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Forwards Background Info Re Plant ISA Per 960702 Request. Info to Be Provided to ISA Citizens Review Group Established by Governor.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 07/03/1996
From: Merschoff E
To: Wiley P
Shared Package
ML20148C622 List:
NUDOCS 9607080070
Download: ML20149L625 (2)


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July 3, 1996 Mr. Peter J. Wiley '

Special Projects Director  !

One State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333-0001

Dear Mr. Wiley:

l In' response to our telephone conversation on July 2,1996, I have enclosed the  ;

requested background information concerning the Maine Yankee Independent Safety Assessment (ISA). I understand you intend to provide this information to the ISA Citizens Review Group, which was established by the Governor, to review the progress of the ISA.

Enclosures (1) and (2) are self explanatory, Enclosure (3) is a copy of the NRC's Management Directive governing Diagnostic Evaluations, revised to address the Integrated Safety Assessment approach. Highlighted text has beer added, and lined through text deleted from the original Manual ;hapter 8.7. ,

Enclosures (4) and (5) have not been revised to reflect the ISA approach, and are provided~to give a sense of the level of effort, planning, and the i I

methodology employed in a major team assessment.

I hope you will find this information useful. If you have any additional ,

questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Sincerely, (Original signed by E. W. Merschoff)

Ellis W. Merschoff, Team Leader Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data


1. Memo Jordan to Chairman Jackson )

dated. June 7, 1996 1

2. Review of the Operating Experience i
3. Memo Jordan to ISA staff  ;

dated June 26, 1996

4. Diagnostic Evaluation Team Manager's Handbook S. Guidelines for Diagnostic Evaluation l

i bcc w/encls - (See page 2) j i







<.. I l

i ,I P. J. Wfley 2 I

bcc w/encls.-

E. Jordan, AE00 E. Herschoff, AE00 Distribution w/o encis:

J. Milhoan, E00 V. McCree, ED0 W. Russell, NRR PDI-3 Plant D. Morrison, RES S. Varga, NRR T. Martin, RI J. Zwolinski, NRR S. Ebnete,, RII P. McKee, NRR H. Miller, RIII E. Peyton, NRR t.. Callan, RIV E. Trottier, NRR

0. Rathbun, OCM ACRS W. Beecher, OPA J. Rogge, RI X. Cyr, 0GC Docket File 50-309 J. Lieberman, OE AE0D R/F G. Caputo, 01 File Center W. Olmstead, OGC D. Ross, AE00 .

D. Chanag7. RI 1

l l

l l

l DOCUMENT NAME:K:\D 16\PWiley To tensive e seg of ede _ inesaw le the her T - Copy wakest sukewes T - Copy eth en&swas *E* - Ne copy 0FFICE IS&#KE8V l l l NAME F)fWief50ff:obw DATE 2 4f//3 /96 07/ /96 07/ /96 07/ /96 07/ /96 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l

,LisvLUJunt i f '

June 7,1996 Y, l l

Chairman Jackson MEMORANDLM TO:

FROM: Edward L. Jordan, Director OriginalSigneciy; Office for Analysis and Evaluation E.L Jordan of Operational Data L


INTEGRATED SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF MAINE YANKEE NUCLEAR STATION In accordance with Mr. James M. Taylor's memorandum to me, dated May 31, 1996, our plan for accomplishing the Maine Yankee Integrated Safety Assessment is provided as Attachment 1. My letter, dated June 7, 1996, advising the licensee of the ISA is provided as Attachment 2. Mr. Taylor's tasking memorandum, dated May 31, 1996, is provided as Attachment 3. The plan includes a schedule of principal activities, the team composition and members, the overall goals and objectives, and the methodology for the evaluation. I will provide revisions to the plan as significant changes occur.

As requested, we have coordinated with the State of Maine to facilitate participation by State Representatives. We will assure this participation is consistent with the provisions of the Commission's Policy on Cooperation with States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants i -

J I will give this assignment my highest priority except for response to a licensed facility emergency. I would be happy to discuss the details of the plan at your convenience.

