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Rev 16 to Procedure 9.1.15, Shipment of Radioactive Matl
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 05/16/1985
From: Newcomb P
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20134J236 List:
9.1.15, NUDOCS 8508290223
Download: ML20134J243 (52)



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} ,q Dept. Head i

Proc. No. 9.1.15 PORC W f h Class. A i

h{U g g, Rev. No. 16 v Issue Date 5-16-85 gy, p 'A Review Date 5/87 1

9.1.15 SHIFMENT OF RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL 1.0 DISCUSSION Radioactive material shipments by any of the normal modes of transportation are subject to controls listed in various sections of the Code of Federal Regulations. Maine Yankee is responsible for the safe packaging and labeling of all radioactive material leaving the plant site. Before a shipment of radioactive material is made, a Radiological Controls supervisor will be notified. Should the shipment consist of any special nuclear materials the Reactor Engineering and Radiological Control Supervisors will also be notified.

To insure safe radiation levels, a Radiological Controls representative will perform a radiation and contamination survey of the material to be shipped. A Radiological Controls Supervisor will calculate the activity of the shipment and assure that DOT and NRC requirements are complied with. Authorization to ship

' any radioactive material frcm the plant site will be made by a Radiological Controls Supervisor. Due to rapidly changing burial site criteria and State and DOT regulations, it may become necessary to deviate from this procedure in order to meet current requirements.

2.0 OBJECTIVE lt Establish a procedure for shipping radioactive material from Maine Yankee. '

l 1


3.1 49 CFR, Parts 170-189.

! 3.2 10 CFR, Parts 20, 30, 40, 61, 70, 71.

j 3.3 Waste Disposal Site criteria (latest edition).

3.4 H.P. Procedure 9.1.17 Health Physics Requirements For Radioactive Waste

Processing And Shipping.

j 3.5 AIF NESP Methodologies for Classification of LLW from Nuclear Power Plants' i November 1983.

3.6 Latest scaling factors from Science Applications, Inc. .

! 4.0 PRECAUTIONS 4.1 All of the general packaging requirements of 49 CFR 173.411 or 10 CFR 71.43, unless otherwise specified, must be met.



. . . . _ - . - _ . _ - - - . - ~ . .

Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16

) Page 2 of 52 i

j 4.2 If the shipment is overweight notify the shipment contractor to obtain an j_ " overweight permit" for the vehicle.

4.3 Transportation of radioactive material on the Maine Turnpike is allowed only during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). Do not allow any vehicle l carrying radioactive waste material that requires placarding of the vehicle

.1- to leave the Maine Yankee site property without sufficient time to comply q with the daylight travel only regulations of the Maine Turnpike Authority.

F 4.4 Assure that radiation levels do not exceed the specified limits.

4.5 Assure that the radiation levels on items loaded into shipping casks do not ~

] exceed the limits in Attachment A.

I 4.6 Assure that liquid wastes are adequately mixed prior to sampling to insure

} that a representative isotopic analysis is performed before determining the

{ disposal method. This is especially critical with oil and water mixtures.

l [I.E. notice 83-33]

! 4.7 If the shipment contains transuranic elements, the radioactive shipping contractor and the burial site must be notified before the shipment leaves Maine Yankee.

4.8 Shipments requiring labels or placards must have the appropriate label or placard attached before leavbg the plant site. Special precautions must be -

l taken when applying labels or placards during inclement weather conditions - ' -

to prevent them from falling off during transit. -

5.0. PREREQUISITES 5.1 Unless exempt by 173.421 (limited Quantities of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Devices) or 173.425 (Low Specific Activity), only approved containers will be used for shipment of radioactive material.

5.'2 Before Radicactive material is transferred to another licensee, verification i

of their license to receive, the type, form and quantity of radioactive material must be checked by Maine Yankee. A copy of their license should be on file at Maine Yankee.

5.3 All placarded shipments of radioactive material through the State of i Massachusetts require notification of the Massachusetts Department of Public il Health. Notification is to be made by' telephone. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-3 Masachusetts Department of Health Notification Form, lists the data required and the notification procedure. This form must be filled in for each such notification.



r l1 '

Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 3 of 52 f 5.4 Shipments of fissile nuclear materials, both entering and leaving the state 1 of Maine, require written notification of the following Maine State Agencies:


1) Maine Turnpike Authority (must be informed three days in advance of

( shipment). .

2) Maine Buread of Civil Emergency Preparedness.

, 3) Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of 011 & Hazardous Material.


4) Maine State Police.

5.5 All shipments of radioactive material that require placarding of the vehicle, will require notification of the following Maine State Agencies by

{ telephone prior to leaving the site.

n I 1) Maine Turnpike Authority.

l L 2) Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of 011 & Hazardous Material.


3) Maine State Police. (Also requires not less than 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> advance notification of any LLW shipment Form No. 9-1-15-HP-8).

Date, time and person contacted for such notification, made pursuant to this paragraph, must be recorded on Maine Yankee State Agency Notification Form.

Form No. 9-1-15-FP-4.

5.6 Shipments of spent reactor fuel leaving the Maine Yankee site must be -

escorted by one individual from the Health Physics Department until the shipment leaves the State of Maine. Additional requirements, see Section 6.5.3.

5.7 Low Specific Activity (L.S.A.) shipments that contain greater than Type A quantities of radioactive material must be packaged in a container that

. meets the requirements of 10 CFR 71.52.

5.8 Prior to each shipment of fissile radioactive material, Type B or highway route controlled quantity of radioactive materials (see 6.1.5 + 6.5.3) the consignee must be notified of the shipping dates and expected time of arrival. The consignee must also be notified of any special loading / unloading instructions.

l 5.9 Shipments of radioactive material that require placarding through the State of Conneticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island require a permit unless the material is exempted by the individual state. The carrier is responsible for obtaining the above permits.


l t


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f' Proc. No. 9.1.15

! Rev. No. 16 1

Page 4 of 52 1,

5.9.1 Normally a Radiological Controls Supervisor will have the Connecticut application for a Radioactive Permit telecopied to Connecticut as soon as the driver signs it. The permit should come back to Maine Yankee and be part of the driver's paperwork.

5.9.2 Massachusetts Department of Public Health is to be mtified of all shipments of radioactive material requiring placarding entering the

} State (Form to. 9-1-15 .i-3).

5.10 The Radioactive Quality Assurance Record (Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1) must be completed for all shipments of radioactive material.

5.11 Prior to the first use of a package for which a license or certificate of compliance is required the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards must be notified in writing of Maine Yankee's intent to use the package.

5.12 A broker must be obtained for shipments to Nevada or Washington if a third party is involved.

5.13 A determination of the type, form, classification, and whether any exemption to the transportation regulations apply has been made for each package.

5.14 A determination of whether each radioactive waste container is Class A, B or C has been made (see Section 6.6 and 6.8.4)..

5.15 On a case by case basis as specified in 10 CFR 20.302 very low level ,-

radioactive waste may be disposed of in a manner not otherwise authorized ~1n the regulations. [lE Notice 83-05] y 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Preshipment Requirements - -

6.1.1 Arrange with carrier for type of vehicle or cask required.


f Chem Nuclear: 1-803-259-1781 Hittman:

1-301-964-5047 f 6.1.2 Chem Nuclear at Barnwell, South Carolina.

} Call Chem Nuclear by at least the fifth of the month to schedule a l shipment (s) for that month, c

( NOTE: Maine Yankee has been alotted 506

, cubic feet per month.


- 4L %


M Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 5 of 52 Send prior notification form (DHEC 802) to Scuth Carolina so that it is received no less than 3 days or nor more than 30 days prior to arrival.

Bureau of Radiological Health Radioactive Waste Management Section S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Telecopier: 1-803-799-6726 Change or add information to PNP form: 1-803-758-7806. Send copy of PNP form to Chem Nuclear at the same time.

Chem Nuclear Systems, Inc.

{ '

P.O. Box 726 Barnwell, South Carolina 29812 Attention: Scheduling Change or add information to PNP form: 1-803-259-1781 6.1.3 U.S. Ecology, Inc. at Richland, Washington. - After arranging for carrier, notify U.S. Ecology.of the intended. . . -

shipment and; approximate arrival date. J--

f_ --

~ '

Phone: 1-509-377-2411


NOTE: Carrier has to notify Washington State a ~~

}' -

minimum of four (4) hours prior to entering State. 1-6.1. 4 ~ Chief of Maine' State Police. At least 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> advance notification of any shipment of low-level ~

waste is required.- Fill out Form No. 9-1-15-HP-8 and call in available information. ~

k 6.1.5 If a " HIGHWAY ROUTE CONTROLLED QUANTITY" (49 CFR 173.403(1) is to be

) shipped, there are special_ requirements that must be adhered to. See i Section 6.5.3. Definition: A quantity wit'hin a single package which exceeds:

h (1) 3000 times the Al value f (2) 3000 times the A2 value~


(3) 30,000 Curies, whichever is least k

9-9 '&etv^d

,_ " C- *N " - ~ ^

t 2! ,

1 Proc. No. 9.1.15

-3 Rev. No. 16

) Page 6 of 52 q 10CFR71.97(3) also has special requirements if a shipment contains:

l h (1) Greater than 20 curies of other than special form for which A2 is less than or equal to 4 curies.

1 (2) Greater than 200 curies of other than special form for which 1 A2 is greater than 4 curies.

.. l d 6.2 Initial Survey of Empty Transport Vehicle (Exclusive Use)

., 6.2.1 Upon arrival, the transport vehicle will be detained outside the plant

, protected area by Security personnel until authorized to enter the plant .

by a Radiological Controls Supervisor.

I 6.2.2 Radiological Controls personnel will survey the transport vehicle for "q contamination and radiation. They will complete Survey Form l MY-HP-102-79.

J 6.3 Preparation for Shipment I

6.3.1 All radioactive material shipping containers must have:

- a contact and three foot radiation reading -

f - the contamination level on the outside of the container _

, - a determination of isotopic content of-the material H.M

- a determination of total curie content of container -


- labels as per Section 6.8 ,

y 3,

- per Section 6.7 or or t

eu %C


? 6.4 ~ Specific Details ,

6.4.1 Debris ~'

l. _,

l Fifty-Five Gallon Drums -


i. Isotopic content can be determined from evaporator bottoms -

isotopic analysis which should be representative of



. contamination.

L Curie content estimated using the following formula: E M1111 curies = m /m at 3' x 4 Normally shipped on exclusive use vehicle as RADIOACTIVE ,

LSA, see Section, 6.9.1 and 6.10.2 )

) NOTE: Gross weight limit of DOT 17H drums


) is 840 lbs. and DOT 6J is 560 lbs.'



