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Meeting Summary for the April 21, 2020, Public Meeting to Discuss NuScale SDA Significance Review Process
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 04/23/2020
From: Getachew Tesfaye
To: Michael Dudek
Tesfaye G
Download: ML20114E039 (5)


April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO:

Michael I. Dudek, Chief New Reactor Licensing Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:

Getachew Tesfaye, Senior Project Manager /RA/

New Reactor Licensing Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation




OF THE APRIL 21, 2020, CATEGORY 1, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS NUSCALE POWER, LLC STANDARD DESIGN APPROVAL APPLICATION SIGNIFICANCE REVIEW PROCESS The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Category 1 public meeting on April 21, 2020, to discuss the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale) Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Standard Design Approval (SDA) application significance review process. The significance review process highlights changes to the NuScale SMR design already reviewed by the NRC that will be incorporated in the planned SDA application. The objective is to assist the NRC in resource planning and provide a more focused and efficient review process. Members of the general public participated via Bridgeline during the meeting.

The public meeting notice dated April 21, 2020, was posted on the NRC public Web site and can be found in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management Systems (ADAMS) under Accession No. ML20108F634. NuScale presentation slides can be found under ADAMS Accession No. ML20106F137 (Nonproprietary) and ML20106F127 (Proprietary).

Enclosed are the meeting agenda (Enclosure 1), list of participants (Enclosure 2), and overview (Enclosure 3).

Pre-Application Docket No. 9990278


1. Meeting Agenda
2. List of Attendees
3. Meeting Overview cc w/encl.: DC NuScale Power CONTACT: Getachew Tesfaye, NRR/DNRL 301-415-8013



GTesfaye DATE 04/22/2020 04/23/2020 04/23/2020



OF THE APRIL 21, 2020, CATEGORY 1, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS NUSCALE POWER, LLCS STANDARD DESIGN APPROVAL APPLICATION SIGNIFICANCE REVIEW PROCESS MEETING AGENDA APRIL 21, 2020 Time Topic Speaker 02:00 - 02:10 PM Introductions and Opening Remarks All 02:10 - 02:30 PM Discussion of the NuScale SDA significance review process NRC/NuScale 02:20 -02:40 PM Questions from the public NRC/Public 02:40 - 03:30 PM Closed Meeting NRC/NuScale 03:30 PM Adjourn



OF THE APRIL 21, 2020, CATEGORY 1, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS NUSCALE POWER, LLCS STANDARD DESIGN APPROVAL APPLICATION SIGNIFICANCE REVIEW PROCESS LIST OF ATTENDEES Name Organization Name Organization Getachew Tesfaye NRC Rebecca Norris NuScale Tania Martinez Navedo NRC Karl Gross NuScale Joseph Colaccino NRC John Fields NuScale Stacey Rosenberg NRC Mike Melton NuScale Rebecca Karas NRC Zack Rad NuScale Scott Krepel NRC Gary Becker NuScale Victor Cusumano NRC Marty Bryan NuScale Matthew Mitchell NRC Kyra Perkins NuScale Steven Bloom NRC Cyrus Afshar NuScale Olivia Mikula NRC Steve Pope NuScale Bruce Bavol NRC Mark Chitty NuScale Gregory Cranston NRC Elisa Fairbanks NuScale Prosanta Chowdhury NRC Dennis Williford NuScale Omid Tabatabai NRC Vernon Hull NuScale Marieliz Johnson NRC Liz English NuScale Anna Bradford NRC Brad Devendorf NuScale Michael Dudek NRC Sarah Fields Uranium Watch Joseph Donoghue NRC MaryJane Ross-Lee NRC Jane Marshall NRC Robert Taylor NRC Booma Venkataraman NRC Chang Li NRC Angelo Stubbs NRC Raul Hernandez NRC Hanry Wagage NRC Clinton Ashley NRC Nan Chien NRC Anne-Marie Grady NRC James Hickey NRC Michele Sampson NRC Amanda Marshall NRC Marie Pohida NRC Dan Widrevitz NRC Dinesh Taneja NRC Sheila Ray NRC

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OVERVIEW OF THE APRIL 21, 2020, CATEGORY 1, PUBLIC MEETING ON USCALE POWER, LLCS STANDARD DESIGN APPROVAL APPLICATION SIGNIFICANCE REVIEW PROCESS The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Category 1 public meeting on April 21, 2020, to discuss the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale) Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Standard Design Approval (SDA) application significance review process. The significance review process highlights changes to the NuScale SMR design already reviewed by the NRC that will be incorporated in the planned SDA application. The objective is to assist the NRC in resource planning and provide a more focused and efficient review process.

NuScale presentation slides can be found under Agencywide Documents Access and Management Systems Accession No. ML20106F137 (Nonproprietary) and ML20106F127 (Proprietary).


1. NuScale stated that all changes from the approved design certification application final safety analysis report (FSAR) are identified and categorized as significant or not significant to facilitate a more efficient review.
2. NuScale explained that the significant review process uses already established criteria from the following publicly available documents:
a. Regulatory Guide 1.187, Guidance for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests, and Experiments, Revision 1, May 2019.
b. NEI 96-07, Guidelines for 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations, Revision 1, November 2000.
c. Appendix C, NEI 96-07, Guideline for Implementation of Change Processes for New Nuclear Power Plants Licensed Under 10 CFR Part 52, Revision 0 - Corrected, March 2014.
d. Appendix D, NEI 96-07, Supplemental Guidance for Application of 10 CFR 50.59 to Digital Modifications, Revision 0, November 2018.
e. NEI, 10 CFR 50.59 Resource Manual, Revision 1, October 2001.
3. The NRC staff actively participated in the meeting by asking clarification questions and providing comments for NuScale consideration.
4. At the conclusion of the meeting, NRC staff opened up the meeting to questions from the general public. A member of the public asked question regarding the guidance documents NuScale plan to use in the significance review process. The person noted that the majority of the documents are not NRC documents and questioned on their suitability to meet NRC regulation. The NRC staff responded that its regulatory finding will be guided mainly by the content of the application not on the process used by the applicant to develop the application. The caller was satisfied with the staffs response.