ML20136H177 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 11/09/1985 |
From: | Briden D, Daft C TOLEDO EDISON CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20136H086 | List: |
References | |
MP-1411.04, NUDOCS 8601090296 | |
Download: ML20136H177 (65) | |
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N 1411.04
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J' Maintenance and Repair of Limitorcue Valve Operators Type SMB-000 and SMB 00 i
l Record of 4wval and Changes W gy Robert C. Elfstrom/ James W. Long
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MP 1411.04.0 1.
PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for maintenance to be performed on Limitorque ope.rators models SMB-00 and SMB-000.
1.2 Due to the complexity and various configurations of these operators, this procedure has been divided into phases. This will allow the flexibility to choose the maintenance required for a specific operator.
1.3 Procedural Phases:
6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads.
6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal from HBC gear box.
6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem'aut installed.
6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stes nut removed.
6.5 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange when operator cannot be placed in manual.
6.6 Limitorque valve operator disassembly.
6.7 Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
6.8 Limitorque valve operator reassembly.
6.9 Limitorque valve operator subassemblies (disassembly and reassembly).
6.9.1 & 6.9.2 Top mounted handwheel 6.9.3 & 6.9.4 Side mounted handwheel 6.9.5 & 6.9.6 Drive Sleeve l
6.9.7 & 6.9.8 - Worm shaft 6.9.9 & 6.9.10 Worm / torque spring (spring pack) 6.10 Limitorque valve operator installation on HBC gear box.
6.11 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stes nut installed.
6.12 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stem nut removed.
6.13 Lubrication 6.14 Limit switch adjustaant.
6.15 Setting torque switch for SMB-000.
6.16 Setting torque switch for SMB-00.
-6.17 Setting position limit stops 50BC through B3BC units.
6.18 Energization and check out of Limitorque operators follow-ing maintenance, repair, or new installation.
6.19 Inspection and testing.
i 1.4 Not all portions of this procedure will be applicable for every maintenance condition. Inter the symbol "NA" in the applicable j
blanks on the data and signoff sheet as required. This is also I
l appropriate when only portions of this procedure are being conducted.
2 MP 1411.04.0 2.
REFERENCES 2.1 Maintenance Procedure MF 1410.32, Testing of Motor Operated Valves using MOVATS 2.2 Limitorque Corporation Limitorque, Bulletin SMBI-82C, Type SMB Instruction and Mainte-nance Manual Limitorque, Bulletin 871, Type SMB Valve Controls Limitorque,Bulletin 15-73, Manual Type HBC Limitorque, Bulletin HBCI-85, Type DC Instruction and Mainte-nance Manual 2.3 Drawings 2.3.1 Limitorque Corporation 01-403-0033-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-000 01-403-0034-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-000 01-403-0035-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-00 01-403-0036-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-00 3.
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED MP 1410.33 messer testing of electrical equipment Gasket asterial, Anchorite #425 3/8" bolt 2 1/2" - 3" long U nut AD 1844.06 Control of Lifting and Handling Equipment Lubricant, Felpro N-5000 Ammeter, clamp on Voltage tester Wrench, locknut i
Retaining Ring (snap ring) pliers (inside & outside)
Dead Man Switch MP 1410.63 Electrical Maintenance Guidelines 4.
PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Safety Tagging Procedure, AD 1803.00, will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure.
4.2 TED Safety Procedures will be in effect and followed throughout I
this procedure.
4.3 Cleanliness Control Procedure AD 1844.05 will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure.
3 IfP 1411.04.0 4.4 Jumper and Lifted Wire Control Procedure AD 1823.00 will be in effect and followed through out this procedure.
4.5 Torque switches have different colors. The application in use depends on the color. They are as follows:
Nuclear Safety Relaced or Tor Use Inside and Outside Containment Brown:
For Use on All Class 1E Equipment.
Nuclear Safety Related NOT for Containment Use 4.6 All leads will be bundled before closing limit switch cover to prevent crushing or broken leads.
4.7 Observe proper radiation practices to limit personnel exposure, ALARA.
4.8 The following actions can damage the operator:
Lifting the operator by the handwheel, Forcing the operator by the handwheel, Torcing the declutch lever, Using a cheater (mechanical leverage) on handwheel.
Lifting the operator by or laying the operators weight on the declutch lever.
4.9 Control of Lifting and Handling Equipment, AD1844.06, will be used when moving operators.
4.10 The Limitocque operator has more than one source of power.
4.11 Do not stop valve stem travel by depressing declutch lever during actor operation.
4.12 Do not jos actor in an effort to obtain a tighter seated valve.
4.13 Do not reset torque switch setting higher than the maximum that is recommended by the valve manufacturer, without engineering approval.
4.14 Do not attempt to set limit switches without first disconnecting control and power circuits unless insulated tools and extreme caution is used.
4.15 Protect inside of limit switch compartment from exposure to water or steam.
4.16 If you must "notar operate" valve without first setting limit switch, a " dead aan" switch and extreme caution must be used.
4 ffP 1411.04.0 4.17 Engineering evaluation is required prior to performing the torque switch adjustment if the torque switch settings are not stamped inside the limit switch compartment.
4.18 The limit switch will not deenergize the actor in.the valve
" closed" direction on torqued closed valves. Deenergize actor if torque switch failure occurs.
4.19 Do not bypah or render inoperative any of the personnel safety or equipment protection devices.
4.20 Incompatible gresses any cause gresses to solidify, liquify or produce toxic gases. Only the gresses specified in this proce-dure are to be used.
4.21 When replacing the covers on the geared limit switch, ensure the contact block is seated correctly on the frame.
4.22 For Environmentally Qualified (EQ) operators, ensure gaskets are intact, all cover bolts installed, all pipe plugs installed, T-drains installed in motors where required and conduit fittings reassembled.
5.1 The equipment or device has been isolated and/or deenergized prior to working on Limitorque unit.
5.2 Safety Red Tags have been iss ed and hung.
1 5.3 A !!aintenance Work Order has been issued for repairs.
5.4 A REP has been issued if required.
i 5.5 Tags for the lifted wires, mechanical medifications and jumpers have been issued and are ready to be attached.
l 5.6 Record general information on the data package prior to starting work.
5.7 Ifatch mark operator to valve to ensure proper reinstallation.
PROGDURE 6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads.
6.1.1 Shut off all power to Limitorque unit, and hang Safety Red Tags.
6.1.2 Disconnect computer points and hans tags if applicable.
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MP 1411.04.0 6.1.3 Remove the limit switch compartment cover.
6.1.4 Disconnect the leads to the terminal block.
6.1.5 Disconnect the motor leads inside of the limit switch compartment.
6.1.6 Pull electrical cable from limit switch compartment and attach jumper and lifted wire tags. Make sure leads are properly marked for reconnecting to the terminals.
These steps are required to provide a reference point to allow setting limit switches using information provided by the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1.
6.1.7 Coordinate with operations, and by engaging the manual handwheel, position the valve to either the full open or full closed position. Record the valve position on the data sheet under limit switch data.
6.1.8 Turn the set rod (s) clockwise until it (they) stop.
(Refer to Figure 19).
6.1.9 Reinstall the limit switch compartment cover.
Review and/or refer to the parts drawing for reference as listed in 2.5.1 for this unit whenever disassembly is to be made. Be certain to keep all parts clean and free from dirt when disassembly is made.
