ML20113C905 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Calvert Cliffs |
Issue date: | 12/31/1984 |
From: | Bartal L, Fuhrman G, Mirela Gavrilas BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO. |
References | |
NUDOCS 8504120099 | |
Download: ML20113C905 (52) | |
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Prepared by :
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Januarv_1 - Decemoer 31, 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paos List o+ Figures-- -
11 List of Teoles - - -
- 4. Summary =- -= --
- 8. Introduction -- - --------
3 C. Program = -- -- --------------
3 C. 1 Objectives--------------- -- -------
3 C. 2 Samole Collection --- -
-- 4 C. 3 Data Interpretation------------------------ 4 C. 4 Program Exceptions - == --- ---
4 D. Results And Discussions----------- -----
- D. 1 Aouatic Environment- =- -
-= --
5 D. 2 Atmosoneric Environment- - ----------
e D. 3 Terrestrial Environment---------------- 8 D. 4 External Radiation------------------------- 9 E. Conclusion------------------- - -- - ---
9 F. Reterences----------------------------------- le Accenoix 4 - Environmental Samoling Locations---- 19 Apoendix B - Analvtical Data fables----------- 23 Accendix C - EP4 Cross-Check Program------------- 45 I
Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31, 1984 Docket Nos. 60-317/318 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page A-1 Map of Southern Maryland and Chesapeake Bay Showing Locations of Calvert C11++s Nuclear Power Plant --- -- - -
21 A-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Stations in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power P1 ant------ - - - - = --- -- --
22 LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 1 Synoosts at the 1988 Calvert Clifts Nuclear Power Plant Hadiological Environmental Monitoring Program- == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 2 Annual Summarv ot Madioactivity in the Environs of the Calvert Clifts Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 a n d 2-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
13 H-1 Locations of Environmental Samoling Stations for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant- -------
20 A
O 11
3 Januarv i - Decemoer 31. 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 A.
During this operating period tor Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 anc 2. Baltimore Gas ano Electric Comoany tBG&E) ano Teledvne Isotooes analvzed samoles trom the aouatic. atmosoneric. anc terrestrial environments. A total at 1.112 analyses were certormed on 750 environmental samoles auring this ceriod. In accition. BG&E cersonnel analyzed ble tnermoluminescent costmeters t TLD'si tor amotent ractation cose rates.
Samoles trom the aouatic environment incluced bav water, fish, snelltish tovsters and craos). ano seciment. Bav water was analvrea tor tritium.
Sr-89. Sr-90, ano gamma emitting nuclides. Fish, sne11tish. and sealment were analyzeo for gamma emitting nuclices. Fisn cones and sediment were also analyzed tor Sr-89 and Sr-90.
Monitoring ot the atmosoneric environment inclucea samoling air ano crectoltation. Air oarticulates anc gaseous socine were collected on glass fiber tilters ano silver zeoitte molecular sieve cartricges, resoectivelv.
Tne carticulate t11ters were analv:ec tor gross ceta activity ano for gamma emitting nucisces, wn11e the molecular sieve cartriages were analvzed
.- +or 1-131. Hnaivses were made tor Sr-89 anc Sr-90 on cuarteriv
? comcosited air oarticulate eliters. Preclottation was analvred tor gross oeta. M-5. Sr-89. Sr-90, and gamma emitting nuclides.
Samoles trom tne terrestrial environment incluced milk. vegetation, soll.
ano ground water samoles. Milk samoles were analvted for gamma emitters.
1-131. Sr-89. and Sr-90. The vegetation and t.911 samoles were analv:ed
. tor gamma emitters. Sr-89. and Sr-90. The cround water samoies were analvted tor H-3 and gamma emitters.
Measurements at external radiation were certormeo ov analv ing TLD's trom 13' locations surrounding the olant.
Low levels of various racionuclides were coserved in the environs of the olant during 1984. Some at tnese observations are attributable to tallout from cast atmosoneric nuclear testing, ano some are related to the coeration of tne olant. With reference to tne latter ooservations: H-3 was coservea in two cav water samoles trom locations 7 and 8: Ag-110m was coservea in all ovster samoles from location 5: Co-58 ana Zn-e5 were also coservec in ovsters ta single samole trom location 5is Co-ed acoearea in seciment samoles in a cattern similar to tnat coserved in tne oast and Co-58 was observea in a single soll samole trom location 11.
In orcer to assess tne olant s contrioution to tne amotent raatation
- levels at the surrounalno environment. cose calculations were certormea j using the olant s ettluent release cata. on site meteorological cata. and
! accroortate oathwavs. The results et these cose calculations indicates e
n-January 1 - Decemoer 31. 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 .
- a. a maximum Invrola dose tvia innalation and garden vegetaole oatnwavst at 0.07 mrem at location 14, which is 0.1% of the acceptacle limit of 75 mrem /vear as specitled in 40 CFR 190 Environmental Radiation Protection Stanc1rds for Nuclear Power Goeration, and a maximum thyroid dose (via milk pathways of 0.71 mrem at Millings farm, wnich is less than 1.0% of the accootable limit at 75 mrem /vear (40 CFR 190):
- b. a maximum whole boav gamma cose et 0.11 mrem at location IS.
whicn is less than 0.5% of the acceotable dose at 25 mrem /vear (40 CFR 190):
- c. a maximum wnole body dose (via all liould oathwayss et 0.02
. mrem, wntch is less that 0.1% of the acceptanie limit at 25 mrem /vear (40 CFR 190).
Thus it is conclucec. based upon the levels at racloactivity ooserveo and tne various cose calculations certormea. tnat tne coeration at Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 during 1984 did not cause any significant imoi.ct on the environment.
t 9
,s Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31. 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318
- 8. INTRODUC TION Baltimore Gas. ano diectric Comoany tbG4:0 has been conducting a raatological environmental monitoring program an the environs at tne Calvert C11tts Nuclear' Power Plant since the summer of 1970.- The Calvert C11t+s site is an ooerating nuclear generating . station consisting of two
! PWR units. Unit 1 acnteved criticality on October 7. 1974 ano commenced commercial ooeration in nav 1975. Unit 2 achieveo criticality on Novemoer 3W. 197e anc went into commercial operation Horal 1. 1977. Since Juiv 29.
iv / 7. - tne monitoring orogram nas noen operating uncer comcInec Environmental Tecnnical noecitications tor Units 1 ano 2 (2 11. Prior to tnis cate. seoarate Environmental Tecnnical Soecitications (22. 23; were in ettect tor eacn unit.
Results at tne monitoring orogram tor the orecoerational anc previous ocerational oorloos enrougn Decemoer 31, 1983. nave oeen recortec in a series at cocuments ti-201.
Results et the monitoring orogram tor the current coerational period at January 1. 1984 tnrougn Decemoer 31, 1984 are includea in tnis report. The report presents the type anc number at samoles analv:ec. tne analvses certormea tsee Taoles 1 ano 2 for a summarv ot tne surveillance orograms, tne relative oositon at samoting locations witn resoect to tne Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant tsee Accendix 4 tor relevent maos anc tiguresl.
' -
- anc tne cata generated curing 1984 tsee Hooencix b tor the taoulation of tne raw cata collectect. Interoretation et tne cata anc conclusions are oremented in tne coav at Ints report.
C. PROGRAM Ine environmental surve111ance cata collected curing tnis reoorting oeriod were comoarea witn tnat generatea in orevious perloos in evaluating the environmental ractoloalcal 1moact at tne coeration et Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 during the year 1984 C.1 Uo 3ectives Ihe colectives at the ractological environmental' monitoring program are
- a. lo cetermine wnetner any statistically signiticant increase occurs in tne concentration of radionuclides in smoortant oatnways,
- p. To detect any measuraole bu11 duo of long-lived radionuclides in the environment.
- c. To monitor and evaluate ambient raatation levels.
! o. To verify that ractoactivity and amulent ractation levels attribu-table to the olant are witnin the limits soecitiec in the Technical Specit1 cations (20 and the Environmental Radiation Protection Standards as set tortn in 40 CFR Part 190.
n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31, 1984 Dockets Nos. 50 -317/318 .
C.2 Samole Collection Tne locations of the incividual samoling stations are lasted in Table A-1 and snown in Figure A-2. All samoles were collected bv consultants to, or oorsonnel of. Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany accoraing to BG&E ooerating croceoures (23). tRadiocnemical analvses were. certormeo av Teledyne isotooes anc BGLE In accordance witn estaolished laDoratory oroceaures t25.26).
Ambient radiation measurements were maae av BG&E oorsonnel in accoraance witn BG&E operating proceoures t24). These measurements were mace witn thermoluminescent dosimeters as previousiv described (10).
C.3 Data Interoretation Analvtacal cata generated during tne orogram are routinely evaluated. In the interoretation of tne data several tactors are important and are ciscussed nere to avoid recetition In tne sections tnat follow.
It is a cnaracteristic of environmental monitoring cata that many results occur at or oelow Ene minimum cetectacle level (MDL). In tnis reoort. all results at or cetow Ene relevant MDL are recortec as oeing "less tnand tne MOL value.
Annual means. ranges, anc typical MOL's are cresentea tor eacn tvoe of analvsts anc tor everv samole mecia in i aole 2. tin tne case at gamma ,
spectrometry. It no activity at a carticular nucisce was tounc. no average was calculated tor tnat nuclide.i Results et incivicual analyses are also cresented witn aco11Caole stancard ceviat10ns in the data taoles at Mooendix 0.
C.4 Program tixceotions No rooted acuatic plants were tound curing 1984.
Samoles at crans and tisn were unavailable curing tne tirst cuarter at l 198h.
Due to storm camage. (Lu s at the cistnarge were movea trom ottshore tocation / to an ensnore location named /a.
Samoles at vegetation were unavailable trom location le curing 1984.
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9 January 1 - December 31. 1984 Dockets Nos.~ 50-317/318 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS All environmental samples were either analyzed by Teledyne Isotope's laooratory orocedures (25) or BG&E laboratory proceoures (26). The analvtical results for tnis reoorting period. oresented in Appendix B and also summarized on an annual basis in Table 2. have been divided into four categories - aquatic envaronment. atmospheric environment. terrestrial environment. and external radiation. ,
D.1 Acuatic Environment The mouatic environment surrouncing tne plant was monitored by analvzing samoles at Day water. aquatic organisms. and octrom sediment. These samoles were octained trom various sampling locations on the Chesaceake ,
Bay near the olant. i D.I.a Bav Water Montniv bay water samoles were taken from two locations the Plant Intake area slocation 8). ano tne Plant Outtall area (location 7). These samoles were analyzed for H-3. gamma emitters, and Sr-89 and Sr-90.
