MONTHYEARML16342A9051999-09-22022 September 1999 Summary of 990909 Meeting with Pg&E,Tu,Uec & WCNOC Re Licensee Lessons Learned from Joint Effort to Convert Current TS to Improved TS for Listed Facilities.List of Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Licensees Encl ML20206C8331999-04-26026 April 1999 Summary of 980929 Meeting with Texas Utilities Electric Co Re Licensing Submittals Requesting Exemption to App K & Topical Rept Submitted in Support of Exemption Request .List of Attendees Encl ML16342A5701998-11-0606 November 1998 Summary of 981013-14 Meeting with Listed Attendees to Discuss Licensee Responses to Staff RAI on Licensee Application for Conversion of Current TSs to Improved TSs for Listed Facilities.Nrc Staff Handouts Encl ML16342A5551998-10-16016 October 1998 Summary of 980915-18 Meeting with Listed Participants to to Discuss Staff RAIs on Licensee Application for Conversion of Current TSs to Improved TS for Listed Facilities.List of Attendees Encl ML16342A7091998-08-28028 August 1998 Summary of 980811-14 Meeting with Utils Re Requests for Addl Info from NRC Staff on Licensees Application for Conversion of Current Plant TSs to Improved Tss.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided by NRC Encl ML20236X4431998-08-0505 August 1998 Summary of 980814 Meeting W/Util Re Use of Caldon Leading Edge Flow Meter for App K Exemption & Power Uprate License Amend on 980714.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML17083C7091998-08-0303 August 1998 Summary of 980722-24 Workshop Meeting W/Util in Region 4 Ofc Re Operator Licensing Initial Exam & Other Current Issues. Attendance List & Handouts Encl ML20198H4361997-12-24024 December 1997 Summary of 971112 Meeting W/Util at NRC Ofcs to Discuss 970228 Responses to 960522 Cable Functionality Safety Evaluation.Licensee Briefly Described Revised Response to Open Item Re Fire Stops.List of Attendees Encl ML20141H9291997-07-30030 July 1997 Summary of 970717-18 Meeting W/Tue Representatives in Glen Rose,Texas Re Licensee Proposed risk-informed Inservice Testing Program.List of Attendees Encl ML17083C6531997-07-11011 July 1997 Summary of 970529 & 30 Meetings W/Util in Arlington,Tx Re Exam Development to Meet Agency Expectations of Facility licensee-developed Initial Licensing Exam.List of Attendees, Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML16343A4681997-01-15015 January 1997 Summary of 961114 Meeting W/Tue,Ue,Wcnoc & PG&E Re Joint TS Conversion Status & Schedule.List of Attendees Encl ML18065B0401996-11-0505 November 1996 Summary of 961016 Meeting W/Utils in Rockville,Md Re 10CFR50.46 Large Break loss-of-coolant Accident Evaluation Model Error & Changes.W/List of Attendees & Handouts ML20129B5921996-10-16016 October 1996 Summary of 961016 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re License Amend Request 96-005,inverters & Battery Chargers Mod ML16342D4311996-09-16016 September 1996 Summary of 960823 Meeting W/Tu Electric,Ue,Wcnoc & PG&E in Rockville,Md Re Joint TS Conversion Process & Schedule.List of Attendees & Draft Application Guidance Encl ML16342D2351996-03-0404 March 1996 Summary of 951214 Meeting W/Utils in Rockville,Md Re Joint TS Conversion Process & Schedule.List of Attendees & Matl Used in Presentation Encl ML16342D1431995-12-13013 December 1995 Summary of 951114 Meeting W/Utils Re Planned Joint Standard TS Conversions for Dcnpp,Cpses,Cp & Wcgs.W/List of Attendees & Viewgraphs ML16342D0531995-09-15015 September 1995 Summary of 950907 Meeting W/Utils in Arlington,Tx Re Pilot Exam Development Program.Attendance List,Meeting Agenda & Handouts,Encl ML16342C7511994-11-22022 November 1994 Summary of 941110 Meeting W/Utils Re Training & Operator Licensing Issues.List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Handouts Encl ML16342C5861994-06-10010 June 1994 Summary of 940517 Meeting W/Utils in Region IV Office Re Discussion of motor-operated Valve Issues W/Region IV Licensees.W/Encls ML20058J0961993-11-29029 November 1993 Summary of 930920 Meeting W/Util Re Results of Thermo-Lag Tests for Facility Fire Barrier Configurations ML20058F4501993-11-26026 November 1993 Summary of 931006 Meeting Re Possible Implementation of Improved Standard Ts.List of Attendees Encl ML20059K3131993-11-0505 November 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-42 on 931103 ML20079R4171993-08-16016 August 1993 Trip Rept of 930718-22 Visit to