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Rev 0 to NSID-EIS-84-07, Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Sys Calibr Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1984
From: Liscio E, Terry J
Shared Package
ML18092A191 List:
NSID-EIS-84-07, NSID-EIS-84-7, PNFN-30433, NUDOCS 8406010295
Download: ML20091E564 (45)


-- .- -

Nuclear .

Proc.Qura N 3 Plant Sits SONCBS


Field Service Procedure Approval Cover Sheet N/A PNFN-30433


The procedure approval signature of the cognizant manager below confirms that prior concurrence of required review groups has been obtained.

o.ot Revision Revision Revision

o. O _

Onginator Edward P. sCio 0*** $M$ iMia*

1 R. Terry g, cogn unt

"*'c'"*' f a.o a D v. 1 No aa Ov.. O No a.a o Ov.. O No o.i.


'J%id weio'vost 7 DC 0 L P

h NSIO NSID-EIS-84-07 1434W:42A/032984  !

1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to detail the steps involved in calibrating the Vessel Level Monitor (VLM) System microprocessor assembly.

2.0 SCOPE The Vessel Level Monitor (VLM) System comprises two identical micro-processor based monitoring channels, each capable of monitoring various analog and digital inputs, performing calculations using the infomation obtained from the inputs, and providing vessel level infomation.


A. Supporting Documents

1. " Vessel Level Monitor, Volume II", WNES-NTD,1981
2. Yessel Level Monitor Scaling Parameters obtained from the site during installation of the system which include:
1) Elevation and lengths of capillary runs indicated on an isometric drawing
2) Tag numbers and location of RTD's in the capillary runs
3) Spans and ranges of RTD's in the capillary runs, DP transmitters, hot leg RTD's a.d. pressure transmitters
4) Transmitter lead identification and their reference connections to the back of the VLM cabinet B. Recuired Documents
1. Yessel Level Monitor System Scaling Calculations (latest revision for the site at which this test is being conducted)
2. Calibration Check Tables for the site being tested (Appendix B of this document)
3. " Vessel Level Monitor, Volume I", WNES-NTD,1981
4. OPR 610-3 REV 3 " Conto 1 of Field Activities"
5. OPR 215-1 REV 3 " Measuring & Test Equipment (M&TE Control)"

l EFFECTivt REVISED o^rE April 1.1984 nacE 1 OATE usiosoi4asw a.i.n

. ll$10 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 4.0 RESPONSIBILITY A. WNSID Engineer

' 1. Provide the equipment as specified in the equipment list

2. Perform the test in accordance bith this procedure B. Customer
1. Provide the I&C personnel for assistance (as required)
2. Provide Quality Control coverage during the calibration 5.0 PREREQUISITES '

A. Equipment List

1. Precision Voltage Source (+.01% accuracy)
2. Precision Resistors (+.05Caccuracy)
8. Approvals / Qualifications .
1. The customer's approval of this procedu're is required prior to cornnencement of work.

Site Signature Date

2. Test equipment in ti.e equipnent list is available, operable, and, if necessary, has been calibrated with standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards and in accordar.ce with WNSID Operating Procedure, OPR 215-1, " Measuring and Test Youtpment".

l W Signature Date

3. The Vessel Level Monitor (VLM) System has been complet31y
installed and functionally tested.

W Signature Date 4 The information in Reference 3.A.2 has been verified to be co'rrect by a site representative.

W Signature Date i

l EFFECTIVE REVISED i o^rE April 1,1984 ..oE 2 care NSID 1014 REV,2 3 83

._s ___ _ _

h NSID NSID-EIS-84-07 1434W:42A/032984 6.0 PROCEDURE


-The 'same procedure will be followed for both trains. After calibrating the first train come back to this point and repeat for the second.

Figure 1 is a view of the VLM front panel.

1. POWER ON Assure power to the VLM system is on. Check to see that the RUN lamp is lit. If the RUll lamp is not lit, depress the reset switch to restart the CPU.


2. TEST a-CALIBRATE MODE Turn the keyswitch on the front panel to TEST & CALIBRATE / WRITE ENABLE to put the VLM system into the write mode.
3. SENSOR ENGINEERING UNIT CONVERSION DATA Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 14. The general form of the VLM display will be:

(sensor name) ENG COEF (coefficient label) [ numeric value of coefficient]

The words enclosed in parentbesis change and are controlled by the



Thumbwheel VARIABLE rwitch (sensor name) i STEP pushbutton (coefficient label)

EFrtctivt REvisto l oATE April 1.1984 nos 3 o^ra

_ NSIO 1014 mEv. 2183 ,

(ff) NSIO (

1 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l

NOTE Tables 1-10 referenced herein are site specific and are part of Reference 3.B.1.

Enter the values from Table 1 into the VLM by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to the (sensor name) indicated and pressing the STEP pushbutton to cbtain the (coefficient label) indicated. Enter the

[ numeric value of coefficient] by pressing the button with the HORIZONTAL arrow to position the cursor under the number you wish to change. Now, press the button with the VERTICAL arrow t'o change the numbers value. With the correct number displayed, press the STORE button to register it in the CPU memory.


. Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 10. The general form of the VLM display will be:

(sensor name) 0FF-SCALE (Hi or Lo) [ numeric value of off-scale H1 or Lo]

The words enclosed in parenthesis change and are controlled by the following:

1 Thumbwheel VARIABLE switch (sensor name)

STEP pushbutton (Hi or Lo)

Enter in the values from Table 2 into the VLH by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to the (sensor name) indicated. Press the STEP pushbutton to obtain (Hi or Lo). Enter the [ numeric value of off-scale Hi or Lo]. Be sure to press the STORE pushbutton after a number is entered to register it in the CPU memory.

l I

EFFECTNE REMSED QATE April 1,1984 no, 4 oarE )

-- j NSIO 1014 mEv. 21-s3 ,

m i

h NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-E"S-84-07

5. ALARM SETPOINTS Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 11. The general fom of the VLM display will be:

(DPi, i=1,4) ( Alam Setpoint) (# of pumps running) PUMPS [value of alarm]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP pushbutton.

' Enter in tha values from Table 3 into the VLM by pressing the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (DPi, i=1,4) (Alarm Setpoint) and (# of pumps running). Enter the [value of alam or cauti'en setpoint]. Be sure to press the STORE pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in the CPU memory. l


. Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 7. The general 1om of the VLM display will be:

(DPi, i=1,4) 140RMAL (# of pumps running) PUP 95 [nomel level reading]

5 s


( The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP i

pushbytton., <

Enter the values from Table 4 into the VLH by pressing the STEP pushkatton to get the indicated (DPi, i=1,4) and (# of puups ,

running). Enter the [ normal level readingl. De sure to press the STORE,hushbutton af ter a number is entered, to register it in the v

, CPU memry.

,1 (

b t f~ r f

I EFFECTivt i REVISED o"E April 1. 1984 v.or 5_ cart f

NS401014 A EV. 2 3-43 r .' #

i i

h NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 5

7. PERCENT LEVEL SCALE CALIBRATION DATA Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 8. The general form of the VLM display will be:

(DPi, i=1,4) SCALE (coefficient label) [ numeric value of coefficient]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP pushbutton.

Enter the values from Table 5 into the VLM by pre: sing the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (DPi, i=1,4) and (coefficient l abel) . . Enter the [ numeric value of coefficient]. Be sure to press the STORE pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in ,

the CPU memory.

8. PEADOUT LIMIT VALUES Hove the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 9. The general fom of the VLM display will be:

(DPi, i=1,4) LIMIT (Lo or Hi) [ numeric value of Lo or Hi limit]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP pushbutton.

Enter the values from Table 6 into the VLM by pressing the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (DPi, i=1,4) and (Hi or Lo). Enter the (numeric value of.Lo or Hi limit). Be sure to press the STORE l pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in the CPU memory. '

l EFFECTIVE REWSEo ouE - April ~1,- 1984 ncE 6 ocE-NSIO 1014 AEV. 2183 .

( ) NSID NSID-EIS-84-07 l 1434W:42A/032984

9. FLOW HEAD PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 13. The general form of the i VLM display will be:

(Low or Hi) RANGE (P or T)/ FLOW COEF (coefficient label) [ numeric value of coefficient]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP pushbutton.

Enter the values from Table 7 into the VLM by pressing the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (Low or Hi) and (coefficient ,

l abel ) . Enter the [ numeric value of coefficient]. Be sure to press the STORE pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in the CPU memory.

Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 12. The general form of the VLM display will be:

FLOW SET (P or T) [ numeric value of setpoint]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the STEP pushbutton.

Enter the values from the bottom of Table 7 into the VLM by pressing the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (P or T). Enter the

[ numeric value of coefficient]. Be sure to press t.he STORE pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in the CPU nemory.

EFFECTIVE - REvlst0 care April 1, 1984 nacE 7 oATE NSIO 1014 A EV. 218 3

l N81D 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07


10. IMPULSE LINE VERTICAL LENGTHS Move the thumbwheel FUNCTION switch to 6. The general form of the VLM display will be: (For thumbwheel VARIABLE switch in positions 1-15)

H [(sensor name), (DPi,1-1,4)] [ numeric value height]

The general form of the VLM display will be: (For thumbwheel VARIABLE switch in positions 16-17)

Y 4

OVERALL HT (DPi,1-1,2) [ numeric value overall ht]

For the VARIABLE switch in positions 1-15 the words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the following:

thumbwheel VARIABLE switch (sensor name)

STEP pushbutton (DPi,i=1,4)

For the VARIABLE switch in positions 16-17 (DPi, i=1,2) is 3

controlled by the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch.