Monthly analyses tor M-5 showed detectable concentrations in oniv two of -t tne samoles collecteo. Inese detectable concentrations were 291+/-125
-- oC1/1 ooservec in the Hugust sample trom location 7 and 146+/-126 oC1/1 in tne Decemoer samole from location B. sotn concentrations are similar to tne results ooserved in Doth the orecoerational tes and previous coerational oorloos (7.20).
Montniv analyses for gamma emitters exhibited no oetectacle concentrations i ot any tission or activation products in these samoles.
Quarterly analyses for radiostrontium exhibitea no detectacle concentrations of these nuclides in any of the composited samoles.
D.I.o Acuatic Organisms i
Quarter 1v samoles et aouatic organisms were taken trom five locations: the couno nets soutn c+ Cove Fotnt tiocation 1). Kenwood beacn (location 3).
Rockv Point ilocation 4s. Camo Conov tlocation Si, and Plant Intake area slocation 8). The ediole portions of these samoles were analyzed for
, gamma emitters, and samoles of tish nones were analvred for Sr-09 and ;
l . Sr-9@. ;
l l
Quarter 1v anaivses et tien samoles collected trom location i snowoo oniv a single detectacle concentration at Cs-137 of 10+/-7 oC1/kg. This result is ,
- similar to tne results oreviousiv ooservec in both tne orecoerational (6) ano ortor coerattonal certoos (7.20),
i t
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Januarv i - Decemoer 31.'1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 .
Quarter 1v analyses for gamma -ematters in she11ttsn samoles exntbited detectable concentrat1ons ' ot radionuclides in oniv the oyster samoles obtained from location ' b. S11ver-110m. rangang from 77+/-10 to 194+/-16 oC1/kg, was oeserved in all the ' oyster samoles taken trom th1s location. -
In addit 1on to tne Ag-110, ostectacle concentrations of the activation oroducts Co-58 (23+/-8 pCi/kg; and Zn-65 (25+/-17 : oCi/kg) were also observeos nowever, they were only observec In the June oyster samole from th1s location. The concentration levels of these nuclides are similar to the levels ooserved in orevious years (15-20). and their presence is plant-related.
Quarteriv radiostrontzum analyses of the pones of tish samoles snowed no measureacle concentrations et Sr-89. Strontium-90 on the other hana was ooserved in most samoles in ene range at 2.4 +/ -1.6 to 3.4+/-1.0 pC1/kg.
These results are similar to the general patterns ooserved in both the oreocerational tes and orevious operational persons (7.20)
D.1.c sootment Quarteriv seciment samoles were taken trom tour locations: Camo Conov
- tiocation 5). Long Beach tiocation 6i. Plant intake area tiocation 87. and
- Plant Outta11 area tiocation 7). These samoles were analvrea tor gamma
. emitters and Sr-09 and Sr-90.
Quarteriv analvses for gamma emitters in these samoles revealso the oremence et Cs-137. ranging trom 130+/-51 to 1282 +/-156 oC1/ kg in all
- samoles from all locations. anc Co-ad, ranging trom lev +/-92 to 527+/-128 oC1/kg in most of tne samoles trom all locations. The range at Cs-137 concentrations exntbited are similar to the ranges ooserveo in tne orecoerational (es and ortor coerational oorloos (7.20) and is pronaoiv related to cast atmosoneric nuclear weapons testing. On the other nand.
Co-e8 1s among tne activation ano tission bv-oroducts releaseo trom tne olant in routine ractoactive discnarges. Its range et concentrations is similar to those coserved in orevious coerational pertoos (7.20).
Quarteriv ractostrontium analyses of tne sediment samples exnibited no i measurmable concentrations et either Sr-bY or Sr-90.
f D.2 Atmosonerte tinvironment
'i ne atmosoneric environment was monitored by analvring air oarticulate filters. stiver :eolite cartriages, and preclottation samoles. Tnese samoles were collecteo trom various locations surrouncing the olant.
D.2.a air Particulate Etitors i
Weekiv comoostte air tilters were collected trom seven locations: un bite I
(location 17). On bite (location 18). Knottv Fine tiocation 19). Lusbv .
l i
January 1 - December 31, 1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 tiocation 20s. Long Beach tiocation 21). Cove Point (location 22), and Taylors island tiocation 23). Inese samoles were analvrea for beta activity. gamma emitters. and Sr-89 and Sr-90.
Weekiv analvses tor oeta activity on air particulate tilters revealed that tne annual range at cata tor eacn location is very similar to tne annual ranges exhibited in 1983 (20) and is, once again, mucn lower than the annual ranges exnibited in orevious vaars t13-19). This is most prooably due to a graoual oecrease of atmosoneric tallout trom cast nuclear weaoons testing. This vear's ranges and last vear s ranges are similar to tnose observed orlor to Sootember. 1976 wnen tne Peooles Reouclic of China detonated the tirst of a series of nuclear weaoons (12).
Monthly analyses fcr gamma emitters snowed no measureanie concentrations at any tission or activation Dv-procucts in these samoles.
Quarterly raciostrontium analyses of air particulate filters exnibited no cetectacle concentration of eitner Sr-89 or Sr-90 in any of these comoosited samoles.
D.2.b Air lodine Weekiv composite ractotocine samoles were collected from five locations: On Site (location 171. Or Site tiocation 181. Lusev slocation 20). Cove Point
. tlocation 22). and Taviors Island (location 23).
Ractotocine analvses certormed on the samoles from all locations exn101ted no cetectante concentrations of 1-131.
D.2.c Frectottation Montniv comoosite oreclottation samoles were collected trom one site. On Site (location IS) and were analyzed tor gross ceta. M-3. gamma emitters.
and Sr-69 anc Sr-90.
Montnly analyses tor beta activity in crectoltation samoles revealeo that tne annual range of data tor tnis location was less tnan the ranges of data in recent vears (13-20) and similar to tne ranges otaervec orlor to tne start of the nuclear weaoons testing av tne Pecoles Recuolic ot China (12).
Quarterly analyses for H-3 in comoosites at tnese samoles revealed no measureable concentrations et tnis racionuclide.
Monthlv analvses for gamma emitters snowed no detectable concentrations
, et anv fission or activation oroducts in these samoles.
1 i, ouarteriv ractostrontium analyses o+ ene comoosited oreclottation samoles 7
January 1 - Decemoer 31. 1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 exnicited no detectable cresence of ettner Sr-89 or Sr-90 in any of the samoles tested.
D3 Terrestrial Environment The terrestrial environment was monitored ov analyzing samoles of milk.
vegetation, soll. ano well water. These samoles were collected trom various samoling locations near the plant.
D.3.a Milk Milk samoles were collected montniv wnen availaole from two locations: a nearov tarm tM1111ngs Farms ano a local store in the town of S t. Leonarc tlocation 30). Tnese samoles were analv:eo for 1-131. gamma emitters, and Sr-8Y and Sr-90.
Analvses tor 1-131 in these samoles showed no cetectacle concentrations o+ tnis racionucitae in anv ot tne samoles trem either location. Tvolcal MDL's were in the range at 0.1 to 0.3 oC1/1.
Analyses tor gamma emitters in these samoles snowed cetectacle concentrations at Cs-137 in three at tne milk samoles collectea trom the M1111ngs Farm. ranging trom 8+/-/ to 12+/-o 0C1/l. This racionuclice nas atten Deen ooservec in vegetation samoles collectec trom tne surrouncing
- farms and nas oeen attricutec to cast nuclear weaoons testing t7-20).
Tne cresence et tnis racionuclice in these milk samoles is orceab1v cue to the cow s ingestion at vegetation samoles similartiv contaminated witn tallout from tnese cast weaoons testing.
Radiostrontium analyses 0+ tne milk samoles exntottec no cetectacle cresence of Sr-89 in any ot the samoles. The analyses did reveal the cresence ot $r-90 in all of the milk samoles trom cotn locations, ranging trom 1.0+/-0.5 to le+/-1 0C1/1. The cresence et Sr-90 is most orobably due to tallout from cast nuclear weaoons testing.
D.3.b Vegetation i
Vegetation samoles were collected trom tnree locations: On Site (location 14)r a nearov tarm ilocation 15s. ano anotner nearov tarm intilings Farmi.
Tnese samoles were analv:ed tor gamma emitters anc Sr-89 and br-90.
Analvses t or* qamma emitters in tnese samoles revealed the presence o+
measuraole concentra tions of C s-137 in two of tne vegetation samoles sv1:.. June ano Juiv areens samoles trom the M1111ngs Farm wnten were 24+/~10 anc ve+/ 49 oL1/ko resoectivelvi. Tnese results are similar to tnose coserved an other vegetation samotes in orevious coerational certeas t/~.10s ano are crocaciv tne result et talloat trem cast nuclear we& cons testinQ.
7__ - .
s January 1 - Decemoer 31, 1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Raciostrontium analvses at vegetation samoles revealed no detectacle presence at Sr-ts9 in any at the samples. On the otner hand. the analyses revealed the oresence et Sr-90 in most of the vegetation samoles, ranging trom 6 to 78W oG1/kg. Ihts range of Sr-90 results indicate tne same general patterns ooservec in orevious years t7-20) ano is most procaoly attributable to fallout trom cast weaoons testing.
D.3.c Soil Soil samoles were taken tros tnree On Site locations: 11, 12. ano 13.
These samoles were analyzed tor gamma emitters and Sr-89 and Sr-90.
Analyses for gamma emitters revealed tne presence at Cs-137 in most of these samoles, ranging trom 226+/-70 to 554+/-96 oC1/kg. In addition.
Co-58 was coserved in tne Sootemoer' soll samole trom location 11 at a concentration et 190+/-55 oC1/ kg. The Cs-137 results are similar to those observed in tne oreocerational te) and orevious operational oorloos (7.20) ano are procaolv aue to tne oeoosition of tallout trom past nuclear weaoons testing. The Co-$8. on tne other nand is orocaolv related to olant operation.
. Radiostrontium analyses of the soll samples showed no detectacle concentrations of Sr-89. and oniv two cetectacle concentrations of Sr-90 in tne Feoruarv samoles trom locations 11 ano 13 114+/-a and 15+/-3 oC1/kg
. resoectivelvs. The Sr-90 results are similar to tne results comerved in cotn tne prooerational (6) and orevious operational (7,20) perlocs ana is orcomoty relateo to tallout trom cast nuclear testing.
0.J.c well water Quarteriv well water samoles were collected trem tive locations:
Cnesaceake Lountry Cluo tiocation 2s. On Site tiocation 107. t.cnq Beacn tiocation 21). anc wntte Sanos Cluo Llocations 25A and 258). These samoles were anaivzec tor M-4 and gamma emitters.
LJuarterly analyses for H-3 and gamma emitters in these samples showed no measureacte concentrations at any tission or activation ov-oroducts.
