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Cycle 15 Startup Test Rept Suppl 5
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 12/23/1996
From: Beganski M, Rivard D, Solan G
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20133G325 List:
NUDOCS 9701150302
Download: ML20133G328 (13)


_. _ . - _ -.-

l l

i Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - )

Supplement 5 l

l Prepared by: be -

G/A. Sdan, Prird:ipal Engineer Date R6 actor Physics Group, Nuclear Engineering Department Yankee Atomic Electric Company 1

W lb l 96 M. C. Begariski, enginW Date '

Reactor Physics Group, Nuclear Engineering Department Yankee Atomic Electric Company Reviewed by: ' I- < /2 8!9/,,

D. A. Rivard, Reactor Engineering Supervisor /Da(e  ;

Maine Yankee h 5/P&

H. F. Jones, Jr., P6ncipal N6tlear Engineer Dafe Maine Yankee Approved by: MVM bb'M k 3d' 8d /.2/2ff, D. B. Boynton, N(clear Engineering Section Head Date Maine Yankee 9701150302 961230 '

PDR ADOCK 05000309 '

P PDR g b Ae /

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1 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 5 Table of Contents a

1 Section Title a

1 Power Distribution Measurements j 2 Conclusion 3 References i

Tables 1 Stanup Test Power Distribution Measurements and Predictions l  :

Flaures I 1 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted, BOC,48% Power 2 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted, 90% Power,

, Cycle Exposure: 558 mwd /Mt Measured,500 mwd /Mt Calculated 1 1 3 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted,90% Power, Cycle Exposure: 1933 mwd /Mt Measured,2000 mwd /Mt Calculated j 4 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted,90% Power, J Cycle Exposure: 3976 mwd /Mt Measured,4000 mwd /Mt Calculated 5 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted,90% Power, Cycle Exposure: 4990 mwd /Mt Measured,5000 mwd /Mt Calculated l 6 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted, 90% Power,

{ Cycle Exposure: 6016 mwd /Mt Measured,6000 mwd /Mt Calculated 7 Assembly Relative Power Densities - INCA vs. Predicted, 90% Power, Cycle Exposure: 7830 mwd /Mt Measured,8000 mwd'Mt Calculated

Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 5 l

Supplement 5 to the Cycle 15 Startup Test Report (STR) provides an update of the power distribution


comparisons for Cycle 15 operation at 2440 MWt. The startup test program is summarized in Section l

7 of the Core Performance Analysis Report (CPAR), Reference 1. The Cycle 15 STR (Reference 2) was submitted following the low power testing and power escalation to 2440 MWt. The Cycle 15 STR concluded that the core characteristics were demonstrated to conform to those assumed in the safety  ;

analysis, l

i Maine Yankee initiated system heatup for Cycle 15 in December 1995. The startup testing commenced on January 12, 1996. The current maximum allowable power level of 2440 MWt, corresponding to approximately 90% of the plant Rated Thermal Power (RTP) level of 2700 MWt, was achieved cn January 22,1996. Additional power distribution comparisons at 90% RTP were provided previously in the following supplements to ine Cycle 15 STR:

Cycle Exposure Date of Supplement (mwd /Mt) Measurement Reference 1 1933 March 28,1996 3 2 3976 June 6,1996 4 3 4990 July 11,1996 5 4 6016 September 30,1996 6 The startup test program will be completed when a power distribution measurement at approximately full RTP is obtained, as required by the startup test program power escalation test requirements in Section 7.2 of the CPAR (Reference 1). This power distribution will be submitted within 90 days of the completion of the startup test program, as required by Technical Specification Until this time, power distribution measurements will be submitted at least every three months to fulfill the requirement for supplementary reports, as indicated in Technical Specification The data in this supplement (Supplement 5) was obtained on December 5,1996. The next supplement (Supplement 6) will be submitted prior to three months from this date, or March 5,1997.

