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Registry of Radioactive Sealed Sources & Devices,Safety Evaluation of Sealed Source for Model Ac. Certificate:NR-8099-S-803-S
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/17/1998
Shared Package
ML20217D729 List:
SSD, NUDOCS 9804270068
Download: ML20217D760 (5)


{{#Wiki_filter:REGISTRY OF RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES AND DEVICES SAFETY EVALUATION OF SEALED SOURCE NO.: NR-8099-S-803-S DATE: APR 171998 ' PAGE 1 OF 4 SOURCE TYPE: Density and Moisture Gauge Source MODEL: AC (per Troxler Electronics Lab Drawing A-100281) DISTRIBUTOR: Troxler Electronics Lab Cornwallis Rd. at Alexander Dr. Research triangle Park, NC 27709 MANUFACTURER: Parkwell Laboratories, Inc. 429 North High Street Croton, OH 43013 1 I i ISOTOPE: MAXIMUM ACTIVITY: Americium-241 300 millicuries (11.1 GBq) Cesium-137 20 millicuries (0.74 GBq) LEAK TEST FREOUENCY: 6 Months PRINCIPAL USE: (H) General Neutron Source Applications CUSTOM SOURCE: YES X NO 1 9804270068 980417 PDR RC

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REGISTRY OF RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES AND DEVICES SAFETY EVALUATION OF SEALED SOURCE NO.: NR-8099-S-803-S DATE: ppg ; 7 ggg, PAGE 2 OF 4 SOURCE TYPE: Density and Moisture Gauge Source DESCRIPTION: Either: (1) 300 mci (11.1 GBq) of Am-241 (as AmO )2 ; (2) 20 mci (0.74 GBq) of Cs-137 (as CsCl) ; or (3) a mixture of 50 mci , (1.85 GBq) Am-241 (as AmO ) and 10 mci (0.37 GBq) of Cs-137 2 i (as Cscl) is mixed with beryllium powder, placed into an inner capsule (stainless steel cup) and pressed (1000 pound (453.6 kg) load) into place with a capsule plug (interference fit). The plug is sealed welded into place. This capsule is then placed into an outer capsule (stainless steel cup) with a stainless steel plug (interference fit) seal welded into place. Both inner and outer capsules have a wall thickness of 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) (total of 0.050 inch (1.27 mm)). The outer capsule is 0.356 inch (9.04 mm) in diameter and 0.572 inch (14.53 mm) in length. LABELING: Each source bears a serial number impressed or engraved in the active end. CONDITIONS OF NORMAL USE: The source was designed for use in Troxler Electronics road logging devices. PROTOTYPE TESTING: A dummy source was sectioned and etched to determine weld penetration. Both inner and outer container capsuled had greater penetration than the wall thickness. l EXTERNAL RADIATION LEVELS: The manufacturer reported the minimum neutron yield to be 1.25 x 105 neutrons per second. I L

l l l REGISTRY OF RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES AND DEVICES SAFETY EVALUATION OF SEALED SOURCE NO,: NR-8099-S-803-S DATE: art 17 gg. PAGE 3 OF 4 l l SOURCE TYPE: Density and Moisture Gauge Source OUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL: The inner capsule is subjected to a 100 psi (0.69 MPa) helium pressure for 15 minutes, placed in a suitable liquid, and checked i for emission of bubbles. The same procedure is followed for the complete source. l LIMITATIONS AND/CR OTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF USE:

  • The source shall only be used by specific licensees of NRC
       .or Agreement States.
  • The source shall be leak tested at intervals not to exceed 6 months using techniques capable of detecting 0.005 microcurie (185 Bq) of removable contamination.
  • Handling, storage, use, transfer, and disposal: 1%) be determined by the licensing authority.
  • This registration sheet and the information contained within the references shall not be changed without the written consent of the NRC.



