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Forwards Supplemental Application for Amend to License DPR-34,due to Recent Discussions W/Nrc,To Clarify & More Accurately Reflect Decommissioning TS
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1992
From: Crawford A
To: Weiss S
Shared Package
ML20118B206 List:
P-92283, NUDOCS 9210010085
Download: ML20118B205 (3)


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> y Public Service-c- --

16805 WCR 191/2; Platteville, Colorado 80651 September 25, 1992 1 ort St. Vrain Unit No.1 P-92283 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATfN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 NITN: Dr. Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactor, Decommissioning and I!nvironmental Project Directorate Docket No. 50-267 SUIUlICT:

Decommissioning Technical Speci0 cations, Supplemental Information RiiFliRiiNCli:

PSC lxtter, Crawford to Weiss, dated March 19,1992 (P-92115)

Dear D-Weiss:

This letter provides supplemental information for the Fort St. Vrain (FSV)

Decommissioning Technical Specincations that Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC) had previously submitted via the referenced letter. During recent discussions with the NRC, PSC agreed to make several changes for clariGcation and to more accurately reflect decommissioning conditions.

The FSV Decommissioning Technical Specification changes reflected in the attachments to this submittal include the following:

Replaced " radiation safety" with " nuclear safety".

This term is used to distinguish activities that are subject to various administrative controls, such as safety committee reviews and record retention.

Revised Applicability requirements for speci6 cations dealing with reactor building confinement integrity, to ensure that the limiting conditions apply whenever activated graphite b ocks are removed from the Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel, not whenever these bk)cks are removed from the shield water.

't cg n < n m 9210010085 920925 PDR ADOCK 05000267

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P-92283 September 25,1992 Page 2 Clarified the items involving unreviewed safety questions that must be reviewed by the Decommissioning Safety Review Conunittee.

Revised the Ermiannual Radioactive lif0uent Release Report to an Annual Radioactive lif0uent Release Report.

Clarined high radiation area boundary requirements from " roped off" areas to

" barricaded" areas.

Th supplemental information for these changes is included in the following attachments: -

Summary of Proposed Changes -

Proposed Deco nmissioning Technical Specifications, revised pages, with margin marks to show changes from the previous submittal -

Safety Analysis, justifying changes from previously submitted Decommissioning Technical Specifications -

No Significant llazards Consideration Analysis

> includes only those pages revised by this submittal. To assist in your review, changes from the previous submittal have been marked in the margin and are identined in Attachment 1.

The supplemental pages provided in Attachment 2, combined with the Decommissioning Technical Specifications previously submitted in the referenced letter, are intended to completJy replace the existing FSV Technical Specifications. The No Significant flazards Consideration Analysis 1,mvided in Attachment 4 addresses this total Technical Specification replacement, consistent with the decommissioning accident analyses in the FSV Proposed Decommissioning Plan. This analysis has not been affected by the revisions provided in this supplementary submittal.

Accordingly, Attachment 4 is identical to the No Signi0 cant 11azards Consideration Analysis provided in the referenced letter, and is provided here for completeness.

P 92283 September 25,1992 Page 3 PSC requests that the NRC approve the proposed Facility License and Decommissioning Technical Specifications submitted via thc referenced letter, as supplemented herein.

PSC requests that these requirements be effective upon issuance, and that a 14 day implementation period be provided, to allow all the associated procedures and other controls to be placed in effect.

If you have any questions regarding these proposed changes, please contact Mr. M.11.

Ilolmes at (303) 6201701.

Very truly ours, g


.U A.' Clegg Crawford Vice President Electric Production ACC/SWC cc:

Regional Administrator, Region IV Mr. J.11.11aird Senior Resident inspector Fort St. Vrain Mr. Robert M. Quillin, Director Radiation Control Division Colorado Department of Health L.,
