cont'd) 6.

Pressure Retain-ing Bolting 7.2.8 VT-1 B-G-2 1 Mw / 1 Mwy/ 16 0 0 MSG-0002-B 16 bolts 16 bolts E Nw 7. Integrally Welded ( Support Skirt MT B-H 23 ft. 23 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. ISI-0394-C n5 N 8. Seismic Lugs MT B-+1 4 4 0 0 4 ISI-0394-C ym in M EO C. lleam Generators Ouo w= 0 1. Primary Head-to- %[ Tube Sheet Veld 7.3.2 UT B-B 4/3C ft. 4/36 ft. I 1 2 ISI-0399-C g 8 2. Primary Norrles m Inside Radius I I I Section 7.3.3 UT B-D B S O O B ISI-0399-C 1 1 3. Primary Norrle-l to-Safe End Welds 7.3.4 UT.PT B-F 8 8 2 3 3 ISI-0399-C l 4. Pressure Retain-ao w m ing Bolting 7.3.6 VT-1 8-G-2 4 Gers./2Mwy 8 Mwy 2 2 4 MSG-0002-8

  • r0 h

5. Tubing 7.3.8 ET B-4 See $rogram sections 7.3.8 and 20.4 ISI-M97-C I E.* a mN =J o w %t l ISee Program Section 7.3.3 and Request for Relief ISI-6. h L- - - - - -

y"; C I_ - 1 Q L__; L L_1 C~ ~ E 4. h E APPENDIX A .h g TABLE A i 3 k SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM wm .j CLASS 1 COMPONENTS cw Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval Reference Exam Exam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n Comoonent section Method Cateoorv Velds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vr. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. N D. Elping

1. Pressure Retainino Bolting
a. Reactor Coolant Ey System VT-1 8-G-2 5 Sets 2 5 Sets 2 2

1 2 ISI-0369-C y

b. Chemical and 5$

Volume Control M% y, System (SVI) VT-1 B-G-2 4 Sets /4 Bolts 4 Sets t 1 2 C h 2338-C yM -B

c. Safety Injection

@g System VT-1 B-G-2 4 Sets /4 Bolts 4 Sets 1 1 2 C % 2333-C 5

2. Circumferential Weldi
a. Reactor Coolant System Main Loops Circs 2.4" UT/PT B4 63 16 5

5 6 C h 2333-8

b. Reactor Coolant System Cires 4c" Nom. Size UT/PT 84 651 171

=o w tn 5 5 7 ISI-0369-C $ *e ';* Cires <4" g Nom. Size PT B4 203

  • 7[

53 2 1 2 ISI-0369-C $ 7.* 094-2333-8 aw I The change in welds numbers during the third period was due to the RV Aun Head Adapter Cap Welds (LHI Caps) being o 8 added to RC System after UIC4 Mod. "[ 2The change in bolted connections was due to the UTC4 RTD Mod. U 3 The change in weld numbers was due to the UIC4 RfD Mod.

w s ( _l r r-r' m C< 1 I E F. APPENDIX A b v g, TABLE A T l SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM g, g$ j CLASS 1 COMPONENTS gg c: w ] Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval Q c" u Reference Ezam Exam No. Length No. Length Inspection Pe-lods Reference Qg i Component Section Method Cateoorv Welds /ef Weld Velds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. M D. PIDino (cont'd) 1 J 1

c. Chemical and l

Volume Control System Cires 14" "z Nom. Size N/A Cires (4" M"<: Nom. Size PT 84 62 15 5 5 5 CHM-2335-C n" $ 1 Mg I

d. Residual Heat "m

Removal System h '." "o ry Cires 14" j Nom. Size UT/PT B-J 49 13 4 4 5 CHM-2336-C O l

e. Safety Injection zHm" System Cires 14" 21I O

Nom. Size 'JT/PT B-J B4I 7 6 8 CHH-2333-C i Cires (4" Nom. Size PT B-J 33 8 2 2 4 CHM-2333-C

f. RV Aun Head Adapter Cap Walds (UHI Caps)

Cires 14" These welds are examined as a part of the WC System. sectio, doe to ,wm the (*1C4 Mod. ibb i 5 RIE i a n aw i N o 8

  • U 0

~ ta 3 I The change in weld numbers was due to new code class boundaries, i 4 i

4 m g __...s ka w w a .1 i E-2 APPENDIX A E. TABLE A u-I } wm SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM t 'e g$ ~ i c CLASS 1 COMPONENTS H< E5 Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st insp. Interval gr Reference Exam Exam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference Qn Comoenent Section Method Category Welds /of Veld Velds /of Veld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwa. No. M D. Pipina (cont'd) j

3. Branch Ploe Connection Velds
a. Reactor Coolant System -

E Main Loops n" l Velds >2" <gg Nom. Sire UT/Fi 84 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 2333-8 M% 1 Velds 12" "m z Nom. Size PT B-J 13 4 1 2 1 0 4 2333-8 y" -9 3]

b. Reactor Coolant System

@g l Welds >2" CHM-2333-8 { Nom. Sire UT/PT C4 6 2 0 1 1 ISI-0369-C g Welds 12* CHH-2333-B Q Nom. Site PT B-J 7 2 0 1 1 ISI-0369-C y i d j

c. Chemical and i

Volume Control ) System Welds >2" j Nom. Size UT/PT B-J 3 1 0 0 1 CHM-2335-C y,, Velds 12"

  • * "s d2 <

None. Size PT B-J 1 See Note 1 CHM-2335-C

  • 7C y

awa uo. s 4 n mw o y n U 'd i I Emamination not scheduled this interval. 'e i

m [- Th~ w A L.,,,,, S 5 Y U y APPENDIX A y e TABLE A [ w, i SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM 5$ ~ M.@. -.? CLASS 1 COMPONENTS c: QF u{ Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval Reference Enam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @g Comoonent Section Method Cateoorv Velds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. D. Pipino (cont'd)

3. Eranch Pipe 'onnection Welds (cont'd)
d. Residual Heat y

Removal System N Welds >2" Nom. Size t;T/PT B-J 3 1 0 0 1 CNM-2336-C Welds 12" Nom. Size PT B-J 2 See Note 2 CHM-2336-C $m mn O

e. Safety Injection u

System w@ Welds >2" @g Nom. Size UT/PT B-J 5 2 0 1 1 CHM-2333-C Welds 12" Nom. Size PT B-J 11 2 0 1 1 CHM-2333-C.

4. Socket Welds
a. Reactor Coolant 151-0369-C System PT B-J 711 17I O

O 17 CHM-2333-B 55N 1: E !. mE5 m 5 -8L o n "U n R C W IThe change in weld nuebers was due to the UICA %D Mod. 2 Examinations not scheduled this interval.

I- ~ .L~ L w r 1; E-APPENDIX A h TABLE A f -f SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM 5$ ~ wm 3 CLASS 1 COMPONENTS' yN ~ c: u g ta Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval u" Reference Eram Eram No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference Component Section Method Cateoorv Welds /of Veld Velds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. M D. Ploino (cont'd)

4. Socket Velds
b. Cheelcal and y

Volume Control CHM-2338-C N Systen PT B-J 246 62 19 19 24 cm-2335-C $n$

c. Residual "5

Heat Removal ye System PT B-J 18 5 1 2 2 CHM-2336-C ""MO Q*

d. Safety wE Injection

@g System PT B-J 189 47 15 16 16 CHM-2333-C .,wo

5. Pipino and Valve O

Inteorally Weldsd Svocort Members

a. Reactor Coolant System PT B-A-1 61 61 2

1 3 151-0370 4 owm

b. Chemical and j$"

Volume Control

  • 7[

w System PT B-K-1 02 02 0 0 0 Cle9-2434-C 3 7.* w aw n o s

c. Residual "U

8 Heat Removal U System PT B-K-1 32 32 0 1 2 CHM-2435-C IThe change in weld numbers was due to the UIC4 RfD Mod. 2The change in weld numbers due to removal of a support. = _.... - - - - i ! ~ ~ ~


  • C CLASS 1 COMPONENTS mm H4 so m Cw Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval O

i Reference Enam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n u Component Section Method Cateoorv velds /of Veld Velds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 :rs. Dwo. No. M L D. Piping (cont'd)

d. Safety injection System PT B-K-1 S

SI I 1 2 2 CHM-2436-C y* m

6. Pipino and valve M

m Component Sucoorts "g

a. Reactor N

w Coolant zm mn System VT-3, B-K-2 552 O" Oah 552 13 22 20 ISI-0370-C VT-4 wz o

b. Chemical zM and Volume Control y

O System VT-3 B-K-2 1263 126I N 37 41 48 CHM-2433-C y VT-4 CHM-2434-C

c. Residual Heat Removal System VT-3, B-K-2 163 163 4

5 7 CMM-2435-C VT-4

  • e to to ce ow to < t oww a w c**

Q 8L Rw i n 8 I The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries. 4 i 2The change in weld numbers was due to the UIC4 RfD Mod. l 3 The change in support numbers was dce to support removal modifications. l 1 i l 6 i 1 4

y-7 3 E t h E APPENDIX A z g TABLE A { ,] SEQUOYAH INSERVIEE INSPECTION PROGRAM ga -s ,] $ CLASS 1 COMPONENTS Q$ c: w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval gn w{ j Reference Enam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n Comoonent Section Method Catecory Welds /of Ve d Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 ves. 10 vrs. Dwc. No. L i { D. Pipina (cont'd)

d. Safety Injection i

System VT-3, B-K-2 911 911 16 36 39 CHM-2426-C y VT-4 Mw<

e. RCS Main VT-3 B-K-2 7

7 0 4 3 M$ Loop Piping VT-4 ISI-0303-C w te m E. Reactor Coolant Pumos NO 1 Pressure-Retain-gw O w :c ing Bolting 7.5.1 UT B-G-1 96 24 24 46 CHM-2675-8

2. Pressure-Retain-VT-1, "o

ing Bolting 7.5.1 MT B-G-1 See Note 2 CHM-2675-B

3. Pressure-Retain-ing Bolting 7.5.2 VT-1 B-G-2 4 Sets 4 Sets 1 Set 1 Set 2 Sets CHM-2675-8
4. Component 4

Supports 7.5.4 VT-3 d-K-2 4 Pumps /3 ft. 12 ft. 3 3 6 per pump (1-pump)(1-pump)(2-pumps? ISI-0325-8 .o w m or aw 44 t

5. Casing Welds 7.5.5 PT B-t-1 4

1 0 0 1 MSG-0003-8 g 70 3 e** ~8L n o n "U 8 I The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries. U 2When disassembled, bolts shall be magnetic particle examined, threads in the base material and flange ligaments between threaded bolt holes shall be visually examined.

y.. - - C -A 7 7-- w u 1 + e' E Y APPENDIX A 'v TABLE A f SEQUOYAil INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM I ww $ r* ~ CLASS 1 COMPONENTS y j;; r c: w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st insp. Interval gr Reference Enam Exam No. Length No. Length Inspectica Periods Reference @n u Component _fioc ti on Method Cateconr Welds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dw. No. M

6. Casing 7.5.6 VT-1 or B-L-2 4

See Program Section 7.5.6, 7.9 and MSG-G003-8 (UT t. RFR ISI-1 vi-2) F. Valves M 5:

1. Pressure Retain-M ing Bolting Q5$


a. Reactor M

Coolant zm "M System VT-1 B-G-2 13,2 h 3,2 1 2 0 151-0369-C 1

  • 4 O
b. Chemical and M Z

@g Volume H Control m M System VT-1 0-G-2 02 02 o 0 0 0 CHM-2335-C C

c. Residual Heat Removal System VT-1 B-G-2 6

6 0 3 3 CHM-2336-C

d. Safety 1

Injection System VT-1 B-C--2 142 ja2 5 6 3 CHM-2333-C J $ ';* mmm 5 S r.' O no 4 n w I ea The change in valve bolting numbers was due to the UIC4 RTD Mod. 2The change in valve bolting numbers is in accordance with Code Case N-426. =

7-r 7 5 [ g APPENDIX A 2 4 TABLE A f SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM I wm ~ CLASS 1 COMPONENTS y@ c: w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval Reference Exam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n Component Section Method Cateoorv Welds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrt. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dw. No. M F. Yalves (cont'd)

2. Integrally Welded Support Members 7.6.3 PT B4-1 Tetals are included in 0.5 of this table, w *
3. Compoc % t

'a Supports 7.6.4 VT-3, B-K-2 Totals are included in D.6 of this table. VT-4 n" $

4. Valve Bodies "E

>4" N.P.S. 7.6.6 VT-1 B+2 See Table 1 of Attacleent 2 y" toO G. System Pressure Test 7.9 VT-2 B-P See Pr9 gram Section 7.9 w@ 3* O w 8 E l TMN tu ew tQ 4 8 H .mU w -a i O D N O Oo "U 0 -~m

I'~~ ~~ ~ Q4 L W I-u_. }" $e APPENDIX A a TABLE B s> f s' ~I a SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM wm CLASS 2 COMFONENTS y@ cw Program Section AI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval O Reference Enam Euam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference @n u Component Section Method Cateogry Welds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 ves. Dwu. No, M A. itu m Generators

1. Circumferential Shell Welds 8.1.1 UT C-A 4 Gens /3 Welds (12) 3 1

1 1 ISI-0399-C m.

2. Circumferential Head Welds 8.1.2 UT C-A 4 Gens /1 Weld (4) 1 Weld /46 ft.

15' 15' 16' ISI-0399-C

3. Tubesheet-to-E Shell Weld 8.1.3 UT C-A 4 Gens /1 Weld (4) 1 Weld /36 ft.

12* 12' 12' ISI4399-C

4. Nozzle-to-Vessel EO Weld and Inside qw Radius wz
a. Nozzle-to-OM Vessel Welds 8.1.4 UT,MT C-B 4 Gens /2Nor(8) 8 2

3 3 ISI-0399-C =0

b. Nor21e-to-Vessel w

Inside Radius 8.1.4 UT C-8 4 Gens /2Not(8) 8 1 4 3 ISI-0399-C B. Heat Exchanotti

1. Residual Heat Removal litet Enchancers (2) e", E N w

a. RHRHX Clrcum- '$ b b ferential $o? N Shell Weld UT C-A 2Ht.Es./1 Weld (2) I weld /113* 37" 38" 38" CHM-2404-A 88 " o o 8 w y (n3 i

i -- w L Il 7/ ~ ~ " g L- [ e E APPENDIX A 4 TABLE D V I SEQUOYAH INSERVICC INSPECTION PROGRAM s en CLASS 2 COMPONENTS "4$"w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval P Reference Exam Exam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference Component Section Method Cateoorv Welds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 1 vrs. 10 vrs. Owo. No. M B. Heat Exchancers (cont'd) b. RHRHX Circum-ferential Head Weld UT C-A 2Mt.Ex./1 Weld (2) I weld /113" 37" 38" 3B" CIM-2404-A y' en c. RHRHX Noarle- "w to-Vessel Welds 8.2.2 Pil N$ 4 C-B 2Ht.Ex./2Noz.(4) 4 1 1 2 CHM-2404-A N$ d. RHRHX Integrally 5 en Welded yM y Supports 8.2.3 PT C-C 2Ht.Ex./2 Welds 2 1 0 1 CHM-2404-A (d) OM e. RHRHX Component eg Supports 8.2.4 VT-3 C-E 2Ht.Ex./2 Sprts. 4 1 1 2 CHM-2404-A O j (4) f 1 C. 191111

1. CCP Tank (Boron Injection Tank) (1)

'o w tn >aw s

a. CCP Tank c<e Circumferential
  • pH wy Shell/ Head EoI D H A

Weld 8.5.1 UT C-A Irank/2 Welds 2 1 0 1 ISI-0069-A "0 a 0 "s m b I See Request for Relief ISI-13, PT examination only. 4

A l' T _..2 L. ~ . gg w 1 >~ u-4 8 e li APPENDIX A g TABLE B z wm I 3 SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM ~ CLASS 2 COMPONENTS H< ~ ED Program ection XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval nn Reference Euam Esam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference Q y Comoonent Sectien Method Catecory Welds /of Weld Welds /of Weld 3 vrt. 7 vrs. 10 vrt. Dwo. No. M C. Tanks (cont'd)

b. CCP Tank Norrie to Vessel H

Welds 8.5.2 UT.MT C-B 1 Tank /2Noz 2 1 1 0 ISI-0069-A N 2

c. CCP Tank Integrally yg M%

Welded M Supports 8.5.3 PT C-C 1 Tank /4IA 4 0 2 2 ISI-0069-A yM

r. en MO
d. CCP Tank qw w" O Component z

OzM Supports 8.5.4 VT-3 C-E 4 4 1 1 2 ISI-0069-A .o " w

e. CCP Tank o

O Pressure wy Retaining j Dolting i >2" Dia. 8.5.5 UT C-D 1 Hwy /16 Studs IMwy 1 0 0 ISI-0069-A D. Pipino 1

1. Intecrally Welded Surports
  • o w ca


a. Residual Heat

. w

  • p,*

n" Removal D H 4 n System PT C-C O OI n I O O O CHM-2435-C "0 o o w w u w ~ I The change in support numbers during the second period was due to new code class boundaries. 1 1

s [ R g APPENDIX A v g TABLE B I ,3 SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM wm gQ j CLASS 2 COMPONENTS Q@ cwp Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval y Reference Enam Enam No. Length No. Length Insp+ction Periods Reference @n CE 2onent-Section Nethod Cdtiorv Welds /of Weld Welds /of Veld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwt No. D. Ploina (cont'd)

b. Safety Injec-43 tion System PT C-C 1

4,3 0 0 4 CHM-2436-C 1

c. Main Steam z

"n System MT C-C 101 101 0 4 6 CHM-2438-C En$

d. Feedwater S.4 I

System MT C-C IS.d 2 1 2 (m-2439-C ya "a "

2. Pioina and Valve Comosnent Soccorti Oo
a. Residual Heat

~= @g Removal ao " 1 85,2 System VT-3, C-E 85,2 25 27 33 CHM-2435-C E 1 VT-4 C'

o 5
b. Safety Injection 57, 2 1

System VT-3, C-E 57, 2 18 22 17 CHM-2436-C 1 VT-4

c. Main Steam 1
  • o w m System VI-3.