0.4 Enternal Radiation Thermoluminescent costmeters were collected montniv trem 13 locations i surrouncing tne plant. namely: Plant Outf all (location /as. On Site (location l
17), On $1te (location lus. Knotty Pine ilocation tys. Lusov (location 2 01 l
Long Beacn Llocation 211. Gove Point tiocation 22). Taylors Islano (location 2 31, On Site tiocation 24). wnste Sands Club Sign (location 25). S t. Leonard tiocation 26). Solomons !stana (location 27). and Bertha Churen tiocation 28).
The costmeters were read toe external raatation cose rate in m1111 Roentgen (mRI.
e i
- L
. January 1 - Decemoer 31. 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 Tne TLD data for eacn location are como11ed in Table B-14 ano are oresent.ed on an annual casts in Taole 2. The current means anc ranges expressac in Taole 2 were comoarea with the means and ranges for the scan of years trom.19 78 to 1983 (15-20). This comoarsson revealea that the means and rances tor 1984 were similar to those coserved in the tive orececing years.
E. CONCLUSION Low levels at various racionuclides were caserved in the environment surrouncing the olant during 1984. Most o+ these coservations were attributeo to the fallout trom atmosoneric nuclear weapons testing, and others were related to tne operation ot the olant (viz.. H-3 in bay water 1 Co-58, Zn-45 and Aq-110m in snelittsn samoles: Co-se in sociment samoless and Co-58 in soil samoless.
In order to assess the olant's contribution to the amotent radiation levels at tne surrouncing environment. cose calculations were certormeo using tne olant's ettluent release cata. on site meteorological data. and accroortate cannways. The results at tnese dose calculations indicates
- a. a maximum tnvrold dose (via innalation and garden vegetaole cathwaysi ot 0.07 mrem at location 14 whten is 0.l*/. of the acceotaole limit of 75 mrem /vear as specified in 40 CFR 190 invironmental Ractation Protection btandards for Nuclear Power Operations, and a maximum tnvroic cose (via milk oathway) of 0.71 mrem at Millings tarm. wnten is less tnan 1.0% of the acceotaole limit at 75 mrem /vear (40 CFR 190):
O. a mautmum wnole coav gamma cose et 0.11 mrem at location IS.
wnten is less tnat 0.5% of the acceptable cose of 25 mrem /vear 840 Cl H 19 01:
- c. a maximum wnole codv dose (via all liquid oathways) ot 0.02 meem, wnten is less tnan 0.1% or the accootable limit at 25 meem/vear (40 CFR 190).
Inus it is concludec, basea uocn the levels et racloactivity ooserved anc tne various cose calculations certormea. tnat tne coeration at Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 CurinQ Iv84 did not Cause anV signiticant imoact on the environment.
10 1
- Dockets Nos. 58-317/318 s
3r-89 GC 9 Sr-90 GC 8 Fish'" Q t 7 Flesh Saesa (GeLil 0 7 lones Sr-99 9 7 St-99 G 7 Shellush'8' Q 4 17 Flesh (Crab & Ovsters Gassa (6elt) 9 17
. IsttcaSedisent 9 a 16 Gassa (6ett) 9 16 Sr-89 9 16
$r-98 0 16
- ccted Aquatic Sartr.g& 1 6assa(GeLi) 2/4 -
81 ant'ai p, gr.g9 2/4 - St-98 2/A AincSPHERIC ENV!PCNMEnf Air lodiee"' d 5 257 1131 4 257 Air Particulates d 7 361 Gross leta 4 161 6 asea (gel 1) MC la Sr 99 GC 29 St 't QC 26 frecisttation Continuous 1 12 H-1 ftC 4 iress leta 9 12 lanea (6ett) 9 12 1r-99 GC 4 tr 94 GC 4 e
TABLE I (CONTINUED) SYNOPSIS OF THE 1994 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR PONER PLANT RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING FROGRAM Dockets Nos. 55-317/319 SAMPLE SAMPLIN6e NUMBER OF NUMBER ANALYSISe NUMBER TYPE FRE9UEhCY LOCATIONS COLLECTED ANALYSIS FREQUENCY PERFORMED : TEUESTIAL EWIRTMMENT < N: Milt"' M 2 28 6 asea (gel 1) M 28 fr-89 M 28 Sr-98 M 23 1-131 M 23 Vegetation At harvest 3 18 Gases (SeLi) A 13 Sr-89 A 10 St-74 A II l Soil SA 3 6 Gassa (gel 1) SA 6 l Sr 89 SA 6 Sr-il t SA 6 Ground Water 0 5 23 H-3 0 28 6aesa (GELD G 21 Etternal Aadiation M 13 616 TLD M 616 l
- d .eektv, M - aanthly, 9 - quarterly, SA - seet-aniaual. A - annual, C - cceoosite (1) Ediele scecies are saeoled when availatie.
l (2) The location of Crab steoles eat vary dependiet *20cn their availability. l (3) Sasplir; say be interrtoted when no rooted aq'Jatic plants are available. I4) The collection device centains silver trolite. (3) Af ter a sinte:Je decay of 72 trs, tota counts are cerforsec. Gassa spectrostcoy is cerforted on northly eceposttes of weekly saagles. Sr-09 and -93 analyses are perforeed en guartelf canoasttes of neekly sasoles. l (6) All anayses neject to sufficient saeole co!!ection. (7) Saeoles collectef when available. iD Predoeinant iced c'cos (corn & saall grates) are tasoled eben availatie. l l . I 1 l - 12
TABLE 2 AMUAL SUMARY OF RAD 10 ACTIVITY IN THE ENVIRONS OF THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 (JAN. - DEC. 1994) Docket Nos. 50-317/318 Tvoical Annual Results Samole Tvoe Site Radioacivity MOL's Mean (fle Rance*** Acuatic Enytroneent Bay Water oCill 7 Plant Outfall H-3 131 291(1/12) ((122-291) 8 Plant Intate H-3 138 148(1/121 ((123-148) Fish oCi/ko Get) Bluefish I Cove Patnt Sr-98 3 3.4(N3) (<3.0-3.41 Cs-137 13 10(1/3) - l Weakfish 1 Cove coint Sr-90 3 2.7(2/3) ((1.3-3.9) Shellfish cCi/ka (Wat)
. Oysters 5 Casa Cenov Co-58 17 23(1/4) ((17-23) l In-65 34 25(1/4) -
Aq-!!Be 12 123(4/41 (77-194) Pottet Sedleent oCi/kg (Drvt 5 Caso Cency Co-63 69 3:e(2/4) (<69-418) l Cs-137 - 59t(4/a) - 1 6 Lcng Beach u Co-64 69 344(4/4) (226-527) Cs-137 - 1221(4/4) - 7 Plant Discharge Co-68 69 211(2/4) ((69-252) Cs-137 - 631(4/4) - 8 Plant Intake Co-62 69 277(3/4) ((69-491) Cs-137 - 686(4/4) - Atses:eric Envirennent Air Particulates Ig-a :Ct/s8 17 03 Site Grass Beta I.2 1.2(51/52) ((3.5-3.21 13 On Site Gross Beta 9.2 1.3(51/52) (<l.6-3.4) 19 rcotty Pine Gross leta 3.2 1.2(52/52) ((9.!-2.6) 13 L
z-TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) ANNUAL SUMPARY OF RADI0 ACTIVITY IN THE ENVIROMS OF THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT . UNITS 1 AND 2 tJAN. - DEC. 1994) Docket Nos. 58-317/318 Tvolcal Annual Results Sasole Tvon Site Radioacivity MDL's Mean (f)* Ran;e*** Atsosceric invironeent Air Particulates 13-2 oci/n* 2ILusby Gross feta t.2 1.4(52/52) ((3.5-2.71 21 Long Beach Gross Beta 3.2 1.3(51/52) H8.2-2.5) 22 Cove Point Gross Beta 8.2 1.~:52/52) ((8.7-2.7) 23 Taylors Island ** Gross Beta 8.2 1.1(52/57! H3.3-3.2) Preclaitation ott/l IS On Site Gross Beta 2.2 3.6(12/12) Hl.9-4.9) Terrestrial Environment illk oCill Millings Fars Sr ci - 7.2(18/18) (4.3-16) . Cs-137 5t 9.7(3/12) (5.3-12) 33 Local Stere ** Sr-98 2.4(13/13) (1.3-3.3) Va;etation cCi/4 Get) Greens Millings Fars Sr-98 - 115(2/2) (79-18) Cs-137 17 57(2/2) (24-93) Pasture Millings Farm Sr-98 - 185(3/3) (6-488) Barley 14 Old Bay Fars Sr-98 - 19(1/1) - Soy Bean 14 Old Bay Fara Sr-98 - 33(1/1) Fa< 15 Fara Sr-98 - 138(!/1) SoySean 15 Fars Sr-98 - 76(1/1) iccacco 15 Fara ir-98 - 723(1/1) - 1 1 14 j l l
L TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) ANNUAL SUPMARY OF RADIDACTIVITY IN THE ENVIRONS 0F THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR PONER PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 (JAN. - DEC. 1994) Docket Nos. 58-317/318 Typical Annual Results Sample Tyce Site Radioacivity MDL's Mean (f)* Range *** Soil pCilka(Dry)
!! On Site Co-59 31 19t(1/2) ((31-190)
Sr-99 18 14(1/2) f(12-14) Cs-137 53 249(2/2) (226-269) 13 On Site Sr-98 13 15(1/2) ((13-15) Cs-137 53 444(2/2) (254-554) External Radiation Fr/!I day **** 7a Plant Outf all 4.59(12/12) (2.92-6.26) 17 On Site 4.66(12/121 (4.25-5.3!)
. 19 On Site 4.43(12/12) (4.12-4.7!)
19 Koetty Pine 4.24(12/12) 13.79-4.a!)
- 3 Lushy 3.86(12/12) (3.52-4.47) 21 Long Beach 4.18(12/12) (3.19-4.911 22 Cove Point 3.99(12/12) 13.59-4.19) 23 Taylors Islana** 5.67(12/12) (4.7a-6.27) 24 On Site 5.37(12/12) (4.69-5.33) 25 lihite Sands Club Sign 4.72(12/12) (4.37-5.41) 26 St. Leonard 4.12(12/12) (3.75-4.51) 27 Solcaans 3.71(12/12) (3.41-4.!!)
28 Bertha a.49(12/12) f4.13-5.91)
- Nean encoecasses only detectable cuantities fractions in parenthesis recresent the crocortion of detectable quantities to total quantities in a data set. For External Radiation, the fractions recresent t,te pcrtion of ILD's recovered to the total alaced in the fleid.
