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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-124,consisting of Data Sheet 1 of Event Rept Re Loss of Offsite & Onsite AC Power
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-I-MOSB124, NUDOCS 9507140405
Download: ML20086G481 (345)


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MtOCEDusE No. N . e AGE N3 VEGP 00057-C.- 4 28 of 37  ; i yg//>54A7-/2/;/ D CKETED U NpC *** f

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Docket No. c M 25-u A O Omcial Exh. No. L + [2 Y inthe maner o GM eF J. OFFICE OF SECRETARY ' Stan IDENTirlED DOCKETlHG & SERVICE Applicant RECEIVED - BRAHCH Intervenor # REJECTED Conr0 0ff'r Contractor DATE o S-/ 7- 95' Other Wrtness 5, Miah4 Rcporter C. R.W ' EVENT REPORT l EVENT TITLE: LOSS OF OFF-SITE AfD ON-SITE AC PoblER (IE) REPORT NUMBER: 1-90-003 DATE(S) 0F EVENT: 3/20/90 . EVENT CLASSIFICATION: o Names of O EVENT REVIEW TEAM MEMBERS KQHO E4Ut.1 LOX 5tS EY al i )' Wl':0 ES .EADER JIM ROBERTS j d W 'AL . CASH fu , .K@ EtY I IE REE Ff E)ERICK N?lRA K(l;ERY I 70'l IEBB GLENN

  • Signature of e I


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i interoffloe conospondence . GeorgiaPower d 5 o$ N5 DATE: May 9, 1990 RE: Event Review Tamm neert 1-90-03 NOT-01955 FROM: K. R. Holmes l To: Event Review Report 1-90-03 The Event Review Team covering the March 20, 11,90 Ioss of All i offsite and onsite Power conducted a thorough and comprehensive l review of the events. The root causes toc and corrective actions

  • Event /

recommendedasapartofcompleting$*w.edure00057-CThe scope included a broad J Investigation" were quite comprehens range, covering major items of a correctiveThese nature to minor root causes and discrepancias of an administrative flavor. corrective actions are included in the event report. Due to the high level of interest in corrective actions to prevent recurrence of this event, a team comprised of all l Department Managers and the General Managers wrote a letter which Mr. Hairston will send to the NRC. This letter covers l actions that have been taken or will be taken as a result of the event using the Event Review Team's root cause and corrective i I j - action recommendations as a basis. The actions discussed are not all inclusive and represent the major actions that will prevent recurrence of the events that occurred on March 20, 1990. 1 The letter that the Managers wrote is attached and is r ! included in the Event Report to provide e continuity of I actions between the Event Review Team and plant management. , I ) KRH:krh ATTACHMENTS U , ' ~ f xc: G. V. T. Bockhold (w/oattachments Greene (v/o attachments)) J. G. Aufdenkamp;s (w/o attachments) l l i !O ! l i  ; l

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w.a.mennen, a sei.,ve.p, ews nua or opu s er. May 14, 1990 ELV-01632 0379 Docket No. 50-424 50-425 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 i Gentlemen: Re: Correspondence ELV-01516, dated 4-9-90 l V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT rnaarCTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AREA EnUrsinCV { Georgia Power Company hereby submits a summary of the corrective actions resulting from the Site Area Emergency, as indicated in the referenced letter. Should you have questions, please inquire. Sincerely, M. . W. G. Hairston, III WGH,III/NJS/gm i Attachment xc: Geornia Power Company

  • t Mr. C. K. McCoy " '

i Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr. j i Mr. R. M. Odos Mr. P. D. Rushton , NORMS f. } U. 5. Nuclear Raoulatory Commission j Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator i Mr. T. A. Reed, Licensing Project Manager, NRR Mr. R. F. Atello, Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle - J [O Y j .

5l- /46-00] P) 4 <f34C ATTACMENT V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AREA EMERGENCY-On March 20, 1990, a site Area Emergency was declared due to a loss of offsite , 4 power concurrent with a loss of onsite Emergency Diesel Generator capability. In accordance with Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Procedures, an Event Review Team has investigated the events leading up to and following the Site Area Emergency. This review team identified four main issues associated with the event. These issues involved low voltage switchyard access controls, Diesel Generator failures, Emergency Plan implementation, and procedures for shutdown plant conditions. A summary of each issue and completed or planned corrective actions follows. The cause of the event was a lack of attention on the part of the driver of the truck, compounded by inadequate procedural controls for access to the low voltage switchyard. Furthermore, while site procedures required a security officer to accompany the vehicle in the protected area, due to visibility restrictions he was unable to assist the driver. To prevent this type of initiating event from recurring, the following corrective actions have been, or are being, implemented. o The truck driver was disciplined for lack of attention and alertness in backing the truck when visibility was impaired. o Although the Vogtle site safety manual required the use of flagmen for backing large trucks, this requirement had not been incorporated into site procedures. A meno has been issued to site personnel to ensure understanding of this policy and site procedures have been revised to incorporate this requirement. The use of flagmen will be added to the next cycle of General Employee Training. Security officer training will be revised to emphasize that offic'ers have authority and responsibility to assist vehicle operators to assure safe vehicle operation. Specifically, are used when

security escorts will ensure that ground guides (flagmen) This security large vehicles are maneuvered inside the protected area.

j training will be complated by 6-1-90. } o Outage Area Coordinators have been instructed to stage welding machines and l other materials on the east and west ends of the Turbine Building, whenever j possible, to avoid unnecessary equipment and vehicle traffic in the low voltage switchyard. 1 i !O 4 l i

                                                                             -.,...-.----.m., -- .. - . . . _ - - ,           - . - ~ _ _ _ . . . - . - - _ . .

G I"76-3 l ATTAC MENT (CONTINUED) 3k V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT O CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AREA EMERCENCY Maintenance procedures will be revised to restrict staging of equipment in o the low voltage switchyard. The procedures will be revised by 6-15-90. o Barriers were installed with signs which require authorization from the Unit Shift Supervisor for vehicle access to the low voltage switchyard. o Sensitive plant areas have been identified and plant procedures have been revised to control vehicle access, hazardous materials and transient combustibles in these areas. Another issue involved the failure of Diesel Generator (DG) 1A to' remain running to provide emergency power. The event review team, utilizing utilfty and vendor technical experts, reviewed the two sequential failures of the diesel engine. The cause of the first trip can only be postulated, but most likely is the same ] as the second trip. The ongoing investigation indicates the most likely cause i of the second trip was intemittent actuation of the jacket water temperature switches. A problem with restarting the diesel occurred because the Engineered l Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS) sequencer logic and diesel generator 3 start logic (as desi i following the initiagned) resulted trip until the in the sequencer logicdiesel engine being locked was reset. , As a result of the event investigation, the following actions have been or are i being implemented to ensure a high state of diesel generator reliability. o The suspected switches were replaced and extensive diesel generator testing was performed to ensure operability prior to return to service. I, O l o Investigation of the suspect temperature switches has been perfomed by an

independent testing laboratory and a formal report is expected by 5-18-90.

The investigation revealed that the temperature switches are sensitive to ] calibration techniques and foreign material within the switches. j I o Maintenance procedures for temperature switches will be revised by 5-15-90 to include lessons learned from laboratory testing. All jacket water high temperature switches will be cleaned and calibrated using the revised procedure by 5-31-9F.a Other non-essential trip temperature switthes.will be l cleaned and calibrated by the end of the next' refueling outage for the i ' associated unit. i o Vendor failure analysis of a low lube oil pressure switch is expected to be

completed by 6-30-90 and results of this analysis will be used to determine if procedure changes, cleaning or re-calibration is necessary for various

, pressure trip switches on the DG. i } ! 2 lO i


 '                                                                                                                                                                                               GA./-fn.]



CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AREA EMERGENCY c The Corporate Maintenance Support Department will review the diesel l generator instrumentation. This review will include deterwining the feasibility of upgrading the existing pneumatic sensors to those of a different manufacturer or replacing portions or all of the entire system 3 with either an electrical or electronic system. Corrective actions or l improvements will be made if appropriate. This review, along with an i implementation schedule, if required, will be completed by g-1-90. j o diesel start was changed in both Units I and 2 to be The Under similar to a Safety In Voltage (UV)jection emergency start. This provides a higher ' i degree of reliability for UV bus conditions. A broader review of diesel start and trip logic, to be completed by 7-31-90, will determine the need for any further changes.

o Instructions on the emergency start and restart features of the DG have been provided to operators at shift briefings and have been incorporated into l operating procedures. Additional training will be provided in the norsal 1

operator requalification program by g-15-g0. o A policy detailing guidelines for logging pertinent alarus and indications i to assist in evaluation of equipment or system malfunctions has been 1 developed and applicable procedures have been revised. l l o After engine overhauls, functional diesel engine testing will be enhanced to include bubble testing to ensure any air logic system leakage is acceptable. j o Trend program data is being reviewed to ensure DG component failures are 1 adequately included. The data review will be completed by 6-5-go. j Notification of state and local government agencies was not timely due to a loss ' of power to the Emergency Notification Network (ENN). Communication inaccuracies, a lack of understanding of the source of the ENN power, and inadequate supervision of the notification process were also identified as Emergency Plan implementation issues. Information flow to the Corporate l

Emergency Response Organization (ER0) resulted in some inaccurate information j (i. e., time of declaration of event and magnitude of RCS heatup) being provided to the media. There was some confusion among plant. personnel concerning.

i assembly and accountability procedures. j The following actions have been implemented. o The State of Georgia and Burke County have been added to the backup ENN

  • circuit.

\ 4 o The General Manager has issued menos to the plant staff to ensure proper ' understanding of: s

1. Assembly and Accountability procedures.

3 !O i

1 i J f A p g .,y ATTACWlENT(CONTINUED) Y 7 N .7 4 V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AREA EMERcFNCY h i  ! I 2. ENN Communications procedures. 2 The following correr:tive actions will be implemented by the dates indicated. o Battery backup power will be provided to the primary ENN in the control room by 9-1-90. ! e An evaluation will be performed to review and recommend further improvements j in notification systems. This evaluation will be completed by 6-1-90. 4 o A memo to all Emergency Directors (EDs) has been issued explaining the communications duties and responsibilities of EDs. The Manager Operations i and the Manager Training and Emergency Preparedness will conduct further j training for all EDs to review the role and responsibilities of the ED 1 including lessons learned from this event by 8-1-90. o control room communicators and EDs have been informed by memorandum that i there are alternativo means of making notifications in the event of a < failure of the pr%ary ENN circuit. These alternative means are the backup i ENN circuit, no9 extended to include all agencies, or the ENN in the TSC which has a different power supply. Control room communicators and EDs will j receive additional training in the operation of and power supplies for l 1 emergency communication equipment by 8-1-90. I i The Emergency Preparedness group will establish a monthly test program to o J-validate Emergency Response Facility (ERF) computer data by 6-15-90. l } < o The Corporate ERO will be added to the ENN by 7-15-90 to provide another l l

means of ensuring the transmittal of accurate information to the Corporate

! Office during emergencies. t o The Corporate ERO will be re-trained in the use of available communication l systems to talk with the site by 6-15-90. i i o A full-scale assembly and accountability drill will be performed by 6-15-90. o A full-scale assemb' l y and accountability drill wi1The inhfudeli'a's a' ! periodic emergency plan objective. Procedure 91602-C ' Emergency Drills and j Exercises", will be changed by 8-1-90 to reflect this commitment. l o changes to Emergency Action Levels (EALs) in the Emergency Plan will be requested from the NRC based on NUMARC's EAL report presently under review i by the NRC. 4 i 1 l i !O i i

f4 /-9/d O' "M ATTACMENT(CONTINUED) V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT E+_ECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SITE AkEA EMEacFNCY , Plant procedures did not sufficiently address plant shutdown conditions encountered during the emergency. o The Abnormal Operating Procedure covering loss of Residual Heat Removal , (RNR) will be revised by 7-1-90 to include various Reactor Coolant System ' (RCS) and containment conditions present during either an outage or a Loss of Offsite Power (LOSP) event.

1. A loss of power condition will be specifically addressed in the procedure.

The time-to-boil curves will be adjusted to address a $100 degree F l 2. starting point for accidents. o An evaluation will be performed for system lineups and power sources during planning for Unit outages. In addition, we will continue to monitor the l l industry issue of loss of AC power during shutdown modes and will take . appropriate actions in response to regulatory initiatives arising from this  ; issue. - I I o A study of alternate means of feeding ESF busser; has been performed and is being reviewed by management. Initial review of this study indicates that a viable alternate power source is available by 'oackfeeding using the main O power transformer and the Unit Auxiliary Transformers. This review will be completed by 6-15-90. As appropriate, procedures will be. revised by 8-31-90. A copy of this report will be available at the site for NRC , review. o A study of alternate sources of cooling water to mitigate a loss of RHR during reduced RCS inventory operation had been performed and included in i j site procedures prior to this refueling outage. An additional study of alternate sources of cooling water during a loss of all AC power event while l j at reduced RCS inventory will be perforwed by 8-1-90. Any appropriate j procedure changes will be implemented prior to outage. . 2

                                                                                                          . . . 3. .

i c A means of closing the equipment hatch without electrical power will be l f evaluated by the next refueling outage. I c Senior Reactor Operators will receive training on reduced inventory boiling l l and cooling mechanisms during the requalification cycle which will be completed by 9-15-90. l )


i i ! s !O f

' \ wnocsouns me. aavmo. . . . . . . I l 29 of 37 00057-C 4

!                                                                      VEGP j

Sheet 2 of 10 4 DATA SHEET 1 Page d of JN 1 I Report: i i . TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR , l t EVENT REPORT NO. 1-90-003 l '

  • PAGE I i
1. REPORT NARRATIVE (PER SECTION 4.6) . . . . ..... l l '

j! 2. EVENT DATA COLLECTION . . . . ............ , 1 i

3. CERONOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.** PERSONAL STATEMENTS . . .(Figure 2) . . . . .....

1' ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION (PER 00058-C). . . .....



6. ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING ITEMS,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,


                                                                      **                          INFORMATION WILL BE PRESENTED ON THE INDICATED FIGURE.                                                                                                                          ,

! l l l I i

                                                                                                                                            .              .-          ~~n                                . . . .       .,..             . .. g _ ,      .

I l . l 1 i 1 i } 4 i + 1 j i

I Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page 18 of_1ff(_ Report Narrative NOTE: All times in the Report Narrative are local EST unless otherwise noted.

1. UNIT STATUS AT TIME OF EVENT 1.1 Power Imvel/ Mode Unit 1 was in Mode 6 at an approximate power of 100 Counts per second. The reactor was shutdown on 2-23-90 for a 45 day scheduled refueling outage. The reactor core reload had been comp 7eted, the initial pass to tension the reactor vessel head studs was complete, and the outage team was awaiting permission from the Control Room to begin the final tensioning. Reactor coolant System (RCS) level was being maintained at Mid-loop (187'-11") with 1A Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump in service for decay heat removal. RCS temperature was being maintained at approximately 90F degrees with indication from two connected incore thermocouples. The Emergency Boration Water Source was the Reactor Water Storage Tank (RWST).:
  • It was at 79% level (approx. 600,000 gallons) with a boron concentration of 2457 ppa. The Emergency Boration Flow Path was from the RWST through 1A Centrifugal Charging Pump (CCP) and the alternate charging flow path via 1HV-8147. Both 1A and 1B Safety Injection (SI) breakers were capable of being racked in and the O pumps operated in the hot leg injection mode if needed.

1.2 Inoperable Equipment / Abnormal System Alignment

Due to the refueling outage maintenance activities in progress, i some equipment was out of service and several systems were in i abnormal configurations.

i "1B" Diesel Generator (DG) was out of service for a required 36 l l month maintenance inspection. "1B" Reserve Auxiliary Transformer j (RAT) had.been. removed.fres.eervice for an oil change. 1Bh03, the "B" Train 1E 4160 Volt switchgear, was being powered from "1A" RAT through its alternate supply breaker. All Non-1E switchgear was i being powered from the Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT). 13417-1, j " Main and Unit Auxiliery Transformer Backfeed to the 13.8KV and 4160V Non-lE Busses" was used to establish power to 1NA01, 1NA04, . and 1NA05. I } 1B CCP was removed from service for various corrective maintenance I work orders. The Chemical and Volume control System (CVCS) letdown

flowpath had been out of service for various maintenance activities j and was being aligned for return to service. J l

1 lO 4


_. . ~ _ . - . . - - = _ _ - - - - Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page // ofX () Report Narrative There were two RCS valves open inside Containment. The Accumulator

            #4 Isolation Valve THV-8808D) and the CVCS Normal Charging Check Valve (1-1208-U6-036) were disassembled for repair. All Steam Generator (S/G) Nozzle Dans had been removed, but only S/G's il and i4 had their primary manways secured. Maintenance was in the process of restoring the primary manways on S/G's #2 and #3. It was necessary to maintain the RCS level at mid-loop for the valve repairs and the S/G manway restorations. Ir. cddition the pressurizar aanway was removed to provide a RCS vent path.
2. DESCRIPTION OF EVENT On March 20, 1990, at approximately 0917 a truck driver and security escort entered the protected area driving the fuel truck.

The driver's duties were to refuel air compressors and welding machines staged around the site for the outage on Unit 1. He has had these duties for the past three weeks. As this vehicle was not a " designated vehicle" , it does not remain in the protected area, and a security escort was provided for the truck. The driver stated that in the past he had backed into the switchyard to fuel the machines in this area. On this morning he pulled straight in, he checked the welding machine that was in the O area, and found that it did not need fuel. He got back in the fuel truck and was in the process of backing up when he hit the support holding "C" phase insulator for the RAT 1A transformer, the insulator and line fell to the ground, and the transformer tripped.

At 9
20, RAT 1A and 2B Hi Side and Low Side breakers tripped i causing a loss of off site power condition to Unit 1 Trajn A, Class i 1E, 4160V Bus (1AA02) and Unit 2 Train B Class 1E Bus (23A03) and j 480V Busses supplied by 1AA02 and 2BA03. Unit 1 Train B, Class 1E, l 4160V Bus (1BA03) also lost power since RAT 1A was feeding both j Trains of 1E, 4160V Buss. However, the RAT 1B was out of service for planned outage work. During this time Non-1E busses for Unit 1

( were energized through 230 KV Switchyard to step up transformers j (step down in this case) to UAT to Non-class 1E busses 1NA01, 1NA04 j and 1NA05. Unit 2 was in a normal electrical alignment. Unit 1 i diesel generator 1A and Unit 2 diesel generator 2B started and l sequenced the loads to their respective busses. Since this report i is to provide a sequence of events for Unit 1, and Unit 2 ) functioned as needed, Unit 2 will not be further described in the i report. !O i-i

Event Report'No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /3- ofg () Report Narrative After DG1A started and sequenced the loads to 1E bus, i.e., 1 minute 20 seconds after the breaker closure, DG1A tripped. This caused an under voltage (UV) condition to 1E bus 1AA02 again. The UV signal is a maintained signal, DG1A starting logic receives this signal and relays R-4A, TD2A and SOL-202-1A (activate shut-downs) energized. Since DG1A was coasting down from the trip, the shutdown logic did not allow the D/G fuel racks or starting air solenoids to open and start the engine. This caused the engine starting logic to lock up, a condition that existed until the UV signal was reset and TD2A deenergized. For this reason DG1A did not re-start by itself after it tripped. After the trip, operators were dispatched to the Engine Control Panel to investigate the cause of the trip. According to them, they saw several annunciators lit and without fully evaluating, the operators reset the annunciators. On the generator panel, the voltage balance relay (160) was also found to be actuated. During this time, a Shift Supervisor (SS) and Plant Equipment Operator PEO went to the sequencer panel to find out if any problems were present on LA sequencer. The SS quickly pushed the UV reset button. After pushing the reset button, the SS reset the sequencer by doenergizing and energizing the power supply to the sequencer. This caused the TD2A relay to deenergize and meet the permissive for starting air solenoid to energize for another 5 seconds which O caused the engine to start. tripped for the first time. This happened 19 minutes after the DG The engine started and the sequencer sequenced the loads as designed. After 1 minute and 10 seconds the breaker and the engine tripped a second time. It did not start back due to starting logic being blocked as described above. At this time operators, Maintenance Foreman and the diesel generator vendor representative were in the DG room. The initial report was j the jacket water pressure trip was the cause of the trip and also 1 the Control Room observed a lube oil sensor malfunction alarm. The l Maintenance Foreman and vendor representative observed thw jacket

water pressure at the gauge was about 12-I3 PSIG. The trip set j point is 6 PSIG and alarm is 8 PSIG.

Fifteen minutes after the 2nd DG1A trip, it was started from the engine control panel using emergency start breakglass I button. This time the engine was started and loads were manually loaded. When the DG is started in emergency mode, all the trips i except four trips are bypassed. However, all alarms.will be { annunciated. During the emergency run no trip alarms were noticed by the personnel at the Control Room or at the engine control j panel. The only alarms noted by the Control Room operator assigned l for DG run were lube oil pressure sensor malfunction and fuel oil j level Hi/ Low alarm. 4 i 1 O

i l Event Report No. 1-90-003

                                          -                                                                                     Report: Page                          /7 ofX Report Narrative i

t j DG1A ran until 1257 supplying power to 1AA02 4160 bus. At 1140 RAT i 18 energized to supply power to 1BA03, 4160V, Class 1E Train B 1 bus. At 1257 RAT 1B was tied to 1AA02 bus. ! Based,on the initial information to recreate a similar starting l scenario, DG1A was started manually from the Control Room and tied j to the bus and loaded to 6000 KW. During this time RAT 1A was

ready to energize. RAT 1B was disconnected from 1AA02 bus. RAT 1A l was energized and tied to 1AA02 bus. The diesel Generator was j tripped manually. Five minutes later, DG1A was again started, ran j for 5 minutes without timing to the grid and manually tripped. A
third manual start was conducted after waiting for 5 minutes and j DG1A ran for 5 minutes and manually tripped. During the above l

three starts and runs, the DG did not trip or show any malfunction. i i A Site Area Emergency was declared at 0940 due to a loss of all off ! site and on site AC power for more than 15 minutes. The Emergency l Director signed the notification form used to inform off site l government agencies of the emergency at 0948. The ENN Communicator

then attempted to notify off site agencies using the primary ENN to i Georgia and South Carolina. The primary ENN was inoperable due to i the loss of power. The primary ENN receives power from A Train 1E

{ buses which were de-energized due to the loss of electrical power i event. The General Manager made an update to the notification form at 0956 to state that power had been restored at 0956. i ! The ENN Communicator then went to the South Carolina backup ENN and j established communications with South Carolina agencies (South t Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division (EPD), Savannah River Site l (SRS), Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties) at approximately l 0958. Initial notification of the emergency to these agencias was i completed at approximately 1010. Georgia Emergency Management ! Agencias ~(GEMA) was' i:ontacted Via' c6mmerci&l 8 telephone, '#hich "is i the designated backup to GEMA and Burke County EMA, at i approximately 1015, however, no notification message was i transmitted during this contact because of communicator confusion. I At the time the Control Room ENN communicator contacted GEMA on the ! commercial telephone, the TSC ENN Communicator was confirming the I operability of the primary ENN to Georgia and South Carolina. The ENN in the TSC was operable because it received power from the j Security Diesel which was operating properly. The commercial telephone contact be,cw en the control room and GEMA was terminated l l because both partires as sumed the notification would be transmitted i , via the ENN. In fact, the TSC ENN Communicator did not have the l l !O 2 2 1

   . ~ ~ _ - -. _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . - - . . _ _ _ . . ~ . . _                          _ _ _ . _ ..      . ~ . . - _ _ _ . . . . . _ - . - _ _ . - - . . _ _ . . - . _ _ - _ .

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /M of Jf( () Report Narrative notification forms and could not pass the required information. J Attempts by GEMA to obtain the notification form information were successful at 1035 when South Carolina Emergency Preparedness  ; Division (EPD) sent GEMA the notification form via facsimile. I Vogtle established communications with GEMA at 1040 and passed the notification information successfully.via commercial telephone line. Subsequent notifications were made without difficulty. The primary ENN in the TSC was used to transmit all messages after message #4 to all off site agencies. The initial notification to the NRC was made at 0958 by the Control Room on the ENS. Subsequent updates from the Control Room and TSC were performed without major problem except for a hardware problem on the NRC and which caused them to drop off the line occasionally. The primary means of notifying on site personnel is via the plant public address system (plant page) for personnel in the protected area and telephone calls to key buildings for personnel outside the protected area but in the owner controlled area. In general, these notifications were made successfully with a few minor exceptions. The plant page announcement of the site area amargency was made at 1001. It was heard in all areas of the protected area except inside containment, on the turbine deck of the turbine building, and in the diesel building. Personnel in these areas were notified by informal means (word of mouth, supervisors, observing others leaving area, etc.) within approximately 10 minutes of the page announcement. Personnel in buildings outside the protected area were notified by telephone calls from security by 1017. The delay in making th

           " declaration at 094tT*%y plant page.,annogincemqnt from eggargsncypage anno

facility activation to be delayed on a minute for m'inute basis, i.e., 21 minutes. l , I l l $ The plant was at mid loop when the event occurred. Several work

orders were in progress at that time. Instructions were given to complete the following tasks prior to leaving containment; i


i j i 1 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /f ofg l Report Narrative

!                                                                                               1HV-8808D (MNO 18808316) was reassembled and the bonnet bolts l

were tightened down. This is the SI Accumulator 94 isolation j valve. l Complete installation of Steam Generators #2 and #3 manways j (Maintenance Work Orders 18906589,and 18906588). i j Close the equipment hatch (MWO 18906592) and reinstall the j interlocks on the personnel air lock (MWO 18906593). I l All work was accomplished and Maintenance personnel exifed j containment by 1150. i The supply breakers for 1E buses 1AA02 and 1BA03 were moved so that RAT 1B could supply power. 4 1 Shortly after the Loss of Power, the Operation Shift Superintendent l directed the Manager HP & Chemistry to evacuate containment in a' i controlled, orderly manner. He also directed the Outage and Planning Manager to " button-up" the mid-loop work. The pressuriser i manway was to be left off to provide a RCS vent path. The i operation Shift Superintendent realized be had given conflicting i < instruction to the Manager HP & Chemistry and Manager Outage & i Planning. The Operation Shift Superintendent called the Manager HP i & Chemistry back and informed him of the work that was to continue j inside containment so that not all personnel would be evacuated. A

communications error led the Manager HP & Chemistry to believe that I all RCS openings, including the pressurizer aanway which was not i specifically discussed, should be secured. Power had been restored l and RHR cooling reestablished when it was announced that the i pressurizer aanway was secured. The General Manager, who by now l had assumed the ED Position, decided not to remove ,the aanway
                                                                                                                                              .a r t."- -*h because the plant wasastable.                             "-                                   . 7:.          -
                                                                                                                                                  .r                 **1   f%1 ; , .

The announcement of the emergency stated a Site Area Emergency had ! been declared and that all visitors and escorts report to the Plant j Entry Security Building (PESB); and all emergency response i personnel should report to their emergency response facility. The prescribed section of the. initial announcement from the emergency procedure concerning evacuation and assembly was purposely omitted; therefore, neither a total site evacuation nor assembly i and accountability were conducted. The decision to omit this j section by the ED was based on there not being any immediate l

radiological danger to the plant personnel. The omission of the i evacuation and assembly announcement caused confusion on the plant i

iO l s ?

1 3 Event Report No. 1-90-003 j , Report: Page l of & 3 Report Narrative 1 l site because there were no instructions for the nonessential j- personnel. Some personnel exited the protected area and assembled

;                                    in the Administration building and parking lot area, some personnel I                                   stayed at their work location as instructed and approximately 200 j                                  personnel relocated to the recreation area.

i j Another public address system announcement was made'at { approximately 1017 stating that the. emergency had been downgraded i to an Alert status and that all nonessential personnel were to j assemble at the Administration Building parking lot. Some j personnel already located in the Administration parking lot area i did not hear this announcement due to public address system j inaudibility. (Approximately 200 personnel reported) Therefore no other information was given to these people. Many personnel i considered themselves essential and therefore reentered the plant j protected area. I 3 Once the event was down graded to an Alert, Security notified th's j Recreation Park via the Land Department. The Land Department


personnel then told all personnel at the Recreation Area to go back to the site and return to work. Plant personnel returned to the PESB and entered the protected area. The Security Department at , this time made two public address announcements for all non-j essential personnel to exit the protected area and assemble in the Administration parking area. These announcements were made to aid in conducting accountability. l ! The Security Department heard,the Site Area Emergency plant page j announcement and tone at 1001. At approximately 1012, the initial badge accountability report was obtained. It was determined that i there were 197 persons inside the protected area (PA) who were not l badged into one of the Emergency Response Facilities, the Control ) Room, TSC and OSC. s l At about 1020 the second badge accountability report was initiated. j Upon completion of this report there were 133 persons inside the i protected area but not in one of the Emergency Response Facilities. I i At about 1040 the third badge accountability report was initiated. i Upon completion of this report thers were 120 persons that were not accounted for. A fourth and filth accountabilities were conducted at 1100 and 1230 with 97 and 49 persons not accounted for respectively. l l i !O i l 1 i 5 ---.,-n ,. .-. ~ - ..-,.+..-.,--,-,-,,,--.--,.+-..~.--...,...-,..,,.-.......---.--_.--.-w....--.n...-- ~+---,-n -v

Event Report'No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /7 of J4 Report Narrative News media releases were made out of Georgia Power Corporate office in Atlanta, GA. with information supplied by the SONOPCO Project office in Birmingham, AL. The process that SONOPCO uses to release information to the media is as follows: The SONOPCO public affairs personnel are notified upon activation of the General Office Operations Center (GOOC)by the GOOC Manager. Upon notification they report to the GOOC. The GOOC Manager assists public affairs personnel by providing plant status information coupled with technical assistance as the PA personnel prepare draft press releases. The press releases are then approved by the Project Vice President or Corporate Duty Manager and transmitted to the Georgia Power Supervisor of Public Relations in Atlanta by telecopy. The Supervisor of Public Relations then transmits the press release to the site Public Relations Supervisor and to media personnel. Plant status to the GOOC was hampered by failure of the telephone bridge status loop to work properly. GOOC personnel established communications with the TSC thru a separate phone line to obtain O plant status. The first press release contained two errors. The first error was in the time of declaration of the site area emergency. This occurred when the General Manager called the project Vice President and indicated that a Site Area Emergency had been declared. This was the first indication for corporate personnel that a Site Area Emergency had been declared and the time of the call was approximately 0900 (CST). Previous notification by the site duty manager to the corporate duty manager did not indicate that activation of the emergency plan had ocenrred,at 0840-Tp T);""GOOC personnel assumed'the Site Area Emergency had 'be3n din 61d(rund at ] 0900 (CST). The'second error stated that " nonessential personnel j were evacuated" and should have stated that nonessential personnel ' were evacuated from the protected area to accomplish site accountability. This error resulted from a mis-communication

between the plant and GOOC personnel. The second press release
contained no errors and both press releases are attached. No j further press releases were needed due to the press conference held i in Atlanta.

( lO i i

Event Report No.. 1-90-003 Report: Page /f ofX Report Narrative By 1300, plant conditions had stabilized with off site power restored to Unit 1 and RHR established for core cooling. The Emergency Director initiated a conference call with local government agencies (South Carolina, Georgia, Allendale, Barnwell, Burke County and SRS) to discuss termination of the emergency. The Emergency Director also discussed termination with the NRC. Agreement was reached with all parties that the emergency would be terminated. The emergency was terminated at 1347 and all agencies were notified at 1356.

3. CAUSE OF EVENT 3.1 Direct Cause The direct cause of the loss of off site power was the fuel truck hitting a pole supporting a 230KV line for RAT 1A, which caused the loss of the off site power source.
  • This is cause Code A, Personnel Error, in procedure 00057-C. Th'is personnel error is fully described in the description of event.

The truck driver met all current site training and qualification requirements; however, in the root cause section of this report a recommendation is made to upgrade site requirements for truck O drivers (they are less than state highway requirements). The direct cause of the loss of on site class 1E power was the failure of the operable DG, DG1A, to start and load the IDSP loads on bus 1AA02. . l This is cause Code B, Component Failure / Malfunction. The failure i and how it relates to the event is fully described in the ! description of event. There has been no previous failure of any DG l to respond to a UV signal. A summary of valid and non-valid DG l failures is included in Section 6. J 3.2 Root Causes Root cause and corrective action for the loss of offsite power is included in Section 5 of this report. t i The root cause for.the failure of DGlA has not been conclusively } determined. The two trips that occurred t% ring this event occurred j at 1 minute 20 seconds and 1 minute 10 ,econds after the DG tied to { the bus. There is no record of the trifes that were annunciated lO .

'4 l

  • Event Report No. 1d0-002 Report: Page 10 of &

l Report Narrative l ' after the first trip. The cause of the first trip con therefore i

;                 only be postulated, but oost likely has the same root cause as the -                                                                                                                                  '

i e ine afiGIsod sequence is that the jacket 'whoderature ] l /~fensors pped below the required set point and that some elasped time Once j J'Terende tripped, the during sensors the diesel did not start resetwas and required remained to initiate tripped. the failure. Failure to reset and  ! j /  ! j f tripping below the set values were observed failures during the coordinated j 1 test plan. ' y f h- __ j The event review team worked with several on site and

                  -vendor diesel generator experts to develop a detailed test plan.

j The test plan is included in section 6 of this report. While the j completed test plan provides significant evidence for the most j likely root cause of the second trip, further testing will be l conducted by the Engineering Department to provide credibility for l a postulated sequence of events that caused the first trip. The second trip occurred at the end of the timed sequence of the group 2 block logic. This logic provides for the DG to come up to operating conditions before the trips become active. The block logic timed out and the trip occurred at about 70 seconds. The annunciators observed at the second trip included jacket water hi i O temperature along with other active trips. It is believed that the jacket water trip is the most likely cause of the second trip. In conducting the event review team's test plan, the trip conditions i i that were observed on the second DG trip on 3/20/90 were essentially recreated by venting 2 out of 3 temperature sensors, simulating a tripped condition. The recreation duplicated both the annunciators and the 70 second trip time. This most likely cause j i assumes jacket water temperature sensors with setpoints below the l normal trip level of 200r existed and resulted in the trip i condition. h This trip condition caused by the keep warm system and sensor

setpoint variance could have existed on DG1A and did in fact exist j on DG1B at the completion of the 36 month DG outage. A jacket water i keep warm system operates to maintain a jacket water temperature at l

the engine of about 165F. An immersion heater in a standpipe with a l

separate heater control element maintains the temperature. On DG1B  !

I the control range of the keep warm system combined with the actual i setpoint of the jacket water hi temperature sensors resulted in ! these sensors being found in a tripped condition with DG1B in ! standby during the maintenance outage. Similar circumstances are suspected to have occurred on DG1A. f I lO l i

I I 1 i { Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page 86 ofE l } Report Narrative after the first trip. The cause of the first trip can therefore l

,      only be postulated,-but most likely has the same root cause as the j       second trip. The event review team worked with several on site and
;     vendor diesel generator experts to develop a detailed test plan.

l The test plan is included in section 6 of this report. While the j completed test plan provides significant evidence for the most i likely root cause of the second trip, further testing will be { conducted by the Engineering Department to provide credibility for , a postulated sequence of events that caused the first trip. j The second trip occurred at the and of the timed sequenEs of the

group 2 block logic. This logic provides for the DG to come up to I operating conditions before the trips become active. The block

] logic timed out and the trip occurred at about 70 seconds. The l j annunciators observed at the second trip included jacket water hi i temperature along with other active trips. It is believed that the j j jacket water trip is the most likely cause of the second trip. In 3 conducting the event review team's test plan, the trip conditions I that were observed on the second DG trip on 3/20/90 were  ; j essentially recreated by venting 2 out of 3 temperature sensors / j simulating a tripped condition. The recreation duplicated both the i annunciators and the 70 second trip time. This most likely cause j assumes jacket water temperature sensors with setpoints below the i normal trip level of 200F existed and resulted in the trip j condition. i i This trip condition caused by the keep warm system and sensor j setpoint variance could have existed on DGlA and did in fact exist on DGlB at the completion of the 36 month DG outage. A jacket water ! keep warm system operates to maintain a jacket water temperature at

the engine of about 165F. An immersion heater in a standpipe with a j separate heater control element maintains the temperature. On DGlB l the control range of the keep warm system combined with the actual setpoint of the jacket water hi temperature sensors resulted in l these sensors being found in a tripped condition with DGlB in
standby during the maintenance outage. similar circumstances are j suspected to have occurred on DGlA.


The event review team's test plan did not duplicate this most i likely root cause for two possible reasons. The UV test conducted i l on 3/29/90 was preceded by an air roll of the diesel. This air

! roll, which also causes the engine's shaft driven jacket water pump l to run, could have partially moved some of the relatively hot water i from the bottom of the standpipe into the piping where it cooled as j the pre-start checks were being completed. The second possible ! difference is in the control of the jacket water heater element. l The jacket water keep warm system cycles the heater off and on to !O j L._._.

j i j Event Report No. 1-90-003 j . Report: Page l of E Report Narrative

l j maintain temperature. The event of 3/20/90 could have occurred with )

i the jacket water system at its highest temperature, and the UV test run at a lover' jacket water temperature. l Several recommended corrective actions in Section 5 address the j sensors and air logic system. This team recommends,that those i actions that will provide greater assurance of the proper operation ) j of the air logic trip system and setpoint calibration of the l

sensors be completed as actions to prevent recurrence of this most j likely root cause. Further testing is also necessary to validate
the postulated sequence of events that caused the first DG trip.

! An additional action that could improve DG reliability is the l implementation of Design Change Request No. 90-V1N0133 for a IDSP l start to bypass the normal DG trips. If this option is implemented j then it should be implemented for DG1A and DG1B during the outage, j and for Unit 2 diesel generators at the earliest appropriate ! opportunity. A program to provide greater assurance of reliability should be' implemented. This assurance should be through increased surveillance frequency or other appropriate means as approved by

siite management.

During this event numerous other problems occurred which were

reviewed by this event review team. Causes and recommended t corrective actions are included in Section 5.

i l A critique of the event was held in each of the Emergency Response Facilities similar to that held during emergency plan exercises. l 1 Facility members completed critique forms at the termination of the ! event. These critique forms have been reviewed, compiled and j recommended corrective actions for specific problems are included i in Section 5. t i + h '(. ANALYSIS OF EVENT Unit 1 was in MODE 6 approximately 25 days into refueling, with l safety related Train "A" providing decay heat removal. The primary i i system was at approximately mid-loop and steam generator primary j aanways were being installed. The loss of offsite power to the Class 1E bus 1BA03 and failure of Diesel Generator (DGIA) to start and operate successfully, coupled with Diesel Generator 1B (DG1B)

and Reserve Auxiliary Transformer 1B (RAT 1B) out of service for 1 maintenance, resulted in VEGP Unit 1 being without AC power to both j Class 1E busses. With both Class 1E busses de-energized, the

!O i

  .____.m..-.      _ . - - , , .,            - _ _ . . . , _ _ . . . . . _ . - . . - .                - , . . _ _ . . , . _ . _ _ _ _ . . - . . . . - . _ . . . . _ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - - . . , -

l Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page l of i Report Narrative Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System could not perform its required safety function. DG1A was manually started within approximately 36 minutes, after two trips, and Train "A" RHR, Component Cooling Water (CCW), and Nuclear Service Cooling Water (NSCW) were re-established. Based on a noted rate of rise in the RCS temperature of 16 degrees measured at the core exit thermocouples over a fifteen minute period, the RCS water would not have been expected to begin boiling until approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes after the beginning of the event. Based on this RCS water temperature and a review of expected results of a loss of RER flow, the fuel and equipaar,t is expected to have remained well within design limits. l The steam generator primary side aanway installation and closure of the containment equipment hatch were completed after l re-establishing RHR, both well within the estimated 1 hour 50 i. l minutes prior to the projected onset of boiling in the RCS. A .' review of information obtained from the Process and Effluent  : Radiation Monitoring System (PERMS) and grab sample analysis-indicated all normal values. As a result of this event, no significant increase in radioactive releases to either the containment or the environa'ent is believed to have occurred. Additional systems were either available or could have been made available to ensure the continued safe operation of the plant:

1. The maintenance on RAT 1B was completed and the RAT returned to service approximately 2 hours into the event.
2. offsite power was available to Non-1E equipment through  !

the generator step-up transformers which were being used to "back-feed" the Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UAT) and j supply the Non-1E busses. Class 1E busses 1AA02 and j 1BA03 could have been powered by feeding through Non-lE j bus 1NA01. i ! 3. The Refueling Water Storage Tank could have been used to j manually establish gravity feed through the RHR and/or . Chemical and volume control System (CVCS), and Safety j Injection (SI) to the RCS to maintain a supply of cooling j water to the reactor. Consequently, neither the health and safety of the public nor that

of the plant staff was adversely affected.

l l i 1

O u .___._____.______.__.___..____._____.-________._.._i

Event Report No. 1-90-003

          ,                                                                                                                                                                          Report: Page PJ of J44 Report Narrative O

A more detailed assessment of this event and an assessment of potentially more severe circumstances will be performed by Corporate Support. The scope of the Corporate assessment was provided by telex and is included in section 6, along with the referenced letter VG-9011 of February 16, 1990.

k. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 3 Corrective actions are included in section 5 of this report.

O l l l i i i i 4 )O 1 3 . l' i

                 . . - - - , - - _ - _ _ _ - - . . . - . - _ . _ _ _ - ~ ~ , _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . - . _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ . _ _ , . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ - .

nension r= = =. emoceounemo. 4 30 of 37 i vzGF 00057-C . ,

       '                                                                                  SheeC 3 of 10 MTA SIEET 1               Event Esport No.            1-90-003 Report      FaSe          g of Jff O           1. EMNT DESCRIPTION ETDT MTA COLLECTION LOSP    on Unit 1 due to loss of 81A' RAT svans UhE 0820 ETENT MTE        3/20/90              uusi One DEFICIDCT CARD NUMBER            l-90-0123 (IF REQUIRED)






   '                                                ACTITITY FERFORMED                     ATTACEED AT M TDE OF M ETNT                        YES OR EA SEIFT FIRSONR L O                  0808 J. Hopkins SS      R. 5nider Shift Superintendent Unit SS NA Yes                         ,

NA l SSS C. Christiensen S'MM ES P_ Mar onerator NA 30 P. Vannier h. PC P. Humphrev BaIance af P1 ant h .m+ar unit ss u. STA B. Snider vammm8 asumvam _

                             .   ..  . . it - .n  -   s.     ...:.,   3, e r i .... s  .,g _
                                                                                   -              i.


CEEMrs m j

! EF j l ISID's . J

  • I 1 4 -

l-= sea. nevmon . . . . VEGF 00057-C 4 31 of 37


Sheet 4 of 10 n Event Report No. 1-90-003 MTA SERT 1 Report: Fase g of g W W FRE-ITENT YAINE POST ETENT 6 6 / 6 6 . sect 100 CPS 100 / 100 100 CPS I REACTOR FOUEE 2457 2457 / 2457 2457 BORON CONCENTRATION STEAM ceumtMtit LEVEL 1* NA NA / NA NA

  • Use NE or M , 2* NA NA / NA NA 3* NA / NA NA whichever is NA indteactmy A* NA NA / NA NA NA NA / NA NA ME GENERATOR OUT*DT FRESSURIEEE LITEL NA NA / NA NA S. PLANT CONFIGURATION 5.1 0FF NomfAL iTATUS OF FLANT .m etB" RAT 00S for 011 Channe
                                     *18' D/G 00S for Naist --- =                 -


                                      '24831-18: '248 N 18 RE-006 ACOT:

5.3 OTEER OPERATIONS U FROGRESS AT TEE TIME OF TEE EVENT var l === Naist__n - = cert--- Activities i


n . .: : . : : .s . , .s. . , .r r y. . .. g -.

                                                                                                                        , , , , . . .; . 4 ,9   ,, ,


see Attached Statements
susee l

i I . _ . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _

navneon pass no. enosamuns sea. TEGP 00057-C 4 32 of 37 l SheeC 5 of 10 e. DATA SIEET 1 Event Report No. 1-90-003

                                                                   .Esport: FeSe E of g None 9.4     DESCRIBE ANT OTEER MALFUNCTICES NOTICED:

9.5 AFFARENT EVEllT CAUSE IIAS Losing a phase from 1A RAT when a truck

                      ' = M Into an Insul.d m l

10.1 VA&T DelEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS IIERE TAEIN AS A RESULT OF TR EVIllTt 1A D/G was - ----liv - === .:_.m and 1B ItAT ==== returned to service. 10.2 IIE&T SURSEQUENT CORRECTIVE ACTIGES ARE IN FROGRESS AS A RESULT OF TR l ETENTT 1A RAT la beina renaired. l


Return 18 D/G to ) 10.3 IIEAT FUETIER CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ARE RECIRGIENDDT service end investicate cause. , 1 0 11. LIST CosRECTIVE ACTrom TAIIs F0a EACE AssosMAI OcCURREuCE On IQUIPMEsT M&LFUNCTICE TRAT ACCCMPANID M ETIET (STATE 1HIETEDL COMPLETED, IN  ! FRooRESS, On FRor0 SED).  ! j I i i 1A and 18 RAT's have been returned to service, trouble shootina is ' in prooress for.0/G IA. l i I (

12. VER




} EEFIAIN. DISCUSS CORRECTIVE ACTION TO D&22. ! Event was handled correctiv. i l i 1 !O i 5

                                 ._                                         _                         _       ..       _ _ .             _   . _ _ _ ~ .                                   ..