l The AC Density and Moisture Gauge source was originally approved for licensing purposes by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) on June 11, 1970 and amended November 30, 1970. This' source is no longer manufactured and distributed by Parkwell Laboratories. The company is out of business. There is insufficient information on file for this source to have performed a complete safety evaluation, Therefore, this registration certificate has been transferred to inactive status l without further review based on the original review and approval L issued by the AEC. l l t


l REGISTRY OF RADIOACTIVE SEALED SOURCES "JD DEVICES SAFETY EVALUATION OF SEALED SC JRLt' NO.: NR-8099-S-803-S DATE: APR 171998' PAGE 4 OF 4 SOURCE TYPE: Density and Moisture Gauge Source , l REFERENCES 1 The following supporting documents for the Model AC Density and J Moisture Gauge source are hereby incorporated by reference and ' are made a part of this registry document.

  • Parkwell Laboratories' letters dated May 11, 1970, and October 19, 1970, and with enclosures thereto.

ISSUING AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i l

A PAGEi NRC FORM 567 U. S. NUCt EAR REGULATORY COMM2]SION REQUEST FOR A SEALED SOURCE OR DEVICE EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS: Send tNo request AND e copy of en toisted letters /epp46cet6ons and drawings to: The Seeled Source Safety Section, ATTN: CNef, OWFN Mail Stop 6 H3. Change the Ucense Tracidng System milestone to 19 and seeign to reviewer code I-5. NOTE: Retain a copy of tNo request wRh the application and beck 0round files. REQUESTER REGION / LOCATION: I $ k((A/C. l / TELEPHODE NUMeER DATE Mb ' 1AlC.-. lI 11 h til IV RV U HQ R LFDCB TYPE Cr:!4 TION REQtMSTED (Check as ,, 4 ^ APPUCANTe M SOURCE REVIEW AMENDMENT OF REGISTRATION SHEET N (S) MAL CONTROL NUMeERM DEVICE REVIEW g_ g , jA lo L LETTER /APPUCADON DATE UCEHeE NUMeE*m CUSTOM REVIEW /e 3 IIll1/91 'OY. Isf


ARDWt/ ,4,46, D'c. c.fc> M i M 9' Sac FOR 8888 USE ONLY N MODEL NUMeERS pt _j ,;) sj f g NUMeER AseGNED g/ b lf. 0 PL -Ainrw As1. a c. pt- w mTE REcEuED mm resoNED < mTE TO FEES I\hI9l99 ll

                                                                                                                                $Y TYPE OF ACTION (Indicate the number of each type) l COAWERCIAL DISTRIBUTION (FORMAL)                                      l USE BY A SINGLE APPUCANT(CUSTOM)


 ~l OTHER (Spedy)                                                                                                                                l TOTAL NUM8ER OF                          NOTES                                    .


                                             ,.                         ]in                      98                9C                  90 AMOUNT RECENED

{ CHECK NUMeER MATANN UPDATED ( ~ AS REQUIRED y y " g ,9y 5seo a;;;Sgg-D v m V g ~~ ~ ggf<j 7 I NRC FORM So? (543)


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    +                                          D 171998' l

l DATE: April 17,1998 l NOTE TO: Parkwell Laboratories Files (SSD-97-70) / THROUGH: John W. Lubinski, Mechanical Engineer / . FROM: Eric Compton, Engineering Aide , Materials Safety Branch /~ bA i The following registration certificates have been transfer to inactive status: i FROM TO MODEL NUMBER NR-532-S-101-U NR-8099-S-801-S PL-AmBe NR-532-S-102-U NR-8099-S-802-S AM NR-532-S-103-U NR-8099-S-803-S AC NR-532-S-104-U NR-8099-S-804-S PL-200 NR-532-S-105-U NR-8099-S-805-S PL-104 These sources were originally approved for licensing purposes by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) during the late 1960's and early 1970's. These sources are no longer manufactured and distributed by Parkwell Laboratories. Parkwell Laboratories' was purchased by the General Nuclear Company around February or March 1967. The company has been out of business since at least 1980. The background files only contained the registration certificate. I contacted Oak Ridge and had the AEC archive files sent to me. These files contained some additional information, including drawings, which I have included in the inactive registration certificates. In addition, I copied all the documents from these AEC archive files to be included with the NRC background files for these new certificates. However, there is insufficient information on file for these sources to have performed safety evaluations. Therefore, these registration certificates have been taken to inactive status without further review based on the original review and approval issued by the AEC. This action is necessary for administrative purposes. b \ gggggefy f

