MONTHYEARML20216E6111999-09-0707 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ Re Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation & Associated Bases ML20210H0731999-07-28028 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/, Ultimate Heat Sink, Allowing Plant Operation in Modes 1-4 with Water Temp Less than or Equal to 90 F ML20210G4311999-07-27027 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing TSs 6.4, Training,, Audits, 6.10, Record Retention, 6.14, Process Control Program & 6.15, Odcm ML20210G4801999-07-26026 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ Re Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation & Associated Bases ML20210G9161999-07-26026 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation, 3/, Instrumentation - Incore Detectors & 3/, Instrumentation - Waste Gas Sys Oxygen Monitor ML20210G5391999-07-26026 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Implementation of 10CFR50,App J, Option B for Type B & C Containment Leakage Rate Testing ML20195F9351999-06-10010 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS 3/, Hydrogen Purge Sys, TS 3/, Shield Bldg Emergency Ventilation Sys & TS 3/, Crevs ML20207E7941999-05-21021 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Use of Expanded Spent Fuel Storage Capability ML20205E5031999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Withdrawing Proposed New Action B, Previously Submitted in 981027 Application ML20204F1821999-03-0909 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Adopting Changes in Frequency & Scope of Volumetric & Surface Exams Justified by W TR WCAP-14535A ML20155E4971998-10-28028 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 4.0.2 Re Applicability of 25% Surveillance Interval Extension Allowance ML20197G5521998-10-28028 October 1998 Rev 8 to Dbnps,Unit 1 Technical Requirements Manual ML20155E3231998-10-28028 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Various Sections of 6.0, Administrative Controls, Including Relocation of 6.11 Contents to Plant Ufsar,Per NUREG-1430,Rev 1 ML20155D7791998-10-27027 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating TS SR Re Evs Negative Pressure Testing to TS 3/,deleting TS Definition 1.24 & Making Related Changes Associated with Deletion of Subject Definition ML20155D8521998-10-27027 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SRs,, & Table 4.8-1 Re Testing of 125 Volt DC Station Batteries & Applicable TS Bases ML20155E0721998-10-27027 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising 3/ Re RPS Instrumentation & 3/ Re ARTS Instrumentation,To Provide Potential Reduction in Spurious Trip Rate for Potential Cost Savings in Excess of $50,000 ML20151W3071998-09-0808 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Permitting Use of Framatome Cogema Fuels M5 Advanced Alloy for Fuel Rod Cladding & Fuel Assembly Spacer Grids ML20151W2991998-09-0808 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Section 3/4.7.6, Plant Systems - CREVS & Associated Bases ML20206D2721998-08-28028 August 1998 Rev 11,change 1 to Odcm ML20217P8351998-04-24024 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Clarifying Discussion of Margin Between RPS High Pressure Trip Setpoint & Lift Setting for Pressurizer Code Safety Valves ML20217P8811998-04-24024 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/,3/,3/ & Associated Bases Relocating Tables of Response Time Limits to Plant USAR Technical Requirements Manual ML20217C4881998-03-20020 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs SR,providing Greater Specificity as to Location of Addl Insps in Unaffected SG ML20217N4471998-02-27027 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Provided to Modify Proposed New Action to Make More Consistent w/NUREG-1431 ML20203L1111998-02-26026 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Amend to License NPF-3 Involving Incorporation of New Repair Roll Process for SG Tubes W/Defects in Upper Tube Sheet ML20197J2621997-12-23023 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Changes to TS Definition 1.2, TS 3/4/9.5 & New TS 3.0.6 & Associated Bases.Ts Index Rev to Reflect Change to TS 3/4.9.5,included ML20197J5971997-12-23023 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS