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Insp Repts 50-277/PA-93-02 & 50-278/PA-93-02 on 930913-14. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Llrw Shipment to Burial Site Including,Shipping Documentation,Package Insp, Labeling,Marking,Placarding,Vehicle Insp
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/1993
From: Barkanic R, Dornsife W, Maingi S
Shared Package
ML20058M233 List:
50-277-PA-93-02, 50-277-PA-93-2, 50-278-PA-93-02, 50-278-PA-93-2, NUDOCS 9312200212
Download: ML20058M246 (8)



t B

PA Department of Eavironmental Resources Bureau of Radiation Protection Division of Nuclear Safety REPORT NOS.

50-277/PA-93-02 50-278/PA-93-02 DOCKET NOS.

50-277 50-278 LICENSE NOS.



NPF-85 LICENSEE Philadelphia Electric Company i

Correspondence Control Desk P.O. Box 195 Wayne, PA 1908-0195 FACILITY NAME:

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 INSPECTION DATE:

Sep 13-14, 1993 INSPECTORS:

M d#

R. / Barkanic, Nuclear Engineer Date O 9t$



Maingd, Nuclea Engineer Date Approved by:

Lk r[kf M

lO'l7 ' b

' W.P.

Dorn'shfe, Director Date Bureau of Radiation Protection Inspection Summary:

Inspection on September 13-14, 1993 (Inspection Reports Nos. 50-277/PA-02; 50-278/PA-93-02 Areas Inspected:

Announced inspection of the licensee's low level radioactive waste shipment to the burial site including:

shipping documentation, package inspection, labeling, marking, placarding, vehicle inspection, radiation and contamination surveys.


No violations or deviations were identified.

9312200212 931209 I?

gDR ADOCK 05000277 in PDR i

'l J

1 i



1.0 Individuals Contacted i

1.1 Licensee Personnel f

I Frederick H. Crosse, Shipping Supervisor, Rad Waste Sun G.

Lee, Lead Assessor - NQA 1

Chris Baker, Manager, Rad Waste i

Gerald Dworsak, Shipping Coordinator, Rad Waste Robert Lubaszewski, Shipping Coordinator, Rad Waste j

Robert C. Mitchell, Shipping Cord., Rad Waste Francis J. Volz, Technician, Health Physics l

Robert Clark, Technician OV Denotes those had meetings with as part of the exit l

2.0 Scope of the Inspection 1

This inspection was conducted in accordance with the Memorandum-l of Understanding (MOU) between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania i

and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The State inspector reviewed the licensee's low level radioactive waste shipment No. 54-93 to the Barnwell Waste Management Facility according to the attached inspection checklist.

i Due to the probability of impending closing of the LLRW disposal sites, the licensee had made the decision *.o clean up the spent l

fuel pool'of the extraneous materials hangicq around in the


spent fuel pools.

This shipment was the lase of the six shipments in the current campaign.

Another shipping campaign is planned by the licensee and that would clean up the spent fuel pools at Peach Bottom of all irradiated core components prior to the possible closing of the disposal sites.

This shipment consisted of a TN-RAM cask loaded with a TN-RAM 24 liner containing irradiated core components for disposal to Barnwell l

LLRW Disposal Site.

These components had been cut and collected in the TN-RAM 24, 3/4 inch thick steel liner.

This shipment contained 13000 curies of irradiated core components with a disposable volume of j

57.8 cubic feet.

The liner was shipped in TSN-RAM certified type B shipping cask.

The inspector observed the licensee personnel perform the receipt survey of the empty. cask.

The inspector validated that the licensee was a registered user of TN-RAM cask and had a certificate of compliance for the Cask.



Pursuant to the removal of the cask from the loading bay _and to


preclude. leaching out of the contamination during transit to disposal site, swipe samples were periodically taken after l

decontamination for a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, to validate.

i stabilization.

l The inspector witnessed the loading of cask on the trailer, i

placement and bolting down of the personnel barrier and placement of the security seals.

i The inspectors observed licensee personnel perform the radiological survey of the shipment and performed independent.

radiological survey of the shipping cask with the' liner before.

and after installation of the personnel barrier.

The highest' l

reading detected at contact with the personnel barrierimounted over the cask was-17.6 mR/hr and no removable. contamination was detected from the smear samples taken at the representative locations on the surface of the barrier and the vehicle.

The-inspectors witnessed the'QualityLVerification Representative review the shipment documentation and physical transfer of shipping documentation to the driver.

A visual inspection of the vehicle was performed to ensure that the vehicle was in acceptable condition for transport.

The inspectors performed an independent-verification of the f

licensee's calculations for waste classification for DOT TYPE-and Burial Class determination.

The shipping papers _were i

reviewed for' completeness and accuracy.

No-discrepancies were l


'j 3.0 Exit Meeting i

The inspectors met with the licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.0 at the conclusion of the inspection.

The inspector l

summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.

1 l

l l

'l I




~ - i.--..,




Generallnformation 1.

Date ofInspection 9-13,14. 1993 2.

Name ofShipper PM i n d ni nM n Floctric Co., Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station 3.

Name of Carrier m umn 4.

Destination Barnwell Disposal Site, SC 5.

Verify Advanced Notification to the Consignee YES

[ Fissile materials, and Type B or highway route controlled quantities - 49 CFR 173.22(c)]


Verify Advanced Notification to the State (s)

Yes to PA, MD, VA, NC, SC and NRC

[(Type B packages only-10 CFR 71.97)1 L


Package (s) Used X

Cask TN-RAM Docket #71-9233 HIC X

Liner TN-RAM 24.3/4" Thick Steel Liner Drums Boxes Other(Specify) 8.

