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Maint Procedure MP 1411.07, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Type SMC-04
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1985
From: Briden D, Long J, Shawn Smith
Shared Package
ML20136H086 List:
MP-1411.07, NUDOCS 8601090310
Download: ML20136H214 (44)


MP 1411.07 Davis-Besse Ntr. lear Power Station Unit No. 1 Maintemnce Procedure MP 1411.07 Maintenance & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Type SEE-04 mU Becord of Approval and Changes Prepared By G4%



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1 HP 1411.07.0 1.

PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for maintenance to be performed on Limitorque operator model SMC-04.

1.2 This procedure has been divided into phases. This will allow the flexibility to choose the maintenance required.

1.3 Procedural Phases:

6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads.

6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal from NDT gear box.

6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut installed.

6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with-stem nut removed.

6.5 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange when operator cannot be placed in manual.

6.6 Limitorque valve operator disassembly.

6.7 Cleaning, inspection, and repair.

6.8 Limitorque valve operator reassembly.

6.9 Limitorque valve operator subassemblies (disassembly and reassembly).

6.10 Limitorque valve operator installation on NDT gear box.

6.11 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stem nut installed.

6.12 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stem nut removed.

6.13 Lubrication.

6.14 Limit switch adjustment.

6.15 Setting torque switch.

6.16 Energization and check out of Limitorque operators following maintenance, repair, or new installation.

6.17 Inspection and testing.

1.4 Not all portions of this procedure will be applicable for every maintenance condition. Enter the symbol "NA" in the applicable blanks on the data and signoff sheet as required. This is also appropriate when only portions of this procedure are being conducted.


REFERENCES 2.1 Maintenance Procedure; Testing of Motor Operated Valves using MOVATS, MP 1410.32.

2.2 Limitorque Corporation Limitorque, Bulletin SMC1-04/03-83, Type SMC-04 and SMC-03 Instruction and Maintenance Manual l

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2 MP 1411.07.0 3.

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED MP 1410.33 megger testing of electrical equipment Gasket material, Anchorite #425 3/8" bolt 2-1/2" - 3" long U nut Grease,lExxon Nebula EP-1 Lubricant, Mokykote "G", Neolube or equivalent Ammeter, clamp on Voltage tester Wrench, locknut Retaining Ring (snap ring) pliers ('inside & outside)

Dead Man Switch 4.


'4.1 Safety Tagging Procedure, AD 1803.00, will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure.

4.2 TED Safety Procedures will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure.

4.3 Jumper and Lifted Wire Control Procedure AD 1823.00, will be in effect and followed through out this procedure.

4.4 Torque and limit switches have different colors. The application in use depends on the color. They are as



Nuclear Safety Related i

or For use Inside and Outside Containment Brown:

For Use on All Class IE Equipment Red:

Nuclear Safety Related or Black:

NOT for Containment Use 4.5 All leads will be bundled before. closing limit switch cover to prevent crushing or broken leads.

4.6.0bserve proper radiation practices to limit personnel exposure, ALARA.

4.7 The following actions can damage the operator.

Lifting the operator by the handwheel, Forcing the operator by the handwheel, Forcing the declutch lever, Using a cheater (mechanical leverage) on handwbeel, Lifting the operator by or laying the operators weight on the declutch lever.

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MP 1411.07.0 4.8 Some operators are bulky and heavy. Observe requirements of AD 1844.06 when handling and rigging heavy loads.

4.9 The Limitorque operator has more than one source of power.

4.10 Do not stop valve stem travel by depressing declutch lever during motor operation.

4.11 Do not jog motor in an effort to obtain a tighter seated valve.

4.12 Do not reset torque switch setting higher than the maximum that is recommended by the valve manufacturer, without engineering approval.

4.13 Do not attempt to set limit switches without first disconnecting control and power circuits unless insulated tools and extreme caution is used.

j 4.14 Protect inside of limit switch compartment from exposure to water or steam.

4.15 If you must " motor operate" valve without first setting limit switch, a " dead man" switch and extreme caution must be used.

4.16 Engineering evaluation is required prior to performing the torque switch adjustment if the torque switch settings are not stamped inside the limit switch compartment.

l 4.17 The limit switch will not deenergize the motor in the valve j

" closed" direction on torqued closed valves. Deenergize motor-if torque switch failure' occurs.

4.18 Do not bypass or render inoperative any of the. personnel safety or equipment protection devices.

4.19 Incompatible greases may cause greases to solidify, liquify or produce toxic gases. 'Only the greases specified in this pro-cedure'are to be used.

t 4.20 Ensure gaskets are intact, all cover bolts installed, all grease plugs installed, and conduit fittings reassembled.

4.21 If motor housing is removed protect motor compartment from exposure to water or steam.

4.22 Use caution when tightening down all bolts due to aluminum l


4.23 Any parts being temporarily stored in the shop while awaiting repairs will be tagged per AD 1847.00.


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4 MP 1411.07.0 5.

PREREQUISITES 5.1 The equipment or device has been isolated and/or deenergized prior to working on Limitorque unit.

5.2~ Safety Red Tags have been issued and hung.

5.3 A Maintenance Work Order has been issued for repairs.

5.4 A REP has been issued,.if required.

5.5 Tags for the lif ted wires, mechanical modifications and jumpers have been issued and are ready to be attached.

5.6 Record general information on the data package prior to starting work.

5.1 Match mark operator to valve to ensure proper installation.


PROCEDURE 6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads.