Surveillance Requirements for ISI Requirements of Internal Auxiliary Feedwater Header,Header to Shroud Attachment Welds & External Header Thermal Sleeves ML20217M5601997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 11.0 to Davis-Besse Odcm ML20217R2821997-08-26026 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying LCO & Revising Surveillance Requirement ML20217R2871997-08-26026 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying TS 3.2.5 Action Statement to Require Power Reduction to Less than 5% of Rated Thermal Power within Four Hrs If RCS Flow Rate Is Less than Specified Limit for Greater than Two Hrs ML20217G5981997-07-29029 July 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.4.3 Re Safety Valves & Pilot Operated Relief valve-operating ML20141F1101997-06-24024 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Requirements for Safety Features Actuation Sys Containment High Radiation Monitors ML20138C3261997-04-18018 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.6 Revising Limiting Condition for Operation to Include New Required Actions in Event That One or Both Channels of Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Becomes Inoperable ML20138A6891997-04-18018 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ & 3/4.5.2 Modifying Presently Specified 18-month Surveillance Frequencies to New Specified Frequencies of Once Each 24-months ML20140D9481997-04-0909 April 1997 ODCM, Rev 10 ML20138M1281997-02-14014 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.2 Re Emergency Core Cooling Systems & 4.5.2.f Re Surveillance Requirements ML20134L0561997-02-13013 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Changes Made Concerning Decay Heat Removal Sys Valve ML20134F1811997-01-30030 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Possession & Use of SNM as Reactor Fuel ML20134D7621997-01-30030 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SR Intervals from 18 to 24 Months Based on Results of DBNPS Instrument Drift Study & TS 2.2, Limiting Safety Sys Settings, Based on Results of Revised Framatome RPS Instrument String Error ML20134B0591997-01-20020 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.3 Re ECCS Subsystems ML20132B7031996-12-11011 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS Definitions,Instrumentation TS & ECCS TS for Conversion to 24 Month Fuel Cycle for License NPF-3 ML20134F1891996-10-28028 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8 Re Electrical Power Systems ML20117P5311996-09-17017 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Supporting Conversion of DBNPS from 18 Month to 24 Month Fuel Cycle ML20117N8531996-09-12012 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactivity Control Systems & Emergency Core Cooling Systems ML20117M2201996-09-0404 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 6.2.3,removing Specific Overtime Limits & Working Hours ML20116K2631996-08-0707 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Definitions,Applicability Bases, Containment Spray Sys & Containment Isolation Valve for Conversion to 24 Month Fuel Cycle ML20117K1911996-05-28028 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ - RPS Instrumentation & TS 3/ - Anticipatory RTS Instrumentation Increasing Trip Device Test Interval ML20101M1921996-03-29029 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ - HPS,3/ - Shield Building Evs & - CREVS Re Changing Surveillance Requirements for Charcoal Filter Lab Testing to Revise Methodology Used to Determine Operability in ESF AHUs ML20101C6961996-03-0606 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Allowing Deferment of SR 4.5.2.b for ECCS Flowpath Containing HPI Pump 1-2 Until 10th Refueling Outage,Scheduled to Begin 960408 ML20100E0101996-02-0505 February 1996 Proposed TS 3/,Table 3.3-3,safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation,Reflecting Design & Actuation Logic of Plant Sequencers & Essential Bus Undervoltage Relays ML20107C3101995-12-21021 December 1995 Rev 9 to Odcm 1999-09-07
