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Proposed Tech Spec Changing TS Definitions 1.24,1.27,1.31, 3.0.2,4.0.5,3.2.3,,,3.4.11 & Adding TS 3.0.6
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/1998
Shared Package
ML20151V499 List:
NUDOCS 9809140337
Download: ML20151V501 (40)


I 1:.],

DEf'INITICIts AXIAL SHAPE INDEX 1.23 The AKIAL SHAPE INDEX (Y,) used for normal control and indication is the power level detected by the lower excore nuclear instrument detectors (L) less the power level detected by the upper excore nuclear instrument detectors (U) divided by the sum of these power levels.

The AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (Y) value (Yg) modified by an appropriate multiplier (A) an determine the true core axial power distribution for that channel.

Y, = f Y, = A Y, + B CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 1.24 The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is the unit specific document that provides the core operating limits for the current. operating reload cycle.

These cycle specific core operating limits shall be determined for each reload cycle in accordance with Specification Plant operation within these


operating limits is addressed in individual specifications.


b. 9, /, F -

REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME 1.26 The REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall. be the time from when the monitored parameter exceeds its trip setpoint at the channel sensor until electrical power is interrupted to the CEA drive mechanism.


' interval from when the monitored parameter exceeds it", ESF actuation.setpoint at the channel sensor until the ESF equipment is capable of EAMratuto M

h 6




QL,LSTONE-UNIT 2 1-5 Amendment No. 76 77h Jih

M= '. 337-1002-Eb G ZhfE DEFINITIONS

-4EWEEo!"GSAFETY FEATURE RESPONSE TIME (Continued) performing its safety function i.e.

positions, pump discharge pressu(res r,each their required values, etc.).the i

Times shall include diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays where applicable.

PHYSICS TESTS 1.28 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and

1) described in Chapter 13.0 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission.

TOTALUNRODDEDINTEGRATEDRADIALPEAKINGFACTOR-Ff 1.29 The TOTAL UNRODDED INTEGRATED RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR is the ratio of th peak pin power to the average pin power in an unrodded core. This value includes the effect of AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT.

SOURCE CHECK 1.30 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to radiation.


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1.31 A RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT MONITORING MANUAL shall be a manual containing the site and environmental sampiing and analysis programs for measurements of radiation and radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those ndin=H=s which lead' to the highest potential radiation encosures to individuals from station opration. An 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL shall


be.a manual corstaining the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation alara/ trip setpoints. Requirements of the REMODCM are provided in Specification 6-16.




RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS 1.33 RAD 10 ACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS are those liquid, gaseous and solid waste systeu which are required to maintain control ovsr radioactive material in order to taeet"the LCOs set forth in these specifications.

4 PURGE - PURGING l.34 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from 1

a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration er i

other operating condition, in such a innner that replacement air or gas is


required to purify the containment.

I MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 1-6 Amendment No. M. J#. [N 0C26





LIMITING CONDITION FOR OpFRATION 3.0.1 Compliance with the Limiting Conditions for Operation contained in the succeeding specifications is required during the OPERATIONAL HDDES or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.

3.0.2 Noncompliance with a specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified tima interval.

If the Limiting Condition for Operation is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements is not required.

3.0.3 When a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within one hour ACTION shall be initiated to place the unit in a H0DE in which the specification does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in.

pwpf as 1.

At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, At least HOT SHUlDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and pedd /*



At least LOLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 f.ours.

4 cc, J,a (,

1 Onere corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, the ACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time it is identified that a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met.

are stated in the individual specifications. Exceptions to these requirements 3.0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified condition shall not be made when the conditions for the Limiting Condition for Operation are not met and t'he associated ACTION requires a shutdown if they are not met within a specified time interval.

Entry into an GPERATIONAL MODE or specified condition may be made in accordance with ACTION requirements when confomance to them permits continued operation of the facility for an unlimited period of time.

This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION requirements.

j iU' 3.0.5.

When a system, subsystem, train, component or device is determined to be inoperable solely because its emergency power source is inoperable, or solely because its normal power source is inoperable, it may be considered OPERACLE for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of its applicable Limiting Condition for Operation, provided: (1) its corresponding normal or 4

emergency power source is OPERABLE; and (2) all of its redunda satisfy the requirements of this specification.

Unless both conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, ACTION shall be initiated to place the unit,n a MODE in which the applicable Limiting Condition for Operation does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in:

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 0 1 AmendmentNos.h,h/

a 1

-+1cy 2 0, :001 -

1 I




At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and 3.

At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, a

,This specification is not applicable in MODES 5 or 6.

SORVEILLANCE E0VIREM 4.0.1 Surveillance Requirements shall be applicable during the OPERATIONAL 4

MODES or other conditions specified for individual Limiting Conditions for


Operation unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.

4.0.2 Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified time intenal with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25%

of the surveillance time interval.

4.0.3 Failure to perform a SJrveillance Requirement within the allowed surveillance interval, defined by Specification 4.0.2, shall constitute a failure to meet the OPERABILITY requirements for a Limiting Condition for i

'j Operation. The time limits of the ACTION requirements are applicable at the time it 'is identified that a Surveillance Requirement has not been performed.

The ACTION requirements may be delayed for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to permit the 4

l completion of the surveillance when the allbwable outage time limits of the ACTION requirements are less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Surveillance Requirements do not


j have to be performed on inoperable equipment.

4.0.4 Entry into aa OPERATIONAL MODE o~r other specified condition shall not be made unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with the 1

Limiting Condition for Operation have been performed within the stated surveillance interval or as otherwise specified. This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION requirements.

