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Proposed Tech Specs Changing Reactor Coolant Sys Unidentified Leakage Rate of Change Limit Applicable in Operational Condition 1
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Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1992
Shared Package
ML20106D392 List:
NUDOCS 9210090244
Download: ML20106D394 (17)


{{#Wiki_filter:- 4 e l'NCIDStiftB 2 l'It0lt)SI'D TECIINICAL SI'lIll;'ICATIONS HAltK-ll!' 4 4 e-i 1 l 1 l 9210090244 920930 PDR ADOCK 05000341 - P.- PDR

s 4 e l RI ACTOR _ COOL ANT SYSIIM OPERAT10t4AL LEAKAGE LIM 111NG CONDITION FOR OPERATION Reactor coolant system leakage shall be limited to: a. No PRESSURE B00fl0ARY LEAKAGE. b. 5 gpm UN10ENTiflED LLAKAGE. c. 25 gpm total leakage averaged over any 24-hour period. d. 1 gpm leakage at a reactor coolant system pressure of 1040 1 10 psig from any reactor coolant system pressure isolation valve specified A D O L Mira.T ii Tabl e 3. 4. 3. 2-1.

  • g.

E a . no3 grut ir t r n i r ugr;r mtwim 2y % p.: >g- ,,g r m, APPLICABIL))Y: OPERA 110NAL CGliD1110NS 1, 2, and 3. ACT10N: With any PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, be in at least HOT SliUT00WN within a. 12 hours and in COLD SilVIDOWt1 within the next 24 hours. L. With any reactor coolant system leakage greater th?n the limits in b and/or c, above, reduce the leakage rate to within the limits within 4 hours or be in at least 110T SliUIDOWit within the next 12 hours and in COLD StiU100 Wit within the following 24 hours. With any reactor coolant system pressee isolation valve leakage k/ c. greater than the above limit, isolate ua high pressure portion of the affected system from the low pressure portion within 4 hours by use of at ic ist one other closed manual, deactivated automatic, or check' valve, or be in at least il0T SilVT00WN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SitVT00WN within the following 24 hours. d. With one or more of the high/ low pressure interface valve leakage pressure monitors shown in Table inoperable, restore the inoperable monitor (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or verify the pressure to be less than the alarm setpoint at leart once per - 12 hours; restore the inoperable monitor (s) to OPERABLE status within 30 days or be in at least 110T SilVIDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD S110100WN within the following 24 hours, ' %-+ p c'm - W at sytt e Up!grpa a rn i.rgyy r :gyeg t g., s -Ran4-4rr+-with!" any "eur pudod, identify the ceurce er ! caw.__ p -4wrw t e 2 s ne t s e rv i ce s e n t i t in_Lype 30 A 31g 2ecteettic nr I sta mless stea "!t%>4-hang er ' :" a t l = t HOT f,l RROGWH---- l ADO "ithi" the nat42.hrund in COLD q!U!nou".ju w s m ; % IuwtT,B, -e4-kn s

  • Which has been verified not to exceed the allowable leakage limit at the last refueling outage or after the last time the valve was disturbed, whichever is more recent,

( FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4-10

Insert A e. 2 gpm increase in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE within any 24 hour period during OPERATIONA! CONDITION 1. f. 2 gpm increase in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE within t 't 4 hour period during OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2 and 3 Insert 11 c. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, with any reactor coolant system UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE increase greater than 2 gpm within any 24 hour period, identify the source of Icakage increase as not service sensitive Type 304 or 316 austenitio stainless steel within 4 hours or be in at least !!0f S!!UTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SIIUTDOWN within the following 24

hours, f.