6.1.1 Shut off all power to Limitorque unit, and hang Safety Red Tags.

6.1.2 Disconnect computer points and hang tags, if applicable.

6.1.3 Remove the limit switch housing.

6.1.4 Disconnect the leads to the terminal block.

6.1.5 Disconnect the motor leads connected to the limit switch.

6.1.6 Pull electrical cable from limit switch compartment and attach jumper and lifted wire tags. Make sure leads are properly marked for reconnecting to -the.



These steps are required to provide a reference point to allow setting limit switches using information provided by the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1.

6.1.7 Coordinate with operations, and by engaging the manual handwheel, position the valve to either the full open l

or full closed position. Record the valve position on the data sheet under limit switch data.

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5 MP 1411.07.0 6.1.8 Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE!

(Refer to Figure 4).


Review and/or refer to the reference as listed in 2.2 for this unit whenever disassembly is to be made. Be certain to keep all parts clean and free from dirt when disassembly is made.


If Limitorque valve operator is installed with a NDT gear box, perform Step 6.2.

Begin at Procedure Step 6.3 or 6.4 if no NDT gear box is installed, or if the operator is attached to a non-rising stem valve, or a rising stem valve where the valve yoke bushing causes the stem to rice instead of a threaded stem unit in the operator.

In this case, remove any locking devices on the end ef the stem. These locking devices (usually a nut and washer), lock the stem to the stem nut.

Perform Steps 6.4.11 through 6.4.13 to remove this operator from its valve.


Steps 6.2, 6.3 ar 6.4 (operator removal) need not be performed uif valve operator is to be worked in place. If the operator is i

to be worked in place, remove the stem nut, Steps 6.4.1 through 6.4.10, then proceed to Step 6.6.

6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal from NDT Gear Box.


Do not use Limitorque valve operator handwheel as a lifting point.


Prior to proceeding, ensure that the valve is not hard seated, either open or. shut. Coordinate with operations and engage the manual handwheel and operate the valve several turns opposite of valve position.

6.2.1 Attach lifting device to Limitorque valve operator and take -up slack.

6.2.2 Remove bolts holding operator to gear box.

6.2.3 Carefully pull operator away from gear box and off of splined shaft of NDT gear box.

6.2.4 Transport valve operator to designated work area.


6 MP 1411.07.0 NOTE:

Procedure Step 6.3 removes the valve operator from the valve flange without removing the stem nut from the operator. Procedure Step 6.4 removes the stem nut from the operator prior to removing the operator from the valve flange. Either Step 6.3 or 6.4 may be used.

6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut installed.

6.3.1 Remove flange bolts holding valve mounting flange to valve operator.

6.3.2 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging.

6.3.3 Depress declutch lever and place operator in manual.

6.3.4 Slowly rotate handwheel in closed direction maintaining tension with rigging equipment.

6.3.5 Continue rotating handwheel in closed direction while lifting the operator until it is clear of threaded valve stem.

6.3.6 Transport valve operator to designated work area.

6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut removed.

6.4.1 Unscrew the stem protector pipe or cap from the handwheel assembly (if installed).


If the threads above the lock nut have been staked, follow Steps 6.4.2 through 6.4.4.

If they have not been staked, go to Step 6.4.5.

6.4.2 Stuff a rag or paper towel into the lock nut opening.

6.4.3 Drill out the staked threadr above the lock nut.

6.4.4 Clean out the metal particles.

6.4.5 Use the lock nut removal tool to loosen and remove the lock nut.

6.4.6 Push the declutch level down and turn the handwheel in the "CLOSE" direction.

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MP 1411.07.0 6.4.7 Observe that the stem nut is rising out of the housing as the handwheel is turned.

6.4.8 Stop turning the handwheel when the stem nut no longer rises.

6.4.9 Use a scribe or pin to unscrew the remaining length of 3

the stem nut.

6.4.10 Remove the stem nut.

6.4.11 Remove flange ~ bolts holding mounting flange to valve operator.

6.4.12 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging.

6.4.13 Carefully lift operator free of valve and transport to designated work area.

6.5 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange when operator


cannot be placed in manual.


This style operator cannot be disassembled without being operated in hand unless it is already rencved j

from its valve.

Removal from its valve may require spinning the entire operator up the stem or repairing (if possible) the fault with hand operation.

. 6.6 Limitorque Valve Operator Disassembly 6.6.1 Preliminary Activities 1.

Remove 10mit switch housing.


Remove torque switch housing.


Remove leads from torque switch.

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1 4.

Carefully pull leads back through housing.


Remove screws and carefully remove limit switch from operator.


Remove torque switch from operator.


Torque switch has only 1 screw and may l

required a flex shaft or right angle screwdriver.

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8 MP 1411.07.0 7.

Remove capscrews and motor housing from operator.


.There are loose thrust washers in bearing race of motor housing. Be careful of number and arrangement.


Carefully remove rotor assembly.

CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove stator from operator housing.

If there appears to be any defects with the stator, contact Limitorque.


Remove bolts from housing cover.


Remove housing cover, handwheel and gaskets.


Gaskets could be a set of metal shims whose thickness defines the preload on the drive sleeve assembly. Ensure gasket set remains intact.

