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Administrative Procedure AD 1844.14, Request for Engineering Assistance
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1985
From: Briden D, Daft C, Shawn Smith
Shared Package
ML20136H086 List:
AD-1844.14, NUDOCS 8601090254
Download: ML20136H110 (22)



DavLs-Besse Nuclatu Power Sta*h AD 1844.14 thit No.1 Administrative Procedure AD 1844.14 Request for Engineering Assistance accomi of buved and W Prepared By S. J. Smith 9/19/85 catn Submittai By 9.


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1 AD 1844.14.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.



GENERAL INFORMATION 3.1 Responsibility for Initiation 3.2 Examples of Circumstances Requiring Use of REA 3.3 Administrative Control of Implementation of REA Resolution 4.

PROCEDURE 4.1 Initiation of REA 4.2 Routing of REA 4.3 Resolution of the REA 4.4 Individual Responsible for Resolution 4.5 Individual Responsible for Implementing Resolution 4.6 Revising or voiding REA's 5.

DOCUMENT CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 REA Numbering 5.2 Use of the REA Control Log 5.3 Periodic Audit of REA Control Los ATTACHMENTS Request for Engineering Assistance Problem Description Continuation Sheet Description of Resolution Continuation Sheet REA Control Los Sheet Monthly REA Control Los Audit Record Request for Engineering Assistance Flow Chart 4


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2 AD 1844.14.0 1.

PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to prescribe the method by which problems requiring engineering resolution may be identified and tracked.

1.2 This procedure is not intended to replace or detract from station programs used to identify and track deviations, non-conformances or routine saintenance items.



2.1 ANS 3.1 - ANSI 418.7 - /fY1 2.2 Davis-Besse Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual 3.

GENERAL INFORMATION 3.1 Responsibility for Initiating REA's 3.1.1 Any individual having knowledge of improper equipment performance or operating condition has the responsibility to bring the concern to the attention of the appropriate organization for resolution.

3.1.2 Generally, equipment and operating problems will normally be identified thru the use of the Work Request and Deviation Report, in accordance with AD 1844.00 and AD 1807.10 respectively.

3.1.3 In those cases where engineering assistance is needed to further identify or clarify a problem, the Request for Engineering Assistance (REA) shall be used.

3.2 Examples of circumstances requiring the use of an REA are as follows:

3.2.1 Equipment operational problems which require detailed investigation to determine cause.

3.2.2-Technical clarification is needed to enhance operation or maintainability of station equipment.


