IR 05000277/1985032

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Physical Security Insp Repts 50-277/85-32 & 50-278/85-29 on 850805-09.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Security Plan & Procedures,Mgt Effectiveness, Testing & Maint.Details Deleted (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1985
From: Bailey R, Dunlap J, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20133P633 List:
50-277-85-32, 50-278-85-29, NUDOCS 8511010101
Download: ML20133P649 (7)




50-277/85-32 Report N /85-29 50-277 Docket N DPR-44 License No. DPR-56 Licensee: Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Facility Name: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2&3 Inspection At: Delta, Pennsylvania Inspection Conducted: August 5-9, 1985 Date of Last Physical Security Inspection: January 7-11, 1985 Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced /hysical Security Inspectors: N /o f R. J. Bailey, Physicalfecurit Inspector 'da te'

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J. M. Dunlap, h sical Security Inspector


date Approved by: - ' af /* r r- 6 Y. R. Keimig Ch , Safeguards Section date Inspection Summary: Routine, Unanncchced Physical Security Inspection on August 5-9, 1985 (Combined Report No. 50-277/85-32 and 50-278/85-29) Areas Inspected: Security Plan and Implementing Procedures; Management Effec-tiveness; Testing and Maintenance; Locks, Keys, and Combinations; Physical Barriers (Protected Area); Compensatory Measures; Access Control (Personnel, Packages, and Vehicles); Detection Aids (Protected Area); Alarm Stations; Communications; Safeguards Contingency Plan; follow-up on licensee action on a previous inspection finding; follow-up on security program event reports, and follow-up on IE Information Notices. The inspection involved 80 hours on site by two NRC region-ba ed inspector ; Results: The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in i the areas examine l gDR ADOCK 05 g7 1 l

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. . DETAILS 1. Key Persons Contacted R. S. Fleischmann, Plant Manager S. A. Spitko, Administrative Engineer R. J. Weindorfer, Assistant Director-Security S. Q. Tharpe, Security Coordinator M. D'Angelo, District Manager, Burns International Security, In J. E. Beall, NRC Inspector, Region I The inspectors also interviewed other licensee personnel and mambers of the Burns International Security contract forc . MC 30703 - Exit Interview The inspectors met with the licensee representatives listed in para-graph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on August 9,1985. At that time, the purpose, scope and results of the inspection were reviewe At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector . MC 92700 - Followup on Security Program Event Reports During this inspection, the inspectors reviewed security program event reports 85-01 through 85-03 that had been submitted by the licensee to NRC Region I in accordance with 10 CFR 73.71(c). The licensee was in the process of submitting a fourth reportable security related event. The inspectors conducted an in-office and onsite review of these events and verified that adequate compensatory measures had been taken for each event. The licensee had provided adequate security force response and documentation of the event One event report involved the loss of historical data as a result of a combination of computer hardware and software problems. The security data is not recoverable and is of a type which NRC requires the licensee to maintain for a period of one year. The inspectors expressed concern about this problem. The licensee stated that the problem was immediately pursued and a hardware and software problem were found. To prevent recurrence, the licensee repaired the hardware problem and revised the instructions for performing maintenance on the computer since the possibility existed that that may have contributed to the hardware proble In addition, software changes are under development and the licensee stated that the computer will be reprogrammed by September 15, 1985. One of the changes will provide an alert via a visual display on the security operators' monitor in the Central and Secondary Alarm Stations (CAS/SAS) when there is a malfunction within the computer. The



. inspector acknowledged that the lost data was due to equipment problems that were beyond the cuntrol of the licensee, that the problem had been promptly pursued and appropriate corrective actions had been initiate . MC 92702 - Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Violation (50-277/84-19-05and50-278/84-10-05): Failure to maintain a portion of the isolation zone. The licensee's response to this violation by letter of November 21, 1984 requested that it be withdraw A review by regional management determined that the violation was valid as cited. During this inspection, the inspector observed that all isolation zones were properly maintained and that the actions committed to by the licensee to prevent recurrence had been implemented, In addition thee maintenance of isolation zones was re-emphasized in a memorandum issued by the Burns Security Training Officer to all personnel on April 11, 198 The subject was also discussed by security supervisors at a meeting on June 17, 1985, and issued in Awareness Bulletin No. 5, dated July 3, 198 Interviews with members of the security force by the inspectors revealed that they were aware of their responsibilities for insuring that isolation zones were maintained properl . MC 92703 - Followup on IE Information Notices IE INFORMATION NOTICE 83-83: USE OF PORTABLE RADIO TRANSMIT-TERS INSIDE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1983 PECO Action The inspectors verified that the licensee prohibits the use of radio transmitters in or around areas containing safety related equipment and certain locations outside of the reactor building. The licensee stated that existing security directives will be updated and personnel re-advised on the limited use of hand-held radio transmitters throughout the sit IE INFORMATION NOTICE N0. 84-07: DESIGN-BASIS THREAT and REVIEW 0F VEHICULAR ACCESS CONTROLS, DATED FEBRUARY 3, 1984 PECO Action: The inspectors verified that the licensee addressed the concerns in this notice by approving the installation of a vehicle restraint device on the main access road that leads to the sit IE INFORMATION NOTICE N0. 85-04: INADEQUATE MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY RESPONSE DRILLS, DATED JANUARY 17, 1985 PECO Action The inspectors verified that the licensee addressed the concerns in this notice by demonstrating that senior PEC0 management officials would be notified of unusual security events and that these officials would par-


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ticipate in managing real or simulated events. The inspectors also ob- i served the licensee conduct a simulated " Bomb Threat" drill during this ! < inspection and witnessed the licensee take positive action to inform all ' levels of management of the drill; ensured that all parties participating in the drill were properly identified; and, ensured that all radio trans-missions regarding the drill began and ended with "This is a drill, this is a drill." The licensee stated that all drills will be documented to include a critique of security force performanc ;

