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Forwards Amend 19 to License DPR-7,changing License to Possession Only by Deleting Info Re Power Operation, Supporting Documentation & Notice of Issuance of Amend,For Info.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 08/16/1985
From: Matt Young
To: Lazo R, Linenberger G, Schink D
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#385-284 OL, NUDOCS 8508210248
Download: ML20134F782 (10)


C gm reo Y # 'o- UNITED STATES '


,E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

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August 16, 1985 09,CMQED sm Er. Robert fi. Lazo, Chairman Administrative Judge Mr. GustaveJudge Administrative A. LinenbkeA5 20 P2 *34 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulat'ory5Commissio'n Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 edig"'

Dr. David R. Schink Administrative Judge Department of Oceanography Texas A & M University College Station, Texas 77840 In the Matter of PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit No. 3)

Docket No. 50-133 OL

Dear Administrative Judges:

On July 16, 1985, the NRC issued an amendment to the Humboldt Bay operating license which changes the license to a " possession-only" license by deleting words and paragraphs pertaining to power operation. A notice of consideration of issuance and opportunity for hearing regarding this action was published in the Federal Register on March 27, 1985 (50 Fed. Reg. 12152) and no comments or recuests for hearing were received. A notice of issuance of the amendment was put'lished on July 31, 1985 (50 Fed. Reg. 31079,31081).

Enclosed for your information is a copy of the amendment, its supporting documentation and the notice of issuance. Copies of the amendment were dispatched to the parties at the time of issuance.

Sincerely, Mit i A. Young Counsel for NRC Staff


As stated cc w/ encl: Service list 8508210248 850816 3 DR ADOCK 050


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%,, ...../ July 16,1985 Docket No. 50-133 LS05-85-07-023 Mr. J. D. Shiffer, Vice President Nuclear Power Generation c/o Nuclear Power Generation, Licensing Pacific Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street, Room 1451 San Francisco, California 94106

Dear Mr. Shiffer:


AMENDMENT OF LICENSE NO. DPR-7 TO POSSESS-BUT-NOT-0PERATE STATUS Re: Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3 The Commission has issued the enclosed Amendment No.19 to Provisional Operating License No. DPR-7 for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit No. 3.

This amendment modifies license No. DPR-7 to Possess-But-Not-Operate Status in response to your application of July 30, 1984.

A Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to License and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and Opportunity for Hearing related to the requested action was published in the Federal Register on March 27, 1985 (50 FR 12152). No coments or requests for hearing were received.

A copy of our related Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. A notice of issuance pertaining to this action will appear in the Commission's next notice publication in the Federal Register. Action on the balance of your application of July 30, 1984 will be taken at a later date.

9 Sincer1,) (I l ,-. j John . Zwolinski, Chief Opera ing Reactors Branch #5 Divis on of Licensing


1. Amendment No.19 to License No. DPR-7
2. Safety Evaluation cc w/ enclosures:

See next page

Pr. J. P. Shiffer Facific Gas and Electric Conpany Hunboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant ,

cc Philip A. Crane, Jr., Esq. Mr. Joseph 0. Ward, Chief Paci#ic Cas and Electric Company Radiological Health Branch lew Departnent State Dept. of Health Services Pest Office Box 744P 714 P Street, Office Bldg. #8 San Francisco, California 94120 Sacrarento, California 95814 Chairma r. Director Pumooldt County Board of Suoervisors Energy Facilities Siting Division County Courthouse Energy Resources Conservation &

P'5 F4#th Street Development Commission Eurela, California 95501 1516 9th Street Sacremento, California 95814 Linda J. Brown, Esquire Donohew, Jones, Brown & Clifford Gretchen Dunas, Esq.

100 Van Mess Avenue,19 Floor Public Utilities Commissfor San Fr? r.c'src. relifornia 94102 of the State of California 5006 State Building l'.S. Environmental Protection Agency San Francisco, Californie 04102 Ferirn IX Office ATTN: Pegional Pediation Representative Public Af# airs Officer T15 Freetont Street Region V San Francisco, California 041f t U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornission 1450 Maria Lane Pegiorcl Adrinistrator Walnut Creek, Ctlifornia 94596 fluclear Regulatory Connissinr. Praion V 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Office cf Intergovernmental Fairu+ fraek. California 94596 Management State of California

< Michael P. Sherwood, Eso. 1400 10th Street, Room 108 Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc. Sacramento, California 95814 2044 Fillmore Street San Francisrc. California 94115 RrHCe flerton, Esq.

