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Audit Summary for the Regulatory Audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses, (Memo)
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 11/22/2019
From: Rani Franovich
To: Samson Lee
Franovich R / 415-7443
Shared Package
ML19270G302 List:
Download: ML19270G676 (2)


November 22, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Samuel S. Lee, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New Reactors FROM: Rani Franovich, Project Manager /RA/

Licensing Branch 1 Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of New Reactors




FOR NUSCALE POWER, LLC FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT CHAPTER 15, TRANSIENT AND ACCIDENT ANALYSES From June 15, 2017, to March 20, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted a regulatory audit of NuScale Power, LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report Chapter 15, Transient and Accident Analyses. The enclosed audit summary describes the content of the review, identifies the audit participants, and presents audit exit observations.

Docket No.52-048


1. Audit Summary - (Non-Proprietary)
2. Audit Summary - (Proprietary) cc wo/encl:

DC NuScale Power, LLC Listserv CONTACT: Rani Franovich, NRO/DLSE Document transmitted herewith contains sensitive unclassified 301-415-7334 information. When separated from the enclosure, this document is DECONTROLLED.

PKG: ML19270G302 Memo: ML19270G676 : ML19284A516 (NON-PROP) : ML19270G740 (PROP) *via email NRO-002 OFFICE NRO/DLSE/LB1: PM NRO/DLSEL/LB1: LA NRR/DSS/SNRB: BC NAME CSantos for RFranovich* MMoore* RKaras DATE 10/11/2019 10/03/2019 11/22/2019 OFFICE NRO/DLSE/LB1: BC NAME SLee DATE 10/11/2019