** Control locations. > *** Mintaua observable to aaxisua cbserved. **** 9inisus to at:13us cbserved.
15 ~ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____-__-_-_-_-____ _ ____________-____--___________-_-___________-_-_-__ _ __
l Januarv 1 - December 31,1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 F. REFERENCES (1) Cohen. L. K., "Precoerational Environmental Radioactivity Mon-itoring Program at Calvert C11+ts Units 1 and 2", Nus No. 882 Semi-Annual Reoort Jamuary-June 1971, December 1971; Nus No. 1025 Annual Reoort 1971. March 1973. (2) Cohen. L. h. , "Precoerational Environmental Radioactivity Mon-Itoring Program at Calvert C11tts Units 1 and 2". NUS No. 1137. Annual Heport 19/2. December 1973. (3) Cohen. L. K. and Malmerg. M. S., "Preoperational Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert C11fts Units 1 and 2". Nus No. 1188. Annual Heport 1973. October 1974.
- 14) Radiation Management Corocration. Calvert C11tts Nuclear
- Power Plant Radioloolcal Environmental Analvses. December 1971 - Decemoer 1973 HMC-TR-74-13. August 1Y/4.
LS) Malmberg. M. S., "Evntronmental Radioactivity Monitoring Pro-gram at Calvert Cittts Nuclear Power Plant", NUS No. 1331 Annual Report 1974. February 1975.
- a6s Malmberg. M. S., "Preoperational Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring Program at Calvert Clifts Units 1 and 2", NUS -
No. 1333, Data Summarv Reoort, deotemoer 1970 to Sep-temoer 1974 July 1975. (7) Hadiation Management Corocration. Calvert Clitts Nuclear Power Plant - Ractoicolcal environmental Surveillance Program, January 1 to June 30. 19/4. Decemoer 1 9 ,7 4 (8) Baltimore 6as and hiectric Companv. Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant - Semi-Annual Goerating Heoort. Julv - Decemoer 19/4 Marcn Iv/b. ty) Radiation Management Corporation. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Procram - Semi-Annual Reoort tor Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant. July 1 throuch Decemoer 61. 19/4 HMC-IR-/b-06. August 1Y75. (10) Baltimore bas and Electric Comoany and Hadiation Management Corocration, Calvert Cli++s Nuclear Power Plant Hadio-logical Environmental Monitoring Frogram semi-Annual Recort. Januarv 1 - June 30. 19/5 RMC-IR-/5-11. Seotember 19/b.
. i 4 . 1 ID l
1 I Januarv 1 - December 31.1984
' Docket Nos. 50-317/318 (11) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company.and Radiation Management Corooration, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radio-logical Environmental Monitoring Program Semi-Annual Report, Julv 1 - December 31. 1975,.RMC-IR-76-02, March 1976. . (12) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Raciation Management Corooration, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radio- ,
logical Environmental rion1torino Program Semi-Annual Report. Januarv i - June 30, 1976, RMC-TR-76-06, September 1976. (13) ' Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany and Radiation Management Corporation. .Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radio-logical Environmental Monitorino Frooram Semi-Annual Reoort. Julv 1 - December 31. 19/6. RMC-TR-77-07, March 1977. (14) Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Reoort. Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31, 1977 Marcn 1978. Lib) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Neocrt. January 1 - December 31. 1978, March 1979. E16) Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany, Calvert C11++s Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Reoort. Januarv 1 - Deceaser 31. 1Y79, March 1980. (17) Baltimore uas and Electric Company, Calvert Clit+s Nuclear
' Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Frogram Annual Report. Januarv i - Decemoer 31. 1960. Marcn 1981.
(18) Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological' Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Reoort. Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31. 1981. March 1982. (19) Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoanv. Calvert C11++s Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Reoort. Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31, 1982, March 1983. (20) Baltimore Gas-and Electric Comoany, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Neoort. Januarv 1 - Decemoer 31. 1983, Maren 1984. e 17
January 1 - Decemoer 31,1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 (21) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Unit Nos. 1 and 2, License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69. Amendment No. 23 for Unit No. 1, Amendment No. 7 for Unit No. 2, Apoendix A Technical Soeci+1 cations: Accendix B, Environmental Tecnnical Specitications. <22) Calvert Clitts Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Number 1. License No. DPR-SS, Acceno1x H. Iechnical Specl+1 cations; Mpoendix B. Environmental- lecnnical Specitications. (233 Calvert C11t+s Nuclear Power Plant. Unit Number 2, License No. DFR-69. Appendix A. Technical Soecitications; Aopendix B, Environmental Technical boecifications. (24) Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany. Ooerating Procedures for snvironmental Monitorino Activities at Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant. UF-2 to OP-e. Iv84. (25) Teledyne isotooes. Laboratorv Proceoures.Ph-032-4 to PR-032-25, 1982. (26) Baltimore Gas and Electric Comoany, Lab Manual Chemical Engineering & Tests. -(27) Calvert' Clifts Nuclear Power Plant. Docket Nos. 50-317/318. Semi-Annual E++1uent Release Reoorts: Januarv - June 1984. and Julv - December 1984 (28) U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.10v. " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man trom Houtine Releases at Heactor Eftluents tor the Purpose et Evaluating Comp 11ance'wlth 10 CFR Part 50, Apoen-
-dix 1". Revi si on 1. October 1977.
(29) U.S. NRC Hegulatorv bulde 1.111. " Methods tor Estimating Atmosoneric transport and Discersion at Gaseous E+fluents in Houtine Heleases trom Light-Water-Cooled Reactors". Revision
- 1. Juiv 19/7.
January 1 - Decmoer 31. 19td4 Occket Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX A Accendix 4 contains intormation concerning the environmental samoles which were collected curing the period of January 1, 1984 to December 31. 1984 Sample locations and soecific information aoout the individual locations are given in -Table A-1. Figure A-2 shows the locations at samoling stations with respect to the plant site. Figure A-1 shows the location of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant with respect to Southern Maryland and the Chesapeake Bav. e s G e 19
,- + - w -e- , , -- -:~v rer , a-ev-r- e-- - - - - - - - - - - r,-wm- e- -----w,m .--- - - - - -s-- - -m w - ww~--,> - - -- -,
TABLE 4-1 . LOCATIONS OF ENVIRONMENIAL SAMPLING STATIONS ' FOR THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 Distance Direction Station Description (Feet) (Sector) 1 Found Nets South of Cove Point 38,000 SE 2 Unesaceake Country Club 20,000 SSE
.3 Kenwood Beach 35.000 NNW 4 Hockv Point 10.000 SE $ Camo Canoy _3.000 SE a 6 Long Beach 15.000 NNW 7 Plant Outtall Area 2.500 NE 8 Plant Intake Area 5.000 E 10 Onsite well e0W SE 11 On Site 1,300 WNW . 12 Un Site 1.e00 WSW 13 On Site 2,400 SSE 14 Cultivated Field On Site 1.200 W 15 Farm 24,000 WSW 16 Farm 22.000 SW 17 On Site 1,200 NW 18 On Site 2.000 SE 19 Knottv Pine (Giovanni*s) 8,900 WSW l ',
! 20 LusDv 9,900 SSW ! 21 Long Beach 14,000 NW 22 Cove Point 24.000 SE i 24 tavlors islanc 40,000 ENE 24 Un 62te 1.800 NW 2b wntte bands Club Sign 7,300 WSW 2e 6t. Leonarc 2/.000 NW 4/ bolomons 42.000 5 l 28 bertna 1/.000 S l 2Y Flag Ponds 7.500 NW 30 Store (LusDyl 9.900 SSW IS Un Site t.400 SSW tb P1 ant 51te 4.600 NNW M1111ngs Farm 9.650 S o i I
- Distance measured + rom olant vent.
20 i
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January 1 - December 31. 1984 Docket Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX B Accenoix 8 1s a cresentation ot the analytical results at the 1984 Calvert C11tts Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. e 6 -e V
TABLE OF CONTENTS - DAIA TABLES Table No. Table Title Pace B-1 Concentrations of Tritium. Gamma Emitters, and Strontium-89. and -90 in Bay Water - - - - - - - 25 B-2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters and Strontium-89 and -90 in Flesh and Bones at Edible' Fisn 26 B-3 Concentrations at Gamma Emitters in She11tish Samoles 27 b-4 Concentrations at Gamma Emitters and Strontium-89 and -90 in Bottom Sediment -- 28 B-b Concentrations et locine-131 in F11tered Air 29 B-6 Concentrations at Beta Emitters in Air Particulates 31 8-7 Concentrations at Gamma Emitters and Strontium-89 and -90 in Air Particulates - 33
- B-8 Concentrations at Beta and Gamma Emitters and
- Strontium-89 and -90 in Prectoltation - Station IS (On Site) --
36 B-9 Concentrations at Gamma Emitters. Iocine-131. Strontium-89. and -90 in Milk Samoles 37 B-10 Concentrations at Gamma Emitters and Strontium-89 anc -90 in Vecetation 38 B-11 Concentrations et Gamma Emitters and ' Strontium-89 ano -90 in Soli 39 8-12 Concentrations ot Tritium anc 6amma Emitters in Grounc Water 40 B-13 Ivolcal MDL's for Gamma Scectrometry- - 41 B-14 External Haciation 43 D 24 I 1_ . . . . . . , - _ , .-
. STRONTIUM-89 AND -90 IN BAY WATER (Results in Units of pCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma)
Station Gamma Date Number H-3 Emitters Sr-89** Sr-90** 01/10/84 7 < 122
- 8 < 124
- 02/07/84 7 < 124 * < 2 < 0.8 8 < 124 * < 4 < 1.0 03/12/84 7 < 122
- 8 ( 124
- 04/1Y/84 7 < 123
- 8 ( 124
- 05/25/84 7 ( 123 * ( 2 ( 0.4 8 ( 123 * ( 2 ( 0.3 06/20/84 / ( 124
- 8 s 123
- O//le/84 / < 134
- 8 < 134
- 08/22/84 7 291+/-125 * ( 2 ( 0.5 8 < 132 * < 4 < 1.0 09/18/84 7 < 143
- d < 141
- 10/16/84 7 ( 143
- 8 ( 140
- 11/05/84 7 < 142 * ( 3 ( 0.8 8 ( 142
- s 5 ( 1.0 12/03/84 7 < 140
- 8 148+/-126 *
- Naturally occurring K-40 was observed in all samoles. All other gamma emitters not citea were ( MDL: tvolcal MDL's are given in Iable B-13.
** Quarter 1v results.
h 25 l
,- , - - -- .- , ._. ., , - _ ~ _ . . , . - . . - - - . .. . . , -.- -
- - - . = _ .- -_ .
' AND -90 IN FLESH AND BONES OF EDIBLE FISH (Results in Units of pCi/kg +/ - 2 Sigma) t.
Station Samole Samole No. Date Tvoe Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 1 First ** ** ** ** (Pound Nets Quarter South of Cove Point) 1 06/22/84 Bluefish ( 9 < 3.0 10+/-7 Spot ( 10 ( 2.0 < MDL Weakfish ( 5 ( 1.0 ( MDL 1 09/08/84 Bluefish ( 40 3.4+/-1.0 < MDL Weaktish ( 4 3.0+/-1.1 < MDL
'l 10/17/84 Bluefish ( 10 < 5.0 < MDL Weakfish ( 6- 2.4+/-1.6 ( MDL
- Naturally occurring K-40 was observed in all samoles. All other gamma emitters not cited were ( MOL: typical MDL's are given in Table B-13.
