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Co Simulator Certification Test Plan
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 08/10/1987
From: Evringham M, Shean A, Swartz H
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20237G181 List:
PROC-870810, NUDOCS 8708130361
Download: ML20237G219 (4)


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Prepared by: ()

W. M. Svartz' Supervisor, Simulator Group Reviewed by: 7k . F M. D. Evrir$1am Operations Training Section Head p


MM A. R. Shean Manager, Training Approved by: ~'


T. D. Frizzle Manager of Operations August 10, 1987 41 v


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1.0. OBJECTIVE-1.1 To describe the testing that will be conducted to ensure the Maine Yankee Simulator continues to meet its certification criteria, 1.2 To prescribe the method for documenting the results of simulator testing.

1.3 .To describe the administ,rative limitations on changes to the simulator testing plan and the corresponding implementing procedure.

2.0 DISCUSSION Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company owns and operates a plant specific simulator referenced to the Maine Yankee Plant. Maine Yankee has certified this simulator to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR55.45 (b)(5)(1) to the criteria contained in ANSI /ANS 3.5 as modified by Maine Yankee's form WRC-474. By certifying the simulator, Maine Yankee intends for the NRC to use the device as the simulation ,

facility for administering the operating tests to Maine Yankee operator and senior operator license _ applicants. In order to continue this use, Maine Yankee must demonstrate that their simulator continues to meet the certification

' criteria.

This plan summarizes the process used to demonstrate continued compliance with the simulator certification criteria. The detailed implementation of this plan i is controlled by a Maine Yankee approved procedure.

3.0 LIMITATIONS 3.1  ; Maine Yankee may modify this plan or its implementing procedure without notifying the NRC as long as the changes do not decrease the scope or frequency of testing.

3.2 The testing described herein will be performed or directed by an individual licensed by the NRC as a Maine Yankee Santor Reactor Operator.

4.0 TEST PLAN The following testing will be performed and the results documented on a calendar year basis:

1. Reactor Coolant System Heat-Up The simulator is initialized to cold shutdown, operational data is taken from the simulator and compared to reference plant data. The plant heat-up procedure is used to bring the plant (simulator) to a hot shutdown condition.

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2. Reactor Startup J The Reactor Startup procedure is used to perform a reactor startup to bring the simulator to a het standby condition. Once again referenced plant data is compared to siinulator data.
3. Low Power Physics Tests This section tests the r.eactivity coefficients of the core model to ensure i they are within acceptable guidelines.
4. Power Escalation Testing The simulator 1s taken to power by using actual plant procedures. Further core physics tests are performed using actual plant procedures. During this test we also perform the simulator stability test, heat balance comparison (simulator vs. reference plant) and an instrument comparison where the applicable instrument readings from the reference plant and the simulator are compared and a report is automatically generated. It should be noted that not all instruments are compared since there are many that are not applicable, such as tide level and certain electric plant readings that are dependant upon dispatacher loading.
5. Plant Shutdown and Cooldown The simulator is shutdown (100% power to 07.) and cooled down in accordance with plant procedures.
6. Malfunction Testing The Maine Yankee simulator has approximately 160 malfunctions at this time.

These malfunctions are sorted by systems (ie, Reactor Coolant, Main Steam, CVCS, etc.). Approximately 25% of the malfunctions are performed every year 1 so as to test each malfunction at least once during a 4 year cycle.


7. Surveil'ance Testing Safeguards related surveillance procedures that are conducted monthly or less are performed on the simulator using the actual plant procedure. Plant data is compared to simulator data on valve stroke times, discharge pressures and flows of pumps, amp readings on pumps, etc.
8. Simulator Operation Testing This section of the procedure deals with items that are specific to simulator operations rather than the operational ability (fidelity) of the simulator. Each year major panel (we have 4) annunciators are tested to ensure " Cry Holf" is operational and all offsets are correct. All annunciators are thereby tested every 4 years. To ensure the simulator is operating in real time, a time and memory test is performed. This is backed up by an operational timing test when specific equipment modeled by the simulator is operated within certain time limits. The final portion of this section tests the emergency shutdown buttons on each panel.


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9. -Benchmark Analysis '

Subsequent to acceptance of the Simulator, Maine Yankee contracted Yankee Atomic Electric Co. to perform a benchmark analysis for specific

't transients. The transients were:

1. Symmetric steam line break downstream of the steam stop valves.
2. Loss of-feedwater ATHS.

These transients were ru'n using best estimate versions of RELAP and RETRAN, the transients were then run on the simulator. Every year we perform these

-same transients.and compare them to the original best estimate results.

10. Simulator Base Line Transients These are transients that are performed every year. The data collection i method and types of transients are based upon Appendix B to ANSI /ANS-3.5,.

1985. The parameters are graphed with the previous year compared to the present year to ensure no changes were made to the-coding that causes these transient responses to be incorrect. l 5.0 DOCUMENTATION l The results of the annual simulhtor testing will be documented in the simulator. l annual report. The annual report will provide the information described in  !

Appendix A to ANSI /ANS 3.5 and will be retained on file at the plant site for H the life of the simulator.

6.0. REFERENCES 6.1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 55, " Operator Licenses."

6.2 American National Standard Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for use in  ;

Operator Training, ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985.  !

l 6.3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.149 " Nuclear Power Plant Simulation )

Facilities for use in Operator License Examinations", April 1987. l 6.4 Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-87-90, subject: Certification of the Maine Yankee Simulator, dated with attached Form NRC-474. i 2557t