ML20136H119 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 12/03/1985 |
From: | Briden D, Ramsett L TOLEDO EDISON CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20136H086 | List: |
References | |
AD-1844.00, NUDOCS 8601090263 | |
Download: ML20136H119 (126) | |
AD 1844.00 Davis-Besse Nuclear Pcuer Station thit No. 1 RECEiVEL Administrative Procedure AD 1844.00 OEC 161985 CCNDUCP OF MIMDENCE NUCLEAR UCENSING MEARSAffliRElEEB Record of Approval and Changes Prepared By E. Burkhaltpr. J. Orkim. n_ never 6/16/75 Date Sulmitted By J. E. Orkins, Bernard R. Beyer 7/8/75 Secticn Head Date FA
- a. Mad By Jack Evans 7/8/75 SRB Chairman Date QA Approved J. D. Ienardson 1/26/76 Quality Assurance Dil r s Date A@ roved By Jack Evans 1/14/76 Staticn Super 2ntendent Date Pevisicn SRB
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i AD 1844.u0.15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PURPOSE.
1 2.0 SCOPE.
1 2.1 Applicability 2.2 Discussion
5.1 Plant Manager 5.2 Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance 5.3 Specific Maintenance Department Personnel 5.4 All Maintenance Department Personnel 5.5 Quality Control Department 5.6 Chemistry and Health Physics Department 5.7 Technical Support Department 5.8 Planning Department 6.0 REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Organization and Authority Delegation 7
6.1.1 Organization 6.1.2 Delegation of authority and alternates 6.2 Department Work and Training Schedules.
8 6.2.1 Schedule preparation 6.2.2 Work schedule contents 6.2.3 Schedule posting and distribution 6.3 Administration of Labor Policies.
9 6.3.1 Maintenance Department Administration Handbook 6.3.2 Clarifications 6.4 Communications.
10 i
6.4.1 Immediate notifications 6.4.2 Other written communications 6.5 Personnel Qualifications and Training 11 l
6.5.1 Qualification requirements 6.5.2 Training course administration l
l t
ii AD 1844.00.15 TABLE OF CONTENTS gagg 6.6 Maintenance Task Performance.
11 6.6.1 Planning and scheduling 6.6.2 Control of work (MWO) 6.6.3 Pre-job briefings 6.6.4 Task performance 6.6.5 Quality verification 6.6.6 Post-work critique 6.7 Performance of Work Using Maintenance Procedures.
15 6.7.1 Procedure use requirement 6.7.2 Distribution and implementation requirements 6.8 Performance of Work Using Vendor Manuals.
17 6.8.1 Vendor manual use requirements 6.8.2 Verification and approval requirements 6.9 Performance of Work Using Skill-of-the-Craft.
18 6.9.1 Classification of work which may be done 6.9.2 Requirements 6.10 Facilities, Tools and Equipment 19 6.10.1 Facility housekeeping 6.10.2 Procurement of supplies and equipment 6.10.3 Issue use and storage 6.10.4 Measuring and test equipment control and calibration 6.11 Procedure and Instruction Development 21 6.11.1 Procedures 6.11.2 Maintenance Instructions j
6.12 Maintenance Department Performance Monitoring 21 1
6.12.1 Information collection 6.12.2 Information analysis 6.12.3 Reporting 6.13 Non-conformance Control 23 6.13.1 Reporting nonconforming equipment or conditions 6.13.2 Corrective action l
O iii AD 1844.00.15 TABLE OF CONTENTS P,,,a g e 6.14 Control of Outside Organizations.
. 24 6.14.1 Work controls establishment 6.14.2 Work performance requirements 6.15 Control of Safeguards Information 25 7.0 FIGURES.
25 8.0 RECORDS.
25 8.1 General Record Generation Requirements 8.2 Specific Records Requirements ATTACHMENTS 7.0 ENCLOSURES Position Descriptions and Job Classification Descriptions, for Davis-Besse Maintenance Personnel Maintenance Dept. Organization Chart Pre-job Briefing Checklist Form Post-Work Critique Checklist Form Vendor Manual Verification Form Work Schedule Cover Sheet
1 AD 1844.00.15 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure establishes the administrative controls for maintenance work and lists the duties and responsibilities of personnel conducting maintenance activities at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS).
2.0 SCOPE-2.1 Applicability This procedure applies to all TED personnel and outside organizations performing maintenance activities at DBNPS, and to the conduct of all maintenance work.
2.2 Discussion The conduct of maintenance is an integral part of the operation of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.
It involves every department of the Station Division and almost every other Division of the Toledo Edison Nuclear Mission. The interfaces between the Station departments and the other Mission Divisions are defined in Nuclear Mission Procedure DS205, Maintenance.
The objectives of the maintenance program are as follows:
- To achieve the highest possible station availability by maintaining the operability of station equipment
- To prevent equipment problems by timely preventive maintenance and replacement
- To perform required maintenance correctly through the use of adequately trained personnel, accurate equipment information, appropriate tools and equipment, and correct replacement parts
- To minimize the " cut-of-service" time for each plant component through the integration of all required maintenance and test activities in an eifective schedule
- To minimize the overall radiation exposure of maintenance personnel through application of ALARA principles
- To make effective use of non-Toledo Edison organizations for the performance of specialized tasks and supplementing the permanent Station staff e
- To meet or exceed Toledo Edison's regulatory requirements for testing and maintaining plant components and systems 4
2 AD 1844.00.15
3.1 Toledo Edison Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual 3.2 ANSI 18.7, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Plants 3.3 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants 3.4 INPO Guidelines for Conduct of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Stations - Draft Dated Aug. 1, 1985 3.5 Station Administration Procedures 1844 Series 3.6 AD 1803.00, Safety Tagging Procedure 3.7 AD 1807.00, Control of Conditions Adverse to Quality 3.8 AD 1828.11, Maintenance Section Training 3.9 AD 1805.00, Procedure Preparation and Maintenance 3.10 AD 1808.19, Control of the Industrial Security Plan and Safeguards Information 3.11 AD 1848.01, Control of Station Records 3.12 AD 1835.00, Plant Cleanliness Inspection Program 3.13 AD 1846.00, Procurement 3.14 AD 1847.00, Materials Control Procedure 1
3.15 AD 1849.00, Measuring and Test Equipment Control and Calibration 3.16 AD 1851 series Procedures - Welding 3.17 NMP DS-205, Maintenance 3.18 ANSI N18.1-1971, Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel 3.19 Toledo Edison Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual (NQAM) 3.20 Davis-Besse Radiation Protection Manual r
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3 AD 1844.00.15 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Maintenance Activities - Those routine and non-routine activities performed to correct or prevent equipment problems or to increase the operational life of plant equipment. These activities are generally categorized as corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance and modification.
4.2 Corrective Maintenance - repairs, reworks or parts replacements intended to correct a known equipment problem.
4.3 Preventive Maintenance - Those preplanned activities such as parts replacement, adjustments, tests and inspections which are intended to help assure the operability and prolong the service life of the affected component.
4.4 Predictive Maintenance preplanned tests, inspections, analysis, reviews and observations which are used to monitor equipment performance. Predictive maintenance includes comparison of test results against pre-established acceptance criteria and preparing recommendations for corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance or modification to improve the performance, enhance the operability or increase the service life of the equipment.
4.5 Modifications - preplanned changes to systems or equipment that are intended to improve the performance or enhance the service life of the equipment, personnel safety, ease of maintenance or ease of operation.
4.6 I
Outside Organizations - any organization performing maintenance activities at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station that is not part of the permanent Maintenance Department Staff.
4.7 Q1, Q2, Q3, NQ - Component safety significance / quality requirements classification as defined in the Toledo Edison NQAM.
5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Plant Manager - The Plant Manager is responsible for:
I 5.1.1 Overall control of the planning, scheduling and performance of maintenance, including liaison with other divisions of Toledo Edison for activities relating to maintenance of the plant.
5.1.2 Review and approval of procedures required for the performance of maintenance on equipment.
5.1.3 Review and approval of station administrative procedures which control the performance of maintenance.
4 AD 1844.00.15 5.2 Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance - The Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance is responsible for:
5.2.1 Overall direction of the Maintenance Department, including approval of alternates designated by Maintenance Department supervisory personnel.
5.2.2 Preparation and implementation of procedures which are required for the control and performance of maintenance work.
5.2.3 Providing liaison between the maintenance department and other Station departments and Toledo Edison division organizations as needed for the development of maintenance and modification plans and schedules, technical support of maintenance activities and Plant Services support of the Maintenance Department.
5.2.4 Assuring that all maintenance work is performed in accordance with Health Physics requirements including the integration of ALARA principles into the work.
5.3 Specific Maintenance Department Personnel - The responsibilities of specific maintenance Department personnel are listed in, Position Descriptions and Job Classification Descriptions of Davis-Besse Maintenance Department Personnel.
5.4 All Maintenance Department Personnel - All Maintenance Department personnel are responsible for:
5.4.1 Working safely at all times.
5.4.2 Adhering to the requirements of Davis-Besse procedures in the performance of work.
5.4.3 Stopping work and advising their supervisor immediately when following an existing procedure is incorrect, unsafe, would increase the probability of personnel injury, or would result in damage to plant equipment 5.4.4 Complying with instructions from the Operations Shift Supervisor for performance of immediate action maintenance required for the safe operation of.the plant.
5.4.5 Compliance with all plant procedures and policies regarding work involving exposure to radiation, including the application of the ALARA principle to their work.
5 AD 1844.00.15 5.4.6 Compliance with all plant personnel safety requirements.
5.4.7 Directing the performance of maintenance work by outside organization personnel; ensuring that these organizations adhere to the requirements of this procedure and other applicable procedures.
5.4.8 Assuring that all maintenance work is performed in accordance with Health Physics requirements including the integration of ALARA principles into the work.
5.5 Quality Control Department - The Quality Control Department is responsible for:
5.5.1 Providing required verifications of maintenance work, plans and procedures to ensure that they contain all required quality requirements and inspections.
5.5.2 Performing inspections and verifications of maintenance work, as required, to assure that the work has been performed correctly.
5.6 Chemistry and Health Physics (C & HP) Department - The C & HP Department is responsible for:
5.6.1 Providing administrative control for the radiation exposure received by personnel performing maintenance.
5.6.2 Providing direct technical support for the performance
of maintenance work, including direct personnel l
protection and review of work plans to address radiation exposure control measures.
5.7 Engineering Support Groups - The Engineering Support Groups are responsible for providing engineering support and technical input as established in applicable Nuclear Mission Procedures.
l 5.8 Planning Department - The Planning Department is responsible for:
5.8.1 Preparing Maintenance Work Orders (MWO's) for maintenance tasks.
5.8.2 Developing the schedules for preventive maintenance and l
testing of plant equipment and providing short and long l
range work schedules to the Maintenance Department.
l 5.8.3 Integrating scheduled and unscheduled work into the short and long range work schedules to accomplish the performance of maintenance in a timely and efficient manner.
6 AD 1844.00.15 6.0 REQUIRENENTS 6.1 Maintenance Department Organization and Authority Delegation 6.1.1 The organization of the Maintenance Department is shown in Attachment 2.
The chart includes designation of lines of authority and communication.
6.1.2 Delegation of Authority and Alternates 1.
The following individuals shall designate alternates for their positions in the Maintenance Department Monthly Work Schedule:
Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance Discipline Superintendents Discipline General Foremen Discipline Lead Engineers 2.
In the absence of the incumbent, the individual designated as the alternate shall be responsible for the administrative functions of the position.
Authority and responsibilities delegated by this procedure e enot be further delegated by the designated alternate.
I 3.
The individuals normally designated as the alternate for the Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance (APMM) are the Discipline Superintendents.
In addition to the administrative responsibilities identified by this procedure, they shall assume APMN functions during the absence of the APMM from DBNPS, except for those required by the Emergency Plan or any othe specialized job requirements for which they have not been trained.
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7 AD 1844.00.15 6.2 Maintenance Work and Training Shif t Schedules 6.2.1 Schedule Preparation 4
The following individuals shall prepare and approve the schedules listed below on a periodic basis. They shall prepare the schedules at least once a each month.
Schedule Prepared Approved by by Department Administrative Assistant Staff Schedule Assistant Plant Manager Discipline Discipline Discipline Work Shift General Superintendent Rotation Foreman Schedule Discipline Discipline Discipline Training Shift General Superintendent Schedule Foreman Discipline Discipline Discipline Staff Schedule Superintendent Superintendent 6.2.2 Work Schedule Contents The Discipline Superintendents shall ensure that the work schedules include the following information:
Identification of personnel (by discipline) included in the schedule. Where shift assignments are made, individuals shall be assigned by name.
Schedule duration, if for other,than one month.
The start and stop times of regular 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> work days, work periods and the identification of which portion of the work period is overtime if the work period is of greater than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> duration.
Identification of any individuals assigned to shifts to meet Regulatory Requirements or special operating conditions. This will include the minimum / maximum shift coverage requirements and outage coverage requirements as discussed in Generic Policy (later).
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8 AD 1844.00.15 6.2.2 (continued)
The start and stop time of the normal lunch period, where applicable.
Any unusual schedule requirements.
Shift rotation periods, when applicable.
Designated Alternates for the month.
The name(s) the duty Maintenance Supervision for the schedule period.
6.2.3 Schedule Posting and Distribution 1.
The Discipline Superintendents shall ensure that the Maintenance Department Work and Training Shift Schedules are posted on shop bulletin boards at least two (2) working days prior to their effective date, or as agreed upon in the labor contract. Any changes, additions or deletions will be posted as soon as possible. Attachment 6 shall be used as a cover / approval sheet for schedule issue, approval and revision.
The Discipline General Foremen shall ensure that the Maintenance Department schedules are posted in the area of the discipline they affect.
The Administrative Assistant shall ensure that the Maintenance Department Staff Schedule is posted in the Administrative Assistant's office.
6.3 Administration of Labor Policies 6.3.1 Maintenance Department Administration Handbook 1.
Methods established for items such as callouts, unscheduled overtime, unscheduled shift work and overtime equalization shall be as defined by agreement between Toledo Edison and Local IBEW 245 and shall be kept in a Maintenance Department Handbook.
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AD 1844.00.15 l
1 6.3.1 (continued) 2.
Maintenance Department Administration Handbooks shall be kept updated by the Administrative Assistant.
Each Discipline Superintendent shall be issued a copy of the Maintenance Department Administration Handbook.
6.3.2 Clarifications Further clarification of topics discussed in the agreement handbook shall be formally agreed to by plant management and union representatives and posted in the Maintenance Department Administration Handbook.
6.4 Ccamunications 6.4.1 Immediate Notifications Notification of the shift supervisor shall be made immediately (verbally or in writing) by any individual, with follow-up to his discipline foreman, under the following conditions:
Discovery of any plant emergency condition such as fire, personnel injury, radioactive fluid spills, equipment damage etc.
Failure of plant equipment undergoing a Surveillance Test to meet Technical Specification acceptance criteria.
Observed inadequacies in the implementation of administrative or technical procedures which threaten to cause a reduction of the degree of redundancy provided in the reactor protection or engineered safety systems.
Any observed condition that has an adverse effect on unit operation, personnel safety, or equipment safety.
Any condition that would directly delay the published plant outage schedule.
Any other condition which in the judgement of the individual, requires the awareness of plant supervisory personnel.
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10 AD 1844.00.15 6.4.2 Other Written Communications The Maintenance Department Administrative Handbook will establish formats and distribution for routine written communications within the department and with interfacing organizations.
6.5 Personnel Qualification and Training 6.5.1 Qualification Requirements 1.
Qualifications of maintenance personnel shall be as established by ANSI N18.1-1971, Attachment 1 of this procedure and as prescribed by the Maintenance Training program.
All personnel responsible for performing maintenance activities at Davis-Besse shall be qualified to the extent necessary for the performance of the activity.
Personnel performing activities for the first time or personnel not possessing all of the qualifications necessary for performing the activity shall work under the immediate supervision of an individual qualified to perform the activity.
6.5.2 Training Course Administration Courses to be taught, personnel selected to attend and schedules for the performance of training shall be in accordance with procedures established by the Nuclear Training Division.
6.6 Maintenance Task Performance 6.6.1 Planning and Scheduling The medium and long range planning of maintenance work shall be performed by the Planning Department. They shall consider equipment maintenance schedules, testing schedules, inspection schedules and plant operations schedules in the development of medium and long range schedules.