Enter the values from Table 8 into the VLM by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get (DPi, i=1,4). Be sure to press the STORE pushbutton after a number is entered, to register it in the

- CPU memory.

4 0


REVISED DATE April ' 1,1984 nacE 8 oATE NSID 1014 REV,2133 ,

h NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07

11. CALIBRATION OF ANALOG INPUTS A. ZERO SETTING Record values from Table 9 by performing the following steps:
1) Input 0 ohms to the RTD's, using a precision resistance device. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.B.3 for input connections.
2) Input 0 V to all other transmitters, using a precision voltage device. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.B.3 for input connections.
3) Move the FUNCTION thumbwheel switch to 15.
4) A display will occur of the general form:

(sensor name) RANGE = (range) (Offset) = [ numeric value of Offset or Full Sc3 The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the following:

thumbwheel VARIABLE switch (sensor name)

STEP push 5utton (range) (Offset)

NOTE At this time we are only interested in the (Offset).

While pressing the STEP pushbutton, if (Full Sc) should appear, press the STEP pushbutton again to obtain a display with (Offset) in it.


5) Reference the conditions in Table 9 by moving the thumb-wheel VARIABLE switch to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (range) and (offset). l l


- NSIO 1014 R EV. 21-8 3

h NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07

6) Check Table 9 to assure the [ numeric value of the offset]

is as expected for the range. If it is not, go to step 13 to perfom a potentiometer adjustment and then perform step 12 from the beginning again. If the [ numeric value of the offset] is as expected, record this value in the appropriate column in Table 9 and press the STORE pushbutton to enter this offset in C90 memory.

i B. FULL SCALE SETTING Record values from Table 10 by performing the following steps:

7) Input 19.6 ohms to the RTD's and 19.6 mV to all other

- . transmitters using precision resistance and voltage devices. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.B.3 for input connections.

8) Check to see the FUNCTION thumbwheel switch is at 15.
9) The general fom of the display will be:

(sensor name) RANGE = (range) (Full Sc) = [ numeric value of Offset or Full Sc]

The words enclosed in parenthesis are controlled by the following:

thumbwheel VARIABLE switch (sensor name)

STEP pushbutton (range) (Full Sc)

NOTE At this time we are only interested in the (Full Sc). .

While pressing the STEP pushbutton, if (Offset) should appear, press the STEP pushbutton again to obtain a display with (Full Sc) in it.

l EFFECTIVE REvtSED out April 1,1984 sucE 10 onE

- usio io 4 nev.a.i.n j l


j h NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l


. I

10) Reference the conditions in Table 10 in the column entitled 0-20 mV by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (range) and (Full Sc).
11) Check Table 10 to assure the [ numeric value of Full Sc] is as expected for the 0-20 mV range. If it is not, go to step 13 to perfonn a potentiometer adjustment and then perform step 12 from the beginning again. If the [ numeric
  • value 9f the Full Sc] is as expected, record this value in the appropriate column in the 0-20 mV column and press the

- STORE pushbutton to enter this (Full Sc) in the CPU memory.

12) Input 97.6 ohms to the RTD's and 97.6 mV to all other transmitters using precision resistance and voltsge devices. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.8.3 for input connections.


13) Reference the conditions in Table 10 in the column entitled 0-100 mV by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (range) and (Full Sc).
14) Check Table 10 to assure the [ numeric value of Full Sc] is as expected for the 0-100 mV range. If it is not, go to step 13 to perform a potentiometer adjustment ar.d then perfonn step 12 from the beginning again. If. the [ numeric value of the Full Sc] is as expected, record this value in the appropriate column in the 0-100 mV column,and press the STORE pushbutton to enter this (Full Sc) in the CPU memory.

l EFFECTIVE REVISto oATE April 1,1984 nos 11 cars c.sio ioi4 acv. a.i-s3

ll$10 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS,84-07

15) Input 976 ohms to the RTD sensors and 970 mV to all other transmitters using precision resistance and voltage devices. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.B.3  !

for input connections.

16) Reference the conditions in Table 10 in the column )

entitled 0-1 Y by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (range) and (Full Sc).

17) Check Table 10 to assire the [ numeric value of Full Sc] is as expected for the 0-1 Y range. _If it is not, go to step 13 to perform a potentiometer adjustment and then perform

, . step 12 from the beginning again. If the [ numeric value of the Full Sc] is as expected, record this value in the appropriate column in the 0-1 Y column and press the STORE pushbutton to enter this (Full Sc) in the CPU memory.

! 18) Input 9760 ohms to the RTD sensors and 9.76 Y to all other ,

transmitters using precision resistance and voltage devices. Refer to applicable schematic in Reference 3.8.3 for input connections.

19) Reference the conditions in Table 10 in the column entitled 0-10 V by moving the thumbwheel VARIABLE switch -

to get the indicated (sensor name) and the STEP pushbutton to get the indicated (range) and (Full Sc).

20) Check Table 10 to assure the [ numeric value of Full Sc] is as expected for the 0-10 V range. If it is not, go to step 13 to perform a potentiometer adjustment and then t

i EFFECTNE REVISED ostt April 1. 1984- eacE 12 DATE e.sio ini4 acy, e.i.ea

. . ._.,-.-. - -- _ . . _ - . . - - . . - - - . - ~ . . - . . _ _ . - . - - .

i 1

h NSID NSID-EIS-84-07 1434W:42A/032984 perform step 12 from the beginning again. If the [ numeric value of the Full Sc3 is as expected, record this value in i the appropriate column in the 0-10 Y column and press the f i

STORE pushbutton to enter this (Full Sc) in the CPU memory.

NOTE This step is only to be perfomed if requested in steps 12 and 13. Do not perfom this step if steps 12 and 13 are completed with no problems.

12. POTENTIOMETER ADJUSTMENT A. Locate the 3 potentiometers on the top of the left module of the 12-channel A/D board AS. The left hand potentiometer is labeled FULL SCALE, the middle potentiometer is not labeled, .

but is the low range zero adjustment, and the right hand potentiometer is labeled zero.

B. Input 0 V to any of the input channels (except RTD's). Adjust the ZERO potentiometer to obtain an Offset reading of approximately 010 on the 0-10 V scale.

C. Adjust the middle (unlabeled) potentiometer to obtain an Offset reading as close to 010 as possible on the 0-1 V or 0-100 V scale. The reading must be below 0FF on the 1 Y scale.

D. Input 9.76 Y to any of the input channels (except RTD's). I Adjust the FULL SCALE potentiometer to obtain an Offset reading

.on the 0-10 V scale as F7E as possible, but below FFF.

i Change the input to 976 mV'and press the step button to obtain the 0-1 Y scale. Check that the reading is below FFF.

l i


OATE April 1, 1984 MGE 13 OATE N$101014 REV. 2143

n h NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07

14. READ MODE Set the Normal / Test and Calibrate keyswitch to Test and Calibrate Read Only to put the system in the Read Mode.
15. CALIBRATION CHECK 0UT Confirm the calibration of the Vessel Level Monitor for the values just entered, by performing the tests involved in the tables located in Reference 3.B.2. Input the indicated V or mA to the sensor and check the level indications on the VLM remote display. Record the level that was obtained from the Tables. .
16. NORMAL MODE Turn the Normal / Test Calibrate keyswitch to Normal to return the VLM back to normal operation.

7.0 CLOSEOUT Section 6.0 has been completed fr,r the Vessel Level Monitor System Calibrating Procedure.

4 Conducted by Date Time WNSD Engineer Noted by Date Time __

I&C Supervisor Review by Date Time Utility QC .

snacnvs nevisco I DATE April 1, 1984 PAGE I4 OATE l l

usio so 4 aev. a.i.s2 - )




I l

l l

l EFFECTWE - REVISED o^ta Apr11' 1,1984 ..oe 15 oara -

MSIOleteagv.3143 ,

W NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABLE 11 ' ,

l l

l TAILE 11 CALittATION DECK TRAIN 4 mermmmeemm*ttet eemeeemmeeseeemennesmeetsteetesterreter

  • TEST li i 8 *
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper 8 Upper
  • Fall *Falli 3Drnenic *Draanict
  • None t Yelts 1 Units 8 tange 8 Range 8 Range stenge
  • Head 8 Head 8 8 * *
  • Espect
  • Actsel
  • Expect 3Actuel* Expect
  • Actual
  • a RD1 8 .177 3 400.000 8 88 8 3 58 8
  • 75 3 8
  • ID2' s .115
  • ill.IN
  • NOTES: M
  • RTl3 *.115 *ill.lti $

t RTD4 * .115

  • ill.IN * *
  • RTD5 t.115 t til.sts * *
  • ITM t.115 8 ill.llt * *
  • RTD7 *.115
  • ill.llt t t t RD8 .115 t 100.000 8 *
  • DPi * .679 t-3.lti  ! *
  • DP2 * .531 t-il.IN * *'
  • DP3 * .529 85.188 t t
  • T)WT1 2 3.284
  • til.NI * *
  • TIET2 8 3.206
  • 400.088 :
  • 8 PRESS
  • 3.994 8 2268.880 t t
        • stit*********rsts**ts************ st****stsatsstat******* st****stsst***ttattat j i

r i

RTD 1 -TE1313 R D 2 -TE1317 ITD3-TE1315 RTD 4 -TE1316 tTD 5 -TE1314 ITD 6 -TE1319 RTD 7 -TE1318 ITD 8 -TA3831 DP i -LT1318 DP 2 -LT1311 DP 3 -LT1312 TMOT i -TE413 TH0T 2 -TE425 PRESS-PT403 EMECTWE REWSED oatt ApH1 1, 1984 nce 16 care NSIO 1014 mJv,3 3.g3 L

W NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 I,NSID-EIS-84-07 f

TABl.E 12 TABLE 12 CALDRATI(Il DER TRAIN A tonet ttetttttttfeetettf eettteeteteetetetttttttttttttttttttttttt tist it ttttt ttt t tt t ti

  • E H 4: 2 m e m e m m t m m tetee m set m m t** m m m a m ,ge m m e m m m ati m tt
  • Sens w
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper 8 Upper
  • Fell SFs1113Drnenic 3Denonics t Nene t Voltst Units t lenge
  • Range
  • Range stange
  • Head
  • Head *
  • * * *Espect Actsal
  • Espect sActeel* Expect
  • Actual 8 teetteettetteettetteteteggeetgetee**etetemteett eegettgeseteegeettetettmeetmet
  • 59
  • 75
  • k t ITD1 * .115
  • ile.Ill
  • 88 8 teostattstemtesteteetegeeeeggesettt:-teemeemstetementeemmmmentttert H
  • ID2 * .177 8 4tl.lH t NOTES:
  • RTl3 ~* .115 *ill.Ill
  • tTD4 t .115 3100.000 t 8tTD5 * .115 t ill.Ill * *
  • RTM t.115
  • ill.llt * *
  • Kil7 * .115 8 100.000 8 *
  • ITM t .115
  • ill.Ilt * *
  • DP1 * .679 t-3.llt t *
  • DP2 *.581 1-11.884 8 *

, 4 DP3 * .529 *5.100 t *

  • THOTi
  • 3.286
  • til.llt t t
  • THIT2 1 3.296
  • 488.968 8
  • t
  • PRESS t 3.994 8 2268.llt t
        • sttratts**********tttttstetsteestttttsstaatts**************st******* st******tt t

l ITD i -TE1313 RTD 2 -TE1317 ITD 3 -1E1315 tTD 4 -TE1316 ITD 5 -TE1314 RTD 6 -ttt319 RTD 7 TE131; ITD 8 -TA3831 IP i -t.fi311 BP 2 -1.T1311 DF 3 -LT1312 TIST 1 -TE413

< THOT 2 -TE423 .


, 087: ApH1 1, 1984 nor 17 ontE NS D 108 4 aty,3.g.g 3

T NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 )



  • TEST 4: 3 *
  • ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt99t'99999999999f9111999999999999999999991999999tt?
  • Senser I Inpst
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell
  • Fell! *Dynenic *Draonict
  • None t Volts t thits I lenge
  • Range t longe *Renge a Head
  • Head 8
  • * * *Espect
  • Acteel
  • Espect *ActeeltEspect tactsal H
  • RTD1
  • .115 ,

8 106.000

  • 95
  • 61 *
  • 76 8 *
  • RTD2 * .115
  • ill.8N
  • NOTES:

RT13 * .177

  • 400.000 t 8 i
  • RTD4 * .115 8 101.800 * *
  • RT15 8.115 t100.448 *
  • ITD6 *.115 3 100.000 * *
  • RTM t.115 t 140.000 t *
  • RTM t .115
  • ill.H4 8 8
  • DPi * .679 t-3.400 t *
  • DP2 * .581 1-10.000 t t
  • DP3 *.529
  • 5.llt * * -
  • THOTi 8 3.286 3 400.000 8 *
  • THOT2 8 3.2t6 2 481.048 8 *
  • PtESS
  • 3.994 3 2260.000 t tt 88tsts********* tat ***tttttttttttttttt********stt***********************************

l i i ITD i -TE1313 i RTD 2 -TE1317 I RTD 3 -TE1315 RTD 4 -TE1316

- RfD 5 -TE1314

. RTD 6 -TE1319 RTD 7 -TE1318 )

AT) 8 -TA3831 l IP 1 -Lil310 DP 2 -LT1311 DP 3 -LT1312 TH0T 1 -TE413 THOT 2 -TE423 PRESS 41483 I

l EFFECTlyE REM $to oatt April 1,1984 nact 18 oarr NSID 1014 Rev. 210 3

h NSIO NSID-EIS-84-07 I434W:42A/032984 TABLE I4 TABLE 14 CAllltATIGl CEut TRAlli A I

mtetenetteettsmettenegeetmetentemgmettettes ettemtettsutstatstreetenes

  • TESTt: 4 * *
        • st**ts**************tst***********************ts*************tst*******:sttttts
  • Senser
  • Input
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Full
  • Fell!*Dynonic3Drnanict
  • None t Volts
  • Units
  • Range
  • Range 8 Reage stange
  • Head I Head it t t t *Espect
  • Actual 1 Espect SActieltEspect 8Actihl eteettees eentttttteeteettemeettettetettege seteteet tstet eegent e ett t tttte t t et teet tt et
  • RTit *.115 8 104.108 t 81 *
  • 47
  • 78 *
  • eeeeeeeeeeentetteenteeeesteneestseeee eeetteett st****tsta atts** *** * ****** ******* ** **
  • RT32 _t .115
  • ill.itt t NOTES: *
  • RTD3 8 .115 *ist.Ill 8 1
  • RTl4 * .177
  • 400.lle t *
  • IDS * .115 t tet.tle t t t RTM t .115 t ill. lit t t 8RfD7 *.115 8 144.600 * *
  • RTIS t.115
  • ill.itt * *
  • W1 * .679 t-3.000 t 8
  • DP2 * .581 t-il.llt * *
  • W3 8 .529 35.000 t a fi 8 THUT1 2 3.296 8 400.000 t '
  • TH0T2 8 3.296 8 til.tle * *
  • 3.99'.
  • 2250.llt *
  • ts**ttantstatnt*****ststatttttt***** *****tstaatts***sts***st s atstssts**ststats ** **

I s

I ITD1-TE1313 ITD 2 -TE1317 I

l RD 3 -TE1315 RfD 4 -TE1311 RTD 5 -TE1314 til 6 -TE131f j RTD 7 -TE1318 RTI I -TA3831 I

W i -LT1314 DP 2 -LT1311 W 3 -LT1312 THOT 1 -TE413 Tief 2 -TE423 I

PIES 5-fi403 l

1 EMECTivt ngvisgo DATE Appjl ln 1984 #Act 19 DATE Mic 103 4 arv,31.s 3

T NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-81-07 l

l TABLE 15 TAILE 15 l CALIBRATION DECK TRAIN A 199ft?t9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

  • Senser
  • Input
  • E.U.
  • Upper i Upper
  • Fell IFe111 Dreenic *ppnamics t None ! Volts
  • Units
  • Range 8 tange t longe Stenge t Head i Head *
  • * *
  • Espect
  • Acteel Esp ct SActsal Espect SAtt col I

+ sam mamam mmmmmm umm mm mmmmmmunassu m man m am mu muuuu uuuu n m uumununusummumm man u ms ma m mm mmmans

  • ITD1 *.115 *188.881 8 82 *
  • 48 8 8 70 t I ftt mttmmitmttttttf u tttttmit ttttt ttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mitmmitmt tITD2 *.115 8 140.000 tNOTES: *
  • RTD3 *.115
  • 180.000 t t
  • ITD4 1.115
  • ill.000 t t tRTDS *.177
  • 464.888 * *
  • RTD6 8.115 t 110.080 t *
  • RTD7 *.115
  • ill.llt t t
  • RTD8 * .115 8 ill.itt * *
  • DP1 * .679 t-3.100 t t t IP2 * .581 t-il.lti a *
  • DP3 *.529 *5.000 t *
  • THOT1 13.236
  • til.lti * *
  • TH0T2 3 3.296 8 400.818 8 8
  • PtESS 3.994 8 2264.144 *
  • tattutsatttsstatstattat**** stat **statas *****stanttsttatstat**ts***tttttstatstarts ,

i I

ITD 1 -TE1313 iTV 2 -TE1317 RfD 3 -TE1315 tTD 4 -TE1316 ITD 5 -TE1316 RTD 6 -TE1319 ITS 7 -TE1318 Iin 8 -iA3831 IP 1 -L11311 BP 2 -LT1311 DP 3 -LT1312 THOT i -TE413 T)ST 2 -TE425 PRES &fi403 E F*tCTivt nEMSED DATE April 1,1984 nog 20 Dars N$to 1014 84 Ev. 21-e 3

  • 1 W NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 1



.....................................................i.............. ...............