MONTHYEARML20197G5521998-10-28028 October 1998 Rev 8 to Dbnps,Unit 1 Technical Requirements Manual ML20206D2721998-08-28028 August 1998 Rev 11,change 1 to Odcm ML20217M5601997-09-0505 September 1997 Rev 11.0 to Davis-Besse Odcm ML20140D9481997-04-0909 April 1997 ODCM, Rev 10 ML20107C3101995-12-21021 December 1995 Rev 9 to Odcm ML20107C3021995-10-16016 October 1995 Rev 8 to Odcm ML20199L1821995-09-0909 September 1995 Rev 3 to DB-OP-00000, Conduct of Operations ML20082V4071995-02-0303 February 1995 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Rev 7 ML20072S8611994-06-22022 June 1994 Rev 6 to Davis-Besse Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20056F3071993-08-0808 August 1993 Rev 3 to Emergency Plan Off Normal (Epon) Occurrence Procedure HS-EP-02820, Earthquake. W/Rev 23 to Epon Occurrence Procedures Manual Table of Contents ML20035F2071993-02-15015 February 1993 Rev 0 to HS-EP-02850, Hazardous Chemical & Oil Spills ML20072S8401992-12-18018 December 1992 Rev 5 to Davis-Besse Process Control Program ML20072S8501992-12-18018 December 1992 Rev 5.2 to Davis-Besse Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Reflecting Rev 5,Change 2 to ODCM ML20101R1721992-06-11011 June 1992 Rev 1 to Vol I of Inservice Insp Plan,Second 10-Yr Nuclear Interval Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program ML20114C6321992-05-19019 May 1992 Change 1 to Rev 5 to ODCM ML20114C6301992-03-0606 March 1992 Rev 5 to ODCM ML20217C3661991-07-0808 July 1991 Rev 3 to Administrative Procedure NG-IS-00002, General Nuclear Security Requirements. Pages 7,9,10 & 15 Only ML20084U5911991-02-22022 February 1991 Rev 4 to ODCM ML20217C3481990-12-18018 December 1990 Rev 1 to Security Dept Procedure IS-DP-04007, Performance Test for Alco-Sensor ML20059D4181990-08-28028 August 1990 Second 10-Yr Interval Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program ML20217C3001990-08-23023 August 1990 Rev 5 to Security Dept Procedure IS-AC-00011, Protected & Vital Area Badge Issuance & Control ML20217C3571990-08-0909 August 1990 Rev 3 to Security Implementing Procedure IS-AC-00516, Unescorted Access Requirements ML20217C3071990-07-27027 July 1990 Rev 2 to Security Dept Procedure IS-AC-00015, Fingerprint Processing & Controls ML20217C3201990-06-27027 June 1990 Rev 1 to Security Dept Procedure IS-AC-00018, Drug & Alcohol Testing Process ML20217C3811990-06-22022 June 1990 Rev 4 to Nuclear Group Procedure NG-IS-00004, Fitness for Duty Program ML20217C4001990-04-0202 April 1990 Corporate Ref Manual - Nuclear NU-102, Fitness for Duty ML20217C3401990-01-12012 January 1990 Rev 1 to Security Dept Procedure IS-DP-00101, Bac Simulation ML20217C3281989-11-0909 November 1989 Rev 1 to Security Dept Procedure IS-DP-00100, Bac Exams ML20217C3141989-10-25025 October 1989 Rev 2 to Security Dept Procedure IS-AC-00017, Denied Access List Control ML20217C3941989-08-0101 August 1989 Corporate Ref Manual - Human Resource HR-604, Drug & Alcohol Policy ML20244A8421989-05-31031 May 1989 Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification Phase I Program ML20213A0361987-03-31031 March 1987 Rev 1 to Davis Besse Emergency Procedure Verification & Validation Program ML20213A0311987-03-31031 March 1987 Rev 2 to Vol IV of Procedure Writers Manual:Operation Procedures Guidelines ML20212D1621987-01-27027 January 1987 Rev 1 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.06, Preventive Maint for Type Smb & Smc Valve Operators ML20198D2551986-12-27027 December 1986 Rev 2 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.04, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Type SMB-000 & SMB-00. Temporary Mod Request T-9969,indicating Rewiring of Fcr 85-302 MU-11 to Torque Out in Open Direction,Encl ML20212B5721986-12-15015 December 1986 Rev 0 to Security Training & Qualification Plan, Superseding Rev 24 to App B of ISP AD1808.00.W/o Revised Pages ML20212C9481986-11-21021 November 1986 Rev 8 to Maint Procedure Mpo 1410.32, Testing of Motor- Operated Valves Using Movats ML20212D3131986-10-28028 October 1986 Change 3 to Temporary Mods T10161 & T10144 to Rev 0 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.07, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Opr Smc 04, Incorporating Fcr 86-0092,Rev a Re Removal & Installation of Limiter Plate ML20212D1091986-10-21021 October 1986 Change 1 to Rev 2 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.04, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Type SMB-000 & Smb 00, Addressing Need for Procedure