Omega Point Lab,San Antonio, Tx Re Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Program for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Unit 1 ML20057E4861993-08-0606 August 1993 Trip Repts of NRC Observation of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimen Const by Util for Qualification of Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers Installed in Facility & NUMARC for Generic Qualification of Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers in Industry ML20056D9841993-05-18018 May 1993 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-17 on 930512 ML20035A9901993-03-25025 March 1993 Summary of 930209 Meeting W/Util Re Plant Fire Protection Issues as Discussed in Sser 26.List of Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl ML20128K0041993-02-11011 February 1993 Summary of 930107 Meeting W/Utils in Rockville,Md to Provide Forum for Licensees to Present Staff W/Info Re Design, Operational & Testing Experience & Justification for long- Term Operability of Alternate Min Flow Path ML20126M2191993-01-0606 January 1993 Summary of 921217 Meeting W/Util Re Findings from Fire Protection Insp on 921116 & Related Fire Protection Issues. List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20128D1731992-12-0202 December 1992 Summary of 921027 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fire Barrier Acceptance Criteria ML20034D5811992-11-25025 November 1992 Trip Rept of 921116 Visit to Omega Point Labs to Witness Fire Endurance Test of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier for Licensee ML20034D5831992-11-13013 November 1992 Trip Rept of 921103-06 Visit to Omega Point Labs Re Fire Endurance Tests of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers for Licensee ML20034D5891992-06-0808 June 1992 Trip Rept of 920506-08 Visit to Omega Point Labs to Observe Const of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimens to Be Tested by Licensee Against 1 H Fire Endurance Criteria ML20079Q9161992-06-0808 June 1992 Trip Rept of 920506-08 Visit to Omega Point Labs,San Antonio,Tx Re Construction of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimens to Be Tested by TU Electric Against 1 H Fire Endurance Criteria ML20126J7941992-01-0404 January 1992 Summary of Meeting W/Util Re Pressurizer Surge Line leak- before-break Analysis ML20058N9711990-08-0909 August 1990 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 90-20 on 900808 ML20043A2841990-05-16016 May 1990 Summary of 900509 Meeting W/Util at Site Re Problems W/ Valves in Auxiliary Feedwater & Main Feedwater Sys.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20043A6411990-05-16016 May 1990 Summary of 900131 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Facility Markups to Final Draft Tech Specs.Proposed Agenda,List of Attendees & marked-up Tech Specs Encl ML20043A1611990-05-15015 May 1990 Summary of 900507 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Plans for Future Updates of Figures & Tables in Fsar.List of Attendees & Slides Used in Presentation Also Encl ML20012E7971990-03-23023 March 1990 Summary of 900321 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Util Briefing on Cygna Independent Assessment Program,Comanche Peak Response Team & Corrective Action Program.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20012C4011990-03-15015 March 1990 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 90-07 on 900314.List of Attendees Encl ML19325E8981989-11-0101 November 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-38 on 891101 to Brief Senior Managers from Nrr,Aeod,Res,Region Ofc & Commission on Selected Events That Occurred Since 891018 Meeting.List of Attendees Encl ML20245L2621989-08-0909 August 1989 Summary of 890801 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util Proposed Responses to NRC 890711 Request for Addl Info on Plant Operations QA Program.W/Related Info,Including Request for Addl Info,Draft Responses to Questions & Attendee List ML20247K8451989-07-20020 July 1989 Summary of 890710 Meeting W/Licensee in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Options Re Evacuation of Site Personnel During Upcoming Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20247D3441989-05-16016 May 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-19 on 890510.