6.6.2 Declutch Shaft Assembly Removal (Figure 1).


Unless desired it is not necessary to initially remove the declutch level separ-ately.


Remove bolts from declutch shaft cap.


Reacve entire declutch shaft assembly, with cap, lever, latch pinion, latch, spacer and flange bearing.

6.6.3 Spring Pack / Worm Shaft / Drive Sleeve Assembly Removal

-(Figure 2).


Using a drift pin, with access through the motor stator, lightly tap on the end of the worm shaft.


The spring pack end should protrude approx. 1 inch from the housing.which means the shaft bearing is touching the worm gear on the drive sleeve.


Lightly tap on the bottom end of the drive sleeve until upper bearing race is free.


The bearing race is spring loaded.


Lift drive sleeve assembly from housing.


9 MP 1411.07.0 4.

Carefully pull worm shaft and spring pack from i

housing. Quad ring and spacer should come with the assembly.

6.7 Cleaning, Inspection and Repair CAUTION: Use only approved solvent for cleaning of parts.

6.7.1 Clean all mechanical parts removed from the operator.

i 6.7.2 Inspect all parts for damage or excessive wear.

6.7.3 Small nicks or burrs on drive shaft and gears can be smoothed out with a honing stone or a fine file.

6.7.4' Carefully inspect all bearing assemblies for any defects in inner or outer races or the rollers.

Replace any bearing assemblies showing excessive wear or binding.

6.7.5 Limit switch disassembly / cleaning, and reassembly.

CAUTION: Note the positions of the contacts on the rotors and record.

It is possible to reconfigure the rotor contacts when disassen-bly/ assembly occurs and the original configur-ation must be known before disassembly.


Remove the position indicator, if installed.


Remove the screws and lockwashers which hold the terminal strip to the front of the limit switch assembly.


Remove the terminal strip and terminal strip backing plate, if installed.


Remove the flathead screw which holds the front plate to the assembly.


Remove the front plate, be very careful. Do not lose the rotor spacers or wipers.


Remove the screws holding the contact and terminal block assembly to the housing.


Remove the contact and terminal block assembly from the housing. Care must be exercised. The rotor segments are not being retained and can be knocked off by the contacts.

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10 MP 1411.07.0 8.

Remove the rotor segments, noting their orienta-tion for proper reinstallation.


Remove the screws holding the gear frame assembly together.


Separate the gear frame assembly. Note the orientation of the gears which drive the assembly.


The limit switch can now be cleaned.


Using a brush and solvent, clean the old lubricant from the components and housing.


Relubricate using only Exxon Beacon 325 lubricant.

No substitute is recommended. Do not pack housing. The housing is open. Brush grease on all components in housing. Be certain all shafts are lubricated properly.


Position components properly in case and reassemble the gear frame assembly.


Replace the screws which hold the gear frame assembly together.


Turn set rod counterclockwise until it stops, rotate the drive pinion by hand and assure correct 6peration.


Turn set rod clockwise until it reaches a stop.


Replace the rotor segments, assure proper line-up.


Replace the contact and terminal block assembly.


Replace the mounting screws for the ' contact and terminal block assembly.


Replace the front plate, assure the rotor spacers are installed.

l 22.

Replace the mounting screw for the front plate.

CAUTION: DO NOT overtighten. This will cause the plate to crack.


Replace the terminal strip and backing plate, if installed.

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11 MP 1411.07.0

24. Replace the terminal strip mounting screws.
25. Replace the position indicator, if installed.

6.8 Limitorque Valve Operator Reassembly NOTE 1:

Prior to-reassembly verify that data package has been completed.


During reassembly grease individually all bearings, shafts and gears.

6.8.1 S'pring pack / Worm Shaft an'd Drive Sleeve Installation 1.

Insert spring pack / worm shaft assembly into housing including quad ring and spacer until the shaft pinion is inside the shaft bearing race.


Spring pack should protrude approx. 1 inch from housing.


Push spring pack / worm shaft completely in housing until shaft bearing is fully seated in housing race.


Install drive sleeve assembly engaging the worm gear with the worm shaft gear.


Install upper bearing race for drive sleeve assembly.


May be necessary to lightly tap in place.

6.8.2 Declutch Shaft Assembly Installation 1.

Insert the shaft assembly in the housing with the declutch lever in the vertical position.


The shaft cap should be flush with the housing then install bolts and tighten in a crisscross pattern.


Rotate the declutch in the counterclockwise direction (arrow point down).


This should engage the shaft latch with the eccentric ring on the drive sleeve assembly. The lever should remain at approx. 45' from vertical.

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12 MP 1411.07.0 4.

Insert the motor rotor through the motor stator until the pinion gear engages with the worm shaf t gear.


To ensure proper assembly rotate the motor rotor clockwise until the declutch lever returns to the vertical position.

6.8.3 Motor Housing Installation CAUTION:

Inspect motor compartment to ensure there is no moisture, grease or foreign objects.


Check thrust washers for number and arrange-ment as removed in Step 6.6.1 (8).


Slide motor housing over motor stator and rotor.


Motor housing should be flush with operator housing.


Install cap screws.

6.8.4 Limit Switch and Torque Switch Installation 1.

Install torque switch and replace screw.


Carefully install limit switch and replace cap screws.


Route limit switch leads through housing and connect to torque switch.


