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Forwards H Meyers Comments on Encl Insp Repts 50-327/87-31 & 50-328/87-31,for Review.Recommendations on Appropriate Response Should Be Provided by 880119
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1988
From: Bradburne J
To: Ebneter S
NUDOCS 8801140241
Download: ML20149F427 (3)

See also: IR 05000327/1987031




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  1. 9[o, UNITED STATES )


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January 11, 1988


Stewart Ebneter, Director

Office of Special Projects t


John C. Bradburne, Director

Office of Governmental and

Public Affairs


INSPECTION REPORT 50-327/87-31 AND 50-328/87-31

The majority staff of the House Interior Comittee has reviewed the

subject inspection report and provided coments to Congressional Affairs.

In general, congressional staff is concerned that the inspection report is


confusing and has requested that a number of areas be clarified.

staff coments are attached. We request your review of the cements.

Please provide your recomendations on the appropriate response to the

Congressional concerns by January 19, 1988.

CONTACT: Frederick Combs x-41443

Attachments: 50-327/87-31


and 50-328/87-31

(2)InspectionReportNos. 50-327/87-31 and 50-328/87-31

cc: Chairman Zech

GPA (Denton)


EDO (Taylor)



8801140241 880111

PDR ADOCK 05000327






50-327/87-31 and 50-328/87-31

The following coments on the subject inspection report on the TVA's i

Design Baseline and Verification Program (OBVP) for the Sequoyah Nuclear l


Power Plant were provided by Dr. Henry Myers of the House Interior

Comittee Staff to Congressional Affairs. The coments are keyed to the

indicated sections of the report and its cover letter.

As a general coment, congressional staff feels the report declares that

problems are resolved without supporting that declaration. Also, the  ;

report does not spell out things like DVBP. i


(1) The two underlined qualifications are not spelled out or defined.

(2) Does this sentence say that the NRC approves the report?

(3) Was the purpose of the inspection achieved? (See page 1 of report,

the first two sentences under 2. PURPOSE.)

(4) (a) See duplicate paragraphs on pages 3 and 4. Is the page 4 paragraph out

of order?

(b) All of the sumary is out of order.

(c) Is the paragraph at the top of page 4 talking about all or part of

Sequoyah? In essence, are all paragraphs talking about all of

Sequoyah or just the particular subject covered?

(d) Does "closed" mean satisfactorily handled?

(e) (page 5) *** Does this mean no deficiencies at all?

(5) Does this mean they are fixed?

(6) (page 2) Does this mean "operations of the plant" or "operations of the


(7) (aage 6) This is a major item.

(8) (page 7) Problem

(9) (page 8) What is a "non-administrative change?"


\ \



(10) (page 8) You do not "implement" punch list items. You address the



problems on the punch list and then solve the problems pointed out by the

punch list. Henry believes that the report could be saying that the

problems were addressed but not solved.

(11) (page 12) 357 action items and no way to determline if the deficiency

is really fixed. The inspection report does not indicate if things are being


(12) Ask Harold what he thinks of the problems on page 12. 13, 14 and 15

(not all in detail). OBVP did not find them but the EA found them. No

indication that problems are being resolved.

(13) (page 15) What is "the project" and is it acceptable to do calculations

after restart?

(14) (page 16) What are these documents? A one or two line description on

each one would be helpful.

(15) (page 17) Does this mean that EA only reviewed three punch list items?

(16) General (pages 16 and 17) There is a lack of seismic calculations to

confirm assumptions.

(17) (page 17 and 18) Section 4.3.4 is confusing.

(18) (page 25) What problems were reviewed? What did TVA do to resolve


(19) (page 25) This item needs a look.

(20) (page 29) Calculation 870223 was the basis for cancelling the

Is this an

variance. Does 86118 mean it was done before 870223?

error-should 86118 be 8601187


(21) (page 31) The punch list review shows that errors were found.

the discrepancies the result of falsifications? Who will confirm a fix


(22) (page 31) There is no substantiation of the claims in the last


(23) (page 31) "As built" verification did not appear in the 10! report on




    • ,, UNITtD STATES ,

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. 1987


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Cocket Nos. 50-327

and 50-328 l

Tennessee Valley Authority

ATTH: Mr. 5. A. White

Manager of Nuclear Power

6N 38A Lookout Place

1101 Market Street

Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801


SUBJECT: INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-327/87-31 AND 50-328/97-31

This letter forwards the results of a special inspection of TVA's Design

Baseline and verification Program (DSVP) for the Sequoyah Nuclear Power

Plant, conducted at the plant site and in your Cedar Bluffs Offices betwetnThe N

June 29 and July 24, 1987.

discipline team of personnel from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

from consulting firms, and from the Region II Office. The team concentrated The team


the resolution and corrective action for the findings of the OBVP.

also reviewed the corrective actions resulting from independent oversight of

this program by TVA's Engineering Assurance group and evaluated TVA's TVA actions

in response to previous NRC design control and DBVP inspection reports.

internal reports (1) EA-OR-001, Engineering Assurance Oversight Review Report,

"SeQuoyah Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 Design Baseline and Verifica



dated April

1987, characterize the program, its findings, and the Engineering Assurance

oversight effort. These reports were also reviAwad during tnis inspection.

( lyded that the OBVP was generally

As a result of the inspection, the NRC team co

conducted in accordance with the progran. plan ' Implementation ey both OBVP

personnel and the Engineering Assurance oversight group _

the program areas inspected to date. @

h As noted in the report, implementation of carrective actions fd'r Opp findings

was still in progress at tne time of the inspection, as was Encineering ta



Assurance g A) tameling and verification of imelementaFonQt note tna d

supplemental recort aoaressing tA oversight of the OBVP



In arrer suomittg_d

for tne NRC to to

h m (P. Geidlev letter m ted Octoberto23._ isseiolant restart, the supolemen-

a m es n :decomev of the J vp effort succort



Reoort remains to be reviewed by tne NRC'.

t.a_LF 9 meeM ag A::'.m:nce Overeignt


Results of the inspection are presented in the enclosure.

.t at



- - - - - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . - _

i . .



Tennessee Valley Authority

  • 2-

TVA provided a written response (R. Gridley letter dated October 27, 1987)

addressing the observations identified in Appendix A of the enclosed report in

advance of the issuirg o' this report. The substance of these observations nac

An additional NRC

been communicated vereally to TVA during the inspection.

inspection (Report 327, 328/87-64) was conducted on October 26-30, 1987. This

subsequent inspection addressed many of the open observations addressed in the

enclosed report. The NRC's evaluation of your response to this letter will se

docurrented in inspection report 327, 328/87-64 Any observations remaining

open at restart will require an evaluation of acceptability f ar n.-n restart ey

both TVA and the NRC.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosure will

be placed in the NRC Pub 1fc Document Room.

Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, please conttet me or

Mr. Gene Imbro, (301) 492- h 54.


5 -C


. v. y/ L, A * n c ew

Stewart O. Ebneter, Director

TVA Projects Staff

Office of Special Projects


Inspection Re',0-t 50-327/87-31

and 50-328/@ 11

cc w/ enclosure:

See next page





t .


Mr. S. A. White Scouoyah Nuclear Plant

Tennessee yelley Authority

ec: Regional Administrator, Region 11

General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

Tennessee Valley Authority 101 Marietta Street N.W.

400 West Sumit Hill Drive Atlanta, se 'rgia 30323 l

E11 833

Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Residet.t Inspector /SeQuoyah NP


c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

Mr. R. l.. Gridley


2600 Igou Ferry Road

Tennessee Valley Authority Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379

SN 1578 Lookout Place

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 Mr. Richard King

e/o U.S, GA0

Mr. H. L. Abercrombie 1111 North Shore Drive

Tennessee Valley Authority Suite 225, Box 194

Seouoyah Nuclear Plant Knoxville, Tennes:ee 37919

P.O. Gox 2000

Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 Tennessee Department oi'

Public Health

Mr. M. R. Harding ATTH: Director, Sureau of

Tennessee Valley Authority Environmental Hea'th Services

Seoucyah Nuclear Plant Cordell Hull Building

9.0. Box 2000 Nashville, Tennessee 37219

Soddy Oaisy, Te m essee 37379

Mr. Michael H. Mobley, Ofrector

4 Mr. O. l.. Williams Division of Radiological Health

l Tennessee Vs11ey Authority T.E.R.R. A. Building

400 West Sumit Hill Orive 150 9th Avenue North .

W10 385 Nashville, Tennessee 37203

Knoxville 7ennessee 37902

Dr. Henry Myers, Science Advisor

County Judge Comittee on Interior

Hamilton County Courthouse and Insular Affairs

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 U.S. Heuse of Representatives

Washington 0.C. 20515












-4- DEC 3 :387

Tennessee Valley Authority

Distribution: (w/enel)

Uts (coctet No. 50 327/328)



ORis Reading

S!8 Reading

EVImbro, NRR

8XGrimes, NRR

JGPartlow, NRR

REArchitzel, NRR

SEbneter , OSP

JAxelrad. OSP

$Richa rdson, 059

GZech, OSP



K8arr, Ril

88 Hayes 01

SRConnelly, OIA

ELJordan, AE00

Inspection Team (8)

JFair, OSP

Resident Inscector




Central Files

CSP Reading


AORS (10)








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I ..









Olvision of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards

Report Not.: 50-327/87-31, 50-328/87-31

50-327; 50-328

Docket Nos.:

Tennessee Valley Authority


6N, 38A Lookout Place


' 1101 Market St.

Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801

Facility Name: Sequoyah Nuc bar Plant, Units 1 & 2

Inspection At: Cedar Bluffs and Soddy Daisy, TN


Inspection Conducted: June 29-July 2 and July 20-24. 1987

Inspection Team Members:

R. E. Architzel, Senior Operations Engineer, NRR

Team Leader:

Mechanical Systems:

F. J. Mollerus, Consultant, Mollerus Engineering Inc.

Nuclear Engineering J. A. Nevshem41, Consultant *

Mechanical Components: A. V. du Bouchet, Consultant


A. I. Unsal, Consultant, Marstiad Engineering

Civil / Structural:

S. V. Athavale, Elactrical Engineer, NPR*

Electrical Power:

Instrumentation & L. E. Stanley, Consultar.. Zyter 'nc.


P. E. Hamon, Resident inspector, Sequoyah

Op6 rations: H. E. Bibb, Res' dent Inspector, St. Lucie NPP*




Ralph E. /trchitzel

Te:m Leader


Eugene V. 7.iPo

to// /// 7 cate

Section Chief

Team Inspection Appraisal and Development Section d2

Soecial Inspection Branch _ _

'6/29-7/2/87 only

I 03 f*








A8GTS auxiliary building gas treatment system

AFV auxiliary feedwater


condition adverse to quality

CAQR condition adverse to quality report

CCP centrifugal charging pump

CCRIS Calculation Cross Reference Information System

CCS component cooling water system

CES Civil Engineering Branch

CFR Code of Federal Regulations


DBVP Design Baseline and Verification Program

DCR design change request

OES Discipline Evaluation Supervisor
DIM design input memorandus

4 ONE Givision of Nuclear Engineering

i EA Engineering Assurance

ECCS emergency core cooling system

ECH engineering enange notice

EEB Electrical Engineering Branch

ERCW essential raw cooling water system.

FCN field change notice (Westinghouse)

FCR field change request

FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report

HPFP high-pressure fire pretection

HVAC neating, ventilation, and air conditioning

I&C instrumentation ano control

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engiaeers

LOCR local design change request

LOCA loss of coolant accident

MEB Mechanical Engineering Branch

HI maintenance instruction

NCR nonconformance report

NEB Nuclear Engineering Branch

NPSH not positive suction nead

NRC Nuclear Fegulatory Commission

NSSS nuclear steam supply system

OR oversignt review

PGCE potential generic conditicn evaluation

PIR problem icentification report

PL punchlist

- . -




QIR quality information report

RCS reactor coolant system

RHR residual heat removal

RIMS records information management system

SCR significant condition report

SE System Engineer

SI surveillance instruction

SQR Static-0-Ring

SQEP Sequoyah Engineering Proc 1 dure

SQN Sequoyan Nuclear Plant

SSE safe shutdown earthqua4

SWBIO system walktown bounda.ry identification drawing

SYSTER System Evalt : tion Report

TACF temccrat/ alt ration control form

TVA Tennessae Val cy Authority


unrevisvad safety question determination

WOP <alkdown package

WP work package

WR work request

ZPA zero period acceleration


.,. - - . . . , . - , , ,, . , - - - - - - , &

- . _




Design 8aseli' e and Verification Program

Inspection Recart 50-327/87 4 1 & 50-323/87 31

,une 29-July 24, 1987


The Design Baseline an? Verification Program (OBVP) was develcOd by TVA's


Division of Nuclear Eagineering (CNE) to resolve desisn control issues

described in several TVA-sponsored evaluations and audits and NRC insp+ction..


The Sequcyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Design Baseline and Varificati6n Program hat  ;


been used by TVA to provide an accitional level of canfidence that the 1

modifications to selectec plant systems, implement 9d since receipt of the

operating license, have .1ot resulted in any violation of the plant's licensing


This report sumrarizes tr,e r2sults of the fifth NRC inspection conduct {d to

assess the adequacy of TVA's Design Baseline and Verification Program to

support restart of 5equoyah Nuclear Plant.

NRC inspection report 50 327/86-38 and 50-328/86-38 sunwtarized (1) the NRC

review of TVA's overall OEVP olan and scope, (2) TVA's procedures for OBVa

project review and Engineering Assurance (EA) ove

review of TVA's design criteria for FSAR Chapter 15 safety-rslate.d systems

within the scope of the 08vP.

NRC inspection report 50-327/86-45 and 50-328/86-45 sumesrized (1) the NRC's

review of TVA's compilation and implementation of the commit 31ent/ requirement

data base, (2) the design criteria which TVA prepared to support SQN restart,

and (3) the acequacy of EA's independent oversight review of committiient/

ments and dosign criteria.

NRC inspection report 50-327/86-55 and 50 328/86-55 summarized the NRC's r

of the OBVP engineering change notice (ECN) review.

NRC inspection report 50-327/87-14 and 50-328/87-14 summariu.d the NRC's

evaluation of the System Evaluation Reports (SYSTERs), summary reports that

reflect the 08vP's integrated assessment, on a system easis, of the reviews,

evaluatiolis, and findings of the program.

Licensee actiuns for previous inspection findings (including design control

inspection 50-327/86-27 anc 50-328/86-27), ore-restart corrective action

decisions, and the effectiveness of the Engineering Assurance oversight

effort were also examirec curing tnese inspections.



The purpose of this inspection was to 3ssess the implementation and com

of the OBVP.

This included evaluating..hether or not tne findings identified

by the OBVP were ceing adeovately resolved

The inspection and

was also neldproperly scheduled

to evaluate the for

action before plant restart,

an _

. .


- ,




Team and the adequacy of the licensee's l

effectiveness of the EA Overs:..

actions taken in response to previous NRC inspection findings.


The following activities were generally performed by all team members:



(1) Reviewed TVA's corrective actions associated withTeam its in-house

memcers concen-

Encineerirg Assurance (EA) oversight of the OBVP.

trated on the "observations" identified in the EA report (Reference 12)."

The team assessed

(2) Reviewed TVA's resolution of ORVP punchlist items.

the restart categorization u ng docketed restart criteria) of selected

ftems and planned corrective actions.

(3) Verified implementation of corrective actions for selected, more signifi-

cant findings of the OBVP.

(4) Assessed if the generic implications of inspection activities 1, 2, and 3

hac 'ocen adequately addressed.

Reviewed the Phase I (pre-restart) reports summarizing both the CBVP


(Reference 13) and the associated EA oversight (Reference 12).


Reviewed the action taken by TVA in response to the deficiencies, un-

resolved items, and observations previously identified in NRC inspection

report Nos. 50-327/86-27 and 50-328/86-27, 50-327/86-38 and 50-328/86-38,

50-327/86-45 and 50-328/86-45, 50-327/86-55 and 50-328/86-55, and

50-327/87-14 and 50-328/87-14



The following paragraphs summarize the more significant team findings and


Sections 4.1 through 4.7 contain detailed descriptions of the

Observations are provided in

inspection findings in each discipline.

Appendix A to tnis report.


