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Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Rept for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Jan-Dec 1987
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
From: Bartal L, Bauereis E, Mirela Gavrilas
NUDOCS 8804040038
Download: ML20150E712 (76)




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For The CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT l UNITS 1 AND 2 January 1, - December 31, 1987 9


MARCH 1988 1625 YlS

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9 MARCH 1988 i

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. January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket.Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae List of Figures------------------------------ lii List of Tables------------------------------- V i A.* Summary----------------------------------- 1 ,

B. Introduction------------------------------ 3 C. Program----------------------------------- 4 C.1 Objective----------------------------- 4 C.2 Sample Collection--------------------- 4 C.3 Data Interpretation- ------------..

4 ,

C.4 Program Exceptions-------------------- 4 D. Results and Discussions------------------- 5 D.1 Aquatic Environment------------------- 5 D.2 Atmospheric Environment--------------- 6 D.3 Terrestrial Environment--------------- 7 D.4 External Radiation-------------------- 8 l v ~

, I. Conclusior. --- - --

8  ;



- F. References-------------------------------- 14 Appendix A - Environmental Sampling Locations 19 Appendix B - Analytical Results-------------- 29 Appendix C - EPA Cross-Check and Quality Assurance Programs-  :---- ---

53 L - Appendix D - Land Use Survey- -- --------

65 i


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, January ~1 - December 31, 1987 f Docket Nos. 50-317/318 i f


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Ficure Title Pace

. A-1 Map of Southern Maryland and Chesapeake Bay  :

Showing Location of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear l Power Plant---------------------------------- 23 i i

1 l

A-2 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Sampling Locations. Scale 1" = 1.35 km--------------- 25


A-3 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Sampling [

Locations. Scale 1" = 4.0 km---------------- 27 j h

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, January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 LIST OF TABLES Table TITLE Pace 1 Synopsis of the 1986 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program-------------------------- 11 2 Annual Summary of Radioactivity in the Environs of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2------------------- 12 A-1 Locations of the Environmental Sampling Stations for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant--------------------------------- 21 B-1 Concentrations of Tritium and Gamma Emitters in Bay Water-------------------------------- 33 B-2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in the Flesh of Edible Fish-- --

34 B-3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Oyster Samples------------------------------------- 35 B-4 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Shore-line Sediment------------------------------- 36 B-5 Concentrations of Iodine-131 in Filtered Air----------------------------------------- 37 B-6 Concentrations of Beta Emitters in Air Particulates--------~~---------------------- 39  !

B-7 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Pa rticulates---- --------- -----

41 B-8 Concentration of Gamma Emitters in Vegetation----------------------------------- 43 B-9 Typical MDL Ranges for Gamma Spectroscopy--- 46 B-10 LLD's for Gamma Spectrosco py---------------- 47 B-11 External Radiation------- ------------------

49 C-1 Results of EPA Cross Check Program for 1986- 55 C-2 Results of Quality Assurance Program for 1986------------------------------------ 57  !

C-3 Teledyne Isotopes' Typical MDL's for Gamma Spectroscopy-------------------------------- 63 q l

D-1 . Land Use Survey----------------------------- 67 ,

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Janua.ry 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 A.


During this operating peritcd for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power

- Plant Units 1 and 2, a total of 705 analyses were performed on 637 environmental samples. In addition, 1100 thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's) were analyzed for ambient radiation exposure rates.

The samples collected from the aquatic environment included bay water, fish, oysters, and shoreline sediment samples. Bay water was analyzed for tritium and gamma emitters. Fish, oysters, and shoreline sediments were analyzed for ganna emitting radionu-clides.

Monitoring the atmospheric environment involved sampling the air

. , at various locations surrounding the plant. . Air particulates and gaseous iodine were collected on glass fiber filters and silver '

zeolite molecular sieve cartridges, respectively. The particu-

, late filters were analyzed for beta activity and gamma-emitting nuclides. The molecular sj eve cartridges were analyzed for airborne I-131.

Samples from the terrestrial environment included only vegetation samples, which were cc11ected and analyzed for gamma emitters and I-131.

Measurements of external radiation vere performed by . analyzing TLD's~from twenty-three locations surrounding the plant. ,

Low levels of variout man-made fission and activation by-products were observed in the environment surrounding the plant during the year 1987. Some of these observations were attributed to fallout from past atmospheric weapons testing. The others cited were related to the operation of the plant (viz., H-3, Co-58, and Zn-65 in bay water; Mn-54, Co-58, Zn-65, and Ag-110m in oyster samples; and Mn-54 in vegetaticn samples).

In order to assess the plant's . contribution to the ambient

- radiation levels of the surrounding environment, dose calcula-

. tions were performed using the plant's effluent release data, on site meteorological data, and appropriate pathways. The results of these dose calculations indicate:

a. a maximum thyroid dose of 3.81E-01 mren via liquid 1

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 and gaseous pathways which is about 0.5% of the acceptable limit of 75 mrem /yr as specified in 40 CFR 190;

b. a maximum whole body dose of 2.50E-01 mrem via ,

liquid and gaseous pathways which is about 1% of the acceptable limit of 25 mrem /yr as specified in 40 CFR 190;

c. a maximum calculated dose to all other organs via liquid and gaseous pathways was equal to 1.36 mrem from the GI tract and skin, respectively. This dose was about 5% of the allowable limit of 25 mrem /yr as specified in 40 CFR 190.

Thus it is concluded, based - upon the levels of radioactivity

_ob served and the various dose calculations performed, that the .

operation of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2

  • did not cause ar.y significant impact on the surrounding environment during the year 1987. .

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l January 1 - December 31, 1987 i Docket Nos. 50-317/318 I


Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E) has been conducting a radiological environmental monitoring program in the environs of i the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant since the summer of 1970. i The Calvert Cliffs site is an operating nuclear generating station consisting of two pressurized water reactors. Unit 1 achieved criticality on October 7,.1974 and commenced commercial operation in May 1975. Unit 2 achieved criticality on November  ;

30, 1976 and went into commercial operation April 1, 1977. ,

Originally the radiological environmental monitoring program was )

conducted under separate Environmental Technical Specifications (24,25). On July 29, 1977 the monitoring program began operation i under a combined set of Technical Specifications (26). The I

, program has opeated as such until March 1, 1985 when the Environnental Technical Specifications were revised to reflect a new generic format for radiological environmental monitoring l

, adopted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (27). Changes in 1 the program (aample locations, sample types, and/or sampling frequencies) have been implemented to conform with these revisions.

Results of the monitoring program for the preoperational and previous operational periods through December 31, 1906 have been '

reported in a series of documents (1-23).

Results of the monitoring program for the current operational ,

period of January 1, 1987 through December 31, 1987 are included l In this report. The report presents the content of the '

Radiological Environmental Program (Table 1), the sampling ,

locations (Appendix A), the summary of the analytical results of I 1987 (Table 2), a compilation of the analytical data for 1987  ;

(Appendix B) , the results of the EPA Intercomparison Program and '

the Quality Assurance Program (Appendix C) , and the results of the Land Use Survey (Appendix D). Interpretation of the data and conclusions are presented in the body of the report.

The envi*onmental curveillance data collected during this reporting period were compared with that generated in previous periods whenever possible in order to evaluate the environmental' radiological impact of the operation of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 during the year 1987.

3 O

1 January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 C. PROGRAM C.1 Obiectives The objectives of the radiological environmental monitoring program are:

a. To determine whether any statistically significant increase occurs in the concentration of radionuclides in important pathways,
b. To detect any measurable buildup of long-lived radio-  ;

nuclides in the environment, I

c. To monitor and evaluate ambient radiation levels,
d. To verify that radioactivity and ambient radiation levels attributable to plant operation are within the limits i specified in the Technical Specifications (27) and the  !

Environmental Radiation Protection Standards as set forth .

I in 40 CFR Part 190. ]

C.2 Sample Collection .

The location of the individual sampling stations are listed in Table A-1 and shown in Figures A-2 and A-3. All samples were collected by contractors to, or personnel of, the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company according to BG&E Operating Procedures (28). ,

Radiochemical analyses were performed by BG&E in accordance with I established laboratory procedures (30).

C.3 Data Interpretation i It is the characteristic of environmental monitoring data that l many results occur at or below the minimum detectable level i (MDL) . In this report, all results at or below the relevant MDL I are reported as being "less than" the MDL value. 1 C.4 Procram Exceptions  !

The air sampler with sample code Al and the thermoluminescent dosimeter with the cample code DR7 had been incorrectly located at the time when the new Environmental Technical Specifications were first put into effect (March 1, 1985). The matter was I corrected on May 19, 1987 and May 31, 1987 respectively, when both were moved to a site 0.7 kilometers south of the plant (see Table A-1 for site description).

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 D. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All the environmental samples collected during the year were analyzed using BG&E's laboratory procedures (30). The analytic results for this reporting period are presented in Appendix B and also summarized on an annual basis in Table 2. For the purposes of discussion, the analytical results are divided into four categories. The categories are the Aquatic Environment, the Atmospheric Environment, the Terrestrial Environment, and Exter-nal Radiation. These categories are further divided into subcat-egdries according to sample type (e.g., Bay Water, Aquatic Organisms, etc. for the Aquatic Environment) . l l

D.1 Acuatic Environment The aquatic environment surrounding the plant was monitored by analyzing samples of bay water, aquatic organisms, and shoreline sediment. These samples were obtained from various sampling locations on the Chesapeake Bay near the plant.

D.1.a Bay Water Monthly bay water samples were taken from two locations during the year. These locations are the Intake Area (sample code Wal) and the Discharge Area (sample cedo Wa2). The samples were obtained from a composite sampling system operating at each location for the entire sampling period. These samples were analyzed for tritium and gamma emitters.

The tritium analysos, performed on quarterly composites of the l monthly bay water samples, showed only two detectable concentra-  !

tions of tritium. Both of these positive results were observed in samples obtained from the Discharge location (Wa2) during the second and fourth quarters of the year. The results were 477+/-134 and 271+/-149 pCi/1, respectively. Both concentrations are similar to the results observed in both the preoperational (6) and previous operational periods (7-23).

Monthly analyses for gamma emitters exhibited detectable concen-trations of two activation products, which are related to the operation of the plant. Zinc-65 was observed in the April Intake sample (Wal) at a concentration of 4. 6+/-3. 3 pCi/L, and Co-58 was observed in the April Discharge sample (Wa2) at a concentration' of 10+/-3 pCi/L. Both of these radionuclides have been observed in this sampling medium during previous operating periods (7-23) at levels similar to the current ones.

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 .

D.1.b Acuatic Orcanisms Samples of aquatic organisms were obtained from four locations during the year. Samples of fish, when in season, were taken from the Inthke Area (sample codes Ia1 and Ia2) and from the Patuxent River (sample codes Ia4 and Ia5). Oyster samples were obtained quarterly from Camp Conoy (sample code Ia3) and Kenwood Beach (sample code Ia6). Edible portions of these samples were analyzed for gamma emitters.

Gamma spectrometric analyses of the fish samples from both lodations exhibited a single detectable concentration of Cs-137 (11+/-8 pCi/kg) in a sample of Weakfish collected form the Intake (Ia2) during the month of September. The presence of this radionuclide is most probably due to fallout from past nuclear weapons testing.

Quarterly analyses for gamma emitters in oyster samples, showed detectable concentrations of plant-related radionuclides. .