c engineering review and disposition is necessary

~~~~~'N 3.2.3


prior to persuing corrective action thru the maintenance work order or facility change request.

3.2.4 Insufficient technical information is available to support Operation or Niintenance of station equipment.


3 AD 1844.14.0 3.2.5 Procedure development or modification requires technical input which is not available in the organization.

3.3 Administrative Control of Implementation of REA Resolution 3.3.1 Responses to REA's which recommend physical alteration to the station or its equipment shall be implemented through appropriate approved administrative and i

technical procedures.

l 3.3.2 Changes to procedures, drawings or other controlled i

documents occurring as the result of the recommendations provided via an REA shall be implemented thru appropriate approved procedures.


PROCEDURE 4.1 Initiation of an REA Any individual or organization may initiate REA by filling out Sections 2 thru 5 of the REA (Enclosure 1).

4.1.1 In preparing the description of the problem, care must be taken to provide as auch factual information as possible.

4.1.2 Charts, graphs, drawings or other supplemental information needed to provide full details of the probles, shall be attached to the REA and listed by number in the probles description.

4.1.3 An REA Continuation Sheet (Enclosure 2) for problem description.

4.1.4 Each page of the REA shall be numbered to indicate the page number and total number of pages.

4.1.5 Additions t,o the total number of pages made during the process of resolution of the REA shall require the re-numbering of the package, as necessary.


4.1.6 The individual (generally the individual responsible for resolution) assembling the total REA package, including th" tesolution, shall be responsible for making any page number corrections and for assuring that all pa.a numbers are correct.

4.2 Once the individual initiating the RZA has completed filling out Sections 2 thru 5 of the REA, it will be presented to the immediate supervisor for review and concurrence.


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4 AD 1844.14.0 4.2.1 The immediate supervisor shall:


Review the document for clarity and accuracy.


Assure that the conditions described in the document do not require the generation of other documents such as, Work Requests, Deviation Reports, etc.


Assure that documents which are identified as being incorrect are removed from service via appropriate approved procedures.

4 Sign the REA indicating that the document is correct, that any action necessary to prevent use of erroneous information has been initiated and that appropriate personnel have been informed of the problem described in the REA.


Assign a date by which resolution of the problem is needed.


Obtain a REA control number from Document Control.


Transmit the original copy of the REA with any attachments to the Nuclear Systems Manager, a copy of the REA and its attachments to Document l

Control, and a copy of Enclosure 1 to Planning j

and Scheduling.

4.3 Resolution of the REA l

Upon receipt of the REA, the Nuclear Systems Manager shall assign the resolution action to the appropriate " individual for resolution" and provide the name of the individual to Document Control for entry into the REA control log.

4.3.1 A copy of the first page (Enclosure 1) shall be l

provided to Planning and Scheduling for tracking purposes as soon as the responsible individuals name is entered.


This may be performed by the responsible supervisor if he has communicated with the Nuclear Systems l

Manager and an individual responsible for resolution has been assigned.


If assignment of an individual can not be made until further review is made by the Nuclear Systems Manager, then the Nuclear Systems Manager i


5 AD 1844.14.0 shall be responsible for providing the Enclosure 1 copy to Planning and Scheduling within 10 working days of receipt of the REA.

4.3.2 To assure that no REA's have been aisplaced and that all active REA's are being tracked by the P&S department, the PES Superintendent shall have a quarterly audit of the REA Control Los performed and compared to the current active status of the REA's.


Discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Nuclear Systems Manager for resolution.

4.4 Individual Responsible for Resolution The individual responsible for resolution shall communicate directly with any personnel and organizations necessary to resolve the REA.

4.4.1 Where additional documents such as Work Requests, Deviation Reports, Facility Change Requests, etc. are needed to formally resolve the REA, the individual responsible for REA resolution shall initiate those documents and enter their identification numbers in the Resolution (Block 9) Section of the REA.


If additional pages to describe the resolution are needed, the " Description of Resolution Continuation Sheet'(Enclosure 3) shall be used.