In OPERATIONAL C0hDITIONS 2 and 3, -Ith any reactor coolant system UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE increase greater than 2 gpm within any 4 hour period, identify the source of leakage increase as not service sensitive Type-304 or 316 austenitio stainless steel within 4 hours or be in at least 110T Sl!UTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours. l l l

BU2W!l0013fl1 MMI!1 SURVI 111 AflCilij)UjJC tM fils 4.4.3.?.1 1hc reactor coolant system leakage shall be demonstrated to be within each of t he above limits by: a. lionitoring the v. imary containment atmospheric gaseous radioactivity at least once per 4 hours,* h.444,+.w3-4H4*uy-as44+aen4 -um p ' ' at w W tt -c" pe-A t>o W a w "LuSE RT ^ N#N' Y"

  • E I"

s' C " ~4u,w, .a,4-- d. lionitoring the tractor vessel head flange leak detection system at least once per 24 hours.* Each rr: ' or coolant system pressure isolation valve specified in lable shu i be demonstrated OPERADl0 by leak testing pursuant to Specification 4.0.5 and verifying the leakage of each valve to be within the specified limit: a. At least once per 18 months, and b. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, (%- repair or replacement work on the valve which could af fect its leakage rate. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into OPERAT10!iAL C0t4DIT10!4 3. The high/ low pressure interface valve leakage pressure monitors shall be demonstrated OPERABLE with alarm setpoints per Table by performance of a: a. CilAh IEL fuWJ10HAL TEST at least once per 31 days, and b. CllANNEL CAllBRATION at least once per 18 months. 1 (

  • Not a means of quantifying leakage.

4 4 Te, pnovisions of SesaF#U4[ic0 S 0. *2 A R E-twoT" APPu c.RDLE fo %E S ort vE.ib b M E RI1Qu1RE%ENT /u OPERAT!ONAL c.-owmot4 1. FERMI - Utill 2 3/4 4-11

~ Insert C b. Monitoring the primary containsegg sump flow rate at least once por 12 hours in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 and at Icast once per 4 hours in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2.and 3. Monitoring the drywell Q oor drain sump level at Icast once per 12 hours in c. OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 and at least once per 4 hours in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2 and 3, and r P 1 h 1 1 1

-{ REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM sASES 3/4.4.3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE 3/ LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEMS The RCS leakage detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the reactor coolant pressure boundary. These detection systems are consistent with the recomendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45, " Reactor Coolant Pressure Soundary Leakage Detection Systers", May 1973. 3/ OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE The allowable leakage rates from the reactor :oolant system have been based on the predicted and experimentally observed behavior of cracks in pipes. The normally expected backgroury.? leakage due to eqJipment design and tha detection capability of " Ae instrumentation for determining system leakage was also con-sidered The..idence obtained from experiments suggests that for leakage somewhat greater tnan that specified for UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE the probability is small that the imperfection or crack associated with such leakage would grow rapidly. However, in all cases, if the leakage rates exceed the values specified or the leakage is located and known to be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, the reactor will be shutdown to allow further Investication and corrective action. Service sensitive reactor coolant system Type 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steel f piping; i.e., those that are subject to high stress or that centcin relatively stagnant, intermittent, or low flow fluids, requires additional surveillance and leakage limits. % _ g The purpose of the RCS interface valves leakage pressure monitors.(LPMs) is to provide assurance of the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System pres-sure isolation valves which form a high/ low pressure boundary. The LPM is designed *o alarm on increasing pretsure on the low pressure side of the high/ low pressure interface to provide indication to the operator of abnormal interface valve leakage. The Surveillance Requirements for RCS pressure isolation valves provide added assurance of valve integrity thereby educing the probability of gross valve failure and consequent intersystem LOCA. Leakage from the RCS pressure isolation valves is !OENTIFIED LEAKAGE and will be considered as a portion of the allowed lielt. 3/4.4.4 CHEMISTRY The water chemistry limits of the reactor coolant system are established to prevent damage to the reactor materfels in contact with the coolant. Chicride limits are specified to prevent stress corrosion cracking of the stainless steel. The effect of chloride is not as great when the oxygen concentration in the coolant is low, thus the 0.2 ppm limit on chlorides 1s permitted during POWER OPERATION. During shutdown and refueling operations, the temperature necessary for stress corrosion to occur is not present so a 0.5 ppm concentration of chlorides is not considered hannful during these perious. FERMI - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-2 A:tendment No.14