1 wnoommuns me. newesom rua no. VEGF 00057-C 4 33 of 37 2 Sheet 6 of 10 DATA SIEET 1 EventReportNo., O , Report: Page a of g 1

14. It&S AN mmm"Y FW EAL REAGBf DES Q DE W EL IM OL W (WOUE, ALEET, SITE AEIA. GENERAL). El+a Arma nn loss of all AC r- -- for greater then 15 minutes.

l 14 4


l " l 1-90-353 Both IA & 1B D/G Inao . g , . ( l O . .


2 4 4 DATA "' :1va W O , 8Wed8 9

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Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page lof 344

   .s Sequence of Events O                                 Chronology i

SPIE REEE EMtamtNcf 3/20/90 E N 0917 Puel truck entered protected area 0920 Loss of 1A & 28 RAT due to switchyard accident*because fuel truck backed into insulator support 0920 Unit 2 Trip - Unf t stable Unit 1 D/G-1A started, tripped 1 minute 20 seconds after breaker closure. PEO dispatched to investigate D/G trip, SRO dispatched to investigate sequencer. Security Diesel started and loaded properly. d 0921 0940 Site Area Emergency (SAE) declared due to loss of all# AC power to Unit 1. 0941 A train sequencer raset erd D/G 1A Auto started and tripped 1 minute 10 sec.onds after breaker closure. 0945 Core exit T/C temperature was 118 degrees F, increasing approximately 1 degres per minute. Of56 Incal start of D/G-1A - power to 1E Bus, NSCW and CCW pumps on A Train. Onsite power restored. 0957 Start initial notification of SAE using SC Backup ENN. 0958 NRC operations center notified of SAE. l I

1000 started A Train RHR pump and placed it in the shutdown i cooling mode. At this time RHR inlet was 136 degrees F.

! 1001 Page announcement to site (Site Area Emergency i


1002 Security commenced accountability. l 1002 Security notified by ED via communicator. i 1005 General office operations Centar (GOOC), Birmingham


i l 1009 Visitors Center initial notification (Public l Information). !O I . 1

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page 30 of Jf( sequence of Eventu O Chronclogy

                                                                                   . .m 1 M                                                                                                      i M2                                               M loss    Massage #2 complete to all South Carolina Agencies.

1040 Initial Notification completed to GENA. ., ] i 1042 containmen': Equipment Ratch bolted. l l 1046 Met Data from MET Tower building 3? W ar height, 8-9 i aph; 340 degrees; 10-60 meter De*Ata T = -2.0. 105G Radiation monitors information received from PERMS; all normal. f 1050 Message #2 completed to Georgia. 1050 Massage #3 completed to all South Carolina agencies. 1055 ED departs Control Room to TSC. 1056 Message #2 and #3 completed to Burke County. ED at TSC and assumes duties and responsibilities. 1059 Message #3 completed to Georgia. , 1100 Briefing in TSC concerning accountability. PA announcement made for non-essential personnel to leave protected area and report to Admin Bldg parkir.g lot. 1103 . Containment Personnel hatch interlocks set. 1105 Massage #4 initiated by D!N communicator in TSC using Primary ENN for both Georgia and South Carolina. 1112 Unit 2 in Mode 3. , 1116 Message #4 completed to all agencies by TSC ENN communicator. I O l

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l i i Event Report No. 1-90-003  : Reports Page 'Af of,J,ff,, l ,3 i Sequ ece of Events l Gronology l i J i , r

                                         .gg       J J  a . l . 4 ' . e1 4 9 i

e 2/20/90 t ! M M i

1011 GPC Public Information in Atlanta notified by Ray Harris.

1 l 1013 Completed initial notifications to Aiken, Allendale,  ; i Barnwell, SRS, S.C. (GENA and BCENA not notified). l 1013 TSC ENN communicator conducts roll call to test TSC equipment. i 1015 Called GENA on commercial phone numbers, did not transmit j message due to confusion by e-micators. i i 1015 George Bockhold relieves John B W == as Emergency <- Director. (2 Emergency Notification form approved by E . i l 1015 Site Area Emergency downgraded to Alert. Diesel Generator maintaining load. 1016 Initial notification made to Burke County ENA on

commercial telephone.
              *1017      Alert Plant Page announcement made.

4 1020 OSC Activated , ! 1022 EOF ENN communicator test ENN equipment from EOF. I I 1026 TSC Activated. 1 103d' . Personnel dispatched to Net Tower to relay data.

                         .A 1034       pteam generator Primary manways secured.

j 1035 EOF Standby Status. , I l 1035 Message #3 started by communicator in control Room (using i BUENN) < i l 1035 GENA received notification message il from South Carolina l EPD via FA1. l l

l j
  • Time not confirmed.from available data lO 1


v;:r :; - N - Event Report No. 1-90-003 m Reports Page _,71 ofE Y Sequence of Events O ~ Chronology SITE AREE EMmmENCY 1/20/90 l i EST

              -                           TIMELINE 1129     Message 65 initiated by ENN communicator in TSC.

1130 Unit 1B RAT has offsite power to hi-side. . 1140 1B&O3 energized from RAT 15. 1140 Pressurizar aanway installed. 1141 Massage 65 completed by TSC consunicator. I 1143 All buses off of 1Bh03 energized. 8, 1159 Train B NSCN started. 1203 Train B CCN pumps started. 1205 Massage 96 initiated by TSC ENN communicator. 1212 Massage $6 completed by TSC ENN -micator. 1222 TSC Brisfing. 1225 Public Information Manager leaves EOF and returns to Visitor Center. 1229 TSC receives status of personnel accountability. 1231 Train B RER pump started. 1235 Message $7 initiated by TSC ENN communicator.

                  .i 1238     RER Train B place in shctdown cooling mode.

RER Train A placed in recire. 1241 Message 97 completed to all agencias by TSC ENN communicator. 1257 1AA02 alta'rnate incoming breaker closed to supply power from RAT 1B/ paralleled with D/G 1A. O O mm

Event Report No. 1-90-003

     ,s                                                                                   Report: Page .71 of E Sequence of Events O

Cttronology EXTE AREA EIMBGENCE 3/20/90 EST N 1259 Massage is initiated by TSC ENN communicator. l 1310 ED conference call to local agencies to discuss te-4 nation of emergency. 1313 Massage is conqpleted to all agencies by TSC ENN communicator. l'J13 offsite power restored - plant in normal refueling configuration. 1325 49 people unaccounted for by Security. i 4 - 1347 Emergency Terminated 3 ," 1350 Massage 99 (Terminatiori) initiated by TSC ENN communicator. e i 1356 Message 99 completed to all agencies by TSC ENN j

;                      communicator.                                                                                                                  !

l 1400 News Release concerning termination of emergency. 1426 Offsite power (from itAT 1B) supplying 1AA02 and 1BA03 with DGla shutdown. . i i 1430 Press Conference in Atlanta. 1545 Joint News Release to Nadia. 1 ! 1630 Press Conference at Vogtle. l - I - E i l ( !O



Event Repoi-t'No. 1-90-003 Report: Page .73 of 1# Event Personal Statement Listing ] I I M HEPARTMENT PAGE NDMBER G. Bockhold, Jr. Management W. F. Eit h Management i Mike Lackey Management Jim Swartswalder Operations Bill Burmeister Operations R. Bruce enidar Operations j Paul M. Bunt Operations .f Keith Pope Operations Phillip A. Bumphrey Operations sterling L. Whitman Operations Dewaine A. Deloach Operations Joey C. Jackson Operations


John A=ree Operations stephen B. thmarmt Operations ! ~~ j Pauline W. 'JWnkDis operationsI '-- - i

                                                     "   ~'-       ~   ~

{ Teresa B. Jones

                               ' ~ ~

Operations l j Alberta Anderson Operations l Barvey B. aandfinger Management David Bavkins maintenance l Ray C. Boward Maintenance Michael R. Cagle Maintenance 1 I i l u-______._._________.__.__.___.___._.___

1 l l Event Reprt No. 1-90-003 s Report: Page 34 of h

   ,s Event Personal Statement Listing M&ME                           DEPART 1 TENT             PAGE NUMBER Douglas E. Adams, Jr.              Maintenance   .

Richard O. Barry Security E. Glenn Grimes, Sr. Security - Patrick M. O'Neil Security Patrick L. Cross Cooper Industries 4 r 4 s i

                                                         %r  e       tc_. q .    . . .

l __ 1 . i i k. l i i ] 4 i i j ! i I 4 i

. useossuu me, amamon pass no.

i VMEP 00057-C 4 26 ef 37 i 1 1 i . j

                                                                                   .              .                                                                         Event Report No.1-o0-003 Empert        Page g or g




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( l n <w., ,, *^~~ - ! S.- t I i . v., l 3. DID tdlITENT REVEAL ANY FROCEDURAL IN4DEquACIESt 3 (Dessribs) j Y SO d W / y < g 3 e t FICURE 2 EEANFLE 1 1 4

  - , - ~ . - - . _ _ .                             _ _ - . . - . . . - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . . . _ - - - - _ , - - - - _                                                                     - - . _ - , - . . . . - . , - - . -

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                    .           TERP                00057-C                     4                                  27 ef 37 '

1 i

                                                   ..                                     Evuot Empert No. 1-90-003 Enports F a g e ag L , a z g,f f
,                                                        Abu. MT* o W & 1                      '

e>=_ a.t ) 1

                                                                            /         i f

4 1 1 - 1 i 5. ARE TEEEE ANY LESSCES IEARNED FROM TEIS EVINE.. TEAT 100 j EILIEVE SEDULD BE m=rsrwn IN TRAININGt (Describe) ! d.uE_~m > - < >. ,, o i / T G ( ) i if

                                                                                               .                   i 2
6. CatIENTS:

O i + - l w .. *

- - L . . . .

I - . ! SIGE&2URE TITLE MTE j bO &PI 3 22 /5 i < j

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure
         .[                        10006-C may be used                  lieu of this form.
j. -


  • p - --- m ..- ~.

l ,

           . VEGP                00057.C                        4                                     26 of 37 Event Report No. 1-90-003 l                                                                             Report: Page L or &



StBetARIZE THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS THAT YOU OBSERVED, AND YOUR ! SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN BASED ON INDICATIONS. ! P /.e 6 &. eenweeney on She l9e I asas in 1 licensed aserder eveual frainin e 41 1%c Vee #c />ainino j cents.v. I sa. M24 u.if 2. t.aci. had + ele.e1. hv i olisew;n, & sysk n maihr af We trainine eenie.h i I wi fo ec. slant a.,J heard fb pane aansuhcemeni i

L+ r Sile. hwa emasenw vas Jedsved. se 1 prueeded i 4. de 7se h assume du.h as 75c /%:r. -b h bus;sm 4ke avci-ses. sifasked les 1;s. 4,mies;ed eac?;pHa.

l #f.e 6 even-f J ssfak//sked an Leni coikewe. few We ! Maif I emevgenca and an Eve d Sifisws. fee h/f 2 tw/p . ! 2. DID ANT AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT MAI. FUNCTION REQUIRE j ANY OPERATOR INTERVENTION 7 (Describe) l l Inci + .ac.v. dass ns+ n ERF Cupult,v~Gs4 lo ks4

                                                         .                                                               i l                       loc.a. Ilv .                                                                                      l
t. .

l ) ! .;L- . 3#_ . . .-. - e a .. .._. f.:.u h - i . . . . . ! 3. DID TEIs EVENT REVEAL ANY PROCEDURAI. INADEQUACIES? l (Describe) 1 4 core. damane. assessmew+ Aard k J. win our truedure, s l win nw fue l in reaefo r . 4 . I I i


EluIse t

                                       . . gv                   +
                            -- me,                                                        naymon                                                                   --- no.

i , 00057-C 4 27 of 37 VEGP l4 J Event Report No. 1-90-003 l , Report: Page 1 or g 4

,i                               4. IF TNIS EVENT OCCURRED AGAIN, WNAT WOULD TOU DIFFERENTLYT                                                                                           -

l @ fasvre. GrxA ndift.d se...+1v 6v e....ea d line. .

                                        @ 19 % men. O. e+4sv avle dismlssal en send all non-esmhst :

l Sets.nne.1 de he e/n 11.. -

                                                                                                                                                  . he an=ceaed om nis mu.sf l

he vnm seetiCc in allow >vener ar-efdilNv.

!                                               see. ik,n 4 a&.oe.

j 1 ! i. { . i l

6. Comeprrs, Yeskre +ie, olam+ lo shun Ressen se +a a 5345.

l . i candI4-sh u.rts vetv o.eod . I l i l l i 1

                                                                                                        .. .                                    .;.      .             .ev. .

l l 4 i i SIGNATURE TITLE DATE I w5 % ~75 6 m an w e+ . . 3/s l9e I l

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure i 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form.

i ! FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EXAMPLE !O I susess f ii 9__.-____________________-____ ,_---..__,m _____.______.___----__-,m____-~.---_-_---_-.--__-..,,.s....___._,e---..--


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l , Everrt Report No. 1-90-003

!                                                                                                                                      Report: Page 40 cf &

O . y , i 182 4 4 g a. 'biJnQ . 2\x\3 0 c A n I - n b.t. A ahwta.N-

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l Cf E 4 l7 5 av d od 'TSC. D\

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1 j v Ap DM Do\G Mil \IeA. i { \\\B km.tb g L..' Y. *(IsbNt_ I A '* A al-v J i ! ~ c_ m v bis A ua Ocw cz s 4 et.

                  ' NW\                             T4 r%. h                                                                        Q w b A. e~ - *

b abua' oMA wae. aJd o3


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m. -a Eveert Report peo. e ww wva i

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nu9 "" p * ~~ Report: Page R of246

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G)3 'TCL  %. M r m ._ i . eM rd Q ' . Eh b91 Qtoda l\ d2.6e - % .  ! D \ S t.E bh. 9e* breA - ih~:fk- Im Nd RL\bm Ct J tes ( citts w [QW T A . We % Oc A Pdh ca.% M d h fN c.d d i - 0 i s . . 3h f. N h .9.4 ndO4 't # , Cnetd nb hc aw.a. o[ 9b. b d. . x L. GDre , lol 6*McN [ _ rsudai A%.-4 cMw ih S. r$ tao & I Dw E ttI Cm .1) Ot t e e%%w. I \MLE kmL % \ ewok hw be_Q d GLPh l om e . 41 in h U- hedtE b ktA d E MN u a:k- b omA.

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j  !-- no. nameson ~ ~. 2 VNer 00057-C 4 26 of 37 i l Event Report No. /4D-OFJ


] - ) l 1. POR THE PERIOD PRIOR TO, DURING AND AFTER THE EVENT, i SIDetARIZE THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS THAT YOU OBSERVED, AND TOUR { SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN BASED ON INDICATIONS. i _ j Sitting in J. Startruelder's office I noticed the Service B1da. lichts t j go out, heard a page announcement of a U2 trio. then noticed smoke coming fmm 1A O/G Buildint star.k. I immediately thouaht of a nossible i switchyard problem and proceaded to the ward. When I arrived I noticed i diately unnt to the Control l the dem line truck and J river. Ii k Room and informed the 0505 that A RAT mould not be available for several hours until it cou7d be reonired. I also informed him the ark on RA B had conoleted r.nd asked J. Beasley to contact J. Born and verify and ! help obtain a swf tchine orgler for mstoration of RAT B. I aise called ! I D. Adams of 84aintenance and asked to have the Steam Generator nanisys l j (continued on attached sheet)


Diesel Generator 1A had to be started by an ameroency manual start. e . . i


(Describe) AGP for loss of all AC power in modes 5 and 6 any be helpful. i


j- FIGURE 2 EEAMPLE !O i l i

mocuounsme. nevmon . VEGF 00057-C 4 27 cf 37 Event Report No. /-704PJ Report: Page i or g

4. IF THIS EVENT OCCURRED AGAIN, WHAT WOULD YOU DIFFERENTLY 7 Improve assembly / accountable instructions and perfomance.

F=eallent eersonnel re==se and detailed knowledoe of similar events at other plants allowed the situation to be mil manaoed. i i i --- --. s l i t I


s assesI w /4 de. z/21/fo 7 I

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure ,

i 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form. i l FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EXAMPLE l0 1 I

               ===                                                        .

i e 1 -. - - - - . - - _ - _ - . . _ _ _ _ . _ -..- - __ . . - .._ _ _- .

1 B L / 'f0-ov) ! 1. (Continued) O' Y 1 put on. HV-8808D and the 36 charging check valve bonnets put back on ismediately and ensure the pressurizer annemy as s', t physically off. I also asked for electrical support to neve 1, s 1 the incusing feeder breakers for 1AA02 and 13A03 fran the A RAT .i 1 ) cubicle to the B RAT cubicle. At this time per J. Startzuelder's ,4 1 3 regnest. I proceeded to the 1A D/G Suilding to assist in the i 1 amargency stort. When I arrived J. Acree had the situation tell 1 in head and successfully started, tied and loaded the diesel. At that time the Site Area Emergency ins declared and I , e:::':' 4 ! to the EOF to assume the position of EW lhnoger. Inforustion f en the runninder of the event is contained in the EOF logs. , l i !O i s i i

                                                                                                    . .. ~ .                                            .             . . . _ _.

i i i t i i l lO i ,

l I 3 nevieION PAGE NO. i . Pn0CWuM NO. VEGF 00057-C 4 2G cf 37 l . 1 Event Report No.l.90-0 6 Report: Page 1 or g 1 EVENT PERSONAL STATEMENT ) i


stb 9(ARIZE THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS THAT YOU OBSERVED, AND YOUR l SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN BASED ON INDICATIONS. j 4 First notification of difficultv === h==v ima ==== ==----4== i a 1 Unit 2 haector Trin. I: - 'i n tel v -t ta +he r==+.=1 - - <- -- i ! office. then arrival f:=. Etelv ans s.4==+=1 I nheerved tenit F i m-._rine from a Anactor Trim and tenit 1 e===riencina a ince of vital AC z o r. Shift 5-rint- xt J. D. Wins (W) infor-d l i ! me of the loss of "A" RAT. Actians are nadarmy at this time to

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ==d 1- 'ind re-tart "A" DG which had trinned durine its initial start f

after the undervoltaan ca=dition. After a brief dierutnian with

                                                                                                                                                                             ' to adinate
                                                               @ and rr their arrival J. P. Cash as assi f

i O the restoration of the "B' RAT and W. L. Burmeister nas anni ===d to l 2. DID ANT AUTOMATIC SYSTDIS OR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION REQUIRE ! ANT OPERATOR INTERVENTION? (Describe) , I - i l

                                                                                                    .. . . . .   . - - .                                 .. . .   .       ..u          u.u                                       .s i


 - - _ . - - _ _ _ , . . , . -             .        . - . _ - - . _ _ _ . _ _ , . - . . _ . . _ _ . _                    . _    _ . - _ . , _ _ _ _ _                 ._.._._. ._ ..._. ~._..__-..___ _.
  .                                                                                                                           l navison paea no.

anocemuneme. VEGF 00057-C- 4 26 cf 37 1 Event Report No. /. 90-877 Report: Page g or g EVENT PERSONAL STATEMENT


review the EPIPs. John and I then acei- ' <towe ch==+=se en cw..linate w. tai at cles .i

                                                                    .-2-. cmit ed nut     . d pt maninn ne Maiht- ece to 6,;.ile-am mid laan innek metivitime -               .hhm Ar== n.m c dienatched to the diesel noneratar =ad reith pan. +m                 +h.
                       - - - - - - -e r. At ==n. .._ hte1 v the -         time f alus or minne five minutee) as the EE - ' start atta==t. which anain resultad in a DC trin ca.utly frem low 3arket enter oreceum. Bitt num f eter of ee-e                        d   r the classification of the ern t wf th lahn and I.               Ib   --.n.. . _' that the e.;t #=1d be classified as a Site Area amaraonev. a411 henan the paperwort for the amoreency declaration and lahn made the derf einn
                                                            .                                                                 l 4

l t l


, (Describe) f 1 . i i i FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE l !O i 1985

anocsouns no. nennen paea no. VEGP 00057-C 4 26 of 37 Event Report No. /-90-0M O Report: Page & or & EVENT PERSONAL STATEMENT ,


to emergency start the DG uhile monitorfne 1acket uter omssum. John asked Lee Nansfield for a urini---- limit for imeket noter pressum and Lee went to set this value. Durina this entire tins l frame incore T/Cs were beine monitored. sanran markhnid arrived in the Control 99am while Bill ame fillina nut the fn== tn < tart notificatip :w. h DC man locally ==m-rw etart-f and encencefullw f ~ 4 loaded. lHt Tmin A uns niaced in service and enre tamparatures hepani to deemane. Georne m1ieved John as Emerpency Directar and the event amt d=aaraded to an Alert since nlant canditinne unre iner6vina. The "B" wital AC but (RADM man matored frem ths "R" RAT. h


I l


lO i ** l

1 f, . newmon Paoa no.

 !         . wnoceouns no.

00057-C 4 26 of 37 ! VEGF Event Report No. / f#-#s7 , Report: Page 51 og g j



eettine ths 'A' wital kine (AAns) r - --A *

.i After thin activitv_ i o. . *18 he,e l DG hel-: i and in z?- ^v. i i  ::. red fran "B" RAT. +he === mew we tennimatant Non: Many of +b= evente === never.- i in == =11 1 ==n' +he j 3, _.21 v/- - = ma y not h. . ee - g I I 1 1 2. DID ANT AUIW ATIC SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION REQUIRE ANY OPERATOR INTERVENTICNT (Describe) Yes. DG tas reeuired to be loen11v amaraonew etar+=se. i l i i

3. DID TEIS EVENT REVEAL ANY FROCEDURAL IRADEQUACIEST l (Describe) l l The event or condition did not have a direct nroemdum and 1

l therefore

                                .c the coerstors utilized a edination of nrecedume.
  • 1

? 2 i l l u___________ _ __ _ ___ _ ..- _ _ _.._ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . .

mocauna mo. neveon &aos no. VEGF 00057-C 4 27 of 37 Event Report No. /-90-683 O- , Report: Page A or &

4. IF THIS EVENT OCCURRED AGAIN, WHAT WOULD TOU DIFFERENTLYf Operator re&se ses W, homewr EPIP immlementation could have been smoother (on-site and off-site cammunications)

Lessons leamed should come free overall evaluation of event critique tese.

6. C009fENTS:

O 1 f l TITLE SIGT 6 DATE l 7 l / Bf Manager. Operations 3/30/90 l

  • l' U For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure l 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form.


]- } t Event Report No. 1-90-003 i i Report: Page N of h Event Personal Statement j I 0920 I was in my office at the time I heard a loud bang and i subsequent announcement of Unit 2 Reactor trip. Imss of i service Building power also occurred. } . l I was beeped to call X3005 (Operations Duty Beeper). I j attempted to call the Control Roon but could not because i the phone system was down. l On my way to the Control Room, I observed people headed i for the Low Voltage Switchyard; therefore, I went to see j what happened. l I observed a downed transmission line (feeding 1A RAT) i and asked what had happened. Others present said that ! the lube oil truck (still there) had backed into a " transmission line support pole and knocked the line down. I asked if anyone was injured and the response I got was the driver could not be located ( I assumed he abandoned i the truck and area for whatever reason). At this time, I

incorrectly assumed the damage was to to the feeder ,

j supplying the "B" Rat which I knew to be out of service. I Therefore, I presumed that the incident had no impact on l Unit 1 and that the resulting electrical disturbance had ) l resulted in some kind of generator trip on Unit 2. g a ! ^<0932 I entered Unit 2 Control Room area and observed that one 4 RAT had been lost. Proceeded to Unit 1 Control Room area j and observed a complete loss of onsite and offsite AC. i (Power was available to Non-1E buses through UAT l backfeed). 3 ! In conjuction with the Shift Superintendent, assigned ! individual to make sure Containment was closed up (Personnel Inck & Equipment Hatch secured 7(g, f ! Volunteered to fill out Emergency Plan Notification forms. 0940 Determined plan classification level to be a Site Area

Emergency. Received concurrence from Operations Manager

, and Shift Superintendent. Completed notification form j and submitted to Shift Superintendent (Emergency i t Director).- 5 lO i i t (_. . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - . _ - . _ .

t 4 ) Event Report No. 1-90-003 I Report: Page IT of 344 i Event Personal Statement 2, i i Gave notification form to Shift Clarks for notification i of offsite agencies. l Requested individual to monitor core exit T/C's and i obtain weather data from ERF (unavailable).. $ 0956 Observed restoration of onsite power sources. 1003 Began filling out followup notification form for i downgrade to Alert (based on DG being in service). Alert classification was used based on desire to maintain activation of TSC. l  : ) N 1010 Checked progress of notifications of offsite agencies. > shift Clerk reported that all had been contacted except GENA and Burke County. She continued to contact. 1015 General Manager relieved Shift Superintendent as  : 1

Emergency Director.

Assisted TSC until 120r,.  ! i O - r um Bill Burmeister 3/20/90 i . i I d l i ! l O i O 4

l Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page N ofE Event Personal Statement When the fault occurred, the two (2) breakers feeding the 1A RAT and the RAT feeder to 1AA02 tripped. The 1A diesel auto started and tiedAOPs to AA02. NSCW pumps 2 and 4 started. The diesel 1 then tripped. for loss of IE switchgear, loss of RHR, loss of NSCW and loss of CCW were entered. I did not notice a trip annunciator. The OSA was sent to the diesel. He reported that the only flag was a 160 relay. All A Train pumps were placed in PTL except NSCW. An SS went to the sequencer and found it locked up. , The 160 relay was reset, and the sequencer reset. The diesel again auto started and tied on. The NSCW pumps started, and after the time delay the discharge valves started opening. The diesel then i tripped. The D/G 1A trip low press jacket water annunciator was in. An SS was then sent to the diesel, and a RO to the sequencer. The NSCW pumps were placed in PTL. The diesel was placed in local, the sequencer reset (it was locked up again). The diesel was I l emergency local started with personnel monitoring indications fas jacket water and lube oil. The bus was energized, the 480 V bus'ses l energized, NSCW, CCW and RHR started. The two (2) temporary core thermocouples were monitored the  : entire time. Temperatures rose from about 96 Degrees F to a l O maximum of 136 Degrees F. Also, Containment and RCS were bottled up (equipment hatch and air lock restored, manways restored, etc.) and a site area emergency was declared. Later B RAT was restored, B train equipment (NSCW, CCW, & RHR) l started, and AA02 placed on B RAT until the A RAT was restored. i e 1

                                                      $    bm               2 i                                                    R. Bruce Snider      3/22/90 i

!O ) -

Event Report No. 1-90-003 , Report: Page $7 ofE j Event Personal Statement l The diesel. generator was running about 1 1/2 hours, when the "high temp lube oil out" and " trip high temp lube oil" alarms came in at the same time. I checked the temperature on the D/G control panel and it was 170 Degrees F. D Paul M. Hunt 3/22/90 i i i e I l O l

                       .   .. . :1.s.aa . , 'U: 1b. . , : su                                     > -m,c ,p t.n aass1ce count y s"*lA._

f i O  ! l

Event Report No. /-90-(3_ Report: Page Lof_J1(_ Event Personal Statement During Unit 1 IDSP, I observed the 1A D/G start and come to speed. The D/G loads were sequencing loads on properly. Afte:t some period of time, the D/G tripped (not sure why at this time) . I asked the PE0's at D/G 1A if they had in protective lockouts actuated. They responded the only relay was the 160 relay (voltage Balance) which should not have prevented the diesel from restarting. I than proceedsd to see if there was possibly a sequencer problem. When I arrived at sequencer, the sequencer appeared to be " locked up" with the 3 under voltage signals in 2 HRS lights illuminated. I then down powered the sequencer and reenergized sequencer 1A (also reset all signals from under voltage). The diesel then restarted and the sequencer started its load shed sequenca. Waen I arrived in the Control Roon shortly thereafter, the D/01A stated the trip was on Inw Jacket H2O pressure (a normal 1: rip) . After discussion with shift crew, it was decided to locally amargency start D/G 1A to bypass this normal .r. trip. We were monitoring jacket water pressure during start to ensure jacket N2O pressure and temperatures were normal. Once the D/G was started locally, the D/G output breaker closed in automatically and the sequencer proceeded to reload under voltage equipment normally. An operator was dispatched to ensure sequencer was operating normally; which he reported it was. Further recovery operations were bogun after D/G was carsying UV loads. Jacket H2O O temperatures aM pressures were verified normal while D/G 1A was running. d' fd j e ow Keith pope 3/20/90 - 1IInk b 3 90 % i Phillfp A. Hunphr 3/20/90 f .. I i I l lO a e

i l Event Report No. 1-90-003 l Report: Page S of 344 j ! Event Personal Statement i i 1 l At approximately 0817 CST, Dewaine Deloach, Sterling Whitman and Joey Jackson were instructed to go to the Unit 1A Diesel , Generator room to find the cause of the Diesel Generator trip and ) report findings to the Unit 1 Control Room. DeLoach was the first l i to arrive at the scene, and found on the Engine control Panel that i

the annunciators and alarms in were, Diesel Not Running, DG Auto i Start signal, shutdown Systems Active, Stopping Light Illuminated, and numerous alarms. He (DeLoach) depressed the silence,

< acknowledge, and reset buttons attempting to clear. Shortly afterward Sterling and Joe arrived at the scene, sterling and Joey l arrived at the panel and noticed that the generator under { frequency, (D6), low starting air pressure, and diesel day tank high/ low level (D7) alarms were in. These at this time are the l only alarms noticed to be illuminated on the Engine Control Penal. l On the Generator Control Panel the only thing that could be found was that Relay 160 (Voltage Balance Relay) flag was droppect. The j Control Room was notified of the findings at this time. At this 4 ! time Sam Hart arrived at the diesel. The stopping light was } attempted to be reset per Procedure 13145-1, but would not

extinguish. The flag on Relay 160 (Voltage Balance) was reset.

1 The Control Room tras notified or these actions. The Control Room ! attempted again to start the 1A Diesel Generator. The start lasted l for approximateJy 45 seconds when numerous alarms started coming l in. The ones that we can definitely remember are Low Pressure Lube Oil Trip (B5), Trip Iow Pressure Jacket Water (C7), Trip High Temp. Jacket Water (CS), DGlA Under Frequency (D6), DG1A Trip High Temp. i Lube Oil (A5), and Day Tank High/ Low Level (D7) . The Diesel Generator then tripped and the control Room was notified. The j Diesel Generator was started successfully by Emergency Start / Break j Glass and continued to run and accept load. These events are true to the best of our knowledge and the best we can remepber. ! i4Wm/w s t 2 nu d n /.

                                    -            bter1Tng          Whitman 4 Sf20/96
                                                                                           -   Aze/95 AY J  .                 #         bjbb/&
!                                                  Dewaine A. DeLoach                     3/40/90 i

i Of r Y3el9 3

                                                 " Joe? C. Jackson                        3/20/90 t

iO . 1 1 l

l \ I i

Event Report No. 1-90-003 i l Report: Page fo ofi Event Personal Statement

, Upon arriving in the Main Control Room, Unit 2 status was j tripped with "B" Train IE being powered by D/G 2B. Unit 1 was in a loss of all AC. Minutes after my arrival, D/G 1A started and the 4 output breaker closed. Before loads could be placed on the D/G, it

tripped. Reports were received from locally stationed PEOs that j the Diesel had tripped on Low Jacket Water Pressure. I suggested

= to the Shift Superintendent that we perform a local manual i emergency start to bypass this trip which may have been caused by I the keep warm systems being S/D prior to start. I proceeded to D/G

"1A' and collected 11885-C Oper. Icgs and 13145-1 to monitor D/G i parameters (Trip & Norn OPS) as we performed our emergency start.

! We stationed PEos on the front standard and D/G 1A Control Panel. 1 I unscrewed the Emergency Start Break Glass per Procedure 13145-1, { Step, when directed by the Control Room. D/G 1A started, a red starting lamp energized, green SI signal lamp energized. j Control Roon personnel with major loads in PTL started NSCW. 1 Jacket H2O temperature never exceeded 154 degrees F. All i parameters normal. After restoration of BA03, Control Roon  : directed us to XFER control to them for paralleling incoming source thru emergency incoming breaker to AA02. After doing so, we reset from LOCA and replaced glass on Emergency Start Button. I directed PEOs to water Sample Dry Tank and to perform Standby Readiness ) Checklists per 13145-1 after Control Room performed normal S/D of O DG 1A i i k s_ ' - Jo Acree 3/20/90 I

                        . .         , _ _ . . .       . . ~ . .         _ . . . _    . . . . . . .


Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page A of E Event personal Statement At approximately 0825 CST, I entered the Unit 1 Control Room after hearing the announcement of a Unit 2 Reactor trip. A few minutes later John Hopkins, OSOS, directed me to close the Unit 1 Containment Equipment Hatch. I took J. Clifton, PEO with me to get maintenance personnel to close the equipment hatch, and to restore the personnel airlock. David Seckinger and four Maintenance personnel were immediately dispatched. J. Clifton and two Maintenance personnel entered the Containment, while Seekinger, the other Maintenance personnel and I remained outside the Equipment Match to coordinate moving the interference to hatch closure We immediately had the portable crane moved to the hatch aret, removed the scaffolding, disassembled and removed railroad tracks and cart which blocked the hatch. The interference was removed at approximately 0910 and the hatch began to be lowered into place. I had previously directed the Maintenance personnel in the area , working non-essential projects to report to their shops to waitI further announcements and directions. As the hatch was being lowered, I returned to the Unit 1 Control Room and was informede 1 i that the hatch bolting was completed at about 0935 and that the l personnel air lock was restored after the last interlock j reinstalled at about 1000. l0 xk a Stephen H. Chesnut 3/20/90 i \ l t

             ... .   .....m...

i i j e 4 ,O l l

Event Report No. 1-90-003 F4stTICIPANT3 Report: Page,LL,,,cf;Lff, I" CRITIQUE REPORT

                                                    .             O N *0N                                          .


                                      I learned that the Control Room had a problem. I preceded to go and offe                     ,

my assistance. . I matted to get the llotification Message from the Emergency Director. The _ report was given to me at approximately 9:45. The report stated that the Emergenc uns declared at 9:40. As I began to read the notification, the Plant Manager aske to see the report. Re then wrote on the report that power had been restored at 9:56. I then started to do ny Notificat; ions. This is the seguence that I rummuber:

1. Began notifications and realized the Elst phone was dust,. ,


;                             2. Want to the backup Elst and got only the SC agencies.
3. Preceded to call GEM and Burke Co. approximately 10:12 A.M. I did not ,

1 ! cet a response from either agency. I then tried to get them on the commercial i ! phone line. at approximately 10:13. I could not get GEM on the first commers l l nisaber that uns listed. so *I trihd the second number listed. Cantact still was li i not established. l i I - ~

4. At sooroximately.1fi!E contact was made with'nuNueCounty Eiii."  ;

i 5. On the second notification, by using the 99'n Nber. onif 1 South" Carolina l \ . i aoency answered the call. This was Barnwell. (Done by Teresa Jones) i'

6. We then preceded to notify other agencies by using the individual numbers liste-for the backup EINI phone.

2 pg.epared b: Pauline W. Jenkins /1eresa B. Jones / Alberta Anderson Plant Extension N } lO - 1 l

$                                                                                                                                       l
                                                                                                                                               +         - . - - . - -       -~a         - - _. - .-. -

1 1 n rt, e . c _ ce a u ._ 3 P4RTICIPANTS 1 . 3 LOCATION V0GTLE M IC GDI. N DATE MMCH 20.199 i I CRITIQlE FOR SITE AREA DERGENCY  ! ! CottiENTS: l Page 2 )

                                                                                                                                                                                                          . . _ _            i

{ i _7. Than. us attempted to notify GDR again on the causercial phone. At this time , . . . _ ) j -+=et uns established and all of the notifications were given to then. We _  ; i j basan with #1 Onoproximatetly 10:40 and ended wf th #3 9 approximately 10:59.* j , l With as many people in the control Room at the time and the time span between  ! 1 j +h= . - v beine declared, and given to the DEI Communicator, there would have l \

___haan no may the notifications could have been made in 15 minutes (time allound)

l vfth the ornbl - we had with the tele M s. 4 l # l Recommendati'ons For Iserovement l

1. lensi the Emergency is actually declared. Make sure that the necessary paperwork is given directly to the Del Communicator.

l 2. Have only the very essential personnel giving orders (On Shift Supervision). l 3. Have only very essential personnel in the Control Room. t ! 4. Need to put GDR and Burke Co. DE on a backupo D51 just like South Carolina.

5. Ensure that the paging system does not ground out communication on the j ..s. u.s s p . u .v.,..m. .
                                                                                                           .  ....        n-   . . -   .           ..  .                ..
backup D8t.

i ! 6. Need a separate outside line for Burke County at another location in the Contrei Room other than just the one on the 0505's desk. One should be at l the Del location with the other phones. This would eliminate the need for the 4 ! D01 communicator from having to ' change locations to get to another phone. t l Prepared Br: Pauline W. Jenkins / Teresa B. Jones / Alberta Anderson i ! . . Plant Extension , 3789 . .

                                                                                *(Done by Teresa Jones) iO i-

} . _ . , - , - . . , . - - - - -,_.--_,,_,,-.m.-......~-,.....-..-___-_--,-,.,,-,-_,m-_._...m ____m.

nevmon paos no. anocuouns no. 00057-C 4 26 of 37 VEGF Event Report No. 1-on-nos Report: Page A or y 1 EVENT PERSONAL STATEMENT


SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAKEN BASED OR INDICATIONS. Prior to the event I was in a grievance meeting with George 8ockhold. When the emergency was declared I assumed sly function as OSC Manager. I have attached a brief review of activities from the OSC. During the period of the emergency I noted non-essential personnel being allowed I i into the PA and standing around in the PA. After the event returned to l shop to organize support for post event action. - i I O


! N/A . l ? 1 t l . . - . . j .. .. -- ... . --. 1


! None that I was invcived in. ! l 4 i,

                                          -                               FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE l

!O t l l i____ _.__________- _.. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .

I nevmow . Asa wo. pnocuouna no. 4 27 of 37 VEGF 00057-C Event Report No. 1_90-o03 O Report: Page g or E


Clear all non-involved personnel from the PA. Have Security comb areas and assure personnel are out of PA.


BELIEVE SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN TRAINING 7 . Personnel in vehicles need to be instructed in vehicle crotocol. Security personnel should be instructed wh;; escortino vehicles that , they assure vehicle safety.

6. ColetENTS: '

Comments and critioue foms were provided from the OSC to the Eneroency Planning Group. l I I

i l

4 TITLE DATE SIGNATURE k/W /AW//x. - sbA nprvey n. ynnger 1 i

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure

' 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form. FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EXAMPLE O i _-__--._--,.m.- __ ..._m,-.... -

                                                                    ...,___,,,._..._v,           , ,.        .-,,_,..._..y,,,....____.cm_

1 i evem n.pui . m,. . , - - - . i Report: Page _fL,pf J,f.{._ l 4  ! l THIS IS E A DRILL 03/20/90(TYPEDFORCLARITY) l t

                          *0900                           SITE AREA DECLARED j                          *0930                           TEAM #2

[ *0931 00mSRADED TO ALERT j *0940 M BRIEFED - STABLE  !

$                         *0943                          GET TWO FIELD MONITORING TEAMS                                                                                                                 I i                          *0945                          TEAM #1 TO HP CONTROL POINT                                                          .                                                         i


                          *0959                          TEAM #2 AT E T TOWER

} j *0959 LUC 0T CALLED IN

                          *1010                          TEAM #5 - LOW V0LTAGE SWITCNYARD l



!O 1 4 . l i s...-- ..-.. __ - - . . ......-. _ ..- .--,_ -.,-- - . __.. ..~.-,. .,_.,~.,..... ... .-,.. ..,,,-- ,-_. .,..-,_..,,,..._,_.--,

_m_ m .m ..u... .m - - 4 'l maa - mo. nevmon aos no. 1-00057-C 4 26 of 37

 !                                                 VEGP 4

l 1 Event Report No. 1-oo-cos i Report: Page g of 2ff,,,, j i


i SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN BASED ON INDICATIONS. I was working in "B" Train D/G when "A" Train D/G started automatically. 1 1 Anoroximately 2 minutes after "lA" D/G started it trinned. I erfted B i ~ i i Train D/G "== as two (2) onerators entered A Train D/G. I entered "A" 4 Train D/G rs and walked to the Control Panel . One Onerator had cleared t the nanel and was talkine to Unit 1 Control Room by nhone. the other j i onerator reset a flaa on the Voltane Balance relav. Head chone commun was established with Unit 1 Control 8aa= Whilethecoeratorswereestablishil I head-shcr.e e- mications. I checked the near train end. of the diesel, i There were no annarent leaks of water or oil. I looked at the nevernor oil level which was at is croner level and noticed that the sneed setting 4 ' 2. DID ANY AUT W ATIC SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION REQUIRE i ANY OPERATOR INTERVENTION 7 (Describe) .' It reovired operator intervention to emeroency start "1A" D/G.  ; i  : ' l 4 , l 1 -- --- i i ! 3. DID TNIS EVENT REVEAL ANY PROCEDURAL IMADEQUACIEST l i (Describe) Procedure should state that the D/G should be emergency started if the first local start fails. 9 FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE !O ""** l 1 - 1 l

    . . - - - . . - _ - . . . - . - - - _                               - -.-- - - - _ ~ . .. - - - - . . - - - . - . .                                                     _   . . . . . . .

Event heport no, a -wma, Report: Page g of g a t  ! lO r

                                                        - T - ==

ITEM 1 CONTINUED: knob seal was broken and it was set on 14.32. It had been left

!                                                       at 14.48 when "1A" diesel was set up following the required 1
!                                                       tear down and inspection.                              I reset the speed control to 14.48 t

i and informed Ray Howard of the discovery. Operations attempted i to start "1A" D/G in local mode again, it ran approximately i


2 minutes before tripping again. I was on the cat walk checking ) for any leaks, abnormal noises or any other problems when it I tripped. All components seemed to be operating as designed. 1 Operations personnel then decided to start "1A" D/G by removing

a. '

I the glass and plunger from the emergency start button on the ) Control Panel. "1A" D/G started and ran as it should. Pat j i Cross, Ray Howard and I checked for any mechanical problems i that could have caused this on the engine itself and fou6d none. f 1 1

. l I

i E ? k


3 !O i 1 L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _-

neveon raos ao- , moceouns me. 4 27 of 37 VEGP 00057-C i O Report: F Page 1 oz J,g_


Go immediately to the 'affected D/G rather than waiting until I heard it coasting down.


RELIEVE SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN TRAININGT . No operations performed the required procedure as reevired. v

6. CopetENTS:

All Diesel Generators at Vogtle should be controlled by the Shutdown Signal only when nomal surveillances are beino performed. When the Diesel Generators are in standby mode, the only signal to shut it down should come from the operator after observing pressures and temperatures and detemining if any alams should be sufficient for shut down when this piece of vital equipment is needed. i TITLE DATE i SIGNATURE I a L, a i 0.M,&


EG/s A- , '/ Davidhawkins l l

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure 2

10006-C may be used in lieu of this form. FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EXAMPLE !O

i i newesom pasa aa.

 !-            anoceouna no.

4 26 of 37 j VEGF 00057-C i i ' Event Report No. 1-90-003 j. Report: Page 1 of E i

  • 1 .


                                          **=*n  .
                                                                        *    . *q  .e , *
  • p : t- 1;1r 1



. No l . ! * - FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE l !O ! = 3._..________..______._._____.__......_______._.~___-_______..__._...-._. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .

c.wern m i m. . ~ - , Report Page 71 of E l

      ' " " = ' " "

O ITEM #1: I was headed to 8 Train Diesel when I heard a blast and I heard A Train Diesel start. I went into B Train where I had men doing work. All the lights were out so I headed to A Train when I saw two operators l headed to A Train. We checked the Control Panel and Generator Panels for alarus in and flags.  ; We found one flag on the Voltage Balance Relay. One operator was on the phone talking to the Control Room. Pat Cross and I did not find  : any mechanical problems. Started Diesel again, started to load and Unit tripped again. I did not get to see if any alarus were in because 1 4 was looking for item that could cause a trip. At this time operations said they were going to Emergency Start the Diesel. Operators were stationed at the front of the diesel to watch pressure gauges. Diesel started, all pressure was nomal. No alarms were noted at panel after l Diesel was loaded. i I l ! l

1 i

! I i l l 4 1 !O d d i . i

ass ao. nensos anocsouns mo. 4 27 of 37 VEGF 00057-C Event Report No. 1-oo-nos Report: Page g cz E

4. IF THIS EVENT OCCURRED AGAIN, WHAT WOULD YOU DIFFER Record at the time all*the annunications that are in at time of trip.