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I f Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No.



Page 7 of 52 L.S.A. Boxes Isotopic content determined as in

? Curie content estimated using the following formula:

(l Millicuries = MR/m at 3' x 6.85.

l NOTE: Ensure that box lids are banded (for waste containers).

q k Normally shipped on exclusive use vehicle as RADIOACTIVE LSA, see section, 6.9.1 and 6.10.2.

1 .

6.4.2 Laundry Normally shipped in LSA boxes, see Section

Il 6.4.3 Disposable Waste Liners 1 Isotopic content determined from an isotopic analysis of the material put into the liner.

Curies = curies /gm or_ ml X volume in gms or mis b" ..

NOTE: If the material cannot be sampled, a Chemistry or V:

Radiological Controls Supervisor will calculate the activity of the material.


]- NOTE: Spent Resin .

Barnwell, S.C. - shipped either solidified in cement or dewatered in a High Integrity Container (HIC). A qualitative and quantitative (isotopic) analysis of all nuclides contained in the resin expressed in uci/cc is required. A summation of the activity of nuclide with half-lives greater than five years is

_. required. -

Richland, Washington - The-same analysis information is required.

l If the summation of nuclide activities with half-lives greater than five years is less than 1.0 uci/cc, the resin can be i shipped dewatered. If this sum is greater than 1.0 uci/ce, the resin must be solidified in cement.

I t

i E


y' 11 -

Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 8 of 52 q Quality Control personnel must inspect all dewatered or solidified q

containers to insure that there is not detectable free standing liquid.

1 Barnwell, S.C. - Less than 0.5% by waste volume in a steel container.

Barnwell, S.C. - Less than 1.0% by waste volume in a High Integrity i Container (HIC)

Richland, W.A. - Less than 0.5% or one gallon per container, which-

} ever is less.

C Normally shipped on exclusive use vehicle as RADI0 ACTIVE LSA, see Section an 6.9.1 and 6.10.2 l,] See Section 6.5 for package requirements.

i 6.4.4 Spent Liquid Filtration Filters Isotopic content determined by isotopically analyzing a sample of the material deposited on the filters. Curie content is determined by estimating the total amount of material deposited on the filters and using the following formula:


l .

Curies = curies /gm X weight of material in gms b NOTE: If the material cannot be sampled, a Chemistry or Radiological Controls Supervisor will L

calculate the activity of the material. Analysis requirements are the same as in Section for spent


i j 6. 4.'4. 4 Free standing water requirements as in

f. Normally shipped on exclusive use vehicle as RADI0 ACTIVE LSA, see L Section, 6.9.1 and 6.10.2 l

6.4.5 Samples for Analysis


[. Liquid Isotopic content determined from isotopic analysis or each sample to be shipped.

k k_._

.1 .


'/ Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 9 of 52 d;;f Curie content of the package is determined using the ir following formula:

u Curies = curies /ml X volume in mis r

i Mixed cargo is normally shipped as LIMITED QUANTITY, see

Section and 6.10.1.

d NOTE: Shipping container must contain enough i[ absorbent material to absorb at least a twice the volume of the liquid being d shipped. (49CFR173.412(n)(2) and (3) d See Section 5 5.4.1 for package requirements. Solids Isotopic content determined by isotopically analyzing a

, representative smear (s) from item (s) being shipped. i Curie content estimated by calculating the surface area of the item (s) and using the following formula:

(. - Curies = area in cm2 X curies /cm2 2 Mixed cargo is normally shipped as LIMITED QUANTITY, see F Section and 6.10.1.

g  :

h See Section for package requirements.

6.4.6 Equipment ' Proceed as in Section (Solid Samples).

6.5 Determination of Type Package F 6.5.1- Determine the total curie content of the material by Al or A2 values c.

as listed in 49CFR173.435 or 49CFR173.433 if not listed. See Attachment C for Al and A2 values. Al values are for special form material like sealed sources. See 49CFR173.403Z, 469 and 476.

NOTE: Documentation of special form material must be obtained if shipments are made in this category.

[IE notice 83-47]

6.5.1;2 A2 values are for normal form material. Normally shipments are in this category.

k '-

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Q y:- mmarvq = _ - p y~.- vm - ~ ' ~ - ~ ~~ mw ~ ~ - *- < - ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~~ ~?-~~~~ ~ -~~ ~~

d. , '

Proc. No. 9.1.15

[.. Rev. No. 16 Page 10 of 52 3- 6.5.2 Determine if values obtained are greater than or less than the Al or A2 values listed as appropriate.

a 4 Type A packages are required if the contents do not exceed the A l or A2 values-(49CFR173.415). - A Demonstration of Compliance is required when a TYPE A q package is required (49CFR173.461) [IE notice 83-47).

NOTE: See Section 6.5.4 for exemptions.

, Type 8 packages are required if the contents exceed the A l or

( A2values'(49CFR173.416),

d' If a TYPE B package is used, be sure that the Certificate of Compliance (C of C) is onsite and that all of its requirements are

i fulfilled.

NOTE: No changes can be made to the package as described in the C of C [IE notice'83-10]. ~ ~^-

3 6.5:2.4 If a TYPE B package is required assure that the heat generated by L

the material will not exceed the shipping cask thermal watt t

_ limitation as specified by the Certificate of Compliance-(C oft).

M C of C's are located in the Casks Books in the Radwaste Office.


Calculation is as follows for each isotope:

$ WATTS = (e) (C1) (5.93 E-3) '

p ((

e = total energy per disintegration (beta energy to be

[n _ 1/3 max energy + total energy of all gammas) r ,


_, . . Ci = total curies of isotope



~6.5.3 If it is determined that a " highway route controlled quantity" is to be shipped, special requirements and pre-notifications are required:

)_ '

-(49CFR177.825b) f[



L6.5.3.1 Prenotification for spent- described in 10CFR71.97 for waste and 10CFR73.37 b Special placards (49CFR172.527).

(( Specia1' reporting requirements (49CFR173.22). Always requires a RMI0 ACTIVE YELLOW III label (49CFR172.403c). Each shipping paper related to the. shipment must bear the package

' identification marking indicated in the USPEC approval 7 .

1 (49CFR173.471c) i p

b 3

p a s a ,4,a w =m mis r m w w w m m e n c

1 i

j Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 11 of 52 TABLE 7 i


Nature of Instruments & Devices I I i Materials i

Contents IInstrument & Article Limitsl l Package Limits i l Package Limits i l i l Solids: l l l Special form i 10-2 At Other form i lA1 l 10-3 A1 10-2 A2 A2 10-3 A2 h l I I I Liquids: l l l Tritiated water: l l I less than 0.1 l l

l l Ci/ liter l

'. 1 I l 1000 Curles I I 0.1 Ci to 1.0 Ci/ll i l 100 Curies 1 I I greater than 1.0 l d l i Ci/ liter l I i 1 Curie l I I Other liquids l 10-3 A2 1 10-1 A2 10-4 A2 .

l l I l 4 ' '

Gases: l l l Tritium 2 l 20 Curies 1 200 Curies Speciel Form l 20 Curies j

l 10-3 Al l 10-2 Al l 10-3 A1 Other Forms i 103 A2 10-2 A2 10-3 A2 l I 1

2 For mixture of radionuclides see 5173.433 (b).

These values also apply to tritium in activated luminous paint and tritium absorbed on solid carriers.

Mixtures of Radionuclides

Ratial + Ratio 2 + .... Ration (must not be greater than unity to qualify as 11 ited quantity.)

Ratio = Total Activity of Isotope in Shipment Al or 2 Value from Table in Attachment C l(

l Multiplied times per.kage limit or compared to value in Table 7 as appropriate.

l l

n,n,., .- .. .. . . .. .. . .--,.. - - -..

i 9

.4 Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 12 of 52 Special routing requirements (49CFR177.825c).

6.5.4 Exemptions Limited Quantity (49CFR173.421) Package contact dose rate cannot exceed 0.5 mrem /hr. Isotopic content of material must be within the limits as listed in table 7. Package only required to be a STRONG TIGHT container.




6.5.4.l.4 Asealisnotrequired}onthepackage. The outside of the inner package must be marked RADI0 ACTIVE.

6 Certification statement (Form No. 9-1-15-HP-9) must accompany the shipment. (49CFR173.421-1(a)) RADI0 ACTIVE LSA (49CFR173.425) Material in which the~Tadicactivity 1~s~ess~entiBIly uniTdrmly -

distributed and in which the estimated average concentration; n-of contents does not exceed:~ (49CFR173.403n) -

R~i z..-

. _- ; ,, ,_ :w _

1..- .

0.0001'millicurie per_ gram-of. radionuclides for which Mdi

.the-A2~ quantity ~1s not more than 0.05 curie. W5 EE z~

' _ = .

2. 0.005 millicurie per gram.of radionuclides for which..the . V A 2 quantity is more than_0.05 curie, but not more~than-

- 1

'1 curie; or .- 2 ..


3. 0.3 millicurie per gram of. radionuclide for which the n s .

A2 quantity is more than 1 curie.

( '.,.--1


NOTE: This includes, but is not limited to,. -

,~T materials such as residues or solutions


_ -i from chemical processing, waste such as m


building rubble, metal, wood and fabric, - _ ~

r glassware, paper and cardboard; solid.or _ . _ liquid plant wastes, sludges and ashes. ~ _ _

( ,

Packages only required to be a STRONG TIGHT container up -

through A2 quantity if shipped in exclusive use vehicle. _

CAUTION: Shipments that contain greater than.. . _ .i an A2 quantity must be packaged in


..r a DOT specification container. (10CFR71.52)- -

.1 r m

r.m g ..

~_ Wi . . . - .

_~~L"K.;- , . -

- n:~, w .-* .

w n m u m a r-me- n -~.- x ,. m - ~.m yr~m m- m~m . ~ v

.cnw .- -~~M~_ _

i j

j Proc. No. 9.1.15 i

.1 Rev. No. 16 Page 13 of 52 There must always be two (2) markings of RADIOACTIVE LSA on d each package 1800 apart.

1 NOTE: Markings must be at least 1/2" high.

o A seal is not required on the package, 6.6 Determination of Waste Burial Class A, B or C; (10CFR61.55)

..) g 6.6.1 Determine the amount of activity, if any, of the isotopes listed in I

Table 1 or 2, found in Attachment D, are contained in the waste.