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     %'                                        7. ,,,i U.S.' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
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     ;.l; License No. .34-13517-01@.'h.9
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                                                            ..,ns.-                        . g. a.                r V                     Docket No.                                                                           '


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af - " -Wbv i AssociatedL.icensesNo.).,34-11105-01);'SNM-1347,andSNM-909(terminated)

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Facility: General Nuclear,'Inc.,'and ##- s ' Parkwell Laboratories, Inc. ', - 429 North High Street. M

          .                                Croton, Ohio J.W                t. . ,,       /, . ,.

Inspection At: Private residence of Mrs. Nancy Wells (a former 429 North GeneralHigh Street Nuclear

                                                                                               ,        and Parkwell Laboratories facility)

Croton, OH 43013 , Inspection Conducted- Jan ar ,-1993 Inspector: .. . ^/, 5 ~ ~'N d CC'. Wiedeman , Date Senior Health Physicist' ' Approved By: _ o'n A. Grobe v n b! D Date/ ' F cl facilities and Decommissioning Insocction Summarv , o Insocction on January 21, 1993 (Recort No. 030-05868/93001(ORSSii Areas Inspected: This was a special closecut inspection which included a review of the licensee's former activities associated with the decontamination and remediation of their formerly used office, manufacturing, and laboratory areas located at 429 North High Street, Croton, Ohio. This inspection was in response to an NRC which an evaluation of approximately 17,000 retired licenses was conducted by an NRC contractor, Oak Ridge National

 '.                     Laboratories (ORNL).                  On the basis of the information in the retired license files, sites having a potential for significant residual contamination in their former facilities were to be investigated further. Due to the lack of documentation in the General Nuclear, Inc. and Parkwell Laboratories, Inc.

retired license file, the NRC contractor concluded that the former facilities f,' used by these companies during the period of 1955-1980 could have significant amounts of residual contamination. Results: The NRC inspector did not identify any radiation levels above natural background within the facilities or surrounding environment. Based ,.' A g ggoG4sr930611 % ' PDR ADOCK 03005868. , 3 eg C PDRt 4

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                              ~1.        Persons Contacted l                                                                                 .


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            ;.y                            Nancy Wells, Resident and 'ownePof property;.N                                                                                 'j w
  • Steven Ott, Esq.,, Attorney ,for Nancy Weljs
  • y; ag'J
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  • Contacted by telephone 'o.n Jaruary .21,'1993.'-

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2. Backoround ' t p,. , m
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F M'; AEC Licenses No. SNM-1347, SNM-909,'34-ll!05-01,'and 34-13517-01 were issued to General Nuclear,'Inc.-and Parkwell Laboratories, Inc., I "i respectively, for development, manufacturing,"and distribution of sealed

  . ,A                                   sources in their former manufacturing facility at 429 North High Street,                                                            -

Croton, Ohio, during the period 1965-1979.7 0n October 17, 1968, license i jA No. 34-11105-01 was-amended to include,f radiation.of gem stones with  ; yl.. f M h,ff sealed sources .y of.:'Qamericium-241ijpr$g<,,((N"WW yttjyp Wq hW ,


l The work was conducted i@an 800.ft' single story Butler building aI n id6 N High Street address. tThe former facility! consisted of a business office, machine shop, assembly and test areas, shoner, restroom, and

