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Rev 0 to Procedure 26.1, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
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Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/30/1987
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ML20237H915 List:
26.1, NUDOCS 8709030453
Download: ML20237H990 (66)


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< Froc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0 Page 25 of 90 s





?d ', WA i

I Yankee Atomic Electric Company Nuclear Services Division 8709030453 870901 1671 Worcester Road ADOCK 0500 9 Framingham, MA 01701

$DR 0212T-0S


Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0 Page 26 of 90 OISCLAINER OF RESPONSIBILIW This document was prepared by Yankee Atomic Electric Company

("Yi.nke e) . The use of infermati0n contained in this document by anyone other ,

than Yankee, or the Organization for which the document was prepared under cont.act, is not authorized ano, gifA.rcsoect to any. unauthorized use, neither Yankee nor its officers, directors, agents, or employeu assume any -

-o'olif ation, responsibility, or liability er make any warranty or repr.ssentaticn as to the accuracy or r. completeness of the material contained in thiJ document.

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Proc. No. 26.1

  • Rev. No.- 0 L% TRACT The Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Station Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (MY 00CM) contains the approved methods to estimate the doses and radionuclides concentrations occurring beyond the boundaries of the plant caused by normal plant operation. With initial approval by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the MYNPS Plant Management and approval of subsequent revisions by the Plant Management (as per the Technical Specifications), this OOCH is suitable to show compliance where re 4rred to by the Plant Technical Specifications. Sufficient documentation of each method is provided to allow regeneration of the methods with few references to other material. Most of the methods are presented at two levels. The first, Method I, is a linear equation which provides an upper bound and the second, Method II, is an in-depth analysis which can provide more realistic estimates.  ;

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- Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O age 28 of 90 TABLE OF CONTENTS


'i J

RESPONSIBILITY..................................... 11 OISCLAIMER OF ABSTRACT.....................................................'.... ill vi LIST OF FIGURES..................................................

vii l LIST OF TABLES...................................................

1 l


.........<........................................... l CALCULATIONS................................ 3 l 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE l

2.1 Technical Specification, Dose l 3 {

to an Individua1........................................... l 4

2.1.1 Dose to the Total Body.............................

2.1.2 Dose to the Cri tical 0rgan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 i


7 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT DOSE CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 3.1 Technical Specification 3.17,A.1, Gaseous 7

Effluent Cose Rate.........................................

3.1.1 Dose Rate to the Total Body from Noble Gases................................... 8 3.1.2 Dose' Rate to the Skin 9

from Noble Gases...................................

3.1.3 Dose Rate to the Critical Organ 10 from Radiciodines and Particulate.................

l 3.2 Technical Specification, Gaseous 11 Effluent Dose from Noble Gases.............................

12 3.2.1 Gamma Air Dose.....................................

13 3.2.2 Beta Air 00se......................................

I 3.3 Technical Specifi. cation 3.17.C.1, Gaseous Effluent Oose from Iodine-131 Iodine-133 Tritium, and Radioactive 14 Material in Particulate Form...............................

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i Proc. No. 26.1-Rev. No. 0

  1. 9' TABLE OF (QMLENTS (Continued)

EAgit 3.3.1 Dose to the Critical 0r-gan......................... 15 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL N0NITORING......................................... 19 5.0 HONITOR SETP0!NTS................................................ 29 5.1 Technical Specification 4.13.8, Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints.......................................... 29 5.1.1 Allowable Concentrations of Radioactive Materials i n Li qu i d E f f l u e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5.1.2 Honitor Response for Liquid Effluents.............. 32 5.2 Technical Specification 4.13.0, Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpo1nts.......................................... 33 5.2.1 Allowable Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous Effluents............................... 34

,5.2.2 Monitor Response for Gaseous Effluents............. 35 METEOROLOGY........................:...................:.........

6.0 38 APPENDIX A BASIS FOR THE DOSE CALCULATION METH005. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A-1 A.1 Liquid Effluent 0oses...................................... A-1 A.2 Total Body Dose Rate from Noble Gases..'.................... A-4 A.3 Skin Dose Rate from Noble Gases...................... ..... A-6 A.4 Critical Organ Gose Rate from Iodines and Particulate..... A-8 A.5 Gamma Air Dose............................................. A-9 A.6 Beta Air 0ose.............................................. A-10 A.7 Dose from Iodines and Particulate......................... A-ll APPENDIX B Meteorology........................................ B-1 REFERENCCS....................................................... R-1


Proc. No. 26.1 i Rev. No. O I LIST OF FIGJRES Page 30 of 90 {

Number Easut l

Environmental Radiological Sampling Locations l 4.1 23 Hithin 1 Kilometer of Maine Yankee l 1

Environmental Radiological Sampilng Locations I 1.2 24 Hithin 12 Kilometers of Maine Yankee l l

Environmental Radiological Sampling locations 1 4.3 Outside 12 Kilometers from Maine Yankee 25 f 4.4 Olrect Radiation Monitoring Locations Within 1 Kilometer of Maine Yankee 26 4.5 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Within 12 Kilometers of Maine Yankee 27 4.6 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Outside 12 Kilometers from Maine Yankea 28 Maine Yankee Liquid Radwaste System 36

. 5.1 ,

Haine Yankee'Gasaous Radcaste System 37 S.2 l

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Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O LISI._OF TABLES Page 31 of 90 Number ,

Il.t.l.1 EA9.2 2.1 Maine Yankee Dose Factors for Liquid Releases 6 16 3.1 Maine Yankee Dose Fat. tors for Noble Gas Releases 3.2 Haine Yankee Ocse Factors for Iodines, Tritium, and Particulate Releases 17 3.3 Maine Yankee Dose Factors for Iodine, Tritium, and Particulate Released Via the Auxiliary Boiler 18 4.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Stations 20 6.1 Maine Yankee Maximum Annual Average Atmospheric Dilution Factors 39 A-1 Usage Factors for Various Liquid Pathways at Maine Yankee A-3 A-2 Usage Factors for Various Gaseous Pathways at Maine Yankee A-13 A Environme.ntal Parameters for Gaseous Effluents at Maine A-14

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The purpose of this manual is to provide methods to ensure compliance ' '


with the dose requirements of the Technical Specifications. Each method is

' based on a plant-specific application of the models presented in Regulatory .

l Guide 1.109 (Reference 1).

Methods are included to calculate the doses to individuals from both gaseous and liquid releases from the plant. Under normal operations, experience has shown that the plant will be operated at a small 'raction of the dose limits imposed by the Te.hnical Specifications. For this reason, the

> dose evalor.tions are presented at different levels of sophistication. The first method being the most conservative,-but simplest to use; the second method requiring a full analysis following the guidance presented in Regulatory Guide 1.109 ,(Aeference 1).


. The first methn6; Hathod I, is based on a critical organ, critical age '

group, and critu al re;epter Jocation; as such, it provides a conservative ,

estimate of the (oses required by the Technical Specifications. If the Technical Specifications are met by application of the first method, no further analysis will be' required. If, however, it indicates that the Specification limits may be approached or exceeded, a more realistic ,

estimate may be obtain6d by application of the second method.  !

The second ieth d, Method II, will calculate the dose to seven organs of four age groups for potentially critical individuals. It is based on ,

. measured releasel for each nuclide, site-specific parameters, and measured meteorological parameters. Method II is more accurate, but less conservative thanMethodI,'andkillbeusedtoassessdosesfortheSemiannualRadioactive Effluent Release' Report.

, Liquid effluent dose calculation methods are presented in Chapter 2.

Gas,eous effluent tiose calculation methods in Chapter 3. In both chapters f

" relevant Technical Specifica'ttens are followed by the appropriate Method I lu dose equations. Wh9n necessary, Method II analyses may be performed by I applying the site-specifi.c parameters and measured meteorological parameters to the appropriate dose 0quations specified in Regulatory Guide 1.109 l .

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I2 Proc. No. 26.1 Revo No. 0 a

.(Reference 1). The basis for. each of the dose calculation metho[s gg,33 of 90

' described in Appendix A.

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  • Rev. No. 0 l Page 34 of 90 ]


2.1 Technical Specification Licuid Effluent Dose to an Individual .

Technical Specification 3.16.B.1 limits the dose or dose commitment to ,

a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from the site to Back River:

l 9

a. during any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the total body, and to less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ;

' and J


b. during any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrem to the total body, and to less than or equal to 10 mrem to any organ. l D

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t Proc. No. 26.1 0 Rev. No. 0 ~

Page.35'of 90 j 2.1.l.a . Dose to the Total Body (Method I) i l

The total body dose in mrem for a liquid release is: ,

' (2-1)

Otb " K i 01 DFlitb -


4 Og is the total activity released for radionuclides i, in Ci (for strontiums use the most recent measurement available); and DFl itb is the site specific total body liquid dose factor for radionuclides -l i, in mrem /Ci (see Table 2-1).