  • TEST 8: 6
  • l
    • mmmummeemmeemeeneteme *****eenemeneseeetmeneeeeeveseener
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper a Fell *Filll 3Denonic 3Dynonict 8 None t Volts
  • Units
  • Range
  • Range
  • Range $lange Heed t liead :
  • * *
  • Espect t Actcel
  • Espect *ActieltEspect SActial 8

. . . . . ... . .. . . . ... . .. .. . smausassmasasu = = = = = = = = = mannuuummmuum4

  • ITli .115
  • ilt.llt t 89 8
  • 54 8 8 73 *
  • pmmmmmemmmememesm* *en e** ****e** *ee****s e*****e neme **e e v

$ 132 8 .115 8 ill.lll i NOTES: *

$ tT13 - t .115

  • ill.Ill 8 *
  • RTM *.115
  • ill.llt * *
  • ITD5 *.115 3106.100 t t t til6 *.177
  • 448.004 *
  • Ril7 8 .115 t ill. lit t t t til6 *.115 t ilt.lli t *
  • IP1 8 .679 8-3.l88 t
  • DP2 *.581 t-il.Ill t  :
  • DP3 * .529 35.llt * *
  • THOTi
  • 3.286
  • 400.848 t *
  • THOT2 1 3.286
  • til.ito 8 a t PRESS
  • 3.994 8 2268.Ill 8
  • st****************sts*****stsat* **** ***** * **** *********** *** ****** *
  • st* *** sst atts RTD i -TE1313 4 ITD 2 -TE!317 ITD 3 -TE1315 Iil 4 -TE1316 tTD 5 -TE1314 ITD 6 -TE131t 173 7 -TE1318 Iil8-TA3831 DP i 4T1318 DP 2 LT1311 DP 3 -lii312 THOT i -TE413 THOT 2 -TE423 .

PRESS-PT443 EFFECTivt afviSED Datt April 1. 1984 eact 21 D^tt Pesso 1014 mtv. 21-4 3

. - . .- .l

T NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 i


TABLE 17 TABLE 17 CALIIRATION CECK TRAIN A tittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttt ttttt t tt t tttttt et tttt ttt t t tttt tt t t et t t tt i i

  • TEST 4: 7 8
  • mmitmesmetememeestm gesenetegmemittnes smetmettmten em mer  ;
  • Setsse
  • Inget
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Full *Felll *Dpnanic *Dfnanict
  • Nant
  • Yelts
  • Units
  • Reste 8 toege 8 Range 8tonge
  • Head i Head I:


  • * * *Espect
  • Acteel Espect *ActueltEspect SActual temmenmememmeenmsttmmengengetmenneseemeentemmmitteett* )
  • RTli * .115
  • ils.llt
  • 88 8 8 37 * *65 *
  • neemmtmetenemmetem etememess eee me smenn ees eem m an n ement e ne n 8til2 8.115 t ill.llt 1 NOTES:
  • 1 1 ITl3 _ t .115
  • ill.IID 8 ,
  • RD4 8.115
  • ill.llt t i tRTD5 8 .ti'i *ill.llt * *
  • RTl6 *.115 t ill.llt t *
  • RD7 8 .177 *til.III t
  • RTIS *.115
  • ill.llt * *
  • DP1 * .677 t-3.Ill 8
  • DP2 * .581 3-18.881 * *
  • DP3 * .529 8 5.188 * -


  • T WTi
  • 3.286 8 4tl.Ill * *
  • THDT2 1 3.286 8 488.813 * *
  • PRESS 8 3.994
  • 2268.818 t *
          • stats **** : meenenemstants :::::::::::::::: sts ::::::::::::::::::::::::: l
I RD 1 -TE1313


RTD2-TE1317 i RTD 3 -TE1315 l tTD 4 -TE1316 tTD 5 -TE1314 ITD 6 -TE1319 i

RTD 7 -TE131B RD 6 -TA3031 l DP i -LT1318 l DP 2 -Lii311 1

DP' 3 -LT1312 THOT i -TE413 THOT 2 -TE423 PRESS-fT483 carterms newsto cart April 1,1984 not 22 cara NSIO 1014 RSv. 2 I-83

i T NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l

TABLE 18 TABLE 18 CAL.IltATIGl CECX TRAIN A staatsstantenttstette ttamento t tomstett g egst e t t stetst e gg ett a n ttt t t e ste n to tte e nst e t

  • TEST 1: B *
                      • t******tss*** ssssssstatsss***ust******** stas *****sst****s::::::::::::
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Full sFell! :Drnonic Drnonict
  • Nene Volts
  • Units 3 lange 8 tange t longe stenge
  • Heed
  • Head *
  • a tEspect Acteel Espect sActeol*Espect
  • Actual *
            • ??'****tss***ssst** ssssastete****essssssssssssssssssssst*** stats ***stastistit
  • RUi 8.115 t 100.000 t 88  :
  • 53 * *73 8 8 mmm etttemeeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeem ...... ..... ... .....ese .e
ID2 *.115
  • 111.144 : NOTES: 8 RT33 1.115 t ill.tle * *
  • ID4 8.115
  • ilt.lle t *
  • 105 *.115
  • 118.884 *
  • til6 *.115
  • ilt.llt * *
  • IT;7 *.115 t 111.484 :

ART 38 *.177

  • 448,160 t *
  • DP1 * .679 t-3.840 t
  • I tDP2 *.531 8-10.000 t *
  • IP3 *.519
  • 5 til  :
THOT1 t 3.296
  • 486.000 8
  • s TH0T2 s 3.296 8 448.184 t t
  • 3.994 82268.1488 5 3:3 s*******er***s statstatss**sstenstaatsstaattssstaatsstassssetts:::::::::::::::: ,

!t RTD 1 -TE1313 ID 2 -TE1317 )

ITD 3 -TE1315 )

ITD 4 -1E1316 tTD 5 -TE13it  !

iTl 6 -TE131t I til 7 -TE1318 l

til8-1A3831 IP 1 1.T1318 19 2 -ti1311 '

IF3-i.T1312 TH8T i -TE413 1MIT 2 -TE423 P D >fi443 Enactus arwsto

!oatt Ap H1 1. 1984 no 23 oatt NSID 1014 a tV. 2 4 e3 .

T NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l

TABLE 19 i

TABLE 19 ,

CALIBRATIlli CEOC TRAIN A e*eteee*ee********ees**r.stusssas**stsassassassts****sssts** s***sstsatssassassass:

8 TDT 8: 9 8 mm eeente . ...seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee **meneenestet*eeeeeeeeentseer

  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper Upper Fell tr:11180penic $0penitt 1 hans t Volts t Units
  • Range 8 teny 8 teap 3ponge 3 Head 8 Need 8 8 8 8 8Espect
  • Acteel 8 Espect sActiel:Espect tactsal8
      • s sssssssss***ssssausseee *eveneeseeeeeeeetenesennet313 stas 38888 stast*Bsstsal:
  • 54 *73 *
  • t RDi 8 .115 t 100.000 t 193 totenastamaanss teestaatsannanntstaattnessannatta ntstemanns s9tatsaa ttatatsstaats sass 8

t til2 _t .115 8 ill.llt

  • NOTES: t 8til3 *.115 8100.000 t t RTM * .115
  • ilt.llt t t a

tITD5 t .115 s ill.lle 8 RTM t.115 8 til.tti 8 8 t

8til7 I .115 a 190.000 s 8RTlt t.115 118.488 t t IDP1 8 1.000 3 .638  : 8 t

  • DF2 8.581 t il.itt t
  • DP3 *.529 3 5.tet - t i THOT1 2 3.2E 8 400,088 8 s

' t 8 THOT2 8 3.294 8 400.008 t t PitSS 8 3.994 82260.000t *

  • stssssssssssssssssssssstessassetsstsasstsssasssstsassassassansssssstaatstastestsat
l RTD1-TE1313 RD 2 -TE13tf in 3 -TE1315 IT14 -TE1316 R D 5 -TE1314 RTS 6 TE131f in 7 -TE1318 in 8 TA3831 BP 1 L.T13tt W 2 1.T1311 IF 3 4.71312 THOT i -TE415 TWOT2-TE423 PRES &ff443 anterwa cart April 1,1984 no, 24 $@""

NSIO 1914 A tv. 3 3.s3

h NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABl.E 20 TAILE 20 CALIIIATItli DCCK TRAIN A stas ** ssassassss*** ::: ssassssassasstatssesss** ssatssassasssanss :::::::: ssaast

  • TBT is it *
  • sassassasssssssssss****ssassassass** stsssses***sas*****sssssssssstaats**sts****ss:
  • Senser Inpet t E.U.
  • Upper Upper Full
  • Fell! *Dynonic Dynonict
  • None t Volts Units tage a tenge R age stenge : Head 8 Head *
  • * * *Espect : Acteel Espect *ActseltEspect *Actsel*

8ITli 8.115

  • ilt.itt t It t 115
  • 73
  • enesee .. .. .i n .... ... .. .... .... . .e tRT32 *.115 t ill.itt
  • 133 8 .115 t 140.000 t t t ITH -t .115 t tit.llt t t aRDS .115 8 118.000 s a t RTM t.115 8 114.160 t *
  • RT37 8 .115 t100.004  :

8 tile t .115 *ill.lle

  • I

$DPi 1 .679 8-3.148  : *

  • 172 8 1.lli 8 .636 * *
  • W3 *.529 85.000 *
  • 8 THOTi
  • 3.266 8 468.110 t t t THOT2 8 3.296 8 400.000 t t 8 PRO S
  • 3.994 12261.108 t tasstsasassassasssssssssssssstaatstaatsastrasstsasstasaistastattsttsgessants ssues 1 .