NOTE: Use Form No. 9-1-15-HP-10 as a worksheet. Non-gamma emitters required to be reported will be reported using

.1 f

scaling factors, where applicable. These scaling factors will be based upon a data base developed under a cooperative program with

] the NRC and SAI and modified as the data base expands. These scaling factors are given in Attachment E.


j One sample, typical of each waste stream, will be fully analyzed annually until it is demonstrated to be unnecessary.,_to-ensure the-validity-of the factors-being utilized.

NOTE: Gross changes in waste stream radionuclide concentrations or 3

ratios will require a reevaluation of the classification methods and will be addressed as the situation arises.

H Radioisotopes requiring reporting, not easily measured or

! correlatable, will be reported based upon the methods described in ~

the AIF NESP Report, " Methodologies for Classification of LLW from Nuclear Power Plants", Ncvember 1983. (Report maintained in

, Radwaste Office.)


- A nuclide is considered to be "significant for purposes


of classification" if its concentration is greater than 0.01 times the concentration listed in Table 1, Column 1 or 0.01 times the smallest concentration listed in Table 2.

This does not include isotopes identified in Table 2 as having half-lives less than 5 years. An isotope (other than Om-242) having a half-life less than 5 years is considered significant if it is contained in the waste in concentrations greater than 7 uci/cc (0.01 times the Table 2, Column 1 value).

$ 6.6.2 Determination of Waste Class from Table 1

_ If the concentration ofClass the nuclide does not exceed the value in

( Column 2, the waste is A.

e Q e'M I '

W *b " ' '

  • j '

-. ~

4 Proc. No. 9.1.15 l Rev. No. 16


,! Page 14 of 52 q If the concentration of the nuclide does exceed the value in Column 2, but does not exceed the value listed in Column 1, the waste is Class C.

.l If the concentration of the nuclide exceeds the value in Column 1, j the waste is not generally acceptable for near surface disposal.

s Proposals for disposal of waste in this category may be i

submitted to the tRC for approval under 10CFR61.58. For wastes containing a mixture of nuclides listed in Table 1, the class is determined by the sum of the fractions rule as follows:

CAUTION: All values must be taken from the same column j in the same table.


'! ' Nuclide 1 Nuclide 2 Nuclide n uci/cc uci/cc uci/cc

+ --------- + .... --------- = less than 1 value in value in Value in Column Column Column NOTE: If the answer is less than 1, the class of waste is determined by the column used.

6 - 6.6.3 Determination of Waste Class from Table 2 4

h If the concentration of the nuclide does not exceed the value in ~


Column 1, the waste is Class A. ~~

j If the concentration of the nuclide exceeds the value in Column 1,

{j but does not exceed the value in Column 2, the waste is Class B.

h If the concentration of the nuclide exceeds the value in Column 2, 4' but does not exceed the value in Column 3, the waste is Class C.

3 '

h If the concentration of the nuclide exceeds the value listed in Column 3, the waste is not generally acceptable for near

~l m- surface disposal. See Section


} For wastes containing a mixture of nuclides listed in Table 2 proceed as in


j 4

6.6.4 If the waste does not contain any nuclides listed in Table 1 or 2, the waste is Class A.

t 6.7 Marking (49CFR172.300) 6.7.1 Each package weighing more than 110 pounds must have its gross weight j plainly and durably marked on the outside of the package.

p. .

c.n . x.....yv pp, .:,,m. , =-

,c. . /,=:


..m. . -


4 Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 15 of 52 6.7.2 Each package which conforms to the requirements for Type A or Type 8 packaging (see section 6.5) must be plainly and durably marked on the outside of the package in letters at least 1/2" high with the wording a " USA DOT 7A TYPE A and Radioactive Material (49 CFR 178.350-3) or the package identification marking indicated in the USNRC approval (49 CFR

) 173.471b) respectively".

l 6.7.3 Any markings must be at least 1/2" high.

) 6.8 Labelina (49CFR172.403) 1 i 6.8.1 Radioactive White I I Package content dose rate cannot exceed 0.5 mrem /hr.

( Package cannot contain FISSILE CLASS I or Il material. Fissile material is (49CFR173.403J):

) Plutonium - 238, 239 or 241 Uranium - 233 or 235 i

I Package cannot contain a " HIGHWAY ROUTE CONTROLLED QUANTITY" of mhtbridl. dee sectT6n~ET > -

6.8.2 Radioactive Yellow II -- Packag's e with contact dose rates exceeding 0.5 mrem /hr, but not greater than 50 mrem /hr and not exceeding 1.0 mrem /hr at one meter ""-

(3.3 feet).

l ~~ Must use on FISSILE CLASS II package having a Transport Index (TI) of 1.0 or less. - -

-1 TI is the maximum dose rate in mrem /hr at one meter from the package. -

6.8.3 Radioactive Yellow III Package contact dose rates exceeding 50 mrem /hr or greater than 1.0 mrem /hr at one meter.

CAUTION: See section 6.10 for maximum package contact dose rates. Must use on FISSILE CLASS III package. Must use on a package containing a " HIGHWAY ROUTE CONTROLLED QUANTITY" of material. See section 6.1.5 and 6.5.3.

6.8.4 Each package of radioactive waste must be labeled as Class A, 8 or C as per Section 6.6. (10CFR61.57) b G '

Proc. No. 9.1.15 i Rev. No. 16 Page 16 of 52 6.8.5 The contents asked for on Radioactive Yellow II and III labels are the

] major isotopes contained in the material.

6.8.6 There must always be two (2) labels on each package 180o apart.

6.8.7 All packages shipped under a label must be at least TYPE A.

6.8.8 All packages shipped under a label must incorporate a feature such as as seal on the outside of the package, which is not readily breakable and which, while intact will be evidence that the package has not been i illicitly opened. (49CFR173.412b) 6.9 Placarding (49CFR172.500) l 6.9.1 All RADI0 ACTIVE LSA shipments sent by exclusive use vehicle must be placarded.

y 6.9.2 Any vehicle which contains a package bearing a RADI0 ACTIVE YELLOW III label must be placarded.

6.9.3 Placards must be on each side and each end of the vehicle. If shipping on a tractor trailer, the placards are put on each end and - each-side-o f-the- t railer-o r-load . - --

6.10 Method of Shipment 6.10.1 Motor Freight (Mixed Cargo)(49CFR173.441a) j Packages with contact dose rates up to 200 mrem /hr and a Transport Index of 10 or less.

6.10.2 Motor Freight (Exclusive Use Vehicle) (49CFR173.441b)

L Packages with dose rates that exceed those in Section can

!. be shipped on an exlcusive use vehicle.

I l Up to 1000 mrem /hr on the external accessible surface of j the package (closed transport vehicle only).

NOTE: Vehicle must be equipped with an attached

{ exterior enclosure, which during normal l transport, restricts the access of unauthor-Ized persons to the cargo space containing

, the radioactive material. (49CFR173.403c)


l wwn .x.m c,n =zmww

. u.w. . . e

n. ~

- . + ww- n ,;m n-=:w?

r ., . - - --

9 q

Proc. No. 9.1.15

.:] Rev. No. 16 Page 17 of 52 0 Up to 200 mrem /hr at any point on the external surface of the car or vehicle (closed transport vehicles only).

y Open vehicle limited to 200 mrem /hr on g contact with the package (s). Up to 10 mrem /hr at any point 2 meters (6.6 feet) from L

.the vertical planes projected by the outer lateral surfaces of the car or vehicle.

. Up to 2 mrem /hr in any normally occupied position in the >


car or vehicle except that this provision does not apply

{ to private motor carriers. Specific instructions for maintenance of the exclusive use (sole i

use) shipment controls must be provided by the shipper to the J carrier. Shipment must be loaded by consignor and unloaded by the consignee

, from the transport vehicle in which originally loaded.

6.11 Loading of the Transport Vehicle 6.11.1 Radioactive Shipment Quality Ass'urance Record (Form No. 9-1-15-P-1).

f Radiological Controls personnel will complete Sections I.

] _ ' Radiological Controls and Quality Control personnel will

complete Section II, III, IV and V.Section II to be completed 7 prior to loading any material.

[ 6.11.2 Opening, loading and closure of casks used to transport radioactive y

material will normally be done in accordance with Equipment Handling Procedures supplied by the radioactive material shipping vendor, M

Hittmani Chem-Nuclear, etc.).

1 1- 6.11.3 Radiological Controls personnel will conduct a final survey on all u . radioactive material being loaded for highest contact and one meter radiation levels, m, .

F 6.11.4 Radiological Controls personnel will monitor the external radiation d,

levels of the package for compliance with external radiation criteria

[200 MR/HR contact, 10 MR/m at two (2) meters and no greater than 2 y  ;

m / m inside the tractor cab, 173.441(a)(b)] as the truck is being j loaded.


.6.11.5 Assure that proper labels are placed on containers, see Section 6.8 or, and are properly adhered to prevent removal during inclement weather,


s 41 t g e m m a m m m W m s. W r mW :=:2"=m:vn= w=m e m

!l Proc. No. 9.1.15

[ Rev. No. 16 Page 18 of 52 6.11.6 Assure that proper markings are placed on containers, see Section 6.7, and are properly adhered to prevent removal during inclement weather, 6.11.7 Assure that all packages have been adequately blocked or braced to prevent load shifting during transpnrtation.

6.12 Closure of the Transport Vehicle f

$ 6.12.1 Radiological Controls personnel will verify compliance with external 4

radiation level criteria (see 6.11.4) before final closure of the transport vehicle.

6.13 Final Vehicle Survey 6.13.1 Radiological Controls will survey and record the highest contact, and 2

I meter radiation level of the shipping package as per H.P. Procedure .


l 6.13.2 Radiological Controls will survey the dose rate of the cab at the

[ closest point at the load external of the cab if possible and record the 1 results.

NOTE: If the cab reading is greater than 1.5 mrem /hr, the load should

be repackaged.

6.13.3 Radiological Controls will check and record the external surface of the E _

g- package, transporter and vehicle tires for contamination. Contamination --~

shall be less than 100dpm/100cm2 gross activity or less than 1000- -

dpm/100 cm2 beta-gamma and less than 100 dpm/100 cm2 alpha. (49 CFR ,

173.443) 5 6.13.4 The Final Shipment Radiation Surveys of each package (s) and transport -

] vehicle will be performed by two different individuals using different ._~

survey meters. The second complete survey will be performed by a Radiological Controls Supervisor.