..._- = - j Insert D The additional limit placed upon the rate of increase in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 sects toe NHC Staff guidance in Generic Le*.cer 86-01, "NHC Position on IGSCC in BWH Austenitic Stainless Steel. Piping". The applicability of' the Generic Letter 88-01 limit to OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 only ensures that the expected increases in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE experienced during reactor vessel heatup and pressurization during startup do not cause unwarranted ent. ries into the applicable ACTION statement. The race of increase in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE limit in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2 and 3 ensures that the above service sensitive reactor coolant system Type 304 and 316 austenttic stainless steel piping is nonitored during reactor startup prior to reactor vessel heatup and pressurization. The surveillance interval for determination of UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 neets the guidance in Supplerent I to Generic Letter 88-01. ( l ~ l I. a v,,- y e , _ - ~. -,. -, -,

.._m..-..._ i 4 Tl + J i l l 1 i - i l i 1 l IWCthSUltE 3 i TICHNICAI. SI'ECIFICAT,_ ION cuance n ce.s-S 4 k I v s'--- -e + e-,,,--.v-e r ~+v,,-. ,,vn 1-r -v, a w,m-- -,r,--,w,,e ,a ---r,',+-ow,+, a-, a ,,==r .e,-e,---'s,- m - - <

i insert /Hemove Summary The following is an insert / remove summary for the proposed TS amendment. Pages marked with ai asterisk (3) are overicar pages. Hemove Insert 3/4 4-9* 3/4 4-9* 3/4 4-10 3/4 4-10 3/4 4-11 3/4 4-11 3/4 4-12' 3/4 4-11a B 3/4 4-2 3/4 4-11b' D 3/4 4-2a* 3/4 4-12' B 3/4 4-2 B 3/4 4-2a* s

g . ~. l t REACTOR C00L6NT SYSTEM 3/4.4.3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE LEAKAGE DETECTION SYST[$ llHITING CONDITION F0R OPERATION The following reactor coolant system leakage detection systems shall be OPERABLE: a. The primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system channel, t b. The primary containment sump flow monitoring system consisting of: 1 The drywell floor drain sump level, flow and pump +run-time system, and 2. The drywell equipment drain sump ievel, flow and pump-run-time system. c. The drywell floor drain sump level monitoring system. Aff_ LLC ABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1. 2, and 3. ACIl0N: With only tv. of the above required leakage detection systems OPERABLE, restore 't

crable.dctection system to OPERABLE status within 30 days; when '"a ieve.ed gaseous radioactive monitoring system is inoperable, operai on uv continue for up to 30 days provided grab samples of the contait.
a. umosphere are obtained and analyzed-a* least once per 24 hours, otherwise, oe in at least HOT SHUIDOWN within the next 12 hourr and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours.

SURVElllANCE REQUIREMENTS The reactor coolant system leaka"? detection systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by: 1. a. Primary containment atmosphere gaseous monitoring systems-performance of a CHANNEL CHECK at least once per 12 hours, a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once oer 31 days and a CHANNEL CAllBRATION at -least once per 10 months. L b. Primary containment sump flow and drywell floor drain sump level monitoring systcms-performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAt TEST at i least once per 31 days and a CHANNEL CAllBRATION TEST at least on 9 per 18 months. l l l FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4-9 l

a 'k/ ? IEACIOR QQMtiT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL LEAKAGI LlHITING CONDIT10ti FOR OPERATION Reactor coolant system leakage shall be limited to: a. fio PRESSURE BOUliDARY LEAKAGE. h. S gpm UNIDENTlflED LEAKAGE. 26 gpm total leakage averaged over any 24-hour period. c. d. I gpm leakage at a reactor coolant system pressure of 1040 i 10 psig from any reactor c?nlant system pressure isolation valve specified in Table 1 2 gpa increase in UN10Ef4TlflED LEAKAGE within any 24 hour period during e. OPEkATIONAL CONDIT10f4 1. f. 2 gpm increase in UNIDEN1': LED LEAKAGE within any 4 hour period during OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2 a..J 3. Jff11[R}1LlJ1: OPERATIONAL C0llDIT10NS 1, 2, and 3. ACILQti: With any PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, be in at least 110T SHUTDOWN within a. 12 hours and in COLD SilVIDOWN within the next 24 hours, b. With any reactor coolant system leakage greater than the limits in b and/or c, above, reduce the leakage rate to within the limits within 4 hours or be in at least liOT SilUIDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SliUIDOWN within the following 24 hours, With any reactor coolant system pressure isolation valve leakage greater c. than the above limit, isolate the high pressure portion of the affected system from the low pressure portion within 4 hours by use cf at least one uther closed manual, deactivated automatic, or check

  • valve-or be in at least 110T SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUIDOWN within the following 24 hours.

d. With one or more of the high/ low pressure interface valve leakage pressure monitors shown in Table 2 inoperable, restore the inoperable monitor (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or verify the s pressure to be less than the alarm setpoint at least once per 12 hours, restore the inoperable monitor (s) to OPERABLE status within 30 days or be in at least it0T SituTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SH1'T00WN within the following 24 hours.

