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Proposed Tech Spec Pages 179,179A,180,181,191A & 191B, Correcting Refs,Specifying Action to Be Taken If Applicable Gaseous Effluent Levels Exceeded & Clarifying Circumstances Under Which Certain Actions Required
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000000
Issue date: 04/02/1975
Shared Package
ML20204E974 List:
FOIA-86-58 NUDOCS 8606300110
Download: ML20206K504 (6)


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1. The release rate of gross activity 1. Thegpossandparticulateactivity except for halogens and particulates of all gaseous wastes released to v.ith half-lives longer than eight daya, the environment shall be monitored chall not exceed: and recorded:

Qs Qv gg 1 a. For effluent streams having 0.25/E 3 + 0.10/Ey continuous monitoring capability, the activity and where: flow rate shall be monitored and recorded.

Qs = release rate from main stack in Curies /second b. For effluent streams without continuous. monitoring capability, Qv = release rate from the reactor the activity and release volume buildingexhaustventinCuries/ shall be monitored and recorded second. and the release rate shall be controlled to within the limits L' = average energy per disintegration specified in 3.8.B.l.

(Mev/ dis) in the stack (c) and vent (v) effluent.

2. The release rates of halogens and 2. Gross radioactivity of gaseous JArticulates with half-lives greater effluents shall be monitored and than eight days released to the environs recorded to enable release rates us part of airborne effluents shall be of gross radioactivity to be maintained below: determined on an hourly basis.

Qis Oiv 1.24 x 10" + 0.061 x 10" 1 where:

Qis = release rate from the main stack inCuries/second Qiv = release rate from the reactor buildingexhaustventinCuries/

second In the event that the release rates for halogens and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days exceeds the level defined by the above equation, the licensee shall take the following action:

a. Analyze the filter cartridges at the increased frequency required -

by Specification 4.8.B.6

b. Make an investigation to identify the cause for such release rates 8606300110 860613 PDR FOIA BURNSTEIS6-58 PDR 179 4/75

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- c. Define and initiate a program of
j. l action to reduce such release rates-j to the level specified by the above I equation, j d. Report these actions in writing to
, the Commission within 30 days from l

the end of the quarter during which i

the release occurred.

3 The release rate of gross gaseous 3 An isotopic analysis shall be made i

activity from the main stack shall not of a representative. sample of the exceed 0.10 Curies /secondwhenaveraged gaseous radioactivity being released over any calendar quarter, which shall identify and determine

the quantity of the principal radionuclides, except tritium,

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. LlidTINGCONDITIONSFOROPERATION SURVEIMANCE REQUIREMEffrS 3.8.B Airborne Effluents (Cont'd) 4.8.B Airborne Effluents (Cont'd)

. When the release rate exceeds 0.05 a. Within one month after the Ci/second for a period of greater than date of initial criticality 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, the licensee shall notify of the reactor.

the Division of Reactor Licensing in writing within 10 days. b. At least monthly thereafter.


c. Following each refueling, i process change or other

, occurrence which could alter the mixture of radionuclides.

4. During release of gaseous wastes, the 4 The release rate of tritium in the following conditions shall be met: gaseous effluents shall be i determined on the basis of a
a. The-gross activity monitor, the representative sample collected iodine activity monitor and and analyzed for tritium at least particulate activity monitor shall quarterly.

be operable,

b. The minimum air flow shall be maintained.
c. Isolation devices capable of limiting gaseous release rates from the main stack to within the values specified in 3.8.B.1 above shall be operable.

5 One reactor building exhaust vent and 5 Samples of offgas effluents shall one plant stack monitoring system be taken at least every 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> shall be operable, and the off-gas and a ratio of long-lived (greater radiation monitors shall be operable than 8 days half life) to short-or operating whenever steam pressure lived radioactivity determined.

is available to the air ejectors. If When these samples indicate a these requirements are not satisfied, change in this ratio of greater a normal orderly shutdown shall be than 20% from the ratio established initiated within one hour, and the by the previous monthly isotopic reactor shall be in the hot shutdown analysis, a new isotopic analysis condition within 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> in the case shall be performed, of the stack monitor or 10 days in the case of the building vent monitor.

6. The containment shall not be purged 6. Facility records of iodine and except through the standby gas particulate releases with half treatment system while the reactor is lives greater than eight days in the'RUN mode, shall be maintained on the basis of all filter cartridges counted.

These filters shall be analyzed weekly when the iodine or particulate release rate is less than the release rate given in 3.8.B.2 above, otherwise the cartridges for the appropriate release path shall be removed and analyzed daily until a steady release level has been established.