6.14 Placarding 6.14.1 Assure that the proper placards are placed on the transport vehicle, see Section 6.9 and 6.5.3, and are properly adhered to prevent removal during inclement weather.

6.15 Shipping Manifest: (49CFR172.200)

L RADIOACTIVE WASTE (Also 10CFR20.311) 6.15.1 Radioactive waste is normally manifested on forms provided by the burial l site. All required information is requested on these forms.


l I

i l

c3 : 7~ -

_a ""RWQ'G.m.?.?..?.MW<2CF'~B'W9C,,T.

2Ax u. .

. .m _ un. . - - *:'f.. 3"!.W"W'W'7]"9.:0%M:n-em u G.Q&

Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 19 of 52 The total quantity of the radionuclides H-3, C-14, Tc-99 and I-129 must be shown.

I If any of these nuclides are known not to be present, c the quantity should be recorded as "not present".

I. If any of these nuclides is known or suspected to be present but in quantities less than the lower limit of detection (LLD), the quantity should be recorded as less than minimum detectable, with the LLD value listed. Other nuclides listed in Table 1 and 2, if significant for purposes of classification, should be listed. See Section

g Other nuclides not listed in Table 1 or 2 should be reported if l they are contained in significant quantities (10% a greater of total activity in container).

J The total quantity of source or special nuclear material should l be reported, if the waste contains such material.

! Distribute copies of the manifest as indicated on the forms.

} -(10CFR20.311d (5, 6, 7))

l 1 Mail copy to burial site at time of shipment.

l Include one copy with the shipping papers.

l Retain one copy on-site.

l If Maine Yankee has not received a signed copy of the manifest or

} equivalent documentation, indicating receipt of the shipment from the burial site within 20 days after the shipping date, an investigation must be started to locate the shipment.

l (10CFR20.311h(1))


l The investigation shall include tracing the shipment and filing a written report with the nearest NRC office within 2 weeks of the completion of the investigation.

1 (10CFR20.311h(2))

RADI0 ACTIVE NON-WASTE 6.15.2 Radioactive material that is not waste is normally manifested on Maine Yankee's Radioactive Shipment Record (RSR). (MY-HP-23-72) All required information is requested on these forr.s. Radionuclides that attribute 10% or greater to the total activity

( contained in the shipment should be listed on the RSR form.

- - s.~. ,,.,.,.... .

,......,,y._.7 . ,.

z -

, ,, y..r

Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16

-. Page 20 of 52 q,

6.16 Records The transportation of radioactive material requires various records and

- forms to be properly completed before the shipment leaves the plant site.

A checklist of required forms and records will be maintained and new forms


or records will be added to the list as required (Form No. 9-1-15-HP-5). A

- Health Physics Supervisor will verify that each item on the list is

-L completed before the shipment leaves the plant site.


'] '

.) Radioactive material is properly packaged and ready for shipment.

a -

r t

l l


4 h- -.%_

1 -(

l -

p, ,:


. m -em-

e. -e%-


  • r 4 wr-
  • -+-6m -eg-p, +m n- .- -

l l

pC .

mzzwn:r=mimseuwa&wamxnmmww=,~rm=wl ,

. Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 21 of 52 ATTACFNENT A RADWASTE DOSE RATE LIMITS BY PKG.


I NO. (R/HR) LINER / DRUMS 3 11 b CNS 8-120 ll 8 200 R 20,000 124 / 8 SEC. CONTAINER CNSI l iI

( CNS 14-195-H ll A 15 R 17,700 195 / 14 SEC. CONTAItER CNSI ll


CNS 21-300 ll A 1R 27,250 300 / 21 SEC. CONTAINER CNSI l1 I CNS 6-80-2 ll A 500 R 7,500 80 / 4 SEC. CONTAINER CNSI i il

- CNS 14-190 1I B 5R 10,000 195 / 14 SEC. CONTAINER CNSI

! Ii 1 CNS 4-45 l1 B 10,000 R 10,000 45 / 4 SEC. CONTAINER CNSI i iI j CNS6-75 ll A 150 R 10,300 85 / 6 DOT TYPE A CNSI y

ll f i 4-85 ll B 50 R 5,700 88 / 4 SEC. CONTAINER q Il DOT TYPE A CNSI ll h HN-100 Ser 1 ll A. 5R 14,500 170 / 14 SEC. CONTAINER HNDC y ll -

3 HN-100 Ser 2 ll A 5R 14,500 170 / 14 SEC. CONTAINER HNDC lI

, , HN-100 Ser 3 ll A 5R 17,800 170 / 14 SEC. CONTAINER HNDC i i1 j' HN-100 Ser 3 ll

[ tith shleid iI L Ins:rt ll A 50 R 10,400 125/ 14 SEC. CONTAINER HtOC h

ll l HN-1005 ll A~ 1R 17,000 170 / 14 SEC. CONTAINER HNDC j ll 3 HN-200 ll B 600 R 10,675 80 / 3 SEC. CONTAINER ll 00T SPEC. 17-H HNDC il HN-300 ll A 1R 8,000 - / 12 DOT TYPE A


l; DOT SPEC.17-H HBOC i I.

HN-400 l A 1R 12,000 - / 18 00T TYPE A I DOT SPEC. 17-H HtOC


HN-600 ll A 50 R 13,000 87 / 7 SEC. CONTAINER HNDC ll i .DED ll V'ANS l N/A 0.5 R 27,000 - 160 N/A VARIOUS I,

(( Y h ( $5 Y* Y  % O 7'EiD F V * * ' * * * $ .[%' 'M f $ ,',*- N #

N W O@ # * ' A * . 72 P O '# ",## * #9 * * # O

~. U "I E 'k'

_ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ - _ _ - . . ... m . - - . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ - - . . _ . --.

8 g( ' .


lj Proc. No. 9.1.15

$ Rev. No. 16 Page 22 of 52 1


g .....

Tral.: 1. SAre Womaceo Imace ox VAa:oes Tnsa or 5*.t.nos


  • Totalload on two-leg slincs

" l > ' 4 (For three. leg sling muit: ply by 16 (d 6

j For four les sung rcultiply by 2) g.g,

- J- .N*omi.

nal j

per it

-. TFPeofs!2ag ,,,, g

, '(esclusive of l l Fhook. ::ng, I 5 e ce) 1 Single Choker B2 ket 60 d 45-de 30-de j sling, Ib sling, Ib UMD sling, Ib bnde b ; bridle,fb bndle.g i e Ibl 6 x 19 Improved plow i 1,350 1,010 2,700 2.3c0 1330 1.910 1,350 l 033

']l steel rope ,, 1,340 1,360 3,650 3 20 3,180 2.600 1,$40 0.31

) *5(Federat spec. RR-R-371) 't 2,420 1.815 4,840 4.240 4,180 3,420 2.420 l 0.40 Tactor of safety - 8 A 2,900 3,500 2,175 5.500 5,060 5.000 4,110 2.500 0.51 2 s30 7,600 3( 54t30 3,940 10,520 6.650 9.200 6.570 9,100 3.400 7,430 3.500 3 4'50 0.63 0.90 tf Spuce ef!!:iency = 505 r 7,000 5,250 14.000 11250 11100 9,900 7.C00 143

<!. I 9,000 6,730 18,000 15,750 t 15,5.M 11730 9,000 1.60

.t Rope diameter -+- 1 11.200 8,400 22.400 19.600 l 19;400 15.900 11 00 2.03 13,800 10,330 1

27,000 l 28,200 , 23,900 19,350 13,500 2.30 Iron erane chain 3,420 3,000 l i '! 1.710 2S45 1.250 3,690 2,970 1 420 1.710 IA6 1} (ASTM spee. A 56-39) 4,350 2.130 3,250 3,760 ~

4.950 e 7.660 '

4.040 7,600 4.030 6300 2.543 245

! 4.360 4.30 6,415 4,820 12.830 12.200 } 11,150 9,100 6.415 6.15 e-Tactor of safety'- 5 g s,850 6,630 17,700 15,500 15,350 12A50 9.450 S.20

.i i 11,750 8,500 23 550 20,600 20.400 16.650 . 11.775 10.45 I

Stock diarneter -e - In 15.350  !! 300 00,700 06.900 26,650 21,7no l 15.3 % 1110 16 j 19,250 14,400 l 38,500 33,7M 33,500 27,2.W 19.2?4 16.00

, Tass.s IV. Sars I,osos on SNACELaS*

Shank. Safe load, Pin, ' Inside width, ' Inside length, Ibt In. in. (n. in.


a, 2,530 3,550 p ly y 13

, L 4,420 s II 2


Tr 6,360 y It 2 ,

' t 9,630 1 14 2,p 1 11.310 14 ly 3f 19 13,360 le 13 39 l- 16,500 IF 2 3rf 1,L 19,960 2

23,740 la g  %

1< -

l<  ; 2} 5 1,. 27,900 It -

2g 8g l{. 32.*40 2

{ 2r 5t 2 42,220 2) 3t

; l 6}


  • c.s. x.,y, sue at his
. e sac, r.o., - s.

6 (~

f NOTE: Tables taken from " Handbook of Rigging" by Rossnagel, Third Edition.

c' b

ee .Sie.* n p.m. *W.gD ..p gwkg. s m ee em .e.e a 3,p. pm p,epp.g eg .y 3 .4, MM M ' SMy'F".pM ,4'T .r$ 8ap .es.p ,y. g g, . ..f g.79fg Apw .M,y,f 3 go. W M,tMF .f. a g .

' Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. tb. 16 Page 23 of 52


, ACTINIUM (89) Ac-227 1000 0.003 i

Ac-228 10 4

.1 j AMERICIUM (95) Am-2415 4 8 0.008.

Am-243 8 0.008 ANTIMONY (51) Sb-122 30 30 ,

Sb-124 5 5 Sb-125 40 25 ARGON (18) Ar-37 1000 1000 Ar-418 1 1 Ar-41(uncompressed) 2 20 20

, ARSENIC (33) As-73 1000: 400 -

As-74 ':20~ 20. . = A ff ?

I As-76


~ -- 10 ' 10 _ T:f C -

As-77 - '


300 ~ -


, , . ,.;._ 20 ' >. ~ 4^2 - -  :-~~c'-

^ ' __ . : c. . . = m3+ : =. - .

ASTATIE :(85) At-211 ~

.200~ 7_? ~r!.'~2, . ~ ~ - ~ .T"


BARIUM (56) Ba-131 40- ~ 40Z '-OI: ^ ~

Ba-133 .