In addition, they shall integrate unscheduled corrective maintenance tasks into the short range schedules. They shall advise the maintenance department discipline general foremen of upcoming maintenance tasks. The discipline forenen shall provide information to the planning department as needed to assist in development of short range schedules.
t 11 AD 1844.00.15 6.6.2 Control of Work (MWO)
Maintenance tasks on plant equipment shall be administratively controlled in accordance with procedure JU) 1844.02, Control of Work (MWO). As detaile'd in that procedure, the maintenance department's role is twofold.
The first role is in assisting the, planning department in developing work plans for maintenance tasks. The second role is in performing the work described in the maintenance work order an'd documenting the activity.
6.6.3 Pre-job Briefings 1.
The discipline foreman responsible for the work shall conduct a pre-job briefing under the following conditions:
When the activity is of sufficient complexity or involves several disciplines having detailed
. interface If the work has been suspended for a sufficient length of time and the actual work status must be reestablished When there is the potential for exposure to azardous environment or significant levels of radiation (the significance of the level of exposure that may be incurred shall be established by Health Physics personnel.)
- 2..sPre-job briefings shall' be conducted utilizing the
. pre-j e7 'tiefing checklist (Attachment 3).
At the concD4.-J: ; of the briefing, all personnel shall ilia che hecklist indicating they understand the 418 (:,
.rork to be performed and /have had pre-job questions or, concerns answered.
S 3.
The pre-job briefing checklist will be attached to and filed w'it,h the work package for the activity.
'c d
Under those conditions where a pre-job briefing is not deemed necessary, but the use of procedures or vendor manuals is required, the craft will be given time to review the work instructions and resolve any questions they might have prior to starting the work. No pre-job briefing checklist is required.
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12 AD 1844.00.15 6.6.4 Task Performance 1.
Maintenance tasks shall be performed in accordance with approved procedures or manuals when required as detailed in sections 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9.
Maintenance Foremen shall direct the performance of maintenance tasks. They shall ensure the following:
Adequate manpower is available to perform the task safely Notify QC prior to Hold or Witness poiat.
Radiation control practices are employed to minia'ze the exposure of employees The craftsmen performing the task are qualified to do so and are capable of performing the task Tasks are completed as described in the NWO or approved changes are made to the NWO Task completion is documented properly in accordance with, AD 1844.02 All appropriate safety and information tagging is performed 3.
Craftsmen performing maintenance tasks shall ensure that:
They are adequately knowledgeable of the task to do the work correctly and safely They have the proper tools to do the task safely and correctly The instruments and measuring devices they are using are in calibration and are working correctly They report problems with procedures or equipment to their immediate supervisor Procedures are present and in use when required Tasks are completed as described in the MWO or approved changes are made to the MWO
13 AD 1844.00.15 4.
. Tasks which require welding must be done in accordance with the additional administrative controls of the AD 1851-series of procedures.
Welding on ASME pressure boundary materials or component support structures or AWS B31.1 piping must be done in accordance with qualified, approved welding procedures.
When maintenance tasks require the opening of closed fluid system volumes or protective equipment enclosures, the cler.nliness of the system or enclosure must be r.tstored as detailed in AD 1844.05, Cleanliness Control.
When main!* nance casks involve work in confined spaces, the safety precautions and work control requirements of AD 1844.10, Safe Work Procedure for Confined Spaces, are to be met.
Permits are required for maintenance tasks which involve the use of open flames, welding, thermal cutting or certain types of grinding. Such permits will be obtained and administered in accordance with AD 1844.07, Open Flame, Welding, Cutting and Grinding Permits.
Lifting and Rigging shall be performed in accordance with Ad 1844.06, Control of Lifting /
Handling Equipment.
6.6.5 Quality verification 1.
The Quality Control department is responsible for the review of work plans detailed in maintenance
work orders for work which affects Q1, Q2, and Q3 components. They are also responsible for the review of NWO's for work which involves special QC requirements, such as B31.1 augmentented piping.
They ensure that the work plan includes the inspections and verifications which are needed to satisfy the applicable codes and standards. They also ensure that the procedures and reference information noted in the NWO are current and appropriate for the work.
14 AD 1844.00.15 6.6.5 (continued) 2.
When Quality Control verification of equipment conditions and/or work performance is required, Quality Control or other designat
, qualified personnel may perform the verifications. They use direct inspections, documentation reviews and other methods to assure that the work has been performed correctly.
6.6.6 Post-work Critique 1.
Post-work critiques shall be conducted by the responsible discipline foreman (men) as follows:
whenever cumulative maintenance manhours for the performance of the activity is greater than 500 whenever the man rem for a specific activity exceeds 1.0 whenever significant delays or interface problems have occurred Whenever Quality problems have persisted in any work activity as identified by NCR's or Stop Work Orders.
as deemed necessary by the Discipline General foreman.
e 2.
The responsible discipline foreman (men)shall document the post-work critique on Attachment 4 Post-work Critique Check List. The foreman shall file the original of the Post-work Critique Checklist with the NWO package and forward a copy to the Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance for review and follow-up action, if necessary.
6.7 Performance of L'ork Using Maintenance Procedures 6.7.1 Procedure Use Requirement Maintenance tasks of sufficient technical detail that it cannot be performed by " skill-of-the-craft", shall be performed using an approved procedure or vendor manual.
Approved procedure use is required when work is performed on equipment which is
l 15 AD 1844.00.15 6.7.1 (continued) 1)
Safety related or required by the Technical Specifications (Q1) 2)
Support equipment for safety-related functions or features (Q2) 2 3)
Important to the overall availability of the station (Q3)or 4)
As required by Maintenance Superintendent 6.7.2 Distribution and Implementation Requirements When procedures or vendor manuals are used to perform maintenance, the following requirements apply:
Only current, verified working copies of procedures or vendor manuals shall be used.
Steps or actions which require sign-offs on data sheets or checklists'shall be signed off at the time of completion of the data collection step or checklist step.
The procedure or vendor manual shall be present, open and in use during the performance of the specified activity.
Errors made in recording information may be corrected by drawing a single line then thru the error, initialling and dating the correction and entering the correct information as close to the error as possible.
Black ink, only, shall be used for signoffs and data recording.
Errors found during the performance of steps of a procedure or vendor manual shall be corrected at the time of discovery by:
stopping the work activity placing the equipment in a safe condition Notifing the immediate Supervisor notifying the shift supervisor that work has been stopped due to a procedural concern, if the work stopped will directly affect the published Plant Outage Schedule
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- _A 16 AD 1844.00.15 6.7.2 (continued) formally correcting the problem through approved means such as revision or change as applicable.
Procedures shall be adhered to and steps shall be performed exactly as written (except in those cases when steps performed out of sequence will not affect job performance, safety, or personnel safety). Failure to adhere to procedure requirements may result in diciplinary action which may ultimately include termination after the third offense.
6.8 Performance of Work Using Vendor Manuals 6.8.1 Vendor Manual Use Requirements Vendor manuals shall be used as directed by maintenance procedures or may be used seperately when specified on a Maintenance Work Order. The requirements for use of such manuals are established in AD 1805.00.
6.8.2 Verification and Approval Requirements In order to assure that vendor manuals or instructions are technically adequate and meet Davis-Besse commitments for use, the following shall apply whenever a vendor manual or sections from a vendor manual are to be used in lieu of an approved procedure for the performance of maintenance:
. Vendor manuals needed to perform work on Q1,or Q2 equipment must be reviewed and approved as required by AD 1805.00, Preparation and Maintenance of Procedures.
l 2.
Vendor manuals used to perform non-safety-related L
maintenance must be verified technically correct prior to use. The verification shall be performed by a qualified individual from either the Maintenance or Engineering Department. The l-Maintenance Discipline lead engineer shall select I
the individual who will verify the manual when the maintenance department does the verification. The Engineering Department is responsible for selecting Qualified Engineering Department Individuals. Each Maintenance Lead Engineer shall ensure that a log is kept of those vendor manuals which have been so verified.
17 AD 1844.00.15 6.8.2 (continued) 3.
When a vendor manual has been verified, the reviewer shall complete a Vendor Manual Verification Form, Attachment 5.
The reviewer shall attach the completed form to the manual to be used, and ensure that a copy of the form is kept as part of the work documentation package (MWO) for which the manual was verified.
For vendor manuals this verification shall meet the requirements for proceure validation per AD 1805.00.
6.9 Performance of Work Using " Skill-of-the-Craft" 6.9.1 Classification of Work Which May be Done 1.
Maintenance work which may be performed within the normal capabilities of craftsmen according to job classifications (example: journeyman, piping specialist, machinist, certified welder, nuclear I&C mechanic) as determined by the planner and the maintenance discipline general foreman shall be considered " skill-of-the-craft".
The " skill-of-the-craft" designation is included in this procedure to allow the maintenance staff to consider the training and experience level of those personnel who conduct the maintenance and establish the amount of control needed for a particular task.
The following listing indicates the kind of work which may be performed as " skill-of-the-craft"; the list is not all inclusive, and " skill-of-the-craft" is not limited to these activities.
- 1) Greasing and lubricating
- 2) Pulling up or loosening valve and pump packing
- 3) Replacing gauge glasses
- 4) Blowing or clearing drain, supply, and sensing lines
- 5) Tightening or replacing loose or damaged bolts, screws and connections n---
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18 AD 1844.00.15 6.9.1 (continued)
- 6) Replacing light bulbs, lenses and caps
- 7) Replacing fuses and relays
- 8) General housekeeping, cleaning and inspection
- 9) Replacing and cleaning filters
- 10) Replacing seals, o-rings or gaskets that do not require extensive disassembly of the component
- 11) Replacement of consumable materials such as ink, pens, chart paper and reagents
- 12) Work on accessory parts that perform no safety-related function, such as nameplates, tags, cover plates, inspection plates, etc.
- 13) Electrical circuit checkouts, voltage and current measurements, etc.
6.9.2 Requirements Maintenance personnel performing work as skill-of the-craft" shall do so in strict adherence to the scope and conditions as provided on the work order.
If during the performance of the work it is determined that the scope of work has increased or the conditions are not as expected, such that the MWO work scope or conditions are not adequate, the maintenance craft personnel shall contact their supervisor for guidance prior to continuing the task.
6.10 Facilities, Tools and Equipment 6.10.1 Facility Housekeeping Maintenance facilities are to be kept neat and orderly at all times. This requirement includes areas of the plant where maintenance work is being done. The personnel performing the work shall return tools to their storage locations at the end of the task, or at the end of their shift. Tools which will be used on the same task by the next shift are exempted from this requirement. Whenever a task is complete, the personnel performing the task shall restore the facility or area to its normal required level of cleanliness as an integral part of the task.
19 AD 1844.00.15 6.10.2 Procurement of Supplies and Equipment Personnel procuring supplies and equipment for maintenance shall do so in accordance with AD 1846.00, Procurement. The Maintenance Discipline Superintendents shall coordinate procurement of supplies and equipment needed by their sections. They shall periodically review supply consumption records and equipment replacement and rental patterns. Based on their reviews, they shall prepare a summary recommendation for procurement to the Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance annually.
6.10.3 Issue, Use and Storage 1.
Supplies, tools and equipment issue administration is to be in accordance with AD 1847.00, Materials Control.
In addition, station tool room personnel and those who withdraw tools and supplies shall comply with tool room accountability procedures.
Maintenance personnel shall use tools, supplies, and equipment for their intended purpose only.
They shall ensure that tools, especially lifting and handling equipment, are in good, safe, working order prior to use. The requirements of AD 1844,06, Control of Lifting / Handling Equipment shall be met for such equipment.
Maintenance supplies, tools and equipment are to be stored in the station warehouse maintenance shops, toolrooms, or designated areas while not in use.
The individual responsible for the item shall ensure that the storage conditions do not result in degradation of the item stored. They shall arrange storage so as to allow reliable retrieval of tools and supplies from storage. They shall initiate resupply of consumable materials as needed. They shall initiate repair or replacement of tools or equipment which will no longer serve its intended purpose. Procurement of replacement equipment shall be done in accordance with
AD 1846.00, Procurement.
Any left over stock material from the job shall be dispositioned in accordance with AD 1847.00 l
Materials Control.
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20 AD 1844.00.15 6.10.4 Measuring and Test Equipment Control and Calibration 1.
Maintenance personnel using equipment which requires calibration shall ensure that the calibration is current prior to use of the equipment. Control and calibration of such equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of MP 1410.03, Maintenance Testing Equipment Calibration.
When equipment is found to be out of calibration, damaged accidentally, or suspected of being damaged i
procedure MP 1410.00 shall be followed as it pertains to discrepancy resolution.
6.11 Procedure and Instruction Development 6.11.1 Procedures Administrative procedure AD 1805.00, Procedure Preparation and Maintenance, defines the requirements for maintenance procedure development.
6.11.2 Maintenance Instructions Maintenance instructions are detailed guidance and information for general maintenance tasks. Activities such as machine shop equipment operation, scaffold assembly, troubleshooting, etc. may be addressed in Maintenance Instructions. Procedure AD 1844.03 defines the requirements which shall be followed for preparation, distribution and use of these instructions.
4 6.12 Maintenance Department Performance Monitoring 6.12.1 Information Gathering The following documents or informational resources shall be used by the maintenance deqartment to asses performance:
Post-work Critique Records 2)
Maintenance personnel training records 3)
Shift schedules 4)
MWO work estimates and records of completed work 5)
Preventive maintenance records i
Material requisition and issue records p-.m
- -, --.--.----,,,w w
21 AD 1844.00.15 6.12.1 (continued) 7)
Procedure revision records 8)
Safety records (accident' reports) 9)
Maintenance Department budgetr. and cost records
- 10) Non-conformance reports, Audit Finding Reports, and Surveillance Reports.
I These sources from the plant are to be used in conjunction with information sources from outside Toledo Edison. Such items as INPO studies and guidelines, J
NUMARC data reports and NPRDS summary reports are to be used for performance comparisons.
6.12.2 Information Analysis i
On a quarterly basis, the Discipline Superintendents shall review the information sources listed above and determine the following:
Did their section perform within its budget?
(When specific information is available) 2)
Did their section have any lost-time accidents? If so, what actions have been taken to prevent that accident from happening again?
Did their section implement assigned NWO's within
+/- 10% of the labor manhours estimated?
Were there more than 5 non-conformances issued against maintenance work for every 100 MWO's worked?
Did the average overtime worked by craftsmen exceed a ratio of 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> overtime worked per 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> regular time worked?
Were less than 100% of the preventive maintenance tasks scheduled performed?
Were there more than 5 MWO's which had to be rescheduled or delayed to allow for training of i
personnel in the specific skills required?
Did more than 3 maintenance procedures require j
temporary approval of changes to allow the continuation of work on a maintenance task?
Were all tools and equipment issued from the tool rooms accounted for, and were all left over i
material properly dispositioned.
22 AD 1844.00.15 6.12.2 (continued)
- 10) Were any measuring devices or instruments found to be out of calibration at the time of use? If so, was a review performed and a report submitted?
6.12.3 Reporting 1.
Each Discipline Superintendent shall submit a report of the findings of his quarterly review to the Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance. They shall include an explanation of those aspects of their section's performance which are outside the guidelines detailed in 6.12.2. and recommendations for corrective measures.
The Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance shall submit a summary report of the Maintenance Department's performance to the Plant Manager on no less than a bi-annual basis.
Each Discipline Superintendent shall submit a complete status of Maintenance Work Orders (MWO) to the Plant Manager on a routine basis as dictated by the Plant Manager. This report shall include any known problems, or restrictions in completing outstanding MWO's 6.13 Nonconfermance control 6.13.1 Reporting non-conforming equipment or conditions t
Two basic means are to be used for reporting deficient equipment or conditions. The primary means to be used is the Work Request.
It is to be used as detailed in AD 1844.02, Control of Work (MWO) to report equipment problems. The second means is the Non-conformance Report (NCR).
It may be used by Quality Control personnel as detailed in Quality Assurance Division personnel to report non-conformances. They may use it l
to report non-confomances they observe in equipment and in work.
6.13.2 Corrective Action Two basic corrective action processes are used for correction of non-conforming conditions. They parallel the basic reporting processes. Non-conforming equipment reported using a Work Request is to be corrected through maintenance as directed by an MWO per AD 1844.02.