K is equal to 935/F d; where Fd is the averags (typically monthly average) dilution flow of the Circulating Hater System at the point 3

of discharge from the multiport diffuser (in ft /sec).

l 2.1.1.b Qose to the Total Body (Method II) l M'e: hod II consists of the modsis, input data and assumptions l l l

(bioaccumulation factors, shore-width factor, dose conversion factors, and l

' transport and buildup times) in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 (Reference 1).


- except where site-specific data or assumptions have been identified in the '

l 00CM. _The general squations (A-3 and A-7) taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, l

and used in the derivation of the simplified Method I approach as described in l the Bases Section A.1, are also applied to Method II assessments, except that l l

doses calculated to the whole body from radioactive effluents are evaluated for each ef the four age groups to determine the maximum whole body dose of an l Table A-1 lists l age-dependent individual via all existing exposure pathways.

l l the usage factors for Method II calculations.

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1 Proc. No. 26.1 ']

.. Rev. No. 0 Page 36 of 90 4 2.1.2.a Dose to the Critical Oraan (Method I) l l i The critical organ dose in mrem for a liquid release is:

  • i (2-2)

Oco " E 01 DFL ico l


i 09 is the total activity released for radionuclides 1, in C1 (for strontiums use the most recent measurement available), and

.. 1 DFL is the site spectfic critical organ liquid dose factor for l 1co radionuclides i, in mrem /Ci (see Table 2.1).

K is 935/Fd ; where Fd is the average (typically monthly


average) dil'utiori flow of ethe Circulating Hater System at .the point i of discharge from the multiport diffuser (in ft3/sec).

1 2.1.2.b Dose to the Critical Oraan (Method II) -l l

. l l Method.II consists of the models, input data and assumptions l l (bioaccumulation factors, shore-width factor, dcse conversion factors, and l transport and buildup times) in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 (Reference 1), l r

except where site-specific data or assumptions have been identified in the l 00CM. The general equations (A-3 and A-7).taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, l l and used in the derivation of the simplified Method I approach as described inl the Bases Section A.1, are also applied to Method II assessments, except that l doses calculated to critical organs from radioactive effluents are evaluated l j for each of the four age groups to determine the maximum critical organ of an l age-dependent individual via all existino exposure pathways. Table A-1 lists l the usage factors for Method II calculations. [

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Proc. No. 26.1 .

Rev. No. O Table 2.1 Page 37 of 90 1

Maine Yankee Dose Factors for Liauid Releases -

1 l

l Total Body Critical Organ Dose Factor Dose Factor

- mrem /Ci mrem /Ci Nuclide . OFL itb 0FL $cg H-3 2.96E-07 2.96E-07 Na-24 2.46E-05 .

2.83E-05 {

Cr-51 1.54E-05 1.45E-03 Hn-54 4.27E-03 2.55E-02 Mn-56 1.89E-06 4.09E-05 Fe-55 1.24E-02 7.53E-02

- Fe-59 8.58E-02 6.54E-01 Co-58 2.22E-03 1.35E-02 Co-60 4.79E-02 7.80E-02  !

Zn-65 2.68E-01 5.39E-01 Sr-89 2.13E-04 . 7.45E-03 Sr-90 3.16E-02 1.29E-01 Zr-95 5.15E-04 1.74E-02 Mo-99 2.95E-05 2.63E-04 i

Tc-99m 3.79E-05 6.22E-05 Sb-124 1.34E-03 9.36E-03 j I-131 2.07E-04 9.66E-02 I-132 2.53E-06 3.24E-06 2.46E-05 1.13E-02 I-133 I-135 7.26E-06 4.31E-04 2.79E-02 3.12E-02 Cs-134 '

2.92E-02 3.41E-02

-Cs-137 1.54E-04 3.41E-02 Ba-140 l

2.81E-05 9.13E-03 Ce-141 l 1.32E-03 i N-187 6.28E-06 i 0212T-DS ,


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Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0 Page 38 of 90 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT DOSE CALCULATIONS 3.1 Technical Specification 3.17. A.l . Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate i I

Technical Specification 3.17.A.1 limits the dose rate (when averaged over 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />) due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the site boundary:

a. for noble gases: less than or equal to 500 mrem /yr to the total body, and less than or equal to 3000 mrem /yr to the skin, and; ,
b. for Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days; less than or equal to 1500 mrem /yr to any organ.  !

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Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0

-3.1.1.a Dose Rate 'to the Total Body from Noble Gases (Method I)Page 39 of 90 l l

The total-body dose rate in mrem /yr from noble gases released via ,


.the plant stack is: l


l b


= 1.40 { hg 0FB g (bi)l l I


hj is the release rate of noble gas i released via the plant stack, in pC1/sec; and DFB g is the total body dose rate factor for noble gas i, in 3

< mrem-m /pCi-yr (see Table 3.1).

9 3.1.1.b Dose Rate to the Total Body from Noble Cases (Method II) l l

Method II consists of the model and input data (whole body dose l factors) in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 (Reference 1), except where l site-specific data or assumptions have been identified in the 00CH. The l general equation (8-8) taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, and used in the i deriva': ion of the simplified Method I approach as described in the Bases l Section A.2, is also applied to a Method II assessment. No credit for a l shielding factor (S p) associated with residential structures is assumed. 1 Concurrent meteorology with the release period may be utilized for the gamma l atmospheric dispersion factor identified in Appendix B for the release point l from which recorded effluents have been discharged. In sectors where the site l boundary is adjacent to Back River, the total body dose rate will be evaluated l on the nearest opposite shoreline where the potential exist for uncontrolled l occupancy. On-site areas or areas with limited and controlled occupancy will l be evaluated with those occupancy factors included. The most restrictive l location in any of the 16 sectors will be used in determining the dose rate. l 0212T-05

Proc. No. 26.1

. Rev. No. o ~

l Page 40 07TO l 3.1.2.a Dose Rate to the Skin 'from Noble Gases (Method D j j l

The skin dose rate in mrem /yr from noble gases released via the plant stack is: l (3-2) b i OPj .

skin 1

where: I hg is the release rata of noble gas i released via the plant stack, in- )

pCl/sec; and j OF'$

is the combined skin dose rate factor for noble gas i, in ]

mrw.-sec/pCl-yr (see Tabla 3.1). l 3.1.2.'b Dose Rate to the Ski'n from Noble Gases (Method IIi -l 4 l'

~Hethod II consists of the model and input data (skin dose factors) in l "egulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1 (Reference 1), except where site-specific data l t assumptions have been identified in the OOCH. The general equation (B-9) l taken from Regulatory Guide l.109, and used in the derivation of the [ .t simplified Method I approach as described in the Bases Section A.3, is also \

applied to a Method II assessment. No credit for a shielding factor (S )p l associated with residential structures is assumed. Concurrent meteorology l with the release period may be utilized for the gamma atmospheric dispersion l ,

factor and undepleted atmospheric dispersion factor identified in ODCM l Appendix B for the release point froni which recorded effluents have been {

aischarged. In sectors where the site bc - is adjacent to Back River, the 1 Skin Dose Rate will be evaluated on the nearest opposite shoreline where the l potential exist for uncontrolled occupancy. On-site areas or areas with l limited and controlled occupancy will be evaluated with those occupancy l factors included. The most restrictive location in any of the 16 sectors wil'1 l be used in determining the dose rate. l 0212T-0S

' Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O Page 41 of 90 l

3.1.3.a Dose Rate to the Critical Oraan from Radiciodines and Particulate l

i (Method I) '



' The dose rate to the critical organ in mrem /yr from iodine-131,

  • iodine-133, tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form with

- half-lives greater than 8 dayc released via the plant stack is:

(3-3) b en

= [ 1 h DFGjco


hj is the release rate of radionuclides i released via the plant stack, in pC1/sec; and DFGjeg is the site specific critical organ dos'e rate factor for 3 radionuclides i, in mrem-sec/pCl-yr (see Table 3.1).

.i-l 3.1/3.b Dose Rate to the Critical Oraan from Radiciodines and Particulate l

_@fLthod II) l Method II consists of the models, input data and assumptions in l Appendix C o' latory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 (Reference 1), except where l j 2 or assumptions have been identified in the ODCM (see l l site-specift

  • f Tables A-2 and A-3). The critical organ dose rate will be determined based l on the location (site boundary, nearest resident, or farm) of receptor l pathways as identified in the most recent annual land use census, or by l conservatively assuming the existence of all possible pathways (such as ground l i

Plane, inhalation, ingettion of stored and leafy vegetables, milk, and meat) {

at an off-site location of maximum potential dose. Concurrent meteorology l with the release period may be utilized for' determination of atmospheric l l

dispersion facters in accordance with Appendix B for the release point from which recorded effluents have been discharged. The maximum critical organ l dose rates will consider the four age groups independently, and take no l credit for a shielding factor (S p) associated with residential structures. l l

Site boundary locations adjacent to the river will be evaluated on the nearest opposite shoreline. Hud flats exposed at low tide will include an l


occupancy factor of 0.037 for evaluatien of doses at those locations.