6. C000fENTS:

Can we set up the circurity to bypass the pemissives during's LOSP and have a Emergency Start instead of a Local. ! Need to have red lights in Diesel Room so persons will know that Site l You can not hear Alarm or Fire Alam or any alam is in progress. l i anything in there. We did not know about the Site Alert until after about 30 minutes. I t i DATE i SIGNATURE TITLE 5-27-9A l k h4Wws)

                                       . A . - ,d
                                                                       /2rsad /mn i                               For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure

! 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form, l i ' FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EKAMPLE i O l i -- ~ - . - - - - _ _ _ " " - 9mw-my., ,

( n ~ .: l . m .. 08057-C 4 - 26 of 37


l Event Report No. 1-90-003 , j Report: Page 1 or g i EVENT FERSONAL STATEMENT


! SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN BASED OR INDICATIONS. t l Sc= attached pace 3 i 5 I i i

                                                                                                                                    ? .

O i 1

2. DID ANT AUltBl& TIC SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION REQUIRE ANT OPERATOR INTEEVENTI NT (Describe) l Not to av knowledge until after leaving Containment.

DID EVENT REVEAL ANY PROCEDURAL INADEQUACIEST i (De ) l i I was not aware of any inadequacies in area in which  ; T was workina. , l l FIGURE 2 E3:ANFLE

        .       M-                         08057-C                                                             4                                                  27 cf 37

O . Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page 2,t,or g


If I were dimeted to assist in the emergency I would contact the Maintenance Supervisor and request an approximate time span in order to help determine the amount of time available to do the best possible job. -


BELIEVE SBOULD BE INCLUDG IN TRAININGf May need to check into a back-up system to aid in sea 11ng the generators more rapidly. ,

6. CtNelRNTS: .

!, O was handled in a logical l

                       = --                                    ; mw . . -
  • 4 an . +w. - .n*

! and professional manner. } m. i r ! WrC - TITLE DATE SIGNATURE NI / Supt / Engineer 3-23-90

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement fo s in Procedure l

10006-C any be used in lieu of this form. FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EIAMFLE k . I a _ - - - - - - - - - _ - . - - . - . , _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , ,

         *     ~
                  .    ..                          PrJo 3 cf 3        Report: " Page 25_,,cf &
       -                The crew and myself were preparing to tension the Steam Generator aanways. Approximatly 24 bolts were out of three aanways and one had been tensioned to .007 of an inch. One crew man and myself were removing the tensioner from Generator one which was complete. The rest of the crew were installing studs on the hot leg of Generator No.3 and on the hot 'and . cold leg of Generator Two.

I was notified by EP to clear Containment. We came off the platform and removed our respirators and top layer PC's. NPI cut the men out of their bubble suits. All men were out except one when we were notified by Keith Hodnett that Mr. Coursey and Mr. Adams had directed us to secure the aanways. I called Phil Cheeks at QC and Charles Coursey at Maintance to notify them Twps installing all remaining studs and tansioning to 12,000 pounds (short of tensioning pressure). HP resuited the crew and one man started moving the i I l air line and tensioner off the number One Ganerator. , 1 At this time we heard the status was Site Emergency. It was decided to ina:an the studs and use a slugger wrench to tighten them in j order to speed securing the aanways and close the system to allow l flood-up if needed. t l i After completion, HP assisted ss out and I notified Control Room  ! f using the pager system that the generators would hold water at I this time. They responded to the page and I left 14[ 1evel. At Level One Step off Pad I talked with David Seckinger who told me the pressurizer needed to be closed and asked what was needed to j do so. He was given a list and the necessary supplies were i available when the crew had finished closing the equipment hatch. When the hatch was secure, my crew and two maintance mechanics installed and secured the aanways using the same techinque as was ! used on the generators. We exited Aisstainment at that time. f . HP was well organized and we had coverage at all times. I notified ! Mr. Coursey and Mr. Adams that the aanways had been secured using ! the slugger wrench instead of tensioning due to the time element. lO 4 1

l j . . . 4


innsomuneeso, nunson an.e aso. j .- VNGF 00057-C 4 26 cf 37 4 I i ~ 1 Event R. port No.1-90-o03 i

                                                .F..                                                           R. Fores      F.S. a. or a              ;

{ , { i

                                               -{              _


!                                       SPECIFIC ACTIONS TAEEN RASED ON INDICATIONS.                                                                 ,

! L,l l u.. ;a mar I, n.. - to. 4. cam u a.- c . Cual matal, 1 i n eI. .):l:es w.a n, nu-no:aa las tele oammar IIe s I kltsetb erasse. l 1mm-u t.-oMist. insorelee s' arm. . Kle 's .2 i3 mau.seu imid.Lw. l ele] IJkile diseassia, si :a of Rr Ved Head %E:~.,ac !, wilk 11wl I 55. ok a. w.ul A.ul. N 55 tag. .) nue of a em..t o l os le 4ks 'A' W be:ae ooensh\e . The liaL4s Ll: led al 4Lis saa e ? iasised. nad na naucauee-ad el a Uni 4 X Ja:o es~e sLeelle sb, i %Ied 4Le he of Ae less la be asenee. 9:15 NUT puoikea nasa,aeY i iudiented oneua u uns k. .o n Leakea ou Unil.1 s~nuasAs. i [6EE~ t_c T. SMEFTk 4

2. DID ANT AUTtMATIC SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION REQUIRE ANY OPERATOR INTERVENTIONT (Describe) i IwS iA.J bu 4.-. L A..=J h4 W bIc 6e hocii a:1.J 4e enn ou le e uul:1 m.m .L, 464.J.
                                                                                                                        *ve     . 2 - .
  • 4 u .-

, .h 4 j 3. DID IVENE REVEAL ANY FROCEDURAL INADEQUACIEST i (De , ) As we Anel b..e ; , au c,u. s .t . 4. .o c,= 5. e..I amk tl. ww a.4 ' .i... as L uL m to etc.m. . ne Macol. A4..e f.e.a l Lua 'Leea A:neel:.a L.m L e ., u.a n J il eaae) '

S uruet elmused Mumto. Ske_ ewJh. No o,J e deoh.*[ied Aksus.l,aes as 4Le Tsc. , osc, ele.. FIGURE 2 EFANFLE

! == . i a j

y s.:.'ggec

            . . ..     . . _g. :


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e;w - s.- 7 , '. w ar

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                                                                                                                                                                                                               .=s.   -
                - . . . . , -                 _                      ._. . .... ,                                                                ....s,,2..----
g. ;.. ,. y. .- y -J.- .=5n ,

dn? y d T- w :.:.. *

                                                                                        , 7, .
                                                             .nu-n ..-
                                      ;-              "(ir -...r-...n              yg,v.s '", v st* tt* 9Y'*f m 7*')mf                                                        0,v"    1"'

l M. tT!' ' I !' f *" "l 'II A r* t ""'~ I T "F tr dU

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y y. y( :-,

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f 9l'ti"'~ *"t** I T ~1*f :"' ' r I ~~


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d M(f' t* t.q sa'mw; sp..wt >- .u, sm .g> ,,, m ;i 1 - --

                                          )              P---1               m!*'j              =] 7            ~-         .)T*     eym r ,:nI =.y=* y,,q
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g.. ti. J'll ~ J"'. lt I' T' W ' Y"f "f "" "'-- ,,- . g 4 9..v ,ye .osa-m..w . w e b :a r, evg y ,p .. r...

                                                                     ,t sp* ; .y.-                                             e.. -- 3.y e.pmi.gerug, . ,. m, -s. ~:

a s %3d v>> > ,, -f x > 4.' 7JJ, jl * * 'q' " l a p '** l pvw 3 iwF9E' -- 1i

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l: F W5* nP'3 3V ll *f "f =T rn a - - G, r tf

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                                                                   , , I, .                    .,.         ..,I.,         ,, ..:,                  ,. .,              u ,. ,m.- u,s ll                                                                                                                                            nan msn songo
              ~ ~~

I-Nn-55959 ( 1159s.117 0g5- vs .n ws d-- ,:yj - -


h V~VIf*]'*T*EFI*f


f **1 1T" -if' *) N u"" 'M t 4

                                                                                                                                                        '"Y         3'       Pr*f t4P ' " ot 1
                                      .                                           i       .J !T** " ' 7 1:' 11 '"
  • fj '."t=

    {AA- Ma'/. C1 --l,, 3l26ku a v l


  • For reactor trips the persormel statement form in Procedure i 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form.

i l FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EIAMPLE i l 1 } i 1 -- _ ._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

         -= =s no.                          nevensow                       5asa wo.

VEGF 00057-C 4 26 of 37 Event Report No. 1-90-003

,  O.                                                              Report: Page 1 or g EVENT PERSONAL STATEMENT


                     " Prior to the event I was escorting the fuel truck. We went into the switchyaN to fuel up a welding compressor. The compressor was already full so we attempted to leave. The tranciever pole was directly behind

! us so the driver couldn't see it as he was backing up. We backed directly i { into the pole and snapped a line. There was a pop. I called to let l central know (by radio) what happened and awaited further instructions while I took control of the vehicle and kept people away.

 !                    ANT OPERATOR INTERVENTION?            (Describe) 1 3

None in my immediate area except for the fallen power line. There ! was a reactor trip and complications in containment.




(Describe) ' The only inadequacies I saw was the inability of our backup systems to compensate as they initially should have. FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE O .

enocomune me. navsson tasa no. 00057-C 4 27 of 37 VEGF Event Report No. 1-90-003 O Report: Page & or g


I woul'd limit all " unnecessary" radio traffic and do my part to insure all of the proper supervisor and members of management are infomed to the best of my knowledge.


BELIEVE SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN TRAINING 7 In training I feel that the instructors do a _very thorough job, but there is still nothing like the "real thing".

6. C000ENTS:

O I I l SIGNATURE TITLE DATE l b . bsM# hht w.w S e ve n.o DFrcct 3/2 $Nf. j Richard O. Berry l

  • For reactor trips the personnel statement form in Procedure 10006-C may be used in lieu of this form.

l FIGURE 2 (CONT'D) EXAMPLE !O 5 3985 i i L _ ____ _

PaoCaounE No. keVla8oN PAGE No VEGP 90142-C 2 19 of 23 Event Report No. 1-9C-003 EXAMPLE Report: Page j'/ of g DATA SHEET #3 VOLUNTARY STATEMENT SECURITY DEPARTMENT (1) Date 1/n

  • 19 90 (2) Time 0800 (3) Place FS8 i (4) Name of Person Giving Statement: H. Glenn Grimes. Sr.

(5) Addresa: Rt. 1. Box 237. Old Wadley Rd., Susinsboro, Ga. 30401 (6) Work /Home Phone Number: X4253 (912) 237-5024 (7) The following information is given voluntarily: j Durine the event on 20. March 90. I uns assioned to the TSC as Security j Coordinator. One of my duties uns to relay badge accountability u sults to the j r=, - rv Director. I contacted SAS and talked with Lt. W.A. Steuert concaming ' the acconsitability. I uns informed there were between 7 and 9 and computer pages


of W s on site. On the first case alone there were 43 persons not accaunted l j far hecause of the armat thev- unre in. There were also accountability rosters

         ===t  in SAS wfth aran
  • rs. SG/ND nisubers (no way for the operators to 1 l i distinauish). and names with no nimibers. This alone with the fact that personnel

! did not erit the PA w resort to their respectiw accountability locations and


quite a large nim 6er of persons that exited did not scan their ACAD's out of the , l l Page Iof/Pages i ' l Job


NSS - CT., OPS Supervisors Name/ Work Extension: CPT. P.N. O'Neil / 3763

Employed By
GPC Security l

2 i i !O t 1 - I

1 l em= no. nsymaow pase No. I VEGF 90142-C 2 20 cf 23 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page of E O EXAMPLE DATA SHEET #3 Page2 of - ages STATEMENT CONTINUATION PA. - , zY the problem. After I received the on site badge report from SAS, the Emergency Director (Skip Kitchens) requested personnel in the TSC. l assist me in accounting for personnel. At the time there mere one hundred j ninety-seven (197) personnel unaccounted for. With everyone's assistance

and my recognizing some names. I called various departments and located more i personnel. At the temination of the event. I still had forty-seven (47) l persons not accounted for. Over four (4) hours had lapsed. EPIP',5f91704-C l

states personnel coded as badged in the CR, TSC. OSC. CAS or SAS personnel i on the CR or Security Department accountability lists, or personnel accounted for by other valid authorityam considered accounted for. I feel that if everyone mes considered accounted for, that were coded as badged into all areas except the broad areas. 1e. Power Block General or Protected Area, this mould enhance Security's ability to generate an accountability. I i i i i I further state that I have read this entire statement, initialed { all pages and corrections, and signed this statement and that it j is correct and true as written. f (8) Signed at hA0T' i)CFM, this off day of # MfN 19 98 . (9) "~ l SSES: ~ j person giving O~ i statement) j wi meure) D .

                                                             "44   d                                 ib' Address)
'l (5ig 153% SAznA Phts Lt2 L u t t'A h ' '
(Address) l i

l r O l i

l M No. nEvismN > AGE NO. f VEGF 90142-C 2 19 of 23 Event Report No. 1-90-003

s. g Report: Page g of &

3 DATA SHEET #3 l VOLUNTARY :iTATEMENT SECURITY DEPARDGENT l (1) Date 3/21 19 90 (2) Time 0802 Nrs(3) Place FSB e l (4) Name of Person Giving Statement: Patrick N. O'Neil l (5) Addresa: 3508 Potomac Dr. Augusta. Ga. 30906 ! (6) Work / Rome Phone Number: I3763 (404)798-7570 (7) The following information is given voluntarily: On 3/20/90 me *(GCP Security) were involved in a Plant Emergency (Site Area). l l I assisted in trying to make an accountability but due to several problems j it uns difficult in organizing the accountability. Listed below are the - l areas that hampered the accountability. j Nisinformation on whether to leave site for accountability. The fact that some people did not report to asseu61y areas for accountability. , Personnel not scanning ACADS when departing Site /PA. 1 i Lists came from CN. OSC & TSC in different forms and in most cases they , 4 used no nimibers and ACAD number mined. In some cases names were not given l 1 l so deciphering list took time.  ; { Page of Pages ! I A l Job Title SNS(ShiftCaptian) Supervisors Name/Mork Extension: Doug Huyck (NS50) l Egloyinrty: GPC Security i I i O , _J j 5

PRoCsDUnE No. REVis40N vAGE NO. VEGF 90142-C 2 20 of 23 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page P4- of 2fg__ O EXAMPLE DATA SHEET #3 Page Aof g Pages STATEMENT CONTINUATION

  • 1.arge amount of ACADS being turned into Badge Island at one time.
  • Slouness of Security Computer due to simp of prises caused by temporary loss of power to PESB.
  • Misinformation that allound personnel back into PA before accountability was complete and then sending them out again.

Slouness of information or at some times no inforention on direction fras l Control Room or ED. l 1 l I further state that I have read this entire statement, initialed all pages and corrections, and sitrned this statement and that it i is correct and true as written. (8) Signed at FS8 , this 21 day of March , 19 W , (9) WI SES: ~ (10) O t_. ( a of person giving ( . -,., c l isan s,A L s. ..a 4- # l (Address) / U dor ,

g4JCgnacure)  ;

i l /M/Mfs M ,$> A ' A , j (Address) ' l . i lO ! *S I i 1

4 i i Event Report No. 161_ Report: page 7f of E Event Personal Statement t i I j Per your verbal request, following are my observations 1 concerning the Unit 1, "A" Train (1-2403-G4-001) diesel engine l start sequence Tuesday morning March 20, 1990; 1

  !                         I was on standby in the cafeteria waiting for the start of the j                maintenance runs on the          "A" Train engine. Ray Howard came to get
 !               m , and advised me that the engine had shut down during a start.                                                    ;

When I got into the diesel bay, Operations was preparing for j an emergency start. Operations performed an emergency start, and I i went to the Engine Control Panel to check the annunciator status. 4 I observed the following annunciations; 1) low lube oil 2) low i jacket water pressure alara 3) low L.O. pressure sensor ' 4 malfunction. I investigated the associated engine system, both-visually and snooped fittings, and found no abnormal conditions. The above annunciations cleared themselves after ten to fifteen: ) minutes of running. Maintenance added lube oil to the system to clear the low lube oil annunciation. lO Patrick L. Cross 3/22/90 i l i 'l i j J 1

                                                                        , , , .    ,_,.wm, .....,,,,,,-,--,m.-..,,y____..-_.._,,,,

_ . ~

anoceown eso- nevisen paeaeso.

i 00058-C 3 - 7 of 14 VBGP I i' Event Report No. 1-90-003 ' Report: Pe<== #/mof.7 # E007 CADSE DETERMINATION WORKSEEET WIT / -

sEEEr 1 Or _  :
1. ETEuf Invest 1sATEn: 7bf /,,c.d 7 #

l n-aa 4: se,ve,- mids- ;/ i J


l } 2. ETALaaroE(s)/IsyssT1casca(s): f47' i 3. EISULTS OF INVESTIGAT1W /EITIEW (ZacIhade references and attach  ! j continuaties sheets if aseded)

                                .. cAasE:                  r,.a bu s A . d>,,                                   d. A d , / J A c A
                                          & a / w 1 sa a,a s               os: A L.Lua                     +x a  +e a              J d 16,     +af.e l

eis.n& t. C7 4 i f% ~ .' tiso peror a.1 Ad ,n con-b em/ . d e, n2 muva causE cA -- 3/svana Gius: b) /IOa

b. RECCBAIEBED @--- 3avs ACTION (s):


                                           /.         w,. mal
                                                      - c,%ntry 9,L.      he/t A,ver .                                 f Pe a,,.,G f a r b., )

l0 l i l = l c. ACTIONS TO RECURREBCE: (CampiegaifmettaalededLababove) (Jo e i.,. o rivres 42a--- .ruel%'est br re n:rr ~ A3 v'b

            \3 g [

l .' 1. l fo:;un / MJa Jr.v 4 uk .i 4re or,:<a, - Mr, e i & v i y 2 c.< h 6 //<1 A> /tc ./ reew ea',,< Na e- a i, 45/- + rue k s l ,' /uc-- t4 p:er u o J-- oda 1',% K i,,-

                                                                                                                                <.~oW   <>rn/ecJe/

\ w n , ,. a . Resp. Dept. W. Approval: J. //.S - r DATE: El s o l'to Estiasted Coupletisa Dates-' ' ' Bumbers /n21//prJi

& SN Sir- SK T /4 .ffd Wf th;y)SC amussuGAIcE SIGEATRE D&TE RESP W51RLE MaaACEa/IETL DATE
4. OIT tia tasets revi corrective assise approved.

i MPtacER i ummaCAL s SUPPOET DATE ht's~ ke m Wo.e e ha,p eol }y N /

  • f / 'l 0e,,,+,,i o h P7- 9/ f od l0 l

l tead, "oys &.1.pi;.a hn o '....%

                                                                                                            . 4 p,/4 n
                                                                                              ~~,dy em s tA e PA ". .gp

paea no. enoceouna no. nevoom VEGF 00058-C *2 8 of 14 L Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page J'7 of i CONTINUATION SIEET

a. C/.0SE: Security Offler1 duties and training for e: cort!nc is LTA.

Security Cfficer trainM has et stressed the officer's cos interal

                                                                                         *[ y :!**li*ty for sig 3 wretion of vehiclos.                     in af,dition, the officer ,
                                       .                                                     eev not toeve the vomicde to act es a oround evide.                                     !


1) in training, emphasin that c fficers have authority and responsibility to assist vehicle coerstors tsvold plant eepipment which could be rec- hv vehg u .reti. .
2) Desianate the use of,2 y,.pt auides when manueverina lerne vehicles in restricted areas. _
c. ACTICIls TO PRETENT RECURRENCE: '(Complete if not facluded in b above) n OA /

w vtk M Resp. Dept. Ngr. Approval:C rd\ c #n o m . .._20o..fKarnritv) DAIE: s h 9o Estimated Completion Dete I % . go \ OIT Numbers /r?.r/

a. CADSE: Manaamment deelslan to stana weldina machines and air enenrectors In the swItehvard did not enneider advarse ennemannanest.

rug CAUSE PC-- ziswans uus,E 01 ./ tts b nr-nia w and-( p' k/./ . mersmassungB meteMon -the-Esst COREBCTNE-ACTION and Weet ends of the-Tech (ob 8v4 Feiner- - l i 4 e c. ACT1pg; PRETENT

                                                                                                                       -              (Complete if not included La b above) g,/ - "r _ _ _ c Coordinator                               incorporate recommendetion appropristeiv.
                                         .[)v                                      - , ,

l ,/ // .. l Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approvals #m/-/ /V D&TE: 'f/f///) Estimated Completion Dates / 9XaFNC OIT Bumbers /# 75 0 FIGURE l' (CONT'D.)

                                                                                                                                          .2 l
4. .

anocsouns sea, navsson jensaseo. VEGF 00058-C 3 8'of 14 I Event Report No. 1-w-wa O CONTIN ATION SEEET Report: PagefL_ofJ#f s.yAUSI: CLtc.ess e3r ueinle\e n. m 44 v w w A-e k ,n rck (cEMes\ n me a T rq h cnn+rn \\w A. ' 9+andARA mh e i om h n AnninMe-Mtve c_an+rd eines we+ e x i s 7- 1 '


iuvi CADSE Caiawuss/seans weiz hI /1d 10 & Chmi

b. n=temmaanen COERECTIVE ACTION (e):

E_rch & ir ente esR che t- ce nntes nein+, bmeviet -4 n

                                                                                                                      . 19 Mdr M3

f~g f*4) u e b set!\ A r Ac a E.3l ; e- en -Yne ' b' arc k u ed- d - g _c u .. u u _t m u -_a_ _ 1 2;. n um mm a ,,a3 , u .eu,24 c: e-. rw < a w ^ a - %J f gyw-m 429 %

               %ho          me- e m m wmcu>,,.m                                  ev rmr m ,v                         em.vrice d::
c. ACTIGES TO FEETENT **N"* " : (Complete if not teclanded ta b above)
               * *'      Resp. Dept. Ngr. approval: 4. F#AC --                                                    R&TE: wh Eettmated Completten ness:'                     'cA./N                      OIT sunber: /r/J/r
a. CAUSE: S Ince -khe rn%u\$dv. fhnDesd 4ucNuR9, x-_% bn heauov n nc\ u-nc.i4-iue ' L&o %cc K _ %F rnsu \64cw- <:: u ecneA ra:. ^ M r 2 't- to Aon rAJAw:--
                                                                                           ) KRt 3/mleo A                Euvi CAUIE ca --invens CODE:                       R\       / \M          # 6,,
b. EECO M E B ED - --- - (e): -- - - ~ - - - ' - - - ' ~ - ' - - ' -
                         %d            ^,4"            r          e40 ep n -Ynt-                 WGi -M tTs                            Avo OS.                SM m
                                          ,:.cS 'cirev & mnds g    ,

g (cnes on oresund Tcue\) g < P. vnw Nsu.O Foe. s ! c . NAXI - _ ----_ - : (complete if met hw ta b above)

                                                                                                                                               .M I

es. j Esop. Dept. Ngr. Approvals # E 0,I knJA 3 DATE: 4-lM D j Eettasted Completion Dates comptrm_ OIT Bumbers / JIM ncREE t (courm.) l 3 1

i 1 N - i emoceouns mo. newman ensa mo. j VEGP 00058-c 3 8 of 14 I l Event Report No. 1-A0-003 Report: Pop h of 34( CONTINUATION SE RT

                                 '                                                 s. CADSE:

E.,a L }rw k d,-au A.) a e/ou 2 de,sn< lo ce.,se. 77

                                                                                                             -n,-    n.) s, u                      , c. -;                    s,u - i- = i.s,,-                                                > a e tas <

) 4 E, - , co . fa,- < - / soa rE /.4e "fA, e ral. , /- abaf maf Jso va ]' _% f/,'cies f koram,4/aA e_

                                                                                                                                                     /ar neebor
1. 2 k. *-- un sterL rea n t

suvi CAUSE CA auvasis,maa ww. 74 / /u

b. asCaeENDS -

(e): Arf a.,,, / a < /,. . a hr /, s a,, A n T says ACT $I 6,f f/GM'~~' I _<; /, s, u w t-x ,, Aavr enin-onf -,, n, _s Ar f- A,m1 - -s< f

                                                                                                                                                                                                       /,e                 .,~<a J ,,,e/.n                                    ag w 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i

! I t i  ? 1 . I l g

e. ACTIOus above)

Addto paEvusfh -. mg- :ermer: = . . (Casplete

                                                                                                                                                              ~-,-i p mes pmetoded is s/oer - .         _1.

1 /Ls sikt t O 1 l i t 1 4 suu,eoo j f47,, ( seep. Dept. usr. Approval: p r/ ,s +-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "N;yfje .. yf,,f, 1

Estimated Completies Date ' ri/,/g<., GIT Bumbert, //f,7 / 1 l a. CADSE: 'IIrere aks nef e 4*/c a ma,, o u r <k' . 7~do Mr A' \ A. 'vo < , 7Te w<o of a flo La- i_s A-aw 7Mo- oA., . e fo

(see s /e h Ms,.a / ) "

} muva CAU55 ca e --invasa weis s- / / /u ! [ b. RECGGEhDED CCERBCTITE ACT105(g): wA, oo,, , N- . >_.s M/ *c, / \ i

                                   !Q L./

a re A

                                                                                                            ~ iifE ~i fd                          <s.>,bl..inr-i).

o ~//ne % - .<A J./ A - l ' i f I . i c.As.ra055 W in.v .inwamiKit (Camplete if met ind = fad la b above)

                                                                                              / VEC,l' Co aral 17?c.,ae.,- he tuais. m/ red s Wa fa, s.Y rv res]<,*s,w
                                                     &                                                .r/a . ,,,

J,s 'ha ek:,,a 4,- o,..i u so vr&cie la , a ,=>- the., a or, P u,, -/Affa '// 1 2 TXr < rn eZi, r _ Y w -// A r- ine/wA,9 ;>, Yha .c % x /k A (.]S -> an ,,,,,1. t ' { 1 esp. Dept. Ngr. Approvals t- /& - :M c./, / to ! Estiasted Completies Dates- ' GET Bimbers />rza r1cuSE 1 ic e r D.) l C h l

M - l anoosmune sea. nevense genes seo.  ! VEGP 00058 4 3 8 of 14  ! l Event Report No. 1-90-003 O a.  : 1tNMPc(sh S M I CMTINATIM Report: Page 90 hW/G ttbot W cs EL of X

                         * \ n m e n 4 h \ ,-    )cnn+e n a\S                                            -r n                          irke               .st o i 4-c h v Rc4 .
 ,                    .uva CAD 8E t'AE _- sinvams wens                                            hi                            / tU ff tj                 4e nt      id G\\- -W(.g:nu kW7QR % / G\ n mm Ab\e                                             -

in A-\-e t-i Ah ( U---- - - __. ' ' . _ ^ -- A un\ess e nn-A-r n\\e d % '- g go mennee Cw 4 4 mer te d u re n _ 4 3

c. ACTIONS TO PRETWT **N: (Couplete if act taaleded la b above)

VM , -a - ,, a s w _

                                                                                     ~er                                                  ,                   _,,,;         a        awo   <

I 1 ! a g


e T n0 nt- on r- A he RPOew%tMn d A-4r6n Tn o rwn+Ro )


M Te-%nde n4 O nmbusM b\en enen c_e r\ u e o - t HertAd. Dev.1 MMix:94 L. MPDLeo 09.5 4 Resp. Dept. 3%r. Approvals y /lj. , 7 mm, gge  ! Estiasted Ceaplaties Date: ' ' OIT Baumbers /r#23 . i A , t A - N i 30er CW :

b. RICm0E W S A 19s,.. a p va ACTICE(s):

m i i T ~

                                                        \                                                                                                       -

N N N N 4

c. Am055 10 innvas. E_ r-- - E: (Couple act h 1= dad is b above) f \

i N  ! ! \ 1

                                                                                                                                                             \           ,

N } Resp. Dept. Ngr. Approval: , i tettasted Completion Data OIT F  : j FIGURE 1 (CONT'D.) T j . i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - - - ~ . . . - - - _ - - . - - - -

                                                                                                                                         .  .~

j enoceoune me. , nemmen paeaeso. ! vsop 00058-C 3 - 7 of 14 i

!                                                                                                      Everst Report No. 1-90-003 f                                                          200T CAUSE DETram mATION WD j                     UNIT L ,                                                                                    SIEET 1 0F _

i i 1. EVENT INTESTIG&TED: O casa:,e nS D itse \ C.ehe dar- \ r-{ O ! -ke- n nrA m e- o N n .A.\ u Kn Ai on s s u e %

3. RESULT 5 0F INVESTIGATIONIREVIEW (ImelWe referesses and attack continuatism sheets if h )

} 4 l

                               -a,. cAEss n ---q.v        . w:                    /

(#j I j p ,,y ('U CuAu h o Que:. e r-a Arnu b\chn4sn n -&n 9 i eke Au\e A chet msno Th.> ATrsTMesn n\ suorrst-Mng pf.y $At#7 - r_a,.p m 5 *

                                                     % eM an}                                                                               m i
c. ACTIONS T4 FRETENT marsinamerT: (Complete if act taciudad la b above) f k ,~-

y/j). /5 Pnen n\,4 h W- Oo.une W-he t m; a cad nn a eu l n AA e K Au m +n F- Q T- QomH .

s i

e i E2) , , j Resp. Bapt. W . Approval W /> J!fk'E/.d4#m REER: #zr/fo i Istimated Ceepletisa Dates (t/ Y-/r-X/4-it ts0 t /TI /f fH

                               $ Web) - G I C I~ Id-P90 LarvaaTAGATOR SIm &TURE                 D&TE W           h' RioneseIBLE MARAGER/IRTL hd l                                                                                                                                     DATE l                                                                                                                                               l

! 4. OITg tai tads semaitmeste review 13 corrective action approved. j fe4 cL A 2 6/rf /tg j afm:ER TECENICAE SUpFORT DATE i lO l riccIs t A c _ _ _ _ - - -

lanoceouns no. moviems: ones eso. VEGF 00058-C 1 7 of 14 Event Report No. 1-90-003_ O noor CacSE DETraw NATION N0aE U

  • UNIT 1 ^ SEEET 1 0F _
1. ETErf IN ESTIGATED: b E"str_ IhM7ac ~Tir&

CALu BRAwlorJ / Rarc Anit t -Yu nP rEMPEA.ATJLS- T ' ~M " t 4QNO M Llf,th.F. GLUITC04W e %

2. ~ ETALB&20R(S)/INISTIGA20E(S): [A I l l
3. RESULTS OF INESTIGAT105/RRIEW (Zaelinde tr4feresses and attack costiamaties sheets if aseded)
a. CADSE: ft).630 fa c-ror.1,M. l/ar7A r'*7saeJ - maw _'_ AL Ye^1^-

A4A TE* era L r3 rMc.7T /' N l

                  - '*" (    ""T MM P E'4.AT,1cis           hWITf".44 FA A7.3F #/Ff4/ seL7 -"ro M4 t ,sa.stAyE LAbo 't./As/E" h- HLT*fne'L/ r19 Af67 ftTAr d/Mfn [MI%l2L=7/M M O/6           A,a     A< c_r_#vAJLrE M w A-ren,J.                                                                         Mmt)sintf >:m//,4Jem                                AAE Q MdT18"O.

asuva CADER C&asuums/svassa ses c "? / /dm

b. ED CORRECfNE ACT105(s): l
       /3                       PetPAas / comm7                                                Rte                                       Foe                    A- D s-D ra wm Ew w                                  l w        ,9= :.z -- = x.^=                                             s mirrc.wecs .                                            (%mrors_ OW.E,otAcns h                  (ASIT L.8 l h k1;"      LEl t AGL9" * " " ' A='"*'.'D T                                                                                       30ert"7Cb41r"% .

MW s/sa/ro O


KRA sLD M L. Iq),


f Al Mr i eT M a w nAt.oviws cJu-o 8R.Ano\1 m97 Mao s . l c. ACTIONS To PRETENT RECURRENCE: (Cauqplete if not lasladed La b above) cmr x a m lav b, Mkww 1 a i A


l R Nor4LA.. taloJbLmXau 4~1990 ~ I' Ecn ^!-> 90 i I I - ' ' I j pt 'dsifb

m. .- Resp. Dept. 5 . Approvals'd f2) # DEIR: (dVb l ~EstiastedCompastianDatesg) 5-I.r-Sp . .IT Bumber_ (D / PI% ///17
                            % We,bb G [L T                                      /4 .r- 70                                          Yf                                ,         x                  /7 90 l                          INTESr1GaroR 81amaranB                                        mTE                                         ass n                      laLE unna.s fEr n.                Dart j                          opttyygt                                    t.

7g ti .. .,, . y -C.i. ., == !O FIGURE 1 l 7 l t . i

1 j '"F - t, paocoowe no. nevmon i lpasa mo. 4 TEGF 00058-C 3 8 of 14 ! ' 1 1 3, Event Report No. 1-90-003 ! Report: Page 97 of J_ff_ CONTDWTION SERIT l a. CADSE Tna dea ub elesu m (F(me r~ sneer [nendront - need s nof

ad d ve r te d L) U '

l _ M an IInus e anu l4 r nir land s ked_v and re s em usae nua e >1 l l _ tw ,4 o.m f a l- J ' c. . a. a ers , ;t 46*/ <4a He ) Q l 1 _ nooseI oma..o loene uit Mod 6 duoni L.., ros 4 a e4 u m iy  ; } a 4,os.t 4 % n .h9 u t/ sim a t are m1oA e m a eu vre +W, M I 1 ( fors t th e wr .d e ehre dirmi +o~eb ) ' I avus CAUSE C&aauumstavana wwis #/ 7 /0,

                                              ). wensen CORRECTITE ACTION (e):


                                                                    /. Mad, (;/ Den / E>aene losoe lo a II w 4e - e4a Mr de ke
                  'g                                                              . .. .. u . 4 ~as ~ .u.a.-

{ [J/$ - or-U l L K C han ao- ut! Diese l s4a et 4e 1, e av enwreenen


s4 art 3 u ! e - i i c. ACTIONS TO FRETENT m e ms (Complete if met insleded La b above) n ni a i fN m i MerA 4-K-To ji l.In-l-C'n ECD 4 Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: 9-2 ,miEs,Ih actzt , am: 4-jg qo Estiasted Ceaplation Dater reiernte v, OIT Bumbers / # / 7_r N ' a. N

's .


                                                                                            \     -

5 i Euus " " " CA4amunar wana wus: /

g. ~.

x v.v. . ,s l N

e. As.ra0NS 10 Fimvans ;;- -  ;-3: (Ceaplete est taaleded la b above)

! \ i


) Rasp. Dept. Mgr. Approval \ m Estiasted Ceaplation Date OIT mm6ers ' FIGURE 1 (w 1'D.) 7 l

7 mocuowm an. noviem= mas ae. VEGP 00058-C 3 7 cf 14 l l Event Report No. 1-90-003 l

Page 9+ of .74( I O UNIT /


1. EVENT INISTIETED: Are / C ,Ma n- Tdo O/G de d ud- res 4a e+-

a C 4e < + n n s u m a C homoleAn n. / re.t ) ' *

       #   g                    C Dessam #% &he / lease )

u o

3. RESULTS OF IN ISTIGATION/RETIEW (lac 1'ude referesses and attack sentiamattom sheets if needed)
s. CanSE: Peer.Ja a trer 1La- ade o u ak Crr4u o 4 rom uof connO.

kan.G~u 'ar a d a.m e_rsun LesP _closulW Laue d;<redr a n c la. <- ser4a r4rn a a 4rs nand estone N e a mera Ane . C

                                 ..                       v snara Causs N--V/svasa sina:                                 E3           / lo.

00 /. h%ess necceduns n e ma4d n aeve_ Arvo mAKE NgtssSA.LY C yggwA i./ 7 ** *- " ' * *' ~ ' ' - ~~ 9 b '

                                                                                             =~~"- * * * * "


s. ACTIONS TO PRETUT mammasures (Cau ,1.te if met tasia.ed la b above)

Ale 4J m'b ' a b,a - , . ... w. ._....s..--.'-~. .-

1. . . . . .a . .. .... ~.

l .

_. . ,. A . .w ,

l 2. KE4&t.,a_ 4 / f/W R ,. oses. ass. Appre.1: p i. m n .n m ami v-s-yo a.i m e.e cas, ses.: ,. v-/-po /e-is so zT sommer:2./rvs2 l d&JJ 4- flT / .t-s-n Y0 $fil/qd j w. unica Sismarnas am azeie.xsts wei . a om

               .. or g . g                                        . g                                  ..                               e..

j e... . .,, iC . 1 7 s-. -C

  • 4A e j A ; ./9e - r/s /

! FICURE 1 i 9 i l - _

4 M

                  ====== o.                                           ==                                                                     .

VEGF 00058-C 3 7 cf 14 Event Report No. 1-90-003

Pege 1e of> #

O n IT l E007 ME DNTION W SsIEr L Or _

1. I GATED: DteSe CCne nr \ ti O
                                       ,a        4v oC- n ne u en                          A4-i c Enmic 36we6 i f ab, b Au -4A hW u-i 8c 4 -,                                    r n =A.1L \\ n Ann 1
          ,g c mmW cthn est- s'hs uk h uW                                                 1.ts %VoreJ
3. RESULTS OF INTESTICATION/ REVIEW (Iac1'ude references and attack continuaties sheets if aseded) h n' S O. uNNn 'I." hkMd no -M OrkQ\
e. ~DeScc CAUSE: h / t rA J
                                - L rw se_      Kohec% Gre Weed kDA- Ore \ hht- Soutv\

W& _ SQSOC5')e*


inns CAD 55 C&asuumitzvana M E: C3 / ib a

        /i"    ,_,a.

4* 4*' ~ T'" ~ ' L + me-h, eco, ese _ rnnAp e,2 -C W, wi e .

   .f-f-r# ' M n . L uTmow                     o cAc ve_=,4<    #aht          =Worwa, + han Au n a mto uste                                           m en%.

p$ul rn noe nhm k sM n s "l nhtwe movi e W u, M TN T_ "b N O ,m Nao m c. van -VorJ kn. n eckhe r- uM\iWen nee Remo\ 6 o w . 6 (7 3. r d o n 4.i 4 - -Wack e n e t e_ % o e_. O n- % o (\ n . i l 3 f c. ACTICES T FRETENT RECURREWCE: (Couplete if not included La b above)

      }         %
k. LAlm f INYESTr&MX kGA.A cw(., /%IAL L M I C. (DITH l=t.n c W oc.t M _ T vPt.7 S W]t m j - - -

i 4 Mtbig { Resp. Bapt. W . Approvals # Y BATE: vI" #h { Estiasted Csay1stima Deter E-A.5 - $kb e IT Bumbers //111

                             -1 L We}} -G e [LT*                              I4-544                                                                   eXl9A j                             aavaaiaG& Tot SIGE&IURE                             DATE          RESPWSISLg manacraiERTL.                                DATE ~      ,
opy.igt ac. 7g. .ti,a -tm a,, .
                                         .._C.v,                   .T                  om

!O TICUR2 1 I /_7



}              m ocuouns a                                                                                             newoon                                            p es   .

I VEGF 00058-C 3 - 7 of 14 i j Event Report No. 1-90-003 j Report: Page 94 of 744 j 200T CAUSE DETEWEIMATION WORESEEET

crit / SIEET ,,,L,or _


!                        1.            EVENT INTESTICATED:                                                          DIrvn. 6 Warm-me " Tie, P .

1 ~B irs n h - r-v2-  % u n-c m rat r a os/ j 9 r J As._ _ST7 Esso osu7 - ro -rT n e a j - % i 2. ETALuaron(s)/IzTEsTIGatca(s): ##1~ ' i 1 3. RESULTS OF INTESTIGATION/RETIEW (Inclinde references and attach j cosciamaties sheets if aseded) ) a. CADSE: /mi An ca nk r w D IKrm (:',aru ren e M-re r nem a l i l M % sunas M it B/ / too '


, .A j j a b h t-r C2 EA "7D N 23K h"7 "'"f%#A'T t I\l 77AJr7 R PE ! ia cast pah rw-r3 im, r a herre e-amet r i nare_. O ' l i j c. ACTIONS TO PRETENT EBCUEEEBCE: (Complete if met tasladed la b above) i i i f sf a 1 ENG Resp. sept. usr. Approval: 4 winn, us, nart: 4-l&-Yo

Estimated %1stise Dates coeApt ETE ,
                                                                                                                                                                     ,      Budera /Ir77
                                       $ W-e}} Ge ft"7                                                                     /.4-3Wc                                                                   I)f90 l                                 Invam1AGatCE SIGE&T ME                                                                        DATE          BEEPtBSIELE - (IRTL                                    DATE i
4. 0 tai ceamitments r correctiva acties approved.

l TmassCAL SUPPORT DATE lO i m.E i l  !) 1 L_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . __ _._

t l u no. newsma aaa no. VEGF 00058-C 3 7 of 14 l 4

Event Report No. 1-90-003
Page b of g 3007 CADBE DETrauruATION N0 SEEET !-- Oy l UNIT 1 -
1. Evarr 4. .ac a n: J L.,/ cm.-a dr 7/,,o we n e w e a n.- -<o 7% a m< eAn--mar aHee 4 - ~n a k luk w,er_nr ( eAn a / /mM 4. a4 h 4' A L \

s -5 4

3. RESULTS OF INTESTIGATION/ REVIEW (laclinde referesses and attach

} cosciamaties sheets if aseded)

a. CADSE LA,c/on r Drxeb e a of c 4 7 2 D -s.

Proen Lees c4 7/ W - /. ~2 -2. 4 A/rw/.e de fum,-oo/' seed a nw. -or .s. s' k,. a va leo x ? i u> pre'ssst to euleese ~ A, 4 f im_/uAJ in kw ano/lss.o ! se, se -h> f- 16. . . tA r 2 exo / -monW onora4/o . ! '-r L < nomesfo n  :% acesedu n ,X74 m ,k o e s er 2 ,7 e , ' ' l a diu Uad 74a 'ss /Y-t < . { aw. T.aust cA1---1/svam. Gi-Es EJ / /on ! b. RECCIAEBED CORRECTITE ACTION (s): l ca e L Jo->. t I 1 l e l l . 1 I ! c. ACTICES TO FEETERT RECIIERENCE: (Complete if met faciaded in b above) ! /. Ena inos e:n a nescdm s f fA 7/f -/.~) t' AW 12.0-l,2) f i N a ?f A- re f;_k ent' to re w see rs= d som eJ ow<& l l < +Hn ., v L es to Ao i.,LAJ ;,, mm2.n 144 /D - / 2 l / v. a "rtP 1 ad / 3Hi-/ 2. nes si h ofre/a e.' a 14- _ ? d es / a an osa fw -=N% s1 s ora L /a. " a .syv - L n n Rasp. Bapt. W. Approvals .J. fouan J ,m; MM 4 4 0 { Estiasted Coup 1stian Dates C-15-9n 10 Bumbers /pr7 P d 4)J Ge EW rsTEsTIGaT0a sxGmATuRE H-r4o nm Yb EssF0mstaLE - rEmTL I4lI7l9D nm A. O t 3 tasats reviewed correctiva esties approved. l PAMACER TEpCAL SUFF0E! DATE i ! FIGUEE 1

  • f e
           .sous         -

moceous me. newmon maa me. VEGy 00058-C 1 7 of 14 Event Report No. 3-W-wa Report: Page 97 of 34l O UNIT L

                                   .            BOOT CAUSE DETmmATION UDEESIEET SEEET 1 0F _

t. ETan! n uTEn: A / . 6..,.. de Kk low,n w$r Cu,/~ ftoe o& Alae, _, Aie. sb 7'" '77, 4

3. RESULT 5 OF INTESTIGATION/RETIEW (laelinde referesses and attack continuation sheets if aseded)
a. CADEE: Sass ) Abest ADm,J A DL Ab spar imus CAD 5E Casauuma/suama @ Es D1 / /S,
b. ** - n CORRECTIVE ACT105(s):

O c, ACTIONS TO PRETIpf RECURRENCE: (Capplete if not included is b above) Q Ly g , fA Fesise or oVaA a oron4ee./m/sk.i eu ,4 /; , o s fie /o. . r L m ,-Hm su Ninim 7'" k/ arm s and inde a/uns

                          % ass;d in aAKd,1w 'of era:ss.a.,t er s &r-, m*/ferrefiks l

a m ('2) Th e. n eeaf /br ceee,2,,a 7-f, S ,fa fzt ,.s;// be e,,,& o e n J-m frn, nin e a,/ d,./eu1orsse,d e nsenowne' r nff ! Q ch-Au *' ' ' ~ l sp. Dept. % . App. eval: M ID , M's S b / // W J) DATE: '/ So j Estimated %2stasa Date$115- /-93 //Ef3'- /r ee 9 ./h.3/9 A /p 7n '

                     & WtN -fr [s?- *)~               / (-5-TC/                                          )= M^  "-                           s/s/ [$ 4 75 1 r y1rl:    c ^ A


               ..    . p a t                                                                                             a.t m .p, _ ed.

l t. ..p g

or _ . _m TE l .g y, g pmskn coo.s7 c 4 be rare) to hat inwrd/p L:.. s inetu de., Art F' = % e <cd.r, ole nr h.+ are reser-j FIGURE 1
                                                                            /3 i

7______ 1 i anoceounsmo- nevis e n paea me. l VEgy 00058-C 1 7 of 14

!                                                                                                                                                                           Event Report No. 1-90-003 l                                                                                                                                                                           Reports Page 99                  of 3M i                                                                                      ROOT CAUSE DETSEKDEATION WDEESEET j                                   1.                             . . a. u eune h > w-anr        s n-en
                                                                                                                   ,e/ Camala                         - n e,          eesAo
                                                                                                                                                                          /*a 4-              asso di aar1 1

t, a.u a . . ] -s

2. ETALBATOE(S)/INISTIG& TOE (S): [U l 3. RESULTS OF IN ISTIGATICE/ REVIEW (lac 1'ude references and attack J contimaatica sheets if aseded)
a. CADSE: 1. / neb emale r1nef eaarse amab do- s seenrH i tv .-;- / w a- ../ x, a '. 1 l M . , m 'e  ;

x.. /na a 6, /> 'Tw f o M f : # w dr A l'~n t s= e c / rmeeeyman 1G 2 E/~ooe - t 2ADM e 4.r Ar \ i l iuvi CAREE N r u/svama sines D/ / /0a .