In the operations areL the team concluded that the OBVP was adequately plannec

and implacented. All questions raised by the team pertaining to coth scope anc

oepth of the walkdowns and resolution of deficiencies and findings were addressed

and resolved. In particular, the team felt that the EA oversight was effective

The corrective a:tions reviewed by the

and responsive in the operations area.

team appeared to be relevant and comprehensive. Review of the restart /non-restart

In particular, the inspectors

categorization process indicated some weaknesses.

questioned the tendency to classify as non restart the actions tnat'tems

Several werewere


mined to be outside tne OBVP boundary (Observation 7.5).

reclassified after the inspectors challenged the original classification.


Although several exaaples of questionable :ategorizat

appeared acceptable in the operations area.

"References are listed in Section C,2 of Appendix C.

.- . . _- -

2- I








During the inspection, the team ceserved that the concurrence of the OBVP

Systes Engineer and Discipline Evaluatier Supervisor

proposed wereactions

corrective not required

for for

changes to the restart categorization ant TVA adequately

punchlist items following initial concur ence by the DBVP. resolv

  1. concurrence reviews for future technica changes, and has examined thosewere

These actions enanges

wnich had previously occurred to assess their adequacy.

' delineated in an August 20, 1987 letter to the NRC (Reference 17).

In the mechanical systems area, the team reviewed several of TVA's corrective

actions for open NRC observations from previous inspections, reviewed TVA's

corrective actions for observations made by Thethe EA also

team group, and revi;wed

reviewed how

field implemen-

TVA had resolved 08vP punchlist items.The team found the findings, evaluations, and


tation of corrective actions.

determinations of EA-Mechanical Engineering to be competent, and the resolution

l and implementation of DBVP punchlist items to be satisfactory.

In the nuclear engineering area, the team reviewed several of TVA's correctise '

actions for open NRC observations from previous inspections, reviewed TVA's

corrective actions for observations made Thebyteam

tne EA group,

found and reviewed

the findings, TVA's


resolution of OBVP punchlist items.

and determinations of EA-Nuclear to be competent, and resolution and implemen-

However, the

tation of DBVP punchlist items to be generally satisfactory.

inspection team disagreed with TVA's Thisdecision to reclassify

item concerns from

the need restart to

to provide a

post-restart punchlist item 4426. safety-related Also,air

thesupply for the isolatio

team identified

the rcdiation in containment air (Observation 4.8).

several :ases in wnich there was incorsistency between the OBVP punenlist and

the associated Attacnment 2 form to Sequoyah Engineering Procedure 45 (SQEP-45)

(Observation 7.5).

In the mechanical components discipline, the teaa reviewed the OBVP and EA

reports to assess the adequacy of the OBVP's review of the SQN Unit ? chance

documents and nonconformances, and EA's oversight of DBVP project, review.

[The tsam reviewed the Civil Engineering Branch's (CEB's; categor implerrentation

W ation of a


sample of civil / structural punchlist items, OEVP's post-restar:

of a sample of punchlist items, and OBVP's decision to request ;<neric reviews

for a sample of the nonconformances that 0%P personnel preparec to categorize



The team also reviewed several cpen action items in EA's report to assess the

adequacy of D8VP responses to EA's concerns and, in addition, reviewed EA's

verification of 08vP implementation of corrective actions for two of the three

mechanical temponents acticn items that EA had completed verifying .it the time

of the inspection.

The team identified two coservations during this inspection concrirning the

lack of a generic evaluation for a nonconformance, and the lack of a

calculation to qualify a cesign variance (Observations 3,16 and 3.17).






The team concluded that the 08vP's review of the SQN Unit 2 change documents

and nor.conformances issued sin,:e the operating license had been issued ade-

quately defined the corrective actions required to validate the design :nange

control process at SQN Unit 2.

In the instrumentation and control (I&C) area, the team reviewed the EA grouo's

oversight of commitments and requirements, design criteria, calculations, CBVP

assessments of post-scification tetts, SYSTERs and 08vP restart decisions.

The ter.m is satisfied that the EA oversight prcgram provided an effective

review of the 08VP process anet its outouts.

The team al:o directly reviewed 08VP evaluations of ECNs, post modification

tests, calculations, design criteria, commitments and requirements, SYSTERs,

generic implication evaluations, and restart decisions in the I&C area.

Other than two specific exceptions, OBVP evaluations and restart decisions

were deemed to be correct and accropriate. Four out of the five condition

adverse to quality reports (CAQRs) for the TVA setpoint accurscy calculation

program reviewed by tho team had appropriate corrective actions, but corrective

action for the fifth samole was found to be incomplete. TVA took into account

the potential for generic implications of the SQN findings at other similar


The team generally agreed with TVA's resolution of 08VP punchlist items. D8VP

restart decisions were found to be acceptable in each instance reviewed by the

team; however, the team did identify one instance in which DNE was in the process

>f changing a pre-restart decision to post-restart without having. adequately

evaluated and justitiod that changa.

Throughout the various inspsetions, the team has been satisfied with the extent

and depth of inquiry evidenced by the OBVP. Individual team observations,

albeit numerous, did rot indicate a programmatic preolem with the OBVP

approach. TVA has been preparing corrective action design change noticas for

implementation before restart, a positive indication that latent design

prools:s are now being evaluated and corrected.


& > by the project to resolve the punchlist items that were generated by the 08vP

and the EA observations as reported in EA eversight report EA-0R-001 (Referene.e

O /i

12). The team also reviewed the restart categorization of punenlist items to


The revie$relosed properly by the OBVP

are being project.y

The team the

concurs witn tne team sho

categorization of the ounenlist items as noted on the governing SQEP-45,

Attachment 2 forms. T1e term was, however, concerned with the adequacy of


the tracking system used to control the status of punenlist itams. Discre-

pancies were noted between :ne restart status and the implementation status

of many punchlist items, the team also noted that when a biased sample of

five restart punchlist items associated with field changes was selected for

review, none were implemented at the time of the inspection (Observation 7.5).

I 4





The team also reviewed the aporopriate se(tjns of report EA-OR-001 and any the

OBVP Unit 2 Phase I report (Reference 13).tThis review did not icentirvtwo repo

deficiencies relat h u n . u

In the electric power area, the team reviewed TVi's corrective actions

associated with past NRC inspections of the 08V/, TVA's corrective actions for

some signif tcant condition reports (SCRs) and CAQRs, and TVA's process for

addressing the generic impact of Sequoyah 08VP findings at other TVA olants.

The team also reviewed the restart categorization of several DBVPEA's punchlist


items and the report of EA's oversight of the 08VP (EA-OR-001).

resulted in a total of 357 action items, of which 91 related to the electric

power discipline. These electric power action items were further analyzed and

classified into various categories. Approximately 63% of the action items were

related to design deficiencies, and approximately 14% of the action items wer4 [ -

related to design criteria deficiencies. The NRC team also noted that the

electric power discipline was a leading contributor of de'iciencies rela

unreviewed safety question determinations, testing and ir :erf ace control.

The types of documents affected by the electric power ac'.on items were ECNs

(approximately 26.9%), design criteria (approximately 2f.8%), SYSTERs (approxi-


mately 13.2%), walkdown packages (approxim2tely 9.2%), calculations (approxi-

mately 5.9%), and technical procedures (approximately 5.3%).

The NRC team found EA's analysis of findings in the electric power area, as

presented in the final report, acceptable.

4. t Goerations

4.1.1. Corrective Actions Associated With EA Oversight of the 08VP

In the operations area, the team examined Engineering Assurance Observations Q1-C

T-1, EA-1, and Condition Adverse to Quality Report (CAQR) SQE-870-R01-002 docee

ted in "EA Oversignt Review Report", EA-0R-001. This included an assessment of

the observations, responses from the SQN Engineering Project and/or 08VP, adecuacy


of proposed corrective actions and restart categorizations.

Observation Q-1, corresponding to Action Item Q-07, pertained to the implementa-

tion of several EA recommendations for the 50EP-13 process, for example, System

The corrective actions

Engineer review of changes to ECN pre-restart status.

were implemented and EA concurred with this disposition.

Observation Q-2 was issued to transfer responsibility for corrective action

86-03-012 to the EA group. Design criteria and design

verific. tion for CAQR

calculations were not being properly maintained as required by DHE procedures

and TVA Topical Report TR751A, Section

Part A of the CAQR concerned design criteria. Design criteria All required for


restart were captured in tra Restart Design Basic Occument).

examples found in Part A of the CAQR were resolved by issuing of appropriate

design criteria.

Part B of the CAQR concerned design calculations. 30,TVA's calculation review

1987. The program will

program is scheduled for completion by September In addition, the prograi

review and/or regenerate all essential calculations.

' ---


-. . .

... .. . . . . _ _ ... .

. . .

_. .





(Calculation Cross

will provide a uniform change process and tracking systemRefere

change documents, drawings and calculations.

EA was to samote


EA concurred with the proposed corrective actions.

implementation of these actions at a later date.


Observation Q-3 concerned SQEP-13, "Transitional Design Change Control." EA

recommended several changes to the SQEP 13 process to be included in the next

08vP personnel agreed to revise SQEP-13 to incorporate all the

revision. Revision 5 documented tnis set of changes (see

principal items identified.

Observation Q-4).

Observation Q-4, corresponding to Action Item Q-11, identifie

the ECN process during transition. A revision to SQEP-13 (Rev. 5) eliminated

All ECNs processed under the

the waiver as a means of ECN implementation.

waiver format were reviewed to verify compliance with the requirements of


Observation Q-5 concerned changes that EA recommended to the The draft 08VP report.

EA still needed to verify that its recommendations were implemented.

following items were included:

Item 1

Trending of punchlist items was revised to include tracking

and resolution via the CAQR process (Ref. CAQR SQE 870R01-002).

Resolution to address documentation of closed and implemented

Item 2

SCRs/NCRs whien were evaluated in the OBVP.

Transitional Design Change Control Procedure was revisad to note

Item 3

the use of waivers in the SQEP-13 process.

Observation T 1 noted that the red-line process used to mark up control room

drawings did not include an independent review for accuracy by a second party.

50-327/87-24 and 50-328/87-24, and 50-327 '*7-54 and

Inspection report Nos. A violation for fai u.e to per-

50-328/87-54 independently opened this item.

form independent review of change was identified in these Office of 3pecial

Projects inspection reports.


Observation E.4-1 concerned items to be corrected Five

items with corrective actions will be tracked via the CAQR process.

in Phase II of the

selected itses were reviewed to assess wnether the cost-restart designation

The inspector concurred in the disposition of

of these items was correct.

the selected items as accropriate to Phase II implementation.

CAQR SQE-870-R01-002 icentified by a random sample by EA _.

of the punchlist items tnat represented conilitions adverse to quality (CAQs)

had not resulted in written reports (CAQRs) I

review of all open punenlist items that had not had corrective action recorts '

written against them to ensure that a probitm identification report (PIR), a

significant condition report (SCR), or a CAQR, as appropriate, is assigned. j

EA had concurred with tnis resolution.


_b_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -



Overall, the team concluded that the EA oversight was effective anc responsive

in the operations area. The corrective actions reviewed by the team seemed to ]

the relevant and comprehensive.

4.1.2 Resolution of OBVP Punchlist Items and Implementation of corrective


A limited number of punchlist items were reviewed regarding the assignment

of restart / post-restart category. The inspector agreed with the assignments

in general, but did not agree that punenlist

This itemitem 5644 tne

involves wasimproper



assigned as a post-restart issue. The decision

seismic) mounting of handswitches on the main control board.

had been made to classify this as a post-restart issue because the switches

were out of function on the system walkdown boundary identification drawing

The team concludes that the

(SW8ID) (addressed in NRC Observation 7.5). p

potential effect on system operability should be assessed before restart.

The team raised a question about the adequacy of residual heat removal pump

Specifically, when heat exchanger bypass g r-0

flow indication in the control room.

valve 74-32 is open, total pump flow indication is not available. The g

additional (unsonitored) flow through the bypass valve is enough to force This the


pump into runout as evidenced by a 1980 test (W2.2 (SCR NEB 8708)).

will be tracked by the resident inspectors as part of the normal closecut of


During the course of the inspection, the inspector reviewed TVA correspondence TVA

relating to emergency diesel generator operations while in the test mode.

has determined through the OBVP (punchlist item 8514) that the diesel generator

will not transfer from the test mode when a valid emergency sttrt signal is

received; this is contrary to the FSAR. This apparent deviation will be

followed by thw resident inspectors.

The team examined the programmatic controls which were established for

tracking, resolving, establishing restart

Theseitems, closing,established

were primarily and statusing

by SQN

implementation of punchlist items.

SQEP-45 (Rev. 5) and various 08VP directives which amplified an

procedural controls. Evaluation S-;ervisor (OES) concurrence (docuraented on

forms) for both the restart categorization and the proposed corrective actions.

In addition, SYSTER closure statements were required to be generateo to

identify any changes between the corrective action and restart category finally

agreed to by the DES and the SE and the categorization at the time of issuance

of the SYSTER.

OBVP Oirectiva 87-007 (June 18, 1987)

clarified that punchlist items wera to

be closed when the SE and DES concwred with the Therestart categorization

punchlist and

item was secars-

the implemented or planned corrective action. The

tely tracked for implementation status, as opposed to DBVP closure.

directive stated that the purpose of tne OBVP was no longer to verify the

adequacy of the work performed by the SQN project; new policies andthe

As such, procacures


are in place to correct past design control deficiencies.

project was being allowed to change restart categorizationThe andteam



corrective actions without concurrence of DBVP personnel.

concerned that this practice substantially dyraded an important feature of


- _ _



the 06VP, that is, the overall perspective, from a system level, of the imoact

of the particular punchlist item and its relative importance to system function

as evaluated by the 08vP. l



rence reviewsteam wereacknowledged

not essential. that for some

For example, some punenlist items had


Following comole-


in punch


corrective actions def f ned for both pre- and post-restart. I

tioa of the pre-restart corrective action, the SQN project was supposed to

initiate an Attachment 2 form (SQEP 45) to change the status of the item to l

post-restart. In addition, the SQN project was supposed to initiate an

Attachment 2 form (SQEP-45) to change the status of items toThe "implemented"

team noted to


reflect that proposeo corrective action had been completed.  ;

that numerous non-adminj trative chances were also being made to punchlist

items, and expressea concern with the apparent relaxation of controls by the {


The team was informed that CAQR SQT-871268 had been initiated by the

Engineering Assurance oversight group addressing this same concern.

Following the ir.spection, the licensee changed the control and processing of

changes to the punchlist to address these concerns (TVA letter from Gridle

NRC, dated August 20, 1987). administrative changes, implementa-

punchlist changes into three categories: Technical changes now require 06VP

tion status changes, and technical changes. Punchlist

concurrence (Syst6m Engineer and Discipline Evaluation Supervisor).

changes occurring before implementation of Directive 87-008 are actions

These being reviewed,

categorized, and dispositioned in accordance with the directive.

adequately resolved the team's concerns.

The team selected a sample of five punchlist items to assess the status of

implementation and the consistency between the governing SQEP-45, Attachment 2

form and the actual punchlist database information.

by only selecting punchlist itams for which field modifications were required.

Of these five punchlist items:

  • One was listed as outside the scope of the OBVP, tabulated as implemented

with actual status unknown.

  • Two were not implemented.
  • One was Ifsted as implemented; however the associated SQEP-45, Attachment 2

form documenting implementation was not available - the associated SQEP-a5,

Attachment 2 form documenting OBVP closure indicated that pre- and post-restart

corrective actions were required, implying improper implementation status.

  • Another implemented item did not have the required SQEP-45, Attachment 2

form on file and accarently was improperly listeo as implemented, based


on OBVP closure.

The fact that none of the selected punchlist items within the scope of

the OBVP were implemented was of concern to the team, notwitnstanding Thethe


biased selection of punenlist items requiring field modifications.

further noted that the licensee's procedures for control and statusing of

punchlist items did not specifically address handlin9 of these aspects of the

punchlist items (NRC Observation 7.5).

- - - - - - - - - - - -

-3- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. . _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

. .








4.2 Mechanical Systems

Corrective Action Associated With EA Oversignt of the OBVP


Ouring this inspection, the team reviewed the EA observations contained in EA

Oversight Review Report EA-0R-001 and the 08VP and/or SQN project response to

The mechanical engineering discipline of EA reported four

these oeservations.


EA observation M1 identifivs a concern related to the adequacy of the informa-

tion for valve stroke times included in the auxiliary feedwater system design

criteria. The project responded by issuing Quality Information Requests and EA


commitment to issue Design Input Memoranda or design criteria revisions.

found the response generally acceptable. However, EA questioned the use of

plant technical specifications as the source of the valve stroke data, and was

holding the observation open pending SQN project response to this concern and

EA review of the memoranda and revised design criteria.