Number of Packages one 9.

Method of Shipment A.

X Exclusive Use B.

Non. Exclusive Use 10.

Transport Vehicle Open X

Closed B.

Shipping Documentation Checklist j


X Shipping papers present [49 CFR 172.200,201,202,203]


X Proper shipping name and hazard class [172.202(a)]

j 3.

X Proper I.D. number [172.202(a)]

Irradiated Hardware comprised of Control Rod Blades LPRM 4.

X Waste Description Pieces, Channel Pieces, Channel Clips, and Boron Tubes and total quantity by weight (Ibs) [172.202(a)]

Liner 6060 Source Holder volume (cu. ft.)[172.202(a)]


. activity (Ci)[172.203(d)] 13,000 Pieces.


X Radionuclides identified [10 CFR 20.311(b) & 49 CFR 172.203(d)]


X Total quantity of radionuclides H-3, C-14, Tc.99 and I-129 shown [10 CFR 20.311(b)]


X Waste classified and characterized properly [61.55,61.56 and BTP]

(Perform a review of documentation for classification and characterization to determine if classification is correct and reasonable) 8.

X Description of chemical / physical form [172.203(d))


Y-III Category oflabel applied to each package [172.203(d))


X T.I. assigned to each package bearing Y-II or Y-III [172.203(d))

TI-9 11 X

Shipper's certification (172.204(a)]


X Instructions to carrier provided [173.441(c),173.425(b)] (exclusive use only)


Packaging / Package Inspection a.

Packaging Compliance X

Are authorized packages used? [173.415,173.416]

Package types used:

NA LSA-strong tight [173.425(b)]

DOT-7A, Type A NA Performance test records on file? [173.415(a)]

NRC Certified X

Current NRC COC's on file? [10 CFR 71.12(c)]

X Registered with NRC NMSS as user? [71.12(c)]

(Prior to the licensee's first use of the package) b.

Security Seals and Package Integrity X

Security seals [173.412(b)] (LSA-Exclusive use, closed vehicle exempt)

X Lids secure [173.475(c))

X No visible damage or leakage [173.425(b)]

X Packages surveyed for radiation [173.4411 and contamination [173.4431 l




Labsting, Merking and Placarding Checklist a.

Labeling X

Packages labeled W-I, Y.II, Y-III [172.403(b), (c)]

(LSA - Exclusive use exempt)


" Contents" and " Activity" entered (172.403(g)]

X Transport Index affixed on Y-II, Y-III labels (172.403(g)1 TI-9 b.

Marking x

Packages marked properly, i.e., proper shipping name, identification number, DOT Spec.

number, NRC COC number, consignee or consignor's name and address, etc. [172.301,304,306]

X Type A/ type B package marked" Type A"or" Type B"[172.310(a)]

t x

Gross weight marked if package exceeds 110 pounds (172.310(a)]

i x

Waste class marked A-B-C stable / unstable [10 CFR 20.311(d)(2)]


NA LSA - Exclusive use package marked " RADIOACTIVE-LSA"[113.425(b)]


Placarding x

Placards on each end and sides of vehicle for Y-III, LSA exclusive use and highway route i

controlled quantity [172.504(a), 506, 507,173.425(b)]


Vehicle Inspection Checklist X

Verify that vehicle was monitored and inspected by the licensee upon arrival.

X Shipment blocked, braced, tied down in vehicle [173.425(b)]

X Ensure that the licensee surveys the shipment adequately using proper instruments. Review the licensee's survey map (s) to verify that all the required readings are performed and they are in reasonable agreement with inspector's.


Radiation / Contamination Survey [49 CFR 173.441,173.443]

l a.

Exclusive Use Vehicles 0.06 Not exceed 2 mR/hr in any occupied position in the vehicle 2.1 Not exceed 10 mR/hr at 2 meters (6.6 ft) from the vehicle 17.6 Not exceed 200 mR/hr on outer surface (including upper or lower) of the vehicle I

40.0 Not exceed 1,000 mR/hr on the external surface of the package (closed transport vehicle)

NA Not exceed 200 mR/hr on the external surface of the package (open transport vehicle) b.

Non-Exclusive Use Vehicles NA Not exceed 10 mR/hr at 1 meter (3.3 ft) from package NA Not exceed 200 mR/hr on the external surface of the package l 1

I e.

Hightst Contamination Detected I

Not exceed 22 dpm/cm2(beta & gamma)

(Wipe sample for 300 cm2)

Highest Contamination Detected 24 CPM Background Reading 21 CPM Di5erence/Above Background 1



Divide by Instrument Ef!1ciency (0.10) 10 Divide by(300 cm2) na cke round DPM/CM2 RADIATION / CONTAMINATION SURVEY (transport vehicle)

Surface 5.73 mR/hr 1

2 meters 1.33 mR/hr Surface (Top) 17.6mR/hr Cab / Sleeper Surface (bottom)

Surface 0.95 mR/hr 0.06 mR/hr 7.4 mR/hr 2 meters 0.09 mR/hr l

Surface 10.6 mR/hr 2 meters 2.I mR/hr s

f L


-4 i


- G.

Results efInspectica i.'

Violations /Non-Compliance Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were observed.

i t

t II.

Comments i

Instruments Used 1

Instrument (s)

Serial Calibration Expiration Type ESP-2 No. 00310 Date 6-21-94 Dose Rate Eherline ESP-2 00310 6-21-94 Instrument PROBE IIP-270 s

Contamination Eberline 00310 6-21-94 Instrument ESP-2 PROBE 11P-210 i

I Inspector's Name R. J. Barkanic


S. P. Maingi i

i i