4.0.5 Surveillance Requirements for inservice inspection and testing of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components shall be applicable as follows:

Inservice inspection of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components a.

and inservice testing ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFD 50, Section 50.55al(g}/excep3Aihere cific ten s'has D n gr ed)y the' Commission p uant t 0 CF 0,!

. : tion 5.Sa(g)


MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 0-2 AmendmentHos.JE,72,JEJ,///


4 i

i l

INSERT A - Pace 3/4 0-2 i

3.0.6 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with i

ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely to perform l

testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other j

equipment. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the system returned to service under administrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY.

i I

i 1

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I l

i 3

4 I

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l July 1, 1981 i(


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Surveillance intervals specified in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda for the inservice inspection and testing activities required by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda shall be applicable as follows in these Technical Specifications:

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Required frequencies for Addenda terminology for performing inservice inservice inspection and inspection and testing l

testing activities activities Weekly At least once per 7 days Monthly Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 31 days 56 At least once per 92 days Semisnnually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days I

The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable to the above c.

l required frequencies for performing inservice inspection and testing activities, i


Performance of the above inservice inspection and testing activities d.

shall be in addition to other specified Surveillance Requirements.

Nothing in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be e.

construed to supersede the requirements of any Technical Specifica-tion.

s I

3 i

k -

3/40-3 l

- I4uvemin:r u,


p LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.2.3 The calculated value of FT ji specified in the CORE OPERATING LINITS REPORT.shall be within tge 100% power li The F value shall include the effect of AZINUTHAL POWER TILT.



T With F exceeding the 100% power limit within 6. hours either:

7 R duce THERNAL POWER to bring the combination of THERMAL POWER a a.

9 t

F to within the power dependent limit specified in the CORE OFERATING LIMITS REPORT and withdraw the full length o beyond the Long Term Steady State Insertion Limits of Specification; or b.

Be in at least HOT STAN08Y.

SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENT The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable.


followingiEtervals:shall be determined to be within the 100% power limit at the Prior to operation above 70 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER after a.

each fuel loading b.

At least once per,31 days of accumulated operation in Mode 1, and Within four hours if the AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT (T ) is > 0.020.


T q F

shall be determined by using the incore detectors to obtain a Steady State Insertion Limit for the existing Reactor Co Combination.

'See Special Test Exception 3.10.2 i

i ht MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 cose 3/4 2-9 Amendment No. JE, JJ, 7p, pp,

99. 117, 179.

1 IfB, 115 155 i

v w.





SAFETY INJECTION (SIAS) g Manual (Trip Buttons)



R N:. A.



Cc,ntainment Pressure - High S


1, 2,.3 c.

Pressurizer Pressure - Low S


1, 2, l3 d.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.



I, 2, 3 2.


Manual (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.


Containment Pressure--

High'- High S


1, 2, 3 c.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.


M(1) 1, 2, 3 R



Manual CIAS (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.

Y b.

Manual SIAS (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.

O c.

Containment. Pressure - High S


I, 2, 3 d.

Pressurizer Pressure - Low S


1, 2, 3 e.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.



I, !2, 3 4.


Manual (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.


Containment Pressure - High S


1, 2, 3 c.

Steam Generator Pressure - Low S


1, 2, 3 d.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.



I, 2, 3 k




Manual EBFAS (Trip Buttons)




k b.

Manual SIAS (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.

OD 5

Containment Pressure - High S


1, 2, 3 hh D

D d.

Pressurizer Pressure - Low S


1, 2, 3 D


4 6

  • e.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.



I, 2, 3 z

4 k



d h


September 28, 1987 i5p TABLE 4.3-2 (Continued)







Manual SRAS (Trip Buttons)



R N.A.

l b.

Refueling Water Storage Tank - Low S


I, 2, 3 c.

Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.



I, 2, 3



Containment Radiation - High w

Gaseous Monitor S



Particulate Monitor S






4.16 kw Emergency Bus i

Undervoltage (Undervoltage relays)- level one 5


1, 2, 3



4.16 kW Emergency Bus gg Undervoltage (Undervoltage g% gt e

i o-!

relays)- level two S


1, 2, 3, n

e s, g M



Manual N.A.


R N.A.

g Steam Gene,rator Level - Low S


1, 2, 3 3 e.

l b.

4, %


Automatic Actuation Logic N.A.


M 1, 2, 3 N



U o

-ff i'J 0,.1997-TABLE 4.5-2 (Continued)

TABLE flCTATION (1) The, coincident logic circuits shall be tested automatically or


man'ually at least once per 31 days. The automatic test feature shal.1'be verified OPERABLE at least once per 31 days.



7L rowsnes of p

7pt c sc.+an 4'. 0. Y a

nof <yp/ua6fr a <<


f/ -enhy mf snoat 3.



' ]


e MILLSTONE UNIT 2 3/4 3-25 Aner&ent tb.

. - = __ _.

- May is, i35i ~




STARTUP AND POWER OPERATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Both reactor coolant loops and both reactor coolant pumps in each loop sha11 be in operation.


MODES 1 and 2*.


With less than the above required reactor coolant pumps in operation, be in at least HOT STANDBY within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.




SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.4.l.I 3h! fl 0W 06pesident 5eieuur 5wii.uli 5 hell be determin:d t h in the A p = p pc;ition withi.,15.v nute3 prior t: W ing +ha r==c+ar critt::1 :nd it 1000t once pir 12 inuurs dicruaitei.

a b CV1;


V frothe g

toqloa l' l0 ops slre // bt*

UCr'sNeof,% be ofWoY/on


,g Ono! disca/ohf ivadv coolod 9

c + /ros4 oncs fes & bou/S.

r See Special Test Exception 3.10.4.

