MONTHYEARML20214C4131986-11-12012 November 1986 Affidavit of DE Gilberts Re Enforcement Action 86-164 & NRC 861022 Order to Show Cause Concerning Use of Radios in Control Rooms ML20212K1821984-09-12012 September 1984 Partially Withheld Affidavit Re Nuclear Energy Svc 830531 Ut/T Insp at Facility.Related Documentation Encl ML20212P1861984-09-12012 September 1984 Partially Withheld Handwritten Affidavit in Monroe,Mi Re 830531 Ultrasonic Testing Insp.Related Documentation Encl ML20212P1581984-09-12012 September 1984 Partially Withheld Handwritten Affidavit Re 830531 Ultrasonic Test Insp ML20209D2461984-08-0101 August 1984 Joint Affidavit of Rl Rothman,Rb Mcmullen,L Reiter & Sj Brocoum Re Evaluation of Seismological & Geological Info Provided by Joint Intervenors Affecting Seismic Design Basis ML20205Q8011984-06-29029 June 1984 Affidavit of RG Tolson Re Records & Retrieval Rept.Related Info Encl ML20205Q7951984-06-29029 June 1984 Affidavit of Lm Richman Re Records & Records Retrieval Rept ML20098D1601983-12-13013 December 1983 Affidavit of E Rosolie Re CP Extension.No Need for Facility Exists & Requested Extension Until June 1991 Unreasonable ML20098D0921983-12-13013 December 1983 Affidavit of N Bell Re Discussion W/J Lazar,Research Director of Northwest Conservation Act Coalition,That Power from WPPSS Not Needed ML20133C6451983-11-16016 November 1983 Affidavit of Hs Nunn Re Quality of Const at Plant ML20133C6411983-11-16016 November 1983 Affidavit of WR Mcafee Re Concerns Over Quality of Const at Plant ML20098D0001983-11-11011 November 1983 Affidavit of MD Brincat Re Correctness of Listed Documents ML20133C6321983-11-0909 November 1983 Affidavit of JB Stearns Re Concerns Over Shoddy Workmanship & Retaliation Against Persons Challenging Poor Workmanship at Plant ML20078N7201983-06-20020 June 1983 Affidavit of Ee Kent Re Quality of Welding in Nuclear Power Plants & Inadequate Handling of Allegations by NRC ML20210E6521983-05-27027 May 1983 Affidavit of AD Johnson Re Joint Intervenors 830510 Motion to Reopen Record on Issue of Const Qa.No Items of Noncompliance Represented Major Breakdown of Const Qa/Qc Programs of Licensee & Contractors ML20028B9051982-11-0808 November 1982 Affidavit Re Westinghouse Application for Withholding Proprietary Info Encl in App C to FSAR in TR Tramm 820818 & 0902 Ltrs to NRC Concerning Turbine Missiles ML20023D0341982-07-26026 July 1982 Affidavit of SL Marello Re QC Breakdown & Criminal Falsification at Zack Co,Hvac Contractor at Facilities ML20023D0351982-07-26026 July 1982 Affidavit of at Howard Re QC Breakdown & Criminal Falsification at Zack Co,Hvac Contractor at Facilities ML20039G7411981-12-0707 December 1981 Affidavit Supporting NRC Motion to Dismiss Ucs & Ny Pirg Petitions for Review of NRC Decision Re Status of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plan.Emergency Planning Evaluation Process Incomplete.Related Correspondence ML20105D1201981-08-0404 August 1981 Affidavit of Bk Grimes Supplementing 810622 Affidavit Re Emergency Planning Earthquake Considerations.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20098H1231977-12-0505 December 1977 Affidavit of Jd Perko Re Financial Qualifications Update ML20098H1221977-12-0202 December 1977 Affidavit of Dl Renberger Re Mgt Organization & QA ML20098H1241977-11-16016 November 1977 Affidavit of RB Gallup Re Need for Power Update ML20098C7661977-07-13013 July 1977 Affidavit of Jd Perko Re Corrections to Financial Qualifications Testimony ML20098C7591976-08-0202 August 1976 Affidavit of RB Gallup Re Need for Power Update ML20098C6911976-05-14014 May 1976 Affidavit of DW Connor Re Need for Proposed Units.Based on West Group Forecast Projection of Energy Loads & Capacities, Probable Need for Units 3 & 5 Greater than Yr Ago ML20235F0861970-08-0707 August 1970 Affidavit of Ej Walsh Supporting Util Request That Lloyd Harbor Study Group,Inc Motion Seeking Disqualification of Aec,Aslab & ASLB Members Be Denied.Incomplete Statement by Ej Walsh Requesting Motion Be Denied Encl ML20235F0451970-07-28028 July 1970 Affidavit of I Like in Support of Lloyd Harbor Study Group, Inc Motion for Order Seeking Relief Set Forth in Annexed Notice of Motion 1986-11-12