Non-conformances identified by QC on NCR's are routed to the appropriate station supervisory personnel for corrective action. NCR's issued against maintenance i
work which is in progress (addressed in an active NWO) 1 4
23 AD 1844.00.15 6.13.2 (continued) are usually sent to the Planning Manager for issue of revisions to the MWO, issue of follow-on MWO's, or other resolution. Other NCR's issued against Maintenance activities or procedures cre to be sent to the Discipline Superintendents. The Discipline Superintendents will then direct whatever appropriate corrective action is needed to resolve the non-conformance.
6.14 Control of Outside Organizations 6.14.1 Work Controls Establishment Work controls for outside organizations may be established in one of two methods:
Members of outside organizations may be integrated with and become part of the Davis-Besse Maintenance work force and work under the immediate supervision of permanent Davis-Besse Maintenance personnel.
The Quality Assurance program of the outside organization may be approved as it relates to the activity being performed under the program. Outside organizations shall be verified qualified to perform the work without immediate Supervision of 4
Davis-Besse Maintenance personnel.
6.14.2 Work Performance Requirements Regardless of which alternative is used to control outside organizations performing maintenance activities, the following shall apply:
i 1.
Members of outside organizations shall meet the established qualification and experience requirements for the activities they are to perform, as established by Davis-Besse.
Outside organization personnel shall be given sufficient training and or instruction to assure that the administrative, quality assurance and personnel safety requirements which are applicable to the activities being performed are understood and adhered to.
Procedures and processes used by outside organizations to perform maintenance activities shall be approved by Davis-Besse management in I
24 AD 1844.00.15 6.14.2 (continued) accordance with applicable administrative procedures (AD 1805.00) 4.
Safety related maintenance activities performed by outside organizations shall be verified correct and complete by a qualified Davis-Besse individual.
This verification shall be documented either on a completed Maintenance Work Order or a similar document approved for that purpose.
Materials, parts, and precision equipment provided by an outside organization shall be controlled in accordance with Davis-Besse established procedures.
In that all parts and materials shall be received through the Warehouse and shall be inspected to the degree necessary for assurance that the part or material is acceptable for use in the maintenance activity. Measuring and Testing Equipment shall also be received and controlled in accordance with AD 1849.00.
6.15 Control of Safeguards Information Information used to conduct or document maintenance activities involving the physical protection of Davis-Besse shall be considered Safeguards Information. Safeguards Information shall be controlled in accordance with AD 1808.19, Control of the Industrial Security Plan and Safeguards Information.
8.1 General Record Generation Requirements Records shall be generated so as to be legible and photographically reproducible. Sign-offs are to be made using black ink only. Maintenance personnel shall collect and process record items as detailed in AD 1848.00, Station Records Management. They shall generate and process those records required by the procedures which govern the activity being performed. For example, MWO's are required by AD 1844.02.
-,-->e w,
25 AD 1844.00.15 8.2 Specific Records Requirements The following documents shall be kept as records when they are completed per this procedure:
Post work Critique Checklists 2.
Vendor Manual Verification Forms 3.
Quarterly Performance Summary Reports 4.
Shift Schedules 5.
Department Staff Schedules 6.
Discipline Training Shift Schedules 7.
Discipline Staff Schedules t
9 e
Electrical Discipline Superintendent 5
Lead Engineer 8
Maintenance Engineer 10 Maintenance Specialist 12 General Foreman 14 Foreman 16 Group Leader 19 Electrician 22 Helper 24 Instrumentation and Controls Discipline Superintendent 26 Lead Engineer 29 Maintenance Engineer 31 Maintenance Specialist 33 General Foreman 35 Foreman 37 Group Leader 40 Mechanic 43 Helper 46 1
1 ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 1 0F 91 1-
27 AD 1844.00.15 INDEX (CONTINUED)
POSITION / JOB CLASSIFICATION PAGE Mechanical Discipline Superintendent 48 Lead Engineer 51 Maintenance Engineer 53 Maintenance Specialist 55 General Foreman 57 Foreman 60 Repairman Group Leader 63 Repairman 66 Piping Specialist 68 Machinist 71 Certified Welder 74 Toolkeeper Foreman 77 Toolkeeper 79 Station Services Foreman 81 Senior Serviceman 84 Serviceman 86 Janitor 89 ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 2 0F 91
28 AD 1844.00.15 l
JOB TITLE: Administrative Assistant MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance FUNCTION:
Provide assistance as required to support Assistant Plant Manager, supervise clerks on day-to-day activities, schedules overtime as necessary to support Maintenance, handles correspondence for Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance.
Assist in the preparation and handling of management confidential data.
Work with budget, perform procedure reviews.
Conduct meetings with clerks and schedule support for Maintenance Departments.
Assists Assistant Plant Manager to assure through Training and Administrative Procedures that all personnel are fully aware of and adhere to the requirements established by the Station ALARA Program.
Assists in development of programs and policies which assure good and continued communications at all levels within the Maintenance Department and with all organizations outside the Maintenance Department.
4 6.
Communicate directly with appropriate levels of supervision in other organizations to assure timely and accurate support of Maintenance problem resolutions.
Provide assistance as required to support Assistant Plant Manager.
Perform periodic evaluation of clerks and make recommendations to Assistant Plant Manager.
Coordinate a daily Inspection Schedule with Maintenance Department.
Assist the Assistant Plant Manager in developing a quick and direct means of handling paper work.
s 11.
Assist in determining which paper work can be deleted and coordinate the flow of paper work to the appropriate individual for dispositioc.
29 AD 1844.00.15 12.
Assists in setting goals which satisfy the objectives established by the Nuclear Mission operating philosophy in the Maintenance Department.
Assures.that all required reading material is properly dispersed to the proper individuals.
Maintain vacation schedules, sick days, leaves, etc.
Maintain proper logs.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school graduate with one (1) year technical school or equivalent training or experience.
Experience Four years total power plant administrative experience, one (1) year nuclear administrative experience. One (1) year supervisory experience.
4 30 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Electrical Superintendent MISSION Nuclear DIVISION Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance FUNCTION:
Implements the station maintenance program as it relates to all electrical equipment, systems, facilities and structures.
Supervises the day to day activities of the Lead Engineer, Electrical and the General Foreman Electrical.
Provides input to the APM, Maintenance on all matters pertaining to the administration of the Electrical Maintenance section.
Performs periodic evaluation of the Lead Engineer and General Foreman and makes recommendations as to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules for Electrical Maintenance personnel are adhered to.
Makes recommendations, provides input to and jointly approves (in conjunction with the Maintenance Training Supervisor) all training material and schedules for the Electrical Maintenance section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the APM, Maintenance for the electrical section.
Coordinates the development, review and approval of procedures and work instructions for the Electrical Maintenance section.
Supervise the activities of contractor, vendor or Toledo Edison personnel, temporarily assigned to the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Assures that contractor, vendor or other Toledo Edison personnel are qualified and adequately trained prior to approving them to perform maintenance activities at the Davis-Besse plant.
Implements the actions required to meet maintenance department goals and to satisfy the objectives and operating philosophy established by the Nuclear Mission.
1 11.
Serves as an alternate member of the Station Review Board.
i 1
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31 AD 1844.00.15 12.
Performs duties and activities as required by the Emergency Plan during any plant emergencies.
4 13.
Communicates directly within the Maintenance Department and to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing with support organizations.
Provides comments and input on all administrative procedures that may have an effect on the Electrical Maintenance section.
Assures the timely resolution of nonconformances or deficiencies for which the Electrical Maintenance section has responsibility by i
responding directly to the individual or organization identifying the problem.
Coordinates with appropriate Engineering and Design organizations to identify and implement changes which will enhance personnel and equipment performance in the plant.
i 17.
Establishes schedules and locations of daily in plant inspections by Electrical Maintenance staff and supervisory personnel.
Assures.that all Electrical Maintenance personnel are trained in and adhere to the procedures and programs which implement the station ALARA program..
Interfaces with appropriate Engineering, Planning and Procurement personnel to assure that electrical materials and spare parts are identified and are available on site to support electrical maintenance activities.
Advises the APM, Maintenance as to the number and necessary 4
qualification of Electrical Maintenance personnel required to support 1
7 normal on-line maintenance and outage maintenance.
t 21.
Assures that tools, equipment and services are of sufficient number and are in serviceable condition to support plant maintenance activities.
I 22.
Responds directly to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing or support organizations to assure timely response to problems and to coordinate those work efforts which are necessary to support electrical maintenance activities.
- 23. Assures that calibration, testing, repair and other necessary l
activities for shop precision tools, load handling equipment and other critical equipment are performed correctly and on schedule.
i l
- 24. Communicate directly with other supervisorr and Davis-Besse personnel administration to insure that overtime, break and meal times, grievance resolution and other similar matters are resolved fairly j
and unilaterally for all affected organizations.
4 i
32 AD 1844.00.15 25.
Serves as the APM, Maintenance during his absences or when assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience. Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience).
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; Five (5) years nuclear experience.
33 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Lead Engineer, Electrical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Electrical Superintendent FUNCTION:
Coordinates technical problem resolution for the Electrical Maintenance section and provides technical procedures and instructions for the performance of Electrical Maintenance activities.
Supervises the day to day activities of the Electrical Engineer and Electrical Maintenance Specialists.
Develops maintenance department technical procedures to assure correct performance of Electrical Maintenance activities and periodically revises those procedures when necessary, i
Coordinates work with the General Foreman to assure that Electrical i
section problem resolutions are suitably prioritized and resolves in a manner which supports the plant operating schedule.
Develop and implement schedules for procedure review and upgrade.
Identify and assign major maintenance program support to members of the Electrical Engineering section. Examples of programs to be addressed are preventive maintenance, equipment lubrication, approved consumable materials, special process control etc..
Perform periodic performance evaluations of the Electrical Engineering and maintenance specialists and provide recommendations to the Electrical Superintendent concerning personnel matters.
Provide technical support to the Electrical Superintendent for the resolution of deviations or nonconformances.
Supervise the. development of procedures necessary to support Electrical Maintenance activities.
Act as the interface between Electrical Maintenance and any other engineering organizations which may be needed to support the resolution of maintenance problems.
Provide input to the Electrical Superintendent on types, frequency i
and duration of training for the Electrical Engineering section.
34 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Communicate directly with appropriate levels of supervision in other organizations to assure the timely and accurate support of maintenance problem resolution.
Assist the Electrical Superintendent in the determination and recommendations concerning spare parts and materials to support mechanical maintenance.
Provide assistance as required to support Electrical Maintenance activities during plant emergencies.
Review records of calibration and repair for shop precision instruments and make recommendations for increased calibration frequencies or new equipment.
Assist the General Foreman in determining shop equipment and tooling needs as well as defining preventive maintenance activities and schedules for shop equipment and tools.
Interface the Electrical Maintenance Engineering staff with the Electrical Maintenance staff to assure that technical assistance is available for problem resolution whenever maintenance is being performed.
- 17. Serve as the Electrical Superintendent in his absence or whenever assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina Graduate in Engineering, a related physical science, or the equivalent in experience (4 years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basi 1 toward power plant experience). Degree requirement for qualification may be waived only on a case-by-case basis.
Experience Eight (3) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
35 AD 1844.00.15 1
Maintenance Engineer, Electrical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Lead Engineer, Electrical FUNCTION:
Develops Electrical Maintenance procedures, revises procedures and resolves Ilactrical Maintenance technical problems at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
Coordinates with the Electrical Foreman, General Foreman, Electrical and other Engineering organizations to resolve Electrical Maintenance technical problems.
Performs periodic reviews to Electrical Maintenance procedures as assigned by the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintenance programs such as: Limitorque Test, Environmental Qualification Program, etc..
Coordinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and
obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support Electrical Maintenance tetivities.
Provide engineering res.lution for Deviations and Nonconformances assigned to the Electrisal Maintenance Section.
4 7.
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for Electrical l
Maintenance activities.
f' 8.
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers to identify and implement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance of electrical equipment, systems, facilities and structure.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness is being i
maintained at acceptable levels.
- 10. Take direct action thru the generation of work documents or communication with Electrical Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections.
1 1
36 AD 1844.00.15 i
- 11. Make reconnendations as to the type and frequency of training to be provided to Electrical Maintenance technical personnel.
Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at 1
the direction of the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
Make recommendations for the improvement of station calibration and repair programs for precision tools, equipment and load handling i
- 14. Assist the Electrical Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings "
l and post-job critiques when requested.
- 15. Assist the Electrical Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perfore Mechanical Maintenance functions, i
- 16. Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the Electrical Foreman and recommends procedural or prograenatic improvements.
- 17. Serve as the Lead Engineer, Electrical in his absence or as assigned.
- 18. Recommends changes to Operations activities that would assist in earlier identification of equipment malfunction or would enhance i
equipment service longevity.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina Graduate in Engineering, a related physical science or the equivalent in i
(Four (4) years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience).
Degree requirement for qualification may be waived only on a case by case basis.
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear l
i i
i e
PAGE 11 0F 91
. - ~.
r 37 AD 1844'.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Maintenance' Specialist, Electrical MISSION:
Maintenance 4
7.ead Engineer, Electrical FUNCTION:
Develops Electrical, Maintenance procedures, revises procedures and resolves Electrical Maintenance technical problems at the direction of the lead Engineer, Electrical.
Coordinates with the Electrical Foreman, General Foreman, Electrical and other Engineering organizations to resolve Electrical Maintenance
- technical problems.
PerformsperiodicrevdewstoElectricalMaintenanceproceduresas 2.
assigned by the Lead Engineer, Electrical, f
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintenance programs such as: Limitorque Testing, Environmental Qualification Program, etc.
Coordinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support Electrical Maintenance activities.
Through the Electrical Foreman supervises the conduct of special tests and inspections such as Limitorque testing, snubber testing, relief valve testing, etc.
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for Electrical Maintenance activities.
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers to identify and implement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance of electrical equipment, systems, facilities and structure.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness is being j
maintained at acceptable levels.
Take direct action through the generation of work documents or communication with Electrical Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections.
PAGE 12 0F 91
38 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Make recommendations as to the type and frequency of training to be provided to Electrical Maintenance technical personnel.
- 12.. Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Electrical.
- 13. Make reconnendations for the improvement of station calibration and repair programs for precision tools, equipment and load handling equipment.
- 14. Assist the Electrical Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings and post-job critiques when requested.
- 15. Assist the Electrical Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perform Electrical Maintenance functions.
- 16. Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the Electrical Foreman and recommends procedural or programmacic j
1 B.
Education and Trainina High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical school or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience.)
Experience Five (5) year total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience, i
5 i
l i
PAGE 13 0F 91 1
f i
l 39 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
General Foreman, Electrical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Electrical Superintendent FUNCTION:
Responsible to the Electrical Superintendent for implementing the Station Maintenance Program as it relates to electrical equipment, systems, structures and facilities.
Directly supervises the day-to-day activities of the Electrical Foreman.
Directly supervises the activities of contracted organizations which are providing support services to the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Establishes working schedules for the Electrical Maintenance Section to support of plant operating and outage schedules.
Provides input to the Electrical Superintendent on all matters pertaining to the administration of the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Performs periodic evaluations of the Electrical Foremen and makes recommendations to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules'for the Electrical Maintenance Section are adhered to.
l 7.
Participates in the identification and establishment of training programs for the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the Electrical Superintendent for tools, equipment and personnel needs within the Electrical Maintenance Section.
Coordinates shop reviews and input to Electrical Maintenance procedures.
Assures that vendor, contractor or other Toledo Edison personnel, performing support activities for the Electrical Maintenance Section, are adequately trained and qualified for the function they are performing.
40 AD 1846.00.15 11.
Assures that procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being implemented and adhered to by all electrical maintenance personnel.
Communicates directly with the Electrical Superintendent, Lead Electrical Engineer and appropriate levels of supervision outside the Maintenance Department to identify and resolve administrative and technical problems which affect the performance of plant Electrical Maintenance.
Provides comments to administrative procedures which effect the performance of Electrical Maintenance.
Supervises and participates in daily inspections of assigned plant areas to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Assures through direct observation that the requirements of the Station ALARA program are being applied and adhered to by Station Electrical Maintenance personnel.
Provides input to the Electrical Superintendent concerning tools, equipment, materials and spare parts that are needed to support Electrical Maintenance activities.
Establishes schedules, via communication with the Lead Engineer, Electrical for the calibration, testing and repair of shop precision tools, load handling and other necessary equipment.