Proc. No. 26.1 l

Rev. No. 0 3.2 Technical Specification 3.17.B.1. Gaseous Ef fluent Dose from$o b e Gases I

Technical Specification 3.17.B.1 limits the air dose due tb noble gases released in gaseous effluents to areas at and beyond the site boundary to the l

l following:


a. during any calendar quarter: less than or equal to 5 mrad for l gamma radiation, and less than or equal to 10 mrad for beta i

! radiation; and i

b, during any calendar year: less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma l radiation, and less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.

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a R@v. No. 0 age 3 of 90 3.2.1.a Gamma Air Oose (Method I).

I The gansna air dose in mrad from noble gases released via the plant ,

i stack is:

I .

(3-4) l oIir - 0 044 E0 1 DF j l


is the total activity of noble gas i released via the plant stack  ;

Q,  ;

during the period of interest, in Ci; and ,

is the gamma dose factor to air for noble gas. 1, in 0Ff l mrad - m3 /pCi-yr (see Table 3.1).

-l 3.2.1.b Gamma Air 06se (Method II)

J l

Hethod II consists of the modeis, input tata (dose factors) and l )

assumptions in Regulatcry Guide 1.109, Revision 1 (Reference 1), except l

where site-specific data or assumptions have been identified in the 00CM.

l The general equations (B-4 and 8-5) taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, and l l

used in the derivation of the simplified Method I approach as described in the Bases Section A.5 are also applied to Method II assessments. Concurrent [

f I

l meteorology with the release period may be utilized for the gam a l

atmospheric dispersion factors (see Appendix B) for the release point from which recorded effluents have been discharged. For sectors adjacent to the l

l Back River, the nearest opposite shoreline with an assumed potential occupancy factor of 100% will be used to evaluate doses. Or-site areas l

l with' Timited and controlled occupancy will be evaluated with those occupancy l

factors included.

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Proc. .No. 26.1 i

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Page~44 of 90 1 3.2.2.a Beta.Afr Dose (Method I) l  :

l The beta ' air dose in mrad from noble gasus released > iia the piant L. ' stack is: .

l p,.

l 0

0 ir - 0.03 [O g DF 0

(3-5) l

} j l


Qg is the total activity of noble gas i released via the plant stack:

during the period of interest, in Ci; and q l

OFf is the beta' dose factor to air for noble gas i, in mrad - m3 /pCi-yr (ces Table 3.2).


3.2.2.b Beta Air Dose (Method II) .l ]

l Hethod II consists of the models, input data (dose factors) and l j assumptions in Regulatcry Guide 1.109, Revision 1 (Reference 1), except l )

where site-specific data or assumptions have been identified in the OOCH. I d The general equations (B-4 r.nd B-5)-taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109, and l )

used in the derivation of the' simplified Method I approach as described in l l the 5:res Section A.6, are also applied to Methed II assessments. l Concurrent meteorology with the release period may be utilized for the l  ;

atmospheric dispersion factors (see Appendix B) for the release point from l which recorded effluents have been discharged. For. sectors adjacent to  !

the Back River, the nearest opposite shoreline with an assumed potential l occupancy factor of 100% will be used to evaluats doses. On-site areas or l areas with limited and controlled occupancy will be ~ evaluated with those e l occupancy factors included. l ]

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Proc. No. 26.1

' Rev. No. o l Page 45 of 90 I 3.3 lechnical' Specification 3.lLf.l . Gase.qus Effluent Dose from Iodine-131 .!

7edine-133, Tritium. and Radioac_tive Material in Particulate Form


Technict.1 Specification 3.17.C.l.a and b limits the dose to a member of the public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritiem and radioactive materials in

  • particulate form with half-lives greater then eight days in' gaseous effluents l released to areas at and beyond the site boundary to the 'tollowitg:
a. during any calendar quarter: less thr~. or equal to 7.5 mrem to any I

organ; and

b. during any calendar year: less than or equal 1.o 15 mrem to any organ. j


I Technical Specification 3.17.C.I.c limits the dose to a member of the public from these same radionuclides to less than 0.1 percent of the limits noted ~

'above, as a result of burning' contaminated oil.

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Proc. No. 26.1

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l 3.3.1.a Ron_to the Critical Oraan (Method D 4

T'ne dose to the critical organ in mrem from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater l l than sight days released via the olant stack is.

, g l 1 O = 04 DN jco (3-6) co l


Qg is the total activity of radionuclides i released via the plant stack during the period of interest, in Ci; and  ;

l OFG 4co is the site specific critical organ dose factor for radionuclides i for a gaseous release from the plant stack,.in mrem /Ci (see Table 3.2).'

l The dose to the critical organ in arom from iodine-131, iodine-133, i tritium, and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days released to the atmosphere from' tl',e auxiliary boiler due to the burning of contaminated waste oil is:

aux ( 3-D 0 g = Q . OFH ico ,


Qf* is the total activity of radionuclides i released via the auxiliary boiler stack during the period of interest, in Ci; and is the site specific critical organ dose factor for radionuclides i DFH gen for gaseous reldase from the auxiliary boiler, in mrem /Ci (see Table 3.3).



  • Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O  ;

Fage 4* of 90 i j

3.'3.1.b Dose to Critical Orcan (Method II) l l l Hethod II consists of the models, input data and assumptions in l ~

Appendix C of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1 (Reference 1), except [

where site-specifit data or assumptions have been identified in the OOCH l .


(see Tablos A-2 and A-3). The critical organ dose will be det:armined based l l on the location (site boundary, nearest resident, or farm) of receptor l pathways, as identified in the most recent annual land use census, or by l conservatively assuming the existence of all possible pathways (such as [

ground plane, inhalation, ingestion of stored and leafy vegetables, milk, l and meat) at an off-site location of maximum potential dose. Concurrent l meteorology with the release period may be utilized for determination of l atmospheric dispersion factors in accordance with Appendix 8 for the l  ;

release point from which recorded effluents have been discharged. The l maximum critical organ dose will consider the four age groups independently, I and use a shielding factor (Sp ) of 0.7 associated with residential l structures. Hud flats ' exposed at low tide in areas where the Back River 'l is adjacent to the site boundary will include an occupancy factor of 0.037 l for evaluation of doses at those locations. Only the inhalation and ground l l plane exposure pathways ~are included in the assessment of doses on the l mudflats (for 10CFR50, Appendix I, and 40CFR190 considerations). {

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l' ' Proc. No. 26.1

- Rev. No. O age 4 f 90 Table 3.1 l Maine Yankee Dose Factors for Nobis Gas Releases f

l Gama .

Total Body Combined Skin Gamma Air 8 eta Air l Dost Factor Dosv Factor Dose Factor Oose Factor 3 3 3

mrem-m /pci-yr mrem-sec/uCi-yr mrad-m /pCl-yr mrad-m /pci-yr Y DF 0

Nuclide DFB j DF'j DF

<r-83m. 7.56E-08 3.01E-05 1.93E-05 2.88C-04 l )

/sr-B5m 1.17E-03 3.30E-03 1.23E-03 1.97E-03 ,i J l

Kr-85 1.61E-05 1.29E-03 1.72E-05 1.95E-03 l Kr-87 5.92E-03 1.88E-02 6.17E-03 1.03E-02 l Kr-88 1.47E-02 2.60E-02 1.52E-02 2.93E-03 l l r.r-89 1.66E-02 3.65E-02 1.73E-02 1.06E-02 l


1.56E-02 3.23E-02 1.63E-02 7,83E-03 l )

K'r-90 .