j ITDi-TE1313 RTl2-TE131T l

I n 3 -TE1315 I n 4 -TE1316 I D 5 -TEi314 til 6 TE131t in 7 -TE13tl i til I -fA3831 IP 1 lit 310 SP2-LT1311 BP 3 lii312 TMlf 1 TE413 TWOT2-TE423 PRESS-fi483 (UtCTNs Rtvit to cars April 1, 1984 ..oe 25 oars NSIO lete Rev, e t e8

E NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABl.E 21 TAILI 21 CALIBRATI(Il CECK TRAIM A eveen me smenes eme me neens ee**eee eeeeeeeensenessm eenmete*** *ee s es s ete nte en t TEST 4: 11. * *

::::::::::::: :e************ets***e******** sts***** stasst** stas **usssss**
  • Senter
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell *Fs111 SDrnenic 80,conict
  • Nese t Volts t Units
  • Range 8 Reage I tenge 80enge i Heed i Head *
  • *
  • 8Espect
  • Acteel
  • Espect *Actuel*Espect *Actial*

sweenenemenemeemeneseeee steneemenage99eees e eena sses sereme neseee ementen n en es

  • RTil *.115 8 100.000 t 88 8 54 * *151 *
  • mmemenemeeneseeeeeeeee eee***eneeeeeee emessee e e eeeeeeeee eee eee n* * *eee eee en RT32 *.115 8 100.000 t NOTES: 8

$ RTD3 _t .115 8 100.000 t M RTH t.115 8 ist.lti t '

  • ITDS 8.115 8 ill.tti *
  • Ril6 *.115 t ilt.tti 4 *
  • ITD7 *.115 8 184.000 8 8
RTDS *.115 t 100.000 t Dri * .679 t-3.000 * *
  • DP2 8.581 t-il.itt t *
  • DP3 1.878 8 30.006 8
  • 3 THCT1 2 3.206 8 400,130 t 3 THOT2 13.286 3 400.006 : *


  • 3.994
  • 2268.198 t *

! 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::sstats** ststsattssstatsstatstast*****ttantiastasses i I ITD 1 -TE1313 I ITD 2 -TE1317 I

RTD 3 -TE1315

, ITD 4 -TE1316 ITD 5 -TE1314 ITD 6 -TE1317 ITD 7 -TEi3tB ITD 8 -TA3831 DP 1 4T1318 DP 2 4T1311 IF 3 -1.i1312 TH0T 1 -TE415 TH0T 2 TE423 4 PRESS-Pi403 tutCfive REWSED catt April 1, 1984 e ot 26 cart NSID 1014 4ev. 2 8 4 3

r l

W 11510 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABt.E 22 TABLE 22 CALIIIATION QECE TRAIN A agtmattigetsmatestst**manmmeststamtmstrattatattnatasanstamtssatsas:

  • TEST 4: 12 *
  • 21199992999999999999999999999999919999999999999911199999999999999999999999991199999
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U. t Upper
  • Upper i Fell
  • Fell!IDnenic3Dpnenict f

t Nene 8 Volts

  • Units
  • Range
  • Range a Range tRenge 1 Heed a neoq t t t t *Espect t Acteel
  • Espect SActieltEspect tactual
  • nettemetetste ttet*******************ttt* ******* *ttttmit t t tttttttttt ee ttee t t em
  • RDi *.115
  • 100.000
  • 85 t
  • 47 *
  • 54 *
  • titettamemm tettstett,ttttt mattttttttttetmttlettettes tet entetsatzes t ats:
  • IT92 t_.115 t ilt.Its
  • NOTES: *
  • 233 8.115 t ist,tte a t' s tTM t.115
  • lit.itt t t
RTOS *.115
  • 180.044 8 *
  • RTM t.115 t 198.000 t t tITD7 *.115 t 168.000 t *
  • til8 .115
  • ill. lit * *
  • DP1 * .679 t-3,000 t
  • I I IP2 8.581 t-il.llt t
  • tDP3 8 .529
  • 5.648 * {
  • THOT1 8 1.571 8 ill.itt t *
  • THOT2 3 3.286 8 480.000 * *
  • 3.994 2 2268.884 t
  • sis **stanstaattattstat**tetteet*23 : ** ::: 38 ::::::::::: * :::::::::: t**********

i RfD1-TE1313 l ITD 2 -TE1317 RD 3 -TE1315


R D 4 -TE1311, til 5 -TE1314 13 6 -TE1319 til 7 -TE1318 til9-TA3031 BP i 4.T1310 DP 2 -LT1311

!? 3 -LT1312 TIST 1 -TE413 l TIST2-TE423 i PEESSfi403 l

E 8 FECityt REvist0 cata ApH1 1, 1984 . o, 27 oat usio ione asv. + :



stett999999999t9t***** 38::::::::::::::::::::: sssasts****n s** st
  • TEST 4: 13
  • tmttmttstmmemettmnetmette,mtttttstmtuntumtenunanassas a Senur Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell
  • Fell! *Drnenic 3Drnonict
  • None 8 Volts
  • Units
  • Range a tange t Range 3 Range
  • Head 8 kgd *
  • 8 8 8 hpect
  • Acteel
  • Espect *Actes18Espect 8Actial
  • 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991219919121991
  • RTl1 8.115 8 100.000 t 85
  • 47
  • 54 * *
  • t*** 8388tst:33gtetteettstettet9993333333333333333333333333333333333333333333g
  • RTD2 _t .115 8 100.000 $ NOTES: *
  • ID3 .115 t 100.000 I:

t IU4 *.115

  • ill.Ill *
  • IDS * .115 t ill.Ill *
  • ITM t.115 t ill. lit t *
  • Fil7 .115 8110.000 t a RTM *.115 t ill.Ill * *
  • DPi *.679 t3.Ill 8
  • W2 *.581 t-il. lit t -
  • DP3 * .529 5.888 * *
  • TNT 1 8 3.2% 8 468.000 * *
  • THOT2 8 1.571
  • ill.llt t t
  • PRESS 8 3.994 8 2268 llt t t stastass************ stsasstsst**sts***8:stsattsatssatsstatsstsatsst**ttatt:::sstsat 4  !

i RTD 1 -TE1313 l RT) 2 -TE131?

ITD 3 -TE1315 tTD 4 -TE1316 ITD 5 -TE1314 ITD 6 -TE1319 RTD 7 -TE1318 ITD 8 -TA383L DP i -LT1316 DP 2 -LT1311 BP 3 -LT1312 THOT 1 -TE413 THDT 2 -TE423 PRES 84T483 Entenvg l RtytSED c*tt April 1. 1984 l uce 28 Datt MeO 1014 nEv.2.t83

r h NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABLE 24 i TABLE 24 CALIltAT101 CECs i

TRAIN A sas s**s***ssatssvssssss*****************s stsssssas**ssassass*** ssatsssssssssstas  !

  • TEST 6: 14  : I
                                              • s**stssssss************sssstas****statstassssssssssataants Senser
  • Inpet E.U.
  • Upper s Upper : Fill EFall! Dpnenic 3Dynonics None Volts s Units
  • Range Range Range stenge Heed  : Head 8
  • * * *Espect  : Actual Espect
  • Actual:Espect SActual ssssssssssssssssstastasssssssssss** stas *******ssssssstassus****** stas *** ssasssat sRTli *.115 168.000 8 87  : 52 *
  • 67 s t*******sssssssssssss** sssss****s**** sssss***s***sts** sts**************s: ::::
  • RD2 *.115 s ill.Ill NOTES: s RTI3 *.115 s ill. lit  :

RTM .115 s ill.llt s

  • RTD5 *.115 ilt.lls * *
  • RTM .115 ill. lit a
  • RD7 .115
  • ill.Ilt :  :
  • RTM .115 ill.itt a W1 .679 -3.110
  • DP2 .581 s-il.Ilt
  • IP3 .529 3 5.tle 8  :
  • THOTi
  • 3.296 s til.tll *

's THOT2 3 3.236 s 400.000 a l PRESS 1.114 ill.lli : *

          • sssssassass***ss**** ssas***ssstaatssassatssssutstatsssuss**sustassstsstas l

ITDi-TE1313 ,

ITD 2 -TE1317  ;

ITD 3 -TE1315 l ITD4-TE1316 .

RTD 5 -TE1314 {

, RTD 6 TE1311 t

RfD 7 -TE1318 l til 8 -TA3831 DP 1 -LT1318 DP 2 -LT131L BP 3 -LT1312

TlWT i -TE413 THOT 2 -TE423 PRESS-PT443 EFFsCTivt nE VISED oats April 1, 1984 not 29 o^rr .