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, ' LIP'dTING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILIANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.8.B Airborne Effluents (Cont'd) 4.8.B Airborne Effluents (Cont'd)

These These filters shall be analyzed for I-131 (charcoal), gross radio-activity (B, Y) and'Ba-La-140 and I-131 (particulate).

7 The weekly charcoal filters shall be analyzed for I-133 and I-135 at i least quarterly. )

8. The weekly particulate filters shall be analyzed for gross alpha radioactivity at least quarterly.

A composite of a month's filters shall be analyzed for .Sr-89 and l Sr-90 at least quarterly and principal gamma emitting nuclides monthly.

9 When the average daily gross radioactivity release rate from the main stack equals or exceeds LOO,000AfCi/secondorincreases by 50% over the previous day while operating at a steady state power level, the iodine and particulate cartridge shall be analyzed to

! determine the release rate increase for iodines and particulates.

10. All waste gas monitors shall be calibrated at least quarterly by means of a built-in check source-and annually with.a known radioactive source. Each monitor shall have an instrument channel test at least monthly and sensor check at least daily.
11. At least annually, automatic initiation and closure of waste gas system shall be verified.

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3.8.B and 4.8.B Airborne EffluenLJ i l

Radioactive gases.are routinely discharged from the station via the main stack and potentially from the building exhaust vent. The limits in j Specification 3.8.B are derived to keep the off-site doses as low as practicable and below the limits given 10CFR20. These specifications apply to the interim period prior to operation of the augmented gaseous holdup system, when appropriate changes will be made to the specifications.

Detailed dose calculations have been made by the applicant and are contained in Appendix E of the FSAR. These calculations consider site meteorology and isotopic content of the effluent. Independent dose calculations for several locations off-site have been made by the AEC staff. The AEC staff method utilized or.-site meteorological data developed by the applicant.

The method utilized by the staff is described in Section 7-5 2 3 of

" Meteorology and Atomic Energy-1968." The results of these calculations were more conservative than those generated by the applicant and were thus chosen to be used as the basis of establishment of the limits. The equation given in Specification 3.8.B.1 provides a method to be used in summing the airborne effluents from the main stack and the building exhaust vent that will assure that total off-site doces are not in excess of the limits specified in 10CFR20. The continuous release of radioactive noble gases in airborne effluents at the rates permissible by Specification 3.8.B.1 are calculated by the Commission's staff to correspond to an upper limit dose of 500 mrem per year at the most restrictive land boundary (SW of the station).

The permissible release rate from the plant stack alone by this specification is about 0.36 curies /second based on an average disintegration energy of 0 7 Mev.

The application of the average disintegration energy for the released radioactive gases makes the formula appropriate to a wide range of release conditions and extended holdup periods.

Detailed calculations of ground level air concentrations of halogens and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days at several off-site locations have been made as described in Appendix E of the FSAR. These calculations consider site meteorology and buoyancy characteristics of the effluent from each unit. Based on these calculations, licensee action is required when the release rate for these isotopes exceeds the level specified in the equation Specification 3.8.B.2. Licensee action at this release rate level assures that releases will not result in off-site. doses in excess of those specified in 10CFR20 at the most restrictive land boundary (SW of the station).

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BASES: I 3.8 B and 4.8.B Airborne Effluents (Cont'd)

The assumptions used by the AEC staff for these calculations were; (1) On-site meteorological data were used for the most critical 22.5 degree sector.


(2) No building wake credit was used. (3) To consider possible reconcentration effects, a reduction factor of 700 was applied to allow for the milk production and consumption mode of uptake.

Specification 3.8.B.3 establishes as low as practicable limits for the release levels of gaseous effluents for the interim period. .The values chosen are consistent with interim limits used for other BWR's without augmented systems.

Under these specifications, the licensee will be required to take such actions,.

including reducing station power or other appropriate measures, as may be necessary to keep the average radioactive gaseous releases below this level, but afforded the flexibility regarding short-term plant operation to maintain station power for public needs.

Specification 3.8.B.6 requires that the primary containment atmosphere receive treatment for the removal of gaseous iodines and particulates prior to its releas whenever the reactor is in the RUN mode. This specification provides a further reduction from this source of relase of iodines and particulates from the station.

The surveillance requirements given under Specification 4.8.B provide assurance that radioactive gaseous effluents from the station are properly controlled and monitored over the life of.the station. These surveillance requirements provide the data for the licensee and the Commission to evaluate the station's performance relative to radioactive gaseous wastes released to the environment. Reports on the quantities of radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents shall be furnished to the Commission 1 on the basis of Section 6.6 of these Technical Specifications. On the basis of such reports and any additional information the Commission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Commission deems appropriate.


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