C-E 461 46, 5 8 16 22 CHM-2438-C 3 *e 7 w YT4 g oEU "aL n I o The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries. "N 8 2 g The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries in accordance with IWC-1220 (a). w 3The change in support numbers was due to mods of the IAs and new code class boun<taries in accordance with IwC-1220 (a). 4The change in support numbers was due to mods of the IAs. Sihe change in support numbers was due mods.

g m 4 ~ -(r i 5 f. f APPENDIX A v 9 TABLE 8 { m, 3 SEQUOYAH lNSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM $Q 3 CLASS 2 COMPONENTS y y- ~ c: w Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval Q (* F y Reference Exam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference Q Component Section Method Cateoorv Welds /of Weld Welds /cf Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. D w. No. M i D. Piping (Continued)

d. Feedwater System VT-3, C-E 311 31I 10 10 11 CHM-2439-C i

VT-4 z mn i

e. Containment 5<

Spray Mg System VT-3, C-E 5 5 1 2 2 CHM-2440-C M% VT-4 z" en in M 'u r}

3. Circumferential and Longitudinal "O

O w= a. Residual Heat Removal System ao 1. RHR Circs >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness UT.PT C-F 27I I O 7 2 2 3 CHM-2336-C Q !E 2. RHR Long. >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness UT PT C-F 6I 23 1 1 0 Ott-2336-C 3. RNR Circs 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness PT C-F 118I 30I 9 10 11 CHM-2336-C

  • e m m 4.

RHR Long. 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness jow g PT C-F 48I I 12 3 4 CR4-2336-C

  • 70 5
  • E.*

M o"" A "O 8 u u I The change in weld numbers was due to new code class boundaries.

,-( - ] g,, a w i mm_ __ f APPENDIX A .) 7 TABLE B [ SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM -h CLASS 2 COMPONENTS E$ in w N Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval E Reference Exam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference OE Component Settien Method Cateacry Welds /t Weld Welds /of Weld 3 ves. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. EE

  • O
0. Pipino (cont'd)
b. Safety Injection System i
1. SIS Cires >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness UT.PT C-F 40I 101 3

3 4 C % 2333-C wzm 2. SIS Cires 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness E j PT C-F 54I 14I 4 5 5 CHM-2333-C dy nm N 3. SIS Long. 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness w D.9.4.2 PT C-F 24I 6I 1 1 4 CHM-2333-C EE EO

c. Main Steam System OE wz O

1. MS Cires >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness

  • E UT,MT C-F 161 4I i

1 2 CHM-2343-C E 8 2. MS Long. >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness UT MT C-F 5 2 0 2 0 CHM-2340-C

d. Feedwater System i

1. FW Cires >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness UT MT C-F 15 4 1 2 1 CHM-233}-C

  • e m m W 3 M 2.

TV Long >1/2" Nom. Wall Thickness $1b eo% eE U UT.MT C-F 1 1 0 0 1 C % 2339-C v M 0 w n o s es w I The change in weld numbers was due to new code class boundaries. w n FJ W W g

g -. y y F L ..a Lu ^ s p h E APPENDIX A g TABLE B 'y wm 2 SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM j gg CLASS 2 COMFONENTS H<a" Program Section XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval 4" Reference Exam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference mgn Comov* 3 Section Method Cateoorv Welds /of Weld Velds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwa. No. M D. Piping (tv i

d. Feedwater system (cont'd) 3.

FV Cir : C /2" Nom. Wall Thickness M S.9.4.4 MT C-F 1 0 See Note 1 M2: M M

e. Containment Spray System N>

nM M 1. CS Cires 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness g, l PT C-F 6 1 0 1 0 CHM-2422-C MMNO 2. CS Long. 11/2" Nom. Wall Thickness ow ,H g S.9.4.5 PT C-F 2 1 0 0 1 CHM-2422-C g E. ?vmps O

1. Residual Heat Removal (2) RHRP l
a. RHRP Component Supports VT-3 C-E 2

2 0 1 1 151-0353-B i F. System Pressurt litt 8.12 VT-2 C-H See Program Section 8.12 55N c<a 3 wwmw* i y oo. onw n Examination not scheduled this interval. 2,:: O I w

S F ' ^_ 1-- Z2 '.1Z .T, ~ 3 r = '-~ nan. a-u s. f s. APPENDIX A E 4 TABLE C v = SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECT 70N PROGRAM ~ CLASS 3 COMPONENTS E E" ~ Program Section XI 40 Yrs Sample 1st Insp. Interval H< ED Reference Exam Esam No. Length No. Length Inspection Periods Reference QR Component Section Method Catecorv Velds /of Veld Velds /of Veld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. yh A. EiQi!L9

  • O
1. All ASME 9.0 VT-2 D-A, D-8, N/A N/A 100%

100% 100% N/A Class 3 D-C (Equivalent) 1 B. C eoonent w Sucoorts 5 E N>

1. Auxiliary 9.1.1 VT-3 D-A 381 381 38 38 38 ISI-0113-C Q

Feedwater VT-4 System w*" (A M 1 NO

2. Chemical and 9.1.2 VT-3, N/A 02 of,2 0

0 0 Q$ Volume Control VT-4 System $2

  • M


3. Component 9.1.3 VT-3, D-A, D-8 233I 2331 w

231 231 233 151-0126-C 8 Cooling VT-4 System

4. Containment 9.1.4 VT-3, D-B 0

01 1 0 0 0 Spray System VT-4 5. Jential Raw 9.1.5 VT-3 D-A, D-8 345 4 I 1 1 345 4 248 4 331 345 ISI-0123-C Cooling Water VT-4 873 7l$ System j<L ,~~ I The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries. ~

  • g Q

2The supports are not required to be examined, due to no esamination category for this piping TVA Safety Class D. Q 3 oy Emaminations performed during cycle 38 corrective actions for CAQRs CHS-8700-06 and CHS *?00-10 for support O examinations not performed during the first period. U Change in support number due to remeval of supports in later periods.

g,_y La L W L..a M .i _lr h E-APPENDIX A -2 TABLE C 3 [ i SEQUOYAH INSERVICC INSPECTION PROGRAM w tt -[ g12 CLASS 3 COHPONENTS yg c: w Program Sectfe.N XI 40 Yr. Sample 1st Insp. Interval BE Reference Enam Enam No. Length No. Length Inspection Peri Ws Reference g !C Component Section Method Catecorv Welds /of Veld Welds /of Weld 3 vrs. 7 vrs. 10 vrs. Dwo. No. to - B. Cocoonent SWports (Continued)

6. Fuel Pool 9.1.5 VT-3, D-C 441 44I 44 44 44 ISI-0127-C w

Cooling System z cn tow

7. Residual Heat 9.1.7 VT-3, D-8 O

OI I O 0 0 Removal System VT-4 g tgg w

8. Safety 9.1.8 VT-3, D-B 01 01 z en 0

0 0 y to Injection VT-4 tgh System g L I O

9. Equipment 9.2 VT-3 0-A, D-B 81, 2, 3 1

81, 2, 3 1 19 3 77 81 See U 1 Component D-C 432 Supports g o:o 4 I

  • o w in p aw H

5 3 g UEf I wa-g The change in support numbers was due to new code class boundaries. gw O 2 Examinations performed during cycle 3B as corrective actions for CAQR's CHS-8700-06 and CHS 8700-10 for support y w ewaminations not identified during the first period. N 3Change in support number due to CCHX modification. 4

~ m-- yg y i w u q APPENDIX A f, a TABLE D I SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM' 3 SUCCESSIVE EXAMINATIONS i +4 <: mM cw 4" w9 Program Successive Successive Examination Periods oM Reference Exam Enam Enam Prey -m Examined 1st 2nd 3rd Reference tg

  • n Comoonent Section Method Catecorv Reference 5sction U/C U/C U/C U/C Dwo. No./Sh.

WO9-10B-FLAW UT B-A 7.8 PSI UIC2 UTC4 UIC6 CHM-2358-A l RCW-28-SE 7.2.6 PT B-F 7.8 UTCS UIC7 UIC9 UIC11 ISI-0394-C w 4 ta I 4 H > n w' s 1 % fn MM M .,~ 4O M Z 4 0 m M OO us l NN W eM C< t y @ WW y 18 H y M ta & y CO = n b* D W N n i O O W U 1 s a i o.

~, ~, r L L-- U .A ~ y >~ E ? APPENDIX A "z 2 TABLE E I y SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM w ta gg AUGMENTED EXAMINATION? e g <: w e4 cw 09 Program oY w Reference E2am Enam 5:hedule Ref. O Comoonent Section Method Cvelel Cvele2 Cvele3 Cvelet Cvele$ Cvele6 Dwa. NL Feedwater Nozzle-20.1 UT (See Program X X X CHM-2339-C To-Pipe Welds and Section 20.1) Adjacent Pipe and Nozzle Areas 2: en RPV Nozzle 20.2 UT.PT X X CHM-2343-8 N Safe Ends <5$ "E Reactor Coolant 20.3 X X X X X CHM-2333-C w Pump Flywheel (Note: See Dwg. ISI-0403-A for ISI-0403-A EN examinations that have been performed.)

  • o n M*

Oo Steam Generator 20.4 See P ogram Section 20.4 U* Tubing w w RFV Nozzle 20.5 UT X CHM-2343-8 b j Cladding CHM-2360-A CHH-2361-A Steam Generator 20.6 UT See Program Section 20.6. Feedr?ng and J-Tubes Control Rod Guide 20.7 VT Each Refueling Outage Tube Flexures

  • c w tn cs aw c

tal I I

.~~ ~ T ~ '7' ~ I L W QJ ) E h E APPENDIX A g TABLE E te 5 2 SEQUOYAH INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM ,3 'E c AUGMENTED EXAMINATIONS Nk wM Cw l O Program wgg Reference Exam Enam Schtfule Ref. Component Section Method Cvelel Cvele2 Cvele3 Cvele4 Cveles Cvele6 Dwo. No. Accelerated Field 20.9 Complete Weld Program Thimble Tube 20.10 ET Each refueling outage. See Program Section 20.10. Guide g ~ ut M Examination of 20.11 Complete E Piping connected gg to the Reactor N Coolant System Due in M to Thermal Stresses MO 9s Examination of 20.12 Complete o Pressurizer Surge g Line Due to 'n Occurence of Thermal Stratification O k Pressurizer Relief 20.13 UT See Program Section 20.13 ISI-0369-C Line Repair Weld and Adjoining Areas RPV Closure Head 20.14 U1 X X X CHM-2358-A Circumferential Weld (WO9-10) $I" y U epw g Male reedwater 20.15 MT Cog iste Uo? muw g Isolation Valves 0 o3 i

3 E m.. ?. 6 fr h APPENDIX A h [ nx a um t, TABLE 1 gg j Minimum Number of Steam Generators To tre gg Inspected During Inservice Inspection Only c' M O s O N No. of bteam Generators per Unit Four First Inservice Inspection Two l l Second & Subsequent Inservice Inspectiens One E N 11ble Notation: 3

1. Each of the other two steam generators not inspected during the first inservice inspections shall be inspected during Mg the second and third inspections. The fourth and subsequent inspections shall follow the instructions described below:

g, va n on 1 - The inservice inspection may be limited to one steam generator on a rotating schedule encompassing 12% of the mj tubes if the results of the first or previous inspections indicate that all steam generators are perfornir; in a hg like manner. Note that under some circumstances, the operating conditions in one or more steam generators may be o found to be more severe than those in other steam generators. Under such circumstances the sample sequen e shall M be modified to inspect the most severe conditions. g ci 50 r. Ebb 5 E o." g .o-O H M4 n La e4 28 i )

y-ya %{ .n.2 7 L _.N. .l f,' ~ ' i f' t j h-APPENDIX A g TABLE 2 [ Steam Generator Tube Inspection gg .Y h 1st Samole~ Inspection 2nd Sample Insagetion 3rd Saole Inspection cw t Sample Sire - Resul t Action Required Result Action Required' Result Action Required'- C A minimum of S. C-1 None N/A N/A .N/A N/A- . cs ' sc n - Tubes per S.G. C-2 Plug defective tubes C-1 None _. J/A N/A l and inspect additional Plug defective tubes t-1 ' None' 1 4 25 tubes in this S.G. C-2 and inspect addi-C-2 Plug defective ' tional 45 tubes in - tubes this S.G. w C-3 Perform action Perfonn action for for C-3 result E I C-3 C-3 result of first of first samplg_ g sapele N/A N/A e, g C-3 Inspe((ltubesthis All 'other w S.L. plug defective S.G.s are Noce N/A N/A NN tubo and inspect 25 C-1 EO bbes in each other S.G Some S.G.s OE C-2 but no Perform action for N/A N/A -5* i addi tt or al C-2 result of

  • d m

n Prompt notift.:ation to S.G. are C-3 second samole m-NRC pursuant to technical Additional Inspect all tobes in o 4 specification 6.6.1 S.G. is C-3 each 5.G. and plug N/A N/A defective tubes. Prompt notification + j in NRC pursuant to technical spect-fication 6.6.1 'l S - M% Where n is the number of steam generators inspected during an inspection. m w ra os *w e<s t E0 O r'sXtr ? n <ar. N { 8 0 i - O g l o

. ~. . ~... .~. 1 -- Standard Sheet - SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE .ASME SECTION XI Rovision 17 INSTRUCTION-INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM .Page 108.of 123 -APPENDIX B DATA SHEET 1 1 -i . 1 t.t r -1!:' . 1 -. SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT q

h. m4 UNIT 1, CYCLE f

5'.'E FINAL REPORT I L.) r, 4 - l k i M . [- Prepared by: - k. -Approved by: e i. J u 1 J ,y M j IVA 40004 (NP 2SI)- 1502C/COC3

htgedard Shect S1-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION 23 Ravision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 109 of 123 APPENDIX C NOTIFICATION OF INDICATION PART I - FINDINGS NOI No. Plhnt/ Unit ISI Dwg./Sh. No. Exa:aination Report No. Component ID Description of Indicaticn (Sketch / Photograph if Required for Clarification): [u Signature of Examiner / Certification Level: Date Signature of Field Supervisor (Contractor): i Date Signature of S00 Representative Date PART II-DISPOSITION t i i' DCN NO. WR/WO NO. PER NO. FIR NO. SCAR NO. Other Disposition Prepared / Recorded By Date PART III ADDITIONAL EXAMINATIONS 'lj Additional Sample Required: Yes No Attach list of items in additional sample, if requ: ed. VERIFICATION OF CLOSURE V8rific*ation of Completed Corrective Action Required by Disposition Reexamination Report Number, if Applicable: Comments: F4 Signature of SQO Representative: Date w ? iv4 4**4 (NP 294 1502C/COC3 w


SundarJ Sheet SI-114.1 SURVIILLANCE ASME SECTION II Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 111 of 123 APPENDIX D 1.0 PURPOSE This instruction defines and establishes the controls and responsibilities for the determination of ASME Section XI component support examination boundaries. 2.0 SCOPE This instruction applies only to the piping component supports included in the appropriate plant instruction for preservice/in-service inspection (hereafter, ISI Program) for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.