MONTHYEARELV-01267, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 9002091990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20011E4861990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20248D2831989-09-28028 September 1989 Notice of Appearance.* Advises That Author Will Enter Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc ML20247Q2661989-09-26026 September 1989 Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Comprise of Mb Margulies, Chairman & Oh Paris & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890926 B13367, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements1989-09-20020 September 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements ML20248C8751989-09-13013 September 1989 Response to Order Modifying Licenses & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked.* Requests Hearing on Issues,Including Funds for Equipment.Supporting Info Encl ML20246C7141989-08-18018 August 1989 Order to Show Cause Why CPs CPEP-1 & CPEP-2 Should Not Be Revoked & Requiring Licensee to Notify Commission at Least 30 Days Before Taking Possession of Any Classified Equipment ML20245G0721989-08-0303 August 1989 Comment on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. Recommends That NRC Recommendation on Trust Agreement Wording Be Deleted or NRC Should Grandfather Existing Trusts Such as for Plants ML20248B6201989-08-0202 August 1989 Comments on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. NRC Should Permit Use of Potential Tax Refund as Source of Decommissioning Funds ELV-00674, Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement1989-07-0707 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement ELV-00679, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 8906261989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 890626 ML20246K4801989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20246D8811989-06-30030 June 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20245D2481989-06-16016 June 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. NRC Must Consider Provision in Rule to Permit Indiscriminate Storage of Spent Fuel at Reactors ML20246Q2971989-05-15015 May 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20245J0191989-04-14014 April 1989 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20244B3241989-04-10010 April 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20247A2971989-04-0404 April 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20246M2771989-03-20020 March 1989 Decision.* Affirms Board Decision LBP-89-05 Granting CP & OL to Licensee.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890321 B13113, Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility1989-03-0808 March 1989 Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility ML20246N9471989-03-0808 March 1989 Comment on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9 Re Selection Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20235V8541989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Util Committed to Goal of Achieving Improved Reliability & Safety Through Better Maint JPN-89-008, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20235T3581989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Util Endorses Comments Filed by NUMARC & Nuclear Util Backfitting & Reform Group.Rule Fails to Provide Basis for Determining Effective Maint Program B13136, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague ML20235T1861989-02-24024 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Extension of NRC Authority to BOP Portion of Plant & Misapplication of Adequate Protection Std of Backfit Rule ML20235T7391989-02-23023 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 55 Re Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants ML20235N8531989-02-14014 February 1989 Comment Supporting Chapter 1 Re Policy Statement on Exemptions Below Regulatory Concern.Policy Development for Criteria for Release of Radioactive Matl Needed for Development of Consistent Waste Mgt Practices ML20235L5921989-02-0606 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule on Chapter 1 Re Proposed Policy Statement Exemptions from Regulatory Control.Extreme Care Will Be Needed in Establishing State Role Both in Developing Rule & in Subsequent Implementation ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196F5981988-12-0101 December 1988 Notice of Hearing.* Notifies That Hearing to Be Held in CP Application Proceedings on 881221 Cancelled & Rescheduled to Commence on 890104.Served on 881202 ML20196F5831988-12-0101 December 1988 Memorandum Memoralizing 881129 Telcon.* Applicant & NRC Agreed to Submit Joint Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Served on 881202 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206M9181988-11-22022 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881121.