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 4-1

/)mende f X4,((((

4 e

t F& um, M,





3.4.11 At least one reactor coolant system vent path consisting of at least l

two valves in series capable of t,eing powered from emergency buses

.shall be OPERABLE and closed at each of the following locations:



Reactor Vessel head b.

Pressurizer steam space l

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.


With the Pressurizer vent path inoperable, STARTUP and/or POWER a.

OPERATION may continue provided that 1 the inoperable vent path is maintained closed with power r) moved from the valve e

actuator of all the valves in the inoperable vent p'ath and

11) one power operated relief valve (PORV) and its associated block valve is OPERABLE; otherwise, restore either the inoperable vent path or one PORV and its associated block valve to OPERABLE status within 30 days, or submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the i

next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring the path to OPERABLE status.



With the Reactor Vessel Head vent path inoperable, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may continue provided that the inoperable vent path is maintained closed with power removed from the valve actuator of all the valves in the inoperable vent path; restore the Reactor Vessel Head vent path to OPERABLE status within 30 days or submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring the path to OPERABLE status.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.4.11 Each reactor cool' ant system vent path shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months by:


Verifying all manual isolation valves in each vent path are locked in the open position.


Cycling each valve in the vent path through at least once complete cycle of full travel from the control room during COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING.

l 3.

Verifying flow through the reactor coolant vent system vent paths-during venting during COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING.

l MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 4-23 Amendment No. 79, 77 J/S, 1%

BRSES (Con't)

  1. "" E E be consistent with the ACTION statement for the inoperable normal power sources instead, provided the other specified conditions are satisfied v]

case, this would meaa that for one division the emergency power source.

In OPERABLE (as must be the components supplied by the emergency power source) b must w

and all redundant systems, subsystems, trains, components and devices in the other division must be OPERABLE, or likewise satisfy Specification 3.0.5 (i.e., be capable of performing their design functions and have an emergency power source OPERABLE).

In other words, both emergency power sources must be OPERABLE and all redundant systems, subsystems, trains, components and devkes in both divisions must also be OPERABLE.

If these conditions are not satis-fled, action is required in accordance with this specification.

In MODES 5 and 6 Specification 3.0.5 is not applicable, and thus the individual ACTION statements for each applicable Limiting Condition for Operation in these MODES must be adhered to.

Soecification 4.0.1 throuch 4.0.5 establish the general requirements applic-able to Surveillance Requirements. These requirements are based on the Surveillance Requirements stated in the Code of Federal Regulations, 10CFR50.36(c)(3):

" Surveillance requirements are requirements relating to test, cali-bration, or inspection to ensure that the necessary quality of systems and components is maintained, that facility operation will be within safety limits, and that the limiting conditions of operation will be met."

Soecification 4.0.1 establishes the requirement that surveillances must be performed during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions for which the requirements of the Limiting Conditions for Operation apply unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirements. The purpose of this specification is to ensure that surveillances are performed to verify the operational status of systems and components and that parameters are within specified limits to ensure safe operation of the facility when the plant is in a MODE or other specified condition for which the associated Limiting Conditions for Operation are applicable. Surveillance Requirements do not have to be performed when the facility is in an OPERATIONAL MODE for which the requirements of the associated Limiting Condition for Operation do not apply unless otherwise specified.

The Surveillance Requirements associated with a Special Test Exception are only applicable when the Special Test Exception is used as an allowable exception to the requirements of a specification.



Specification 4.0.2 This specification establishes the limit for which the specified time interval for Surveillance Requirements may be extended.

It permits an allowable extension of the normal surveillance interval to facilitate surveillance scheduling and consideration of plant operating conditions that may not be suitable for conducting the surveillance; e.g.,

transient conditions or other ongoing surveillance or maintenance activities.

It also provides flexibility to accommodate the length of a fuel cycle for surveillances that are performed at each refueling outage and are specified with an 18-month survelliance interval.

provision be used repeatedly as a convenience to extend surveillance intervals f

It is not intended that this beyond that specified for surveillances that are not performed during refueling outages.

The limitation of Specification 4.0.2 is based on


engineering judgment and the recognition that the most probable result of any particular surveillance being performed is the veri'fication of conformance with the Surveillance Requirements. This provision is sufficient to ensure that the reliability ensured through HILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 0-5 AmendmentNo.JEJ,///


i INSERT B - Paae B 3/4 0-5 Specification 3.0.6 establishes the allowance for restoring equipment to service under administrative controls when it has been removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS. The sole purpose of this Specification is to provide an exception to LCO 3.0.2 (e.g., to not comply with the applicable Required Action (s)) to allow the performance of surveillance requirements to demonstrate:


The OPERASILITY of the equipment being returned to service; or b.

The OPERABILITY of other equipment.

The administrative controls ensure the time the equipment is returned to service in conflict with the requirements of tne ACTIONS is limited to the time absolutely l

necessary to perform the allowed surveillance requirements. This Specification does not provide time to perform any other preventive or corrective maintenance.

l An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of equipment being returned to service is reopening a containment isolation valve that has been closed to comply with the Required Actions and must be reopened to perform the surveillance requirements.

An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out of the tripped condition to prevent the trip function from occurring during the performance of a surveillance requirement on another channel in the other trip system. A similar example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out of the tripped condition to permit the logic to function and indicate the appropriate response during the performance of a surveillance requirement on another channel in the same trip system.