Install torque switch housing.


Connect motor leads to limit switch.


Install limit switch housing.

6.8.5 Housing Cover and Handwheel Installation 1.

Replace housing cover, with handwheel and gaskets.


If old gaskets are not serviceable, replace it with a new gasket (s) of the same thickness.


Tighten bolts in a crisscross pattern.

6.9 Limitorque Valve Operator Subassemblies (Disassembly and Reassembly) i t

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13 MP 1411.07.0 6.9.1 Drive Sleeve Disassembly (Figura 3).

CAUTION: Do not apply force to the bearing cage when removing.


Remove the upper bearing.


Remove the upper bevel gear, compression spring and spring cap.


Remove the lower bearing.


Remove the vorm gear, eccentric ring and clutch sleeve.


Inspect all parts for nicks or burrs.

If any part shows excessive wear, it should be replaced.


To further disassemble remove the set screws in the eccentric ring to release the thrust washers and bearing.

6.9.2 Drive Sleeve Reassembly 1.

Clean bearings and gears with solvent and dry.


Slide the clutch sleeve, eccentric ring and worm gear on drive shaft.


Coat the lower end of shaft with grease and press on lower bearing.


Install the spring cap and compression spring over the clutch sleeve.


Install the' upper bevel gear and upper bearing.


Pack upper and lower bear.ags with grease.

6.9.3 _

Spring Pack / Worm Shaft Disassembly (Figure 2).


Remove the retaining ring from inside the bearing cartridge.


Remove the worm shaft from the spring pack by pulling.


To further disassemble the worm shaft remove the lock nut and slide the spur gear, spacers, worm and ball bearings off the shaft.


14 MP 1411.07.0 NOTE:

Each gear is keyed with the shaft.


To further disassemble the spring pack first match mark the lock nut to the bearing cartridge stem.


Measure the distance from the face of the first thrust washer to the end of the bearing cartridge.


Remove the lock nut counting the number of turns and record on data sheet.

CAUTION: You may have to clamp on the bearing cartridge gears. Be careful not to damage.


Remove the thrust washers, spring pack and sleeves.

CAUTION: Be sure to keep the parts in the exact order they came off the bearing stem.

Store them on a long bolt and nut to maintain this order.

6.9.4 Spring Pack / Worm Shaft Reassembly 1.

Reassemble the worm shaft in reverse order from how the parts were removed.


Reassemble the spring pack parts back on the bearing cartridge stem.


The thrust washers and spring pack must go back in the same arrangement'as they came off.


Install the lock nut and start counting '.he turns as soon as first tnread engages.


Match marks on locknut and bearing cartridge stem should align.


Measure the distance from the face of the first thrust washer and end of bearing cartridge.

Should be the same as that in Step 6.9.3 (5).


Pack the worm shaft bearing with grease.


Press-the worn shaft bearing into the bearing cartridge housing, i


15 MP 1411.07.0 7.

Replace inside retaining ring.

6.9.5 Declutch Shaft Disassembly (Figure 1) 1.

Remove set screw in the declutch lever.


Remove the declutch lever and key.


Slide the declutch shaft cap off the shaft.

Bearing and quad ring should come off with the cap.


Slide the spacer off the shaft.


Slide the latch pinion assembly off the shaft.


Remaining is short spacer with roll pin which does have to be removed unless damaged.


To further disassemble the latch pinion assembly remove the cotter pin from the end of the clevis pin.


Remove torsion spring, mandrel, latch pinion and' latch.

6.9.6 Declutch Shaft Reassembly 1.

Reassemble the latch pinion assembly in reverse order.


Slide latch pinion on shaft.


When putting the latch pinion on the shaft, ensure the spring is pointing toward declutch lever.


When installing the latch pinion assembly rotate the tang on the torsion spring approx. 90* counterclockwise to put it in compression.


Slide the long spacer on shaft and under torsion spring tang.


Slide the declutch shaft cap, with bushing and


quad ring, on the shaft.


Install declutch lever and key.

16 MP 1411.07.0 6.

Tighten set screw.

6.10 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on NDT Gear Box 6.10.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position next to NDT gear box.

6.10.2 Carefully line up splines in operator with. splines in gear box and slide operator into place against gear box flange.

s 6.10.3 Install bolts holding operator to housing and tighten.

6.10.4 Reinstall any stem nut locking devices, if previously installed.

6.10.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of operator or stem.

i 6.10.6 Install protective cap or pipe.

6.11 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve with Sten Nut Installed 6.11.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position over valve stem.

6.11.2 With valve operator in manual, carefully. engage stem nut with valve stem threads.

6.11.3 Using care rotate valve operator handwheel in the "Open" direction while lowering operator onto the mounting flange.

6.11.4 Install and tighten flange bolts holding valve mounting flange to valve operator.

CAUTION: While performing this step, ensure valve disc is not jammed into the valve seat.

6.11.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding or actuator stem.

6.11.6 Install cap or protection pipe.

6.12 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve with Sten Nut


Removed NOTE:

Be sure that operator to be installed is the original operator for the valve, or an acceptance replacement.

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17 MP 1411.07.0 6.12.1 Lubricate valve stem and stem nut with approved lubricant.

6.12.2 Carefully lower valve operator onto valve body flange.

Install attaching belts.