                ,                       small utility room. ' License NoE34-ll105-01.was issued on June 24, h@f                                    1965, and was terminated on February 3('.1970h In two letters to the
 #g                                     Commission dated February 24, 1967, and March 1,'1967, the licensee informed the Commission that all assets and materials possessed by
 ,f                                     Parkwell taberatories have been assigned to General Nuclear, Inc. (see

((M h. Attachment A). 1969, the licensee stated,that all radioactive materials were.In another

 $1                                     transferred to their Texas License No. 4-734 and the only material that
 > h.;                                 remained was contaminated hoods and glove boxes whtch was possessed under License No. 34-13517-01. (see Attachment B). - Subsequent telephone g

r?V conversations were made between NRC Region Ill: staff and Mr. Charles Wells (now deceased)-in the early>l980's prior to the. termination of License No. 34-13517-01, in which'Mr. Wells indicated that these f I

 .W                                    contaminated items were buried in'two burials in accordance with 10 CFR 20.304 sometime in early 1980. SThese burials consisted of less O/'                                   than 20.0 microcuries of americium-241 as contaminated equipment, metal, 9                           and concrete (see Attachment C). During this. inspection, Mrs. Nancy                                                                        !
 %p,                                   Wells (wife of the deceased), informed the inspector that she was not
p. aware of any burials of radioactive material on the property.

that the contaminated items were actually buried, the NRC staffAssuming  !

        <c performed a hypothetical dose ~ assessment and pathway analysis using the
    $3                                 computer modeling program RESRAD (version 4.34), The conclusion to this based u h                           hypothetical assessment                 q       .pl was.,M%pon             @ ;. C ' the          n        following assumptions:

dQ (1)

 . df                                               Buried material consisted of 20 microcuries of americium-241 in the form of contaminated equipment,. metal, .and concrete; P                                                                        *  g g 6 g . V / ' y                                 ..


                                                                                                                        '3' i

M 3.*

 ' 70                                                                                                                           '

[, . , g." f- .

R 6 (2) Total volume ofLwaste was ' contained!in'.two 55-gallon drums

      ., bM.?c                                       amounting to 15 f,At'. (7.5 cubic ~fect/55 ' gallon drum); and                                                  t T                                     (3) g;q 4..r m.7:mgg, s.g                                                       5
All waste was buried' at1 minimum (ofNix ;f eet.Y.


                                                                             ..     ,4m,;pyyMp.MM %                                    

The NRC staff concluded thatfif this'hyp'othetical' burial'actually ,

6) ? ..

occurred, the long-term effect to members'of the public and . 9 h Ud environmental would be negligible."Thereforei ..if the burial of this' . quantity of. radioactive hazard. material 4actually'. occurred it would not pose a qp , ' { . 3%g' ,

   %'                                     The address changes'and t'ransfer' of. radio" active materials' to' the

- !C above-referenced licenses were subsequently:made; ~ however, a' review of f M P the expired license files did not show!any; documentation of a closcout; survey. Mrs Wells was' positivefthat 'a7 final ( L h however,shewas'notabletolocatelanfidocu!surveywasconducted;-

                                                                                                                                                          ' . i 

{e indicate that a radiologic';urvey was conducted at mentation that would - address prior to the termination of the ' licenses. -.the' High Street f Region III files show that on August 6-9,(1979,- an: inspection and A review of the . ry close-out survey was conducted (Report No ?79.02). The inspectioLn 3 g report issued on October 23,'1979,- shows that at the time of this B inspection, there was no residual contamination, except for waste k waiting to be shipped to an authorized recipient (see Attachment D).

    ,                                Information regarding past ~ activities and locations of the former                                                     ,

p..' equipment was provided 3 to the NRC; inspector,by. Hrs.. Nancy Wells.

g. . w.  % i .g.pye. qWgir&/q w '. c J.' . During the license file ~ review by"0RNL,Sthei conclusion that extensive hjm . contamination may be present at the formerly used facility was based .