Manganese-54 was detected in the third quarter sample collected from Camp Conoy (Ia3) at a concentration of 9+/-7 pCi/kg, and Co-58 was observed in the second and third quarter samples from .

the same sampling site at concentrations of 25+/-8 pCi/kg and 18+/-10 pCi/kg respectively. In addition Ag-110m, ranging from 87+/-12 pCi/kg to 115+/-16 pCi/kg, was observed in all samples collected from that site during the year. It was also observed in the fourth quarter sample from Kenwood Beach (Ia6) at a concentration of 18+/-10. And lastly, 2n-65 was observed in the fourth quarter sample from the control location Ia6 at a concen-traticn of 28+/-15 pCi/kg. The presence of these radionuclides and their concentration levels are typical of that observed in previous operating periods (7-23).

D.1.c Shoreline sediment Semiannual shoreline sediment samples were taken from one loca-tion during the year. This location is the shoreline at Camp Conoy (sample code Wbl). The samples obtained from this location were analyzed for gamma emitters.

Gamma spectrometric analyses of these samples exhibited no detectable concentrations of any fission or activation products.

D.2 Atmospheric Environment The atmespheric environment was monitored by analyzing air particulate filters and silver zoolito cartridges (for trapping radiciodine species). These samples were collected from various locations surrounding the plant.

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 l

D.2.a Air Particulate Filters Weekly composite air particulate filter samples were collected from five locations during the year. These locations are On Site (sample codes Al(OLD) and Al (NEW) --see section C.4 Program Exceptions and Table Al in Appendix A for an explanation of this sample coding), Camp Conoy Road Near the Emergency Siren (sample code A2), Bay Breeze Road (sample code A3), Lusby (sample code A4), and at the Emergency Offsite Facility (sample code A5).

These samples were analyzed for beta activity and gamma emitters.

Weekly analyses for beta activity on air particulate filters collected from all five locations showed values charateristic for background (7-23),

i Gamma spectrometric analyses of monthly composited air parti- '

culate samples exhibited no detectable concentrations of any fission or activation products in any of these samples. (

D.2.b Air Iodine i Weekly composited silver zeolite cartridges (for trapping radiciodine species) were collected from five locations during ,

the year. These locations are On Site (sample codes Al(OLD) and Al(NEW)--see section C.4 Program Exceptions and Table A-1 in l Appendix A for an explanation of this sample coding), Camp Conoy  !

Road Near the Emergency Siren (sample code A2) , Bay Breeze Road  !

(sample code A3), Lusby (sample code A4), and at the Emergency Offsite Facility (sample code AS) . These samples were analyzed for radioiodine species. ,

Weekly radioiodine analyses of silver zeolite cartridges collect- i ed from all five locations exhibited no detectable concentrations of I-131 in any of these samples. i t

D.3 Terrestrial Environment The terrestrial environment was monitored by analyzing samples of vegetation collected monthly, when available, from various samp-ling locations near the plant.

i D.3.a Veaetation  !

Vegetation samples were collected from three locations during the i

l year. These locations are Bay Breeze Road (sample codes Ibl, j Ib2, and Ib3), On Site Before the Entrance to Camp Conoy (sample.  !

codes Ib4, Ib5, and Ib6), and the Emergency Offsite Facility 1 (sample codes Ib7, Ib8, and Ib9). These samples were analyzed l for gamma emitters, including analyses for I-131.  !

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 .

Gamma spectrometric analyses of these samples revealed the presence of only two man-made radionuclides. Manganese-54 was observed once in the October collards sample collected from the garden at Bay Breeze Road (Ib3). The concentration of this radionuclide was 8+/-8 pCi/kg. Cesium-137 was observed sporadi-cally during the year in samples obtained from the garden situat-ed before the entrance to Camp Conoy (Ib4,5,6). The concentra-tien of this radionuclide ranged from 9+/-9 pCi/kg to 77+/-21 pCi/kg. The presence of Mn-54 is probably attributable to the operation of the plant, while the presence of Cs-137 to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. Levels such as these have besn observed in vegetation samples taken from farms near the plant during previous operational periods (7-23).

D.4 External Radiation i Thermoluminescent dosimeters were collected monthly from twenty-three locations surrounding the plant. The locations are On Site Along the Cliffs (sample code DRl), Route 4 Auto Dump (sample .

code DR2), Giovanni's Tavern (sample code DR3), White Sands (sample code DR4), John's Creek (sample code DR5) , Lusby (sample code DRC), On Site (sample codes DR7 (OLD) and DR7(NEW)--see .

section C.4 Program Exceptions and Table A-1 in Appendix A for an explanation of this sample coding), On Site Near the Emergency Siren (sample code DR8), Bay Breeze Road (sample code DR9),

Decatur and Calvert Beach Roads (sample code DR10), Dirt Road off Mackall and Parran Roads (sample code DR11) , Mackall and Bowen .

Roads (sample code DR12), Wallville (sample code DR13), Rodney I Point (sample code DR14), Mill Bridge and Turner Roads (sample  :

code DR15), Appeal School (sample code DR16), Cove Point and '

Little Cove Point Roads (sample code DR17), Cove Point (sample

  • code DR18), Long Beach (sample code DR19), On Site Near Shore  ;

(sample code DR20), Emergency Offsite Facility (sample code DR21), Solomons Island (sample code DR22), and Taylors Island  !

(sample code DR23).

A comparison of the means and ranges of the current TLD data with those of both the historical data and the regional data shows that a plant-related contribution to the measured exposure rate  !

was not discernable.

E. Conclusion Low levels of various man-made fission and activation by-products  !

were observed in the environment surrounding the plant during the '

year 1987. Some of these observations were attributed to fallout  !

from past atmospheric weapons testing. The others cited were 3 related to the operation of the plant (viz., H-3, Co-58, and [

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Zn-65 in bay water; Mn-54, Co-58, Zn-65, and Ag-110m in oyster samples; and Mn-54 in vegetation samples).

In order to assess the plant's contribution to the ambient radiation levels of the surrounding environment, dose calcula-tions were performed using the plant's effluent release data, on site meteorological data, and appropriate pathways. The results of these dose calculations indicate:

o Gaseous Pathways A maximum thyroid dose of 1.61E-01 mrem to an infant via the plume, ground, and inhalation pathways at the on l site location 0.3 km north of Calvert Cliffs, which is about 0.2% of the acceptable linit of 75 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190, "Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations".

A maximum whole body gamma dose of 1.44E-01 mrem at the on site location 0.3 km north of Calvert Cliffs, which is about 0.6% of the acceptable dose limit of 25 l

, mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

A maximum dose to any organ, in this case skin, of 4.26E-01 mrem at the on site location 0.3 km north of Calvert Cliffs, which is about 2% of the acceptable dose limit of 25 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

o Licuid Pathways l

A maximum thyroid dose of 2.20E-01 mrem, which is about 0.3% of the acceptable dose limit of 75 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

A maximum whole body dose of 1.06E-01 mrem via all liquid pathways, which is about 0.4% of the acceptable dose limit of 25 mrem / year as set forth in 40 CFR 190.

A maximum dose to any organ, in this case the GI tract, of 9.35E-01 mrem, which is less than 4% of the acceptable dese limit of 25 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

I o Gaseous and Liquid Pathways Combined


A maximum thyroid dose of 3.81E-01 mrem via liquid and gaseous pathways, which is about 0.5% of the acceptable limit of 75 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 -

A maximum whole body dose of 2.50E-01 mrem via liquid and gaseous pathways which is about 1% of the acceptable limit of 25 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

A maximum calculated dose to all other organs ~via liquid and gaseous pathways was equal to 1.36 mrem from the GI tract and skin, respectively. This dose was about 5% of the allowable limit of 25 mrem / year as specified in 40 CFR 190.

In all cases, the calculated doses are a small fraction of the '

applicable limits specified in 40 CFR 190. On this basis it is concluded that the operation of Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 met the criteria'of 40 CFR 190 during 1987.

In addition it is also concluded, based upon the levels of radioactivity observed and the various dose calculations per-formed, that the operation of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 during 1987 did not cause any significant impact on .

the environment.




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. January 1 . December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50 317/318 I





l Bay Water M 2 24 H-3 QC 8 l Gamma (GeLi) M 24 i

l Fish (1) A 2 4 Gamma (GeLi) A 4 Oysters Q 2 C Gamma (GeLi) Q 8

. Shoreline Sediment 3A 1 2 Gamma (GeLi) SA 2 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Air Iodine (2) w' 5 257 I.131 W 257 Air Particulates(3) W 5 258 Gross Beta V 258 Camma (GeLi) MC 60 TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Vegetation (0) M 3 84 Gamma (GeLi) M 84 EXTERNAL RADIATION l

Ambient Radiation M 23 1100 TLD M 1100 l

  • W - Weekly, M - Monthly, Q . Quarterly, SA - Semiannual, A - Annual, C Composite. l (1) Once in season July-September.

(2) The collection device contains silver zeolite. -

(3) After a minimum decay of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, beta counting is performed. Gamma spectroscopy ,

is performed on monthly composites of weekly samples.

(4) Monthly during growing season.

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FOR CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOf. 30-317/318 I CALVERT COUNTY, MARYLAND DURING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1987 TO DECEMBER 31, 1987 Medium,Or Type And Lower Limit Indic ator Location With Highest Control Pathway Sampled Total Number of Locations Annual Mean** Locations (Unit of Of Analyses Detection Mean (F)* Na=e Mean (F3+ Mean (F)* I Measurement) Performed (LLD) Range Distance & Range Range ,

Directton AQUATIC .

ENVIRONMENT Bay Water (pC1/L) Comma (24)

Co-58 1.4 10(1/24) Dischrs Wa2 10(1/24) -

-- 0.3 km N -- -- I En-65 2.6 5(1/24) Intake Wal 5(1/24) --

-- 0.2 km NNE -- --


Tritium (8) 219 374(2/8) Dischrs Wa2 374(2/8) --

(271-477) 0.3 km N (271 477) -- i Fish (pC1/kg) Camas(4)

Cs-137 20 11?1/4) Patusent Ia4 11(1/4) -

N/A -- --  !

Oysters Gamma (8)

. (pC1/kg) Mn 54 20 9(1/4) C Coney ta3 9(1/4) --

f 0.9 km E -- --

l Co*38 17 22(2/4) C Conoy ta) 22(2/4) --

(18-23) 0.9 km E (18-25) --

2n-65 38 -- -- --


As-110m 17 102(4/4) C Canoy Ia3 102(4/4) 18(1/4)

(47 115) 0.9 km E (87-115) --


  • Air Particulate Beta (258) 0.3 1.4(207/207) Bay Srs. A3 1.4($2/52) 1.S($1/51)

(10' pC1/m') (0.4-2.9) 2.6 km SE (0.4-2.8) (0.6 2.9) 12 9


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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED)




hedium Or Type And Lower Limit Indicator Location With Highest Control ,

Pathway Sampled Total Number Of Locations Annual Mean** Locations l (Unit of Of Analyses Detection Mean (F)* No-e Fean (F)* Meen (F)* i Measurement) Performed (LLD) Range Distance & Range Range Direction l


, ENVIRONMENT Vegetation Camma(84)

, (pct /kg) Mn-54 19 8(1/56) Bay Bra Ib3 8(1/56) --

2.6 km Se -- --

Cs-137 18 47(7/56) On Site Ib4 61(4/9) --

(9-77) 0.7 km S (35-77) --

j EXTERNAL l RADIATION Ambient Exposure --

4.04(239/239) Cap Coney DRS 4.92(12/12) 4.19(36/36) )

RadLation Rate (275) (3.03-5.60) 2.5 km SSC (4.47-5.60) (2.92 5.52)

(mR/30 day)

  • Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction F of detectable measurements at specified location is indleated in parentheses.

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 F. REFERENCES (1) Cohen, L. K., "Preoperational Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", EUS No. 882 Semiannual Report January-June 1971, December 1971; NUS No. 1025 Annual Report 1971, March 1973.