40 -- 10 -r'~~ ' - **

Ba-140 20. 20; _ 11 2  :

_. M BERKELItN (97) Ek-249 1000 17~ ~

l ~ _.: . _ A BERYLLIUM (4) Be-7 --

300 300 1 -

rx -

c 4: _- ._. ._a j BISMUTH (83)81-206 5 5- ' - - -

= ";

( B1-207 10 10 - _

81-210 100 4 -

7- .n 7" -


81-212 6 6 BROMIE (35) Br-82 6 6

~ ~~

L Br-77 70 25 C- i-2 CADMILH (48) Cd-109 1000 70 h Cd-ll5a 30 30



., 80 20 CALCIUM (20) Ca-45 1000 25


[ Ca-47 20 20 ..


L i

' __. _ _ .. : L ;;, . _ . ,-

t 1-2 Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 24 of 52 ATTACFNENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIOES (Cont'd)

I i


" A2(C1)

(Special Form) (Normal Form) d CALIFORNIUM (98) Cf-249 2 0.002 Cf-250 7 0.007


Cf-25 2 0.009


1 CAR 80N (6) C-11 20 20 C-14 1000 60 CERIUM (58) Ce-139 100 100 Ce-141 300 25

1 Ce-143 60 20 Ce-144 10 7

. i CESIUM (55) Cs-129 40 40 Cs-131 1000 1000 Cs-134m 1000 10 Cs-134 10 10 Cs-135 1000 25 f _ f- .Cs-136 7- 7

, -7 --

Cs-137 ~

30 10 l '

": CM.ORINE (17)~ '

Cl-36__ 300~ 10 .


  • ' *;-~

'~ ?; -

~Cl-38 10 ' 10


1 _

- Cm0MIW (24) ~ Cr-51 600 600 COBALT-(27)

~ ~

Co-56 -5 5 L


Co-57 90 90

- Co-Sam 1000 1000 q} - "

Co ~ 20 20 l! .n-7 .

. . 2_ Co-60gg
7 _

7 1 COPPER (29) Cu-64 80 25 Cu 200 25 CLRIlN (96) . On-242 200 0.2 l Cm-243' 9 0.009

. Cm-244 10 0.01 On-245- 6 0.006

. Cm-346 6 0.006

. DYSPROSIUM (66) Dy-165 . 100 20

i Dy-166 1000 .T0 k- -ERBIUM (68) Er-169 1000 25 Er-171 50 20 f h* I  % * '
e. a b
  • i Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 25 or 52 ATTACFfENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIDES (Cont'd)



3 A2(C1)

(Spec;.a1 Form) (Normal Form) d I

t EUROPIUM (63) Eu-152m 30 30 Eu-152 20 10 Eu-154 10 5 Eu-155 400 60 FLUORINE (9) F-18 20 20 i

I GADOLNIUM (64) Gd-153 300 100


Gd-159 300 20 i

GALLIUM (31) Ga-67 100 100

} Ga-68 20 20

) Ga-72 7 7 GERMANIUM (32) Ge-68 20 10

( Ge-71 1000 1000

.' GOLD (79) Au-193 200 200 3

Au-196 30 30 Au-198 40 20 Au-199 200 25 HAFNILN (72) Hf-181 30 25 f HOLMIUM (67) Ho-166 30 30 HYDROGEN (1) H-3 (See Tritium)

ItOIUM (49) In-111 30 25 In-113m 60 60 In-114m 30 20 In-115m 100 20 IODINE (53) I-123 50 50 I-125 1000 70 I-126 40 10

( I-129 1000 2 I-131 40 10 I-132 7 7 I-133 30 10 I-134 8 8 l I-135 10 10 i

y m .e m.c - w.~,~ -em ~ - ,........,-...- -

l .

.l Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 26 of 52 ATTACFfENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIDES (Cont'd)


(Special Form) (Normal Form)

IRIOILN (77) Ir-190 10 10 Ir-192 20 10 Ir-194 10 10 IRON (26) Fe-52 5 5 Fe-55 1000 1000 Fe-59 10 10 KRYPTON (36) Kr-85m8 3 3 Kr-85m (uncompressed)2 100 100 Kr-858 5 5 Kr-85 (uncompressed)2 1000 1000 h.

Kr-878 0.6 0.6 Kr-87 (uncompressed)2 20 20

- La-140-


(ATHANUM(57) 30 - 30 .

~ ' Pb-201 :


LEAO (82)-


20 -

. 20 ji  :- Pb-210 ~ 100 - ~ 0.2 --


_.__Pb-212 6 'S ..

LUTECIUM (71) Lu'-177 300- 25 -

MAGNESIUM (12) Mg-28 6 6 MANGANESE (25) Mn '5- 5 -

r- :Mn-54


20 ' ~ 20



n. Mn-56 5 5.

p h MERCURY.(80) . Hg-197m 200 200 Hg-197 200 200 Hg-203 80 25 MIXE0 FISSION PRODUCTS _ MF-P 10 0.4 MOLYBDENLN_ (42) _Mo-99 100 20 -

NE00YMILN (60) Nd-147 100 20

( Nd-149 30 20


g ,4r.-e-=r,.~,.w.--p.-#..,-*>wa-*-*=**- .

~~***xt.?.~*-*---+--++ ** ^ + * " " "~


} Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 27 of 52 ATTACHMENT C l TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLICES (Cont'd) i ELEMENT & ATOMIC N'115ER RADIONUCLIOE3 Al(C1) A2(C1)

(Special Form) (Normal Form) 1 I

tEPTUNIUM (93) Np-237 5 0.005 Np-239 200 25

) NICKEL (28) N1-59 1000 900 Ni-63 1000 100 Ni-65 10 10 NIOBIUM (41) Nb-93m 1000 200 ft-95 20 20 Nb-97 20 20 NITROGEN (7) N-13 20 10 OSMIUM (76) Os 1.85 20 20 Os-191m 200 200 Os-191 600 200 g Os-193 100 20 u.

PALLADIUM ( 46) Pd-103 1000 700 Pd-109 100 20

, PHOSPHORUS (15) P-32 30 30 PLATINui (78) Pt-191 100 100 .

j Pt-193m 200 200 j Pt-197m 300 20

} Pt-197 300 20 PLUT0NIU4 (94) Pu-2384,5 3 0,003

_ Pu-2394,5 2 0.002 r

Pu-2405 2 0.002 l Pu-2414,5 1000 0.1 j Pu-2425 3 c.003 POLONIUM (84) Po-210 200 0.2 1

i POTASSIUM (19) K-42 10 10


K-43 20 10 PRASEODYMIUM (59) Pr-142 10 10 Pr-143 300 20 ww =r .,0 .m v4 3. N.Q. ~cw-

. p.=c0h. , =?ct~N? v c :. - m . :~~~cr .7 ~- -+ -- m.

. t. . 1 m - v e " a "- t- y* nv.

'- 'm --


- en -,~~~ ~~m'~




l' Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No. 16 Page 28 of 52 ATTACl+4ENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIDES (Cont'd)

ELEMENT & ATOMIC NUMBER RADIONUCLIDE3 A1(C1) A2(C1) g (Special Form) (Normal Form)

PROMETHIW (61) Pm-147 1000 25 4 Pm-149 100 20 PROTACTINIUM (91) Pa-230 20 0.8 Pa-231 2 0.002 -

Pa-233 100 100 5

RADIUM (88) Ra-223 50 0.2 Ra-224 6 0.5

Ra-226 10 0.05 Ra-228 10 0.05 RADON (86)

Rn-222 10 2 RENIW (75) Re-186 100 20 Re-187 Unlimited Unlimited 3 .(- Re-188 10 10

{ _

Re-natural Unlimited Un11mited.

.g RH00ItM (45).

Rh-103m 1000 1000 -

.cJ _ _ . Rh-105 200 25 -- "u~

~ .RUBIDILM (37) Rb41 30 25 f4 Rb-86 30 30 *

~ " ' Ro-87 Unlimited Unlimited f i Rb-natural Unlimited Unlimited



Ru-97 80 80 Ru-103 30 25

~ ; . - '~

Ru-105 20 20 Ru-106 10 7 SAMARIUM (62) Sm-147 Unlimited Unlimited

, Sm-151 -1000 90 Sm-153 300 20 SCAPOIUM (21) Sc-46 8 8 Sc-47 200 20 Sc-48 5 5 i SELENILN (34) Se-75 40 40 i SILICON (14) Si-31 100 20 t .

p m.=rm:nm w n= 1 m~mvwnmem . . m m-~== m m~mmm:mmer. msw

l l


[{ Proc. No. 9.1.15 Rev. No._ 16 Page 29 of 52 ATTACmENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIDES (Cont'd) -



(Spec;.a1 Form) (Normal Form)

SILVER (47) Ag-105 40 40 Ag-110n 7 7 Ag-111 100 20 SODIUM (11) Na-22 8 8

'J Na-24 5 5 '

l STRONTIUM (38) Sr-85m 80 80 Sr-85 30 30 ,-

Sr-87m 50 50 Sr-89 100 10 Sr-90 10 0.4 Sr-91 10 10 Sr-92 10 .10 SULPHUR (16) S-35 1000 60

~ ;~ ' ; l

] TANTALIUM (73) Ta-182 20 . 20 -

. = - .-

TECHNETlN (43) Tc-96m .. 1000 I '11000 - Ei ~


Tc-96 6 T =#6 _- --




Tc-97m 1000 Tc-97 1000 ---

I200 _ ' . -

~400 ~- -

Tc-99m 100 100 = -- ~ ~

j Tc-99 1000- ~ ~'

_ 25 ' ~ .,

3 -

i TELLURILN (52) Te-125m 1000 100-J Te-127m 300 _ __ 20 ~ .._.

Te-127 300 mn g20 ~r 'n -

Te-129m 30 -- 10 --

l Te-129 100 20 ~ =

Te-131m 10 10. '

Te-132 7 7 lu TERBIUM (65) Tb-160 20 10



THALLIUM (81) T1-200 20 ~ 20-l}l h

T1-201 200 200 T1-202

  • 40 40 i

T1-204 300 10' jl

)i 1 -

l 1

a .


.- ~?!