** No samoles.
D 2e j
- IN
- SHELLFISH SAMPLES (Results in Units of pC1/kg +/- 2 Sigma)
Station Samole Samole No. Date Tvoe Co-58 Zn-65 Ao-110m 3 First (Kenwood. Quarter f ads ** ** ** beach 03/12/84 Ovsters < MDL < MDL < MDL Controi 06/15/84 Grabs < MDL < MDL < MDL Locations 06/12/84 Ovsters < MDL s MDL < MDL 08/14/84 Crabs < MDL < MDL < MDL 08/22/84 Ovsters < MDL < MDL < MDL 10/09/84 Crans s MDL ( MDL < MDL 10/16/84 Ovsters < MDL < MDL < MDL 4 First (Rockv Quarter Crabs ** ** ** Point) 06/15/84 Crans < MDL < MDL < MDL 08/14/84 Crabs < MDL A MDL < MDL 10/09/84 Crabs < MDL < MDL < MDL 5 03/12/84 Ovsters < MDL < MDL 77+/-10 (Camo 06/12/84 Ovsters 23+/-8 25+/-17 85+/-11
- Conov) 08/22/84 Ovsters < MDL < MDL 135+/-14 10/16/84 Oysters < MDL < MDL 194+/-16 8 First (Plant Quarter Craus ** ** **
Intake) 06/15/84 Crabs < MDL < MDL < MDL 08/14/84 Crabs < MDL < MDL < MDL 10/16/84 Craus < MDL < MDL < MDL
*Natura11V occurrino N-40 observed in all samoles. All other gamma emitters not cited were A MDL: tvolcal MDL's are given in Table B-13. **No samoles.
4 27
- AND-
.SIRONTIUM -89 AND -90~IN BOTTOM SEDIMENT (Results in Units of oCi/kg (Drv) +/- 2 Sigma)
Station No. Date Sr-89 Sr-90 Co-60 Cs-137 5 03/12/84 ( 30 < 6 < MDL 157+/-47 (Camo 06/13/84 ( 40 < 10 249+/-98 449+/-101 Canov) 08/22/84 < 40 < 10 410+/-114 1034+/-150 10/16/84 < 30 < 10 < MDL 719+/-120 6 03/12/84 ( 20 < 10 $2/+/-128 1282+/-132 (Long 06/13/84 ( 50 < 10 22e+/-150 1282+/-156 BeaCn 08/22/84 < 10 < 10 284+/-126 1158+/-156 Control 10/16/84 ( 10 <8 339+/-143 1164+/-149 LcCatton) 7 u3/12/84 < 40 <. 10 252+/-109 435+/-90 (Plant 06/13/64 's 20 ( 5 ( MDL 1274+/-132 - Gutta 11) 08/22/84 s 50 ( 10 169+/-92 399+/-66 10/le/84 ( 10 ( 6 ( MDL 415+/-93 8 03/12/84 < 40 ( 8 243+/-86 762+/-122
-tPlant Oe/13/84 ( 50 ( 20 ( MDL 130+/-51 Intakes w8/22/84 ( 40 < 10 188+/-106 790+/-130 10/16/84 < 50 ( 10 401+/-117 740+/-156
- Natura11V occurring K-4W. Ha-22e. and Th-232 were observed in all samoles. All otner gaeama emitters not cited were < MDL; tvoical MDL's are given in Table B-13.
b 28
e TABLE 8-5 CONCENTRATIONS OF 1-131 IN FILTERED AIR (Results in Units of 18-5 oci/n* +/- 2 Signal Cave Taylors Start Sten On Site On Site Lusby Point Island
- Date Date 017 418 428 422 023 81/93/84 81/89/94 ( 5.6 ( 4.9 ( 5.8 ( 5.2 ( 6.8 81/89/84 81/16/84 ( 4.5 ( 4.5 ( 4.3 ( 5.3 ( 6.5 11/16/84 81/23/84 ( 4.7 ( 4.5 ( 4.3 ( 4.2 - ( 5.4 11/23/84 81/38/24 ( 4.7 ( 4.7 ( 4.8 ( 4.7 ( 5.1 01/33/84 82/46/84 ( 5.1 ( 4.3 ( 4.2 ( 5.4 ( 5.4 92/06/84 82/13/84 ( 5.3 ( 4.2 ( 4.8 ( 6.3 ( 5.5 82/13/84 12/21/84 ( 5.2 ( 3.6 ( 3.7 ( 3.7 ( 5.7 82/21/84 B2/27/84 ( 5.9 ( 4.4 ( 4.5 ( 5.7 ( 5.5 32/27/04 93/05/84 ( 5.4 ( 3.9 ( 4.3 ( 5.2 ( 5.4 33/75/84 83/12/04 ** ( 3.9 ( 3.6 ( 4.7 ( 5.6 33/12/84 33/19/84 ( 5.1 ( 4.1 ( 4.5 ( 5.1 ( 5.6 83/19/84 83/26/84 ( 4.2 ( 4.3 ( 4.6 ( 4.9 ( 5.8 83/26/84 34/32/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.4 ( 4.3 ( 5.3 ( 5.9 84/I2/84 E4/19/84 ( 4.4 ( 3.9 is ( 5.1 ( 5.7
- 34/09/84 34/16/84 ( 4.3 ( 4.5 ( 9.7 ( 5.1 ( 6.3 84/16/84 84/23/84 ( 4.5 ( 2.8 ( 5.7 ( 4.8 ( 5.6 24/23/84 34/33/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.5 ( 5.4 ( 3.9 ( 5.8 24/!2/84 25/97/84 ( 4.1 ( !.3 ( 5.5 . < 5.3 ( 4.8 35!a7/84 35/14/84 ( 3.8 ( 4.7 ( 6.0 ( 4.6 ( 6.3 35/14/84 25/21/84 ( 4.6 ( 4.7 ( 4.4 ( 4.9 ( !.7 35/21!!4 35!29/84 ( 3.8 ( 3.4 ( 2.8 ( 3.7 ( 6.2 65/29/84 96/34/84 ( 4.9 ( 5.8 ( 5.2 ( 4.8 ( 4.9 46,34/84 26/11/84 ( 4.6 ( 4.7 ( 4.8 ( 4.7 ( 4.4 26/11/84 26/18/84 ( 3.9 ( 4.9 ( 4.9 ( 3.6 ( 4.8 86/18/04 36/25/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.2 ( 4.6 ( 6.8 ( 3.8 36/25/84 B7/32/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.8 ( 4.2 ( 4.8 ( 4.5 37/32/84 37/39/84 ( 4.3 ( 5.2 ( 4.4 ( 5.2 ( 4.6 97/19/84 37116/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.7 ( 5.1 ( 5.9 < 5.1 37/16/84 37/23/84 ( 3.4 ( 5.3 ( 4.8 ( 4.9 ( 4.3 87/23/84 87/30/84 ( 4.5 ( 5.3 ( 5.2 ( 4.2 C !.9 37/33/84 38/06/84 ( 3.5 ( 4.8 ( 4.4 ( 3.8 ( 4.3 l 38/86/84 30/13/84 ( 4.6 ( 3.9 ( !.3 ( 4.5 ( 4.1 38/13/84 33/28/84 ( 4.1 ( 5.6 ( 4.9 4 5.8 ( 3.9 28/23/84 28/27/84 ( 3.9 ( 5.2 ( 4.9 ( 4.4 ( 4.7 j 28/27/84 39/24/84 ( 3.1 ( 4.5 ( 4.8 ( 5.3 ( 4.s e i I
CCNCENTRATIONS OF I-131 IN FILTERED AIR (Results in Units of 13-8 pC1/a* +/- 2 Sigma) Cave Taylors Start Stop Cn Site On Site Lusty Point Island
- Date Date #17 418 823 422 423 39/84/84 39/10/84 ( 5.1 ** ( 5.7 ( 6.2 ( 4.4 99/18/84 89/17/84 ( 4.4 ( 5.2 ( 5.1 ( 5.1 ( 4.8 39/17/84 -39/24/84 ( 4.4 ( 5.1 < 5.3 ( 5.2 ( 4.5 89/24/84~ 19/91/84 ( 4.7 ( 5.8 ( 5.6 ( 6.6 ( 5.3 18/81/84 13/23/84 ( 4.4 ( 4.7 ( 5.1 ( 5.2 ( 4.5 '
11/88/84 18/15/84 ( 4.5 ( 4.7 ( 5.1 ( 5.3 ( 4.7 13/15/84 13/22/54 ( 4.3 ( 5.8 ( 4.9 ( 5.3 ( 4.5
18/22/84 12/29/84 ( 4.3 ( 4.9 ( 4.7 ( 5.2 ( 4.6 r 12/29/84 11/25/84 ( 4.6 ( 4.4 ( 4.9 ( 5.3 ( 4.7 11/95/E4 11/12/84 ( 4.1 ( 4.9 ( 5.2 ( 5.2 ( 4.6 11/12/84 11/19/84 ( 4.1 < 4.8 ( 4.3 ( 4.5 ( 3.9 11/19/84 -!!/26/84 ( 3.5 ( a.2 ( 3.9 ( 3.5 ( 3.5
!!/26/94 12/33/84 ( 3.5 ( !.3 ( 2.7 ( 3.6 ( !.5 12/83/84 12/13/84 ( 3.9 ( 4.2 ( 3.4 ( 3.3 ( 3.2 -
12/13/84 12/17/84 ( 3.3 ( 3.3 ( 4.2 ( 3.3 ( 3.7 12/17/84 12/26/54 ( 3.0 < 3.7 ( 3.3 ( 3.5 ( 4.3 12/26/84 12!31/84 ( 4.6 ( 6.2 ( 5.6 ( 5.7 ( 4.1
+Centrol Location seAir Sasoler Malfunction
i96Li 6-3 CONCENTRAT10N5 0F BETA EM1ITEfs5 IN nth PailtuusiEh
'- ifiesults in Units ni ld-' :Clis' +i- 2 iloa4:
Anetty L:ng Cove i4 n o'rs start itco Qn Site On site Pine Lusov haacn Point 1st ar.o+ Date Dats 317 118 819 123 v21 d22 #23 ilid3ri4 - 31/89/54 1.7n-d.3 1.a+t-d.3 1.7+/-d.2 1.8n-3.3 2.4+i-4.3 1.9+/-0.3 1.7+/-4.3 d!/89/84 31/16tB4 1.6+/-4.3 1.6+/-i.3 1.9+/-8.2 1.9+/-a.3 1.7+/-l.2 1.8+/-d.3 1.5+t-0.5 11 16/04' 31i23/64 2.4H-4.3 2.4+/-4.3 2.6H-4.3 2.7"-J.3 2.5+/-3.3 2.7+/-J.3 1.a+/-0.3 21/23/64- dit! des *- 1.i+/-8.; 1.7+l-3.3 1.S+i-d.2 1.e+r-a.3 1.7+/-d.2 1.8+/-2.3 1.7+/-i.3 41s!8/84 d2/delia 1.2+/-4.3 1.3n-4.2 1.1H-d.2 1.1+i-d.2 1.4+i-d.2 1.1+/-2.3 0.5+/-3.3 32/06/84 02/13/84 1.a+i-d.3 1.4+t-4.2 1.6+/-0.2 1.o+/-d.2 1.9+/-2.2 1.6+i-d.3 1.5n-4.3 32/13/34 d2121/84 3.hi-3.3 1.1+/-A.2 1.1+i-d.2 1.2n-d.2 1.3+/-d.2 1.8+i-d.2 1.Jo-4.3 02/21t84 42/27/e4 1.3n-d.; 1.3+/-d.3 1.1+i-f.2 1.5+/-d.3 1.5+/-3.2 1.5n-d.3 1.1H-0.3 d2s27/s* i3405164 d.3 1. 4 n -d. 2 1.39-d.2 1.79-d.3 1.6+/-a.3 J.6"-0.; 1.2n-3.3 43tJ5!a4 d3/12/d* e+ 1.i+/-0.3 1.3+/-d.2 2.1+i-0.3 1.7"-d.3 J3/12ii4- 4;i19/i4 t.1+<-d.3 1.1+/-i.2 1.Ju-d.2 1.1n-d.2 1.1"-4.3 3.ier-3.3
