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Recommends SALP Process Be Suspended Until 1 Yr After Restart of Units
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/1995
From: Martin T
To: Russell W
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20132B034 List:
FOIA-96-351 NUDOCS 9512220087
Download: ML20134B698 (11)



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! f ,. .,*g UNiTEo STATES I


[ 475 ALLENoALf acAn

%, ' ,o* KING OF PRusstA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415 November 17, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: William T. Russell, Director l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

FROM: Thomas T. Martin f Regional Administrator Region I 4 ,

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In accordance with MC 0350, Region I recomends that the SALP process be i

suspended for the Salem facility until one year after the restart of the i

units. An assessment of licensee performance between the June 1995 shutdowns I and the restart will be developed to provide a basis for closure of the Confirmatory Action Letter and NRC agreement that the facility is ready to restart. Interim assessments will be developed in the form of Senior Management Neeting full discussion papers. During this time period, oversight l of the inspection planning and scheduling for the site will be done by the )

l Salem Assessment Panel which currently meets monthly.

i 1

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D Nel.dv l dovsWAEROM: D D mo (301) 415 27 V 1  !


Post Conference: 1 EATS Data Entry Infouna. aan Date of Request: 2.5 h Region: [ CaseType: X Reg.


!O Licensee: [-- Or Facility (Unit)/ Location: cv /Y 2.

Docket No.:D2 7 2. // Last Day of Insp. 2 0 Date of 01 Ref. I l

01 Rpt No. OI Rpt Date: Conference Open ?. j 1

s et f* O $8 P rD CA Lvd. S S D M O A4 os o W5 A f"A A o f # 4 rd m . Nf. d.$ Me):cd d6cer 6 d's as o kav. as b d N asw I re ap . L l e. . ;~ ub kon s aad ca. e . L u 6 L e eiv t.rss> d h s S

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1. SL Supp Details: _ kT 8f u./ , 7 rt W w e M, t r~ vt av h)b T' c Pr

$ wb/,'M.J a ("- k3N M . Of f Efves M conv d 4.cC.. L v esh de m mJ l wufrewes. bbl I m S/n. /

I L Supp

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SL Supp Details:

2. Prior Escalsted Action? O No O Yes - EA: Date:
3. IdtntificatLon? O Lic. Credit O No Credit O Inad. Info o NA Comnents :
4. Corrective Action? O Lic. Credit O No Credit O Inad. Info Comnents :
l. 5. Enforcement Conference Needed? O No a Yes Comments: __

f[g6. Discrettor or Order Needed? O No O Yes Comnents :_

7. Action? O Submi to GE OyegionalAction O Choice Letter o DEDO Review 0 Comnission O Disagreement O Other: bu t.d3 d 4 d L HL 8, CP? O No CP O Base CF 0 Double Base CP O Other:
9. W111 fulness involved? O No O Yes O 01 Coordinated Needs OI Coordination

_[ h Program Office Represented? O No O Yes 11. OGC Represented? , O No ur Yes 'j N

Comnents : 13. Approved: ,/ ..


,h o,. a u s,, ,, Date: l, / 2/J-3 / / 6 , fr

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'X Salem Eauioment Deficiency List Attachment 1 '

1 (Since January 1994)

Circulating Water Sea grass buildup on traveling screens resulting in loss of circulators and plant trips, ,

transients. Recurring _

l Atmospheric relief valves (MS-10s)  ;) Configuration control problems control circuits associated with Hagan control T G FC h [ [, modules. Inadequate root cause and -

configuration control.

Feedwater regulating valve controls Numerous trips / transients caused by controller problems, especially at q low power levels. Inadequate root cause from previous problems. .

Main steam trip pilot valve failed Trip pilot valve for main steam stop (2/2/94) valve mechanically bound and did not 8 stroke completely.

Loss of both 15 VDC power supplies Main turbine EHC system lost both 15 for EHC system (2/10/94) VDC power supplies (crow bars sensed overvoltage) resulting in main turbine trip and reactor trip. J Inadequate root cause/ corrective L action.