-dr y Z 1996 BASES 3/4.2.1 LINEAR HEAT RATE the peak temperature of the fuel cladding will not exceed 2200*

Detector Monitoring System and the Incore Detector Mo that the linear heat rate does not exceed its limits. adequate m Monitoring System performs this function by continuously monitoring the AXIA The Excore Detector -

SRAPE INDEX with two OPERABLE excore neutron flux detectors and verify the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits s the Core Operating Limits Report using the Power Ratio Recorder. pecified in dependent limits of the Power Ratio Recorder are. less than or equal to the The power limits specified in the Core Operating Limits Report.

In conjunction with the limits, the following assumptions are made:use of the excore monitorin l

1) the CEA insertion-limits of Specifications and are satisfied, 2) the AZIMUTHAL ' POWER TI restrictions of Specification 3.2.4 are satisfied, INTEGRATED RADIAL PEAXING FACTOR does not exceed the limits of Speci 3.2.3.

The Incore Detector Monitoring System continuou>1y provides a direct measure of the peaking factors and the alarms which have beer. established for


the individual incore detector segments ensure that the peak linear heat rates wfil be maintained within the allowable limits specified in the Core Operating Limits Report.

The setpoints for these alarms include allowances, set in the


conservative directions, for.1) a flux peaking augmentation factor, 2) a


measurement-calculational uncertainty factor, 3) an engineering uncertainty ft: tor, 4) an allowance for axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and

5) a THERMAL POWER measurement uncertainty factor specified in the Core Orarating Limits Report.

to fuel batihes 'A' through"L". Note the Items (1) and (4) above are only applicable sgy


4 M.2.3 and 3/4.2.4 TOTAL UNRODDED INTEGRATED RAD ALIMUTHAL POWER TILT - Tq The limitations on F. and T T

tions used in the analys s for Sstablishing the Linear Heat Rate and Localare p pcVer Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the various allowable CEA group insertion limits, and, 2) ensure that the at,sumptions used in the analysis establishing the DNB Margin LCO, and Thermal Hargin/ Low Pressure LSSS setpoints remain various allowable CEA group insertion limits. valid. during operation at the If F-or T exceed their basic by the ACTION statements since these additional restr provisions to assure that the assumptions used in establishing the Linear Heat Rate, Thermal Margin / Low Pressure and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS.


HILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 2-1 Amendtent No. U, U, U7, ono 9, 1H, 1H.


. -=

. _. _ - =

I INSERT C - Paae B 3/4 2-1 The incore Detector Monitoring System is not used to monitor linear heat rate below 20% of RATED THERMAL POWER. The accuracy of the neutron flux information from i

the incore detectors is not reliable at THERMAL POWER < 20% RATED THERMAL i


i 1

i i


- J. L, =

POWER DIST9180Tf0N LIMITS BASES setpoints remain valid.

subsequent operation would be restricted to only t it should occur, operations require to identify the cause of this unexpected tilt.


4 INSERT The.surveillan t

ments for ver.ifyin T

their limits provide assurance thet the actualg th'at F a& are within


exceed the assumed values.

values T do not Verifying F after each fuel ading Srior to exceeding Mf, of RATED THERMAL POWER pr ides additional assurance that the core was properly loaded.

3/4.2.6 DNB MARGIN margins to DNB are maintainedThe limitations provided in this specification specification are those assume. The limiting values of the parameters in this transient analyses; therefore, operation must be maintained with fied limits for the accident and transient analyses to remain valid


MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 2-2 Amendment No. JE, J 12.


i l

INSERT D - Pace B 3/4 2-2 Data from the incore detectors are used for determining the measured radial peaking factors. Technical Specification 3.2.3 is not applicable below 20% of RATED THERMAL POWER because the accuracy of the neutron flux information from the incore detectors is not reliable at THERMAL POWER < 20% RATED THERMAL POWER.

t t


June 10,1996 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION


RASES 3/4.3.1 AND 3/4.3.2 PROTECTIVE AND ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES fESF) INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the protective and ESF instrumentation systems and bypasses ensure that 1) the associated ESF action and/or reactor trip will be initiated when the parameter monitored by each channel or combin.iion thereof exceeds its setpoint, 2) the specified coincidence logic is maintained.

3) sufficient redundancy is maintained to permit a channel to be out of service for testing or maintenance, and 4) sufficient system functional capability is available for protective and ESF purposes from diverse parameters.

The OPERABILITY of these systems is required to provide the overall reliability, redundance and diversity assumed available in the facility design for the protection and mitigation of accident and transient conditions.

The integrated operation of each of these systems is consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The surveillance requirements specified for these systems ensure that the overall system functional capability is maintained comparable to the original design standards.

The periodic surveillance tests performed at the minimum b

frequencies are sufficient to demonstrate this capability.

W C M a W' The measurement of response time at the specified frequencies provides assurance that the protective and ESF action function associated with each channel is completed within the time limit assumed in the accident analyses.

No credit was taken in the analyses for those channels with response times indicated as not applicable. The Reactor Protective and Engineered Safety e

Feature response times are contained in the Millstone Unit No. 2 Technical Requirements _ Manual.

Changes to the Technical Requirements Manual require a 10CFR50.59 review as well as a review by the Plant Operations Review Committee.

The containment airborne radioactivity monitors (gaseous and particulate) are provided to initiate closure of the containment purge valves upon detection of high radioactivity levels in the containment. Closure of these i

valves prevents excessive amounts of radioactivity frc': being releaseo to the environs in the event of an accident.