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Rept of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Scrams for Wk Ending 890507 Encl ML20246C3261989-05-0404 May 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-18 on 890503 ML20248K5931989-04-11011 April 1989 Summary of 890406 Meeting W/Util Re Proposed Changes to Unit 1 Initial Startup Testing Program.List of Attendees & Slides Used in Util Presentation Encl ML20235G0491989-02-10010 February 1989 Summary of 890123 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Revs 9 & 10 to Emergency Plan.Resolutions Proposed for 13 Planning Items ML20205T6041988-11-0707 November 1988 Summary of 880929 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Plant Sys Branch FSAR Review.Problem Areas Include Reliability of Station Svc Water Sys & Util Relief Request from broad-scope Rule Amend GDC 4 Concerning Pressurizer Surge Line.W/Agenda ML20206E9051988-10-31031 October 1988 Summary of 881005-06 Meetings W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Changes to Tech Specs.Related Info,Including Meeting Notice W/Agenda,List of Attendees & Annotated Summary of All Unreviewed Generic Changes Encl ML20205N7911988-10-31031 October 1988 Summary of 881019 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Unit 1 Tech Specs.Meeting Notice,Corrected Agenda & List of Attendees Encl 1999-09-22
[Table view] Category:TRIP REPORTS
MONTHYEARML20079R4171993-08-16016 August 1993 Trip Rept of 930718-22 Visit to Omega Point Lab,San Antonio, Tx Re Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Program for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Unit 1 ML20057E4861993-08-0606 August 1993 Trip Repts of NRC Observation of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimen Const by Util for Qualification of Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers Installed in Facility & NUMARC for Generic Qualification of Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers in Industry ML20034D5811992-11-25025 November 1992 Trip Rept of 921116 Visit to Omega Point Labs to Witness Fire Endurance Test of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier for Licensee ML20034D5831992-11-13013 November 1992 Trip Rept of 921103-06 Visit to Omega Point Labs Re Fire Endurance Tests of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers for Licensee ML20034D5891992-06-0808 June 1992 Trip Rept of 920506-08 Visit to Omega Point Labs to Observe Const of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimens to Be Tested by Licensee Against 1 H Fire Endurance Criteria ML20079Q9161992-06-0808 June 1992 Trip Rept of 920506-08 Visit to Omega Point Labs,San Antonio,Tx Re Construction of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Test Specimens to Be Tested by TU Electric Against 1 H Fire Endurance Criteria ML20236Q4351987-11-0606 November 1987 Trip Rept of 871007 Visit to Corporate Consulting & Development Co,Ltd,In Raleigh,Nc Re Static Tests of HVAC Ductwork ML20235F9851987-07-0101 July 1987 Trip Rept of 870623 Visit to Culver City,Ca Re Testing of Conduit Clamps at Anco Engineers,Inc.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML20209J3181986-09-0303 September 1986 Trip Rept of Attendance at 860821 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Util Plans for Plant Issues.Summaries of Observations Listed ML20210S4371986-05-21021 May 1986 Trip Rept of 860505-07 Site Visit to Attend Civil/Structural Issues Audit Meetings.Audit Attendee List & Agenda Encl ML20140H4751986-04-0101 April 1986 Trip Rept of 851120-22 Site Audit of S&W Implementation of Project Procedure CPPP-8 for Piping & Pipe Supports.No Items of Noncompliance or Deviations Noted ML20205K8111986-03-0606 March 1986 Trip Rept of 860219 Site Visit to Examine Problems Re Improperly Installed Cable Splices Used for Bunker-Remo Electrical Penetration Connections to Field Wiring.List of Attendees Encl IA-86-270, Trip Rept of 860219 Site Visit to Examine Problems Re Improperly Installed Cable Splices Used for Bunker-Remo Electrical Penetration Connections to Field Wiring.List of Attendees Encl1986-03-0606 March 1986 Trip Rept of 860219 Site Visit to Examine Problems Re Improperly Installed Cable Splices Used for Bunker-Remo Electrical Penetration Connections to Field Wiring.List of Attendees Encl ML20205J5411986-02-18018 February 1986 Trip Rept of 851021-24 Site Visit Re QA Program Procedures. Listed Personnel Contacted at Site.Results of Discussions Documented in 860115 Memo ML20153E3411986-02-18018 