6.12.3 Insert stem nut into operator; then screw stem nut in valve stem as far as it will go.

Align stem nut and drive sleeve splines.

6.12.4 Push declutch lever down and turn handwheel to "0 PEN" direction until it cannot be turned any further.

(This action causes stem nut to fully retract into operator.)

6.12.5 Using special wrench or driftpin, screw locking out into operator until snug.

6.12.6 Using punch, state threads at two places (180' apart) just above locking nut.

6.12.7 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding or actuator or stem.

6.12.8 Install cap or protective pipe.

6.13 Lubrication 6.13.1 The main gear box and the geared limit switch shall be lubricated in accordance with the Lubrication Manual.

6.13.2 Limitorque valve operator motors are factory lubricated for life.

6.13.3 The following should be noted when inspecting the gear box and geared limit switch lubrication:


Limit Switch:


Exxon Beacon 325 grease is light gray in color.


Gear Box:


Exxon - Nebula EP-1 is dark tan in color and used for nuclear containment units.

All of the above greases should be smooth and creamy, free of lumps or foreign matter.


Lubricate requirements for gear box:

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18 MP 1411.07.0 Amount of Lubricant Approx Velame Approx. Weight Unit Size Gallons Pounds SMC-04

.15 1.0 6.13.4 In the event that lubricant types are changed, the lubricants shall NOT be mixed.

CAUTION: Ensure grease plugs used are on' gear box and are not conduit plugs.

6.13.5 Unscrew two grease plugs located on top and side of housing.


Do not remove plugs from limit switch housing or motor housing.

6.13.6 Using grease gun, inject clean fresh grease into lower pipe plug opening until grease reaches level of upper g

pipe plug opening.

6.13.7 Inject grease into grease (zerk) fitting on housing Cover.

6.13.8 Reinstall grease plugs.

6.14 Limit Switch Adjustment (Figure 4)

Limit switches are driven directly by the same drive train that turns the valve stem. They can be set to operate at any specific number of turns of the gear train. These switches are normally set to operate at the end of travel of the valve stems, thereby identifying the "0 PEN" and " CLOSED" valve positions.


Determine the type of valve the Limitorque actuator is operating and note whether it is a gate, globe ball, butterfly plug, diaphragm, or other.


There are four adjustable rotors used with this 1 Lait switch. The procedures below.are for setting the close and open rotors which have the motor contacts and torque switch by-pass contacts on them. The Int. 1 and Int. 2 rotors with the indicating lights on them will be set at the dto position as the close (Int. 2) and open (Inc l' coters.

6.14.1 Setting the "0 PEN' 7 ;att

.s itch NOTE:

Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from j

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19 MP 1411.07.0 turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.


Using the manual handwheel position the valve to the position listed on the data sheet for limit switch data. Then turn the set rod on the limit switch counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE!


Using the manual handwheel, close then fully open the valve noting below the direction of rotation of the intermittent gear shafts during the open cycle. Count the number of handwheel turns from full closed to full open and enter on data sheet.

Direction of Rotation During Open Cycle of Valve.

Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.

After fully opening the valve you must then close it slightly to allow for backlash and coast down. Rotate the handwheel in the closed direc-tion until the va: 7e stem starts to move. Now rotate the handwheel in the closed direction an additional 5% of full stroke handwheel turns (i.e., if full stroke is 100 turns, rotate the handwheel 5 turns in the closed direction beyond the point where stem action starts).


If difficulty is encountered determining the point of stem motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to the stem or yoke may be used.


Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE!


By observing the inner rotor contacts (the ones next to the gear box), note if these contacts are closed or open.


If the contacts are closed, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step until the rotor contacts open.


If the contacts are open, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step until the rotor contacts close.

Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts open.


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1 20 MP 1411.07.0 8.

The Int. I rotor is set at this time by repeating Section 6.14.1 Steps 6 and 7 for Int. I rotor.


Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. Turn or check the intermittent gear to ensure engagement of these gears.

6.14.2 Setting Closed Limit Switch on Ball, Butterfly, Plug, Diaphragm, or Other Non-Wedging Type Valve 1.

Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.


Manually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" direction. Note the direction of rotation of the intermittent gear shafts. Record this direction below.

Direction of Rotation:

Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.

With the valve fully closed, it must be opened slightly to allow for backlash and coast down.

Rotate the handwheel in the open direction until the valve stem starts to move.


Turn the set rod clockwise untii it st. ops. DO NOT FORCE!

By observing the inner rotor contacts (the ones next to the gear box), note if these contacts are open or closed.


If the contacts are closed, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction.noted in Step until the rotor contacts open.


If the contacts are open, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step until the rotor contacts close.

Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts open.


l 21 MP 1411.07.0 7.

The Int. 2 rotor is to be set at this time by repeating Section 6.14.2 steps 5 and 6 for Int. 2 rotor.

6.14.3 Setting Closed Limit Switch on Wedging Type Gate and Globe Valves NOTE:

To ensure proper operation of the torque bypass switch during valve unseating MOVATS Test, Reference 2.1 will provide the proper " CLOSED" limit switch settings ~.


Ensure all electric power is turned off to i

prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the.

potential injury to servicing personnel cur damage to the valve.


Manually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" i

direction. Note the direction of rotation c. the intermittent gear shafts. -Record this direction below.

Direction of Rotation:

Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.