Attachments: As stated cc/w attachments:

Commissioner Rogers Commissioner Dicus SECY J. Taylor l Distribution:

J. Milhoan K. Cyr W. Russell J. Liebennan D. Morrison G. Caputo T. Martin W. Olmstead S. Ebneter L. Norton H. Miller V. McCree L. Callan W. Dean D. Rathbun AEOD R/F W. Beecher DOCUMENT NAME: A:\1SA.EWM T3 feestvo a espy of ede document, bedente b ese besc "C" = Copy wthout endoeures jp* a Copy wth endoeures "N" = No copy l0FFICE ISA: tlc _/ / DD:AEOD m D:AE0Q 2 /#

lNAME E"#:" Jiff / DFRoss@E ELJordtti//

6/7/96:jr 6/ 7/96 6/'7/96 0FFICIAL RECOM COPY


! <i' -

Maine Yankee Plant Independent Safety Assessment (ISAT) Team Plan 1

1. Facility Name: Maine Yankee Power Station 1 Licensee: Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Docket No.: 50-309 Location: Lincoln County, Maine
2. Principal Activities Schedule i

Licensee Notification May 31, 1996

. Team Composition Established June 7, 1996 j Brief Chairman on Plans Week of June 10, 1996

Advance Site Trip June 20-21, 1996 i Team Preparation June 10 - July 12, 1996 2

Public Entrance Meeting at Maine Yankee July 15, 1996 Initial Onsite Evaluation July 15-26, 1996 Compile Preliminary Findings July 29 - August 9, 1996

! Brief Chairman on.freliminary Findings Week of August 5, 1996 l Second Onsite Evaluation August 12-23, 1996 l Brief Chairman on Findings Week of August 26, 1996 Provide Final Report to the Chairman September 27, 1996

Conduct Public Meeting with Licensee Week of September 30, 1996 at site and hold press conference 1
3. Team Organization Team Manager l
Team Manager
  • Edward L. Jordan, AE00 1
Team Leader *Ellis W. Merschoff, RII l

Operations and Training *Kriss M. Kennedy, RIV - Senior Resident I

(ANO) License Examiner j
  • John Kauffman, AE00 - Operations & Human
Performance Shift Supervisor (BWR) j Larry Bell, AE00 - TTC Operations &

Training Shift Supervisor (CE) i i" Maintenance and Testing

  • Ronald Lloyd, AE00 - Extensive DET team leader experience i
  • Peter Prescott, AE00 - AE experience i Russell Bywater, RIII - Resident (PI, M)

Contractor - PRA


  • Previous Diagnostic Experience

, - - +

l 2

! Engineering Design and Thomas 0. Martin, RES - Extensive

! Technical Support experience leading NRC Team Engineering Assessments John Boardman, AE00 - Regional l Inspection, Mechanical Engineering  !

' John Hauseman, RIII - I&C Engineer, Industry Experience G. Norman Lauben, RES - Therno hydralic codes '

l Centractor - A&E Mechanical Contractor - A&E Electrical l

Management and Organization

  • Alan L. Madison, AE00 - Extensive OET and Industry experience Harold Christensen, RII - Chief of Maintenance Branch, former Senior  ;

Resident (BWR)

Contractor - Industry Management experience Administrative Assistant Ola B. West, RII State Participants Uldis Vanags j Patrick Dostie l

4. Overall Goals and Objectives l

e Provide an independent assessment of the conformance of Maine


Yankee Atomic Power Station to its design and licensing bases l including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices.

! e Provide an independent assessment of operational safety  !

l performance providing risk perspectives where appropriate.

l L e Evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, i corrective actions and improvement plans.

. Determine the root cause(s) of safety significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

5. Detailed Objectives 5.1 Engineering, Technical Support, Design and Licensing Basis Evaluate the effectiveness (strengths, weaknesses) of engineering design l

- basis and engineering and technical support functions through: (1) I accomplishment of an in depth engineering review of at least one major l

  • Previous Diagnostic Experience l

safety system (such as high pressure injection, auxiliary feedwater, etc.), including an assessment of the ability of this system, as modified, maintained, tested, and operated by the licensee, to perform its intended safety functions through an in-depth review of the work of the various engineering disciplines; and (2) a review of the technical adequacy, timeliness, or thoroughness associated with responses to emergent work, plant deficiencies, or engineering modifications.