(2) "

Cohen, L. K., "Preoperational Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", NUS ,

No. 1137 Annual Report 1972, December 1973.

(3) Cohen, L. K. and Malmberg, M. S., "Preoperational Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", NUS No. 1188, Annual Report 1973,  !

October 1974.

(4) Radiation Management Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear I Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Analyses, December '

1971 - December 1973 RMC-TR-74-13, August 1974. .

(5) Malmberg, M. S.,"Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant", NUS No. 1331 Annual Report 1974, February 1975.

(6) Malmberg, M. S., "Preoperational Environmental Radio-activity Monitoring Program at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2", NUS No. 1333, Data Summary Report, September 1970 i to September 1974, July 1975.

(7) Radiation Management Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant - Radioloaical Environmental Surveillance '

Proaram, January 1 to June 30, 1974, December 1974.

(8) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant - Semiannual Operating Report, July - l December 1974, March 1975. i (9) Radiation Management Corporation, Radiolocical Environ-mental Monitorina Procram - Semiannual Report for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, July 1 throuch December 31, 1974, RMC-TR-75-06, August 1975.

(10) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Radiation Manage- .

ment Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Procram Semiannual 14 .

January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Report, January 1 - June 30, 1975, RMC-TR-75-11, September 1975.

(11) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Radiation Manage-ment Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Procram Semiannual ReDort, July 1 - December 31, 1975, RMC-TR-76-02, March 1976.

(12) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Radiation Manage-ment Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitorino Procram Semiannual Recort, January 1 - June 30, 1976, RMC-TR-76-06, September 1976.

(13) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Radiation Manage-

, ment Corporation, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Procram Semiannual Report, July 1 - December 31, 1976, RMC-TR-77-07, March

, 1977.

(14) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1977, March 1978.

(15) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1978, March 1979.

(16) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1979, March 1980.

(17) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolonical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1980, March 1981.

(18) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1981, March 1982.

(19) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear' Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual ReDort, January 1 - December 31, 1982, March 1983. -

(20) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram 15 9

D January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1983, March 1984.

(21) Baltincre Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiolocical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1984, March 1985.

(22) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, galvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Procram Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1995, March 1986.

(23) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Program Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1986, March 1987. ,

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Number 1, License (24)

, No. DPR-53, Appandix A, Technical Specifications; Appendix B, Environmental Technical Specifications. .

(25) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Number 2, License No. DPR-69, Appendix A, Technical Specifications; Appendix .

B, Environmental Technical Specifications.

(26) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69, Amendment No. 23 for Unit No. 1, Amendment No. 7 for Unit No. 2, Appondix A ,

Technical Specifications; Appendix B, Environmental Technical Specifications.

(27) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, i License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69, Amendment No. 100 for Unit '

No. 1, Amendment No. 83 for Unit No. 2, Appendix A Technical Specifications.

(28) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Operatina Procedures for Environmental Monitorina Activities at Calvert Cliffa l

Nuclear Power Plant, OP-2 to OP-6, 1987. '

(29) Teledyne Isotopes, Laboratory Procedures, PR-032-4 to l PR032-25, 1982.

(30) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Laboratory Manual  !

Chemical Encineerinn and Test, 1987. *

, (31) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Docket Hos. 50-317/318

Semiannual Effluent Release Reports
Januarv - June 1 1987 and July - December 1987.

J 16 -

1 ,

.. , _. . . _ . =- . -- ..


  • l January 1 - December 31, 1987 l Docket Nos. 50-317/318 1

(32) U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual '

Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents  !

for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part  :

50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977. '

(33) U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents- ,

in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors", j

, Revision 1, July 1977. '

(34) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, "Land Use Survey .;

Around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant", BG&E-EP2, 1985.

(35) Daltimore Gas and Electric Company, "Land Use Survey Around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant", BG&E-EP2,

, 1986.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, "Land Use Survey (36)

. Around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant", BG&E-EP2, 1987.

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX A Appendix A contains inforr.ation concerning the environmental samples which were collected during the period January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987.

Sasple locations and specific information about individual locations are jiven in Table A-1. Figure A-1 shows the location of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant with respect to Southern Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay. Figures A-2 and A-3 show the locations of the sampling sites with respect to the plant site at different degrees of detail.



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. January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50 317/318 TABLE A.1 LOCATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING STATIONS


i Distance

  • Direction  !

Station Description (Kilometers) (Sector) f l

Al(OLD)** On site near guard house off Camp Conoy Rd 0.8 S Al(NEW)'** On site before entrance to Camp Conoy 0.7 S l

A2 Camp Conoy Road near emergency siren 2.5 SSE j A3 Bay Breeze Road 2.6 SE i A4 Route 4 Lusby 2.9 SSW f AS Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) 19.3 WIN DR1 On site along cliffs 0.6 NW i DR2 Route 4 auto dump 2.7 VNW

, DR3 Route 4 Giovanni's Tavern (Knotty Pine) 2.3 W i DR4 Route 4 across from White Sands sign 2.0 WSW l

DR5 Route 4 John's Creek 2.4 SW >

, DR6 Route 4 Lusby 2.9 SSW (

DR7(OLD)*** On site near guard house off Camp Conoy Rd 0.8 S  !

DR7(NEW)*** On site before entrance to Camp Conopy 0.7 S l DR8 Camp Conoy Road near emergency siren 2.5 SSE I DR9 Bay Breeze Road 2.6 SE (

DR10 Calvert Beach Road and Decatur ;reet 6.4 IN  !

DRll Dirt road off Mackall & Parran Roads 6.6 WIN i DR12 Mackall and Bowen Roads 6,7 W j DR13 Mackall Road near Wallville 6.1 WSW ,

DR14 Rodney Point 6.4 SW  !

DR15 Mill Bridge and Turner Roads 6.2 SSW DR16 Across from Appeal School j 6.5 S ,

DR17 Cove Point and Little Cove Point Roads 5.9 SSE i DR18 Cove Point 7.1 SE  ;

DR19 Long Beach 4.4 IN l DR20 On site near shore 0.4 N!N l DR21 Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) 19.3 WNW j DR22 Solomons Island 12.5 S  !

DR23 Taylors Island 12.6 ENE l Ial,2 Intake area 0.2 NNE  !

Ia3 Camp Conoy 0.9 E i Ia4,5 Patuxent N/A N/A  !

Ia6 Kenwood Beach 10.7 NNV (

Ibl.2.3 Off Bay Breeze Road 2.6 SSE Ib4,5,6 On site before entrance to Camp Conoy 0.7 S i

1 21


. . - _ _ . ~ . . . - _ _ - . . . -. -.

h January 1 - December 31. 1987

  • Docket Nos. 50 317/318 i i j i i f



l l I

J 1 Distance

  • Direction i Station Description (Kilometers) (Sector)  :

j Ib7,8,9, Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) 19.3 WNV  !

Wal Intake area 0.2 NNE  !

Wa2 Discharge Area 0.3 N  ;

Wbl Shoreline at Camp Conoy 0.6 ESE }

t r

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  • Distance from the central point between the two containment buildings. . I
    • Change in location due to mislocating the original site (carried out on 05/19/87).


      • Change in location due to mislocating the original site (carried out on  !

i i 03/31/87). l i

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX B Appendix B is a presentation of the analytical results of the 1987 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Monitoring Program. i I i t I t [ i l l l l I 29 1 1

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t i e , January 1 - December 31, 1987 , Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE OF CONTENTS - ANALYTICAL RESULTS Table No. Table Title Pace B 'l Concentrations of Tritium and Gamma Emitters in Bay Wator--------------------------------------- 33 B-2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in the Flesh of l Edible Fish------------------------------------- 34  ; I B-3 Concentrations of Gamma' Emitters in Oyster j

.            Samples-----------------------------------------        35-     ;

l B-4 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Shoreline  !

,            Sediment Samples--------------------------------        36       l l

B-5 Concentrations of Iodine-131 in Filtered Air---- 37 I B-G Concentrations of Bets Emitters in Air Particulates------------------------------------ 39 l l B-7 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulates------------------------------------ 41 B-8 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Vegetatica-- 43 B-9 Typical MDL Ranges for Gamma Spectroscopy------- 46 B-10 LLD's for Gamma Spectroscopy-------------------- 47 B-ll External Radiation------------------------------ 49 9 9 1 I . 31

     -                                                                        l
   , n.   -            V J                    A     4 -

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January 1 - December 31, 1987 1 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 1 l TABLE B-1 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND GAMMA I EMITTERS

  • IN BAY WATER (Results in Units of pCi/L +/- 2 Sigma)

Gamma Date Sample Code Tritium ** Emitters l 01/15/87 Wal Intake * { Wa2 Discharge

  • l 02/15/87 Wal < 141 *  !

Wa2 < 140

  • Cs/15/87 Wal
  • Wa2
  • 04/15/87
    .                                 Wal                                       ***

Wa2 **** I 05/15/87 Wal < 142

  • Wa2 477+/-134
  • j 06/15/87 Wal
  • 1 Wa2
  • l
j 07/15/87 Wal
  • l Wa2
  • I 08/15/87 Wal < 143
  • l Wa2 < 143
  • 09/15/87 Wal
  • Wa2
  • 4 10/15/S7 Wal
  • Wa2
  • j 11/15/87 Wal < 154 *
Wa2 271+/-149
  • 12/15/87 Wal
  • Wa2 *
  • Naturally occurring K-40 was observed in all samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL; typical MDL's are given in Table B-9.
            ** Quarterly results.
           *** Zinc-65 was observed at a concentration of 4. 6+/-3.3 pCi/L.          *

, **** Cobalt-58 was observed at a concentration of 10+/-3 pCi/L. I 33

                                   .-             ~            _            -_          _ _ , . . _ . .

i January 1 - December 31, 1987 - i ! Docket Nos.- 50-317/318 I i TABLE B-2 i CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS

  • IN THE  !


(Results in Units of pCi/kg +/- 2 Sigma) i f,

f Sample Sample Gamma t Sainple Code Date Type Emitters { Ial Intake 09/09/87 Spot

  • i Ia2 Intake 09/20/87 Weakfish ***

l Ia4 Patuxent 09/11/87 Spot

  • River ** {
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - t

[ [ Ia5 Patuxent 09/20/87 Weakfish * ] River ** 1 l t

  • Naturally occurring K-40 was observed in all samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL; typical MDL's are C i gis.en in Table B-9. .
                                                     ** Control location.                                                                                                                                                           !


                                         *** Cesium-137 was observed at a concentration of 11+/~8 pCi/kg.                                                                                                                           !

l 2 i I  ! i ! ) l l h l 1 34

  • o January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-3 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS
  • IN OYSTER SAMPLES (Results in Units of pCi/kg +/- 2 Sigma)

Sample Code Sample Date Mn-54 Co-58 Zn-65 Ag-110m Ia3 03/24/87 < MDL < MDL < MDL 103+/-15 (Camp Conoy) 06/11/87 < MDL 25+/-8 < MDL 87+/-12 08/25/87 9+/-7 18+/-10 < MDL 103+/-16

  .                     10/19/87         < MDL      < MDL      < MDL     115+/-16 Ia6             03/24/87         < MDL      < MDL      < MDL       < MDL (Kenwood Beach           06/11/87         < MDL      < MDL      < MDL      < MDL Control Location)       08/25/87         < MDL      < MDL      < HDL      < MDL 10/19/87         < MDL      < MDL    28+/-15     18+/-10
  • Naturally occurring K-40 was observed in all samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL; typical MDL's are given in Table B-9.