  • Which has been verified not to exceed the allowable leakage limit at the last refueling outage or af ter the last time the valve was disturbed, whichever is more recent.

I FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4-10 Amendment No.

l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM liH! TING CON 0ll10N FOR OPERATION (Continued).__ ACTION: (Continued) e. in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, with any reactor coolant system UNIDENTiflED LEAKAGE increase greater than 2 gpm within any 24 hour period, identify the source of leakage increase as not service sensitive Type 304 or 316 austenitic stainless steci within 4 hours or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUTD0WN within the following 24 hours, f. In OPERATIONAL. CONDITIONS 2 and 3, with any reactor coolant system UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE increase greater than 2 gpn within any 4 hour period, identify the source of leakage increase as not service sensitive Type 304 or 316 austenitic stainless steel within 4 hours or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLO SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours. SURVElllANCE REQUIREMENTS The reactor coolant system leakage shall be demonstrated to be within each of the above limits by: a. Monitoring the primary containment atmospheric gaseous radioactivity at least r,nce per 4 hours,* b. Monitoring the primary containment sump flow rate at least once per 12 hours in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1** and at I st once per 4 l hours in OPERATIONAL COND1110NS 2 and 3, c. Monitoring the drywell floor drain sump level at least once per 12 hours **, in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1** and at least once per 4 l hnurs in OPERA 110NAL CONDITIONS 2 and 3. and d. Monitoring the reactor vessel head flange leak detection system at least once per 24 hours.*

  • Not a means of quantifying leakage.
    • The provisions of Specificatica 4.0.2 are not applicable to the surveillance requirement in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1.

FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4-11 Amendment No.

REE10R1001HILSHlui }URVfill Af4Cf Rf 0VIRIMEfils (Conynued) Each reactor coolant system pressure isolation valve specified in Table shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by leak testing pursuant to Specification 4.0.5 and verifying the leakage of each valve to be within the specified limit: a. At least per 18 montii:, and b. Prior to returning the valve to service following maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valve which could af fect its leakage rate. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into OPLRAT10flAL C0fiDIT10f13. The high/ low pretsure interf ace valve leakage pressure monitors shall be demonstrated OPERABLE with alarm setpoints per Table by performance of a: a. CHAfillEl IUf1CT10f1AL TEST at least once per 31 days, and b. CHAlif4EL CAllBRAT10fi at least once per 18 months. 1 FERMI - UtilT 2 3/4 4-lla Amendment No. i

t t i I Tills PAGE INTEN110NALLY LETT DLANK h k I l t 1 l l I [ FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4.llb Amendment No. p

~ TABLE REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE ISOLATIQF VALVES S VALVE NUMBER VALVE DESCRIPTION 1. RHR System Ell-f015A LPCI Loop A Injection isolation Valve i Ell f015B LPCI Loop B Injection Isolation-Valve Ell f0 BOA LPC' toop A Injection Line Testable Chuck Va h e Eil f050B LPCI Loop B Injection Line Testable Check Valve Ell-F008 Shutdown Cooling RPV Suction Outboard Isolation Valve Ell F009 Shutdcen Cooling RPV Suction inboard Isolation Valve Ell-f608 Shutdown Cooling Suction Isolation Valve 2. Core Spray System E21 f005A Loop A Inboard Isolation Valve E21-f005B Loop B Inboard Isolation Valve E21-f006A Loop A Ce.tainment Check Valve E21 F006P Loop B Containment Check Valve 3. liigh Pressure Coolant injection System E41-f007 Pump Discharge Outboard Isolation Valve E41-f006 Pump Discharge Inboard Isolation Valve 4. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System E51-F012 Pump Discharge Isolation Valve E51-F013 Pump Discharge to feedwater Header Isolation Valve TABLE BIACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM INTERFACE VALVES LEAKAGE PRESSURE MONITORS ALARM SETPolNT VALVE NUMBER SYSTEM fosial_ Ell-F015A & B, Ell-f050A & B RHR LPCI s 449 l Ell-f008, f009, F608 P'R Shutdown Cooling s 135 E21-f005A & B E21-f006A & B f e Spray s 452 E41-f006, f007 I s 71 E51-f012, f013 hv4C s 71 FERMI - UNIT 2 3/4 4-12 Amendment No. Jf, 85