5 1 1 lO

          '..                                                              +ra                    .
                           ?b     c. ACTIONS TO PRNINT _*"Ml0are(Camplete                                                 fa n- a/oeueey                            ij met includadJa a r~                b above)
                                       @ w. 9 adios)               . .eCA2 . s vz ,
         ;f gpno Q 2 .^.- = '_^ta,-nna--m-
                                                                                                                              --- # n i.:.. a.                                                            .

____-___-i ;"" " h moouska aw a f er:fo~auss, i

,r rw c'.sna ,n. 1.1 -- - .a-,--r-r l J +=-mnhas E JL~a ea / e *- ao-a fe== ra/.a6s%A7 is at am l erca m+ L/* /s./a/ 4Krs r rausrame-- 7 Aan be i y 1 late d n f a s, i. .n ,

j Rasp. Dept. W. Approvals p A&.v (1E /A#4/,4d ////M.3 A&TE: -(c/fa _ j Estimated Completisa Dates

                                                                                                                  */f/*                                             d' // OIT Numbers /3/D /Ivr#                        '


                                                                                                                                                                                                       / $fk 46 DATE
               ,                 4.      O                        t                    toeste rey                                               corrective acties approved.
e =5.-C.. ,0. L.

) 'S. ( s.ym - Dernu Rwaa>bME poor atusa Ant Ysus 'Tknwnc,. !O 1 FIGUEE 1 i4 h

       .M                                             -

et p .;o. VEGF 00058-C 3 8 of 14 1 Event Report No. 1-90-003 O a. CADSE: CONTINUATION SIEET futsMonak -4v4 4 hC.I A N \ 4 NI TTN h4\)F Report: Page /0M of 342 6 h o e f\ Qr4 9 m t La.4e h erhuf_. 4he hC.,iM rs nor Rh\9 9 i

                         /                 swG CADSI C&inuums/avana CIBE                                                                                FJ       / /s.
           /gG@            N          b. *-8B CORRICTITE ACTIgN(s):

U) 99\Nh) -l hP e BC, \ QL ink V -V-u r\c -M Sn n nA gA Jg7 9uh\nn\e +ho nAccunes nC. Who R une-M ets n\

                                                 -4e ca. A -t- Aotski XN .) WP. Nh h\.tt une-a n n .

I Qf (a) ble v m n F= 23I"As TesTIAm Is TM!r MR.oFWiAtte- FuA.c ?!0tvnt TcST skcsveG CDST / OUTsk;&~ s c Htz o v J lnsPR c T

c. ACTIONS TO PRETENT N"*": (Complete if act taaleded is b above)

WuN -4 h, -hnc44 8n n M Ae4+- -r2. Qoci ui r ed . 3 m D . . p%


i Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approvals f E t usM _ D&TE: s&& f Eatiasted Coupleties Dater & #v.s ->a 64/mSp0ZT haaber C2 H M 2 C

a. I 89 o uo nce @ FCEM MnMr%n (t\4\1' hdi O J.

O ck N u 9 h -Ars etsuty .In-ke n t- QAc cM mus-4 em J 4-Sp \s BbN i Ltr l N i susi CAD 55 C&4 invasa M / b . **- __ ACTICE(s):


! mue nm 01.-% n t o W A.To u.o I4th ' M e_un\u #d"_

                                            %+                  n A+ e une u m F syn s 0 -wA inn <; , n ue n t.9 ,
                                                                            )         J                                  N                                                     J                  V

! OhbM n enan n o e tnotW M ont60 A\ oE. -V-i n A \ are a wwwr t r j J M 1 1 \ ! \ j c. As.u CES 10 fraavam ;- =- _- G.conu e d(Complete t taaleded la b above)

                                           "".X tw nh ttQ                                                                                            vcu                e N F%YQS-
                                                    )                                   ii
                                                                                                                                                             .)           N IcA-v o r eA,- d e %vn-\Crinn                                                                                             ,        N V                             6 V                N i                                                                                                                                                                                       \

Resp. Dept. Ngr. Approwsi: R& tea } Rettasted Completies Date: 01T Bumber N 4 FIGURE 1 (CONT'D.) l lT i f L _ _. __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ - . . _ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - . _ - . . . ~

Event heport no. -w wa Report: Page /o ! cff, ff , moceouns mo. navisos a ma no. VEGP 00058-C 3 . 7 of 14 ROOT CAUSE DETEENINATION WDEESEEET UNIT 1 SEEET 1 0F _

3. EVENT INVESTIGATED: 9NLse bee src r ,

ag _Ln:- L L la %fseek & na.t d u % e_ %f h rene k s < Jo.u k '

3. RESULTS OF INTESTIGATION/ REVIEW (Iaciude references and attack continuation sheets if aseded)
a. CADSE: Y___ ' .b : W.oo fraceder_ 14/rwe 4 78 etnfs4 froce < oo r

on f reeme s 4. L L/r- +ana h ,. af hos muainfm.ane a tha *" LrL4a cir~ lo,FL se s hak OuesN4 Fusvenoniet 7B 5 Narc A &rzM_ on/MYf74vtS . 30Dr CAUSE CAT""*T/svama CCBE: #3 / /4.

b. m rmanenED CORRECTIVE ACTION (s):

O Gt d

c. ACTIONS TO FRETENT **"**"** * (Canylate if not is.luded la b above) lll)llV l. 1?a vos e c m oornefe, nroceLe e. h resu/re L LLlt w k-~ C+vi- sua: W. sear-1 s t are  %;c .srsfox.

AS FREV op- PTc Pvt ovJ % ve l Resp. Dept. Iggr. Approval + X B&TE: M hfe l Estiasted Compastian Date: i e e-si, 0IT Busbars /// 7 t

                         *rfi h4b4    f,-   R r i4-r INrIsTIcAToa SIsmarual W & /4 4 BATE '~              r*>

f lWA'

                                                                                   --=/ g                        TE
                .. Ogget                       t.r.ygg                 t,         t-         .o.     .

y 1;r.CENICAr sorroaf nATE i i O FIGURE 1 1 M i = i 4- .___.. _ ___ _.___._._ ._ .._,__... _ . .. . _......,_ _ _;

! n. pori %. . ~ - 1 Report: Page M 2 cf 744 i; anoceouns seo. neviesom pasa sec. I VEGF 00058-c 3 7 of 14 i l 300T CAUSE DETERMINATION WORESEEET j UNIT f SIEET 1 0F _ 3I, "L: .ra. . ul n Sem -x . ,eu<-

1. I 7h i ITInTp, +r,1, w : .

V 0' i Air Lo ki to, La. ;e. S.u k ! -3 , 1

  ,             2.         ETALUATOR(5)/INTESTIGATOE(S):                                                                                   W l                3.          RESULTS OF INTESTIGATION/ REVIEW (Include references and attach

? contioustion sheets if needed)

s. a ., ..u freC.c ry J4/r' M % fJ. M
z. . . ,, ,

i e

                                                                                                                                                         + u"
                                                                                                                                                                              ./ + ,,n atr- i a Jes* > *s                                              d.e.1 e-Sv<hna. r                                      /
                                                                                                                                                                    /                                                           \
                                                                                                                                                              /                                                                 l l                                                                                                                                                          /

l / i 3 auws CAUSE cA-- 1/svama C-: #Y / /Dar . l l b. escrearrunED CORRECTIVE ACTION (s): / ! / l / l N / lO i i

                                                                                         . N/

! W l / - i l c. ACTIONS TO * " ***"r*** (Complet if not incanded b above) ! ~ g yGjkAM

                             /, Redi.S                                  curonrit {e.                                                  Aroer             re         /o ts elu e 1., 'fte/ <Tw,4 Daes for 't, s A Mi . an- /-etc s vcfeu ,
                                                  /                v               .. -
                                           /                                  -

j /


l / ! / Resp. Dept. Mr. Approval y //A DATE: #/1 l / Estiasted Couplation Date: 1/A , Rumbers eA

                             $ klod) Er fff                                                                         / 4-5-98

f /Y/7ffd t SI T- - ,-*. 1" ,E . on

4. O iai 3 esanitasats r corrective actiam approved.

l y Jh.malCAL SUPPORT DATE l TITb) W e 4- +kMa w IO I=i w . i

                                                                                                                                        /7                                                       WA-42/-

l 4 i 1 . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - . - _ _ - _ _ - - . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

_ _ , .. -_ .. - - . . __ - =- _ _

                                               *nocuounssec.                                                   nonson                                                                   paea no.

VEGP 00058-C 3 7 of 14 Event Report No. 1-90-003 acot CausE DETrauruaTIou vosE M ' #*8' ### UNIT / SEEET 1 0F _

1. EVENT IN ESTIGATED: S~ r rE: As.E4 br/24rAIJ/ - M)CD/A ![d b taxusmo-r - 7eonix , ar-ra wwda. r 2aws %

C c 9 a n=PrLc-fp, J-i/-7

2. ETALBATOE(5)/INESTICATOE(S): - Tom " Z r" #Y<
3. RESULT 5 OF INTESTIGATION/ REVIEW (Iac1*ude referesses and attack continuation sheets if needed)
a. CADSEs Ent,Dcv bars 1 crr As/AILAAir "To PRasd>w 94.Au r s 7A-ra.s -m Cast ArSer75- crpic/r ar A nd ## LomuA MF4as O fM" /drALL y an-/S . ==7-M man / /3 #s# #4jc,*r Taw _-r i no auxa>p3 kan PRoerades na Auv Cc e s-s r Tdv s~r ria--nea I huva CAWE rA yis,ama Giv.s _Bf E3/ o A '

A//A O i i i ! e i ( 22) e. ACTI0ss 20 Fa m rt asCunaEsCE: (Complete if met insiedad in b above) i g g' pg' 'hE9r, heoamArt'b> a ,-vo o.a

                                                                                                             % ckoP Cemn d > CA-7/a s)L SHatLO AP M P Ro mt r-re P' hu / pacrum To facwg l
u,. a 1. w w w e.s r,... c --ia , ~, r- r is .. ., . n~. crc 3
L.,41r J e -r anrme- es=& i i A.s e-r A vA iLA mi r . coRFCEW Ac htWT I

d i n_ , . - > gg SOsp. . Estiasted Complatian Deter

                                                                                            . hE9eakI f Y((M                                                             Kk k                        I    bb
                                                                                                                      ~ 7/9/6                                                         OIT Bumber:      '/# 7 5'?
                                                                   $ I4lt)b fav-                         fd*f / 4-4 6 YA                                                                -                /9f/LktO i                                                                u .sTIs m a sIsmaTuns                               am                 EEstas:IaLE = aman ==iEaTL                                            nATE
4. 0 tai 3 emaitments reti g corrective astian approved.

l ge:Amacra SECWICAV 80FF0ET DATE ' i 'O FIGURE 1 l -

                                                                                                                              /P i


             *noceounsaso.                                                                       newome                                                                          paes me.                             I VEgy                        00058-C                                                                                                3                                      7 of 14 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Page h of.N g O               WIT b acor CAUSE DETEstIMATIOu v0 M SEEET 1 0F _
1. ETsuf INESTI  : SM Cleen Emer nonty - Me #s a I GCOC -

T twio\ co mo J '

        -  g           m Trekseen sine moo urnt orese, m e \e c.s e_=,
                                                                                                                        -,-                       s i ss
  • M*
2. NALBATOE(S)/INESTIGAICR(S): anm we,m ~ d~47*
3. RESULTS OF INESTIGATION/RETIEW (Ias1'ude referesses and attack castiamaties aboots if aseded)
a. CAUSE: %h%ec, ODI \le9$%ied Mr (\C'Ou RShdV Qt tGt-M be asue n -+e fn p A i A - RP ri u i re m e n-t ' '

Cnr ace u alt ac_v / v e r i-Vie *4hn h ) ry d- Q_n % 4 . __ The caan A a rtY ' m\i e_v iin n. 1 Th. s I imus CAUSE c 1/svans as E3 / sne *


dQ . O

      @         c.ACTIONSTOPRIMETRICURRIBdE:                                                                                   (Complete if pet included is b abovp)

T.h /4. 74&. le\eoso9 -An be- s the M e ri ?A e d Sor h c_ht0 G M crecur se u maine Ac Env cic4u a4 inn - o onennri Me C##/ UN- men c e Aur&n 4 n e nt-c>nr AV \c oel -4e r e -Q- \ e c 4 4 j Wi ers Li c ora-i n n 'he_o u s're m ent D l Resp. Bapt. W . Approval: + VIE AuMF KEd" MTE: 919APd i 4Sh' Estiasted Coupletisa Date: ' 7/9/9O OIT Bumber '// 7 s O

                     & W<)) 5                                         $d 'f~                                 /4448                                               b             L                /      la 4b LavaSTIGATOE SIGE&TURE                                                                         DATE                           RESP (BSIBLE M& EAGER /ER2L                       DATE i
4. 0 tai taeste r corrective actima approved.


                                                                                                                                 /9 l    .

7 enocasuns sea. nennen no. VEGF 00058-C 3 7 cf 14 l Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report Page u( ofS4 4 O UNIT /

                                                                           ,                                                           BOOT CADSE DETG KIMATION WORESIEET SEET 1 0F _

I l

1. EVENT INTESTIG&TED: $Ne Mrea EaHenea et/ -

Meel$ /6 OOC o'n m Ivemo d M i  ! Pro blow wr% k*mnuJeda e af e a um u une Auna s~ absWe M V n % bt/ re rn a n 49 nar_ta m% i , * ' fu +n-pr l

2. ETALB& TOE (8)/INTESTIGATOE(8): L k,'d -- E I /*
3. RESULTS OF INTESTIG& TION /RETIEW (Iac1'ude references and attack continuattom eheets if aseded)
a. CADSE P re_esmael aaf 4rs'oard do reenoud +o +ke 3rduadoeu rdr e k o aro em 3-20-90 / kledu rw_r dad u n4- su dd n_e c
                                                   < ne r , fo i. crdra ndone .                                                                                  Dnerlores and Trm.a n u s L T-A i                                                                                                                                  u awa CADER rAr----/svama ME:                                                                                                           G l. r 3 / /C a

MA j c. ACTIONS TO PRINET RECREENCE: (Couplete if met tasladed ta b above) y ggy, E mora ea e t/ tr. roos _re ne,-rease l a + em eon ea le 4n receove.

                                                -t. a ,% ,,e at am %w,e u'aira rea e a v4r- % om A ,1,41r e                                                                                        wkee vbo k                                               nr.e a r@ r ma nn u ar e a4r n a str e h n e ba u mM /<edu erd,                                                                                         A<ottdo vec
    <fh l                                              ' rbnald a ddm e vaeraus ndaa e el eaa.e u :,1ea'4rn n die e eena6,I,4rir
w 4,e- s,. s,s . -


                                                                                                                                                                    -      n-    1 Resp. Days. W . Approval: 7                                                                                                           V I/Rw/13           KYY        DATE: 4/ f/90 Estiested Complatisa Dets:                                                                                                              ' G Dr~/9D          M rs                />74/

) j

                           $ h&J) $>-


4. tai e tasats reti corrective astian approved.

l TRpWICAL SUFrot! DATE J !O TICURE 1 l r . 20 _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . ~ _ . _ . _ - . _ . . _ _ _ . . _

 ;                                                                                               Event keport seo.           4-w-wa
;                                                                                                Report: Page int of144
)                     anoceounsseo.                            navissose                              pasa no.


)              -   %
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach continuation sheets if aseded) i

)i Mar C.r2icT- #3Oot>s M i I 1 l i ! muvi CAUSE CAM-i/svami GGDE: N / 104 . i b. ED CORRECTIVE ACTION (s): l gg n n* . WTn AtrnGrfr 14 3 rc 73Gl.1 CAL H%)Gt2. O M9VP, i E C,5 Mio couWsu m6wn- 6At t- GRi TY Avuo 6t.7 d it h TTEt i 3p},.c,4 ,g ,  % b - l'1 Clynom o rm t;rvTS /Fn92c71m / @bSie t.C DuarwG QUTAdit.T t'o AIO177DNS G UldkihlN25 'O CDNP16uRA7)om ro' GNSUAG 19pv Ol= RAPBT"f PRO VI Oc~ { l'oR ibCMr.F ) PPVRDPEt kyg BS WM j_A/gL , . . u ( SinLv AOMucP WHIT aSNM V W 6 e-) l i c. ACTIONS TO PRETIET RECURRENCE: GJ1 LNcoekAA7G THB5tf Guide'LiNFs (Couplete IN1Oif not included

                                                                                                   - Cu",':is b above)2;' 2"'                  =g4W
                             ' ' " ' ' " ^ - ' - --
                                                       /MiP24AB./M % J-L A w r I-90cEDUQn (.% . IhoPlUt g, y,5              MF 4/'8/90                                                                                           '

N l be2r "J+0Pi V O P YW t L o Scf/+y " pp&gr } Resp. Dept. W. Approvals yl- /$s,.LLAJ DATE: 4//5 # # j Estiasted Completian Deter rW/4 - OIT Numbers /###'7

                             $ We}} $r- fly                         /&SM                 $              A=         l              2D/90 l

1.. ucAset SlanruRE Dm REse IELE m EasEEiERTL DATE 4., 01 t e tasats r i corrective action approved. ! P TE p 4 CAL SWPPORT DATE i ( / !O i FIGURE 1

                                                                          .2. )
>=aa .

} l

c,we.w. nog .  %. -- --- Repor-tm Page_10 of ? 41 N " NO. flEVISION PAa8 NQ. VEGP 00058'-C 1 7 of 14 300T CAUSE DETEININATION if0EESEEET UNIT ; SIEET 10F _

1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: CasseprKM $#rCN f M.5ED A0A20XiseArf4l 72 awares Asrmrt ww awa nl. t e own as $7 mesanw ras.
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION /REVIEN (Iaelvf.e references and attack continuation sheets if aseded)
a. CADSE: sPAe L r4 -

t 1?n-Dur nemmmsor 'Z>ra sci m r To AfsarR uA s-a trassaWet l k.s.oxidt:. assteimatrs s' osen na.non/r4 V 73fn- 1.4erce k/As f s's o.sen ist /GeaAe0K/AvMtTL V ~7 2 fr1 Ar ups. da s M4E CAT"Y/ EVENT CSE: n/ / /04


i l l c. ACTIONS TO PRETENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if met imeluded is b above) i y fsrnsatied Aunenum na or>Ame Aomwie r r>tri t/G"' rad >-DDL 4 re - -- /;c M*

                                                                   ~ruvea ar mim           s. w r . As= O.<> ac E
   % css 4              ?     +=    =*^L-.,,'.='               n: -- : : ..^. =_  :'..', J         aa    o rwo.   ^ uiW i    ,                a 2^_ : -" "" h ".r r : ":.'- . T ..^ n . '           .':_-__ _ 2' ~. &-~.^&m e km W YL/

k; 3 'N' r . : _^ : ._ AR4 +1s4@ BWSuxi in%7CH C LDSuea* T1ma CtrwnermsNr5 CAN %=~ rntrT %I>H L.E OPu1AT9uG /kT' ThlD- LO OP. tuvoar IA! AOPluoP WR' 4//tM6 'S W ROP /UDP PHit.n % v

  • Hi%S~

Resp. Dept. W. Approval:t ale h' DATE: #/M/9b Estimated Ceeplatlas Date: A>/ A- ' 0 Wisaber /##N j i d Wed fv $d*T* amucAT0a sIsu2Es

                                                          /&.f'10 am h              i-mEsr0NataLE =AamermiEaTL

nATE W40 A. O g g ements r gi g eerreettee setten approved.

p Tgnm o,,0.

1 i \ ! FIGURE 1


i *** . l i I l )

M -

                   ==osaune w.                                                                                                                                                                >

VEGP 00058.C 3 l == =. 8 of 14 1 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /DF off_f,t_ CorrIsm4270s suter

a. CADSE:  %,u. L +Le CD carest uof ale W W !rcM d rel, I a lleused %e s.enu err r nuaavav cover 4e he nas4a tted . C'em. , u u ,e ading taret len %a'a ad ra ,, a to aud 'na+ destc+ed se n ra no e. Io w'r i una.n a a o m o + fenic e leL A m a u.. dis et,ar 4 rA ee a ab.Or a Lo ,, e 41om h t y u a u a i
                                                                                                                                                                               #-           j t

J7 , iussa CAUSE cAE- -i/svana wara: F I / f T~ i

b. M edNhn - aars ACTIO5(e): 3 re a r l ,4 e rec 4<ea_f 4 'e clea rl/ }

fande a-/o 'Nvoua h vit m es se .- c1#a s of ene mand, ' w , ,

c. ACTIONS 10 pBETENT w w m e r*:

g, klu do m louer, s learn (ed auComplete frerased as h .- A a ean a e . if act incleaded is b above) (I

                                                                                       -             a      a                                                                  /

nesp. Dept. Ngr. Approvals T k' h nau: 5'Avro j Istimated Completies Detes G//s-7 9tb OIT Bumbers /#14/  ! a.CADSE:$cynG Wome. ==AcT/vt :: nLE= Coovove.7L.o 0)essw.11hf" An*c 05;- Wa#E /Vu2,M

= .a ,- w wa unaso mr Fue ft.-An/7- 5s4Fi? 7'y wim- Av7 ret /


  • i Ewa CAU5E C&amuumaravana uus #3 / /0 e

! OPS (D vARtOuS Y cr P Q. o c n O s a_ E To osver o ett' 7*H G

       .                                                            W.CG MJO       CDuTssurn LNr riwb mtwS N G5G %'T-l   p , cs y ?"                       )OB star, CuV ouTnbs.THE AOP s voP thVSrN% Gass 7ME emec@9 MasoPkY MW*/ou*o                                                                   neA nlash*

i (4Q) fssic(2) &bvoos TDkrAiosis Fae_ Locarvsa '" M 0%M t OO V-l EtW 1566 Mocsout2e:

     'k {

ftnL CMWOvs02' TEkvisG FCR 3eos tw ruinLhoP t$ 0tuovG $ Cock srV6 IM&Citswa i

c. An.uCNS 70 imvasa EE6vaamawait (Camplete if met i=*1= dad is b above)
                                                                                                ,        1                                                                       ,

1 t IM)O @(D 'KEM L - 4/nho - BCO: 't / 7 / 90@@ Resp. Dept. Ngr. Approvais-r Gon vin Sura ^t"">n*W: m W+n t ! Estimated Completion Dates peu s;-M-9o masw+e CIT Bumbert@oPJ:- /#C7 i PIGURE 1 (CONT'D.) Di (v3 -jfff/ ,'i ._.+ n

                                                                                   #y                                                                            @2@ stAss- l1?r?

l 3

W P .* N tif M M 9 Y G


J M @ .si k M @ T i >/- .

                                                                                              - Aof 567 PHiidisopM' ' ~
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...N i

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Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page //6 of f# ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION UCRESHEET UNIT 1

1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Burke County EMA director experienced great difficulty in obtaining follow up and amplifying information concerning the emergency.
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION /REVIEE (Include references and attach continuation sheets if needed)
a. CAUSE: There is no one assigned to answer questions from the offsite agencies before their representatives man the EOF.

The EOF is responsible for these type of functions to keep the CR handling the plant problems. Administrative Controls LTA. ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: D1 / 10m RECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTION (S): Assign plant personne!. gg, ggg, b. responsibility of cosusunicating with offsite agencies prior to their representatives arriving to the EOF. ( if not included in pyg, c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: ( Comments from Burke County ENA Director - Install extension of ENN in the Burke Co. EOC - Install extension of ADL in Burke County EOC. Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: f N DATE: 3 h Estimated Completion Date: F OIf N p r: /f"/t C Weh} & Cl*1~ 14-19 DATE

                                                                                                                       $EM RESPONSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE
                                                                                                                                                   /4llt.h/D INVESTIGATOR SIGNATURE

4 OI initiated; couanitments reviewed; corrective action' approved. D L Glh k:? DATE


i ! 24 i l

1 i . 1 Event Report No. 1-90-003 l Reports Page /// Of 744 i i )

)          V'                                                            ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION WORKSHEET i

i UNIT 1 4 a i 1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Initial notification of local and state l agencies during Site Area Emergency, 3 20-90, was not completed 1 within the 15 minute time limit. I ) ! 2. EVALDATOR(S)/avs.aalGATOR(S): I j i 3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach j i continuation sheets if needed) i l ) j a. CAUSE: Power supply for prins.ry ElRt in Control Room was l l inoperable due to loss of onsite end offsite power. Backup EIGI j j does not contain all agencies that need to be notified, resulting in 4 j delays in notifying CEMA and Burke County. Design not fault l tolerant. l 51 1 10m 2 200T CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: I @71924 PA  : Add Burke County and GENA to i r-uC hb. REccretINDED CORRECTIVE ACTI . g f h tse sa ENii. - - - Add battery backup to primat! Eint.

                                                                                                                                            . cr s u a n ,j J

, p gg. W E/. c. ACTIDIES TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in i b above) f h Contact c-mication consultant to recommend reliable, simple alerting system to noti offsiteajencies.f f

                                                                                                                         }/2?[. , = 41/ 7 l

ff;& #' - r/d (9b l Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approva : DATE: Estimated Completion Date:sP 9/s/40 OIT r.19&D /Iff 0 m6 t- 6 : CWen G- a r i +ua -%9e' - @fr1d16e/90 i i INVESTIGATOR SIGNATURE - DATE RESr0NSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE j ! 4. OITs initiated; commitments reviewed; corrective action approved. AIa> 1 C[3 /PO ERTrparICAI.serr0RT DATE f i h5 iO i

Event Report No. 1-50-003 Reports Page //J. of 34( O ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION WORKSHEET UNIT 1

1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Initial notification of local and state agencies during Site Area Emergency, 3-20-90, was not complaced within the 15 minute time limit.


3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach continuation sheets if needed)
a. CAUSE: Power supply for primary ENN in Control Room was inoperable due to loss of onsite and offsite power. Backup ENN does not contain all agencies that need to be notified, resulting in delays in notifying GENA and Burks County. Design not fault tolerant.

ROOT CAUSE CATECORY/ EVENT CODE: 31 1 10m h Lt gtn. b. - :TTT -T P N66 r..wisund). mm -- ww-my == vs,a 6. - Edes% con %odon

                                      " " ' - - : . , i ; _' , ._ --* - n ==

sikcedreL5 e.g e.t9 CThr-- $NM. c- ACTIONS To FREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in E'M R fit /- b above) h - . < ,. .

  • e -- ----..':_;,; ;. ,,._._____ , ,,1;_i1-4 --1.

r?--~'  ; g n:: :: n: - ' '; " ' * - - --- ' _T Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: # l. ,#ft DATE: M d'T/)

                                                                                             .11   Number: /fME

Estimated Completion Date: 9MH 96 0 m Al C heLu 4,- Cf.T 1444/ , O 90 INVESTIGATOR SIGNATURE DATE RESPONSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE

4. OITs initiated; commitments reviewed; corrective action approved.
d. $w JCft;/ft) 4 DATE

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page //l of M4


ll (e s $nsQ manner \ l Communicators in CR did not start the notification process l' a. CAUS

                    '.. .' ' " - after declarreion of the Site Area Emergency.                           j

] .(/./ j +/ F aaminiatrative control Enforcement LTA. 2 ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: D2 1 10m 4

b. RE0ftssDED CORRECTIVE ACTION (S): ED supervise the j notification process, f

j gg e. ACTIONS To FREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b j above) i f2M6 o , (t e~

                  @ Manager Operations and Manager Training and EP to jointly hold seminar for all De to discuss role and responsibilities as D.

! '.N Revise procedure 10,000 to address ED responsibilities, Revise Management of Radiological Emergencies to include i j j g thorough discussion of ED versus shift duties including the responsibilities of offsite authorities. 2 f a. CAUSE: Security Officer that is used for notification e - micator , back-up did not respond to control room because the officer did not I receive instruction from radio operator. 1 ROOT CAUSE CATECORY/ EVENT CODE: El 1 10m 2 ! b. RECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTION (S): k c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b j above) gje i ko 90 i j [f Train all Security Shift supervisors to designate / an ENN communicator for his/her shift and preferentially assign the j SEC, officer a. post where the officer can immedi e-1y;sespond to the i control room. Also the designsted ENN communicator should be j trained to request permission to go to control room upon declaration of an emergency. } e .._.2, ,...,m- ___ .,,, . __ M f_i_ N _ __ t_ ,t___ { 7 ___ ,, , .u . m ..! E A ___.- - s ! . . ._ .. .. l

                                               @@&              . - O _ e ____

V*S- 90 l Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approva __ __8 DATE:I kar 90 i Estimated Completion Date: n1 J. Je/w OIt Number (h/#7dT(7FMf) 9-I-90 -cPf Y## (0$ } h.j y m $ I??t'7 (SEc) !O 2e 7 - ' < o - T ~ <- inn .12 LLdm duho i I

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page //4- of $# O CONTINUATION SHEET

a. E: Excessive numbers of plant personnel (involved n involved) were n the control room during the Site Area Emerge . This created confus . Standard policy / Administrative Contr et strict enough, h/cId " ROOT CAUSE GORY / EVENT CODE: D1 rations Shift Su,.cintendent
                 /W b.;)       RECOMMENDED CORRE dismiss non involved VE ACTION (S):

rsonne rom the control room. , j 4 46 ' - (Complete if not included in b

1) Amplify - cedure 10,000 on Cont Room access during emergency condit ns.
2) Inc dele 5ation/ priority setting in SRO 1 training
3) aining for ED's and Operations staff concerning delegation. priority setting - training by contractor. -

I A a. CAUSE: The plant page is superimposed on the backup ENN in the

.                                        Control Room, casuing interference in making the offsite I                                        notifications.

l ! ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: El 1 10m Design LTA i a b. RECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTION (S): Repair the BU ENN and plant page to eliminate cross talk and ! MfN' interference on the BU ENN. - ' i c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above) l { Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: f [ / I " Y " DATE-1 Estimated Completion Date: '.r- #- ( OIT Number: g i 0 27 _.___..__m_ - . _ . , ,

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page_/K of N4 O CONTINUATION SHEET

a. CAUSE: State of Georgia and aurke Co. ENA are not part of the backup ENN (South Carolina) system. Non fault colorant design.

ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: 8/ / /da Y,, b . REC 0teENDED CORBZCTIVE ACTION (S): Add state of Coorgia and Burke EME County ENA to anekup ENN system. . 3 f 90 , b g,,/90

c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RE CE: (Coplate i not included in b above) 1 l
a. CAUSE: (ontrol Room communicator was not aware that primary ENN in the TSC ,as operable. Training LTA.

ROOT i'~~t CATECORY/ EVENT CODE: 6/ / /da REC 0f0 ENDED CORRECTIVE ACTION (S): Retrain all communicators used f b for offsite communications in the use of the primary ENN, all backup l methods of notification, use of Control Room merlin, offsite radios, l O 6) power supplies for all communications equipment and the importance of notification information t y ffsite authorities. This training should also include all SRO'slf) Require shift clerks to participate in l I gg, monthly communications equipment test. Conduct quarterly cosusunication drills 4vs ..w. ... ' m either in plant or in the Simulator. (include communicators) :F" ,

c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above
                                        @ Tec- # J o *%                               { f 8 h) a ce, ,, W#O Resp. Dept. Ngr'.I Approval:                       N~

i OIT Number: ATE: h 8 0 4 gs 44 94 Estimated Completion Date: _ h$ Nff fil- 90 Q

                                                                        @                                            UI"                                     S         17 m

,  % 9*/.Y- 10 j j h O ff- [.2 .ii- fa ~fNw 1.0 879.C Eew W -4)aha

                                                       *r6d        -


Od 27 i
             - - - - - . . _ _ -            .- - . - , ,          - - . - . .      ,     . . , . , , , . . - -       - - . , . , . , , . , , . , - , - . . - -      , - , -   - - _ . - . - . - , ,
                                                                               'Avent nsport No.         1-30-003 Report:     Page g of 14(

ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION UORESHEET UNIT 1 EVENT INVESTIGATED: Problems encountered in implementation of the l' 1. Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. There were over 200 people at the relocation center with no one in charge. 2. EVAIEATOR(S)/ INVESTIGATOR (S): 7AT

3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach continuation sheets if needed)
a. CAUSE: A decision was made to deviate from procedure in that a HP technician and Security Officer were not sent to the off-site relocation center as required by EPIP 91104-C, OSC Manager checklist, Sheet 1 Step 6. Procedura not followed. e 200T CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: El 1 /da i

O (Complete if not included in


b above) Publish as lesson learned in Management of Radiological M Emergencies. There were over 200 people at the relocation center with no one in charge or in contact with the emergency M -d'd * *

  • i organization at the Plant.

Resp; EptlMgr.# Approval: U - **IikiEi / 40

Estimated Completion Date
C/3f/40 0TN er: /ff 72
                                           & Wed)$>                  fff 1 d443 DATE b              u       1Y/ 40 RESPONSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE

4 OITs nitiated; commitments reviewed; corrective action approved. As C & 1 Gb3/70 wTE ERTEpaNICAtePPORT l i O

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page //7 of 144 { O CONTINUATION SHEET

s. CAUSE: h TSC was not fully set up at the time of the emergency declaration. There was not enough chairs for.the TSC communicators. .

The TSC conference rooms is not available for their intended function as they are being used as offices. SPAC enforcement I.TA, leave the TSC in EPIP configuration. ROOT CADSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: D2 1 /84

                                                                                                                                                      /A                                                                                                       1
c. ACTICItS TO PREVENT CURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b ja/pfe-Imek the TSC to prevent una rized access in order to prevent i## chairs from being removed and'possible unauthorized use of the -

g, g ,,,A h,Id communication equipment. I I~I~ N Restore the TSC conference rooms to their intended functions as N emergency facilities. N i N i i s. CAUSE: The status loop telephone bridge was inoperable at the l beginning of the emergency because. af loss of power. Non fault j tolarant design. I l ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CO3E: 11 / /88 1 i b. RECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACIICN(S): i } l c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above) l g flAINT-*1) Investigate powering bridge off batteries (UPS). ,

pe/efe, + 2) Investi feasibili oviding ut i _
  • tan l to , OSC c 0F via P .
            -y a ,-

Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: h I f I- DATE:/

I"b N Estimated Completion Date
# fa -A. # OIT Number: //f 77 k Ih 1

\O 1 30 i I _ __._.m . . . . . . - - . _ _ _ . . . - - . _ _ , . _ . . . , _ _ . . _ _ , _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . , , , . _ , . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ , , . . . , _ , , _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , . _ . , . . - -

                                                                                                                                                                 .          1-90-003 Event Report Report:              Page Ng/F          /                     'of 34 (


1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Failure of phone squipment in control room.
2. EVALUATOR (S)payruiGATOR(S): [f f
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONfdEVIEE (Include references and attach j continuation sheets if needed) J l
a. CAUSE: Imss of offsite and onsite power supply to Merlin phone I system in. control room. Non fault tolerant design RDOT CAUSL CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: El 1 10a _
                                                                                                                                  /                                                                           l O                                               c.       ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE:                          (Complete if not included in b above) f C' 5/                           Improve reliability of Merlin phones in the CR and EOF to be similar to plant FBK.
                                                                                                                             ,f   ..               -

Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: 4 hM DATE: 4-l lid Estimated Completion Date: ~ lo-i- 9h OIT r: //f/3  ; Yes h l* } } fo.- FAT INVESTIGATOR SIGNATJRE 14-4-Ne DATE f _ 1 11 fi) KESPONSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE

4. OITs iniciated; coemitments reviewed; corrective action approved.

A lk$ 1Cft3ltO

                                                                                                            -DaTE ER7ECNNICeSuPr0RT 4


         .                                                                                                  -l 1

1 Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page hf of 344 0 . ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION 90ltKSHEET 1RTIT 1

1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Classification of emergency declared 3-20-90. nbgb
                   ;.l r --- =ae '- ' n f f: 1 ; _ ; ' --- "- " : f f_1            , _ _ _ _ r-'
                     ^ ^

Q Q slm u . . ,,,s,e ao [ b]

2. EVAIZIATOR(S)/ussi1 GATOR (S): 7 h
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION /REVIEU (Include references and attach Q M continuation sheets if needed) -
a. CAUSE: Emergency Action Levels are not mode dependent and in some cases are confusing. Procedure less than adequate.
              ,            ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE:      [7     1 /d e.
c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above)
1. Review implementation of emergency plans for action levels

[pghg p.M g based on criteria 1specified in EPIP's with Emergency Dir.etors.

2. Investigate m;plicability of NUMARC EAL's to VECP after NRC review and comments on NUMARC EAL Report.

Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: k DATE: 90 Estimated Completion Date: F121Af/90 0 T N r: /P 7t7

                          $r Yll Sm- dif                id*T9             ^^  "
                                                                                  &              1 AbE!9N

j 4. OIT initiated; commitments reviewed; corrective action approved. j 1 C[o/Ed AGER TE ICAL liWPPORT DATE l lO J' 1 i i

v . Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /JB of 34( O ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION HORKSHEET UNIT 1 O.4e 4g

1. EVENTINVESTIGATED:jERFcomputersystenwasnotreliableduring g ]

emergency. l l

2. EVAIRATOE(S)/avsauGATOR(S): f/7" l
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach l

continuation sheets if needed) l

a. CAUSE: ERF computer did not reliably display data. Non-fault I tolerant design. l ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: B1 1 10a

E/1( #4E *l) 3"*rsency Pr*Paredness establish a test program for all ERF computer equipment. . I pe,/ede. 4 ) Outage anning sign planner t c r ders non ly b is a y rge Pr

                           ,[                                                        Coo                     nator.

O c. BicN.h*Y yy c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Cosgilate if not included in b above) l D  ! Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: 4 I/

                                                                                                                                                                                                     - . _ f (#
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - ^

DATE: w/ srwi / w I Estimated Completion Date: FB//f/90 OIT N r: /P7(4 l

                                                                            $ kleki $> - fd ~7~ 14 f*Rf                                                                                                     h        nu               1Af/Ekd INVESTIGATOR SIGNATURE                                                                                      DATE             RESPONSIBLE MANAGER /ERTL DATE
4. '0IT nitiated; i sis $siitmentsreviewed;correctiveactionapproved. )

A llL fra 1elWfd . i i !O 33

                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                                        i i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              i

i Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Pagedof MI O V ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION UORRSHEET UNIT 1

1. EVENT INVESTIGATED: Onsite Personnel Accountability not effective.
3. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION / REVIEW (Include references and attach continuation sheets if needed)
a. CAUSE: Page announcement not made in a timely fashion.

Announcement delayed approximately 20 minutes. Procedure not used. RDOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: El 1 los

c. ACTIONS to PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above) g 4%)(O racor Training
1) Include as lesson learned in Licensed hN 2) Conduct walk thru drills on day &
3) Increase emphasis on accountabil t shifts in Management of f M .ce m
  • Radiological Emergency trainin
4) Investigate need to perform countability at Alert Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval [ DATE:


4. OITs initiated; e itsents reviewed; corrective action approved.


                                                                    /             (g                                              6/a/*

W . Ot i

Evcat Report ND. 1-90-003 Report: POg3__f12. of 744 CONTINUATION SHEET l O a. CAUSE: weak: Personnel knowledge of accountability procedure requirements is FESS allowing entry into FA, personnel sent back to work, l l j confusion as to location of assembly area. Standard policy, administrative control confusing / incomplete. l ROOT CAUSE CATE00RY/ EVENT CODE: _ D1_ / /[/ 4 l


(Complete if not included in b (h 1? *=^': - : ---- '11' 7 pr:: '-- : r:--' - f

          'gi          1; ?_rtrr' sheet on accountability                                {

6,4 f/ f) ,All badged personnel requirements. Clost receive GM AfKbriefing 9 /4/to < l

       g . k / ) Conduct     scale walk thru.

walk thru drills - '-- r," "(esPso ge# -7 esc

                                                                                                                          '- - with   annual full Essee,st3 6.7 E F 4)Increaseemphasis[onaccountabilityproceduresinGET/ERO training.                                        {gfA}
          'g4 fgc, h Signs     personnelwill be posted              will be allowed          by Security    Officer entrance  to stating the FA.onlyThis ERO action will be included in appropriate Security procedures. {fNO3 G M)>t AAA M6 fos 4 ZuNos faisagg 1*Anq1* T W CAg. Pigss M A MdPfMMb 4/4 GM 47R, Me Eff 8y' 4/safyg [ger Att Dcor McAps}
a. CAUSE: Scripted announcement needs improvement - confusion existed concerning location of " Assembly Area" and designation of "Non-Essential" personnel. Soeeedero etWr. 74gg ANAfschs#fM7' N W I ffADE /Al 4 'Y/MflY f"ACN%)




                                         .                                                                   At/A
c. ACTIONS TO FREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b f above)

A8 ! Cr/ EP (p./) Rewrite scripted announcements to specify Assembly Area location 5 l 2; '- rit: ::ri;r:f r_n x : n ::: :: 21:::17 i' ;;i'y e:::p,,ge.rEO 5 Y 6D !

              * *                ::::---! ^ :':rif 1::_: -'- ?". ':r                                                     ::: z 'ili g.               {gggy                ,
               &? 7 JO ;Ciceerfy ?tsecouets rk traauer SD edtattfE f* t.fjn

) p i {

   &                            Co H pggrysA) o f PA6C +fA"FAl Cest Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: ,,. - -

c r

                                                                                                                                               ; 4//'f


                                                                                                                                                                     -/ff! '

Estimated Completion Date: % eess)thn OIT r:/ThPfff p ~ W E k /NCCEASE GMPil4sts , N'IEEnini Cos*1WMsit i a t h'

w to remn Lw3 *f.w
s, i O m*p
g go:. sal oInsleo.w. g ,p trnz s.: t.-m 777g y f g, .fm

(. Au.2re nr.) C  : I

Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /M of $44 O CONTINUATION SHEET

a. CAUSE: Page Announcement not Audible.
1) Problems with hearing announcement identified in Containment, I turbine deck, diesel generator room, and NSCW tower area.





(Complete if not included in b f above) l $nl 1) Conduct routine, periodic testing of page system to assure 7,

,         4                                       operability and audibility.                                                                                               -

t 4 pr .GT ypf,p 2) Sound emersoney sisnal tones for lanser duration to(may assure personnel are aware of emergency announcements. require timing circuit in alarm panal). , ,

                                                                                                                   ^-y                                          Y~N'      h
                                                                                             &f[.                                                                     #

DATE: I Resp. Dept. Mgr. Approval: Estimated Completion Date: (/)'.ryf# OIT Numberf5t) sed M h 8tscY & CS Q b kYAE i i 4 i j ) 1

               .                                                                        3d iO N


                           -_---------------.,--..,--,-.,-~a,,..,,,.--..n.-m.                 ,-,-,--,--ww          - - . w--a+a7.-,-r                     ,e    .,   - -     -

l Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page /24 ofjC O r0NTIRUATION SHEET

a. CAUSE: large number of personnel unaccounted for on initial pass.

Design needs not addressed. Accountability print cA.t is not htuman factored. 1 ROOT CAUSE CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: _ __n 1 /04 ) l


H/A l l

c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete if not included in b above)  !

