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Submits Info Re Current Status of Federal,State & Local Govt Permits,Licenses & Other Approvals Re Decommissioning of Facility.Agreement Reached W/State of Co Re Discharge of Tritium in Liquid Effluent During Decommissioning
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1992
From: Warembourg D
To: Weiss S
P-92281, NUDOCS 9209230010
Download: ML20105C857 (5)


. _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ , . -_ _ _ _ _ -

e hPublic Service'  %*a"1-*

16805 WCR 191/2; Platteville, Colorado 80651 September 18,1992 Fort St. Vrain-Unit No.1 P-92281 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A*ITN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 A'ITN: Dr. Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactor, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Docket No. 50-267 SUlUECT: Status of Fort St. Vrain Decommissioning Approvals


PSC Letter, Warembourg to Director, NRR, dated April 30,1992 (P-92181)

Dear Dr. Weiss:

In accordance with tlie requirements of 10 CFR 51.45(d), this letter provides the current status of Federal, State, and local governmental permits, licenses and other approvals related to the decommissioning of Fort St. Vrain.. This letter also discusses the status of compliance with applicable environmental quality standards and requirements. These requirements are generally described in Section 8.0 of the FSV Environmental Report Supplement for Decommissioning, previouMy submitted via the referenced letter.

The following is an updated status of Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSC's) compliance with the environmental quality requirements- identified in the FSV Environmental Report Supplement for Decommissioning:

1. Federal Approvals -

NRC approval of the Fort St. Vrain Proposed. Decommissioning Plan, Facility-License, and Decommissioning Technical Specifications is required and-is in progress. Psch of these documents is in the final comment resolution stage. No other Federal permits, licenses, or approvals are required for FSV decommissioning activitie~s.

9209230010 920918 PDR ADOCK 03000267 P PDR g10 11 4 $O01 ,

Ij b .

1 P-92281

_ September 18,1992 Page 2

2. Liquid I!ffluents PSC has reached agreement with the Colorado Department of Health, Water.

Quality Control Division (WQCD), regarding the discharge of tritium in liquid effluent during decommissioning. The WQCD participated in the development of a Tritium Discharge Understanding document. In a letter to the NRC dated August 24, 1992, the WQCD concluded that as long as PSC follows the procedures in this document, the state tritium insticam standard _of 20,000 pCi/l would be met and that their cc,cerns have therefore been adequately addressed.

The Colorado Waster /ater Discharge Permit for Fort St. Vrain is in the process of renewal with the'WQCD. A draft permit which . vill address decommissioning activities is expected to be available for comment in the fourth quarter of 1992.

Liquid effluent discharges can continue under the current permit until the revised permit is issued.

3. Air Emissions There are currently no air permits applicable to Fort St. Vrain activities. PSC is characterizing all air emission sources at Fort St. Vrain in accordance with the Clean Air Act and Colorado state law. For any sources with criteria emissior.s that require notification, Air Pollution Emission Notices (APENs) will be prepared for the Colorado Department of Health Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) by the end of 1992. For any sources of air toxies that require notification to the APCD, APFNs will be prepared by the end of 1993. -

4 Asbestos Removal

- All necessary permits for asbestos abatement have been received from the Colorado Department of Health, and asbestos removal and disposal activities are currently in progress.

4 P-92281 September 18,1992 Page 3

5. Ilazardous Waste Generation No permits or approvals are required for hazardous waste generated during Fort St. Vrain decommissioning activities. PSC has submitted a Notification of Generator Activity letter to the Colorado Department of IIcalth, and an EPA identification number has been assigned to Fort St. Vrain. PSC's contractor, MK -

Ferguson, has also submitted a Notification of Generator Activity letter to the Colorado Department of Health and they have also received an EPA ide ntification number. _


6. Water Wells Permits for on site water wells are maintained with the Office of State Engineer, Division of Water Resources. Permits for plant service water wells are current and will not be modified for decommissioning activities. PSC has submitted applications for permanent permitting of 20 new groundwater monitoring wells and modification of permit information for 12 existing groundwater monitoring -

wells. These permits are expected to be processed by the first quarter of 1993.

7. Fuel Oil Storage No new permits or approvals are required for fuel oil storage during Fort St.

Vrain decommissioning activities. PSC is currently consolidating on-site fuel oil storage tanks into one underground storage tank. Notification of these plans has been sent to the Chief Oil Inspector for the State of Colorado and to the Colorado L)epartment of Health, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division.


8. Auxiliary Ikiller Inspection A certificate of boiler inspection will be maintained for any auxiliary boiler that will be operated during decommissioning. I?SC's existing boiler inspections are current and are administered by the Colorado State Boiler Inspection Branch. No changes are required during decommissioning.

m-P-92281 September 18,1992 Page 4

9. Radio Communications No new permits or approvals are required for radio communications during Fort St. Vrain decommhsioning activities. All required FCC licenses for internal and =

external radio and microwave communications are current and are expected to be -

maintained during decommissioning,

10. . Ilullding Permits j A building permit was obtained for the underground fuel oil storage tank consolidation project discussed previously, No buildings are currently anticipated that would reg: ire a local building permit. Ilowever, if-any such buildings become necessary, all required building permits will be obtained from Weki'  :


11. Radioactive Waste i PSC currently has a Radioactive Material Dispossd Site User's Permit for the lleatty, Nevada site, issued by the State of Nevada, that is valid through the end of 1992. Actions are currently in progress to obtain approval to use the radioactive material disposal site in Richland, Washington after January I,1993, u

The above information reflects the status of compliance-with environmental quality j requirements for _ the early dismantlement and decontamination (DIICON) i r decommissioning alternative, which has been selected for use .it Fort St. Vrain, _ As -

required by 10 CFR 51, other decommissioning alternatives (e.g., SAFSTOR);were evaluated in the linvironmental Report Supplement for Decommissioning. A change to the SAFSTOR alternative _wo'uld require revision to PSC's application for NRC approval of the Proposed Decommissioning Plan, and to PSC's renewal application for the Fort:

- St. Vrain Colorado Wastewater Discharge Permit. The SAFSTOR alternative could be -

undertaken in compliance with applicable environmental quality requirements without j affecting any other permits or approvals.

This information is considered supplemental'to that provided previously in Section 8,0 g of the FSV linvironmental- Report Supplement for Decommissioning. No permits or j approvals other 'than those listed are expected to be required or modified ~ for L _ decommissioning activities at Fort St. Vrainl f ,---mw q e - - - ,ye.7-9ge p- er w .- q -+

P ,92281 Septen oer 18,-1992 Page 5 If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. M. H. Holmes at (303) 620-1701.

Sincerely, ihmb'$'lNswJtu f

Donald W. Warembourg Manager, Nuclear Operations DWW/SWC cc: Regiorial Administrator, Region IV Mr. J. B. Baird Senior Resident Inspector Fort St. Vrain Mr. Robert M. Quillin, Director Radiation Control Division Colorado Department of Health Ms. Pat Nelson ludustrial Unit Chief Permits and Enforcement Section Water Quality Control Division Colorado Department of Health l

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