February 1986 Trip Rept of 851021-24 Site Visit Re QA Program Procedures. Results of Discussions Factored Into 860115 Memo ML20137U7271986-01-29029 January 1986 Trip Rept 2201 of 860121 Visit to Robert L Cloud & Assoc,In Berkeley,Ca Re Participation in Facility Cable Tray Verification Program.Company Will Audit Cable Tray Tests Performed by Ebasco,Impell Corp & Anco ML20137U7791986-01-22022 January 1986 Trip Rept 2202 of 860122 Visit to Impell Corp in Walnut Creek,Ca Re Applicability of Slenderness Ratio Limit to Facility Cable Tray Hangers & Impell Design Criteria & Procedures.Viewgraphs Encl ML20210C0771986-01-17017 January 1986 Trip Rept 2200 of 860117 Site Visit Re HVAC Hanger Program Audit.Status of Licensee Steam Electric Station Seismic Qualification Rept of Seismic Category 1 Duct Work & Hangers Changed from Approved to Not Approved on 860121 ML20210B9781986-01-16016 January 1986 Trip Rept of 851202-03 Visit to Tera Ofcs in Bethesda,Md to Audit Documentation Supporting Initial Level of Homogeneity for Design Activities Review Procedure DAP-21 That Will Be Implemented to Validate Homogeneity ML20141C9661985-12-18018 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851009-10,15-17 & 28-31 Site Visits Re Methodology Used by Applicant/Contractor in Establishing Equipment Populations & Equipment/Work Processes Homogeneity ML20197E2451985-12-18018 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851125 Visit to S&W Engineering Corp Re Audit of Nonseismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping. Further Audit of Anchor Designs Required.List of Attendees & Related Info Encl ML20141K3731985-12-0505 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851126 Audit Discussions Per Slenderness Ratio Limitations for Hanger Type Supports.Ebasco Svcs,Inc Considering Adoption of Revised Procedure.Slenderness Ratios Should Be Used Only Where Uncertainties Exist ML20141K4031985-12-0202 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851118-22 Audit of Cable Tray Hanger Walkdown. Supports Walked Down & Noted Discrepancies Listed ML20141K3761985-12-0202 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851011 Audit W/Util,Tera & Comanche Peak Response Team.List of Attendees Encl.Meeting Between Tera & BNL Consultants Will Be Held to Discuss Steam Generator Lateral Restraints ML20141K3941985-12-0202 December 1985 Trip Rept of 851113-14 Visit to Corporate Consulting & Development Co,Ltd to Audit Ongoing Tests of Electrical Conduit Clamps ML20141K4841985-11-22022 November 1985 Trip Rept of 851025 Audit at S&W Ofcs in New York,Ny Re Piping & Pipe Support Effort.List of Attendees Encl ML20137G6351985-11-21021 November 1985 Draft Trip Rept 2178 of 851029-31 Site Visit Re Item Vii.C, Const Reinsp/Documentation Review Plan ML20138P7841985-10-24024 October 1985 Trip Rept of 850827-29 Site Visit W/Util & Contractors Re Witnessing of Unit 1 Cable Tray Supports Walkdown in Progress & Collection of Info Concerning New Allegations ML20141K2381985-10-22022 October 1985 Trip Rept of 851014-18 Site Visit Re Status of Comanche Peak Response Team Verification & Corrective Action Activities by S&W,Ebasco & Tera,Qa/Qc Const Verification Effort & Action Plan Implementation ML20141K1991985-10-22022 October 1985 Trip Rept of 851008 Visit to Gibbs & Hill Ofc in New York,Ny Re Audit of Adlpipe Computer Code Used in Piping Analysis. Allegation AP-26 Questioning Validity of Code Verification & QA Maint Unsubstantiated.Agenda Encl ML20141K2111985-10-11011 October 1985 Trip Rept of 851008 Visit to Gibbs & Hill Ofc Re Followup on Allegation A-26 That Adlpipe Computer Program Not Validated. Attendance List Encl ML20141K4371985-10-11011 October 1985 Trip Rept of 850923-26 Audit of S&W as-built Verification Walkdown.Contingent Upon Acceptable Resolution Re Piping Run Geometry & Clearances,S&W Walkdown Well Documented & Easily Verifiable ML20141K4671985-10-11011 October 1985 Trip Rept of 850923-26 Site Visit W/Teledyne Engineering Svcs Re Audit of S&W as-built Verification Walkdown ML20141K1261985-09-10010 September 1985 Trip Rept of 850829-30 Visit W/Util & Teledyne at S&W Ofcs in New York,Ny Re Status of S&W Effort Concerning Design Adequacy Program for Plant Piping & Pipe Supports.Lists of Attendees,Agenda & Util Action Plan Encl ML20213F3641985-03-0505 March 1985 Trip Rept of 850208 Site Visit to Inspect Unused Holes in Cable Tray Support Flanges,To