If Limitorque valve operator is installed with a HBC gear box, perform Step 6.2.
Begin at Procedure Step 6.3 or 6.4 if no HBC gear box is installed, or if the operator is attached to a non-rising stam valve, or a rising stas valve where the valve yoke bushing causes the stem to rise instead of a threaded stem nut in the operator. In this case, remove any locking devices on the and of the stem. These locking devices (usually a nut and washer), lock the stem to the stem nut. Perform Steps 6.4.11 through 6.4.12 to remove this operator from its valve.
Steps 6.2, 6.3, or 6.4 (actuator removal) need not be performed if valve operator is to be worked in place. If the opeator is to be worked in place, remove cha stam nut, I
s 6
MP 1411.04.1 Steps 6.4.1 through 6.4.10, then proceed to Step 6.6 or proceed directly to Step 6.6 without removing the stem nut and use the lock nut removal tool to unscrew the drive sleeve from the stem in Step
1 6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal form HBC Gear Box or operator with HBC gear box.
Do not use Limitorque valve operator handwheel as a lifting point.
Prior to proceeding, ensure that the valve is not hard seated, either open or shut. Coordinate with operations and engage the manual handwheel and operate the valve several turns opposite of valve position.
I 6.2.1 Attached lifting device to Limitorque valve operator or operator with HBC gear box and take up slack.
1 l
6.2.2 Remove bolts holding actuator to gear box or gear box to valve mounting flange.
l 6.2.3 Carefully pull operator away from gear box and off of 1
splined shaft of HBC gear box or carefully pull operator with HBC. gear box off valve stem.
I 6.2.4 Transport valve operator or operator with HBC gear box to designated work area.
Performance of Procedure Steps 6.3 and 6.4 requires the Limitorque operator to be placed in manual. If the operator cannot be placed in manual, proceed to Procedure Step 6.5.
Procedure Step 6.3 removes the valve operator from the valve flange without removing the stem nut from the operator. Procedure Step' 6.4 removes the stem nut from the operator prior to removing the operator from the valve flange. Either Step 6.3 or 6.4 may be us ed.
6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stes nut installed (Refer to Figure 1).
6.3.1 Remove flange bolts holding valve mounting flange to valve operat'or.
6.3.2 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging.
6.3.3 Depress declutch lever and place operator in manual.
i 1
7 ffP 1411.04.0 l
6.3.4 Slowly rotate handwheel in closed direction maintaining tension with rigging equipment.
6.3.5 Continue rotating handwheel in closed direction while lifting an operator until is clear of threaded valve stem.
6.3.6 Transport valve operator to designated work area.
6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut removed (Refer to Figure 1).
6.4.1 Unscrew the stem protector pipe or cap from the handwheel assembly.
If the threads above the lock nut have been staked, follow Steps 6.4.2 through 6.4.7.
If they have not been staked, so to Step 5.
6.4.2 Stuff a rag or paper towel into the lock nut opening.
6.4.3 Drill out the staked threads above the lock nut.
6.4.4 Clean out the metal particles.
6.4.5 Use the lock nut removal tool to loosen and remove the lock nut.
6.4.6 Push the declutch lever down and turn the handwheel in the "CI4SE" direction.
6.4.7 Observe that the stem nut is rising out of the housing as the handwheel is turned.
i 6.4.8 Stop turning the handwheel when the stem nut no longer j
l 6.4.9 Use a scribe or pin to unscrew the remaining length of the stem nut.
6.4.10 Remove the stem nut.
6.4.11 Remove flange bolts holding mounting flange to valve operator.
6.4.12 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging.
i 6.4.13 Carefully lift actuator free of valve and transport to designated work area.
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MP 1411.04~.1 6.5 Limitorque valve operstor removal from valve flange when opera-tor cannot be placed in manual.
The Steps in this Procedure section provide one method for removal from the valve flange. Other methods may be utilized if obvious to the trained technician.
Upon removal of handwheel assembly the upper quad ring is now available for inspection and replacement if required.
6.5.1 Perform Steps 6.6.1 through 6.6.5 step three of Limitorque valve operator disassembly procedure.
6.5.2 Using the lock nut removal tool, unscrew the drive sleeve from the valve stem.
6.5.3 Remove drive sleeve and place in work area.
6.5.4 Attach lifting device to operate and remove slack.
6.5.5 Unbolt operator from valve mounting flange.
6.5.6 Lift operator from valve mounting flange and transport to designated work area.
6.6 Limitorque Valve Operator Disassembly 6.6.1 Preliminary Activities
Remove electrical compartment cover.
Disconnect and remove geared limit switch assembly.
Disconnect and remove the torque switch assembly.
Record as found settings on data sheet.
If the actuator is equipped with a slide wire position indicator, disconnect and remove the module.
Remove the terminal strip (s) and other electrical parts that may be installed in the compartment.
Disconnect and remove the motor and its sasket.
1 7.
Remove the local indicator (if installed).
6.6.2 Clutch Tripper Removal (Refer to Figure 2) 1.
Locate the clutch tripper just inside the case where the motor was positioned (Figure 2).
If the clutch tripper cannot be removal due to the size of wormshaft gear, perform Step 6.6.3 and remove woreshaft gear.
Loosen the setscrew and slide the clutch tripper off the shaft.
9 tfP 1411.04.1 1
Remove the key and place in a suitable container. On SMB00 only remove tripper lever spacer from shaft.
6.6.3 Worm / Torque Spring Assembly (Refer to Figures 3 & 4)
If the declutch lever in Step 6.6.3 Step 1 is difficult to remove, apply penetrating oil around the mating surfaces of the lever and the shaft. It may be necessary to use a small hammer and lightly tap the lever off the shaft.
Loosen the setscrew and slide the declutch lever off the shaft.
Remove the key from its slot and place in a suitable container.
Remove the spring cartridge cap cover and the seal.
Remove the four capscrews and washers holding the spring cartridge cap in place (Figure 4).
Remove the spring cartridge cap and the gasket.
Remove the rubber quad ring from the spring cartridge cap and place in a suitable container.
Pull out the worm / torque spring assembly and place on the work bench.
6.6.4 Wormshaft Assembly Removal (Figure 5) 1 1.
Remove the capscrews holding the assembly in place and place them in a suitable container.
Swing the adjustment are upward until it clears 1
the bearing cap. (SMB000 only) i 3.
Pull the wornshaft assembly out of the case.
l 4.
Pull out the pivot pin and remove the adjustment arm.
6.6.5 Drive Sleeve Assembly Removal (Figure 6) 1.
Remove the four bolta holding the handwheel assembly in place.
Remove the handwheel assembly.
(Use one hand on l
10 MP 1411.04.1.
either side of the handwheel and lift up. DO NOT pull at a sideways angle.)
Remove the gasket and place it in a suitable
Lift the drive assembly and place it on the work bench.
6.6.6 Declutch Shaft and Fork Removal (Refer to Figure 7) 1 1.
Remove the spacer and retaining ring on the front of the declutch shaft and place in a suitable container.
Slide the bushing off the rear of the declutch shaft.
If the bushing cannot be removed, the declutch fork key will push the bushing out when the shaft is removed.