EA Observation M2 concerns the need for the System Evaluation Report (SYSTER)

to state whether identified corrective actions need to be completed before or

after restart. The observation also noted that the draft SYSTER for the con-

tainment spray system addressed the incorrect use of cable lengths in certain

electrical calculations. EA report EA-0R-001 notes that this observation was

resolved by a OBVP commitment to issue instructions to ensure a thorough

"buy-in" of corrective action categorization by the System Engineer (SE) and

Discipline Evaluation Supervisor (OES) and a commitment to issue an Electrical

Engineering Branch (EEB) policy memorandum regarding how cable lengths are to

be used in electrical calculations.

M-30, M-43, and M-46. The

EA Observation M3 addresses three EA action items:

observation, action items, and SQN project response were reviewed and found to

be acceptable. The SQN response to M-43 was to conductThe a pre-resthrt leakage

test was performed.

test of tne component cooling water surge tank baffle.

However, the test prodeced inconclusive results because there EA isare valvesthis

holding in the


system that may allow leakage in the test configuration.

open pending a visual inspection or a test that, measures only baffle leakage.

EA Observation M4 identified a concern that, in some cases, punchlist items

have been implemented and closed before the corrective At action

the timewas assigned

the on

EA report

the initiating condition adverse to quality (CAQ). The observation has subsequently

was issued, the observation remained unresolved.

been closed by 08vP reviews and policy promulgated in SEQP-45, Revision 3,

"Control of 08VP Action Items," and 08VP Ofrective 87-06, Revision 1, "Statusing

Punchlist Items."

In addition to the above observations, the mechanical engineering discipline of'

EA initiated and reporteo on two CAQRs in its oversight report:

  • CAQR SQE-870 R01-001 reported an unverified assumption in a calculation.
  • CAQR SQE-870-R01 003 reported an inconsistency in the design temperature

for the containment spray piping inside of containment.


- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - _ _ _ _ - _ _


_ _ _ _ . __




Subsequent to the oversight report, the first CAQ has been resolved by EA based

on corrective action proposed by the SQN project and EA the and determination the SQN projectthat the

CAQ is not significant and is a post restart item.found that the second C

the inconsistent temperature identified in the CAQR is not a design condition.

Rather, it is a beyond-design-basis condition used only for piping design and ,

support stress analysis. l

In general, the inspection team found the findings, evaluations, The team expects andthat


nations of EA-Mechanical Engineering to be competent.

this competency and satisfactory EA results can be continued, provided the EA

resources and manpower are maintained tt a level connensurate with the effort

required for a 5% sampling of the 08vP results.

4.2.2 Resolution of 08VP Punchlist Items

During this inspection period, tne team also inspected 25 08vP punchlist restart

decisions. Many of the punchlist items were selected from those identified

Most of the in

the 08VP Phase I report as not required for Unit 2 restart.


be justified.

to place the punchlist item in a post-restart category were

punchlist (PL) items required close review during this inspection.

(1) PL 2672 - Replace Missing AN Steam Line Insulation

The decision to categorize this item as post restart was questioned by the

inspection team because of two potential adverse effects of unineulated steam

piping: (a) the formation of additional condensate which challenges both the

auxiliary feedwater (AFW) steam piping drain system and the fast start capa-

bility of the AW steam turbine drive and (b) additional leat loads on

safety-related heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

During the inspection 08VP personnel informed the team that PL 2672 was

mistakenly categorized as post-restart and that the work required by the item

During the second inspection period,

is, in fact, being done before restart.

the team was provided with information showing that the insulation had been

replaced under work package (WP) 12301.

(2) PL 1946 - Containment Bypass, System 26

The 08VP Phase ! Report observed that System 26, the high-pressure, fire-

protection systas, may become a bypass of the auxiliary building gas treatment

system (A8GTS) if parts of System 26, such as the head tank Theand

item associated


piping that are not designed as safety-related, However, upon questioning should by fail. categ

the A8GTS, not a bypass of orimary containment. .

the inspection team, TVA determined that the FSAR offsite dose calculations

take credit for the effectiveness of the ABGTS.

TVA was informed at the end of the first inspection During period that tneinspection

the second team

considered that this should be a restart item.

period, the team was provided with information showing that PL 1946 had been

recategorized to a pre-restart status.

.-. _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _



. .

(3) PL 8894 RHR RETEST


Attachment 1 of SQEP-45 was issued for punchlist item 8894 as a result of

significant condition report (SCR) SQN-NEB-8708, which identified cavitation

problems during preoperational testing of residual heat removal (RHR) pumps

on Unit L The SCR observed that severe cavitation problems occurred wnen one

As a consequence, the

RHR ;, ump was aligned to four cold-leg injection lines.

RHR preoperational test instructions for Unit 2 were revised to avoid The


in the cooldown modes which created severe cavitation in Unit 1.

description of condition of the SCR further addressed the need to test in the

emergency core cooling system (ECCS) modes on Unit 2 to ensure that the

However, adverse

in the root

effects of cavitation observed at Unit I would not occur.

cause and corrective action sections of the SCR, it was concluded that testing

was not required.

A subsequent SQEP-45, Attachment 2 form and Revision 1 to SCR SQN-NEB 8708 changee

the item's category to post-restart. However, the revised SCR containt no clear

explanation for this action.

Discussion with TVA personnel revealed the following information that was not

in the SCR:


The condition of cavitation observed at Unit 1 occurred with one RHR pump

in operation, return flow to the reactor through four cold-leg injection

lines, and flow through the RHR bypass line with the bypass valve in a

throttling mode. The reactor vesselCavitation

head was off and the reactor coolant

occurred in the bypass line

system was cold and depressurized.

and valve, not at the RHR pumps or in the injection lines.


(b) The configuration noted above will not be used for cooldown.

the heat exchanger bypass line is closed off by manual block valves in all

modes of ECCS standby and operation.

(c) Surveillance test procedures 6.1 e and 6.1.a.1 nave been performed at Unit 2

to demonstrate satisf actory performance of the RHR aligned in the ECCS


During the second period of the inspection, the team reviewed the results of

Pre-operational Test W-6.1A1, "Safety Injection System Integrated Flow Test."

This test confirms the adequacy of not positive suction head in the SCR

However, ECCS modes8703


and the validity of the post-restart recategorization.

should be revised to clarify the decision and the remaining post-restart actions.

4.2.3 Implementation of Corrective Actions for OBVP Findings


In the mechanical systems area, the team reviewed implementation of corrective *

action by a field inspection of two recently completed punchlist items.

Pl. 2672 required the installation of missing insulation on the auxiliary Field

feedwater turbine steam line. The work was done under WP-12301.

inspection showed that tne steam line was fully insulated.


. _. . - . _ . - -. -___. _ _. . w

.. _



. ,

Pt. 3264 required that a ventilation grill in System 31 be cleaned and cleared

of penetration sealing splatter that was obstructing air flow. The team found

that the work, done under work request (WR) 121450, was satisfactorily completed.

4. 3 Mechanical Components

4.3.1 Corrective Actions Associated With Engineering Assurance oversignt of

the 08vP

TVA's Engineering Assurance (EA) oversight review of the Sequoyah Nuclear '

Plant (SQN) Unit 2 Phase I Design Baseline and verification Program (OBVP) is

susunarized in EA Oversight Review Report EA OR-001, entitled "Sequoyan Nuclear

Plant - Unit 2 Design Baseline and verification Program," which EA issued on

April 29, 1987. Section 5.0 of the report susunarizes EA Observation Nos. C1

through C6, which EA documented to track 16 action items in the civil /

structural discipline. EA had accepted the corrective action plans for these

action items, but the DBVP and/or SQN project had not completed implementing

all the associated corrective action, nor had EA yet verified its entire sample

of the completed corrective actions.

In the mechanical components area, the team reviewed Action Item C-10 (EA .

05servation No. C2), Action Items C-15 and C-27 (EA Observation No. C3), a

Action Items C-28, C-53, C 54, C-55, and C 57 (EA Observation No. C6). ,

reviewed EA's documented concerns for each of the action items, and evaluated )

the adequacy of the response to EA's concerns. The team noted that the OBVP i

had not completely defined or fully imolemented corrective action for several '

action items. However, the team concluded that the OBVP was responding age-

quately to EA's documented concerns.


Action Item C-10 documented EA's concern that the SQN project had not captured trei '

following provisions of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.29 in the SQN design criteria:


(1) protection of Category I piping and equipment from the potential failure

of ncreCategory I piping

(2) extension of seismic Category I design to the first seismic restraint

beyond the Category I isolation valve.

EA also noted that the SQN design criteria did not adequately define the

distinctions between Category I, safety-related pressure-retention,

The DBVP andIdentifi-

prepared Problem

safety-related position-retention piping. 825 861008 015) to address EA's



Report (PIR) SQN-CEB-8670 (RIMS No.On June 5,1987. EA char

open, pending the OBVP's response to EA's request for additional corrective-


Action Item C-15 noted that design criteria SQN-0C-v-13. S, "Detailed Analysis

of Category I Piping Systems," did not address the following requirements:

(1) overlap design considerations, such as rigorous analysis interface with

alternate analysis or dead weight heng piping


N )






interface procedures to control and identify the system /pioing design

input required by the pipe stress analyses to implement the design




interface criteria to define the TVA stress analysis scope and the

(3) Westinghouse Class I nuclear steam supply system (N555) analysis

(4) applicability of the design criteria to tubing

(5) protection of Category I piping and equipment from the potential failure

of non-Category I piping.

The DBVP did not prepare any conditions adverse to quality (CAQs) in response

to EA's concerns, noting that the OBVP was tracking ites (5) by PIR SQN-CEB-8670

(see Action Ites C-10). On June 25, 1987, the DBVP provided EA with a summary

of completed corrective actions to address Action Item C-15. Action Ites C-15

remains open, pending the OBVP's response to EA's request for additional


EA reviewed Westinghouse design criteria SQH-0C-V-27.4, "Reactor Coolant System

(RCS)," and prepared Action Item C-27 to document the following EA concerns:

(1) The RCS design criteria references design criteria SQN-0C-V-13.3, "Detailed

Analysis of Category I Piping Systems," which specifically excludes consid-

eration of RCS piping.

(2) A lack of definition in the RCS design criteria for the TVA/ Westinghouse

RCS pressure boundary interface.

(3) The need to review other Westinghouse piping systems to ensure the exis-

tence of proper stress qualification criteria.

The DBVP prepared PIR SQN-CEB-8669, Revision 1 (RIMS No. 825-861219-063), to

EA has reviewed

address the concerns that EA identified in Action Item C-27.

the corrective actions documented in the PIR and is (ecoing Action Item C-27

open, pending response to EA's request for additional information.

EA reviewed design criteria SQN 0C-V-27.5, Containment Spray System (CSS), and

prepared Action Ites C-28 to document the following concerns:

failure to reference four design criteria: SQN-0C-V-24.1, "Location and


Design of Piping Supports and Supplemental Steel in Category I Structures";

SQN DC-V-2.14, "Piping and System Anchors Installed in Category I Struc-

tures"; SQN-0C-V-1.1.2, " Auxiliary Building Structural Steel"; and

SQM-0C-V-1.3.4, "Category I Cable fray Support System"

(2) reference to Civil Engineering Branch interim restart criteria

(3) improper reference to cesign criteria SQN-0C-V-13.8, Seismically Qualify-

ing Round and Rectangular Ouct

(4) reference to civil design guides instead of to applicable design criteria

.. -_. . _ . - . . _

- 13 - _.




825-861008-008), to address the

The 08VP prepared PIR SQN-CEB-8672 (RIMS No, EA concurs with the corrective

concerns EA identified

action to address in Actionand

EA's concerns, Item C-27. Action Item C-28 open, pending

is keeping

EA verification of SQM project's corrective actions.

EA reviewed engineering change notice (ECN) L6710 and issued Action Item C-53

to doc ment the following iA concerns:

discrepancies between the pipe support design loads used in the calcula-

(1) tions and the pipe suppo-t design loads tabulated on the load summary

sheets for three pipe supports


inconsistent definition and use of normalized /unnormalized design loads

for two pipe supports

The 08vP prepared PIR SQN-CEB-3709, Revision 1 (RIMS No. 825-870220-088) to

EA has accepted the proposed corrective actions to

address EA's concerns. EA is keeping Action Item C-53 open, pending EA

address Action Item C-53.

verification of project's corrective actions.

EA issued A: tion Item C 54 to document an EA concern that a temporary altera-

tion contrel form (TACF) which specified the tack welding of the valve bonnet

to the value yolk for two high-pressure fire protection (HPFP) valves had

EA has accepted andnot

been adequstely evaluated for seismic considerations.

verified the 08vP corrective actions to address Action Ites C-54 and has

closed th*.s action item.

EA prepared Action Item C-55 to note that the cumulative effects matrix which

tne 08vP prepared for the high-pressure fire-protection SYSTER did not include

field change notices (FCNs), TACFs, or local design enange requests (LOCRs), EA

and did not include a detailed evaluation of potential synergistic ef fects.

has accepted and verified the 08VP's corrective actions to address Action Item

C 55 and has closed this action ites.

EA reviewed the SYSTER for the residual heat removal (RHR) system and prepared

Action Item C-57 to document the following EA concerns:

(1) An eng',eering change notice (ECN) evaluation did not reference a punenlis



" ECNs were inconsistently documented.


The inability to confirm that bolts associated with a partially imple-

mented ECH within the system walkdown boundary identification drawing

(SVBID) had been tercued to the requirements specified on the typical pip

support detail drawing. .

(4) The SCR/NCR evaluations did not identify punchlist items.


Discrepancies existed between the System Engineer's SQEP-1.2, Attaenm

form and the civil / structural 03VP checklist.


Restart categori:ation of two i!CNs that involved component analysis was


. so .

- .






, , 1





(7) An ECN had two SQEP-45 attachments which disagreed on corrective action

and justification for a restart decision.


(8) A SQEP-45, Attachment 2 form did not document the corrective action

and justification for restart decision for an ECN punchlist item. l

(9) No restart categorization designations were on the SQEP-45, Attachment 2 l

forms for several punchlist items.

(10) A punchlist item involved components that lack qualification documents.

These components are suoject to potential water spray from Category I(L)

piping. EA questioned the documented restart determination for this

punchlist item.

(11) Discrepancies exist in the restart determination for an ECH punchlist


(12) Two punchlist items lack a civil / structural evaluation.

EA is currently evaluating the OBVP's responses to each of EA's documented

concerns, and is keeping Action Item C-57 open, pending completion of tnis


4.3.2 Review of TVA's Resolution of 08VP Punchlist Items

The team reviewed the restart categorization of the following component

cooling water system (CCS) punchlist items:

(1) punchlist item no. 06881 (NCR SQN-CEB-8203)

(2) punchlist item nos. 00756, 00763, 00776, 00777. 00793, 00798, 00802,

00805, 00808, 01229, 04917, 06192, 06208, 06967, 07610, and 08974

(PIR SQN-('B-8638)

(3) punchlist item no. 06241 (PIR SQN-CEB-8657)

(4) punchlist item nos. 00801, 03696, 04544, 04806, 04807, 04810, 04835,

04459, 04871, 06184, 07484, and 07563 (PIR SQN-CEB-8665)

(5) punchlist ites no. 0A??! (Cat. O FCR 4391) .,

The team reviewed the SQEP-45, Attachment 2 form for each punchlist item, and

the DSVP report, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) - Submittal of Design Baseline

and Verification Program (OBVP) Unit 2 Phase I Report," to assess civil /struc-

tural 08VP's restart disposition of the PIRs and associated punenlist items.

The team concurs with the OBVP's post-restart disposition. . ,

The team reviewed 16 (of 185) punchlist items associated with PIR $QN-CEB-8638,

which identify ECNs that were not docum in piping analysis calculation

he project has verified that the

packages or on piping isometric drawing . to tne calculations and design

identified ECN chanama were incorporate

sutous doe = ants. and will update the calculations and drawings to reference~

the taantified ECNs af ter restart.

- _ _ _

_ . _ _ .. - . -



6 ,

Punchlist itan 6241 is being closed under punchlistitems

The punchlist itemtracked

4835, which

by PIR

is being tracked by PIR SQN CEB-8665.

