IR 05000277/1993030

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Insp Repts 50-277/93-30 & 50-278/93-30 on 931018-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Control Programs
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1993
From: Bores R, Jang J
Shared Package
ML20058C731 List:
50-277-93-30, 50-278-93-30, NUDOCS 9312020554
Download: ML20058C733 (7)






l l









l Report Nos.

50-277/93-30 and 50-278/93-30




Docket Nos.

50-277 and 50-278




License Nos.

DPR-44 and DPR-56


Philadelphia Electric Company (PECo)

l P.O. Box 195


Wayne. Pennsylvania 19087-0195


Inspection At:

Delta. Pennsv1vania Inspection Conducted:

October 18-22. 1993 i


Ah N4 O



. Jang, Sr. Radiation Specialistg J.

date uents Radiation Protection Section '


(ERPS), Facilitics Radiological Safety

and Safeguards Branch (FRS&SB)


Approved by:

6 m a_3 ch

// P 9.3 Itoben J. Bores', ChieT"ERPf date l

FRS&SB, Division of Radiation Safety j

and Safeguards


Areas Inspected:

Announced safety inspection of the radioactive liquid and gaseous l

effluent control programs including: management controls, audits, air cleaning systems,


calibration of efiluent and process radiation monitoring systems, and implementation of the.


above programs and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).



Within the areas inspected, the licensee was implementing excellent radioactive


liquid and gaseous effluent control programs. The responsible individuals in the Chemistry l

Department had excellent knowledge regarding implementation of the above programs.

Management suppon for upgrading effluent radiation monitoring systems was noteworthy.





9312O20554 931115 l

PDR ADDCK 05000277



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DETAILS 1.0 Individuals Contacted 1.1 Licensee Personnel H. Abendroth, Atlantic Electric

J. Armstrong, Sr. Manager, Plant Engineering

J. Carey, PSE&G

D. Chase, Chemist, Chemistry


G. Edwards, Plant Manager

T. Herpen, I&C, Radiation Monitoring System Engineer A. Odell, Chemistry Manager D. Oltman, Director, Nuclear Chemistry R. Smith, Regulatory

A. Steelman, System Engineer, Plant Engineering

J. Stenclik, Manager, Surveillance / Routine Effluents

l T. Taylor, Chemistry Tech 2, Chemistry

B. Wargo, Assessor, Nuclear Quality Assurance Department

1.2 NRC Personnel W. Schmidt, Senior Resident Inspector P. Bonnett, Resident Inspector R. Lorson, Resident Inspector

Denotes those present at the exit interview on October 22,1993. Other

licensee employees were contacted and interviewed during this inspection.

I 2.0 Purnose The purpose of this inspection was to review the licensee's ability to control and quantify releases of radioactive liquids, gases, and particulates during normal and emergency operations.

3.0 Management Controls 3.1 Ouality Assurance (OA) Audits The inspector reviewed the 1992 QA audit report (A0167280) and 1993 QA

audit draft report (A0680056). These audits covered the areas of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent controls and the implementation of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). An Assessor of the Nuclear Quality Assurance



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Department conducted these audits. The inspector noted that the scope and technical depth of the audits were sufHeient to assess the programs. There were no audit findings or observations for the routine radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs and the implementation of the ODCM.

During the previous inspection, the inspector noted that the Technical Monitoring Section of the Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) Department performed on-going audits in these areas. During this inspection, the inspector noted that the Technical Monitoring Section was combined with the Audit Section within the NQA Department. The Assessors (formerly called Auditors) of the NQA Department must have the appropriate experience to be an independent assessor. For example, the Effluent Assessor must have nuclear power plant experience in the areas of chemistry, radiochemistry, effluents, and environmental monitoring. This new organization appeared to enhance the technical depth of the assessments of the effluent control programs. The inspector had no further questions in this area.

3.2 Revicw of Reports The inspector reviewed the semiannual radioactive effluent release reports for 1992 and the first half 1993. These reports provided total released radioactivity for liquid and gaseous effluents. These reports ato contained any changes to the ODCM, identified inoperable effluent radiation monitoring systems, and provided licensee event reports for the effluent control programs, as necessary. There v/ere no obvious anomalous measurements, omissions or trends.

The inspector also reviewed the annual dose assessment report for 1992. This report provided the maximum calculated doses (liquid, iodine, and particulate pathways) resulting from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent releases. All doses were well below the Technical Specification limits.

4.0 Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Contrn13 4.1 Propam Chan_gs The inspector reviewed the new site organization, effective on October 1, 1993, and discussed with the licensee any other changes made since the last inspection of this area, conducted in September 1992. The Chemistry Department still has the responsibility to implement the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs. The Plant Chemistry Manager-Technical










Plant, the Plant Chemistry Manager-Surveillance / Routine Test for Effluents, and two Plant Chemistry Supervisors report to the Chemistry Manager. The Chemistry Manager reports to the Plant Manager. Each supervisor now has


special tasks for the effluent control program. The inspector determined that r

there have been no significant changes in the licensee's program for handling

radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents. In fact, the new organization l

appeared to enhance the effluent control programs.



4.2 Facility Tour


The inspector toured the facility and observed selected effluent radiation l

monitoring systems (RMS) to examine their operability. All monitoring

systems were operational at the time of the tour.