As part of pursuing these areas the team will expect to be able to make assessment observations regarding:

e The quality of engineering work and analysis supporting the design and licensing basis.

e The availability, accuracy, and utilization of design and licensing information.

e The appropriateness of analytic techniques and methods supporting the design and license. o e The effectiveness of engineering management and the degree of success that management has had in identifying problems and correcting them, including the degree to which the engineering organization is actively seeking out problems (intrusiveness).

. The treatment of licensing consnitments.

1 e Communication or coordination problems among the various engineering groups and between these groups and other plant staff.

. The effectiveness of vertical communications and whether the staff is encouraged to identify problems and develop technically sound solutions. ,

e Whether PRA is being used appropriately in the determination of the need to evaluate technical issues.

e The licensee's self-assessment capabilities and results as it pertains to engineering.

. Root cause determinations and corrective actions as performed by engineering staff.

e The role of audit and review groups, such as an off-site safety review committee, in the adherence to the current licensing basis.

i ag e The plant design change and modification process, including -

temporary modifications and the process for safety evaluations in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.

e Identify noteworthy licensee strengths and weaknesses in the above areas.

5.2 Operations and Training Evaluate the effectiveness (strengths, weaknesses) of operations and training through: (1) observation of control room activities during all shifts, (2) observation of auxiliary and equipment operators conducting routine rounds, and (3) observation of training activities in the  ;


. Identify any communication and teamwork problems and their causes, particularly between operators and shift management and between operating crews and horizontal communications with other plant departments. -

J  !

e Determine if plant operations problems are being freely reported up to senior and top management. l e Determine the adherence to and effectiveness of plant operating ,

procedures and the causes for any weaknesses or deficiencies.

. Identify equipment failure burdens on the operating staff and the manner by which licensee management deals with equipment problems identified by the operations staff.

. Evaluate the licensee's self-assessment capabilities and results as it pertains to operations and training.

. Identify specific performance, programmatic and operations management problems and their causes including any management oversight problems.

e Evaluate whether PRA is effectively integrated into operational decisions.

. Evaluate the training program as it relates to communicating and refreshing the knowledge of the current licensing basis to all staff.

. Identify noteworthy licensee strengths and weaknesses in the above areas.

l r.

5.3 Maintenance and Testing Evaluate the effectiveness (strength:, weaknesses) of maintenance and testing.

  • Evaluate whether the Licensing / Design Basis is met / maintained through testing, relative to FSAR and SER commitments.

e Evaluate the material condition of the plant, including trends and patterns in equipment and material problems and assessment of safety system reliability and availability.

e Identify communication, coordination or cooperation problems and their causes, e Evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance management, including the oversight of maintenance contractors. Assess the degree of success that, management has had in identifying causes of problems and correcting them.

. Evaluate the work backlog, maintenance rework, and the extent of repetitious equipment failures; identify work processing problems and their causes.

e Identify the extent to which the backlog is prioritized, according to risk, or other measures of priority.

e Evaluate whether PRA is effectively used in the conduct of maintenance performed under an LCO.

e Evaluate maintenance department resources and other site and corporate resources provided, including engineering and technical support of various maintenance programs and processes, and contractor maintenance activities.

. Evaluate the effectiveness of preventive and predictive maintenance programs.

. Identify additional specific perfonnance and programmatic problems and their causes including adherence to maintenance and test procedures, e Assess human performance during the conduct of maintenance and test activities.

e Identify noteworthy licensee strengths and weaknesses in the above areas.

! l j -


.o I  !

j 1 i i j 5.4 Management and Organizational Effectiveness )

Evaluate the effectiveness of corporate and site management practices and systems for assuring safe plant operation, particularly with regard i

to control and maintenance of the design basis. Evaluate the  ;

effectiveness (strengths, weaknesses) of the licensee's performance in l planning and controlling plant activities. Determine the effectiveness of the licensee's identification, assessment and resolution'of deficiencies.

i i e Evaluate corporate and site staff performance with respect to i their approach to safety, including the priority and relationship j between production and safety.

e Evaluate organizational communications and teamwork, including relationships, interfaces, and accountability both within and l between Maine Yankee work groups and departments; between the  ;

j plant and corporate. i i i j e Evaluate whether the corporate goals and objectives of the  !

