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Public Version of Rev 3 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 2.50.15, Release of Public Info During Emergencies. W/850709 Release Memo
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/10/1985
Maine Yankee
2.50.15-01, 2.50.15-1, NUDOCS 8507170246
Download: ML20129F137 (10)


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Dept. Heak238 Proc. No. 2.50.15 FORC-R f M M Class. A Rev. No. 3 Issue Date 6-6-85 Review Date 6/87 2.50.15 RELEASE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION DURING EMERGENCIES l.0 OISCUSSION The purpose of this procedure is to describe company policy regarding interaction with the news media and release cf information to the public during emergency conditions at the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station. This procedure assigns responsibility to various Maine Yankee personnel and others to accomplish the initial notification, develop press releases and conduct news media briefings as necessary.

This procedure is designed to ensure that one voice speaks to the public (and the news media) during any emergency condition.

During the initial phases of any emergency the Maine Yankee Public Affairs Director or a designated senior manager shall act as a company spokesperson providing any necessary public information.

The Governor's Press Secretary (or other designee), upcn notification of the emergency condition by the Maine State Police (MSP), will be established as the official spokesperson for the State of Maine. Upon notification by the Maine Bureau of Civil Emergency Preparedness (MCEP) that the official spokesperson has been established, Maine Yankee will'stop all public and media communications, directing all inquiries to the spokesperson.

This procedure will help reduce the likelihood of conflicting messages or interpretation of messages being given to the public. All media briefings and releases of official information relating to the emergency condition will be conducted from either the Governor's Cabinet Room at the State House in Augusta or another location specified by State officials.

Maine Yankee will provide direct technical and public affairs assistance to the Governor's Office throughout the emergency condition.

2.0 OBJECTIVE 2.1 Establish provisions for the coordination of news releases and media briefings.

2.2 Establish the authority and responsibility for release of public information.

2.3 Provide for the timely exchange of information among designated spokespersons.

2.4 Coordinate arrangements for rumor control.

5853L-SDE 8507170246 850610 PDR ADOCK 05000309 -


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Proc. No. 2.50.15

^ Rev. No. 3

Page 2 of 5 3.0 PRECAUTION 3.1 Public information must only be issued from authorized sources.

l 4.0 EQUIPMENT 4.1 Prerecorded tapes for Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area and General Emergencies. These tapes will be maintained by the Security Captain in the SAS.

5.0 PROCEDLRE R 5.1 The Maine Yankee Public Affairs Director (PAD) is the company spokesperson during a radiological emergency. The Public Affairs Director and his alternates are listed in Appendix 1. However during an Alert, Site Area or General emergency requiring the activation of,the State of Maine emergency response organization, the the Governor's Press Secretary, or other designee, shall be the only voice speaking to the media and the public.

5.2 Unusual Event 5.2.1 In accordance with Procedure 2.50.17, the CMP Dispatcher will notify the Public Affairs Director (PAD) using the notification list in Appendix

, 1. In the event that the CMP dispatcher cannot notify anyone from Public Affairs, he will notify the President or Executive Vice President, who will appropriate the resources necessary to implement this procedure.

5.2.2 The Public Affairs Director w3.ll determine the facts and significance of the Unusual Event by contacting the Plant Manager, Plant Shift Superintendent or other senior Maine Yankee Management, if a press release is needed and when it should be released.

5.2.3 The PAD shall draft any necessary press releases and obtain approval, if practicable, from the Maine Yankee Manager of Public Affairs and the Executive Vice President or the Manager of Operations.

R 5.2.4 The PAD shall notify the Governor's Press Secretary and the Maine i Division of Health Engineering Director if practicable before issuing  !

the press release to the media or as soon thereafter as possible. J l

5.2.5 Maine Yankee personnel should direct all media calls to the PAD. The l PAD will answer media questions to the best of his/her ability and may )

contact the Maine Yankee Technical Representatives (TRS) for additional l generic technical information. I s

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  • f 2.50.15 Page 3 ng 3 l
5.2.6 The Maine Yankee puulic information telephone message shall be changed by a Security officer to play the prerecorded Unusual Event tape. If
the unusual Event terminates without escalating to a higher emergency level the message shall be changed to reflect the current plant status.

5.2.7 Maine Yankee owner utilities in Maine will be informed of the Unusual Event, if necessary, by the 04P Dispatcher. Other Maine Yankee owners will be informed as necessary through the PAD.

, 5.3 Alert, Site Area and General Emercency 5.3.1 In the event that an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency is declared

. media communications will be coordinated through the Governor's Press Secretary. The State of Maine will activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC),. state rumor control center and public information telephone line during these emergencies.

j 5.3.2 the PAD and the TRS snall Following report to thenotification State EOC of the emergency (Bureau of Civ1 1 Emergency Preparedness Offices) in the State Office Building. They shall keep themselves appraised of plant status through communications with the Maine Yankee Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) by contacting the Emergency Coordinator (EC) via the dedicated telephone (data hotline) or by calling

' Maine Yankee personnel will not conduct media briefings independent of the Governor's Press Secretary. The Governor's Press Secretary will be the single voice for comunicating with the media.

The PAD and TRS together with the Governor's Press Secretary shall l develop news releases and conduct media briefings as needed. Media

! briefings will be conducted either from the Governor's Cabinet Room in the Augusta State House or from some other state-designated location if necessary.

R 5.3.3 If it is determined that a press release is necessary prior to reporting to the State EOC, the PAD shall follow Steps 5.2.3 and 5.2.4.