r. 3.1 Memorandum from W. E. Pennell to R. A. Sessoms dated August 10, 1987 (B41 870810 003) 3.2 Memorandum from J. A. Kirkebo to Site Directors dated June 24, 1987 (L29 870528 815) 4.0 DEFIMITIONS 4.1 Intervepino Element: Items that lie in the component support load path between the pressure retaining component and the component supports, between two component supports, or between the component support and the building structure. Items such as: diesel engines, electric motors, pumps, valve operators, coolers, access structures, etc. For the purposes of this instruction, an intervening element t is to be considered the same as " existing steel." 4.2 Existino Steel: Building steel that is identified on a support drawing as " existing." 4.3 Type A Examination Boundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to building floor, walls, ceiling, or embedded plate. 4.4 Type B Examination Boundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to another eristing support. r.;[j 4.5 Type C Examination Boundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to existing steel. = 4.6 Type D Examination Boundary: The type of boundary to be used for those supports that are attached to an intervening element. 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 ISI Prog.ams is responsible for the initial review of ASME Section II component support drawings and determining the examination boundary for those supports. The Site Quality Organization (S00) shall be responsible for determining the H Qv4wm(NPM1) 1502C/COC3

Sugdard Sheet SURVEILLANCE SI-114.1 ASHI SECTION XZ Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 112 of 123 y, APPENDIX D examination boundary for new or modified supports. This instruction shall be revised by ISI Programs when deemed necessary by ISI Programs Supervisor or his designee. 5.2 ISI Programs or its designee is responsible for determining the acceptance range for all component supports in the ISI Pr? gram that require acceptance ranges. 5.3 SOO is responsible for examination of component supports within the examination boundary as set forth by this instruction. any examiner, inspector, or engineer may request boundary clarification where questions exist by submitting the Component Support Examination Boundary Clarification Request Form to ISI Programs. p 6.0 IMPLEMENTATIQH 6.1 Determination of Component Support Exat1Dation Boundary 6.1.1 General ISI Programs and S00 sha21 use the following methodology to determine the component support examination boundary. 1. In all cases involving attachments welded to pressure retaining components and/or supports welded to building structure / existing steel, the weld shall be included within the examination boundary. 2. Concrete bolt inchor;, such as " red-head" or 1 "rawl" anchors, are not included within the Section XI code boundary and, therefore, do not fall within the examination boundary. Even though anchors may be listed on a support bill of materials, they are not required to be examined. (This note pertains to anchors only, not the associated bolting.) 3. All shims and lugs adjacent to the supported { pipe shall be examined. Even though the shims and lugs may not be listed on the support bill of materials, they are required to be examined. 4. For component supports that do not have a bill of materials, items to be examined shall be described in the PRISIM data base with the specific ISI support number. 5. Notification of Indication (NOI) forms shall be used to report unacceptable indications on = component supports only if the criteria in A, B, and C, below, are met. 1 jva amos (NP 2SO 1 1502C/COC3 l

i sasans shees : =SI-ll4.1 . SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI . Revision'17 INSTRUCTION-INSERVICE INSPECTION-PROGRAM Page 113 of 123 J APPENDIX D I A. the component support falls within the scope of ASME Section XI. B. the component support is-part of-the inservice inspection examination sample. C.- the indication-falls within the component support's examination boundary as set forth by this instruction. Indications that do not meet the A, B, and C, above, should be noted by other means, such as, MR's, WR's, etc. q" 6. This instruction is intended to deal with piping supports only. Therefore, equipment support drawings will be provided in the ISI Program that depict the examination boundary for each equipment support. For each component support to be reviewed for examination boundary determination, obtain the latest configuration controlled drawing (CCD) of the support. If a CCD does not exist, obtain the latest as-constructed drawing of the support. If an as-constructed drawing does not exist, obtain the i e latest as-designed drawing of the support. For new f or modified supports, the drawing included in the I work instruction may be utilized. Using the q drawing, classify the support in one of the e i following categories: J 1.- Support is-shown as being attached to building j floor, vall, ceiling or embedded plate. J l 2. Support is shown as being attached to " existing support." 4 i ~ 3. Support is shown as being attached to " existing steel." 4 Support is being attached to an intervening element, y e II t After classifying the support in one of the { categories, proceed to the corresponding section ~ to complete the boundary determination. t As each support is categorized, the category identifier, as defined below, will be input with the respective support in the PRISIM data base. FI l ' fiVA 4WM4 (NP190 1502C/COC3 l = ,m- ,,n. - + - v, .------- - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "

steadud sheet l SI-114.1 FURVEZLLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 114 of 123 gy APPENDIX D As supports are added or revised in the PRISIM data base, this instruction shall be used to determine or revise the examination boundary for that support. 6.1.2 Supports Attached to Buildino Floor. Wall. Ceiling,_or Emhgdded Plate For supports attached to building floor, vall, ceiling or embedded plates, the boundary shall be defined as the point (s)/ area (s) of contact between the support and the building structure, along the support load path (s), up to, but not including the pressure retaining component. In addition to the requirements of, each item in'the 1 support bill of materials, except concrete anchors, is to be included within the boundary. This category of supports shall be considered Examination Boundary Type A and so designated in the PRISIM data base. 6.1.3 Supports Attached to Existino Suoyorts NOTE: For clarity, Support A is the support being reviewed for boundary determination and Support B is the " existing support" to which Support A is attached. L ~ The boundary of Support A shall be defined as the point (s)/ area (s) of contact between Support A and Support B, along the support load path (s), up to, but not including, the pressure retaining component. In addition to the requirements of 6.1.1, each item in Support A bill of materials is to be l Included within the boundary. t This category of nupports shall be considered Examination l Boundary Type B and so designated in the PRISIM data base. ,1 In the PRISIM data base, Support B will be identified as the support to which Support A is attached. (" Examine to -] Support B.") j 6.1.4 Eyonorts Attached to Existino Steel il l For supports attached to existing steel, the boundary shall be defined as the point (s)/ area (s) of contact between the support and " existing steel", along the support load path (s), up to, but not including the pressure retaining component. In addition to the requirements of 6.1.1, all items listed on the support bill of materials are to be included within the o boundary. This category of supports shall be considered Examination Boundary Type C and so designated in the PRISIM data base. ] i^40*J (NP290 1502C/COC3

SuaJard S6cci 1 SI-114.1 l SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI ' Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 115 of 123 APPENDIX D 6.1.5 Suoports Attached to Intervenino Element For supports attached to an intervening _ element, the boundary. shall be defined as the attachment portion (i.e., welds, bolting, plus, clamps, etc.) to the pressure retaining component and all support members up to, but not including, } the intervening element. In addition to the requirements of 6.1.1, all items listed in the support bill of materials are to be included within the boundary. E This category of supports shall be considered Examination Boundary Type D and so designated in the PRISIM data base. I f 6.1.6 Supports Attached to Various Structures In many cases, one component support is attached to more than one type of structure. These supports will have more than one Examination Boundary Type designator in the PRISIM data base. In All cases, however, the examination boundary for each component support shall includes 1. All items listed on the support's bill of materials, . 7 except concrete anchors. 2 All shims and lugs adjacent to the supported pipe. 6.2 Site Imolementation 6.2.1 NQA shall obtain the latest CCD of the support. If a CCD does not exist, the latest as-constructed drawing shall be obtained. If an as-constructed drawing does not exist, the 'l latest as-designed drawing shall be obtained. If during the t performance of an examination, significant differences are ( identified between the support drawing and the support field configuration, NQA shall access the Design Change Document Tracking System (DCDTS) to identify any outstanding change documents on that component support. For each component support that does have an outstanding change documented listed on the DCDTS, NQA shall determine i through the work package project engineer if the work has j been completed on that particular support. If the work has l been completed, NQA shall obtain the change document support drawing. If the work has not been completed, the examination shall be delayed until the work has been completed. 6.2.2 For variable spring hangers, constant force supports, and snubbers, the examiner or engineer shall use the drawing obtained per 6.2.1 above to verify that the thermal movement I and support model information given on the support drawing matches the correrponding information given in the Scan Plan 4 or implementing instruction (WR, WP, etc.). If the movement and model information do not match: 1 p m u (NP M O 1502C/COC3

Su14:#d Sheet 51-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Ravision 17 ~ INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 116 of 123 APPENDIX D a. The examiner as NOA Representative shall contact ISI Programs. When immediate action is required ISI Programs may provide verbal instructions to the requesting examiner or NQA Representative to erable them to perform the examination. Verbal instructions thall be confirmed within 14 working days using the Component Support ( Clarification Request Form, following the guidelines as stated in paragraph (b) below. b. The examiner or engineer may submit a Component Support Examination Boundary Clarification Request Form to ISI Programs. SQO or ISI Programs, upon receipt of a request, shall review the discrepancy and make any necessary changes to the examination boundary. If a request has been submitted, the request will be completed and returned to the requesting examiner or engineer to enable then to perform the examination. A support shall not be examined until any discrepancies on that support are eliminated. Any changes in the Examination Boundary Type will be incorporated in the PRISIM data base. ~ NOTE: See Examples 2-5 of Section 7.0 example boundaries of each examination boundary type. 7.0 EXAMPLES Form - Component Support Examination Boundary Clarification Request Form Example 2 - Type A Examination Boundary I Example 3 - Type B Examination Boundary Example 4 - Type C Examination Boundary Example 5 - Type D Examination Boundary i e z 1 L bdi 'B l VA 80004 (NP 2SI) 1502C/COC3

Stas &rd Sheet SI-114.1 SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 117 of 123 APPENDIX D COMPOFENT SUPPORT EXAMINATION BOUNDARY CLARi2ICATION REOUEST FORM Plant: Unit Date: Component Support No.: Rev.: Person Requesting: Reguest: !,,m I w t s Responding ISI Programs Representative Date:


I L t' i, Did " Examination Boundary Type" change Yes No i = s l1 Id o i V A 40w4 (NP 2.91) 1502C/COC3 )



v. -,/

\\ \\ c 4 3 o 4 M 3 ,M 4 s 67 ~ ~ a 9 I L PCS FOR 1 UNIDIRECTIONAL SUPPORT 2 W6 x 20 x 3'-11 3/8" i W6 x 20 x.1*-7 1/8" i WG x 20 x 1*-7 1/8" l 1 TS 5 x 5 x 1/2 x 4 '-0

  • i u'

1 PL. 3/4 " x 10 ' x 0 *-10 ' LG W/4 13/16' O HOLES 4 3/4 ' @ BOL TS l 4 3/4 " RAWLS S. O. E.F. 16010 'J BOUNDARY: EXAMINE ALL ITEMS ON BILL OF HA TERIALS EXCEPT

  1. 7 (ANCHORS).




i f==_====================.__= \\ W30 x 210 (EXIST.) \\ l g t======'==-=========== _,,__,,_____3 18 11 11 Il li W \\ ll f (14 x 142 Il EXIST.) \\ if Il c=

== 18 il W-'[ '41 11 i 11 11 h II Il 11 c============---------n-w

===9 W30 x 210 (EXIST.) ? ) pp. > b I e======= __.________________,i EIAMPLE 4 PCS l FOR 1 HORIZONTAL RESTRAINT _L TO PIPE 2 @ 1 1/2' x 2 15/16'. C. S. PLA TE. 6" LG. (A212-A) 1 7/8 " x 6 ". C. S. PLA TE B" LG. ll 1 W12 x 27 x 3 *-9 5/8" LG. L1 2 @ 3/8" C.S. STIFFENER PLATE FOR W12 x 27 BOUNDARY: EXAMING WELD BETWEEN LUG AND PIPE AND ALL BILL OF HA TERIAL S ITEMS. . i .qp -J 1 J i I i l s A m m (Nr un3 1502C/COC3

. _. -. _., ~. - .w.m.o.m u - SI-114.1 SURVEILI.ANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17. INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Prsp 121 of 123 { APPENDIX-D p-I / I / I ( ) EXAMPLE 5-( / 1 ^'_q~9 - ls -S-i / / n n l 1 I b = u ADED ^~ ,1-v EXISTING MAIN FLANGE R.C. PUNP #1 i L - r'? i PCS FOR 1-GUIDE a 1 T. S. ' 6 'x 6 ' x 3/8 ', 4 *-1/2 ' L G. ~ 2 1/2' x 3' C.S. PLA TE. 9 3/16 ' LG. O 1 1/2 " x 3 ' C. S. PLA TE. 9' LG. 4 7/B

  • o S.S. STUD. 3 7/8" LG. W/(2) HEX NUTS 1

l ' x 12 ' C. S. PL A TE. 20 1/2 " L G. 1 l' x 4 1/2" C.S. PLA TE. 12 ' L G. 7 u __ BOUNDARY: EXAMINE ALL BILL OF MA TERIALS ITEMS. 1 -0 n , ivo 40(w (Nr 2m; ,i 1502C/COC3,.,.,.,.--,r- .----,~~m...-~~v.~--n,-~-~-

-~ ~. ~ -, ~ - ~..- - . Standard Sheet S8-114.A RURVEZLLA.NCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 122 of 123 4 APPENDIX E FIELD CORRECTED DRAWING (S) TRANSMITTAL TO: ISI Programs, NM Transmittal Numbert (Year) (Sequential) i Plant: SON Unit / Outage or Dater U1/ .The drawing (s) listed below from SI-114.1 have been field marked with variations in configuration which were discovered during the course of n - inservice or preservice examinations. Please revise the controlled copy of this/these drawing (s) in the SI prior to the next refueling outage. I o 1. 7. - 1. 2. 8. 3. 9. b 4.- - 1 10 5. 11. .r i 6. 12. - 1. Signature of Examiner /Date r . I I Signature of Field Supervisor RETURN TO: SITE QUALITY ORGANIZATION 4 L - ' Drawings have been revised as necessary to reflect the appropriate . changes, iI i ..t-l! Signature of ISI Programs Representative Date e a 54 I fl . J A f^ ** WP L'O 1502C/COC3 c

Susard shst 5 SI-114.1-SURVEILLANCE ASME SECTION XI Revision 17 INSTRUCTION INSERV7CE INSPECTION PROGRAM Page 123 of 123 -SOURCE NOTES Requirements' IMPLEMENTING ' Statement-SOURCE DOCUMENT STATEMENT _ t 'All' STD 6.10 All All Applicable _ASME Boiler and Pressure All Articles Vessel Code - Section XI 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda All Applicable ASME Boiler and Pressure All _ ls.. Articles -Vessel Code - Section V All Applicable FSAR - SON All I Chapters Surveillance Requirements Technical Specifications All 4.0.5,'-, Unit 1.- SON, 4.4.10 %.e 10CFR50.55a Code Federal Regulations All - 10CFR50 r As Applicable U.S.N.R.C. Regulatory All Guides 1.14, 1.26, 1.83, r 1.147, and 1.150 Provide a revised Response to NRC C.1 ISI Program to NRC dated 1/30/87 within 6 mos. following Unit restart . R. L. Gridley to NRC L44 870130 804 I NCO 870 038 004-i L; Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328 11

s ;

Revise the ISI Program Response to NRC C.2 'to reflect full length dated 6/17/85-i. Steam Generator Tube J. A. Domer to NRC

,j Inspections

,J. NCO 850 284 004_ L44 850617.801 .Afl - Code Cases: N-209, N-234, All N-235, N-307-1, N-308, N-401-1, N-402, N-416, N-426, N-435-1, i N-461, N-341, N-356, N-460 j i j j VA 4MO4 (NPl%) 1502C/COC3 i ,ev. w ..---e n .,-.-n -,-w,, ..~4 ,,,4 _.e..,g,,,, -,emm,, .,nggy,,,_,y, ,w.m,y,,,m _ w,4,-pg, ppgw-

rd.. : n e. SI-114.1, Attachment 1 -SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS-- UNIT 1 Page 1'of 7 's ISI Programs A. MAINTAIN a listing of drawings for ISI examinations. 'B. . UPDATE listing as necessary. C. OBTAIN concurrence from. Site Quality Manager or his designee. SQM a. D. CONCUR with listing by signing below. ISI Programs _ [.' E. FORWARD to SPS for updating Table of Contents, etc. I SPS 5 i F. FORWARD to.DCRM. nm -DCRM (. .>L G.. DISTRIBUTE per SSP-2.7. j .i. 6 !Y20l41 I l-Site Quality Manager / Designee Date P Y y 0 1 me-I' o ]TVAm4(NP190 j, 1500C/COC3 t