@!/inue d3/29:4 e.1"-d.2 8.49-d.2 1.dn-8.2 0.7 1-3.3 3.7n-d.3 23ristie 24sd2ii4; 2. in -d. 2 d.i+/-i.2 1.'"-d.2 d ." t -d. 3 J. 3"-d.3 44i221:4 d4rJu s+ d.en-d.; d.c+r-d.2 J.9+i-d.2 1.;"-d.3 1.dn-d.2 4.7 i-0.3 d.7"-d.! . 34 d9134 04 13/84 J.5n -J 2 J.en-d.2 4.5n-d.2 1.5n-0.5 3.s+i-0.2 3.7"-d.3 J.t"-d.3 34116 m d4 3 e4 d.5"-d.4 J.c+/-4.. 0.7"-d.2 9.7"-d.' 1. >i -6. 2 d.3+i-d.3 d.4"-d.3 44r;3,8* C4/!J/64 1. d u -d. r.2"-3.2 1.1+t-d.2 1.i+<-d.' t.5+t-J.2 1.d"-J.3 24/341S4 25/J7ed4 2.7n-d.2 0.'i+r-d.2 J.7+/-d.2 d.:n-d.4 1.t"-d.2 1.3n-2.3 d.3"-d.;
di27isa 45/14/04 1.d+/-0.3 ! . in -d. 3 2.79-d.2 1.5"-5.2 1.3+i-2.3 1.2+i-0.3 25/1*ii4 25/21/S4 1.3 n -2.3 1.5+i-d.2 1.a+t-d.2 1.7"-d.3 1.e"-d.3 1.7n-i.! J5i21tS4 25/29si4 3.i+t-0.2 1.2n-4.2 J.7"-8.2 d.i+i-d.2 1.1+i-i 2 2. 4 / -2. ; 1. 3 " -2. 3 05/29/84 h/24/94 1.2"-2.3 J.59-8.2 1.3o-i.3 1.!"-2.2 1.2n-2.3 1.2n-4.3 hit 4ti4 hittii4 2.5n-a.! 2.1 " -d . 2 2.4"-2.3 :.'"-J.: 1.79-4.~ h/11ssa hildtit 0.7"-3.2 1.*"-d.2 1.3"-d.2 1.d+i-d.. ++ 1.J+i-d.3 2.89-4.2 deilitie Joi;5ti4 J.79-J.2 4.1"-d. ; 4.hi-3.! 1.4+i-d 4 J.e+i-0.2 Cor;5;i4 Jh22/54 3.5u-d.2 1.Jn-f.3 2.7"-0.4 d. m -d.3 4.5"-d.2 1. !" -2. 3 2.3"-d.2 dht2/64 31s28i B4 d.7"-d.2 1. 4 "-4. 3 J.7"-d.2 1.3"-J.3 J.s"-0.2 1.4"-d.3 2.'+i-2.2 27/ Jus 4 27.Is/c4 d.4"-4.3 1.5"-3.3 2.i"-d.2 1.1"-d. 2.s+/-d.. 1.7"-2.3 1. h t -2. ~ ditivie 20;3,54 2. N -1.2 3.5"-3.3 J.5+<-3.; 2.3" -d 3 2. h -d.:! 2.!n-3.2 47'i3t:4 27i32ic4 t.5"-t.4 4.sti-d.2 0 !+i-d.; 4.s"-d.; d.4"-J.2 4.!"-2.4 2.5"-2.; do!dise 28sdati4 d.5"-d.2 J s" -d.3 d.5n-d.2 0.5+<-d.3 2.3"-3.2 - d.99-8.3 f.5n-3.2 05 20rB4 26t!3154 d.:"-d., 1.4"-d.; !.1"-3.4 0.o+i-d.3 d.3+i-d.2 1.t"-3.3 1.dt'-9.' d$ti3rie dittati4 J . . " -2. . 1.s"-d.3 1.79-d.2 1.5"-d.3 ;J.; 1.7"-i.3 2.f"-J. di 23rse dii2hes d.s" d.2 1.4+s-d.3 1.2"-d.e 1.d"-f.3 td.e !.4"-2.3 d.c" d.. mi7th be24 54 4.Di-a.3 ..J"-d.3 1.4e-d.2 1.5"-d.! 1.9+i-e..! 1.Si-J.3 e
4 IdiLEs-s(C0hilNCED: CONCENTRATICMS OF BETA EMITTER 5 1h *1R rARTICULAfEi isesults in Units et 10-' oCliss +i- 2 310:a7 tactty Long Cove Tavicrs start itco On 5tte On inte Fine Lus:7 Beatn Fotnt Istanc+ i site Gate sti sti 819 #12 til 822 823 44icesi4 411101S= 1.1+i-d.3 ++ 1.2+i-d.2 1.4+/-8.3 1.2+i-d.2 1.2+i-9.3 1.i+e-i.2 29/1d164 49r17/34 1. d+i-d.2 - 1.1+/-d.3 1.2+1-9.2 1.3+ -4.5 1.1+/-a.2 1.2+s-3.3 2.o+i-d.2 49:17/64 - di,124si4 2.4+/-d.2 1.5+r-0.3 1.3+1-9.2 2.J+/-@.3 2.J+i-2.2 l.iti-0.3 1.1+!-d.3 dir24ts4 18/01/d4 1.$+<-3.3 1.4+s-J.3 1.2+/-d.2 1.vti-d.3 1.6+i-2.2 1.4+/-d.3 3.iti-d.3 IdtdliS4 10/ts194 1.4+i-d.3 1.S+t-d.3 1.i+r-0.2 2.1+r-d.3 2.3+s-i.2 2.3+i-4.4 1.5+<-d.3 4 14tta/64 10/15184 1.3+i-0.3 1.i+i-3.3 1.7+i-0.2 2.2+i-d.3 2.d+/-2.2 1.9+/-2.3 4.9+i-0.3 Idi1!iG4 10/22/i4 1.4+i-d.3 1.4+/-d.3 1.!+/-d.2 1.7+i-d.3 1. +i-1.2 1.6+i-J.3 d.3+/-i.3 12:22154 18/29si4 0.S+i-d.2 2.4+i-d.3 0.7+/-8.2 1.d+/-d.$ 1.2+/-d.2 1.1+/-a.3 J.8+i-4.2 tor;5 /54 11/0!ii4 1.0+i-l.3 1.d+i-3.3 J.i-i-d.2 1.4+s-d.3 1.1+i-@.2 1.4+t-0.3 3.7+/-3.3 11i25134 11/12/84 1.6+i-d.3 1.2+<-d.3 1.7+i-0.2 1.7+i-0.3 1.1+i-d.2 1.3+i-8.! t.h+r-4.3 11/12/94 11/liiG4 1.5+/-J.3 1.3+/-d.3 1.3+/-0.2 1.3+i-0.3 1.2+i-2.2 1.7+/-3.3 J.i+<-2.3 11 19154 11/23isa 1.5+i-d.3 1.4+i-4.3 1.5+/-4.2 1.3+i-2.3 1.4+/-i.2 1.s+1-J.; 3.3+i-3.3 11 sis;34 12/03!94 2.0+/-d.3 !.7+s-4.3 1.i+i-d.2 1.i+i-0.3 1.7+i-3.2 2.1+/-3.3 1.:+i-J.3 12iG3r54 12rldiG4 1.a+i-4.! 1.e+s-d.3 1.7+i-2.i 1.,+i-d.3 1.3+i-c.3 1.a+i-2.; 1.6+i-3.3 - 1;:1t/54 12/17ei4 3.2+<-d 3 2.2+i-d.3 2.4+i-3.2 2.4+r-2.3 2.3+/-9.3 2.e+i-d.3 3.3+/-d.3 12/17'u4 12/26!i4 2.3+i-d.i 2.1+s-d.3 1.7+i-d.i 4 4+t-t.: 1.2+/-8.2 1.3+/-0.2 2.1+i-3.; 12/iti3+ 12<31/i4 1.1+/-d.4 1.3+t-3.4 1.5+>-d.3 1.4+>-d.5 1.e+/-d.3 1.5+i-2.4 1.3+s-d.; *
+':str:t . 1::sttcr ++ ir :sseler mittucetten O
O se
---e-- --- - , . , , - _ . , , , , _ , , . - - , - - . . , - -
- oC1/me +/- 2 Sigma)
Station Gamma No. Date Sr-89* Sr-90* Emitters 17 1/84 ** (On Site) 2/84 < 2.0 ( 0.2 ** 3/84 ** 4/84 **
- 5/84 < 1.0 ( 0.2 **
'6/84 **
7/84 ** 8/84 < 3.0 ( 0.3 ** 9/84 ** 10/84 ** 11/84 < 3.0 < 0.4 ** 12/84 ** 18 1/84 ** (On Site) 2/84 5 1.0 ( 0.3 **
. 3/84 **
4/84 ** 5/84 ( 1.0 ( 0.2 **
- b/84 **
7/84 ** 8/84 < 4.0 ( 0.3 ** 9/84 ** 10/84 ** 11/84 s 3.0 s 0.4 ** 12/84 ** 19 1/84 ** (Knotty 2/84 < 0.6 ( 0.1 ** Pine) 3/84 ** 4/84 ** 5/84 ( 0.8 ( 0.2 ** 6/84 ** 7/84 ** 8/84 ( 2.0 < 0.2 ** 9/84 ** 10/84 ** 11/84 ( 0.7 < 0.2 ** 12/84 ** 20 1/84 ** (Lusbv) 2/04 ( 0.9 ( 0.2 ** 5/84 ** 4/84 ** 53
TABLE B-7 (CONTINUED) CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMIITERS. ' SRONTIUM-89. AND -90 IN AIR PARTICULATES (Results in Units of 10-J DC1/m* +/- 2 Sigma) Station Gamma No. Date Sr-89* Sr-90* Emitters (Lusev 5/84 < 1.0 s 0.2 ** Can't) 6/84 ** 7/84 ** 8/84 < 4.0 ( 0.3 ** 9/84 ** 10/u4 ** 11/84 ( 1.0 ( 0.3 ** 12/84 , 21 1/84 ** (Long 2/84 ( 0.8 < 0.1 ** Beachs 3/84 ** 4/84 ** b/84 ( 1.0 ( 0.2 ** 6/84 ** 7/84 ** 8/84 < 1.0 5 0.2 ** 9/84 ** 10/84 ** 11/84 ( 0.8 ( O.2 ** 12/84 ** 22 1/84 ** (Cove 2/84 ( 1.0 ( 0.2 ** Point) 3/84 ** 4/84 ** 5/84 ( 2.0 s 0.2 ** 6/84 ** 7/84 ** 8/84 ( 2.0 < 0.3 ** 9/84 ** 10/84 ** 11/84 s 0.9 ( 0.2 ** 12/84 ** 23 1/84 ** (laviors 2/u4 ( 1.0 s 0.2 ** 1slano) 3/84 ** 4/64 *+ 5/84 ( 2.0 ( 0.3 ** 6/84 ** 7/64 ** . 8/84 ( 1.0 ( O.3 ** 34
_ _ , . _ _ _ . _ _1. . _ . 2 . _ _ . __ l I I TABLE B-7 (CONTINUED) . CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS, SRUNflUM-89. AND -90 IN AIR PARTICULATES (Results in Units of 10-3 oCi/ms +/- 2 Sigma) Station Gamma No. Date Sr-89* Sr-90* Emitters tTaylors 9/84 ** island 10/84 ** Con't) 11/84 C 1.0 s 0.3 ** 12/84 **
- Composites of weekiv samoles.