- 18. ' Interfaces directly with appropriate levels of supervision outside the Electrical Maintenance Section to assure the Electrical Maintenance working schedules and the work being performed reflect plant operating schedules and the availability and need for interfacing and support organizations.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the Electrical Supervisor, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency Plans are correctly implemented, as they apply to the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Serves as the Electrical Superintendent in his absence or when assigned.
. QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainins High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years y chnical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward wer plant experience).
61 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Electrical Foreman MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
General Foreman, Electrical FUNCTION:
Responsible to the General Foreman for the direct supervision of Electrical Maintenance craft personnel in the performance of repairs, tests, troubleshooting, modifications, calibrations and any other activities which directly effect electrical craft personnel and the material readiness of the plant.
Directly supervises craft personnel in all electrical maintenance functions.
Directly supervises the activities of vendors, contractors, or other Toledo Edison organizations when they are performing activities over which he has cognizance.
Implements approved work schedules and assigns craft personnel to those schedules in the appropriate numbers and qualifications to support the plant operating schedule and work priorities.
Provides input to the General Foreman, Electrical on all matters pertaining to the supervision and personnel problem resolution for those craft personnel under his supetvision.
Performs periodic evaluations of the craft personnel under his supervision and makes recommendations for promotions, demotions, disciplinary action, commendations and all other personnel functions.
Assigns craft personnel to work activities based on the individuals qualifications and experience.
Assures that individuals under his supervision adhere to training schedules and monitors their performance and progress in the training curriculum.
Provides input to the General Foreman Electrical, concerning the training needs of the personnel under his supervision.
Provides forecast and budget information to the General Foreman, Electrical pertaining to personnel, overtime, tools and equipment necessary to execute the electrical maintenance functions for which he is responsible.
42 AD 1844.00.15 10.
Assign craft personnel to perform walk-throughs and reviews of electrical maintenance procedures and coordinates the resolution of comments with the procedure originator.
Assures that vendors, contractors or other Toledo Edison personnel performing electrical maintenance activities are trained and qualified to do so.
Through direct observation, assures that required procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being Laplemented on a routine basis by the craft personnel under his control and that personnel safety is given upper most attention in the day-to-day work environment.
Communicates directly with the General Foreman, Electrical, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Specialists, other Maintenance Foreman and appropriate levels of supervision outside the electrical maintenance section to assure that necessary work support, problem resolution, support activities by other organization and work sequencing is occurring in a manner that supports plant operating schedules and work priorities.
Provides input to administrative procedures and participates in the establishment of Maintenance department policies which effect the craft personnel under his supervision.
Performs daily inspections of the areas within the plant to which he has been assigned, to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are being maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Directs craft personnel to correct cleanliness and material readiness problems, where possible, or generates the necessary documentation to assure the problem is corrected if immediate remedial action is not possible.
Coordinates the implementation of the station ALARA program with the i
electrical craft personnel under his supervision.
Conducts pre-job briefings and post-work critiques to assure that all participating craft personnel understand the specifics of the required work, that all safety concerns are addressed and resolved, that support interfaces such as QC, HP or Operations are provided and that improvements to the work, identified either before or after the job, are acted upon to the satisfaction of all involved organizations.
Assures that lessons learned in the performance of electrical maintenance activities are formally addressed and are ultimately reflected in improvements in the maintenance training program and through maintenance procedure revisions.
43 AD 1844.00,15 20.
Formally reviews the completed work assignments which have been assigned to him and assures that it was correctly performed and that the necessary documentation is completed.
Communicates directly with the Planning and Scheduling organization to assure that available manpower and work activtties are efficiently and effectively brought together.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the General Foreman, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency plans are correctly implemented and supported with adequate numbers of qualified personnel.
Makes recommendations, based on observation and craft input, for improvements to working conditions which will enhance personnel and plant safety.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school diploma or equivalent.
Experience Four (4) years experience in the craft or discipline being supervised.
44 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Nuclear Power Station Electrician Group Leader MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Electrical Foreman A.
DUTIES Supervises and directs the activities of and works with a group to carry out work assignments in all work areas involving Maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures, standard practices, procedures, safety, QA, security, and radiation rules and regulations; and perform duties such as:
Directing the activities of and working with the group, including other than regular assigned Station personnel, to carry out assignments in connection with the construction, testing, maintenance, inspection and repair of all equipment in accordance with the Company's standards and specifications; 2.
Performing Maintenance assignments while observing Quality Assurance requirements, the Technical Specifications, safe standards, and availability of equipment; performing Maintenance assignments while minimizing radiation exposure of the group; 3.
Receiving work assignments, obtaining any special instructions from Foreman or higher supervisor, being checked periodically in the field by Foreman or higher supervisors; reporting on work or vork progress; 4.
Planning assigned work and instructing the group in the proper performance of the work; s
Coordinating assigned work activities between the Maintenance area and the other departments; i
Instructing and training employees in the work and in the Company safety rules, practices and procedures; the function and operation of work equipment; and in the maintenance repair and construction procedures and practices of the Station; 7.
Recommending changes in Station systems and in maintenance and repair standards and practices; 8.
Be responsible for the verification that critical jumpers / lifted wire tags, are properly placed/ removed and the function modification created is correct or the function returned to normal as applicable; 9.
Interpreting work orders, drawings, schedules, and prints; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 19 0F 91
45 AD 1844.00.15 10.
Performing administrative duties as assigned by the Foreman such as:
maintaining records for time keeping purposes and preparation of records and reports in connection with the work; 11.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 12.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 13.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 4
Performing all work in accordance with the prescribed safety rules and regulations and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 15.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 16.
Performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Agreement entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of Nuclear Power Station Electrician; and in
' - addition:
1 1.
Must have at least five years experience as a Nuclear Power Station j
l Electrician of higher classification or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude for leadership and ability in the performance of the duties of a Nuclear Power Station Electrician, or the equivalent; 3.
Must have a cooperative temperament, be able to obtain and maintain harmony and cooperation with others with whom work m2st be coordinated and effectively work under pressure; 4.
Must be able to:
direct the activities of a group in an effective and satisfactory manner; b.
follow'the procedures as prescribed by the Company for the safe operation of the Station; c.
receive and accurately interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will obtain satisfactory and safe work results from employees under his direction; d.
plan work assignments to obtain safe and effective work results; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 20 0F 91
46 AD 1844.00.15 e.
make neat, concise and accurate reports and records; and f.
interpret and work from complex drawings, prints and l
specifications; 5.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of, and the ability to instruct employees in:
the practices and procedures for clearing and tagging out a.
apparatus for the protection of personnel and equipment; b.
the practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment as prescribed by the Company for safety and first aid, and fire fighting and fire prevention; and 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company, or any Regulatory Agencies.
47 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Nuclear Power Station Electrician A.
DUTIES Performs testing, troubleshooting, inspection, repair, maintenance, installation and construction work on electrical and electronic equipment, circuits and apparatus which may be energized in all work areas involving Maintenance Activities in accordance with Station Operating License, Technical Specifications and Operating Procedures, standard practices, procedures, safety, Quality Assurance, security and radiation rules and regulations, as assigned, parforms duties such as:
Diagnosing and locating faults and causes of trouble; making repairs, replacements and adjustments in accordance with the Company's standards and specifications; observing the behavior of the equipment when placed back in service; 2.
Installing, testing, inspecting and repairing electrical and electronic equipment on steam generator, reactor, pressurizer, feed pumps, control rod drives, cranes, fuel handling bridges, inverters, batteries, battery generators / pumps and their accessory equipment; 3.
Installing, checking and making repairs to relay and metering circuits; 4.
Inspecting, maintaining and repairing welding equipment and electric motors of any size or type, and associated controls; 5.
Constructing and installing equipment such as: buses, switchboards, switchgear, cable trays and Motor Centrol Centers, performing necessary mechanical and electrical layout work; 6.
Conducting tests such as:
insulation resistance, battery load and power sensor; 7.
Grinding and turning down conmutators and collector rings; 8.
Overhauling, testing and repairing field and exciter rheostats on generators; 9.
Repairing and maintaining motor drives on machining tools; overhauling, replacing parts in, and reassembling electric hand tools; j
Dismantling, overhauling, repairing and reassembling main turbo-generators; 11.
Finish painting of all motors which are repaired; 12.
Checking and maintaining plant circuits; locating and repairing electrical troubles such as:
grounds and shorts; installing or ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 22 0F 91
48 AD 1844.00.15 replacing lighting, power, instrument control and signal wiring and/or cables of all types; replacing lighting fixtures; 13.
Testing, inspecting, maintaining plant communication systems and equipment; 14.
Bending and installing conduits, including fittings, pull boxes and outlet boxes; 15.
Sampling and maintaining oil level in Station power transformers; 16.
Setting up rigging, tackle, blocking and scaffolding required in the work; moving and placing heavy parts and equipment; 17.
Arranging with shift' supervision for the clearance and removal from service of equipment; switches and circuits for electrical inspection and maintenance work; logging, tagging out and removing tags from switches, wires, cables, etc., for his work; installing and removing grounds and taking all necessary safety precautions; reporting equipment ready for service; 18.
Interpreting work orders, drawings and schedules; 19.
Testing and maintaining calibrated tools and equipment; 20.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 21.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 22.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 23.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Statica procedures and tests; 24.
Reportics abnormal conditions observed or encountered such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 25.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 26.
Performing similar or less skilled duties as assigned; and 27.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
49 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Electrical Helper A.
DUTIES Performe simple work in connection with testing, troubleshooting, inspection, r.epair, maintenance, installation and construction work on electrical equipment, circuits and apparatus; performs duties such as:
Assisting employees of higher classification in inspecting and maintaining plant circuits, locating and repairing routine electrical troubles such as shorts and grounds; installing or replacing lighting, power, instrument, control and signal wiring; replacing lighting fixtures; 2.
Taking and recording meter readings and gauge indications for check or test purposes; 3.
Anticipating the needs of employees of higher classification and supplying them with tools and materials, gathering up tools upon completion of the job and returning tools in a clean and serviceable condition; 4.
Wire brushing, reconditioning, and cleaning parts and equipment; 5.
Preparing surfaces and materials for painting, rough painting and painting with aerosol type painting equipment; 6.
Replacing burned out light bulbs.and flourescent tubes and cleaning lighting fixtures not in excess of 15 feet above the floor or permanent work levels; 7.
Keeping work area in good order, cleaning up after completion of work; i
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; 9.
Using Safety Equipment as prescribed by the Company; 10.
Working with employees of higher classification and performing other duties in accordance iwth the section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
No previous experience required; 2.
Must have mechanical aptitude; and demonstrate aptitude for electrical maintenance work; I
50 AD 1844.00.15 3.
Must have a sufficient knowledge of high school level Algebra, Plane Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Manual Arts; to progress in the Electrical Department Apprentice Program or acquire within two years from the date of employment as an Electrical Helper the knowledge required to enter the Apprentice Program; 4.
Nust have a practical knowledge of the correct, safe use and care of common hand tools; 5.
Must be able to understand and carry out simple instructions; 6.
Must be able to learn:
simple routine operations and procedures; b.
the location and layout of equipment in plant; c.
the safety rules of the Department, and d.
to work from simple drawings and sketches; 7.
Must be alert in observing hazards and avoiding accidents; and 8.
Must have the physical characteristics to enable him to climb and work on and about plant equipment at various locations in plants.
51 AD 1844.00.15 l
Instrumentation and Control Superintendent MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance FUNCTION:
Implements the station maintenance program as it relates to all I&C equipment, systems, facilities and structures.
Supervises the day to day activities of the Lead Engineer, I&C and the General Foreman I&C.
Provides input to the APM, Maintenance on all matters pertaining to the administration of the I&C Maintenance section.
Performs periodic evaluation of the Lead Engineer and General Foreman and makes recommendations as to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the I&C Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules for I&C Maintenance personnel are adhered to.
Makes recommendations, provides input to and jointly approves (in conjunction with the Maintenance Training Supervisor) all training material and schedules for the I&C Maintenance section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the APM, Maintenance for the I&C section.
Coordinates the development, review and approval of procedures and work instructions fer the I&C Maintenance section.
Supervise the activities of contractor, vendor or Toledo Edison personnel, temporarily assigned to the I&C Maintenance Section.
Assures that contractor, vendor or other Toledo Edison personnel are qualified and adequately trained prior to approving them to perform maintenance activities at the Davis-Besse plant.
Implements the actions required to meet maintenance department goals and to satisfy the objectives and operating philosophy established by the Nuclear Mission.
Serves as an alternate member of the Station Review Board.
Performs duties and activities as required by the Emergency Plan during any plant emergencies.
52 AD 1844.00.15 13.
Communicates directly within the Maintenance Department and to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing with support organizations.
4 14.
Provides comments and input on all administrative procedures that may have an effect on the I&C Maintenance section.
Assures the timely resolution of nonconformances or deficiencies for which the I&C Maintenance section has responsibility by responding directly to the individual or organization identifying the problem.
Coordinates with appropriate Engineering and Design organizations to identify and implement changes which will enhance personnel and equipment performance in the plant.
- 17. Establishes schedules and locations of daily in-plant inspections by I&C Maintenance staff and supervisory personnel.
- 18. Assures that all I&C Maintenance personnel are trained in and adhere to the procedures and programs which implement the station ALARA program.
Interfaces with appropriate Engineering, Planning and Procurement personnel to assure that I&C materials and spare parts are identified and are available on site to support I&C maintenance activities.
I 20.
Advises the APM, Maintenance as to the number and necessary qualification of I&C Maintenance personnel required to support normal on-line maintenance and outage maintenance.
Assures-that tools, equipment and services are of sufficient number and are in serviceable condition to support plant maintenance activities.
Responds directly to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing or support organizations to assure timely response to problems and to coordinate those work efforts which are necessary to support I&C saintenance activities.
- 23. Assures that calibration, testing, repair and other necessary activities for shop precision tools, load handling equipment and other critical equipment are performed correctly and on schedule.
Communicate directly with other supervisors and Davis-Besse personnel administration to insure that overtime, break and meal times, grievance resolution and other similar matters are resolved fairly and unilaterally for_all affected organizations.
Serves as the APM, Maintenance during his absences or when assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 27 0F 91
53-AD 1844.00.15 High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience).
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; Five (5) years nuclear experience.
54 AD 1864.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Lead Engineer, Instrumentation and Control MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
I&C Superintendent FUNCTION:
Coordinates technical problem resolution for the I&C section and provides technical procedures and instructions for the performance of I&C Maintenance activities.
Supervises the day to day activities of the I&C Engineer and I&C Maintenance Specialists.
Develops maintenance department technical procedures to assure correct performance of I&C activities and periodically revises those procedures as necessary.
Coordinates work with the General Foreman to assure that I&C section problem resoJ. ions are suitably prioritized and resolved in a manner which supports the plant operating schedule.
Develop and implement schedules for procedure review and upgrade.
Identify and assign major maintenance prcgram support to members of the I&C engineering section. Examples of programs to be addressed are prevestive taintenance, equipment lubrication, approved consumable materials, special process control etc..
Perform periodic g.;rformance evaluations of the I&C Engineer and maintenance specialists and provide recommendations to the I&C Superintendent concerning personnel matters.
Provide technical support to the I&C Superintendent for the resolution of deviations or nonconformances.
Supervise the development cf procedures necessary to support I&C Maintenance activities.
Act as the interface between the IEC Section and any other engineering organizations which may be needed to support the resolution of maintenance problems.
I 10.
Provide input to the I&C Superintendent on types, frequency and duration of training for the I&C Engineering section.
55 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Communicate directly with appropriate levels of supervision in other organizations to assure the timely and accurate support of maintenance problem resolution.
Assist the I&C Superintendent in the determination and recommen-dations concerning spare parts and materials to support I&C activities.
Provide assistance as required to support I&C maintenance activities during plant emergencies.
Review records of calibration and repair for shop precision instruments and make recommendations for increased calibration frequencies and new equipment.
Assist the General Foreman in deternining shop equipment and tooling needs as well as ' defining preventive maintenance activities and schedules for shop equipment and tools.
Interface the I&C Engineering staff with the I&C staff to assure that technical assistance is available for probles resolution whenever maintenance is being performed.
Serve as the I&C Superintendent in his absence or whenever assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina Graduate in Engineering, a related physical science, or the equivalent in experience (4 years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basis tcward power plant experience). Degree requirement for qualification may be waived only om a case-by-case basis.
Hold, or be qualified for and acquire, a Senior Reactor Operator License.