Pe5101014 m tv,2133

7 i


1434W:42A/C32984 NSID-EIS-84-07 (


  • e.19e*998 9e*1999e ..e99. 199eetettteneet tteettttet... .....t eeeeeeeeeeeeeen
  • TE5T 4: 15 *
  • tten .e .tet .. .. ......e9.. .et.19.eete. . ettte eeeeeeeeeeeer
  • Senser 8 Inpet t E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper 8 Fall *Felll SD fnemic 8Df nenitt
  • None t Volts
  • Units 8 tenge 8 tenge a lange stenge
  • Head I Ilood 8 8 8 8 8 Espect
  • Actual 8 Espect sActeel Espect *Actiel*

ammaamassaan mammamannassa m amm a amma m a i s u nas mama n na n.m mang e aman maamma'amans'naAmanamanal 8 tTH * .177

  • 463.090 t et t t 58 8 8 75 8 8 ss********************",see ** *** sssssssssssas***:sssssssssssuststsesstatssesssas
  • RD2 * .115
  • ill.Ilt t NOTES: *
  • tTv3 8 .115
  • til.N8 8 8
  • RD4 t .115
  • 1H.lH 8

. t IDS * .115 t1H.NI * *

  • ITM t .115 t ill.He * *
  • RD7 .115 t ilt.NI a
  • ITA 8 .115 t1H.H4 * *
  • DP1 .679 t-3.H e  : a
  • DP! t.581
  • DP3 .529 3 5.lH 8 . t l t TH)Ti 8 3.286 8 4H.tH t 8 TMT2 8 3.286 1400.NI * *
  • PRGS
  • 3.994 8 8 8 staa tssassstisst**sssssssssstaatsstasss e tt s stss ssassatss ssssss ssssst esss ens tsat tsst l

l I

I RfD1-TE1323 RD 2 -TE1331 'I In 3 -TE1325 j ID 4 -TE1326 RD 5 TE1329  !

RD 6 TE1326  : .

In 7 -TE1327 ITD 8 TA3034 IP i -Lii320 DP 2 LTl321 DP 3 -LT1322 THOT 1 -TE433 TH0T 2 -TE443 PRES $fT605 l

l l

EntCrivt ntvist0 catt April 1, 1984 uce 30 oatt NSiO tale nFv. 31 e3 ,

h NSIO NSID-EIS-84-07 1434W:42A/032984

, TABLE 26 '


. CAlllsATIOR CECE TRAIN 3 sasssssssss*****ssass****** sstatsusssssssssssssssssssatssssssssssssssssssts** st TEST 4: 16 eeneemm ees en t en ee see mengseeeee eee ee e eee eege n o m e eengre em ete n ee s en em e te ne

, t Senser ingett E.U.

  • Upper 8 Upper Fell *Felll Drnanic *Drnanitt
  • None Velts* Units Range : Range 8 Range Menge Heed a llead s 8 t 1 Espect : Acteel I Espect sActieltEspect sActuel8 sasssssssssssssssssssss+sssssssssssssssssssssssstaatssassassasssensaatsssssssss ssas 8tili 8.115 8 180.008 8 88 8 837 8 8 65 8 8 emmeneemmemeneseemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess eeeeen ree eeee e ee eeee eee me neen 8 tilt t.177 2 400.100 t NOTES: *
  • ITD3 8 .115
  • ill.Ill s s RD4 :.115 t ill.Ill t stil5 *.115 8 ill.H1 8 8 8 tTM t .115 t ill.llt t  :
ITD7 *.115 t 111.618 :  :
1TM t.115 till.Ill s t IPi 8 .679 8-3.100 t DP2 8.581 t-il.lle * *

- 8DP3 8.529 3 5. lit *

  • s THIT1 13.236 8 400.811  :
THDT2 8 3.286 8 ell.lli : 8
  • PsESS t 3.994 8226l.llt  :
s:::::::::::::::::: ststesssssssssssastsssssssssssss::::::::::::::::::

l RfD 1 TE1323 j ITD 2 TE1328 ',

ID 3 -TE1325 ITD 4 TE132b ITD 5 iti329 RfD 6 TE1326 RfD 7 TE1327 i tilI TA3836 '

DP i -lii326 I DP 2 Lf1321 BP 3 411322 THDi 1 TE4IT i TH0T 2 TE443 PtESS-fi415 ansciur afv'sso oars April 1, 1984 eor 31 o'ta {

NSIO tele egy,3 6 e3

v  ;

1 h11510 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07  ;

l TABLE 27 i4BLE 27 CALIIRAi!0s CECE TIAIN 3 sassteneenteettssas**ssssassassasssss*****sssstas***ssssssssastssasssssetsstas**sst

  • TEST 4: 17 *
  • eeeee e e e eeeeeeeeeeeeeee e 9ee eeee eee eeeeee e e ege eee eeeeeee ee eee eeeee eee eee e e e eeenn e s se
  • Senser 8 Intet
  • E.U. t Upper
  • Upper i Fell 8 Fell! $Dpnonic 3D?nonict
  • None t Volts t Units
  • Range 8 lange 1 lenge tRonge 1 Heed t Head 8 8 8 8 8Espect 8Actiel8Espect 8Actialstrpact 8Actio18 steneestementeetteettsesassassessanneesssanssssseeeeeeeeeeessassa:::::::::::3333s::

8 tilt t.115 t 100.000 t 39  : 54

  • 73 tasassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssassastsatssteentenenesssssatsssssssssss sssssssses 8til2 8.115 8 ist.lle NOTES: 8 til3 t .177 3 40l.080 8 1:
  • RTH t .115 t ilt.llt t t tITD5 * .115 tilt.lil * *
  • ITM t.115 *140,148
  • 1IT17 8 .115 8 110.000 t t RTM t.115 t ill. lit t t t IP1 .679 t-3.lti * *
  • DP2 t.581 til.Its t aDP3 * .529 85.101 .

i t TH0Ti

  • 3.296
  • 4il.llt t *
  • THOT2 8 3.236 8 404.800 t t
  • PRESS t 3.994 8 2264.881 *
  • ssas**ssassettsassassassassassas:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s s tsem a ssetsasass:

r ITD1-TE1323  :

Ril 2 -TE1328 RTD3-TE1325 l Ril 4 -TE1326 til5-TE1329 RTl 6 TE1326 til 7 -TE1327 tilI TA3036 DP i Lii329 DP 2 LT1321 SP 3 -LT1322 THOT 1 -TE433 TH0T2-TE443 PRESSfitt5 EfFECfrva Mvisto cats April 1, 1984 . og 32 care NUO1984arv 33.g3 ,


.)- '

W N510 ,

.? 8 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 r ,.

e' '


{ , i GILE 28 y ( CA1.IntATIGI CES j i TRAllt I

!,' f tast****sts atts****s*****tatsst***ts t************s******* **8:3388888ts* *88s tes t a a ts t TEU li 18 8

  • 338*stsst:3838814stsstatssts****838$$$384888 31888s8888888s888888838388888888888888 i Sesser
  • Inset t E.U. *J4per i Upper 8 Fill *Felll tD tneaic D,nonict 8 liene 8 Volts
  • Units 8 t<tage 8 Range
  • Range alonge
  • Heed 8 Head 8 8 8ugt
  • Actis!*Espect *ActieltEspect 8Actval8
    • enee*******eenneensenee,menee es tsasasstass*********stasts**ts** 3888888 488*3888 8ITit t.115 t til.llt t 95 8 861 8 8 76 8 8

, a RB2 8.115 t ill. lit 's NQiES: 8

9 ITI3 .t .115 8100.000 / t t

, atil4 t.177 84il.Al , t

  • ITD5 1 .115 t til.llt 8

I tim'/ 4.115 t ill.llt ;g 4 ', t

4ITD7 t.115 *til.ft1 '

s j, ttitt *.115 t ill.iti t

/ 8 W1 8 .679 l-3.800 t ,' t c' SP2 8.581 til.llt : t

  • W3 8.529 85.800 t i *
l. 8 THITt t 3.286 8 4il. lit t t s 116T2 13.296 8 400.000 t t t PRESS
  • 3.994 t2269.198t t tsesstsesssastnessassssssssattissssssenssa.s ssssastassistsasassasssssstestseassas j  !



j ITDi-TE1323 Ril 2 TE1328 i ITl 3 -TE1325'

\s ITD 4 -TE1326 '

fiD $ TEfX.9 i d 6 TE1326

(~ 4

, .til 7 TE1327 III O TA3836 s [, , IP i 4f1321

' BP 2 1.f!32L ,

. F

  • '! IP 3 4T1322 THei 1 -TE433 '

TMBT 2 TE443 *

- j PtESS Pf415 n

887tCtrve .

Af vtSt0 oatt jpril1,1984 '

..o, 33 cata


MID 1814 a rg,314 3 ,

i, , .,


          • enementesteneseessagstas ssstagstassams stats **gtsst*** ssssssttstatsaststat g
  • TEST 4: 19 8
                    • s ******************2************s***************** **** **ts*** s ta ts** u ss
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fall *Foll1 SDf nenic Dfnemict
  • Name
  • Volts
  • Units
  • Range t Range
  • Range 3 Range
  • Heed 3 Head *
  • * *
  • Espect
  • Actual
  • Espect sActual Espect *Actial*

i l' 4 ........................u...........uu............