[IdLSTONE-UNIT 2 a 3/4 3 1 A:LendmentNo.#7,M,((p


INSERT E - Paae B 3/4 3-1 The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System automatic actuation logic for entry into MODE 3. After entering MODE 3, pressurizer pressure and steam generator pressure will be increased and the blocks of the ESF actuations on low pressurizer pressure and low steam generator pressure will be automatically removed. After the blocks have been removed, the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of l

the ESF automatic actuation logic can be performed. The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL l

TEST of the ESF automatic actuation logic must be performed prior to entry into MODE 2.

l 4

l l



l l

I l


REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES An exception ta Technical Specification 3.0.4 is specified for Technical '[

Specification to allow a plant cooldown to MODE 5 if one or both PORVsy l

are inoperable.

MODE 5 conditions may be necessary to repair the PORV(s) 3/4.4.10 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY The inservice inspection and testing programs for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components ensure that the structural integrity and operational readiness of these components will be maintained at an acceptable level throughout the life of the plant. These programs are in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda j

Dreenquiredby10CFRPart50.55a((g)exc as re where sp ric writJ, eft relier rrantea ny tn g ommission p rsu to 10 Cr art So.55;<g)(s)(i) i l

r i

l i

1 i

I s

I MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 8 3/4 4-7c AmendmentNo,h



-Sept ats 20, 007


BASES 3/4.4.11 Reactor Coolant System Vents Reactor Coolant System Vents are provided to exhaust noncondensible gases and/or steam from the primary system that j

could inhibit natural circulation core cooling. The OPERABILITY of at least one reactor coolant system vent path from the reactor vessel head and the pressurizer steam space ensures the capability 2xists to perform this function.

The valve of the reactor coolant system vent paths serves to minimize the probability of inadvertent or irreversible actuation while ensuring that a single failure of a vent valve, power supply or control system does not prevent isolation of the vent path.




. an, e

g MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-8 AmendmentNo./j'p

i INSERT F - Paae B 3/4 4-8 The flow test verifies that each flowpath through the two solenoid valves is OPERABLE.

This verification can be performed by using a series of overlapping tests to ensure flow j

is verified through all parts of the system.



l 2



1 l


Docket No. 50-336 B17381 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revisior, to Technical Specifications Compliance issues Number 4 Retyped Pages September 1998

DEFINITIONS 1-AXIAL SHAPE INDG 1.23 The AX1AL SHAPE INDEX (Yr) used for normal control and indication is the power level detected by the lower excore nuclear instrument detectors (L) less the power level detected by the upper excore nuclear instrument detectors (U) divided by the sum of these power levels. The AX1AL SHAPE INDEX (Y)i used for the trip and pretrip signals in the reactor protection system is the above value (Yg) modified by an appropriate multiplier (A) and a constant (B) to determine the true core axial power distribution for that channel.

Y, =

Y, = A Y, + B CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT 1.24 The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is the unit specific document that provides the core operating limits for the current operating reload cycle.

These cycle specific core operating limits shall be determined for each reload cycle in accordance with Specification Plant operation within these l operating limits is addressed in individual specifications.

ENCLOSURE BUILDING INTEGRITY - DELETED REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME 1.26 The REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall be the time interval from when the monitored parameter exceeds its trip setpoint at the channel sensor until electrical power is interrupted to the CEA drive mechanism.


1.27 The ENGINEEI(ED SAFETY FEATURE RESPONSE TINE shall be that time interval from when the monitored parameter its ESF actuation setpoint at the channel sensor until the ESF equipment is capable of MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 1-5 Amendment No. 77, JJ7, Jfp, 197 0397

DEFINITIONS ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE RESPONSE TIME (Continued) l performing its safety function (i.e., the valves travel to their required positions, pump discharge pressures reach their required values, etc.).

Times shall include diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays where applicable.

PHYSICS TESTS 1.28 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and

1) described in Chapter 13.0 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission.


1.29 The TOTAL UNRODDED INTEGRATED RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR is the ratio of the peak pin power to the average pin power in an unrodded core. This value includes the effect of AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT.

SOURCE CHECK 1.30 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to radiation.

RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT MONITORING AND OFFSITULUF CALCULATION MANUAL (REM 0DCM) 1.31 A RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT MONITORING MANUAL shall be a manual containing the site and environmental sampling and analysis programs for measurements of radiation and radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures tol individuals from station operation. An 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL shall be a manual containing the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents and in the calculation of gaseous and liquid e,ffluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints.

Requirements of the REM 0DCM are.

provided in Specification 6.15.

l RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS 1.33 RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS are those liquid, gaseous and solid waste systems which are required to maintain control over radioactive material in order to meet the LCOs set forth in these specifications.

PURGE - PURGING 1.34 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the containment.

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 1-6 Amendment No. #, Jpp, JJiji, 0307

_ _ _ =




3.0.1 Compliance with the Limiting Conditions for Operation contained in 4

the succeeding specifications is required during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.

3.0.2 Noncompliance with a specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals, except as provided in LC0 3.0.6.

l If the Limiting Condition for Operation is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements is not required.

3.0.3 When a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within one hour ACTION shall be initiated to place the unit in a MODE in which the specification does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in:


At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, 2.

At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and 3.

At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, the ACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time 1imits as measured from the time it is identified that a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.

3.0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified condition shall not be made unless the conditions for the Limiting Condition for Operation are not met and the associated ACTION requires a shutdown if they are not met within a specified time interval. Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or specified condition may be made in accordance with ACTION requirements when conformance to tb'n permits continued operation of the fac'ility for an unlimited period of time. This provision shd1 not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION requirements.

3.0.5 When a system, subsystem, train, component or device is determined to be inoperable solely because its emergency power source is inoperable, or solely because its normal power source is inoperable, it may be considered OPERABLE for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of its applicable Limiting Condition for Operation, provided: (1) its corresponding normal or emergency power source is OPERABLE; and (2) all of its redundant system (s),

subsystem (s), train (s), component (s) and device (s) are OPERABLE, or likewise satisfy the requirements of this specification.