SQN-CE8-8665 identify

The theclosed

08vP has lack ofallalternate analysis

(210) punchlist (field-routed

items associated piping)

documentation. Corrective action to address lack of alternate analysis

with PIR SQNCEB8665.

documentation is being performed under the SQN alternate analysis program,

which has completed all Phase I activities required for restart of SQN Unit 2

Punchlist item 8398 documented a minor drawing discrepancy which is scheduled

for correction after restart, and punchlist item 6881 identified a nonconfor-

mance report (NCR) that lacks a signature. The NCR will be corrected after


The team reviewed the following NCRs to confirm the adequacy of CEB's " internal

and external generic reviews:

(1) PIR SQN-CEB-8637, dated July 21, 1986 (RIMS No. 825 860819-019)

(2) PIR SQN-CEB 8638, dated July 24, 1986 (RIMS No. 825-860730-006)

(3) PIR SQN-CEB-8639, dated July 21, 1986 (RIMS No. 825-860819-016)

(4) PIR SQN-CEB 8657, dated February 20, 1987 (RIMS No. 825 87033-004)

(5) PIR SQN CEB-8665, dated September 16, 1986 (RIMS No. 825-861126-0

(6) PIR SQN-CE8-8669, dated November 14, 1986 (RIMS No. 825-861219-06


PIR SQN CEB-8670, dated September 25, 1986 (RIMS No. 825 861008-015)

844-870108 007) -

(8) PIR SQN-MEB-86117, dated January 7, 1987 (AIMS No. 844-870108-006) J

(9) PIR SQN-MEB-86118, dated January 7, 1987 (RIMS No.

(10) PIR SQN-NEB-86127, dated January 13, 1987 (RIMS No. 844-870120- '

The team concurred with ONE's decisions to conduct internal and ex

generic reviews for these PIRs as required, except for ME8's failure to con

an external generic review for PIR SQN-ME8-86127.


to identify motor operators that were not installed as shown ol

physical drawings.




for this PIR, noting that the deficiency was an "isol l

(NRC Observation 3.16).

The team also reviewed the following additional sample of punchlist items

associated with PIR SQN-CEB 8637 for the essential raw cooling water (ERCW)

component cooling water systema (CCSs):

(1) punchlist items 0829, 0831, 0832, and 0876 G r the component cooling

water system.

(2) punchlist items 0828, 0851, 0875, 1186, and 6112 for the ERCW system

0828, 0829, 0875, and 0876 documented missing seismic qualifi .

i Punchlist items

cation documents forPunchlist valvesites installed at SQNmissing

0831 documentec that had been trans



Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. [h

qualification documents for a replacement switch, and



Punchlist items 0851 and 1186 documented the lack of seismic CateQory I(L)L

paition-retention documentation to cualifvEeral swit.cnes, and punchlist



item 6112 documented a lack of seismic qualification documents for several

replacement valve motor operators.




- - _ - _ _ _ _

~ ' ' -



. .

The team reviewed the SQEP-12, Attachment 2A civil / structural checklist forms,

the SQEP-45, Attachment 2 forms and the referenced ECNs for each punchlist item

to confirm that these punchlist items The had

teambeen properly

concurs dispositioned

with the OBVP's postfor restart

post-restart corrective action.

disposition of these punchlist items.

4.3.3 Implementation of Corrective Actions for Punchlist Items

The team reviewed punchlist item 0442 for the ERCW system and punchlist items

7349 and 9005 for the component cooling water system to assess the adequacy of

the calculations that CEB regenerated to resolve these punchlist items.

3 The DBVP prepared PIR SQN-CEB-8639 (subsequently upgraded to SCR SQN-CEB-8714), The

to track the corrective action required for these punchlist items.

civil / structural 08VP wrote a total of 1070 punchlist items to track missing

calculations, out of a total of 1688 valid civil / structural punchlist items.


The team reviewed the following sample of regenerated calculations which the

CEB project prepared for each of these punchlist itees:

for punchlist

(1) pipe support calculations 47A450-21-450 and 47A450-21-451

ites 0442

(2) pipe support calculations 2-H10-119 and 1-H10-1128 for punchlist item

7349 item

(3) pipe support calculations 2-J10-910 and 2-H10-911 for pun



Orop ly imple-

The team concluded that the eticulations prepared b ese punchlist items.

mented the corrective vetion required to resolv

The tean eiso reviewed CEB's implementedral EA had completed overviewino at


three ounchlist itans that civil /struy t item 0925, associated with PIR


the time of the insoection.

SQN-CEB-8637, documented missing,peismic qualification documents for a numee

replacement solenoid valves installeo in sne

Punchlist auxiliary

item retowater system

7939, associated with PIRto meet

the requirements of NUREG-0588.

SQN-CEB-8669, documented the absence of design criteria for the reactor coolant

system piping in design criteria SQN 0C V-13.3, which specifically ex

reactor coolant loops. However, the team's review of the

actions to address the:e punchlist items.

work plan which installed the replacement solenoid valves in the auxiliary

feedwater system indicated that two support configu:ations for solenoid valves

mounted in the radiation monitoring system lacked CEB seismic qualification

calculations 'NRC Observation 3.17).

4.3.4 Rsview of EA and OBVP Reports

The team reviewed the OBVP report entitled "Sequcyah Nuclear Plant (SQN)

- Submittal of Design Baseline and Verification Program (DBVP) Unit 2 Phase 1

Report," dated May 29, 1987 (RIMS No. B25 87059-010), and EA's Oversight Review

Report EA-0R-001 entitled "sequoyah Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 Design Baseline ano

" - - -- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





29, 1987. No problems were identified during

Verification Progras," dated April

this review beyond the issues identified previously in Section 4.3 of this report.

4.4 Nuclear Enoineerina

4.4.1 Corrective Action Associated With Engineering Assurance Oversight of

the 08VP

The TVA Engineering Assurance Oversight Review Report (EA-0R 001) listed Theseseven

observations (N1 through N7) for the Nuclear Engineering Branch (NES). The

seven observations embodied numerous action items identified earlier.

team reviewed each of the EA nuclear observations from the standpoint of the



the agreed-upon corrective action (if the ites w

the corrective action.

The team found that each of the seven EA nuclear observations were c

resolved relative to having a corrective action that has been agreed to by both

EA and the project NEB.

In one instance (N6), EA's review of the implemented

corrective action resulted in the status being changed from "resolved" to

"unresolved". ThisThe project responded with a five step approach to the correc-

revised approach was agreed to by EA and the observation was

tive action. The team found the steps taken regarding

again given a resolved status.

Observation N6 to be adequate.

The team reviewed the proposed corrective action for each of the The EA



and found them to be representative of the concern and adequate.

with the EA nuclear staff to discuss their approach for verifying of the imple-

mentation of the corrective action.

The team questioned the representativeness of the EA verification approach with

respect to EA Observation N4. The thrust of this observation reconcile

the restart category and status between the SYSTER (inclu


The purpose of the closureEAstatement is to ensure invol

proposes to verify proper implementa-

punchlist items developed by the DBVP. tion by selecting punchlis

The team feels that since the

the SYSTER plus addendum and the punchlist. reconciliation is be

involve a sample of systems for which each associated punchlist item is

checked for restart category and status consistency.

The team inspected the remaining EA observations and found that both the agre

to corrective action and the proposed appresch by EA te verify proper ,

implementation were adequate.

The team reviewed the SQEP-45, Attachment 2 forms and the associated pur

items for consistency. This was part of the team's effort to independently

The team found

assess the planned corrective action and restart category.sev

for the restart category; however, the punchlist notation was changed from

"required for restart" to "not required for restart."


- -- --- - - - -

- 18 - _




i ,


The term was concerned and believed that the problem could have arisenThe because

of the procedure that controlled the entry of data into the punchlist.

team feels that TVA should resolve the problems so that thei information con-

tained on the punchlist is accurate and usable (NRC Observation 7.5).


4.4.2 Review TVA's Resolution of OBVP Punchlist Items. f

It was not M l

The team reviewed the resolution of several punchlist items.

during this review that punchlist iteia 4426 had been reclassified from

pre-restart to post-restart. Punchlist item 4426 and SCR SQN-NEB-8615

identify the corrective action to provide safety grade auxiliary control air

to System 90 radiation monitor supply valves in order to meet theThe requirements



of Regulatory Guide 1.45 and design criteria SQN-0C V-9.0 R2.

ites has been reclassified as post-restart and closed based on this reclassifi-

cation. Continued use of non-safety grade air can cause loss of capability to

maintain airborne monitoring capability following a safe shutdown

Furthermore, a loss earthquake

of non-safety-

(SSE) as reouired by Regulatory Guide 1.45.

grade air will not cause containment ventilation isolation, as claimed in quality

information request (QIR) NEB-86241.

The inspection team was advised that TVA is currently Evaluating QIR NEB-86241.

The reclassification of punchlist item 4426 and the present status of QIR

NES-86241 are the bases for NRC Observation 4.8.

4.5 Electric Power

4.5.1 Corrective Actions Associated With EA Oversight of the 08vP


In the electric power discipline, the NRC team reviewed EA's process for


( resolving those action items for which the 08vP and/or SQN 2roject's r

was found to be satisfactory.

items for which the corrective action either has been completed, or has been

defined by the project and accepted by the EA group.

In the electrical discipline, the E4 review of the OBVP resulted in 91 action

items. Twenty-three action items remained open when report EA-0R-001 was

i s ned. These were grouped where desirable and converted into 14 EA observa- The

tions. The team noted that all 14 of these observations were resolved.

Satisfactory resolution

team reviewed the resolution of selected action itemt.

of each action item was based upon review of the response addressing proper

resolution of the concein, assessment of the cause, extent, action to correct

the concern, schedule of implementation of the corrective action, action to

prevent recurrence, end significance of the concern for the design function o

the safety system. The following paragraphs sumariZe the EA observations that

the team reviewed.

Observation E1: This coservation involves Action Items E87 and E88.

Action Item E87 related to a discrepancy involving drawing 45N727 and walkdown

The drawing discrepancy was scheduled to be corrected

package (WOP) 82-52.

before restart.


Action Item E88 related to errors involving the recordingAofsupplemental

incorrect walkdown



data for 480 V breakers in the auxiliary power system.









for 31 samples was performed for this action item and an additional error was j

noticed by EA. Therefore, a 1005 comparison of as-constructed and walkdown

This review revealed

drawings of the 440V breaker trip settings was initiated.

several more discrepancies.

The NRC team questioned why these discrepancies between actual settings on the l

breakers and setting data on the as-constructed drawings had not been spotteo

The team was told that during surveillance

during surveillance testing.

testing the test technicians failed to readjust the settings to their pre-

testing position. To prevent this error in the future, TVA revised surveil-

lance instructions $1-275.1, Revision 8; SI-275.2, Revision 12; SI-258,

Revision 11; and 51-258.2, Revision 13.

Observation E2:

This observation involves Action Item E57, which was related

A test was

to acceptance of failed test results without 2945, in accordance

performed for engineering change notice (ECN) justification. with

procedure TVA-22, which requires verification that a 10*F temperature differen-

tial between outside air and the de ventilation fan exhaust is not exceeded to

prevent overheating of the controller. The testing verified a successful pump

run for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, but failed to meet the 10'F temperature differential

requirement. The consequences of excessive heating were corrected before the

test by moving the controller to a cool area and insulating the heat sources.

As a result of these measures, the 10*F temperature differential condition

Corrective was


no longer required, but the test procedure was not revised.

for this action item includes revision of test procedure TVA-22 to remove the

10*F differential temperature condition.

Observation E3:

This observation involves Action Items E51, E53, E55, E64,

E55, E69, E72, and E75.

Actions Items E51 and E53 identified that reviews per the SQEP-12 checklitit for

In response

ECN 6712 and ECH 6676 failed to address cable sizing requirements.

to these action items, the 08VP referenced the cable ampacity prog' ram in The lieuNRC


verification of sizing and thermal ratings for the ECN-specific cables.

team noted that the 08VP took similar credit for caDie sizing evaluation for all

ECNs that involved power cables. The ampacity program is based on statistical

sampling. In light of this fact, the team was concerned about the validity

The cable program is being

of 100 percent review for each affected ECN. Acceptability of

reviewed separately by the NRC Office of Special Projects.

this program will be separately addressed by the Office of Special Projects.

Action Ites E55 involved a motor replacement with a larger horsepower In motor

per ECN 2945, without evaluation for sizing of the motor overloads.

response to this action item, the SQNAction projectItem

evaluated and replaced

69 involved the

minor drawing

overloads per work request 8222144.

discrepancies between ECN 6573 drawings, which were corrected by the project. -

EA c'osed this action item after verification.

Action Item E64 identified that the voltage range of Brown The Boveri relays

project may


not be compatible with the vit.a1 de power voltage range.

the vendor who confirmed by letter that the range of these relays (70 V-142 V)

was compatible with the voltage range of the de vital power system.


, , . - , - y, ,- , . - - - ^*





Action Items E65 and E72 were generated to track concerns identified during

ECN 5363 review.

Action Item E65 identified design discrepancies relating te

response time evaluations and discrepancies relatingThe to the improper

project resolved tnese

referencing of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R calculations.

discrepancies and the action item was consider (d resolved by EA. Action Item l

E72 identified that the design of an ECN did not meet the design objectives.

This action item was initiated to address NRC Observation 5.7 of inspection

The NRC team reviewed the project's ,

report Nos. 50-327/87-14 and 50-328/87-14. '

response to this action item and noted that the response did not consider TVA


detailed evaluation of all postulated conditions of plant operation.

subsequently submitted a revised response detailing its resolution of this

item. Action item E75 identified tnat the 5 QED-12 checklist did not adequately

address the problem of imposed voltage for the failure mode analysis. This

corresponds to NRC Observation 6.14, which is addressed in Appendix 8 to this


Observation E4: This observation (Action Item E10), was generated by the

electrical EA group to identify that the review scope of SQEP-11 did not

address technical evaluations of potential generic conditions evaluations in

the 08vP. The DBVP resolved this concern by directing engineers (via memo

86-17-04, dated June 13, 1986) to perform a 100 percent review of the elec-

trical potential generic conditions evaluations (PGCEs) for problems identified

at other TVA plants which may have an impact on the Sequoyah design. Procedure

NEP-9.1 addrasses evaluations of the effects of the PGCEs for Sequoyah on other

TVA plants. On the basis of the above OBVP response, EA has resolved this


Observation ES: This observation was initiated to trac'k 35 action items

covering all disciplines. These action items are related to items concerning

the commitment / requirement database and appropriate capture of commitment /

requirements in the applicable design criteria. EA has resolved this coserva-


Observation E6: This observation involves Action Item E25, which was initiated

to identify tnat a number of electrical design requirements were not captured

in me:hanical design criteria SQN-0C-V-11.8 RO, "Diesel Generator and Auxiliary

Systems." The project included all the required missing Theelect


of criteria

the in

the current revision of design criteria SQN-0C-V-11.8.

missing criteria on the diesel system was evaluated. This res,.-tse from the

project was found acceptable by the EA group and this observation is now

considered resolved.

' t .a vation E7: This observation involves Action Item E26, which identifiec

V '.o ting requirements were omitted from design criteria SQN-0C-V-11.6 R3.

" tal Instrument Power System." The project intends to include the



+ test requirements in the latest ravision of the criteria.

vo i' ation of the project's response, EA considers this observatier, resolvec.

Observation E8: This observation involves Action Item E31, which identified

missing references in design criteria SQN-0C-V-27.5 (preliminary), "Contain- J

cent Spray System." The project plans to incorporate the missing references

Pending verification of the

in the next revision of these design criteria.

project's response, EA considers this observation resolved.


- 21 -  !

. .-



This observation involves Action Item E74, which identified

Observation E9:

inappropriate labeling of Class 1E cables

8214300, for the

8218263, andreactor


to install thesystem.

The project issued work ordersEA reviewed the tagging and found itThis observa-


proper tags.

tion is now considered closed by the EA group.

This observation involves Action Item E77, regarding directive EA .as

Observation E10: which eliminated all open CAQs from the 08VP review scoce.

08vP 0-86-019

concerned that non-0BVP personnel performing reviews of open CAQs would not h

sufficient information to conduct the review adequately. The 08VP responded tnat

open CAQs will be reviewed in accordance with the guidelines of procedure N

This response was accepta01e to EA and EA considers this item resolvad.

This observation involves Action Item E80, which was initiated

Observation Ell:

to identify a concern that three change documents were not included in the

SYSTER evaluation package for System 82. The project respondedEA thatverified


missing documents will be included in an addendum to the

this observation closed.


This observation involves Action Items E83 and E85.

Observation E12: Item E83 identified a mismatch of the restart catefory for punc

E3586 and E6301 between the vital power system SYSTER ev

SQEP-45 punchlist.