A. upon the fact that the ilcensee. worked with hazardous loose material and i Tp. the files did not indicate that the AEC/NRC conducted a final survey of

   %                             the facilities prior to the license termination.-However, as stated 4                            above, the NRC conducted a close-out'.surve 9, 1979.                               ~'.'s X.'                                           ofy.the' facility on. August 6-                ,

k: M h6*h '

                                                                  . ,     , O Qj                     #                                    .'3 P v;y. f . %.y P%                               y,h j#M h
3. Facility Status # '

{. i ~ 0' The current resident of 429 High Strect,"Croton,' Ohio, is Mrs. Nancy

   &'                       Wells and she has lived in the facility since the early 1980's with her now deceased husband, who was the former owner.of Parkwell Laboratories,
 $p:                         Inc. Mr. Wells passed away in' November.1988.

A from review of the drawings;and. specifications (The inspector determined

                                                                                                                            - found in the . terminated f.$ .                    N.;Uthe during                      Q:past license 13 years.file            that extensive'.. remodeling$ Q %.has:take F

gh 4

                                                                                      # %'                        .s Indeoendent Measuremen_ta                                                             '#l3 $ h ?;[       F. k .j. yM^e y,v e~,                     , :               .

N': The inspector conducted radiologic' surveys in and around the areas where W T manufacturing and testing of radioactive sources were conducted. The inspector did not identify any radiation. levels above natural background. h.L, ' 'h -

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3.E ' Ludlum Hodel 3' survey instrument 7.' . 'with a Modelf.44-9

en August"18,.1992 pancake' probe}i:ieasul Tag NokO37301 which w nf. Background NRC rements t'aken in the middle of town 4,.Q ,, ' ., (Cro t on A

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                                'where former?:licensedractivities:{Woretconducted showe
                             /< levels above ' natural.: background?(Smearpests',~for removable                                  e fcontamination:did.not'eshow ny icor nal                                                  a,l beta,'or gamma radiation.


5. Exit Me t .
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p" "TheNRCinspector'metzwltIMrs . {d :radiologicisurveyc inspection.%The?inspectorlinfdrmed'.HrsBWellsl:that the independen lt1 - by General'Huclear,indicatedj.thatsthelformeribuilding facilities occupied any radiation levels;aboveYn;Parkwell dlnc.Tand . laboratories, Inc. did not show E aturabbackground."cHrst Wells was also f;' informed that.the levelsYo'ffradiation~were below the release criteria

  'y e,)                       described. in .the NRCldocilmeiit?)to ' Release' for U Facilities 1and EquipmentiPrjora ; Guidelines'for Decontamination of Te rmi n a t i on fo f L i cen s e s'.fo r iByproduc t h Sourc e 7.'o r Spec i al Nucl e a r nrestricted Use or ty                                                             da jgW,

4, . Material,"4,w.ted August 41987M

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                *$      Ii                           ,19ivisionfb 1s otopesiBha!ch&errais'ffff                                                         ,
                                                                                                                                                       '                                      i XIY W ?;h & M:..'

h i% CMat LicensAng k ' h iyW1W.! *:&),e 0$ > l. U . l. t 'S WA t om}r Q]CE n e~r 'q'yiC  % f . o..hitlis i i6 205 M t (? @!i. ., y Q. g%Yf 'H Washington}Q;C:@;*ims%&".1 p

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a f t'.3(: ha E. W. : the ~taboidorfNf abitt. ties t


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                               '                      iss' sued;ylisbolo'Govirc'd            nr                      ~

bf tli'c'ensCl34-13517 01 * ' g e9.:.g.g.t(s@PCharLcsQ.'WiAts1G ggg pg gflh ql* % . Thank . you t.f ortyour