1 l 35



January 1 - December 31, 1987

  • Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-4 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT (Results in Units r. pCi/kg (Dry) +/- 2 Sigma)

Sample Gamma Sample Code Date Emitters Wbl (Shore- 03/30/87

  • line Camp Conoy) 11/02/87 * -
  • Naturally occurring X-40 was observed in both samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL; typical MDL's are given in Table B-9.

36 * ~

o January 1 - December 31, 1987 I Docket Nos. 50 317/318  ! l l TABLE B.5 CONCENTRATIONS OF I.13 (ResultsinUnitsof10'}pCi/mINFIgTEREDAIR +/. Sigma) Camp Bay , j Stop Start

  • Conoy Rd Breeze Rd Lusby EOF ** .

Date Date Site Al Site A2 Site A3 Site A4 Site AS 12/29/87 01/05/87 < 5.8 < 5.6 < 6.3 < 5.4 < 6.4 , 01/05/87 01/12/87 < 5.0 < 6.1 < 6.5 < 5.4 < 6.5 i 01/12/87 01/19/87 < 6.1 < 5.8 < 5.8 < 5.3 < 7.1  ; 01/19/87 01/27/87 < 4.8 < 5.0 < 5.4 < 4.3 < 6.0  ; 01/27/87 02/02/87 < 6.7 < 7.4 < 5.0 < 4.1 < 4.4 , i 02/02/87 02/09/87 < 5.6 < 5.7 < 6.3 < 4.9 < 5.7 02/09/87 02/17/87 < 5.0 < 4.9 < 5.3 < 4.6 < 3.3 '

   .                    02/17/87 02/24/87                    < 5.5     < 5.7              < 6.0            < 4.9     < 5.6  ,

02/24/87 03/02/87 < 6.7 < 6.9 < 5.4 < 5.1 < 6.9 r l 03/02/87 03/09/87 < 6.0 < 6.2 < 6.2 < 5.3 < 5.8 [ 03/09/87 03/16/87 < 5.9 < 5.9 < 6.3 < 5.3 < 6.0 s 03/16/87 03/23/87 < 6.1 < 5.8 < 5.9 < 5.0 < 3.5 4 03/23/87 03/30/87 < 5.9 < 6.0 < 6.1 < 5.1 < 5.9 e , 03/30/87 04/06/87 < 6.1 < 6.3 < 6.7 < 5.3 < 5.9 i j 04/06/87 04/13/87 < 6.1 < 6.2 < 6.4 < 5.0 *** j 04/13/87 04/20/87 < 5.9 < 5.4 < 5.2 < 4.8 < 5.7 04/20/87 04/27/87 < 5.5 e 6.3 < 5.3 < 4.7 < 6.2 04/27/87- 05/04/87 < 5.8 < 5.6 < 5.1 < 4.6 < 5.4 05/04/87 05/11/87 < 6.2 < 5.6 < 5.5 < 5.0 < 5.5 i j 05/11/87 05/18/87 < 5.9 < 5.6 < 5.5 < 5.8 < 6.2 05/18/87 05/26/87 < 5.9# < 4.6 < 4. 7 < 4.3 < 5.3 05/26/87 06/01/87 < /.1 < 6.4 < 6.4 < 5.6 < 6.5 j 06/01/87 06/08/87 < 6.1 < 5.3 < 5.9 < 5.1 < 4.5 3 06/08/87 06/16/87 < 6.2 < 5.9 < 5.8 < 5.3 < 6.4 06/16/87 06/22/87 < 6.3 < 5.8 < 4. 5 < 5.1 < 3.4 06/22/87 06/29/87 < 6.4 < 6.0 < 5.5 < 5.1 < 6,1 4 i 06/29/87 07/06/87 < 6.6 < 5.9 < 5.7 < 5.1 < 6.0 07/06/87 07/13/87 < 6.0 < 6.0 < 5.6 *** < 6.3 07/13/87 07/20/87 < 7.8 < 6.4 < 6.4 < 5.5 < 7.1 07/20/87 07/27/87 < 7.4 < 6.0 < 6.5 < 5,3 < 6.7 37 I 9

            - , - - . -           --~

January 1 . December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50 317/318 i TABLE B 5 (CONTINUED) CONCENTRATIONS OF I-13 I (ResultsinUnitsof10'{pCi/mINFIgTEREDAIR +/. Sigma) Camp Bay Start Stop

  • Conoy Rd Breeze Rd Lusby EOFo*

Date Date Site Al Site A2 Site A3 Site A4 Site A5  : 07/27/87 08/03/87 *** < 6.2 < 6.5 < 5.4 < 6.4 08/03/87 08/10/87 < 7.1 < 5.6 < 6.2 < 5.5 < 6.2 t 08/10/87 08/17/87 < 7.3 < 5.8 < 6.1 < 5.2 < 6.3 l 08/17/87 08/24/87 < 5.6 < 5.8 < 5.7 < 5.2 < 6.7 08/24/87 08/31/87 < 5.9 < 5.9 < 5.7 < 5.2 < 6.1 08/31/87 09/08/87 < 5.3 < 5.2 < 5.4 < 4.7 < 5.1 09/08/87 09/14/87 < 6.9 < 6.8 < 6.9 < 6.5 < 7.5 1 09/14/87 09/21/87 < 6.2 < 6.2 < 6.1 < 5.3 < 6.5 - 09/21/87 09/28/87 < 5.7 < 5.8 < 6.1 < 5.6 < 5.9 r 1 09/28/87 10/05/87 < 6.2 < 6.2 < 7.2 < 6.3 < 7.6 a 10/05/87 10/12/87 < 5.6 < 7.4 < 7.2 < 6.3 < 7.0  ; ] 10/12/87 10/19/87 < 7.5 < 7.7 < 6,9 < 6.6 < 7.3 10/19/87 10/26/87 < 8.2 < 7.4 < 7.3 l

                                                                                                 < 5.5              < 7.4                      !

j 10/26/87 11/02/87 < 7.4 < 7.0 < 7,1 < 6.3 < 7.1 11/02/87 11/09/87 < 7.6 < 7.6 < 7.1 < 6.3 < 6.8

  • i 11/09/87 11/16/87 < 7.5 < 7.5 < 7.5 < 6.2 < 8.1 ,

i 11/16/87 11/23/87 < 6.6 < 7.6 < 6.4 < 6.3 < 8.0 f j 11/23/87 11/30/87 < 7.3 < 7.3 < 6.7 < 6.2 < 6,9 l 1  ;

11/30/87 12/07/87 < 7.3 < 6.9 < 7.6 < 6.7 < 7.6 1

12/07/87 12/14/87 < 7.4 < 7.3 < 7.8 < 7,0 < 7.0 l 12/14/87 12/21/87 < 7.5 < 7.3 < 6.8 < 6.4 < 6.6 12/21/87 12/28/87 < 7.6 < 7.5 < 7.3 < 6.4 < 8,3 I t l

  • Air sampler relocated from A1(OLD) to A1(NEW) on 05/19/87 (see Table A 1 for site description).
   ** Control Location.                                                                                                           '
 *** Air Sampler Malfunction.
      # Sampling period was from 5/19/87 to 5/26/87.
  • b i

i 1 j 38

  • I I  !


       .                                                                                                                                       j i                                                                                                                                               f

January 1 December 31, 1987 4 Docket Nos. 50 317/318 i TABLE B 6 i CONCENTRATIONS OF BETA D4ITTgRS IN gIR PARTICULATES l (Results in Units of 10' pCi/m +/- Sigma) '

                                                                                                                'I Camp            Bay Start             Stop
  • Conoy Rd Breeze Rd Lusby EOF **

Date Date Site Al Site A2 Site A3 Site A4 Site A5 12/29/86 01/05/87 2.1+/ 0.3 1.9+/-0.3 1.8+/ 0.4 1.7+/ 0.3 1.9+/ 0.4  ! 01/05'/87 01/12/87 1.3+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.7+/ 0.3 1.4+/ 0.4 01/12/87 01/19/87 0.8+/.0.3 0.9+/ 0.3 1.5+/-0.3 1.0+/ 0.3 1.0+/ 0.4 (' 01/19/87 01/27/87 1.4+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.9+/-0.3 1.7+/ 0.3 1.4+/ 0.3 01/27/87 02/02/87 1.7+/ 0.4 2.0^/ 0.4 2.0+/ 0.4 1.8+/-0.4 1.9+/ 0.4 U2/02/87 02/09/87 1.5+/ 0.3 1.5+/ 0.3 1.7+/ 0.4 1.5+/ 0.3 1.4+/ 0.3 02/09/87 02/17/87 1.8+/ 0.3 1.6+/.0.3 1.8+/-0.3 1.6+/-0.3 1.7+/ 0.3

      . 02/17/87 02/24/87               0.7+/-0.3 0.9+/ 0.3      1.5+/ 0.4 1.1+/ 0.3          1.0+/ 0.3        ;

02/24/87 03/02/87 1.0+/ 0.3 0.7+/ 0.3 1.0+/ 0.4 1.2+/-0.3 1.6+/ 0.4 03/02/87 03/09/87 1.8+/-0.3 1.7+/ 0.3 1.8+/ 0.4 1.6+/ 0.3 1.7+/ 0.3  ! 03/09/87 03/16/87 1.7+/-0.4 1.3+/-0.3 1.9+/ 0.4 1.8+/-0.3 1.3+/ 0.3  ; 03/16/87 03/23/87 1.2+/-0.3 1.1+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.6+/ 0.3 03/23/87 03/30/87 1.2+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.1+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 i 03/30/87 04/06/87 1.0+/ 0.3 0.8+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.0+/ 0.3 0.8+/ 0.3 04/06/87 04/13/87 1.6+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.5+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 *** 04/13/87 04/20/87 0.7+/-0.3 0.6+/ 0.3 0.7+/ 0.3 0.8+/-0.3 1.0+/ 0.3 ' 04/20/87 04/27/87 0.7+/ 0.3 0.5+/ 0.3 0.5+/-0.3 0.6+/.0.2 0.6+/ 0.3 04/27/87 05/04/87 1.1+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 0.9+/ 0.3 0.9+/-0.3 1.1+/ 0.3 05/04/87 05/11/87 1.6+/-0.3 1.4+/ 0.3 1.5+/-0.3 1.4+/ 0.3 1.5+/ 0.3 j 05/11/87 05/18/87 1.2+/ 0.3 0.9+/ 0.3 1.2+/.0.3 0.8+/-0.3 1.2+/ 0.4 05/18/87 05/26/87 0.4+/-0.3# 0.4+/ 0.2 0.5+/ 0.3 0.4+/-0.2 0.7+/ 0.3

,         05/26/87 06/01/87 1.1+/-0.4 1.1+/-0.4 1 1+/ 0.4 1.0+/ 0.3                           1.1+/ 0.4 06/01/87 06/08/87 1.4+/-0.4 0.9+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3                           1.2+/ 0.4 06/08/87 C6/15/87 1.5+/-0.4 1.1+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.4+/ 0.4           l 06/15/87 06/22/87 0.8+/-0.3 0.5+/-0.3 0.9+/-0.3 0.6+/ 0.3                           1.2+/ 0.4           ;

i 06/22/87 06/29/87 0.9+/-0.4 0.6+/ 0.3 1.1+/-0.3 0.8+/ 0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 l 06/29/87 07/06/87 0.6+/ 0.3 1.3+/-0.3 1.2+/ 0.3 0.9+/ 0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 l 07/06/87 07/13/87 1.4+/ 0.3 0.5+/ 0.3 0.7+/ 0.3 0.7+/ 0.6 1.2+/ 0.4 - 07/13/87 07/20/87 2,0+/-0.4 2.0+/ 0.4 1.4+/-0.4 1.9+/ 0.3 2.1+/ 0.4 07/20/87 07/27/87 1.5+/ 0.4 1.9+/-0.4 1.3+/-0.4 2.4+/ 0.4 2.1+/ 0.4

.                                                                                                                 t 39                                               !