With the valve fully closed and manually engaged, 4

rotate the handwheel in the "0 PEN" direction the q

number of turns specified by the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1.


Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops DO NOT FORCE!

By observing the inner rotor contacts (the ones next to the gear box), note. if these contacts are open or closed.


If the contacts are closed, turn the intermittent


gear shaft in the direction noted in Step until the rotor contacts open.


If the contacts are open, turn the intermittent gear snaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step until the rotor contacts close.

Now reverse direction on the-intermittent sear-shaft and turn until.the rotor contacts open.


22 MP 1411.07.0 7.

The Int. 2 rotor is to be set at this time by repeating Section 6.14.3 steps 5 and 6 for Int. 2 rotor.


Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! Inis re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. Turn or check the intermittent gear to ensure engagement of these gears.

6.15 Setting Torque Switch NOTE 1:

Torque switch settings will be provided by MOVATS Testing Procedure, Ref. 2.1, or by Engineering.


The magnitude of the compression of the torque spring is empirically calibrated in foot pounds and a nameplate is affixed to each switch compartment denoting the calculated torque output at that setting. The maximum setting allowed by Limitorque for the particular application is also marked on the torque switch calibration nameplate.

i 6.15.1 Torque setting must be made with switch mounted in the operator.

6.15.2 Make sure all electric power is off. Shift the valve to manual operation, and place the valve in an inter-mediate position.

6.15.3 Loosen the adjusting screws and move the pointers to the required setting. Tighten the adjusting screws.

6.15.4 Operate valve electrically in conjunction with the MOVATS' Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1, to determine if torque switch is operating properly.

If further adjustment is required, repeat Section 6.15.

6.16 Energization and Checkout of Limitorque Operators Following Maintenance, Repair, or New Installation NOTE:

MOVATS test unit may be installed at this time per Ref. 2.1.

6.16.1 Manually place valve in the mid position. Check for correct polarity by energizing the open circuit for about 1 second.


If valve travels in the open direction polarity is correct. If valve travels in

23 MP 1411.07.0 the closed direction, 1) de-energize the circuit immediately, 2) exchange any two (2) phases if AC, or if DC, reverse the At and A2 connections.

6.16.2 Energize the valve in the open direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the operator handwheel to ascertain whether adequate clearance exists between the position at which the valve stem comes to rest and valve back seat.

6.16.3 Energize the valve in the closed direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the operator handwheel to determine if proper seating has occurred.

In the case of wedging type valves, difficulty in turning the handwheel in the open direction should be encountered until the disc clears the seat. For non-wedging valves, the handwheel should not turn. in the closing direction, but should turn relatively easily in the opening direction.

l 6.16.4 Operate the valve through two (2) complete cycles of open and close to ensure proper operation.

6.16.5 If during checkout adjustments are necessary, refer to the appropriate section of this procedure.

i I

6.16.6 Ensure data sheet is completed to the maximum extent l

possible, i

6.17 Inspection and Testing l

6.17.1 For Type C Containment Isolation Valves (as listed in ST 5061.02, LLRT), a Local Leak Rate Test (LLRT) will be performed as determined by Maintenance Engineer.

LLRT must be performed if repairs may have affected the valve seating capabilities.

For Contain' ent isolation valves as listed' in ST 5064.01, 6.17.2-m perform cycling test and record isolation time (where applicable) per ST 5064.01.






Limitorque Operator Type / Size


Handwheel Turns Serial Number Full Closed to Order Number Full Open MWO Number B.






Number Foot Pounds LIMITER PLATE:

Size C.


Valve Position When Switch Disengaged GEAR BOX:

SIZE Eight (8) contacts Open Closed Sixteen (16) contacts (Check One) i Page 1 of 3


1 25 MP 1411.07.0 MOTOR DATA:


Foot Pounds Initial Inrush Current Horse Power Running Current VOLTAGE:

Voltage During Operation Amps to Torque Out AC Stroke Time DC CURRENT:

Run For DC M0 tors Locked Rotor Shunt Current Insulation Class Armature Current Duty Rating Speed E.



Part Number Number of Washers Thickness of Washers AS FOUND DATA:

Number of Turns in Locknut Orientation of Washers: Sat Unsat Number of Washers Thickness of Washers AS LEFT DATA:

Number of Turns on Locknut Any Changes Made to Washers Page 2 of 3 a--r

, - ~. -

n.,n, aw-,





26 MP 1411.07.0 F.


Motor Pinion Gear


Worm Shaft Gear NOTE:

The total number of teeth in the motor pinion / worm shaf t gear gearset, aust be as follows:

SMC-04 32 Teeth G.



One (1) Piece Two.(2) Piece Threaded Non-rising H.



Completed by:


Page 3'of 3 i



Procedure and attachments have been verified with the control copy.

Verified Date 2.

All notes, cautions, precautions, and limitations have been read and understood.

Verified Date 3.

The following sections of the procedure were performed and verified as completed.


The data sheets have been reviewed and the valve is ready to be returned to service.

Verified Date 5.

The Shift Supervisor has been notified that work is complete and the system has been restored as directed by the Shift Supervisor.