5.3.4 The Maine Yankee public information telephone message shall be changed by a Security officer to the prerecort.ed message appropriate for the particular emergency condition declared. As the emergency condition

escalates or de-escalates, the message shall be changed as appropriate l by a Security officer. When emergency conditions no longer exist, the

,, message will be changed to reflect the current plant status.

ll Prerecorded messages will identify the classification, k j emergency condition, and shall direct further calls to l

5.3.5 Rumor Control l

ll calls shall be directed to the State Rumor Control Center at


ia calls shall be directed to the Governor's Press 1 5853L-SOE

Proc. No. 2.50.15

. Rev. No. 3 Page A of 5 5.3.6 The PAD shall coordinate closely with the State Rumor Control personnel to ensure that any rumor or erroneous public information is quickly corrected by providing appropriate information to the media. The PAD shall coordinate with the Maine Yankee Manager of Public Affairs for information regarding CMP. The CMP Public and Employee Communications department may be partially or fully mobilized to provide information or support to the PAD.

5.3.7 CMP dispatchers shall notify Maine utility owners of Maine Yankee of emergency declarations. Other Maine Yankee owners shall be appraised of emergency situations as needed.

5.3.8 News media presence at the Maine Yankee plant site during emergencies is

, forbidden except as authorized by the Recovery Manager.

6.0 FINAL C0f0ITIONS Accurate emergency information and news releases have been coordinated with appropriate government sources and disseminated to the public in a timely fashion.

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" Proc. No. 2.50.15 Rev. No. 3 Page 5 of 5 APPDOIX 1 ..

Public Affairs Department Notification L1 ,


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  1. 1OATE II# l DATE ll # DATE f # JDATE 2.50.0 Declaration & Catego:ization l 6 8/84 l l ll of Emergency Condition l l ,



2.50.1 Notification of Unusual J 7 6/84 l8 a/85 l l

Event l l j j 2.50.2 7/84 L8 4/85 I ll Alert I l [

l8 7/84 I 9 4/85 Il 1 2.50.3 Site Area Emergency g I 9 8/84 l 10 a/85 ll l 1 2.50.4 General Emergency  ; j. g, g Emergency Plan Training l 3 3/85 l I 2.50.5 i l' il _

Emergency Equipment i 21 3/85 l t i 2.50.6 Readiness Check l [ ll l Emergency On-Site Radiation d4 3/85 l 1 l' 2.50.7 Monitoring Procedure l ll l l 2 4/85 ll l 11 l 2.50.8 Medical Emergency Plan l

Security Force Radiation 3/85 ll 5 1. l ll

,1 2.50.9 Emergency Plan l , l; ll l ll l Evaluation of Radiological l7 4/85 11 8 5/85ll l l 2.50.10 Data l ll ll l 2.50.1, Plant Entry & Recovery 6 8/84 l l  !

l Plan l l l l

Emergency Off-Site Radiation I 6 1/85 l tl ll 2.50.12 Monitoring Procedure l jj

} l l. l .

2.50.14 Emergency Radiation Exposure 5 3/85 i i l l Control } l l 1 Release of Public Information ll 2 3/85 1 3 6/85 Q ;"- -i . ~ . . .; .' T '

2.50.15 During Emergencies .

lH l gMWM4WO@M Protective Action 1 4 i 3/85 ll f I 2.50.16

! Recommendations l l , l


2.50.17 Emergency Notification

. 9 5/84 l 10 ' alAc-

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! NUMBER TITLE # lDATE l'# j DATE f # 'DATE l# 'DATE 2.50.18 Operations Support Center 4 11/84I

' 2.50.19 Technical Support Center 5 4/85 I 1


Propnylactic Aaministration of J

2.50.20 Potassium Iodide for Thyroid 3 3/85l i l Blockino I I 2.50.21 Offsite Dosimetry Assistance I1 2/84l l 1 l ,

I I l 2.50.22 Activation of the Alternate 10 3/85 1 4/85 i Emergency Operations Facility 1 l Emergency Preparedness 1 0 4/84 i '

2*50*23 i

Exercises & Drills l ,

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  • i Form No. 0-05-1-1 l Rev. No. 2

, Revised 12/18/84 Page 7 of 8




?mmat* 0 r n. Ct J S u d Of#4'8 fvptof as7'~2 D)

ISSLE DATE: June 10. 1985



1. Remove existing 2.50 series Implementing Procedures to the Emergency Plan index, and replace with attached 2.50 series index dated 6-10-85, 2 pages.
2. Remove existing Proc. No. 2.50.15, Release of Public Information During Emergencies, Rev. No. 2, and replace with attached Proc. No.

2.50.15, (Same Title), Rev. No. 3, pages 1-5. .

l The above listed revisicn(s)/ change (s) has/have been placed in ycur assigned ccpy.



,', R 1. The receipt, review and insertion of the revised material into the

assigned manual / file. .
2. Assurance that these who use the dccument are aware of the change.

'! R 3. The destructicn of all superseded pages. .



\' kDO$

RETURN THIS FCRM TO: Administraticn Office within 10 working days of issue.

. Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co. j i' P.O. Box 403 r '

Wisc~ asset, Maine 04578

  • A



{ .


%, ,/ July 9,1985 50-309 Maine Yankee MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Document Management Branch, TIDC FROM: Director, Division of Rules and Records, ADM


REVIEW 0F UTILITY EMERGENCY PLAN DOCUMENTATION The Division of Rules and Records has reviewed the attached document and has determined that it may now be made publici available.


/ '/ q

. M. Felton, Director Division of Rules and Recor 'g'/[

Office of Administration


As stated l

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