Xe-131m 9.15E-05 6.94E-04 1.56E-04 1.11E-03 l f

.133m 2.15E-04 1.45E-03 .3.27E-04 1.48E-03 l 1 Xe-133 2.94E-04 8.40E-04 3.53E-04 1.05E-03 l Xe-135m 3.12E-03 5.91E-03 3.36E-03 7.39E-04 l 4.75E-03 1.92E-03 2.46E-03 l j Xe-135 1.81E-03 Xe-1-37 1.42E-03 1.39E-02 1.51E-03 1.27E-02 l l Xe-138 8.83E-03 1.83E-02 9.21E-03 4.75E-03 l l Ar-41 8.84E-03 1.71 E.-02 9.30E-03 3.28E-03 l 0212T-OS

l l

Proc. No. 26.1 I

.- Rev. No. O ~

Page 49 of 90 +

Table 3.2 Maine Yankee Oose Factors for Iodine. Tritium. .

and Particulate Releases Critical Organ Critical Organ Dose Factor Dose Rate Factor mrem /Ci mrem-secluci-yr-Nuclide DFG jeg 0FG'$ g 2.85E-04 8.99E-03 l )

H-3 5.46E+00 l f C-14 1.73E-01 8.11E-03 2.81E-01 l f Cr-51 9.33E-01 3.69E+01 l l Hn-54 9.31E-01 3.08E+01 l  :

Fe-59 4.81E-01 1.72E+01 l s

Co-58 4.54E+02 l l Co-60 1.02E+01 4.96E+00 1.' 60E+02 l Zn-65 1.52E+01 4.79E+02 l Sr-89 5.74E+02 ~1.81E+04 l Sr-90 1.68E+00 5.62E+01 l Sb-124 j

' 1.03E+02 3.25E+03 l I-131 ,

1.05E+00 3.31E+01 l I-133 '

2.11E+01 7.03E+02 l Cs-134 2.17E+01 7.41E+02 l Cs-137 1.49E-01 4.83E+00 l Ba-140 2.25E-01 7.19E+00 l Ce-141 1 62E+02 l Ce-144 5.13E+00 I

I l

0212T-DS i

. Proc. No. 26.1 Rev.No. o l

Page 50of 90 Table 3.3 4

Maine Yankee Dose Factors for Iodine. Tritium.

and Particulate Released Via the Auxiliary Boiler

  • i Critical Organ  !

Dose Factor. '

(mrem /C1)

Nuclide DFWi ce ,.

H-3 3.24E-03 l C-14 1.96E+00 l Cr-51 2.15E-02 I l

Mn-54 2.39E+00 l Fe-59 2.42E+00 l 1 Co-58 , _ . .

1.25E+00 -l Co-60 2.60E+01

. l  :)

a Zn-65 1.27E+01 l j Sr-89 3.88E+01 l l Sr-90 1.49E+03 l Sb-124 4.38E+00 l I-131 2.65E+02 l I-133 3.55E+00 l ,

Cs-134 5.41E+01 l l Cs-137 5.53E+01 l  !

Ba-140 6.63E-01 l Ce-141 6.05E-01 l Ce-144 1.33E+01 l

  • for use with the burning of contaminated waste oil.

DFH ico l

1 0212T-OS i i

_ -. - -- ----_ __ --_-_--_ ----__----- _ _----_- o

' Proc. flo. 26.1 RCV. No. 0 9e H o 90 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Stations are listed in Table 4.1. The locations of these stations with respect to the Maine Yankee i facility are shown on the maps in figures 4.1 through 4.6.

l i


- ~

i i


i l  !


j. 0212T-05 l

. ]

  • Proc. No. 26.1 )

Rev. No. 0 l TABLE 4.1 Page 52 of 90 )


' gadj.plcaicat Environmental Monitorino Stations a J Distance Direction l Exposure Pathway Sample Location b fror,the From the {

and/or Samole and basianated Code P_1.An.t M Plant -

j 1
1. AIRBORNE AP/CF-11 Montsweag. Brook 2.7 NH (Radiciodine and AP/CF-13 Bailcy Farm (ESL) 0.6 NE j Particulate) AP/CF.-14 Mason Steam Station 4.8 NNE AP/CFe.16 Westport Firehouse 1.8 S AP-CF-29 'Oresden Substation 19.8 N
2. DIRECT RADIATICH TL-l Old Ferry Rd. 1.0 N

.- .TL-2 Old Ferri tid. -

0.8 NNE ,

TL-3 Bailey House (ESL) 026 NE


TL-4 Hestport Island, Rt. 144 1.2 ENE TL-5 MY Information Center 0.2 E TL-6 Rt. 144 and Greenleaf Rd. C.9 E TL-7 Hestport Island, Rt. 144 0.8 ESE TL-8 MY Screenhouse 0.2 SE TL-9 Hestport Island, Rt. 144 0.9 SE q 0.4 l TL-10 Bailey Poir.t SSE TL-ll Mason Station 4.8 NNE  !

TL-12 Westport Firehouse 1,8 5 TL-13 Foxbird Island 0.4 SSH TL-14 Eaton Farm 0.8 SH TL-15 Eaton Farm 0.8 HJW TL-16 Eaton Farm 0.7 H TL-17 Eaton Farm Rd. 0.6 HNH TL-18 Eaton Farm Rd. 0.8 NH TL-19 Eaton Farm Rd. 0.9 NNH TL-20 Bradford Rd., Wiscasset 6.5 N TL-21 Federal St., Wiscasset 7.2 NNE 021CT-OS i:


Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O Page 53 of 90 IABLE 4.1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitorina Stations a Distance Direction Exposure Pathway Sample Location b From the From the and Desianated Code Plant Mm) Plant and/or Samole_

TL-22 Cochran Rd., Edgecomb 8.3 HE TL-23 Hiddle Rd., Edgecomb 7.0 ENE TL-24 River Rd., Edgecomb 7.8 E TL-25 River Rd. and Rt. 27 7.5 ESE TL-26 Rt. 27 and 7.8 SE Boothbay RR Huseum TL-27 Barters Illand 7.0 SSE-TL-28 Westport Island, Rt. 144 and

-East Shore Rd. 7.7 S TL-29 Harrison's' Trailer 6.3 SSH TL-30 Leeman Farm. Hoolwich 7.6 SH TL-31 Barley Neck Rd., Hoolwich 6.7 HSH TL-32 Baker Farm, Hoolwich 7.2 H TL-33 Rt. 127. Hoolwich 7.3 HNH TL-34 Rt. 127, Hoolwich 7.9 NH TL-35 Rt. 127, Dresden 9.1 NNH TL-36 Boothbay Harbor Fire Sta. 11.4 SSE TL-37 Bath Fire Sta. 10.4 HSH TL-38 Dresden Substation 19.8 N

a. Surface HE-12 Plant Outfall 0.3 SW (Estuary) (Composite Sample)

HE-20 Kennebec River 9.8 SW (Grab Sample)

WF-13 Bailey Farm (ESL) 0.6 NE

b. Groundwater Nf-24 Horse Hell 9.8 H 0.7 S
c. Sediment from SE-16 Foxbird Island SE-16 Old Outfall Area 0.4 SW Shoreline 0212T-DS l

Proc. No. 26.1 l .

  • Rev. No. 0 Page 54of 90 4 ,T231J 4.1 (Continued)


Radiological Environmental Monitorino Stationsa Distance Direction Exposure Pathway Sample Location b From the From the and/or Samole .and Desianated. Code Plant (km) Plant

a. Hilk TM-16 Baker Farm 7.2 H TM-17 Leeman Farm 7.9 SH TM-25 Hanson Farm 16.0 H
b. Fish and FH/HU/CA/HA-11 Long Ledge Area 1.1 S d

Invertebrates MU/CA/F4/24 Sheepscot River 11.2 S ,

c. Food Crop TV-1X Indicator - -

Vegetation (to be determined)

TV-lX Indicator - -

(to be determined)

TV-2X to be determined - -


1 a Sample locations are shown on Figures 4.1 to 4.6.

b Station-lX's are indicator stations and Station 2-X's are control stations, c A dilution factor of 10 sh+11 be applied to any radioactivity detected in a sample at this station.

d The station code letters will vary with the sample media collected. The sampling of all four media types is not required during each sampling period.

e Food crop sampling is not required while milk sampling is being done.

1 l

l l 0212T-DS I

p ..

Proc. No. 26.1

'Rev. No. 0 .

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_ 91 .

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l Proc. No. 26.1

  • i,ev. No. 0

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l FIGURE 4.2 l

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  • Proc. No. 26.1 l Rev. No. O Fove 57ef ^0

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  • . Proc. No. 26.1 )

-Rev. No. 0 l PaceiS8 of 90 r' .

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FIGURE 4.4 Direct Radiation Monitorina Locations Hithin 1 Kilometer of Maine Yankee i


i e

Proc. No. 26.1 -

a Rev. No. 0 1 Page Sg 90 J

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FIGURE 4J Direct Radiation Monitorina Locations Within 12 Kilometers of Maine Yankee

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Proc. No.-26.1 j q Rc.. k. O

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~i FIGURE 4.6 1  !

' ' Direct Radiation Monitoring L.ocations Outside 12 Kilometers From Maine Yankee i


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  • Proc. No. 26.1
  • Rev. No. 0 1 Page 61 of 90

S Y Technical Specification 4.13.B. Licuid Effluent Monitor Setooints ,

Tedh'nical Specification 4.13.8 -equires that the discharge of liquid radioactiv effluents b(continuously monitored with the alarm / trip setpoint E of ths morMor set to ensure that the requirements of Technical Specification

[,3.16. Aare met.

l' j

s. .

