MONTHYEARML20217G6571999-10-13013 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Permit Relaxation of Allowed Bypass Test Times & Completion Times for LCOs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2 ML20217B1221999-10-0404 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS 5.5.6 Incorporating Exceptions to Reg Guide 1.35,rev 2,as Described in FSAR Section Re Prestressed Concrete Containment Tendon Surveillance Program ML20212F4891999-09-22022 September 1999 Proposed Rev to TS SR,to Include Upper Limit for DG Loading for 2 H Portion of SR ML20211J5511999-08-30030 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Raising Level of Approval Authority for Deviations from Guidelines Provided to Minimize Unit Staff Overtime Specified in TS 5.2.2 ML20211J7281999-08-26026 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Updating Versions of LCO 3.0.4 & SR 3.0.4 to Be in IAW with Versions of LCO 3.0.4 & SR 3.0.4 as Noted in Rev 1 to NUREG-1431 ML20211E9111999-08-24024 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relaxing Slave Relay Test Frequency from Quarterly to Refueling Frequency ML20196L3181999-05-18018 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs SRs & Reducing Loading Requirements for DGs ML20205S3791999-04-19019 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SR & Associated Bases to Allow Loss of Voltage & Degraded Voltage Trip Setpoints to Be Treated as Nominal Values in Same Manner as Trip Setpoints for RTS & ESFAS Instrumentation ML20205Q7901999-04-13013 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Updating Versions of LCO 3.0.4 & SR 3.0.4 to Be Consistent with Versions of LCO 3.0.4 & SR 3.0.4 as Appear in Rev 1 to NUREG-1431 ML20154M9961998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting & Modifing Conditions Which Were Issued with Licenses That Are Now Obsolete ML20151U2011998-09-0303 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Amends to Licenses NPF-68 & NPF-81,changing TS to Support Replacement of Nuclear Instrumentation Sys Source Range & Intermediate Range Channels & post-accident Neutron Flux Monitoring Sys ML20236R4661998-07-13013 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Eliminating Periodic Response Time Testing Requirements on Selected Sensors & Selected Protected Channels ML20154Q8611998-06-30030 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Since Implementation of Improved TS on 970123 Through Aug 1998 ML20206N3131998-06-30030 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Replacement of Nuclear Instrumentation Sys Source & Intermediate Range Channels & post-accident Neutron Flux Monitoring Sys ML20236F1631998-06-26026 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising LCO 3.3.6 Re CVI Instrumentation & LCO 3.9.4 Re Containment Penetrations to Facilitate Outage Planning ML20248K5801998-05-25025 May 1998 Rev 1 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Valve IST Program ML20247K5041998-05-15015 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising New Program 5.5.18 to Extent That Items B,C & D. Refer to LCO Action Statement & Bases Insert for New Required Actions B.5.1 & B.5.2 ML20247G9471998-05-0808 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.5.7, RCP Flywheel Insp Program, Specifying Alternate Flywheel Insp Once Every Ten Years ML20216J4971998-04-16016 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2 Re Reactor Trip Sys & ESFAS Instrumentation ML20199E5351998-01-27027 January 1998 Complete Replacement of All Typed Pages of TS Changes Submitted in Ltr LCV-0849-E ML20199A4131998-01-22022 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Adding Conditions for DG for Extended DG Completion Time of Fourteen Days ML20198P6961998-01-16016 January 1998 Revised Spent Fuel Pool Boron Dilution Analysis ML20216B2621997-12-11011 December 1997 Rev 14 to ODCM, for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ML20199G3901997-11-20020 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Facilitating Treatment of Trip Setpoints as Nominal Values & Correct Certain Typos ML20199J6651997-11-20020 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Changing Capacity of Unit 1 Spent Fuel Storage Pool from 288 to 1476 Assemblies & Revising Design Features Description to Reflect Criticality Analyses & Storage Cell Spacing ML20211N2451997-10-10010 October 1997 Proposed Typed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Credit for Boron & Enrichment Increase for Fuel Storage ML20217H9051997-08-0808 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Credit for Boron & Enrichment Increase for Fuel storage.W/marked-up Pages ML20141A8541997-06-13013 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising LCO 3.4.10 to Reduce Nominal Set Pressure by 1% to 2460 & Increase Tolerance to +2% ML20148E6481997-05-15015 May 1997 Rev 0 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Pump IST Program