1 B MCTOR COOLANT SYSTEM DASES 374.4.3 REACTOR COOLANI M iU M LEAKAGE + }/ LEAKAGE DETEC110N SYSTEMS The RCS leakage detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the reactor coolant pressure boundary. These detection systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45,

  • Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage-Detection Systems", May 1973.

2/ OPERATIQi(Al LEAVE 1 1he allowable leakage rates from the reactor coolant system have been based on the predicted and experimentally observed behavior of cracks in pipes. The normally expected background leakage due to equipment design and the detection capability of the instrumentation for determining system leakage was also considered. The evidence obtained from experiments suggescs that for leakage somewhat gr d er than that specified for UNIDEN11FIED LEAKAGE the probability is small that the imperfection or crack associated with such leakage would grow rapidly. However, in all cases, if the leakage rates exceed the values specified or the leakage is located and known to be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, the reactor will be shutdown to allow further investigation and corrective action. Service sensitive reactor coolant system Type 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steel piping; i.e., those that are subject to high stress or that contain relatively stagnant, intermittent, or 1cw flow fluids, requires additional surveillance and icakage limits. The additional limit placed upon the rate of increase in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE in OPERATIONAL LON91T10H 1 meets the NRC Staff guidance in Generic letter 88-01, "NRC Position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping". The applicability of the Generic letter 88 01 limit to OPERATIONAL CONDilloN 1 only ensures that the expected increases in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE experienced during reactor vessel heatup and pressurization during startup do not cause unwarranted entries into the applicable ACTION statement. The rate of increase in UNIDENTiflED LFAKAGE limit in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 2 and 3 ensures that the above service sensitive reactor coolant system Type 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steel piping is monitored during reactor startup prior to reactor vessel heatup and pressurization. The surveillance interval for determination of UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 meets the guidance in Supplement I to Generic Letter 88-01. The purpose of the RCS interface valves leakage pressure monitors (LPMs) is to provide assurance of the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System presp re isolation valves which form a high/ low pressure boundary. The LPH is designed to alu m on increasing pressure on the low pressure side of the high/ low pressure interface to provide indication to the operator of abnormal interface valve leakage. The Surveillance Requirements for RCS pressure isolation valves provide added assurance of valve integrity thereby reducing the probability of gross valvo failure and consequent intersystem LOCA. Leakage from the RCS pressure isolation valves is IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and will be conside ed as a portion of the allowed limit. 3/14.4 CHEMISTRY The water chemistry limits of the reactor coolant system are established to prevent damage to the reactor materials in contact with the coolant. Chloride limits are specified to prevent stress corrosion cracking of the FERMI - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-2 Amendment No. #,

i REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES i CHEMISTRY (CoatiinggOL stainless steel. The effect of chloride is not as great when the oxygen concentration in the coolant is low, thus the 0.2 ppm limit on chlorides is permitted during POWER OPERATION. During shutdown and refueling operations, the temperature necessary for stress corrosion to occur is n 1 present so a 0.5 ppm concentration of chlorides is not considered harmful during these periods. Conductivity measurements are required on a continuous basis since changes in L this parameter aro an indication of abnormal conditions. When the conductivity is within limits, the pH, chlorides and other impurities affecting conductivity must also be within their acceptable limits. With the conductivity meter inoperable, additional samples must be analyzed to ensure that the chlorides are not exceeding the limits. The surveillance requirements provide adecuate assurance that concentrations in excess of the limits will be cetected in sufficient time to i take corrective action. FERMI - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-2a Amendment No. 14 l -r-se- ,9-et e -w-s p Ap e w .mw .,.wa r-=e--w.* -wm e wewea e un' -ew 's &!:C -}}