Technical Sphification 3.16. A.1 requires that the concentration of u

radioactive mater'ial in liquid effluents released from the site to Back River be limited to the concentrations specined in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, l

Table II, Columns 2, for radionuclides other than noble gases and 2E-04  !

N 'microcuries/ml total-activity concentration for all dissolved or entrained noble gases.

( q: . ..-

w -

T,his sdction of 00CM descr'ibes the methodology t$aI'may be used to determine ti.c setpoints of the liquid effluent monitors. Liquid effluent flow

i. , ,

g < ,'

path [andjelease points, as well as the locations and identification numbers of the ligdid effluent radiation monitors, are shown in Figure 4.1.

The methodology for determining alarm / trip setpoints is divided into s

Thefirstconsistsofcalculatingan411owableconcentrationfor tgoparts.

The second consists of determining thh radionucilde mixture to be released. ,

q ,monitcg response to this mixture in order to establish the physical settings

' on(themonitors.  % 8



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't k 4 l-s v=

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h.c ' ' ,

i -1 0212T-OS

~' <  !

1 - l

. Proc. No. 26.1

, Rev . No . ~0-Page 62 of 90 5.1.1 Allowable Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Licuid Effluents Technical Specification 3.16.A.1 requires that the concentration of ,

radioactive material in liquid effluents released from the site to Back River be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, .

Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than noble gases and 2E-04 microcuries/mi total activity concentration for all dissolved or entrained noble gases.

To ensure compliance with Technical Specification 3.16.A.1, the following method may be used for each release of liquid effluent. Prior to l each release a grab sample will be analyzed to determine the activity concentration of each radionuclides. The MPC-fraction, R , for each liquid 3

effluent release point will be calculated by the relationship defined by Note 1 of 10 CrR Part 20, Appendix B: i l

a.Eh g

a-o I 3 j where:

is the MPC-fraction for the release point j, dimensionless.


Cg is the dilcied activity concentration of radionuclides i, in pC1/mi and is equal to undiluted concentration of radionuclides i times fj/F.  !

F the total dilution flow in gpm.

HPC g is the maximum permissible concentration of radionuclides i as specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, in pCl/ml.

1 0212T-DS l

- Proc. No. 26.1

  • Rev. No. 0-Page63 of 90 The MPC-fractions for the various release points are then summed to yield the

. total HPC-fraction, R:

. (5-2)

R = R 3 .

The total MPC-fraction, R, at the discharge to the Back River must be less than or equal to one.

(5-3) l R=11

. i l

l l

l' l

j l

l l-l I

l 0212T-DS t

Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. ~0 )

Page 64 of 90 5.1.2 Honitor Resoonse for Licuid Effluenta 1

The response of each liquid effluent monitor is established by l combining the appropriate concentration, flow rate, dilution, principal gamma -

emitter, geometry, and detector efficiency.

The radiation monitor alarm / trip setpoint for a test tank release is set such that the sum of the HPC ratios of the diluted nuclides is less than or equal to 0.6 at the discharge to the Back River. The setpoints is determined in the following manner:

1. The CPH of each undiluted nuclide is determined from the response graphs. If a nuclide other than 58Co. 6')Co',131I,1331,134Cs, and 137Cs or unidentified nuclides contributes more than 107. of the total activity use, the conservative 131I response curve to )

determine the CPH. (Unidentified nuclide activity is determined by

' subtracting identified activity from gross gamma activity.)

2. Set the alarm setpoint at background plus the calculated CMP from Step 1.
3. If the discharge HPC ratio is calculated to be less than 0.6, you can increase the alarm setpoint CHP by a factor of 0.6/ actual ratio. j
4. The HPC ratio for a test tank discharge may be increased to less than 1 if it is determined that no other radioactivity is being released to the Back River.

l l

l 0212T-OS

. Proc. No. 26.1

~ Reva No. 0 5.~ 2 Technical Specification 4.13.0. Gaseous Effluent Monitor Sbints Technical Specification 4.13.0 requires that radioactive gaseous ^

effluents ba continuously monitored with the alarm / trip setpoints of the monitors set to ensure that the requirements of Technical Specification 3.i7.A ,

are met.

I Technical Specification 3.17.A ensures that the dose rate at any time at the site area boundary and beyond from gaseous effluents will be within the  ;

annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1. These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive ciaterial discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a member of the public in an unrestricted area, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix 8 Table II, Column 1. <

This section of the OOCH describes.the methodology that may be.used to i


j determine the setpoints of the gaseous effluent monitors. Gaseous effluent flow paths and release points,' as well as the locations and identification numbers of the gaseous affluent radiation detectors, are shown in Figure 5.2.

I The methodology for determining alarm / trip setpoints is divided into two parts. The first consists of calculating an allowable concentration for the radionuclides mixture to be released. The second consists of determining monitor response to this mixture in order to establish the physical settings on the monitors.


j 0212T-OS

Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0 5.2.1 Allowable Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Gase'oi[s hfYuents ,

TheHPC-fraction,R),'foreachgaseouseffluentreleasepointis '

calculated by the relationship defined by Note 1 of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B:

l Cg (5-5)

R) - CX/Q) F j{ MPC g where:

is the MPC-fraction for the release point j, dimensionless; R)

[X/Q) is the most conservative sector site boundary or off-site long- l term average dilution factor (see Table 6.1) (9.03E-06 sec/m3 ); l F is the release flow rate (in m 3/sec);

is the concentration of radionuclides i,'in pC1/cc; i Cg 1

HPC g is the maximum permissible concentration of radionuclides i as specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1, in pC1/cc.

The MPC-fractions for the various release points are then sumed to yield the total MPC-fraction, R:

R - [ Rj (5-6) j '

1 The total MPC-fraction, R, at the most conservative site boundary or off- l site location must be less than or equal to one. I R 1 1. (5-7) j I


. Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 0 age 67 of 90 5.2.2 Monitor Resoonse for. Gaseous Effluents .

Normal radioactivity releases consist mainly of well-decayed fission gases. Therefore, monitor response calibrations are performed using fission 3 gas' typicalsof normal releases (mainly xenon-133).

The total concentration of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents, ]

in UCi/cc, at the monitor is calculated. The calibration. curve or constant, j in cpm /(uC1/cc) is applied to determine the expected cpm for the mix of  !

radionuclides. The setting of the monitor is established-at some factor, b, but less than 1/R (see Equation 5-6).


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0212T-OS 1

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- Proc.<No. 26.1 Rev. No. 7 1 Page 69 of 90 l .

Centeineent Air Radiattee Mea tter At r. r acet er tsae e.ese i.ei tt m.4 Lou, m-41on

. Flow tadtaster Centstaneet Purge stack Radistten Meatter Atars & ea Itas purge (setastaa l RM.3901%, 2 390M tt ees Contiawees leef ter Petaary Avattiery lettdtag ($htended Areas)

"""- RCA Storage Area - 344taggen 34.gter . Atare runcttee

) . M.180 L p l Coadenser Att tjectore n }


  • v

,,,f, - Radiatten Meatter . Alars & ISelJttes M.390L r no a ten ,

L' ,

    • D'

j 81eweewn vent f .

C  !! 7 3 i - Flow indicatten t

'l Decarl Ceeere* $wrie Primarv

] l orv,e -


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7DT g i

STACK w -. -

P = Particulate trafilter

  • ue Mr.PA filter C
  • Ch.arenal elitet l


i FIGURE il Maine Yankee Gaseous Radwaste System 0212T-OS

. - _ .____________________________-_a

Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O


Page 70 of 90 6,0 ' METEOROLOGY The atmospheric dilution factors in the dose calculation methods '

assume an individu'al whose behavior leads to a dose higher than expected <

f for.anyone else. Since long term (5-year) average meteorology is expected to be representative of the area, the location of the critical receptor can be predicted by scanning all the reasonable off-site locations to find the location with the most limiting dilution factors. Important off-site l locations are: site boundaries and nearest residences in each of the I

sixteen meteorological sectors, as well as all milk farm locations within five miles of the plant.

1 Exposure pathways assumed to exist at site boundary locations are direct exposure from radioactive materials in the air, direct exposure from radioactive materials deposited on the ground, and exposure from inhalation of radioactive materials. In addition to the pathways present at site boundary locations,. exposure pathways present at each residence are assumed j

to include ingestion of radionuclides in home grown vegetables. Farm 'l locations include all exposure pathways found at residences plus ingestion j of radionuclides in meat and m' ilk.

Meteorological data for the year 1981 through 1985 were analyzed for j ,

- the values of the maximum average dilution factors at the important receptor locations described above. Yankee Atomic Electric Company's (YAEC) AEOLUS computer code (Reference 2) calculated all atmospheric dilution factors.

Appendix B briefly describes the YAEC AEOLUS computer code model. Table 6.1 lists the maximum average dilution factors for all important receptor l locations for releases via the plant stack.