The individual responsible for resolution shall assure that all pages of the REA package are numbered and that the REA control number is entered at the top of all pages.

4.4.2 The individual responsible for resolution of the REA shall obtain the concurrence of the Nuclear System Manager and the approval of the Area Head (s) responsible for implementation of the REA resolution.


The area Head shall provide the name of the individual within his organization who will be responsible for implementing the resolution to the individual resolving the REA.

4.4.3 Once concurrence and approval are obtained, the individual responsible for resolution shall provide a copy of the filled-in Enclosure 1 to Planning and Scheduling and the entire REA package to the individual responsible for implementing the resolution.

6 AD 1844.14.0 4.5 Individual Redp'onsible for Implementing Resolution 4.5.1 The individual responsible for implementing the resolution shall notify Planning and Scheduling of the anticipated date when resolution will be complete.


Upon receipt of the Enclosure 1, Planning and Scheduling shall record the name of the individual responsible for implementing the REA resolution.

P&S shall enter the anticipated completion date when notified by the responsible individual.

4.5.2 When the implementation of the REA has been completed and all required reviews and signoffs obtained, the individual responsible for implementation of the REA shall provide.a copy of the signed off Enclosure 1 to Planning and Scheduling and the completed PJ.A to Document Cantrol.


Planning and Scheduling shall remove the REA from its list of ongoing activities.


Document Control shall enter the completed REA into th.t records retention program and enter the actual cropletion dats in Block 6 of the control log.

4.6 Revising or Voiding REA's REA's may bq revised or voided,under the following requirements.

4.6.1 Prior to tho assigns.ent of the REA control number, the individual originating the REA or his Supervisor may revise the RESs by filling out a new REA and discarding the incorrect one.

4.6.2 Revisions to REA's either in the p obles description section or the resolution section that are made after the assignment of a control number shall be made a follows:


The person requesting the revision shall contact the originator, the individual responsible for resolution and the individual responsible for implementation, as applicable, and apprise them of the need for revision.


A new REA, using the same control number and a sequential revision number shall be initiated by the individual requesting the revision.

7 AD 1844.14.0 3.

Document Control shall enter the new REA into the control los with the same control number and the new revision number.


Document Control shall "close out the existing previous REA control number by annotating Block 6 of the control log (for the previous REA) with the words "See Revision XI" ("XE" will be the new revision number).


The previous REA shall be stamped "CI,0 SED BY REVISION XX and signed and dated by the individual initiating the revision.


The REA that has been closed out by revision shall be entered into the records retention program.


The individual initiating the revision shall assure that all effected organizations are notified of the revision.

A copy of the stamped shall be sent to Planning and Scheduling.


Two revisions of the same REA shall not be in existence at the same time.

4.6.3 REA's may be voided prior to issuance for the control number by discarding the REA. This shall be accomplished by mutual consent of the initiator and his Supervisor.

4.6.4 REA's which have been assigned a control number shall be " VOIDED" as follows:


The individual requesting that the REA be voided shall contact the initiator, the individual responsible for resolution and the individual responsible for implementing the resolution, as applicable, and obtain their concurrence.


The REA (Enclosure 1) shall be stamped " VOIDED" and signed and dated by the individual requesting it be voided.


The individual voiding the REA shall notify all affected organizations and send a copy of the voided Enclosure 1 to Planning and Scheduling.


Document Control shall annotate Block 6 of the REA control los for the voided REA with the words

8 AD 1844.14.0

" Voided by" (Name of Individual voiding FCR) and date 5.

The voided REA shall be entered into the Records Retention Program.


DOCUMENT CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 REA Numbering 5.1.1 Document Control shall be responsible for assigning a control number to each REA and making all entries in the REA Log (Enclosure 4).

5.1.2 The REA control number shall be in the following format.

XX - X - XXXX,- XX Numerical designator Revision number numerically for the year, ie 85 written-New REA's shall be for all REA's written 00 and revision shall be in 1985.

sequential (01, 02, 03, etc.)

i Sequential number of REA-0001, 0002, etc.

Alpha Discipline identifier as follows:

M - Mechanical,-Piping E - Electrical I - Instrument & Control C - Civil 0 - Operations H - Chem & HP F - ire Protection S - Security D - Documentation problems which affect more than one discipline.

5.1.3 -

REA control numbers may be assigned may be assigned by telephone or thru direct communictcion with the responsible supervisor.

5.2 Use of the REA Control Log 5. 2.1 '.

The REA Control Log shall be sub-divide (. into nine (9) sections.

Each section shall be used to control s


9 AD 1844.14.0 sequential numbering of REA's by discipline i.e.,

all piping and mechanical REA;s shall be listed and controlled in the "M" section of the REA control log.



ALL REA's shall be entered in the Contro1 Log.

5.2.2 REA control numbers shall be assigned as soon as responsible supervisor has concurred with the REA and before transmittal of the REA to the Nuclear System Manager.


This does not preclude the responsible supervisor from contacting the responsible engineer and making him aware that the REA is being generated so that advance preparatory work may occur.

5.2.3 Document Control shall fill in Blocks 1 thru 3 and Block 5 of the REA Control Log upon notification by the responsible engineer.


Block 4 of the Control Log shall be completed upon notification by the Nuclear Systems Manager.



Block 6 shall be completed when the signed off original copy of the REA is provided to Document Control for entry into the Records Retention Program or upon revision or voiding of the REA.

5.2.4 As previously stated, a copy of the REA is to be provided to Document Control by the responsible supervisor.


Document Control shall retain the copy of the REA for traceability purposes until the completed original copy is provided to Document Control for records retention. At that time, the copy may be discarded.

5.3 Periodic Audit of REA Control Log 5.3.1 Documert Control shall be responsible for auditing the RLK Control Log monthly to assure:


REA numbering is consistent and there are not skips or double entries.


That the name of the responsible engineer is listed for all REA's which have been in the Control Log for more than ten (10) working days.

10 AP 'a44.14.0 3.

That any mistakes or corrections in the REA Control Log have been made by drawing a single line thru the mistake, initialling and dating the error and entering the correct information as near to the error as legibly possible.

5.3.2 The date, name of the individual performing the audit and the results shall be recorded on the monthly REA Control Los Audit Record (Enclosure 5) which is to be retained in the back of the REA Control Log. Audit record sheets need not be retained as a permanent record ance a sheet is filled and a new sheet started with the first periodic audit entry.



11 AD 1844.14.0 1.


Originated by Extension Area 3.

Extension 4.

Description of Problem:


Effect on Plant or System Operations:


Inunediate Supervisors Concurrence:

Date 7.

Resolution Required by:


Individual Assigned Resolution Responsibility 9.

Description of Resolution:


Recommended by Evaluating Eng.

Date 11.

Concurrence by Nuclear System Mgr.

Date 12.

Approved for Implementation Responsible Area Head Date 13.

Document number of document implementing resolution Page 1 of 1

12 AD 1844.14.0 REA CONTROL NO.


13 AD 1844.14.0 REA CONTROL NO.




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16 AD 1844.14.0 REQUESTS FOR ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE FLOW CHART REA initiated by any station personnel Necessary notifications REA reviewed REA revised or made for equip. &

by individual's voided with personnel protection Supervisor initiator's concurrence Copy of REA and all Control number Copy of REA attachment's sent to assigned to Form I sent Document Control approved REA by to Planning Document Control and Scheduling REA revised or Original RCA and voided with applicable all attachments concurrences and sent to Nuclear approvals Systems Manager Resolution responsibility P/S notified by assigned by Nuclear Copy of Form 1 Services Manager REA revised or Resolution determined Additional documents voided with applicable by responsible created to support concurrences and individual resolution approvals Resolution submitted Individual resp.

to Nuclear Services for implementing Manager and Area Head resolution assigned for concurrence and by Area Head, P/S approval for implementation notified by copy of Form 1 REA revised or REA and all documents P/S notified via voided with delivered to responsible copy of completed applicable individual (s) for Form 1 concurrences implementation of and approvals REA resolution Completed REA package Routed to Document Control for records retention and REA control log entry END Page 1 of 1

.- QUESTION NO. 3 Provide the newly written " Conduct of Maintenance" procedure, cur-rently scheduled for implementation by 11/30/85. (pg.45)