%uas w SI-ll4.1, Attachment 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Page 2 of 7 -l LIST OF DRAWIEGS - UNIT 1 The drawings listed below are for the performance of ISI examinations. These drawings are issued through Document Control and Records Management (DCRM) These drawings shall controlled distribution. Individual copies may be obtained from DCRM. Drawinc No. Reactor Vessel CEM-2341-B Reactor Vessel Stud Locations and Details CEM-2343-B Reactor Vessel Seam Welds f' CKK-2358-A Reactor Vessel Closure Head CEM-2359-A Control Rod Drive Housing C EM-13 60- A Reactor Vessel Inlet Nozzles CEM-2361-A Reactor Vessel Outlet Nozzles CEM-2651-C CRD, UPI and Vent Pipe Penetrations ISI-0014-A Auxiliary Head Adapter /UHI Cap Welds MSG-0004-C Reactor Vessel Bottom Head Penetrations f nw Drawinc No. Pressurizer ISI-0394-C Pressurizer MSG-0002-B Pressuriter and Steam Generator Manway Bolting MSG-0006-A Pressurizer Heater Penetrations Drawinc No. Steam Generators ISI-0397-C Vertical Steam Generators Tube Sheet Arranoement ISI-0399-C Steam Generator Pressurizer and Steam Generators Manway Bolting MSG-0002-B { Steam Generator /Feedwater Transition Spool Piece MSG-0005-A {~ Steam Generator Feedwater Ring Header ISI-0357-A Heat Exchancers Drawinc No. Residual Beat Removal Heat Exchanger Channel CEM-2404-A Welds and Support ISI-0231-B Centrifugal Charging Pump Oil & Gear Cooler Support a ISI-0235-A Safety Injection Pump 011 Cooler Support 4 CCS Waste Gas Compressor Heat. Exchanger Support ISI-0232-B j CCS Gross Failed Fuel Detector Heat Exchanger Support ISI-0230-A CCS Positive Displacement Pump 011 Cooler Support ISI-0219-A 1 ISI-0237-A CCS Seal Water Heat Exchanger Support Centrifugal Charging Pump Mechanical Seal Cooler Support ISI-0233-B m 1500C/COC3 T V.\\ 4$ma t NP 190 u-

ww no SI-114.1. Attachment 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Page 3 of 7 LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Drawino Noi Reat Exchancers (Continued) ISI-0234-C RHR Pump Seal Cooler Support ISI-0236-A Safety Injection Pump Seal Cooler Support ISI-02: 5-A Containment Spray Heat Exchanger Support ISI-0226 B Gas Stripper & Boric Acid Evaporator Package Suppo c ISI-0216-A Non-Regenerative Letdown Heat Exchanger Support 151-0284-B Component Cooling Heat Exchanger ISI-0285-A Essential Raw Cooling Water Strainer Support ISI-0287-B Spent Fuel Pit Heat Exchanger ISI-0290-B RER Heat Exchanger Secondary Side Support ,s i Drawino No. Ploinc end Valve Weld Iscretries F CEM-2333-B Reactor Coolant Piping (Main Loops) CEM-2333-C Safety Injection System ISI-0369-C Reactor Coolant System CEM-2335-C Chemical and Volume Control System g, CEM-2336-C Residual Heat Removal System CKK-2338-C Seal Water Injection (Chemical and Volume j Control System) L CEM-2339-C Feedwater System CEM-2340-C Main Steam System [ CEM-2422-C Containment Spray System L Class 1 and 2 Pleine and Valve Drawino No. Succort Drawines ISI-0370-C Reactor Coolant System ~ CEM-2433-C Chemical and Volume Control System CEM-2434-C Seal Water Injection (Chemical and volume Control) CEM-2435-C Residual Heat Removal System CHM-2436-C Safety Injection System CEM-2438-C Main Steam System CEM-2439-C Feedwater System CHM-2440-C Containment Spray System -) ISI-0303-C Reactor Coolant System Main Loop Support 4 Locations n A 4mo4 tNP 91 1500C/COC3

.. ~... _ -. sana.: m e SI-114.1, Attachment 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS --UNIT 1 Page 4 of.7 i LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Class 3 Pipino and Valve Drawino No. Suceert Drawines ISI-0113-C Auxiliary Feedwater System ISI-0123-C Essential Raw Cooling Water System ISI-0126-C' Component Cooling Warar System ISI-0127-C Fuel Pool Cocling System ISI-0283-A Essential Raw Cooling Water System Diesel Generator Support Detail t. .r' Drawino No. Purps CHM-2675-B Reactor Coolant Pump Main Flange and Lower Seal House Bolt Pattern MSG-0003-B Reactor. Coolant Pump Casing Weld ISI-0325-B Reactor Coolant Pump Support ISI-0305-B Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Examination ISI-0353-B' RHR Pump Support Locations ISI-0238-A CCS Thermal Barrier Booster Pump Support ISI-0256-B Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Support I. ISI-0262-B Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Support L ISI-0281-A -Component Cooling Water Pump Support ISI-0286-B ERCW Pump Support ISI-0288-B Spent Fuel Pump Support -ISI-0296-B ERCW Screen Wash Support b Drawina No.

  • dQA1 L

ISI-0069-A Centrifugal Charging Pump Tank (Formerly BIT Tank) l L. ISI-0227-B -Component Cooling Surge Tank y Drawine No. Miscellaneous ISI-0403-A Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Schedule i ISI-0404-A Component Support Acceptance Ranges J ISI-0402-A Valve Internal Examinations. I w j J i q r' I i J i i i IVA 4mw4 (Ne zw, 1500C/COC3 p.m.i ..... ~ _ - -... _ _. _. - - -. _.. _, ~ ~. _ ~.

+m.a um 5I-114.1, Attachment 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LISI' 0F DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Page 5 of 7 LIST OF DRAWINGS f ASME Section XI Boundary Classification Drawines Drawinc No. 17W600-3-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 17W600-6-ISI Mecht.nical Instruments and Controls 17W600-13-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-26-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 1,2-47W600-27-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 1-47W600-28-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 2-47W600-28-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls e 47W600-29-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-30-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-31-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-32-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-34-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-35-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-62-ISI Mechanical Instrwnents and Controls um 47W600-64-IS". Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-65-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls r 47W600-75-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls t 47W600-80-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-82-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-88-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls f. 47W600-92-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-93-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-102-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-113-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W60J-ll4-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-115-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-116-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-117-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Contro.s .47W600-ll8-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-128-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls ,j 47W600-129-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls J 47W600-130-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-131-IS. Mechanical Instruments and Controls ] 47W600-132-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-134-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls j 47W600-136-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-137-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-142-ISI Mechanical Instrusents and Controls .47W600-143-ISI Mechanical Mstruments and Controls l 47W600-144-ISI Mechanical instruments and Controls 47W600-152-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls a 47W600-154-ISI Mechanical Instruments and controls l 47W600-159-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-163-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-164-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 1 47W600-165-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-167-ISI Mechanical Instrumsnts and Controls p M 40004 $P N 1500C/COC3

iJ L;. ; wLt SI-ll4.1, Attach:ent 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Page 6 of 7 LIST OF DRAWINGS ASME Section XI Boundary Classification Drawings Drawinc No. 47W600-168-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-169-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 1,2-47W600-171-ISI Mechanical-Instruments and Controls 47W600-172-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-174-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-175-ISI Meenanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-181-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-200-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls f 47W600-227-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-228-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-241-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Control:, 47W600-244-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-276-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-279-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-285-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W500-286-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-287-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-289-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W600-294-ISI Mechanical Instruments and Controls 47W625-1-ISI Radiation Sampling System 47W625-2-ISI Radiation Sampling System 47W625-3-ISI Radiation Sampling System 47W625-4-ISI Radiation Sampling System j 47W625-7-ISI Radiation Sampling System 47W625-15-ISI Radiation Sampling System 1,2-47W801-1-ISI Main and Reheat Steam 1,2-47W801-2-ISI Steam Generator Blowdown System 1,2-47W803-1-ISI Feedwater 1,2-47W803-2-ISI Auxiliary Feedwater System 1,2-47W803-3-ISI Auxiliary Feedwater System 1-47W809-1-ISI Chemical and Volume Control System i 2-47W809-1-ISI Chemical and Volume Control System 1,2-47W809-2-ISI CVCS Chemical Control 1,2-47W809-3-ISI CVCS 1,2-47W809-4-ISI CVCS J 1,2-47W809-5-ISI CVCS Chemical Control 1, 2 -4 7W8 0 9-7 -ISI Flood Mode Boration Makeup System ] 1,2-47W810-1-ISI Residual Heat Removal System J 1-47W811-1-ISI Safety Injection System 2-47W811-1-ISI Safety Injection System 1-47W811-2-ISI SIS Upper-Head Injection System j 2-47W811-2-ISI SIS Upper-Head Injection System 1,2-47W812-1-ISI Containment Spray System 1,2-47W813-1-ISI Reactor Coolant System 1,2-47W819-1-ISI Primary Water f

s.c a.u s ar. SI-114.1, Attachment 1 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1 INSTRUCTION LIST OF DRAWINGS - UNIT 1 Page 7 of 7 LIST OF DRAWIE15 ASME Section XI Boundary Classifiention Drawings Drawinc No. 1,2-47W830-1-ISI Waste Disposal System 1,2-47W832-3-ISI Fire Protection and Raw Service Water 1,2-47W845-1-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 1,2-47W845-2-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 1-47W845-3-ISI Essential Raw Ccoling Water System 2-47W845-3-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 1,2-47W845-4-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 1,2-47W845-5-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 'j-1,1-47W845-6-ISI Essential Raw Cooling Water System 1,2-47WB50-10-ISI Fire Protection 1,2-47W851-1-ISI Floor and Equipment Drains 1,2-47WB55-1-ISI Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleaning System 1,2-47W856-1-ISI Demineralized Water and Cask Decon System 1,2-47W859-1-ISI Component Cooling System 1,2-47W859-1-1-ISI component Cooling System 1-47W859-2-ISI Component Cooling System 2-47W859-3-ISI Component Cooling System 1,2-47W859-4-ISI Component Cooling System 1,2-47W860-1-ISI Sodium Hypochlorite System 1,2-47W862-1-ISI Steam Generator Layup Water Treatment i 1,2-47W865-5-ISI Air-Conditioning Chill Water -l t L a b 't J l l l w l ,3 1500C/COC3 1% ^ ww4 (Na ;9 0 l

sa..ra wo SI-114.1, Attachment 2 SURVEILLANCE Revision 1-INSTRUCTION VALVE TABLES Page 1 of 8 1

f 4 k ISI Programs A. MAINTAIN-a listing of valves' requiring ISI examinations. B. UPDATI listing as necessary. C. OBTAIN concurrence from Site Quality Manager or his designee. SOM -D.- CONCUR with listing by signing below, b ISI Programs E. FORWARD to SPS for updating Table of Contents, etc. SPS 1 F. FORWARD to DCRM. w DCRM , -j l G. ' DISTRIBUTE per SSP-2.7. t 4 e I b_; N p i i 4 , )t 13l20l91 / d Site Q'ua11ty Manager / Designee Date ~ l J l [ 't I] 1. 1501C/COC3 Iva 40004 iNr 190

. = C L. _, L___J O L2; Ls C-f 3.

  • 1 i

L f i f AIIACHMINI 2 1ABLC 1 .g g Class i Valve Information gg

  • i <

C se M. j Valve Code Valve Piping Valve Valve Valve Group ISI Dw9 No Vendor ' Material Valve Forging / p _Ho. Cl as t. 7.t. Sy11em Sire Tvge Act Ng d WilLMep) Dwg32& Vgndqr

Spgc, functionlnting,

, g On i 63-560 1 AC-Act SIS 10" CL SA 2 OM-2333-C 94-12892 Darling _ ASIH A516I PSIV M 63-561 1 AC-Act' SIS 10" (k SA 2 O H-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASIM A516I PSiv 1 63-562 1 AC-Act SIS 10" Ch SA 2 O H-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASTH A516 PSiv I 63-563 1 AC-Act SIS 10" (k SA 2 O N-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASIM A516 - PSIV 1 63-622 1 AC-Act SIS 10" Ck SA 2 OH-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASTM A516 PSiv 63-623 1 AC-Act SIS 10" Ck SA 2 CHH-2333-C 94-12692 Darling ASIM A5161 PSIV 3 03-624 1 AC-Act SIS 10" (k SA 2 CHH-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASIM A5163 P$1V 63-625 1 AC-Act SIS 10" Ck SA 2 O M-2333-C 94-12892 Darling ASIM A516I PSIV 63-640 1 AC-Act SIS /RHR 8" Ck SA 2 O M-2336-C 94-12892 Darling-ASIM A516I PSIV 63-643 1 AC-Act SIS /RHR 8* Ck SA 2 O H-2336-C 94-12892 Darling ASIM A516I PSiv b i M 63-558 1 AC-Act $15 6" Ck SA 3 O M-2333-C 78704 Velan ASIM A182 PSIV' forging

  • i' 63-559 1

AC-Act SIS 6" (k SA 3 OH-2333-C 78704 Velan ASIM A182 PSiv - Forging 63-632 l AC-Act $15 6" (*2 SA 3 D N-2333-C 78704 Velan ASIM A182 PSIV forging 63-633 1 AC-Act SIS 6" Ch SA 3 O H-2333-C 78704 Velan ASIM A182 PSIV forging . Q 63-634 1 AC-Act SIS 6" Ck SA 3 O H-2333-C 78704 Velaa ASIH A182 PSiv ' Forging 63-635 i AC-Act SIS 6" Ck SA 3 O H-2333-C'7P704 Velan ASIH A182 .PSiv Forging 53-641 1 AC-Act SIS /RHR 6" Ck SA 3 O m-2336-C 78704 Velan' ASIM A182 PSIV forging 63-644 1 AC-Act SIS /RHR 6" (k SA 3 O M-2336-C 78704 Velan AS1H A182 PSiv forging 68-563 1 C-Act RCS 6" Re1 SA 4 ISI-G369-C H51688 Crosby ASIM A182/ See A3512 Note 2 68-564 1 C-Act RCS 6" Re1 SA 4 ISI-G369-C H51688 Crosby ASTH A182/ See A3512 Note 2 i 68-565 1 C-Act RCS 6" Rei SA 4 151-0369-C H51688 Crosby ASTM A182/ See A351I Note 2 [y[ i FCV 74-1 1 A-Act RHR 14" Cats NO 5 O H-2336-C E-1-144831 Copes-Vulcan ASIM A182 PSIV forging j $$ I FCV 74-2 1 A-Act RHR 14" Gate HO 5 O M-2336-C E-1-144831 Copes-Vulcan ASIM AI82 PSIV forging J"% g o - o0L "w' n A 8 NOTES: 1. Seal plate manuf actured to ASIM A240 F304; tionnet manuf actured to AS1H A516. g 2. Norrie manufsetured to ASTM A182 F316 - forging, 80dy manufactured to ASIM A351 CR8N - Casting. o 94 4 1 ..w -w 4 .~.

.m La F - N C' Lm._,; L-_ _: L l f [E / .[m j. ' ~ ~ .g 3 g-AllAO M(NI 2 g g I ABL E - 2 f g E 3 Class 1 Valve Inforetation .mm ? El W ! 02 viv Sise valve ' Bolting Body 8" V idLJA. d SYS V1v No. Un) Tv2e ISI DWG No. Vendor ' Vendor Dwst Ng. <-2" > 2" t O T. O i D-464529 R5 N/A N/A' None-N/A N CVC 62-560 2 CKV C W 2338-C/l Edward CVC-62-561 2 CKV C h 2338-C/2 Edward D-464529 R5 N/A

N/A None N/A CVC 62-562 2

CKV CE2338-C/4 Edward D-464529 R5 N/A N/A None' N/A CVC 62-563 2 CKV CHM-2338-C/3 Edward D-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A CVC 62-564 2 CATE CIM-2338-C/1 Edward D-464532 R5 N/A N/A None N/A CVC 62-565 2 GATE Ch2338-C/2 Edward' D-464532 R5 N/A N/A None N/A CVC 62-566 2 GATE C h 2338-C/4 Edward D-464532 R5 N/A N/A Hone N/A CVC 67-567 2 GATE C W 2338-C/3 Edward D-464532 R$ N/A h/A None N/A CVC 62-576 CKV CIM-2338-C/l Edward D-464529 R5 N/A N/A Hone N/A CVC 62-577 2 CMV C % 2338-C/2 Edward D-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A 4 CVC 62-578 2 CKV CtM-2338-C/3 Edward D-464529 R5 N/A N/A Hone N/A 4 CVC 62-579 2 CKV CtM-2338-C/4 Edward 0-464529 R$ N/A N/A None N/A M CVC 62-6593 - 3 CKV CtM-2335-C/l Borg-Wagner 80290 5/16" N/A None N/A H CVC 62-6601 3 CKV C W 2335-C/I Borg-Wagner 80290 5/16" N/A None N/A' CVC 67-661 2 CKV C h 2335-C/l Edward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A Q CVC 62-716I 3 CKV CtM-2335-C/1 Sorg-Wagner .80290 5/16" N/A None N/A CVC 62-7173 3 CKV CtM-2335-C/l Borg-Wagner 80290 5/16" N/A None N/A CVC 68-580 3 GATE C E 2335-C/2 Veland 13920 N/A N/A Hone N/A CVC FCV-62-69I 3 GATE C E 2335-C/2 Hasonellan/Wcrthington CPI 1855, A84257 7/8" N/A Hone N/A CVC FCV-62-7GI 3 GATE Ch2335-C/2 Hasonellan/Worthington CPI 1855, A84757 7/8" N/A None 'N/A CVC FCV-62-84I 2 GATE CIM-2335-C/l Masonellan A8474, A8475 7/8" N/A None N/A RCS 68-549 2 GATE.ISI-0369-C/1 Edward D-464532 N/A N/A Ncne N/A RCS 68-550 2 GATE ISI-0369-C/l Edward D-464532 N/A N/A None N/A RCS 68-553 2 GATE ISI-0369-C/l Edward D-464532 N/A N/A None N/A RCS 68-554 2 GATE ISI-0.s69-C/1 Edward D-464532 N/A N/A None N/A RCS 68-557 2 GATE ISt-0369-C/1' Edward D-464532 N/A N/A Hone N/A gy$ RCS 68-558 2 GATE ISI-0369-C/) Edward D-464532 N/A N/A None N/A j $ l, RCS 68-563 6 RELF ISI-0369-C/3 Crosby H-51688 I" N/A None .N/A-y[% g RCS 68-564 6 RELF ISI-0369-C/3 Crosby H-51688 1" N/A None N/A g.y* M RCS 68-565 6 RELF ISI-0369-C/3 Crosby H-51688 1" N/A None N/A "g' A RCS 68-581 2 GATE ISI-0369-C/l Edward D-464532 N/A N/A None N/A y . GAIE ISI-0369-C/1 Edward D-464532 N/A N/A Nov.e N/A {t 8 RCS 68-582 2 u n I. E Befipt f rost (N&Sination Requirements of Category B.G-2 in aCCordance with Code Case N-426 .s ~ 4 m + i-v n.