Experience Eight (8) total years power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
4 e
PAGE 30 0F 91
56 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Maintenance Engineer, Instrumentation and Control J
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Lead Engineer, Instrumentation and Control FUNCTION:
Develops I&C procedures, revises procedures and resolves I&C technical problems at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Coordinates with the I&C Foreman, General Foreman, I&C and 'ther o
Engineering organizations to resolve I&C technical problems.
Performs periodic reviews to I&C procedures as assigned by the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintenance programs such as:
calibration of site standards, calibration recall program, etc..
Coordinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support I&C activities.
Provide engineering resolution for Deviations and Nonconformances assigned to the IEC Section.
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for I&C Maintenance j
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers to identify and Laplement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance of I&C equipment systems.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to assure that plant cluaaliness and material readiness is being maintained at acceptable levels.
Take direct action f.hcu the generation of work documents or communication with Isc Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections.
Make recommendations as to the type and frequency of training to be provided to I&C technical personnel.
ATTACitMENT 1 PAGE 31 0F 91 4
57 AD 1844.00.13 12.
Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Make recommendations for the improvement of station calibration and repair programs for precision tooled equipment.
Assist the I&C Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings and post-job critiques when requested.
Assist the I&C Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perform I&C Maintenance functions.
Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the I&C Foreman and recommends procedural or programmatic improvements.
Serve as the Lead Engineer, I&C in his absence or as assigned.
Recommends changes to Operations activities that would as ist in earlier identification of equipment malfunctions or would enhance equipment service longevity.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainins Graduate in Engineering, a related physical science or the equivalent in experience.
(Four (4) years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience.) Degree requirement for qualification may be waived only on a case by case basis.
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
1 4
58 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Maintenance Specialist, Instrumentaion and Control MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Develops Instrumentation and Control procedures, revises -
procedures and resolves I&C technical problems at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&c.
Coordinates with the I&C Foreman, General Foreman, I&C and other Engineering organizations to resolve I&C technical problems.
Performs periodic reviews to I&C procedures as assigned by the Lead Engineer, IEC.
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintenance programs such as: calibration of site standards, calibration recall program and etc..
Provides input to the plant approved materials listing for those consumables and caterials routinely used for I&C Maintenance activities.
Coordinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support I&C Maintenance activities.
Thru the I&C Foreman supervises the conduct of special tests and inspections.
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for I&C Maintenance activities.
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers to identify and implement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance of I&C equipent systems.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness is being maintained at acceptable levels.
59 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Take direct action thru the generation of work documents or communication with I&C Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections.
Make recommendations as to the type and frequency of training to be provided to I&C technical personnel.
Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at the direction of the Lead Engineer, I&C.
Make recommendations for the improvement of station calibration and repair programs for precision tools and equipment.
Assist the I&C Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings and post job critiques when requested.
Assist the I&C Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perform I&C Maintenance functions.
Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the I&C Foreman and recommends procedural or programmatic improvements.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical school or academic l
training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power l ant experience.)
l l
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year n2 clear experience.
l l
l 60 AD 1844.00.15 r
General Foreman, Instrumentation and Control MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
I&C Superintendent FUNCTION:
Responsible to the I&C Superintendent for implementing the Station Maintenance Program as it relates to I&C equipment, systems, and facilities.
Directly supervises the day-to-day activities of the I&C Foremen.
Directly supervises the activities of contracted organizations which are providing support services to the 1&C Section.
Establishes working schedules for the I&C Maintenance Section in support of plant operating and outage schedules.
Provides input to the IEC Superintendent on all matters pertaining to the administration of the I&C Section.
Performs periodic evaluations of the I&C Foremen and makes recommendations to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the I&C Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules for the IEC Section are adhered to.
_ Participates in the identification and establishment of training programs for the I&C Section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the IEC Superintendent for tool, equipeent and personnel needs within the 1&C Section.
Coordinates shop reviews and input to IEC procedures.
Assures that vendor, contractor or other Toledo Edison personnel, performing support activities for the I&C Section, are adequately trained and qualified for the function they are performing.
Assures that procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being Lqplemented and adhered to by all I&C personnel.
Communicates directly with the I&C Superintendent, Lead I&C Engineer and appropriate levels of supervisors outside the Maintenance Department to identify and resolve administrative and technical Problems which affect the performance of plant I&C maintenance.
61 AD 1844.00.15 1
Provides comments to administrative procedures which effect the performance of I&C Maintenance.
Supervises and participates in daily inspections of assigned plant areas to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Assures through direct observation that the requirements of the Station ALARA program are being applied and adhered to by Station I&C personnel.
Provides input to the IEC Superintendent concerning tools, equipment, materials and spare parts that are needed to support I&C Maintenance activities.
Establishes schedules, via communication with the Lead Engineer, I&C, for the calibration, testing and repair of shop precision tools, load handling and other necessary equipment.
Interfaces directly with appropriate levels of supervision outside the I&C Section to assure that I&C working schedules and the work being performed reflect plant operating schedules and the availability and need for interfacing and support organizations.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the I&C Supervisor, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency Plans are correctly implemented, as they apply to tle I&C Section.
Serves as the I&C Superintendent in his absence or when assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent i
training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience).
Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
l i
t 62 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Instrumentation and Control Foreman MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
General Foreman, I&C FUNCTION:
Responsible to the General Foreman for the direct supervision of I&C craft personnel in the performance of repairs, tests, troubleshooting, modifications, calibrations and any other activities which directly effect I&C craft personnel and the material readiness of the plant.
Directly supervises craft personnel in all I&C functions.
i 2.
Directly supervises the activities of vendors, contractors, or other Toledo Edison organizations when they are performing activities over which he has cognizance.
Implements approved work schedules and assigns craft personnel to those schedules in the appropriate numbers and qualifications to support the plant operating schedule and work priorities.
Provides input to the General Foreman, I&C on all matters pertaining to the supervision and personnel problem resolution for those craf t personnel under his supervision.
Performs periodic evaluations of the craft personnel under his supervision and makes recommendations for promotions, demotions, disciplinary action, commendations and all other personnel functions.
Assigns craft personnel to work activities based on the individuals qualifications and experience.
Assures that individuals under his supervision adhere to training schedules and monitors their performance and progress in the training i
Provides input to the General Foreman I&C, concerning the training needs of the personnel under his supervision.
Providea forecast and budget information to the General Foreman, I&C pertaining to personnel, overtime, tools and equipment necessary to execute the IEC functions for which he is responsible.
Assign craft personnel to perform walkthroughs and reviews of I&C procedures and coordinates the resolution of comments with the i
procedure originator.
63 AD 1844.00.15 E
Assures that vendors, contractors or other Toledo Edison personnel performing I&C activities are trained and qualified to do so.
Through direct observation, assures that required procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being implemented on a routine basis by the craft personnel under his control and that personnel safety is given upper most attention in the day-to-day work environment.
Communicates directly with the General Foreman, I&C, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Specialists, other Maintenance Foreman and appropriate levels of supervision outside the I&C section to assure that necessary work support, problem resolution, support activities by other organization and work sequencing is occurring in a manner that supports plant operating schedules and work priorities.
Provides input to administrative procedures and participates in the establishment of Maintenance Department policies which effect the craft personnel under his supervision.
f 15.
Performs daily inspections of the areas within the plant to which he has been assigned, to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are being maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
- 16. Directs craft personnel to correct cleanliness and material readiness problems, where possible, or generates the necessary documentation to assure the problem is corrected if immediate remedial action is not possible.
Coordinates the implementation of the station ALARA program with the I&C craft personnel under his supervision.
Conducts pre-job briefings and post-work critiques to assure that all participating craft personnel understand the specifics of the required work, that all safety concerns are addressed and resolved, that support interfaces such as QC, HP or Operations are provided and that improvements to the work, identified either before or after the job, are acted upon to the satisfaction of all involved organizations.
Assures that lessons learned in the performance of I&C activities are formally addressed and are ultimately reflected in improvements in the maintenance training program and through maintenance procedure revisions.
Formally reviews the completed work assignments which have been assigned to him and assures that it was correctly performed and that the necessary documentation is completed.
Communicates directly with the Planning and Scheduling organization to assure that available manpower and work activities are efficiently 1
and effectively brought together.
l ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 38 0F 91 n-.-.
64 AD 1844,00.15 22.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the General Foreman, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency plans are correctly implemented and supported with adequate numbers of qualified personnel.
Makes recommendations, based on observation and craft input, for improvements to working conditions which will enhance personnel and plant safety.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school diploma or equivalent. Minimum of one year related technical training.
Experience Four (4) years experience in the craft or discipline being supervised.
.__ _ ~.
65 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Instrument & Co trol Group Leader A.
DUTIES Supervises and directs the activities of and works with a group to carry out work assignments in all work areas involving Instrument & Control activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical 1
Specifications and Operating Procedures, standard practices, procedures, safety and radiation protection rules and regulations; performs duties such as:
_ Directing the activities of and working with the group, including other than regular assigned Station personnel, to carry out pysignments in connection with the inspection, testing, repair, mainten'atca.and' construction of all equipment connected with Instrument & Control activities in accordance with the Company's
,, standards and specifications;
Carrying out, Instrument & Control assignments while observing Quality Assurance requirements, the technical specifications, safe standards, availability of equipment, and while minimizing radiation exposure of the group;
. 3.
Receiving work assignments, obtaining any special instructions fros' Foreman, being checked periodically by Foreman or higher supervision, reporting on work or work progress; 4.
Planning assigned work and instructing the group in the proper performance of the work; 5.
Interpre' ting work orders, drawings, schedules, and prints; 6.
Coordinating assigned work activities between the Instrument &
Control area and the other departments; 7.
Recommending changes in In'strument & Control Systems and in i
maintenance and repair standards and practices; 8.
Instructing and training employees in the work and in the Company safecy rules, practices and procedures; the function and operation of automatic control equipment; and in the instrument maintenance repair and construction procedures and practices of the Station; 9.
Being responsible for the installation and removal of critical lifted wira and jumper tage per procedure; Being thsponsible for the independent verification of equipment 10.
status as required by procedure; 11.
Performing administrative duties as assigned by the Foreman such as:
maintaining records for time keeping purposes and preparation of i-records and reports in connection with the work; ATTAC10 TENT 1 PAGE 40 0F 91 4
_ _,... ~ _, _,. _ _, _ _ _ _ _, _..
66 AD 1844.00.15 12.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 13.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 14.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 15.
Performing all work in'accordance with the prescribed safety rules
and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 16.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 17.
Performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
' Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of Nuclear Instrument & Control Mechanic and, in addition:
Must have at least five years experience as Nuclear Instrument &
Control Mechanic, or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude for leadership and ability in the performance of the duties of Nuclear Instrument & Control Mechanic; 3.
Must have a cooperative temperament, be able to obtain and maintain harmony and cooperation with others with whom work must be coordinated, and effectively work under pressure; 4.
Must be able to:
direct the activities of a group 4n an effective and a.
satisfactory manner; b.
follow the procedures as prescribed by the Company for the safe operation of the Station; c.
receive and accurately interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will obtain satisfactory and safe work results from employees under his direction; d.
plan work assignments to obtain safe and effective work results; e,
make neat, concise and accurate reports and records; and f.
interpret and work from complex drawings, diagrams and specifications; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 41 0F 91
t 67 AD 1844.00.15 5.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of and the ability to instruct employees in:
the practices and procedures for clearing and tagging apparatus for the protection of personnel and equipment; b.
the practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment as prescribed by the Company for safety and first aid, and fire fighting and fire prevention; and c.
the Station Technical Specifications, Quality Assurance Manual, and appropriate Station, Administrative, and Health Physics Procedures; and 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company or any Regulatory Agencies.
- s I
t ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 42 0F 91 t
I j
68 AD 1844.00.15 t
Instrument and Control Mechanic A.
DUTIES Under general supervision, in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures; installs inspects, calibrates, adjusts, maintains and repairs all types of nuclear power plant controls and instruments, assisted by Station technical staff when required; performs duties such as:
Installing, inspecting, calibrating, maintaining and repairing all types of Station instrument and control systems, and associated circuitry and eqitipment as assigned; 2.
Conducting routine and special tests when assigned, such as:
Checking and setting up special laboratory standardization equipment and verifying calibration of laboratory test equipment; and b.
Assisting in the implementation and testing of FCR packages; 3.
Performing refueling duties as assigned during refueling operations; 4.
Assisting in pre-critical check-out; 5.
Assisting in decontamination projects related to job duties; 6.
Carrying out Instrument and Control assignments while observing Quality Assurance requirements, safety standards, availability of equipment, while minimizing radiation exposure; j
Interpreting work orders, drawings and schedules; 8.
Arranging with shift supervision for the clearance and removal from service of equipment for inspection and maintenance of meters and controls tagging and removing tags from equipment, valves and switches for proper performance of work; reporting equipment ready to be put back in service; 9.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 10.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 11.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 12.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; ATTACl0fENT 1 PAGE 43 0F 91
69 AD 1844.00.15 13.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered such as:
abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 14.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 15.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 16.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
Must have satisfactorily completed the I&C Apprentice Program, or the equivalent, and must have demonstrated ability in the performance of those duties; 2.
Must have a thorough knowledge of the instruments and controls and the integrated operation of nuclear steam supply systems, turbo-generators and their related auxiliary equipment installed in the Station; 3.
Must be able to perform non-routine operations of considerable complexity and variety, exercising judgment where standard methods of procedure are not available; 4.
Must be capable of directing personnel assigned to him in a manner which inspires a high degree of morale commensurate with efficiency and safety; 5.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of:
The practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid 3
and fire fighting and prevention; b.
The rules, safety practices and procedures for clearing and tagging out apparatus for the protection of personnel and equipment; c.
Nuclear safety-related equipment such as Reactor Protection System (R.P.S.), Safety Features Actuation System (S.F.A.S.),
and Steam Feedwater Rupture Control System (S.F.R.C.S.), etc.;
and d.
The use of Radiation Exposure Permits and Respiratory Protection Permits; ATTAC N 1 PAGE 44 0F 91
70 AD 1844,00.15 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete all training prescribed by the Company or any regulatory agencies; and 7.
- Must have the ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will maintain harmony and safety and obtain cooperation and satisfactory work results from men assigned to the work.
f 5
71 AD 1844.00.15 i
Instrument and Control Helper A.
_ Performs simple work in connection with the test, inspection, calibration, maintenance and repair of power plant instruments and controls; performs duties such as:
Maintaining the supply of charts and ink at recording instruments; changing charts and winding spring clocks; 2.
Taking inventory and restocking chart supplies; 3.
Cleaning and changing pens on recording instruments that do not affect operation of equipment; cleaning instrument cover glasses, cases, and panels; 4.
Taking readings and recording meter and gauge indications for check or test purposes; 5.
Assisting employees of higher classification in inspecting furnace I
interiors, air preheaters, economizers, fly ash collectors and ash pits not in excess of 15 feet above floor levels, permanent work levels or stationary platforms, but exclusive of swinging scaffolds; 6.
Wire brushing, reconditioning, and cleaning parts and equipment; i
Preparing surfaces and materials for painting; painting with aerosol type painting equipment; 8.
Replacing burned out light bulbs and fluorescent tubes in instruments and instrument cases; 9.
Keeping work area in good order; cleaning up after completion of work; 10.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; and t
Working with employees of higher classification and performing other duties in accordance with the section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's tequirements as to General Qualifications, and in addition:
No previous experience required; 2.
Must have a sufficient knowledge of high school level physics, algebra, plane geometry, solid geometry and trigonometry to progress in the instrument and control department apprentice program or acquire within two years from the date of employment as an Instrument ATTACHMENT 1 i
PAGE 46 OF 91 r
72 AD 1844.00.15 and Control Helper the knowledge required to enter the apprentice program; 3.
Must have mechanical aptitude; and demonstrate aptitude for instrument work; 4.
Must have a practical knowledge of the correct, safe use and care of common hand tools; 5.
Must be able to understand and carry out simple instructions and procedures; 6.
Must be able to learn:
simple routine operations and procedures; a.
the location, layout and function of equipment in the plant; c.
the safety rules of the department; and d.
to work from simple drawings and sketches; 7.
Must be alert in observing hazards and avoiding accidents; and 8.
Must have the physical characteristics to enable him to lift, climb and work on and about plant equipment in various locations in the plant.
l l
l i
0 l
73 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Mechanical Superintendent MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance FUNCTION:
Implements the Station Maintenance Program as it relates to all mechanical equipment, systems, facilities and structures.