1  !

i.  ;

January 1. Decetaber 31, 1987 - l 4 Docket Nos. 50 317/318 , O  ; l 6 ' TABLE B.6 (CONTINUED) [ CONCENTRATIONS OF BETA EMITTgRS IN gIR PARTICUIATES l (Results in Units of 10' pCi/m +/. Sigma) f

,                                                                               Camp                   Bay                                                                                        l j                                          Stop
  • Conoy Rd Breeze Rd Start Lusby EOF ** }

, Date Date Site Al Site A2 Site A3 Site A4 Site A5

  • r ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... l 07/27/87 08/03/87 *** 2.0+/.0.4 2.8+/.0.4 1.5+/.0.3 2.2+/.0.4 [

08/03/87 08/10/87 2.4 +/ 0.4 2.2+/ 0.4 2.0+/ 0.4 1.7+/.0.4 2.1+/ 0.4 l 08/10/87 08/17/87 1.7+/ 0.4 1.6+/.0.3 1.4+/.0.3 1.4+/.0.3 1.7+/.0.4 } 08/17/87 08/24/87 1.9+/.0.3 1.7+/.0.4 2.0+/ 0.3 2.0+/ 0.3 2.3+/ 0.4  ! 08/24/87 08/31/87 1.4+/ 0.3 0.9+/.0.3 1.3+/ 0.3 1.5+/.0.3 1.7+/ 0.4 08/31/87 09/08/87 0.9+/.0.3 0.9+/.0.3 1.1+/.0.3 1.3+/.0.3 1.6+/.0.3  ! 09/08/87 09/14/87 0.6+/.0.3 0.8+/.0.4 1.4+/ 0.4 0.9+/.0.4 1.5+/.0.4 ' 09/14/87 09/21/87 2.0+/.0.3 1.0+/.0.3 1.6+/.0.3 1.7+/.0.3 2.1+/.0.4 . 4 09/21/87 09/28/87 1.6+/.0.3 1.1+/ 0.3 1.3+/.0.4 1.1+/ 0.3 1.7+/ 0.4 f 1 ) i 09/28/87 10/05/87 0.6+/.0.3 0.6+/.0.3 0.7+/.0.4 0.7+/.0.3 1.1+/ 0.4 { 10/05/87 10/12/87 1.2+/.0.3 0.8+/ 0.4 1.2&/.0.4 0.9+/.0.4 1.3+/.0.4  ! 10/12/87 10/19/87 2.9+/.0.4 2.8+/.0.5 2.7+/.0.4 2.1+/ 0.4 2.9+/ 0.5  ! 10/19/87 10/26/87 2.3+/.0.4 2.0&/ 0.4 2.0+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.3 2.3+/.0.4 { j 10/26/87 11/02/87 2.0+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.4 2.0./ 0.4 2.4+/.0.4 , i 11/02/87 11/09/87 2.5+/.0.5 2.5+/.0.4 2.5+/.0.4 2.4+/ 0.4 2.4+/.0.4  ! 4 11/09/87 11/16/87 2.4+/.0.4 1.8+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.4 2.1+/.0.4 1.9+/.0.5  : 11/16/87 11/23/87 1.9+/.0.4 1.2+/.0,4 1.5+/ 0.4 1.2+/.0.4 1.7+/ 0.5  ! 11/23/87 11/30/87 0.8+/.0.4 0.8+/.0.4 1.1+/.0.4 1.0+/.0.3 1.1+/.0.4  ! ] 11/30/87 12/07/87 0.9+/.0.4 0.9+/.0.4 0.7+/.0.4 0.9+/.0.4 1.2+/.0.4 i ) I 12/07/87 12/14/87 1.7+/.0.4 1.4+/ 0.4 1.2+/.0.4 1.6+/.0.4 1.9+/.0.4 [ 12/14/87 12/21/87 1.6+/.0.4 1.3+/.0.4 1.6+/.0.4 1,4+/.0.4 1.6+/-0.4  ! 12/21/87 12/28/87 1.5+/ 0.4 1.5+/.0.4 1.6+/.0.4 1.8+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.5 ( i ) J 4 4~ '

  • Air sampler relocated from A1(OLD) to A1(NEW) on 05/19/87 (see Table A 1  !

for site description).

** Control Location. [

i j *** Air Sampler Malfunction . - [ j wSampling period from 5/19/87 to 5/26/87. ) 1  ! h 40 ' I l i s - e arh-.n a---g +-m m -m- -r-*+ r - w ,m 9 -p -

                                                                                                              --e.v   -y  g-,-me-   :y- 9        -t-*W*-   -m     -+m     - "-+w+   -?'-      - -

4  ? l t I January 1 - December 31,1987  ; Docket Nos. 50-317/318 i i 4 1 TABLE B-7  ! I CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITpCi/m3 j (Results in Units of 10' {ERS IN+/- AIR2-Sigma) PARTICUIATES I

Sample GAMMA  !

Sample code Date EMITTERS  ; A1 (**) 1/87

  • i
2/87 *
  • j
' 3/87
  • l 4/87
  • i 5/87
  • j 6/87
  • p 7/87 *  ;


  • j ' 9/87
  • 10/67 * ,


  • l l 12/87 *

!. A2 1/87 * (Camp Conoy 2/87

  • Road Near 3/87
  • Emergency {


  • Siren) 5/87
  • 6/87 *
  • i
8/87 *

4 9/87 * ' 10/87 * ! 11/87 *  ;

12/87 *  !

' l A3 1/87 * (Bay 2/87

  • Breeze Road) 3/87 * '


  • 3 5/87 *
6/87 *


  • 8/87
  • 9/87
  • 10/87
  • l 11/87 * ,


  • l

! 41 1 i . t i 1 i

January 1 . December 31, 1987 l Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-7 (CONTINUED) CONCENTRATIONSOFGAMMAEMIT}ERS*IgAIRPARTICULATES (Results in Units of 10~ pCi/m +/- 2 Sigma) Sample OWiA sample Code Date EMITTERS A4 1/87 * (Route 4 2/87

  • Lusby) 3/87
  • 4/87
  • 5/87
  • 6/87
  • 7/87
  • 8/87
  • 9/87 *
  • 10/87
  • 11/87 *  !

12/87 *

  • l AS 1/87
  • i (EOF) * *
  • 2/87 *

[ 3/87

  • i 4/87 *

( 5/87 *  ! 6/87 * , 7/87

  • r 8/87
  • 9/87
  • 10/87 * ,


  • l' 12/87 *
  • Naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40 were observed in most samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL;  !

typical MDL's are given in Table B-9.

    ** Air sampler relocated from Al(OLD) to Al(NEW) on 05/19/87 (see Table A-1 for site description).
 *** Control location.
  • 42
  • 9

l January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 l TABLE B-8 i CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS


(Rosults in Units of pCi/kg (Wot) +/- 2 Sigma) ! Samplo Codo Dato Sample Type Mn-54 Cs-137 ( Ibl 01/29/87 Chard < MDL < MDL l (Bay 05/29/87 Chard < MDL < MDL Broozo 06/29/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL Road)' 07/27/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < M0L 08/28/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 09/28/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 10/26/87 Bryssel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 11/16/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 12/14/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL

  ,   Ib2        01/29/87        Cabbago                         < MDL          < MDL (Bay       05/29/87        Broccoli                        < MDL         < MDL  '

Breeze 06/29/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL

  . Road)       07/27/87        Cauliflower                     < MDL         < MDL  '

08/28/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL  ! 09/28/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 10/26/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL  : 11/16/87 Broccoli < HDL < MDL 12/14/87 Broccoli < MDL < MDL Ib3 01/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL (Bay 02/27/87 Collards < MDL < MDL Broozo 05/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL , Road) 06/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL 07/27/87 Collards < MDL < MDL 08/28/87 Collards < MDL < MDL 09/28/87 Collards < MDL < MDL 10/26/87 Collards 8+/-8 < MDL 11/16/87 Collards < MDL < MDL 12/14/87 Collards < MDL < MDL Ib4 01/29/87 Chard < MDL 64+/-29 (Before 05/29/87 Chard < MDL < MDL Entrance 06/29/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL to Camp 07/27/87 Brussel Sprouts < HDL < MDL Conoy) 08/28/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL 77+/-21 09/28/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL 67+/-35 10/26/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL 35+/-16 11/16/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 12/14/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 43 (

t January 1 - December 31, 1987

  • Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-8 (CONTINUED)



(Results in Units of pCi/kg (Wet) +/- 2 Sigma) Samplo Codo Dato Sample Typo Mn-54 Cs-137 l l Ib5 01/29/87 Cabbage < MDL 57+/-23 I (Before 05/29/87 Broccoli < MDL < MDL Entranco 06/29/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL to Ca'mp 07/27/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL Conoy) 08/28/87 Cauliflouer < MDL < MDL 09/28/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 10/26/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL i 11/16/87 Broccoli < MDL < MDL 12/14/87 Broccoli < MDL < MDL Ib6 01/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL . l (Bofore 02/27/87 Collards < MDL < MDL l Entrance 05/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL , [ to Camp 06/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL - > Conoy) 07/27/87 Collards < MDL 17+/-17 08/28/87 Collards < MDL < MDL  ; 09/28/87 Collards < MDL < HDL 10/26/87 Collards < MDL 9+/-9 ' 11/16/87 Collards < MDL < HDL 12/14/87 Collards < MDL < MDL Ib7 01/29/87 Chard < MDL < MDL (EOF) *

  • 05/29/87 Chard < MDL < MDL 06/29/87 Brussol Sprouts < MDL < MDL 07/27/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 08/28/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL j 09/28/87 Brussel Sprouta < HDL < MDL -

10/26/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 11/16/87 Brussel Sprouts < MDL < MDL 12/14/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL , Ib8 01/29/87 Cabbago < MDL < MDL (EOF) *

  • 05/2987 Broccoli < MDL < MDL 06/29/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 07/27/88 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL  ;

08/28/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 09/28/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 10/26/87 Cauliflower < MDL < MDL 11/16/87 Broccoli < HDL < MDL 12/14/87 Broccoli < MDL < MDL 44

  • l

January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-8 (CONTINUED) CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS

  • IN VEGETATION SAMPLES (Rosults in Units of pCi/kg (Wet)- +/- 2 Sigma)

Sample Code Date Sample Type Mn-54 Cs-137 Ib9 01/29/87 Collards < MDL < MDL (EOF) *

  • 02/27/87 Collards < MDL < MDL
               ,   05/29/76         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 06/29/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 07/27/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 08/28/87         Collards                    < MDL          < i4DL 09/28/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 10/26/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 11/16/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL 12/14/87         Collards                    < MDL          < MDL c


  • Naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40 were observed in most samples.

All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL; typical MDL's are given in Table B-9.