m. m F' N ~M -M L_.) ' L__. i L-L_ -N" ' 7" ' ~* ~ '[ +~, ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 77 [ 7 1 u A11ACHMEN1 2 I; H 3 ' f 1AULE.t (Continued) ' Class 1. valve'Information y : l j zc-Viv Sire Valve. Boltin9' Body cp -SYS Viv No.- Uni Tvne.ISI LA1 Ng. Vgn_ dor VgndgrJgJg. 4 2* i 2" Wgidg IA t' o$ zn-RCS FCV-68-332I 3 ' GATE. !SI-03694/3 Velan 88406' 3/4" N/A None N/A M. RCS ' FCV48-333I 3 GATE ISI-0369-C/3 velan 88406 3/4" N/A None N/A RCS PCV-68-340DI 4 BALL ISI-0369-C/2 Fisher 50A2159 7/8" N/A None N/A 2 RCS PCV-68-340A 3 GLB. ISI-0369-C/3. Target. Rock 1052020-3 N/A N/A None N/A RCS PCV-68-34081 4 BALL ISI-0369-C/2 F1 sher 50A2159-7/8" N/A None-N/A' RCS PCV-68-334 3 GLB.ISI-0369-C/3 Target Rock 1052020-3 N/A N/A None N/A RHR '63-543 2 CKV Ch2336-C/6 Edward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A RHR 63-545 2. CKV C W 2336-C/6 Edward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A' RHR 63440 8 CKV C % 2336-C/6. Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A.None N/A RHR 63-641 6 CKV CHM-2336-C/6-Velan 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A 4 f RHR 63-643 8 CKV CHH-2336-C/6 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8". N/A None N/A RHR 63-644 6 CKV CHM-2336-C/6 Velan 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A M RHR FCV-74-1 14 GATE CHM-2336-C/l Copes-Vulcan E-l-144831 R4 1 3/4" N/A 'None N/A H RHR FCV-74-2 14 GATE CtM-2336-C/l Copes-Vulcan E-l-144831 R4 1 3/4* N/A None N/A SIS 63-547 2 CKV C h 2333-C/7 Edward C464529 R5' N/A N/A None N/A Q SIS 63-549 2 CKV CHM-2333-C/7-Edward C-464529 R$ K'A N/A None N/A SIS 63-551 2 CKV Ch2333-C/9 Edward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A t SIS 63-553 2 CKV CHM-2333-C/10 Edward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A ) ? 515 63-555 2 CKV C W 2333-C/10 Edward C-464529 R5-N/A N/A.None N/A SIS 63-557 2 CRV CHM-2333-C/9 Cdward C-464529 R5 N/A N/A None N/A SIS 63-558 6 CKV CHM-2333-C/7 Velan 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A SIS 63-559 6 CKV C h 2333-C/7 Velan 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A SIS 63-560 10 CKV CtM-2333-C/9 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A -None h/A SIS 63-561 10 CKV Ch2333-C/10 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A None N/A i SIS 63-562 10 CKV C h 2333-C/10 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 - 1 3/8" N/A None N/A $15 63-563 10 CKY CW2333-C/9 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A None N/A yyy 3 CKV CHM-2333-C/ l Velen 78409 3/4" N/A None N/A j $4 $15 63-581I SIS 63-582 1.5 GATE C W 2333-C/1 Rockwell International D-478072 N/A M4 None N/A ,(( g SIS 63-583 1.5 GATE C%2333-C/2 Rockwell International 0-478072 N/A hsn None W/A g g ) M SIS 63-584 1.5 GATE C W 2333-C/2-Rockwell International D478072 N/A N/A Hone N/A m g y - cm 8 n 1. Esempt f rom Esanination Requirements of Category 8-G-2 in accordance with Code Case N-426. Y Fd s a v ,,w ,-ye

~ F L_. L_a Q L_ _ _ u.- L ~- F T O 1 I" AIILONENT 2 !} IABtl 2 (Continued) Class 1 Valve Information } Ea 33 vi. Size Valve Bolting Body yp d O' W IN IA SYS Viv Ho. (In) Twot_111 DWG No. Vendgr Vendgr_pw2_f'S-42" > 2" t oE

w. n

$15 63-585 1.5 GATE OM-2333-C/l Rockwell International D-478072 N/A N/A None N/A M SIS 63-586 1.5 CKV C h 2333-C/1 Edward C-465347 R2 N/A N/A Mone N/A 515 63-587 1.5 CKV C W 2333-C/2 Ed.ard C-465347 R2 N/A N/A Mone N/A SIS 63-589 1.5 CKV O M-2333-C/l Edward C465347 R2 N/A N/A Mone N/A SIS 63-588 1.5 CKV C W 2333-C/2 Edward C-465347 R2 N/A N/A kone N/A SIS 63422 10 CKV CtM-2333-C/9 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 l' Y N/A None N/A SIS 63-623 10 CKV C h 2333-C/10 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 D'," N/A None N/A S:S 63-624 10 CKV C h 2333-C/10 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A Mone N/A SIS 63425 10 CKV C h 2333-C/9 Anchor / Darling 94-12892 1 3/8" N/A Mone N/A p SIS 63-632 6 CKV CtM-2333-C/10 Velan 78704 1 I/4" N/A None N/A SIS 63-633 6 CKV C h 2333-C/r Velan 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A { $15 63-634 6 CKV C h 2333-C/10 votan 79704 1 1/4" N/A Mone N/A M y SIS 63-635 6 CKV C % 2333-C/9 Vela - 78704 1 1/4" N/A None N/A E ,1 0 i NN M

  • Er R"r 0

.~- 0 0 T: 94 +,. -<w -

~ I L_ L~ L _.J L-r.) AIIAO MINI 2 1AtiLE 3 ~, } ( Class 2 Valve Information I, zc m ss v ?,- gg y Val.e Bolting Body Cp Size d (5 w lds_M__ V alar _Dws.N2 <-2" > 2" e SYS V1v No. (In) Tvce.151 WG No. Veador t omo M CS FCV-72-20 12 GATE O H-2422-C/1 Aloyco E-48840 Yes N/A None N/A CS FCV-72-23 12 GATE CIM-2422-C/1 Aloyco E 488 J Yes N/A None N/A FW 3-508 16 CKV CIM-2339-C/2 Walworth A-ll33. A-32A 1 3/4" N/A be N/A q FV 3-509 16 CKV Ctw 2339-C/2 Walworth A-11332-M-32A I 3/4" N/A None N/A i FV 3-510 16 CKV Cle-2339-C/1 Walworth A Il332-M-32A I 3/4" N/A Ncne N/A fv 3-511 16 CKV O M-2339-C/1 Walworth A-Il332-M-32A I 3/4" N/A None N/A FV FCV-3-033 18 GATE OM-2339-C/l Walworth A-6614-M-150 1 1/2" N/A be N/A FW FCV-3-047 18 GATE O M-2339-C/2 Walworth A-6614-M-15D 1 1/2 N/A None N/A FV FCV-3-087 18 GAIE CHM-23394/2 Walworth A-6614-M-150 1 1/2" N/A None N/A l IV TCV-3-100 18 GATE CIM-2339-C/l Walworth A-6614 4-15D 1 1/2" N/A be N/A MS 1-512 6 SAF OM-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A l M l MS 1-513 6 SAF O M-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 I 3/8" N/A None N/A MS l-514 6 5AF G M-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A H MS 1-515 6 SAF On-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A M MS 1-516 6 SAF CHPS-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 I 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1 -5" 6 SAF GM-23 M)-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-518 6 SAF O M-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A MS l-519 6 SAF O H-2340-C/2 Crosby H -55095 I 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-520 6 SAF O H-234C-C/2 Crosby H-55095 3 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-521 6 5AF O M-2340-C/2 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A HS 1-522 6 SAF O M-2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-523 6 SAF OM-2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-524 6 SAF O n-2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A l MS 1-525 6 SAF O H-2340-C/1 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-526 6 SAF O H-2340-C/1 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8* N/A be N/A I MS 1-527 6 SAF O M-2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/S" N/A None N/A

U y M MS 1-528 6

SAF O M-2340-C/1 Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" N/A None N/A j<g MS 1-529 6 SAF OM-2340-C/l Crosby H-5509' I 3/8" N/A None N/A { MS .-b; 6 SAF O M-2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" M/A None N/A g* g O ce 3 \\n 1 8 T

  • 3 vt


I -- a E- -u w t i L.a i I A11/.O Mthi 2 E f TABLE 3 (Continued) Class 2 Valve taformation E g zc Viv to M Stae Valve Bolting Body gp j W lds IA. dC j $YS Viv No. (In) Ivoe ISI DWG No. Vendor Vendgr_pwg No. c.2" > 2" t o 5: xn MS 1-531 6 SAF O w 2340-C/l Crosby H-55095 1 3/8" A/A None N/A N MS 1-619 6 MTE C % 2340-C/I Walworth A-6609-M-1288 7/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-620 f

  • :lJE C%2340-C/2 Walworth A-6609-M-1288 7/8" N/A None N/A MS 1-421

( t.TE OM-2340-C/2 Walworth A4609-M-1288 7/i* N/A None N/A J MS 1-622 6 GATE OM-2340-C/1 Walworth A-6609-M-1288 7/8* N/A None N/A MS FCV-1-04 32 GATE C h 2340-C/l Atwood and Morrill to 2124541 2* N/A None N/A MS FCV-1-11 32 GATE C % 2340-C/2 Atwood and Morrill Co 21245 44 2* N/A None N/A MS FCV-1-22 32 GATE OM-2340-C/2 Atwood and Morrill Co 21245-M 2* N/A None N/A MS FCV-1-29 32 GATC OM-2340-C/l Atwood and Morrill Co 2124S-h 2* N/A hone N/A l MS PCV-1-05 6 GATE O M-2340-C/l Copes-Vulcan 8-149093 R7 Yes N/A None N/A 4 i MS PCV-1-12 6 GATE O M-2340-C/2 Copes-Yvic.n 8-149093 R7 Yes N/A None N/A MS PCV-1-23 6 GATE OH-2340-C/2 Copes-dulcan 8-14%93 R7 Yes N/A None N/A N i ) MS PCV-1-30 6 GATE O M-2340-C/l Copes-Vulcan 8-149093 R7 Yes N/A None N/A H j RHR 74-514 8 CKV O M-2336-C/3 Crane R-7422 7/8* N/A None N/A M RHR 74-515 8 CKV C % 2336-C/3 Crane K-7422 7/8" N/A None N/A l RHR 74-520 8 GATE O M-2336-C/3 Aloyco E-47381 3/4" N/A None N/A RHR 74-521 8 GATE C % 2336-C/3 Aloyce E-47381 3/4* N/A None N/A j RHR 74-524 8. GATE OM-2336-C/3 Aloyco E-47381 3/4" r/A None N/A RHR 74-525 8 GATE OM-2336-C/3 Aloyco E-47381 3/4" N/A None N/A h j-RHR FCV-63-172 12 GATE CW2336-C/4 Velan 88907-3 1 7/8" N/A kone N/A RHR FCV-63-72 18 GATE OM-2336-C/2 Anchor / Darling 94-13300 1 1/4" N/A None N/A RHR FCV-63-73 18 GATE O M-2336-C/2 Anchor / Darling 94-13300 1 1/4" N/A Mone N/A RHR FCV-74-03 14 GATE OM-23364/5 Anchor / Darling 94-13298 1 1/8" N/A None N/A RHR FCV-74-16 8 BUTF G M-2336-C/3 Fisher Governor Co F-41304 5/8" N/A None N/A -l RtHI FCV-74-21 14 GATE C % 2336-C/5 Anchor / Darling 94-13298 1 1/8" N/A Mone N/A l RHR FCV-74-28 8 BUTF OH-2336-C/3 F6ther Governor Co F-41304 5/8" N/A None N/A ygm i RHR FCV-74-32 8 BUTF OM-2336-C/3 Fisher Governor Co F-41304 5/8" N/A None N/A j<s j RHR FCV-74-33 8 GLO8 C % 23:6-C/3 Anchor / Darling 93-13435 3/4" N/A None N/A y(( g us o. I n p 1 O e k b l ii: 4 n M v

~ I I I __ _ L__ _ C C L t AllACPMENT 2 } 8 IABLE 3 (Continued) i Class 2 Valve Information m, 7 N$ ,~. Viv NN Valve Bolting Bob 8" ~ Stae W Id _I A N SYS Viv No. (In) Tvpe 151 DVG Ng. Vgndgr VendgrA N2-(*2" ) 2" R i Oo I M RHR en.V-74-36 8 GATE O M-2336-C/3 Anchor / Darling 93-14074 3/4* N/A None N/A MIR HCV-74-37 8 GATE O H-2336-C/3 Anchor / Darling 93-13435 3/4" N/A None N/A SIS 63-502 12 CKV O M-2333-C/6 Aloyco 048316 K7422]C 1" N/A None N/A SIS FCV-63-01 16 GATE O M-2333-C/6 Crane K-7634-15.16 7/8* N/A None N/A SIS FCV-63-08 8 GATE O H-2333-C/6 Anchor / Darling 94-13295 7/8" N/A None N/A SIS FCV-63-il 8 GATE O M-2333-C/6 Anchor / Darling 94-13295 7/8" N/A None N/A 515 FCV-63-118 10 GATE O M-2333-C/4 Velan 88926 R.D3 1 3/8" N/A None N/A l SIS FCV-63-67 10 GATE OM-2333-C/4 Velan 88926 R.DI 1 3/8" N/A None N/A ) l 515 ICV-63-80 10 GATE OM-2333-C/5 Velan 88926 R.DI 1 3/8" N/A None N/A SIS FCV-63-93 8 GATE OM-2333-C/3 velan 88806-1 1 3/8" N/A None N/A SIS FCV-63-94 8 GATE O M-2333-C/3 Velan 88806-1 1 3/8" N/A None N/A M SIS FCV-63-98 10 GATE O M-2333-C/5 Velan 88926 R.DI I 3/8" N/A None N/A

  • i SIS FCV-72-43, 8 GATE OH-23334/6 Aloyco E-48836 Yes N/A None N/A SIS FCV-72-41 8

GATE O M-2333-C/6 Aloyco E-48836 Yes N/A None N/A RHR FCV-74-35 8 GATE OM-2336-C/3 Anchor / Darling 93-13435 3/4" N/A None N/A Q RtiR HCV-74-34 8 GATE OM-2336-C/3 Anchor / Darling 93-13435 3/4" N/A None N/A AEU i 12 .L . E 5' .~x O G a 8 E Y N

wa..J ' m ca b-114.1, Attachment 3 ~ SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 1 of 48 a ISI Programs A. MAINTAIN a listing of Requests for Relief. B. UPDATE listing as necessary. C. OBTAIN concurrence from Site Quality Manager or his designee. SOM D. CONCUR with listing by signing below. e ISI Programs E. FORWARD to SPS for updating Table of Contents, etc. SPS F. FORWARD to DCRM. DCRM t G. DISTRIBUTE per SSP-2.7. i !6 t Thi3. l M / Site Quality Manager / Designee Date \\, e 4 + ^ *J (NP 2N ) 1503C/COC3 w es $1-114.1, Attechm3nt 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 2 of 48 REOUEST FOR. RELIEF ISI-1 .,n Components: Reactor coolant pumps (four per unit) Class: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Ennetion: Circulates reactor coolant. J.nspection Requirement: ASME Section XI, Table IND-2500-1, examination category B-L-2, item no. B12.20, visual examination of pump internal pressure boundary surfaces. Basis for Relief In absence of required maintenance, disassembly of a reactor coolant pump solely to perform a visual examination '" ' "ernal surfaces is impractical. This would 9pterr; Ac ut?cessary employee exposure to ab;b -t e: c' ' tn

  • contamination areas and an excess k<t espaf,g C# f'A.