to Address Replacement of Defectrive Parts ML20212D1471986-10-0303 October 1986 Rev 1 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.05, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Types SMB-0 Through SMB-4 ML20212C9181986-09-22022 September 1986 Rev 1 to Procedure NEP-092, Establishing D/P Limits & Tests for Q Motor Operated Valves ML20203M0201986-08-21021 August 1986 Specs for Mist Continuous - Venting Tests ML20210V1131986-08-20020 August 1986 Rev 0 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP-2320, Emergency Technical Assessment ML20206P6511986-06-30030 June 1986 GE Owners Group Action Plan as Result of Davis-Besse Event, June 1986 ML20198D2361986-05-0202 May 1986 Rev 5 to Maint Procedure MP 1410.32, Testing of Motor- Operated Valves Using Movats ML20141J5231986-04-18018 April 1986 Human Engineering Discrepancy Review & Closeout Process for Davis-Besse Dcrdr Program ML20205M6981986-04-0707 April 1986 Rev 0 to Nuclear Engineering Procedure NEP-092, Establish Differential Pressure Limits & Tests for Motor-Operated Valves ML20205M7031986-03-25025 March 1986 Rev 0 to Nuclear Engineering Procedure NEP-091, Motor- Operated Valve (MOV) Data Evaluation ML20141N1501986-02-26026 February 1986 Procedure Fcr 85-227, Main Feedwater Block Valve Interlock ML20141N1561986-02-26026 February 1986 Procedure Fcr 85-200, Main Feedwater Pumps Rapid Feedwater Reduction Speed Setpoint 1998-08-28
[Table view] |
D3 0P-00000 ED'"ISDN ACHINISTRATIVE PROCEDURg n a visiow 03 1
- Sv8JsCT, (FFEM4V8OATE INITI ATto BY OCT s1953 Conduct cf Operations sursassoas A>>novto av sowwn opwmi k de/@r
_ DB.0P-00000 R0f 2.
Prepared by:
u e,
'DatV l
I sponsor:
'3N o._bA1J%
_9/6/ts 9h}rt}
its er. Plant 0peration/ Superintendent. Operations
' Date f
Approved by:
Plant Manager
( $te Procedure Classification:
h A
Safety Related */
Ii Quality Related.
Non-Quality Related
.., v v d l.
9802090141 980205 ~
gDR ADOCK 050^ G46 PDR c
en os
- g DAvisessN N N N
Mm Paococons wueen h
DB-CP-00000 Conduct of Ope'ratione 24 03 C3 v
A,4 shift Mannins Baeuiremante
-6.4.1 Miniaun shift Manning for Technical specificationes' saamas li 2. nia MODES _1 & a
i ss (sno) 1 ss (sao)
x 1 Assistant ss (smo) 2 mos 1 no 2 Non Licensed operatore #
1 Non Licensed Operator s l
1 STA" 0 STA-l Does not include the licensed SRO or sao Limited.to Puel l'
sandling supervising core alteratione.
In Medes 1-4,~the STA function should normally be provided by the shife Manager, but may be provided by other individuale, if.they are STA qualified. -If the sTS function is to be a dual role (SRo/sTA),'tben only the
-smo serving as shift supervisor can assume a dual-role (SR0/STA) function.
s The Assistant as shall enevre the Non Licensed lg Operatorte) listed above are qualified so III or higher or are certified as qualified on safety systems.
I a.
shif t crew coagposition may be less than the minimum required for-a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to--aceconnodate unexpected absence. of on duty shif t crew members p ovided immediate action is taken'to restore the shift crew composition to within the minimum requiremente.
6.4.2 Fire Brigade Manning a.
The fire brigade shall be composed of a fire captain and i
(4) four qualified brigade members..The fire captain is not required to have a sRO License. These individuals 1
are not to be considered part of the (5) five operators needed for Jafe shutdown.
_. safe shutdown Manning:
In Modes 1 4 the following positione are required to coupleta =a safe shutdown outside the control Rooms ss.
Assistant es. 2 Roe, and 1 Non-Licensed Operator that moete Technical specification N14 requiremente.
- s. j
.wu;uumf weAnaeSyd LIQgjR6 QA)*UJtT-W 7iQiNf1GR PAGE104 l
Conduct of Operations 25 03 Ds.Op.cocoo b**. ')
6.4.4 SLO Manning:
In Modes 1-4 a Senior Reactor Operator (SR0)_shall be present in ATCA or the Control Room Cabinet Area in order to provide the crew with direction and guidance. The Control Ronn SR0 should normally be in a position to see and hear annunciators and to initiate crew actions.
During an abnormal event or transient, the Control Room SR0 would provide direction to place the plant in a safe and stable condition. The Control Room SR(, may ente.* the control Room kitchen or lavatory for brief periods.