1. Power Distribution Measurements Power distribution measurements using INCA were performed during power escalation. The equilibrium power distribution measured near 50% RTP is compared to the predicted power distribution in Figure 1, as provided previously in Reference 2. The comparison shows good agreement for most assemblies and all near-limiting assemblies. The absolute average of the assembly deviations is 2.54%. The maximum deviation is 6.6% in a core peripheral assembly (Location 11). Each measured assembly average power meets the acceptance criteria of within i10% of the predicted value. There is a deviation of 2.7% in the power of the maximum 1-pin assembly (Location 33).

Following power escalation,90% RTP comparisons of the power distributions near 500,2000, 4000,5000 and 6000 mwd /Mt are provided in Figures 2 through 6, respectively, as provided previously in References 2 through 6, respectively. Good agreement is shown in these comparisons, which are summarized in Table 1.

A 90% RTP comparison of the power distribution near 8000 mwd /Mt is provided in Figure 7.

Good agreement is shown, with an absolute average of the assembly deviations of 1.52% and a deviation of -0.4% in the maximum 1 pin assembly (Location 20). The maximum deviation is 4.1% in a low power core peripheral assembly (Location 8). The power distribution comparisons are summarized in Table 1, which shows good results for power escalation and 2440 MWt operation to date.

2. Conclusion The conclusion of the Cycle 15 STR (Reference 2) and Supplements 1 through 4 (References 3 through 6, respectively) was that the core characteristics were demonstrated to conform to those assumed in the safety analysis, as discussed in Section 7.3 of YAEC-1907, Revision 3 (Reference 1). The additional power distribution comparison provided in this supplement provides additional confirmation of this conclusion.

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3. References
1. YAEC 1907, Revision 3, Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Core Performance Analysis, April 1996
2. Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report, G. M. Solan, M. C. Beganski, K. R.

Rousseau, S. Palmer, March 1996

3. Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 1, G. M. Solan, M. C.

Beganski, April 1996

4. Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 2, G. M. Solan, M. C.

Beganski, June 1996 i

l S. Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 3, G. M. Solan, M. C. \

Beganski, August 1996 -

6. Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Report - Supplement 4, G. M. Solan, J. W.

Keats, October 1996 l

1 I


i i d

TABLE 1 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Power Distribution Measurements and Predictions l

I Cycle Deviations in Assembly Powers from Predicted (%)*

Exposure RTP mwd /Mt) 1*/d Absolute Averaae Worst (Location) at Maximum 1-Pin (Location) l 0 48 2.54 6.6'* (11) 2.7 (33) j 558 90 2.27 6.2 ( 8) -1,3 ( 1) 1933 90 2.03 5.5 ( 8) 1.9 (33) 3976 90 2.17 4.9 (11) 0.1 (30) ..

4990 90 1.99 4.7 ( 8) -0.1 (30) a

. p rA 6016 90 1.84 4.6 ( 8) -0.4 (20) 7830 90 1.52 4.1 ( 8) -0.4 (20)

  • % Deviation = 100 x (Measurement-Prediction)/ Prediction
    • Meets startup test acceptance criteria ofi10%

~l i


Figure 1

Maine Yankee Cycle 15  !

.: Assembly Relative Power Densities l INCA vs Predicted e BOC,48% Power, ARO Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S-4 8 M-0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at.48% Power -

0.282 0.216 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 50% Power -

0.267 0.209 Percent Ditterence - -

5.6 ^ 3.3 S-0 15 U-0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 O.425 0.983 1.091 0.949 0.626 O.408 0.942 1.023 0.920 0.621

. 4.2 4.4 6.6 3.2 0.8 5

  • Maximum 1 - Pin S-0 16 U-24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 -l 0.461 1.144
  • 1.204 1.218 1.138 1.280 i 0.448 1.114 1.177 1.196 1.141 1.284 I Location 33 27 2.9 2.7 2.3 1.8 - 0.3 - 0.3 Measured 1.498
  • 1.424 Predicted 1.459 1.467* U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference 2.7 - 2.9 1.164 1.280 1.356 0.943 1.223 0.914' ,

1.137 1.256 1.356 0.959 1.247 0.927  !