6. MC 81018 - Security Plan and Implementing Procedures The inspectors reviewed the 10 CFR 50.54(p) changes made to the Physical j Security Plan In November and December 1984 and the determinations regarding their acceptability which were forwarded to the licensee by Region I letter dated May 9, 1985. The inspectors verified that, on those changes deemed not acceptable, the licensee was complying with its previous plan commitment . MC 81020 - Management Effectiveness-Security Program The inspectors discussed the following initiatives implemented by the licensee (PECO) and the security force contractor (Burns International Security Service, Inc. (Burns)): Establishment of a new PEC0 management position (Nuclear Security Specialist) to assist the Administrative Engineer, and two new supervisory positions (Security Coordinators) to assist the Site Security Supervisor. The position of Nuclear Security Specialist and one Security Coordinator position remain to be filled. The security force contractor assigned an individual on a temporary basis to assist the PEC0 staff until the positions are filled. The licensee intends that the PEC0 management staff will perform periodic off-shift evaluation of the security forc Interaction between PEC0 and the security force contractor has been improved by having weekly staff meetings which are attended by the Administrative Engineer, Site Security Supervisor, Burns District Manager, and the Burns site shift security supervisor Establishment of permanent training facilities on site and one additional full time Bruns training instructo Establishment of an expanded security requalification training program to include eight hours of classroom instruction for watch persons, twenty-four hours for guards and thirty-two hours for supervisor Establishment of additional training for Burns security supervisors in identifying aberrant behavio _ - -

e . Establishment of a comprehensive background screening program for security personnel that includes a review of criminal records main-tained by the Criminal Records Central Depositor Capability of the Burns District Manager to maintain computerized records to assist in controlling budgets, manpower, dates for medical examinations and security retraining and qualificatio Frequent visits to the site during the week by the Burns District Manager to observe security force performanc . MC 81042 - Testing and Maintenance The licensee's program for testing and maintenance of security equipment conformed to the requirements of the security plan and procedures. Oper-ational tests of equiptrent observed by the inspectors revealed one dis-crepancy in intrustion detection system testing which was corrected prior to completion of the inspectio . MC 81046 - Locks, Keys, and Combinations The inspectors verified that all locks, keys, and combinations, and re-lated equipment used to control access to protected and vital areas, are protected and controlled to reduce the possibility of compromis p:is p,nr.r.m'; r.ONT,*. INS SAFEGUBOS i,w.pUuynv .uq 15 NM FDR PilBLl"

 !115 CLOS!iM. ;!is !NIENTiDNALLY LU T D The licensee acknowledged this and stated that a review would be conducted to determine how to effectively address this issue. This is an Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI 50-277/85-32-01 and 50-278/85-29-01).

10. MC 81052 - Physical Barriers - (Protected Areas) The inspector observed that the licensee was maintaining the protected area physical barrier in accordance with the security plan. The barrier appeared adequate and appropriate for its intended functio ,


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   !,'ii[N;;ggg[[y LE U ;;l m 11. MC 81064 - Compensatory Measures TitiS pgAng.spti CONTA!HS SAFECIMRDS WFiWM1'0" nm 15 T.91 FOR PilBllC D SCt USU2E,!!iS INTCHTIONALLY LEFT ntAN The inspectors noted that frequently used compensatory posts are not sheltered. The licensee acknowledged this and stated that steps would be taken to purchase and install security post shelters. This is an Inspec-tor Follow-up Item (IFI 50-277/85-32-02 and 50-278/85-29-02).

12. MC 81070 - Access Control -(Personnel) The inspectors observed that personnel access to the protected area and the vital areas as controlled by the licensee in accordance with the physical security plan. Search equipment was adequate and appropriate for the detection of firearms and explosives. Patdown searches observed by the inspector were conducted properl . MC 81072 - Access Control - (Packages) The inspectors cbserved that entry of packages and material into the pro-tected area was controlled by the licensee in conformance with the se-curity plan. Search equipment used was adequate and appropriate for the intended functio . MC 81074 - Access Control - (Vehicles) The licensee controlled access of vehicles entering the protected area in accordance with the security plan. Vehicles were properly searched and escorted when required. The Designated Licensee Vehicle List was dis-cussed with the site security supervisor and subsequently revised to reduce the number of designated licensee vehicle . MC 81078 - Detection Aids - Protected Area The inspectors observed the licensee conduct a penetration tests of all perimeter intrusion detection system (IDS) zones in accordance with the physical security plan. The penetration attempts were detected, with one , exception. Compensatory measures were immediately initiated and the IDS was adjusted and passed a systems test prior to completion of the inspectio ..


In response to inspector concerns identified in NRC Combined Inspection Report No. 50-277/85-02-02 and 50-278/85-02-02, regarding the iaethod of testing perimeter intrusion devices, the licensee stated that Surveillance Test Procedure Number 787 is in the process of being modified and will be reissued by August 30, 198 . MC 81084 - Alarm Stations The inspectors observed that the licensee's central alarm station (CAS) and secondary alarm station (SAS) were in conformance with the physical security plan and adequate for their intended functio . MC 81088 - Communications The internal and external communication links established by the licensee were in conformance with the physical security plan and communications tests observed by the inspector were satisfactor , 18. MC 81601 - Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation Review The licensee's program for responding to security threats and other contingencies, as outlined in the approved Safeguards Contingency Plan (SCP),wasadequate. The licensee had exercised the plan fourteen times this year. The licensee's response to a simulated contingency initiated and observed by the inspectors was consistent with responses detailed in the SCP. }}