      ** Control location.


l January 1 - December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50-317/318 ) I l TABLE B-9 TYPICAL MDL RANCES FOR CAMMA SPECROMETRY i 1 i Selected Bay Water Fish Shellfish Sediment Vegetation Partgculatgs Nuclides pCi/l pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg 10" pCi/m Na-22 1.5-2.9 15 - 28 9 - 14 21 - 29 12 - 38 1.0 - 4.9 Cr 51' 18 - 45 87-238 68 - 115 219-248 98-353 15 47 Mn-54 1.6-2.6 10 21  ? - 13 28 - 29 10 - 36 1.2 - 4.3 Co-58 1.6-2.9 12 - 23 11 - 13 28 - 41 12 - 36 1.5 - 4.6 Fe-59 4.1-8.0 30 - 61 20 - 35 48 - 54 21 - 81 3.4 - 13 Co-60 1.5-2.8 16 - 28 11 - 15 22 - 23 11 - 42 1.3 - 5.0 Zn-65 3.1-5.7 26 - 63 21 - 31 51 - 54 24 - 83 2.9 - 12 - Nb-95 2.1-4.4 13 - 27 11 - 14 28 - 33 11 - 46 1.9 - 5.6 Zr 95 3.0-5.8 21 - 45 16 - 24 42 - 54 19 - 75 2.3 - 9.0 RuRh-106 13 - 23 81 -174 76 - 121 221-274 103 387 9 - 34 Ag-110m 1.3 2.4 8 - 19 9 - 12 20 - 29 11 - 38 1.0 - 3.2 Te-129m 1.6-3.8 10 - 25 7 - 12 24 - 26 9 35 1.4 - 4.1 I-131 5 - 49 27 -122 13 - 53 44 - 44 11 46

  • Cs-134 1.7-2.7 12 - 18 7 - 13 30 - 33 12 - 43 1.3 - 4.7 Cs-137 1.4-3.1 10 19 8 - 19 25 - 35 12 - 44 1.0 - 3.6 Ba-140 10 - 34 53 -166 30 79 84 - 85 29 -124 8 - 38 La-140 4 - 16 26 -106 16 - 38 30 - 58 11 - 59 4.8 - 34 Ce-144 10 - 16 38 - 77 32 40 114-118 68 182 4.4 - 15
  • TheMDLrange{orI-131measuredonsilverzeolitecartridgeis3.5x10'3 8.3x10'3 pCi/m to 46 6
    .                                               January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-10 LLD'S FOR GAMMA SPECTROMETRY l

l Selected Bay Water Fish Shellfish Sediment Pargiculage Nuclides pCi/l pCi/kg pCi/kg pC1/kg 10- pCi/m Na-22 1.4 15 15 29 1.4 Cr-51' 12 112 112 209 10 Mn-54 1.4 20 20 28 1.9 Co-58 1.4 17 17 28 1.5 Fe-59 3.1 36 36 42 2.7 Co-60 1.5 18 18 27 1.6

   ,      2n-65        2.6         38           38               48                  3.5 Nb-95        1.6         19           19               27                  1.6 Zr-95        2.5        29            29               51                  2.9 RuRh-106       15         150           150              272                 17 Ag-110m         1.4        17            17               28                  1.5 Te-129m         1.3        13            13               23                  1.2 I-131        1.3        15            15               24                  1.3*    '

Cs-134 1.7 19 19 35 1.5 Cs-137 1.7 20 20 33 1.6 Ba-140 3.9 47 47 77 3.8 l La-140 1.8 20 20 36 1.8 I Ce-144 4.2 43 43 107 4.2 47

January 1 - December 31, 1987

  • Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Table B-10 (CONTINUED)

LLD'S FOR GAMMA SPECRTOMETRY Selected Precipitation Milk Vegetation Soil Well Water Nuclides pCi/l pCi/l pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/l Na-22 1.4 8.5 20 29 1.4 Cr-61 12 71 163 209 12 Mn-54 1.4 8.9 19 28 1.4 Co-58 1.4 7.8 16 28 1.4 Fe-59 3.1 17 40 42 3.1 Co-60 1.5 8.9 21 27 1.5 Zn-65 2.6 15 43 48 2.6 ' Nb-95 1.6 8.5 19 27 1.6 Zr-95 2.5 15 31 51 2.5 RuRh-106 15 81 135 272 15 Ag-110m 1.4 8.5 16 28 1.4 Te-129m 1.3 7.0 17 23 1.3 I-131 1.3 0.6 23 24 1.3 Cs-134 1.7 9.7 18 35 1.7 Cs-137 1.7 9.3 18 33 1.7 Ba-140 3.9 22 56 77 3.9 La-140 2.2 8.2 23 36 1.8 Ce-144 8.0 43 8.0 107 4.2 TheLLDfrI-}'llmeasuredonsilverzeolitecartridgeis 6.8x10 3 pCi/m 48 *

  .                                                            January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-ll EXTERNAL RADIATION (Results in Units of mR/30 days +/- Sigma)

Location DR1 Jan. 4.78+/-0.36 Feb. 4.75+/-0.01 (On Site Mar. 4.77+/-0.13 Apr. 4.61+/-0.41 Along Cliffs)


May 4.52+/-0.15 Jun. 4.87+/-0.36 Jul. 4.70+/-0.10 Aug. 4.24+/-0.38 Sep. 4.49+/-0.27 Oct. 4.34+/-0.16 Nov. 4.17+/-0.15 Dec. 4.21+/-0.22 Location DR2 Jan. 3.84+/-0.12 Feb. 3.74+/-0.18 (Route 4 Mar. 3.72+/-0.14 Apr. 3.81+/-0.22 Auto Dump) May 3.41+/-0.27 Jun. 3.88+/-0.17

,                                            Jul. 3.48+/-0.25            Aug.       3.52+/-0.15 Sep. 3.66+/-0.11            Oct.        3.40+/-0.06 Nov. 3.49+/-0.19            Dec.       3.47+/-0.14 Location DR3                Jan. 4.48+/-0.02            Feb.       3.61+/-0.19 (Route 4                   Mar. 4.00+/-0.18            Apr.       4.16+/-0.03 Giovanni's                  May     3.50+/-0.16            Jun.       3.52+/-0.20 Tavern)                     Jul. 3.52+/-0.10            Aug.       3.78+/-0.24 Sep. 3.76+/-0.23            Oct.       3.22+/-0.19 Nov. 3.42+/-0.12            Dec.       3.32+/-0.36 Location       DR4          Jan. 4.91+/-0.11            Feb.      4.04+/-0.19 (Route 4                   Mar. 4.44+/-0.11            Apr.      4.82+/-0.28 Across From                 May     4.04+/-0.20            Jun.      4.18+/-0.09 White Sands                 Jul. 4.10+/-0.11            Aug.      4.09+/-0.23 l

Sign) Sep. 4.36+/-0.07 Oct. 3.99+/-0.18 l Nov.

  • Dec. 4.36+/-0.32 ,

1 Location DR5 Jan. 4.86+/-0.17 Feb. 4.0l+/-0.35 l (Route 4 Mar. 4.65+/-0.01 Apr. 4.19+/-0.18 John's Creek) May 3.83+/-0.02 Jun. 4.28+/-0.29 Jul. 4.18+/-0.09 Aug. 3.90+/-0.19 Sep. 4.33+/-0.13 Oct. 4.09+/-0.34 Nov. 3.78+/-0.22 Dec. 4.04+/-0.05 Location DR6 Jan. 4.03+/-0.11 Feb. 3.50+/-0.09 (Route 4 Mar. 3.98+/-0.09 Apr. 3.64+/-0.34 Lusby) May 3.36+/-0.20 Jun. 3.33+/-0.10 , Jul. 3.47+/-0.10 Aug. 3.03+/-0.22 Sep. 3.54+/-0.11 Oct. 3.30+/-0.05 Nov. 3.08+/-0.11 Dec. 3.38+/-0.16 l 49 I

January 1 - December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-11 (CONTINUED) l EXTERNAL RADIATION (Results in Units of mR/30 days +/- Sigma) L I Location DR7 Jan. 4.91+/-0.17 Feb. 4.21+/-0.16 (**) Mar. 5.22+/-0.16 Apr. 4.33+/-0.09 May 4.05+/-0.05 Jun. 4.08+/-0.15 ( Jul. 4.19+/-0.19 Aug. 3.97+/-0.20 l Sep. 4.34+/-0.32 Oct. 3.76+/-0.19 Nov. 3.56+/-0.23 Dec. 3.78+/-0.16 Location DR8 Jan. 5.35+/-0.18 Feb. (Camp Conoy 4.98+/-0.10 Mar. 5.60+/-0.23 Apr. 4.99+/-0.61 Road At May 4.89+/-0.19 Emergency Jun. 4.78+/-0.23 Jul. 5.09+/-0.23 Aug. 4.78+/-0.25 - l Siren) Sep. 5.07+/-0.05 Oct. 4.47+/-0.26 ) Nov. 4.57+/-0.16 Dec. 4.50+/-0.38 Location DR9 Jan. 4.53+/-0.19 Feb. (Bay Breeze 4.11+/-0.11 Mar. 4.40+/-0.21 Apr. 4.00+/-0.36 Road) May 4.11+/-0.25 Jun. 3.85+/-0.20 Jul. 4.20+/-0.22 Aug. 3.95+/-0.18 Sep. 4.52+/-0.08 Oct. 3.65+/-0.05 Nov. 3.80+/-0.19 Dec. 3.66+/-0.17 Location DR10 Jan. 4.08+/-9.22 Feb. 3.81+/-0.14 (Calvert Beach Mar. 4.29+/-0.19 Apr. 3.96+/-0.01 Road And Decatur May 3.65+/-0.10 Jun. 3.79+/-0.18 Street) Jul. 3.85+/-0.29 Aug. 3.62+/-0.18 Sep. 4.06+/-0.29 Oct. 3.60+/-0.19 Nov. 3.75+/-0.51 Dec. 3.58+/-0.01 Location DRll Jan. 3.94+/-0.32 Feb. 3.65+/-0.29 (Dirt Road Off Mar. 4.06+/-0.22 Apr. 3.88+/-0.13 Mackall & May 3.60+/-0.16 Parran Roads) Jun. 3.77+/-0.19 Jul. 3.80+/-0.25 Aug. 3.84+/-0.33 Sep. 4.20+/-0.15 Oct. 3.42+/-0.15 Nov. 3.58+/-0.15 Dec. 3.68+/-0.26 Location DR12 Jan. 3.97+/-0.21 Feb. 3.75+/-0.15 (Mackall & Mar. 3.76+/-0.31 Apr. 3.92+/-0.16 Bowen Roads) May 3.80+/-0.10 Jun. 3.60+/-0.24 Jul. 3.80+/-0.14 Aug. 3.55+/-0.07 Sep. 3.89+/-0.08 Oct. 3.06+/-0.17 Nov. 3.42+/-0.28 Dec. 3.60+/-0.26 50

  • January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-11 (CONTINUED)

EXTERNAL RADIATION (Results in Units of mR/30 days +/- Sigma) Location DR13 Jan. 4.19+/-0.28 Feb. (Mackall Road 3.96+/-0.06 ' Mar. 4.09+/-0.36 Apr. 4.04+/-0.12 Near Wallville)


May 3.92+/-0.25 Jun. 4.04+/-0.23 Jul. 4.04+/-0.21 Aug. 3.70+/-0.12 Sep. 4.06+/-0.21 Oct. 3.31+/-0.28 Nov. 3.72+/-0.09 Dec. 3.64+/-0.26 Location DR14 Jan. 4.99+/-0.07 Feb. (Rodney Point) Mar. 4.35+/-0.14 4.04+/-0.14 Apr. 4.61+/-0.14 May 4.3~+/-0.09 Jun. 4.36+/-0.24

               .                                                 Jul. 4 . 6 ',+/- 0 . 0 5       Aug. 3.86+/-0.21 Sep. 4.60+/-0.25               Oct. 3.66+/-0.24 Nov. 4.21+/-0.13                Dec. 3.98+/-0.39 Location                    DR15         Jan. 4.46+/-0.19                Feb. 4.04+/-0.24 (Mill Bridge                             Mar. 4.32+/-0.07
                       & Turner Roads)                          May Apr. 4.28+/-0.26 3.98+/-0.07               Jun. 4.00+/-0.14 Jul. 4.07+/-0.31               Aug. 4.00+/-0.26 Sep. 4.56+/-0.01               Oct. 3.73+/-0.20 Nov. 3.93+/-0.24                Dec. 3.97+/-0.23 Location DR16                            Jan. 4.46+/-0.26               Feb.