Proc. No. 9.1.15 il Rev. No. 16 Page 30 or 52 ATTAD+1ENT C TABLE OF Al and A2 VALUES FOR RADIONUCLIDES (Cont'd)

ELEMENT & ATOMIC NUMBER RADIONUCLIDE3 A1(C1) A2(C1) y (Special Form) (Normal Form)

THORILN (90) Th-227 200 0.2 h Th-228 6 0.008 i

Th-230 3 0.003 Th-231 1000 25

" th-232 Unlimited Unlimited sh-234 - 10 10 Th-natural Unlimited Unlimited

i Th-(irradiated)6 - > --- _--

TWLLIlN (69) Tm-170 300 10 g-,

l Tm-171 1000 10 TIN (50) Sn-113

  • 60 60 Sn-119m 100 100 Sn-125 10 10 q

{ TRITIUM (1) H-3 (uncompressed)2 : . 1000 H-3 (compresses)- 10001 1000 H-3-(activated - i.- -

s zluminous paint) 1000 r 1000 d.

H-3 (absorbed on solid a -

carrier) ' r10007

1000 H-3 (tritiated water)1000 1000 ,

H-3 (other forms) {~- .20 - 20 a TUNGSTEN (74) W-181 _ 200 5 100 W-185 v 1000- 25 3 W-187 - - '40 1 20 f

URANIUM (92) U-230 __

100 0.1 i

U-232 . _ . . _ 30 0.03


U-2334 100 0.1 U-234 -- 100 0.1 U-2354 ' 100' -


U-236 200 0.2 1 U-238 . Unlimited Un11mited U-natural . Unlimited Unlimited (See 173.434)

U-enriched 4' .

less than 20% " Unlimited Unlimited (See 173.434)

U-enriched 4 -

i greater than 20% 100 Unlimited (See 173.234)

U-depleted cUnlimited Unlimited (See 173.434)

[ (- .

U-irradiated --- ----



I .


[R57:~~lini~~>"" =rO7;m:~r 7 :=m,7&Mr s i r ww.3em"=~ ' ' = v'w' * *~'~~ v m"



Proc. No. 9.1.15

{ Rev. No. 16 Page 31 of 52 ATTACHMENT C E



+ A2(C1)

(Special Form) (Normal Form)

VAN #0IUM (23) V-48 6 6 XENON (54) Xe-1278 5 5 Xe-127 (uncompressed)2 70 70 Xe-131m8 10 10 Xe-131m (uncompressed)2 100 100 Xe-1338 5 5 Xe-133 (uncompressed)2 1000 1000 Xe-1358 2 2 Xc-135 (uncompressed)2 70 70

( YTTERBILN (70) Yb-169 80 80 Yb-175 400 25 YTTERIlN (39) Y-87 20 20

," . Y-90 10 10

_ . Y-91m 30 30 Y-91 30 30 Y-92 10 10 Y-93 10 10 ZINC (30) Zn-65 30 30 Zn-69m 40 20 Zn-69 300 20 ZIRCONIlN 940) Zr-93 1000 200 Zr-95 20 20 Zr-97 20 20 a

1 Atomic number shown in parentheses.

2Uncompressed means at a pressure not exceeding 14.7 psi (absolute).

l 3 Atomic weight shown after the radionuclide symbol.

( 4 Fissile radioactive material.


fl LI ,

3 lj Proc. No. 9.1.15 ll Rev. fb. 16 i Page 32 of 52 e, ATTACHMENT C ,


I. 5For shipments solely within the United States, the Al value is 20 curies americium and plutonium contained in Am-Be or Pu-Be neutron sources or in nuclear powered pacemakers.

6The values of Al and A2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure i specified in 173.433 of this subchapter, taking into account the activity of the fission products and of the uranium-233 in addition to that of the thorium.

7The values of Al and A2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in 173.433 or this subchapter, taking into account the activity of the fission products and plutonium isotopes in addition to that of the uranium.

8Compressed (greater than 14.7 psi (absolute)).


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Proc. No. 9.1.15 I

Rev. No. 16 Page 33 of 52 ATTACHMENT 0 (10CFR61.55)

Table 1

! l l 1

CONCENTRATION (UCi/CC) l l RADI0tAJCLIDE l Column 1 l Column 2 l l l_ Class C Limit l Class A Limit l l C-14 i 8 l 0.8 l l C-14 in activated metal l 80 l 8 l

] l Ni-59 in activated metal l 220 l 22 l l Nb-94 in activated metal l 0.2 1 0.02 l l Tc-99 l 3 1 0.3 l l I-129 1 0.08 1 0.008 l i l Alpha emitting transuranic nuclides l l [

! l with half-lives greater than 5 yrs l *100 l *10 l

? l Pu-241 1 *3,500 l +350 l l Cm-242 l *20,000 l *2,000 l t

  • Units are in Nanocuries per gram g

Table 2 L

?. l f

l CONCENTRATION (UCi/CC) l l RADIONUCLIDE l Column 1 l Column 2 l Column 3 l l l Class A l Class 8 l Class C l l l Limit l Limit l Limit l

[ l Total of all nuclides with ha.'.' f- l l l l C l lives less than 5 years l 700 l No Limit i No Limit l l H3 l 40 l No Limit i No Limit I

l Co-60 l 700 l No Limit l No Limit l l Ni-63 l 3.5 l 70 l 700 l l Ni-63 in activated metal l 35 l 700 l 7000 l l Sr-90 1 0.04 l 150 l 7000 l

, l Cs-137 l 1 1 44 l 4600 l NO LIMIT - Although no limit is specified, practical consideration such as effects of external radiation and internal heat generation on transportation, handling and disposal will limit the concentrations for these wastes.

These wastes will be Class 8 unless the concentrations of other nuclides in Table 2 determine the waste to be Class C independent of these

( nuclides.


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j r GATE: Form No. 9-1-15-W-10 Rev. tb. 16 R.C. SLP.

Date Revised:

WOFKSEET Fm DETERMINATIm 0F W4STE CLASSIFICATION (10& R61.55) Page 35 of 52 I i l I I i Class A l Table 1 it I Class 8 i Class C I Scaling i Scaling i Scaling i Isotopic l MY l cI l

1 Isotopes i Factor i Isotope i Isotope l Conc. I LLO I I cI I c1 l

i I i

I l uti/cc l uti/cc I uti/cc 1l imit 1/cci Ratio I -lI Limit i Ratio l Limit l Ratio l uci/cc l l uti/cc I I I I I I I I C-14 I i 1////////l I l I I I i 1 1 8E-01 I i d I////////l 8E00 I I I I I I I I I I I Tc-99 I l 1 I I I 3E-01 l I

l d 1////////l I I l

l I I I////////l 3E00 l I I I I I I i l 1 1-129 I 1////////l i I I i I 8E-03 l 1 1 1 I I d I////////I 8E-02 l l i I a I i i i i l

i I I I////////l l 1 TRU l i I I I i 10 l l l l l d l////////l 100 l

[ ai i i l 1- 1 l l l

l Pu-241 1 l l l 1 350 I////////l l l l aI i i i 1

i I l

i I d I////////l 3500 l l l

l Cm-242 I I I i 2000 I////////l I l i


III//////I 1 1 d I////////l 20000 l I i Table 2 I l////////l////////l////////\ l l Isotooes l l I I I I I I I I I I I I H-3 I I I I I I I I l 4E+01 I l b l l b I I I I I I

I .I I I I, I Co-60 l l ' I I I I I l I I l I i 7E+02 I I b l l b I l I I I I I I 1 Ni-63 1 1 I l l l 3.5E00 l I I I I l l l 7E+01 l I 7E+02 l l t 1 l i I. ;l i W i Sr-90 l I I I 'It l 4E-02 I I I I I I i l i i 1.5E+021 1 7E+03 I I I I I -l i b

l Cs-137 l l 1 I I I lE00 l I I l 4.4E+011 I I I l u l With T1/21 I I 1 4.6E+03l I

' I i l l l l I less than!  ! l l 1 l l l l l l 5 year i l 1 l l l i i l i I 7E+02 l 1

l b l l b l l RATIOS 1////////l I////////l I////////l I

a. Units are nanocuries/ gram c.
b. No limit. It is not necessary to list on manifest any nuclide whose ratio is less than 0.01 except C-14, Tc-99, I-129, H3
d. If Class A limit is exceeded the waste is Class C.


\ For resin assume 50% of Volume is liquid and use reactor coolant H-3 value to determine the amount of H-3 inshipment.

i; + l' s

y i.L a1

Form. No. 9-1-15-HP-1 3


Carrier l l Tractor License No. l l

( Date of Arrival l l Trailer License No. l l l Time of Arrival l l Cask Type l l l Driver (s) Name l l Cask Serial No. l l l l l Shipping Contractor l l SECTION II. _ DOCUMENT VERIFICATION DATE,_ ,

I RC l OOAD l l ITEM lINITSITIMElINITSITIME l (Exclusive i i i I l 1. Initial Radiological Survey Taken use Vehicle) l l l l l l l I I I l l 2. An updated copy of the consignee license to l l l l l l recieve radioactive inaterial is on site l l l l l

! R l l l 1 l l 3. Inspect the transporP. vehicle (exclusive use l l l J

f l only) attach Form No. 9-1-15-HP-10. I l 3 l n i I l l 4. Handling equipment to be used to load the l l l l l t radioactive material has been inspected, checked l. l l l l and desigred to hand.le the intended load weight. l l l l l Attachment 8 is a gu.Ide to insure proper slings l  ;

I l l

, I and shackles are used. l l l l V I i i i 1 l -

l 5. Certificate of Compilance for the shipping l l l l l l cask is on site I l l l l l I I I l l

, l 6. Inspect the cask and tie-down system (chains, l l l l l


l cables, binder, etc.) to assure that it has not l l l

, sustained any damage. I l I o i I I l l 7. Cask has been receipt inspected per Proc. 0-03-1.l l l l l l I

' I I i l l 8. Cask is marked with same 10 No. as on C of C and l l l l l l M.Y. is identified as a registered user l l l l l l ( 10CFR71.85c). l l I l

! I I I

9. Personnel opening and loading the cask have a l l l t working copy of the cask handling procedure. l l l l I i i l l l10. Inspect the cask interior for defects, I l l

l obstructions to loadinq, etc. l l

!k -

_$* b- .%*

Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1 Li Rev. No. 16




1 I I I l

, i 1. The container (s) is proper for the contents to l l l l l

] l be shipped. I I l l l 1 i i I i I l 2. The container (s) is in unimpaired physical l i l l l

, I condition except for superficial marks. l l l l l j l i I I I I l l 3. For fissile material, each moderator and neutron l l l l l q l absorber, if required, is present and in l l l l l


l proper condition. l l l l l

l i l l l l l 4. Each special instruction for filling, closing, I l l l l h I and preparation of the container (s) ior shipment l l l l l l has been followed. l l l l l l i 1 I I l l S. Each closure, valve, or other opening of the l l l l l l containment system through which the radioactive l l l 'l l 1 content might escape, is properly closed l l <l l 1 l and sealed. I ( l l I i l ~

i I I I I l 6. Each closure device of the container (s) includingl l l l l l any required gasket, is properly installed, l l l l l

} l secured, and free of defects. I l l l l l l 1 I I I l 7. The internal pressure of the containment system l l l l l will not exceed the design pressure during l l l l l transportation. I l l l l 1 l

8. The case is proper for the contents to be l Ll l l l 3 I shipped (see C of C). l l l l l 6 i I I i l I

! l 9. Inspect the container (s) or cask tiedown system i l l l l 9 l (chains, cables, binders, etc.). l l l l

} l 1 1 I l l

! 110. Each cask closure device including any required l l l l l i gasket, is properly installed and secured and l l l l l 2

free of defects. l l l l j l l l l 1 111. The cask has been loaded and closed in I l l l l h accordance with written M.Y. approved procedures ! l l l l and the user check-off sheet has been completed. l l l l l f R l l l l 1 1 4 112. All user required conditions listed on the C of Cl l l l 4 for the cask have.been complied with and i l l l 1

  1. documented and referenced documents are on site. l l l l l l l l l I


g l13. Package (s) and vehicle radiation and l

i contamination levels are within the allowable limits specified (see Section 6.11.4 and l l l l l 1

s 1 6.13.3 and H.P. Procedure 9.1.17). I I I l l i .