Reach into the case and hold the fork in place.
Slide the declutch shaft out of the motor end of the case.
If declutch shaft fits tight enough to bind, DO NOT force it!
It may be necessary to deburr the shaft. If the shaft is bent, it will have to be cut and replaced.
Take the fork out of the case and place in a suitable container.
Remove the key from its slot in the declutch shaft and place in a suitable container.
6.7 Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair CAUTION: Use only approved solvent per MP 1410.63 for electrical parts and Part Kleen tool degressing solvent for mechanical parts. Other solvents may be used with Quality Engineering approval.
The lower quad ring is now available for inspection and replacement if required.
6.7.1 Clean all mechanical parts removed from the actuctor.
6.7.2 Inspect all parts for damage or excessive wear.
6.7.3 Small nicks or burrs on drive shafts and gears can be smoothed out with a honing stone or a fine file.
-.. - ~
11 MP 1411.04.1 6.7.4 Carefully inspect all bearing assemblies for any defects in inner or outer races or the rollers.
Replace any bearing assemblies showing excessive wear or binding.
6.7.5 Remove surface corrosion with penetrating oil and fine grit crocus cloth or emery paper.
6.7.6 If all parts are determined to be satisfactory for reuse, proceed to Procedure Step 6.8 (Limitorque Actuator Reassembly).
If replacement of bearings or other parts is necessary or it is desired to further disassemble the actuator, Procedure Section 6.9 provides specific instruction for disassembly and reassembly of each actuator subassembly.
Prior to reassembly, verify data package has been completed.
6.8 Limitorque Valve Operator Reassembly 1
Bearing heater may be used in lieu of pressing on bearings.
6.8.1 Declutch Shaft and Fork Assembly Installation (Figure 7) 1.
Insert the key into its slot.on the declutch shaft.
Insert the declutch shaft into the case from the motor side.
Icid the fork with the prongs pointing down and place inside the case.
Insert the shaft through the fork and into the case on the other side.
Slide the bushing onto the shaft and place it firmly against the case.
1 6.
Place the retaining ring and spacer onto the shaft.
6.8.2 Drive Sleeve Assembly Installation (Refer to Figure 6) 1.
Clean the surfaces of the handwheel housing and case that mate with the gasket.
Coat the entire drive sleeve assembly with
If the Limitorque operator was worked i
12 MP 1411.04.1 i
in place without the stem out removed, the drive sleeve will have to be installed by engaging the stem nut threads with the stem and rotating the stem nut with the lock nut removal tool until the drive sleeve assembly lower bearing is properly seated La the lower bearing cups.
Install the drive sleeve assembly into the case.
Ensure that the prongs on the fork are inserted into the drive sleeve assembly clutch ring.
If the old gasket is still serviceable, place it on the mating surface of the case. If it is not serviceable, replace it with a new gasket of the same thickness.
The drive sleeve is shimmed to ensure proper tooth alignment of the worn and worm gear. The use of gaskets of different thickness may cause binding or improper drive sleeve alignment.
Install the handwheel assembly.
Tighten the four bolts in a "criss-cross" pattern until snug.
6.8.3 Wornshaft Assembly Installation (Refer to Figure 5) 1.
Insert the wornshaft assembly into the case.
Install the adjustment arm and pivot pin.
Insert and tighten both capscrews.
If worm gear was removed if Step 6.6.2 to remove the clutch tripper, perform Step 6.8.5 prior to Step 6.8.4 then reinstall the worn shaft gear.
6.8.4 Wors/ Torque Spring Assembly Installation (Refer to Figure 4) 1.
Coat the worn end of the assembly with grease (including the hole in the center of the worm).
l 2.
Insert the worm / torque assembly into the case.
It may be necessary to rotate the worn shaft to i
allow it to mesh into the worm / torque spring.
l l
13 MP 1411.04.1 1
Ensure that the sating surfaces of the case and the spring cap are clean. I.oosen set screw holding the lock nut in place. Unscrew the lock nut a few turns.
Install the old gasket if it is still service-able, or install a new gasket if it is not.
Place the spring cap over the gasket.
1 6.
Install the four capscrews and washers until snug. Ensure the scots cut in end of lock nur are facing the spring pack. Turn lock nut until it touches the spring pack. Tighten the set screw to captivate the lock nut in place.
Ensure that the sating surfaces of the spring cap and its cover are clean.
Install the oli seal if it is still serviceable; or install a new seal if it is not.
Install the old quad ring if it is still service-able; if it is not serviceable, install a new quad ring. Ensure that it is seated properly in the cap, or the cover will not fit properly.
Install the spring cap cover and tighten the four screws until snug.
If the cover does not fit flush with the seal, either the quad ring or the wors/ torque spring assembly is installed incorrectly.
Coat the end of the declutch shaft with an anti-seize compound (Telpro N-5000).
Insert the key into the keyway.
- 13. Slide the declutch lever onto the shaft until it is flush with the end of the shaft. Tighten the setscrew.
6.8.5 Clutch Tripper Installation (Figure 2) 1 1.
Install tripper lever spacer on shaft (SMB000 only).
Then insert the key into the keyway on the shaft.
14 MP 1411.04.1 2.
Hold the clutch tripper as shown in Figure 13 and slide it onto the shaft.
The clutch tripper should be mounted flush with the end of the shaft and the fingers riding on their cas.
Tighten the setscrew.
6.8.6 Clutch Tripper Adjustment (Figure 8) 1.
Loosen the espscrew holding the adjustment arm.
Push the declutch lever down and hold it in position.
Lift the adjustment arm until it touches the tripper wiper arms.
Tighten the capscrew.
On new model SMB actuators, an adjustment are set screw was installed to prevent the adjustment are from becoming sisadjusted if sufficient torque was not applied to the capscrew. Ensure that the stop. screw is set if installed.
I 5.
Release the declutch lever. It should remain in position. If it does not, rotate the handwheel one or two turns and repeat Steps 6.8.6 Step one -
6.8.6 Step four above.
Rotate the worashaft a few turns. Verify that the trippers are cammed outward and that the declutch lever is released.
Pack fresh grease around the worashaft until it is totally covered.
6.8.7 Installation of Electrical Components 1.
Install the motor. Use the old gasket if it is still serviceable, or obtain a new one.
CAUTION: Ensure motor pinion is not installed backwards.
Install the terminal strip (s) and the space
-heater (if installed).
Indicator can be installed after unit is installed so indicator can be properly orientate.
15 MP 1411.04.1 1
Install the local indicator module if the actuator is equipped with one.
Install the torque and geared limit switches.
Do not turn Limit Switch set rod (s) at this time.
1 CAUTION: Ensure torque switch is not installed upside down. Refer to Figure 16 for proper orientation inside limit switch compartment.
Connect all electrical leads according to the wiring diagram for the actuator.
Loosely install the limit switch compartment cover.
Proceed with Procet.ure Section 6.10, 6.11 or 6.12, Limitorque va'.ve operator installation.
6.9 Limitorque Valve Operator Subassembly (Disassembly and Ressa _bly) 6.9.1 Top Mounted Handwheel Disassembly (Figure 9) SMB-000 1.
Reach in through the bottom of the housing and remove the retaining ring.
You should now be able to remove the handwheel from the housing.