2002 East Osborn Dr. Perry Aminoto Phcer4y., Arizona 85064 Ocotrtnent of Conservation Divisfor r' Mines & Geology IM16 9th Street, Pocm 1341 Sacramento, California 95814


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'o $ WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 h

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. 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Cormiission) has found that:

A. The application for amendnent by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (the licensee) dated July 30, 1984 complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1054, as amended (the Act), and the Conmission's rules a,nd regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B. The facility will be maintained in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conductad without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D. The issuance of this amendment will net be inimical to the corren defense and security or to the health and safety of the public:

and E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable reouirements have been satisfied.

2. Accordingly, Facility Operatirg License No. DPR-7 is hereby amended by revising the indicated license paracraphs as follows:

Revise paragraph B.1 to read:

"1. Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and Title 10, CFR, Chapter I, Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities "

to possess but not operate the reactor as a utilization facility at the designated location in Humboldt County, California."

Revise paragraph B.2 to read:

"2. Pursuant to the Act and Title 10, CFR, Chapter I, Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material", to possess and use (a) 2 grams of uranium-235 in miniature ionization chambers; (b) 10 grams of uranium-235 in ionization chanbers; and (c) 100 grams of plutonium encapsulated as plutonium-beryllium neutron sources; and to possess (d) 1000 kilograms of contained uraniur-?35 at any one time."

Revise paragraph B.3.(a) to read:

"(a) 12,000 curies of Antimony-124 in the form of two Antimony cylinders (for use in Antimony-Beryllium neutron sources) and 3000 curies of Antimony-124 in the form of two Antimony cylinders (for use in Antimony-Beryllium neutron sources) in storage awaiting transfer offsite."

Revise peregraph R.4. to read:

"4 Pursuant to the Act and Title 10, CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials which were produced by operation of the reactor."

Delete paragraph C.l. Maximum Power Level in its entirety.

And revise paragraph C.2. Technical Specifications to read:

"2. The Tecbricel Specifications contained in Appendix A as revised through Amendment No. 19, are hereby incorecreted in the license. The licensee shell reintain the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications."

3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of its issuarce.


. 1 1' .

John . Zwolinski, Chief Opera ing Reactors Branch #5 Division of Licensing Date of Issuance: July 16,1985








By letter dated July 30, 1984 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (the licensee) proposed: (1) to amend License No. DPR-7 to possess-but-not-operate status; (2) to delete license conditions related to seismic modifications, investigations and anal to power operation; (3)ysis required to revise prior to NRC the Technical authorization Specifications of a return to reflect the possess-but-not-operate status of license; and (4) to deccmmission Humboldt Bay Unit No. 3 in accordance with a deconnissioning plan submitted with the application. Action on items 2, 3 and 4 will be taken at a later date, estimated to be late 1985. This amendment would only revise License No. DPR-7 to possess-but-not-operate status (Iten 1).

A Notice of Consideretion of Issuance of Amendment to License and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and Oppertunity for Hearing related to the requested possess-but-not operate status was oublished in the Federal Register on March 27, 1985 (50 FR 12152). No public comments or requests for hearing were received. Items 2, 3 and 4 above will be noticed separately in the Federal Register.

2.0 DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION The proposed amendment to possess-but-not-operate status is implemented by changing paragraph B.I. of License No. DPR-7 fron " possess, use and operate the reactor as a utilization facility" to " possess but not operate the reector as a utilization facility." In addition, License No. DPR-7 is changed by: (1) deleting the words "in connection with operation of the reactor" from paragraph B.2.; (2) deleting the words "for use in connection with operation of the reactor" from paragraph B.2.(a); (3) deleting the words "to be used in the reactor" from paragraph B.3.(a); (4) changing the words "as may be" to "which were" in paragraph B.4; (5) deletino paragraph C.1. entitled " Maximum Power Level" in its entirety; and l6) changing paragraph C.2 from "The licensee shall operate the facility in ectordance with the Technical Specifications" to "The licensee shall maintain the facility in accordance with the Technical Specificatiers."


All of the above revisions to license No. DPR-7 constitute additional linitations not presently included in the license in that all of the revisions constitute the deletion of authority to operate the reactor. All current monitoring requirements remain in effect. Therefore, since the effect of each of the revisions is to place more linitations on the licensee the amendment does not result in significant risk to the public health and safety.