2.4 1.9 0.0 . - 1.7 - 1.9 - 1.4 T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.216 0.996 1.299 0.878 1.040 1.216 1.015 1.338

  • 0.914 1.070 0.0 - 1.9 - 2.9 - 3.9 - 2.8 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2 Type INCA Predicted Difference 1.189 0.918 1.131 1.208 M-0 0.216 0.209 3.3 1.223 0.954 1.164 1.230 M-8 0.803 0.806 - 0.4 - 2.8 - 3.8 - 2.8 - 1.8 R-4 0.948 0.958 - 1.0 S-0 0.443 0.428 3.5 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 ,

S4 0.717 0.728 1.S 1.236 1.242 1.244 S-8 0.911 0.935 2.6 1.271 1.263 1.262 T-0 1.213 1.247 - 2.7 - 2.8 - 1.7 - 1.4 T-4 1.195 1.192 0.3 T8 1.196 1.203 - 0.6 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.983 0.942 4.4 0.948 1.276 U-24 1.189 1.171 1.5 0.958 1.282 U-48 1.190 1.190 0.0 - 1.0 - 0.5 Absolute Average 2.54 M-8 17 Standard Deviation 2.94 0.803 0.806

- 0.4 Percent Difference : X 100 Pre

Figuro 2 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Assembly Relative Power Densities INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 558 mwd /Mt Measured 500 mwd /Mt Calculated i Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S-4 8 M-0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at,90% Power -

0.289 0.233 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power -

0.272 0.224 l Percent Difference - - - -

6.2 4.0 S-0 15 U-0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 0.417 0.936 1.051 0.949 0.642 0.400 0.904 0.996 0.920 0.633 i 4.2 3.5 5.5 3.2 1.4

  • Maximum 1 - Pin S-0 16 U-24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 I 0.456 1.102 1.162 1.193 1.137 1.275 0.441 1.078 1.145 1.178 1.139 1.278 Location 1 3.4 2.2 1.5 1.3 -0.2 - 0.2 Measured 1.451 * <

Predicted 1.471

  • U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference - 1.4 1.123 1.243 1.337 0.951' 1.241 0.938 1.102 1.227 1.337 0.964 1.258 0.943 1.9 1.3 0.0 - 1.3 - 1.4 - 0.5 T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.207 1.006 1.305 0.910 1.074 1.204 1.015 1.335 0.935 1.096 0.2 - 0.9 - 2.2 - 2.7 - 2.0 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2 Type INCA Predicted Difference 1.195 0.940 1.159 1.232 M-0 0.233 0.224 4.0 1.221 0.968 1.188 1.255 M-8 0.880 0.885 - 0.6 -2.1 - 2.9 - 2.4 - 1.8 R-4 0.991 1.006 - 1.5 S-0 0.437 0.421 3.8 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 S-4 0.730 0.735 -0.7 1.246 1.261 1.272 S-8 0.932 0.948 - 1.7 1.281 1.290 1.297 T-0 1.221 1.251 - 2.4 2.7 - 2.2 - 1.9 T-4 1.187 1.189 -0.2 T-8 1.199 1.207 - 0.7 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.936 0.904 3.5 0.991 1.330

  • U-24 1.164 1.150 1.2 1.006 1.347
  • U-48 1.198 /1.197 0.1 - 1.5 - 1.3 Absolute Average 2.27 M-8 17 standard Deviation 2.67 0.880 0.885

- 0.6 INCA - Predicted Percent Difference : X 100 Predicted

a ..-. . . . - , -.~ .n. >...a. -n. -.s - . - .- -n.,nw..- .a s-.s n a. . ma. , > , . ~s n .....~._s.-_

Figuro 3 I

Maine Yankee Cycle 15 )

Assembly Relative Power Densities INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 1933 mwd /Mt Measured 2000 mwd /Mt Calculated j