ML20148E6611997-05-15015 May 1997 Rev 0 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Valve IST Program ML20133L3081997-01-10010 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Table 3.3.1-1 Re Amends 96 & 74 ML20140J4591996-12-13013 December 1996 Rev 11 to ODCM for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, ML20138F1001996-12-13013 December 1996 Revs 10 & 11 to ODCM, Part 2 ML20132C4711996-12-12012 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Physical Security & Contingency Plan ML20134J9841996-10-0808 October 1996 /Unit 2 Fuel Assembly Insp Program ML20117N5851996-09-13013 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.8.1 Re AC Electrical Sources ML20129A6461996-09-11011 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Updated Documentation for License Amends Application for Southern Nuclear to Become Licensed Operator ML20117C4151996-08-23023 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs to Convert Units 1 & 2 Based on NUREG 1431 ML20117N6361996-06-17017 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Requirements of TS SR (2) That Prescribes Pressure Test of Portions of Diesel fuel-oil Sys Designed to Section Iii,Subsection Nd of ASME Code ML20117N6471996-06-17017 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.3.1,allowing Use of Fuel Assemblies Containing Fuel Rods Clad W/Zirlo ML20111A5501996-05-0606 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Extended DG AOT to 14 Days from Discovery of Failure to Meet Lco,Provided Standby Auxiliary Transformer Available ML20106H2391996-03-31031 March 1996 Rev 10 to Gap Security Dept Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Nuclear Security Training & Qualification Plan ML20101D4151996-03-0505 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Conversion Based on NUREG-1431 ML20100G0371996-02-19019 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Based on NUREG-1431 ML20097A3171996-01-30030 January 1996 Proposed Improved TS Based on NUREG-1431 ML20096G8241996-01-22022 January 1996 Inservice Insp Program, for VEGP-2 ML20095J2501995-12-22022 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Use of Option B of 10CFR50,App J for Type B & C Testing ML20094N4071995-11-20020 November 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Converting Existing TS to Format & Content of NUREG-1431 ML20093K2281995-10-16016 October 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Footnote to Spec Stating That Type B & C Tests Scheduled for Refueling Outage 1R6 Will Be Conducted Per Option B of 10CFR50 App J & Using Guidance of RG 1.163,Rev 0 ML20098C1471995-10-0202 October 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Next Type a Test to Be Rescheduled 1999-09-22
MONTHYEARML20248K5801998-05-25025 May 1998 Rev 1 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Valve IST Program ML20216B2621997-12-11011 December 1997 Rev 14 to ODCM, for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ML20148E6611997-05-15015 May 1997 Rev 0 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Valve IST Program ML20148E6481997-05-15015 May 1997 Rev 0 to VEGP Units 1 & 2 Second 10-Yr Interval Pump IST Program ML20138F1001996-12-13013 December 1996 Revs 10 & 11 to ODCM, Part 2 ML20140J4591996-12-13013 December 1996 Rev 11 to ODCM for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, ML20134J9841996-10-0808 October 1996 /Unit 2 Fuel Assembly Insp Program ML20106H2391996-03-31031 March 1996 Rev 10 to Gap Security Dept Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Nuclear Security Training & Qualification Plan ML20096G8241996-01-22022 January 1996 Inservice Insp Program, for VEGP-2 ML20078A3771994-05-12012 May 1994 Vols 1 & 2 of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 Readiness Review Module 4 Mechanical Equipment & Piping Program ML20069L8241994-03-30030 March 1994 Rev 8 to ISI-P-008, Inservice Test Program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 ML20069L8311994-03-30030 March 1994 Rev 5 to ISI-P-016, Inservice Test Program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 ML20082V2871994-01-0101 January 1994 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Rev 9 ML20064C7431993-11-0505 November 1993 Rev 6 to ISI-P-006, ISI Program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 ML20064C7471993-11-0505 November 1993 Rev 6 to ISI-P-014, ISI Program for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 ML20035F5601993-04-0505 April 1993 Rev 5 to Inservice Insp Plan (ISI-P-014) for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,Unit 2 ML20035F0721993-03-22022 March 1993 Rev 7 to Inservice Test Program (ISI-P-008) for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,Unit 1 ML20035F0731993-03-22022 March 1993 Rev 4 to Inservice Test Program (ISI-P-106) for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,Unit 2 ML20094K1781992-03-0404 March 1992 Rev 3 to Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Process Control Program ML20092G7441992-02-20020 February 1992 Undated Draft Site Safety Manual. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20092F7091992-02-19019 February 1992 Instructions GEK-45405B, Differential Voltage Relays Types: PVD21A,PVD21B,PVD21C & PVD21D ML20094K1721991-12-31031 December 1991 Draft, ODCM for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ML20086Q7231991-12-0404 December 1991 Rev 7 to Procedure 91202-C, Activation & Operation of Operations Support Ctr ML20129J2961991-09-13013 September 1991 Rev 3 to Procedure 23985-1, RCS Temporary Water Level Sys ML20091L7891991-07-0303 July 1991 Rev 5 to Procedure 29537-C, Outage Scheduling ML20079G4971991-06-10010 June 1991 Rev 5 to ISI-P-006, Inservice Insp Program for Vogtle Unit 1 ML20079G5071991-06-10010 June 1991 Rev 4 to ISI-P-014, Inservice Insp Program for Vogtle Unit 2 ML20091L7991991-04-22022 April 1991 Rev 6 to Training Lesson Plan LO-LP-39201-06-C, Introduction to Ts ML20091L7771991-04-17017 April 1991 Rev 21 to Procedure 10000-C, Conduct of Operations ML20129H6151991-03-20020 March 1991 Rev 7 to Procedure 10004-C, Shift Relief. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20129J0311990-09-18018 September 1990 Rev 4 to Procedure PTDB-1 Tab 8.0, Pictorial Aids. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20043H3091990-06-15015 June 1990 Rev 3 to ISI-P-014, Inservice Insp Program ML20043B6381990-05-22022 May 1990 Rev 2 to ISI-P-016, Inservice Testing Program ML20043B6321990-05-22022 May 1990 Rev 5 to ISI-P-008, Inservice Testing Program ML20091L8131990-05-22022 May 1990 Outdated Rev 0 to Training Lesson Plan RQ-LP-63107-00, Requal Current Events ML20113G6141990-05-15015 May 1990 Rev 0 to VEGP-22981-C, Calcon Pneumatic Temp Sensor Calibr 1TSH-19110-1TSH-19119,1TSH-19146,1TSH-19153,2TSH-19110- 2TSH-19119,2TSH-19146 & 2TSH-19153. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20113G6051990-05-0808 May 1990 Rev 3 to 14210-2, Containment Bldg Penetrations Verification - Refueling ML20034C1061990-04-26026 April 1990 Rev 4 to Inservice Insp Program First 10-Yr Interval ML20129H9081990-04-16016 April 1990 Rev 3 to Procedure PTDB-1 Tab 8.0, Pictorial Aids. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20129G8451990-04-0505 April 1990 Rev 19 to Procedure 14980-1, Diesel Generator Operability Test ML20113G3421990-04-0404 April 1990 Procedure T-ENG-90-016, DG1A J.W. Temp Monitoring & Recording ML20129F7161990-03-29029 March 1990 Rev 2 to Procedure T-FND-90-15, Method Visual ML20092F8621990-03-28028 March 1990 Rev 1 to Procedure T-ENG-90-11, A-Train Undervoltage Test ML20092F9691990-03-28028 March 1990 Rev 0 to T-ENG-90-15, Unit One Train a DCP 88-V1N0070 Sequencer Functional Test. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20092F7521990-03-27027 March 1990 Rev 20 to 13145-1, Diesel Generators ML20092F8741990-03-26026 March 1990 Rev 3 to Procedure VEGP 00053-C, B-Train Undervoltage Test ML20092F8481990-03-25025 March 1990 Rev 2 to Generator & Engine Control Panel Functional Test Procedure 27563-C, Power & Signal Removal/Replacement Data Sheet ML20092H0391990-03-23023 March 1990 Rev 16 to VEGP-10000-C, Conduct of Operations ML20092F5271990-03-21021 March 1990 Data Sheet 1 to Rev 12 to VEGP-10006-C, Reactor Trip Rept. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20092F7341990-03-19019 March 1990 Rev 16 to Procedure 25717-C, Torquing Electrical Type Connections 1998-05-25
[Table view] |
NUCLEAR OPERATIONS-Palicy Georgia Power m.,
September 5,1986 POLICY:
OP-1-640 TITLE:
Fitness for Duty APPROVED:
m (.O' d Ja s P. O'Reilly i r Vice President Nucle r Operatipns 1.
PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to establish the Nuclear Operations Department standards for personnel in the conduct of business activities to ensure that personnel are fit for duties required by employment and that the safety of fellow employees and the general public is protected to the maximum extent g,
Personnel in violation of this Policy will be subject to denial of access to Georgia Power Company property and, if employees of Georgia Power Company, other disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.
1 l
APPLICABILITY This Policy applies to all personnel who, in the course of their employment, j
require escorted or unescorted access to protected or vital areas of nuclear power plants operated by Georgia Power Company.
Georgia Power Company employees, visitors, contractors to Georgia Power Company, and vendors are subject to this Policy.
DEFINITIONS Termination of Empl oyment as applied to non-Company employees (e.g.,
contractors, visitors, etc.) is the denial of access to the nuclear power pl ant.
The General Managers Plant Hatch and Vogtle are responsible for administering this Policy and for approval of any deviation from the requirements established by this Policy at Pl ant Hatch and Vogtle, respectively.