RESPONSE TO QUESTION NO. 3 A copy of Administrative Procedure AD 1844.00, " Conduct of Mainte-nance" has been attached for your review. This procedure was gener-ated by revising the previous AD 1844.00 " Maintenance". AD 1844.00 is the controlling procedure for the conduct of maintenance activi-ties at Davis-Besse. This procedure either directly responds to the maintenance improvements and controls noted in the Course of Action (C0A) document, or directs the user to the appropriate procedures that control other facets of the maintenance program. Many of the maintenance improvements discussed in the C0A are contained in other station administrative procedures. A cross reference of maintenance improvement program areas to the implementing station administrative procedures or Nuclear Mission Procedures (NMPs) under development is provided below:

Station Administrative Procedure Maintenance Improvement Program Area or NMPs Under Developmer.t

  • Reorganization of Maintenance AD 1844.00 " Conduct Department of Maintenance" temp 2 c/56


Station Administrative Procedure Maintenance Improvement Program Area or NMPs Under Development

  • Administrative and Technical Discussed under response to Procedures Questions 4 and 5
  • Technical positions responsible for AD 1844.00 " Conduct of content and accuracy of technical Maintenance" procedures.
  • Vendor instruction manual technical AD 1844.00 " Conduct of review and approval prior to use.

Maintenance" 4-AD 1805.00 " Procedure Preparation and Maintenance" NMP-NE-308 " Vendor Manual Control" (under development)

Designated Training Foreman AD 1844.00 " Conduct of Maintenance"

  • Training Shift Concept AD 1844.00 " Conduct of Maintenance" AD 1828.11 " Maintenance Section Training" temp 2 c/56 Station Administrative Procedure Maintenance Improvement Program Area or NMPs Under Development
  • Ongoing reviews of testing, AD 1844.01 " Preventive corrective and preventive Maintenance" maintenance (PM) to upgrade PM program.

Develop / implement integrated NMP-DS-205 " Plant Maintenance" plant maintenance and modifica-(under development) tions schedule.

NMP-NP-401 " Integrated Living Schedule Program" (under development)

AD 1820.00 " Outage Planning and Management" AD 1844.02 " Control of Work (MWO)"

  • Assignment of higher priorities AD 1844.01 " Preventive to PM Maintenance" Upgrading spare parts and material NMP-NP-400 " Materials Management" control (under development)

NMP-NP-403 " Spare Parts" (under development)

NOTE: NMP-NP-400 and NMP-NP-403 are under development. Once these are implemented, AD 1847.00 and AD 1846.00 will be revised or superseded, as appropriate.

temp 2 c/56 Station Administrative Procedure Maintenance Improvement Program Area or NMPs Under Development AD 1846.00 " Requisition of Materials and Services" AD 1847.60 Estation Materials Control" t

  • Engineering interface and support AD 1844.14 " Request for Engineering Assistance" -

discussed in response to I

Question 2.

Composite crew for plant cleanliness Discussed in response to Question 3 Daily inspection responsibilities AD 1844.00 " Conduct of Maintenance" Schedule and status reports maintained by Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance.

  • Inspection guidance AD 1839.00 " Station Operations" AD 1835.00 " Plant Cleanliness Inspection Program" Documenting deficiencies on Work AD 1839.00 " Station Operations" Requests.

AD 1835.00 " Plant Cleanliness Inspection Program" temp 2 c/56

_ Station Administrative Procedure Maintenance Improvement Program Area or NMPs Under Development

  • Rotation of inspection schedules Schedule and status reports main-tained by Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance.
  • Duties and responsibilities of all AD 1844.00 " Conduct of i

maintenance department personnel.

Maintenance" The Plant Cleanliness and Material Readiness program referred to on page 45 of the Course of Action (C0A) document is actually described in detail in Administrative Procedure, AD 1835.00, " Plant Cleanliness Inspection Program". This procedure has undergone extensive modification and is preEently in the review cycle. A copy of this procedure is attached to this response. This procedure and several other key procedures are also


referenced in the Response to Question No. 4a.

The Plant Cleanliness and Material Readiness Program was developed and matured in AD 1835.00 and as a result differs slightly from the program that was envisioned at the time the initial C0A was issusd. The composite crew dedicated to plant cleanliness will function until the plant is brought into a condition acceptable to maintenance management. After this is accomplished, the Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance will evaluate ongoing housekeeping needs, and institute the appropriate methods to maintain' cleanliness.

Additionally, the frequency of the daily management inspections has been relaxed. The Inspection List or Guidance attached to AD 1835.00 is more specific and additional requirements for " work area" cleanliness are added.

temp 2 c/56

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