Each dose and dose rate calculation method incorporates the maximum applicable off-site average dilution factors listed in Table 6.1. The I maximum potential dose to a member of the public due to plant stack l releases in any year wil'1 be conservatively estimated by the dose calculated for a full-time resident living on a hypothetical milk farm l 670 to 700 meters from the plant in the southeast sector. l 0212T-OS

3 Proc. No. 26.1 l Rev. No. O j

, Page 71 of 90 J TABLE 6.1_

i \

l i I Haine_ Yankee Maximum 5-Year Averach Atmospheric Ollution Fig,tgr_1(I) {

l 0/Q Direction From Distance From X/QUndepjeted X/QDepjeted (sec/m ) (m~2)


(sec/m )

_the Plant ,

the Plant (m)_ (sec/m )  !

f Site Boundarles 4.20E-09 7.24E-07 4 N 1219 6.64E-07 6.33E-07 l 2209* 3.88E-07 3.73E-07 1.10E-09 3.34E-07 NNE 3,24E-07 NE 1280* 1.76E-07 1.66E-07 1.16E-09 914* 1.75E-07 1.63E-07 1.50E-09 4.20E-07 ENE 731* 3.29E-07 3.06E-07 3.77E-09 6.46E-07 E

670* 7.25E-07 6.74E-07 1.04E-08 9.85E-07 i ESE 670* 9.46E-07 8.80E-07 1.25E-08 1.34E-06 l SE 223* 5.67E-07 5.24E-07 6.19E-09 1.04E-06

.. SSE

310' 3.22E-07 2.97E-07 2.99E-09 5.46E-07 S

2986* 1.97E-07 1.88E-07 5.96E-10 2.35E-07 SSH 1368" 6.14E-07 5.93E-07 2.452-09 5.72E-07 NNE I 370** 5.35E-07 5,10E-07 4.75E-09 9.33E-07 NE 6.04E-09 1.10E-06 I ENE 106** 6.72E-07 6.43E-07 209** 2.14E-06 2.06E-06 2.23E-08 2.14E-06 l E

209** 4.46E-06 4.30E-06 5.97E-08 3.48E-06 ESE 274** 3.65E-06' 3.50E-06 4.75E-08 3.486-06 S E-209** 4.37E-06 4.21E-06 4.43E-08 3.97E-06 SSE

'29'* 9.03E-06 8.79E-06 ' 27E-08

. 6.08E-06 S

4.95E-06 4.83E-06 3.53E-08 4.02E-03 SSH 129'* 4.44E 914 1.91E-07 1.81E-07 1.68E-09 SH 762 1.55E-07 1.47E-07 1.48E-09 3.81E-07 HSH 3.80E-07 K 670 1.64E-07 1.60E-07 1.'79E-09 1.52E-07 1.43E-07 1.68E-09 3.28E-07 h.1H 670 '

762 3.90E-07 3.73E-07 3.C4E-09 6.88E-07 NH 4.80E-07 4.46E-07 4.49E-09 6.67E-07 NNW 1036 Hud Flats (Worm Oiggers)*** 1.76E-06 )

250 1.55E-06 1 49E-06 1.72E-08 E l 1.07E-06 1.01E-06 1.21E-08 1.56E-06 S 450 3.34E-07 3.11E-07 3.52E-09 6.87E-07 SSH 700 3.71E-07 3.53E-07 3.53E-09 7.88E-07 l SH 400 3.43E-07 3.29E-07 3.55E-09 6.74E-07 l HSH 300 )

4.83E-07 4.64E-07 5.4f.E-09 7.24E-07 H 250 5.35E-07 5.14E-07 5.f4E-09 7.10E-07 l' WNH 250 2.74E-06 3.02E-08 2.64E-06 NNH 250 2.86E-06 (1) 1981 through 1985 for release via the olant stack.

  • 0pposita shore of Back Riv w where site boundary coincides with the water boundary of tne river.


    • Near shoreline where site lioundary coincides with water boundary of river.

Occupancy factors for were diggers apply. l l *** Dilution factors must be corrected for occupancy factors of worm diggersPaine en the j Re.f erence: J

' mud flats at low tide equal to 325 hours0.00376 days <br />0.0903 hours <br />5.373677e-4 weeks <br />1.236625e-4 months <br /> per year (0.037).

Yankee Environmental Report.

0212T-05 1 l

Proc. Ro. 26.1-Reb No. 0 TABLE 6.1 Pace /2 of 90 (Continued)

I 1'

Direction From Distar.ce From X/QUndep}oad X/QDepjeted D/Q (X/0 * .

the Plant the Plant (m) (se d ___ (sec/m ) (m-2) (sec/m})

Nearest Residences N 1300 6.38E-07 6.07E47 3.84E-09 6.79E-07 ,

NNE 2300' 3.71E-07 3.57E-07 1.03E-09 3.19E-07 l NE 1300 2.14E-07 2.04E-07 1.23E-09 3.57E-07 1 ENE 900 1.77E-07 1.65E-07 1.53E-09 4.26E-07 E 900 3.75E-07 3.54E-07 3.20E-09 6.79E-07 i ESE 1400 5.27E-07 4.97E-07 3.85E-09 .6.97E-07 SE 700 9.09E-07 8.43E-07 1.19F-08 1.40E-05 SSE 900 5.71E-07 5.30E-07 5.74E-09 1.06E-06 S 1700 5.08E-07 4.84E-07 2.54E-09 6,45E-07  !

SSH- 3000 1.96E-07 '1". 87 E-07 . 5.91E-10 2.34E-07 1 SH 1400 2.07E-07 1.99E-07 -

1.15E-09 3.36E-07 HSH 1000 1.49E-07 1.43E-07 1.13E-09 2.98E-07 H 2600 1.35E-07 1.30E-07 3.78E-10 1.28E-07 HNH 800 2.13E 07 2.04E-07 1.75E-09 3.53E-07 ,

NH 2000 2.83E-07 2.74E-07 0. 61 E -10 2.78E-07 1

- NNH 1100 5.39E-07 5.06E-07 4.46E-09 7.14E-07 Milk F' arms Within Five Hiles N 2700 3.36E-07 3.19E-07 1.20E-09 3.10E-07 3 ESE 7100 2.12E-07 1.95E-07 4.41E-10 1.55E-07 i SH 7900 3.03E-07 9.46E-08 1.65E-10 7.625-08 H 7200 6.16E-08 5.24E-08 1.21E-10 4.59E-08 i

1 0212T-05 m- m

- Proc. No. 26.1_

Rev. No. O Page 73 of 90 APPENDIX A .

Basis for t'ha Dose Calculation Methods A.1 Liould Effluent Doses Method I is used to tiemonstrate compliance with Technical Specification 3.16.8 which limits the dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents.

Liquid pathways contributing to individual doses at the Halne Yankee Nuclear Power Station are: ingestion of fish and shellfish, and direct exposure frcm shoreline deposits. The potable water pathway and the irrigated foods. pathway are not considered since the receiving water is not suitable for either drinking or irrigation. Method I is derived from l Equitions A-3 ard A-7 of Regulatory Guide 1.10'9 (Reference 1). Equation A-3 l calculates radiation doses from aquatic foods. Equation A-7 from shoreline l ,

jeposits. l l The use of the methodology of Equatiens A-3 and A-7 for a 1 curie release of each radionuclides in liquid effluents yielded the dose impact l Yo tha critical organ. Table 2.1 lists the resulting site specific total l body and critical organ dose conversien fat'cors giving the number of '

millirem per curie released for each radionuclides. Sinct the dose factors l of Table 2.1 represent a variety of critical organs, Nethod I conservatively calculates a critical organ dose consisting of the maximum critical organ l for each radionuclides of any of the four age groups, and combines them into l a composite individual independent of age. l Except for the site specific values noted below, tne parameter l values recommended in Regulatory Guido 1.109 (Reference 1) were used to l

derive the liquid dose factors for Method I. Table A-1 lists the usage l ,


' factors for liquid pathways utilized in the dose analysis. l l


'iquid effluents discharge frcm the plant via a submerged multi- l port diffuser which extends approximately 1000 feet into the tidal estuary and has A-1

Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O a design circulating water flow of 420,000 gpm (935 ft /sec). ForN 3

aquatic foods pathway, the dilution for the mixing effect of the diffuser is 10 to 1 (Reference 5). This dilution applies to the edge of the initial mixing zone where the effluent has undergone prompt dilution only. For shoreline deposits, the nearest point where tidal flats could be occupied on a recurring basis is in Bailey Cove which borders the site on the south j and west. The estimated average dilution for Bailey Cove with respect to

- 2he discharge is approximately 25 to 1 (Reference 5).