Supervises the day-to-day activities of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical and the General Foreman Mechanical.
Provides input to the APM, Maintenance on all matters pertaining to the administration of the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Performs periodic evaluation of the Lead Engineer and General Foreman and makes recommendations as to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules for Mechanical Maintenance personnel are adhered to.
Makes recommendations, provides input to and jointly approves (in conjunction with the Maintenance Training Supervisor) all training material and schedules for the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the APM, Maintenance for the Mechanical Section.
Coordinates the development, review and approval of procedures and work instructions for the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Assures that contractor, vendor or other Toledo Edison personnel are qualified and adequately trained prior to approving them to perform maintenance activities at the Davis-Besse plant.
Implements the actions required to meet Maintenance Department goals and to satisfy the objectives and operating philosophy established by the Nuclear Mission.
Supervise the activities of contractor, vendor or Toledo Edison personnel, temporarily assigned to the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Serves as an alternate member of the Station Review Board.
74 AD 1844.00.15 12.
Performs duties and activities as required by the Emergency Plan during any plant emergencies.
Communicates directly within the Maintenance Department and to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing with support organizations.
Provides comments and input on all administrative procedures that may have an effect on the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Assures the timely resolution of nonconformances or deficiencies for which the Mechanical Maintenance Section has responsibility by responding directly to the individual or organization identifying the problem.
Coordinates with appropriate Engineering and Design Organizations to identify and implement changes which will enhance personnel and equipment performance in the plant.
Establishes schedules and locations of daily in-plant inspections by Mechanical Maintenance Staff and Supervisory personnel.
Assures that all Mechanical Maintenance personnel are trained in and adhere to the procedures and programs which implement the Station ALARA program.
I 19.
Interfaces with appropriate Engineering, Planning and Procurement personnel to assure that mechanical materials and spare parts are identified and are available on site to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Advises the APM, Maintenance as to the number and necessary qualification of Mechanical Maintenance personnel required to support normal on-line maintenance and outage maintenance.
Assures that tools, equipment and services are of sufficient number and are in serviceable condition to support plant maintenance activities.
Responds directly to appropriate levels of supervision in interfacing or support organizations to assure timely response to problems and to coordinate those work efforts which are necessary to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Assures that calibration, testing, repair and other necessary activities for shop precision tools, load handling equipment and other critical equipment are performed correctly and on schedule.
Communicate directly with other supervisors and Davis-Besse personnel administration to insure that overtime, break and meal times, grievance resolution and other similar matters are resolved fairly and unilaterally for all affected organizations.
75 AD 1844.00.15 25.
Serves as the APM, Maintenance during his absences or when assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant ~ experience).
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) years nuclear experience.
76 AD 1844.00.15 4
Lead Engineer, Mechanical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Mechanical Superintendent FUNCTION:
Coordinates technical problem resolution for the Mechanical Maintenance section and provides technical procedures and instructions for the performance of Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Supervises the day to day activities of the Mechanical Engineer and Mechanical Maintenance Specialists.
Develops maintenance department technical procedures to assure correct performance of Mechanical Maintenance activities and periodically revises those procedures when necessary.
Coordinates work with the General Foreman to assure that Mechanical section problem resolutions are suitably prioritized and resolves in a manner which supports the plant operating schedule.
Develop and implement schedules for procedure review and upgrade.
Identify and assign major maintenance program support to members of the mechanical engineering section. Examples of programs to be addressed are preventive maintenance, equipment lubrication, approved 4
consumable materials, special process control etc..
Perform periodic performance evaluations of the Mechanical Engineer and Maintenance Specialists and provide recommendations to the Mechanical Superintendent concerning personnel matters.
7 '.
Provide technical support to the Mechanical Superintendent for the resolution of deviations or nonconformances.
Supervise the development of procedures necessary to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Act as the interface between Mechanical Maintenance and any other engineering organizations which may be needed to support the resolution of maintenance problems.
Provide input to the Mechanical Superintendent on types, frequency and duration of training for the Mechanical Engineering section.
77 AD 1844.00.15 i
Communicate directly with appropriate levels of supervision in other organizations to assure the timely and accurate support of maintenance problem resolution.
Assist the Mechanical Superintendent in the determination and recommendations concerning spare parts and materials to support mechanical maintenance.
Provide assistance as required to support mechanical maintenance activities during plant emergencies.
- 14. Review records of calibration and repair for shop precision instruments and make recommendations for increased calibration frequencies or new equipment.
Assist the General Foreman in determining shop equipment and tooling needs as well as defining preventive maintenance activities and schedules for shop equipment and tools.
Interface the Mechanical Maintenance Engineering staff with the Mechanical Maintenance staff to assure that technical assistance is available for problem resolution whenever maintenance is being pe rfo rmed.
Serve as the Mechanical Superintendent in his absence or whenever assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training Graduate in Engineering, a related physical science, or the equivalent in experience (4 years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience). Degree requirement for qualification may be waived only on a case-by-case basis.
Experience Eight (8) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
78 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Maintenance Engineer, Mechanical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Lead Engineer, Mechanical FUNCTION:
Develops Mechanical Maintenance procedures, revises procedures and resolves Mechanical Maintenance technical problems at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Coordinates with the Mechanical Foreman, General Foreman, Mechanical and other Engineering organizations to resolve Mechanical Maintenance technical problems.
Performs periodic reviews to Mechanical Maintenance procedures as assigned by the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintecance programs such as, snubber testing, plant lubrication, control of heavy loads.
Provides input to the plant approved materials listing for those consumables and materials routinely used for Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Coordinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Provide engineering resolution for-Deviations and Nonconformances assigned to the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for Mechanical Maintenance activities.
l 9.
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers to identify and Laplement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance l
of mechanical equipment, systems, facilities and structure.
I 10.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to l
assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness is being i
maintained at acceptable levels.
79 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Take direct action through the generation of work documents or communication with Mechanical Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections.
Make recommendations as to the type and frequency of training to be provided to Mechanical Maintenance technical personnel.
Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Make recommendations for the improvement of station calibration and r(pair programs for precision tools, equipment and load handling equipment.
o 15.
Assist the Mechanical Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings and post job critiques when requested.
- 16. Assist the Mechanical Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perform Mechanical Maintenance functions.
Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the Mechanical Foreman and recommends procedural or programmatic improvements.
Serve as the Lead Engineer, Mechanical in his absence or as assigned.
Recommend changes to Operations activities that would assist in earlier identification of equipment malfunctions or would enhance equipment service longevity.
Education and Trainina Graduate in Engineering, a related science or the equivalent in experience.
(Four years college level training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience). Degree requirement may be waived'only on a case-by-case basis.
Experience i
Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
80 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Maintenance Specialist, Mechanical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
Lead Engineer, Mechanical FUNCTION:
Develops Mechanical Maintenance procedures, revises procedures and resolves Mechanical Maintenance technical problems at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Coordinates with the Mechanical Foreman, General Foreman, Mechanical and other engineering organizations to resolve Mechanical Maintenance technical problems.
Performs periodic reviews to Mecha,nical Maintenance procedures as assigned by the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Develops new procedures and revises existing procedures at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Establishes requirements and controls for major maintenance programs such as, snubber testing, plant lubrication, control of heavy loads and welding program.
Provides input to the plant approved materials listing for those consumables and materials routinely used for Mechanical Maintenance l
Cocedinates with responsible engineering personnel to identify and obtain approval for use of any new or special consumables and materials required to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Through the Mechanical Foreman supervises the conduct of special test and inspections, such as, Limitorque testing, snubber testing, relief valve testing, etc..
Participate in programs for the control and upgrade of vendor manuals, instructions and drawings which are used for Mechanical Maintenance activities.
Provides feedback to Systems Engineers 'to identify and implement preventive maintenance which will improve or enhance the performance of mechanical equipment, systems, facilities and structure.
Perform daily inspections of those plant areas assigned to him to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness is being maintained at acceptable levels.
81 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Take direct action through the generation of work documents or communication with Mechanical Foreman to correct any discrepancies found on daily inspections 12.
Make recommendations as to the type and frequency of training to be Mechanical Maintenance technical personnel.
Participate in the station programs for Fire Protection, Security and Plant Emergencies to the extent required by plant procedures and at the direction of the Lead Engineer, Mechanical.
Make recommendations for the improvement of station calibration and repair programs for precision tools, equipment and load handling equipment.
Assist the Mechanical Foreman in the performance of pre-job briefings and post-job critiques when requested.
Assist the Mechanical Foreman in determining the type and quantities of tools and equipment necessary to perform Mechanical Maintenance functions.
Reviews results of maintenance activities at the request of the Mechanical Foreman and recommends procedural or programmatic improvements.
Serve as the Lead Engineer, Mechanical in his absence or as assigned.
l B.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two years technical school or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience.)
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
82 AD 1844,00.15 4
General Foreman, Mechanical MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance l
Mechanical Superintendent FUNCTION:
Responsible to the Mechanical Superintendent for implementing the Station Maintenance Progras as it relates to Mechanical equipment, systems, structures and facilities.
Directly supervises the day-to-day activities of the Mechanical Foremen, Toolkeeper Foreman, and 3tation Services Foremen.
I 2.
Directly supervises the activities of contracted organizations which are providing support services to the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Establishes working schedules for the Mechanical Maintenance Section in support of plant operating and outage schedules.
4 4.
Provides input to the Mechanical Superintendent on all matters pertaining to the administration of the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Performs periodic evaluations of the Mechanical, Toolkeeper and Station Service Foremen and makes recommendations to the control and resolution of personnel matters within the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Assures that training schedules for the Mechanical Maintenance Section are adhered to.
e 7.
Participates in the identification and establishment of training programs for the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Provides forecast and budget information to the Mechanical l
Superintendent for tool, equipment and personnel needs within the l
Mechanical Maintenance Section.
t 9.
Coordinates shop reviews and input to Mechanical Maintenance procedures.
Assures that vendor, contractor or other Toledo Edison personnel, performing support activities for the Mechanical Maintenance Section, are adequately trained and qualified for the function they are performing.
83 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Assures that procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being implemented and adhered to by all Mechanical Maintenance personnel.
Communicates directly with the Mechanical Superintendent, Lead Mechanical Engineer and appropriate levels of supervisors outside the Maintenance Department to identify and resolve administrative and technical problems which affect the performance of plant Mechanical Maintenance.
Provides comments to administrative procedures which effect the performance of Mechanical Maintenance.
Supervises and participates in daily inspections of assigned plant areas to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Assures through direct observation that the requirements of the Station ALARA program are being applied and adhered to by Station Mechanical Maintenance personnel.
Provides input to the Mechanical Superintendent concerning tools, equipment, materials and spare parts that are needed to support Mechanical Maintenance activities.
- 17. Establishes schedules, via communication with the Lead Engineer, Mechanical, for the calibration, testing and repair of shop precision tools, load handling equipment and necessary equipment.
Interfaces directly with appropriate levels of supervision outside the Mechanical Maintenance Section to assure that Mechanical Maintenance working schedules and the work being performed reflect plant operating schedules and the availability and need for interfacing and support organizations.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the Mechanical Superintendent, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency Plans are correctly implemented, as they apply to the Mechanical Maintenance Section.
Serves as the Mechanical Superintendent in his absence or when assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience. Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis towa-d power plant experience.
i Experience ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 58 0F 91
84 AD 1844.00.15 Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
85 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Mechanical Foreman MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
General Foreman, Mechanical FUNCTION:
Responsible to the General Foreman for the direct supervision of mechanical maintenance craft personnel in the performance of repairs, tests, troubleshooting, modifications, calibrations and any other activities which directly effect mechanical craft personnel and the material readiness of the plant.
Directly supervises craft personnel in all mechanical maintenance functions.
Directly supervises the activities of vendors, contractors, or other Toledo Edison organizations when they are performing activities over which he has cognizance.
Implements approved work schedules and assigns craft personnel to those schedules in the appropriate numbers and quali#ications to support the plant operating schedule and work priorities.
Provides input to the General Foreman, Mechanical on all matters pertaining to the supervision and personnel problem resolution for those craft personnel under his supervision.
Performs periodic evaluations of the craft personnel under his supervision and makes recommendations for promotions, demotions, disciplinary action, commendations and all other personnel functions.
Assigns craft personnel to work activities based on the individuals qualifications and experience.
I 7.
Assures that individuals under his supervision adhere to training schedules and monitors their performance and progress in the training curriculum.
Provides input to the General Foreman Mechanical, concerning the training needs of the personnel under his supervision.
Provides forecast and budget information to the General Foreman, Mechanical pertaining to personnel, overtime, tools and equipment necessary to execute the Mechanical Maintenance functions for which he is responsible.
i ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 60 0F 91 i
86 AD 1844.00.15 10.
Assign craft personnel to perform walkthroughs and reviews of Mechanical Maintenance procedures and coordinates the resolution of comments with the procedure originator.
Assures that vendors, contractors or other Toledo Edison personnel performing Mechanical Maintenance activities are trained and qualified to do so, i
Through direct observation, assures that required procedural controls and established maintenance practices are being implemented on a routine basis by the craft personnel under his control and that personnel safety is given upper most attention in the day-to-day work environment.
Communicates directly with the General Foreman, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Specialists, other Maintenance Foreman and appropriate levels of supervision outside the Mechanical i
Maintenance section to assure that necessary work support, problem resolution, support activities by other organization and work sequencing is occurring in a manner that supports plant operating schedules and work priorities.
Provides input to administrative procedures and participates in establishment of Maintenance Department policies which effect the craf t personnel under his supervision.
Performs daily inspections of the areas within the plant to which he has been assigned, to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are being maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Directs craft personnel to correct cleanliness and material readiness i
problems, where possible, or generates the necessary documentation to assure the problem is corrected if immediate remedial action is not possible.
Coordinates the implementation of the station ALARA program with the mechanical craft personnel under his supervision.
Conducts pre-job briefings and post-work critiques to assure that all participating craft personnel understand the specifics of the i
required work, that all safety concerns are addressed and resolved, that support interfaces such as.QC, HP or Operations are provided and that improvements to the work,' identified either before or after the job, are acted upon to the satisfaction of all involved i
- 19. Assures that lessons learned in the performance of Mechanical Maintenance activities are formally addressed and are ultimately reflected in improvements irs the Maintenance training program and through Maintenance procedure revisions.
i ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 61 0F 91 i
1 87 AD 1844.00.15 l
Formally reviews the completed work assignments which have been assigned to him and assures that it was correctly performed and that the necessary documentati sn is completed.
Communicates directly with the Planning and Scheduling organization to assure that available manpower and work activities are efficiently and effectively brought together.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the General Foreman, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency plans are correctly implemented and supported with adequate numbers of qualified personnel.
Makes recommendations, based on observation and craf t input, for improvements to working conditions which will enhance personnel and plant safety.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school diploma or equivalent.
Experience Four (4) years experience in the craft or discipline being supervised.
88 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Mechanical Repairman Group Leader A.
DUTIES Supervises and directs the activities of and works with a group to carry out work assignments in all work areas involving maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures, QA/QC Procedures and requirements, standard practices, maintenance procedures, safety, security and radiation rules and regulations, takes responsibility and performs duties such as:
Directing the activities of and working with the group, including other than regular assigned Station personnel, to carry out assignments in connection with the construction, testing, maintenance inspection and repair of all equipment in accordance with the Company's standards and specifications; 2.
Performing Maintenance assignments while observing Quality Assurance requirements, the Technical Specifications, safe standards, and availability of equipment; being responsible for seeing that Maintenance assignments are completed; 3.
Receiving work assignments, obtaining any special instructions from Foreman or higher supervisor, being checked periodically in the field by Foreman or higher supervisors; reporting on work or work progress; keeping up with the latest techniques and methods of doing the work; 4.
Planning assigned work and instructing the group in the proper performance of the work; 5.
Interpreting work orders, drawings, schedules and prints; 6.
Coordinating assigned work activities between the Maintenance area and the other departments; 7.
Instructing and training employees in the work and in the Company safety rules, practices and procedures; the function and operation of work equipment; and in the maintenance repair and construction procedures and practices of the Station; 8.
Being responsible for the installation and removal of critical lifted wire and jumper tags per procedure; 9.
Recommending changes in Station systems and in =aintenance and repair standards and practices; 10.