* Discusses Board 881121 Telcon W/Counsel for Parties Re Prehearing & Scheduling Matters.Served on 881123 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206M5321988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re fitness-for-duty Program ML20195H0331988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing.Util Strongly Favors 180- Day Period for Implementation of Rule & 360-day Implementation Period for Random Drug Testing JPN-88-063, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments1988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments ML20195H0111988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment Supporting NUMARC Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re NRC Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing ML20206C6321988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C6131988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C3271988-11-10010 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881109.* Licensee Request to DOE to Extend Deadline for Receipt of CPs Until 890131 Not Officially Passed Upon.Further Prehearing Telcon Scheduled for 881121.Served on 881114 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20206C1081988-11-0404 November 1988 Requests for Renewal or Extension of Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(i) Re Property Insurance Regulations ML20205N2711988-11-0101 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881031.* Board Approved Prehearing Telcon on 881109 to Discuss Future Scheduling & Agreed to Start Hearing Prior to 881120 to Accomodate Alchemie.Served on 881102 ML20205Q2061988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM 50-52 Re Exemption of Financial Qualifications of Applicants from Review of OL Applications.Petition Presents No Compelling Reason to Amend Current Rules ML20205Q1501988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal. Safety Sys Functional Insps & Configuration Mgt Programs Support Renewal Basis as Opposed to Relicensing Process ML20205Q6661988-10-27027 October 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal. Endorses NUMARC Nuplex Working Group Comments,Including Use of Licensing Basis at Facility When Renewal Application Submitted ML20205P9691988-10-26026 October 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear License Renewal. Supports Contents of NUREG-1317 & Endorses NUMARC Comments on Rulemaking & Position Paper by NUMARC Nuplex Working Group 1990-02-07
[Table view] |
- __
In the Matter of.
(Nuclear Project No. 4)
The evidentiary hearings on environmental and site suitability issues for WPPSS Nuclear Projects No. 1 ("WNP-1") and No. 4 ("WNP-4) were conducted on May 13-15, 1975, at which time certain exhibits were received into evidence by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Board"). This evidence included, inter alia, the 1975 West Group Forecast (Applicant's Ex. 4).
In addition, I submitted prepared testimony for the evidentiary hearings (Tr. following p.16A), and responded to examination and cross-examination by the parties and the Board (Tr. 155-158, 160-164, 174-176, 247-248,263-344,346-376). Thereafter, the Board issued its Partial j
Initial Decision in which it made favorable findings of fact and conclusions of law relating to, inter alia, the need for power issue. 2 NRC 131, 140-142 (July 30, 1975).
The evidentiary hearings on radiological health and safety issues were conducted on November 11-13, 1975, at which time the Applicant requested that consideration of its financial qualifications to construct WNP-4 be deferred.
t l
84091g0518840824 i
OHEN84 603 PDR
. Paga 2
Accordingly, the Board in its Initial Decision authorizing the construction-pemit for WNP-1, deferred consideration of the financial qualifications
. 7 issue for WNP-4, and the issuance of a construction pemit for WNP-4 was delayed pending the disposition of the financial qualifications issue.
2 NRC 922, 927-928, 943, n. 28 (December 22,1975).
i On July 9,1976, the Applicant informed the Board that it was in a position to demonstrate that it was financially qualified to design 4
and construct WNP-4. The Board received evidence in affidavit form relating 1
to the financial qualifications matter and to an updated need for power analysis.
The evidence on need for power consisted of my affidavit (Applicant's Exhibit
- 43) and the 1976 West Group Forecast ("1976 Forecast") (Applicant's l
Exhibit 44). On August 27, 1976, the Applicant and the staff submitted Joint Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law relating to, inter alia, the issues of financial qualifications and need for WNP-4.
4 By Memorandum and Order dated September 7,1976, the Board noted i
that it had received evidence on the issue of financial qualifications for WNP-4. However, the Board also noted that issuance of the construction i
pemit 'for WNP-4 had been further delayed pending resolution of other issues, i.e., matters relating to the environmental effects of spent fuel reprocess-
+r ing and waste management (10 CFR Part 51 Table S-3), ECCS evaluation models, and seismic design criteria.