-i Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1

'! Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 2/11/85 Page 38 of 52 l


SECTION Ill. (Con't.)

l l DATE (10CFR61.55 & .56 I



I I I l l I 1. Waste material in container (s) has been l l l l l

, I classified (see Section 6.6). l l l l l l l l l

, l 2. Waste container and/or form meets the stability l l 1 l l

,} l requirements of 10CFR61.56. l l l l I l l I I I I l 7 1 3. Liquid content of the waste is less than 1% l l l l l l of the volume of the waste if the container l l l l l e I is designed to ensure stability. I l l l l

'l I

I I I I l l 4. Liquid content of the waste is less than 0.5% l l l l l l of the volume of the waste if the waste is l l l l l l processed to a stable form. l l l l l

t. I I I i 1 l l

l l l l l

, I I I I I

(- l I l I L

1 I I I I

I I I I I l l l l l l l l J# l i I I I I 1

I I I I I l l l l l 1 I

l i I I I I I I I I I

- I. I I I I I lI I I

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Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 5/9/85 Page 39 of 52 h, RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL PACKAGING & SHIPPING QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORD (Cont'd)




Section III, Items pertain;.ng to the container (s) must also be completed.

i l OATE l- l RC l 00AD

- l l ITEM l

lINITSlTIMEIINITSITIME l l l 1 I l 1. The cask is proper for the contents to be l l l l I


h. I shipped. (See C of C) l l l l l "l 1 i i 1 l 2. The cask is in unimpaired physical condition l l l

l l 1 l except for superficial defects such as marks  ! l l l [

] or dents. I l l l l

< l l l l l l l 3. For fissile material, any moderator or neutron  ! I l l l

-l absorber, if required, is present and in proper l l l l l

-l condition. l l l

~l i 1 4.

I i 1

Each closure device of the cask, including l l l l j l any required gasket, is properly installed, l

, I secured, and free of defects.

i l I l' l l l l l l 1

1 I I I l l S. Any system for containing liquid is adequately 1 i l l l 1 sealed and has adequate space or other l l l 1 I

l l 5fmified provision-for expansion of-the-liquid-i i -l- l l
d. l- -

1 I I I I l l 6. Any_ pressure relief device is operable and set l I l l j 1 In accordance with written procedures. l l l l l l F l _ .-. _

l l l l l

. I 7. u'ructural part of the cask which could i l l l l l7 be used'to lift or tiedown the cask during l l l l l l  ! transport is rendered inoperable for that l l l l l 1 -l- purpose unless it satisfies the design require- 1 ( l l l

): :l ments of $71.45. I l l l l

! ~l. -

1 I i I l l 8..- Accessible cask surface temperatures will not i l ( l l l exceed the limits specified (1220F for. mixed i l l l l l caroo, 1800F for exclusive use vehicle). 1 I

l l l

l .- =- 1 ( I i l 9. Inspect the cask tiedown system (chains, I l l l, l E l cables, binders, etc.  ! I l

1 1 I l l10. The cask has been loaded and closed in l l l l l L i accordance with written M.Y. approved procedures l l l l

" l l and the user check-off sheet has been completed. I R l , ,

I l11. All user required conditions listed on the C of Cl l l l l I for the cask have been complied with and l l [ l I

.h l documented and referenced documents on site. l l l l

[ l i i i i U

112. Package (s) and vehicle radiation and l l

( '~

l l l contamination levels are within the allowable l l l l l l- limits specified. (See Section 6.11.4 and ~l i

I h l 6.13.3 and H.P. Procedure 9.1.17). ,

I l E,

e -

L ,

y,,- -merr.wno:-r-rw yme m ,:- , cm .- m-- m -e--~~ 7 ,~_- r_ r -~ - ---

l 1

Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 2/11/85 Page 40 of 52 RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL PACKAGING & SHIPPING QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORD (Cont'd)

SECTION V Final Shipment Verification l DATE I l sc 1 i coAo I l ITEM I


11. Material to be shipped has a contact and three l l l l c l foot radiation survey taken. l l l l l

l 1 l l l l l 1 l 2. The outside of each container or cask must have l l l l i

l a seal that is not easily breakable that will l I I l l demonstrate that the package has not been i l I l l illicitly opened. (Not applicable for LSA or l l l l l 1

l exempt shipments). l l l l l l

i 3. Final health physics survey of the package and/orlt I l

I l

I l

.I l

l transporter is completed as per H.P. Procedure l l l l l

] l 9.1.17. l l l l l k I I I I I l l 4. Final vehicle survey results have been verififed l l l l l 1 (exclusive use vehicle). l l l l l _I _


l I I I I -

l 3. The consignee has been notified if the shipment ~l~ ~ l I .I l l contains fissile material. Type B or a ~l l l l lui .

r i Highway Route Controlled Quantity. l l_ l ' ' J_ ^ _

p l 6. Thit State of New Jersey has been notified if the' l- shipment contains greater than 20 curies and willi ~

I l

.I l ' l i ~T ~1:F

-Mb T l pass through the State of New Jersey. '

I l 1 I _ TF.


l 1 7.

The routine determination required by 10CFR71.87 l

_ . l ,

I . l_ l ~9 '~~r f I and/or 49CFR173.475 have been performed and are l l l l ~~ ~ ~' _

l acceptable.

l l

l ~l_ '~

l l _ _g 7_

l l , _ . . .

I 8. Connecticut Radioactive Permit obtained for I l . ' .

l l l ._l; i. -

I carrier. --

I- I l l- -1 = =J~-

l l l l t l " T '- . -

l 9. Copy of RSR mailed to Hittman and called prior l l l 1- l  %- N l to shipment leaving. '

j g I

I l


l10. Reactor Engineering and Health Physics notified l l l 1 l .- =

l if spent fuel & X Core detectors being shipped. l l l l T ..


11. Appropriate markings and labels have been I I I -

l- J_

! I l l l adequately applied to container (s) and cask if l l l l l


applicable (see Section 6.7 & 6.8). l l l l~ l s


.g_ g g g j.

112. Appropriate placards have been adequately l l l l l J

( l applied. (See Section 6.9). 1 I l l l



.o g .


uw . ~ . . -. ~:1~


j' Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1 m

Rev. No. 16 Date Revised:

Page 41 of 52


% l l RC l 0QAD I

$1 1 ITEM U l IINITSITIMElINITSITIME I I i i l l jf 113. Driver satisfied with arrangement of load l l [ l l a I (driver's initials). l I I l l E l i i l l A l14. Shippino papers have been completed.(10CFR20.311)I l l I Q l i I l l l E 115. Radiological Control Supervisor final vehicle l I I ( l y 1 inspection completed. l l l l

  • I l

I l l l l Q 116. Required notifications either by telephone or i l l l l 1 I letter have been made. '

l l l

? l l 1 l

I l Maine Turnpike l I l l

k l l l l l l 3 _ l State Police l l l I l

$ l i l

" I l i l Department of I l l l 1 3 i Environmental Protection '

) '

_ I l Mass. Dept. of Public Health _ _ _ _ '

l l l i

l I

l i

N [ I l l l 1 I l l- l 4

l Burial Site Representative- l l -l h-j.y l I ,

I l i

l So. Carolina Dept. of.. "

l l l _ l l i Health if Applicable l l l l l 1 -

1 I I I I I Maine Bureau of Civil I i l I ~l l Emergency Preparedness l  !

l I _ 1 , ,

i l I I I I i l l I I I

~ I I u i l i I I I Li i -_

U = ~

1 I I I I l l l I I i l l 1 1 I I I

,; I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i

1. I I I l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I k .


t. zuw <iiF"cmMamm:st. o. fmrE% ewi+ P"?""~~":%

- --- - - E

m b' R

!) Form No. 9-1-15-HP-10 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised:

Page 42 of 52 GUIDELINE FOR EXCLUSIVE USE VEHICLE INSPECTION 5 Vehicle Identification: Shipment No.

$ Tractor Date Trailer OQAD Inspector

l l 1 l-l Items to Inspect i SAT l UNSAT l. -

l l l l -

l l l l JL l A. Tires: --

l 4

l 1. Tread and general condition. l l 2. Rims and luts intact. l l l l 8. Brake Tuoing anc Hose: l l l l 1. Long ano flexible enough to accommodate, without damage, all l l l normal motion. I i 1

2. Suitably secured against chafing, kinking, or other mechanical l l 1

-1 d r ge. -

I l l ~. ?

l C. Headlights and Reflectors: - -

w u l l l. ~

1. Headlamps, turnsignals, clearance lamps, land reflectors intact l l . - l. -

and functional. ._ - c+ -

l l l=

l D. Mirrors . . . ---m I i lil l' 1. Two rear vision mirrors - one ori eactIsideN l l -lod

'l E. Coupling Device: -

l l l: @

l 1. No cracking, warping or deformation _of the frame, l l l 15 1 2. Installation includes a device for positive' prevention of I l _ 1._ ;L I shifting.

l l 1:n. -i f l F. Fire Extinguishers: c _

l l - l: -


- l G.