Each individual granted access to a nuclear power plant is responsible for the observation of fellow employees, employees of contractors and vendors, and visitors for violation of fitness-for-duty policy in the performance of duties and for reporting any such individual to his or her supervisor.
It is the responsibility of each individual to abide by the letter and intent of these policies.
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NhCLEAR OPERATIONS-P;licy Georgia Power A i
.i n0r-i-o40 Page 2 4
Prior to being granted unescorted access to a nuclear power plant, an individual must successfully complete the following:
drug screening test (urinalysis);
security background investigation; 3.
psychological test; and, 4.
any other additional present or future requirement as set forth by the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) or other governmental agency.
Prior to being given an offer of employment, a perspective Georgia Power Company employee must successfully complete and pass the requirements set forth in A above and, in addition, must successfully complete and pass a physicaT examination.
Visitors will not be required to take any tests or examinations as required by this Policy for access to operating nuclear power plants if such individuals are-to be escorted by plant personnel and are exempted by the Plant Manager or his or her designee.
Each individual working at a nuclear power plant operated by Georgia Power Company must remain in compliance with the following requirements:
i 1.
Illegal Drugs - No individuals shall use, sell, or have in his or her possession illegal drugs (defined as any drug or drug-like substance ('
whose sale, use or possession is unlawful) during working hours or while on Georgia Power Company property at any time.
No employee or individual shall report to work with fliegal drugs in his or her system.
The unlawful involvement with drugs or narcotics on or off
{ c.
Company property will result in termination of employment.
Alcoholic Beverages - No individual shall use or have in his or her i
possession alcoholic beverages during working hours or ~ while on Georgia Power Company property.
Alcoholic beverages shall not be served at any function on Company property without the prior approval 3 )
by the appropriate senior officer of the Company as designated by the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer.
No individual shall report to work while under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
Violation of this policy will result in termination.
Character Traits - An individual shall be denied access to, or may be required to leave the power plant and Company property, if Georgia i
Power determines that reasonable grounds exist to believe that the individual has an adverse character or behavioral trait which has the potential to adversely affect the safety of the power plant, its-personnel or the general public, either through detrimental acts or failure to act in a trustworthy manner.
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N!JCLEAR OPERATIONS-P:licy Georgia Power d i
N0P-1-640 Page 3 4.
Prescribed Drugs - Individuals shall report the' use of physician p.
prescribed drugs or over-the-counter drugs to their Supervisor for a i
I determination of fitness-for-duty.
Georgia Power may require any individual working at a nuclear power plant operated by the Company to undergo professional evaluation which may take i
the form of a drug or alcohol
- test, psychological, or physical examination, to assure compliance with the requirements set forth in A above.
Nuclear Operations supervisory and management employees wilt determine which individuals will be evaluated because of indications of
alcohol or drug use contrary to this Policy or (because) of potential character traits adverse to the safety of the power plant.
Professional i
evaluation may include the requirements of this Policy set forth above and any alternate or additional evaluations determined by Nuclear j
Operations to be appropriate under the circumstances.
Any individual whose professional evaluation demonstrates lack of compliance with the foregoing requirements will not be permitted to
return to work at a nuclear power plant.
Any individual who refuses to submit to a medical evaluation will not be given access to a nuclear
power pl ant.
Individuals who refuse to submit to a professional j
reevaluation will be subject to severe disciplinary action (up to and including termination of employment).
A Georgia Power employee ho desires information or counseling regarding the use of alcohol or drugs may self-refer to the Employee Assistance Program.
Discipline will not be taken as a result of the self-referral or any findings from any medical evaluation conducted as a result of this sel f-referral.
However, employees identified by the Company to be in violation of this
- policy, cannot avoid disciplinary actio> by j
subsequently volunteering to participate in the Employee Assistance L
If a Company employee is professionally evaluated following I"
sel f-referral and the results indicate failure to comply with this
- Policy, the employee will not be able to return to work until professionally reevaluated and found in compliance.
Self-referring i
Company employees whose professional evaluations or reevaluations indicate failure to comply will be terminated.
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GeorgiaPower d NUCLEAR OPERATIONS-Policy NOP-l-640 Page 4
REFERENCES A. EEI Guide to Effective Drug and Al'cohol/ Fitness-for-Duty, August 1985 B. ANSI 3.3 - 1982 Security for Nuclear Plants, Personnel Screening C. Plant Edwin I. Hatch Administrative Guideline, Document No. AG-MGR-12-0785N D. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Nuclear Operations Procedure No. 700700-C.
E. Corporate Policy " Conduct of Employees", May 15, 1985 F. R. W. Scherer letter to all employees, November 12, 1984 7.
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