It appears that these remaining issues are now or will shortly be resolved. However, in view of the further delay encountered since the record was last updated on need for power, I have again evaluated f
the need for WNP-4.
I t
-_-~.-. 2 1 7*'? Z.~_*N.1____._._._,._._,_.__._.____..____
', Pag] 3' g-B.
1977 West Group Forecast and Need for WNP-4 On February 15,1977,the1977WestGroupForecast("1977 I
Forecast")wasissued. The 1977 Forecast is an annual 11-year forecast of loads and resources for the Pacific Northwest region which is prepared by the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee. A copy of the 1977 Forecast is attached hereto as Attachment A.
The 1977 Forecast indicates that there has been a decrease in energy loads forecasted for the period 1977-1987, which, as discussed below, t
has been more than offset by a decrease in energy resources estimated to be available in that same period. The table entitled " West Group Forecast -
C Estimated Loads and Resources July 1977 - June 1988" of the 1977 Fore-cast reflects that the load for the period July 1,1984 to June 30, 1985 (the first full year in which WNP-4 is currently scheduled for operation) is 21,401 average MW. This amount represents a decrease of 626 average MW (or 2.8%) from the load estimates presented in the 1976 Forecast, and a decrease of 1180 average MW (or 5.2%) from the load estimates presented in the 1975 West Group Forecast ("1975 Forecast") (Applicant's Exhibit 4).
As I indicated on page 7 of my prepared testimony submitted at c
the evidentiary hearings held on May 13-15 (Tr. following page 164), a f
reduction in load growth from that estimated in the 1975 Forecast would result, under nomal circumstances, in a reduction in the need for the development of additional resources.
p Page 4 I confirmed this point in my affidavit of August 1976 (Applicant's Exhibit 43). Conversely, an increase in load growth from that estimated
' in the 1973; Forecast would result in an increased need for the development of additional resources and/or the acceleration of schedules if and when possible.
It should be recalled that the 1976 Forecast reflected decreases in both energy load and generating resource estimates relative to the fore-casts in the 1975 Forecast. - As I noted in my affidavit first updating the need for powermatter, the decrease in load estimates in the 1976 Forecast o
relative to the 1975 Forecast was more than offset by the decrease in resource estimates.
The 1977 Forecast indicates that generating resources and loads for the period 1983-1987 have decreased even further relative to the resources and loads forecasted for that period in the 1976 Forecast. This decrease in estimated generating resources is due to slips in schedule of certain facilities which were credited as resources in the 1976 Forecast.
l The slips in schedule were due to a number of factors including regulatory
delays, load reductions, labor difficulties, and other construction delays.
4 Significantly, the table in the 1977 Forecast entitled " West
Group Forecast - Estimated Loads and Resources July 1977 - June 1988" re-flects that the decrease in load estimates is more than offset by the de-crease in resources. For example, based upon the 1975 Forecast, the load /
r resource picture in the year 1983-1984(whentheenergyfromWNP-4wasthen planned to be available) shows that if all units were completed in accordance with the Milestone schedule set forth in the 1975 Forecast, t
i Paga 5 there would be a deficiency of approximately 338,000 average kilowatts of resources to meet loads without reserves. Of course, any delay in the
- (
completion of any of these units would increase the deficiency.
'l A comparison of the 1977 Forecast with the 1975 Forecast reveals
that the Milestone completion dates of all major generating facilities scheduled for completion in the year 1977 or later have been delayed.
Accordingly, energy from these delayed facilities for which credit was taken for a given year in the 1975 Forecast will not'be available during the time frames previously anticipated. Specifically, the changes in Mile-stcne operating dates of major resources in the 1977 Forecast from those included in the 1975 Forecast are shown in the following table:
Milestone Dates Nameplate 1975 1977 Delay
- Plant Name Rating Forecast Forecast Yrs. Mos.