70 1) Revise Security Accountability Software to more clearly identify g' only unaccounted for personnel. CAUSE: Page announcement not effective - l ) I i ROOT E CATEGORY / EVENT CODE: 1 1 i I l@ b. RECOnxENDED CORmECTI ION (S): l y 14' S-n4a j c. ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE: (Complete t included in b above) Resp. Dept.Mgr. Approval:f J.3 DATE:d"[I'iD Estimated Completion Date: _(-/ f- 90 OIT Number: /Pffl l a k 1 i ' 37 4

i i l Event Report N2. 1-90-003 , i Report: Page M of,,J.fL,,  ! 4 l v OPEN ITEMS / CRITIQUE ITEMS i i SITE AREA EMERGENCY j March 20, 1990 1 . 1) MNDING: Video copier in the EOF is not operable. l l CORRECTIVE ACTION: Repair or replace copier. l l RESPONSIBIU TY: Maintenance REQUIRED COMPIZTION mTE: ['[- k8 l j l COMPLETION VERIFIED: Ee 87 //~2 7 / mH: l


l , 2) H NDING: Public information managers for EOF arrived 2 hours after i event declaration. CORRE.CTIVE ACTION: -m=== ,;;:1 --l 2r: - il *'-- 2111 r li 1--- U l j fehbk; inbtMeshk 4d twmM* w hrlnCeklohe aglbt.l i RESPONSIBIU TY: $ M f ) - corm m . i REQUIRED CourzzTION mTE: f-7' D ! ConPIzn0N vERInED: J~ee or /P772. mTE: i

                             %                                         DING: HVAC in the TSC i,s too loud.

M*' CORRECTIVE AC,. . nvestigate and nd corrective action to reduce

       - f e r-                                                                                                        evel in TSC.
  • 0' e.a A RESP 0h3IBIUTY: insering


                             /                                                                                                                                                                    w
4) FINDING: Access into the OSC was not controlled during the emergency.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Establish one entrance / exit out of the OSC proper. RESPONSIBIUTY: Maintenance REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [~[ Yd COMPLETION VERIFIED: ee OI /[7M DATE: 37 l

e i 4 Event Report No. 1-90-003 l Report: Page 1X of i OPEN ITEMS / CRITIQUE ITIMS ] i i j 5) FINDING: Met tower come equipment is very dirty which could affect l proper equipment operation. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Clean come equipment at met tower and establish ' j cleanliness inspection program. i l RESPONSIBILITY: Maintenance 4 REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [' COMPLETION VERIFIED: [CC ((h l 1 3 ]' 6) FINDING: Status loop commmnicator headset in the TSC had faulty connectors. l CORRECTIVE ACTION: Repair or replace headset. - i i RESPONSIBILITY: Maintenance J REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-[-g a J l 1 COMPitTION VERIFIED: b OE // 77.[ DATE: l 1

;                                7)   FINDING: Sound power phone jacks channel #2 in the TSC (next to status loop communicator phone) does not work.

i CORRECTIVE ACTION: Repair or replace phone jacks. RESPONSIBILITY: Maintenance REQUIRED ~COMPLETIONDATE:-[~[ COMPLETION VERIFIED: Ed OI /h N DATE: i ( l 8) FINDING: Core Inventory Determination procedure 91504-C does not address new/used cores. 4 CORRECTIVE ACTION: Make modifications to procedure to address accident or j reload with new/used core. RESPONSIBILITY: Reactor Engineering

 ;                               REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-[-f8 COMPLETION VERIFIED:                     , E c.      67           //27 7                                       DATE:

3r . i

                                                                                                                                                            . - . - , - - ,   ,,,n


                                                                                                      $$ l-4 0- 0 D]


9) FINDING: Plant page in the TSC was extremely loud.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Install volume control onspeaker that is located over TSC Manager chair. , RESPONSIBILITY: Engineering REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: f-/- 74l/ CONFLETION VERIFID: d2< 47 /[7

10) FINDING: Powerstrip for dose assessment computor in the TSC is i missing.

CORRECTIVE ACTIOK Replace powerstrip. RESPONSIBILITY: Emergency Preparedness REQUIRD CONFLETION DATE: [d* [g COMPLETION VERIFID: [fc Of /["77 f -

11) FINDING: The event re-creation is very difficult due to insuffittent O- los records.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Players critique - All ERO personnel should keep a detail log or account of their individual response and the major events that occur which will enhance timeline re-creation. . RESPONSIBILITY: (me . key REQUIRD COMPLETION DATE: f N f6 CONFLETION VERIFID: [f<. 6J //7[8

                 ' 1h FINDING: Thors are no site telephone directories in the TSC position packets.

] j CORRECTIVE ACTION: tr.lephone directory to position packets in the ! TSC and t 1 RESPONSIBI'.ITY: Energency Freparednes  %

                                 -                                                               "<2/

.' REQUIRD COMPLETION DATE: COMPLETION VERIFI D: x #-P.g w. i 40 i....__ _ _ - . _ _ ._ . - _ . . _ _ _ _ - _ . _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _


Event Report No. 1-90-002 Report: Page /U of,,,J,ff.,l O OPEN ITEMS / CRITIQUE ITEMS

12) FINDING: There are no site telephone directories in the TSC position packets.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Add site relephone directory to position packets in the TSC and tc.e EOF. RESPONSIBILITY: Emergency Preparedness REQUIRED COMPIZTION DATE: [-f pg COMPLETION VERIFIED: [c d. d[ /[~/((

13) FINDING: NRC personnel on the NRC operations and of circuit continuously dropped off bridge circuit.


 '  COMPLETION VERIFIED:      [h,g, gf        /[7[1
14) FINDING: Access to the CR from the TSC is not readily available to all TSC personnel because of "special access control".

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Delete "special access" to CR from TSC side of control j block. i j RESPONSIBILITY: Security


l REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-[-ff;/ j COMPLETION VERIFIED: [c 6f //pf) j J 1 l O 4h

Event Report No. 1-90-003 - Report: Page /29 of 3# 4 i

OPEN ITEMS / CRITIQUE ITEMS l 15) MNDINC: The position of " Document Control" in the OSC was not
                                    . filled.


 ;                   CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintenance department assign maintenance personnel to i

fill position of Document control in the OSC. 1 4 RESPONSIBluTY: Maintenance 1 l REQUIR D CONFLETION DATE: [-[-f/ ~' j CourmION vERInED: Sc<. #I M7/Y ].

             -       16) MNDINC: Ihere is inadequate capability to read drawings in the TSC.
!                    CORRECTIVE ACTION: Supply hand held viewers for TSC engineering use.                  ,

i t i IUtSPONFIBILITY: Emergency Preparedness 3 i 1 REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-[-9g i CourmION vERInED- Ju of //7/f O

17) FINDING: ERF terminal #CRT2 in the EOF is not operable.

l t j CORRECTIVE ACTION: Repair or replace terminal. RESPONSIBILITY: kg,n f. REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-f78 Cour m ION v aIrIED: fee of //7/7

18) FINDING: Some primary ERO personnel were not fully qualified.0ther personnel therefore had to be used in designated Emergency Positions.

CORRECUVE ACHON: Er .Jud m.wM ouf ll.r+ in GM

                                                              ' !"  r-- --   l 1   rME'dy J ! CL-- - - e - *T'/W
                                                                                                           'N RESPONSIBIuTY: EMt.Ptt6 REQUIRzD Cour m ION DATE: f )>- fp CourmION vERInED:          fte. 47 //77I O                                                           a                                                          !


l Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report Page4 ))J,, of 3 44

                                                                                                                         .                      OPEN ITENS/ CRITIQUE ITENS
19) FINDING: OSC to small CORRECTIM ACTION: Emergency planning and maintenance engineering develop
                                                                                                            .setion y                                  to correct problem.

RESPONSIBIU TY: ary, p , [py m QUIR C = P m ION m n: .p.y-r/

                                                                               ="c="    =r= :                        Sa.                                  01 #tt7so iy777 l
20) FINDING: Personnel who were not in an ERF were not informed of the status or updated on the Emergency.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Change EPIP 91102-C to have the 2 consider the need to inform Non-ERO personnel of the status of the emergency using the plant page. e l RESPONSIBILITY: Emergency Preparedness O "*'"'""""""'" . car == =rra: & O.7 //7f/ l j INC: Oglethorpe Power Corp. representatives do ve a l [c/ck , i ted uat id the EOF. l

                                                          -gcr                 CORRECTIVE ACTION: Provide                                             the                       ower Corp. representative a seat

! and teleph a EOF. ! a.8 & WRESPONSIBIU TY: gency Preparedness g j REQUIRED ION MTE: I


i  ! i 1 i i ! l i O ,1 t 1 1 e

                                                                                                 - - . _ _ . _ _ . . . . . _~ - - . _ . . - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . - _ _ - .
                                                                                            . 3, Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report:      Page D1 of 344 OPEN ITEMS / CRITIQUE ITEMS
22) nNDINC: Periodic maintenance checks other than operaitonal tests, are not performed on emergency communications equipment.

CORRECTIVE ACTI0tt: Establish a p'ewentative maintenance program for the following emergency communication euqipment. a) All radio tranceivers, transmitters and repeaters b) ENN Equipment c) Micro-wave used to support ENN and dedicated circuits d) BU ENN - cleanliness, power supply e) ADL - cleanliness, power supply f) Met tower microwave g) Training Center microwave RESPONSIBILITY: Maintenance REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: g, _. } COMPLETION VERIFIED: g /[7f,2, 4

23) FINDING: The TSC Communications closet which contains the Merlin and BU ENN equipment is filthy and a hazard to proper O equipment operation. The BU ENN is powered in a unproffesional manner. The equipment is plugged into a 5 socket power scrip which has 3 other items plugged into it.

The power strip is not secured nor are the power cords running from it. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Clean up the communications closet. Dis.:ard useless items and clutter. Secure the power c',rds properly and in general do a proffessional job of connecting and securing the communicaitons equipment. RESPONSIBILITY: Maintenance REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: [-/"'[6I COMPLETION VERIFIED: de,. g ff/G 1 1 lO y i

Event Report No. 1-90-003 l Report: Page /]d ofg i addicianal snanartiner I&-- ~

a. Unit 1 Shift Supervisor Ing

! b. Unit 1 Control Log !, c. Unit 1 Outside Area Operating Log i

d. Unit 1 Control. Building Operator Log

! e. Unit 1 Auxiliary Building Operating Iog l f. Unit 1 Auxiliary Building Radwaste Operator Log i i g. Turbine Building Operating Iog $ . h. ERF Computer Printouts-i

i. TSC Manager's Log (Attached to W. F. Kitchen's Personnel i Statement l
j. Classification Determination - Data Sheet 1

! k. Site Area Emergency / General Emergency Checklists (2 Total) I

1. Alert Checklist l m. Ermrgency Director Checklist
n. Emergency Director Log l o. Press Release #1

! p. Press Release $2 1

q. Safety Analysis - Corporate Follow-up Commitment
r. Diesel Generator Test Schedule
s. LDCR for Emergency Start on Loss of Offsite Power
t. LDCR Delineating the Pre-Event Electrical Lineup l
u. Emergency Notification Numbers 1 thru 9
v. TSC HP Supervisor Notes O

l l I Event Report No. 1-90-003 Report: Page g of g 4 1AAltinnal 5- _ _ . diner Ih

v. oSC Support Request Info. Form (Team #2)
x. EOF Nanager's Log
y. NRC Notification Checklist
z. VEGP Security Department Call Checklist aa. EOF Sequence of Events bb. South Carolina EPD Interoffice Memo ec. Extract from SRS Communications Log dd. South Carolina EPD Fax es. Security Incident Report ff. GPC Notification Checklist #4 gg. NRC AIT Quarantine Notice hh. SAE 8-hour Follow-up Report
11. Deficiency Card jj. OSC Manager's Log (Attached to H. M. Handfinger's Personal Statement kk. Security vehicle Access Logsheet
11. Transcript of GENA Tape Recordings an. Diesel Generator Failures List O

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6eso, 81sWSIset N #- 73GF 91001-C 7 8 of 12 Sheet 1 of 1 DATA SNEET 1 O - CLASSIFICATION DETERMINATION

1. Evaluate status of fission product barriers:

Breached /Challensed ,

c. Fuel Cladding Integrity YES NO (See Figure 1) .
b. Reactor Coolant System YES NO
                                                              .                                 Integrity (See Figure 2)                                                                                                                                           .

c.. Contafament Integrity TES NO (Ses Figure 3)

2. Determine the hishest emergency classification level for present plant conditions (See Figure 4).

Check One , Notification of Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency

                                                                                                     ._     General Emergency Comments:         Om4442<d                                                                                     & b                       cI" '!A# Wet $ ,

a u. _ . , g

m. i d
3. Assume the position of b rgency Director.

Signature N Energency D:. rector Date 3 / 7.0/ f/7 o pg

                                                     ,               .                                                                                             Central Time                                                   0 ," /30 L
4. Proceed to Notification of Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency / General Emergency Checklist of this procedure.

O . _ . _ . _ . . . _ - _ _ . - . . _ _ . _ - . _ - . - . . . . _ . ~ - - - . - . _ . _

t n pom ece n ot ui, ! M 88o,  % W NO- ! VEGP 91001-C s 7 11 of 12 J. a i Sheet 1 of 2 i O SITE ARIA EMERGENCY / GENERAL EMERGENCY CHECKLIST ( { l. Maintain a los of the incident (this may be delegated to j other personnel, as available). i l 2. Make an announcement over the public address system for all . j areas as follows: l NOTE 3 i Wording in [ ] any not be applicable to all situations. , .t 4

                                                     "ATIENTION ALL PERSONNEL - TNIS IS AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY -


3. Sound the appropriate alara:

Site Area Emergency - pulse tone l i General Emergency - felp tone 4 Repeat the announcement from Step 2. l 5. Direct early dismissal of non-essential personnel or site ' evacuation as described imdar EarLv Di ==4 ===1!S* *=.- Evacuation on.the Emergency Director checklist ut Procedura l l 91192-C. " Duties of The Emergency Director". l 6. 1 Determine offsite relocation center for site evacuation. i 7., dotify security of early dismissal or of evacuation routes j prior to making the PA announcement. 4

!'                                            8. Implement notifications in accordance with Checklist 1

{ g . j Emergency" 91002-C. Emergency Notifications" Director Notificccion Che 1 I i O

 ;                                   m I       . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - . . . .                      .    . - . _ . .        .-._ _._. - _ -_ _ _-.- _ _ - _ _ _._ -

1 .. . ~ . . -.- _ _. __ l *eoommunemo6 neumost esea no. i VEGF 91001-C 7 12 of 12 i )4 _- Sheet 2 of 2 } SITE AREA EMERGENCY / GENERAL _DfERGENCY CHECKIIST 1 1 9. If-a radiological release is involved, request offsite dose j grojections be performed (see Procedure 91304-C, i Coeyuterized And Manual Back-Up Methods For Release Race

!                                                               And Dose Calculations").

4 l 10. Perform accountability of operations staff not badged into j control room (if not complaced in Alert Checklist) Procedure i 91401-C, " Assembly and Accountability". (This maybe j j delegated to other personnel, as available). . i 1 s

11. As necessary, make grotective action reconumendations per Procedure 91305-C, Protective Action Guidelines".

j 12. Continue with subsequent actions"1er the Emergency Director j Checklist in Procedure 91102-C hties Of The Emergency l l Director". i 4 ! signatur. LTD d '

z.erency otrector ,

Date/ Central Time b/p/ O.f4# !O i i l - { i i 1 i !O _ _ _ _ - - --__u-wr-,--~w- -,__,,.er=-ee-ewwo---- -we+---um-------mee m e. -m e . --m-ww e erwee--o.-e s-eew----vowe-a- w--mw w su,erve-,r--w-.r-+w-+-w,w-wee +ee-% e c -eew e e

Reports Ptge A ct~~iil { PRocauRa sec. Raviatose PAGE No. ] VEGP 91001-C 7 , 11 of 12 i j Sheet 1 of 2 i SITE AREA EMERGENCY /GINERAL EMERGENCY CHEC1C.IST l i j f F 1. Maintain a log of the incident (this may be delegated other personnel, as available). to } i 1 2. Make an announcement over the public address system for all j areas as follows: NOTE j Wording in [ ] any not { be applicable to all 1 situations. .- 1


! (GENERAL EMERGENCY) HAS BEEN A SITE AREA Drrt_aern [FOR EMERGENCT,G-UNIT fM )." . l l i (Give f+ C- a b inf descriptioUbof hp.wn na Odfthe event) l.oss o f A l M . [EMFAGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL REPORT TO YOUR ASSIGNED ' RESPONS1! FACILITT. (NHF-EGGEN H ah-PERL -.m. m i iO j

                                                                  .3395EGF (Repeat Announcement)
i. I
                                                                                                                                                  $-2a-f P i                                                                                                                                                     /
3. Sound the appropriate alarm:

i Site Area Emergency - pulse tone o4l General Emergency - yelp tone 1 9l

4. Repeat the announcement from Step 2.

i j 5. Direct early dismissal of non-essants.21 personnel or site ! evacuation as described. nad=- Early ni ==4 ===1111ta j I'vacuation on.the Emergency Director in Procedura l 9AAUZ-G. " Duties Of The Emergency Director". I 6. Determine offsite relocation center for site evacuation. l 7.. Notify security of early dismissal or of evacuation routes j prior to making the PA announcement. ! 8. Implement notifications in accordance wi'5h checklist 1 j Director Notificscion Checklist, in Procedure j Emergency" 91002-C, Emergency Nocifications". i l 4

                                 ~~ -

l - - }. i


    ,smocanunsma.                     m                         omse no.

12 of 12 VEGP 91001-C 7

                         - - -                                          Sheet 2 of 2


9. If a radiolo ical release is involved, request offsite dose

, projections he performed (see Prococure 91304-C, l Computerized And Manual Back-Up Methods For Release Race

And Dose Calculations").


10. Perform accountability of operations staff not badged into i control room (if not completed in Alert Checklist) Procedura l 91401-C " Assembly and Accountability". (This maybe

] delegated to other personnel, as available). .

11. As necessary, make protective action regosamendations per j Procedure 91305-C, " Protective Action Guidelines".

l 12. Continue with subsequent actions aar the Emergency Director i theirlist in Procedure 91102-C, "htties Of The Emergency l Director". I dWL Signature 0, t Emers' y Director Date/Cancral Time / 0942 O - l l 9 O l

n% . . ,og _ - .. -

                 . - -                                                                    nevimos,                              maa no.

VEGP 91'001-C 7 10 of 12 Sheet 1 of 1 ALERT CHECKLIST

1. Maintain a los of the incident (this may be delegated to other personnel, as available).
2. Make an announcement over the public address syscaa, for all areas as follows:
                                                                                                   'A0TE Wording in [ ] may not be applicable en all                                           .

situations. I " ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL - TNIS IS AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY - j . AN ALERT NAS BEEN DECLARED [FOR UNIT / ]." ,. !l (Give a brief description of the event, if appropriate, and r eat the = - =-coment. ) i L % m ~__ I W/

5. / 0 = _J-Al l ,

j " EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL REPORT TO YOUR ASSIGNED } mrtcENCY RESPONSE FACILITY. NOM-ESSENTIAL PERSONNE4 EEIT i THE PROTECTED AREA, REPORT TO ASSEMBLY AREA." (Repeat Announcement) l l 3. Sound the alam for an Alert'- warble tone. , O 4- =t == < == 2-l 5. Implement notifications in accordance with checklist 1 ! Emergency". Director Notification Checklist, Procedure ! 91002-C. Emergency Nocifications". l l 6. If a radiological rdlease is involved, request offsite dose grejections be performed (see Procedure 91304-C, Computerised And Manual Back-Up Methods For Release Rate ! And Dose Calculations"). .

7. Perform accountability oi ~~H- staif, men. badged into controI~ room. (Procedure 91401-C, " Assembly and Aacteuntability". This maybe delegated to other personnel, as available).

! 8. As na:essary, make protective action recommendations per i Procelure 91305-C, " Protective Action Guidelines".

9. Contince with subsequent actions per the Emergency Director

! Checklist in Procedure 91102-C, " Duties Of The Emergency Signature b zeergen tractor Date/ Central Time? , / Y20j ,0 4

 --_-__- -        ________-._=-_._,._,_m.,,_,.__-..,,,ww..__                                       . , . .           _


nc . . ., .. __ 1 mar == =o. neveon . oa n l 91102-C 6 12 of 18 j VEGF 1 Sheet 2 of 8 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS I Transfer of Responsibilities i i 1. Review with the ED:

1. l sammary of events l

g ' Plant status ,$ p ipre.nt status

                                           ' Emergency claseification l

l Q br,7g/ e. Status of notifications of offsite authorities I L7 j f. Protective and corrective actions J / '

                                             , Completed checklist items
                     /               h.         Status of facilities activation

] t l L. Any noted deficiencias s

j. Status of assembly and accountability, if initiated l
k. Outstanding orders 13 Recovery plan of action, if known CAUTION i Assure that initial actions in Procedw e i 91001-C, " Emergency Classification And l

Implementing Instructions", have been i i completed as necessary prior to proceeding

with this checklist.

j 2. Review facility readiness with facility managers. } 3. Assure that logkeeper natutains a log of ED actions and ! records any transfer of responsibility. l

4. ' Formally assume from the 0505 the position of ED, usias the j following message format:

j AT' M9/T'



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j Event Report No. T-90-003 Report: Page /ti of ?A4 i S #1 Release

                                                                                                     -                                                                       March 20, 1990
'                                                                                                                                                                                      9:50 cst                             ,

i . ( A site area emergency was declared at Vogtle Nuclear plant near Waynesboro 4 at9:00A.M.(CST)today. The emergency was declared due to a loss of on- and ' i i off-site power to Unit 1 for approximately 36 minutes. Power has been restored i i to essential equipment in the plant, and the situation was downgraded to an i alertstatusatabout9:15A.M.(CST). Unit 2 tripped off line but did not experience a loss of power and l currently is being maintained in a stable condition,

)                                                                        The loss of power to Unit 1 occurred when a construction vehicle backed into a power pole in the switchyard adjacent to the plant.

5 i A site area emergency is declared whenever on ~ and off-site power is lost for more than 15 minutes. There has been no release of radiation and no danger to the public. Non-essential personnel were evacuated as a precaution about .I 9:00A.M.(C$T). k le:iki l 4 l ' i 4

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(M Eve,rr neport nr. f-90-003  ! neporb Page 44 et - 44 n u , ease March 20, 1990 O , 10:30 A.M. The Vogtle euclear Plant continues to operate in " alert" status. " Alert" is the second least serious emergency classification. The plant is stable. Unit I was.alrandy.down for its second refueling outage. Switchyard maintenance was in progress in connection with that outage when a construction vehicle struck a switchyard power pole. One of two diesel generators attempted to start to supply power, but failed. It then was started manually. h second diesel generator was out of service for planned maintenance, also in connection with Unit l's planned outage, ht inability to supply emergency I diesel-generated power for more than 15 minutes resulted in the declaration of i the"siteareaemergency*atg:00A.M.(CST). Unit 2, operating at normal power, tripped off-line due to power fluctuations on the Unit I side of the plant. Unit I did not lose essential electrical power, however. ) i Shortly after 9:00 A.M. (CST), non'-essential personnel were assembled and I accounted for in accordance with emergency operating procedures. They were not evacuated as initially reported. I Work is underway to restore normal power to Unit 1. l Neither unit sustained any damage. Noonewasinjured,andtherewasno i ! release of radioactivity. l l l !o l i l i

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I ! th5s M Voetle Electric Generatine Plant - Units 1 and 2 - j 4 Final Response to Aequest for Engineering Assistance No. VG-9011 - d su ID t File: X780111 Log: SG-agl7 Security Code: NC ' i j f f. A G' Mr. C. C. Miller '# ' er of Engineering ' ManafeProject-NuclearOperations Vogt ' Georgia Power Company . Post office Sex 1295

  • Sirmingham, Alabama 35201 l -


Dear Mr. Miller:

The attached report is the phase !! response to REA VG-9011 which addresses the specific NRC concerns identified in Generic Letter ' Number 88-17 and subsequent responses. Also, this report verifies plant specific findings for WCAp 11916 that apply to plant Vogtle Units I and 2. The results from the ACS venting analysis were discussed with a WOS l contact at Westinghouse for concurrence prior to the issuance of this


' This document completes activities concerning REA 4 9011. If yee have any questions, please call David Detson at extensten 4050. ! Very truly l

                         /      //
                                   %           [,
                                          ,** ,..*l,,

W. C. Ramsgr & .' Jr. j wenJr/ORD/ss .

Attachment i

sc: s.Beckhold,Jr.(w/att.) ' i A. E. Cardens Isi/att. ! N.W.Nortene@/att.))

  • MC. R. %er R. E. Pstrick (w/att.
5. Pietraytt (w/att.) )

1 P. D. Rusates !Q i NONil DocumentFlie(w/att.) { ProjectFile

e . \

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1 9 1 i j This - report is the result of a southern crusany Sevious study conducted for the Wgtle D a:tric Generatirg Plant, M Mll, regartiirq issues i and aancerns in Mc Generic Isttar (Gu se-17. 1his letter dM-- the I lans of the residual heat renewal system charsig pericu$s of rwsuced I inventory in the reactor coolant systm. 1his rugurt partially fulfills the request ande in NBC GL 88-17. l. J

umstinghcmane w -11916 is a study of ganaric the, three, and four lamp I

plants cparating at a rakaced irwentary or "melcap" acr:11ticm. 1he thermal hydraulic analyses perforums in the umstingtsmane stim $y pirudict Es l behavior follawing the loss of Nms cooling during mid-lacy cparatiors. s conomens atttressed by the analyses incitate time to core boiling, the Es pressurizatica rats, time to core uru:mery, apanings in the xs bcunsary 5 that can laqpact Ms recovery rempansas, and renownry aparations for i various Es configurations. i This plant-opecific sttady, vo-9011, verifies that ammmptions used and i conclusions drawn in WchP-11916 anocupass Flant vogtle. Calcmalations were perforund cm the major cparational considerations listad in the W. alternata I-- si aparations are maggestad to replace thema described Ito ] in the ICLP. Saggmstad asthods far ingswaments were ande far aparatisms not W by the W zwetalts. i hast fcr 4s hours after catdown and Plant vogtle was aztated using the damsy i ficar calculatim tes parfaamed thidt m:x$aled N3 inventary additim sgrated fuel at asas met. A gravity i the refus11ng totar stcrage tank frian I A (1557) throups paths other than theme dameribed in the W. I i U . In general, the results are as foncne-t


{ 1he assumptisms listaC in the W tenisti saximian the cuate hautup zute ans preneuriantim and mininiaa the tian to heiling ard came i irszwery mangmas F1 ant vogtla. o ! Be esM h to hallism af SJ ata, time W ame ansusty nues e r e. g r/ mi r = = =.=====uutime3P class j afen57samens to min, ad NB tseen,la en ump sur a sumedae me sam j i N a~SE aparatim 3xcentras taken 2 nut the ut2P encsugmas Flaut Dugt2m's aparutlaa. ' o Be ESP matysis lay 11as that any vent witti an anus of 0.5 ft2 ,, 2ampur is sements to prevent acs 38 2 .

                                                                                                                                              +% mis tsnains emes 22 a EB euM 3ss gudsg is guemme
                                                                                                                                        .ar as guns                      .aus w inases

! I sumM la a w pnessa peut l a s tem anM 1st R is sagsmuted \ he sveldet '

  • h h h M to em M e h 6 g W m 313 fuesmas at 3 peig. The gruvity ficar patts denen and their 1

Q respective flowratas are shcun in rigures 2.2 and 2.2. 5 i

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 )                sangdrater is 27 ada after 1rsvantary beO.iry boghs. See mamanted              ser === king Armsa. ==tainment weil the taiparatur.

remdhas 180 is 21 min with no acritainment assics ryurating.

 .t O          Mtsk an cyan contairannt, a minimum of three coolcs uust he operated asFensure that tamparature remains below iso 8F far 57 min after loss             . ;

l af spets this would be r=q to allow parnama*. to continua crestainment closure activities prier to more unocury. o A rwiew of the Mnc questions to coorgia ptamir Casparty Islating to GL Maber 84-17 is in section 4. mis zwview the plant j specific findings of this report to gasstiers pcomi by the Nuc. o A zuview of GPC rh uns dans to insure gunsric information frtmi MCAP 21916 used in the r @ K- - . = - - " Pla Vogtle. t 8 ?

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i i macut.ive mammary i O - o mtents 11 iv f

                  , List et Figures                                                                                                          v 1

Intro &ction 1 i i 1 merim and Perform Plant-specific Analysis 1.1 emneral Descriptian of moviews j and Analysis - 2 i 1 1.2 Fiantef'ic omiculations 2 1.2.1 Time to saturatian 2 1 1.2.2 Time amedred to Dgnme once 4 j 1.2.s acs nesta, mate for 4s hours s i, 1 1.2 mamary of conclusions s 2 Analysis of Norgauer cardition 3haramena 2.1 annaral W of Analysis la j 2.2 Fiant-specific chicanlatisms 32 2.2.1 E5 Pressurizatist Ruta 12 2.2.2 eurity Flow Inventary A&Sitian 15 2.2.3 E3 Denting 20 l 1 l l 2.3 Instrummtation Ampacts 23 2.3.1 Imuel Mansurumart Daring Stamm Genesuger Sam ! 22 i 3.3.2 mamaremert Etrues i W @mentian 34 2.4 mummer et cunctusians as 3 6 et mask Inside Ctutainemet Set Gaugushearistian of Analguis as l 3.3 6 mianeuse a 3.3.1 W Centairsuert 2distiast 1sual M 3.a.3 cuensement napernas. so I l 3.3 ammary at omniusies sa iv i 4 O 4 4 I. . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

2 - _. - - __ .2 ..-- . -, . . _ . . . m.m_ _ .- lg' i = '?)~5 e,

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l 4 moview or senaric Iseter as-17 1 . i 41 General Description of Review 34 . l 4.3 aspedicia m accians x

4.3 7tegrammad Erihancements 35 1

4.4 NCEP Section 2 haview 36 4 j 5 References 33 6 h 41 1 I . l J i -


i 1 i l } i i i t ) 4 4 i t 4 5, . l i 1 i l 1 -


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                                                                                                            , d N sect. tan resp ese 1toofGeneric this report revie=s ard parfammi plare specific analysis in Iseter (au so-17 p.w enhanoaments. neviews were datamineperformed    an GL    48-17  and Georgia Power Campany (GPC) proostares to tenet   infoemation in NCAP-11914 required verification.

O taenismi review tes parformed an WCAP-11916. A cessariacm was made of the enemy heat rata and power levels between Plant Vogtle and the WCM midaled plant. A , l j inices can acutel varicusInformation was certained about the MpP coagutar systan, several - cniculations wereplant conditions, including mid-loop aparations. i performed to verify that results of the WCAP study encarrpassed Plant Vogtle. 121e calculations were time requi.rui to maturation, (as) haatw time rate.required to expose the enre, and nonctor coolant system 1

              'Das analyses cerducted in this section were based crt NN: reczamandations                             I unds . to GPC+ in ther initial GL 88-17. section 3.4 of the letter directsi Caniact for          analyses proce& ares, to agpienent acisting informatian and develop a basi.s
    -                                     instrtamentaticri installatian and respanne,                        and
             %    = -.'  M  ear the analyses should steam      supply    systes   pass)  interactions      and      resgxanne.

the anctopass tharsextynamic and 3 bysical states to which I hareers basis is developed.can he sutdectaci ad should provida matricient depth that the t..:..wsiing of suphasis shcttid be placed tguns obtaining a ocuplete discussian, the let: statas less behavior under norycaer cymration. In its made an a callant start that the Hastinq>ouse owners Grag OCX3) has menticri is ande meeting this recxumardatim. Further OCG) in NchP-11916 of the different thermal /hydrau11c analyses perforund by analyses for v .wie tae, thres, and four lamp plants. 1ha iis-dai forand calcadations Plant vagtle. perforund in vtkooll supplement the MchP section 2 { n plant af thiss.rupart analyzed hunt norpener canditim 3hemmann impact comratie i U ruammendatime made la the basseprouns ear the revia s was temas an aL as-17 and in the so emy rumparne latter. As in i' section 1, that data in the M2Psavural plane spectric anlanaties were paresumma to verify anzupanned Flang ugyi. 1hs caladations pertarmed meiitlan verify the capsham by nas gravitypressurization fim, zuts, the asunt at imentary (marf) eram the varumling water semenge tank to the a suussure mutaduy. mas, and the admemey at vers apanings in the ses to relieve studied to datammine itsthe mz mid-lacqp water imot instamer**im was resp e se to the diteurent syntes effects including the ateset of draisukam. I t seceism : inside emmemi-meer tids russes tientt s the wwmy ac --*wa is wars cremens e. samum eartsuusrc witmin the camtainmet.amma hi'ig ha portasund W 4AEEmine the assurst of t&as rugdzug em1=1*i-s were radiamettue du to remaive a P""*i"""* a'm=as epmL to the maxiasm =11==Ma

                                ==**=elam        Osm                                intivkhal amminan nonded to hasy the o                                and the maker of antairannt conlars priar to case unswery. mstairmars tamparatues helmr 140 *F Sur the 57 min i

} 1 Sectian n an=== 4 ofsixthispro report reviewed GL 00=17 azul the respese latters to l adE@Mtaly. ah,ssia nom.nt. r.==meness er tan oc beve h==n i lO 1 \ i,

i [A in-d J i .DJ 3-i 1.0 3avIDf A80 M3tytset FIANT ERCIFIC JdOOSIS \ 1.1 CENERAL t mn iIs OF R N m 4 AND AN N Ia Plant Dogtle cymraticmal proomkres wert zwviewed for charges Wsich ! Armorporated irWteation found in WCAP-uS16. Au 18019-C, *1 css Or 3 eat, a contains staps and cauticms obtained fra information in w:AP-usis. boilirg, . heat This@information .rets, ardincluches the tian to core unocuery, time to 3r3 gravity fill tram the 3Mrr. All of this informatien itan will be Man exempt

                                                             ===d inthe last itan is h-M in this section. 1ha last information is used                               sa::tica 2 of this report. h==           this Socific for  plant the WCAP, Wiich analyzed ganaric two, three, and four locp aparation,     it uns   my    to 'arify that erw=pa === Plant vogtle.                              The plants,
1.3 results of these reviews uw in Section 1

! 1ha IChP analysis list 13 assumpticns for the generic study. All of the assunpticms except the decay heat power, enczapass Plant vogtle. Sinom the fuel modeled in the ICAP was 12-ecmth cycle fuel arsi Vogtle uses 18- } nonth cycle fuel, this ammaptica nandai verifianticm. i IchP-11916 ammans a l pawar of 3700 let arsiganaric four-locy 17 x 17 fumi plant with a thagnal 3 Plant Vogtle was a core average kurny of 30,000 letyMIU. Even if i The. decay heat W, the pawar level would be a =avinam of 3565 IOf. level. generation rata essentially increases linearly with pouer omsidering the planned hurmy at Plant Vogtle could appread 40,00030tyMID. fuel annagement strategy, the ente average above Increases in burn e slightly.the 30,000 304%/It!U level increase the dammy haut rate mly icnese powerFtr level Flant vtigtle, the decrease in decay haut rate &as to a la significantly larger then the saml1 increase &as to { iruzanned huenup. l results arut any supacted Shareftmo, there is reasonable nazgin hetmean the ut:RF i ands of cgierstim at Plant Stigtla. Also, ths j results arane 7tcriniani of an evaluatim of the vagtle demy hast saurus using thm sec l VcUtle models to be positian ASB 9-2, Inst.2, July 1981, shnued the war and hammad the other at very class (Attactament 1). Altsun 1 all tians after romanar enmaaun,a$ neither antal botnam the diresemans i the tuo andals was small campered to the usagia hutuman the v i,= la may aest stant voytla's came average sammy. ansed = ! thmes  ; findings, the doomy hast generstad by one unit at plast itigtle will ,! always he hounded by the results of utm>12 sis. j aning the mar desar home saurma, calculaties vues paremmed usins  ! i cumdicians the was. at es uses after neutdown far anageriana reedsed tiraugene tem enter, and acs ss.ensus hastupthat no guestrical di2Bimunces hatuaan ths 427 andal and Plant 9tigtle affemed anlaulatias zusatts, tan irwentary vehan ear sagtle was mi m istad. omgiarisons ce tem plant specirle discummed in senti m 1.3. ,=imi=+i- to the M2P tindings are 1 A j d==e brieft**history = atanditsstructure of the ISAP caugnatur program aleg with a i 1*+=c+==re 2. mid-leap analysis capability are presentad in i , O ' l 1 ) i (_ _ _ - __....--- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~

                                                                                                           ,'O-l M.Q?

1.a - /f I~

                                                                                                                    < E, 1 mis secti e esveleys Flant vowele-epseiria esta for camparison with date azul results 2nsa 3Rl2P"11814. 1he EMMs suggestad in IRlRP Secticm 3.10 $mr ='~
  • jag plant-specific data enre used as general guidance.

1.2.1 1IDE REUIDED 10 sA2WATION 1hs asseptions used in this calculation are listed below. ? - -._ ions used in the WlllAP were also used for this calculatism. i

1. Initial candition for pipe, vessel and water is l'40*F.
3. tentar elevation is 137 ft-4 in (mid-lacy canditions) . '
3. t% rated pener is used (3565 Jeft). l
4. MChP 11916, Figure 3.2.4-1 " Decay Most Pener vs Time After autdam," applies. to vagtle. . . - -
s. power level used is for 4s hans after shutdown (per is:mP).
6. Itttar volumes used for tium to saturation include the ante regian, ssper intamals regian, ans sot of the hat legs.

unisans used for time to case unmovery incluem saper internals region, het and cold legs, surge line, and a portim of the reactor coolant pay (MCP) hew 1 and XlF suction line.

7. Solidnot hehast vities included forfor the thicdc vammel antal sections trill conservatias. -
s. Emot Icos through insulaticri is ommervatively left cast.
9. All res1Ami hast remover pest) cooling and ficar is last at time tM min. ,
10. Es andcyanings include the a steam generator Izumeuriser (put) umraag enring hastzy (SS
11. omtairement and (acs) are)at stammunemey &aring boiling.
12. mas are not available for conting.sheric prammurs.

O a i rate fer Daytam /s

                                        = <>.            =.4-1      na           taa a 1 =. a.=> , t=.        ,h     t (3565 left)(.0048) = 17.11 Deft er 16,230 M@ (973,800 MuHain).

Eth an M3 13 1 tamar tauDeesture er 14deF and a cimal smear tap erature at 72 . ten tempmentume inmumen m,ar tes namnaris is amenase disessant water vahams an$ hast aupacities are nament far all. at the anlogatians, tan acs was divhens asas aspermes regians fm* analysis. She sophnis are abshfi 1R rigma 1.1. the total vehen et the ante regie is [W4TGK5 in.)$1so.5 la.)]/12 3= less st3 . Prim rum amatian 41 ans 4.2, the runt vahan is [(1st in.)(r/4)(o.374 la.)2(ase rods) (183 ====m11ma)y123 =4es et3 . 3 !O

i g .. ; : -: :s oa o Tb .* $ ] Y d . l

  • l l P/////////v**ta !=tre ats assrwetv\\\\\\\\\9 h
..-.- .." L ' % b. .-.---.

i'U . . . ,, m . . ,

                                                                    /     UPP(R jNTERNALs REctow
                                                                                                                                                 }                                     _



sTEau2=cmaron F as. CNat *uw l i r

                                              , =;.t;om-          l[LovenINTramaksass'ENv                                                          '

i'd: It " i 1

                                                                                                             -152.60' Dia. --e                                                                          ;
                                                                                                             -173.00* cla.                       :    :                 e.g.73 I

i . i - i e a ! N I cons assion l 'O u i r

            .                                                                                                                                  l 4

JL.---._._ f*, _ C04 $UPP0mf EC10N t*S.40' frif t O FleWit 1.1 utarts . voLLas atsteps 4

1 , p l .a e a = ,1=.1777~ a.. 3 44.

i. ., ,.

r u. ,m . i. . 1. n.i. m. a,v ,J . a1 1, v.1 -

at m . 2m er intmena2s is i taso,cos 2ame(so1.3 23W st 3 ) = sas et3 .

I j m.ue m s ne, or 2ss et 2 , .e w ar sa:.enal. volu is l" Q e ti. stas t Et y 2tur-F. he in es'aore regicm, with a solid heat vity of 9224 Sh. volgit of UQ and clad in the core msgion are 222,729 2ama and 45,29s 1&um, respective 1F, team rsAR T.ble 4.2.-l. 1ha specific 1 heat (@) far fuel 1. o.os atWitme-r and for zircancy-4 clad is o.ost { an v itar r. , 1 i m er. car., mm un, e. a=1 ans tal v 1= eram e. ===.1 v.1 j en am resian == tar values is . 4 j 1aw st3 - 4 e et* .: 2ss et2 losa et8 i j wie a solid hast cup. city of f ~ i (222,729 Ita)(o.06 St@F) + 1 (48,2ss Ihn)(o.ost atW11am-F) = 17,a33 atWF. J sh. total vahan of th. ante ogszzt regia is i . i j f(er/2)(as in./12)3(o.s)) + ((w/4)(153.2 in./12)2(2.s it)) = 1342 ft3 . Aksut 25 parannt, las it , of 3 the lower internals vehus is estimated to be in the enes agpart regian. 1hm weigit of the lauer intmenals is 260,0001ha, wie a speciric heat capacity at 0.12 Etu/1ke F. O'-

                                                ""'''''""*"                                                                                     i 1

1242 ft3 - 1s st3 = ssl st3  ! wie a solid hast capacity of i j (240,000 2kul(c.13 aanr2kme-r) = 21,200 atWF. i I the total wahms elevatism is of the ugger internals zugian to the 187 ft4 in. i { i ((w/4)(13.5 in.)3GBin.) M =338ft. 3 { 1 rue. sue tearr,asperes gone intasmals unigst is taa,oso 2hn. en total suemme is l to be ase fe . sAhma 15 pensent et ths l laume asenmunas veemme (75 ' is estimates to he in this resha.  ; 1 thmenesee the geur be==m1= regian unter vehen is _ 8 i sas st - to st8 - 4e st8, wie a seus heat aupacity of (122,000 2tuo to.22 atWlter) = 15,s4o atW2km. J l

s '

~ - - . - - - . - - - . . - _ _ _ _ - . - _ _ _ _ - . - _ - -

e; i - 1;-3:2 nas tamal veles of the enemmer resian is fy V 'T M [(r/4)((1731n.)2 - (152.51n.)2 )(210.51n.)]/123 = 638 ft3 shid is also the totar voltme of this regian. nas 8mur cold leg pipes ard nozzles have a 27.5-in. inside diameter are are ene 27 ft lang. The four het leg pipes ard reazies have a 29-in. inside diameter and are ese 19 ft lang. The total seter volume with initial level at the het /ard cold leg aantar line is 0.5 ((r/4)(27.5 in./12)2(10stt.)] +


0.3 [(w/4)(29.0in./12)2(77 ft.)] = 400.ft3 . This .is 223 St3 cold 1g volume' arut' 177 ft3 het leg volumn. 1he hast capacities ite the hot and cold legs are calculated using all of the pipe estal volte ar, a hast sink. The enlid hast capacity for the het pipes is 7740 EtWF. Ptr the scenario esecribed in the timP, the totar vities in the omre, sgper plerman, and 30 percent of the het lag are hastad to 212

        *F. The total teter heat vity is 3

(last it3 + 449 ft3 + (0 3)(177 ft )) (s1.2s lauvet')(1 EtM (72 F) = 6,844,329 Etu. She heat capacity sur the fual and clad over the 72 degree taqurature rise is (17,033 StWF)(72 F) = 1,226,376 Etu. O - -hel- - - i-*.-ttr-capacity, the tema reqpired er the (6,em,329 Eta + 1,226,376 Etu)/(973,000 EtWain.) = 8.3 mimess. 1.2.2 Tas agmW 10 EMBOBE GER 1his =1=1*i= hail datammines the langth of tima it tahms to heat ar. teter is angomme at above the tzy at the case. 1bs bail att vehus et cer the seemr - i

1. ask. aussongs Marnaturiemus'."
2. tWar totar vehamn.


3. m taber above the gper came paahm.
4. cold lay and m masthm weer vehme above its bethan at tbs amid lags.

i ! All of the ammastisms innes in the swimus seatism ase valid sur this


j A gdll pensity of 35 posout at the keListf mass is , asemed hamed en the uthF analysis. l . \ !O 1 ! l

4 I il

  • Ck. i- o-os; l4 fy.171 5 34l jbQ
.      f                                                                                                                       -

4 i i oco. o ' i j soo.o **

,                                                                                                           r     ,

1 , i J' 800.0


dl A i i 7 j g . .- 7o0.0 4 4 f , 5 -

; 800.0 un , .

5 j 3  ;

3 #

1I y S00.0 i - (,, 1 # l, Q. aoo.o ,! 300.0 140*F.