3.0 ENVIRON!' ENTAL CONSIDERATION This amendment involves a change in the installation or use of facility components located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20.

The staff has determined that the amendment involves no significant increase in the amounts, and no significant change in the tvpes, of any effluents that may be released offsite and that there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that this amendment involves no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public comment on such finding. Accordingly, this amendment meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFP 51.?2(b) no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of this amendment.


The staff has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, that:

(1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner; and (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this arendment will not be inimicel to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

5.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This evaluation was prepared by Peter B. Erickson.

Dated: July 16,1985


-l .

5 Fcd;r21 Rigister / Vol. 50. M. W7 / Walnesday. July 31, 1385 f hintsces SW79 in this section to be performed ja Mode DC.20555. Attention- Dnector. Division The Comuniasiop's.rsiamederduussaa 1 6 of Licmame of the amendmentis esattainedina Date ofpublication ofindisidual Safety Evaluation dated bdy 6,18am.

j voua in' Federal Regider: June 21.1985 sas o o a J60 significant hazards annshmamm I

(50 W. 25802). . cornmenes aucuvudJn.

Erpiration date ofindividua1aat, ice: On** EDI' 2' Y*P* C***\Y'O***** LocalPublic Document Ba==

laly 22.1985 Date of applicationfar amendment- location-Southpost.Bransmick Cmaany LocalPublic Document Room January 23.1984.

. LibrarF 109 W MooreSheet.Edr-t, location: Crystal River Pubhc Library.1m Brief descr@t.iosofasneaimeat Ihe North Carshna asesi.

NW.First Avenue.CrystalRiver, amendment added a hcense conddian Honda. pertaining to the1AEA safeguards Duke Power Company,1)ockets Nos.30-inspeetior, prograsi at ANO,2. 269,50-27D and 50-287, Oconae Nuclaar NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF Station, Units Nos.12 and 3 Dconee AMENDMENT TO FACILITY Date ofissuanoe:Julyat2981 Effective date: July 1E 1985. County, South CamTina OPERATINC LICENSE Amendment.No.:157 Datepfcnplicatirmformnendment:

During the period since publicationaf facility Opemting License No. KPF-6. March 19,1985, as supplemented May L the last bi-weekly notice, the Amendment added a license conditian.

Commission has issued the iollowing Date ofinitialsioticein Eederal 1985' g,ie fdescription of amendments:

amendments. The Commission has Register April 25,1984 (49 FR 27450 at These amendments revise thestscon's determmed for each of these commonTechnical Specifications 1a amendments that the application 17853 and 17a54).

The Commission a , related a= luau n gg ,% gg, g comphes rath the standards and of the amendmentis contamedan a requirements of the Atomic Energy Act

, allowable period ofinoperabilittfrom letter dated July 16,1985. . 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to 10 days per battery for the of 1954. Es amcnded (the ActJ. and the No significant hazards consideration installation af new batteries and bettery Commission's rules and regulat2ons. The comments received. No.

racks used to start the two Keowse Commission has made appropriate Loca/PublicDocument Room Wdro Seme , M adh findings as required by the Act and the location: Tomlinsan tibrary, Arkansas serve as the on. site emergencypower Commission s rules and regulations sa 10 Tech Unwerstt),Russelhille, Arkamma CFR Chapter L which are set forth in the 72801. source for the Oconee Nuclear Station.

Date ofi.ssuonoequly 17.'1985.

ce fC id ration ofIssuance of Carolina Power & Ught Company, Efective date:Jaly 27,1985.

DochsM5 ad M, Amendamu h m, m anh Amendment to Facility Operating License and Proposed No Significant Brunswick Ste Facility Opetuting Ucenses Nos.

and 2. Brunsw,am Electric ick County, NmthPlant, Units 1 DPR-Ja. DPR-d7 and DPR-35.

Ilazards Consideration Determination and Opportunity for Hearing in Camlina Amendments revised the Technical connection with these actions was DAte ofqpplicationfotomandme.nft Specifications.

published in the Federal Register as March 6.1985. Date ofinitioInoticein Federal indicated. No request for a hearing or Brief description o7 amendment:'Ihe Register: June 4,1985150 FR 23547) petition for leave to intervene was filed amendments change the Technica] 'Ibe Commission's related evaluation following this notice. Specifications (TS) for Uni 12 with of the amendments le contained in a Unless otherwise indicated, the regard to Tables and L213-2 Safety Evaluation dated July 17,1965.