PIRs as originating documents were improperly downgraded to post-restartTo cor

items based solely upon their categorization as PIRs. instructing all the. responsible

the 08VP issued a directive (0BVP-0-87-002),

System Engineers to re-review the restart category of applicable pun

items on the basis of system function.

Action Item E85 noted that several SQEP-45 punchlist items were omitted

from the vital power system SYSTER and several confif eted with th

categorization in the SYSTER. items will be included in the SYSTER t pa

will be re-reviewed for restart category based on functionalty of the sys emTh

in accordance with directive 08VP-0-87-002.

This observation involves Action Item E90, which identified a

Observation E13:

concern that unimplemented ECNs 5668 and 2656 were incorrectly evaluated a

This incorrect restart decision also raised a general

required for restart.

concern that appropriate restart criteria were not used in making The 08vP the restart


decisions for unimplemented and partially implemented ECNs,

that ECN 5668 and ECN 2656 would be addressed correctly in the auxiliary po

The OBVP indicated that all of the unimplemented and

system SYSTER addendum.partia11y implemented ECNsEAnsve now bee


Practice SQA-183 and directive OBVP 87-005.

per Sequoyah Standardthis by sampling five ECNs (out of total of 34 re-rev

electrical discipline) and 'ound the evaluation acceptable.

00servation resolved.

Observation E14:. This observation involves Action Item E91, wnich identifie

concern tnat corrective action In defined for the

addition, punchlist

restartitem 6399was

category did notnot address

the full scope of the proolem.The project response included the correct r


. I,2 -

. _ _ _ - -- -


. j

. I




the punchlist ites and the revised scope of the corrective action addressed the

probles completely. The project's response was acceptable to the EA group.

4.5.2 Conditions Adverse to Quality Reports (CAQRs)

The NRC team also reviewed the handling of conditions adverse to Quality

(CAQs) to assess TVA's corrective actions for both SCRs and significant The CAQRs

identified by the 08VP within the scope of the electrical discipline.

team's review included CAQR SQE-870-R01-004 generated by EA and two randomly

selected OBVP generated reports (SCRs SQNEES-8771 and SQNEEB-8790).

This CAQR was written in response to Action item E50.

ACARSOE-870-R01004:This action item identified that no indication of the ope


generator and electrical panel ventilation fans was provided in the main

control room. These fans are required to start (in accordance with the

technical specifications) in order to keep the diesel inlet air temperature

Since there is no remote indication for operation of these

at 120'F or less.

fans, the plant could be operating outside the technical specification

The nominal condi-

setpoint for

tion without the knowledge of the plant operator.

starting these fans is 80'F. The project responded that:

  • The 120*F ambient temocrature limit can only be exceeded with one diesel

generator running. Any time a diesel generator is running, operation of

these f ans is verified per operating instructions.

  • Oiesel generator room temperatures are monitored once per shift; if

abnormal temperatures (acove 80*F) are noticed, temperature readings

are taken every hour.


  • Failure of ane fan to operate constitutes a single failure:

fans remain operable.

The NRC team considered

EA accepted this response and closed this CAQR.

tnis response acceptable.

SCR SON-EEB-8771: This SCR identified a situation in which Class 1EIndocuments error,

were revised by a local design change request (LOCR SQ-0CR-L-1745). Corrective

this modification was classified as non-safety-related.

included reversion of all TVA drawing changes since the TVA

Because drawings could be

the (subsequent)

used for field settings of ampacity trip The sensors. revision

project informed theof drawing


was no longer required, tnis ECN was cancelled.



the error was caused by lack of proper procedures w

used for safety related modifications. The NRC team found the corrective ac

and the action required to orevent recurrence acceptable.

This SCR identified a concern that drawings 45N749-1 througn


4, whien are part of tne "SQN-Restart Design Basis Document," did Correc- not show or

reference the breaker trio setting data for the 480V shutdown boards.

tive action requires the project to revise these drawings to either includeProced

adequate references or snow tne setting data on the drawings.

requires the lead engineers to nave all drawings prepared in accordance


- 23 - - _ - . .--





This procedure requires

with Division of Nuclear Engineering Standard 7.01.

all related drawings that are not listed as companion drawings to ee inclueed

as a reference. According to NEP-5.1, revisions to drawings are nancied in tne

Corrective action and action required to

same sanner as original drawings.

prevent recurrence of conditions reported in this SCR were considered acceotable

by the NRC team.

The NRC team found EA's approach for identification, resolution, and/or closure

of the action items and observations acceptable. The approach was considered

to meet the technical objectives of the EA oversight program for the OBVP.

4. 6 Instrumentation and Control

4.6.1 TVA Corrective Actions for EA Oversight of the 08VP

The following Engineering Assurance observations were reviewed. Action taken

or planned was found to be acceptable:

EA Observations E3 (corresponding to EA Action Item E-75; NRC Observa-

tien 6.14), E9 involving RPS cable tagging in the turbine building, 11

involving upper head injection system design inconsistencies, and I2

involving steam generator level transmitter accuracy.

A number of EA action items were reviewed and found to be satisfactory, such

as I-22, I-23, I-24, and I-17. Thirty punchlist items being tracked by EA

were also reviewed, and the EA approach was considered satisf actory.

This involves a

EA has maintained Observation 13 in an unresolved status.

power supply modification for transmitter change-outs and the addition of a

diede to a control switch. The team found EA's closure of the transmitter

power supply to be satisfactory, and agrees with EA that TVA needs to provide

an analysis to confirm that a commercial'y procured diode is acceptably

dedicated as a Class 1E component in the control switch modification.

EA reviewed the OBVP supplemental walkdown results of sensing linas and con-

cluded that there was no pervasive as-constructed inadequacy (TVA report

EA OR 001, page 7.2.3-3). On the basis of two walkdown results involving HVAC

instruments, the team recommended that TVA consider a 100 percent walkdown

of the HVAC systems. TVA has subsequently performed a walkdown of protection

and control interlocks for the HVAC systems, and has issued a CAQR for the

inadequacy of HVAC instrumentation design drawings.

EA reviewed Action Item I-22 for tne upper-head injection tank level switen

substitution, and confirmed that the accuracy calculation indicated that the

The team agrees with EA's review and

present switches were not satisfactory. ,

conclusions regarding nis item.

EA Action Items I-23 and I-24 dealt with the addition of tne westingneuse

setpoint document as a reference in a numeer of TVA design criteria documents.

The team reviewed TVA's corrective actions for this item and found them to De


EA Action lier I-17 addressed the erroneous categorization of a source document as

"not applicable" for the licensing commitment program. The tsaa confirmed snat

- 24 -



the TVA Nuclear Engineering Branch performed an adequate re-review of these

"NA" designations given to a number of source documents (EA Action Item s.25).

4.6.2 TVA Resolution of OBVP Punchlist Items

The team reviewed approximately 12 PIR/SCR/CAQR sets of records in the OBVP


?1+ctrical and instrumentation areas involving inadequate corrective action, ' G

separation criteria violations, failure to meet design criteria, inadequate

equipment conditions, lack of electrical calculations, and the temocrature

range evaluation of the refueling water storage tank transmitter. In this

area, the team generally agreed with TVA's resolution for OBVP punchlist


The planned analysis approacn described in CAQR SQT-871198 for punchlist item

7843, involving the potential for unintended blowdown of more than one steam

generator, was deemed to be satisfactory.

The approach taken for punenlist item 8482 in SCR SQN NEB 8722, involving

postaccident monitoring channel 1 separation from non-safety-related wiring, was

found to be unsatisfactory (NRC Observation 6.21).

The corrective action analysis for the added isolation power supply in response

to punchlist item 6971 was satisfactory.

TVA's corrective action for punenlist item 7658, involving both a slope change

to the sensing lines between the A N pump suction piping and the associated

pressure switches and new process pipe tap locations, was assessed as appro-


4.6.3 Implementation of Corrective Actions for Punenlist Items

Because of the early stage of corrective action implementation, only several

examples were available for inspection. As mentioned in the previous section,

corrective action implementation in the analysis area appeared responsive and

appropriate. However, the team identified one situation in which the correc-

tive action concurred with by the OBVP was technically questionaole, in that

the revised corrective action allowed auxiliary control air pressures

considerable below design criteria requirements following a postulated LOCA

with an adverse auxiliary control air interaction (NRC Cbservation 6.22).

4.6.4 EA and DBVP Phase I Reports

The team reviewed the applicable sections of TVA Report EA-0R-001 addressing

These reports were

the EA oversight effort, and the OBVP Unit 2 Phase I Report.

considered to generally reflect the results of the EA oversight effort and tne

DBVP, respectively. NRC Observation 6.20 (Appendix B) addresses several

concerns with characteri:ation of selected conclusions in the OBVP report,


The team also noted that the OBVP report was silent on tne content of i

SCR SQN-EEB-8743, wnien reovired relocation of AFW instrument sense This lines for ;i

pump suction pressure switenes 2-PS 139A, B, 0 and 2-PS-3-144A, B, O. 0

plant modification was needed to ensure proper operation of the ERCW

supply valves to AFW.

- 25 -




. .

AFW systes. This SCR resulted in a significant hardware change to the plant,

but was identified only as a calculational deficiency by the OBVP report.

4. 7 Civil / Structural


4.7.1 Corrective Actions Associated with EA Oversignt of the OBVP

EA observation C1 contains EA Action Item C-21, which identified an ECN that

was thought to affect Unit 1 only; however, a more in-depth review indicated

that Unit 2 was a' o modified by this Unit 1 ECN. The Sequoyah project issued

As corrective

PIR SQN-MEB-8659 (tl44 860910 006) to resolve this action item.

action to this PIA, the project reviewed all ECNs that purported to apply

solely to Unit 1 and found two additional cases in which the ECNs actually

affected both units. EA is waiting for ravision of the SYSTERs


to include

team concurs

these identified ECNs before closing this observation.

with the resolution of this action item.

EA observation C4 contains EA Action Items C-46 and C-56. Action Item C-al

stated that adequacy of partially implemented ECN L5779 was not evaluated by

the civil engineering group of the DBVP. The unverified support variances

could have affected the supports for a bypass line. The project has stated

that partially implemented ECNs are reviewed per SQA-183 and that the SYSTER

which includes ECN L5779 would be reviewed by the civil 08VP. EA is keeping

this action item open pending the review of the regenerated support variance

calculations and the verification of the SYSTER which includes this ECN.

Action Item C-56 raised questions regarding the adecuacy of the r.esolution for

various punchlist items that were reviewed by EA. The response to this action

item shows that a DBVP directive, OBVP-0-002, issued on March 13, 1987, requires

that all punchlist items be sigred by the System Engineer and the Discipline

Evaluation Supervisor before a particular punchlist item can be closed. The

DBVP also committed to reevaluate all punchlist items which were c.losed before

this directive was issued. This action item is being kept open by EA until the

DBVP completes this review.

The NRC team reviewed the available documentation regarding Action Items C-41

and C-56. The tea.1i concurs with the resolution of both of these action items.

EA Observation C5 contains EA Action Items C-3 and C-44 Action Item C-3

questioned the technical adequacy of several change documents. The technical

adequacy question related to calculations which support the change documents,

as well as drawing discrepancies which were discovered during the reviews

performed by EA. EA also raised questions regarding field change requests

(FCRs) which were not adequately reviewed for technical adecuacy. The SQN

project response stated that review of calculations supporting the change

documents was part of the calculation review program which would separately

verify technical adecuacy. The project's corrective action for this EA action

item does not address the concerns raised by EA regarding drawing discrepancies

and FCR evaluations. This action item was still being followed ey EA because

The NRC questioned the resolved"

of the lack of defined corrective action.

status of this observation since there was no planned corrective action statec

by the project.

- 26 -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _







In response to the NRC concern, EA changed the status of observation C5 to

"unresolved." The project, in turn, revised its response tc, EA to address

resolution of the discrepancies between the calculations and drawings. EA

plans to verify that such considerations are properly addressed by the project.

Action Item C 44 is related to Action Item C-3 since EA review of ECN 1,6213

showed discrepancies between the calculation and drawing related to this ECN.

A field walkdown showed that the calculation was correct and the drawing was

wrong. The project response for this action item was acceptable to EA since

the particular drawing discrepancy was resolved by the walkdown tad be.cause

the generic implications of drawing discrepancies would be covered under

action Item C-3. The resolution of this action item was acceptable to the

NRC team.

Observation C6 contains Action Items C-28, C-37, C-40, C-47, C-53, C-54, and

C-57, which all relate to various deficiencies in the civil engineering group

of the 08VP. In the civil / structural area, the team reviewed Action Items l

C-37, C-40 and C-47. ,


Action Item C-37 stated that the SQEP-12 review checklist for ECH 2944 R1 did


I not reference calculations relating to a pipe support drawing change. Later l


evaluation of this problem showed that the calculations for this particular

support were missing. The project has regenerated the missing calculations

under PIR SQN-CEB-8639. The project also reviewed the SQEP-12 Attachment 2

form of the related SYSTER to ensure that this ECN was appropriately captured

in the SYSTER. These corrective actions were acceptable to EA and the action

item was closed. The NRC team concurs with the resolution of this action item,


Action Item C-40 raised questions about improper incorpJration of ECH

reviews into the system evaluation checklists by the System Engineers. This

was a documentation problem and the DBVP has revised the checklists to

include the correct information. The OBVP also stated that discipline

reviews of draft and final SYSTERs, as required by directive 06VP-t 36 010,

would ensure the accuracy of the final version of the SYSTERs. EA has accepted

this response and closed this action item. The NRC team concurs with the

resolution of this action item.

Action Item C 47 was written to address NRC Observation 7.4 - Project Review of

Support Variance (NRC iaspection report Nos. 50-327/86-55 and 50-328/86-55).

The NRC observation raised questions about the OBVP's review of ECN-5298. In

response to this action item, the SQN project has regenerated the missing

support variance calculations. EA is keeping this action item open pending

the review of these regenerated calculations. The NRC team concurs with the

resolution of this action item.

4.7.2 Resolution of CBVP Punenlist Items and Implementation of Corrective


The team reviewed the corrective actions taken by the project for various

punchlist items that were generated as a result of the 08vP. Samples were

selected in the following areas (as described in the Sequoyan Unit 2 CBVP

Phase I report, Section H-1):

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __________mM____________________



. .

  • sissing calculations
  • open FCRs
  • no evaluation for pipe rupture
  • inadequate design

Samples in each category were picked by the team. The corrective action was

reviewed systematically. The sheet identifying the punenlist item, SQEP-12,

Attachment 2B (the civil attachment sheet), was reviewed in conjunction with

the calculation which resolved the deficiency to determine whether the

corrective action was comprenensive. The calculations were also reviewed

cursorily to determine whether they were technically adequate. The following

are the team's comments on the corrective actions reviewed.

(1) Missina Calculations

The DBVP review showed that calculations for some cuages could not be


Punchlist item 449 relates to a missing calculation that could rot be located.

The civil design review checklist (SQEP-12, Attachment 28) for ECN t,5569 shows

that supporting calculations for drawing 48N1314-1 Revision 2 could not be

found. In order to resolve this punchlist item, the project has performed

calculations (825-870324-304) to show that the protective structure (MK-6)

for the ERCW pleing is acceptable. The team found that this corrective action

by the project addressed the punchlist item.

Punchlist item 472 identified that FCR 3490, which is related to ECN L6233, was

written for a variance to support 47A056-51. The civil design review check-

list (attachment 28) identified that the calculation for the variance could

not be found. The project has performed additional calculationsThe(B25-851202-

team agrees

300) to show that the variances to 47A056-51 are acceptacle.

witn the resolution of this punchlist item.

Punchlist item 506 was written to address missing calculations for drawing

41N353-14 Revision 1, which added a battery rack foundation under ECN L5599.

Attachment 2B of the civil design review enecklist shows that these calcula-

tions could not betofound. The project nas performed additional calculations

show that the pads and the anchor eolts for the battery

(825 870407 327)

rack are acceptable. The team found the resolution of this punchlist item

to be appropriate.

Punchlist itse 3772 identified that no calculations could review

The civil design be found for list

chec< variance

47A055-78-Al to typical succort 47A055-78.

(attachment 28) for ECN L5207 snowwd that FCR 142 was written for th

but the OBVP reviewer could not locate any calculations relating to this

variance. The project 9as generated calculation 825-870513 302 to snow that

this variance to the typical support is acceptable. A cursory review of tnis Tne

calculation snowed that it addressed tne correct variance to tne support.

team agrees with the raisolution of this punchlist item.

