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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20210M8253 August 1999Draft License Termination/Amend Plan for Maine Yankee Atomic Power CoBoric Acid
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Temporary Modification
Feedwater Heater
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20206D79810 November 1998Revised Maine Yankee Odcm
ML20237D06719 August 1998Rev 1 to Maine Yankee Certified Fuel Handler Training & Retraining Program
ML20236T47814 July 1998Proposed Tech Specs Revising Liquid & Gaseous Release Rate Limits to Reflect Replacement of Former 10CFR20.106 Requirements W/Existing 10CFR20.1302 Requirements
ML20216F89513 April 1998Proposed Tech Specs Re Fuel Storage Pool Water Level
ML20216E18410 March 1998Updated TS Pages 5-8 Through 5-14,which Includes Specifications Relating to Cold Weather Operations & Spent Fuel Pool Water ChemistryOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Protection Program
ML20202H50410 February 1998Proposed Tech Specs Page 5-8,including Specification Re Cold Weather OperationsFire Protection Program
ML20212A62120 October 1997Proposed Tech Specs Re Permanently Defueled Status of PlantTime of Discovery
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Deep Dose Equivalent
Fire Protection Program
ML20210M58715 August 1997Proposed Tech Specs Revising Facility Staffing & Training RequirementsAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20210L96015 August 1997Certified Fuel Handler Training & Retraining Program
ML20137S8898 April 1997Proposed Tech Specs Reducing RCS Flow
ML20135F7267 March 1997Restart Readiness PlanFitness for Duty
Post Accident Monitoring
Temporary Modification
High Energy Line Break
Eddy Current Testing
ML20136B5265 March 1997Proposed Tech Specs,Requesting Approval of Alternative Sleeving Repair Process for SG Tubes at PlantOperating Basis Earthquake
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy-Current Testing
ML20134J6647 February 1997Proposed Tech Specs Pages 3.12-1,3.12-2 & 3.12-3 Re 115 Kv Offsite Power Requirements
ML20134J6317 February 1997Proposed Tech Specs 4.10.C.2 Re SG Tube Surveillance RequirementsOperating Basis Earthquake
ML20133N04715 January 1997Proposed Tech Specs 4.4 Re Containment Testing
ML20133G32823 December 1996Cycle 15 Startup Test Rept Suppl 5
ML20133A71319 December 1996Proposed Tech Specs 3.13 Re Refueling & Fuel Consolidation Operations & Table 4.2-1 Re Minimum Frequencies for Sampling TestsPower change
ML20129F88325 September 1996Proposed Tech Specs Re Organization Change Affecting Nuclear Safety Audit & Review CommitteeOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20138F40311 April 1996Revised Maine Yankee OdcmGrab sample
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Power change
ML20148C65831 December 1994Guidelines for Diagnostic Evaluation,Dec 1994,Rev 4
ML20148C65131 December 1994Diagnostic Evaluation Team Managers Handbook,Dec 1994, Rev 1Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20128D67628 January 1993Co ISI Program for Third ISI Interval 921228-021228Boric Acid
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Packing leak
Nondestructive Examination
High Energy Line Break
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML20127P24725 January 1993Proposed Tech Specs Change 177 Re Main Yankee Spent Fuel Pool RerackingShutdown Margin
ML20126B69115 December 1992Proposed TS 3.19 Re Position Restrictions on Loop Isolation Valves,Safety Injection Header Isolation Valves & Safety Injection Tank Isolation Valves
ML20198D0778 May 1992Proposed Tech Spec 1.4.D, Containment Purge Sys
ML20141M11824 March 1992Proposed TS Spec 1.3 Re Fuel Enrichment Limit in Reactor CoreBoric Acid
ML20062D2855 November 1990Proposed Tech Specs Re Removal of cycle-specific Operating Limits
ML20058B60715 October 1990Proposed Tech Specs Modifying 3.22, Feedwater Trip Sys, by Adding Exception Specifically Addressing Operation of Emergency Feedwater Sys During Plant Startups & Shutdowns
ML20059N7671 October 1990Cycle 12 Startup Test Rept
ML20058L93130 July 1990Proposed Tech Spec Page 5.2-2 Re Manager Qualification for Operations
ML20055G31210 July 1990Proposed Tech Specs Consisting of Proposed Change 155 Re Safety Injection Actuation Sys
ML20055E0985 July 1990Proposed Tech Specs Re Qualification Requirements for Operations Manager
ML20055D46520 February 1990Rev 3 to Procedure 0-07-1, Matl Receipt
ML20055D46915 August 1989Rev 4 to Procedure 0-15-1, Nonconformance Repts (Ncr)
ML20235H55815 February 1989Proposed Tech Specs,Adding Primary Inventory Trend Sys for Reactor Vessel Level Indication & Core Exit Thermocouples Channel Operability & Surveillance Requirements to Sections 3.9 & 4.1
ML20196B53022 November 1988Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Change 134 Re Main Steam Excess Flow Check Valve & Turbine Valve Testing FrequencyLiquid penetrant
ML20206F2348 November 1988Proposed Tech Spec 1.1, Fuel StorageEarthquake
ML20246H52831 October 1988Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test for Oct 1988
ML20206C29026 October 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Offsite & Facility Organization Charts,Figures 5.2-1 & 5.2-2Safe Shutdown
ML20205M97518 October 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Specified Surveillance Interval for Control Element Assembly Partial Movement Test Frequency,Per C-E STSLiquid penetrant
ML20204G11931 August 1988Rev 1 to Procedure 26.1, Offsite Dose Calculation ManualGrab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20207E2612 August 1988Errata to Proposed Tech Specs Figure 3.10-4,showing Allowable Unrodded Radial Peak as Function of Cycle Average Burnup for Cycle 11 Operation
ML20150E90230 June 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Proposed Change 141,to Reflect Operating Parameters for Cycle 11Shutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Fuel cladding
ML20150G05328 March 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Max Nominal Fuel Enrichment from 3.5% to 3.7% U-235Boric Acid
ML20147G9011 March 1988Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Successional Change in Offsite Corporate Organization & Associated Changes in Functional Reporting Structure
ML20155D3801 February 1988Rev 3 to Procedure 18-340-1, Maine Yankee Simulator Work Order
ML20235A8326 January 1988Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Offsite & Facility Organizational Charts
ML20237G21910 August 1987Co Simulator Certification Test PlanStroke time
ML20236G51130 July 1987Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Proposed Change 132, Replacing Page 3.10-4 Re Incore Monitoring Sys