** Naturally occurring K-40 and Be-7 were coserved in most samores.
All other gamma emitters not cited were ( MDL: typical MDL's are given in Table B-13. f a r l l I i f a l i 3:5
(Results in Units of pC1/1 +/- 2 Sigma) Date Beta H-3** Sr-89** Sr-90**
- 01/84 3.1+/-0.5 02/84 3.8+/-0.6 s 123 s 3 ( 0.8 03/84 3.3+/-0.o 04/84 3.9+/-W.6 05/84 3.4+/-0.6 ( 123 ( 8 s 0.6 06/B4 4.1+/-0.6 0//84 4.9+/-0.5 08/84 1.9+/-0.5 s 140 ( 3 ( 0.7 09/64 4.5+/-0.6 10/84 4.3+/-0.6 11/84 2.1+/-0.5 s 139 (. 4 ( 1.0 12/84 3.1+/-0.e *NaturallV occurring Be-7 was observed in most samoles. All other gamma emitters not cited were ( MDL: tvolcal MDL's are given in Table B-13. +*0uarterly analyses of compositec montniv samples.
r 7 h
TABLE B-9 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS *. IODINE-131 STRONTIUM-89. AND -90 IN MILK SAMPLES (Results in Units of oCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma) Date Station No. SP-89 Sr-90 1-131 Cs-137 01/30/84 M1111ngs Farm ( 2 4.1+/-0.6 ( 0.1 12+/-6 30 (Stores < 3 3.1+/-0.6 ( 0.4 ( MDL 02/27/84 Millings Farm ( 3 6.4+/-0.7 ( 0.1 9+/-6 30 ( 4 2.5+/-0.7 ( 0.2 ( MDL 03/26/84 Millings Farm ( 3 4.7+/-0.6 ( 0.1 8+/-7 30 < 2 3.3+/-0.5 < 0.3 ( MDL 04/30/84 Millings Farm < 4 7.2+/-1.0 ( 0.1 ( MDL 30 ( 3 2.3+/-0.7 ( 0.3 < MDL 05/29/84 Millings Farm ( 5 9.7+/-1.0 ( 0.1 ( MDL 30 ( 4 2.5+/-0.7 ( 0.4 < MDL 06/25/84 Millings Farm ( 4 7.5+/-0.7 ( 0.1 < MDL 30 ( 4 2.3+/-0.6 < 0.3 < MDL 0//30/84 Millings Farm ( 4 le+/-1 < 0.1 ( MDL 30 < 2 2.4+/-0.5 < 0.2 < MDL 08/27/84 Millings Farm ( 2 4./+/-0.6 ( 0.2 < MDL 30 < 2 2.1+/-0.5 ( 0.2 < MDL 09/24e84 Millings Farm ( 2 4.2+/-0.5 ( 0.3 < MDL 30 ( 2 1.0+/-0.5 ( 0.2 < MDL 10/2Y/84 Millings Farm ( 3 7.7+/-0.6 < 0.2 < MDL 30 < 4 2.2+/-0.7 ( 0.2 < MDL
- Natural 1V occurring K-40 was coserved in all samoles. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL: tvoical MDL's are given in Table B-13.
Ie f 3'7
- STRONTIUM-89 AND -90 IN VEGETATION (Results in Units of DC1/kg (Wet) +/- 2 Sigma)
Station Samole Samole Isotope No. Date lvoe Observed Concentrations Millings 06/25/84 Greens Sr-89 < 30 Farm Sr-90 79+/-6 Cs-137 24+/-10 14 07/07/84 Barlev Sr-89 < 20 Sr-90 19+/-2 Millings 07/30/84 Greens Sr-89 < 20 Farm Sr-90 150+/-10 Cs-137 90+/-29 Millings 07/30/U4 Pasture Sr-89 ( 40 Farm Sr-90 150+/-10 Millings 08/27/84 Pasture Sr-89 5 o Farm Sr-90 5.9+/-1.5 Millings 09/24/84 Pasture Sr-89 < 40 Farm Sr-90 400+/-10 14 11/13/84 Sov Bean Sr-89 < 30 Sr-90 33+/-3 15 12/26/84 Hav Sr-89 < 20 Sr-90 130+/-10 15 12/26/84 Sov Bean Sr-89 < 20 Sr-90 76+/-6 15 12/26/84 lobacco Sr-89 < 40 Sr-90 780+/-40
- Naturally occurring K-40 was coserved in all samoles. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL: tyoical MDL's are given in 1aole B-13.
** . Vegetation samotes trom location M1e were uncotainable.
- STRONTIUM-89 AND -98 IN SDIL (Results in Units of pC1/kg (Dry) +/- 2 Sigma)
Date 82/27/84 89/24/84 Station 11 12 13 11 12 13 No. (On Site) (On Site) (On Site) (On Site) (On Site) (On Site) Sr-89 < 28 ( 30 < 20 < 60 ( 30 < 60 Sr-98 14+/-6 <5 15+/-3 <- la <6 < 10 Co-58 ( MDL < MDL < MDL 190+/-55 < MDL < MDL Cs-137 269+/-58 < MDL 554+/-96 226+/-78 < MDL 254+/-47
= . + Naturally occurring K-40. Ra-226. and Th-232 were observed in all samples. All other gamma emitters not cited were < MDL: typtcal MDL's are given Table B-13.
e e e
-- - 1
TABLE B-12 CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITTERS IN GROUND WATER * (Results in Units of DCi/1 +/- 2 Sigma) Station No. Date H-3 Gamma Emitters 2** 02/27/84 ( 123 * (Chesaoeake 05/10/84 ( 124
- Countrv Club) 09/13/84 < 132
- 12/03/84 ( 141
- 10 02/27/84 < 123 *
(On Site 05/10/84 ( 124
- Welt) 09/13/84 ( 130
- 12/03/84 ( 142
- 21 02/27/84 ( 124 *
(Long 05/10/84 ( 124
- Beach) 09/13/84 ( 141
- 12/03/84 ( 144
- 25A** 22/27/84 <, 125 *
(White Sands 05/10/84 < 124
- Clubi 09/13/84 < 130 * .
12/03/84 5 142
- 25B** 02/27/84 ( 124 *
(White Sands 05/10/84 ( 123
- Club) 09/13/84 ( 140
- 12/03/84 <. 141 *
- Naturally occurrina K-40 was observed in most samoles. All other oamma emitters not citea were < MDL: tvolcal MDL's are given in lable B-13.
- Control location.
b 40
e TABLE B-13 TYPICAL MDL'S FOR GAMMA SPECTROMETRY 9 Selected Baywater Fish -Shellfish Sediment Particulates Nuclides DC1/1 oCi/ko oCi/ko DC1/ko 10-30Ci/mi Na-22 1.3 14 16 46 2.1 Cr-51 14 72 188 449 26 Mn-54 1.0 11 12 44 1.8 Co-58 1.2 'l 7 17 44 2.3 Fe-59 3.2 44 48 114 '5.2 Co-60 1.4 16 19 69 1.9 Zn -65 2.5 29 34 104 4.5 Nb-95 1.7 24 26 61 2.4 Zr-95 2.1 26 26 83 2.9 RuRh-106 9.0 76 109 333 15
- Ag-110m 1.1 11 12 40 1.8 Te-129m 1.3 17 19 45 28 1-131 8.7 34 4Y 210 31 Cs-134 1.2 11 12 45 1.9 Cs-137 1.1 13 11 -
1.9 Ba-140 11 30 71 265 28 La-140 4.5 26 50 155 15 Ce-144 /.4 52 37 184 c.6 , 41
TABLE B-13 (CONTINUED) TYPICAL MDL*S FOR GAMMA SPECTROMETRY Selected Precioltation Milk Vegetation Soil Well Water Nuclides oC1/1 oCi/1 oCi/kg oCi/kg oCi/1 Na-22 3.6 6.2 2e 33 1.4 Cr-51 59 37 149 248 21
.Mn-54 3.4 4.7 18 30 1.0 Co-58 4.4 4.5 19 31 1.3 Fe-59 8.0 11 64 68 4.5 Co-60 4.5 6.2 29 40 2.9 Zn-65 6.5 12 54 69 2.4 Nb-95 8.0 4.7 23 35 2.O Zr-95 8.6 8.6 35 53 2.5 RuRh-106 33 43 132 247 8.4 Ag-110m 3.o 4.2 14 27 1.0 .