Assembly Type and INCA Location * * -

S-4 8 M-0 21 i INCA Assembly Relative Power at.90% Power )

0.306 0.252 '

! Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power -

0.290 0.243 Percent Difference -

5.5 3.7 I

S-0 15 U-0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 0.422 0.939 1.080 1.005 0.674 0.407 0.910 1.030 0.981 0.667 1 3.7 3.2 4.9 2.4 1.0 I

  • Maximurn 1 - Pin S-0 16 U 24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 0.464 1.121
  • 1.167 1.207 1.168 1.327 l 0.451 1.100 1.153 1.194 1.172 1.330 l Location 33 30 2.9 1.9

' 1.2 1.1 - 0.3 - 0.2 Measured 1.475* 1.470 Predicted 1.447 1.475

  • U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference 1.9 - 0.3 1.143 1.255 1.373 0.956 1.285 0.958 4

1.123 1.238 1.376

  • 0.970 1.303 0.956 j 1.8 1.4 - 0.2 - 1.4 - 1.4 0.2 l T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 l- 1.202 0.992 1.295 0.894 1.053 i 1.196 0.996 1.322 0.916 1.071 l 0.5 - 0.4 -

2.0 - 2.4 - 1.7 i Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2

M INCA Predicted Difference 1.147 0.895 1.104 1.173 i M-0 0.252 0.243 3.7 1.165 0.919 1.130 1.197 M-8 0.882 0.884 - 0.2 - 1.5 -

2.6 - 2.3 - 2.0 R-4 0.954 0.968 1.4 S-0 0.443 0.429 3.3 T-0 26 T-4 'S T-8 18 S-4 0.723 0.725 - 0.3 1.164 1.188 1.212 S-8 0.932 0.946 - 1.5 1.193 1.216 1.235 T-0 1.155 1.179 - 2.0 - 2.4

- 2.3 - 1.9 i T-4 1.168 1.171 - 0.3 T-8 1.182 1.190 - 0.7 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.939 0.910 3.2 0.954 1.331 U-24 1.183 1.170 1.1 0.968 1.343 U-48 1.237 1.238 -0.1 - 1.4 - 0.9 Absolute Average 2.03 M-8 17 Standard Deviation 2.38 0.882 0.884

- 0.2

^ *

  • Pcreent Difference : p X 100

, _ ,_ ._ __ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ - _ . _ . -. .- - ~- -. _

7 Figuro 4 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 -  !

Assembly Relative Power Densities j INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 3976 mwd /Mt Measured 4000 mwd /Mt Calculated Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S 8 M-0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at,90% Power -

0.325 0.274 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power .

0.310 0.266 Percent Difference -

4.8 3.0 S-0 15 U-0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 0.428 0.942 1.112 1.068 0.710 0.412 0.911 1.060 1.044 0.703 3.9 3.4 4.9 2.3 1.0

  • Maximum 1 - Pin S-0 16 U-24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 0.471 1.136 1.168 1.217 1.198 1.365 0.459 1.111 1.150 1.203 1.199 1.371 l Location 30 2.6 2.3 1.6 1.2 Measured 1.491*

- 0.1 - 0.4 Predicted 1.490* U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference 0.1 1.157 1.263 1.397

  • 0.957 1.316 0.959 1.134 1.237 1.395
  • 0.972 1.337 0.966 2.0 2.1 0.1 - 1.5 - 1.6 - 0.7 T-8 32 S-4 12 U 24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.194 0.976 1.277 0.879. 1.032 1.182 0.977 1.305 0.903 1.054 1.0 - 0.1 -2.1 - 2.7 -2.1 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2 Type INCA Predicted Difference 1.100 0.856 1.059 1.128 M-0 0.274 0.266 3.0 1.118 0.883 1.089 1.158 M-8 0.881 0.886 - 0.6 1.6 - 3.1 - 2.8 - 2.6 R-4 0.926 0.942 - 1.7 ,