Colstrip #3 490(1)
Jul 1978 Feb1981(2) 2 7
ColstMp #4 490(1)
Jul 1979 Dec 1981(3)'
2 5
Jim Bridger #4 509(1)
Sep 1979 Dec 1979 0
3 Boardman Coal 504(1)
Jul 1980 Nov 1980 0
4 WNP #2 1,100 Sep 1978 Jun1980(4) 1 9
WNP #1 1,373 Sep 1980 Oct1981(5) 1 1
L WNP #3 1,316 Sep 1981 May 1984 2
8 WNP #4 1,373 Mar 1982 Apr1983(6) 1 1
WNP #5 1,316 Mar 1983 Nov 1985 2
8 Skagit #1 1,330 Jul 1982 Aug 1984 2
1 Skagit #2 1,330 Jul 1954 Aug 1986 2
1 Pebble Springs #1 1,295 Jul 1982 Jul 1985 3
0 Pebble Springs #2 1,295 Jul 1985 Jul 1988 3
- See footnotes for further delays.
l f 2) - Presently scheduled for November 1981, a further delay of 9 months.
- 1) - Portion of plant shown as West Group Area Resource.
- 3) - Presently scheduled for September 1982, a further delay of 9 months.
) - Presently scheduled for September 1980, a further delay of 3 months.
) - Presently scheduled for December 1982, a further delay of 14 months.
) - Presently scheduled for June 1984, a further delay of 14 months.
l l
- T7 -. - -
f i-f
Page 6 The changes in load estimates and resource schedules have re-
- sulted in a shift of energy surplus and deficiencies for the years 1983-3.
1984 through 1986-1987 as shown in the following table:
Surplus or (Deficit) of Resources
to Meet Loads - Excluding Reserves Average MW 1975 1976 1977 qg Forecast Forecast Forecast
(1259) 1984-1985 1077 (525)
(701) 1985-1986 1634 (31)
(4) 1986-1987 not 15 154 included These resource forecasts do not consider an announced delay in operation date of WNP-4 which would increase the deficit by 634 average MW in 1983-84 and 1072 average MW in 1984-85.
In conclusion, the 1977 West Group Forecast contains the most current infomation available relating to anticipated energy loads and resources of the West Group Area through June 1988.
It is in the context of these anticipated energy loads and resources that the need for WNP-4 should i(
be evaluated. The 1977 West Group Forecast again confirms the need for this nuclear facility in the time frame projected.
Indeed, the 1977 Forecast reflects i
that the need for WNP-4 is even more urgent than it was based upon the 1975
and 1976 Forecasts:
_d 4 -
' A Robert B/ Gallup
Subscriged and sworn to before me this /4 day of &
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at 4
x JLL i~T *: ::: ~::.L.
DOCKET NBR: 050-460,513 WPPSS - 1/4 DOC DATE 781030 RECIPIENT:
Parr, O.D.
7811020245 ORIGINATOR: Renberger, D.L.
WA Pub Pwr Supply Sys
, LTR 1
Forwards Annual Financial Rept for 1978 encl certified financial statement.
~ ~ '
e Wm Patton, OGC, wants amdts & supplements to environ report *s.
I o 70 s
N Washington Public Power Supply System A JOINT OPERATING AGENCY P. O. Som 968 3000 Cao. WasM MetoM WAY RicHLAMo. WAsMINGToM 99352 PMons(509) 946 9611 Docket No:
50-460 October 20, 1978 50-513 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Light Water Reactor Project Branch No. 3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C.
20555 Attention:
Mr. Olan D. Parr
WPPSS Nuclear Projects Nos.1 & 4 WPPSS 1978 Annual Report
Dear Mr. Parr:
In accordance with 10CFR50.71(b) the Supply System submits herewith the WPPSS 1978 Annual Financial Report, including the certified financial statement.
Very truly yours, O :(
D. L. RENBERGER Assistant Director -
Generation & Technology DLR:AGH:oe Enclosure cc: JB Knotts, Debevoise & Libeman w/o NS Reynolds, Debevoise & Libeman w/o j8-l/.lO@O1Y Y%