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Forwards Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-369/93-01 & 50-370/93-01 on 930119-22.Violation Noted Is Being Considered for Escalated Enforcement Action
Person / Time
Site: McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/1993
From: Stohr J
To: Mcmeekin T
Shared Package
ML20128A303 List:
EA-93-013, EA-93-13, NUDOCS 9302020183
Download: ML20128A299 (4)

See also: IR 05000369/1993001



                                             JAN 2 91993                                                j
       Docket Nos. 50-369, 50-370
       License Nos. NPF-9, NPF-17
       EA 93 013
       Duke Power Company
       ATTN: Mr. T. C. McNeekin                          SAFEGUARDS MORMATION RIM 0yrp
               Vice President
               McGuire Site
       12700 Hagers Ferry Road
       Huntersville, NC 28078-8985
       Gentlemen:                                                                                         -
       SUBJECT:     NRC INSPECTION REPORT N0S, 50-369/93-01 AND 50-370/93-01
       This refers to the inspection conducted by Mr. D. Thompson of this office on
       January 19-22, 1993.   The inspection included a review of activities-
       aut!.orized for your McGuire facility. At the conclusion of the inspection,                        *
       the findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the.
       enclosed inspection report.
       Areas examined during the inspection were identified in the report. Within
       these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures
       and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observation of-
       activities in progress.
       Based on the results of this inspection, one apparent violation wa~s identified
       and are being considered for escalated enforcement action in 'accordance with
       the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement. Actions"
       (Enforcement Policy), 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix-C-(57 FR 5791,-February.18,
       1992). This violation related to the failure to properly search packages
       before they were introduce into the protected area. Accordingly,-no Notice of.
       Violation is presently being issued for these inspection findings. Please be
       advised that the number and characterization of apparent. violations. described
       in the enclosed inspection report may change as a result of further NRC
       An enforcement conference to discuss this apparent violation has been
       scheduled for February 11, 1993. The purposes of this conference are to
       discuss the apparent violation, the cause and safety-significance; to provide
      .you the opportunity to point out any errors in our inspection report; to
       provide an opportunity for you to'present your propcsed corrective actions;
       and to discuss any other 'information that will help us determine the
       appropriate enforcement action in accordance with the Enforcement Policy. 'In
       addition, we expect you to address the generic aspects of this . problem asL they.-             ~i
       apply to your Package Search program. You will be advised by separate
       correspondence of the results of our deliberations on this matter. No
       response regarding these apparent violations is required at'this time.
                                3AFEGUARDS INFORMATION -,,,,sa$3                                     i
   ;9302020183 930129 .~                                                r$0et a N      * 'em       i
    PDR     ADOCK 05000369-                                            .w.ures ins dowaeat w if***     '?
    G                   PDR
   "                           -
                              SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION-                                            ,
      Duke Power Company                          2               JAN 2 91993                .,
     -The material enclosed herewith contains' Safeguards Information as defined by
      10 CFR 73.21 and its disclosure to unauthorized individuals is prohibited by
      Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Therefore, the
      material will _ not be placed in the Public Document Room.-
      Should you have any_ questions concerning this letter, please contact us,
                                              J. Philip Stohr, Director
                                              Division of Radiation Safety
                                                 and Safeouards
      NRC Inspection Report
         (Safeguards Information)
      cc w/oncl:
      R. O. Sharpe
      Duke Power Company
     '12700 Hagers Ferry Road
      Huntersville, NC 28078-8985
      G. A. Copp
      Licensing - EC050
      Duke Power Company
      P. O. Box 1006
      Charlotto, NC 28201-1006
      cc w/ Inspection Summary:
      A. V. Carr, Esq.
      Duke Power Company
      422 South Church Street
      Charlotte, NC 28242-0001
      J. Michael McGarry, III, Esq.
      Winston-and Strawn
      1400 L Street, NW
      Washington, D. C. 20005
      Dayne H. Brown, Director
      Division of Radiation Protection
      N. C. Department of Environment,
         Health & Natural Resources
      P.  0.~ Box'27687

L Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 7 wantunsmma m i

      (cc w/ Inspection Summary cont'd - See page 3)
                                                                          .~~o,         _L
                           SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION

l L .

                                  --  .        -                       -       .
                               SAFEGUARDS 1NFORMAT10N                                   '
         Duke Power Company                        3
                                                         JAft 2 91993            ,
      .:-(cc_w / Inspection Summary cont'd)                                        --
         County Manager
         Mecklenburg County
        -720 East Fourth Street
         Charlotte, NC 28202
         T. Richard Puryear                                                             ,
         Nuclear Technical Services Manager                                             l
         Carolinas District
        Westinghouse Electric Corporation
         P. O. Box 32817
        Charlotte, NC 28232


        Dr. John M. Barry, Director
        Mecklenburg County Department
           of Environmental Protection
         700 North Tryon Street
        Charlotte, NC 28202
        Karen E. Long
        Assistant Attorney General
        N. C. Department of Justice
        P. O. Box 629
        Raleigh, NC 27602-                                                            ,
       'bcc w/ Inspection Summary:
        T. Reed, NRR
        A. Herdt, RII
        W. Miller, RII
        NRC Resident Inspector
        U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.
         12700 Hagers Ferry Road
        Huntersville, NC 28078-8985
        bcc w/encls:
        RII:DRSS             RII:DRSS          RII:DRSS        RII:DBP
             *                  *                  *              Efr
        THOMPSON:JC          MCGUIRE           COLLINS         HERDT
        01/--/93             01/ -/93          01/_ /93-       Ol/gS/93
        R I-      S

, '

      sts S                                                                           '
      (*) SEE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR CONCURRENCES                       e      nt y


                                 SAFEGUARDS INFORMATIO$'y'*rk',%$        "%"C
                         -      -   -        __-


                           SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION-
  Duke Power Company                     3       Jg g g g
 -(cc w/ Inspection Summary cont'd)
 .T. Richard Puryear
  Nuclear-Technical Services Manager
  Carolinas' District
  Westinghouse Electric Corporation
  P. O. Box 32817
  Charlotte, NC 28232
  Dr. John M. Barry, Director
  Mecklenburg County Department
     of Environmental Protection
  700 North Tryon Street
  Charlotte, NC 28202
  Karen E. Long
  Assistant Attorney General
  N. C. Department of Justice
  P. O. Box 629
  Raleigh, NC 27602
  bec w/ Inspection Summary:
  R. E. Martin, NRR
  G. A. Belisle, RII
  W. H. Miller, RII
 -G. Harris, RII
  NRC Resident Inspectg
  U.S. Nuclear Regula 6ry Comm,
  12700 Hagers Ferry oad                                                            1
  Huntersville, NC 28078-8985
  bec w/encls:
  RII:DRSS            RII:DRSS        RI $ S;      RII:DRP
  THOM ONiJC           C UIRE
                                    N CdtINT       HERDT-
  01/gt/93           -_01/p/93_       01/.7//93   -01/ /93
  01/ /93
                                                         (Ma/ rem t artsm4two h
                      . SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION
                                                        <~"r==;glerewkk-m    u-u,