Verified Date i

Page 1 of 1 l



Figure 1. Declutch Shaft Assembly SMC.~ 04 ROLL PIN SPACER





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30 VP 1411.07.0 Figure 3. Drive Sleeve Assembly SMC 04 UPPER BEARING p------

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Figure 4. Limit Switch Setting I




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REFERENCES COMMENTS All Corrective Action This entire procedure was gener-Plan 12-1 ated in response to LCTS 1262 l

l 4

i I

i END Page 1 of 1 I

QUESTION NO. 4A Explain in detail how stem stresses are calculated and are determined to be acceptable.

RESPONSE TO QUESTION NO. 4A Toledo Edison does not calculate stem stresses but uses manufacturer's recommended torque switch settings. These torque switch settings are based on stem stress calculations by the manufacturer and are used to preclude overstressing of the valve or actuator components.

Additionally, Toledo Edison is performing verifications using the Torrey Pines Methodology'to assure that the manufacturer's supplied torque switch settings are correct, as they relate to stes stress esiculations.

Any discrepancies noted between the manufacturers recommended values and Toledo Edison'c verification are resolved with the manufacturer.. Details concerning Toledo Edison's methodology are contained in Toledo Edison Response to NRC Evaluation and Staff Position Regarding Operators for Valves AF599, AF608 and MS106, Plans 12 and 27 and Other Motor Operated Safety Related Valves submitted to the Commission November 16, 1985, as part of Revision 4 to the Course of Action (COA) document (Serial No. 1208). A copy of this submittal is attached to Toledo Edison response to Question 5.

mj a/48 b

- QUESTION NO. 4B Do the new switch settings have any negative effects on the qualified life of the valve / actuator assembly?


Toledo Edison has not performed any modifications that would affect normal operation of the valve. Hence, the qualified life of the valve / actuator assembly has not been changed from the original design.

In the case of. torque switch settings where the torque switch is normally used to stop valve motion in the closed direction, the totgue switch is set to the normal value recommended by the manufacturer. The manufactur-er's maximum recommended setting in the open direction for nuclear safety related (NSR) wedge seating valves is used as a back-up to the normal limit switch setting. The normal limit switch setting actually controls valve motion and the torque switch would not actuate unless the limit switch failed or were adjusted improperly.

The new limit switch settings are used only to provide sufficient torque switch bypass protection to cover the unseating period of NSR wedge seated valves and as such are not "new" settings, only the " correct" settings to ensure the valve / actuator assembly operates as designed.

mj a/48

. QUESTION NO. 5 Submit a single description of the in-situ tests that will be performed prior to restart. Refer to specific procedures where appropriate.

RESPONSE TO QUESTION NO. 5 The in-situ testing to be performed by Toledo Edison has previously been l

detailed in Toledo Edison Response to NRC Evaluation and Staff ~ Position Regarding Operators for Valves AF 599, AF 608 and MS 106, Plans 12 and 27 and Other Motor Operated Safety Related Valves submitted November 16, 1985, i

as part of Revision 4 to the Course of Action document (Serial No. 1208).

The submittals describe the Motor Operated Valve Analysis.and Testing System (MOVATS) testing that will be -performed on all Nuclear Safety Related (NSR) valves, and the delta P testing that is being performed on a select-ed sample of NSR wedge style valves. A copy of this response is attached in addition to the test pressures used in the delta P tests.

I Delta P testing is performed using the MOVATS equipment to monitor the operation of the valve / actuator. Procedural guidance is provided by utilizing MP 1410.32, " Testing of Motor Operated Valves Using M0 VATS";

MP 1401.19, " Hydrostatic Testing of ASME Section III Class 1,2,3 and ANSI B31.1 Systems & Components; and AD 1844.02, " Control of Work (MWO's)."

A copy of MP1410.32 is attached to response to Question No. 3.

Copies of MP1401.19 and AD1844.02 are attached to this response.

f mj a/48

- __.~.

i Toledo Edison Response to NRC Evaluation and Staff Position Regarding Operators For Valves AF-599, AF-608 and MS-106, Plans 12 and 27 and Other Motor Operated Safety Related Valves (Attachment 6) i Toledo Edison has reviewed the NRC staff evaluation of Plans 12 and 27.

Below are additional clarifications and commitments provided by Toledo Edison in response to the NRC staff evaluation.

1 l


l From reviewing information provided to date by the licensee we have concluded that the licensee does not have an adequate justification that the torque switch settings derived using the Torrey Pines procedure (only based on new valve design dimensions, operating friction, etc., with no j

provision for degradation) can assure that the required open or closing i

forces will, in fact, be attained. Accordingly, in order to confirm the i

adequacy of the chosen adjustments prior to restart, we require that in-situ confinatory testing be performed.

The licensee should establish theoretical torque and limit switch settings l

in accordance with its current analytical methodology. As a minimus, for the valves of the emergency core cooling systems and auxiliary feed systems, torque and limit switch settings are to be confirmed by in-situ testing. An in-situ testing plan should be prepared by the licensee ati submitted for staff review which will effectively demonstrate, using whatever conditions of pressure and flow rate are available in the plant i

Plana 12 & 27

E 1

2-for a pa'rticular valve, that the valve operator will function under both normal and transient and accident conditions of pressure and/or fluid velocity for which the applicable valve function is credited in accordance with FSAR analysis.

RISPONSE Toledo Edison would like to clarify that the Torrey Pines procedure is not being utilized to determine torque switch settings. The Torrey Pine procedure is being used only to verify valve stem stresses.