                                                                 '        Intact
                                                                              ' RCS.'       No
                                                                                            '   So water 4                                                                        !                                 '        '

0.0 40.0 30.0 l 120.0 100.0 200.0 t 20.0 40.0 100.0 l 140.0 180.0 , e - . i T! W AFTER REACTOR SMUTOOWN (MOURS) , 1 ~ 1 ........ FROM PROCEDURE 140t9-c 1 i =========== FROM PL ANT SPECIF tc cALCUL AT10 i Pf00RE 1.2 - !O 1 4 TIME 70 SATURATION f f y . l (___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

si i. h- :; the hee lay asse sesem generatar almaw tocar volumme are assa'd /o 170 e# ].4$ to the teter voltan of the provisualy ammyuted het legs. 1his gives a total totar volume of 177 ft3 + r/4(2.41 ft)2(3.3 ft)(4 pipes)(2/2) = 220 ft3 . 1he sage line totar volume is calculated assaing the line is half full from the entrance up to the second elbow. pipe is 22.79 ft and the noter volume is 16 ft .yfore the total length of The longi:h of the deunocmar regian with a totar vo to be boiled ett is 3 ft. The seter volume for this region is los et Emdt 4 ft, 3CP is assumed to have a totar voltane equal to its inside diameter, tians the area of the cold legs. The cold leg steam generator albow contains totar for 1.15 f L 1han, the voltas for the It::Ps ard the se e2Bews and' cold leg nasaal is r/4(2.29 ft)2(4r/4(2.54 ft)(4)(2/2) +ft3+ p(1.15 ft)(4) 3= 77 ft ft) Adding the tartar volume of the ugier internals regim, 449 ft3 , the boil off teter volume is lose rr. At 140 8F, the =W is 67,280 ihm. h4ng a 25 percent spill penal ftta tthis gives 43,648 1kus. taming the enthalpies of totar at 140 ard esturated steam at 212 *r, the decay hast reqpirus to hast ans boil oef this mass is (1150.9 EtW12m - 107.96 EtW2hm)(43,6481ha) = 45,530,499 Stu. The docuy hast

               *r to 212 *F Le regaired to hast the acre regimet tutar voltan from 140 O                     (130.16 StW1km - 107.96 StWiksa)(44,571.76 Ilm) = 4,643,081 km.


              *r degree temperature rise istotal heat aupacity of the ICE antal used fur has (81,257 StWF)(72 F) = 5,843,317 maa.

1he hast irgna regaized to boil eff annu$t inter to engene the care is the am of all the hast irgmas, natidt is 56,035,897 Staa. 1he decay ) energr is that for 48 hans after stutdman is 16,230 MWs the taas to hail off I f (SS,"W,W BB )/ (14,230 Itsys)(80 s/ mis @ = 37 ala. l 1.2.3N3 m M RR48EIN so estemmine the degrams y per mirnas hasti, sur de hauts after reactor emessasi, ear that eense to aamr. divide the total engree chanen by tem ammas at t (72 *F) / (8.3 ala.) = 8.6 *F/ min. 1o l



l t 5 g .'. a : - fj.lff'N555 ! O' ! (

r .

1 i ! 8000.0 > ~ j u , { 4 7000.0 ! > 6000.0 >

                                                                                 '                     ~

! W S000.0 d l 3 u ( *

              ?         4000.0                              $

! 4* ~ \. $

                                                   ," ,o 3000.0               ]

i i

                                        /                                                        -


  • 0.0 40.0 80.0 f 120.0 160.0 200.0 20.0 40.0 100.0 140.0 180.0 l


                                 === = ==== FROM PROCEDURE 18019-C
                                 - FROM PLANT SPECIFIC CALCULATION e


4 4 M .n .: j 1.3 maammy cr cr m m wsas py. 4C,.i j 4/ l 1hn Arenas and - - - -W used for the tsaar program are in %ChF { amatian 2.3.4, papas 11 through 14. All at the esemptions used for j ttda analysis were verified to be app 1* cable to Flant vagtle.

 ;                          stds          uses teu ammaption about the docuy hast puner tesies was 1                            studied' to ensure that differences in the fuel did not amuse significant j                           differences in deamy heat pcuar.

specific 'cmicaalatiens tere performed to estimate the time to naturation, ties for core tr m ary, and acs heatse ruta for vagtle. 1ha1 CAP asproach considatad only hasting the water volume directly around the rual to 212*r tenich takes approsdmately 8 min. 1he plant-specific calculation astimated 8.3 mistas er WAtaly a mimtes for this < { hastny to accur. piernan, and part The hastup rata for this volume of water,* upper I j of the hat less is estimated to be s.s r per

mista. She M:hF astimated a Mif*1y hi@ar hastny rets. After the j water is hasted, it tahms apprtacinately 49 moen mistas to hail off the I totar volten above the care and expose the tgyse care plate. 1hs ICAP estimated a s11$tly faster time to more ecawery.

assuming an of the a editions anospt the decay heat rate resin the a meme throughout the somnario, grestsical aumparuans can he made se l various times after shutdcam. Charves, plattad in Figuess 1.2,1.3, atut ! 1.4, show the data from the plante*1c calculatian en greghs trat ! Proame== 1so1M:. she esta points shown am the gemshs indianes ! amicaalatim peines using the ammaptian muttansa above. the data sur j the suommeme greghs are fram the star ganaric 4 lace, plant analysis. All at the plantrific curves follow the 1the cairves in the regians for notices the gucific calculatian were perfoemmL Same of the differunams in the data can he attributed to the acauracy of czaputar i itarstim s of asveral diengirq omditicus matt as hast sink cantaction and water and vagur volumes. Another digterunas is that ttia stigtle calcnalatices estiasta a larger hastap volume ard a smaller boil off l valian than used in the tsar analysis. amusvar, the tian astimata l outammes do not diteur sapsificantly trun the gregeis used in the amargia i pener angiery Dreaudures. Ftr 12in inenummtimi anal famid ta cumenda <=a==ysed in this seatissi, anly 7toombas lacLN: was

                                                                =et-i rapiiring verissantia. oteur puumaanes will be discussed la melungant ametians.                                                                                            !

sinom al.1 et the ammaptians used in the 1ERP cauguter geogram are valid r= omaissa. n.a = tss ana .i tem pi isa . w e d cazzatues es ===mm smediated by the star analysis, the saan results

                  *=====* As this saatteurenempass Flant-gestaa. -                                                                 -

1 i a I

  • l0 u

i I.-, _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ - _ , .

i [lE i -?a- ? 2.O ApagxsIs cr Ntzaq:naR CDMTIcM MIDOEMk () , 2.1 GMDAL E3GtDTrew cf AHhLYSIS 2e ump tes reviewed for information ard generic calculations relating to rurpmer omditicm F-w-

  • that would affect the aparation of the at:s &arieqr loms of met ckzring mid-loop. De related tcpic dian===d in the )C:hP was 2:s pressars MMO &an to inadequate waiting an an intact acs. A prenmare kuildup could asues an ecurrerolled icas of inventory, l allowing the core to harr== exposed. tharing this time of press.tre t u i.l e s , the instrtment acxuracy could vary, stLicts would give falso readings to aparators. Also, a pressure buil&p samid limit the types 1

of recovery actions the aparators are able to perform, including limitation an gravity flow. Plant-specific calculations were parformed an these topics to dotarains the applicability of the WChP rum 4tm for ! vtgtle. De plant-spe.lfic calculaticms performed wars, to determine the a:s presarization rata, the adspancy of different vents used tetile at i mid-locy, inventary additian possible via gravity flow fece the men, and the accuracy of instrsament readings during the different conditions ! including system draindown. 2.2 PIANP-SPECIFIC CAI4HATIGES l i 21s section develops Plant Vogtle specific data ftr comparison with l data and results fzm W3P-11914. Se methods used in WlEP asction 3.10 for calculaticri plantvific data were used as general guidanos. i. 1 2.2.1 N3 Perearmw2mg am ' A siglified calculation ses perforund fcs" general emuparsam with the WCAP-11916 N3 pressurization analysis. 1his calculatim anglects the !O i

      **=- e i                 a ==         2 a
  • ia a M'414% far ary given hast igut. Dampite these 1.imdtstians, - ae- = -

tha 1 most i e w facters in W i'ung the premmere hail &p are the plantvific best calculation rate and 14=* and vapor vahamass therefers, this i is umneal in ammedning the general trund of the , pressurizatim. emuld asamuse qif the air'i*ying ammaptians, the calculatian ! be used fer camparise purposes ety. ammumpetans ear this calculation are listed balant. 1

1. Care water temperature is initially at 2128F.


2. Per En> 11918,13 paromnt of the deny heat gunmented by the ibal is used to hast cute antal.
3. Dahme of weber la a is 12.4e fr
4. Ihr satte attuent to vapor volume does not signifleuritly swer lanyth of tias Sur M premmarisatim.

S. M3 is 1senet with no vent cyanings an$ no B

with secondary side untar. Masala duas are est in pleen.
s. Danny hast Ar Dogtle fual is a constant 18330.5 R W m.
7. Effects of ary nenandensibles are neglanted.
8. Es antal haut sinks are neglected.
9. r


  • r M andities are amamed er ary gLven hast irpa=t, i.e., uniform 11cpid and vapor O =- == .

u l I

!         .                                                                                                       . P. l *: -

ne ms. ===arsa, m. firme Inw se es==adynsaics win he assaima O VI ser

                                                                                                                          ' # a3(
                                                                                                                                .i j

4 system that undergoes a eenge of stata. She corazol haaidary far the { system is the entire E5 volumn. As the system undergoes a charge of { state, the only energy to cross the boundary will be the decay heat j O ingant the by thewill system Sharefore, the not change in the internal energy of j U hast. - ammetly agaal to the not anargr irsmat by the enemy 2he reference 1w for the a&iition of energy (host) will be at an X5 taparature of 2u and time = 0 m, Wmu i Urcs " Uf ag + g aq , i j 3 3 ] = (ISO.n EtWikan)(3335 ft/0.01671( ft /lha) + j (lo77.6 EtWika)(8927

                                                 = 38,447,423         stu.-       ft /26.8 ft*/1kun) 1his is the total internal anargy for the systas. She decay heat rata j                               for vogtle ammaing 13 parcent for om metal hav.g is 4

i, 1saso.s ativs - t(c.13)(1saso.s misys)) = 14,120.5 stavs j j . 7,06o,268 So, for a Staa.500-s interval, ten' energy iryut into the boundary is s is 45,507,6911 hen, stu. the total internal energy for the system after 500 81: ins the internal energy is now knamn, C-- ag- ic pnparties can to mestituted into the energy kalanos equation i ~ U500 " Uf (3535/ vg) + Ug (8927/ v ,) to ***=ia at 8 the new states of tamparature and grammara. If the petymeties 240 44,219,735 Etm F are mestituted into the the valus ser 5 is j If the petgettias at are Mitimed. theCvalaas afar U U isof44,132,817 Etm Er ilhv attig hutueen 45,507,891 Mu, the final tequestamm is 247sy, gggggg thans the - for corzuspcmde to a m% praamare of 28 paiS. acs pressas has instansed feta 14.7 psig to at psig. As after 500 s, the This to 3500 asthme is umas ear 500 e irearvels from the than heLMag begins g s aftetuneds. i 1 Figure 2.1 j ana thras lag is aplant plat ofIImp this plant data.epecifim data and the generic four pener to vapur vehus antias damerihedNatues at ent of eactt line are the j i in the ump. i i 1 . i l 1 i l . . O 5 i

                                                                                                 -       ._ .-            . . = .         .                             -                     .                .     .-

d t

r C4 I A **3
i. j'y II.*oZ }4l


  • O - -

I s.- i 58

e -

d;a i g1 O . _>- M~ o 6 1 s i o i \ o < e N i " B ,{ i s '. 6 4 o 1 v" * \ *  ! i ' , - L \ - { i g- -% y

                                                                                -                                                 'g                              g                                              m            g Q                                                    '
                                                                                                                                    * ,s                              i                                                       u

( 0 g , f s. s


I N t 'ss 3 4 \ e U e

u. u< .
c. \ N
                                                                            -o                                                                    s                                                                           1-t i                                                                           o-                                                                        6 s                             g                          o a4
                                                                          --                                                                              s-                                                       *      -
  • i * '

t o uM 1 s g t j 8 N 51 o . e a- s i wv 2 t g C 3 I 1 O . g s. s s t g e ww M s l - u 4 hh 2m q,;

                                                                    -'                                                                                                                            n              O l-                                                                                                                                                                                                   5 1                                                                     .

i e a. i i e t - w 8 i a 9 i a e e 1

  • i O.

8 9

                                                                                            ,,       ,,           ,,            ,      ,           ,.                   ,                         -         o -

j O. .J

s,, O '

4 O. O. O. O O. o o. .g g *

                                                                                                                                       .                           o.                            .            .

! ,2 3 2 8 * * * , n n n 8 3 3 1 ( O t j 14 s 2

  ,._,___...__...______.,-..-_...,m_.,.,___-__...-.-...,-._...-m..__.__,,...                                                                                ,,_,_.,,,.-._.-.,._,e--.--m.--__,-                                    . . . , ~ . . . . . .

z.z.: <matyrtT rzas zuverzcur Anatrzas

                                                                                                                                           >    I f 7 : *; n, S

( 13ds aladatim estaminus Omnentas for genvity fims from Inst, ! tammugh differurt systems, to the Ecs. She sysems enslyzed ircluse the ! casamical ard wahane centrol system regnal %dag fim path totich was 1 l mentianna in the utar, the cuts safety irdect.m flawpath, the omfety Ardection Daupath, and the resi&aal heat reswal system acid leg irdectim 3 ! th for both mits, r _- i* s used in ttds miculation - l are listed below. '

1. All valves in the flowpaths are full agen. All needle valves are modeled as throttled giche valves.

1 2. Raps are medaled as a rahoer and an albcw. ! 3. unid-e-lets cause insiytificant pressure denps sur gewity now cursiitions are therefore are not m:daled.

4. The RCs wter level is at 137 ft-0 in.
5. The Nur is full for ances 2:s premmare canditim. Rail  ;

was defined as a level just above the minima level allowed  : to most todmical specificntlans. She initial totar level for the 35 Err tes datannined by the law alara j motpoirt of the tank. she totar level in the vessel is 187' 4". All of the pipe fram the tank to the artry point in the M3 was andaled fcar I each of the systems in tktit 1. 1he system for tknit 1 trith the hignost naurete was masalad ser tatic a analysis. se ehtaan pipe informatim, j i the current imamstric dewings more used Ser deteemining the legth of pipe, enabar of tittings, and elevetie s. she amenaulli sentian,. amiified for uns with agaivalart lanyths, tes used to dotatadas the fleus. 0=[(Fata"Fras+63)/(E f1/2Dpm8 + 3/rif E 2 W ))3/2, O . . t.t.1 n., l Pggs = M3 premaze head ! 48 = elsvatian ditemrunan . . . . D = pipe dim atar a = pipe arme f = griccian tanter 1 = eedvalent Implet et pipe a - rinner or pipe mennene e O "

   -_              _ _ _ _ .                _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ,   -___m____  ._,_.-.-s--    . _ - _ - - _ - _ - _

g . 7 .s - T sm ==mmu. == py . 2/ / iM tems, aanvih or sai pses, the rimmer or .1how.. valves, arut pipe entangemets' arut amtzacticru ters countad. the sauber er elka s,, tems, arut valves were maltiplied by the apprgriate valus 410. Sir their p pn sias. All agations are tua crenn 7tchnical Pape: ' O - - - ~ .,.= . ,, - . M- mi rm 4Ema,IR 2 1 m.ivai.,e t_m prieeten y eeer 24= (1. ass) 2.7s21 344.7s 10" o.012 (0.72s) 0.4175 311.cs n.014 sa (o.sss) 0.3474 o.014 e= (o. sos) 0.200s 2s4.s2 o.ois 4" (0.31s) 0.o7ss 5s3.50 2* (0.255) 0.01s 0.0513 o.ots 2* (c.172) 0;,o233 . asa.2s o.ois ihnen data include the 7 *_*is for the pg and FE-922. 1

      -                 determine the ficatrate than the IES the pipe data into the flaw equation. pressure is 30 psig (59.2 ft) irp; ,

G = [(o - es.2 + 81.4)/( 1o.57 + 141.75 )]W = o.282 ft3 /s

                                                                                                                = 127 gn3/ min.

1tds asma authod is used ser preneures of o, lo, 20, arut as psig. Per the h e=1 inenummtian is valian arut aantant system (st anos) the pig i Man sian tit) 3:3a4313 masivalant Ianym._fa) Friatism Factar 24* (1. ass) 2.7921 001.25 c.012 c' (0.885) 0.3474 o.o14 sa (o. sos) o.acos 199.7s o.ois ! 4' (0.287) 0.0645 733.cs o.o17 3* (0.218) o.,o37s o.ols 1.5" (0.111) 0.0087 515.00 o.021 j 1hase data innamen aangutstaans sur the pay, re e17, re e27, and t j needia inttuus thmettled to apputadautely se purent. The hamne flow calandstad sur the fuer lines teddet ase unna to la$ast taster into t N3. She kuusues fler lammes aus l ! 8

                             % ,= Va8vas (s3/ansm e                                                          )

515)/2(0.111)(32.2)(0.003713 i 98 Segunts tAlsst the 23 presanate is 30 pmL la 0 = [ ( 81.4-e.3 ) / ( loss + 234 ))V2 = o. ass it3/s

                                                                                                         = 45 SI/htm.

l . (

O 2' i

e i

t ff: ) -Tc-: ff /.97.r +, ]ai r* j J00 - t

300 E

2 N 1 1  : ( i.


200 l 1 I

                                                                     -     100       .._
                                                                                           ...,                                                                               A                                               i 1                                             .

j *** b .'.***,* . .

                                                                                                                                                                      ,'-,4, N4                                       -

t O l O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .'  t.

10 20 3C do

  • SIC i l l l .

S I m!T 3

                                                                                ========    CVCS (S!s largy 2 Cvcs (Ne s at? 1 FEIEEE 2.2 swr!!T FU3f for cut 3 and SE o


                                                                                                               =                                                                 .
  ,   .-.,--,...,----.--..,.,--..,......---,.-.-,,--..-......,--w---                             , - - - - - . . , . . , - . . - , - - - . , . - - , . - - - , , . -                      . . - . . - . - . . - ,

\ I , / 30 .', I

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fy WO 14S i I i 2000


i i l 6


2 isoo k s.N.9k L-t - A.N } j 2

                                                                       \            h E           1000                                                        De.             m m,\.

3 v , . C j - SCO 2 C . 4 i O I O l 10 20 30 . 40 4 i i PSIC s' I 1 i { Me4R 1 ! = = - === RMR2 4 d no l N 8.8 M M m ser M IEEIB 1 and a . l O O 19

ii  !. ??- 3 2.2.2 atz vsyrne 9W ~ 1his amiculatism is for the came share the pts has a het la possible vent paths can be created by renewing a sc unrway,gpressurizar vent path, O morney, er all three safety relief valves tram the prammarizar. the hot lag vert aims is adequata if the staan ganarstad by the inventory boilirg than to decay heat is able to pass thecup the openirg without substantial pressurization of the at:5. The prussuru wn% for ventirq thesmagh the safety rulist valve lines arut the pressarizer marway vi.11 he amiculata$ to see if they are sufficient to relieve the pressuru builche. Ammaption arm $ critaria for this calculation are

1. All three P5Vs or the PER marway have been rumcwed.
2. Camtairuuant is at etacopharic pressure.
2. Etitad power of the reactor is 3565 Mft. '
4. Decay hast is 0.48 percent of rated pcmar.
5. NWL is last 48 hours after reactor atuatdown.
6. No line is filled or partially filled with totar.

(the teter level has already been decreased to a level -w ing eto the bottcan of the hat leg.) Te verify the vent vity, a pressure in the vessel is ammanad and the 3reasure desps in the system are ocuputed. A final 3xensure is than i ca.laulated ard campared to the initial pressure. This mMacm is dune for verification. The first calculation is for variting thraupt the safety relief valves, and an initial pressure of 10 psig (25 psia) tes duisen. 1hers are 11.5 ft of 29-in. 2n hot lag piping to the marge line wit 2s an estronom (RV nossie) and a fittirg (Tes) as airuir longas. Fim stama tables, the speef fie velas of the stasm is 16.301 ft*/last and the latert best of evuperatian is 953.1 Et&V1ha. O therufers the vahastric flowrata is1ha sees flammuta is 17.08 1hu/s q = (17.05 IkuVs)(18.301 ft3 /1hn) = 277.93 ft3 /s Using this flaw to eniculate a Reynolds matier and a frictiam tacter(f), { solving sur un tats 1 minne lammes (M gives K = f I/D = (0.013)(11.s et/2.4a st) = 0.csa. The grammes deep a r the hat lag is than j delta P = [3.8 (R(dunnity1(g2 3 j g M P = [3.ER 3 3 (0.0p)n(0.051 (29 i ) = 0.031hyft paid.)(277.93 2t /s)2 7 the preemme at tbs.falet to the sage line is 1 10.0 3 mig = 0.5 psig = 9.98 psig, l ce still ahm a la pais. i i 20 l i } l _. . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - _

i g '. ';-? l pp '%f }& rr. me 2., ,s,. c. the a in. = u in z n=== in me mse there .are 37.84 ft of 32.812 inch ID pipe, a flush eritrance nostle with un., l i an asemed shazy edys, a band with a radius of 6.687 ft, a bord with a ! radius of 7.187 ft, and the zusacar. 1he total K value and the pressure i decy are 1.44 and 0.91 paid . ;-- tively. 1his prosacas a prusmae at j the start of the 14-in. pipe of 9.07 psig. Per 9.07 psig, the sym:ific voltana of steam is 14.936 ft /1kun 3 Wsicts gives a new volumetric flowrata of q = (17.051kmVs) (16.936 ft3 /1kum) = 288.76 ft3 /s ! Frcan the re&acer to the PER there are 7 ft of 11.188 in. ID pipe, one band with a radius of 5.333 ft, and one acit nortle. The total K value and the pressure decy are 1.33 and 1.54 psid,rempactively. 1his pre & aces f 7.53 psig. Ftac 7.53 psig, thea vtficpremeurs at the voltame entrenad of steam to the PER is 18.373 ft g/1kun id11ch gives a new volumetric flowrata of g = (17.051km/s)(12.373 ft3/1 tun) = 313.26 ft3 /sm. The PER is asumend to be a 24-in. pipe. 1his is justified to allcat tw a free flew path for the staan frcan the surge lina erstranos to the valve ' acit without interfaring with the heaters. The tutal I value and the pressure decy is o.34 and psid, res j pressure at the etit to the PER of 7.51 psig. pectivaly. This prations a Ftr unch of the three PER relief valve apertings, the valuestric f1curata i is (313.26 ft3 /s) / (3 valves) = 104.42 ft3/s per valve. Fram the PER to this zullaf valve flange thsee are 6 ft of 6-in. ar*=htia leo pips, four to8F elbows, and an esit thecupt the flange sur east of - the valves. The total K value is 2.55. The pressure deep is 7.51 paid, idtids 3roduces a ner geeneurs at the emit of 7.51psig-7.31paig=0ps5d. 4 This indicates that a vammel pressure of 10 psig is regaiset to allow the stam casw preamed by the emmy nest to mit throuem the 311er l valve varas. stans the pressure er than 10 paramut of tes getream preneurs,g {

a over this angenre
                                                                            *==1=1*4=      is is                           ear the v olaanstris 23s umm e n.        An   averegn of the gesd, tis solens at 0 W and
!                        7.s1. smee h amas e anupues-the rzamemos. Tem ser issummen is than j                         umed to M a morpassure deg. The new presamte drap is 9.36 paid, j

1811881 h 1958 me vammal premmare will he lams than

 !                               lo.o pass - (7.s1 seig - s.2s paig) = 11.7s peig.

1 5 In tem man m a =i =1

  • wi, venting themagh the est unenny, an initial suussure of 4 peig (19 psia) was chmen. thir emmerikee.. sur the antiar valve preneure deeps, g the temsmemmare seus authed in theas

{ vammel musiires to vent the stamm prosaoud kr the emmy home thesugh the j PER serumy will be slightly greater than 4 palg. 21 J 1

f /_ i- 90 .- 2.s . .s . . . .. .. . w+ f) / 4 I ~ Wl Insurammtatism has been prwidad to assist the cperstar in safely amintainire adequata level in the X5 het legs 4 ring mid-1 cup ard draindows operations. O This instrumentation is shene in Figure 2.4. Instzsmentaticri hem also been prwidat to assist the operstar in gaickly identifyi?g air ingestian in the 3est snaps. A brief descripticm is given hel w: wo ' differential preneurs trorummitters are carinacted to the Es to pewide transmitter irdeperdent level indications in the main aantzol ruas. One range indiantion is connected to the X5 Imap 1 hot leg ard pewides narzw of the bot leg level. 1his instrument toep also prwides anranciation of icw het leg level. The other tratismaitter is camnacted to the X3 Ioop 4 hot leg and pewidas wide rarge irdication , fram the I instr ment reactor veseal flange to the battas of the hot leg. 1he ' Icups are pcmered trca esparate instrument knees to

                   ==v4=ha the availability of the irdicatlan.

Escal glammesXs level indication is available via two permanent level sight shcas lacetad in the contairement buildirq. Cria of the sitt glamens the Es level in the regicn between the bottssa of the pressurizar and the reactor vessel flange. the other sigt glass , Wacne the Es level in the regian of the reactor coolant gaaup anals l and the reactor coolant system hot legs. ) glasses is connected to the N3 as reg.tirui &aring atzes 5 and Itzte 6.1he Carrent 1he gnasp. trans&amers output of amitar the 41604 pauer fanders to each IEst rempanse facilities (Enr)thane trans&acers is rtuted to ttas mergency cxuptnar. Historical tzaams of the gamp notar , current can aamciated witti the state 5 he obtained at any IMF csaputer tasadnal. 1hs logic f a ctie status trams pewides a visant and and Mode 6 one -H=g eritiani anfaty i maithle alaan at the IRF cesputer safety perumstar display centrol stum is the notar autrune humans unstablesystem (spts) conmals in the main Itses 6 cparuties. ering asses 5 and , { 1his alaam will alast the opuestar to tahm any ' l r====vy cazzective antians to'unintain adagante are cooling. l l 2.3.1 Issel Isaasurment maring stasm aanmestar them craining { 1 Nitrogen any he indested iras the stem generstar ctiervial head drains to amnist t in stems genssator taan draining tenen the Em 1sual is at the l ruantar vammal fla ge (el 194 ft4 in.). At ttds ensumtian, level tranmaitsaus, 3E11338 and. e " . wGk he puppetht$t. 156 Issel can he estunutbef' using aidst I.M sa. Esis gbane of 10-10403 and PER 1sual indicatar tahms plaan tell abuse the a suntdan naasias (el, 386 t b 4 in.). Any preneurs rise tan to the intzudstia et rdtzogen ist11 ask atBast tbs transmittar readings sinns the gramariser and to thethe3512. rematar head aus kept at the amme pressas by their commeties i Staus, the referunes and sensing lines of ttia truneudttare can cument est the increase in hand. d I lO h



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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - r Jse, Ww #             e' this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .t       t.,of on           .

drainig camas alugs of totar antar the hot ard cold legs they creata large swells as runda slug ficar (also =11=4 gurgling). As the the in level in the legs. The swells will be seen both an the control roan O 1,dicators and a the sight 9 =====; however, the s.=11ed level will nem r=r== sarily stame generetar be agaal in the Imope 1 and 4 hot ard cold legs airca the 1 tubes drain rardczaly ard independently. Darirq gurgling, may activata the level ==a=wesents will be erret.ic and the low level alarm - and clear several times during this period. *!he cperator should use the control room irsiicator for the tranmaltter attamed to isthe hot leg being used for NIR sucticri since the level in this hot leg critiemi to maintaining NIR performance. The aparator shca. tid use the miniman value indicated as the level in the hot leg to ename that the NIR maction nozzle is covered. The sit $1t glass ID-10401, thich.neasures Ia:p 1 cold leg. lawal, should not be used to dotarmine level during gurglirg unless the tranmadtters are cut of marvios. Also, 4 ring staan generator tube draining it is extrusaly important that the cparators closely pressau, monitor and stor NIRcurrent parameters in order incitriing pump ficarrata, discharge function should vartaxing occur. to quickly detect icos of pay 2.3.2 Measurument Errors During Mid-Imap operaticri Differential pressure to density differencestransmittars sense head and, as such, are m.edact density of the proomes fluid. betuman the sensing line fill fluid are the ambierst tamperature in the M-aing to desiqps critaria DC-1505, the

' pressure certtairment can he as law as ecPF. 1ha for the ambient gauges used to enlibrata the level transmittars will czmpurisata tamparature at the tium of i

the Ecs will be at aggataciastaly 140 8F. m.etian. 1hs water in l 8 the diffestruss betnames the 1 proomme 60 F) will tartar 8 density (at 140 F) and the referenom lag density (at range indicater intzistamm and art arrar of 1.6 peruant (0.5-in.) en the narrow During cutages ihare 1.6 percuit (1.5-in.) an the vida rarige irdiantar. errar Icar crrreainment tamparatures are espected, this can be. am by acuscing the calikentss span of the transmitters as calaalates balcnn - ("alibrated Spene(Q)m(physical agian) i there: j Mrysical garps 30 inches fuer LT-11310, narrer range 4 Rrymimi e spene 96 inches ftir I2-11320, wide range j ds, mus = desity of istar at ameniet tagierstama i

                                                                                                                                                              = chrimity of ustar at het lay taigieruttas i                                                the
by aunmartainty somes steiler in ten transmittar lamps ean to harthere inn estemmined to that surve111 arms inei=**==- The he.C umas er tastmiani armatete= Man

_-s. lated winurtaintlas are j empacted to irtzchase an arrar of 3.0 percert (0.bla.) tut the ruirriat rarge j Since the in11cutar b ^~__.-7 arid 3.0 1 =*-' partiest (2.9-in.) en the wide range irutimmter. 17- erstars and the process density erects act, a they cars be ccabined using ttis *egaare root ma of the mehad to atitain an avers 11 indicaticri agrar. lO i

E.f ' M J l l Narrow manym azzes- = (1 6 parames 2 + 3.0 parount 2) nn: W , '4 j leids merge error 3.4 parenre (g.0-in.) j = (1 6 parcent + 3.0 peruant 2)2/2 j 3.4 percent (3.3-in.) the error vElues prenanted ters abstained fra calculation X5CF11310. j static pressure changes in the Nl3 trill have no affact on the

trenmaittare sinom they utilise a referenos leg to omnael out static 1 prusmus.

i 4 1he sight glasmas 10-10401 and 10-10402 are also head sensing

                     ====nement devious armi anffer tre density-fnduomi inaccuracies. The

! density indaced acrors for various ambient taugparatures are shcam in } Figure 2.5. She error is less than 2/2 in. at mid-loop elevations. j this erzar reads in the ocmservative direction, i.e., the si# glammes t show a lower level than actually exists in the ECB. Parallax error in readirg the amniscus of the fluid in the sig.e glasses 1 aan also cause unasurement inaccurecies of armur:13/2 in. Because the Imap 1 drain line is used to connect the si$t glammes to the ICE, si$t l glass IG10401 only shaus Incy 1 eld leg level, teticts any not emnetly equal tem hat lag Isvel under aantain o m sitions, exts as stamm ganaratar tube draining and lams of am. - 4 2.4 EBSGGtY OF CI3EKIBIGS ition venting thraup the thras safety relief valve cyanings, the pressure in the reactor could be geestar than 10 psig ser the staan flowrata to evani the annunt of vaporisation ganareted by the escar hast. leian venting through the pressuriser summy, the seemsure in the l reactor could he aggataciastaly 4 psig. Man a censitian adets teinse there is a lazgo gund side opming, a vammel 3mesmas of 4 psig is great annu $ to force inventary cut of the on1d side cqsming ard stasvur the oc==. of the PerumpPlant discussedDogtle, inthis fin 81ng dans net amar wit the fin 81ng sectim 3.4.2, "sammary of langs Dunt Antlysis". Se ICRP analysis implias that agr vant wit a aree of 0.5 rr cr larger is adusnes to susvent mz prammwisatian. an gear plerna 3suanze er 4 psig alarig wit 9L a large cold lag ageing an$ a het leg vent path langtet in tbs PR could muse the natur level to go belaw the gpur esse pasta. Sie result intimetas that only a as anney vent j is adequate tems a large sold lag ageing exists. It is reammmerstes 1 thee genomenes tasso<, lacos-c, ans lace 7w: he isrimes ans serism8 as nennemary to suflast these zumults. arer et tem vues.gaussutly spanisiat - in. the, St guesubmara:W'adapate to prevent guessurisatian that wedd amans tee umsday poussure er so nassim dams. asse, immes vents are adagasta to amas test guarity flaw trem the nur amt he ar===gnid=a. If vertanday enous ard M is last, the 1sual tsunamittees ant sidst glasman will still km unble but will busin to less annensy. mis lose or aamuency is ese to density ceanges vitada tas ses ans will hemmes ames sammenet as ten water taperature in tes sus amattmans to rise. i me amid. less vila eigene tres the level in ten het less ese to hasting j in tem eeres thesessee, the level tranmitters euntd to uses in tima oc tem sieme stammes. ze acs immt dews below in seestar vueset not ans i

O 25
                                                                                                                                                                                   .s    .. .


  • 19 l ]Q sunnd lay muuales, the tzenmaitners are the si$t glammes will riot offer any inesenstaan an the 1sual of testar above the ears. '2he agierablo innere ht1== will pewide tangsarature inearmatian tetices will indiasta lanaliset staan velds. 'Ehe temperature inessmation cannot he easily corzuberated or crums chedend by the aparator ans, therefore, will junhably he of little uns. During i- Lj squeratisms, totar irdected Anto the N 3 may amuse falso level readings an the indicators and the sid2 , but amas the 33 has stabiliaed emn the Ardeetion to determine M3W level,within the level indicators and sie t their nasual accurecies. glasses any ha used letile cquersting with the N3 level halow 174 preneuriser level,1swel transmitters 11310 and 11320 should he used to martitor N3 totar lawal.
          '2he w range het lag trarumiittar will prwide the unst acussrete reading tenile in =Wm.                                                               Duristic ctiannal cdincks between the two
 ,_       transmitters emuld km dans to insure readings are accurata. '2hm j        transmittars should be cumsidered out of antvice tenen the rendirups i        differ by acts than 74.                                                     1hs midloep sif ^ 1-- , 10-10401, should be
'        relied on only if transmitters are amat of marvice because tha e canald be i        estaani Isval differenoms between the sige*al-                                                                                       s ard the transmittars.

I 1 1 i - r k ? I !O l i . i j e-i ) .* e !O I 2

m. 44 m=+ 4.ais + 44&.m.Abh-h Am-t a m e 5.m,=. Enhe-4E-.944 & 'Mbe9-
                                                                       -      m hWM hM M 484hba**'ad=4M4'*E*-M&hh*b-+mth6N58L+h+464+'A%=ehmm.aB.-.5N+hahh54-4=eh4 eb- A W h N A, A s i.                            .&4a--h-m_- b--S=   a h d 4mw &d_64ab m.hh a 4 h .Mk. AmA mh m_dh,WA ma                          awbbsg.X.a.g.4.w_m      .h E 4 O                                                                                                                                                       o                                                                                               ,

4i LG ERROR VS. l PROCESS ELEVATION s.2 - - , FOR OWTERENT AugENT hg 3- . 8 l 2.8 - . l l 1.s - . I 2.4 - . 2.2 - / I 2-l h m 5 s.s- . Z O 1.6 - a' ! O 1.4 - l 1.s - ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              , d b~

I -

  • i I

C.S - 0.4 - ! e ., ! O.I ~ Mh s f, , s s I

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .s        s            s les y

ISS se s ISO s s s 192 s s 1M,,, . 196 198 200 202 Qf ' T "T' I PROCCES O EVm3N (FEET)

1:. . 22 4 l 30***************

, 3.1  ? 19 m e 3a l i Chladations teen perfeRand teists detf2 mined tesa taiparature in f i cantairmant after a given time, the cooling repaired for emntaltaient to l 4 knap ens tamparature balcar leo *F prior to the time r4 este hwi could ' f rumult, .and the pec in containment after a given time. The erwirarmental f murditisms in aantairulent ware created using data calculata$ in Secticzis 1 i d and 2 of this nipart. Information was aw, eram plant proomhnus ard plant pareannel - the requirements for contairment closure ard {

          ;egysiological limitations for torking a harsh erwirarunint.

l 3.2 FIJWfMPEZ2FTC Ch!DRATIQPs5 l this section develgas Flant Vogt1mL'ic data for erwiiC Ra1 and radiological .cnnditions in centairumnt. 1he methods used and the rumalts addswed were not develcymd for camparison trith inforumtion in ICAP 11916. Thema calculations were developed to pewide a better G--@ of canditions that trill escist in Flant Dhytle's contairement and to aid in estarmining teint changes nand to be made to proomdimus to lessen the { cumsequenons of a mid-loop accident. 3.2.1 NED-ICOP G3ffADHDff MDurIC3f IEVEL The eldective of tids amiculation is to detsemine the anximum amposure time in aanrr.irement heeses a regiretar is z-M Assumpticms unas in tids calcula:Assi are listed balcat. - ' 1. The ammaptians tras sectisms 1.2.1 ant 1.2.2 apply.

2. The atmosphere in the cantainment velium above the aparatian

! flour is cumsidered to be perfectly mixed at all times. l

3. She emntalment vehme used ear tids =1=1=*i- is amamed to cumsist at the clear space above the tup of the samma i

gunmentaes plus ao percant of the grams antaimust vaham hatuaat j the 220-ft grade armi the top et the as. 1

4. The air eiset is een11ed tras the enntaireme is ammumed to

' ocutain no radiomativity. 1tds is a ennesevotive ammagtian arut it Wmadd he noted taust'esu3d these emnditions suist, there will be a relamme at gramut level dizestly to the enrironment.

5. The initial activity at reacher sizedsun is aunsidered to ha the dame spatvalast istine (IEE) limit specified in Testutiani 1 M *'

3.4.8. She patential Sir the emmanrenom of a latias spout Mm*=1y gurier to sauteam is not iru* mand h the. wG1 raphety" reduce any must spDin to udmis the IEE value. j s. esty IHl3 is aumenta==ei in the =1-1=*i-j 7. Se 3Rabout et es istine cut tesa surences of the aantairama is ennesevetteely ignmeed.

s. no esentrust amatare are operatien1.

! 9. The estalmut agaigmart hetzst is sput. j 28 i O

3 _ f .P 'G - 1 i m mails ,z.t. = u.n 1sw=c fy -: ) E ]# ' sec of I-131 = s.octas uct/ac , 1 Activity 1& nit = 1.oo ucVg 1 1 i I-121 halt lisa = s.o? days time = 2 days (48 hours after shutdcun) i tian factor = 0.01 Carstairment. free voltana = 2.26E06 ft3 i 3 aths { to berate of insertian of radioactivity into the contaltunant air is amouned i partition equal factor to the unas transfer rate of the steam multiplied by the j Shase. to reflect the tendency of iodina to remain in the water i 1 1he staan boiling z.te is J 4 j (16.72 limVs)(453.59 g/2ha) = 7.SSSE03 g/aec. l j 1he radiatist decay factor is 's l EXP [=0.693(decay time)/(half life)] IMP [-0.893(2 days)/(8.07 days) = 0.842. i Fans theme, the activity insertion rata can he dotatnined. W itiply the i stem boiling radiatism decay rate the activity limit, the partitim factor, and the I (7.585E03 Ws)(1.00 uct/g)(0.01)(0.842) = $3.9 uct/s By htg time canahe time calmisted. after boiling hagins, the activity released 4aring that If the tian is 27 aiutes, than !O


(=> i><a i=> < = ==i's) - 1 a*=== === i 3 ! (1.0W15 ucL)/(2.2 Ems it )(36.483ayft )3 = LM @as is tem connetzstia in omntmiment. tids kr a gives an averagg activity or s.ase.or nes/as ser this time sinom tids tima perias is lams than the 4e hans umme to amacadnes tan me, e assustee me can i he anisadsted Sur ths 2 Nata time partet. i ((9 6 6 M M ( W M M M 's fe' M W / m .

U theNM tian essen ausuus$8 h the Mtec. to Inbtads M asetanos,E M Mthe if

{ sur en agemme to

rutis essen, tian of aussage 27 aim aattwity to adjusted Det is 1.031, tede latiantes the is the langth of tian sugalaat to seeniva a resiammivity dann esa,t to the maxima aumebas sur tan inston essen.

i l !. O 29 i l

s.r.: corzansumer unyssumma: assassnarr j'; S 0I *I - In the event that seat is last durire midlag omsities are airret be { restarud, acetalment isolation will be initiated. If a large Es vent l path exists, a steam erwircreant will be created inside the contairment ens kn111rq initiates within the reactar veneel. Se ammans the effect of I the increased temparstme e the curstairment closure activities, j eniculaties tere performed to determine the tamparatures that could i renAlt. 1he calculations were divided into saperata cmeas to detaraine: (1) the tian repairst for the contairement atumspha:= taperature to reach ! iso *r after come heilirq initiates with rm contairement coolers i aparutirg, and (2) the tamparature at so airst:as after coil boiling initistas for varicus ramtsers of contairement coolers operatirq. The followirq ganaral assumptims were made for both of the abcwe cases: ! 1. j 1he czzatrheim to the crintairunant anariD' of Pipiry seters, li@ts, and other M---t is -w to be negligible.

2. the heat sink , --

M by the massive a m creta aid steel structures inside the contairuunnt is 1.i> " in the calculatim. 1his is a

                                       -- -j % 1 abcwe.

significant conservatism d11 cts is partially offset by l 3. The entire amunt of reactor decay hast is ====4 i to be consumed { in the ama curwarsicn of reactor water at 212*F to stari at that tamparature. I

4. The reacter anargy is == ==4 to be the docuy heat rate at 48 hours after shutdown fram maximum reactcr pcuer.
5. The ru&actim in reactar water vahams regremented by the rearwal l

of the staan thraup the preneuriser is aunsidered N -4hle. H l 1hus, the antire mens of stamm gratamed in the helling prammes is vented into the omtairment air eman. 6. The initial censitions inside the omtainuant are -==4 to ha 120*F st 1004 zulative famidity. In additim, the ""%g assumptiers apply to the first emme aly: 7. 1he floorat@is ====u-,g in the contairmert velas absue the opuesting to be partently shed at all tians so that autuustian endities em:iat in the aantairumnt stunghere. 8. en ammem47umm=* vahaus. used. see theamtsutmetes is ammamed to emmist at the clear space above the tap of the stana ganaretsze M OS of the grams metairuuma vahan betaman the 220 m smen ans the tap of the stumm genemstems. 9. 1he premmares are aansidered to be aanstant at en stunghnen in al.1 vehmus tarirq the event. 1lds ammaptian prenans that the cantainuert is gun to atmaghere as time atticiart ventirq of aetainmurt air is possible to avoid av sigit.ficare gramazra hd.hte instan omtaiment. O 30

 -___ _ _                                           -_ _ _ . _. - _~--_-. - - . _ _ _ _ _.. - - - - . - -. - .-
          '          ~

l )., , .- l

ya ax A i 3-l j
!                an. Its air thich is agallad fra the h is ammmi to k
 '                     at its initial enrutitians. D at is, the v e tad stasa does not mix with the       air thich is ventad.         Mis ammaptian is anneervative   in   that  it    prochusas the removal from the cantainment stzcephere of any of the anargy fram the boiled off O                   stem.
11. No omntairement coolers are aparating.

utilizing thmee ammumptions, a simplified mass and anargy balance was i established to deemmine the w wcimeta time respizei to reach 160*F with no acetainment coolers operating arut the contairment open. De , results indicate this time would be 21.5 min. Pter the sacand case, a sculal was devalcped to determine the cuantainment j atmossbare tamparatures at 60 min after anil boiling initiates, with zero,

;      two, three, and fcar contaltuunnt coolers operating (saro coolers anans i       that the fans are cparating but no cooling totar is available). 1he andal j      perfonus a unas balance at 5 min intervals to accomrodata the staan
,     a.nei.n fr.                 ==. ho m og.           d.1 - meurated at                   re

! conditions and parfacus an energy balance at the and of the 60 airaata time span to verify the =w cazziitions are rensanable. 1he followirug

      -.W ahcus:

are utilized, in a&51 tion to ammmptices (1) thrunap (4) i ' 12. The atmosphere in the entire acuitaiment; volume is cumsidered to he perfectly aiamat at all times so that saturation canditions asist ir. the acrnh atmosphers. This is raamanable hacuume I at least cme cooliry fan is amamed to ha nanning. i 13. the cundannation of the released sta m is neglecta$ in the j amiculatim. 1his, in affect prammes the gramance of an i 2


attitional hast sauros of m Mietare alas to ensure that the vaguar boiled off the reacter runnias in the vuque stats rather than partially cumeansing as it warms the omtaiment air. j 14. Se cantainment vehaus used 2nr the mimtatlana is ammumma to canist at the anties camtaimet valuun.