Time required for thas major task of disassembly, examination, and reassembly would consume at least three weeks of 24-hcars-per-day work. Radiation i dose rates of the pump exterior will average 100-300 mrem / hour, and pump internal dose rates will average 10-20 rem / hour. il The benefit received from this major effort is minimal considering employee exposure, potential damage to safety-related equipment, *La cost in dollars. l In addition, the two units at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant will operate under similar conditions. Therefore, we feel that if a pump from one of the units is l disassembled for maintenance during a 10-year ,) interval, the visual examination performed will be representative of the pump condition for each unit. This would avoid unnecessary employee exposure to the high radiation dose rates noted above. We conclude that if one pump is disassembled for maintenance during the 10-year interval, the visual examination performed satisfies examination category B-L-2 requirements for both units. Disassembly of the pump solely for visual examination is impractical.

  • 1 l

t (Continued) 'w l l i A 4MU4 (NP 2SI) 1503C/COC3 L

Naadud Sicet 31-114.1, Attachmant 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 3 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-l (Continued) Alternatg_ Inspection: The internal surfaces of the reactor coolant pump casing will be visually examined whenever the surfaces are made accessible when a pump is disassembled for maintenance purposes. If during the 10-year interval a pump from oither unit is not disassembled for maintenance, a pump from one unit shall be examined from the exterior. This shall be accomplished by ultrasonic thickness measurements of the pump casir.g. Safety Eyaluation Summary Request for Relief ISI-1 has been approved with the following additional v augmented requirements. (a) the required visual examinetions are conducted under Category B-L-2 If a reactor coolant pump from one of two units is disassembled for maintenance; (b) If during the 10-year interval, a pump from either unit is not disassembled for maintenance, a pump from one unit shall be examined from the exterior by ultrasonic thickness measurements; (c) Visual examination of the pump casing for leakago is conducted in conjunction with system leakage and hydrostatic tests under Category B-P. Reference Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to O. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). ~ ) 4 4 M [^

  • 8 W l"> H 1503C/COC3

%rdred Mrce SI-114.1, Attcchment 3 SURVEILLANCE R3 vision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 4 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEP ISI-2 Components: Valves exceeding 4-inch nominal pipe size Class: ASMZ Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Ignatiom Various functions. Inspection Requirement ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, examination category B-M-2, item no. B12.40, visual examination of valve internal pressure boundary surfaces. Rasis for Relief: During routine maintenance, visual examinations of valve body internal pressure boundary surfaces are i performed and documented under existing plant administrative procedures. Most Class 1 valves, particularly containment isolation valves, are disassembled frequently for maintenance. In addition, the two units at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant will operate under similar conditions. If a valve f rom one of the units is disassembled for maintenance within a 10-year interval, we feel that the visual examination performed would be representative of both units and would be sufficient to satisfy the examination requirements for both units for that particular valve classification as defined in examination category B-M-2. He conclude that if one valve in each group of valves of the same constructional design and manuf acturer that perform similar functions is disassembled from either unit during the 10-year interval, the visual J examination performed satisfies examination category B-M-2 requirements for both units. Alttrnate Inspettinnt If a valve from a particular classification has not been disassembled as the end of the Inspection interval approaches, a case-by-case study will be } made to determine the practicality of disassembling a valve from one of the units rolely for visual examination (determine if draining the vessel would ) be required, etc.). If necessary, a request for .3 relief will be issued at that time, e +l u (Continued) ^ *"* 8 WP :SO 1503C/COC3

Sunda:J Mces SI-114.1, Attachm2nt 3 SURVEILLANCE Rovision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 5 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-2 (Continued) Safety Evaluation Stennyt Request for Relief ISI-2 has been approved with the following additional augmented requirements. (a) one comparable valve in either unit is examined. If a certain type of valve is not examined at either unit, relief should be requested on a case-by-case basis hear the end of the interval, (b) periodic inservice testing of the valves is conductad in accordance with i INV, and I (c) visual examination of the valves for leakage is conducted in conjunction with system leakage and hydrostatic tests under Category B-P. Reference Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. T.ingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). [ t i i l, ~ L < a 1 1 { c i 1 4 VA 40ms (NI' ss) 1503C/COC3

Mandard $be el SI-114.1, Attachmant 3 ~ SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 6 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF IRL-1 C2mponents: Pressure-retaining welds in piping Cinas: ASMz Code Class 1 and 2 (Equivalent) Functio.D Pressure-retaining component. i Inspection Rgquirements ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, examination categories B-F (item no. B5.50), B-J (item nos. B9.10, B9.20, and B9.30), and C-F (item nos. C5.10, C5.20, and C5.30), vo.umetric examination of longitudinal, circumferential, and pipe branch connection welds. Basis for Relief: In some cases it will be impractical to inspect all welds from both sides, i.e., nonremovable hanger interference or valve and pump casings adjoining the we164. These welds will be noted on the ultrasonic examination data sheets. (See the attached listing) Alternate InspectinD: In addition to the visual examination performed during system leakage and hydrostatic pressure tests, a "best effort" ultrasonic examination will be performed. Where there is interference or problems from one direction only, consideration will be given to performing an angle beam examination for 2T + (greater than two wall thicknesses from one edge of { weld) from the accessible side of the we34 in order to examine the entire weld cross-section. Safety Evaluation Summary: Request for Relief ISI-3 has been approved in the following manners t,] Ermn Categ2II B-F Approved with no additional augmented requirements. B-J Approved with no additional augmented requirements C-F Relief was not necessary. J


Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to O. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). ~ wJ l i N i

fA 4M04 (NP 190 1503C/COC3

__. ~.. suraud som SI-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 7 of 48 r-i E100EST FOR RElf EF 151-3 (Continued) 1,2 3 4 5 6 7 9 WELD CODE DRAWING PHY. CODE N'pB ER C&L fBlk ,yfjlCR (QhL SCAN / LIMITATIONS 1CAN REmRKS RHRF-125 BJ SS CHM 2336 E/N 4/ No scan 83% No scan 4 due to notrie geometry SHT*4 3/5:00-7:00 No scan 3 from 5:00-7:00 due to inner rad. RCF-23 BJ SS CHM 2334 E/SE 4/No scan 75% No scan 4 due to SE geometry SHT*6 3/ Limited Scan 3 inner rad 4" pipe elbow FOSW-17A CF CS CHM 2339 P/ PEN 3.5,&6/11:30, 96% No scan 3.5,&6 at 11:30, 12:30, 5:30 SHT#2 12:30, 5:30, 6:30 6:30 due to lugs; No scan 4 due to 4/No scan penetration RCV BF CS/S$ CHM 2363 N/SE 3&4/ limited 80% Scan 3&4 limited to 1/2 node due to SE SHT*1 SE & norale geometry 20% of weld not scanned i RCW BF CS/S$ CHM 2363 N/SE 3&4/11mi ted 80% Scan 3&4 limited to 1/2 node due to j SE SHT*1 SE & nor:1e geometry 20% of weld i not scanned RHRF-BJ SS CHM 2336 V/E 3/No scan 83% No scan 3 due to valve geometry 109 SHT#4 4/5:00-7:00 No scan 4 from 5:00-7:00 due te inner rad. I HSF-11 CF CS CHM 2340 N/E 3/No scan 99% No scan 3 due to nogale geometry SHT*2 4/270', la No sean 4 at 270' for la 1 RC-3 BJ SS CHM 2333 E/SE 3/No scan 50% (Note 8) No scan 3 due to nozzle j SHT#1 geometry RC-151 BJ SC CHM 2333 P/E 4/2:30 to 3:30 92% (Note 8) No scan 4 from 2:30 to SHis) 3:30 due to permanent restraint RCF-19 BJ SC CHM 2334 V/E 3/No scan 83% No scan 3 due to valve geometry j SHT*6 4/2:00-4:00 No scan 4 from 2:00-4:00 due to J inner rad. ,a 'l '1 / l^ #0N (NP MO. 1503C/COC3 w

- _ ~ _ _ _.., -.. _. - - NasJard Shers SI-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 8 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-3 (Continued) NOTES: 1. LS following seam number indicates longitudinal seam. 2. SE following seam number indicates safe end weld. 3. Categories determined in accordance with ASME XI 77S78. 4. P= Pipe, V= Valve, E= ELL, T= TEE, R= Reducer, F= Flange, N= Nozzle, Pen P= Penetration Process Pipe, Pen F= Penetration Flued Head, and SE= Safe End. 5. Scans 3 and 4 are perpendicular to circumferential welds. Scans 5 i and f are parallel to circumferential welds. Scans 7 and 8 are i perpendicular to longitudinal welds. Scans 9 and 10 are parallel to longitudinal welds. 6. Limitations are,erpressed in o' clock references. In general, the exact limitation is noted rather than a percentage of the required examinations. 7 Actual percentages indicate the approximate area of examination coverage obtained. 8. Because of the attenuation resulting from inherent coarse grain structure in cast stainless steel the examination is limited to the 1/2V technique. Also physical restrictions prevent the exam from both sides of the veld. 9. Detail description of limitations are noted. !.) t1 l g 4 4 1 M '1r VA dm*4 (NP 2SI) 1503C/COC3

sumand skes I SI-114.1, Attschment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 9 of 48 .l EEOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-4 component: Steam generator (four per unit) Class: ASME Code Class 2 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirement ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, examination category C-A, item no. C1.10, volumetric examination of circumferential shell welds. I Basis for Relief One circumferential shell weld on each generator is l} inaccessible due to the upper steam generator support trackets (weld Nos. SGW-D1, SGW-D2, SGW-D3, and SGW-D4). See attached drawing CH-M-2345-B for weld

fp' location. Also attached are drawings showing arrangements of the support brackets. One weld on one generator will be examined on a **best effort" basis for the baseline inspection and during the four inservice inspection intervals in accordance with IWC-2411 and Table %WC-2500-1.

Alternate Inspection: None. Safety Evaluation Summary: Request for Relief ISI-4 has been approved with no additional augmented requirements. I j References Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to O. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to D. A. Nauman, TVA, dated October 21, 1991 (A02 911024 003). 1 2 l l .l l t I I c t bd U 1 s .., =,, 1ee>c, cec,

{1) i 1 l .l l' I l l' 1 iI 'l 7Eu1 m mwtw

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w%msmC Ow0% m$%uH 2m Mn MM 7mce gO o" *m s 2 ..g, S E .w L 2 2 ,cm. C N t g U .3 4 g 2 i A t f' sA E* wsww ig xsap_ tp 2 m. T ,S SS 5 ty S M M M. 9, S t p C A N T N 1, 234 Q i o.y. I. ac ( iO P P PP _ L a F.t 234 M OCCO L L ) sc[.- A a F. FF E OCOO V r d WLLL L L t u,. H w \\ . f .A r wt a G -C i N [ 9t' Q T S S -U J E S S M g E ja L t2)*,. 2 k Z 234?. Z O a a N w / [s 9 G A S E l 234 wWWW T sA. 00DD WOFFFF S n D 1.234, l a34 EO PPPP ECEE E LOOOO F C OOOO W 4 wLLLL D G S / A N f 23 4 OD00 W G S I 2 l234 CCCC ( W G S j ~ { W / 234 W. i g M889 W G [ f((' W S l E v 2sr > ,) - I t -(} M O / T g Qg T ! f( i\\ - h ~ O B ^,34 { e A. 4 ( Y G g 3 3 g $S~ 3 ' $._- gmovn 0] j ,l1 l l1 lj 1 l f1 {.(I,i 1 lif I 't 1

SundssJ Sk et SI-114.1, Attechment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 11 of 48 e \\ s s' 7 // ii) c t\\*. ' % u uf d ..3 -;A 2 d5!.\\n h n a. a ' %,;)^ ? ' \\ ~ 4l O aq\\p.) x' ra ik t.f R, y: $ g ['d L s vsv. - s x p5m \\ IA-k O i .t / 5 ye . t-I'/ N i5 'N d Q> Q(;. ~b ^I i \\,l 4F " x 2 stA w. e q Y@. ~ [h5 d / a gx y . c-J&d f -NN 'O Q g e ,~ i w x s '~ ( N I8 9 M',u 3 j f ,/ kN D N D lVA 40004 (NP 2,90 1503C/COC3

1 SaazerJ Nbres SI-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 12 of 48 I kM b6 fdbS 4N S l , ~. w-1 ] i i \\. -4 / .j.. pg . _A-fp.._ -~ ~-~~~ - u. c,~ u...,,..

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_m StaaJud Mces SI-114.1, Attachm2nt 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 13 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-5 { i Component Reactor Pressure Vessel Class: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirements ASME Section %I, Table IWB-2500-1, examination category B-A, item no. Bl.20, 100-percent preservice volumetric examination of lower head dollar weld, under conditions and with equipment and techniques j equivalent to those expected to be employed during inservice inspection. Basis for Relief: TVA will employ automated remote inspection devices ).- to examine most of the reactor vessel welds. These examinations will be conducted from the vessel inside diameter. However, the lower head weld on each reactor pressure vessel is partially inaccessible for examination from the vessel inside diameter due to instrumentation tubes which penetrate the lower head (weld No. WO1 see attached drawings). Portions of the weld can be examined from one side (as permitted by T-441.4, Article 4 of Section XI) and will include 100 percent of the examination volume in accordance with IRB-3511.1 of Section V. These portions of the weld will be reexamined during the inservice intervals in accordance with examination category B-A of Table IWB-2500-1, i Alternate Inspection: A 100-percent preservice examination of the weld will be conducted from the vessel outside diameter. This will be accomplished by performance of a manual ultrasonic examination. A remote ultrasonic examination will be conducted from the vessel inside j diameter on all accessible areas of the weld, ti Safety Evaluation Summary: ,[ Request for Relief ISI-5 has been approved with no additional augmented requirements except to notify NRC of the percentage examined. t ' References Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). / e ~ 4 4 i n 'A 4324 (NP 191) 1503C/COC3

suodced het 11-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE 4evision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF ' age 14 of 48 F4 2 I !N !i= l M I I? l a "u i th k fC, aL e_ _ ~ -s m "l De ***.. I g 7 g, dNENOUeg 2 4 - W w,r,g\\ r****55 L, g j d }t. d a V T I I a 5, y Z E: :. i s b l ll ' ' '[- l* 'N I wI !+ I t,( - M <t r 'N' g l':f a ~ 6 jj : ioa m 3,-{ ,-o m E :/ VW p Cw$o 8 3 p

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SundarJ Shece

I-114.1, Attachment. 3 SURVEILLANCE fievision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Pago 15 of 48 control rod ecchanisu vent pipe ( M K-27. 2 8 )

housing (MK-25. 26 ) 7Bx tgd shroud support @$4 h \\ L closure head cap h!7 ~l "Dd'd lifting lug closure stud- ,T head torus section (HK-31 )

  1. 4 sure head flange I

\\1 (- c 1 closure nut f L Y i (MX-32 ) I sphericalwasherbj't l' inner 0-ring gasket


l r. : i r. $ surf ace 7 (MK-29 ) .v (MK-33 ) -outer 0-ring gasket ~ 7 vessel flange J L* / W (MK-30 ) Icak conitoring f 7

7 [ core su> port ledge /

refueling seal ledge /7 tube ( M K-21 and22) f (gg_gg ) M\\ i .n.--- %%]7/ ( Le AN\\ -inlet nozzle outlet nozzle 'f 'f/ \\ 4 x ( MK-11-12-13-14) 4 x ( MX- 4 upper she1.1 course 4 e ,N vessel support pad Vessel support L. pad h intc.mediyte shell -f Q course Q q e j .J / / Q f' f lower shell course - / 1- / / / Fl / bottern shell course-s s,' core support blocky, s' { ) (MK-20) y' i s j gm sx um L f Bottom head ring Ins trumen t a ti r, on nozzles ( M K-2 3.24) Bottom head cap 1 wi IA %t-~m i l x 1 3

t TVA *m n r v> n 1503C/COC3

Stra&rd Mtet 31-114.1, Atte. chm 2nt 3 ~ SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 16 of 48 REQUEST FOP RELIEF ISI-6 Comconent: Steam Generator (four per unit) C1311: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection Recuirement: ASME Section XI, Table INB-2500-1, examination i category B-D, item no. B3.140, volumetric examination ( of nozzle inside radius section on the primary side. 3g311 for Relief: Each steam generator consists of two integrally cast nozzles and two integrally cast manways. Relief from the inspection requirement above is based on EPRI report NP-4242, "Long-Term Inspection Requirements i for Nuclear Fower Plants", dated March 1986. This report presents a linear fracture mechanics analysis which predicts that cracks of size.025 fr< (which is greater than the allowable reference flow size) will propagate to only slightly greater than one sixteenth of the nozzle wall thickness during the entire life of the plant. The report proposes that the nozzle inner radius be examined at least at half the plant life, and subsequently, at the regular code inspection intervals. The primary chamber radiation exposure dose rate is generally on the order of 30 rem /hr. As a result, i individual " stay-time in the chamber would be limited to a degree where meaningful results from alternative surface and visual examinations could not be achieved. In addition, the presence of the interior surface austenitic stainless steel cladding which has ( a higher ductility than the base ASME-SA-216 grade HCC casting material raises the possibility of under cladding cracking which would not be visible with a ij surface examination. AligInAte Inspection: TVA will initiate examination of the steam generator nozzle inner radius sections in accordance with the i s applicable Section XI Code during the second inspection interval. This will provide for examination of all the steam generator nozzle inner i radil by the period ending at half the plant life. e (Continued) a n i I A 4kC4 (NP 190 1503C/COC3


11-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 17 of 48 REOlNST FOR RELIEF ISI-6 (Continued) t*

Saf ety Evaluation Sunpary: Request for Relief ISI-6 has been approved in the following manners (a) Delaying the volumetric examination of the nozzle sections until the third inspection period of the first inspection interval and then following the Code requirements is acceptable.


