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Forwards Statements & Articles Re Proposed Nuclear Power Reactors in State of California
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay, 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 09/26/1963
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709210421
Download: ML20234C807 (9)



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i J a pouchard, mese servsee asemah september m , teu  ;

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modney s monthetek, A istemt to the menneer ser reb 11. r=r-tm, saw aaramuss am smusumuss ou nsacteas  !

MtssLS Copies of espermi statements and eredelas seleting to peeposed smelser remos remeter. As c=ler--ase see emelo ad includies:

1. s.1.see by the Marthern Califerass Aseeciation to Preserve i

sedese aand and marber and a 1 steer te ea--*e- w eere of-

.i the JCAEg (espy to Demoven)

2. storse cash antistan (septemh.c Isu) ette reporttaa the ,

stessa cloh diensters voties saatant jetatas in court metten H esm1=st the canae==mia public BtiliHaa Commissien; 3 Cityping inom Gesta seen Press Desseret en asfety of Namboldt say seester eyeestions (also mete Goea 31ame's --emig

4. story en enviesamental semey at modeas ubish apparently was given to the n=e=d==e etch the eenenomt (poesibly from Bedgepeth) that esc is censitted to appeewal of the Sadees reesteeg and 4 v
5. & 1etter ueplytag to' A~." E. Geode's segmeet for support in m

oppestaten to seethere celtasenta usan= Congemy's p;:;:::f reester et sem emeire.

seclosuresa As listed eheve i

CC: Besold IWise, R M , 30, ullemets. '

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the origin of your concept that technoicGy ic to be c ;c.c.t;d acainst donocracy?

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r.t:<. .e O'.w, v..w w, cc: California Public Utilitica Com4 0sion e,

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e Northern California Association to Procerve Bodega Head.and Harbor 282C Telegraph Avenue Berkeley 5, California PRESS RELEASE TH 1-6399 FOR I7dEDIACE EILEA33 San Francisco (Sept. 25)-- The Pacific Gas and Electric Company is importing

" political enrpetbaggers" into the heated controversy; over the nuclear power project proposed for Bodega Head. The conservation group which has opposec the company's plans for the scenic Sonoma County peninsula made this c'harge today in a letter to Senator John O. Pastore (Dem--R.I.), Chaircan of the Joint Congress-ional Committee on Atomic Energy..

The Northern California Association to Preservo Bodega Head and Harbor said that the Senator's statements at the dedication rites at pGLE's humbcidt Bay atomic plant "must count as the rear ths of an interloper".

Statements from the Chairman or, the leading political party _ of the state, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and the President of the California Public Utilities Commission, all opposing the nuclear plant, clearly indicat e the will.

of the people in the area, the Association asserted.

The Association's letter to Senator Pastore also noted:  ;

"that you 'and Mr. Hosmer (Congressman' Craig Hoss' e r, R--Long Beach) felt )

obligod to leap to PG&E's defeyse signals an extremely serious situation on the national level. It is well known that the Atemic Energy Cor.gission finds it difficult to be objective in judging the safety of a nuclear plant because it is under such severe pressure from the JCAE (and its members like you and Mr. Hosmer) to accelerate the " civilian nuclear power program."

Your own unfortunate treatment of Mr. David Lilienthal, when he appeared last Spring before the Committee and was critical of the AEC, was a 1 brilliant demonstration of the fact that the JCAE is abandoning its roLc l as watchdog over the AEC."


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.  ; Northern California Association i To Preserve Bodega Head and Harbor j


2820 Telegraph Ave.

  • **'8 September 25, 1963 Ansel Adams j

' oovid Brower -

John Err, mons Honorable John O. Pastore !j J

Harold Gilliam Senate Office Building Jul custo! son Washington 25,~D.C.

Weldon F. Heald ear k nator Pastore:

Joel Hedgpath g g Bay Area press of the dedication of PGLE's Francis Herring D 8 Lwa nuclear power plant at Humboldt Bay cite several remarks you William Penn Mott, Jr. are reported to have made. Concerning the 325' megawatt = nuclear Thomon Porkinson power plant,' proposed by this same utility at . Bodega Bay, just:

Kenneth Rexroth north of San Francisco. .,

I' '' "'#"d' In some ways your statements are in sharp contrast to those l David E. Pesonen made last week by your. Colleague on the Joint Atomic Energy Exceutiw Secretary Committee, Craig Hosmer of Long Beach. But, coming as they do-on the heels of Mr. Hosmer's remarks, your statements at' Eureka .

suggest that' word has finally reached the-JCA3 about pG&2's dif ficult public relations problem at Bodega day. And there is a very cilear indication that .the company is hastily importing political outsiders to shore up that ill-conceived project. ')

Mr. Hosmer's remarks $ sere unworthy of reply. A delirious l commitment. to PG&E was quite evident in his . phantoms-under-the-bed charges that the opponents of-the Bodega Say project were j part of a " plot" led by coal miners or communists. He was not sure which--and he admitted having no evidence of either. (As I you may recall, Mr. Hosmer also accused the Secretary of the f Interior of " ulterior motives" when Mr. Udall of fered the ' i services of the United States Geological Survey to assess the safety of the Bodega site.)

