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Notifies of ACRS Subcommittee on Midland Plant 700914 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Containment Design Pressure Change,Tertiary Steam Sys & Teriary Steam Generator Design.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland, 05000000
Issue date: 08/28/1970
From: Mckinley J
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML19255C661 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-602 NUDOCS 8510080337
Download: ML20140G978 (4)



August 28, 1970 ACRS Members AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 SUBCoteGTTEE ISETING W TNE MIDLAND PLANT The iseeting will be held at 1717 E Street N. W., Washington, D. C.

in the first floor conference room. The tentative schedule for Monday, September 14, 1970 is:

8:30 AM -- Executive Session 9:00 AM -- Meeting with the Regulatory Staff 10:00 AM -- Meeting with Consuseers Power Company 12:00 Woon -- Lunch 1:00 PM -- Continue meeting with Consumers Power Company 3:30 PM -- Caucus 4:30 PM -- Adjourn Topics to be discussed include:

1. Need and bases for change in containment design pressuta
2. Applicant's plans,-bases, and monitoring techniques for the tertiatry steam system
3. Potential licensing needs for Dow Chemical to receive tertiary steam
4. Purity of tertiary steam
5. Design of tertiary steam generators Items may be added to er deleted from the above list at the discretton of the Subconssittee Chairman.

Original Signed by J. C. McKinley J. C. McKinley Staff Assistant cc: F. Morris R. Boyd D. h 11er J. Murphy M. Man fy/h = 00'bO -~

i 8510080337 850930 PDR FOIA

  • )./o BRUNNER850602 PDR 1





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JCM:bjh September 16, 1970 i.

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Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Status:

Construction Permit letter written; design modifications; supplemental letter requested


June 18, 1970 - ACRS construction permit letter July 14, 1970 - Amendment No.14 (Increase in containment design pressure)

August 10, 1970 - DRL report on Amendment No.14 August 15, 1970 - Amendment No. 15 (Addition of reboiler system to provide process steam)

September 4,1970 - Amenenent No.16 (Additional in-formation on reboiler system)

September 11, 1970 - DRAFT DRL report on reboiler system (Amendments No's 15 and 16).

September 14, 1970 - Amendment No.17 (Additional in-lormation on reboiler system)


September 14, 1970 - subcomunittee meeting Following issuance of the Committee's construction permit letter the l

spplicant revised his estimates of containment free volume and internal surface area; these changes resulted in higher calculated peak accident pressures and the applicant proposed to change the containment design I

pressure from 62.5 psig to 67 psig. This change would accommodate the increased calculated peak pressure and provide in excess of 10% margin.

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DRL concludes that the proposed increase in the containment design l

pressure is acceptable; an ACRS letter is requested.

Subsequent to the Canonittee's construction permit letter, the applicant proposed a modification to the steam system design to further reduce the possibility of exporting radioactive process steam to Dow Chemical company. The conceptual design (Amendments 15, 16, & 17) includes re-boilers located on Consumers Power Company property which will be used to generate process steam for export to Dow. The applicant's intent is to provide a physical barrier betwaen the secondary steam and the process steam. He proposes that the activity in the process steam be limited to less than the background values of Lake Euron water.

i DEL concludes that the proposed design criteria are satisfactory and J..).

.Tequests an ACRS letter.

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Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 - The Committee reviewed proposed changes (1) Increase the centainmen.t design pressure from 60 psig to 67 to:

psig, and (2) install tertiary heat exchangers in the Midland Plant.

A report was provided the Commission. Items discussed included:

Export Steam - The applicant now proposes to 'use the steam from a.

the secondary side of the main steam generators in a system of shell and tube reboilers to generate tertiary steam for export to Dow. He expects that the tertiary steam delivered to Dow will contain na more radioactivity than the treated (demineralized)

.make-up water from Lake Huron. If detectible leakage in the reboilers occurs, corrective action will be taken in the plant or delivery of export steam will be terminated.

The Regulatory Staff was satisfied with the applicant's preposal.

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i The Committee noted in its report that the detailed procedures for monitoring

  • and control of the reboiler system should be developed in a manner satisfactc.ry to the Staff during construc-tion. The Committee wishes to be kept informed.


Containment - The Regulatory Staff reported that they are satisfied with the revised containment design and the increased calculated peak containment pressure, due to a LOCA, from 60 psig to 67 psig.

The Committee noted in its report that these changes are satis-factory.

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056 Y.A LE,K Y 1 t hun s unnem a 127TH ACRS MEETING NOVEMBER 12-14, 1970 MEETING WITH DIVISION OF REIC70R LICENSING Meeting with the Division of Reactor Licensing 1.

Midland - Diverse Signals for Reactor Trip - DRL reported that they intend to consider a flux-flow comparator, low primary system flew, or an additional high containment pressure signal as a second means of reactor trip, should the applicant demonstrate to the Staff that such a signal would be acceptable. The Staff wished to know if this is acceptable in view of the ACRS recommendation regarding use of high containment pressure as the second signal (see ACRS report dated June 18, 1970).

The Committee concluded that the Staff position is acceptable.

(Dr. Morris has been informed of this Committee conclusion.)

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