Punchlist item 6136 relates to missing calculations for typical conduit

support 47A056-151. The civil design review checklist (Attachment 28) for ECN

L5299 shows that calculations relating to 47A051-151 for FCR 451 could not be

located. In order to resolve this punchlist item, the project has performed a

- _






computer analysis, 825-870507-303, to show that the support is acceptaele. The

team reviewed this calculation and concluded that it addresses the puncnlist

item appropriately, l


Punchlist item 9291 identified that no calculations could Thebe found

cdvil for review

design tne

reinforcing bar cuts that were approved in FCR 1682.

(checklist Attachment 28) for ECN L5429 shows that drawing 41N736-1 was revisee

for reinforcing bar cuts, but no calculations could be located. The project nas

performed an evaluation, 825-870401-319, to resolve this punchlist item. It nas

concluded that the structural integrity of the operating deck floor slab has

not osen compromised by the reinforcing bar cut shown on drawing 41N736-1. The

team concludes that this resolution addressed the concern raised by the

punchiist item.

(2) Field Change Requests (FCRs)

The OBVP identified various ECNs with open FCRs. At the time of the OBVP review,

documentation for these open FCRs was not available and an engineering evalua-

tion could not be made. The team reviewed the following punchlist items

relating to this OBVP finding:

Punchlist item 939 was written to identify that the review of ECN L5220 showed go

S. FCR 3833 Revision 2 to be open. This FCR was initiated to approve variances to

conduit suceert ,47A056-10538. The documamation package provided ov tha

,,. r Toject, includino calculations Tf5570225W, snow.o snat Revision 3 of the

The changes were not

g[S FCM cfncelled these variances to the conouit support.


implemented and the FCR was closed as documentea in 825-8 3 617. The team

found tne closure of this punchlist item appropriate. g

Punch 11st item 954 was written to show

The FCR wasthat FCR

issued to 4023 (related

recuest to ECM

a variance L6533)

to typical

was not closed out by DNE.

conduit support 47056-1002. The documentation provi:ed by the project showed

that calculations (825-860806-306) were performed to qualify the variances to

the typical support. The FCR was closed as shown in document 825-860820-602.

The team agrees with the closure of this punchlist item.

Punchlist item 964 stated that FCR 4010, relating to ECN L6553, was open at the

time of the DBVP review. The FCR was written for variances to conduit typical

support 47A056-1066. The documentation reviewed by the team showed that

calculations (825-860814-304) were parformed to evaluate tne support variances.

Also, the FCR was closed, as shown in document 825 861022 685. The team found

the closure of this punchlist item appropriate.

Punchlist item 1189 was written because This FCRFCR



ocen atto the

covertime of the

CBVP review of corresponcing ECN L6533.

variances to typical concuit support 47A056-10004 Calculations provided ey

This FCR

the project (825-860717 307) show that tne variances were Theacceptable.

team agrees witn tne

was then closed as shown in document 825-860807-616.

closure of this punenlist item.

Punchlist item 6252 was written because FCR 4581 was open at the time of revie-

for ECN L6649. The FCR was writton The to obtain approval for several variances to

calculations provided by the praject,

typical conduit support 47A05-114A.

825-861029-389 and 825-861029 392, showed tnat the variances were acceptacle.

.- -

- 29 -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .




825-861118-621. The

The FCA subsequently was closed as shown in document

closure of this punchlist item is acceptable to the team.

(3) No Evaluation for Pioe Ruoture

The 08VP review found that for various cases, incomplete or no pipe ruptureE

evaluations were made for plant modifications.The team selected four samples

by a punch 11st item. The selected punenlist

the closure of the punchlist items was appropriate. items and the


Project evaluatirnnAIMS No.

Punchlist item

L2775 841 870611 006

2711 841 870228 016

2729 L5194

1.6533 841 870617 004

4490 841 870228 030

5187 L5594

The review of the above documentation However, showed the that

The team did not perform a detailed review of these evaluations. was reviewed to

civil design review checklist (attacnment 28) for each ECN

determine whether the concern identified was covered within the SQN proj

The team found the closure of these punchlist items to be



(4) Inadecuate Design

The review performed by the OBVP In theidentified various

civil / structural ECNs

area, therethat

werehad tec

inadequate calculations or analysis. The team reviewed the resolution

only two ECNs with such a classification.

of both punchlist items.

Punchlist item 4775 identified The SCR was deficiencies

written to cualify the in 1/4-inen

the resoluti

The project nas performed a

which was related to ECN L6759.

surface-mounted plate attached to the crane snow that the 1/4-inen plate

computer analysis (825-870107-801)A cursory review of this calculation sh

The team found the


ally adequate. raised by the punchlist item were considered properly.

closure of this punchlist item appropriate.

Punchlist item 7720 was written to document that an incomplete ana

performed for pipe support 17A586-2.

ment 28) for ECN L6322 snews that the monorail load was not included

analysis performed for oice support 17A586-2. to snew l


the SQN project has ;erformed additional calculati '

The team agrees with tne resolution of this punchlist item.

The team also reviewed punenlist Theitem 6189, which

civil design review had already

enecklist (attacn-been re

EA, to assess appropriate closure.

ment 28) for ECN t.6263 identifind a discrepancy in the length The SON of a s

brace as shown in the calculations and the as-constructed drawings. I

project's response snowed tnat tnis was a drawing discrepancy and th

- - - __ -.

- - _ _ _ _ _ _ ._-



SQN project has revised the drawings to show the correct length of the crace. {'

The team, as **ll 44 EA, found tne closure of this punchlist item adequate.

Overall in the civil / structural area, the limited samples reviewed by tne team

showed that the punchlist items are being resolved properly.

The NRC team also reviewed 15 punchlist items to determine the adequacy of the

restart categorization (punenlist items nos.: 518, 527, 728, 817, 821, 862 .c

955, 4749, 4907, 4993, 6066, 6218, 7462, 7619, and 9304). The team noted snat MI

4 of the 15 punchlist items (nos. 518, 955, 6066, and 9304) were shown as L

post-restart items in the computer listing. A review of the SQEP-45, Attacnment!

2 forms showed that these items were actually determined to be pre-restart  !

items. The team believes that there are many discrepancies between the



punchlist and SQEP-45, Attachment 2 forms regarding the categorization of I

the punchlist items, and that the accuracy of the punchlist should be verified

before restart (Observation 7.5).

Overall, the team concurs with the categorization of the punchlist items for

restart and post-restart in the civil / structural area.

The team reviewed the appropriate sections of TVA report EA-0R-001 covering

the EA effort for the OBVP and the OBVP Unit 2 Phase I report. As shown [r,

above, the team selected samples to determine whether the items identified

by EA and the OBVP were addressed and closed properly. The review of tnese

reports and the limited samples did not identify any major deficiencies.


Specific findings of individual NRC discipline inspectors are categorized as

"observations." These observations elaborate on the general coments stated in

this report and in some cases provide additional comments not considered to be

of a general nature. The observations identified by each discipline of the

NRC team are provided in Appendix A of this report. TVA actions relating to

individual observations will be reviewed by the NRC. Individual observations

may be closed on the basis of TVA's response to this inspection report as

appropriate. Selected items, noted as confirmatory items, remain Open, pending

TVA confirmation that the indicated action has been ccmpleted.


The team reviewed TVA's responses to the deficiencies, unresolved items,

and observations documented in the following previous NRC inspection



4 T

  • 50-327/86-27 and 50-328/86-27 '#
  • 50-327/86-38 and 50-328/86-38 #-
  • 50-327/86-45 and 50-328/86-45
  • 50-327/86-55 anc 50-328/86-55 ,


  • 50-327/87-14 and 50-328/87-14 /

Details about that review can be found in appendix 8 to this inspection


- 31 -




. .


A summary of the meetings held relating to the OBVP inspection and a list of

references related to the series of design control inspections are provided in

Appendix C.


32 -

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _









The observations identified by the team d'aring inspection 50-327/87-31 and

The observation nymoers

50-328/87-31 are described in the following sections.

used continue the numeering system used for previous NRC inspections of ne



Observation 3.16 - Valve Motor Operator Orientation

On January 13, 1987, the Mechanical Engineering Branch (MEB) prepared proelem

identification report (PIR) SQN-MEB-86127 to document differences between the

installed orientations and the physical piping orientations of ten component

cooling water system (CCS) valve motor operators. MEB did not request a

potential generic condition evaluation (PGCE) to determina if a similar

condition existed for other piping systems at (SQN), or at Browns Ferry,

Bellefonte, or Watts Bar.

The team questioned the lack of a potential generic condition evaluation for

this item, and later learned that on May 27, 1986, MEB had drafted an informal

memorandum to request that PIR SQN-MEB 86127 be revised and reissued to require


The team concurs with MEB's request to reissue the PIR, but notes that

MEB had not yet reissued tne PIR. The team also notes that the Civil


Branch (CEB), assigned a portion of the corrective action detailed in the PIR,

did not apparently review the PIR for generic applicacility, or require initia-

tion of such a review.


Observation 3.17 - Solenoid Valve Mounting Support variances

TVA drawing 47A054-33 depicts a typical mounting support cetail for the

installation of solenoid valves and regulators which consists of a steel Team

angle welded to a surface mounted plate restrained by two anchor bolts.

review of workplan No. 9503, whien installed replacement solenoid valves in

several different piping systems in accordance with ECN 5457, indicated

variances Nos. 54-33-A43 and 54-33-A45 to the typical mounting support detail.

These consisted of an unbraced 89-inch span of tube steel supporting six

solenoid valves. The team asked CEB to provide the seismic qualification

calculation for these variances, but CEB was unable to retrieve the calcula-


Observation 4.8 - Containment Airoorne Radiation Monitoring System Air Supply

Punchlist item 4426 nad been generated in response to SCR SQN-NEB-8615 whien

identified that isolation valves in the containment airborne activity raciatica

monitoring (System 90) sample lines are not supplied with essential control

air, making the radiation monitors not seismically qualified. The SCR notes

that the condition was icentified in a 1980 licensee event report and that TN

is committed to applicable portions of Regulatory Guide 1.45, which recuire tre

airborne particulate radioactivity monitoring system to remain functional onea

subjected to the safe snutdown earthquake. On the other hand, Quality

Information Request (QIR) NES-86241 concludes that it is not necessary for a

u - --_



seismically qualified air supply to be available to the radiation monitor

isolation valves. Reasons stated in the QIR for this conclusion include:

  • The sole safety-related function of the monitor is to generate a

containment ventilation isolation signal. A loss of air to tne

sample valves will cause the monitor to produce that input.

  • The valves will fail closed upon loss of air. Thus, the contain-

ment isolation function is assured without a seismic air supply.

The inspection team reviewed punchlist item 4426 and questioned the decision

to reclassify it from restart to post-restart. The intent of Regulatory

Guide 1.45 is to maintain the airborne particulate radioactivity monitoring

system functioning after a safe snutdown earthquake. This cannot be achieved

if the valves close because of failure of the non-safety grade air supply.

Also, the team was advised that QlR NES-86241 is not correct. A loss of air to

the valves will not cause the monitor to produce the input signal to cause

containment ventilation isolation.

Observation 6.21 - Change in Corrective Action for PAM ! solation

In SCR SQN-8722. TVA identified that separation of one postaccident monitoring

channel (i.e., PAM-1) from non-safety-related wiring had not been implemented

as specified in TVA design criteria documents and FSAR Section 7.5.2, which

states: "One of the PAM channels may be associated with non-qualified The

circuits, while the other is fully separated from non-qualified circuits."

08VP punchlist (SQEP-45, Attachment 2) was closed out late May 1987 on the

basis that either qualified isolation devices would ce added to provide

electrical isolation or the non-qualified instruments would be disconnected

from the PAM-1 channel before restart of Unit 2.

In late June 1987, the SQN project was in the process of changing.the agreec-

upon corrective action. The project stated that the isolation requirement t

would be deleted from the PAM design criteria and the FSAR, and stated tha

this item was no lenger a constraint for restart of Unit 2. The team did not

find documentation that the corrective action change had been coordinated witn

OBVP, and noted that the proposed change was in direct conflict with a PAM

separation requirement stated in TVA electrical separation design criteria

document SQN-0C-V-12.2, Section 4.3.5. The team believes that improved

controls are necessary wnen the line organization deviates from OBVP specifiec

corrective actions.

Observation 6.22 - Auxiliary Control Air System Design Criteria

Approximately one year ago, TVA stated tnat the design of the auxiliary control

air (ACA) headers witnin containment had sufficient separation to precluce

However, this

adverse interaction with nigh-and moderate-energy lines.

conclusion appears to nave been without basis as TVA has been extensively

Both hardware enanges

evaluating the acceptability of the current ACA design.

and improved analyses are ceing considered. The team noted that each alterna-

tive currently being reviewed by TVA required that the minimum ACA heacer

pressure of 70 psig, as stated in the design criteria document, be violated.

One scenario depicts a minimum ACA pressure of 26 psig, and a period of 5

minutes following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) within containment before






Since ACA controls the neating, ventila.

the 70-psig einimum value is restored.

tion, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems used to cool safety-related equiement,

the team was concerned with tne operability of the HVAC equipment and ne in act

of degraded ACA header pressure for 5 minutes.

Observation 7.5 - Punchlist Accuracy

The toad s review of the computerized output of punchlist data in the civil /

structural area revealed that punchlist items $18, 955, 6066, and 9304, .ere

all categorized as non-restart. However, a review of the governing SQEP 45,

Attachment 2 forms indicated th:t all these items should be categorized as

pre-restart. Numerous discrepancies were evident between the data base and

the Attachment 2 determinations.

The mechanical systems team reviewed for consistency the SQEP-45 Attachment 2

forms and the associated punchlist items. The team found several instances

(punchlist items) in which the SQEP 45, Attachment 2, form indicated "no

change" for the restart category, however the punchlist was Thischanged from

was noted for

"required for restart" to "not required for restart."

punchlist items 6688, 6691, 6692, 7572, and 7573.

In the operations area, the team disagreed witn the post-restart categorization

of punchlist item 5644 This item concerned nonaqualified mounting of main

This item was closed out

steam system handswitches on the control panels. In addition, the


change was SCR SQE-8618-R0

considered was

outside the OBVP initiated to address this issue.The te


item should be examined before restart to assess its potential impact on opera-

bility of systems during a seismic event.

The team additionally selected a ample of five punenlist items (Nos. 386,

7742, 8514, 9670, and 9689) to assess the status of implementation and the

consistency between the governing Attachment 2 form (SQEP-45) and the actual

The team biased the sample by only selecting

punchlist database information. A printout (dated

punchlist items for which field modifications were required.

May 26, 1987) of punchlist items with field modifications required was used as

the source for the sample selection. The dated printout was used(All to assess tne


licensee's progress toward completing required restart actions. The following

punchlist items were tabulated as pre-restart on the printout.)

sumarizes the status of this sample:

Punchlist item 386 concerned the fact that approval of valve support

and component nozzle leads in excess of the vendor specifications

This was given the status of

was not documented (SCR SQNCEB8511).


"0BVP closed" based on a decision to exclude from the scoce of the

i OBVP those CAQs that .ere identified

(CAQs before

identified beforethe


OBVP was initiated

and already

i but not yet implemented. These were to be resolved

implemented were revie.ed by the OBVP). The punchlist implementation

l and tracked by the TVA CAQ process.

status was tabulated as "completed." The team considered this


i misleading because the actual status was unknown, and was immaterial

to the 08vP.

Punchlist item 7442 identified that non-safety-related pressure indica-

tors were used to replace existing indicators in the auxiliary feedwater




system. A SQEP-45, Attachment 2 form closed this item on april 23, 1987,

based on proposed corrective action to replace or Qualify the pressure

indicators (SCR SQN-EEB- 8726, Part 8). This item was erroneously

classified as "implemented," as well as "closec," and also as upon

receipt of the Attacnment 2 form. This was of concern to the team

because 08vP closure does not imply implementation of corrective

action, and the 08VP indicated that the punenlist database (as

updated for implementation status by the SQN project) would be

used to verify that all pre-restart requirements were satisfied.

Two items were not implemented, according to the latest punchlist

status. Punchlist item 8514 identified an unimplemented design

requirement to abort diesel generator testing automatically fol-

lowing receipt of an accident signal and trip the diesel generator

supply breaker to the 6.9-kV shutdown board. Punchlist item 9689

concerned the need to restore the notwell pump trip on a feedwater

isolation signal. The FSAR takes credit for hotwell pump trip on

feedwater isolation, and alternative trips of the condensate booster

and domineralizer pumps (ECH L.6215) are not yet implemented, and not

scheduled before restart.