The real basis f or opposition is more easily explained than )

by reference to dark plots and weird suspicions: PGLE has l chosen for its nuclear project a site which, in the words of l

' California Public Utilities Commission President, William - )

Benn.ett, is "in the heart'of one of nature's choi,cest areas j and in frightening proximity . to an ac tive f ault line." It's as i simple, as that. - And neither of these conditions--great natural.

beauty and severe earthquake Humboldt Bay.

We are confident that if you had been aware of these facts you would not have-given your blessing'so lightly to; the Bodega project, which is yet to undergo hearings before the Atocic Energy Commission. l l

l Purpose To work for preservation of the scenic and historic heodlands of Bodego Boy'ond to insure the

, ecological integrity of the surrounding marine environment. }

r , , .A.,

g l

Senator Pastore, 9/24/63 l 1

1 l

But the f act that both you and Mr. Hosmer felt obliged to leap to PGLE's defense signals an extremely serious situation on the national level. ~t is well known that the Atomic Energy Com.aission finds it dif ficult to be objec tive )

in judging the safety of a nuclear plant because it is- under such severc prescure from the JCAE (and its members like you and iir. Hosmer) to accelerate.

the " civilian nuclear power program." Your own unf ortunate. treatment of Mr. j David Lilienthal, when he appeared last spring before the Committee and was j critical of the AEC, was a brilliant demonstration of the fact that ' the JCAE is abandoning its role as watchdog over the AEC.

It should have been apparent that when the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of this stato express opposition--as they have--to the Bodega projec t; when the-1 Chairman of the leading political party in the state comes out strongly in opposition to it; when the President of the California Public Utilities l Commission uses language as strong as "only blind compulsion would insist on l placing this plant" at this site--when all these manifestations of the will of j the. people in this area are so clearly ino 'pposition to the project--the ill- 2 considered statements made by you at Eureka must count as the remarks of an

,. interloper.

l l

Enclosed for your information are three documents which we strongly urge you to read beforefforming a final judgement of the Bodega project. First is the reprint of a series of articles from the Sebastopol Times which clearly l

document the shocking erosion of citizens' rights to due process perpetrated by PG&E at the local level in Sonoma County. (This finding on the case was

,.,.% substantially upheld in Sonoma County Superior Court.)

Second is a copy of the dissenting opinion recently delivered by Mr. "lilliam Bennett, President of the CPUC, showing clearly that due prccess "- eiso been j neglected at the state level. In addition, Mr. Bennett documants how PSLE has j treated this state regulatory commission in a casual ~ and cynical way during its  !


" step-by-step" chain of approval on the way to t.he Atomic E.tergy Cocmission--

which your committee is supposed to regulate!

l l Third is a study of the seismology and geology of the Bodega Ecad site by Dr. Pierre St.-Amand, one of the worlst's foremost authorities on the San Andreas Fault and a highly respected expert on structural hazards from earthquakes. Dr, 1 St.-Amand finds without reservation that "The location on Bodega Head is hazard-ous from a geological and scismic point of view."

We would like to commend you f or not seeking the " witch-hunting" level of venom achieved by Congressman Hosmer in attempting to defend PG&E at Bodega 3ay.

And we are certain thaf a ' sober appraisal of this case on its own merits will l lead you to the conviction held by a great many citizens of this area--that PG&E should not be allowed to proceed with its project at Bodega Bay--for the sake of the citizens of this area, of the company's own future plans, and eventually of the entire nuclear power program in California.

Respectfully yours, l

l /s/ David E. Pesonen David E. pesonen Encl: Executive Secretary k

Il 1

, . (-



  • Tlw follinving acti .n3 were taken by the Sierra Club F.xecutive Committee on July M:

todega IIcad-1)irected in a elit vote

( Clark, Itobinson. l.conard for; Marshall against; Wayburn alatainul) that ,the Sierr,a Club's continuing opgmitjon to,_ t hnll<.li gia Jien[1 pgygtlargject shall not incluele.Darticip,a.

tion in enurl,rg3.ie3v.nlJldt.if inn .( the l'ub. i lic Utilities Commiyi<m.uf California on thi.4 }


Land and Water Conservation Fund-Sup-ported the principles of the propo>ed fund (Marshall abstained),

Char.ncl Islands-liy consensus, reaf6rmed support of national park status for the islands.

Yosemite Pesticide Aerial Spraying-A re.

port was to be requested from the . Natural Sciences Committee, with the hope of on-the.

spot review at the Septernber 7-9 !!oard Meet.

ing at Tuolumne Meadows.

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INSIDE VIEW . ff.y 4 2

. Danger of Radiation?

Not at Humboldt Plant 1

stream of radiation.'


,' . h.. 4 .:

l# '

P.D. Managing Editor . He showed me a graph with a steady blue line. drawn on it by, j

' h.! 'I EUREKA-1 talked to the s'hift foreman of Pacific Gas and Elec.

automatic devices. Mr. S t e i g e r j

tric Co.'s new nuclear power plant said.the position of the line meant  !