]. organization are clearly understood and translated from broad statements into specific subordinate actions. Evaluate whether

. the goals are periodically monitored and achieved, as well as ,

] whether sufficient management support and resources are provided I i for success.

l e Evaluate the effectiveness of site and corporate self-assessment i programs and processes, including oversight committees, relative

to the identification and resolution of deficiencies, particularly ,

j those deficiencies affecting the design and licensing bases.

i e Assess the effectiveness of corrective action programs,

!. improvement programs, and self-assessment or independent i initiatives to obtain sustained and permanent improvements.

Evaluate the role and effectiveness of corporate and site 1 organizations, including the Quality Assurance Department, Licensing and onsite/offsite review committees in meeting these l objectives. 4

! e Evaluate the ability of the corporate and site staff to identify j and take corrective action for substantive problems, including

, assessment of the appropriateness of the licensee's threshold for i

problem identification.

! e Evaluate the effectiveness of corporate and site programs and

! processes for addressing employee concerns.

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4 l

.- Evaluate the effectiveness of programs for tracking and trending j plant performance.  !

e Evaluate the effectiveness of programs for evaluating and implementing industry operating experience.

. Evaluate the short and long term planning processes, including the i methods of assigning priority and responsibility, allocating '

resources, providing accountability, and the effects of interactions with external organizations.

e Evaluate the effectiveness of programs for succession planning, staff development and utilization of experience, as they relate to safety performance.

e Evaluate the safety impact of any cost control efforts, management rotations, and organizational changes. .

1 e Identify noteworthy licens e strengths and weaknesses in the above I areas, j l

6. Assessment Methodology The ISAT will apply the basic methodology of the diagnostic evaluation i program to develop an overall assessment of licensee performance across the areas of operations and training; maintenance and testing; engineering and technical support; and management and organization.

The approach will deviate from this methodology in the following areas:

. The members of the ISAT will be independent of Region 1, NRR, and of any recent or significant regulatory involvement with Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company.

e The ISAT will report directly to the Chairman.

1 e .The ISAT will include participation of two members of the State of Maine's Division of Health Engineering within the framework of the NRC's Policy Statement on Cooperation with States at Commercial i Nuclear Power Plants.  !

7. Coordination and Communication with the Chairman, the NRC Staff, and the State of Maine Chainun I

The ISAT manager reports directly to the Chairman, and will keep her informed of the assessment's progress through periodic briefings.

Currently, five such briefings are planned at the following Key Milestones:

Milestone Chairman Brief Team Composition / Assessment Week of June 10, 1996 Plan Development j Assessment Plan Revisions based on Week of July 8,1996 Team Preparation l Completion of Initial Onsite Week of August 5, 1996 Assessment i Completion of Second Onsite Week of August 26, 1996 Assessment Prior to Public Exit Meeting and Week of September 30, 1996 Press Conference Additional briefings of the Chairman will be scheduled as requested, or based on significant emerging issues.


NRC Staff During the course of the assessment, any emerging safety issues-requiring prompt action to assure the health and safety of the public will be provided to the licensee, Region I, and NRR for appropriate  :

action and followup. Additionally, allegations received by ISAT members will be processed through the NRC allegation management system, with responsibility for resolutions falling to the appropriate NRC office.

In order to maintain effective and consistent regulatory oversight of Maine Yankee, appropriate managers and staff in the E00's office, NRR, and Region I will be briefed on the ISAT findings at Key Milestones following the brief of the Chairman. Coordination will be developed

, with the Office of Investigations and the Office of the Inspector General to assure they are informed of findings related to their areas of responsibility and to assure any parallel work is fully coordinated.