Shnre!1ne activities in the vicinity of the site include a commercial t:orm digging industry along the tidal flats of Montsweag Bay. In the area of the plant (Bailey Cove), a commercial worm digger could occupy the mud flats for as long as 325 hours0.00376 days <br />0.0903 hours <br />5.373677e-4 weeks <br />1.236625e-4 months <br /> per year. This occupancy time is applied I to both adults and teenagers in the dose calculations. l For Method I, the period of time for whicn sediment is exposed to l the contaminated water is fifteen years. This time period represents the {

approximate mid-point of plant operating lifetime, and thus allows for the calculation of a plant lifetime average concentration of radioactivity in sediment. No credit is taken for the decay of activity in transit from the discharge point to the sediment in Bailey Cove..

j 1

1 i

l A-2 l


y_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • Proc. No. 26.1 1 '

Rev. No. 0 Page 75 of 90

. EA1-Usaae Factors for Various Liauid Pathways at Maine Yankee (From Reference 1, Table E-5*,

Zero where no pathway exists.)-



' (HR/YR) l

-(KG/YR) (KG/YR) (LITER /YR)-(KG/YR) (KG/YR) (KG/YR) (LITER /YR) 1 0.00. 0.00 0.00 21'.00 5.00 0.00 334.00**  !

Adult 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 16.00 3.80 0.00' '67.00 n -Teen 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 1.70 0.00 14.00 LChild- 0.00 .0.00 i l

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Infant 0.00 0.00 l

l I

  • Regulatory Guide 1.~109.


    • Regional' shoreline use associated wit mudflats - Maine Yankee A.tomic Power fl Station Environmental Report. ->

l' i

e i

A-3 0212T-05.

t L _ --____ _ _- _-___-_____-_

' Proc. No . 26.1  !

Rev. No. O

. 4 A.2 Iotal-Body DQu_ late from Noble Gases Methcd I c3n be'Jsed to demonstrate compliance with Technical l F . Specification 3.17.A.1.a. limits total tedy dose rate from noble {

gases released to the atmosphere.

Method 'I acoltes' the methods of Equation B-8 in Regulttory Guide {

i.109 (Reference 1) as follows: l O " 3F3.17E+04 CX/Q]# Qg 0FB) (A-1) tb

{ i )

J l .

l., there: a D is the annual total body dose, in mrem /yr; l tb S-F ,

is the attenuation factor thtt t.ccounts for the dose reduction due to shielding pr]vided by residential structures, but for all l dose rate calculations is assumed to be equal to 1 (dimensionless); l 3.17E+04 is th? ; umber of pCi per Ci divided by the number of secends per year; l

(X/Q]E is the effective long term average c!rma dilution factor, in l' f sec/m3 ; l Qg is the annual release rate of radionuclides t, in Ci/yr; and is the total body gamma dose factor for radioquelide i, !n DFB) I 3

mrem-m /pCi-yr.

The analysis of Haine Yaakee five-year average meteorology presented l in Section 6 yielded a maximum effective average gamma dilution factor, l (X/0]#, of 1.40E-06 sec/m3 . The maxirtum gamma dilution factor was l identified for an l

  • A-4 4 0212T-OS l l I


- Proc. flo. 26.1 Rev. No. O off-site point located 700 meters southeast of the plant. This location Page 77 is of 90l along t'ne opposite shoraline of Back River from the plant in a sector where l  !

the site boundary is adjacent to the river. The maximum gamma dilution l factor for the site boundary along the river's near shoreline has been j f

determined to be a more restrictive value (south sector at 125 meters, l Y

X/Q - 6.08E-6 sec/m ). However, the definition of site boundary in 3 l the Technical Specifications al'Iows for the use of occupancy factors in l assessing deses, and the ex.canded definition of unrestricted area in l NUREG-0133 also does not require dose evaluations over water. For those l portions of the adjacent shoreline to the site boundary where mudflats l are exposed during low tide, an occupancy factor for worm diggers (0.037) l is applied to the average gamma dilution factor at tho e locations. As a l result, the opposite shoreline atmospheric gamma dilution factor becomes j i limiting due to its assueed full time occupancy since physical constraints l (areas over water) do not exist, and there is no control on occupancy l l l available. It should be noted that controlling the maximum dose rate to j  ;

500 mrem per year at a . location on the . opposite shoreline from the plant l, still ensures that the dose rate 'on the exposed mudflats during low tide will l not exceed a value which would give rise to two mrem'ir, one hour l ClGCFR20.105(b)(1)] even assuming ccntinuous occupancy during the hour. l I

Incorporating the above into Equation A-1 and converting from annual release to maximum instantaneous release rate, (multiple Q in Ci/yr by 31.54

! Ci-sec/uCi-yrwhichgiveshineCi/sec)yieldsthemethodtocalculatetotal cody dose rate from noble gases:

l 1.40 E 6 0FB (A-2) {

623 4 j i I l l i

i l

l l

l A-5 0212T-05 i


p ,

Proc. No. 26.1-Rev. No. 0 Page 73 of 90  !

'A y. Skin Oose Rate from Nq h ei i.

Method I is used to: demonstrate compliance with Technical Specification c.

9 l3]7.'A.I.a,'whichlimits'skindoseratefromnoblegasesreleasedtothe '

atmosphere, for the peak noble gas release rate.

l-H <

Hethed'I applies the methods of equation 11 in Regulatory Guide 2',109 (Reference 1) cs follows:

l -

Y Oskin " I*II SF 3.1/E+04.{X/Q] [ Q9 0F 9 y i

+3.17E+04X/0[Og CFS g (A-3)'

l 1

'; .there: ,


D skin is the annual skin dos'e rate, in mrem /yr; 1.11- is the average ratio of tissue to air energy absorption coefficient; i


p is the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose reduction due to shielding provided by. residential structures, but for all


l i dose rate calculations is assumed to be equal to 1 (dimensionless); l l


3.17E+04 is the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of seconds per year; l

(X/01 is the effective long term average gamma dilution factor in l 3

sec/m ; {


is the annual release rate of radionuclides i, in C1/pr; Q)

  1. j DF is the gamma air dose factor for 'a uniform semi-infinite cloud 3

of radionuclides i, in mrad-m3 /pCi-yr; 1

A-6 ,

f0212T-OS i i I L. I

. < . Proc. Noi 26.1-~

- Rev. No.' C Page379 of 90 X/Q 'Is the long term average undepleted dilution factor in sec/m ; l I

and  !

b 0FS 9

iG the bota skin dose factor for a semi-in' Mite doud of i

radionuclides i which includes the cttenuat!on by the outer l 3

" dead" IcVer of' the t.\ in, in raram-m /pCi-yr (taken from l Reference'l, Table B-U .

The maxthium cffective five year average gamma dilution factor l (X;Q[, is 1.40E-Oli tec/m . 3(see Yable 6.1), and thE maximum l five year average .undepl'eted dilution factor, X/Q, is 9.46E-07 l sec/m3 (see Table.6.1). Incorporating these constants into l q Equ:. tion A-3 and converting from annual (

release to maximum instantaneous release rate (multiple Q in Ci/yr by 31.54

.I Ci-sec/uCi-yr which yields Q in UCi/sec) yields:

.bskin - 1.56 { hg Ok+0.946

{ hp 0FS g (A-4) l }

i i l.



- {04[1.560[j+0.9430FSd. l 1 I l 1

A combined skin dose factor, SFg, may be defined:

l OF

=1.560Ff+0.9460FS. g ,



Incorporating the combined skin dose factor, OF p , into Equation A-4 yields the method to calcult.te skin do'se rate from noble i


1 4

DF .

skin " i i

A-7 0212T-OS


Proc. No. 26.1



Rev. No. "o A.4 Critical Orcan Oose Rate from Todines and 9 articulates Page 30 of 90' Method I is used to demonstrate compliance with Technical Specification 3.17.C, which limits the dose rate from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and  ;

! radioactive materials in-particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days. .

The method to calculate the critical organ dos'e rate from radioactive l iodines and particulate is derived #com 00CM Equation 3-6 which limits the -l dose to the critical organ from radioactive iodines and particulate. 1 i

O cg = [Q E jen M-O i  :

t 1


O is the dose to the critical organ from iodine-131, lodine-133, co tritium and radioactive materials .in particulate form with  !