Minimizing contamination and radiation exposure and insuring that assigned men obtain as such protection as possible in the areas of extreme cold or heat, and other safety or health hazards;
Performing administrative duties as assigned by the Foreman such as:
maintaining records for time keeping purposes and preparation of records and reports in connection with the work; l
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89 AD 1844.00.15 i
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work;
- 13. Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for i
improvements of Station procedures and tests; 14.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 15.
Performing all work in accordance with the prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency 4
procedures; l
Performing similar er less skilled duties, as assigned; and 17.
Performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications i
Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of a Nuclear Power Station Repairman, and in addition:
Must have at least five years experience as a Nuclear Power Station Repairman or higher classification, or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude for leadership and ability in the performance lof the duties of Nuclear Power Station Repairman, or the equivalent; 3.
Must have a cooperative temperament, be able to obtain and maintain harmony and cooperation with others with whom work must be coordinated, and effectively work under pressure; 4.
Must be able to:
direct the activities of a group in an effective and satisfactory manner; b.
follow the procedures as prescribed by the Company or derived therefrom for the safe operation of the Station; l
receive and accurately interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will obtain satisfactory and safe work results from any employees under his direction; d.
plan work assignments to obtain safe and effective work results; e.
make neat, concise and accurate reports and records; and I
90 AD 1844.00.15 f.
interpret and work from complex drawings, prints and specifications; 5.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of and the ability to instruct employees in:
the' practices and procedures for clearing and tagging out apparatus for the protection of personnel and equipment; b.
the practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment as prescribed by the Company for safety and first aid, and fire fighting and fire prevention; and c.
the Station Technical Specifications, Quality Assurance Manual and appropriate station, administrative, maintenance and health physics procedures; and 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company or any Regulatory Agencies.
91 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Nuclear Power Station Repairman A.
DUTIES Performs throughout the station assigned, any maintenance repair work assigned in the various skill areas under general supervision; in all work areas involving Maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures, QA/QC Procedures and requirements, standard practices, maintenance procedures, safety, security, and radiation rules and regulations, as assigned, performs duties such as:
Performing skilled work in conjunction with the testing, calibration, repair, inspection, maintenance, installation, adjustment, balancing, vibration analysis, and alignment of plant mechanical equipment and apparatus such as: piping, tubing, valves, reactor, pumps, turbines, snubbers, valve actuators, steam generators, boilers and their accessories, insulation and refractory material, buildings and structures, painting and protective covering, rigging, shop work, welding and brazing; 2.
Performing work requiring a high degree of skill in areas in which he is most proficient; he will perform work in the other skill areas according to his capabilities; 3.
Coordinating the work of others as applicable; 4.
Interpreting work orders, drawings and schedules; 5.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up af ter completion of work; 6.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 7.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 8.
Assisting in the developing, reporting errors in, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 9.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered such as:
abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 10.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 11.
Performing similar or less skilled duties as assigned; and
- 12. Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
92 AD 1844.00.15 c.
Cualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
Must have satisfactorily completed the Nuclear Power Station Repairman Apprentice Program, or its equivalent, and must have dewonstrated ability in the performance of those duties; 2.
Must be able to follow the relevant procedures as prescribed by the Company; 3.
Must have developed a high degree of proficiency in two (2) skill areas; 4.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of the practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid and fire fighting and prevention; 5.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company, or any regulatory agencies; and 6.
Must have the ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instruction in a manner that will obtain a higher degree of safety and satisfactory work results from the men assigned to the work.
t t
93 AD 1844.00.15 3
Nuclear Power Station Piping Specialist A.
DUTIES Performs highly skilled piping work in connection with the testing, inspecting, troubleshooting, repair, maintenance or construction throughout the station in all work areas involving maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specification, s
i Operatics Procedures, Quality Assurance Specifications, Procedures, all Safety and Radiation rules and regulations as assigned; performs duties such ast 1.
Performs highly skilled piping work for pipe anj valve removal and installation, rebuilding, testing, inspection, repairing, constructing and troubleshooting on valves, valve operators, piping and fire protection systems used in Nuclear Power Station.
Ass,isting in developing standards and practices applicable to valves, valve operators, snubbers and fire protection systems; 3.
Making special tools, Jigs and fixtures for piping, valve, valve operators and snubber work, performing the necessary sketching and designing in accordance with Company standards and specifications; 4.
Setting up, directing and operating special piping, valve, valve operators, snubber and fire protection system testing and maintenance equipment; S.
Laying oitt and developing jobs, making sketches for fabricating and machining replacement parts, performing the necessary machining and fabricating; 3
,0versees and guides, as well as performs, calibration, adjustments and maintenance on related plant tools and equipment; J.
Directs electrical and instrument work and performs related, non-skilled duties for efficient and effective troubleshooting, repair and testing of valves,, snubbers, and piping and fire protection systems and compones.*.s; 8.
Perf[rus special 3nsignments a's directed by senagement for implementing the-fasis-Besse fire protection programs; y
Ensuring the work area and equileent are in good order and cleaned up after cot.pletion of work;
- 10. ' Instructing and training employees in the work; 11.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work;
- 12. Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 68 0F 91
.. -. - - - - -. ~ - -
94 AD 1844.00.15 13.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered, such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 14.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 15.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and i
Working with employees or higher classifications and performing l
duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to the General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of Nuclear Power Station Repairman and in addition:
Must have at least two years of experience as Nuclear Power Station Repairman, or the equivalent, and have demonstrated proficiency in skilled piping work; 1
Must have demonstrated aptitude and ability for piping, snubber and valve work, and ability in the performance of the duties of a Nuclear Power Station Repairman; 3.
Must have demonstrated a thorough working knowledge of:
Advance piping, snubber valve and valve operator installation, maintenance and testing practices and procedures and practical shop mathematics; b.
Properties and characteristics of piping snubber and valves, i
materials and operations as related to repair, machining, testing and installation; and The practices, principles of operation and proper application of c.
equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid and fire fighting and prevention and be qualified for the fire brigade; 4.
Must have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of and proficiency in the 3
application and repair of valves, pneumatic valve operators, snubbers, limitorques and the testing of such equipment; 5.
Must have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of maintenance and installation of pipe and fire protection systems and components as used by the Company in the nuclear plant;
Must have demonstrated a proficiency in instructing other personnel l
in highly skilled piping maintenance and installation work; i
- -._ _ __-_._,_,. _ _ a -._ _ _...__ _ __ _ _ ___. _ _ _.,--,_ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ __
95 AD 1844.00.15
l 7.
Must have a working knowledge of the fire protection system and i
equipment design, operations and maintenance, the Davis-Besse Fire Protection Manual and the NFPA codes; 8.
Must be able to:
Wor'k to close tolerances from detailed prints and complex a.
specifications; b.
Work from rough sketches in experimental development and reconstruction work; 9
f Follow the procedures as prescribed by the Company or derived c.
therefrem for the safe operating of the Station; 9.
Must pass a formal written and performance test, as prescribed by the '
Company; 10.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company or any regulatory agencies; and 11.
Must have the ' ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will maintain harmony and safety and obtain cooperation and satisfactory work results from men assigned to the work.
d e
6 i
96 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Nuclear Power Station Machinist A.
DUTIES Performs skilled machinist work in the repair and maintenance of equipment and apparatus.throughout the Station in all work areas involving Maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures, standard practices, procedures, safety and radiation rules and regulations, as assigned, performs duties such as:
Performing skilled machinist work with key seater, lathe, milling machine, shaper, planner, universal radial drill press.and other machine tools customarily employed in machine shops; 2.
Machining parts, in accordance with drawings and sketches, to specifications and in accordance with the Company's standards and specifications; 3.
Making special tools, jigs and fixtures for maintenance work, performing the necessary sketching and designing in accordance with Company standards and specifications; 4.
Performing the necessary bench work in connection with machining operations; 5.
Setting up and operating special portable boring bars to machine large parts such as: pump casing, turbine cylinders and diaphragm walls; 6.
Finish machining and fitting turbine blades; 7.
Laying out and developing jobs; making sketches for fabricating and machining replacement parts; performing the necessary machining and fabricating; 8.
Adjusting and maintaining machine shop equipment; 9.
Taking critical measurements on turbine movement, associated pipe movement, and other critical measurements; 10.
Oversees and guides, as well as performs, calibration on plant tools and equipment; 11.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 12.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 13.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 71 0F 91
1, 97 AD 1844.00.15 i
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 15.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures;
J 16.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 17.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 18.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to the General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of Nuclear Power Station Repairman and, in addition:
Must have at least two years of experience as Nuclear Power Station Repairman, or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude and ability for machinist work and ability in the performance of the duties of a Nuclear Power Station Repairman; 3.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of:
Advanced machine shop practices and procedures and practical a.
shop mathematics; b.
Properties and characteristics of ferrous and non-ferrous metals as related to metal working and machining operations; and The practices, principles of operation and proper application of c.
equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid and fire fighting and prevention; 4.
Must be able to:
Work to close tolerances from detailed prints and complex specifications; b.
Work from rough sketches in experimental development and reconstruction work; c.
Follow the procedures as prescribed by the Company or derived therefrom for the safe operating of the Station; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 72 0F 91
98 AD 1844.00.15 5.
Must pass a formal written and performance test, as prescribed by the Company; 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed 's. i.ning courses required by the Company, or any regulatory agencies; te):
Must have the ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will maintain harmony and safety and obtain cooperation and satisfactory work results from men assigned to the work.
5 99 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Nuclear Power Station Certified Welder A.
DUTIES Performs electric and gas welding, including tungsten inert gas welding, brazing, and soldering (high and low temperature), on high or low pressure and temperature equipment and alloy metals requiring certification throughout the Station as assigned in all areas involving Maintenance activities in accordance with the Station Operating License, Technical Specifications, and Operating Procedures, standard practices, procedures, safety and radiation rules and regulations, as assigned, performs duties such as:
Welding steel pipe, tubes, fittings and headers, restraints and other similar items; 2.
Replacing sections of tubes, repairing superheaters and economizers, repairing steam generators, feedwater heaters, and heat exchangers; 3.
Welding valves, fittings, traps, structural steel, and stock metal for the fabrication and repair of parts and hangers; 4.
Repairing leaks in tanks, piping, headers and tubes; j
Welding thermocouples into position on pressure parts; l
l 6.
Performing the necessary steps to assure sound welds in accordance with Company standards, specifications, procedures and codes; 7.
Interpret blue prints, other drawings and sketches; 8.
Is responsible for the proper operation, care and upheep of the welding equipment; 9.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 10.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 11.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 12.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 13.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 14.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 15.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and ATIACHMENT 1 PAGE 74 0F 91
100 AD 1844.00.15 i
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
Qualifications Must meet all of the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications; must have all of the qualifications of a Nuclear Power Station Repairman, and in addition:
Must have at least two years of experience as a Nuclear Power Station Repairman or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude and ability for welding work in the performance of the duties of Nuclear Power Station Repairman, and/or Nuclear Apprentice Program; 3.
Must have passed standard qualification tests to qualify as a Nuclear Power Station Certified Welder for all Station welding procedures; must qualify as a Nuclear Power Station Certified Welder for any new welding procedures required in the future; must be able to qualify to present welding procedures; must be able to qualify to any new procedures as required in the future; and must be able to requalify as a Nuclear Power Station Certified Welder when required; 4.
Must have a thorough working knowledge of:
The properties and characteristics of metals, alloys and welding supplies and their application in welding practices; b.
The functions, safe operation, care and precautions required in the operation of gas, tungsten inert gas, and electric welding equipment; c.
Welding procedures and practices of the Station; d.
Safe rigging and scaffolding practices and the use and care of tackle, hoists and ladders required in the work; e.
The rules, safety practices and procedures for clearing, logging, and tagging out apparatus for the protection of personnel and equipment; and f.
The practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid, and fire fighting and prevention; 5.
Must be able to:
Work from drawings, sketches and specifications; b.
Follow the procedures as prescribed by the Company or derived therefrom for the safe operation of the Station; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 75 0F 91
101 AD 1844.00.15 6.
.Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company, or any regulatory agencies; and 7.
Must have the ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will maintain harmony and safety and obtain cooperation and satisfactory work results from men assigned to the work.
102 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Toolkeeper Foreman MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
General Foreaan, Mechanical FUNCTION:
Responsible to the General Foreman, Mechanical for the s'torage, calibration, repair, issue, receipt, replacement, cleanliness and control of all tools and equipment used for station mechanical maintenance activities.
Directly supervises the day-to-day activitics of the Toolkeepers.
Assigns Toolkeepers to shifts and schedules overtime as necessary to support Mechanical Maintenances schedules.
Maintains inventory listings of all Mechanical Maintenance tools and equipment.
Supervises the repair or adjustment of tools and equipment.
Makes recommendations as to the type and frequency of training for the Toolkeepers.
Participates in and monitors the progress of Toolkeepers thru the training curriculum.
Assures, through direct observation, that policies and procedures which govern the control and use of tools are adhered to by Mechanical Maintenance and Toolkeeper personnel.
Provides storage, issue and control mechanisms for approved consumable materials.
Performs daily inspections in those areas of the plant to which he is assigned, to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are being maintained at acceptable levels.
Takes direct action to correct unacceptable cleanliness or material conditions by directing the activities of the Toolkeepers or by initiating the appropriate docus station to correct the problem.
Assures that methods used to decontaminate tools and equipment are not detrimental to the continued serviceability of the equipment.
103 AD 1844.00.13 12.
Performs periodic evaluations of the Toolkeepers and makes recommendations to the General Foreman, Mechanical for promotions, demotions, reprimands, commendations and all other personnel matters.
Provides input to appropriate administrative procedures that affect the control and usage of the tools, material and equipment for which he is responsible.
Interfaces directly with the Planning and Scheduling organization to assure that tools, equipment and materials are available in sufficient numbers to support plant operating and outage schedules.
Directly supervises and verifies the training and qualifications of vendors, contractors or other Toledo Edison employees performing Toolkeeper functions at Davis-Besse plant.
Interfaces with Planning and Scheduling, the Warehouse and the General Foreman, Mechanical to determine the amounts and types of consumables that should be stocked in support of Hechanical Maintenance activities.
As required by Maintenance activities, determines pre-staging locations, temporary storage locations, used tool collection points and other tool control mechanisms to assure efficient utilization of station tool and equipment resources.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Training High school graduate with two (2) years technical school or equivalent training or experience.
(Two (2) years technical or academic training creditable on a one-for-one basis toward power plant experience).
Experience Five (5) years total power plant experience; one (1) year nuclear experience.
l l
l ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 78 0F 91 l
104 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Tool Keeper A.
DUTIES Issuing, receiving, storing, inspecting, maintaining, requisitioning, decontaminating and calibrating tools, equipment, materials and parts at designated locations for the Station under directive supervision in accordance with Station Operating License, Operating Procedures, Maintenance Procedures, Safety, Security and Health Physics rules and regulations; performs such duties as:
Issuing, receiving, storing, inspecting, marking and maintaining tools, parts and equipment for Mechanical, Pipe, Welding, Electrical, Instrument and Control, and Modifications Groups, such as: snatch blocks pulleys, slings, cables, eye bolts, rope and lead lights, wrenches, drills cutting tools, hammers, sledges, files, chisels, saws, ratchets taps, reamers, welding rod and ovens, voltmeters, ohneters, power supplies, multimeters, belts, lubricating oil, lubricants, solvents, gasket materials, fuses, gauges, fittings, electrical connectors, etc.
Taking physical inventories and maintaining prescribed quantities of materials, parts and tools; initiating requisitions for replenishing such materials and tools, as required, and submitting such for required approvals, reporting and locating missing and overdue tools and equipment.
Inspecting, repairing, reconditioning and testing portable hand power tools and other equipment such as:
chipping hammers, hoses, impact wrenches, chain hoists and grinders, dressing and sharpening tools and rigging equipment.
Performing simple calibrations, such as: dial indicators, 0.D.
micrometers, go-no go gauges, ID micrometers, blade type micrometer i
and crimping tools.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work.
Instructing and training employees in the work.
Assisting in the developing, reporting errors in, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 8.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 9.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered, such as:
abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures.
105 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, is assigned; and 12.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword of the Job Manual entitled, " Duties".
Qualification's Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
Must have one year general maintenance experience; 2.
Must be able to calibrate tools, as assigned; 3.
Must demonstrate the ability to te.*: asd repair portable hand power tools and rigging equipment; 4.