Memorsndum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). L'r' I I l J 'I .3 s e C WI n x3 I h N8 (NP 2MO a 1503C/COC3

51ssJ4rd Shrel GI-114.1, Attcchm2nt 3 SURVEILLANCE R3 vision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 18 of 48 EEOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-7 Component: Reactor Coolant Loop Piping Welds (2) Class: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirements: ASME Section XI, INB-2500-1, examination category B-J, item no. B9.10, volumetric examination of circumferential welds. Basis for Relief: Two circumferential shell velds in the reactor coolant loop piping (RC-23S1 and RC-31S1, loops 3 and

4) are located inside the reactor vessel shield wall and are inaccessible for preservice and inservice examination (see attached drawings).

Both welds have undettone shop radiographic examinations. Since the preservice inspection serves as a reference to future inservice inspections and both welds will be inaccessible for inservice inspections, the shop radiographic examinations coupled with the ASMI Section III hydrostatic test will provide adequate proof of integrity of the system welds. Inservice system leakage aan hydrostatic testing will prove weld integrity during the life of the plant. Alternate Inspection: None. Safety Evaluation Summary: k quest for Relief ISI-7 was concluded that relief was not necessary at this time. Relief should not be requested until the fourth inspection interval ISI Plan is made.


Memorandam from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Kingsley, TVA, date( February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). L1 l'I iil I j-1 4 ] A 4M*4 (NP 2SO 1503C/COC3

Su2JsrJ Sbret ~ 11-114.1, Attachmsnt 3 SURVEILLANCE

tevision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 19 of 48 m

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[ 5. 4 e-2 ? Wi ? I TVA dwu (nr vin 1503C/COC3

- - ~ - %ssosista Skeet . - -r 3I-114.1, Attaciunent 3 SURVEILLANCE <evision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF ' age 20 of 48

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s ~. ,$_~, i.' - t ris s o. o ...j w %i a l w P 'l V } TVA 40CoJ (NP 2Nu 1533C/COC3

Meadard Skre 31-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 21 of 48 ~ REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-8 Component Reactor coolant pumps (four per unit) \\ Class: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection ReauireERD1: ASME Section XI, IWB-2500-1, examination category B-L-1, item no. B12.10, volumetric examination of pressure-retaining welds in pump casing. Basis for Relief Each reactor coolant pump casing consists of a t.wo-piece welded type 304 SST casting. The present tapability of ultrasonic testing is not sufficient to examine cast material of this thickness and achieve meaningful results. Alternate Inspettlan: All four welds will be surface examined during the preservice inspection, and one weld will be surface examined during each inspection interval. Safety Evaluation Summary: Request for Relief ISI-8 has been approved with the following additional augmented requirements: (a) One reactor coolant pump casing weld is surface examined during each inspection interval. [ (b) The pump casing is visually inspected for leakage in conjunction with system leakage and hydrostatic tests under Category B-P. I References Memorandum f rom F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). Memorandum from Suzanne Black, NRC, to 0. D. Kjogsley, TVA, dated L April 19, 1990 (A02 900426 005). i i l i l I L, i l 3 VA U/N4 (NP 291) 1503C/COC3 I r I

Su sJ4rJ Sheet liI-114.1, Attil mant 3 ~ SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 22 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-9 Comnonent Uncladded vessel welds in ferritic material less than 2 inches in thickness. Class: ASMZ Code Class 1 and 2 (Equivalent) [ Inspection Requirement Ultrasonic examination of welds, paragraph T-530 of ASME Section V, Article 5, 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda as referenced in paragraph IWA-2232 (c) of ASME Section XI 1977 Edition Summer 1978 Addenda. Rasis for Relief: Paragraph T-533.2(a) of Article 5 of ASME Section V requires that the basic calibration block include a basic calibration hole drilled parallel to the contact surface. However, paragraph T-533.2(b) permits the use of other calibration reflectors provided equivalent responses to that from the basic calibration hole are demonstrated. TVA currently uses 5% notches in lieu of side drilled > 8 holes. Although the use of the 5% notch cannot be shown to be equivalent in all cases to the applicable side-drilled holes, TVA considers that examinations are technically acceptable based on the calibration requirements of paragraph III-3430 of Appendix III, 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda of ASME Section i XI. The calibration notches for ferritic material are 10%t when t is less than.312" and.104t.009t for material.312"-6" thick. TVA's use of 5% notches is considered equivalent to the lavest approved code examination techniques. {. Alternate Inspection: TVA proposes to continue the use of notches located on the I.D. and O.D. surfaces at a nominal depth of Lj 5%t as reference reflectors. Safety Evaluation Summary: } Request for Relief ISI-9 has been approved with no additional augmented requirements. I Reference Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). e 1 2 ) i T l . PVA 4%CJ (NP 2SI) 1503C/COC3 w k

SuzJard Sket sI-114.1, Attcchm2nt 3 SURVEILLANCE Rovision 2 REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 23 of 48 INSTRUCTION REOUEST FOR RELIEP ISI-10 Components: Reactor vessel flange to upper shell weld Cl as s.: ASME Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection Requireme.nt ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, examination category B-A, item no. Bl.30, volumetric from flange face. Rasis for Relief The reactor vessel flange-to-upper shell weld is located behind the core barrel and is therefore inaccessible until the core barrel is removed. The g, vessel flange-to-upper shell weld is 41.9 inches y below the flange face. Due to the location of the vessel flange-to-upper shell weld, TVA intends to address the weld as a reactor vessel shell weld. We have reviewed the Sequoyah Reactor Vessel Stress Report entitled Analysis of the Main Closure Including Core Support Ledge (Document No. 30616-1105) purposely to determine a fatigue usage factor for the vessel flange to shell weld. This analysis does not provide a usage factor specifically l for the weld because the analysis considers weld and base material to be homogeneous and equal in elasticity, strength, and fatigue properties. f Instead, the analysis provides usage factors at critical locations. The maximum fatigue usage factor in the vessel in the vicinity of the flange to shell weld as found in the above analysis is 0.00662 and this value can be conservatively used for the weld. We consider the { value of 0.00662 to be extremely low compared to the ( code allowed fatigue usage factor of 1.0. We conclude Judat the distance (41.9") from the flange f ace to the flange-to-upper shell weld coupled with present ultrasonic techniques and the very low fatigue usage factor that the flange-to-upper shell l weld should be treated as a reactor vessel shell weld. L Alternate Inspection: A remote ultrasonic examination of the weld will be conducted from the vessel inside diameter near the end of the inspection interval. (Continued) p vA 4mM4 (NP 191) 1503C/COC3 ~

.~ SunJud Sheet 31-114.1, Attachmsnt 3 SURVEILLANCE f:Ovision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 24 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-10 (Continued) l l 5Alety Evaluation Summary: Request for Relief ISI-10 has been approved with no additional augmented requirements. References Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to 0. D. Klugsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). I f i l i t 1 4 b 4 w b I l ~ }VA 40M4 (NP290 1503C/COC3 l l -

,e +... ~. i Standard Sku e SI-114.1, Attachnont % SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 'O INSTRUCTION. REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 25 of 48 4 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-11 ,p This Requ9st has been Withdrawn -fd v +, t 'l T t n - i.11 b A t d l' j. [VA N (NP 2.91) 1503C/COC3

st&rd swer l SI-114.1, Attechment 3 SURVEILLANCE R0vicion 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 26 of 48 REDUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-12 Thia Request For Relief was not needed. See NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). Components: 1. Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger - Chemical .u, Volume Control System (CVCS) 2. Regenerative Heat Exchanger - CVCS Class: ASME Code Class 2 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirement: ASME Section XI, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination i Category C-A, item Nos. C1.10, C1.20, and C1.30, volumetric examination of essentially 100 percent of each circumferential weld at gross structural discontinuities (head-to-shell and tubesheet-to-shell weld) and categories C-C and C-E, item Nos. C3.10, surf ace examinatitas of integrally welded suprert attachments. Basis for Relief: ~ The excess letdown heat exchanger (ELHX) and the regenerative heat exchanger (REX) were scheduled for examination during the first inspection period in accordance with the In-service Inspection (ISI) Prrgrams SI-114.1 and SI-114.2. The ELHX circum-m fe.sntial head weld was scheduled for ultrasonic (UT) oxamination in the first three-year inspection period. For the RHX there are six circumferential I nead welds and six circumferential tubesheet-to-shell j welds. Of these, two each of the circumferential head welds and tubesheet-to-shell welds were to be ~ examined in the first period by UT examination. ASME Section XI 1977 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda, Table j IWC-2500-1 Examination Category C-A requires a volumetric examination of 100 percent of the required welds. The ELHX weld was examined ultrasonically from one j side for almost the entire length, ercept where the ,4 head *t flanged nozzle-inlet and outlet welds j interfered with the examination (see attached a drawing). This allowed for an UT examination of 90 percent of the weld from the one side. From the opposite side, the head taper and head closure studs and nuts severely restricted access to the weld area and as a result no meaningful results could be obtained. The UT was performed on a best-effort basis and supplemented with a liquid-penetrant test (PT) over 100 percent of the weld area. (Continued) l j ., z,e l 1,0,c, cec,

StaadAd Sices 31-114.1, Attachm3nt 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF 3 age 27 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-12 y (Continued) In the case of the RHX when ersminations were pe rf o rmed, the state-of-the-art UT examination capabilities did not allow the achievement of meaningful results because of the component fabrication processes involved. The REX is a centrifugally cast stainless steel, r~ SA-351, CF8 vessel. In addition, the examinations {~ were hin% -v by supports which were essentially nonremovabae from the area of two of the four welds because of the location in the heat exchanger room l and their position on the vessel (see attached drawings). As a result, a PT was performed in place l of the required UT. On the two restricted welds j examined, only 75 percent of the weld lengths were surface examined because of supports covering part of the weld areas. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.2(v) of the Code of Federal Regulations, the RHX and the ELHX are defined { to be within the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) (ASME Class 1). Secondly, 10 CFR 50.55(c)

lL further states

"(2) Components which are connect 6d l to the reactor coolant system and are part of the !j reactor coolant pressure boundary defined in 50.2(v) ( need not meet these requirements (Class 1 require-ments), provided: (ii) The component is or can be isolated from the reactor coolanc system by two I k valves (both closed, both open, or one closed and the other open). Each open valve must be capable of automatic actuation and, assuming the ither valve is j t open, its closure time must be such that, in the j event of postulated failure of the component during normal reactor operation, each valve remains operable and the reactor can be shutdown and cooled down in an orderly manner, assuming makeup is provided by the reactor coolant makeup system only." As a result of this paragraph, the REX, ELHX, and the connecting } .i piping to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) and piping out to the containment isolation valves would be exempt from ASME Class 1 examination requirements. i 9 U ].W 40W4 (NP l*>O w 1503C/COC3

$4azerd Sheet I1I-114.1, Attechmant 3 SURVEILLANCE Rovision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 28 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-12 n


Sequoyah Nuclear Plant units 1 and 2 ISI programs, SI-114.1 and SI-114.2, classify components for examination in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 3. The guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.26, paragraph C.1, classify components which are exempted by 10 CFR 50.55A(c)(2)ii from ASME Class 1 examina-tion requirements (such as the RHX, ELHX, and associated piping) as ASME Class 2 equivalent. The Sequoyah Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Section, further descr.bes the RHX, ELHX, and associated piping as "not required to function during a loss-of-coolant accident." Additional system design considerations nre the following: 1. The ELHX is not used during normal plant operations and is isolated from the RCS by three valves, two normally closed gate valves and a check valve. 2. The RHX is isolated from the RCS by two check valves. Leakage from the RCS is prevented by the two check valves in series which were leak tested during the preoperational test program. Leakage [ also can be detected by monitoring for signs of system incoming leakage and by monitoring the RCS for signs of outgoing leakage (FSAR 6.3-26). I 3. There are no leakage problems into the CVCS from the RCS because of the higher pressure at which the CVCS is generally maintained (FSAR 6.3-27). In addition, the inlet and outlet piping (one inlet and one outlet) associated with the ELHX is 1-inch nominal pipe size (NPS) and 3-inch NPS for the RHX. Both of these are less than the 4-inch NPS which, in accordance with IWC-1220(c), is exempt from the examination requirements in Table IWC-2500-1 (Class 2) of ASME Section XI. Also note that the Winter 1980 Addenda, paragraph IWB-1220(b)(2) exempts [{ from examination components and their connections in (g piping of 1-inch nominal pipe size and smaller. (Having one inlet and one outlet pipe, each 1-NPS or smaller.) o rs } VA 40%4 (NP 191) 1503C/COC3

5terdard Sheet j 31-114.1, Attcchment 3 SURVEILLANCE itavicion 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 29 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-12 P1 (Continued) TVA also feels that the ALARA considerations to perform the liquid penetrant (PT) examinations on the ELEX and RHX are excessive for the benefits received f rom the inspections. The actual radiation exposures to perform the first inspection period examinations alone were 2,200 MREM and 6,600 MREM respectively. Note that, in addition to the requirements in Examination Category C-A, Table IHC-2500-1, Examination Category C-H requires that all pressure retaining components be pressure tested in accordance [7 with IWC-5000 This results in a system pressure test conducted each 10-year interval during a system functional test for the ELHX and a system hydrostatic test performed each inspection interval fot 1.he RHX. Based on the component classifications as defined in 10 CFR 50.55, the nonsafety related function as stated in Sequoyah FSAR, the design of the heat exchangers and their supports preventing 100-percent examination coverage, and the ALARA considerations in view of the small benefit realized, TVA requests relief from the ASME Section XI examination requirements as shown in Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A only (Class 2). Alternate Inspectian None. { w 1 I, l, e 1 1j vA 4txm1 (NP 2N) 1503C/COC3

a C. O i c 'l .2 t_a. C~~. t_a l~' T 3 ~ ,y y; E a i RHx 2. ~ W5 I 3o v,, HX-3 /-RtiX-4 .g g 7 en 6 'O F. '5 G.. 9

  • N I

RHX-1 RHX-6 ) f-RHX-8 e e = 8 ~i G-N RHX-5 RHX-7 ) m f( E f-RHX-12 L., e -t:L 4 T h' g RHX-9d RHX-Il RHX-10 l MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS nNNESSEE VAMEy AUTH0mY CLASS B SHELL NOTES SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT s SA 351 CF 8 i' SEE SHEET 2 FOR SHELL hEGENERATIVE HEAT EXCHANGER j ;$. L UNITS #1'B #2 87 Q HEADS DETAILS. AND DIMENSIONS o WELO LOCATIONS w7% o SA 240 TP 304 REFERENCE DRAWINGS scng no inh ~ D"mc r_e_ A u-D~ 8-E 'I"o"aEs, --igi.0066-A '~~ ~/~ 2323 " ' . TUBE SHEET 496I inct j SA 182 F 304 4964 cnecreo Rg = n9 O 5 j u 4

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. - - -...... ~.. - -.. - Nasd,rd Sheet t RI-114.1,. Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision'2 INSTRUCTION . REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 34 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEP ISI-13 W. i' Comoonents: Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger (two per unit) Classt. ASME Code Class 2 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirement ASME Section XI, Table IWC-2500-1, examination -. i category C-B, item no. C2.20, nozzles in vessels with-over 1/2-inch in nominal wall thickness; surface and volumetric examination. Basis for Relief: Each heat exchanger consists of an inlet-outlet head-chamber with one inlet and one outlet nozzle and two integrally attached support brackets. Volumetric ys examination of the nozzle-to-vessel welds and the-nozzle inner radil is inhibited by the shell-to-tubesheet veld, shell-to-head weld, and the integral supports as shown in the attached sketches. Proximity of the velds and inner radius sections do not allow for the achievement of meaning results from a volumetric examination. Alternate E.Kamination: The nozzle-to-vessel welds will be examined utilizing a surface only examination. t -Safety Evaluation Summary: Request for Relief ISI-13 has been approved with no additional augmented requirements.