4 half-liyec greater than 8 days, in mrem; Qg is the total activity of radionuclides i released via the plcnt ]

stack during tht, period of interest, in Ci; and ]

0FG ico is the site specific critical organ dose factor for radionuclides i j for a gaseous release, in meem/Ci (see Table 3.2). l Applying the conversion factor, 31.54 (Cl-sec/uCi-yr), to convert l

-Og (Cl) to Qg (pCl/sec) and changing the shielding factor (SF ) from 0.7 to 1.0 for exposure from a contaminated ground plan yields a new critical organ dose rate factor DFGico (see Table 3.2) and a doso rate equation in the ,

same form as Equation A..S above: ,

O co " [0 1 0FG'ico i


A-8 0212T-03

l Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. 6 Page el W W A.5 Gamma Air Oose Method I is useo to demonstrate compliance with Technical Specification 3.17.B. which limits the gamma air dose due to nable gases relcased in gaseous f effluents via the plant stack to areas at and beyond the site boundary.

l I Method I is derived from the methods of Equations 8-4 and 8-5 in l Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 1) which gives: l

[ Qg 0Ff (A-7)

O finite, air-3.UE+04U/Q[

i 1

l there:

istnegammaairdose,inmradduetoafinitealoudrelease;I f

0'inite air l .1 3.17E+04 is the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of second per f year; , l Y

CX/Q) is the effective long-term average gamma dilution factor io l l secim3 (see Appendix 8 for use of effective gamma atmospheric {

dilution factors); l l l

l l

Q9 is the total activity of noble gas i released via the plant stack l during the ceriod of interest, in Ci; and l

  1. is the gamma dose factor to air for noble gas i, in l 3 OF j 3 l l mrad-m /pC)-yr (taken from Reference 1). J i

Incorporating the maximum effective long-term average gamina dilution l factor of 1.40E-06 sec/m3 (see Table 6.1) yields: l .

l (3-4) {

Ofir=0.044 [ Qg 0F j '

i A-9 0212T-OS

Proc..No. 26.1 ,

3 ..' Rev. No. 0

  1. 9' 0 '

A.6 Beta Iir Dose Method I is used to demonstrate compliance with Technical Specification 3.17.8, which' limits the beta < air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous i_

! effluents via the plant stack to are'as at and beyond the site boundary.

Moth'od I is derived from the methods of-Equations Ba4 and B-5 in l

- Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 1) which gives: l 1

0 ir - 3.17E+04 X/Q { Og 0Fi (A-8) l

1. l where:

'00 is the beta air dose, in mrad; air 1

3.17E+04 is the number of pCi per Ci divided by the number of seconds per l

year; ,

l X/0 is the long-term (5-year) average undepleted dilution factor, in I 3

sec/m - l Og is the total activity of noble gas i release 6 via the plant stack during the period of interest, in Ci; and 3

is the beta dose factor to air for noble gas.i in mrad-m /pCl-yr.

Off Incorporating the maximum long-term average undepleted dilution factor l of 9.46E-07 5ec/m3 (see Table 6.1) yields: l )


j. 'D ir=0.03{00Ff 3 (3-5) l 4 i f

A-10 0212T-05.

1 Proc. No. 26.1 Rev. No. O Page 83 of 90 A.7 Dose from Iodines and Particulate Method I is used to demonstrate compliance with Technical ~

l Specification 3.17.C which limits the dose commitment'to a member of the f l

. public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radioactive materials in 1 j

particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released via the plant stack or auxiliary hoiler stack to areas at and beyond the site boundary. For sito boundaries adjacent to Back River, the off-site atmospheric-dispersion parameters were determined (see l I

Table 6.1) for locations on the opposite-shore where there is a potential for exposure pathway's to ' exist on a continuous basis. The maximum of all off- j 4

site atmospheric dispersion parameters in any direction was selected in the determination of potential doses from iodines and particulate.

The dose commitments to an individual from. iodine-131, iodine-133, j I

tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form with. half-lives greater


than eight days released to the atmosphere vi&'the plant stack are calculated l using the methods of Equations C-2, C-4, and C-13 in Regulatory Guide 1.109 l l (Reference 1). Gaseous pathways assumed to ' contribute to individual doses l at Haine Yankee are: external irradiation from radionuclides deposited on l the ground surface, inhalation of radionuclides in air, and ingestion of atmospherically released radionuclides in food.

The use of the methodology of Equations 'C-2, C-4, and C-13 for a onE l curie release of each radionuclides in gaseous effluents yielded the dose impact to the critical organ. Table 3.2 lists the resulting site specific ,

critical organ dose factors fer plant stack releases giving the number of millirem per curie released for each radionuclides. Since the dose factors of Table 3.2 represent a variety of critical organs, Method I conservatively li calculates a critical organ dose consisting of a combination of critical l l organs of different age groups. Similarly, Table 3.3 list the site specific l j I

dose factors for releases via the auxiliary boiler resulting from the burning l of contwainated waste oil.

, Parameter values used to derive the critical organ dose factors for l f iodines and particulate are listed on Tables A-2 and A-3. l L i f  !




Proc. No. 26.1 '

Rev. No. 0 Page 84 of 90 Milk and meat animals are assumed to be on pasture 50 percent of the l lime, consuming 100 percent of their feed from pasture during that period, f This assumption is conservative since most dairy operations use supplemental feeding of animals when on pasture or actually restrict. animals to full time j silage feeding throughout the year. )

q I

. l

, 1 l

l l

l l

A-12 0212T-05


-. Proc. No. 26.1'

  • Rev. No. O Page 85 of 90 TABLE A-2 Usaae Factors for Various Gaseous Pathways at Maine Yankee a (From Reference 1, Table E-5*)





(KG/YR) (KG/YR) (1/YR) (KG/YR) (M3/YR) 64.00 310.00 110.00 8,000.00_  ;

Adult 520.00 630.00 42.00 400.00 65.00 8,000.00

. Teen 26.00 330.00 41.00 3,700.00 Child 520.00 0.00 330.00 0.00 ~ 1,400. 00 .'

-Infant 0.00


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l 0212T-05

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  • Proc. No. 26.1 l
  • Rev.-No. O I s Page 88 oT 96~ l r>



' ' 1'm-Meteoroloav y

-t; Ie Long term (annual and five-year) average dilution factors based on l l 4 on-site meteorolog* cal data.were computed for routine primary vent stack l releases by the,Yarkee Atomic Electric Company's (YAEC) AEOLUS (Reference 2) l-

  • h" computer code,., AECh.0S is based, in part, on the straight-line airflow model l h, < 'abdiscussed'ik Regulatory Guide 1.111 (Reference 3). The following AEOLUS- l .-

k* 3 features were'used -

in the assessment of' dilution factors-for.the Maine :l 9'" y ' Yankee site: I' l

l m

- hourly meteorological.. data input (wind direction, wind speed, and l

' vertical temperature difference) l 1

', - . straight-lin,e' air flow model With Ga0ssian diffusion, e ,

I I 1 .

- part-time ground level and part-time elevated releases (split-H model), l I

- multi-energy sector-averaged finite cloud dilution factors for gamma l dose calculations, l l

- terrain height correction features, l t -

l r

- plume rise (tromentum), l I

L y - depletion in transit, I t I

- dry deposition rates (based on Regulatory Guide 1.111). l

a. [

The.following sector-average dilution and deposition factors were produced: l

!u-- , <


- non-depleted dilution factors for evaluating ground level l concentrations of noble gases, tritium, carbon 14 and non-elemental l iodines,' l L

, B-1 It 0212T-DS

a. 9 I, ,



9 .N. .

im ,

.e Procplo.26.1 i 1,,

Rev.;30. 0

, Page<89 of 90 l R

- depletedoilutionfactorforestimatinggroundlevelconcentrations l of elementai radiciodines and other particulate, ,s l  ;

,, . 3 M' I -


- effective gamma dilution factors for evaluating game:a dose rates l l from a sector-averaged finite cloud (muipip'le-energy undepleted l

source), and l l

'.ns  ;

- - deposition factors for compucing ' dry deposition bf? elemental .l radioiodines and other particulate.

s l l

1 Gamma dose rates are calculated throughoit tiie OOCH using the finite l cloud model presented in " Meteorology and Atomic Energy - 1968" l.  ;

-(Reference 4, Section 7-5.2.5. That model is implemented 'through tne l l definition of an effective gamma atmospheric dispersion factor, [X/Q ] l t (Reference 2, Section 6), and the replacement'of X/Q in. infinite cloud dose. l equations by-the [X/Q 3 l j 1

l i

B-2 0212T-05


' )


'a 1 Proc. No. 26'1 Rev. No. 0 REFERENCES Page 90 of 90 I

1. Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man From Routine. .

Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I", U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Revision 1, October 1977. l

2. Hamawi, J.N., "AEOLUS - A Computer Code'for Determining Hourly and Long-Term Atmospheric Dispersion of Power-Plant Efflu'ents and for Computing Statistical Distributions of Dose Intensity from Accidental Releases", Yankee Atomic Electric Company Technical Report, YAEC-1120, Danuary, 1977.


3. Rtgulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and ]

Di spersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light Water j Cooled Reactors", U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March.1976. )

j I

4. Slade, D. H , " Meteorology and Atomic Energy - 1968," USAEC, July 1968. l l 1
5. " Supplemental Information for the Purposes of Evaluation of 10CFR50, Appendix I", Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, including Amendments 1 l

and 2, October 1976.


R-1 0212T-OS {