  • RDi *.115
  • ill.llt t 81 *
  • 47 8
  • 78 8 *
  • eensemememeremepene*,engene m.em,neneeemmeesmeteemeenestesese
  • RTD2 *.115
  • ill.llt
  • NOTES:
  • t ITD3 t .115
  • ill.Ill * *


  • 1
  • tid 4 * .115
  • ill.llt
  • 489.848 * *

+ t RTM *.115

  • ill.Ill t *
  • RD7 .115
  • ill.llt a
  • RD8 .115
  • ill.Ill t *
  • Wi * .679 t-3.110 *
  • l' P *DP2 *.581 t-il.llt t .
  • DP3 * .529 *5.l00 * *  :
  • THOT1
  • 3.286
  • 4il.llt t t
  • THOT2
  • 3.286 3 488.119 8 *
  • 3.994 2 226t.llt t *
    • tssts***st** status **t** sts**ts****sts*** s**stsststassatsstattstattssattsas****


i i-J l'

>i RTD i -TE1323 RTD 2 -TE132B d'i' tTD 3 -TE1325 f i RD 4 -TE1326 l RTD 5 -TE1329 i l i ITD 6 -TE132 -

4 til 7 -TE1327 s R D 8 -TA383b d DP i -LT1329 DP 2 -LT1321

/- DF 3 -LT1322 THOT 1 -TE433

  • )

TIST 2 -TE443 '

d, PRESS-PT485 m


r4 4 a'



3 oarc 34

. April 1,1984 nos oATE l


' .- NSIO 1014 REV. 2103 ,

g 'f 5 fl. _ _ _

m W NSID I434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l

TABLE 30 TABLE 38 CALIBRATIW CHECK TRAIN B staatsatssstas**** s***ststas****ssusssassassas******ssusts*********sstastas***** l t TEST 4: 20 * * '

    • ssan'ttratt** stasses******************sst***stsstsasssas********** ssastastassts
Sa ser
  • Inpit
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fall 8Felli *Dpnamic *Dpnonict
  • llane : Volts
  • Units : Rage
  • Range 8 Range stenge
  • Heed 8 Head I:
  • * *
  • Espect t Actiel
  • Espect *Acteol* Expect *Acteel
  • titttttttttttttttttttt ,Mett$ttttttttttttt tt t t tttt tttttttttt t tti sf attt ttt t128 th t RTli *.115 t ill.lle t 82
  • 48 *
  • 70  :
  • toeneneneteettstet********* **** ******** * ******* **** 'ft ** ** * * * **** * ** *'* ** ***** * **
  • f 8RT32 2.115
  • ill.itt t NOTES: *
  • IT33 t .115 188.004 : H
  • Ril4 * .115 t ist. lit t *
RTIS .115 110.048 : s t RTM :.177 3 448.981 * *
  • ITD7 .115 1 ill.Itt * *
  • RTM .115 t ill.itt a t
  • DP1 8 .679 -3.180 * *
  • DP2 *.581 t-il.ite *
  • DP3 * .529 t5.Ill *
  • THOTi : 3.286 8 484.110 t *
  • THOT2
  • 3.286
  • 488.980 a
  • 3.994 2 226l.100 t t tassuuststatssitassustas s******* s****ut********ssattssassasssasisstastas*****

i l

RTD1-TE1323 RTD 2 -TE1325  :

tid 3 -TE1325 tTD 4 -TE1326 RTD 5 -TE1329 RTD 6 -TE1324 RD 7 -TE1327 RTD 8 -TA3836


DP 1 -1.T1329 DP 2 -i.11321 DP 3 -LT1322

' THOT i -TE432 THDT 2 -TE443 PIESS-PT405 EFFECTIVE REVISED DATE ADPil I. l984 # AGE '35 catE es5801014 R Ev. 21.e 3

, - - - _ . . - . _ - - - ~ . . . _ . - - , + . . - --

r h NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07


TABt.E 31 i

TABLE 31 CALINATIM C}ECK TRAINB uts***sts***** st**tts*** stattusssust*******ssts**************1ststats*****sts

  • TEST 4: 21 * *
                            • **** **** s** ****** ** * ************* ** * **** * * **** * **** s s u s s s t s***
  • s *
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell
  • Fell! *Dynonic *Dynonict
  • None t Volts
  • Units
  • Range
  • Range
  • Range stenge
  • Heed
  • Head *
  • * * *Espect
  • Actsal
  • Espect 14ctsal* Expect *Actsal *
                                          • '.**** ************** sts******t******* *******sts** sts sssssast
  • RTli * .115
  • ill.Ill
  • 88 8 3 59
  • 875 8
  • sassas*******st*********** *********** ***** *ustitst***** *****sts** ***** ******* *****
  • ID2 * .115
  • 188.818
  • NOTES: *
  • ITD3 t .115
  • 188.800 * *
  • RD4 * .115
  • ill.Ill *
  • RTD5 * .115
  • 180.000 *
  • tTM t .115 t 100.000 t t
  • ITD7 * .177 4tl.Ill 1 *
  • RTM .115
  • ill.Ill 8  :

i *DPi 8.679 t-3.000 8 *

  • DP2 *.581 *-il.llt * '
  • DP3 * .529
  • 5.000 * *
  • TieTi
  • 3.286
  • 488.006 t *
  • TH0T2 3 3.286
  • 481.080 *
  • 3.994 2 2260.000 t *
                    • s*******tssassasn****** stats **** sts sttausstus**ut**ssts** stussats RTD i -TE1323 ,

RTD 2 -TE132$

RD 3 -TE1325 L ITD 4 -TE1326 R D 5 -TE1329 ITD 6 -TE1324 tTD 7 -TE1327 ITD 8 -TA3%

DP 1 -LT1328 DP 2 -LT1321 DP 3 -LT1322 THOT 1 -TI435 TieT 2 -TE443 ,

l PRESS-PT485 EF FECTNE REVISED onE April 1,1984 ..c, 36 o.rE N5:01034 REv. 2143

-v i

W NSID 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 TABLE 32 Tait.E 32 CALIMATIN DECK TRAIN B

                                    • ns**nstatsstuus***** s************ ntastus******** stas **
  • TEST 4: 22 *
  • i tasassanssas*************** ss***********ssas***********************sts*** ns***** l
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper Upper
  • Full
  • Fell! *Dynonic 3Dynamict
  • Hent t Volts
  • Units
  • Range 1 Range
  • R ege *Ronte
  • P.eed t Head 8
  • * * *Espect
  • Actial
  • Expect
  • Actual *Espect *Actial*
  • sas ********** t** ***** * **************** *** ************ ************** *** **s:::s **** *
  • RTli * .115
  • ill.lil
  • 88
  • 53 *
  • 73 8
  • emeneemmmmeneem,9e**,***em mm e s m ete eness etem menemeness me nt
  • RTl2 _t .115
  • ill.llt
  • NOTES: *
  • RTD3 * .115
  • ill.Oli * *
  • ITH t.115
  • til.lle * *
  • ITIS * .115
  • ill.llt
  • ill.llt t *
  • RTD7 * .115
  • 111.068 *
  • ITM t .177 All.llt t *
  • W1 8 .679 t-3.800 * *
  • DP2 * .581 t-il.llt * *
  • 5.000 8 *
  • THOT1 2 3.296
  • 485.188 t *
  • THOT2
  • 3.296
  • 400.040 * *
  • 3.994 8 2261.888 t
  • j santustats*************** s************** stats ******** ****** ts** ** **ts**** **** ** ** l RTD i -TE1323 '

RTD 2 -TE1328 ITD 3 -TE1325  :

RT) 4 -TE1326 ll i

R1) 5 -TE1329 R13 6 -TE1324 ITl 7 -TEi327 RTD 8 -TA3836 DP i -LT1320 ,

W 2 -LT1321 l BP 3 -Lii322 TlWT 1 -TE433 TIE 12 -TE443 FIESS-fT485 EFFECTIVE REVISED DATE ADril 1. 1984 pace 37 DATE N5101014 R Ev. 213 3


1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 I TABLE 33 l TABLE 33 CALINATI(N CIECK TRAIN B l

            • sts* ************ts***eetenes tat * ***** *******tst****** ********** *** **** *** * ** *
  • En t: a
  • i

/ nmesmmmmesmeememmeemm em e t eneste ne vene m e n te t e nten e te et )

> t Senur

  • Inget t E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell
  • Fell! *Dpenic 3Dpenict  !
  • None a Volts Units
  • Range
  • Range
  • Range *Ronge
  • Head
  • Head i: I
  • * *
  • Expect
  • Acteel
  • Espect *Acteel*Espect SAcnol
  • l anzmaassammassammanama enteneemteemsgeemmenenteemessenetstenesmetenesee j t RTDi *.115
  • ist.Itt t 183 *
  • 54 8
  • 73 *
  • l

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pemeemmeneemneevenee meeen e em l 8RD2 *.115 8 ill.Itt

  • NOTES:
  • l t RTD3 t .115
  • ill.HI *
  • 1
  • RD4 8 .115 1 100.000 t * '
  • RTD5 * .115
  • ill.lls * *
  • RTM t.115
  • ilt.Ill * *
  • RTD7 8 .115
  • ill.HI *
  • RTM * .115
  • LII.Itt * *  !
  • W1 8 1.lle t .638 8
  • l t DP2 *.581 t-il.Its '
  • DP3 * .529
  • 5.000 t *
  • THOT1 8 3.286 8 488.888 *
  • l 8 THOT2 8 3.296 8 488.848 * *
  • 3.994
  • 2268.Itt t mesmmmenmeenen emoveememen teese enmnteemmentetett** *vene este l  !

RTD i -TE1323  !