Locate Cantilevered Horizontal Plate Attached to Containment Liner Plate & to Inspect & Gather Info on Elastic Joint Filler ML20141K4301985-02-0707 February 1985 Trip Rept of 850126 Site Visit Re Observation of Schmidt Hammer Tests,Seismic Air Space Between Structures & Insp of Portion of Exposed Ceiling in Control Room.List of Attendees & Comments Encl ML20199G3181985-01-15015 January 1985 Trip Rept of 841114-16 Site Visit Re Meetings W/Qa/Qc Inspectors to Emphasize That All Safety Issues Must Be Resolved Before Units Can Be Licensed ML20136F1281984-08-0707 August 1984 Trip Rept of 840724 Site Visit Re Radiation Protection Facilities.Attendee List Encl ML20138M9741983-12-20020 December 1983 Trip Rept of 831129-30 Site Visit Statistical Analysis of Backfit Insp Program ML20054N0431982-07-0707 July 1982 Trip Rept of Caseload Forecast Panel 820413-15 Meeting W/Util at Site Re Collection of Data for Assessing Projected Fuel Load Date ML20037D2581981-05-14014 May 1981 Summary of 810506 Site Visit Re Component & Piping Arrangements for Auxiliary Feedwater Sys ML20080D4611978-06-0909 June 1978 Trip Rept of 780418-19 Site Visit Re in-progress Const Activity Observation,Const & Startup Schedules & Estimated Fuel Load Date 1993-08-06
[Table view] |
October 11, 1985 NOTE TO:
R. Masterson, CPSES TRT
VISIT TO GIBBS & HILL TO FOLLOW-UP DN ALLEGATION AP-26 M/P CATEGORY 35 SSER fl0 On October 8,1985 the NRC CPSES TRT visited Gibbs & Hill Inc.'s office for the purpose of following up allegation AP-26 which stated that the ADLPIPE computer program was not validated. An agenda (attached) was established and followed during the meeting. Below, in summary, is a result of the follow-up visit.
Gibbs & Hill (G&H) procedure EDP-10 Revision 3, March 31,1983 was reviewed and found to be acceptable. G&H procedure manual procedure DC-8 Revision 6, Item 3.2 established the use of EDP-10.
EDP-10 provides requirements for engineering responsibilities, Class A (ADLPIPE) computer usage, verification and checking of computer programs, maintenance of the computer library, production use, modification and 3
revision verification, error detection and docunent control.
G&H representatives for engineering, computer programs and library, and quality assurance provided the TRT a detailed overview and interface for i
their respective departments.
The TRT reviewed evidence of benchmark problems to verify ADL' PIPE and found the results acceptable.
The TRT reviewed the ADLPIPE users manual which described the application of all three options provided by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.92 for evaluation of modal responses.
G&H provided objective evidence of forms and procedures which controlled the use of revised versions of ADLPIPE and engineering evaluation and
. conclusions for revisions or errors documented by in house engineers or
-the vendor.
The TRT observed objective evidence of the discovery, evaluation and corrective action of errors affecting ADLPIPE. The TRT was advised that no error related to ADLPIPE has required corrective action for the Comanche Peak Project.
G&H provided results of in-house audits performed by the QA Dept. which documented compliance with EDP-10.
The TRT did not have.any findings that would result in a notice of violation or open item, however, two observations were noted.
8601220360 851022 ~
i PDR ADOCK 05000445 1
S. Hou Observation il The QA department was not required to document and sign off on the initial verification and/or subsequently released versions of ADLPIPE. They did, however, perform scheduled audits to verify the correct implementation of EDP-10.
Observation 62 G&H could not find the ADLPIPE analysis with which they verified their initial version of ADLPIPE (Version IC). However, subsequent versions had evidence of 4
confirmatory analysis with ADLPIPE, SAP, hand calculations, and NRC NUREG/CR-1677.
R. Masterson Comanche Peak TRT cc:
D. Terao V. Ferrarini A. Vietti-Cook 4
e l
i i
EC Audit of Piping Analysis Computer Code 10/8/85 Attendance List NRC Staff & Consultant S. Hou R C/CPSES TRT R. Masterson EAS/TRT Consultant Personnel Interviewed John Marshall TUGC0/ Nuclear Licensing Robert E. Ballard G & H/ Director of CPSES Project Martir. S. Miller G & H/QA Supervisor Claudine I Corban G & H/Appli.:4 Mechanics Specialist Edmond Bond G & H/ Manager of Computer Department Bernard Fried G & H/ Programer, Computer Department i