(Across From Mar. 4.00+/-0.19 Appeal School) 4.66+/-0.15 Apr. 4.32+/-0.20 May 4.25+/-0.19 Jun. 4.08+/-0.06 Jul. 4.27+/-0.30 Aug. 4.02+/-0.10 Sep. 4.22+/-0.16 oct. 3.61+/-0.31 Nov. 3.96+/-0.10 Dec. 3.90+/-0.13 Location DR17 Jan. 4.58+/-0.25 Feb. (Cove Point & 4.08+/-0.14 Little Cove Mar. 4.70+/-0.42 Apr. 3.97+/-0.32 May 4.26+/-0.34 Point Roads) Jun. 4.07+/-0.14 Jul. 4.56+/-0.43 Aug. w.08+/-0.06 Sep. 4.43+/-0.10 Oct. 3.80+/-0.31 Nov. 3.82+/-0.22 Dec. 3.93+/-0.09 Location DR18 Jan. 4.00+/-0.06 Feb. 3.49+/-0.20 (Cove Point) Mar. 3.74+/-0.27 Apr. 3.82+/-0.15 May 3.59+/-0.16 Jun. 3.39+/-0.17 Jul. 3.76+/-0.33 Aug. 3.30+/-0.18 Sep. 3.54+/-0.10 Oct. 3.18+/-0.18 Nov. 3.32+/-0.22 Dec. 3.27+/-0.02



January 1 - December 31, 1987

  • Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE B-11 (CONTINUED)

EXTERNAL RADIATION (Results in Units of mR/30 days +/- Sigma) Location DR19 Jan. 4.34+/-0.09 Feb. 3.72+/-0.39 (Long Beach) Mar. 3.93+/-0.54 Apr. 3.86+/-0.06 May 3.54+/-0.22 Jun. 3.60+/-0.28 Jul. 3.64+/-0.30 Aug. 3.48+/-0.15

    ,                            Sep. 3.62+/-0.30          Oct. 3.36+/-0.18 Nov. 3.38+/-0.30          Dec. 3.58+/-0.13 Location     DR20                Jan. 5.22+/-0.15          Feb. 4.70+/-0.47 (On Site Near                    Mar. 5.03+/-0.21          Apr. 4.75+/-0.31 Shore)                           May   4.44+/-0.17          Jun. 4.34+/-0.27 Jul. 4.67+/-0.29          Aug. 4.34+/-0.26 Sep. 4.69+/-0.29          Oct. 4.12+/-0.17 Nov. 4.31+/-0.33          Dec. 4.39+/-0.17         -

Location DR21 Jan. 4.30+/-0.47 Feb. 4.46/-0.11 (Emergency Mar. 4.61+/-0.49 Apr. 4.61+/-0.38 ' Offsite Facility May 4.54+/-0.15 Jun. 4.35+/-0.13 Facility (EOF) ) *** Jul. 4.68+/-0.12 Aug. 4.22+/-0.04 Sep. 4.10+/-0.28 Oct. 3.67+/-0.27 Nov. 4.02+/-0.29 Dec. 4.18+/-0.18 Location DR22 Jan. 3.69+/-0.2E Feb. 3.56+/-0.19 (Solomons Mar. 3.43+/-0.04 Apr. 3.42+/-0.21 Island)*** May 3.26+/-0.15 Jun. 3.26+/-0.08 3.37+/-0.10 Jul. Aug. 3.29+/-0.17 ' Sep. 3.52+/-0.30 Oct. 2.92+/-0.18 ' Nov. 3.04+/-0.17 Dec. 3.30+/-0.23 I Location DR23 Jan. 5.00+/-0.43 Feb. 4.37+/-0.18 I (Taylors Mar. 4.70+/-0.59 Apr. 4.94+/-0.28 Island) * *

  • May 4.84+/-0.36 Jun. 5.09+/-0.36 l Jul. 5.52+/-0.56 Aug. 5.15+/-0.26 Sep. 5.26+/-0.43 Oct. 4.66+/-0.30 Nov. 4.59+/-0.48 Dec. 5.02+/-0.08
   *TLD missing.
  **TLD relocated from DR7(OLD) to DR7(NEW) on 03/31/87 (see                               1 Table A-1 for site description).                                                        '
      • Considered control location (distance from release point -

greater than 8 km).  ; 52

January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX C 1 I 1 Appendix C contains Table C-1 which is a compilation of the results of BG&E laboratory's participation in the Environmental Protection Agency's Cross-Check Program during the period January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987. It also contains Table C-2 and Table C-3 which together form a compilation of the results of BG&E laboratory's l participation in a Quality Assurance program setup with Teledyne Isotopes Company during the same period. The Teledyne operating ) procedures are described in reference 29. < e i


l I i 1 ) l l + . 4 53

  .us,,se.~ s.s.n. L e .m s a n--w - A. k""~sm'         sn                   "- -~ ^ -                               -   ~--=~mw-           -- -     .>- , -            -        - - - ---

4 e J O 4 4 e e J 1 1 i f t i i 5 54 . i e i .  ; 4

                                                  - - --r   --- - - + . - - -.           -.m, , . . . , _ . , ,___,, ,              , ,, , ,,      _ ,

January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-1 RESULTS OF EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Sample Type Isotope Lebaratory's EPA's Date and Units Obse rved Results Results 02/06/87 Water-pci/1 Co-60 50+/-5 50+/-10 Zn-65 91+/-9 91+/-10 Ru-106 113+/-27 100+/.10 Cs-134 60+/-5 59+/-10 Cs-137 88+/-5 87+/-10 02/13/87 Water-pCi/l H-3 3893+/-389 4209+/-842 02/27/87 Milk-pCi/1 I-131 7.7+/-0.8 9.0+/-1.8 04/03/87 Water pci/1 I-131 9.2+/.2.4 7.0+/.1.4 04/10/87 Filter-pCi/ filter Beta 59+/-6 43+/.10 Cs-137 13+/-3 8+/-10 04/17/87 Water-pC1/1 Co-60 10+/ 4 8+/-10 Cs-134 20+/-5 20+/ 10 Cs-137 20+/-4 15+/-10 06/05/87 Water-pCi/1 Cr-51 < 40 41+/-10 Co-60

  • 64+/-10 Zn 65 10+/-10 10+/-10 Ru-106
  • 75+/-10 Cs-134 47+/ 8 40+/-10 Cs-137
  • 80+/ 10 06/12/87 Water pC1/1 H-3 3143+/-315 2895+/-714 06/26/87 Milk-pCi/1 I-131 69+/-4 59+/-12 Cs-137 47+/-5 74+/ 10 08/07/87 Water-pCi/1 I-131 51+/-4 48+/-6

08/28/87 Filter-pCi/ filter Beta 40+/-4 30+/-10 Cs 137 12+/-2 10+/ 10 - 55 4 4

January 1 - December 31, 1987 ' Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-1 (CONTINUED) RESULTS OF EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Sample Type Isotepe Laboratory's EPA's Date and Units Observed Results Results 10/09/S7 Water-pCi/1 Cr-51 100+/-36 70+/-15 i Co 60 19+/-5 15+/.10 Zn-65 53+/-10 46+/-10 i Ru-106 86+/-35 61+/-10 l Cs-134 27+/-5 25+/-10 Cs-137 60+/-6 51+/-10  ; 10/16/87 Water-pCi/1 H-3 3926+/-393 4492+/-898 - l 10/21/87 Water-pCi/1 Co-60 21+/-5 16+/-10 Cs-134 21+/-5 16+/-10

  • l Cs-137 31+/-5 24+/-10  !

12/04/87 Milk-pCi/l I-131 29+/ 3 26+/-12 l l

                                                *Results not meaningful due to sample contamination                                                                                              .

l l 2 56

  • January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-2 RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Spliek And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Air Filter-Al 01/27/87 Beta 1.7+/.0.4 2.0+/.0.4 **

Air Ffiter-A2 01/27/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.3+/.0.4 ** Air Filter-A3 01/27/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.2+/.0.4 ** Air Filter.A4 01/27/87 Beta 1.8+/.0.4 1.9+/.0.4 ** . Air Filter-A5 01/27/87 Beta 1.9+/-0.4 2.2+/.0.4 ** Air Iodine-Al 01/27/87 I-131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** Air Iodine A2 01/27/87 I.131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** pCi/L

                .       Bay Water-Va2       01/15/87       Gamma         < MDL                < MDL         < MDL 10'2 pCi/m 3 Air   Filter-Al    02/24/87        Beta Air   Filter-A2 1.0+/.0.3           1.0+/.0.3             **

02/24/87 Beta 0.7+/.0.3 0.7+/.0.4 ** Air Filter.A3 02/24/87 Beta Air Filter-A4 1.0+/-0.4 0.8+/.0.4 ** 02/24/87- Beta 1.2+/-0.3 1.1+/.0.3 ** Air Filter.A5 02/24/87 Beta 1.6+/-0.4 1.5+/.0.4 ** Air Iodine./3 02/24/87 I-131 < 0.5 Air Iodine-A4 < 0.7 ** 02/24/87 I-131 < 0.5 < 0.7 ** Air Filter-Al 03/23/87 Beta Air Filter-A4 1.2+/.0.3 1.2+/.0.3 ** 03/23/87 Beta 1.3+/.0.3 1.1+/.0.3 ** Air Filter-A3 03/23/87 Beta Air Filter-A4 1.3+/.0.3 1.3+/.0.4 ** 03/23/87 Beta 1.1+/ 0.3 1.1+/.0.3 ** Air Filter A5 03/23/87 Beta 1.3+/ 0.3 1.2+/.0.3 ** Air Iodine-Al 03/23/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** Air Iodine.A5 03/23/87 I.131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** pCi/kg Oyster-Ia3 03/24/87 Gamma . Ag.110m 103+/-15 120+/.15 *** 57 3 e 1 y ^^

January 1 - December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-2 (CONTINUED) RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Split

  • And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis pCi/kg Shorel,ine-Wbl 03/30/87 Co-58 < MDL 79+/-43 36+/.15 10-2 pCi/m 3 Air Filter-Al 04/20/87 Beta 0.7+/b$b b$6/b$b **

Air Filter-A2 04/20/87 Beta 0 5+/-0.3 0.4+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A3 04/20/87 Beta 0.5+/-0.3 0.4+/-0.3 ** Air Filter-A4 04/20/87 Beta 0.6+/-0.2 0.5+/-0.3 ** Air Filter-A5 04/20/87 Beta 0.6+/-0.3 0.6+/ 0.3 ** - Air Iodine-A2 04/20/87 I-131 < 0.5 < 0.5 ** Air Iodine-A3 04/20/87 1 131 < 0.5 < 0.5 ** ' pCi/L Bay Water Wal 04/15/87 Gamma Zn-65 5+/-3 < MDL < MDL 10-2 pC1/m 3 Air Filter-Al 05/19/87 Beta 0.4+/b5b'~b$5+/b$5''** Air Filter-A2 05/18/87 Beta 0.4+/.0.2 0.4+/-0.2 ** Air Filter A3 05/18/87 Beta 0.5+/.0.3 0.5+/-0.3 ** Air Filter-A4 05/18/87 Beta 0.4+/-0.2 0.5+/.0.2 ** Air Filter-A5 05/18/87 Beta 0.7+/.0.3 0.7+/-0.3 ** Air Iodine-A4 05/26/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** Air Iodine A5 05/26/87 I-131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** pCi/L Bay Water-Wa2 05/15/87 Tritium 477+/555 <kd[ bhb$.100/ 10-2 pci/m 3