Remove the quad ring from inaide the spindle of the handwheel.
Remove the 0-ring from the handwheel spindle.
Inspect all parts for wear or damage and obtain necessary replacements.
i 6.9.2 Top Mounted Handwheel Reassembly (Figure 9) 1.
Replace the 0-ring on the handwheel spindle.
1 2.
Replace the quad ring on the inside of the headwheel spindle.
Insert the handwheel into the housing.
Replace the retaining ring.
16 MP 1411.04.1 6.9.3 Side Mounted Handwheel Disassembly (Figure 10) 1.
Remove handwheel.
1 l
Remove bolts on bevel pinion cap.
1 l
Remove screws from bevel gear cartridge flange.
Remove bevel gear.
Pull out bevel gear pinion assembly.
6.9.4 Side Mounted Handwheel Reassembly (Figure 10) l 1.
Coat bearing and gears.with grease. Slide bevel gear 1
assembly in place.
Install bevel gear.
1 l
Install bolts on bevel pinion cap.
Install screws in bevel gear cartridge flange.
1 l
Reinstall handwheel.
1 6.
Inject grease into zerk until grease comes out vent holes in bevel gear.
6.9.5 Drive Sleeve Disassembly (Figure 11)
CAUTION: DO NOT apply force to the bearing cage when pressing the bearings off the drive shaft.
Set irp the bearing puller and hook the puller jaws onto the raised flange of the bevel gear.
Pull the bevel gear, spacer, and lower drive sleeve bearing off the shaft.
Remove the key from the slot in the shaft.
Slide the vorm gear, the clutch ring with its two keys, and the spring off the drive shaft.
Hook the jaws of the bearing puller to the inner race of the upper drive sleeve bearing. Pull the bearing off the shaft.
Inspect all parts for chips, gouges, burrs, nicks, etc. If any part shows excessive wear, it should be replaced.
17 MP 1411.04.1 6.9.6 Drive Sleeve Resssembly (Refer to Figure 11) 1.
Clean the upper and lower drive sleeve bearings with solvent and dry them.
Clean the upper and lower bearing journals on the drive shaft with solvent and dry them.
Inspect the bearing journals for gouges, nicks, burrs, etc. If such areas are present, dress with a honing stone or a fine file. Be sure to wipe the journals clean when finished.
Coat the bearing journals with a light film of grease.
Press the upper drive sleeve bearing onto the shaft. Ensure that steady pressure is applied to the inner race of the bearing, non the cage.
If using an impact-type bearing installer, use sharp blows. Tapping *can cause a series of shocks that can damage the bearing.
Fit the keys into the clutch ring.
Align the keys with the keyways and slide the clutch ring onto the drive shaft.
1 8.
Slide the worm gear into place. Position it so its protruding edges butt against the ends of the keys in the clutch ring.
Install local indicator drive gear or worm gear i
Install local indicator gear with teeth towards worm gear.
(SMB00 only, parts not shower on Figure 11) l 10.
Coat the lower bearing journal with grease.
Press on the lower bearing.
- 11. Pack the upper and lower bearings with fresh grease.
6.9.7 Wornshaft Assembly / Disassembly (Refer to Figure 12) 1.
Unscrew the locknut and place out of the way.
!fP 1411.04.1 2.
Remove the following parts from the wornshaft assembly (Figure 12):
Worrahaft sear b.
Cass (two pieces) c.
Can spacer d.
Bearing spacer e.
Bearing cap f.
Shaft key 6.9.8 Wormshaft Assembly / Reassembly (Refer to Figure 12) 1.
Pack the wornshaft bearing with grease.
Coat the fluted end of the wornshaft with grease.
Install the bearing cap with its raised edge facing and firmly seated against the bearing.
Install the remaining parts as shown in Figure 8.
Ensure that the cans are installed in opposite directions as shown.
Tighten the locknut against the worashaft gear until it is snug. Do not forcel 6.9.9 Wors/ Torque Spring Disassembly (yigures 13 and 14) 1.
Clamp the vorm/ torque spring assembly in a 1
soft-jaw vise in an upright position. !!aasure the distance from the torque limiter sleeve to thrust washer behind nut and record on data sheet.
Proper tension of the spring discs is very important. The amount of tension is controlled by the nut at the end of the worn shaft. The tension is adjusted by the number of turns of the nut.
Unserew the nut. Count the EXACT number of turns and record that number in the appropriate space in the data package.
i 3.
Slide off the first thrust washer and the sleeve.
DO liOT allow the discs to become separated.
CAUTION: The Belleville spring discs must be l
removed and replaced in the exact same order. Use caution when removing the discs. Place them on the work bench where they will not be disturbed.
1 l
19 MP 1411.04.1 4.
Slide the Belleville spring discs and the remain-ing thrust washer off the shaft. Place on the work bench where they will not be disturbed.
Record data as required in the data package.
Remove the retaining ring on the worn end of the shaft.
Pull out the worn assembly (worm, bearing, and bearing nut).
Inspect all parts for nicks, burrs, and other defects. If excessive wear indicates that parts must be replaced, follow the remaining steps of the disassembly. If further disassembly is not indicated, so to Par. 6.9.10 and begin Step 4 of the reassembly procedures.
Remove the bearing nut.
- 10. Press off the bearing.
11, Clean the bearing with solvent and dry it.
- 12. Inspect the bearing. If it shows wear or is binding, it should be replaced.
6.9.10 Worm / Torque Spring Reassembly (Figure 14) 1.
Pack'the bearing with fresh grease.
Press the bearing onto the journal of the worm.
Replace the bearing nut.
Replace the worn assembly (worm, bearing, and bearing nut).
Replace the retaining ring.
l l
Place the first thrust washer and Belleville spring discs onto the cartridge shaft in the exact order in which they were removed.
Place the second thrust washer and the sleeve down over the Belleville spring discs.
Replace the nut on the end of the shaft with the exact number of turns used to remove it (recorded in Step 6.9.9 Step two).
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20 MP 1411.04.1 NOTE:
If Limitorque operator is installed with a HBC Gear Box, perform Step 6.10.
If Limitorque operator is installed on valve with a splined valve steam adapter, also perform Step 6.10 and substitute " valve" for "HBC G= r Box".
(An example of this would be a non-rising stem valve). Otherwise perform Step 6.11 or 6.12 to reinstall operator on the valve.
1 9.
Measure the distance from the torque limiter sleeve to the thrust washer behind the nut and record on data sheet. This distance should equal to the distance recorded in Step
1 6.9.11
-HBC-0 thru HBC-3 disassembly (Tigure 22) 1.
Remove limit stop housing cap.
I 2.
Rotate worm shaft clockwise until pointer cap stops rotating.
Remove pointer cap and housing cover.
Record / mark top ' side of position indicator dial.
Remove both stop nuts and limit stop housing, as required.
Remove thru cap and remove o-ring.
Remove worm shaft by pulling from housing.
It may be necessary to work bearing around drive sleeve, by rotating the drive sleeve slightly in the direction it was turning in Step 2.
It is not necessary to remove bearing from worm shaft.
Remove drive sleeve from housing, as necessary to cleanout old lubricant.
Remove drive sleeve "0" rings.
Clean all parts with solvent and dry them.
Inapect all part for wear or damage and obtain i
necessary replacements.