Must demonstrate an aptitude for tool room work; 5.
Must be able to make arithmetic calculations including decimals and fractions; know common weights and measurements; take measurements; 6.
Must become familiar with the Station, Maintenance, repair, and construction procedures and practices; 7,
Must be able to identify and understand the use and care of Station tools, equipment, materials, parts, proper storage, methods and locations; 8.
Must work neatly and orderly and be capable of good record keeping; 9.
Must have the tact and pleasant manner to maintain harmony and safety and the cooperation of other employees; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 80 0F 91
106 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Station Services Foreman MISSION:
Davis-Besse Station DEPARTMENT:
Maintenance REPORTS TO:
General Foreman, Mechanical FUNCTION:
Responsible to the General Foreman for the direct supervisor of Station Services personnel in the performance of activities which directly effect craft support, plant cleanliness and the material readiness of the plant.
Directly supervises Station Services personnel in all Station Services functions.
Directly supervises the activities of vendors, contractors,' or other Toledo Edison organizations when they are performing activities over which he has cognizance.
Implements approved work schedules and assigns craft personnel to those schedules in the appropriate numbers and qualifications to support the plant operating schedule and work priorities.
Provides input to the General Foreman, Mechanical on all matters pertaining to the supervision and personnel problem resolution for those craft personnel under his supervision.
Performs periodic evaluations of the craft personnel under his supervision and makes recommendations for promotions, demotions, disciplinary action, commendations and all other personnel functions.
Assigns craft personnel to work activities based on the individuals qualifications and experience.
Assures that individuals under his supervision adhere to training schedules and monitors their performance and progres: in the training curriculum.
Provides input to the General Foreman Mechanical, concerning the training needs of the personnel under his supervision.
Provides forecast and budget information to the General Foreman, Mechanical pertaining to personnel, overtime, tools and equipment necessary to execute the Station Services functions for which he is responsible.
107 AD 1844.00.15 10.
Assures that vendors, contractors or other Toledo Edison personnel performing Station Services activities are trained and qualified to do so.
Through direct observation, assures that required procedural controls and established practices are being implemented on a routine basis by the personnel under his control and that personnel safety is given j
upper most attention in the day-to-day work environment.
Communicates directly with the General Foreman, Mechanical, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Specialists, other Maintenance Foreman and appropriate levels of supervision outside the Station Services section to assure that necessary work support, problem resolution, support activities by other organization and work sequencing is occurring in a manner that supports plant operating schedules and work priorities.
Provides input to administrative procedures and participates in the establishment of Maintenance Department policies which effect the craft personnel under his supervision.
Performs daily inspections of the areas within the plant to which he has been assigned, to assure that plant cleanliness and material readiness are being maintained at prescribed acceptable levels.
Directs Station Services personnel to correct cleanliness and material readiness problems, where possible, or generates the necessary documentation to assure the problem is corrected if immediate remedial action is not possible.
Coordinates the implementation of the station ALARA program with the personnel under his supervision.
Conducts pre-job briefings and post-work critiques to assure that all participating personnel understand the specifics of the required work, that all safety toncerns are addressed and resolved, that support f aterfaces such as QO, HP or Operations are provided and that improvemeats to the work, identified either before or after the job, are acted upon to the satisfaction of all involved organizations.
Assures that lessons learned in the performance of Station Services activities are formally addressed and are ultimately reflected in improvements in the maintenance training program and through maintenance procedure revisions.
Formally reviews the completed work assignments which have been l
assigned to him and assures that it was correctly performed and that the necessary documentation is completed.
Communicates directly with the Planning and Scheduling organization to assure that available manpower and work activities are efficiently and effectively brought together.
PAGE 82 0F 91
108 AD 1844.00.15 21.
Provides support and participates in activities, as assigned by the General Foreman, to assure that the requirements of Station Fire Protection, Security and Emergency plans are correctly implemented and supported with adequate numbers of qualified personnel.
Makes recommendations, based on observation and craft input, for improvements to working conditions which will enhance personnel and plant safety.
QUALIFICATIONS Education and Trainina High school diploma or equivalent.
Experienes Four (4) years experience in the craft or discipline being supervised.
m 109 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Senior Station Serviceman A.
DUTIES Under directive supervision, directs the activities of and works with Station Serviceman engaged in gardening, construction, repair and maintenance work in the yard, grounds, buildings, docks and tracks; inspects and does repair and maintenance work; performs duties such as:
Directing and working with Station Servicemen to complete assigned work in a safe and satisfactory manner; 2.
Conducting curveys determining the radioactivity count in areas or on portable equipment as related to decontamination activities; 3.
Maintaining, repairing and changing locks and lock combinations as directed; 4.
Operating of the Station's waste disposal system for the transferring, solidifying, storing and handling of radioactive waste; 5.
Operating and being responsible for equipment such as cherry picker and backhoe; 6.
Acting as members of the Station Fire Brigade when assigned; 7.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 8. and training employees in the work; 9.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work; 10.
Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 11.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; such as abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of security procedures; 12.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 13.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 14.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitle " Duties".
Qualifications ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 84 0F 91
110 AD 1844.00.15 Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications; must have all the qualifications of Station Serviceman and, in addition:
Must have at least two years of experience as Station Serviceman or the equivalent; 2.
Must have demonstrated aptitude for repair and maintenance work and ability in the performance of the duties of Station Serviceman;
Must have a working knowledge of:
Radioactive decontamination; b.
Station procedures, instructions and special standing and administrative orders; The maintenance, repair and construction procedures and c.
practices; d.
The rules and safety practices of the department applicable to the work,.and; e.
The practices, principles of operation and proper application of equipment, as prescribed by the Company, for safety, First Aid, and fire fighting and prevention; and 4.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company or any regulatory agencies; and 5.
Must have the ability to receive, interpret and pass on orders and instructions in a manner that will maintain harmony and safety and obtain cooperation and satisfactory work results from employees assigned to the work.
111 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Station Serviceman
DUTIES Under directive supervision, performs work and operates machinery in conjunction with gardening and construction, repair and maintenance on the yard, grounds, buildings, docks and tracks; performs duties such as:
Performing all types of janitorial activities and equipment cleaning; 2.
Using hand and power equipment as required to maintain the landscaping such as sowing grass, trLaming, planting and working in flower beds; 3.
Driving automobiles, trucks, farm equipment and forklift as required in the work, making minor vehicle repairs such as replacing lampbulbs, fuses, flat tires; 4.
Maintaining sewage disposal and drainage systems; cleaning and repairing all drainage systems such as cleaning pipes, traps and strainers; 5.
Decontaminating areas, tools and equipment; using equipment such as ultrasonic cleaner and high pressure jet sprayer for special decontamination work; 6.
Decontaminating clothing by operating the Station laundry, dry cleaning units and maintaining the supply and storage of required protective clothing; l
Assisting in the operation of Station waste disposal systems for the transferring, solidifying, storing and handling of radioactive hazardous and other waste; operating the solid waste compactor; 8.
Making minor repairs to office furniture such as replacing chair cushions and casters, repairing desks and file cabinets, assembling office equipment such as bookcases, lockers and file cabinets; 9.
Performing carpenter activities such as bulding scaffolds, boxes, crates, barricades, shelving and simple concrete forms and partitions as required to complete the assigned work; 10.
Performing activities required for surface preparation and painting of lines, equipment, buildings and tanks; 11.
Moving and rearranging furniture, files, materials, and equipalent as directed; 12.
Moving and handling empty fuel casks and maintain as necessary to ensure proper storage; 13.
Performing necessary work from boats on pilings, docks, fences, intake channels and dikes; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 86 0F 91
112 AD 1844.00.15 l
Performing light plumbing on small piping such as replacing sealing compound, replacing faucet washers, repairing small leaks, repairing and replacing sloan valves and replacing commodes, urinals and wash basins; laying clay tile and concrete pipe; 15.
Maintaining and repairing track, roadbed and switches at the site, as required; 16.
Relamping all areas of the Station and performing small electrical repairs such as socket or switch repairs in the office area; 17.
Making repairs in connection with building maintenance, performing dutics such as: patching concrete floors, foundations, plaster walls and roofs, replace windows, replace hardware and floor tile and repair or raplace door locks and hardware; 18.
Performing simple oxf-acetylene cutting, when qualified; 19.
Operating and being responsible for equipment such as: hydraulic tailgates, dumping devices, front-end loader, hydraulic dozer or snow blower, air com7ressors, generators and portable lighting equipment; connection and adjusting pneumatic tools, hose and other equipment; 20.
Placing forms for concrete pouring, mixing place, vibrating and finishing concrete, laying of concrete block, repairing and sealing blacktop surfaces; 21.
Acting as a member of the Station Fire Brigade when assigned; 22.
Ensuring the work area and equipment are in good order and cleaned up after completion of work; 23.
Instructing and training employees in the work; 24.
Being responsible for the preparation of records in connection with the work;
- 25. Assisting in reporting errors, and making suggestions for improvements of Station procedures and tests; 26.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered such as:
l abnormal operating conditions, safety conditions and violations of l
security procedures; 27.
Performing all work in accordance with prescribed safety rules and regulations; and those associated with Station emergency procedures; 28.
Performing similar or less skilled duties, as assigned; and 29.
Working with employees in higher classifications and performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
/a 1844.00.15 B.
Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
Must have one year of experience in general maintenance or building service work; 2.
Must understand the need for cleanliness and orderliness; must understand the hazard inherent in using water or performing duties in the vicinity of operating equipment; must understand the care and attention in working around shop office equipment; 3.
Must have a valid State of Ohio, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Chauffer's License and meet the Company's driving requirements; 4.
Must be able to understand and carry out instructions; 5.
Must be able to learn:
The effective safe use and care of the tools, equipment and a.
materials common to the work; b.
The location and layout of equipment in the Station and grounds; c.
Routine operations and procedures; d.
The safety rules and procedures of the Company and the Station Emergency Procedures; and e.
To work from simple drawings and sketches; 6.
Must satisfactorily progress in and complete the prescribed training courses required by the Company, or any regulatory agencies.
l ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 88 0F 91 w
114 AD 1844.00.15 JOB TITLE:
Janitor A.
DUTIES Does janitor and porter work; keeps assigned areas in a clean and orderly condition; performs duties such as:
Wiping and cleaning equipment; brushing and dusting equipment; sweeping up coal and dust, cleaning dirt off boilers, pipes and beams; cleaning up oil; 2.
Cleaning and dusting handrails, telephone booths, radiators and other objects; 3.
Burning paper tua debris in incinerator; 4.
Turning lights on or off; replacing light bulbs and fluorescent tubes in offices, elevators, control rooms and control board areas; 5.
Opening or closing gates and doors; 6.
Howing lawn, doing necessary sprinkling; taking care of shrubbery; 7.
Tending and checking the operation of and performing minor maintenance work on heating and cooling units and furnaces such as:
cleaning and wiping exteriors, cleaning hot air ducts, changing filters; 8.
Moving files, furniture and office equipment; 9.
Running outside errands; picking up and delivering inter-office mail; driving a Company vehicle; 10.
Sweeping, scrubbing, and mopping floors, stairways and hallways; operating floor sweeping, scrubbing and polishing machines and other cleaning equipment; ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 89 0F 91
115 AD 1844.00.15 11.
Washing walls, ceilings, windows, doors and trim; 12.
C?.eaning, washing, dusting, polishing floors, hardware, furniture, venetian blinds, windows, window sills and office equipment; 13.
Cleaning and maintaining lockers, shower, foot sprays, toilet and wash rooms in a sanitary and orderly condition, replenishing soap, towel and tissue containers; cleaning and washing down drains and traps; 14.
Cleaning ceilings (including egg crate ceilings) and light fixtures; 15.
Cleaning drinking fountains;
- 16. Emptying waste baskets and collection cans; 17.
Cleaning walks and driveways; picking up debris on lawns and shrubbery; putting debris in garbage cans and refuse containers; removing snow and ice from driveways, walks and building entrances;
- 18. Attending required safety meetings; 19.
Reporting abnormal conditions observed or encountered; and 20.
Performing other duties in accordance with the Section of the Foreword to the Job Manual entitled " Duties".
B. Qualifications Must meet the Company's requirements as to General Qualifications and, in addition:
Must have six (6) months experience in janitorial work, or the equivalent; 2.
Must speak and understand English; 3.
Must understand the need for cleanliness and orderliness; must understand the hazard inherent in using water or performing duties in the vicinity of operating equipment if assigned to power plants; must understand the care and attention necessary in working around shop and office equipment; 4.
Must have a valid State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Chauffeur's License and meet the Company's driving requirements; 5.
Must be able to understand and carry out simple instructions; and ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 90 0F 91 t.
116 AD 1844.00.15 6.
Must be able to learn:
the effective, safe use and care of the tools, equipment and materials common to the work; b.
simple routine operations; and c.
the safety rules of the Company applicable to the work.
4 i
Maintenance Department Organization Chart 1
Assistant Plant Manager -
Maintenance l
I i
e, int. Superintendent -
Maint. Superintendent-Maint. Superintendent -
Elec t. rical Instruments & Controls Mechanical j
t I
l Disc. Gen.
Lead Engr.-
Disc. Cen.
Lead Disc. Cen.
Lead Station Services Foreman -
Electrical Foreman -
Engineer-Foreman -
Engineer -
Foreman Electrical I&C I&C Mechanical Mechanical C
oresee -
Maint. Engr.
Foremen -
Maint. Engr.
Foremen aint. Engr.
Sr. Station lec.
1&C I&C Mechanical echanical Serviceman i
EM-U aoaflec.
1&C Mech.
'"h: raftsmen 3
Craftsmen craftsmen Servicemen In i,'
O tug
- n. 2:
9 d
Toolkeeper Foreman i
l 1
Toolkeeper l
i i
118 AD 1844.00.15 Pre-Job Briefing Checklist MWO #
Date l(([j Procedur,e(s) Vendor Manual (s).to be used YES NO l_l l_l Complete step-by-step talk thru performed
![_'l[_~l Msckup training performed
l((l l((l Material requirements reviewed and pre-stage location identified, if applicable l(([jl(([
Work logistics identified such as
__ ladders
__ scaffolding
__ rigging equipment
__ chain falls, hoists or come-alongs a
__ overhead or mobile
__ other: specify Yes No N/A l(([jl((ll((j All organizational interfaces have been identified and discussed. (Including QC Hold Points) l((!l((l l(([l Any necessary permits have been identified, obtained and their requirements discussed with the personnel who will perform the task. (Including Radiation Permits) l((ll((ll((l Any cleanliness requirements have been identified.
o I have been briefed on and understand the requirements of NWO #
and its associated work package.
I Foreman / Supervisor ATTACHMENT 3 PAGE 1 of 1
. ~.,
y mm-r---
Description of activity performed Provide details on page 2 for any items marked "NO".
Work preparation and execution.
Yes No 1.
l[j l-l Was the work package properly assemble and correct for the work activity?
l-l l[!Wereallnecessarypermitscorrectlypreparedandobtained prior to start of the activity?
((!l[jWasthesystem/componentplacedinanacceptablecondition for the performance of the work activity?
l_j ((lWeredelays(thatcouldhavebeenprevented)incurredinthe preparation for and conduct of the activity?
l[l l-l Were materials and equipment correctly identified and prestaged for the work?
!_l ![lWereinterdepartmentalsupportneedssuchasHealthPhysics or Quality Control Support made available in a timely manner?
l[jl[jWastheactivityconductedinatimelymannerandwitha quality product as an end result?
l[! l_j Did this work result in identifying any Quality problems.
Explanation of items marked "NO" ATTACHMENT 4 PAGE 1 of 2
120 AD 1844.00.15 Recomunendation for improving further activities Names of personnel conducting critique Signature of job foreman Original to be included with MWO copy to Asst Plt Mgr, Maintenance ATTACIDfENT 4 PAGE 2 of 2
( -
121 AD 1844.00.15
't g
i Manual
Contro,1 Copy #
Section(s) 7 L
,s The above section(s) of this Vendoc Manual is/are suitable to control Safety Related Maintenance.
k s
Reviewed By:
s 4
InAtructions: This form is to be submitted with the Vendor Manual and/or
Procedure Package to be submitted for SRB Review.
s I
PAGE 1 of I s
122 AD 1844.00.15
- Submitted'By:
Date Approved By:
Date Issued Date Discipline or Section:
J l
1 ATTACIDENT 6 PAGE 1 of 1 l
E t