1. Properly filled and located so that it is readily accessible.


l l l--- N l 'l 1. All brakes operative. ----

l l - l Q l l .;l. ~7 l 2. Low air pressure warning device __pr.esent. ;r l l -ld7

3. Pressure gauge indicating pressure available.


l l l ~ 1: f, l H. Windshield Wipers: _ l l 1.i ~:_.

l 1. Equipped with two automatically operating windshield wiper l l _I r" l blades. I i 14

-l I. Tiedown System: 1 l -l l 1. Tiedown cables secure and free from interferences. l I lm.%

l 2. Tumbuckles and cicmps free from visual defects. l l li m J. Frame: I l l3 _ 2

1. Bolted or pinned connections have no loose, missing or bent l l l -

l parts. l l l.

2. No signs of cracks, abrasion or corrosion that would reduce


I l l I c r, l thickness significantly. l l l-l( '

l 3. Examination of frame for signs of buckling, twisting or I l 'l~

I misalignment. -

l ~ l-


---e-mm.w7% sM 1


% g ,I g D

=#E. - - ,, , ' # a $ '.,. 4 ep g%~*/, g e  % a - -


) Form No.9-1-15-HP-2


Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 4/17/84 Page 43 of 52



1. Shipment Number i
2. Type of radioactive material 4. Vehicle radiation levels 1 - contact mr/hr
3. Transport index 2 - one meter mr/hr j 3 - two meters mr/hr 4 - inside cab mr/hr 1



q 1. This shipment of radioactive material is being transported in an exlcusive i use vehicle.

2. The material is to be loaded by the shipper and unloaded at its final destination only.
3. Repositioning or movement of any loaded material without the written i

permission of the consignor is prohibited.

3 i 4. Changing of Trie tractor is prohibited without the express consent of Maine l Yankee.

5. Frequently check to ensure that the four (4) placards are still present.
6. Other t


) 1. In case of an accident, keep all unnecessary personnel clear and call Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, phene 207-882-6321. Give details of accident.

l DAYS - Radwaste Coordinator NIGHTS - Plant Shift Superintendent k^ :_ =

e 2. Notify State Police in state of accident. Give details of accident.

3. Notify the U.S. Department of Transportation, phone 202-426-1830.


1. Routing: Depart Maine Yankee via Route 144 to U.S. Route 1 to Interstate 95 i and enter the Maine Turnpike at Entrance 9. Remain on the Maine Turnpike f

throughout until leaving the State of Maine. DO NOT DEVIATE from this route.

2. Hours of Travel: Transportation of radioactive material on the Maine Turnpike L ,

is allowed only during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset).

k I have read and understand the above. Driver's Signature:

Company: Date:

l Q$T. W.O . " n QQ:gli? Y"" ~ ~

?? ' WT~

i j' j

y Form No. 9-1-15-HP-3

? Rev. No. 16 Date Revised:


.1 NOTIFICATION FORM ij The Massachusetts Department of Public Health must be notified of all shipments of

, ', radioactive material entering the state. If possible, 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification is to be

- given.

9 Shipment Number

{ Curie Content of Shipment j Date Called Type of Material
1. Radioactive waste fl- Time of Call 2. Radioactive laundry

' ~

"i 3. Spent fuel Person Making the call 4. New reactor fuel

5. Other i

2, ' Person contacted in Department of Public Health I 'l 1' s Tima and Date of Shipment


.u J,cShipping = Contractor



.: 2:]7VehicleDestination

' j jl ' - Route through Massachusetts



_h ~ ~ 1.

? -During normal work hours the phone numbers for the following are:

Jh 1. R. Hallisey (617) 723-6214 3 __ 2. G. Swibble (617) 727-6248 6 3. Emergency (617) 729-9710

d. During off hours, weekends or holidays contact one of the following:

J l 1. R. Hallisey (617) 729-5728

2. G. Swibble (617) 387-7768 In the event contact cannot be made in the above manner, call Massachusetts State Police q

i (. '

Headquarters (617) 566-4500, Extension 237 or 238. Ask for Communication Room and explain circumstances.

,ge sw, 'd'P8#'-



. , , , . _ . . , , .~. , ,h - --- -r .&&

i j Form No. 9-1-15-HP-4 i, Rev. No. 16 I

Date Revised: 12/28/83 Page 45 of 52 I



For all shipments of Fissile Nuclear Materials and/or Radioactive Waste leaving the plant site, the following State of Maine Agencies must be notified by i telephone before the shipment leaves the plant site. Time and content of j notification is to be recorded below.

-) a) Maine Turnpike Authority Person Notified j Fare Collection: -

J, Phone: 871-7724 Date/ Time / Notified By:

! b) Dept. of Environmental Protection Person Notified

! Bureau of 011 & Hazardous Material j Phone: 289-2651 Date/ Time / Notified By:

c) Maine State Police Person Notified

[-- State Officer cf the Day

] Phone: 289-2155 Date/ Time / Notified By:

Fissile Nuclear Material Only -

3 d) Maine Bureau of Civil Person Notified Emergency Preparedness _ .;

Phone: 622-6201 Date/ Time / Notified By: -

The following information has been conveyed to the above named agency as applicable to -

the shipment concerned: -


] This shipment contains Fissile Nuclear Material requiring prior written l notification. The written notification has been mailed on (the date shown =_.

in paragraph 2.0 below).

j OR This shipment contains Radioactive Waste only which does not require prior notification in writing.

This shipment meets the legal weight limits and does not require an overload permit.


' ~~

This shipment is overweight and requires an overload permit.



0 L _ -

. .. . =

Form No. 9-1-15-HP-4 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised
12/28/83 Page 46 of 52





For all shipments of Fissile Nuclear Materials entering or leaving the State, the agencies listed below must be notified in writing no later than three days prior to the expected shipping or receiving date.

a) Maine Turnpike Authority c) Maine State Police

?)! Mr. David H. Stevens 17 Bishop Street -

36 Hospital Street Augusta, Me 04330 Portland, Me 04103 b) Dept. of Environmental Protection d) Director Bureau of 011 and Hazzardous Material Maine Bureau of Civil Statehouse Station #7 Emergency Preparedness Augusta, Me 04330 State House Augusta, Me 04330 i

The written notification required under this paragraph have been mailed 3

by: on: . _.




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J Form No. 9-1-15-HP-6 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 12/28/83 Page 47 of 52 I




I Shipment Number Time:

q NOTE: This form must be completed by a Radwaste Supervisor before plant security will allow any radioactive material to leave the plant site. Plant security will note the date and time of departure and return this form to Radwaste.

Description of Material i

l l



_7 Approved for Shipment -

Radwaste Supervisor _

To be completed by Plant Security



~ ~

Date: ' -

Time of Departure:


e 4

ii .

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Form No. 9-1-15-HP-7 Rev. No.16 Date Revised:

Page 48 of 52 l

, RADWASTE SHIPMENT ROUTE Shipment No. Date According to the dispatcher at the truck routing from Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Station to is as follows:

t Ti




n Driver's Signature



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Form No. 9-1-15-HP-8 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised:






  • A minimum of 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> advance notification is required.



~ ~ ~

i TRACTOR: 2- ~

~i =#



ROUTE THRU MAINE: Route 144 to US Route 1 to Interstate 95 and enter the Maine Turnpike at Entrance 9. Remain on Maine Turnpike until leaving-the State of Maine at Kittery.



1 CONTENTS: ~ ~ -

- -: . -2 :_ L VOLUME:





. Maine State Police

'] 36 Hospital Street -

Augusta, Maine 04330

( ATTENTION: Communications _

q . _

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t l

4 Form No. 9-1-19-HP-9 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised:

Page 50 of 52 LIMITED QUANTITY CERTIFICATION t 49CFR173.421-1(a)


i Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company certifies that:

l "This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specifle- in:

l j l l 49CFR173.421 for excepted radioactive material, limited quantity, n.o.s.,

j UN2910 or l l 49CFR173.422 for excepted radioactive material, instruments and articles, UN2911 or 9

l l 49CFR173.424 for excepted radioactive material, articles manufacture ~d from natural or depleted uranium or natural thorium, UN2909." ~


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f Form No. 9-1-15-HP-5 Rev. No. 16 Date Revised: 9/17/84 i Page 51 of 52


) Shipment Number

, A. The following forms have been completed if applicable:

l ITEM l INITIALS l l 1 l l 1. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-1 (Radioactive Shipment Quality l l l Assurance Record) l l I

}I l 2. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-2 (Drivers Instruction Record)

I l l I

l Original to carrier, retain copy l l l 1 l l 3. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-3 (Mass. Dept. of Public Health  ! l l l Notification Form) l l I i i l l 4. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-4 (Maine State Agency Notification Form) I l l I I l S. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-5 (Radioactive Material Shipment Checklist)l l l l l l 6. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-6 (Radioactive Material Release Form) l l

/ l l l l 7. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-7 (Radioactive Shipment Route) l l l Exclusive use vehicle only l l l Original to carrier, retain copy l l l I l

)J l 8. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-8 (Chief of the Maine State Police -

l Radioactive Waste Shipment Prenotification) l l l l l l 1 l 9. Form No. 9-1-15-HP-9 (Limited Quantity Certification) l l l Must accompany a limited quantity shipment. l l q l i I 110. MY-HP-23-72 (Maine Yankee Radioactive Shipment Record) l l l Completed if consignee does not have one l l r l Original to ca rier, retain copy l l

! I I l 111. DHEC 802 (South Carolina's Prior Notification and Manifest l I

l L I Form) l l L l Original to carrier, retain cocy l l u I I l l

' 112. DEC 803 (South Carolina's Certification Form) l 1 l Original to carrier, retain copy l l l 1 l J l13. DSHS RHF-318 (Washington State Certification Form)  !

q l Original to carrier, retain copy I i l I i




114. US Ecology (Rad. Waste Shipment & Disposal Form) Retain l

l indicated copy, mail copy to US Ecology, other 2 to carrier.

l I

i l

l I

J l15. Chem Nuclear (Rad. Shipment Record Form) Retain indicated l l j l cooy, mail copy to CNS1, other to carrier. I l I


f Form No. 9-1-15-HP-5 i Rev. No. 16 i

..l Date Revised: 12/28/83 Page 52 of 52 RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL SHIPtENT CFECKLIST - CONT'D


i I

I I 116. Maine Yankee straight bill of lading l l l Last copy retairied, others to carrier l l

l l l

.} l17. Acknowledgement of shipment receipt must be received by: l l l DATE DUE DATE RECEIVED l l J

1 1

1 l




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