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Summary of September 16, 2020 Public Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC to Discuss Operator Licensing Topics
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 09/30/2020
From: Maurin Scheetz
To: Cowdrey C
Scheetz M
Download: ML20274A108 (4)


September 30, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Christian Cowdrey, Chief Operator Licensing and Human Factors Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:

Maurin Scheetz /RA/

Operator Licensing and Human Factors Branch Division of Reactor Oversight Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 PUBLIC MEETING WITH NUSCALE POWER, LLC TO DISCUSS OPERATOR LICENSING TOPICS On September 16, 2020, representatives from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale), held a Category 1 public teleconference to discuss topics related to operator licensing for operators at a future NuScale facility. Participants included personnel from the NRC, NuScale and members of the public. The meeting was for the NRC staff and NuScale to discuss the status of operator licensing projects including the development of a Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) catalog and examination standards for future NRC examinations at NuScale plants.

The public meeting notice and agenda can be found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management Systems (ADAMS) under Accession No. ML20259A475. This meeting notice was posted on the NRC public Web site located at list of attendees can be found in Enclosure 1.

During the meeting, the NRC staff acknowledged receipt of NuScales input (ADAMS ML20195A587) to NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Standards for Power Reactors, for the NRC to use while developing examination standards for future Small Modular Reactor operator license applicants. The NRC staff will review the input and plans to draft, pilot, and finalize examinations standards as a supplement to NUREG-1021 when there is a combined operating license (COL) applicant. A pilot is necessary to finalize examination preparation, administration and grading details.

Next, the staff asked NuScale if they intend to identify the learning objectives for use in a NuScale knowledge and abilities (K/A) catalog as proprietary and if so, will a future COL applicant have access to the learning objectives. NuScale responded that the learning objectives will most likely not be labeled as proprietary. The NRC staff explained that they are finalizing a plan for a NuScale K/A catalog, but the catalog will likely not be finalized until there is COL applicant. The NRC staff asked several questions about how the NuScale learning CONTACT:

Maurin Scheetz, NRR/DRO 301-415-2758

C. Cowdrey 2

objectives may change due to design changes associated with the NuScale720 Standard Design Approval Application or as a result of the facility licensee developing its training program. The NuScale staff did not think that major changes would take place, and they are tracking changes to the learning objectives resulting from design projects. Additionally, the NuScale learning objectives are standard learning objectives that help to minimize differences over time.

The NRC staff told NuScale that there may be a future need for a separate public meeting to discuss aspects and application of the training rule (10 CFR 50.120, Training and qualification of nuclear power plant personnel).

Finally, the NRC staff and NuScale discussed operator licensing milestones. The NRC staff reiterated that they will not prioritize work on the K/A catalog and the examination standards until there is a COL applicant that will need these products. The NRC staff and NuScale agreed that a lot of work has already been done to prepare for future SMR examinations and that they can meet periodically to discuss new information and the status of the operator licensing projects.

At the end of the teleconference, the NRC staff solicited the public for input. One member asked a question and provided comments.


1. List of Participants

C. Cowdrey 3




PUBLIC CCowdrey, NRR EGuthrie, RII LNist, NRR BHartle, NRR MScheetz, NRR cc w/encl.: DC NuScale Power, LCC Listserv ADAMS ACCESSSION No. ML20274A108

  • via e-mail NRR-106 OFFICE NRR/DRO/IOLB*


NAME MScheetz CCowdrey DATE 9/30/2020 9/30/2020

Enclosure PUBLIC MEETING U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION September 16, 2020 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

List of Attendees NAME AFFILATION Christian Cowdrey NRC Eugene Guthrie NRC Brandon Hartle NRC Lauren Nist NRC Maurin Scheetz NRC Doug Bowman NuScale Liz English NuScale Nadja Joergensen NuScale Pat Leary NuScale Deb Luchsinger NuScale Walter MacRae NuScale Mike Melton NuScale Jim Osborn NuScale Tim Tovar NuScale Edward Davis DOE Sarah Fields Uranium Watch Greg Kanda INPO