4.3 Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Controls


The inspector reviewed selected licensee radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent release permits as part of the examination of the implementation of the

following Technical Specification (TS) requirements.


(1) TS 3/4.8.B, Liquid Radwaste Effluents.

(2) TS 3/4.8.C, Gaseous Effluents.

(3) TS 6.17, ODCM.

The inspector noted that the licensee met the requirements for sampling and


analysis at the frequencies and lower limits of detection established in Tables 4.8.1 (for liquid effluents) and 4.8.2 (for gaseous effluents) of the TS. All

reviewed release permits met TS and ODCM requirements.


During discussions with the licensee, the inspector noted that the heensee i

reduced the fregency and concentration of radioactive liquid releases by about

50% since the previous inspection conducted in September 1992. The inspector stated that the licensee's efforts to reduce the amount of radioactive

liquid releases demonstrated an excellent management commitment to j

protecting the public health and safety and the environment.


The licensee determined the minimum detectable activity _(MDA) for the main plant stack RMS using the primary calibration results during the period of July i

1979 to August 1993. The licensee had employed the primary calibration

method to determine the conversion factor (gCi/cc/ cps). The average l

conversion factor with 2 sigma error was about (6.0 10)E-6 pCi/cc/ cps.










Therefore, the MDA would be 3.6E-5 pCi/cc, well below the Technical Specification requirement (IE-3 pCi/cc). The licensee determined the expected background counts was 6 cps (counts per second), based on statistical analysis and the ability to read the log-scale strip chart.

Theinspector stated the statistical analyses to determine the MDA and the background counts (6 cps) were excellent.

During the previous inspection conducted in September 1992, the inspector discussed with the licensee updating of the ODCM, such as several site specific parameters. During this inspection, the inspector verified that these site specific parameters were updated.

The inspector noted that the licensee was tracking the source of I-131 contamination in its sewage treatment systems during this inspection. The licensee suspected that the source of I-131 was an individual wiio had undergone a medical diagnosis (thyroid uptake test), because other plant related radionuclides (e.g., Mn-54, Cs-134/137, and Co-58/60) were not present in the sewage samples. The licensee was able to identify the individual who had the thyroid uptake test. The inspector stated that the licensee's efforts and the capability to identify the contamination source were excellent.

Based on the above review, the inspector determined that the licensee contined to implement excellent radioactive liquid and gaseous efDuent control programs.

5.0 Radiation Monitor Systems (RMS)

5.1 Calibration of Effluent RMS and Flow Meter The inspector reviewed the most recent calibration results of the following effluent / process monitors and flow meters for units 2 and 3.

o Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor o Liquid Radwaste Effluent Flow Meter o Reactor Building Closed Component Cooling Monitors o Service Water Effluent Monitors o Emergency Service Water Effluent Monitor o Main Stack Noble Gas Monitor o Main Stack Flow Meter o Roof Vent Noble Gas Monitors









o Roof Vent Flow Meter

o Offgas Monitors


The Chemistry Department has the responsibility to perform the radiological l

calibration and the I&C Department has the responsibility to perform the i

electronic calibration for the above effluent and process radiation monitors.

All reviewed calibrations were performed at the required f equencies and


results were within the licensee's acceptance criteria.


t During this inspection, the inspector observed the electronic calibration of the control room air intake RMS, source check for the main plant vent RMS, and j

part of the radiological calibration for the main steam line process monitors, j

The inspector noted that the responsible technicians understood th calibration


techniques and reasons for each step of the calibration procedures.

i Based on the above reviews and observations, the inspector determined that the i

licensee was implementing Technical Specification requirements effectively.


5.2 Status of RMS Upgrading The licensee had recognized that many of its effluent / process RMS were outdated and had experienced difficulties purchasing repair parts for the


systems. As a result, the licensee decided to upgrade several RMS to improve


reliability and operability (See Inspection Report Nos. 50-277 & 278/92-24 for details).

During this inspection, the inspector reviewed the " Modification Milestone Status Report" which contained the status of the RMS modifications. Funding-l was approved in September 1992 and purchasing was completed in March 1993. All RMSs are on track to be installed, tested, and operable in either the last quarter of 1994 or the first quarter of 1995, as forecasted.



The inspector stated that this was an excellent management commitment to improve this area.

6.0 Air Cleanine Systems

The inspector reviewed the licensee's most recent surveillance test results as part of l

the examination of the implementation of the Technical Specification requirements for l

the Standby Gas Treatment System and Control Room Air Cleaning Systems.

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o Visual Inspections i

o In-Place HEPA Leak Tests i


o In-Place Charcoal Leak Tests



o System Air Capacity Tests (

o Delta Pressure Tests o Laboratory Tests for the Iodine Collection Ef6ciencies All reviewed test results were found to be within the licensee's acceptance criteria.

During the review of the Laboratory Tests for the hxiine Collection Efficiencies for

the Control Room Air Cleaning System, the inspector noted that the laboratory test l

for the Train B had failed. The licensee replaced the charcoal bed and retested l

immediately. The test results were within the Technical Specification limits.



I Based on the above reviews, the inspector determined that the lice.nsee implemented the requirements for the above systems effectively. No. violations were identified.

l t

7.0 Exit Meeting


The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.1 of this inspection report at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station on October 22,1993.

The inspector summarized the purpose and scope of this inspection, and discussed the


inspection findings. The licensee acknowledged the inspection findings.






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