An Assistant Shift Supervisor should nory. ally provide the Control Room SR0 function in Modes 1-4.
The Shift Supervisor should spend the majority of time in 3
the ATCA during plant startup. shutdown, significart l
power level chan5es (>52). and infrequent operations.
a l
o The Assistant SS should direct the activities in i
progress to allow the SS to maintain the broadest possible perspective of conditions affecting the safe operation of the plant.
j o
The Shift Supervisor may delegate or delay administrative duties not directly related to the.
plant evolution in progress to allow focused supervision of plant operations.
In Hodes 5 & 6, a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) should be present in ATCA or the Control Room Cabinet Area, but is not required to be in the area at all times.
o The Control Room SR0 should keep the Reactor Operators informed of his/her location when out of ATCA or the control Room Cabinet Area, e.
Any operation involving core alterations during refueling shall t? supervised by an SRO who has no other concurrent responsibilities or duties during, this evolution.
6.4.5 R0 Manning a.
In Modes 1 4 or any time Reactor Coolant Pumps are operating, two Ros shall be in ATCA with the following exceptions o
one of the R0s is permitted to leave ATCA for btief access to the lavatory or ki'.chen or to access the Control Rocm Cabinet Area.
__ J
RLFw W Webt) Wggggu1J mgjgr7Jgg-9Jd%d ~
REW510N PRoctDURE CUMetR PAGE Davis SESSE ADMINIS1MATWE P90CEDURE 26 03 DB-0P.00000 Conduct of Operations
.2 6.4.5.a (Continued)
If an R0 and the Control Room SRO are in ATCA. the o
second 10 may act:ssa the ic11owing areas with the concurrence of the Control Roosi SRO:
Computer Room.
Shift Manager's office.
t shift Supervisor's Administrative Assistants
- office, b.
In Modes 5 & 6. there shall be a minimum of 1 Ro in ATCA at all times.
6.4.6 tone Operator Hannings.
All operators on shift should be assigned to a zone, a.
special watch station, to training watches or other specific tasks as directed by Shift Supervision.
Additional operators may be assigned to a sone for training, extra help during complex plant evolutions.
emergencies or for experience enhancement.
Zone assignments should be placed on a shift schedule or c.
posted in ATCA at the beginning of the shift by the Assistant SS in accordance with DB.0P-00100. Shift 4
- Turnover, j
I i
tone assignments should be periodically rotated.
o Nour d.
Each operator shall be assigned to at least o..
shift each six months in all zones in which they qualified in order to maintain zone proficiency. The l
l Assistant Shift Supervisor (s) is responsible for ensuring this occurs.
The qualifications for each tone are as follows:
Zone Operator Grade Systems 1 A0 or equivalent Secondarr anc Support 2 E0.I or equivalent Hain Turbine and Secondary 3 EO-!!! or equivalent Primary and ECCS f.
(.s ai
b CsTparisori of Table 5-1 and Table B-1
TatHe 5-1 Major Funceertal Major Tasks Poseon Tae On Capetmy fbr Adetons On Capebaty for Addeens c
o Ases or Expertne ShfR*
30 met ] 80 m=t.
-80 remei l 120 mm.
a a
Plant Operatons and Stuft Supennsor (SRO) 1 A**M33 >33@g SS i igm
@# EM Assoornent of She Foremen (SRO) 1 Mc5 M3igh Aast. SS M@Al Dr3 M t7 Operstonal Aspeds Corerol Room Operatom 2
7 N'%
Wpth W6-M g
Aendery Operstors 2
%%'~Dd EO(2) rgeg_-g 7Eg g a
o g p%
. ~g
j Emergency Direc!cri ShR Teenical Aensor.
yg Mg ny
.. '((N Shdt Mgr. wm 2R f
and Cordrot*"(Emer.
She Sopervisor or 1"
gency Ccordcotor) dessnoted feedeymgr.