Unless both conditices (1) and (2) are satisfied within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, ACTION shall be initiated to place the unit in a MODE in which the applicable Limiting Condition for Operation does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in:

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 0-1 Amendment Nos. U, J U.


4 I




1 i


At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, j


At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and j


At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

e This specification is not applicable in MODES 5 or 6.

i l

3.0.6 Equipmer.t removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with


ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely to 1

i perform testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other equipment.

This is an exception to LC0 3.0.2 for the system returned to service under administrative control to perform the testing required to J

demonstrate OPERABILITY.

l 1



4 2

4.0.1 Surveillance Requirements shall be applicable during the OPERATIONAL i

MODES or other conditions specified for individual Limiting Conditions for Operation unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.

5 4.0.2 Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25%

of the surveillance time interval.

4.0.3 Failure to perform a Surveillance Requirement within the allowed surveillance interval, definod by Specification 4.0.2, shall constitute a failure to meet the OPERABILITY requirements for a Limiting Condition for Operation. The time limits of the ACTION requirements are applicable at the time it is identified that a Surveillance Requirement has not been performed.

The ACTION requirements may be delayed for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to permit the completion of the surveillance when the allowable outage time limits of the ACTION requirements are less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Surveillance Requirements do not have to be performed on inoperable equipment.

4.0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified condition shall not be made unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with the Limiting Condition for Operation have been performed within the stated surveillance interval or as otherwise specified.

This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODE: as required to comply with ACTION requirements.

4.0.5 Surveillance Requirements for inservice inspection and testing of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components shall be applicable as follows:


Inservice inspection of ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components and inservice testing ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a.

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 0-2 Amendment No. J7, 77. JJJ, J57.





3.2.3 The calculated value of F shall be within the limit specified in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT. The F', value shall include the effect of AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT.



With F', exceeding the 100% power limit within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> either:

l 1


Reduce THERMAL POWER to bring the combination of THERMAL POWER and F',to within the power dependent limit specified in the CORE OPERATING 4

LIMITS REPORT and withdraw the full length CEAs to or beyond the Long Term Steady State Insertion Limits of Specification; or b.

Be in at least H0T STANDBY.

l SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENENTS 1 The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable. F, shall be determined to be within the 100% power limit at the T

following intervals:

a. Prior to operation above 70 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER after each fuel loading,
b. At least once per 31 days of accumulated operation in Mode 1, and
c. Within four hours if the AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT (T ) is > 0.020.

q F', shall be determined by using the incore detectors to obtain a power distribution map with all full length CEAs at or above the Long Term Steady State Insertion Limit for tha existing Reactor Coolant Pump Combination.

  • See Special Test Exception 3.10.2 NILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 2-9 Amendment No. 77 JE, 77, pp. 77, mes 117,111, Iff,Ilf,Iff,

_... - _.. _.. _.. ~ _ _ _. _.... _ _ _.. _

TABLE 4.3-2 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION (1) The coincident logic circuits shall be tested automatically or manually at least once per 21 days.

The automatic test feature shall be verified OPERABLE at least once per 31 days.

The provisions of Specifice. tion 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MODE 3.

NILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 3-25 Arrdment No. 77, 0400

REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEN COOLANT LOOPS AND COOLANT CIRCULATION STARTUP AND POWER OPERATION LINITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Both reactor coolant loops and both reactor coolant pumps in each loop shall be in operation.



With less than the above required reactor coolant pumps in operation, be in at least HOT STANDBY within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

i SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENENTS The above required reactor coolant loops shall be verified to be in operation and circulating reactor coolant at 1 east once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

  • See Special Test Exception 3.10.4.

NILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 4-1 Amendment No. 79. JJ, 0401



REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM VENTS LIMITING C0hDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.11 At least one reactor coolant system vent path consisting of at least 4

4 two valves in series capable of being powerad from emergency buses shall be OPERABLE and closed at each of the following locations:


Reactor Vessel head b.

Pressurizer steam space APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.


With the Pressurizer vent path inoperable, STARTUP and/or POWER a.

OPERATION may continue provided that i) the inoperable vent path is maintained closed with power removed from the valve actuator of all the valves in the inoperable vent path and ii) one power operated relief valve (PORV) and its associated block valve is 4

OPERABLE; otherwise, restore either the inoperable vent path 4

or one PORV and its associated block valve to OPERABLE status within 30 days, or. submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring the path to OPERABLE status.

i b.

With the Reactor Vessel Head vent path inoperable, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may continue provided that the inoperable vent j

path is maintained closed with power removed from the. valve act9ator of all the valves in the inoperable vent path; restore the Reactor Vessel Head vent path to OPERABLE status within 30 days or submit a Special Report to the Commission 1

pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring the path to OPERABLE status.


i 4.4.11 Each reactor coolant system vent path shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months by:


Verifyirag all manual isolation valves in each vent path are locked in the open position.


Cycling each valve in the vent path through at least once complete cycle of full travel from the control room during COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING.


Verifying flow through the reactor coolant vent system vent paths during COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING.

l MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 3/4 4-23 Amendment No. 79, 77, J79, oro2 151,151,

BASES (Con't) be consistent with the ACTION statement for the inoperable normal power sources instead, provided the other specified conditions are satisfied.

In case, this would mean that for one division the emergency power source must be OPERABLE (as must be the components supplied by the emergency power source) and all redundant systems, subsystems, trains, components and devices in the other divisions must be OPERABLE, or likewise satisfy Specification 3.0.5 (i.e., be capable of performing their design functions and have an emergency i

power source OPERABLE).