                                                                                                                                                                               @'@. y.o .' .'gn .           3                                       ,

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                                                            . V,.6 3 4J= =t = ,R.5 Sniss ekNDirector Division'of Fuel Facilities

(b 4gi TRW t . 'e r .f[%$$a6d: B.]Davils, k.. MaterialsEaf h$WQ1 & k '%iM ';at" > ' Ins 'ec'

 .                                         '?                                     $                  5       !

i p; t 4.[" j EUBJECT: ; , @ y %PAKDELI."1ABORATORIES$1EC. '.LICERSE ,. N0.'ISRM-1347

                                                ,, t,,  . 5M,d m, . CLOSER.OCT'SURVIT (Al
              ,h.El'                   .'                     )k 3 N0'1H3-0211-73) y pM                         a l                                                                               4g                                                  ,.

ky5.q bw.QRyh ! .h .

              @" ,l! A close-ou, t survey ;was jconductediat thal'licens f.
                               -' through 9 1979 fg. Visual]. inspection..'directWadiation ' ley'el sWasureme

h i 9.evaluation of vipes'."and' posaesaed review!ofl[redoidsfconfirmed,that'all'anate kT of in an' authoriiodS==r(iMa)ddfthati'i previously.

           %/,. courahation inleic'es^egfilihtaiid(FEocy?weEnierridence by' th'e 11cenaee'faixcey0.Vaste,9 has of residuall             '.

du;relHo].j B3,895B,hAttachment E 1,: pu. c' '? '5 U The licensee stated ?in 0

           ' M. radioactive'yas'teYoh1 be'7eb'ippeditoi,'th
          . [ site.operaud by[NUIclei((mM$ezcontactlonj                                     r EdgidderiS[Co".%ei11'chla'nd',"ivashingtoo,'lburial ctoberil5,9
        '[d- Region shipping        III office.

papers;y'o'uld b'a[riiled' t'ofthTNucle1E Regulatory 'Co

        $h W!                 dp3 l

M % M }e

        %A Based on                                        the abovsiand.on:the;g'uidance fof!Procedurel 83890B and '83895B 4            Nd[$f[)h]N                           '".

fU .

     ,.jh v. RIII .has not obj ectioEth' , f or unres tric ed use'.* " g fthorizin((eleN.Eif t                                                                                                                                                     i l
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s 3 Tho(assets 'of Parkwell . , Inc l. iicludiE, h th2!1'icense W. -

                ,                                .,j No.1.34 jl11055.qM67,)3an,PliSeKse7Ndii's 3nug,p9o9 has i"V
               ,Q1 y),s a.rcsponsibility been                    assigned,jf
                                                                      ~ W'ajdgi ;p..y t. t ,

or . 'jly'jfj"Qto.:Generalducids" y,,3 tp.hMR yc.onf;a.te. ' ' E I'rM',{5dii 'th f 9./,.} jg- , G e nel-ra ,,Nucl,, e {a r[*Inc .",f, . 3((=. s , j and procedures in adt, pts the . s ta tements  ; jeprss enta tions

           .f.g' ,j                                     Chaeles                                     E.; Wells,.}ltho',appli;j cation                                                                                                                 Ida ted Ma p; .                                                     .
                                                                                         , q.. r ' egpg.
                                                                                                .                                                   g,g.g.g g, gg;;y,.g                          q'
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Also General Nucleaiqj.(ggpj@,f;ho.respo;nsibility  ; assumes,,t F g for.all.t n5  ;.', other statements %s)far as that2is"boncerned.W;BQ. MOM' : /:: k p.! pp '.