6.9.12 HBC-0 Thru HBC-3 Reassembly (Figure 22) 1.
Replace "0" rings on drive sleeve, if removed.
Install drive sleeve in housing, if removed.
Pack worm shaft bearings and coat worm with grease.
l l
21 MP 1411.04.1 4.
Install worn shaft in housing.
It may be necessary to work bearing around drive sleeve, by rotating the drive sleeve slightly.
Install "0" ring in thru cap and install cap with gasket on housing.
Install limit stop housing with gasket and stop nuts.
Before reinstalling the housing cover, locate center line of sector gear.
Lubricate gear box before installing housing cover.
Install housing cover with gasket.
l 8.
Install pointer cap.
1 6.10 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation On HBC Gear Box or operator with HBC gear box on valve 6.10.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position next'to HBC gear box.
6.10.2 Carefully line up splines in operator with splines in l
gear box and slide actuator into place against gear box flange.
6.10.3 Install bolts holding actuator to housing and tighten.
6.10.4 Reinstall any stem nut locking devices, if previously installed (usually a nut and washer).
6.10.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator or stem.
6.10.6 Install protective cap or pipe.
Step 6.10.7 for operator with HBC gear box installation on valve.
1 6.10.7 Check valve in In11 close position.
6.10.8 Using suitable lifting device, position operator with HBC gear box next to valve stem.
6.10.9 With HBC gear box in the full close position, carefully line-up HBC gear box with valve stem and slide BBC gear box in place.
~ _ _ -.. - -. _ _ _ _ _. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
22 MP 1411.04.1 1
6.10.10 Install bolts holding HBC gear box to valve and tighten.
6.10.11 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator, gear box, or stem.
6.11 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve With Stes Nut Installed (Figure 2) 1 NOTE:
Ensure the valve stes and stes nut are clean, inspected and lubricated prior to installation.
6.11.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position over valve stem, 6.11.2 With valve operator in manual, carefully engage stes nut with valve stem threads.
6.11.3 Using care rotate valve operator handwheel in the "Open" direction while lowering operator onto the mounting flange.
6.11.4 Install and tighten flange bolts holding valve mounting flange to valve operator.
CAUTION: While performing this step, ensure valve disc is not jammed into the valve seat.
6.11.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator stem.
6.11.6 Install cap or protection pipe.
6.12 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve With Sten Nut Removed (Figure 1) 1 NOTE:
Ensure the valve steam and stem nut are cleaned, inspected and lubricated prior to operator installation.
Be sure that operator to be installed is the original operator for the valve, or an acceptable replacement.
Use Model No., Serial No., and Order No. if necessary, to trace operator specifications and verify acceptability.
l 6.12.1 Lubricate valve stem and stem nut with approved lubricant.
6.12.2 Carefully lower valve operator onto valve body flange.
Install attaching bolts.
l 6.12.3 Insert stem nut into operator; then screw stem nut on i
valve stem as far as it will 30.
Align stem nut and drive sleeve splines.
= _ _.
23 MP 1411.04.1 6.12.4 Push declutch lever down and turn handwheel to "0 PEN" direction until it cannot be turned any further.
(This action causes stem nut to fully retract into operator. )
i 6.12.5 Using special wrench or driftpin, screw locking nut into operator until snug.
6.12.6 Using chisel or punch, stake threads at two places (180* apart) just above locking nut.
6.12.7 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator or stem.
6.12.8 Install cap or protective pipe, i
6.12.4 Push declutch lever down and turn handwheel to "0 PEN" direction until it cannot be turned any further.
(This action causes stem nut to fully retract into operator.)
c 6.12.5 Using special wrench or driftpin, screw locking nut into operator until snug.
t 6.12.6 Using chisel or punch, stake threads at two places (180* apert) just above' locking nut.
i 6.12.7 With operator in esaual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator or sten.
6.12.8 Install cap or protective pipe.
l 6.13 Lubrication (Refer to Figure 19) ~
1 l
If operator has been disassembled, lubricant maybe added at any convenient point during the reassembly process rather
- i than using pipe plus after assembly is complete.
6.13.1 The gear box and the geared limit switch shall be lubricated in accordance with the Lubrication Manual.
6.13.2 Limitorque valve operator motors are factory lubricated l
for life.
6.13.3 The following should be noted when inspecting the gear i
box and geared limit switch lubrication:
i 1.
Limit Switch:
l L
I a.
Numble 011 Co. Beacom 325 grease is light gray in color.
. -. - ~ - - - -,..
~, -..,. _... - - -. - -.
1 24 MP 1411.04.1 b.
Mobil Oil Corp. - Mobil 23 is dark red in color.
Gear Box:
Exxon - Nebula EPI is dark tan in color and used for nuclear containment units.
All of the above gresses should be smooth and creamy, free of lumps and foreign matter.
Lubricant Requirements for the gear box:
Amount of Lubricant Unit Size Approx. Volume Approx. Weight Gallons Pounds SMB-000
.50 3.5 SMB-00
.50 4.0 HBC-0
.20 1.5 1
.35 3.0 HBC-2
.50 4.0 HBC-3 1.40 12.0 NOTE:
SMB-00 valve operators with a side mounted handwheel required additional grease to ensure bevel gear assembly is lubricated.
6.13.4 In the event that lubricant types are changed, the lubricants shall NOT be mixed.
CAUTION: Ensure pipe plugs used are on gear box and are g conduit plugs.
6.13.5 Unscrew tws pipe plugs located on lower and upper side of case.
6.13.6 Using grease gun, inject clesa fresh grease into lower pipe plug opening until grease reaches level of upper pipe plug openirs.
6.13.7 Remove pipe plus on motor gear box and fill it with grease.
6.13.8 Inject grease into grease (serk) fitting on handwheel housing.
6.13.9 Reinstall pipe plugs.
25 MP 1411.04.1 6.13.10 Lubrication and inspection of limit switch and torque switch.
Do not use abrasive cloth on paper to clean silver contacts of seared limit switch and torque switch. Contacts should be burnished, using the appropriate and a lint-free cloth.
With the limit switch removed from the actuator, remove the screws and-lockwashers and lift the finger base off the rotor. Be careful not to apply a bending force to the rotor, it could cause cracking at the groove pin area. This is the proper time to inspect the rotor for cracks and the rotor and fingerplate contacts fer condition.
Remove the two geared limit switch gear box covers by removing the machine screws and place in a plastic bag.
CAITIION: Care is required to prevent intermediate gear shafts from falling out during the cleaning operation.
Clean the gears inside the seared limit housing with a brush and proper solvent.
Clean the two covers.
Install one of the two covers.
Pack the gear cavity with the proper grease, do not pack solid. Leave a small volume open for expansion.
Use Exxon Beacon 325 or Mobil 28 gressa.
Replace the remaining cover.
Replace the finger base on the rotors. Replace the screws and lockwashers. Be estremely careful not to apply a bending force on the rotors.
The limit switch is ready for re-installation.
Inspect the torque switch contacts and clean if necessary.
Inspect "0" ring and replace if required. Carefully check general condition of switch and freedom of i
I l
26 MP 1411.04.1 6.14 Limit Switch Adjustment Limit switches are driven directly by the same drive train that turna the valve stem. They can be set to operate at any specif-ic number of turns of the gear train. These switches are normally set to operate at the end of travel of the valve stems, thereby identifying the "0 PEN" and " CLOSED" valve positions.