S-0 0.450 0.436 3.2 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 '

S-4 0.718 0.720 - 0.3 1.096 1.130 1.163 S-8 0.926 0.943 - 1.8 1.130 1.163 1.191 T-0 1.098 1.124 - 2.3 - 3.0 - 2.8 - 2.4 T-4 1.152 1.155 - 0.3 T-8 1.169 1.176 - 0.6 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.942 0.911 3.4 0.926 1.329 U 24 1.197 1.182 1.3 0.942 1.342 U-48 1.270 1.271 -0.1 - 1.7 1.0 Absolute Average 2.17 M-8 17 Standard Deviation 2.48 0.881 0.886

- 0.6


Percent Difference : X 100 Pr

Figure 5 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Assembly Relative Power Densities INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 4990 mwd /Mt Measured 5000 mwd /Mt Calculated Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S-4 8 M0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at.90% Power -

0.334 0.284 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power -

0.319 0.275 Percent Difference - -

4.7 3.3 S0 15 U0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 0.429 0.936 1.116 1.088 0.723 0.414 0.908 1.067 1.065 0.716 3.6 3.1 4.6 2.2 1.0

  • Maxirnum 1 - Pin S-0 16 U-24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 0.472 1.132 1.159 1.214 1.203 1.372 0.462 1.111 1.145 1.201 1.203 1.377 Location 30 2.2 1.9 1.2 1.1 0.0 - 0.4 Measured 1.487*

Predicted 1.489* U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference - 0.1 1.153 1.256 1.394

  • 0.956 1.324 0.964 l 1.134 1.233 1.395
  • 0.971 1.345 0.968 1.7 1.9 -0.1 - 1.5 - 1.6 - - 0.4 T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.187 0.972 1.273 0.880 1.032 1.176 0.971 1.298 0.902 1.052 0.9 0.1 - 1.9 - 2.4 - 1.9 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2 g INCA Predicted Difference 1.090 0.851 1.055 1.124 M-0 0.284 0.275 3.3 1.105 0.875 1.083 1.152 M-8 0.890 0.892 - 0.2 - 1.4 - 2.7 - 2.6 - 2.4 R-4 0.927 0.941 1.5 S-0 0.451 0.438 3.0 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 S-4 0.720 0.721 - 0.1 1.085 1.122 1.159 S-8 0.927 0.943 - 1.7 1.115 1.154 1.185

.T0 1.088 1.110 - 2.0 - 2.7 - 2.8 - 2.2 T-4 1.146 1.150 - 0.3 T-8 1.166 1.172 - 0.5 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 7.936 0.908 3.1 0.927 1.339 U-24 1.196 1.183 1.1 0.941 1.347 U-48 1.279 1.280 - 0.1 1.5 - 0.6 Absolute Average 1.99 M-8 17 Standard Deviation 2.31 0.890 0.892

- 0.2 l

l Percent Difference :

'"^ X 100 Pr

1 Figur@ 6 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 AsSernbly Relative Power Densities INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 6016 mwd /Mt Measured I 6000 mwd /Mt Calculated Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S-4 8 M0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at,90% Power -

0.342 0.294 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power -

0.327 0.285 Percent Difference . -

4.6 3.2 S-0 15 U-0 -31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S4 4 0.430 0.931 1.120 1.105 0.734 0.416 0.906 1.073 1.082 0.727 3.4 2.8 4.4 2.1 1.0

  • Maximum 1 Pin S-0 16 U 24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 0.474 1.128 1.149 1.210 1.203 1.375
  • 0.465 1.110 1.139 1.199 1.205 1.380
  • Location 20 1.9 1.6 0.9 0.9 - 0.2 - 0.4 Measured 1.483*

Predicted 1.487* U 24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference - 0.3 1.150 1.247 1.391 0.954 1.330 0.966 1.133 1.228 1.392 0.970 1.349- 0.970 1.5 1.5 - - 0.1 1.6 - 1.4 - 0.4 T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.180 0.968 1.270 0.882 1.034 1.169 0.966 1.292 0.902- 1.052 0.9 0.2 1.7 - 2.2 - - 1.7 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T-8 23 T-8 2 Type INCA Predicted Difference I 1.083 0.849 1.053 1.122 M-0 0.294 0.285 3.2 1.096 0.870 1.079 1.149  !