Memorandum from F. J. Hebdon, NRC, to O. D. Kingsley, TVA, dated February 7, 1991 (A02 910214 009). f- .i d b w (^4"*4WP:MO 1503C/COC3


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I ScrJnJ Scri ~ 31-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 36 of 48 n 24" =- = RHRW-16 TUBESHEET f 1/2 "- p l/// ///////ul////// l/// 18 3/8" / o o- /yj gx; pl \\ 8 15/16" l= 0.D. ~ RHRW-18 RHRW-19 =N / '\\ / 1 1/8" 3- = ~ / / = N / \\ / I x ~ 14 5/16 "_/ I' 0.D. / / Y L RHRW-14 C 15 l I///////////////////// J \\ BOTTOM HEAD e 3 iJ w TVA 40mJ (NP 291) 1503C/COC3

.9arenad S' cs a 31-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 37 of 48 x d ~1. 08" Vessel Wall r1 1* i r4 fN / _ o_So-L l A n Y-Q ~ - 0. 41 " u H 12:00 1-o i. t. = 4 1/2" t I 3: 00 i i I l. 6: 00 i a [ 'l / a h))) I 1 3/4" ~ ~ 2 1/2" 4 1/2" = r g 1/2" = [, 14" =- u 9 a s avuno.u mr vin 1503c/coc3

4 SuaJad SDect 31-114.1, Attachment 3 L SUR7EILLANCE Revision 2 S INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF ? age 38 of 48 RE0' JEST FOR RELIEF ISI-14 ~ Components: Reactor Vessel (RV) Outlet Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, RV Nozzle Inside Radius Section, and RV Nozzle-to-Safe End Welds Class: American Society or Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Class 1 Inspection Requirement: Table INB-2500-1 Examination Category B-D; Full Penetration Welds of Nozzles in Vessels Item No. B3.90 Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds Item No. B3.100 Nozzle Inside Radius Section Footnote 3 (1st Inspection Interval) "At least 25 percent but not more than 50 percent fcredited) of the nozzles shall be examined by t? end of 1st inspection period and remainder by the end of inspection interval." Footnote 4 (Successive Inspection Intervals 2nd, 3rd, and 4 th) - "At least 25 percent but not more than 50 percent (credited) of the nozzles shall be examined by the end of 1st inspection period and the romainder by the end of 3rd inspection ( period of each inspection interval." Footnote 5 (Deferral of Inspection to End of I k Interval) - "If examinations are conducted from inside the component and the nozzle weld is examined by straight beam ultrasonic method from the nozzle bore the remaining examinations required to be conducted from the shell inside diameter may be performed at or near the end of each inspection interval." Examination Category B-F; Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds Item No. B5.10 Nozzle-to-Safe End Welds ~ Footnote 2 (Successive Inspection Intervals 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) - "For the reactor vessel nozzle safe-ends, the examinations may be performed coincident with the vessel nozzle examinat3ons <r{ required by Examination Category B-D." (Continued) u I JT I 'A 4mM4 (NP 2SI) e 1503C/COC3

SaasJ,rd Sheet SI-114.1, Attachmant 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF Page 39 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-14 n (Continued) Basis for Relial: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SON) is a four-loop pressurized water reactor with four inlet and four outlet RV nozzles. The-RV nozzle-to-vessel welds and inside radius sections are ultrasonically examined from the RV inside diameter using automated inspection devices. With the RV core barrel in place, the outlet nozzles are accessible for examination from the nozzle bore only. The inlet nozzles are inaccessible for examination until the core barrel is removed. SON is in the second period of the first ten-year }f inspection interval. During the first period, the ~ accessible volumes of the nozzle-to-vessel welds and inside radius sections on SON's four outlet nozzles were ultrasonically examined from the nozzle bore. The remaining examinations for the four inlet and four outlet nozzles are to be completed during the third period, thus satisfying the requirements of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Item Nos. B3.90 and B3.100, Footnotes 3, 4, and 5. In addition to the RV nozzle examinations, the RV nozzle-to-safe end welds are ultrasonically examined using an automated inspection device when the nozzle is examined from the bore. During the first period, the nozzle-to-safe end welds on four outlet nozzles were ultrasonically examined from the inside diameter and surface examined from the cutside diameter. The nozzle-to-safe end welds on the four inlet nozzles will be similarly examined during the third inspection period. This will satisfy the i requirements of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination j Category B-F, Item No. B5.10, Footnote 2. The ASME Code provides for the continuation of the first and third period examinatidbs during the second, third, and fourth inspection intervals, thus establishing a ten-year examination frequency. TVA proposes to alter the inspection schedule by j' performing an additional examination of the RV nozzle-to-vessel welds and i uide radius sections for ~ SON's four outlet nozzles during the third inspection period of the first inspection interval. In addition, the nozzle-to-safe end welds for the outlet nozzles would also be examined during the third inspection period of the first interval. Performance of these additional examinations will thereby establish a new ten-year examination schedule for the second, third, and fourth inspection intervals. The ten-year examination frequency required by the code w (Continued) di 1 h 4H04 (NP 2SI) u. 1503C/COC3

. ~... - - -. .. - =--.~..~. - - +.,~. . Su mbrd SNd $I-114.1, Attachmsnt 3 SURVEILLANCE Revision 2. . INSTRUCTION : 'REQUESTSfFOR RELIEF-Page 40 of 48 'REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-14 lE (Continued). 1 HA2 s for Reliefs would continue to be maintained. Additional benefits (Continued) includes' One-time. installation and removal of the automated inspection device from the RV flange rather than twice during and inspection interval. Performance of additional RV outlet nozzle .s:- .execinations during the first inspection interval. Performance of additional RV outlet , -h nozzle-to-safe end weld examinations during the first inspection interval. t-An overall reduction in personnel radiation exposure (one automated examination versus two), thus supporting as low as reasonably achievable considerations. A reduction in the number of times automated hg-devices and associated materials and equipment must be decontaminated (reduces generation of radwaste). I A cost saving to TVA of 1.8 million dollars over the 40-year life of the plant. In consideration of TVA's performance of additional examinations during the first interval and the radiation exposure required to perform inspections under the current Section XI examination schedule (second, third, and fourth intervals), it is concluded that compliance with the specified requirements would result in an unnecessary hardship without a compensating increase in the level of guality and safety. ,v s J Alternate Inspection: . SON's four RV outlet nozzles will-be ultrasonically Il examined twice during the first inspection interval. LI The second examination would occur during the third period. This includes examination of the outlet nozzle-to-vessel velds by the straight beam W ultrasonic method from the nozzle bore and examination of the outlet nozzle inner radius ~ sections. These examinations will be in addition to the examinations required to be conducted on the v (Continued) w I 4N04 {NP IH). 1503C/COC3

.._..m.___ ._-m.m,_ _ ~.. -.. -- 2 [StasJard Shce I SI-114.1, Attachmant 3-SURVEILLANCE Revision 2- . INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR LELIEF Page'41 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-14 (Continued) Alternate Insoection outlet nozzle-to-vessel welds and inner radius section from the RV shell inside diameter. during the third inspection period. SON's four RV outlet nozzle-to-safe end welds will i also bs examined twice during the-first inspection-interval (third period). The examinations will. include an automated ultrasonic examination from the [ inside diameter and a surface examination from the -j outside diameter. During the second, third, and fourth inspection


intervals all RV nozzle-to-vessel welds, inside E radius sections and RV nozzle-to-safe end welds will be examined during the third inspection period. Status: Request-for Relief ISI-14 was submitted to the NRC on August 21, 1991, with a 1 i { request for a response by June 1, 1992.


Memorandum from J. L. Wilson, TVA, to the NRC, dated i -- ! August 21, 1991 (S10 910821 848). ). b 3 q 'e o s r.w Y h 7 i "A 40004 (NP 231) - 1503C/COC3 =

a s .JAl-.~ ..,. _ = .J_f. 14 ..J, m.e.,1a.r.24 5. J.r Ac_:: 4414. Ar4.4.2 s Sundard Sheet II-114.1, Attachmant 3 SURVEILLANCE tevision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF > age 42 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-15 -t components: Main Steam. System Integrally Welded Support Attachments-Class: ASME Code Class 2 (Equivalent) .Insoection Reog.irement: ASME Section XI, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-C, Item No. C3.40, Piping Integrally Welded Support Attachments, Surface Examination. Basis for Relief It will be' impractical to surface examine certain integrally welded attachment velds due to the design configuration of the Main Steam System supports. -h9 Examination of piping integrally welded support attachments 1-MSH-303-IA, 1-MSH-343-IA, 1-MSH-383-IA, and MSH-423-IA is prohibited for the following reasons: (1) The physical location of the supports is very close to the wall. l (2) Disassembly of_the supports is prohibited without cutting the support. (3) The integral attachment welds are obscured behind bars. Therefore, a surface examination is not possible and only a small percentage of [ the integral' attachment veld is accessible for a visual examination, (4) SQN outage personnel worked five shifts attempting to remove the support clamp for i 1-MSH-303-IA without success. After removal of the clamp bolting, there was not sufficient J clearance to remove the brackets that clamp i around the pipe due to the building structure and design configuration of the supports. Alternate Inspection: TVA will perform a VT examination of the component supports as practical. Status: Request for Relief ISI-15 submitted to the NRC as a { part of Revision 17 of this program. 2 d 1 gYA 4mM4 (NP 191) 1503C/COC3

~ su Jard ske'. sI-114.1,-Attachment 3 lEUR7EILLANCE _. tevision 2 - INSTRUCTION. . REQUESTS FOR RELIEF ' age 43 of 48 EIDUEST FOR RELIEP ISI-16 Cpmoonents: Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger (two per unit) ~ Class: ASME Code Class 2 (Eguivalent) . inspection Requirement ASME Section XI, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A, Item No. C1.10, Volumetric Examination of Circumferential Shell Welds. Basis for' Relief Each heat exchanger consists of an inlet-outlet head chamber with one -inlet and -one ratlet nozzle and two integrally attached suppcic brackets and a circumferential vessel shell-to-flange weld. The "i design configuration of the nozzles and support I brackets restricts examination of the vessel-to-flange weld (see attached drawing). The vessel shell weld is 113 inches in length.' The weld examinations are cistributed in three segments, identified as: PREM-16-A-1, 37 in.; RHRW-16-A-2, 38 in.; and RHRW-16-A-3, 38 in.- RHRW-16-A-1 was ultrasonically 4 . [j exuained in the first inspection period and achieved approximately 81% examination coverage. RRRW-16-A-2 was examined in the second porlod and achieved approximately 71% examination volume coverage.. RERW-16-A-3 is scheduled for examination during the third period with an estimated examination volume coverage of 82%. Based on the examinations performed .[ and an estimatio. of the remaining third period examination, approximately 78% examination volume + coverage of the RER heat exchanger circumferential 1 weld will be achieved. .J AltREnate' Inspection: In addition to the visual examination performed ] during system leakage and hydrostatic pressure tests, j~ j TVA will perform a best-effort ultrasonic examination on one vessel-to-flange weld on one heat exchanger to achieve as much Code coverage as possible and achieve meaningful results. Status Reguest for Relief ISI-16 submitted to the NPC as a part of Revision 17 of this program. Le .[ L l t t l Jtv4 4ooo4 (NP 2SI) 1503C/COC3 1 ~


a g g C Q [_ ' L _.' '~I~ (- j E i T. i = E 7 G8 .? mw REFERENCE DRAWINGS YN .2 NO TE > O' FOR VESSEL WILL DE ESTABLISHED CONTRACT NO. 68C60-9I934 (N2M-2-25)

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  1. 2 (37' TO 75*); #3 (75" TO I13");

%Q (IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION) ASME CC-2 (EOUIVALENT) INLET INLET - RHRW-l 6-Y-Z RHRW-l 8-Y-IA RHRW ' I 4 - Y m RHRW-l 9-Y-IA 1 ' \\, t v o o w i Mo O-0 4 O E o o \\ o / ( RHRHXH-l8-Y ~ E / n v l f Y / pygy_ j 7_ y_y ) / / " RHRHXH-l 9 - Y OUTLET CUTLET RHRW-15-Y $ hPG 8-23*91 ADO REFEQENCE (%CS Q&Nf, e RPG t-3! 49 A E !CrE wCC Man CL " RHRHXH CR RHRW-XX-Y-Z 3 RPG 11-20-87 ADOED COCE CLASS 6 MADE C AD

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'CG CLe 3 ~~ ~~ WELD /IO SURPORT 2 J^^ s-tr-es conEcr owc ran passin ~aA x-E cLe MEV t-9-Se REVISC kELO h0S 6 ACC t ORES 'ECC GL R A CR 8 HX - oEv er cA rE cCscerprioN \\ce-o! ns. Ace '~ ' PCRTION OF WELD EXAMI- - NED (l,2,OR3) FCR WELDS TEteESSEE VALLEY AUTHCRITY i y RhRW Y-Z L RHRW Y-Z SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT et G G 8 UNIT I 2 L l, Q RESIDUAL HEA T REMOVAL HEA T EXCHANGER. ,Lg l Q CHANNEL WELDS AND SUPPCRT ag. n idAkN nEv SecMirlEO appvovco gagt nrs o NYT>~o.19 e 7 cA rc, 3Src___ sucEr i or o snEE r is i nu onawi?C to loEv 9 5cygo. Ec gy g, s a care. CHM-2404-AlO5 ~~~~' o v W

Suodard Shcet SURVEILLANCE iI-114.1, ? ttachment 3 Revision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF ' age 45 of 48 REOUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-17 Components: Integrally Welded Support Attachments gings: ASME Code Class 2 (Equivalent) 1.nspection Recuirement: ASME Section XI, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-C, Item No. C3.40, Piping Integrally Welded Support Attachments, Surface Examination. hasis for Relief: Due to the design vintage of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant it will be impractical to inspect all of the integrally welded attachments of certain component supports. The integrally welded support attachments P may have access limitations as well as nonremovable hanger (pipe clamp) interference. These limitations will be noted on the examination data sheet and on the attached listing of this Relief Request. Alternate Insoection: TVA will perform a best-effort surface examination. In addition, the supports shall receive a visual examination (VT-3) as practical. Status: Request for Relief ISI-17 submitted to the NRC as a part of Revision 17 of this program. M t Li e w I 1 .J vA 4mm4 (NP 2S!) 1503C/COC3

i sueJara sheci sf-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE ?.evision 2 INSTRUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF 3 age 46 of 48 REQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-17 I Component Exam Drawing Code System ID Cat. No. Coverace Limications Feedw: 'r FDH-204-IA C-C CHM-2439-C 0% Access limited due to penetration at wail in valve room. Support designs snubber stiffener plate l prohibits access to integral attachments qlp for surface eram and '~ allows only a best effort visuel examinat nn. 8 hl r )1

1 e

j r 4 J l l ] (jV^ 4Df*4 (NP P31) 1503C/COC3

SaeJuJ Sheet iI-114.1, Attachment 3 SURVEILLANCE tevision 2 INSTEUCTION REQUESTS FOR RELIEF .)age 47 of 48 EEQUEST FOR RELIEF ISI-18 Components: Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head-to-Flange Weld i Class: ASNI Code Class 1 (Equivalent) Inspection Requirement: ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination g Category 3-A, Item No. Bl.40, Volumetric Examination. E3 sis for,E211ti The Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) closura head-to-flange weld, W08-09, is 45 feet in length. The weld examinations are performed from the OD surf ace and distributed in three segments of 15 feet lengths each inspection period. The veld segments are identified as: WO8-09A (0" - 180"), WOB-09B (180" - 360") and WOB-09C (360" - 540"). Due to the design configuration of the closure head, no examinations may be performed from the flange side. Limited examinat.ons from the ring side are due to the head lifting lugs located at O*, 120', and 240' (see attached drawing). These limitations are denoted on the examination data sheets. WOB-09A was ultrasonically examined in the irst inspection period and achieved approximately 40% examination i volume coverage. WOB-09B was examined in the second [ inspection period and achieved approximately 40% examination volume coverage. WO8-09C is scheduled i for examination during the third period with an estimated examination volume coverage of 40% It should be noted that approximctely 100% of L7e weld volume was examined from the OD surface from *he closure head ring side. However, the required 1/2T base metal area was not completely examined on the flange side. Due to extreme limited scanning area, TVA will be able to achieve approximately 40% examination coverage of the RPV closure head-to-flange weld. Alternate Inspection: In addition to the visual examination performed during system leakage and hydrostatic pressure tests, TVA will perform a best-effort ultrasonic examination to achieve as much code coverage as possible and achieve meaningful results. In addition TVA will perform a 100% surface examination (MT) of the closure head-to-flange weld flex area, of all accessible areas, in the third inspection pe: lod. Status: Request for Relief ISI-18 submitted to the NRC as a part of Revision 17 of this program. >l _)v4 4mm4 (NP:so 1503C/COC3

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