Determine the type of valve the Limitorque actuator is operating and note whether it is a gate, globe ball, butterfly plug, diaphrags, or other. If the valve is a ball or a butterfly type employing H0BC through H3BC operators proceed to Step 6.17 to set the limit stops before proceeding to Step 6.14.2 to set the limit switches.
6.14.1 Setting the "0 PEN" Limit Switch NOTE:
Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This elisinates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.
If number of handwheel turns to stroke the valve in one direction is unknown count and record on MWO.
Using the manual handwheel position the valve at approximately 90% open. Note the direction of the intermittent gear shaft when going open (refer to Figure 19).
Direction of Rotation:
Clockwise Counterclockwise i
Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (refer to Figure 19). Do Not Forcet
By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (Refer to Figure 20).
If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet open, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the i
direction noted in Step 6.4.2 Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate to the "0 FEN" position (Refer to Figure 20).
l l
27 MP 1411.04.1 6.
If the limit switch indicates the valve is "0 PEN" or past "0 PEN", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.1 Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate (indica-tion of valve not open). Now reverse direction on the intermittent sear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the "0 PEN" position (Refer to Figure 20).
Rotate the s'et rod counterclockwise until it stops.
Do Not Forcet 8.
Electrically close the valve.
Electrically open the valve.
- 10. Rotate the set rod clockwise until it stops. Do Not torce!
- 11. Manually operate the valve to the full open positio.s.
- 12. Rotate the handwheel in the closed direction until the valve stes starts to move. Now rotate the handwheel in the closed direction an additional \\1 of full stroke handwheel turns (i.e., if full stroke is 100 turns, rotate the handwheel \\ turn in the closed direction beyond the point where stem motion starts).
If difficulty is encountered determining the point of stem motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to the stem or yoke may be used.
- 13. Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops.
Do Not Foreet You should not be able to move the intermittent gear shaft with your screwdriver, if you can move it repeat Steps 6.14.1 Step 2 through 13.
6.14.2 Setting the "Open" Limit Switch on Ball, Butterfly, Plus, Diaphrags, or Other Non-Wedging Type Valve
-l NOTE:
Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.
9 28 MP 1411.04.1 l.
Using the manual handwheel position the valve to the position lited on the data sheet for limit switch data. Then turn the set rod on the limit switch until it stops. h Not Force!
Using the manual handwheel, close then fully open the valve noting below the direction of rotation of the intermittent gear shaft (refer to Figure.19). Count the number of handwheel turns from full closed to full open and enter on data sheet.
Direction of Rotation:
Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.
With the vIlve fully open it must be closed slightly to allow for backlash and coast down.
Rotate the handwheel in the closed direction until the valve stem starts to move. Now rotate the handwheel
,' in the closed direction in additional % of full stroke handwheel turns (i.e., if full stroke is 100 turns, rotate the handwheel \\ turn in the closed' direction beyond the point where stem motion starts).
If difficulty is encountered determining the point of stem motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to.the stem or yoke may be used.
Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 19).
h Not Forcel 5.
By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (Refer to Figure 20).
If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet open, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.2 Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate to the "Open" position (Refer to Figure 20).
Ifthelimit'shtchindicatesthevalveis"Open" or past "Open", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.2 until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve not open). Now reverse direction on the intermittent s
gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the "Open" position (Refer to Figure 20).
l 7
!!P 1411.04.1 8.
Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops.
Do Not Force! This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You should not be able to move the intermittent sear shaft with your screwdriver.
If you can move it, repeat Sections 6.14.2 Step 4 and 6.14.2 Step 7.
6.14.3 Setting closed limit switch on ball, butterfly, plug, diaphraga, or other non-wedging type valve.
Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.
Ifanually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" direction. Note the direction of rotation of the
" CLOSED" rotor intermittent gear shaft (Refer to Figure 20). Record this direction below.
Direction of Rotation:
Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.
With the valve fully closed, it must be opened slightly to allow for backlash and coast dows.
. Rotate the handwheel in the open direction until the valve sten starts to move.
If difficulty is' encountered determining the point of sten motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to the stem or yoke may be used.
Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 19).
DO NOT FORCEt By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (Refer to Figure 20).
If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet closed, turn the intermittent sear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.3 Step two until the rotor contacts rotate to the " CLOSED" posi-tion (Refer to Figure 20).
l l
l 1
1 t
- ~--
30 MP 1411.04.1 6.
If the limit switch indicates the valve is
" CLOSED" or past " CLOSED", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.3 Step two until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve N_OT closed). Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the
" CLOSED" position (Refer to Figure 20).
Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This re-engsges the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You should not be able to move the intermittent gear shaft with your screwdriver. If you can move it, repeat Sections and
6.14.4 Setting Closed Limit Switch on Wedging Type Gate and Globe Valves NOTE:
To ensure proper operation of the torque bypass switch during valve unseating the MOVATS Test Procedure, Reference 2.1 will provide the proper " CLOSED" limit switch settings.
Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric actor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve.
Manually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" direction. Note the direction of rotation of the i
" CLOSED" rotor intermittent gear shaft (Refer to Figure 20). Record this direction below.
Direction of Rotation:
Clockwise Counterclockwise 3.
With the valve fully closed and manually engaged, rotate the handwheel in the "0 PEN" direction the number of turns specified by the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1.
Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 19)
By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (Refer to Figure 20).
31 MP 1411.04.1 5.
If the limit switch indicate's the valve is not yet closed, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.4 Step two until the rotor contacts rotate to the "CLOSG" posi-tion (Refer to Figure 20).
If the limit switch indicates the valve is' 1
"CLOSG" or past "CLOSD", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.4 Step two until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve NOT closed). Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the "CLOSE " position (Refer to Figure 20).
Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCEt This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You should not be able to move the intermittent gear shaft with your screwdriver. If you can move it, repeat Sections 6.14.4 Step four and 6.14.4 Step seven.
1 6.14.5 Settins Four Trained Geared Limit Switches 1.
A four train limit switch is essentially two, two train limit switches installed top to botton (Refer to Figure 19). The upper set of rotors are the "0 PEN" and "CLOSD" rotors and are set i
i per Sections 6.14.1 through 6.14.4.
l 2.
The lower set of rotors are set in the same manner as the upper and are used for control functions. Position sett.ings for these rotors will be supplied by Maintenance Engineering.
6.15 Setting Torque Switch for SMB-000 NOTE 1:
Torque switch settings will be provided by MOVATS Testing Procedure, Ref. 2.1, or by Engineering.
The magnitude of the compression of the torque spring is empirically calibrated in foot pounds and a name-plate is affixed to each switch compartment (Refer to Figure 17) denoting the calculated torque output at that setting. The nazimum setting allowed by Limitorque for the particular application is also marked on the torque switch calibration tag.
6.15.1 Torque setting must be made with switch mounted in Limitorque.
, - -, _ - - ~..,,,
32 MP 1411.04.1 6.15.2 Make sure all electric off.
6.15.3 Manually position the valve at sidstroke.
- 6. 15.4 SMB-000 operators are equipped with the torque. switch shown in Figure 16. To adjust the switch, loosen the pan head screws and slide the edge of the striker plates to the required setting. Retighten the paa head screws.