Unit 2 bypass of feedwater flow Result of saltwater intrusion into o nozzles. (7/93 to 1/19/94) feedwater system. Caused Unit 2 to f i h,)/ i d/ . Inadequate root cause and analysis

' ' f[I' ofoperate in excessgg state point data. of 3411 m L

D TDAFW pump governor oscillations Wrong model governor installed during outage. M7 (1/20/94)

Licensee suspected Potter Brumfield i Shunt trip relays in reactor trip 3 I f-h breakers (1/18/94) e f\ lMDRrelaysofsticking. Qsjvf*'

  • Steam flow transmitter damping U p Spurious high steam flow signals A 6 generated following reactor / turbine circuit kG h g trips. Numerous occurrences - no QC

\w root cause investigation.

(uncovered during April 7 f/u)

PORV internals V[\s\g

) Yv } Wear found on internals following April 7 event. NRC influences i t)

@/ / needed to have internals examined. I 3yshY)


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PORV internals (operating cycle Internals made from 17 PH stainless l

.Q beginning after 2R7 until April 7th) installed vice 420 stainless (intended)

MS-10 " reset windup" (electronic Identified following April 7 event. ]~

saturation preventing response to Result in lifting of S/G safety increased steam pressure; existed valves and primary plant cooldown.

for about 10 years). No previous root cause performed.

Failed potential transformer Failed potential transformer caused generator output breaker to open; turbine trip; reactor trip.

y Service water butterfly valves Turbulent flow causes vibration that degrades operation. (Recurring)

RCP seal flange leak (7/2/94) During a repair attempt (Mode 3) leak quickly 11 creased to 14 gpm.

Licensee shut down to Mode 5 to l

repair flar.v .

! TDAFW pump trip valve latch Two occurrences of TDAFW pump mechanisms tripping durir.g surveillance due to inadequate mechanical latch. -

Inadequate corrective actions / design problem.

l Unit 1 condensate suction header As operators removed condensate pump 7 damage (8/29/94) from service, condensate flow back from common discharge header through discharge bypass valve and discharge fr check valve. Resulted in rapid shutdown from 75% power and damaged pipe supports and expansion joints in condensate header.

Condenser waterbox upper manway Upon starting a circulator water failure (8/30/94) pump, a weld designed to hold a tie-down bolt in place failed allowing g-the manway cover to open. Between 30,000 and 50,000 gallons spilled into Unit 2 turbine building.

W Rod control process circuitry (Common to both units) Occasional rod stepping (i 1 step) without n l demand. Licensee believes due to y process noise and increased circuit gain required by low leakage core.

(Recurring) t I

t t .


Diesel generator starting air system Multiple air receiver drain valve  ;

deficiencies leaks. Recurring deficiencies with  !

air start check valves. Inadequate i air receiver low pressure alarm.

Inadequate root cause and corrective action. (Recurring) -

Control oil power unit (COPU) filter Recurring need to reduce power to -,

problems W to replace filters due to high p d/p. .

Control air system degradation Low control air h'eader pressures have caused repeated need to close PORV valves and start emergency control air compressors. Long term gC '

corrective action and root cause -  ;

inadequate. j Unit 2 RCP motor oil leakage Lube oil found coating RCP platforms g- ,

l in containment. j Vacuum pump inlet valve failed to Repeat occurrence resulting in close decreasing condenser vacuum and '

power reduction. Inadequate corrective actions from previous

[Cg l occurrences.

Centrifugal charging pump high Due to failure of charging pump  !

vibration speed increaser. Resulted in TS C~ '

( required shutdown,

/ l Diesel generator fuel oil supply Header bolt holes not sufficiently header bolt problems tapped by vendor. (On three f previous occasions licensee found header bolts broken.) Inadequate bolt torque found.

l Safety injection system relief valve Leak (.2 gpm) from the SI i

leakage accumulator through the SI pump s relief valves to the pressurizer NC4 relief tank (PRT). Less than timely corrective action. _

Breakdown of insulation on 4kv Arcing associated with a 4kv supply cables (11/21/94) cable from station power transformer to the Unit 1 vital buses.