1 State of Maine l In order to keep the State of Maine informed of the progress of the l ISAT, briefings of the Governor will be offered through the State Representatives. The first briefing will be offered prior to the first onsite period, which begins with an entrance meeting that is open to the public, and will address the overall plan and approach of the ISAT. The second briefing will be offered prior to the public exit meeting and will address the team's findings and conclusions.


l' 4

8. Assessment Preparation ISAT leaders will begin preparations June 10, 1996. ISAT members will assemble and begin preparations June 17, 1996. Meetings will be held in the AE00 offices in the Two White Flint North Building. Detailed presentations will be provided by Regional, NRR and AE00 staff on Naine I Yankee relative to the unique aspects of the plant and any significant technical licensing, or performance issues. Additionally, site specific information (e.g., inspection reports and licensee procedures) will be distributed and discussed to assist the ISAT members in the preparation process, which will extend through July 12, 1996. Training in the ISAT 1 process, site access training and the expectations of the ISAT I management will be provided. Draft functional area evaluation plans I will be discussed during the team meeting, followed by a detailed evaluation plan, which will be approved by the team manager.
9. Independent Safety Assessment Documentation l

As issues are identified during the evaluation, each ISAT member will document the issues, in detail, using the standardized observation forms. Completed observation forms will be given to the Team leader and ,

The observation forms revised as reew information becomes available.

will be used to brief licensee management during the onsite evaluation, and NRC management at the conclusion of the evaluation. The ISAT report will be completed by September 27, 1996 and will be issued following the

on site public meeting with the licensee. Writing styles (including level of detail to be presented) should be consistent with the guidelines established for diagnostic evaluations. Additionally, the i

team will provide Region I with documentation of areas evaluated and i time expended relative to Manual Chapter 2515 to ensure appropriate credits can be taken.

10. The Maine Yankee ISAT will include an Administrative Assistant, to support the administrative needs and activities of the team, who will report to the Team Leader. Travel arrangements, working hours, assignment of rental cars, motel reservations, licensee background i material, assembly of documentation of team findings onsite and coordination of the team report preparation, conduct of administrative aspects of the Independent Safety Assessment will be discussed at the team preparation meetings. Security clearances and site access training requirements must be current at that time, so that unescorted access processing can be conducted. It is anticipated that ISAT members will receive unescorted access. Any administrative or logistical questions or concerns should be discussed with the Administrative Assistant. ,

1 s


, 3 "cg


, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001


June 7, 1996 Mr. Charles D. Frizzle .

President and Chief Executive Officer l Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company 329 Bath Road Brunswick, Maine 04011


Dear Mr. Frizzle:

l l

. This letter is to inform you of our plans to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment (ISA) of the Maine Yankee station, and confirms a telephone .

conversation, on May 31, between me and Mr. Whittier of your staff and a j subsequent discussion on June 6, 1996. The purpose of this ISA is to provide an independent evaluation of safety performance of Maine Yankee as a follow-on

- to the recent report by the NRC Office of Inspector General. The overall goals and objectives of the ISA are: (a) provide an independent assessment of confonnance to the design and licensing basis; (b) provide an independent assessment of operational safety performance; (c) evaluate the effectiveness l of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions and improvement plans and; l (d) determine root cause(s) of safety significant findings and conclusions. I have been directed to man. age the ISA team and, for this project, report directly to the Chairman, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson.

The ISA will be composed of a team of Nucist Regulatory Commission (NRC) j Headquarters and Regional evaluators and NRC contractors. Also, the State of Maine will have representatives on the team. NRC team members will be l independent of any recent or significant involvement with the licensing,  !

regulation, or inspection of Maine Yankee. Our plans call for the assessment to take place during June 10 through October 4, 1996. Our preliminary plan is to be on site, or at the Maine Yankee corporate headquarters, during July 15-26, 1996 and August 12-23, 1996.

Additional information regarding the Assessment will be provided in future I communications with your staff. Representatives of the ISA Team plan to be onsite on' June 20-21, 1996 to provide further information on the purpose, l process, and plans for the Assessment, make preliminary logistic and administrative arrangements, and request key station and corporate documents. '

h 1 Attachment 2

l Mr. Charles D. Frizzle Mr. Ellis Nerschoff, whose regular duty is that of Director, Division' of I

Reactor Projects at our regional office in Atlanta, will be the team leader for this assessment. He will have an office in Rockville during this assessment and may be reached at telephone 301-415-7015 and fax number 301-415-6382. Please free to call either me at 301-415-7472 or Mr. Merschoff at any time with regard to the conduct of this assessment.