Te-129m 5.0 4.5 18 26 1.7 1-131 47 4.9 46 53 3.9 Cs-134 3.2 4.9 18 37 1.1 Cs-137 3.2 5.3 17 53 1.0 Ba-140 45 13 82 106 24 La-140' 28 5.3 36 59 11 , Ce-144 24 32 40 142 6.9 42
TABLE B-14 EXTERNAL RADIATION (Results in Units of mR/30 Davs +/- 2 Sigma) Location #1a* Jan. ** Jul. 4.34+/-0.11 Feo. ** Aug. 4.44+/-0.19 Mar. 4.13+/-0.06 Seo. 4.96+/-0.55 Apr. 3.96+/-0.12 Oct. 4.27+/-0.15 May 6.26+/-0.13 Nov. 4.50+/-0.34 Jun. 4.35+/-0.12 Dec. 4.e6+/-0.19 Location #17 Jan. 4.75+/-0.13 Jul. 4.82+/-0.18 Feb. 4.89+/-0.22 Aug. 4.96+/-0.12 Mar. 4.05+/-0.56 beo. 5.33+/-0.21 Aor. 4.38+/-0.05 Oct. 4.31+/-0.24 May 4.47+/-0.42 Nov. 4.62+/-0.44 Jun. 4.54+/-0.38 Dec. 4.79+/-0.28 Location #18 Jan. 4.26+/-0.09 Jul. 4.33+/-0.06 Feb. 4.49+/-0.10 Aug. 4.75+/-0.24 Mar. 4.12+/-0.48 Sea. 4.53+/-0.69 Apr. 4.17+/-0.19 Oct. 4.45+/-0.21 May 4.28+/-0.07 Nov. 4.51+/-0.16 Jun. 4.58+/-0.24 Dec. 4.64+/-0.25 e Location #19 Jan. 3.87+/-0.01 Jul. 3.88+/-0.24 Feb. 4.30+/-0.13 Aug. 3.92+/-0.24 Mar. 4.13+/-0.33 Seo. 4.34+/-0.16 Aor. 3.91+/-0.17 Oct. 3.79+/-0.08 May 3.83+/-0.17 Nov. 3. 98 +/ -0. 39-Jun. 4.14+/-0.22 Dec. 4.41+/-0.26 Location w2W Jan. 4.00+/-0.28 Jul. 3.66+/-0.13 Feo. 4.47+/-0.43 Aug. 3.84+/-0.12 Mar. 3.77+/-0.29 Sec. 3.64+/-0.01 Aor. 3.65+/-0.34 Oct. 3.52+/-0.09 May 4.01+/-0.39 Nov. 3.91+/-0.02 Jun. 3.90+/-0.11 Dec. 4.02+/-0.03 Location #21 Jan. 4.14+/-0.02 Jul. 4.45+/-0.33 Feo. 4.47+/-0.24 Aug. 4.26+/-0.13 Mar. 4.11+/-0.04 Seo. 4.91+/-0.36 Aor. 3.19+/-0.37 Oct. 3.37+/-0.36 May 4.14+/-0.34 Nov. 4.21+/-0.25 Jun. 4.44+/-0.11 Dec. 4.42+/-0.08 Location #22 Jan. 3.80+/-0.33 Jul. 3.94+/-0.16 Feb. 4.18+/-0.10 Aug. 3.99+/-0.07 Mar. 3.59+/-0.19 Sec. 4.05+/-0.09 Aor. 3.71+/-0.27 Oct. 3.75+/-0.05 May 4.11+/-0.44 Nov. 3.75+/-0.16 Jun. 3.95+/-0.15 Dec. 3.92+/-0.28 e 43 l
TABLE B-24 (CONTINUED) ' EXIERNAL RADIA11UN (Results in Units of mR/30 Davs +/- 2 Sigma) Location #23 Jan. 5.70+/-0.08 Jul. 5.79+/-0.28 Feb. 5.38+/-0.18 Aug. 5.82+/-0.28 Mar. 5.22+/-0.04 Sep. 6.27+/-0.69 Aor. 4.74+/-0.13 Oct. 5.85+/-0.48 May 5.25+/-0.22 Nov. 6.14+/-0.72 Jun. 5.65+/-0.36 Dec. 6.28+/-0.58 Location 424 Jan. 4.89+/-0.12 Jul. 5.26+/-0.43 Feo. 4.93+/-0.33 Aug. 5.33+/-0.26 Mar. 4.77+/-0.01 ~Sec. 5.75+/-0.25 Aor. 4.83+/-0.24 Oct. 4.69+/-0.27 May 4.77+/-0.11 Nov. 5.13+/-0.02
, Jun. 5.17+/-0.18 Dec. 5.30+/-0.11 Location w25 Jan. 4.53+/-0.19 Jul. 4.8e+/-0.08 Feo. 4./9+/-0.06 Aug. 4.67+/-0.38 Mar. 4.42+/-0.38 Sec. 5.41+/-0.32 Aor. 4.37+/-0.10 Oct. 4.50+/-0.09 May 4.64+/-0.05 Nov. 4.77+/-0.15 Jun. 4.82+/-0.02 Dec. 4.89+/-0.13 Location #26 Jan. 4.13+/-0.32 Jul. 3.95+/-0.10 Feo. 4.14+/-0.41 Aug. 4.28+/-0.36 Mar. 3.75+/-0.24 Geo. 4.31+/-0.02 Aor. 3.82+/-0.30 Oct. 3.95+/-0.19 May 4.02+/-0.20 Nov. 4.20+/-0.19 Jun. Dec. 4.51+/-0.29 Location #27 Jan. 3.90+/-0.03 Jul. 3.68+/-0.25 Feb. 3.88+/-0.17 Aug. 3.74+/-0.08 Mar. 3.63+/-0.28 Sec. 3.57+/-0.09 Aor. 3.41+/-0.20 Oct. 3.62+/-0.22 Mav 3.59+/-0.24 Nov. 3.68+/-0.04 Jun. 3.75+/-0.16 Dec. 4.11+/-0.22 l
Location #28 Jan. 4.47+/-0.2d Jul. 4.51+/-0.18 Feo. 4./1+/-0.11 Aug. 4.50+/-0.20 Mar. 4.21+/-0.18 Sec. 4.91+/-0.49 Hor. 4.22+/-0.23 Oct. 4.13+/-0.23 May 4.41+/-0.29 Nov. 4.46+/-0.01 Jun. 4.52+/-0.10 Dec. 4.81+/-0.03
+ ILD movea trom ottsnore location to onsnore location due to storm. ** ILD unavallaole due to inclement weather.
e l 44 l
January 1 - Decemoer 31. 1984 Dockets Nos. 50-317/318 APPENDIX C Accenc1x C contains a table et the results at the BG.LE laboratorv's carticioation in the Environmental Protection Agencv~s Cross-Check Program during the Deriod of Januarv 1.1984 to Decemoer 31. 1984. D 9 0 45
l TABLE C-1 RESULTS OF EPA CROSS C E K PRCSRAM FOR 1984 Collection Date Saanle Troe & Units Isotece Observed Laboratory's Results EPA's Results 32/83/84 Water-oCi/1 Cr-51 73+/-27 48+/-9.7 Co-63 13+/-4 14+/-8.7 Zn-65 66+/-8 53+/-8.7 Ru-186 78+/-25 61+/-0.7 q Cs-134 33+/-3 31+/-3.7. i Cs-137 28+/-3 16+/-8.7 82/10/84 Water-cCill H-3 2235+/-77 23B3+/-687 83/82/84 Milk-cCill 1-131 9+/-6 6+/-2 83/23/54 Filter-pti/ filter Beta 62+/-4 51+/-0.7 . 12+/-9.7 I Cs-137 13+/-1 34/06/54 Water-;Cill !=131 8.4+/-3.4 6.0+/-1.8 34/13/84 Water-pCill H-3 3543+/-92 !!BB+/-638 Water-pCill Beta *
- 04/22/94 Co-63 37+/-1 '8+/-S.7 Cs-134 35+/-! 32+!-3.7 Cs-137 32+/-1 26+/-8.7
~86/31/94 Water-pct /1 Cr-51 99+/-16 ,
66+/-9.7 Co-68 39+/-3 '
!!+/-5.7 Zn-65 75+/-5 63+/-9.7 Ru-116 41+/-12 29+/-8.7 Cs-134 4S+/-3 47+/-8.7 Cs-137 43+/-2 43+/-8.7 ~
Water-oCi/1 H-3 2781+/-49 3251+/-622 26/18/24 Milh-cCill 1-131 54+/-4 43+/-12 86/22/84 Cs-137 42+/-3 ~5+/-3.7 Water-tCiil Beta 12+/-4 13+/-8.7 87/23/84 Water-:Ci/1 1-131 81+/-4 34+/-18 38/33/84 Water-cCi/1 H-3 2485+/-76 2817+/-617 28/18/84 tilter-cCi/ filter Seta 61+/-3 51+/-3.7 08/24/84 Cs-137 21+/-2 15+/-E.7
o-TABLE C-1 (CONTINUED) RESULTS CF EPA CRGSS CHECK PROGRAM FOR 1984 Collection Date - Sasole Tvos & Units Isotcoe Observed Laboratov's Results EPA's Results 18/B5/84 Water-pCill Cr-51 ( 67 44+/-8.7 Co-64 24+/-3 28+/-3.7 In-65 176+/-11 147+/-8.7 Ru-106 64+/-29 47+/-9.7 Cs-134 34+/-3 31+/-8.7 Cs-137 33+/-3 24+/-2.7 18/22/84 Water-oCill Beta e
- Co-63 1B+/-2 14+/-3.7 Cs-134 3+/-2 2.2/-2.7 Cs-137 IB+/-2 14+/-3.7 11/26/94 Milk-oCill 1-131 53+/-a 42+/-10 Cs-137 37+1-3 32+/-3.7
!!/23/24 Filter-oCi/ filter Beta 65+/-4 54+/-9.7 Cs-137 13+/-1 13+/-6.7 e
12/87/84 Water-cCill I-131 47+/-5 36+/-13
- Unable to analvte satole due to incoeracle counting eauissent, sasole backlog, or sasole received frca E?A too late to analv:e before its due date.
O a7
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BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARLES CENTER . P.O. BOX 1475 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 ELECTRIC ENGINEERING D EPARTM ENT March 18, 1985 The Regional Administrator Region 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
Calvert Cliff Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 and 2 Operating License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69 , Appendix B (Environmental Technical Specifications) Section 5.6.1 Gentlemen: In compliance with Section 5.6.1 of the Calvert Cliffs Environmental Technical Specificatians, we are submitting the Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report, dated March 1985. Should you desire further information, please contact us. Very truly yours,
.~ M" k-Gary R. Fuhrman Director Environmental Programs GRF/rv Enclosure (3) cc: Document Control Des;.
U.!i. Nuclear Regulatcey Commission Waahington, D.C. 20']' 3 (18 copies) m
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