                                                          '!n,,Q      My;Ph              X        y$ g,         NMEf                      t Edi p,!             hh ff) erytruly,,.yo@urs,%;h,<hkN 3                                                                d                                                                                                                @, y ,'

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                                                                                               , . .;,syy _                                    , .          ;;s       ~.t. ;? ! ' ,f[ ' '
                     ).* 'i{ff   .              !EMORANDUM '
                                                               ~.                                 TOR:!'L.'p"BPHiggi botkam' (.Chie fp. Radiological                                                ,

FR0ll: ' , ""$.fh ~[GZ % W.fl.hN!MgM$. e %bNNMM I M' L;y.Fikhe r, Acting",Chie f, Fuel acility and, Mate rials o f

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                                                                                                            %QQ hyQQ&rancl                            ,' Ra'gionhf,11 jyn _' ' W:d'df'"*f ..

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I.!N. $/.9.k!) Ogg tNRC4LICENSEETACTIONSd Q,ifdth.Y[.66 '

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yky Q.h.:iryIhl &:iif2M a p^ , _'. l g

                     ?$                        This rc fe rs '.to; Kalph ;!!cyer's' re'centstelephone' conve rsation with '                                                                                ,

R.  :' Pa rkwc11 Laboiatories7Inc.* Don S reniawskiTconce 2 rnin[thedt' Ms of'N,RC.iL t'

          % Ml                                                           l'@lYl:"Q%$Q ..                                                     ']* ?j p % % % % T d,V '

ykffgfh.hfG ' ' On October 2321979/I FES/RII15s)en, t 'a memorandum to the Division N.% D Directo r, FFl!S?Inspectio'n, TIE Iulth f'c$ pies 7ef* a' icloseout"surveyjrepo rt

         ' ? ilh-Mr of that.Parkvell the licensee v$dild"shiNhis.      Laboratorie'sl% Inh [h"Atta' chmentT1)1%ih burial 5**               site and thAt RIIllh'adfnU{fadioadt'ivikastelteTA'.comincrcial Y*                                                        b[c e t ion [tS','icicasin g ' the ? li ce ns ce 's t
                                                                                         .f*                           'l               i
f. l ,lpy.
         'hy                                  On. May . 29 1980 ;:cthcl.licens e e dn fo rtae d ditr.iS reni aws
                                             .that E

kW ' b e en b u rie d ' oni his[pMp'c rip [EEE6 rdin dt di10?CFR ! 20; 3043%Th e " ra d'io a c i

  • ofgAM241Esdco 0[7[ waste metal, and consisteldfof
                                                                    .concieteh9 Appciid[ leis and 20.304 partits012 burialsj(psfjyla?^c^

Cf ofi 5,'thanF20$iCi]PI r 20 st 0 011pCilfor ' m-241, d }d @ nta'cdnat'e A g,{.)l ' quantity'(10 *pCilof fAM241Sr Eurial kn' Achy.bffl000,timesfthe Uppendix C Whl tha t, he ' pc rformcMtwo. ' icil fThe' license e 's t ate d

                                                           'f YW                                   8ff(                                                                               TIDN                   '
             'N(T.                            Since                 the .licen@sce%'                                                        state'dithe$jurl41E.
                                                                                                                                                          $, l
p .

p, . y h,d: or als ;ve ral n .ac'MpWN W " , ii. and conside ring' th'e""ss.allhianfi t!$o'f ff5dicsc'tiUe.cordance with.20.304 {a suntill has no".obj[ection~ ftoirelEd'sindthe .1'i'inife's;vas te .burie d, RII c i f a cility/. fo r Y 4.:.[i. c re s't ri c c c d . us c.,'.gf@.- l.[. n[h . . . 9 [a ;, n

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{ d. .. h, . mr.ha 94 U f- (f*y: , ..o

                  $m 1.                                                          @C ..M .@QG{                      '    W.ggy-Fishe ri" Acting Chie f
                                                                    , %,d.igl. %W TusLV'    1T            Tacilityiand Materials
    .         .O h                            cc.        n . m yer m                                     f      ,


  ;          y.,

Ccnt J.talSreniawskis Tiles ~ AD $ ,N:; $ Qr,.g*.y;k. w$U W% ~ '., NH t

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