M-8 0.899 0.897 0.2 - 1.2 - 2.4 - 2.4 - 2.3 R-4 0.930 0.940 - 1.1 S-0 0.452 0.441 2.5 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 S-4 0.722 0.722 0.0 1.077 1.117 1.156 S-8 0.928 0.943 - 1.6 1.106 1.147 1.180 T-0 1.080 1.101 - 1.9 - 2.6 - 2.6 - 2.0 T-4 1.141 1.146 - 0.4 T-8 1.163 1.169 - 0.5 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.931 0.906 2.8 0.930 1.350 U-24 1.195 1.183 1.0 0.940 1.351 U-48 1.286 1.285 0.1 - 1.1 -0.1 Absolute Average '1.84 M-8 17 Standard Deviation 2.16 0.899  !

0.897 0.2

  1. d Percent Difference : X 100 ,


Figuro 7 Maine Yankee Cycle 15 Assembly Relative Power Densities INCA vs Predicted Cycle Exposure 7830 mwd /Mt Measured 8000 mwd /Mt Calculated Assembly Type and INCA Location -

S-4 8 M-0 21 INCA Assembly Relative Power at.90% Power -

0.356 0.310 Predicted Assembly Relative Power at 90% Power -

0.342 0.303 Percent Difference * -

4.1 2.3 S-0 15 U-0 31 U-24 11 U-48 25 S-4 4 0.432 0.922 1.120 1.124 0.751 0.422 0.901 1.078 1.106 0.745 2.4 2.3 3.9 1.6 0.8

  • Maximum 1 - Pin S-0 16 U-24 33 T-4 13 T-4 28 T-8 7 U-24 20 0.478 1.118 1.133 1.200 1.200 1.371
  • 0.471 1.106 1.127 1.191 1.204 1.376
  • Location 20 1.5 1.1 0.5 0.8 - 0.3 - 0.4 Measured 1.475*

Predicted 1.479* U-24 34 T-8 14 U-48 30 S-8 10 U-48 24 S-8 3

% Difference - 0.3 1.142 1.232 1.377 0.952 1.331 0.969 1.130 1.217 1.379 0.966 1.349 0.972 1.1 1.2 -0.1 - 1.4 - 1.3 - 0.3 T-8 32 S-4 12 U-24 27 S-8 6 T-4 19 1.169 0.965 1.265 0.889 1.040 1.159 0.960 1.283 0.904 1.055 0.9 0.5 - 1.4 - 1.7 1.4 Fuel Relative Power Percent T-0 29 S-4 9 T8 23 T-8 2 Type INCA Predicted Difference 1.079 0.853 1.057 1.127 M-0 0.310 0.303 2.3 1.087 0.870 1.079 1.151 M-8 0.915 0.909 0.7 - 0.7 - 2.0 - 2.0 - 2.1 R-4 0.938 0.945 - 0.7 S-0 0.455 0.447 1.8 T-0 26 T-4 5 T-8 18 S-4 0.728 0.727 0.1 1.075 1.118 1.160 S-8 0.930 0.942 - 1.3 1.099 1.144 1.177 T-0 1.077 1.093 - 1.5 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 1.4 T-4 1.135 1.140 - 0.4 T8 1.159 1.165 - 0.5 R-4 22 U-48 1 U-0 0.922 0.901 2.3 0.938 1.362 U-24 1.190 1.180 0.8 0.945 1.357 U-48 1.289 1.289 0.0 - 0.7 0.4 Absolute Average 1.52 M-8 17 {

standard Deviation 1.78 0.915  !

0.909 0.7 l


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