Air Filter Al 06/22/87 Beta 0.9+/b$kk$b/.b$5 Air Filter-A2 06/22/87 Beta 0.6+/-0.3 0.8+/-0.3 ** 58 i

  .                                                             January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Mos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-2 (CONTINUED)

RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Split

  • And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis 3

10 2 pC1/m Air Filter-A3 06/22/87 Beta 1.1+/.0.3 1.0+/.0.3 ** Air Fi'lter-A4 06/22/87 Beta 0.8+/.0.3 0.8+/-0.3 ** Air Filter A5 06/22/87 Beta 1.2+/.0.3 1.5+/-0.4 ** ; 1 Air Iodine-Al 06/22/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** ! Air Iodine-A2 06/22/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** Air Filters-Al 06/15/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL ,

,    Air     Filters-A2  06/15/87           Gamma         < MDL                    < MDL         < MDL Air     Filters-A3  06/15/87           Gamma         < MDL                    < MDL         < MDL  l Air     Filters-A4  06/15/87           Gamma         < MDL                    < MDL         < MDL  l
. Air     Filters-A5  06/15/87           Gamma         < MDL                    < MDL         < MDL 10-2 pCi/m 3 Air     Filter-Al   07/27/87           Beta          ****                     ****              **

Air Filter-A2 07/27/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.2+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A3 07/27/87 Beta 2.8+/.0.4 3.4+/-0.4 ** i Air Filter-A4 07/27/87 Beta 1.5+/-0.3 1.4+/-0.3 ** ' Air Filter-A5 07/27/87 Beta 2.2+/-0.4 2.1+/-0.4 ** 1 Air Iodine-A3 07/27/87 I-131

                                                         < 0.6                     < 0.7            **

Air Iodine-A4 07/27/87 I-131 < 0.5 < 0.5 ** l l pCi/L Bay Water.We2 07/15/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL 10-2 pCi/m 3 Air Filter-Al 08/24/87 Beta 1.4+/-0.3 1.7+/ 0.3 ** Air Filter-A2 08/24/87 Beta 0.9+/-0.3 1.3+/-0.3 ** Air Filter-A3 08/24/87 Beta 1.3+/ 0.3 1.4+/.0.3 ** Air Filter.A4 08/24/87 Beta 1.5+/-0.3 1.7+/-0.3 ** Air Filter-A5 08/24/87 Beta 1.7+/ 0.4 1.9+/-0.4 ** Air Iodine-Al 08/24/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** Air Iodine-A5 08/24/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 **

  • 59

January 1 - December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C.2 (CONTINUED) RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Split

  • And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis PCi/kg l Oysters-Ia3 08/25/87 Gamma l Mn-54 9+/.7 < MDL < MDL l Co-58 18+/-10 < MDL < MDL Ag-110m 103+/-16 98+/.38 141+/-43 10-2 pCi/m 3 l Air Filter-Al 09/21/87 Beta 1.6+/-0.3 1.8+/.0.3 **

I Air Filter-A2 09/21/87 Beta 1.1+/.0.3 1.4+/-0.3 ** - Air Filter-A3 09/21/87 Beta 1.3+/-0.4 1.9+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A4 09/21/87 Beta 1.1+/.0.3 1.9+/.0.3 ** Air Filter-A5 09/21/87 Beta 1.7+/-0.4 2.5+/-0.4 ** - 1 Air Iodine-A4 09/21/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** j Air Iodine-A5 09/21/87 I.131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** i i PCi/kg Weakfish.Ia2 09/20/87 Gamma Cs-137 < MDL 13+/.8 < MDL 10'2 pCi/m 3 Air Filter-Al 10/26/87 Beta 2.0+/-0.4 2.5+/.0.5 *+ Air Filter-A2 10/26/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.3+/.0.4 ** Air Filter-A3 10/26/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.4+/ 0.4 ** Air Filter-A4 10/26/87 Beta 2.0+/.0.4 2.3+/.0.4 ** Air Filter A5 10/26/87 Beta 2.4+/.0.4 2.7+/.0.5 ** Air Iodine-Al 10/26/87 I-131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** Air Iodine.A2 10/26/87 I.131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** PCi/L l

                                                              .........................                     1 Bay Water-Wa2       10/15/87         Gamma          < MDL                    < MDL       < MDL 60
  • 1

l January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 i i l TABLE C-2 (CONTINUED) I RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Split

  • And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis j pCi/kg l

Vegetation-Ib2 10/26/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegeta' tion-Ib3 10/26/87 Gamma Mn-54 8+/-8 < MDL < MDL Vegetation-Ib4 10/26/87 Gamma 1 Cs-137 35+/-16 43+/-12 30+/-11 ; Vegetation-Ib7 10/26/87 Gamma J Cr.137 < MDL < MDL 38+/-9 i Vegetation-Ib8 10/26/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegetation-Ib9 l 10/26/87 Gamma < MDL < HDL < MDL j 10-2 pCi/m 3

                                                                '                          ~~~~~~~~

Air Filter-Al 11/23/87 Beta 0.8+/b$E'[$b+/b$ '$ ** Air Filter-A2 11/23/87 Beta 0.8+/-0.4 1.1+/ 0.4 ** Air Filter A3 11/23/87 Beta 1.1+/-0.4 1.3+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A4 11/23/87 Beta 1.0+/-0.3 1.0+/ 0.3 ** Air Filter-A5 11/23/87 Beta 1.1+/ 0.4 1.2+/-0.4 ** Air Iodine-A3 11/23/87 I-131 < 0.7 < 0.7 ** Air Iodine-A4 11/23/87 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.6 ** pCi/L Bay Water-Va2 11/15/87 Tritium 271+/-149 422+/ 152 380+/.90 PCi/kg Vegetation-Ib1 11/16/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegetation-Ib2 11/16/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegetation-Ib5 11/16/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegetation.Ib6 11/16/87 Gamma Cs-137 < MDL < MDL 33+/-9 Vegetation.Ib8 11/16/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Vegetation-Ib9 11/16/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL 10-2 pCi/m 3


Air Filter Al 12/21/87 Beta 1.5+/b$5'i$6+/b$5'''** $ 61

January 1 - December 31, 1987 - Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE C-2 (CONTINUED) RESULTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR 1987 Sample Type Sample Type of Original Replicate Split

  • And Location Date Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Air Fi,lter-A2 12/21/87 Beta 1.5+/-0.4 1.5+/-0.4 **

Air Filter-A3 12/21/87 Beta 1.6+/-0.4 1.5+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A4 12/21/87 Beta 1.8+/-0.4 1.9+/-0.4 ** Air Filter-A5 12/21/87 Beta 2.0+/-0.5 2.2+/-0.5 ** Air Iodine-Al 12/21/87 I-131 < 0.8 < 0.7 ** Air Iodine-A5 12/21/87 I 131 < 0.8 < 0.8 ** Air Filter-Al 12/15/87 Gamma s MDL < MDL < MDL ' Air Filter-A2 12/15/87 Gamma < M3L < MDL < MDL Air Filter A3 12/13/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Air Filter-A4 12/15/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL Air Filter-A5 12/15/87 Gamma < MDL < MDL < MDL

  • Samples split with Teledyne Isotopes, Westwood,New Jersey. On the following page is a list of their typical MDL's.
   **The nature of these sample precluded splitting them with Teledyne Isotopes.
 *** Sample lost in the mail.
        • Air sampler malfunctioned, j

I l 62

January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317,318 TABLE C-3 TELEDYNE ISOTOPES' TYPICAL MDL'S FOR CAMMA SPECROMETRY Selected Bay Water Fish Shellfish Sediment Vegetation Partgculatgs Nuclides pCi/1 pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg 10' pCi/m Na-22 -- -- -- -- -- -- Cr-51 -- -- -- -- -- -- Mn-54 4.0 10 20 10 7 4.0 Co-58 6.0 20 80 30 9 6.0 Fe-59 20 ed 40 50 30 30

,   co-60          3.0             20          20                    9                   9            3.0 Zn-65          8.0             30          50                 20                 20              9.0 Nb-95             --           --          --                 --                 --               --

Zr-95 7.0 20 80 20 10 7.0 RuRh-106 40 100 200 90 60 30 Ag-110m -- -- -- -. -- -- Te-129m -- -- -- -- -- - I-131 200 1000 -- 600 100 700 Cs-134 4.0 20 20 10 8 3.0 Cs-137 4.0 10 20 10 8 3.0 1 Ba-140 10 200 10 600 40 500 i La-140 -- -. -- -. -- -- Ce 144 40 100 20 80 60 20 1 I 63 e l l

__m,_samaam--__ w --- - ~ - --- - - - - ,,- - -- m h e 0 9 9 64 A

t I

       .                                                              January 1 - December 31, 1987            L Docket Nos. 50-317/318                   '

r r 1 i Appendix D i L Appendix D contains the results of a Land Use Survey conducted I around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during the growing ( season of 1987. A table listing the raw data of this survey and ' a discussion of the results are included in this appendix. , 1 i v i i, 9 i

     -                                                                                                         i l

l i f f l i i i I i 1 1


i , . 65  ! 4 e i { I

             -           e s ko.. s m. - -- - - - - -

Y f l l 1 I 1 I 1 I l l 66 . 1 5 .. - --, __ -. --. - ,- . ,-. - --. ,, - - - . - - -._ __--._---,-- . --,-------.- ,s;

      .                                                        January 1 - December 31, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE D-1 LAND USE SURVEY
                                 .                   Distance From The Plant (km)                                     .

Sector Dairy Cows Residence Garden , SE - 2.2 - SSE - 2.7 6.0 S - 2.6 3.5 SSW - 2.6 2.7 SW - 2.1 2.4 WSW - 1.9 2.0 W - 2.2 2.2 WNW - 2.6 6.1 ini - 3.4 3.4 Discussio_q A Land Use Survey was conducted during the growing season of the year 1987 to identify, within a distance of 8 km, the location of the nearest milk animal,2 the nearest residence, and the nearest garden greater than 50 m in each of the nine sectors ever land. A detailed description of the Land Use Sursey is given in a separate document (36). The position of the nearest dairy cow, residence, and garden in each sector up to 8 km are given in the above table. The closest residence and garden are situated in the WSW sector, which is one of the least prevalent wind directions. In the S, SSE, and SE sectors there is the highest probability of wind blowing from the direction of the plant. The two gardens used for vegetable samples by the Radiological Environmental Program have been placed in the sectors with the highest X/Q. One sampling garden is located in the S sector at a distance of 0.7 km, and another is situated near the site boundary between the SSE and SE sectors at a distance of 2.6 km from the plant. These two sampling sites are considered good indicator locations for radioactive depositions around the plant. There are no sites identified in the Land Use Survey that show a greater dose commitment than those sites currently being sampled. The dose assessment using 1987 meteorological data was performed, and no' . significant impact from the operation of the plant was found. T e 67 l e


            'Ihe Regicnal Administrator Region 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory N ianion 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Gentlemen:



Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unita 1 & 2 - Operating License Nos. DPR-53 and DER-69  ! Radiological Envitu u==T4 Monitoring Frwicun Annual Report, Technical Specifications: Apperdix A, Sections 3/4.12 and l In coupliance with Sections 3/4.12 and of the Calvert Cliffs Wcal Specifications, we are suknitting the Annual Radiological Enviin Tull Monitoring Report, dated March 1988. Should you desire further information, please contact us. . Very truly yours, la/O J /$wa i E. I. Bauereis, Director  ! Envisu Tukl Pr%&a. Fossil Engineering Services

            }G/nld Enclosure cc: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cannission 1155 Rcckville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 (25 copies)                                   >(

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