ICcp2@Qf sq
.,f l;*gy? k_,.g4 Nolffcaten /
Nohty Lcensee, State, SIC Comen EPAowser RA4PK910 Cw..,~, m f""
Local and Federat 1
2 CTRM EP (pager)
SJC Cor9mencator RAEP4Q010 Perscrinel & mastsin Stadt Adv:50f NRC Liessor NRC Leeson RAEP42910 commonscations (paged (pager) d Ernerge icy Operatens Soner Manager (gg g@;gg ggg g'gg Emergency 1
p g
- rats, gj'M Deector Radiological Accadent FaoTity(EOF) Daredor AM TW-p DAC W ?fg?
Dese Assesswere Cooremator RArEP-02010 Assessment and Offson Dose Senor Health Physics MS~a"7 1
Support of Assess # pent (MP) Erperbse ND' NM,W)j.@NMy (page4 3NM Operationa! Acculent Oesne Surveys
'Z4 M r-7 2
Nd E RMT(3)
RMT(3) 1 RMT Coordinator (pogss)
HS EP-42290 f
Assessrnent Onsde (out of stant)
MM 1
1 W afr (cas out)
(cal! cut) 5 RMT's (pager)
MS-EPC260 g
in-ptant Surveys HP Technicens 1
1 1
on spw8t caE out est out ' 1 OSC RP Coord & 2 RP Teds. RA-EPG480 O
Chemrstry/Raddocriemistry Ratf/ Chem TechncJans 1
M-M'B 1
on stWt EiW@gl cas out 1 Chem Tecfi RA-EP-02410 b
Sha Tettwucal Advisor 1
@.2KM on shA MMdLEAGS I
Tectw!ical Corenhermal Hydrautats -T M 4J 1
Ang,**x MKQ paper h@p.-p 1 CIT 46 Engmeer RA.EP-02310 Plant Systems Support ElectncalMarstenencer iWp qqqiR 1
W r**
pager 1 TSC Erg (M.E or i&C) and RA-EP-02319 G
g Eng' eermg. Repair Mechencal
_^MEjl l'ist= tp 1
AMg IWF cas ceA 1 TSC Eng. Mgr. and 1 Ops e
[QQ M4 2 rpechenes RA EP-02410 1
on shalt and Corredrwe Mechantaf ILfainienance/
1" Adiotis Repaar e-d Rad Weste Operator
@m M Corredive Actions Eietsrical Maintenenet 1"
1 1
on sb4 peger 2 eiecencens RA-EP-C2410 instrument and Centrol g%
1 E eQ% 3p[
peger hp(
2 ISC techrsicens R W C2410 3&C) Technician Mbk EdkW QM 6Y}
2mes om 8
Page 1 of 2 i
Compenson of Table 5-1 and Table B-1
t NUREG 08S4 TA8LE s.t I
DSPFS Senimsmasseng k
for Actmegen.
l StWR*
On capatweny see Addarons On em for Addeens Mejor Fundtonel Major Tasats Poseon TWe
] 120 min,.
30 min.
] to met StWt*
90 rnn Area or Espertoe I
Radiaton Protecten HP Tedwwoons 2"
2 2
Meter cet out cas ewl
- s. Access Controf Quorned
- b. HP coverage for repse.
Operseers f%4ective Aci Jns correteve adens, (l@ tert) search and rescue Srst-j aid & GreegMing
- c. Personal morutonng
- d. Dosemetry Ferenghteg l
l l per T S. l
- 4. scot Support per Tre l Local Support Rescue Operatens 2-Lace! Support on ste Lecs Support eruf First Asd operators g
i Jp}_%%{T Q
.l g=iMQ f
h7dtMM{M 7{NdNy%p,y'EN S4e Acoass Control Securdy, firefghtsg.
IM per SP.
and Personnel conummicaticns, Secunty Personnel per SP.
Accountotdt personnelaccountabah h@T@NN3[
FA M $ D h y
o, For each unaffected nudear und in operation, maintain at lease one shiit forerr,an, one astrol room operater and 4
ene sortiery operator except that unis sharing a centrol ecom may shore a stW!t foremen F su bacions ese
-o r
- May be provided by shift personnel assigned other fundions.
- Overse dwecten of facMy response to be assumed by EOF Dsector erhen all centers are fusy manned Diw%r of minute-to.ernnute feouty operaton remains with senior enensger in Technical Support Center or Control Room
~ May be performed by engmeenng side to she't supervisor.
2848 TD N.
G tA Page 2 of 2
_ - _ _ _ - _ _ -