When torque switch setpoints for the open direction are made in accordance with actuator manufacturer's recommendations for maximum settings, Toledo Edison verifies whether valve stes stress is acceptable using the Torrey Pines Procedure.

If discrepancies are noted during the verification process Toledo Edison determines appropriate corrective actions (e.g.

equipment modification /changeouts).

Toledo Edison has defined a methodology for establishing and confirming set points for torque and limit switches including functions associated with the limit switch rotor contacts and the torque switch bypass. This method is described below. Toledo Edison is establishing set points for the torque and limit switches for the following categories:

Nuclear safety related (NSR) valves which involve the principles of valve stem thrust, i.e. wedge type valves, j

Plans 12 & 27

) * ~ Nuclear safety related valves of non-wedge type valves utilizing limit switches to govern valve stem-rotation, i.e. butterfly valves 1

Balance of plant motor operated valves.

NSR Wedae Desian Valves For nuclear safety related valves of the wedge design (i.e. gate and globe valves), in-situ differential pressure tests will be conducted on a representative sample of valves prior to startup. The sample has been selected based on the most limiting factors for the specific class of valve which include:

smallest motor size highest design differential pressure wedge style internals valve size actuator size lowest ratio of actuator ability versus torque requirements safety evaluation to assure:

I a.

systems are not placed in an unsafe condition due to i

testing, b.

other valves, with higher ratios of actuator ability / torque requirements, if not selected for testing, would not result in an unreviewed safety question.

Plans 12 & 27 I


, The existing Level 1 PRA model for Davis-Besse Unit I was utilized to prioritize potential motor operated valve problems due to improper torque switch settings and high differential pressure. Prioritization was based on the relative impact on core damage frequency. Use of the PRA ensures this representative sample included those valves of safety significance necessary to confirm the ability of all safety related valves to properly perform their respective safety function. The differential pressure testing will be performed following maintenance activities and switch setting completion. Attachment 1 provides a list of those valves to be tested.

Switch adjustaents are made and verified utilizing Motor Operated Valve Analysis and Testing System (MOVATS) equipment and technology on safety related valves and will be completed prior to restart as committed to in the Findings, Corrective Action and Generic Implications Report. Torque switch set points for the open direction are utilized to affect protection of the valve and/or valve actuator during the opening sequence. Presently these set points are-established at the maximum allowable per the valve actuator manufacturer.

NSR Non Wedse Valves For nuclear safety related non-wedge type valves (i.e. butterfly, ball, dampers and diaphragm valves), switch adjustments are made and verified using MOVATS to ensure that the subject valves will maintain integrity and l

fulfill their safety function.

Plans 12 & 27 Balance'of Plant Motor Operated Valves Balance of plant motor operated valves, will be tested utilizing MOVATS under the following conditions:

When scheduled by the p'reventative maintenance program.

Whenever corrective maintenance is performed per established procedures.


Thermal overload bypass llait switches are to be operating during the (above described) tests.


Section of the Updated Safety Analysis Report identified that the thermal overload protective devices on the combination starters are not used for the tripping of safety related system motor operated valves.

The overload relays sense the overloads but do not act to interrupt the circuit of safety related motor-operated valves. The original design of nuclear safety related motor operated valve actuators installed at Davis-Besse was based on the premise that the NOV's would more reliably perform their intended safety functions without thermal overload protection.

Industry experience has shown thermal overload protection can be the cause of inadvertent motor operated valve inoperability (e.g. due to improper thermal overload sizing or maintenance practices).

Plans 12 & 27 t_

._ Thermal' overload heaters were installed, although they served no function.

Subsequently, these heaters were replaced with shorting bars to provide the simplest and most reliable power supply to the actors. Thermal over-load protection cannot be provided for actor operated valve actuators installed at Davis-Besse without changing the original design. Any such change would require prior review and approval by the NRC.

d i

I 1

i a

Plans 12 & 27



AF 3870 AF 3869, 3871 and 3872 DH 9A or 95 CS 1530 or 1531 RC 239A or 2398 HP 2A MS 603 or 611 AF 599 and 608 DH 830 or 831 DH 1A or 18 DH 2733 or 2734 IV 601 or 612-DH 7A or 7B CF2A or B or CF5A or B DH 2735 MD 1A or B MU 2A or B DH 2736 SW 1379 or 1380 or 1381 CC 2645 or 2649 Plans 12 & 27

Revision 1 December 11, 1985 Motor Operated Velves to dP Test Presoure Test Item F & ID 197 No.

Bante. PSIG 1

AF 599, 608, 3869 1040 to 1300 3870, 3871 and 3872 2

CC 2645 or 2649 50 to 80 3

CF 2A or 5 or CFSA or B 650 to 700 4

CS 1530 or 1531 200 to 250 5

DE 1A or 15 380 to 420 6

DE 7A or 75 30 to 40 7

DE 9A or 95 50 to 72 8

DE 830 or 831 380 to 420 9

DE 2733 or 2734 280 to 310 10 DE 2735 and 2736 380 to 420 11 FW 601 or 612 1050 to 1100 12 EP 2A' 2000 to 2200 13 M5 603 or 611 950 to 1050 14*

W 1A or 5 2000 to 2200 15 MD 2A or 5 2000 to 2200 16 RC 239A or B 2400 to 2435 17 SW 1379 or 1340 or 1381 70 to 100 l

. ~.