(tracking problem)

I Safeguard equipment cabinet (SEC) Stuck test push buttons in December  ;

recurring problems 1994. Frequent automatic test i insertion (ATI) test faults. Forced l 4

two TS required shutdowns (100% - dp,_, i 28%). Inadequate root cause and L corrective action.


i l Switchyard disturbances November 18, 1994, disconnect 4T60 1 l on 500 kv side of no. 4 station /C )

! power transformer (SPT) opened for / I no apparent reason. Loss of one l source of offsite power to both i units. Unit 2 in outage at time, I resulted in blackout loading on 2 l available diesels. November 28, s i 1994, loss of offsite power due to I  !

l actuation of differential protection 1 relay on no. 2 SPT. Resulted in power reduction on Unit 1 (100% -

26%) due to loss of circulators.

l November 28, 1994, no. 5 substation on the 13 kv ring bus lost power f i causing loss of power to Technical  !

Support Center.

l Failure of air solenoid valve for Degraded pressure diaphragm found in I l no. 23 RCP seal water return valve solenoid valve. Failure attributed )

to extensive time in service (20 l

years). No known PM program! M Resulted in replacement of seal

! (Westinghouse recommendation).

Pressurizer code safety valve Seat leakage from code safety valves leakage (2.0 gpm) found during Unit 2 startup. Engineering concluded that stress on the valve discharge flanges, caused primarily by thermal l loading, had caused the seat leakage. Inadequate previous root cause determination.

Solid State Protection System (SSPS) During implementation of DCP to l 15 volt power supply failures correct a problem with the power feeds to the main turbine from SSPS Train "A", a redundant power supply 4

l was lost (tripped). Power supply l

shorted to casing.

RCP seal replacement Licensee shut down to Mode 5 to replace no. I seal on no. 21 RCP due to low seal water return flow (< 1.0 gpm). Small amount of debris found in seal. -

Pressurizer code safety valve loop Loop drain installed in April /May 93 seal drain valve closed (5/93 to not properly controlled. Plant 10/94) operated an entire cycle in an unanalyzed condition. O

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.....o m aA*+ > . l i . . . - & p26 @ , w ? \ 94 A" k .dupa- _ QEA wys.a l $b bA4- j 9 }&yze-A, # y f&b.AwA /7- d) - _ f &&L, ud~f (On _ _ fm n e- /~ . ~ -- % Gm-nk As .. .__ -20&2 %- _ . _ _- . M Vo d y M O =. emf he - * . G I l l l 1 i i / \ l J 1 g 1 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY AND Tile l TOWNSHIP OF LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK REGARDING NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN EVENTS AND CONDITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF BOTH PARTIES IN Tile EVENT OF A LABOR CONTINGENCY

1. PURPOSE i It is recognized that for both the safety and reassurance of the public of the Township of Lower Alloways Creek (LAC), a mechanism must be established for communication between Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) and responsible officials of LAC regarding conditions or events at, or related, to the PSE&G facilities on Artificial Island. It l _ is also recognized that in the event of labor contingencies, ie. labor disputes, involving a potential threat to the public l

peace and good order, a plan must be in effect. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) is to set l forth those conditions, plans or events under which PSE&G will notify LAC, and the mechanics by which such ' notification will be carried out. De responsibilities of LAC are also determined in this M.O.U.

11. AGREEMENT l x s

~' ' The following terms have been agreed upon by PSE&G and LAC-l l

1. PSE&G will notify LAC by telephone with regard to each and every, condition or event listed in Enclosure (1) and in regard to any drill concemed in the time frame indicated. Notification will be by means of a dedicated telephone line to j the Township Municipal Building for Type 1 Events of Enclosure (1).

! 2. LAC will maintain rquipment and/or personnel in the Municipal Building at all times to record and transmit to responsible LAC Officials the message described in Paragraph (1)

3. LAC will not make public announcements or initiate contacts with the media on the sole basis of the messages described in Paragraph (1) except to prevent panic, injury to persons or damage to property.
4. PSEAG will keep available, on a 24-hour basis, an employee or a designated subtitute who will be able to notify and/or respond to inquires,from the LAC Officials listed in Enclosure (2) regarding conditions or events at or related to the j PSE&G facilities on Artifical Island. In the event that said employee is unable to respond immediatly to the inquiry, he or
she will acek out the necessary information and respond to the inquiring official as soon as possible. PSE&G will provide l the names and telephone numbers of the foresaid ernployees 11
Enclosure (3) to each of the LAC Officials listed in l Enclosure (2) or to their successors in office whose names shall be transmitted to PSE&G from time to time. l
5. This section 5 of the M.Q.U. sets forth guidelines for both parties in the event of a labor contingency involving a potential threat to the public peace and good order. ' Ibis Section shall become effective when it becomes necessary for l either party to take any action contained herein regarding a potentiallabor contingency as a foresaltl. This section of the M.O.U. shall remain in effect until such time as both parties agree that conditions are such that it need not be in force.