15. The guessam are aimsidmed %s he cazutut e ese almighete in all vehamas erirg the avert. 1his ammagtlan gramans that ths esetaimart ja cget to atanaghus as that mattisiant ventire of l =*=i==9 41r is possible to avoid my m@iM=se premmas i

hE1345 M sentairment. I

14. M air ege11m1 teta the cantainmurt is amamed to be at the 4 celdikids assistirg at the erd of the perimas tian step.


17. Se antairmert coolere are guemand to pertum at the tangussture assistirq at the start et ensk tian sep 1hs energ ruusses by the aantare is assume to he last 2meurs hast rumsunt. aus, the enerw removed my the enmaans esa he uses to

{ ,directly camputs the amolar drain Skar.

            ,                                    31

!O i l 1

a , &; $ p ms %' es zusults are taandated balaw ard are shmei in grughiami famn h j ficare 2.12 + ! With at least cme coolar fan namirgs i j 34mber 'hnquarataare in omtairuunnt i at- at the follovirq tians after start ) 3 cp.r. tin, lo ao 2. 4. so ao I o 139.4 1So.s 159.4 164.4 172.o 174.s l 2 134.o 144.7 151.2 154.5 16o.7 154.3 j 3 134.3 141.4 147.0 151.3 154.5 157.4 4 132.5 138.5 142.8 144.1 148.6 15o.6 i i It can be seen fram the above that a miniman of three coolers t[ auld need to be in aparation to ensure that contairment tamparature does not emmend } 160*F trittdn 60 airmates. j i 1 3.3 EBess & EBI3IBIGm 1 4 1 i the asamptions sur the misalations performed la tids asetian were aanmarvative to allav the emnges in the cantairummt ewiziramrt to evolve over time without a marous itaretiars. She initial omditions of 12tPF and too parount relative Inaddity trill tahs aos tian to develay and the hast sinks 3mement in a ammsive aantairment stzusture will tame to da3ay Que hast ip reta. Also, simme nas of the cantaminatian tes ambaled as amiting aantainment, the actual time wit 1135C limits are reached trill he

====mhat langer than am1culated.


the calculated tian Bar inside cantairannt without a smugdzater is i 27 min after insetary w1 g begins. 11ds is without ameairmure conlars arut page e ** tens aparating. Pteammal inside omtaimart Wan w"5 hopins would name to exit enemimme vitada 27 als to stay

{ witada the Icc ser a 40 hour wusk. She tiam An cantimand tuelt inside i cantainnet after the 27 aim tauld a the anneitlan of the respizatmus and sensu 3d he detsumitied by th Rymies. ! the tien Amr wousdng inside aantaireme emit the e-. 1=*== is 21 tamparature asund without aantairuset omalass cgmenting. Ea wink to emaines

                                                               ,   the air is het e6 to knam the lasigs. Phr inside an agun omtainment to asuplate alamare i

5 activitian, ala, sue 13ahls santairemet coolaus dunald he aguented. At. a alaimune tune eastser wadenmur turcgmemen te annat that 1s08) is not asemades 3mier to teus 3sedicted tian sur ours ansvaring (57 minuhas). i !O e

  -__ _ .          . _ . . . ..          , , _ _ ,                       _.,--e.             .m- - . - . ,_               . _ _ _            _ . _ _ _


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                                                                                                                                         ]                   ,..                             -.

E' r ae .. a aa e a . a 9u - ' 33 i i___________ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .

t, l 4.0 MVZnf Cy (pastIC Z222ER 89-17 ik '- H J j , j 4.1 (ERERAL tEk3tIFrIW W MYIIar i h . 2 0 5 M i 1his section anrusists of an awarall reviet of vtsytle design arut cparatien in zugard to the mic aid-loop curemens attrummed in GL as-17 arsi the response 1 meters. The caru:arns are divided into the getags, agediticus 4 actions and m_ " anhancammants. nacmuse acase of thmee acremens have heen addrenaud in other h=='its, crily canonens relating to information } verified in this report will be addr====d. tenare applicable, portions of 1 thmee h =='its j are ircluded as attadaments for referarca. Doczaments too emetansive to be included are amenarized. GL SS-17 is Attadinant 3. l 4.2 EXPEDITIGE AcrION I In Attadsment 1 of GL 88-17, the MIC r=~===='idm1 that eigst. actiers t: ! implemented prior to cperating in "a acr:11ticut teatre the reactor vessel i water level is lower than 3 ft below the reactor wessel flange. Georgia 1 Ptswer Ctapany addressed the raccommandations of GL 88-17 for Plant Vagtle. ! 1he Mc's respcrime to those raccmunendaticra is in Attactuant 4. rhett recomumerulatiarVrumpanne j tems reviewed for the possibility of adding informaticrt that came out of the ut3P 11916 verificaticri review. Itai 2 of the Mc resperuse addresses the tian available for contalrument ] clonen 2 of theincluding these penetrations other than the =~ir A. hatsdt. Itan

                                                   =====ru$sd Action attachment to GL 88-17 requires

{ closure priar to the czmtalrument j Icos of 35t, tium at teticds a acre tas:xwury amuld zumit fram a j addition of totar omgnied irithirwurstory. to the Its an inability to initists alternata coolirq ar 1 Sinos the tism m11,.=d to class the agulpment penetrations, the results hatch would also be the tian allcasul to clame other to care imcEwery is agaizciantaly fram saaticut 2 of tthia rupert aRhly. 1hs tian 57 airaates. the If the assumptians used in

                                          =1=1=tian aRhly and the Its is adagataly verited so no sgyse plarsan pressurizatim coeurs, contairumsrit paristratians muy need to be c1cond within s7 min af the lams of Nut aanling.

the tan s of the we rosymme aderummes the ei+y to anni amtaimune and l awizurimarit fansibility of antists. amtiriund .wath trithin eartairmare anna a staan Tupies 2' arut 3 of this repuu:t settees these acmamens. e4=== after the less of MR. the autzel rena lawel irstumts irill prayide a acre acummute rendirg them the s1W2 guays, no I loss of mut.paramnat comesticum are repaired irmide aantairmat sur annitarire after If passamat are regained hision a ge ameninmure to ampleta cantakunut diamate activities, all sue 11abis aantairuert amolars should mid he gesubmi' to minimise the tamparutes inuzuman maniend.that. three amenans as a minimum mastlag gematians,startsur eartiar 884NsWtBIBEs E45R12 hahnt 1608F ' gar 57 wasuname aperses to amas that amemirmat Iemminas pummissible emme levels say be remities as auriy as 27 shnaas after less of NBL. j after ame heilarig hagiris for thans perscruel inside cantairmart withmst a respirator. the initial 27 afstates amand antar acetairusert with a res e N 1 . l i I L___._____..___.___

rtes fy Z)S! 3 3, 4, and 3 en pesa 2 of 2238 38C 24EpMme S&$tems lessen plan emocripticais. The rueults of ttds rgart agpart m3@ 11916 findings for 71 art Deptie. Also descrlhed in this report are azu adagasta toys to use the instaments available &aring a Ims of NWt and a omguter progzue that ungd simulate different noenarios for a Plant vogtle loss of Net. This informatian should aid in develeping a mare W O behavier &aring a loss of NEL *a-Mant. s.A.wding of scs Itse 4 e page 2 of the )cc response a&trummes the effectivenema of opersings .in the 3Cs used for venting. Section 2 of this report details specific cmiculations perforand to verify that vents described in Prn'=rW 12006-C, part D4.2.15 (3) are adequate for reliv2ts the staan pr=* =d in the Rlls. The calculaties does not apport the uma of the safety relief valve piping or the premazriser as het leg vents if a anid leg cpaning is present. Prussure buil&p in the upper pierna could occur if the p am M mar is used as a vant path. It is raccumiended that only the SG unrney be used for a hat leg vent path if a cold leg omnjeg is present. 4.3 Mt22tAffED DGONCDtEMS In Attactment 1 af GL 38-17, the NRC reczamards that six progranned enhanc eents he developed to I g laos, applement, er add to the P Jtious actions. A 3xeliminary copy of Gacagia Dawar Chapany's (GPC) plans for addressing these recxzamendations of GL 88-17 are in Attactament

5. As in the supeditious actions, a diarmonjewt of the reczzanardatlanvitems en11cus.

Itan 1 adttemmes rm14mhis indication of paramustare that descrihm the stata af the a:s and the partesannom of systems ncunally used to cool the acs for both anmuni and accidest canditisms. She GC regumme Maa an engineering sihanament. staa% and a design emnge develsyment eich trill #-*y this auth at these topics have hamn m1=*=d the a gineering O study, ask vo-ooio, was czeg1 stas in June of 1ses. Finaines tran this study were fassulated into a omsign change magamut ans ammagast omsies change Dec$ ages 8942NoS1 and 89-Y2NoS2. Isplemar*meim of the ocpu is i ' armarklad 2nr the 3RR and 2RR r-e"=W ig autages. j Its 2 aderummes the develcymert and laplaustatism of genastates that aaver renamed invuutary aparations. The data lasseguestas into the apC i Izteneares stum MSP 11918 trill reflect the Dogt3s ats beheriar. Bemples i af this are the trim Ahnsumm1 cparating prammeurs 2ac1M eisst are ! verified la 1 an$ the adequacy at 23 vents described in Freem&are i I 1200M ami dianusset la sectism 2 at this ripart. Itan 4' amammes an analysis to maplemnt amisting insme=stian and develsy 4hals W

                                                           , irstrumentatisan Sp*m11m*4= and resqumme, and aM sectics                                                 ant regems. As stated la kielemars 2, i

the analysis 3.4 er 8,30-17, MRP 11318 is an amm13 ant staat tunned meeting roommandstian. GPC analysis er tads itus tes cum 4 acted in i Rut w cou. 1his rupert is the protact af the umlysis ant vesifies the j m e et m ap-11914 at Flant Vogt1s. Mditianally, a 31artP*1c e=imi =+i-uns paremmed ta suppaus invetary assitian via guarity nsw l , enus tesi smeanling mutar stormgm tank. 1ts results see zugestad in i sectican 3.3.3. Aime dinaw in its 4 tes the special 3senparaticmal l tant (31638) puttemmet an tksit 2 idlican varisd Es level arut Eggt systas I Q fleur to datammins manceptibility to vartsacing. this test is disciassed Aatther in the nemt section. as i I

< .. n .3 4.4 u n k lisia suertrat 2 su s2 B h l Imailt a umlal tasing diumnsimal analysis ter paruustars that 4 are 1sant in vertar scusatim. Data ruaurded earing the test for a j Dartaa type plant were enrwarted into bot-lag uter 1swel as a fmetices of i NWt intahn flentrate. A grugh of these data is dune in Figare 2-14, an a

page 2-35 et the wCnP. 21s graph dunas that an NBL ficar of 3000 gal / min j nonded a teter level of aRartecimately 13/4 in. akuwe cantarline of the

;           pApm.          Martinpanuse test data also shen, that differenums in water 1emis outstad betmean active cold legs, insetive cuald legs, active hat legs, ana inactive het lags.               Se angsitude of Inval differwon ses significant-
w =dastaly 1 to 2 in.

! Daring startup tasting an tihit 2, an met fisnt test, special met sa, was cantacted to dotatsdna the anzimum NEL ficar that canald be actdered at diteurent mz totar 14vels. ancause of the similarities between ttds test and the test contacted by umstinghaume, the st-3s praankare and resulta j were zwimmed ear cugarise with the Star results. using inemenstia are the test agervince, the sP-se test lag, and the ! ucny, ammugelans about the test proom&are such as the met valve linsg, ! the admeamay of tism hatuaan ends test smase ear the water level to stabilise, ans the plaoumant of the typen time commetian were verified. t with the data sem zusults of sP 3s, grushs were aanstructas to secarthe inter elevetlans at different points in the us. emme grashs are in

Figures 4.1 arut 4.2. She static line e ends trusti is the star lasel i

rennedet at ames position priar to startisq the test. siruns no agalpmart ! ms --- +i w at this time, the static line stumind he the amme easvatim ! at each position. Share is a signifiannt lavel differmee hatuaan thsas

data points ans also natuaan the trela a and tzein a dets points.

e ! Inementim smani to angniain these diressenes indudad ISD 20001165 en ! valve 2-1301-06M101, ISD 20900173 aut 1sual tuurumittats 25999R an$ S, , and a see a the startup strainere ser hath M pungs. Se valve is used l far the tygen tatus aumnmotim. She ISO zugusted that the valve tes !' di'Mimit to spun hemiuse valve see thromes vues strippet. 1his wenald asaos the valve ask to apet, thereby giving a Salas reading a tygen tassa 1s> W . rW to theShe 3sual tzuemittaus idtie are used to send 131s teter 1sval j i sanguel seen vues alas essi as of =14h==*4=- 1ha  ; l ! startay stzaimses ser het M gnaps wuse net aussued stil after the test was cumplans. 1his im8h==h anhas the test data ima==danha sinen it i is malame tdust edgest(s) this imi= tanald huse a the test ! zumalts. mensmamma. the data were nut unas te vueity the samalts of the j tesstingssage test agated la sectie 3 et the 3E3h t l .. . i l I


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i .
1. san >12 sis, atans of East Cam 11rg tesile the ses is partla11y
                                              . ~r        -


2. tatitad States Nuclear Regulatory Ctumaission, Office of me 1-
j. meneter magulation, omnaric Iseter as-17, "Imme of Omany Heat Ammowal, Outcher 17,1Sas.

} 4 3. calculation 24c1201s02, "Mid-Imap cperation - Imms of seat Radiation j Ammmmmment', M beuary, 1990. 4 j 4. cmiculation X4c1201s01, "Mid-Imer cparmtlan - Imms of seat ] Stuyerature W , Bahruary, 1990.

s. ca15alation X4c1201s03, "unnting the mas 11aring Mid-lag Imms of i

,1 e me", Pehruary, 1990.

4. calculation X4c1201so4, "Isn M11 Thermal Analysis and ses Pressurization Ente", Pehruary, 1990.

1 i 7. m 1 = 1= H a=t X4c1201305, 1 Pubruary 1990. =3Eh N Wuvity Flaar thits 1 and 2",. s . t s j 8. W maalear cperations 7tuostare, 13019 4: l 7tuomdure Zams of musieaal Heat Amanual", mer,,s."atrummal Cymruting 4 j S. W Nuclear Rur. 15. cparutions 7tcom&ars, 220004:, "Ameaaling Resumary",

10. maammse, W Ihanlearmur.14. @erutians Pronment, 2200642, aGait Coeldsun to onld


11. 13. W Ikantaar @mestians Ptoostas, 120074:, "Redueling Bitzy", mur.


12. W maalear mur.

craining", @emations

s. 7teoukme, 12005-1, "Runster chnamre System
13. m inmaane $ssettauss 7 team &as, 22909-1, "N3 tugatary hter j Imuel q ub W8, m 1.

1 i 14. W" M 3 estal Smet passulat WW38, j 6 6 @E 3 Itetially'Fillads, M r. 4. " M @msnting

15. M W N, "Reacter Guineal W, Bur.1.

> 18. "REIWerIES te Gularis Estter 80-178, SC h lag asser ! EW<leta9, file namene XND174fl10, Danember,195. t O l 4 j e .

b aE -b-: E !! b30 ff

17. U.S.. m ggx33T Nos. SW4, 50425, "Omumarts em aus Gacegia Ptmer
                                                                                                                       % regumme to canaric Eatter 88-17 Ser the vlagtle Plant, M t* 1 ans .a sur meantiam actions ser zans or oscay unas 8mmem1", .7arnaary 1ses.
18. "Emmpanse to canarie 1stter as-17=, GBC istter log rasiter ElW-00186, file rm=har X7tLT17-V110.

e e d l k i i l i i i I - t, I i i-6 i I 40 . t 0 (.. . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ - . _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - _ . . _ _ _ _ . . - . _ - _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , . . , . . . . _ . . _ . - . -

e f ,

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mam  ; 4 9 l e 1 1 I

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ATTAcaspt r Ed /.y.J I . P) M.i d 34l inernoompany smeno SouthemCcwyenySevices A ,o . DaTE: December 15. 1989 U; Vaatte flectete Generatine Plant ! Loss of AMA caV.MF 260 PC-1431 FROM: A. O. Jones [. . l 70: W. C. Ramsey t i 'his letter is in response to your October 12,19et, letter to L. 3. Long i . eeuesting that PWR Core Analysis confirm that the current and expected l Vogtle hornup and power levels are bounding relative to those assumed in WCAP-11W16. Further discussions with David Dotson of your sCs Vogtle { Support Group were necessary in order to make an appropriate response. i In comparim the expectM Plant Vogtle operation to the analyses performed in WCAP-119

6. there are suo factors which need to be considered.

WCAp-11915 assumes a generic four-loop 17x1T fuel plant with a thermal power of 3.700 fel and a core average burnus of 30.000 ledO/NTU. Even if Plant Vogtle is uprated the power level will be a maximum of 3.545 Inf. j The evel. decay heat generation rate increases essentially linearly with power Considering the planned fuel management strate surnap at Plant Vogtle could approach 40.000 fem /NTU. gy, the corelaaverage Increases burnup i l above the 30.000 level increase the decay heat rate only slightly. For i Plant Vogtle, the decrease in decay heat rate due to a louer power level is l significantly larger than the small increase due to increased burnup. j Thus, there is reasonable margin between the WCAP 11918 results and any expected mode of operatten at Plant Vogtle. i he decay heat source model used in'WCAP 11914 and shes in Figure 3.1.4-1 ef that report is based en liestinghouse methodelegy and is not available to us. 1-2 Rev. In our

2. July evaluetten.

1981 decay we utilized heat sourcethe model. ist tranch Technical Positten AS8 i We have shown that the tue i models give very close results; hemover, neither bounds the. ether at all times after reacter shutdeun. ! The differences between the tus andels is small compared to the sergin between the assumptions to WCAP-11914 ans. l Plant Vestle,eeedh { ' Attached Figere I shaus e comparison between the WCAP-11914 and the BTP ASS 9-2 decay host nedels. Figure 2 gives a cessartsen betmeen the WCAP-11916 decay heat Current andel power andwith level three 30possible Plant Vogtle modes of operations j with 40.000 ledWifU buraup, 000 MWO/MTU burnep. (t) l Current j - burnup. and (3) Uprated power level with 40.000 MS/MTU 4 ! Based en the results of our evaluation, we conclud's that the decay heat ! generated by both units of Plant Vogtle will always be bounded by the results of WCAP 11916.

,                O i

EE i ??-3 l 1+ d 14C Mr. W. C. Aassey 93 December 15. 1989 PC 1431 j Page 2


If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 5079. Approved by: fer _z h =- Warren M. Andrews . Manager, PWR Core Analysis - RDJ/ gps Attachments ec: L. B. Long  !

8. E. Nunt -

W. N. Andrews (W att)

8. C. Amstrong (Watt)
  • O. R. Detsen (Watt)

C. R. ftyer R. E. Patrick 000798 O t s l i i,

l l

l-i 1 O i l

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i . E9 l G. S y 1

                                                                                                                                                                                        # - WO P-ligl6 i

E7 ' 8 - BH ASB g ! l 5 Es _- e ts i G. 5 . w b h. . i e O '~ N %' A 0. 4 . h 3 sa '~ 8 l l

                                                                                                                                               . '~~,l l'- ~ ~~~                                                                                  r l                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ..., .

i ' ! II y E -. l E- ' ' ' ' ' ' ! EO 40.0 08.0 120.0 llin.o ' ' 200.o ' - 240.0

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u Time Aft.or Reacter Shut.dman Ghurs)  ; S .

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l EO ~ 41L O 90.0 120.0 180.0 200.o . 240.0 l 2E0 ELO IEB. G 140.0 180.0 220.0 ) Teme After flooctor Shutdown Gemurs) ' j _ ._ _ _ _ _ __ __ - - - .-  ; p g , g g ,, Q y, s, l h- i + s 1 . -% t W As

ATTAc3 gnB.3 SN /, 7j.] MAAP As A possIsLE TOOL 8.) ~ FOR M!D. LOOP OPERATION ANALY$!$ O Purpose 1 The purpose of this paper is to provide information for evaluating the caoatt1f ties of the Modular Accident Analysis Program (FAAP) for analyzing the PWR mid-loop operation condition. History of MAAP The M4AP code was ori inally' developed by the Industry Degraded Core Rule. making program (IDCOR and is new maintained by EPRI. Elven an accident or a transient. M4AP simulates the plant response specifically accounting for system responses including operator interventions. The simulation continuas either untti a permanently coolable state is achieved er until the containment has failed and depressurized. Models are included for all the important phenomena that al accident sequences leading to degraded core conditions..he phtcode occur durtly modularized se that it can is h1 incorporate alternate physical models and can be adapted to different . plant configurations such as power operation er shutdeus conditions. The M4AP code was obtained in Igs7 when it was made available to utilities ' participating in the 10COR program. Subsequently. 50NDPC0 Project (Technical Services converted the MAAP code to run en a 306 personal computer. Technica Services personnel have received formel training on the use of MAAP and actively participates in an EPRI sponsored NAAP users Group. l Structure of NAAp i ! Two sets of inputs are required by MAAp. One set of appresinately one i thousand inputs is the parameter f11e which is general specifies the j following: . i j - Plant geometry (primary, secondary, containneet, auxiliary building)... l . l 1 - Operettag condittens (pressures, temperatures, unter levels). i , j - Systes perforusses (including design specificattens). Modeltas parameters (shape facters, entssivities, particle stres). ) , MAAP esecuttee centrol (time steps, print file identificatten). I j .-

O -

i F

L ' M f.90- 3 f The second set of irputs is the contre) card file .(ines,t sect) wnsen g ,:'f 8 jy includes tas following: ! . Accident soevence to be analysed.

                        -     Temporary changes to parameters.
                        -     Manual operation er specific automatic controls.

4 The intervention conditions which MAAP uses to deterstne the timing of manual operations er automatic controls include various events or parameters such as the opentnp of safety valves, actuation of systems, pressures, j tesseratures, and evels. with the satisfaction of such predeterutned candit. tens.,, M4AP may be take, actions such as actuating. j specified components er systems. 3 i For l'os output, MAAP prints a leg of centrol inputs (directions free the j , input deck), a chronology of accident initiating events and taposed operator

interventions, plus asty MAAP system sessages. Additionally. a tabular i

outest file consisting of selected varieb es in all system compartments 1s-written at the user-specified time interval. When the run terminates, a j scenarie summary of .ignificant events is printed in the output. printed output of adeouste detail can become excessive during a lengthy accident soeuence, hence emphasis is placed on graphical output. Graphical output allows one te quickly interpret results, analyas trends, and capture fine detail missed by printed output. Technical Services uses the GRAPHER l plotting software package to graphically display MAAP estput data. i i  ! ! ) l Sanchmarking and Acceptance of NAAP i l At present the primary application of MAAP is for use te addressing the l l severe accident issue as~a part of the Individual Plant Esaminatten (IPE). l i For the IPE work. MAAP will be used to determine success criteria (heth core ) { damage and cantainment performance) and to calculate scorce-tors releases. It appears that most ett1tties plan to use NAAP for their IPE work if plant specific analysts is reestred. Although the NRC has not formally approved i MAAP. it hat.ast. sh$ acted ta. the uaa. af MAAf ta..the..Iflefferk i ! Various beastmarktag projects to validate the MAAP thermal-hydraelle models i against actual plant data have been completed. Esamples sf favorable MAAP i benchmarking include the medeling of the TMt accident and the Davis-lesse l loss of feeduster transtant. le additten favorable beschaarktag has been performed against RELAP (Seabrook by EG88 and Bremas Ferry by TVA) and against MARDI 3 (M and M by the Nordic Nuclear Safety Program). a e l0-L i


M t- H .] Mid-Laep Application cf Maap , jg y After the publication of Generic Letter ts-17. "Less of Decay Heat Removal." an laterest was espressed by some utilities concerning modifications to MAAP

                                     . that will allem the eld leep accident to be modeled. Pacific Gas and O,                                       Electric was the first utility to express an interest. However. General pub 11: Utilities (SM en its own accord funded these modifications to MAAP.

These modifications will allow MAAP to analyse the mid-loop accident to fuel . uncov e ry. The MAAP Users Group has now authorized funding to modify MAAP to enae* e the analysis to continue past fuel uncovery.~ Although GpU has used the modified cose for analyzing mid-loop accidents. these caeabilities are i not s:heduled to be incorporated into the archived version e,f MAAP until June 1990. The major features of MAAP that will allow modeltag of ald-loop accidents include: .

                                                       -                Arbitrary initial conditions in the primary system.

e Initial water level or initial water mass, e Air in the primary system. e Input for a time since scram to calculate decay heat er core - power as a function of time. .

                                                     -               Any initial condittens in the steam generater.

e Arbitrary water level. e Air in the steam generator. l

                                                                                                                                     *<i l0
                                                     -              u                 4.*<        = i ci u                         a     .
                                                    -              Use of M heat exchanger.                                                                              .

! MAA? will allow the user te detafsine the following: l - The primary systes pressurization curve. I

                                                    -             Confimattes that vertees available injection paths and injectica fleus ces centrol the accident.


                                                    -              Estfastfursethy tiest adsktr for actter.


                                                    -              Predicties of the systes response that an operater would see.

i i l l i l O ' i

a. - - - - . , . . . .nn~---,-.,-,.,--. --,-,,._,,.,,._..,-..__e-.. , ..a,.,., n,.e ,..-_ _ _ ,_ _,,,_.~.n_.,_---,,,,,c ,_mn,-a.-,,,n..,.n.,._,.n..,,_,n


'                                                                                       =hl;%4 Effcrt involved in using MAAP fcr Mid Loop Analysis               pp M4 d JM Altnough a plant specific parameter file does not exist for Plant Vogtle at this time, it is anticipated that one will be created for the Vogtle IPE by
- the middle of 1991 with an effort of soproximately 6 man months. Many of j

these plant parameters will be obtained from design drawings and the FSAR. A number of oostulated loss of decay heat removal scenarios during shutdown, ! suen as the fo,11owing three scenarios for Seabrook that were analyzed j manually can be evaluated by MAAP l 1 {

                          -  The reactor is vented and remains at atmospheric pressure and the            l steam generatort are dry, and the RHR cooling is lost.

1 1 l - The reactor coolant system is not vented, the steam generators are j dry, the vessel is filled with water, and the RHR cooling is lost. i

!                        -   Conditions are the same as the previous scenario, except that the water is initially in the secondary side of some steam generators.

These scenarios could be expanded based on parameters such as the number of l hours from scras and the initial water level in the vessel. , l In the case of Vogtle if the particular accident sequences are defined, j Technical Services can create input decks to model these sequences. Depending upon the templexity of the sequence an input deck could take l l .aperoximately 4 hears to create. Although the Technical Services has rum l ! MAAP on the main frame computer, using the PC version of M4AP eliminates 1 l that expense. It is estisued that running a mid-leep scenarie on the PC- ) based MAAP will require between 1 to 2 hours of cesputer time. As stated i previously, the mest effective analysis can be achieved by observing the !O ai *t a it < aaa' i i t a r *r-l i i conclusion l l This discussion of MAAP as a possib1I tool for mid leep operation analysis is based primarily on two presentations by other utt11 ties at MAAP User l Group meetings. MAAP with the modifications scheduled for std 1990 appears to have sufficient capatt11 ties to be considered as a useful teel for sid-loop operaties analysis. l l i i l - 1 lO 1 i l

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                                                                                       ' g. . :'-**.' C7 T=O          ,


                            $UsJECT: LOSS OF DECAT MEAT REMOVAL (GENERIC LETTER NO. 8s-17) to CFR 50.54(f)       ,

Less of decay heat reseval (On) during nonpower eseration and the consevances of such a less have been of increasing concern for years. Ihanerous inaustry and HRC publications have addressed the setject. The Diable Canyon event of April 10.1M7. and ensuing work by both the staff and industry erpenitations have provided addittamal insight. (1) the inadecuacies de=enstrated by many licensees in their lustrated responseby toYet the pr Seneric Letter (SL) 8712: (2) the event at Waterford en May it. 1988: (3) the event at seeeevah en May IN8: level at Saa Onofre w 'ely 23 7.1988 and (5) the apparent lack of a cemetete(4) the industry understandlag of the potential seriousness of such events. The report of the Diable Canyon event, e Mts.1269 stated that operating a plant wie a reduced reacter coelaat systas (RC3),investery uns a partieslerly sensitive condities end identified eeny generic usaknesses to 0M. E,87 12 unich roguested inferusties free all PWR licensees, ersvided additional in. sight, and mR18 1269 was transmitted with the generit letter to cesses that licensees had the latest informaties. Despite this, sesy of the ressenders to SL 87-12 dessestrated that they did not understead the identified prehless. Deficiencies ezist is procedures, hardware, and trateleg to the areas of (1) preventies of accident feitiaties (2) mitigatles of assidents before they potentially progress to core damage a core desage accidset shes14 occer., and (3) costrel of redtemettee esterial tf Altheogh deficiassies asist is all PWRs, certata desige festeres in the Westingheese and Cee sstice aske lett14ttes and the time available for attigaties fasering dest of are geneers thee to the nesleer sense sapph systems ( s) destgeed Saheect and W11ess. Nevertheless,se holleve expedittees actions are seesssary at all Puts to rectify thsee defitteestes. These should be pers11eled by progressed enhance. masts whid applemet, add to, or reelace the espeditiess settees to acess. 311st a spe espreteestve taprowesset. are-sounselset te"throttscheent h *ima esse 4 thees *tems provided to the three seeleseres., and addittees) taferustles and geldance are 0 8810180350 O



                             -1      .

t ud;. .

y. 02 e $ .HS
              *vrsvanttotoeach respect       10 CFa   50.5a(f). we request your response regarding your plans with of the recessensations as related to operation fellowing slacesent of the N335 on shutdown cooling. er following the attainment of R$15 conetetens under whica shutdown coeltas would normally be initiated. Your esponse !s to taclose ene following:
             *2 ) A desertation of the actions you nave taken to isolement each of the e$gns recommendes exeedettoes actions identified tr the attaennent.

sna f15e summitted to us within so days of recetat of this letter.Your esoty

           .2) A description of enhancements, spectf f e plans, and a schedule for teele.

mentation for each of the six prograsped enhancement recommendations identtfled la the attachment. Tour reply shall be provided te us within 90 days of recetat of this letter. Individual deviations free the recommendations will be considered on a case by case basis provided compensatory measures are provided which wf11 achieve a comparable level of protection. Se further responses are reouf red to GL s7-17 and Itcensees er construction perett holders need not provide any supplemental information in a response to el 8712 to which they previously committed. We will accept documents such as technical reports, action plaas, and schedules prepared by insustry groups when accompanied by commitments from participating liceasses in lieu of individual documents from these Itcensees. Alternatively, sect industry greep documents may be incorporated by reference in liceasse secumentatfee. effectively resolve Idethese encourage issues.your participaties is cooperatire efforts to Your written ressense shall be seksitted under eeth or affirenties ander the previstens of Secties 18ta. Atomic Enery Act of 1964, as amended. Teer O arritten revote yourressense licenseis are aseded to determine whether actions to modify sessend, er necessary. As analysis as regelred by le CFR $0.109 has been perfefuod regarding this regnest.

     ~he original cosy of yese eritten response shall be trenesitted to the U. S.

auclear Regalatory Casuisstem. Secoment Centrol Oest. Mastingtse. 8.C. 20555

     'er repredacties and distrftettee.

This reesest is cerered by Offies of Panagement and Sedget Cleersees number 2150 0011 unist asyttes Rosester 31, 1989. The estiantes average borden heers is 200 persee teers per 11eensee ressense, includtag assessment of the new reestrements,et> pressetas segretteg date searces, gathering and seelysing the data..and w raportrg esamentr'eu tea acceracy of this estiaste and suggestfees te rehee the herden any be directed to the Offies of Renegement and todget. Asse 335. Asw taecutive Office teildtag unshi . 8.C. 20503, and to the 5. S. Resteer Regulatory Cesarissies Branen. Offtes of Adelsistrettee and Resources. Menegesest, Washtagten. 0.C. Asser,tsMaangement and 20555. O 2

y [A'. l 90-J p p L 1 3 : f .14 C If yes have technical enestions regarding this setter 810ase contact Wayne Nedges at 303 492-0895. Other guestions any be directed to the NRR Pro. lect Panager assignad to this issue. CParles M. Trasse11 (301J92 3121) er to the p,vgr planager assigned to your Diant.

                                                                                                               *M Dennis . Crut
                                                                                                                           . /%f e ry - '

Acting Assectate 01Feeter for Projects Office of Nuclear Reacter Regulatten


P.ecommended Actions


1. Overview and Backgreend Information Pertinent to Generic Letter 8817
2. Gaidance for Meeting Generic Letter 88 17
3. Abbreviations and Definitions O

O 3 - _ - _ _ - - ~ _ , _ _ _ _ - _ . __ --

                                                                                                                            . r. a .


                          .etter No.                           Subject                                 !ssuance      !ssued to 33-18                                                                        10/04/88 O                             -


i Ed v id f

93. M W JK 1


                                                                  .                             AECope* ENDED ACT10N5 4

i actions and erograsmies enhancenents are recessmeneed concerntng

operation of the asss during shotsown cooline or euring conditions where such cooling would normally he erovided. The recossnendattens aeoly whenever there i

{ is irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel (RV). These recessnendations are ! sessierized below and discussed furth2r in enclosure 2: l Creeditious actions: . i The following expeditieus actions should be implemented prior to operat- ) ing in a reduced inventary conditise*: ) i (1) Discuss the Diable Canyon event related events lessens learned, and implicai, tens with aparepriate plaat personnel. j shortly before entering a reduced inventory conditten. Provide training 5

!                                                             (2) laplement precedures and administratten controls that reasonably

! assure that containment closure" will be achieved prior to the time i at which a core uncovery could result from a less of DM coupled i with as inability te initiate alternate cesling er additica of meter

to the SCS inventary. Centainment closure precedures should incivee i consideration of potential steam and radiesetive susterial release i from the takes RCS place should within classte activities eatend inta the ties boiling the RCS.

These precedures and seinistrative controls should be active and ta uses i (a) prior to entering a reduced RCS inter?asy condities for utsts supplied by Causpesties Engineering er Westinghouse, and s (b) prior to entering as RCS condities whereta the unter level is louer than four inches belas the top of the fles area of the het legs at the juncties of the het legs to the IV for R$$1s i sepplied by Bebeset and Niless. , i i and sheeld apply whenever operettag to these condttiens. If such i precedures and administrative conteels are set operational, thea either de est eMer the applicable condities er meistata a closed egetalasset. 3 4 j A redseed facentary sendtties exists whenever ET ator level is louer than three feet beles the RV flange. i ! " Containment closure is defined as a contatament sendities where at least i one integPst barrier to the release of radienettve esterial is provided. Further discossfee and qualificattens which the 1stegral barrier most meet l are provided se enciesere t and in the defteittees provides to seclosere 3. !O i 5 . 1

il [ %d

} . (3) . ),.2.h * $ provide at least tue independent, continuous taneerature indicattens }' that are representative of the core estt condittens whenever the RC1 is in a afd.leep condition' and the reacter vessel heed is located en l too of the reactor vessel. i Temeerature indications should be and centtneously senttered and alarmes.seriodically checked 1 snevid be performed ettner: Tammerature menttertas i. 1

                                      , (a) by an esereter ia the control rees (Cs), or j                                          (t) from a location outside of the containment buildtag with provision for orevidtag immesiste teaserature val operator in the CR ff sientficant thenges occur. ues to an

{ should normal eering he recereed at an interval ne prester than 15 minutesObserva conditions." ) 1 4 (4) Provide at least two independent times whenever the RCS is in a re,duced inventary Idater j level indications snostd be seriodically checked and recorded b i operator er setematically and continuously senttered and alarmed. Weter level meniteriog should be capanle of hetag performed either:l t i, la) by as eserator in the CR ee k (b) I i from tamediatea location mater level other valuthan the CR with provisten for erov ! sigstftcant changes to ak eserster to the CR if { as interval tiens. " no greater than 15 einstes euring noruel c i (5) i ( Impleertet erecedures and setnistrative controls that generall i tiens to the att and/or to systens that are asse { i the sCS reduced ta a credities. teventary stable and controlled conditten uhtle th i If operettees that could sortert the BCS er systems sensortta i i i addittenet tsesseres should be tekee to theeasse reestetes;1ede asesores to a stable and centrolled candittee. Seek edittia aesttertog pseet prevention of a less of BW gg enhanced ts t steeld see a less esser.o ensure timely ressenee Wa less of DNR t - A e6delseresaffffk wists whenever RCS unter level is holes the to the flee eres of the not legs at the .fenettee wie the R. 8sidence sheeld be developed and provided to eserotors that sever evacuattee of the senttertog post. reacter act persessel safety. The poidaean should properly balance '1 i

  • 1

\O 1 l G i L . - .- = = = - - ~~~

Est ' % -3 g , S7 d .M f (6) Provide at least two available* er operable means of aeding inventory to the RC5 that are in addttien te somes that are a part of the normal DNR systems. These sheeld include at least one high sressure O .

injection suso. The water asettien rate capable of being provided by each of the means should be at least suff tsteet te keep the core coveres. Proceevres for use of these systass eartas less of DHa events shovie be erovices. The oath of water asettien must be 3 specif tee se assure the flow sees not bypass the reactor vessel

                                              " before entstas any opentas in the aCs.

(7) (applicable te vestinghouse and Centustten Engineertng nuclear steam supply system (N555) eastpas) Implement procedures and seministra-tive controls that reasonably assure that all het legs are not blocked sisultaneously by nozzle dans unless a vent path ~tr provided that is lar of the AV. ge eneven to prevent pressertzatten of the upper plenum > See references 1 and 2. t (8) (applicable to NS$5s with lose stop valves) taolement procedures and aminfstrative controls that reasonably assure that all het legs i are not blocked simultaneously by closed stap valves unless a vent ' path is provided that is large e to prevent pressuritation of the RV upper plenum er unless the configuration prevents RT water less tf RV pressertzatten should occur. Closing cold legs by nozzle dans does not meet this conditica. proerammed enhancements: Programmed enhancements should be developed la parallel with es expedi. tissa actions and they may reelace, supplement, er add to Os expeditteus actions. For esasele, progressed enhancements any be used to change essesitio6s actions as a result of better enderstanding er leereved i procedores. This any lessen the fattial impact of espeditiess actions 1 j ^ include consteeratten of such facters as the decay h guidance is provided in enciessee ?. For esastle the first paragraph sf section 2.2.2 and the first paragraph of secties 3.3.2 illustrate me l flesibility me have is stad as long as safety is adegoately addressed. We inteed met programmed enhancements he incorporated inte plant opera. i inereveneet er enhassement of pleet operettees with safety. Procedersi and hardmore sedifiesticas ser be implemssted

=1thest prior staff approval where the critoria of Ig CFR 50.H are
                         . met, altheogh it is ser intent to revies and/or sedit seek chseges.
Progressed eatenessents shoold be isolamented.48. seek 44 4puestica&,

i het as later*ther ter ftf74wiss schedoles I i l }

'Available need. meses rea4 for use goickly eneegh to meet the intended functional

\ i i t !O i 7

4 2 ,-73-J l j g.MIEJ i s (1) progresmed enhancements coasisting of hareware installation ane/or j modification. and programmed enhancements that depend usen hareware i installation and/or modificatten, should be feelementes: j (a) by the end of the ffest refueling evtsee that is initiates is i menens or later fellowing recetet of this letter, g, 1,

                . .           ft) by the end of the second refueling outage following receipt of i                                      ents letter.

j " whichever occurs first. If a shutdown for refueling has been j initiated as of the date of recatet of this .lettar, that is to be coented as the ffrst refueling estage. i (2) a th' t do not depend upon hardware chan Progressed enhancements should be taplemented uitkin 18 months of receipt of this letter. { us recommend yee isolement the followins sia programmed enhancemen ) (1) !astrumentation 1 ~ s i Provide reliable indicatten of parameters that describe the state o 1 the RCS and the performance of systems noms 11y used to cool th i for both normal followtag ta the and CA: accident conditions. At a ainlaus, provide the 1 (a) tus independest RC3 level indicattees . (b) at least tue independent temperature measersmeets represent tive of the core esit whenever the RV head is located on top i the RV fWe suggest that temperature inglessions be provide all tiens.) i O^. (c) i the espettlity of continuously menttertag 018 system perfor-mance whenever a 018 system is being used for cooling the RCS i (d) ! visthis tsoperature andlevel, suitble and indications of abnorest condittens 018 systes perferenees l (2) precedores Develop and taplement precedores that cover vedeced ines operettes reduced, and that prettee as adeguate basta fee entsy, late a temenessp.eenetetes- . Yness facindes fa) j preenderes that cover neraal operettaa of the 3538 the con. talasset i t eselfag u, sele nom:11y be provided by 818 s l 4

O 1

1 S

, p

  • scoceevres that cover emergency. abneraal, eff.nemal. $9 319 b ]k'.'

i Ib) { p Ce the i  ; ee31valget estratten Of the F$$3. the tentainment, and tuseert-l  : ing systems if an off-nomal conditten occurs while eserating i by ont systems.unser sendttIses for whtch cesllag would nemally be prov I 3 (c) aestnistrettve controls that suegert and sueelement the emce-l eures in items (a). (b) < this eramunicatten. asppreertaa. andte.all other 4ctions identified in . 1 l [ (3). feufsment j (a) 4 . A sure tha adeewate operating, eserable. and/or available se6'ement of high reliability' is erovided for cooling the RC$ and s'er evoletsy a less of RCS cooling. (b) Painta's sufficient.as4 sting seviament in an operable o I r i . availabN status se as to mitigate less of DNR or less of RCS j inventary should they occur. This %euhe include at least one i high pressere injecties pump and see other system. The water j addition rete caeable of being erovided by each eevisment item should be at least sufficiesla to hees the core covered. 4 (c) Provide adessate egulament for eersonas) communications that j involve activities related to the eCS er systems secatsary to saintain the RCS is a stable and centrolled condition. { (4) Analyses { j Conduct analyses to secolament existtag informattee and develop s 4 hasis for procedures, instrumentation testa 11 sties and response, and ! seuipment/MS$$ interactions and ressesse. The smalyses should

eccespass thermotynaste and stysical (tenfiguration) states to which l the hereusre saa be sehjected and should provide esfficient doeth
that the basis is deceleted. Esehesis should be placed seen obtain.

ties.a casolets onderstanding of RS$$ behmeier onder nonconer esera. ing j i (5) Technical Seselfiestions . ! Techniestspectffsettews(75s)thatrestricterItettthesafety I I benefit fied of the actions and appropriate changes identified to sekoitted. sheeld be this letter should be identi. t i I j i

  • Reliable eenfeuest is egetauset that can be resseeably assected to perforu

! the intended fheettee. See teclosure 2 for additieaal leforsetten.  ; i l l 1 ~ l . 1O u _ _ __ __ ___

                                                                                         ;; i-9t-3 (s) acs neeev nes ees j                                                                                         py ,:3o ,; 3.g t                              !tas (5) of the espedittees actions should be reesamined and coera.
tiens refined as necessary to reasonably atnietze the Itkeltheos of less of DNR.

Addittamal information and guttance are given in enclosure 2. I REFERENCES t 4 ( 2.1 j C. E. Ressf. *Pessible Sweeen Loss of RCS Inventory during Low Coolant 3 Level Operatton," NRC Information hetice 88 36. June 8,1988. i (2)

R. A. Newton.
  • Westinghouse Owners Group Early Nettfication of Mtd. Loop j

Operetten Concerns,' Letter from Chatrasa of Westin Westighouse Owners Group Primary Representatives (ghouse owners Group to j 21. 1955. 1L. IA). 0G.88-21. May i I 1 I l l i t O i 1 l i 9 I ) l O I

  ' 11
                                                                       ... .         a. o                                                                    _

g r i '*:- J

          / **~       *-

s ' j i fg

usurap sforts -er
                                                                                                                                                         #   'y
muct. san ascutatoav comensission



e....*omoe mes January 27, 1989 tO - Duc Le t Nes. : 50 aFa pf ** 44 so-a2s -

                                                                    ,8 I                ar. v.             . w , s.n. m tentor vice Presteent -                           !

g i hvetea 1 seer,ia .r Operessons

                                   .er Ca.o.n, Lg g 'ih.

i P.O. Ses 1295  ; 1 81rerngass, Afstama 35201 e,f .