Commission has determined that these (Accident Afonitoring Instrumentation) No significant hazards considersfion amer.dments satisfy the critena for and Section 3/4A2.2 (Suppression comments eeocived.No.

categnrical exclusion in accardanc.a Chamber) to incorporate rhelndusion of LocalPubde Dccument Room with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant a suppression pool temperature locarian Oconee County Uhrary, set to 10 CFR 51.22(b). no environmental monitoring system (SIrrMS) which West Southbroad Stmet, Walhalla, impact statement or environmental meets the acceptance c.riteria of South Camlma, assessment need be prepared for these NUREG-0061, Appendix A.Thedumnel '

cmendments. If the Commission has Duquesne14'ht Company,Docial No.

check for items L3.5.3-1.4 is bein;; 50-334, BeaverValley Power Station, prepart.d an environmental assessment changed from monthly to 8aDyto under the special circumstances Unit No. l. Shippingpod, Pennsylvania provide consaiency with TS 44.2.1.d.1 provia. ion in 10 CFR 51.12(b) and has for Unit 1 and Unit 2. In additmn, TS Date s/epplicatinn furenesWeent.

made a drim minailun based on that sections 3/ and 3/ (Drywel}. March 21,1985.

essessment, it is so indicated. Suppression Chamber Vacuum Briefsfescdpflan ofomerufinant'Ibe For further detads with rerfec.t to lhe Breakers) have been modified to more amendment 4tanges theTechrucal ection see:(1) The applications for closely conform to 4heguidana of the Specifications for Besvar YaSey Unit cmendments, (2) the amendments, and BWR-4 Standard Technical No.1 as follows: (II Sedian S.5.5.

(3) the Commission's related letters, Specifications (STS), NURBG 4123.The "rlefueling Wat rStrruge Tan 1r" ls Safety Eva't:ation and/ ort.nvironmental other Unit t change is mPde teEkimBate delesed and fhe same 7equirements ase Assessments asindicated. A!!of these redundancy inSarreillance Requirement incorpor9ted irtto Sechem a.12Ab, items are available for pubhc inspectmo 4 6.2J1.b.2.b. "Borsted Water Sourr is" (2) Table at the CommissioW PublicDocument Date ofismence. My S.1983. 4.12-1 is revised to correck an editorial .

Room.1717 II Strect. NW., Wesbington, EFectite dass July B.2985. etror., and13)Secrion B U, DC., and at the local public docuument Amendment Nos.:85 and 111. "Environmenta1 Qaalification".is rooms for the particelar incilities Facilityoperstirig L newe A's. DFB- deleted to comp}y with the involved A copy elitema (2) and (8) 71andDPR-E2 Amendmptssevned Commission's final rule for removdl of may be obtained upon request the Techn cal specificatmns. the fame 30,1982 deadkne for addressed to the U.S. Nuclear -

Bate ofinitic/ noticein f'ederal qualification of all safety 4 elated Regulatory Commission. Washingtm. Register: April 23.1985 (50 TR 15999). electrical equipment.


9 Federal Register / Vol. 50, No.147 / Wednesday, Julv 31,,1985 / Notices 31081 Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Ncrthern States Power Company, Philadefphia Electric Company, Public Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Docket Nos. 50-282 and 50-306, Prairie Service Electric and Gas Company, Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton, Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit Delmarva Power and Ught Company, 8 Georgia, Docket No. 50-366, Edwin I. Nos.1 and 2, Goodhue County, and Atlantic City Electric Company, I flatch Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, Appling Minnesota Dockets Nos. 50-277 and 59-278. Peach I Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units

' County, Georgia Date of applicationfor amendment: Nos. 2 and 3, York County, Pennsylvania Date of applicationfor amendment: April 5,1985.

February 5.1981. Briefdescription of amendment:The Date <>f application for amendments:

amendment changed the Technical I"

  • Rrief descrifstion of amendment:The g g ','90

,. ,;o, ,y,,,,g,,,,,;

r..cne.T.cnt reused the TSs for Hatch Specifications by including the 7

Unit 2 to clarify the defmition of the operability and surveillance These amendments make the reporting requirements in the Technical term Operable and to specify certain requirements associated with the