, j here yesterday about a subject im. "no radiation" and then showed

! portant to Sonoma County residents me the red line far on the other side.of the graph which indicated, l

-radiation, Lloyd Steiger leaned against a the AEC limit. If the radiation .

desk in the control room of'the from the. stack ewr naches that Eureak A plant and watched a point, the' plant shuts down auto.

  1. myriad of dials, gauges and graphs maticaDy. ..

with an air of casual competence. ' I' asked.hlm if the graph had It's his job to make sure radiation ever registered a ' measurable '

never gets near the Atomic Energy amount of radiation since the plant a

Commission's minimums. has been in operation (April), and I asked him about radiation be said,"No."

<ak ;from the Mfoot; high stack, a Then he explained'wh'y it would l I spot which some foes of the PG&E be unlikely that it ever. would.

  • plant'at'. Bodega Bay would have His explanation had sonything to .

fou.think will spew forth asteady (Contlaued on Page 8, Col.1) j

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@dd MC Ce/>r"/O ,ceed


'Ized for the period Sept. I' However,, the wording of The Atomic Energy Com. thq;elh Aug. 31,1964.- ,. Doctor Hand's progress re-

' mission versity has granted of California the Unl. ' University and AEC offi- port supporting the app!!ca-

$39.295 cfals emphasized ' that the for a study of the effect on grant did not imply that the tion for the grant implied that marine life of the propcsed building of the contifversial the study dependedlargely on nucicar reactor. at Bodega a t o mie powered generator the plant being in operation.

Head, The Examinerlearned plant by Paeitic Gas de Elec- ,,One of our objectives is to yesterday, g

' tric Co. was a foregone con- assess the effects produced on

, The investigation will be chstbn. mcrine o r g a ais m a when carsied out by UC's Bodega warmed ocean water is re-1The AEC has to holdfurther Marine Laboratory under di- pf,lic heanags before the de- leased from the cooling con-rection of Dr. Cadet Hand Jr. cision whether to grant PG&E densers of 'a nuclear fuelef The U. S. grant was author , a permit is made. -

i(Continued on Page 15, Col. 5)

. e;.; <


'. ' Y,7 ' "

! Doctor Hand acknowledged !

!.. .;. }{- _....v.


yesterday that if the plant is

,- 1 not built the study would l have little meaning.


,, $4, l'th*It is a calculated e e .

.i y y willing.cto take," h e


{ J1[fgC[ '

t An AEC spokesman said the (Continued from Page 1) ~

commission frequently

,4-.g , makes grants for such studies Power planttlding built on in advance of a' decision 'on q laad closely adjacentito'our nuclear reactor locations.

s p lam.wy. ' the report said. .

"All informaton on the ef-Further on. Doctor Hand's feet of a plant in a given C report statesi ' area?is.useful fra reaching a decision," he said.


t "We will p' ut. In replic'ated

sets of settling

i DoctofHand expressed a fear"that . opponents of the -

,1d site' calculated ' t'o be' wellpower plant on Bodega Bay

wi}hin the. area that will be would seize on his report as h affected by the warmed I **g3 *""I f
  • ges of q water as well as at a control co ion.'

p site that will not be influ- 'E the. wording of the re-L fenced by the power plant ef- -

port ' implies ' foreknowledge 10 -fluent .." 'l - '

of the'AEC's ultimate deci-h . Doctor Hand, wrote that sion/it Isetheartsult of my

{ English," the soologist 4these

" test surfaces wi!! be an-alysed, p, periodically .for ,com-( .parisons ?cf' the. kinds 'and

. UC's sthdies Ifmarinelife

' .In Bodega Bay began last '

anumbers of plants.and ant. , year and are expected to con-p.mals pr9sent on the' surfaces tinue.for at least four more

?. years. The one year " project a befor%and ifte,rIthe ' power agrement"with the AE .

g plant starts'to ope. .rath.',,.,.. vides for extensions. C proq

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IIr. f.. E. Cacde ,

P. O. Box 127 San Clo= ento, California l

Ecar Mr. Occdo: . l 1

I havo received from the Sicrra Club your re-  !

qucet to a prot 00t novc Ont cgainct c nucicar l pctier plant. l


D. c". h" ,ca " xJou. ".,#.7 .- 1 4' .". 6,",,.'. . o 40 %

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The uno of cacolino Oc an autonctivo fu.:1 i: lo11:e.~a cVit-ably by dicchargo of ccrbon mononido intc.the c.t=c:.ph0..:.

Carbon monoxide in poiconou: to human boince and uild b1rdo. . i If enouch cntors the atmocr.horo, the bird i:ill all.dio b foro ' l tra do, becauco they are noro acncitive than hv.r.n toince uo c-*. bon ".onc'*.'.8 . .. da. . Do.".sb - r.'.".. n. '.- .c .^v . . .W^ u o'-up 6- ",^.*.~...^^-'


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the origin of your concept .that technology ic to to ce; .C  !

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