In other words, both emergency power sources must be OPERABLE and all redundant systems, subsystems, trains, components and devices in both divisions must also be OPERABLE. If these conditions are not satis-fled, action is required

. accordance with this specification.

In MODES 5 and 6 Specification 3.0.5 is not applicable, and thus the individual ACTION statements for each applicable Limiting Condition for Operation in these MODE 0 must be adhered to.

Specification 3.0.6 establishes the allowance for restoring equipment to i

service under administrative controls when it has been removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS. The sole purpose of this Specification is to provide an exception to LC0 3.0.2 (e.g., to not comply with the applicable Required Action (s)) to allow the performance of surveillance requirements to demonstrate:


The OPERABILITY of the equipment being returned to service; or b.

The OPERABILITY of other equipment.

The administrative controls ensure the time the equipment is returned to service in conflict with the requirements of the ACTIONS is limited to the time absolutely necessary to perform the allowed surveillance requirements.

The Specification does not provide time to perform any other preventive or corrective maintenance.

An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of equipment being returned to-service is reopening a containment isolation valve that has been closed to comply with the Required Actions and must be reopened to perform the surveillance requirements.

An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an s

inoperable channel or trip system out of the tripped condition to prevent the trip function from accurring during the performance of a surveillance requirement on another channel in the other trip system.

A similar example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out nf the tripped condition to permit the logic to function and indicate the appropriate response during the performance of a surveillance requirement on another channel in the same trip system.

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 0-5 Amendment No. J)lf, Jli/


BASES (Con't)

Specification 4.0.1 throuah 4.0.5 establish the general requirements applic-able to Surveillance Requirements.

These requirements are based on the Surveillance Requirements stated in the Code of Federal Regulations, 10CFR50.36(c)(3):

" Surveillance requirements are requirements relating to test, cali-bration, or inspection to ensure that the necessary quality of systems and components is maintained, that facility operation will be within safety limits, and that the limiting conditions of operation will be met."

Specification 4.0.1 establishes the requirement that surveillances must be performed during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions for which the requirements of the Limiting Conditions for Operation apply unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirements. The purpose of this specification is to ensure that surveillances are performed to verify the operational status of systems and components and that parameters are within specified limits to ensure safe operations of the facility when tha plant is in a MODE or other specified condition for which the associated Limiting Conditions for Operation are applicable.

Surveillance Requirements do not have to be performed when the facility is in an OPERATIONAL MODE for which the requirements of the associated Limiting Condition for Operation do not apply unless otherwise specified. The Surveillance Requirement.s associated with a Special Test Exception are only applicable when the Special Test Exception is used as an allowable exception to the requirements of a specification.

Specification 4.0.2 This specification establishes the limit for which the specified time interval for Surveillance Requirements may be extended.

It permits an allowable extension of the normal surveillance interval to facilitate surveillance scheduling and consideration of plant operating conditions that may not be suitable for conducting the surveillance; e.g.,

transient conditions or other ongoing surveillance or maintenance activities.

It also provides flexibility to accommodate the length of a fuel cycle for surveillances that are performed at each refueling outage and are specified with an 18-month surveillanca interval.

It is not intended that this provision be used repeatedly as a convenience to extend surveillance intervals beyond that specified for surveillances that are not performed during refueling outages. The limitation of Specification 4.0.2 is based on engineering judgment and the recognition that the most probable result of any particular surveillance being performed is' the verification of conformance with the Surveillance Requirements. This provision is sufficient to ensure that the reliability ensured through MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 0-5a Amendment No.


3/4,2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS BASES 3/4.2.1 LINEAR HEAT RATE The limitation on linear heat rate ensures that in the event of a LOCA, the peak temperature of the fuel cladding will not exceed 2200*F.

Either of the two core power distribution monitoring systems, the Excore Detector Monitoring System and the Incore Detector Monitoring System, provide adequate monitoring of the core power distribution and are capable of verifying that the linear heat rate does not exceed its limits.

The Excore Detector Monitoring System performs this function by continuously monitoring the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX with two OPERABLE excore neutron flux detectors and verifying that the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits specified in the Core Operating Limits Report using the Power Ratio Recorder.

The power dependent limits of the Power Ratio Recorder are less than or equal to the limits specified in the Core Operating Limits Report.

In conjunction with the use of the excore monitoring system and in establishing the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX limits, the following assumptions are made:

1) the CEA insertion limits of Specifications and are satisfied, 2) the AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT restrictions of Specification 3.2.4 are satisfied, a.nd 3) the TOTAL UNRODDED INTEGRATED RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR does not exceed the limits of Specification 3.2.3.

The Incore Detector Monitoring System continuously provides a direct measure of the peaking factors and the alarms which have been established for the individual incore detector segments ensure that the peak linear heat rates will be maintained within the allowable limits specified in the Core Operating Limits Report.

The setpoints for these alarms include allowances, set in the conservative directions, for 1) a flux peaking augmentation factor,

2) a measurement-calculational uncertainty factor,
3) an engineering uncertainty factor, 4) an allowance for axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and
5) a THERMAL POWER measurement uncertainty factor specified in the Core Operating Limits Report.

Note the Items (1) and (4) above are only applicable to fuel batches "A" through "L".

The Incore Detector Monitoring System is not used to monitor linear heat rate below 20% of RATED THERMAL POWER. The accuracy of the neutron flux information from the incore detectors is not reliable at THERMAL POWER < 20% RATED THERMAL POWER.