Punchlist item 9670 concerned the addition of a fast bus +.ransfer

circuit in pars 11e1 to a 30-second time delay circuit in the RPS,

potentially degrading the existing circuit. The punchlist ites was

listed as implemented; however the associated Attachment 2 form

(SQEP-45) whien snould have been used to document implementation

was not availaole. The associated Attachment 2 form documenting

DBVP closure (7/6/87) indicated that operacility of the subject

relays should be verified before ristart. Post,* restart corrective

actions, consisting of control circuit revisions to provide indivi-

dual testing of the subject relays, were also required. No change

in restart categorization was authorized. Per vereal discuss. ions

with DBVP personnel, punchlist items with both pre- and post-restart

portions were to change restart status to "no" upon completion of

pre-restart corrective action. The implementation status would

remain open pending completion of the post-restart corrective

action. This punchlist item appeared as a complete, implemented,

pre-restart item in the database without documentation suoporting

completion of pre-restart corrective action nor a means to track

post-restart work.

The team noted that the licensee's procedures for control and statusing ounenlist

items did not specifically address handling of these aspects of the punenlist



_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



. .



The team reviewed the corrective actions taken by TVA to resolve the open

deficiencies and observations identified in NRC inspection report Nos. 50-327

and 50-328/86-27, 86-38, 86-45, 86-55, and 87-14. Correspondence associated

with these findings, including TVA responses, are tabulated in Attachment C.

The following are the team's comments on these items.

Report No. 86-27

(Closed) Deficiency 6.1-1 - AFV Pump Discharge Pressure Switch Rating

TVA provided a description of the process used to change the pressure switches

and referred to retrievable instrument range and setpoint calculations that

supported the individual substitutions of these switches. Based on this

additional information from TVA, the team has closed this ites.

(Closed) Deficiency 6.1-2 - FW Bypass Control Valve Solenoid Replacement

TVA provided documentation to confirm that the replacement control valve

solenoid would ce a Class 1E seismically mounted device; nonce, this item has

been closed.

(Closed) Deficiency 6.1-3 - AFW Pump Suction Pressure Switch Sespoint

As a result of replacement of the AFW pump suction pressure suitch, a TVA

This calculation

setpoint calculation was prepared and issued in March 1986.

did not identify or supersede a previous setpoint ca'culation made in 1979.

TVA has subsequer*.ly superseded the earlier calculation; on this easis, this

item has been cicsed.

(Closed) Deficiency 6.3-1 - Pressure Switch Hydrostatic Test After Seismic

Qualification Testing

The team noted that TVA did not routinely scoci'y that instrument vendors

provide confirmation of pressure coundary TVA hadintegrity for conduct

the vendor pressureconfirmatory


subject to seise n qualification.

pressure boundar/ tests for the specific Static-0-Ring (50R) examole identified

by the team. These particular SOR pressure switches were shown to ee satisf ac-


TVA submitted a revised response addressing this issue on January 30,

1987 (Reference 11)*, noting that a review of environmental qualification The need

einders revealed that the instruments had been pressure tested.

to require some form of a cressure test to confirm the integrity of the

instrument pressure councary following seismicTherefore, qualificationthis hasitem

been is referrec closed

to the Office of Special Projects for review.

for the purpose of this inspection.

"References are listed in Section C.2 of Appendix C.






Report No. $4-34

(Closed) Observation 1.1 - Impact of Walkdown Findings on Operating


In inspection report No. 50-328/86-55, the team noted that although the

observation was answered and resolved, no sampling had been done to trackThe

the corrective action process and confirm satisf actory implementation.

licensee's response indicated tnat Corrective Action Report SQ CAR 85-10-016 The team

documents the corrective action taken to address tne observation.

reviewed this report and confirmed that it did address the team's previous


(Closed) Observation 1.2 - Walkdown Scope Dif ference From Calculation


Th4 observation concerned the f act that the extent of the system marked up on

the drawing used for the walkdown was not the full extent shown in the boundary

calculation. No justification for the difference was filed for review.

Procedure SQEP-16 has been changed to require the System (nqineer to provide

justification for the walkdown boundaries in the System Evaluation Report


The team reviewed sections of the EA Review Plan which, in turn, had audited the

SYSTERs for inclusion of the required justifications. The Review Plan stated:


"Has adequate technical justification been provided for any portions of the

system on the SW610 (system walkdown boundary identification

walked down?" These deter-

or in cases where this was lacking, an action item -as generated.

minations resolved the team's concerns with this item.

(Closed) Observation 1.3 - System Interfaces on Dra ings

This observation concerned the information related to "out-of-function" During

portions depicted on system flow (mechanical and controls) diagrams.

system walkdowns performed by TVA, the team noted that some "out-of-functio The

information was not marked properly or treated in a consistent fashion.

team had left this item open in inspection report No. 50-328/86-55 until a


project policy was promulgated regarding out of-functon information on drawings

This policy was formally implemented in a memorandum from thepolicy

This SQN wasProject

Engineer dated January 30, 1987, and widely distributed.

l supplemented by a memorandum from the Project Engineer to the Plant Manager

and the Modifications Manager further describing the policy and requesting

that personnel using drawings at SeQuoyah be trained in the appropriate inter- l

pretation of out of-function information. '


(Closed) Observation 4.2 - Reactor Protection System (RPS) and Neutron Monil

ing System (NMS) OBVP Scope Boundary

The team reviewed Revision 5 of TVA calculation SQN-OSG7-048 (825-870319-801), Also

entitled "Identification of Systems Required for SeQuoyan Restart "

The team found snat

reviewed were the marked-up drawings for tne RPS and NMS.

the calculations adequately incorporated the necessary portions of RPS and NHS

in the description of the systems or portions thereof required to be functional

._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ ___ _ __




The team found that the markup of

for safe shutdown and accident mitigation.

the drawings adequately represented the description given in the calculation.

Therefore, the team found the corrective action to be adequately implementeo

and tne observation can be considered closed.

(Closed) Observation 6.2 - Neutron Monitoring System (NMS) Flux Oetector

Qualification Basis

This observation concerned the lack of qualification of HMS flux detectors ano

their need to function in a postaccident environment.

In an unreviewed safety question determination (USQD), Westinghouse stated

that a new accident scenario was not created for postulated failure of tne

NMS detectors after a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) event within containment

that could lead to uncontrolled withdrawal of control rods for approximately

15 seconds. Westingneuse subsequently provided additional text to support its

A cycle-specific analysis has been performed for both

USQD determinations.

Units 1 and 2 by Westingnouse to address the consequences of a continuous red

withdrawal caused by the postulated environmental conditionsAcceptablefollowing

margins ato

small-break LOCA (Westinghouse letter TVA-86-733).

critical heat flux (departure from nucleate boiling ratio) were demons-

trated for the current cycles. This adequately addresses this concern for

pre-restart considerations. The associated CAQ (SCR SQN-NEB-8609-R2) remains

Thrae options are being considered

open, pending long-term corrective action. continued cycle-specific analyses, q

by the licensee: detectors, or demonstration tnat the steam line break accident will not

the postulated rod withdrawal. These alternatives are be tecnni-

cally adequate.

(0 pen) Observation 6.3 - Instrument Sensing Line Walidown

Because of several differences between the design drawings and the. actual

installation of a sample of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) .

' sensors, the team had recommended that each sensor in HVAC systems (30, 30A,

31, 31A, and 65) be walked down. TVA documented in CAQR SQP-871147 that the

design drawings were inacequete for HVAC instrument TVA notedlines

that cased onwere

sketches a walkcown

performed pursuant to procedure SMI-0-317-61.

being made of the installation of HVAC sensors that performed a protective or

control interlock function, and that these sketches would be converted into

The team considers that TVA neecs

design drawings at some point in the confirm that theInas-bui

technically adequate and meets tne design requirements for these sensors.

addition, TVA should provide a schedule for issuing the applicable design

drawings. This is a confirmatory item.

Report No. 96 45

(Closed) Observation 2.3 - Status of NSSS Vendor Proprietary Information

This observation was open, pending a confirmatory letter that commitments /

requirements made in a nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor's proprietary

document, have been replaced with non-proprietary documents. Information


provided by TVA in its revised response (enclosing Westingnouse letter

TVA-86-609), states that all information considered to be a commitment or a

. _ _ _ _



. .

design requirement is incorporated in the formal proprietary documents that

have been sent by the N555 vendor and incorporated in the comm

requirements list.

(Closed) Observation 3.4 - Pipe Support Design Criteria

Observation 3.4 documented provisions for stiff piping clamps and piping sleeves

in Watts Bar design criteria WB-0C-40.31.9 that CE8 did not reiterate in Sequoyan

design criteria SQN-0C-V-24.1, which supersedes the Watts 8ar design criteria.

On March 19, 1987, CE8 issued design input memorandum 01M-SQN-0CObservation V-24.1 to

incorporate these provisions into design criteria SQN 0C-V-24.1.

3.4 is closad.

(Closed) Observation 4.4 - Spray Shields for Certain Hydrogen Igniters

The team reviewed both the system description for the combustible gas gentrol

system (System 83) and the System 83 design criteria (SQN-DC-V 26.1, Rev.1)

The team found that both documents have been The revised to reviewed

team also adequatelytheincorporate


references to the need for spray shields.

information upon which the design of the shields is based and found thatThe team

information was adequately referenced in the system design documents.Therefor

found the corrective action to ce adequate.


Report No. 86-55


Flow Rate Assumption Used in Calculation

(Closed) Observation 2.6

used the recommended vender

Observation 2.6 noted that calculation SQN-60-0053

pump head curve and runout condition to calculate design pressure of the

refueling water return line to the refueling water storage tank and observed

that a system resistance curve or other justification shouldThe beteam

the reviewed

easis for

the runout flow used in the calculation of design pressure.

the revised calculation which determined the system resistance Thecurve for the


refueling water transfer mode of operation for the RHR pump.One of the dominart

was found to be technically adequate. The


factors in the system resistance curve was the partial opening of a valve.

opening of this valve is administrative 1y controlled The teamforconsiders

purposes NRCof preventing

a too rapid drawdown of water inside containment.

Observation 2.6 to be closed, eut notes that changes in the acministrative

procedure controlling the extent of valve opening will affect t

the calculation.

linked (cross referenced) in lignt of this interdependency.

Drawing Control

(Closed) Observation 2.7

The team reviewed the TVA oroposed corrective actions (plannedTVA for plans

post- to

restart) for this ooservation and found them to be adequate. i

The TVA commitsvt (enclosure 3 to Reference 8), which nas been entered into

the Corporate Commitment Tracking System, was modified by a TVA letter dated

Octoeer 2, 1987, to reflect a later completion date.





. .

Diesel Breaker Trip

(Closed) Observation 5.7

This observation identified a race between load shedding and diesel creaker

closure in the diesel generator starting logic which was introduced by a

modification. TVA issued a significant condition report (SCR SQN-EEB 86206-40)

to address this concern.. The team was informed that TVA later determined snat

although a failure a breaker to operate during certain plant conditions (suen

as a blackout during a routine test of a diesel generator before it is

synchronized with the bus) may cause damage to an emergency diesel generator,

this kind of failure is covered by the single-failure criteria. In addition,

no two diesel generators are tested simultaneously; thurefore, the possibility

of a common mode failura for two redundant diesels does not exist. TVA

provided a revised response to this observation in a letter dated September 1,

1987 (Referance 16). TVA further noted that to ensure that the breakers are

maintained in an operable state, an operational test of the load shedding

features is performed every 18 months and a complete disassembly and inspection

are performed every five years.

TVA further added that the sequence of a safety injection with a delayed loss

of offsite power (blackout following a LOCA) is not among the diesel generator

loading cases being analyzed (March 12, 1987 letter to the NRC) because it does

not significantly contribute to the probability of core melt. The FSAR will be

updated in 1988 to eliminate this sequence as a design-basis event.

The NRC team accepts the TVA position that the failure of a breaker to operate

can be classified as a single failure and considers this observation closed.

(0 pen) Obst.rvation 6.12 Periodic Test of Component Cooling Water System

Surge Tank Baffle

An internal tank baffle plate within the component cooling water system (CCS)

surge tank provides independent water volumes for the redundant CCS pumps.

The team noted that the integrity of the baffle plate had not been confirmed

by CCS preoperational or periodic tests. TVA subsequently performed a leakage

test on the surge tanks in both units, and found no leakage from one tank and

minor leakage, possibly from external piping sources, from the other tank.

This iten rossins open, pending assessment of the need for a periodic surge

tank leakage test.

(0 pen) Observation 6.14 - Project ! valuation of SQEP-12, Question 3C

This observation concerned the narrow perspective from which OBVP engineers

appeared to be addressing failure modes and effects analysis of facility


Note 17 of SQEP 12, Appendix A design review checklist was modified to confirm

that electrical open circuit and short circuit failure modes within a panel

would not disable the electrical distribution system to the point that requirec

safety functions could not be performed. TVA evaluated the effect of imposec

voltagw sources within a panel on safety-related circuits (PIR SQN EEB 86171).

Several changes were made to the TVA separation design criteria document

(SQN-0C-V-12.2) for qualification of isolation devices and separation

of lighting and power outlet circuits as a result. However, during the SQEP-12

review process TVA did not consider the application of the maximum creciele

_ _ --_

_ _. .



, .

ac and de potential to safety-related circuits within equipment cabinets,

panels, and rocks. Such analyses are specified in Institute of Electrical

and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Trial Use Standard

The 379-1972,

team believes thatSection 5.1 anc

the process for

IEEE Standard 379-1977 section 6.1(5).

future plant modifications snould include an imposed voltage analysis as a

requirement. In addition, TVA should confirm the acceptability of relay

contact-to contact electrical isolation of Class 1E to non-Class 1E circuits.

(0 pen) Observation 6.15 - Periodic Functional Test and Reset Timers

During a previous inspection, the team identified that 0.5 second time

delay relays in four safety related pump circuits had not been subjected to

periodic calibration or system functional tests. TVA subsequently prepared

maintenance irstruction (MI) 13.1.3 for an out-of-circuit calibration of these

time-delay relays. The team reviewed the maintenance instruction and recent

calibration data for 11 tucn relays in each unit, noting the following:

(1) The required time delay accuracy was stated to be 25 percent. In the

procedure, this was converted to 24 percent which was equivalent to a

range of 489 to 520 milliseconds. However, the test equipment used for

the calibration had &n accuracy of 40 milliseconds, which corresponds to

28 percent of the relay range. This test equipment was not appropriate

for the specified accuracy of these calibrations.

(2) Of the 22 relays calibrcted, I was found to be inoperable and 12

The range of "as found" time

others were found to be out of tolerance.

delay values was 380 to 590 millisecunds.

(3) The calibration method required disconnecting and subsequently reconnecting

conductors to these relays. TVA does not plan to perform an "in-circuit"

tystem functional test.

The team remains concerned with item 3 in that portions of an init'iating


circuit, which need to function for certain accident sequences, are not tested

in either an integrated or, alternatively, overlapping fasnion.

Report No. 87-14

(Closed) Observation 2.8 - valve Seat Material Qualification

This observation concerned the environmental qualification of certain sof t

TVA has issued an addendum to the

seals used in containment isolation valves.

System Evaluation Report (SYSTEA) for System 31 whien states that the material

is satisfactory based on similar material test data

Furthermore, thefrom

seatthe Wattswill

material Barbe

Equipment Qualification Program.

specifically addressed and cualified for the environmental conditions under the '

Sequoyah Mechanical Equiceent Qualification Program, scheduled

This for completion

satisfactorily resolves

by the end of the Unit 2 second refueling outage.

and closes this observation.

(Closed) Observat, ion 3.10 Control of Field Skatenes ,


Observation 3.10 documented CEB's use of uncontrolled field sketchesOnin a f

calculation which CES prepared to qualify sampling tueing and supports.



- _ _



. .

March 5, 1987, CE8 issued CAQR SQP-870125 to develoc verified field sketenes

Observation 3.10 is

and update the calculation as required before restart.


(Closed) Observation 3.11 - Electrical Board Room Cooler Seismic Qualifi


Observation 3.11 indicated tnat CEB could not access On April the

17, seismic

1987, CEB Qualification


documents for the electrical board room cooler.

PIR SQN-MEB 8797 to retrieve a copy of the missing vendor report post-restart.

Observation 3.11 is closed.