6.15.5 Operate valve electrically in conjunction with the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1, to determine if torque switch is operating properly.
If further adjustment is required, repeat Section 6.15.
6.15.6 Record final torque switch settings on data sheet.
6.16 Setting Torque Switch For SMB-00 NOTE 1:
SMB-00 operators can be equipped with the torque switch shown in Figure 16 or Figure 18.
If the installed torque switch is Figure 16, perform Section 6.15.
If the installed torque switch is Figure 18,
..rform Section 6.16.
l NOTE 2:
Torque switch settings will be provided by NOVATS Testing Procedure, Ref. 2.1, or by Engineering.
The magnitude of the compression of the torque spring is empirically calibrated in foot pounds and a name-plate is affixed to each switch compartment (Refer to Figure 17) denoting the calculated torque output at that setting. The maximum setting allowed by Limitorque for the particular application is also marked on the torque switch calibration tag.
l 6.16.1 Torque setting must be made with switch mounted in Limitorque.
6.16.2 Make sure all electric power is off.
6.16.3 Manually or electrically place the valve in intermediate position springpack relaxed.
6.16.4 For SMB-00 operators with the torque switch shown in Figure 18, loosen the adjusting screws and move the pointers to the required setting. Tighten the adjust-ing screws.
6.16.5 Operate valve electrically in conjunction with the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1, to determine if torque switch is operating properly.
If further I
adjustment is required, repeat Section 6.18.
33 MP 1411.04.1 6.16.6 Record final torque switch settings on data sheet.
6.17 Setting Position Limit Stops HOBC Through H3BC Units 6.17.1 Hex Nut Type Stop (Refer to Figure 21) 1.
With valve in full closed position, remove limit stop cover plate.
You will note two travelling her nuts, A and B.
If hex nut B is near the position shown, run the her nut hand tight against the housing and so that one of the flats of the hex nut is on top so as to face the cover plate.
If her nut A or B ttit the h'ousing before the valve 1
l was tightly closed, back off of hex nut until the l
valve is tight and proceed as in Step 2.
I j
Replace the linic stop cover plate and turn input shaft of H-BC operator to fully open the valve.
1 5.
Remove limit stop cover plate and check position I
of hex nut A.
This nut should be turned until it
, is flush up against the end of the limit stop housing and one of the flats of the nut is on top.
facing the limit stop housing cover plate.
l 6.
Bolt limit stop cover plate is position.
1 6.17.2 Key Nut Type Stop (Refer to Figure 21) 1.
With valve in full closed position, remove end cap and limit stop housing.
If stop aut is near the adapter cap (as shown),
run stop aut hand tight against the adapter cap face.
t 3.
Slip on the limit stop housing and. rotate limit I
stop housing to line up the nearest set of holes l
in adapter cap.
If stop aut is nearest extreme end of worm shaft, slip limit stop housing into position and rotate to move stop nut flush with end of limit stop housing.
l l
34 MP 1411.04.0 4.
Bolt limit stop housing in position and assele end cap.
The setting of the limit stop for the closed position automatically sets the open stop for 90' of travel.
6.18 Energization and Checkout of Limitorque Operators Following Maintenance, Repair, or New Installation.
MOVATS test unit say be installed at this time per Ref. 2.1.
6.18.1 Manually place valve in tue mid position. Check for correct polarity by energizing the open circuit for about I second.
If valve travels in the opeu direction polarity is correct. If valve travels in the closed direction, 1) de-energize the circuit immediately, 2) exchange any two (2) phases if AC, or if DC, reverse the At and A2 connections.
6.18.2 Energize the valve in the open direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the actuator handwheel to ascertain whether adequate clearance 'exista between the position at which the valve stem comes to rest and valve back seat.
6.18.3 Energize the valve in the closed direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the actuator handwheel to determine if proper seating has occurred. In the case of wedging type valves difficulty in turning the handwheel in the open direction should be encountered until the gate or globe clears the seat. For non-wedging valves, the handwheel should not turn in the' closing direction, but should turn relatively easily in the opening direction.
6.18.4 Operate the valve through two (2) complete cycles of open and close to ensure proper operation.
6.18.5 If during checkout adjustments are necessary, refer to the appropriate section of this procedure.
6.18.6 Ensure data sheet is completed to the maximum extent possible.
6.19 fuspection and Testing 1
35 MP 1411.04.1 6.19.1 For Type C Containment Isolation Valves (as listed in ST 5061.02, ILRT), a Local Leak Rate Test (LIJtT) will be performed as determined by Maintenance Engineer.
LLRT must be performed if repairs may have affected the valve seating capabilities.
6.19.2 For Containment isolation valves as listed in ST 5064.01, perform cycling test and record isolation time (where applicable) per ST 5064.01.
1 6.19.3 If needed take stem measurements per Attachment 1.
1 36 MP 1411.04.0 DATA PACKAGE FOR MOV.
Limitorque Operator Type / Size
Handwheel Turns Serial Number Full Closed to i
Order Number Full Open MWO Number B.
Number TYPE:
Containment Use (Brown / White)
Non-Containment Use (Red)
Size C.
Valve Position When Switch Disengaged Nuclear (Brown / White)
Non-Nuclear (Red / Black)
Open Closed (Check One) i Data Sheet Page 1 of 3
37 MP 1411.04.1 EAR BOI:
Four (4) Counter Gears Five (5) Counter Gears SIZE:
Two (2) Train Four (4) Train D.
Foot Pounds Initial Inrush Current l
Horse Power Running Current VOLTAGE:
Voltage During Operaton Amps to Torque Out AC Stroke Time DC CURRENT:
Run For DC Motors Locked Rotor Shunt Current Armature Current Insulation Class Duty Rating Speed E.
Part Number Number of Washers Thickness of Washers AS FOUND DATA:
Number of Turns on Locknut j
Orientation of Washers: Sat _ Unsat Number of Washers i
Thickness of Washers 1
Distance Sleeve to Washer AS LETT DATA:
Number of Turns on L.eknut Any Changes Made to Vashers 1
Distance Sleeve to Washer l
Data Sheet Page 2 of 3
38 MP 1411.04.0 F.
Motor Pinion Gear iiOR Shaft Gear NOTE:
The total number of teeth in the motor pinion / worn shaft sear geerset, must be as follows:
SMB-000 - 45 Teeth SB or SMB 65 Teeth G.
Ore (1) Piece Two (2) Piece Threaded Non-rising H.
i Completed by:
Date i
i l
l l
Data Sheet Psse 3 of 3
Procedure and attachments have been verified with the control copy.
Verified Date 2.
All notes, cautions, precautions, and limitations have been read and understood.
Verified Date 3.
The following sections of the pro:Mure were performed and verified as complete.
Verified Date 4.
The data sheets have been reviewed and the valve is ready to be returned to service.
Verified Date 5.
The Shift Supervisor has been notified that work is complete and the system has been restored as directed by the Shift Supervisor.