, Specifications (TSs) consistent with to conditions under which a system, automatic actuation of the shunt trip CFR 50.72 and 50.73. These changes: (1) subsystem. tram, component or device attachment and the manual reactor trip Add the definition of Reportable Events may be considered operable when the circuits. to the Definition Section 1.0, (2) delete normal or emergency power source Date ofissuance June 26,1985. the prompt and 30-day reporting providing power to the system, Effective date: Unit 1. june 26,1985. specifications because these subsystem, etc. is Inoperable. Unit 2---Cycle 10 startup scheduled for requirements have been s9perseded by Date ofissuance: July 16,1981 November 1985, 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73, (3) revise Effective date: July 16,1985. Amendment No.:75 and 68. specific nomenclature to conform with

,' Amendment No.:49. Facility Operating License Nos. DPR- 10 CFR 50.73 and (4) delete from the TSs Facility Operating License No. NPF-5. 42 ano'DPR-60. Amendments revised the mporting requirement for failures of J" Amendment revised the Technical the Technical Specifications. a safety or relieve valve because 10 CFR Specifications. ' ' 8" Date ofinitialnotice in Federal  ; lures.

Date ofinitialnotice in Federal Register: May 21,1985 (50 FR 20967). Date ofissuance: July 17,1985 Register: October 26,1983 (48 FR 49586). The Commission's related evaluation Effective date: July 17,1985.

The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment is contained in a Amendments Nos.:110 and 113.

of the amendment is contained in a Safety Evaluation dated June 26,1985. Facility Operating Licenses Nos.

Safety Evaluation dated July 16,1985. Nn significant hazards consideration DPR-44andDPR-56. Amend nents No significant hazards consideration comments received: No. revised the Technical Specifications.

comments received: No. LocalPublic Document Room Date ofinitialnotice in Federal Loco /Public Document Room Location: Environmental Conservation Register: February 27,1985 (50 FR 7999).

Location: Appling County Public Library, Minneapolis Public Library,300 The Commission's related evaluation Library, 301 liall Drive. Ba xley, Georgia. Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota. of the amendments is contained in a Safety Evaluation dated July 17,1985.

Iowa Electric Light and Power Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, No significant hazards consideration l Docket No.50431.Duane Arnold Docket No. 50-133. Humboldt Bay comments received: No.

Energy Center, Linn County, Iowa Power Plant, Unit No. 3. Humboldt, LocalPublic Document Room California location: Government Publications Date of applicationfor amendment:

February 20.1985. Date ofApplicationfor amendment: Section, State Library of Pennsylvania, Brief description of amendment:The July 30,1984. Education Building. Commonwealth and amendment revises the DAEC operating Brief description of amendment: This . Walnut Streets. Harrisburg.

license, extending the effectiveness of amendment modifies Facility Operating Pennsylvania.

the licensee's Integrated Scheduling License No. DPR-7 to possess-but-not. Public Service Electric and Gas Plan for plant modifications from the operate status. Action on the balance of Company, Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-current exp; ration date of May 3,1985 to the above application will be taken at a 311, Salem Nuclear Generating Station, May 3,1987. later date. Units Nos.1 and 2. Salem County, New Dc'e ofismenc'er julf 9,1985. Date ofissuance: July 16,1985. I'f88Y iffectne date:)uly 9,1985. Effective date: July 16,1985. Date of applicction for amendment:

Amendment No.:125. Amendment No.:1g. February 8,1985.

Facility Operating License No. DPR- Facility Operating License No. DPR. Brief description of amendments: The 49 Amendment revised the license. 7. This amendment revised the license. amendments provide four additional m difications to the Techmcal Date ofinitia/ notice in Federal Date ofinitia/ notice in Federal Register: April 23,1985 (50 FR 16006).

The Commission's related evaluation Register March 27,1985 (50 FR 12152).

The Commission's related evaluation

[8 o afEff! e Technfca Specifications in Amendment Nos. 59 of the amendment is contained in a of the amendment is contained in a and 28 for Salem Units 1 and 2, .

Safety Evaluation dated July 9,1985. Safety Evaluation dated july 16,1985. respectively.

No significant hazards consideration No siv ; ant hazards consideration Date ofissuance: May 28.1985.

comments received: No. comments received: Nu. Effective date: May 28,1985.

LocalPublic Document Room LocalPublic Document Room Amendments Nos.:63 and 65.

Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library, location: Eureka-Humboldt County - -Facility Opemting Licenses Nos.

500 First Street S. E., Cedar Rapids,- Library,421 I Street (County DPR-70andDPR-75: Amendments towa 52401. Courthouse). Eureka. California 9%01 revised the Technical Specifications.