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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-266/96-18 & 50-301/96-18
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1997
From: Mccormickbarge
To: Patulski S
50-266-96-18, 50-301-96-18, NUDOCS 9709230046
Download: ML20198H949 (2)

See also: IR 05000266/1996018



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                                                   NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
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                              [                               801 WARh(NVILLE HoAD
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                          '                                  Listf. ILLINotS ro',3?- 4%1
                                                              September 5, 1997
                   Mr. S. A. Patuliki, Sito Vice President
                  Point Beach Nu :loor Plant
                  6610 Nuclear Road
                  Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241
                                    NOTICE OF VIOLATION (POINT BEACH INSPECTION REPORT
                                    NO. 50-266/96018(DRP); 50 301/96018(DRP))
                  Dear Mr. Patuiski:
                  This will acknowledge rocoipt of your letter dated April 2,1997,in responso to our letter
                  dated March 3,1997, transmitting a Notico of Violation associated with Inspection Report
                  No. 50 266/96018(DRP); 50-301/96018(DRP) at the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant.
                  Wo have reviewod your corrective actions and have no further questions at this timo
                  during future violations  No.1,2a,2c,3, and 4. Those correctivo actions will bo examined
                           Our staff identified the followin0 discrepanc:es in your response to Violation No. 2b:
                                   Figuro NF 11321, which is quoted in your responso, is not in the 1986
                                   Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code to
                                   which you have committed to perform your inservico inspection program.
                                   The correct figure for the 1986 Edition of the Code is NF 1131 1, which
                                   does not support your responso.
                                   The statement in your responso that "The figuro explicitly states that
                                   baseplato, bolts (i.e., expansion anchors), and nuts shall be considered
                                   building structure," applies to a support attached to an imbedded beam.
                                   Since the violation was written against all types of component supports.
                                   (an examplo of a support beam was given in inspection Report
                                   No. 50 266/96018(DRP): 50 301/96018(DRP)) your statomont is in error.
                                   As an examplo, Figuro NF 11321, which is quoted in your response,
                                   delineates other support configuratims in which only the boits and nuts are
                                   cc isidered as part of the building structure (Figuro NF-1132 2 of the 1987
                                   Addenda of the Codo clearly delineates this point). The inservico inspection
                                   boundary as defined in Figure IWF 1300-1 of Section XI and in Figure
                                   NF-1131 1 of Section 111 (of the 1986 Edition of the Code) delineates
                                  inspecting to the building surf ace, which ensures that excessive gaps do not
                                  render the support inoperable,
                         We have discussed those issues with your statt to our satisf action.
                                                                                                      Your correctm
                         actions appear adequate to resolve this issue and will he the subject of future
                         inspection activities.
                   PDR               970905 '
                  O        ADOCK 05000266
                                           pay                                                  'k,.>
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    S. A. Patuiski                                    2-
    Please review this information and submit the appropriate response within 30 days of
    receipt of this letter. Contact Messrs. Mel Holmberg (620 829 9748) or Jim Gavuta (630-
    829 9148)if you have any questions.
                                           /s/J. W. McCormick-Barger
                                           J. W. McCormick Barger, Chief
                                           Reactor Projects Branch 7
    Docket No. 50 266
    Docket No. 50 301                                                                                 l
    cc:     R. R. Grigg, hesident and Chief
             Operating Officer, WEPCO
            A. J. Cayla, Plant Manager
            Virgil Kanable, Chief,
             Boiler Section
            Cheryl L. Parrino, Chairman
             Wisconsin Public Service
            State Liaison Officer
     Docket File                           SRI Point Beach
     PUBLIC IE 01                          OC/LFDCB
     A. B. Beach                           Rlli Enf. Coordinator
     Deputy RA                             Project Manager, NRR
     DRP                                   Rlli PRR
     Document: G:\poin\ poi 96018.ty
     To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box "C" = Copy without attach /enct
     "E" e Copy with attachlenci "N" = No copy
       OFFICE      Rlli           6     Rill     6           Rlli        (.
       NAME        Kunowski:dp          Holmberop)           JMcB h)[Y)
       DATE        bb7                  Od[[97               N/d797
                                         OFFICI'AL RECORD COPY
                                     ==                                                      == = = =