RD 2 -TE1328 i RTD 3 -TE1325 i RD 4 -TE132i>

R D 5 -TE1329 -

R D 6 -TE1324 RD 7 -TE1327 RD 8 -Tf.3536 l l

IP i -LT1329 DP 2 -1T1321 W 3 -LT1322 THDT 1 -TE433 TH0T 2 -TE443 PRESS 4T455 EFFECTIVE REVISED DATE April 1, 1984 noE 38 oATE NSIO 1014 REV. 2183

, -- - . , - ~ . . . . - - - .

l W NSIO 1434W:42A/032984 NSID-EIS-84-07 l


  • ss** n* **** ****** nta4****** ns *** ** ******* * ******** *** ** * * ****** *** * ** *us * * * * *
  • TEST 1: 24 * *
          • ******************.statst**********stus********* ** ***** *********** ** **ts* u st
  • Senser
  • Inpst t E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fill
  • Fell! *Drnanic Drnanict
  • llene
  • Velts
  • Units
  • Range
  • Range
  • Range 3 Range
  • Hesd i Head 8
  • * *
  • Expect
  • Actual Expect *ActealtExpect AActsal *
                                        • ****** ******tt ut*****
  • ss*** ** ****** ***
  • tas* ***ts* *** * *** * ** **
  • RTli * .115 t ill.llt t 88 *
  • 115 *
  • 73 * *


  • RD2 *.115
  • 188.881
  • NOTES: *
  • RTD3 8.115 8 100.000
  • 8 RT54 *.115
  • ill.Ill *
  • RTD5 * .115 t 110.000 * *
  • RTM *.115
  • ill.Ill * *
  • RTD7 * .115
  • ill.0li 8
  • l t RTD8 * .115 t ill.Ill  :
  • Wi * .679 t-3.808 8
  • i
  • W2
  • 1. lit t .636 * *
  • DP3 * .529 25.Ill * *
  • TISTi
  • 3.286 All.llt * *
  • T15T2 2 3.286
  • til.Ill * *
  • 3.994 *2268.888t *
    • ut**st**************** sussstus***st**sts****stutts******ts**stut**sttrauts i

RTD i -TE1323 RTD 2 -TE1328 RTD 3 -TE1325


RD 4 -TEi33 - t RTD 5 -TE1329 l

RTD 6 -TE1326 RTD 7 -21327 RTD 8 -TA3836 V i -LTi328 W 2 -LT1321 W 3 -L11322 THDT i -TE433

- TilOT 2 -TE443 PRESS-PT445 i . .

EF ECTivE REVISED oATE April 1.1984 ncE 39 04TE N5301014 REv. 21-83 I


    • stsatsstas******* stass************ssastassatememassassassassagststaatstat
  • EU t : 5
  • e,****me,******ut************************sss*** s**tntsats******* utstsattsu 8 Sensar
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • isil *Filll sl nenic 9 3Dynonict t hone Velts
  • Units
  • Rage a tange 8 R age 3 Range
  • Head t Head i
  • * * *Espect
  • Actsal Espect *ActseltEspect tActsal*

eem***eme*****eeeeeeeeen **** eve ****et**t**********ete ***ee *******mmeeete

  • * *151 * *
  • RDi *.115
  • ill.180 t 88
  • 54
        • e******enee***********eten*** ::::::::: ssengsstasstsaustas** sst**** :***ust
  • RD2 * .115
  • ill.l H 3 NOTES:
  • RTD3 1.115
  • 100.088 *
  • RTM * .115 t ill.llt t *
  • RTD5 t.115 t 104.t00
  • I
  • RTM t.115 t ist.8H *
  • 3 RTD7 * .115 t 100,140 * *
  • RTM t .115
  • ill.tll *  !
  • DPi * .679 t-3.ltt *  ;

8DP2 * .581 t-il.Ill t 8

  • DP3 *.878 8 30.000 * ,

t  ;

  • THOTi
  • 3.296 1400.480 t
  • i
  • THOT2
  • 3.286
  • 444.000
  • 3.994 2 2268.800 t asst ********** nsut**suts ************* s************* : ntutstants****tstutt I I

RTD i -TEi323 i RTD 2 -TEi32B '

RTD 3 -TE1325 RTD 4 -TE1326 RTD 5 -TEi329 ITD 6 -1E1329 l RTD 7 -TE1327 ITD 8 -TA3836 DP i -1.T1329 .

DP 2 -LT132L DF 3 -Lii322 THOT 1 -TE432 THOT 2 -TE443 PRESS-PT485 l

i l


"" Aoril 1.1984 PAGE 40 l

  • e901014 R EV. 2183


a . - . - - ---- . - . . , . , ~ , , , . - - . . . . - - . . - - . . . - -

-r l l



                    • s:*********************************m"*ts***************************
  • TEST 4: 26 twenttemgtsstematmtmtmtmmes mmt**ststatts****s ****ts*** **** * ** tt i t Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper Upper Fs11 *Fv111 *Dynonic *Dynanict
  • None t Volts Units 3 longe
  • Range
  • Ienge slange
  • Head t Head 1
  • * *
  • Espect
  • Actsel
  • Espect *ActseltEspect
  • Actual
  • tetsveneemeetmte ******tt******* **"*"* *******m menne ttmt et st een tttet
  • RTli *.115
  • ill.Ill
  • 85 *
  • 47 *
  • 54 *
  • sassstsstasts****! ste mat'tts***************s***********************sts**** *st**ts ti:
  • til2 * .115 t 118.884
  • NOTES:
  • ITD3 t.115 t ill.itt * *
  • ITD4 *.115 t 168.888 *
  • ITD5 .115
  • ill.ite
  • l t ITM t.115
  • ill.Ill *
  • t
  • ITD7 *.115 8 180.000 t t ITD8 8.115
  • ill.Its *
  • i
  • l
  • DP1 * .679 t-3.lti
  • t DP2 * .581 1-18.894 *
  • j ,

i l

  • DP3 *.529 *5.llt
  • i
  • T)ST1 8 1.571
  • ill.lti t *
  • l
  • THDT2
  • 3.286
  • 499.800 *
  • 3.994 8 2268.Ill t
  • i l
              • sses***stt**ts**ststs**ssts** stsettret***statatstressts**sstatstastr******


RTD i -TE1323 Ril 2 -TE1328 1

RTD 3 -TE1325 ITD 4 -TE132b ITD 5 -TE1329  ;

RTD 6 -TE1324 ITD 7 -TE1327 ,

ITD 8 -TA3836 W i -LT1321 DP 2 -LT1321 i

DP 3 -LT1322 I TIET 1 -TE435 I Titi 2 -TE443 PRESS-PT485 SED E[r's** Apri1 1,1984 - ,,, 41 lE N5101014 REv 2 3 33

l T NSID NSID-EIS-84-07 i ,


                                                                                                          • t**************tts**tst****st
  • TEST 4: 27 8 *
              • ! *nts* ***** ****** ************* *st s****sts* **stsatst aats**** tat *****tts * *s ts
  • Eenser
  • Inpst
  • E.U. t Upper 8 Upper i Full *Felll 3Dpnenic *Dpnerict
  • None t Volts
  • Units t Range t longe
  • Range tRange Head 8 Head i:
  • * *
  • Espect
  • Actual 8 Espect *Actsal:Espect tActsal *
  • nt****s t********ust******st****st******* tats ******* ***** ****** ****** tt s ant *** **
  • RDi 8 .115 t ill.Ill 8 95 *
  • 47 8
  • 54 *
  • ut***tsts*********************ts**************************************************
  • RT32 *.115 8 ill.itt t NOTES: *
  • IT13 -* .115 t 100.000 t t t RT54 I .115 t ilt.llt t *
  • RTDS * .115
  • 100.000 t *
  • RTM * .115 t 100.000 t t t ITD7 * .115 8 ill.llt * *
  • ITIS t .115 t ill.itt t *
  • DPi .679 t-3.000 8
  • l tDP2 * .581 t-il.lH t
  • l 8.529 *5.lll i

1 - t 8 DP3 t THOTi a 3.296 2 440.040 * {


  • THOT2 1.571
  • ill.Itt *
  • i 1 PRESS
  • 3.994 8 2264.008 t
  • uts*******sttatatstats****stn at**************sts***ut**ts tatuttat at*ts***** ****

l l RTD 1 -TE1323 l tTD 2 -TE1329 RTD 3 -TE1325 RT) 4 -TE1326 '

RTD 5 -TE1329 i RT) 6 -TE1324 ITD 7 -TE1327 RTD 8 -TA3836 ll DP 1 -LT1320 l DP 2 Lii32L  ! j BP 3 -Lii322 j THOT i -TE433 TH0T 2 -TE443 l PRESS-PT405 EF FECTIVE REW3ED I. DATE April 1,1984 nacE '42 04TE l- - usin sou arv. a.i. 3

m W NSID NSID-EIS-84-07 TABLE 38 TABLE 38 CALIBRATIM DECK TIAIN B t*******************tts ***ut******** ********************* *ns *** *** ut *** t ts* 24

  • ts
  • E U 4: 3 *
  • tttttttet**t ett tt t tt t tttt***t* t**t t ttt t t tt ttt t e tt* *t ttt t t**f et19ti ttt ele f fttttt fit t
  • Senser
  • Inpet
  • E.U.
  • Upper
  • Upper
  • Fell *Fv111 SDynonic *Dynaniet
  • None t Volts
  • Units
  • Range
  • Range
  • Range tiente
  • Head 8 Head k
  • * *
  • Expect
  • Actual
  • Espect SActialkspect *Acteel *
    • ststs************t******tts********** **** stats *********ts statt*********** *** **188
  • ITDi * .115
  • ill.Itt t 87 *
  • 52 *
  • 67 *
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