AND AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT - Tq The limitations on F', and T are provided to 1) ensure that the assump-q tions used in the analysis for establishing the Linear Heat Rate and Local power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the various allowable CEA group insertion limits, and, 2) ensure that the assumptions used in the analysis establishing the DNB Margin LCO, and Thermal Margin / Low Pressure LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the various allowable CEA group insertion limits.

If F',

or T exceed their basic a

limitations, operation may continue under the additional restrictions imposed MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 2-1 Amendment No. 77, J7, 177, o<o<

111, 199, 155, lif,

POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS BASES by the ACTION statements since these additional restrictions provide adequate provisions to assure that the assumptions used in establishing the Linear Heat Rate, Thermal Margin / Low Pressure and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid.

An AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT > 0.10 is not expected and if it should occur, subsequent operation would be restricted to only those 2

operations required to identify the cause of this unexpected tilt.

Data from the incore detectors are used for determining the measured radial peaking factors.

Technical Specification 3.2.3 is not applicable below 20% of RATED THERMAL POWER because the accuracy of the neutron flux information from the incore detectors is not reliable at THERMAL POWER < 20% RATED THERMAL POWER.

The surveillance requirements for verifying that F, and T are within T

T q

their limits provide assurance that the actual values of F, and T do not T

q i

exceed the assumed values.

Verifying F, after each fuel loading prior to exceeding 70% of RATED THERMAL POWER provides additional assurance that thel 4

core was properly loaded.

1 3/4.2.6 DNB MARGIN The limitations provided in this specification en'sure that the assumed i

margins to DNB are maintained.

The limiting values of the parameters in this i

specification are those assumed as the initial conditions in the accident and transient analyses; therefore, operation must be maintained within the specified limits for the accident and transient analyses to remain valid.

2 MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 2-2 Amendment No. 77, 57, J77, I??,1%.



3/4.3.1 AND 3/4.3.2 PROTECTIVE AND ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES (ESF) INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the protective and ESF instrumentation systems and bypasses ensure that 1) the associated ESF action and/or reactor trip will be initiated when the parameter monitored by each channel or combination thereof exceeds its setpoint, 2) the specified coincidence logic is maintained,

3) sufficient redundancy is maintained to perrait a channel to be out of service for testing or maintenance, and 4) cufficient system functional capability is available for protective and ESF purposes from diverse parameters.

The OPERABILITY of these systems is required to provide the overall reliability, redundance and diversity assumed available in the facility design for the protection and niitigation of accident and transient conditions. The integrated operation of each of these systems is consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

j The surveillance requirements specified for these systems ensure that the overall system functional capability is maintained comparable to the original design standards.

The periodic surveillance tests performed at the minimum frequencies are sufficient to demonstrate this capability.

The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System automatic actuation logic for entry into MODE 3.

After entering MODE 3, pressurizer pressure and steam generator pressure will be increased and the blocks ~of the ESF actuations on low pressurizer pressure and low steam generator pressure will be automatically removed. After the blocks have been removed, the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the ESF automatic actuation logic can be performed.

The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the ESF automatic actuation logic must be performed prior to entry into MODE 2.

The measurement of response time at the specified frequencies provides assurar.ce that the protective and ESF action function associated with each channel is completed within the time limit assumed in the accident analyses.

No credit was taken in the analyses for those channels with response times indicated as not applicable.

The Reactor Protective and Engineered Safety Feature response times are contained in the Millstone Unit No. 2 Technical Requirements Manual. Changes to the Technical Requirements Manual require a 10CFR50.59 review as well as a review by the Plant Operations Review Committee.

The containment airborne radioactivity monitors (gaseous and particulate) are provided to initiate closure of the containment purge valves upon detection of high radioactivity levels in the containment. Closure of these valves prevents excessive amounts of radioactivity from being released to the environs in the event of an accident.

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 3-1 Amendment No. J77, J7p, 177, 0405

REACT 0l_C00lANT SYSTEM BliSES An exception to Technical Specification 3.0.4 is specified for Technical Specification to allow a plant cooldown to MODE 5 if one or both PORVs are inoperable. MODE 5 conditions may be necessary to repair the PORV(s).


The inservice inspection and testing programs for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components ensure that the structural integrity and operational readiness of these components will be maintained at an acceptable level throughout the life of the plant.

These programs are in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR Part 50.55a.

d A

1 I

MIjLSTONE-UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-7c Amendment No. Up

i I





l 3/4.4.11 Reactor Coolant System Vents i

1 l

Reactor Coolant System Vents Arc provided to exhaust i

1 noncondensible gases and/or steam from the primary system that l

l could inhibit natural circulation core cooling. The OPERABILITY of at least one reactor coolant system vent path from the reactor vessel head and the pressurizer steam space ensures the capability exists to perform this function.

i The valve redundancy of the reactor coolant system vent paths serves to minimize the probability of inadvertent or irreversible actuation l

while ensuring that a single failure of a vent valve, power supply or i

control system does not prevent isolation of the vent path.

1 l

The flow test verifies that each flowpath through the two solenoid j

valves is OPERABLE.

This verification can be performed by using a series of overlapping tests to ensure flow is verified through all j'

parts of the system.

l l

l 1

l I

i 1

J i

i i

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-8 Amendment No. Up, 0406

Docket No. 50-336 B17381 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Compliance issues Number 4 NNECO Commitments i


September 1998

U. S. Nuctocr Regulatory Commission B17381/ Attachment S/Page 1 Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Compliance issues Number 4 List of Regulatory Commitments The following table identifies those actions committed to by NNECO in this document.

Please notify the Manager - Regulatory Compliance at Millstone Unit No. 2 of any questions regarding this document or any associated regulatory commitments.

Commitment Committed Date or Outage NONE N/A j