Verified Date l
Psge 1 of 1
40 MP 1411.04.0 Th a b
- mhwur ]
1' y
- Il
l Limitorque Coerator Lock Nut i
(SM-000 - SM-00)
G Stam Nut l,,,,,,,o Actuator Handwneel 2 ---
W 7,- //.-:j j
a Side-% unted Hand-wneel (Typical)
-Valve 5*m n
w u
ik I
Nunting Bolts
Valve Scey 7
Flange s
valve Actuator, sMs-000 / SMs-00 Figure 1 i
- -.. ~, - - - -. - - -. -
41 MP 1411.04.0 i
Q Key r
$ t Scrw M
1 i
Clutch Tripper Figure 2 4
.fP 1411.04.0 i
. 6 k
Key h
set Screw
t s
7, d
L e
- ~
- s
- ps 's. -
Declut:n 1
Lever Vors/ Torque Spring Assembly Figure 3
43 MP 1411.04.0 J
g Gasket g
Quad Ring i
Cap g
Cover O
seal l
0 g.he.
On-l 0
0 0L e
O Four 4
Places Wors/ Torque Spring Assamely l_
i Capscrews
& 'asners Four Places i
l i
l l
l Wors/ Torque Spring Assembly Figure 4
g MP 1411.04.0 i
k '* " M
Caoscm g
'N N.
p x
L Bearing CAD Womanan AssemDIY Adjustment pg,qg pin Are 1
Wornshaft Assembly l
Tigure 5
45 MP 1411.04.0 FfufPAC'S
h L
/.l aanean**1 AssesDIY
t Gastat O
hY 1,
y -
LM Orive II'
AsseselY i
C' M
QQ i
b s
I Drive Sleeve Assembly Drive Sleeve Assembly Figure 6 1
46 MP 1411.04.0 Fort 6-3
J Bushing 3..
Retaining u?
Ring C
0 gg
'e \\
Jw n%d Declutch Shaft and Fork Assembly Tigure 7
47 MP 1411.04.0 l
/ orm snett W
"o o
,r y / o i
Arms i _. -- ;
j a
i Casserow j
Adhauunent arm i
1 I
I l
Adjustment of Clutch Tripper Figure 8
48 MP 1411.04.0 l
1 I
7 ---
Handoneel 2
p J
'w l'
0-Ring Quad Ring
- rease Fitting
-Housing i
I l
Outer Race L
M Astaining Ring Handwheel i
Figure 9 I
. _ _,, ~ _ _ _ - -. _.. _ _.
MP 1411.04,o
s s
'9 -
..~* >/
('_d M
i l
k i
i Figure 10
50 MP 1411.04.0
- I%.
Cri,ve S,teeve g
Drive shaft P
._.J Key Sorig Clutti 414 9
I l
Wm kr Sevel %r_
O Saecer /
$1 Drive Sleeve Tisure 11 l
1 l
51 MP 1411.04.0 i
I snat Kat
Searing 5 pacer Cas i
Spacer o!
C Wo m naft Gear h'SO&fhh}"'
i learing C49 i
l Wornehaf t Assembly Tigure 12
52 MP 1411.04.0 l
b ar.eas I
SeO evilI' sor m ggg3 3,,,gg s pgs I
m n.e t
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55 MP 1411.04.1 l
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56 MP 1411.04.0 e
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57 MP 1411.04.0 i
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Figure 20
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- Onve Sleeve Oushing used only on H"0C cnd 'crger. See HOC.4 triru HOC-10 octrs hst drcweg for loconon of Pc. No.12.
1 l Figure 22 1 l
60 MP 1411.04.1 1, L"_.,
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\\ tai Sase Thrane (31 Devoie Thrsas (c) Tr m n.resa a 1. Determine the number of thread starts. NOTE: A convenient method is to wrap a string around the stem following one thread. If there are no gaps between the string, it is a single thread; 1 gap = double thread; 2 gaps = triple thread. 2. Count the number of lands in 1 inch = threads per inch (TPI). 3. Pitch will be determined by determining the threads per inch then picking the pitch from Page 2. l 4. To determine thread lead multiply pitch I number of starts. 5. Take stem OD as shown. Also, take CD of unthreaded portion of stem. i l l Attacament 1 Page 1 of 2 l l ?
61 MP 1411.04.1 ACME SCREW THREADS Table I. American Standard General Purpose Acme Screw Thread Form - Basic Dimensions" (ASA Bl.5-1952) Thds. Height of Total Thread Crest of Root of per
- Pitch, Thread Height Of Thickness Internal Internal Inch (Basic),
- Thread, (Basic),
- Thread, (Basic),
0.3707p - p/2 - 0.25 9 I n p = I/n p/2 allowance p/2 0.3707p allowance 16 0.00250 0.03125 0.0302 0.03125 0.0232 0.0200 14 0.07143 0.03571 0.0407 0.03571 0.020S 0.0239 12 0.08333 0.04107 0.0407 0.04107 0.0309 0.0283 10 0.10000 0.05000 0.0600 0.05000 0.0371 0.0319 ~.0725 0.00250 0.0403 0.0411 8 0.12500 0.00250 0 6 0.16667 0.08333 0.0933 0.08333 0.0618 0.0566 5 0.20000 0.10000 0.1100 0.10000 0.0741 0.0689 4 0.25000 0.12500 0.1350 0.12500 0.0927 0.0875 3 0.33333 0.16667 0.1707 0.16667 0.1230 0.1184 2\\ 0.40000 0.20000 0.2100 0.20000 0.1483 0.1431 2 0.50000 0.25000 0.2600 0.25000 0.1853 0.1802 1\\ 0.66667 0.33333 0.3433 0.33333 0.2471 0.2419 i 1/3 0.75000 0.37500 0.3850 0.37500 0.2780 0.2728 1 1.60000 0.50000 0.5100 0.50000 0.3707 0.3655 l All dimensions are in inches. Allowance is 0.020 inch for 10 threads per inch and coarser, and 0.010 inch for finer threads. 1 l -END-Page 2 of 2 1 i
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~ 1. De.termine the number of thread starts. NOTE: A convenient method is to wrap a string around the stes following one thread, if there are no gaps between the string, it is a single thread; I gap = double thread; 2 gaps = ~ triple thread. 2. Count the number'of '- ' ' ' ' " h G..J. pe; i;;t (TPI). FW $s6w.Wwtpay3 7?'E %, it temWd. Qy S. he t,g,k ge,vit '$t 0 if,k. Pitch will be determined by determining t5e threads per inch then picking 3. f the. pitch from Page 2. To determine thread lead multiply pitch X number of starts. + l 3. Take stem OD as shown. Also, take OD of unthreaded portion of stem. -Attachment 1 1 Page. I of 1Q 1 i - - - - - ~ ~ ~ -
[, g'f b MP 1411.04.1 - Lesd h! K n , -, p [ meme. -e g em, (,( ( 1 \\ I \\\\0' i \\j. 14 I 1 a [ '. / 2 3 lh T P. 1 7 TP.L. a a 11, ,J I. l - 5%eung VU AT 1. Lay scale along side threads on stem with edge 'or s:arting point positioned as shown above. The starting point should be the edge of a thread crown, not the middle. 2. Count the number of threads in one inch with very large size stems. It is possible to get a fraction of a thread, such as 1/2 or 1/3, in the total. For using a thread gauge. 1. Determine the number of threads per inch by test fitting the gaps of ths gage to the crown of a thread. Read the corresponding threads per inch number off the gauge. END Page 3 of g3 -}}