/ - .. ~k l h[0iU!I. 0*1 !O IM; .*t Trj .' 3 , j vf l t"  : min N ' r _ c ;,. w eacq Act. e.w.. .m _ / m K34- t i - . . ~ , . - - - - _ _ - _ . - - - . - - . - . _ _ . _ . - . . . . - . - . . - . . . ~ 2 e'r -- IMOlt ANDIJM OU tJNDilRSTANDING JWNSillP AND PSl!&O A. NOTIFICATION PSE&G agrees to notify. LAC of any potential labor contingency which affects the normal operations at Artifical Island as soon as PSE&O becomes aware of the problem. LAC agrees to notify PSE&O of any potential labor contingency which will affect the normal operations at Artificial Island as soon as LAC becomes aware of the proble'r% B. INJUNCTION HEARINGS PSE&G agrees to notify LAC of injunction meetings or hearings as soon as they are scheduled as a result of a labor contingency at Artificial Island. LAC agrees that it will endeavor to have those officials who are responsible for the policing of the labor contingency present at all injunction meetings or hearings. In the event that it is necessary, LAC agrees to furninsh testimony at any injunction hearing as to conditions at the strike line and the conduct of the pickets. Both parties agree that close coordination during the meetings or hearings be maintained to minimize the problems of l enforcing the terms of any injunction throughout the duration of the dispute, C. LIAISON 1 N ' I Whenever this section of the M.O.U. becomes effective the communication between PSE&G and LAC will be accomplished by the Government Relations Manager for PSE&G and the Chief of Police for LAC or their designees. l t Additional linea of communication may be arranged upon the concurrence of the Vic'e President - Nuclear and the Mayor of LAC. MEETINGS PSE&tl and LAC agree to schedule meetings to address problems during the term of the contingency. 'Ihe frequency of the meetings may increase or decrease as conditions warrant. E. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES Whenever it is deemed necessary 'bj the Chief of Police to enlist mutual aid assistance from other municipal police departments or forces to protect the public pense and good order during a labor contingency, the PSE&G Government Relations Manager'shall be so advised. PSE&G shall assume the responsibility for reimbursement to LAC for payment of all such reasonable and necessary mutual aid assistance provided during the term of the contingency. Reimbursement shall be in an amout equal to 100% of the expenditures for wages and food. Wages paid to mutual aid personnel will be one and one-half times each officer's basic hourly rate. In the even of a disagreement between the parties to this M.O.U. over the necessity for mutual aid, the question shallbe referred for resolution to the Salem County Prosecutor, wlmse response shall be determinative. LAC agrees to provide the Government Relations Manager with a daily report which shall set forth the number of mutual aid persbanel committed to the dispute. LAC further agrees to furnish a weekly report which shall set forth the names of all mutual aid personnel and the hours worked during that leriod. Upon termination of the contingency, LAC will submit an invoice to the Government Relations Manager for payment of said expenses within 60 days of receipt. If the need for mutual aid exceeds 30 days in duration, invoices will be submitted epr 30alays.

7. Either party to this M.O.0. may terminaie upon sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party.


8. 'Ihis M.O.U. is intended to supersede and be in substitution of the prior Memorandum of Understanding between the parties j herzio, dated November 27,1985 which prior agreement is hereby revoked.

e i i . . . . - . - . . - - .~ . . . - - . .- . . . 3 l 1 .dORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING l TOWNSillP AND PSE&G l i 1 111. WITNESS -. j In witness whereof the parties have hereunto executed this Memorandum of Understandmg. ,, l TOWNSHIP OF LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK Dated: l l ATTEST: ~ BY:  : ROBERT TRAAE, M AYOR MARY O. HENDERSON, CLERK I l N ' s PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND OAS COMPANY l DATED: l l ATTEST: 1 f l BY: STFNEN E. .MILTENBERGER I SECRETARY VICE PRESIDENT - NUCLEAR 1 / - ., '=a _ E /