! / '

l M an, irector i

l Office f alysis and Evaluation ofOpefaionalData Docket No. 50-309 cc: Chairman Jackson Commissioner Rogers Commissioner Dicus SECY James M. Taylor 4

J t


C. Frizzle Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company cc:

Mr. Robert W. Blackmore Mr. Charles B. Brinkman Plant Manager Manager - Washington Nuclear Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Operations P.O. Box 408 A88 Combustion Engineering Wiscasset, ME 04578 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 330 Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. G. D. Whittier, Vice President Licensing and Engineering Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., Esquire Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Ropes & Gray 329 Bath Road One International Place Brunswick, ME 04011 Boston, MA 02110-2624 ,

, Mr. Patrick J. Dostie l Mr. Uldis Vanags State of Maine Nuclear Safety l State Nuclear Safety Advisor Inspector l State Planning Office MaineYankeeAtomicPowerStatjon i State House Station #38 F.0. Box 408 +  ;

Augusta, ME 04333 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Mr. P. L. Anderson, Project Manager Mr. Graham M. Leitch Yankee Atomic Electric Company Vice President, Operations 580 Main Street Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Bolton, MA 01740-1398 P.O. Box 408 Wiscasset, ME 04578 Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mary Ann Lynch, Esquire 475 Allendale Road Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company King of Prussia, PA 19406 329 Bath Road '

Brunswick, ME 04578 First Selectman of Wiscasset Municipal Building Mr. Jonathan M. Block U.S. Route 1 Attorney at Law .

Wiscasset, ME 04578 P.O. Box 566 Putney, VT 05346-0566 Mr. J. T. Yerokun Senior Resident Inspector Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box E Wiscasset, ME 04578 Mr. James R. Hebert, Manager Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company l 329 Bath Road l

Brunswick, ME 04011 i

lpn stag As

,, y" k UNITED STATES g NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20565-0001 o t May 31, 1996 MEMORANDUM T0: Edward L. Jordan, Director Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data j FROM: James M. Taylor \



INDEPENDENT SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF MAINE YANKEE POWER STATION As requested by Chairman Jackson on May 28, 1996 and in order to provide an independent evaluation of licensee safety performance as a follow-on to the Event inquiry (Case No.96-045) transmitted by the Chairman's memorandum dated May 24, 1996, and to provide a broader basis for any further actions or safety decisions outside those specific issues, you are tasked to conduct a Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Power Station. In performing this effort you will report directly to the Chairman. The Assessment shall utilize the basic methodology of the Diagnostic Evaluation Program described in NRC Management Directive 8.7, dated June 7, 1991.

The overall goals and objectives of the independent Safety Assessment are:

. Provide independent assessment of conformance to the design and licensing basis

. Provide independent assessment of operational safety performance

. Evaluate effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions and improvement p'lans

. Determine root cause(s) of safety significant findings and conclusions You are directed to coordinate with the State of Maine to facilitate participation by State representatives. State participation should be consistent with the provisions of the Commission's Policy on Cooperation with States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (57 FR 6462, 2/25/92). You are authorized to assemble a team of highly qualified and experienced inspectors and reviewers as follows. This memo places a Commission level priority on your selection of team members from AE0D, RES and Regions II, 111 and IV and authorizes negotiation of contract support through task orders of existing contracts.

You are requested to develop a detailed charter, team composition and work plan by June 9, 1996.

S Attachment 3 T)O

Edward L. Jordan i l

Please keep the Chairman and me-informed of your progress in this effort and provide for periodic briefings describing key findings and conclusions.

cc: Chairman Jackson l Commissioner Rogers l Commissioner Dicus SECY J. Milhoan '

W. Russell D. Morrison l T. Martin-S. Ebneter H. Miller l' L. Callan W. Beecher

L. Norton D. Rathbun -

! K. Cyr J. Lieberman G. Caputo .

? l 1


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