(Closed) Observation 3.12 - Retrieval of Seismic Qualification Data

Observation 3.12 indicated that CES could not retrieve the flooding and

seismic calculations that qualified the restraint designs for two removable

block walls. TVA has notedTVA snat the block walls have been removed and are not

has issued CAQR SGP870170 to regenerate the

planned to be reinstalled.

calculations if the walls are replaced, and has prepared a quality information

request to ensure regeneration of the calculation prior to reinstallation of

the block walls, should TVA decide to reinstall the walls. Observation 3.12 is


(0 pen) Observation 3.13 - west Steam Valve Room Main Steam Line Break Evaluatio

Observation 3.13 indicated that CEB did not prepare the pipe rupture calcula-

tions for the valve room walls in accordance with the FSAR to and design

specify the criteria.

On June 4, 1987, CES issued Revision 1 to CAQR SGP870183

required corrective action post restart. Observation 3.13 remains open

pending further NRC review.

(Closed) Observation 3.15 - Zero Period Acceleration t. cads

The team reviewed the following calculations which CEB prepared to address the

additional effect of zero ceriod acceleration (ZPA) loads on the hanger bank

that contains pipe support ICCH-548:


(1) calculation "Pipe Support H10-621," Revision 0, dated June 18, 1987 (RI.S

No. 825-870619 801)

(2) calculation "Reactions at Attachment to Embedded Plate From Cable Tray

Support MK 28," Revision 0, dated June 15, 1987 (RIMS No. 825-870616-802)

(3) calculation " Attachment to Aux. Bldg. Embedded PL MK11, 48N1221. El

689'-0", 59'-0" A4, 29'-0"T," Revision 0, dated June 1,1987 (RIMS

' No. 825-870601-800)

(4) calculation "Attacnnnt to Aux. Bldg. Embedded PL HK13, 48N1221, El

689' 0", N5'-6" AS, W13'-2"T," Revision 0, dated June 1,1987 (RIMS

No. 825-870602 800)

(5) calculation "Reactions at Attaen, to Emcedded Plate From Cable Tray

Support MK128," Revision 0, cated June 15, 1987 (RIMS No. 325-870616-301)











(6) calculation "N2 CEB NRC-MISC. , Evaluation of IPA Ef fect on suoport

1CCH-544," Revision 0, dated July 20, 1987 (RIMS No. 825-870720 804)

(7) calculation "Attach. to Embed. Plate MK13C, Aux. Bldg. El 690, 51'-2"AS.

W13'-2"T," Revision 0, dated Septemoer 12, 1986 (RIMS Ho. 825 870602-801)

The team reviewed CEB's calculations to confirm that CEB used default, instead

of interim, general design criteria, and that coecuted forces, stresses, and

deflections were within the allowable limits specified in the long term


The team concurs with CEB's conclusion that the referenced calculations

adequately qualify the hanger bank which contains pipe support 1CCH-548 for

the additional ZPA forces.

The team notes that CEB's latest version of TPIPE incorporates ZPA loads. CEB

is using this version for all new piping analysis and reanalysis.

The NRC Office of Special Projects is currently reviewing TVA's handling of

ZPA loads under the employee concerns program.

(Closed) Observation 4.7 - Classification of Pre-Restart Items

The team had noted that two System 30A punchlist items, involving thermal

calculations for cables replaced for NUREG 0588 and main control room indica-

tion of vent fan operation, were listed as post-restart items. TVA responded

that the adequacy of cable ampacity would be resolved before restart and that

punchlist item 5943 had been recategorized as pre-restart. The vent fan

operation concern was identified for System 30A as cunenlist item 6521 and for

System 30 as punchlist item 6520. TVA responded that punchlist item 6521 was

outside the OBVP boundary for System 30A, and that punchlist*'A item 6520 nad been

did, not intend

closed and implemented. However, the team determined that

to provide a main control room indication of vent f an opers.:en, and had not

implemented any hardware design change. This TVA stateN nt was considered

misleading; however, the team had no technical disagreement with the licensee's


(Closed) Observation 5.9 - Punchlist Item Classification

The team reviewed the disposition of punchlist items involving the auxiliary

power systee, the ventilation system, and the component cooling water system.

Review of the punchlist itens which had dispositions that were Several

Questioned by


the inspectors was performed during this inspection eeriod.

were made by TVA for items listed in Observation 5.9. For those items that

did not change category, adequate documentation of the ration,,le for the

classification was presented to allcw closure of this item. l

(Closed) Observation 5.10 - Design verification of Orawing Changes

The team noted a number of instances in which equipment ratings or settings

determined from plant walkdowns differed from values shown on the design i

drawings. As a result, the team raised a concern about the apparent lack of

design verification of technical characteristics by TVA before the design

drawings were changed. The TVA response indicated that DNE reviews each l



-_ . - . _ .__



. .

drawing deviation for adverse impact on plant safety, and prepares a CAQR

or ECM where necessary to change the plant configuration or to revise other

plant documents. In addition, ONE is involved in the resolution of any

additional deviations identified by Modifications Engineering. The TVA

response also discussed and dispositioned eachbasic,

On this specific


item hasitem


identified in the team's coservation.


(Closed) Observation 5.11 SYS?ER Consistency

The teaa identified several errors and inconsistencies in the auxiliary power

and component cooling water system SYSTERs. The TVA response stated that

ECN L-529d had been readdressed in the responses to SQEP-12, Attachment 2

fore, Questions 5.a and 5.3 for voltage drop and cable thermal capacity,

respectively. The removal of the electrical interlock for component cooling

water pump C-5 breakers (ECN L 6310) has been augmented with precaution

statements added as Caution Order 1461 and by a change to procedure 501 70.1,

which provide administrative control over the operation of the transfer switch.

7797, 8220, 8221, anc 8518

The post-restart categoritation of punchlist itemsBased on these TVA actions, this ites

have been changed to be pre-restart.

has been closed.

(0 pen) Observation 6.16 - HVAC Flow Switch Calibration Data Records and System 30


Surveillance Instruction Procedures

The team had noted that the calibration records for HVAC flow switches

2-FS30-200 and 207 had inconsistencies, and that these switches had not oeen

In addition, no system level surveil-

calibrated over the 1982-1985 period.

lance instruction existed to the test the various control logic interlocks

developed by these sensors.

During thit. inspection, the team reviewed TVA's response to the eslibration

data inconsistencies and found the additional information to be satisfactory.

Thus, the calibration data record portion of this observation is closed.

In Section of the Sequoyah FSAR, TVA stated that the electrical

components, switchovers, and starting controls of tne diesel generator building


heating and ventilating systems are tested initially and periodically.

tests have not been conducted in the past, and a TVA CAQR SQT-871016

Operability /Reportability Assessment Sheet (AI 12) stated that operations

personnel verify that, in accordance with SQI-82, the appropriate fans are

running when the diesels are started. This assessment concluded that this

surveillance provides assurance that the HVAC system is operating properly.

The team does not agree that this conclusion is correct; rather, such surveil-

lance demonstrates only tnat a particular fan is running, and does not provice

any information regarcing starting controls or train to-train switchover

interlocks. The team celieves that a surveillance instruction procedure is

needed for the HVAC system to provice assurance of its operational capability

and also to comply witn tne existing FSAR commitment.



__ __ - _ --- - -





. .



(0 pen) Observation 6.17

Diesel Generator Building Ventilating Fans Control

L.ogic and Surveillance Instruction Procedure

The team identified inconsistencies in the drawings for the diesel generator

building ventilation fans. The team was informed that TVA conducted a series

of tests that confirmed the correct operation of the system in accordance with

the electrical wiring diagrams. These tests also confirmed the existence of

drawing errors in the mechanical control drawing and control logic diagrams.

TVA indicated that the control room drawings would be corrected before


TVA further stated that CAQR SQT 871016 had been initiated to resolve the

discrepancy of periodic test of the HVAC system controls and electrical

components; however, upon further investigation, the team learned that TVA did

not intend to prepare a surveillance instruction (SI), but rather intended to

eliminate the FSAR commitment for periodic test. TVA also changed the CAQR

corrective action to be post-restart.

(0 pen) Observation 6.18 - Centrifugal Charging Pump Auxiliary oil Pump t.ow

' low Sypass Switch

The team was concerned about the administrative control of a manual bypass added to the 6.9 kV shutdown board to permit starting of a centrifugal

charging pump (CCP) without requiring the operability of the auxiliary oil

pump. In the unreviewed safety question determination (USQO) for this design

change (ECN L-60308), Westinghouse personnel were said to have stated that the

CCP could be started several times without having the auxiliary oil pump

operable. During the inspection TVA personnel indicated that neither Pacific

Pump nor Westinghouse had provided any additional documentation that would

support the basis stated in the USQO.

TVA responded to this concern by stating that the aedition of the. manual bypass

did not create a new operating condition. However, this statement appears to

overlook the increased probability that the CCP will be inadvertently started


one or more times without initial oil lubrication

Hence, because

this item remains CCPs

open, arereceipt

pending started so

often during normal operation.

by TVA of documentation from Westinghouse Thisoristhe pump vendor to

a confirmatory support the


USQO statement for this design change.

' 6.19 - 480-volt Board Room Air Hand',ing Unit Control Logic

(Closed) Observatten

The team had identified a number of air handling unit fans that could be

disabled by a high-temperature cutout switch set at either 85'F or 100*F,

Should the temperature switches disable the ventilation fans at the time of i

need, this action could cause the loss of other safety-related equipment.

TVA has subsequently stated that the high-temperature cutout switches .ould

be disabled before plant restart (Reference 15). The team agrees with tnis

commitment; hence, this item is closed.

(0 pen) Observation 6.20 - Preliminary OBVP Report

The team noted that a numoer of DBVP draft report evaluations were made fr:m a

j very narrow perspective ey stating the particular instances were "random  ;

events" or "isolated situations." For example, the numoer of similar items

- . - .




The team

labeled as randos varied from 3 to 41 individual situations.

situation characterizations were

questi;ned whether these random or isola' ,aluated by the OSvP.

valid, based or the number of situations

The response provided in TVA's July 16, 1987 letter (Reference 15) did not

seem to be totally responsive to the team's concern because it dealt mostly

with the HVAC system. In the area of inadequate testing, TVA changed the

The team

designation to "extensive," which appeared to be more appropriate.

had remaining questions regarding both the ele:trical and mechanical disci-

pline's extensive use of the random or isolated characterization for individual









_ _



, .





Table C.1 provides a matrix of meeting attendance and lists principal persons

rentacted for the settings conducted at Cedar Bluffs, Tennessee and at Sequoyah

Nuclear Plant site in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee. Other licensee personnel were

also contacted. The following paragraphs summarize the general purpose of

these meetings.

Meeting 1: On June 29, 1987, the NRC held an entrance meeting at the TVA

offices in Cedar Bluffs, Tennessee. The OBVP System Engineers and EA Oversight

The NRC reviewed the inspection team's

Review Teams are located at Cedar Bluffs.

plans to inspect TVA OBVP findings and corrective actions, to evaluate TVA's

Engineering Assurance oversight of the OBVP, and to assess the adequacy of

TVA's corrective actions for previous inspection findings.

Meeting 2: On July 2, 1987, a meeting was held at Cedar Bluffs to discuss the

interim status and the results of the inspection as of this date.

Meeting 3: On July 20, 1987, a meeting was held at the Sequoyah site to

review plans for the onsite inspection. The EA Oversight Review Team also

provided tav NRC a summary of its findings during EA's rtview of corrective

actions for the DBVP.

Meeting 4: On July 24, 1987, the NRC held an exit meeting at the plant site to

summarize the results of the inspection team's efforts.

. - - .-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - . .





Table C.1 - MEETINGS

Title Meeting Attended

Name Oraanization 1 2 3 4 1

Team Leader X x x x

REArchitzel USNRC-IE

USNRC-IE NRC-Electric Power X X

SVAthavale Resident Insp., SQN X X X X  :



NRC-Consultant NRC-Mech. Components

Adu8ouchet NRC-Mech. Systems X X X x

FJMollerus NRC-Consultant X X X X

AIUnsal NRC-Consultant NRC-Civil / Structural


LStaniey NRC-Consultant NRC-Instr./ Controls


HE8ibb NRC-RI! SRI St. Lucie

NRC-Consultant Nuclear Engineer X X

JNevshomal X X X X

APCappozzi TVA-ONE Manager - EA

EA Oversight Adv. X X X X

MPBerardi TVA-EA

RPSvarney TVA-EA Civil /Struct. Engr. X


JFCox TVA-ONE Asst. Proj. Eng. X


TVA-ONP Licensing-Sequoyah X

BHall X X X i

Team Leader EA ORT

JvonWeisenstein TVA-ONE

EWSteinhauser TVA-ONE

Hech. Disc. Eval. S. X X


TVA-ONP Comp. Lisc. Mgr.

G8Xirk X

MTTormey TVA-ONE-S&W Advisor


Senior Civil /Struct. Eng. X

DSvassallo Elec. Engr. X X

JW$emore TVA-ONE X X X



HLJones X

PR8 evil TVA-EA QA Specialist X

J8Hosmer TVA-ONP Plant Enoineer X


Plant Engineer

RCParker X


HRRogers X X X

WR8 rock TVA-DNE Nuclear OES


RJames TVA-ONE Civil DES


PBNesbitt TVA-ONE Electrical OES

JCStandifer TVA-DNE Staff X






DLXitchel Nuclear Eng. X X

RT Holliday ONSL-KLS X

TVA-ONE Design Basis Mgr.

TCPrice X

PKGuha TVA-DNE Asst. Br. Ch. - EEB X


JAGraziano TVA-EA Lead Civil OBVP


TVA EA Lead Mech. 08VP

RTucker X X

l TVA-EA Lead Nuclear OBVP

CHGabbard Nuclear Eng. X



CCarey X

TVA-EA Ops. Eng.

RCSaver X


WCrosslin OBVP Plant Mgr. X




Site Representative

! PH8ucholz Deputy Site Dir. x.




HAAbercrombie TVA-ONP

Site Director


Asst, to Plant Mgr. X

AMQualk Asst. Mod. Mgr. X

JRobinson TVA-ONP x


Sr. Mech. Eng.


JRFair Chief - Eng. Sr. x

RAHerman NRC-0SP x

I Site QA Mgr.

LEMartin TVA-0NQA x



NCXazanas TVA-ONQA Oirector - Nuc. QA





(1) Inspection Report 50-327/86-27 and 50-328/86-27, forwarded by J. Taylor

letter dated April 22, 1986.

(2) Inspection Report 50 327/86-38 and 50-328/86-38, forwarded by J. Taylor

letter dated September 15, 1986.

(3) Inspection Report 50-327/66-45 and 50-328/86-45, forwarded by J. Taylor

letter dated October 31, 1986.

(4) Letter Requesting Additional Information Relating to Inspection Report

50-327/86-27 and 50-328/86-27, J. Taylor, NRC IE to 0. C. Mason dated

October 30, 1986.

(5) TVA Response to Inspection Report 86-27 (Gridley to Grace), dated July 28,


(6) TVA revised response to Inspection Report 86-27 (Oomer to Grace), dated

December 31, 1986.

(7) TVA response to Inspection Reports 86-38 and 86-45 (Domer to Taylor),

dated February 3, 1987.

(8) TVA response to Inspection Report 86-55 and other Inspection Items

remaining open (Gridley to Ebneter), dated April 22, 1987.

(9) Inspection Report 50-327, 328/86-55, forwarded by J. Taylor letter dated

February 3, 1987.

(10) Inspection Report 50-327, 328/87-06, forwarded by S. Ebneter letter dated

April 8, 1987.

(11) TVA Additional Information in Response to Inspection Report 86-27,

(0omer to Taylor), dated January 30, 1987.

(12) Engineering Assurance Oversight Review Report, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant-

Unit 2 Design Baseline and Verification Program," EA-0R-001, issued

April 29, 1987.

(13) Sequoyah Nuclear Plant - Design Baseline and Verification Program Unit 2

Phase 1 Report, dated May 29, 1987.

(14) Inspection Report 50-327, 328/87-14, forwarded by S. Ebneter letter dated

June 4, 1987.

50-327, 328/87-14 (Gridley to NRC),

(15) TVA response to Inspection Report

dated July 16, 1987.


(16) TVA revised response (Observation 5.7) to Inspection Report 50-327,

328/87-14 (Gridley to NRC), dated September 1, 1987.

(17) TVA letter relating to control and processing of changes to the punch

list (Gridley to NRC), dated August 20, 1987.


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