                                                                                ,,g j               

Dear Mr. Heirstem:



{ LETTER 8817 FOR tnt V0GTLE PLANT, UNITS 1 AIS 2 FOR EXPEDITIOUS N05. 69?p9 Ale 69790)ACTIONI FOR LOSS Of DECAY NCAT FTPOVA 1 i 1 The NaC staff it generally meets has thereviseed tatentionsyour of thers> Pense to Generic Letter 8817 . We fine that k espeetttess actiehs and is seeevate for p aat operaties,emeric letter with respect to i i { recommendations is the capaht11ty to close contatesmat to be incomplete in the fellestag respects: etter

Veer response appears

{ 1. Tracktag of contatament 4 spenes by "asamal means.*penetratives references saly these that have been

2. Yes specifically address closure

! Procesure 12006.C wats.h ensures "of the oestposet hatch via Operattens be closed.' Abseres1 Operattag Processee ithat.the contatament eestament hatch i operators to taittate costataseet closeree"t019.C 'will testreet the i actual cesplettee of costatsseet slessee We findwithtaas referesse to s11esable times,


particularly with respect to penetrations other them the equipeset . Teu identify that 'All settlable contateneet coeltag feat be started I helptreassat.' eme attigase the effects of a less of met en the costatament to fee es set tdantity whee rosseneste asserence thee feet wfffie aestlable ser de yee address whether you hemis esatia betitag lettistes 90s travestigated eithtsfeastblitt the r of centtause work withte contataseet se ea eartresseet stable the n, ~~'*]esster t e T --*~ vessel j ans creates a steam 5 . ! E

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i . . .g . 4 t ( f

j e . v. .* .n un J . 54 '- W3 j g A7.2. a4 J W. 8. Matrsten, !!! -!. January 27, 1989 iOi In rosares to the other espeditious ttees. the prograai taenttisee Sr. your ] j . response ponerte has the letter. capettitty te eseoustely eteress the eenterns empresses in the

Nomever. your responses are hetsf ans, therefers, es not 411o=

j es to fully unserstand your actlen taken in response to GL ss.17 You may wish j to consteer are adeguately several observattens in erser to assure yourselves tnat the acticht andressed: i { 1. i You reference the commitments as teplemented prior to the next planned entry. } We assume your mosaing is for say entry late a reduced taventory i condities that is teltberate sa the part et the operators. Mence, an  ! $ entry for the purpose of repatring an enanticipatee reacter costant peep i seal fallere would be a planned entry. An entry eue to a less of coolant ' i eccfdent of the generic would be emplanned. Amy other seestag will met meet the intent letter. I 4 2. Yee also reserve the right to make changes "la the feture if appropriate.' The 1 stent of the generts letter in to alles changes under the seidence'ef

the prograssed revise, enhanceavat recesmeneettens and subject to your 50.5p as applicable.

3. The lesses other plan indicatten. thaa level eescription did not identify the need hr testrumentattee

behavier are eine important. Teeperature and the attitty to mentter RMe
          '4 i                                      The lessen plan desertptsen did met identify sett ver%s detat) as 4                                      sysytems and settable operator response to prevent less of RIS.

! 5. i The lessen plan description is states to provide *as adeemste snareness e

the part of personnel intelved in ste.leep operattees." Mistorica) i esperience shoes assy IIS 1 esses poses b often by antatenance artd test personnel. y apparently trgiaed personne) .

i to . veld sect difftesities. teme progres should be eestgeed


i Yes indicate removal of a presseriter assmay, stees generster usaway, or ! three presserteer ande safety valves as means to pewrite RCR venting. i We note that relattee W 1arte het side speatogs is the RC3 such as a i presserteer saamey, see att11 tend to a pressere of several pst ese to the j mensey Itse speeleg.large

                                                  . Itser pressertaer       hardware stees flee end the. cauMast. ten i                               be perfereed te serify the effectiveness of 1,he spectag.C41esistions sho There is no esed w respeed to the abwe at this t1ee.

I e I O i i _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _

  • 8 .* A estv / Sk l-90~S
                                                                                                                                                           .2]$0 5h O                                                                                                 -'

As yes are aware, the espedttiGes actlant, you have briefly descrthee are an interim asasure to achieve an tamediate reduction in risk assuttated with reen,6ed inventory operettes. and these will be supplemented anc in sees cases replacet by progr.sosed enhancesents. While your respense is adessate, we intend L6 audit both your espediticus actt')ni and your prGgressed enhancement program. The areas where we de e6t fully understand your responses as indicated above may be covered in the audit of espeditious actient.

  • Sincerely, ,

((- A. .- ,:- en B. Nephth , pft)tet fianager Project Ctrectorate 11-3 Diettien of Seacter p' rejects .1/11 . OffIca of Nclear ter,ctor Regulatten j cc: See nest page - \ - 3 J i O . i l l i e I l

1 i

l 1 - I lO i

1;L N -] a l -l J J C ATTACWSNT 3

  • p/

O . Etv- 001:4 174J17-Y110 09423 U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Comfssion ATTN: Document Centrol Desk Washfagten, D. C. 20$55 PLAN 7 Vergt . UNITS 1. and 1 ser ' .4ET 50-424, 50-425 ePERATINE LICENSE NPF.Sc. CONSTRUCT!N PERRIT CPPR-l RESPON$t 70 stern!C LETTER 88-17 . sentleann: In accordance with 10 CPR 50.5d(f). Georgia Peuer Campast hereby the enciesed response to the recessended programmed enhancesants of een i reducedes.17 Letter related inventary to less of restdual heat removal atle operstlag in a conditten. i i even teosph unit specific dotat1s my refer to Bett 1.Tkts response a i letter ested Dotat er 29, 19Nresponded to the recomended er 48 17 byespedi c free the fellertag the propreenes second hit 1 enaaneaments prior te resetag sat first tatt t refueltag ! taat de not favelve hardusm ettages am schedeled to to 14 . Estensements

               . 1990.                                                                                       by Ney 3 i

tvaluatten of MM removal systes perfym%W f9P level tastrumentatten eat restenal heat i evaluattee to set ewelete,s age mitfcatten has set toes cogisted. le that the ' the emeleset tesop4 14 Power Campear saanut he sure tempany"wfff sutert a desertatten of these maremere the evolvettees, initete apprestestely too sooths fel)erlag completten of to eurmatly projected for estater 1.135. 1 ! The snelesed ressesses are based gee currest er proposed praette j to f,ptes..lf saareertate.. seersta pesar Casey wf31

ensure 34 17. tast any future stanges will matatata the latest of Generte Letter

{ retter. !arernstles miates to tkts issue will be evallable eastte for MC j t If therd are any guesttens concorslag this letter, please aertes. iO i !. - - - . _ - _ _ .- - - . - _ . - ----- L

2 A. l- %-3 i s 2.][ e k .IS U. S. uselear Regulatory Commisst:n O ELV-00186 seg f. - Mr. W. 6. Nairsten !!! states that he is a senter Y1ce President of esersta Power Ceepay a,nd is authertaed te esecute this soth en behalf of

  • i l

Georgia Power Company and that, to the test of his knowledge and belief, the ' facts set forth in tafs letter and enclosures are true. EOtt!A POWER COMPAltY Sys

m. s. noirsson. 4ta Sworn to and subscribed before as this day of January, 1989.

astery rusiss O c: seerste Power ceasear nr. p. s. asse Mr. C. E. McCar Mr. L Beckhold. Jr. GO NORMS ., D. 5. Ihselaar Resulaterr Cammtasten ! . W. M. L. Ernst. Asttag Regional Adstafstrator' i Mr. J. B. Nepkfas. Licenstop Project Manager, sein (2 septes) Mr. J. F. Regge, Senter Resodest Inspector-Operettens, vestle i l } e { !O . l 1

                                                                                       $ 4 l--b ~

py 23' E 345 ENCLOSURE O - et0e8!A POWER COMPANY RE5r0NSE TO NRC SENER!C LETTER 88-17 PROGRAP91ED EMMANCEMENTs The following discussten of Georgf a Power company's (GPC) plans for aseesstag the programmed enhancements of Generic Letter as-17 at riant Vogtle (YtGr) is provised persvant to 10 CFR 80.84(f): -


Preytde rellatie Indicatten of parameters that describe the state of the reacter coolant system (RCS) and the perforasnee of systems normally uses to cool the ACS for teth neraal and accident condittens. At a sintaus, provide the following in the sentrol reest (a) fue independent RCS level indications. (t) At least two fadependent temperature esasurements representative of the core entt whenever the reacter vessel (RV) head is located ea top of the RV. (We suggest that temperature ladications be provided at alltimes.) i (c) The capett1fty of continuously aseitertag restigel heat reeDV41 (RNR) 2 systes performance whenever an RM system is betag used for cooling sne ecs. O <<> vissile d'*ie 4 <' *i f >=ae -i s dttieas ia temperature level, and Rm syste perforunace. - ! GPLREI M E . i - i (a) As stated fa car December 29.1908 setsittal. RCS mter level is menttered via temporary level instrusasettee whenever the RCS ts in a reduced teventary condittaa. Operettees precedures tactuse i tastrusttens to settfy Instrumentatten and Centrol perseasel to i testa 11 tasperary level fastruments prior te aretales the RCS I lastrassetestes and Centrol precedure 23905 1 *att,temeneeny Water. Least preetteertoetractions fte festallettee of tue ledgendsat is of level tedtsatten esta temporar ' s and stst level tastrumentattes la the sentret rees.y treamitters i asesores di Level is ! louer tap and from the het leg between the EvLts upper range pressortaer to statetas therustyeests and pressure errors. One chamael erevides wide Psage level tedtsatjeg. free, i i e testdTF GRb fo"ot 6Flev sit-Tese tie'the ve'ssel f' ange. The I steams 1 provides aarrow range level fadicattee fees I apprestostely one feet below afd-leep to the top of the hat.1eg. i Level is matteucusly senttered and alarmed to the sentrol rees. A

                 ' ten leg. level alare is set at three inches aseve tee center of the het i

GPC la presently evaluat1as a desten change dich will provide for permanent tastallatten of the level treassitters. MB espect te have this evaluaties completed by Octatert .195.

E4 *:f-3 sessense ELY-00186 to NsC Generic Letter ss.17 page Two ) Ties and eesign design an errordeve1eement analysis. will include a nreview atten of th 3 1 matetenance and callbration practices. control and fellow (b) As stated in avr December ss 1sts submittal, sperattens recedvess , P ] presently require et least tue core exit thersscowles piece. to be; at all 11aes during reduced inventory condittees with Thess procedures will be revised te reegtre either: raale i

                                                  - Temperature will be mattered and recorded by an ope i                                                    esatrol roes at latervals ne scenter than Il sinstes, or

! - Temperature will be continuously sentte . i } ) These two core asit therescovplas will previde . sentineou (c) tadependent, and representative indication of the core . parameters that wfi' provide timeAn enstneerins st4 will of degraded as pump reliable ladicatica of the enset staty will taslude considerattee of the receamendattens of Ge indicaties of pay ester current inetcatten, and a ,O complete thfs st will be tap 1 sible correlattee of parenters. W espe by October 1,1900. The remits of this st-assertin 1etter to this traaesittal. g to the schedele itsesssed ta thr - - (d) i As in thediscossed above, RC$ level:it aestrel roes certes sentiseensly mettere ! conditten. i 1 emerater in tere vil either be shocked er coetteseus eestrel rees at intervals as tr and rear i control easttered and eiersed via i will testede GWfderetten af visible and suffble t'T sFe%E PerfWeeste - -

z. me amna .

I and that pt w fde sDevelop end leplauset precedures that sever r coe61stea m ete01 te-- beats for sesry fate a re -- - - i (s) i sed.seppertfag systems under condittees for I rwashy be provfdsd by the AM system, i 3 (b) O t i Precedures that sever emer ! o.eiv ia = Par =*$ a =< **=gency, abnerus). off. i

                                                                                    #555 ta .

systees if as eff=neruel cenettien ia=

s whilt t condittees for iditch cooling usu14 serusily be systes.  !

a i - U-3 py 1375 W Rassense se NRC seneric Letter 88-17 E'.V-sele 6 Page Three (c) Aemfnistrative controls that support and supplement the erocedures in ftens (a) 88-T7. as.aeoroorfate. (b), and all other actions teentified in Generte Letter s#C RCsP08tst (a) As stated in our December 29. 198s subetttal, the contre 111ag procedure for operetten la a reduced inventory conditten is Operattons Procedure It006-C. 'taitt Coeldown te Cold Shutdown.' This precedure contains precautions and limitations concerning operation la aRCS tee reduced investery conditten and provides guidance for prepari for drafatng This guidance address taneerature and level fajection pump for inventory additten. If needed. instrumen Procedure fastructfens for dratalag13ee5=1. "Reacter the RCS. Coelaat This precedure a,se Systes provides contains Dralain precautions concernfag the effects of RCS level se 33 syStas operatf1fty dratalag enand leveltastructions fadicatten.which should minisine the tapact of Procedure 13011 1 'tesidual Neat temeral Systa' necessary instructions for operation of the am s. providet the yst e ins 1W 1*g operattaaaedress procedure in a reduced inventory condittee. The precastions of this O ~c'~ ~~~' '~the effect of RE syste fler en pug secties

                                                                                       ~r '"" ~ -

(6) In the event of a less of 85. Abnerus1 Oper

                                                     *tess of 1**.            will provide. the necessary                          gu'etten Phece idenes to essere core

' . coeltag and direet see speMars to tattiste eestataneet c1esere. ! 27846.C. *Opostag and C1estas CentstaneetContain i adstetstrettve aestret to the form of as I btSpasst etake and j Coasttfee for Wise (LCR). uhie v111 essere that alltes Liettfag I penetretless apened by seneal mass are treaked. i (c) mistetse eagetttve oestret over theAs stead is ser See i peestrettene speesd by essaal means. egetpeest hatek tad all afttgetfor a less of am event: ales essere that to follo

                                              .. ,g,gg,ggggggggg,                    .     . . .           ... -    ..          .-          -

1peset for tevestery addittes e l te het les vest path, and

                                                 . Safe sort eartresseet to complete contatement elesers.
                              $PC believes thete i

O Decenter 29e 1908 sutetttalelth the reviatens to precedures ilscussed te presttaa with regard te oper. YtGP procesures st11 refleet the best everent atten la a redeced tevestery condttles. actieity se $1e top 1s wt11 he revisued and tes as appropriate.

f 1 i ). M-] i Aa g, to Generic Letter at-17 /j 17M f6

                       ,e.e re.,
3. NRC RfCippIENDA710N i (a) Assure that adequate operating, oserable, and/or available eeutseent a less of RCS cooling.of high reltast11ty is preyteed for cooling the RCS (D) Metatain sufficient entsting equipment la an eserable er available I .

i status they se as to attisate less of RM or less of aC5 inventory, shovig escur. i Thts should include at least one kign preasure .1nJoct1on puso and one other system. i provided by each e The water additten rate capable of betag i the core severed. gvfpment ites should be et least sufficient to keep t { i (c) Preefde adeguate ognipannt for personnel coeurnicattens that involve j activities related to the RCS or systems necessary to estatata the RCS in a stable and centrolled conditica. GPC ttSPON58 ~ (a) The RM systen at VIBp is part of the taergency Care Coeltal $ystem


(Ects). This system is safety related and therefore highly reliable. Furthernere the AMR autoclosure laterlock fumetisa is j defeated fa neees 3 and 6 whica ellateates the assectated for spurtees stesure of the RNR secties isolatten valvas. potential (b)

                                             !aventory pump       and addities  will be accesplished via a sentrifugal charging a safety tajection

!O i the ICCs and are therefore high . Both of tasse pumps are part of free tasse pugs will be more relittle. the fleurates available i covered. suff1 stent te keep the core ! Aestafstratise sentrois will ensure that flee paths are i available for these pumps an$ that fler will set bppt&S the tere.


Furthermore, precedure 10019'C provides for tes see of the steam generaters as an alternate emans of eseltag utes appropriate. (c) Adeguate teventary o egetpasst for perseasel caessateattees dertas redueed precedure. perettes presently entsts at VIEp and is regetred by j i

4. et6 l Ceedset tests ftr assisses totastruneatattes suppleenst existing inferenties and develop a l i eget installetten and response. and
- - $$ fatoreettens and reopease. The analyses steeld j - -'encespes' thermodynaste sur physicarteaftgeretted) stan which' '

l j the heressee can as esbjected and should provies suffletest depth that the basis is developed. Emphasts sheeld be pleest spea j j attaistag a sospiste understandtag of NESS betsviar under asa.gouer operetten. iO i

i - / ' h8 ) Response to NaC Generic Letter 88-17 l ELY-00188 Page Five I SPC stsp0aSt l 4 i a meeber of the Westinghouse Owners' Group, has reviewed I WCAP-11916 Bad stilized the analysis and guidance provided therein as a j hasis 29, for me 1988 hardware and precedural caanges discussed la sur Decenter sutaittal. i te validata the sheerusiFurtaer analysts la halag paeewand ht Westing, house i 4 .Arecedure guidance. men tats analysis i ff segiate and tae procedura pu dance flas11aed. EPC will revier the i taforestica for VESP and att enanges as appropriate. In additten, the i destga revier discussed for RCS level instrunestaties will accovet for { effects that any introduce level fastewastes. PWrthermore spectal stieaal testtag has been perfpraed on Unit I ubich varied RCS evel and RM system new to detereint susceptittlity te vertesing. Flas11y. a plast specific analysis will be ande to sgpert lavestery pitica via gravity fles free the refueling water storage tank to'the RC3.


! Technical Specifications that restrict er Itait the safety heaefit of the j actions identified changes ta this letter should be identiffed and appropriate should be suhaitted. !O j

             .,e pi- O             -e . me to = re==upace=ce- mi. .m allow the safety 1RJectica pumps to be available during operettee in a
reduced leventory conditten eithout hartag to lavske 10 CRF 50.541.

f 6. # ' NRC RECON M AI1 5 t j Item (5) of the expeditious actions should be reezastaed and operatteet refined as necessary te reasonably stataise the likeltheed of less of 12. As stated la sur Decauher , taet 21,1948, suke6tae4 VERP heir prwcuervs' fa place i agfPsevthertsatteefreetheUnitShiftSuperviserpriorte any vert. j Operations procedures faclude precauttees te scrutistas and limit vert activities that have the potential for reducing RCS inventary d ile in a reduced inventory conditica. These precedures will wn11be revised to ensure taat arty work that any impact R2 capas111ty

     ~  '

p 'in a reetced.Javetiterg.cenettiae be.clasely.screttained. iiert will i not ne allowed to be performed unless adequate measures exist (szt as j enhances mattering of critical parameters and precautions and 1 11sitetteas) to provost a less of RM. j 'GPC telleves that the shove masures in ceaJusetten with the emphasts j O placed ether ===res en 41=ussed sid.1eepin operattens uts ietter sad our sortag licensed seeseher is, and the operate j see aseousta speration. to statstae RC5 perturbations durtag reduses inveat:ry i i i

2* o . . ... .~ l l t p Ell ff.24i si 24.

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j p ccsovas so g** ~ ~j y VEGF 50006-C 10 of 12 g 33,3 l w E 5 5 we a a u s s e g g f.7,.; DESIcu CaANGE REQUEST U' EN j w DCx No.96-V/#a/3,3 REY _ _ O UNIT (NC DATE 3 -N 4 0 i E SAFEIT 1 ELATED / YES NO DRAWING CRANGE ONLY N EXEMPT NON-EXEMPT SITE '


l G SYSTEM or COMPOND(T (Designation / Plant No. & Description): i I _CWrrErn ho% 'Di s: s eat r,c Oc== A-tora l N DESIGN OBJECTIVE: E m u- r.e D h N a . e v.. - s .*t vem u m. . n ! E n .: , a n xs+su n -.<r. e wm., vs * - r .a x DI c. a n ., ws ss. l E SUGGESTED CHANGE (attach sketches markad-up dwgs, etc) - if known: ' R h .aarc au o -- e.=ri olc. rains & ao a.a s e ..e Ann i I rx swansus rua- eumvL mst s. c Aa 5I o ra.-r. o a I 1



ESTIMA ED CO j, i 5 ,_ . / n s a 4 v s/s4/9a .7 ,u r sw/,o j 1 %sponsible EngMiser /Date Essineeri Su 5 ./ Date i fos sr A

l DA - l i EP 5P DCR approved for Design Development / TES ilD


l IE (Exe Exempt) f / \ G0 4 k 3 -24 ~VD l NY A [ Flaat Sup g Manager /Date


i e O ' DESIGN CRANGE PACEAGE REVIEWED AND ACCEPTABIZ t i Rasponsible Engineer / Data ' Eng. Support Sept. / Date i I DCP SAFETT REL&TED: MA i FF ! LF FRB RECClttENDS: Proceed with impleasatation - Licensing ] ER document change approval required i M0 Do not proceed until licensing document approval i EV recaived. j NA Proceed - No licenstag docuneat changes necessary l TL DCP rejected. Raasos i A j T PRS Ntg No. Date ! I PER Chairmaa / Data ) 0 j N Implementation as Recommanded Approved TES NO r .. GENERAL MARAGER DATE l DCP Non Safety talated: j . FLANT SUFFORT MGR DATE

 <                                                                                                         FIGURE 1 j

ros es . _ _- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - - - . . .-- - - - - . _ - - . - - - - . . . ~ . . . .,.-...- .-.._ .

pacc ws o pav' E 5 8'-"~'- 11 of 12 l l VEGF 50006-C

                                                                                          7""""                                                                                  5xj-90-]

ATTAcamff TO DCR /p Ji.,7J O - RSTIFkCATION f ] REGtitat0RY REQtTIRENDIT/LICUSING ColetITMDIT [ ] D"ICIENCY CORRECTION DC NO. RER NO. [ IMPROFE SYSTDt/0FERATION FERFORMANCE J i DEIAILED EIFLAllATICII: Osa Jl2.ol9o, Ow a y Co. s. t/(. A Ts.e PPED ' Tsa:sc.c. vs s.c.,,w e a es A Loss c'r cns as, wet . Ofc.J SesmCe twSGat4Eac y JTAsLTCD ( /tros r e/(. T4 es syMasects) T**C Dk c,.e~s ruve;x> vs T'Aun. Taovast.s**ocoro~s. Ma.o s~ vesTosan sosa :, add 7 CD*4 CJ. /*40s.C Yde s*J Mr AfA43:,CD tw "Ma E> d7d' / W O ,C. 8 7 8. Ag 4 asp Asswaso ia e u .2/sv/ve ve*E e as av A s 4.c.. rom m r. . El3 0C2. ss M Gs.461LATs.O T*e s u A4.s w A Y g i seMss) au, a/9 TAsss vur us u.mossa a a msn dasP. s*'6A!T . , *, _s I i

           -     COST /BBIEFIT AllALYSIS DIOTE: Required if change is requested to improve Performance) r NIA
           -      INSTAf1ATION l

l [ ] N0 sFECIAL OUTAGE R FEANT CWDITIONS REQUIREn j (FmFInt enGE emn.: Foa smas. Fr. ANT CoNnIness, FmEssnEnExF,


{ FAITIAL mkt BE WEREE W/0 CUTAGE 7ag,u oom,e5 w,u sg AcA" d ! ( l i


i l FIGURE 1 (CONT'D.) i l sesess -

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Yes Ile N/A tel0's' Completed and Closed? I ABNs Issued? FCRs Approved and Attached? _ _ _ Deficiencies Resolved. _ _ _ Teacias ?mplete & l Results Acceptablef _ _ _ i i 1910 Nes ABE Bes: FCE 5es: DC Res: Systems / equipment may be returned to service based upos satisfactary completion of testing, availability of as-builts, and adequate training and to revised operating procedures. Operations Superviser/ Date All Closecut Requirements Bave Bees Completed. Raepossible Engineer / Date- Eag. Supv. / Date FIEAL FEB EEQUIRED: Yes _ 5e _ l 4 l i i FIEAL RETIEN Date ! Englasering Support Sept. DCF Closure asseptable _ .YES _ .50. If 30. explaims l t i ! FR8 Meeting Es. Date { FEB Chaisusa / Date , j .. ! FIGURE 1 (CONT'D.) j t was -

7 -~ 7. . ' n 1AssE 3 4d

                                                                                           ---w l

kremm. N \ 00402-C



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3 2 t:Coszw: maeswr oma nessr , w.,- ou Q ,. . a--w weeer ----- . . ta x me. n w -e - , c. . , i. .,s.imate,, P4. t A Ik-M / Halu Fesarity t t 2 l ' Print ease Date


Affected Desuneettl~SA d tapested Desuneet(s): SisT.en 3h t . t. 2 4 I . t 0. I. 2 . b Changet Koe nW kN [ " c 14- 1 c.s.*s . A :t htkne + Ih L t- ntTs M Justifiesties - 1 l Does this shaage: - l (1) Ceestitutes as Unrevissed Safety Geesttent TBS ( ) No [WT j (2) Cometitutes a redestian is 04 Program Comitment? TIS ( 1 30 (s ( l (3) Ceestitutes a change is T==h=4*m1 Spostflaatteest TES ( ] NO [I If change affects Emergemey Plaa. assuer (4) otheswises N/A N/A[Y (1) tedesce effestivesses of the Emergemey Plaaf YES ( 1 30 ( ) If change effects Seestity, amener (S) otheaving 5/A N/A(V (S) aadosa effectiveasse of the Seeurity Plan er TES ( 1 50 #f'- Guard Tratatag and Omatification Plant NBC Approval is Ragstred prior to implementattaa if ey of the above are Yts. O / W ry\M OristaattagDept.EmedApproval / MJ f l [Sigasturah Date Caesurrease f

  • Q ~

T.2 LDCR Coordiasters d hd [ N /94 dr ESAC % : 7t._s /S A i sagsuture f Base sigasture Data c- f l 4.3 FRS Neestag Be. ff-/Vd _ __ _ Dass # th- f1 i FBS Chatsumas Signature IM*me Date % -se -f7 p ae, e.a sa,sar. h JA D.a f/zoM Ca.,, - 4*.4 a=====e Change Change As Requested Revise:[ I Wot As Sageseted [ ] j Fellow =Op Asties: i l l , Change ta ,lemented: Documen me, & Rev. /14 f O w .4

  • J'i tDCR Coord1 aster
  • Signature />d _I_I ' >=Se Date 3 45'- 8 'I 10,
                                                                                                                                                                                               -f             n, j                                                                      -                                                                                                                                                    .

j j _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . . .

 \                                                                       *.a o ,                rg   1. n .y sNoneNa"ce                                 ,q pg A G ofaeks                                       so msb -::?     m .*ee$t h>Ed3IEM     <

j i . C46

 '                                                                                                                                                                Southern CompanyServices August 26. 1988                                                                                                  m.mmm en i, ,r-Ah a m.n e          I  %,

j ?lsnt Vogtie - Unit No. I and !! 8 O t 8L F '. 'A- C 74 Kv. l Intertie of Class 1E 41a0V Buses ( gj paces) j REA VG-8821. Additional Response d j File? K?aD108/X3BC03 Lor: NPFSG-02488 d j Mr. S. N. Chesnut l Georgia Power Company j 333 Piedmont Building. 20th Floor

Atlanta Georgia

Dear Mr. Chesnut:

1 This letter was written at the request of the Engineerlag Support Department to clarify our previous response to REA VG-8421 regarding the j connection of both Class IE 4168" haes to the same RAT during Shutdown Modes 5 and 8. The lattial response to this REA uns seat to you in a I letter dated July 20.1988. Ltig: NPFSG-02142. Enclosed is the revised , Safety Evaluation (Revision il for the subject REA which was amended to address the poser source to the aca-Class 1E 13.8KV buses.

Our previous response specified that the non-Class 1E 4180V buses be

! energized through the UATs as part of this configuratloa. This uns based upon the capability of the RAfs as described la existing calculations and demonstrated by functional test. The response to FSAR Question 430.59 l coesited to this condition of isolation to ensure the integrity of the one

remaining offsite power source to.the required Class 1E buses. Although

! not specifically stated. our previous response to the REA assumed that the l l 13.sRY buses would also be powered by the UATS. Given that la this l j configuraties there is only one operable offsite power source for the l Class 1E buses. the additional connection of a 13.8KV bus to the energized RAT would create a decrease la reliability of the Class 1E distribution system. More leportantly, the specific configuration of both Class IE  : , 4160V buses and a asa-Class 1E 13.8KV bus energized froa one RAT has not j l haan, evalmated. hyrealeekselesosera sesgarrety demonstTutsif' try* functnas! l test. which is as NRC requirement to verify the adequacy of the power l distributies systen under degraded conditions. i t f lO I 4

ER l- ?0-2 nr. s. n. chas m e py _ ;49 ,+' gg l ] Page 2 f' The atta'ched Safety Evaluation (which supersedes the previous onel incorporates requirements concerning the 13.8KV bus supply from the UATs and also provides corresponding mark-ups of applicable FSAR sections. This completes the response for REA VG-SS21. If you have any questions j regarding this matter contact David Gambrell at extension 4486. 1 i This additional evaluation was completed within the initial budget for { this REA. therefore no new authorization is required. 4 i

Very truly yours, J ^h

! M R. L. George. Manager j Nuclear Plant Support - Vogtle

!                 4/IF j
[gg DLG/dl Attachment *


A. L. Nosbaugh
  • R. E. Lide
  • 40RMS
  • l T. E. Richardson J. A. Seiley PFE-DOC
  • i J. D. Nurd J. E. Ballmark GPC Reading Files * (2)
J. M. Wheless F. Thoepson
  • NPFSG Files
  • l J. L. Maratyk
  • K. Kopecky
  • 2-02488 i S. Pietrzyk
  • A. Farruk *
!                          W. C. Ramsey
  • P. M. Kochery
  • I i

I ); 1 . i 4 !O i

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                                                                                                                                                       .      s'    a OCP N/A Other     m va-seat                      s.t. Rev 1
                                                                                                                                                       '        ~         '

O .

                                                                                                                 .y      A,,

a. Descripties of proposed chaage test er esperiment.

                           ~ TIis felleming temporary osefiguratica of the Unit 1 AC power systes is                                                                                             i required la order to remove either one of the Reserve Aemiliary Transfereers (RAT: 1NIRA 9) free service during Cold Shutdesa. This shall be laplemented durlag operatiemal Isodes 8 and 8 only.1:: order to j aset Technical Specificaties LCOs. To toplement this ceafiguraties, thel aormal preferred offsita .4= roe circuit breaker of ese of the Class 18 4100 V suitchgear (1AA'?S er 1SA03: 1-1804-88-A03 and A03 respectively) will he transferred to the altereste offsite sourse breaker cubicle.

This will electrically commeet both safety buses to the same RAT. All Neo-Class 15 buses (18.8 and 4.16 KV) will he powered free the Unit Assiliary Transformers (UAT) shiek will he 'heek-fed' from the 230 KV bus threagh the Main Step-Op Transformers. This will require the mala generater to be feelsted at the dissenmect links. Aloe to ensure aseletten and met esseed the RAT capability, the alternate lassalag breakers (feed free RATS) se the Bem-Class 15 bases most he ' reeked-est and tagged to prevent actesties bF as automatie bus transfer. Applicable plaat procedures most he revloed to reflect the proper syste alisament and conceras as a resalt of this esafiguraties. l This temporary ceafiguraties of the 'Crose-Trais' intertie may only be implemented during Isodes 8 and 4. Per Teok. Spes. LCOs ; O and beoed spes Regulatory Guide 1.08. Per these specification see of the emergized safety buses and its serresponding support systemsi (ie, diesel generator) shall be fully operable la order to supply power i to the leads regstred during Cold Shutdeus. l (contissed sa Page 3 of 8) t  : { i

b. Reason for proposed chaage, test er esperiment.

The perpeee of this temporary seefiguratism is to de-emergise see of t1! RATS for antatseemos purposes chile providtag reliable poser to both l Class 15 besos AAA88 and 18408. threagh the reenlaiag RAT, and to the pleet anzi11ery leads threagh the UATs during sold abetdoom (Nedes 5 ar

                      '8 ealy). The 'Crose-Trais' intertie of tha.clana; 11 homes.has..heen.

diesessed'1a the PSAR for use la emergency sitentless caly. Aloe the l gehettes and anseer sectica of the PSAR, and the SER address this ! esafigurettes. Prosperatiemal test 1-300-01. " Integrated Safeguards as ! Lead Sequeeslag feet", demonstrated the espebility of seek RAT to pose: l both Class 15 4100 V buses la ceajenetica with as ESFAS signal. The N1 1 staff (For SSER 8:8.3.1) found this eenfiguretten fully acceptable, i provided all other Technical Specifications are met. l !O i i

er O

    +@4'&@                                   IMAGE EVALUATION

Oh, gp// s; TEST TARGET (MT@ pp p

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m . M ? d y ; other page a of e O , RAFITY EVALDAf!ON CONTINHAf!ON SEEET part A. east.. The electrieel eemmeetles of the other Class 1E ewitchgear to this bus will confers to the separattom requirements of .tegulatory Guide 1.75 la that the breaker toelaties and ovellability of the standby poser source will emeure the 1stegrity of the required power supply regardless of failures se the alternate esitchgear. The body of this Safety 8valuaties will provide more dioeussion on the

                                                                 ,    speelfic lapset of this ceafiguraties upon the PSAR and F.O.L. Tech.

Spes. Seles le a summary of all applicable refersaces. F.A.L. Technical Speelflentles LWs S.8.8.1. Bases: 3/4.8.1. S/4.8.8. 3/4.8.8. 8/4.9.8 Flaal Safety Analyste Report,, t.s.o.a. s.1.4.3. Figures; b.3.31-1 end 8.3.1-3 Table 8.6.1-3. Questiene and 430.00 i Safety Reeluation Report O 8.8.1 and Guppleoest 5 (8.3.1) SC-17 la appendia A et 10 CFR Pert 50 Regulatory Gaides 1.98 and 1.75 (1838 384.1974) Prosperstlemal fe941-800 41 (Secties 4.3.43) Vestle Desias Criteria: 1000-E. 1801, 1904. 1831 ( e O

gg / ?J 7 other an2 =e ens s.t. nov i [j' mod.N , page a cf a

c. Does the propened chaase lavelve a change to Teehateal SiiiGCifleetiens?
                                       . (laclades Ray 1reamental Teek. Spec.) Yes           -. No        I As stated la parts A and 3 et thle Safety Evaluaties. this esafiguration shall be laplemented sely ductag Nedes 5 and S. 'rne,
  ,                                      LCOs of and require that sely ese offsite power eeurce and sair ese trala of the energency buses must be emergised la Modes 8 and S. provided that the serrespondlag diesel goaerator is operable. Therefore these sodditions elli he met and easseded by the availability of both Class 1E distributies systems. Thus a change to the Technical Speelfloations is met required however, this esafiguraties aheald be carefully semeldered la reistles to the Acties
                            ,            Statements of tbo above sectless.
d. Does the proposed change lavolve a change la the facility as described or lay 11ed la the FSART Yes I No PSAR Sectica describes the Class 1E poser tystem. The third paragraph la this secties shish deserthes th6 especity of
                                        *As RA?e. should be revised to ladicate that each RAT alas has the capacity to provide poser to both Class II Tralas.              FSAR Sectica states that the transfer to as alternate offsite seeres by rse energency boo sould be done saly if the O                                     moraal soares, the standby seures, and the rodeadant bus more all lost sismataneensly. This statenest should as revised to show
    .                                  that this may aloe he a;ine during Nedes 8 and 8 for malatessace purposes. FSAR Guestless 430.50 and distmas the RAT poser capabilities and the Class 15 4.18RV eseree Waker arrangement, respectively. The Responses to these Questi us refer to the FSAR sections above and should be revised accordingly. See the attached FSAR mark upsf'or the suggested changes.

Other sectione of the FSAR. as listed la part & ef this Safety Evaluaties. dieseos the Class 1R poser eyeten. het de met require revielen. I e e O

                                            .   ,          Dcr ein                                         i i d / ~ T' t'     Other       ==^ VG-eams  s.E, nov 1
  • Cf *
                                   ,7    j f.! ,.h gj{

O e. Does the proposed change lavolve a change is procedures described er lay 11ed la the FSAR7 Yes I No FSAR Secties lay 11ee the adheresse to the Class 1E

  '                 distributica systes aligneest procedures. The Response to FSAR Ouestaca 430.00 detalle skalmus actions which most be perfereed
  • to intertie the tee Class 15 4.18KV Joses. Applicable precedures eheald be revloed sooerdlagar to reflect the changes la the PSAR provided as a result of this temporary configuraties and this safety Evaluaties. These precedures should ladicate the systes altsament required to laplement this configurattes lacludlag the heck food threegh the UAfe. Specific requiremonte should
            ,       Aac h . het met limited to: 1) the altsament to remove either RAT free servlee. 3) rack-out and tag Neo-Class 15 breakers (from RAfe) to provost setematic bee traaefer. 8) safety conceras and
4) any applicable system 11altations.
f. Does the proposed change levolve a test er esperiment met described er taplied la the FSAR?

Yes No X This alignment is a temporary change la the Class 15 poner system eenfiguraties and does met seastatste a test er esperiment. The pcovistems for thle schose have hoes stated la Section and are further evaluated la questiene 480.89 and 480.00. This esafiguratien une addressed and femad asseptable by the ac as sheen la SSER 5. secties 3.3.1.

g. Does the proposed change, test er esperiment lasrease the probability of occurrence er conseguemoos of as accident described la the PSAR?

Yes No I FSAR Seettaa 18. specifically 18.3.8. does act disease the escarrenos of as socident la Modes 8 and a uhtok esseeres the esatiability of redundant safety bases. If an event.ahamid.eccur ektet settwates the ESPAS system, the ESF seguencer has essenstrated its operability for this esafiguraties. (Ref: SSER S l Seetles 8.8.1). Therefore this erstem allgement does met imorease the probability of as accident es described la the applicable PSAR sections. O

l i S R l 4 : *.? eCr un Other ==^ vo-aans s,a. nov i

                            - ff . u .2 ] 1 4 r
                                                              ,a.e    S    .f     .

Boos the propeeed change, test or esperisest lacrease the O k. prohah111ty of occurrence er ceasequessee of the malfuncties of any equipment er sempement assumed to functies la accidente analysed la the FSAR? . Yes We I yhie eenfiguratica le temporary and shall be adstaistratively

,                    leplenosted la operational Nedes 5 and S. esly. FSAR secties 18.3 shoue that la Cold Skutdeed the plaat does met require the operatica of any oguipment er eseponest shich neuld met he available to perform Ate safety related feastles as a result of this altsament of the pouer systems. Therefore this eenfiguraties does met laoresee the prehability of malfunction related to the equipment assumed to functies la accidente.

specifies 11y during Cold shutdeus.

  . 1.            Does the proposed change test er experiment create the possibility of as socident er equipment /sempenest aalfuncties not described and analysed la the FSAR?

yes No I Based spea the FSAR and Design Criterios referesses of part A. this modified configuraties (Nedes 5 and 8 only) fully conferos to the functional requiremente of the Class 15 buses, the safety leads and the ESF erstem. Therefore this modificaties does act O create the possibility of any equipeest aalfmastica, specifically during Cold Shutdeus. J. Does the proposed change, test er esperiment doorease the margia of safety defined by the bases of the Technical Specificetteas? Yes No I Bases 3/4.8.1. 3/4.4.3 and 3/4.4.3 more evalented conseratag the tapact of this temperary configuraties. The availability of both class 15 poner tratas asets and esoseds the lattial osoditism assumptions of the applicable safety analyses and provides at least one set of distrihettes erstems regaired for operation during cold metdeus. The modified plaat osafiguraties la these modes is consistent with requirements of Regalatory Guide 1.93 anterF turappestfr A er Ier cyr pagr ge. The operability of the diesel generater Per 3.s.1.3 provides additsemal aneurance that the safety functies of critical systems is not lost solacident with as accident la these Modes. Therefore this allgament does met decrease any margia of safety defleed la the Tech, Spec. O

                                     ,o sA   / a* -Tu..;-       DCA wa cther     REA VG-sS21             S.E. Rev 1 l } .2 5 ] A p g           -

pane e of e O k. ~ Does the proposed change, test. or expertoest levelve as sarevlemed safety stoestion? Yes No X 5ased upon the respeases to parts G.N.I. and J of this safety Evaluaties the proposed configuration described herela does not 8

                    'aavelve an unreviewed safety agusetten. Furthermore th1s configuration is is11y acceptable and is consistent with the recru3 resents of the FSAA and F.O.L. Tech. Spec. provided that the proper adelaistrative controls and applicable LCOs are not exceeded. Specific concerns and limitataeas are made evident an this safety Evalustica and therefere shall be lategrated into this ceafiguratten and the applicable procedures.

O mn JLJ/ dH 1 ' ut. e/n/a s i a esr sJ - m

    - As.m.s             uu.d y'/Z -                        u..       s9z der nmuus,n                 hk%l                            ut. 82s ee p

lo {

                     ... . .     . . . , .      . -     .  . gn .. vsw~ wn          w m.
                                                                                      ? L I- W ' ,

vzor-rsam-S P3,ZSYc~*,N startin "b" control scheme.g Notoparalleling open utilizing of an the early O occurs during the transfer. two power sources Each unit auxiliary transfor:ser has the capacity to supply the - connected non-Class 1E load.

   ,a       S.         Clase. 1E System The. Class 1E ac power system is the power source used in or associated with shutting down the reactor and preventing or limitkey        the rarilease of radioactive material following a design basis event. The system is divided into two independent ac power trains, train A and train B, each fed from an independent Class 1E bus with immediate access to offsite power sources.

Figure 8.3.1-1 shows a schematic of the class 15 ac power system. All safety-related equipment is housed in seismic Category 1 structures. The Class 1E ac system distributes power at 4.16 W, 480 V, and 120 V as to all safety-related loads. Also, the Class 1E ac system supplies through isolation devices certain selected loads which are not safety related but are important to the plant operation. Figure 8.3.1-2 indicates the major safety-related the Class 1E acand system. isolated nonsafety-related loads supplied by The non-Class 15 as system supplies preferred (offsite) power to the Class4-16-W transformer 1E ac system windings. through the reserve auxiliary Each reserve auxiliary transformer has the capacity to supply all connected non-Class 1E running loads M te_ start and 3us the leads si one_ Class 1E


an S r to start 'asi rue the feeds st hett class ~1E'traise. pararreon

            ~              s. for further =diesessies. r- s e s

D). In addition to the above power distribution, the Class 1E ac system contatas staaey power sources which provide the power required for safe shutdown in the event of a loss of the preferred power eeurces. The power, control, and instrumentation.cahkaa.sesent.ia& Sor-safs' shutdown are routed with adequate separation from their redundant counterparts. The systems: following describes various features of the Class 1E

            . A. Power Supply Feeders
                   -   Each 4.16-W load group can be supplied by one of two preferred power supply feeders or one diesel generator (standby) supply feeder. Each 4.16-W bus supplies 8.3.1-2 l

MT T MLMrnwT T b EE (R.E.V. t ) Fca REA Wa- h ?-t y,} p motor lando and 4.16-kV/483-V lead centor trenoforcoro with th31r occocicted 483-V bucco. j ( B. Sus Arrangements The Class 1E ac system is divided into two redundant

                    . trains per unit (trains A and 3). For each unit, either one of the trains is capable of providing power                         ~

to safely reach shutdown for that unit. Each480-V ac train conr.ists of a 4.16-kV bus, 480-V load centers.

  ,'                   motor control centers, and lower voltage-ac supplies.

The de control power to each train is provided from de power supplies of the same train. C. Loads Supplied from Each Bus Refer to figure 3.3.1-2 for a listing of Class 1E system loads and their respective buses.

          . D.        Manual and Automatic Interconnections Between Buses, Buses and Loads, and tuses and Supplies No provisions exist for automatically connecting one Class 1E train to another redundant Class 1E train or for automatically transferring loads between trains.

Each class IE bus is provided with two (normal and alternate) offsite preferred power sources and one standby power source. During normal operation with both offsite sources available, each Class 1E bus is O\ supplied from a separate reserve auxiliary transformer. Only one circuit breaker is provided for the two cubicles available at each class 1E 4.16-kV bus preferred for connections to the offsite power normal and alternate sources. Transfer to the alternate offsite source would be done manually by administrative control if the normal preferred power source, the standby power source, and the redundant Class 15 4.16-kV bus were all lost simultaneously. See this subject. paragraph S. for further discussion of MD _ During dit shetessa. 'Inse'es s 'and s. only), both class 15 i 4.14-RV buses say be manually connected to the sans offsite power . meeres (RAT) by administrative _ cantank.pses6 doe ~thseett ttur [aus-C!ssaIEbuses(13. sand 4.18RV)poweredbythatsourcsars


_. n ., _ E. Interconnections Between Safety-Related and Nonsafety-Related Buses No interconnections are provided between the safety-and nonsafety-related buses at the same voltage level.

                 *The reserve auxiliary transformers supply power O                  through the same 4.16-kV winding to both non-Class 1E and-Clasa 1E buses.


n a s n s - m a. ~ s s v : t vc.v. s) rrs s u. uw w.s VEGP-rsAR-g N

g. 25d E 3K Question 430 59 FSAR paragreps states that each reserve auxiliary transformer has the capacity to supply all connected non-class 1E running loads and to start and run the loads of 192 class 1E .

train. Justify the capability to start and run only one class 15 train from each offsite source. Is this capability limited by the capacity of the "Y" transformer winding or by the total

 ,        transformer capacity? Following a loss of one preferred power supply to a class 1E bus, do you intend that the diesel generator will supply the bus for the entire length of time allowed under this limiting condition for operation? Identify the leading on he diesel "for this sendition, and justify its operation at that light load for that extended period.

Respons's The normal configuration of the onsite auxiliary power system is subdivided into two groups of equipment, each of which is powered from a separate reserve auxiliary transformer (RAT). Each group of equipment consists of one 4.16-kV Class 1E train, one or more nonsafety-related 4.16-kV buses, and one 13.8-kV nonsafety-related bus. The electrical connections from the . effsite source to the RATS and from the RATS to the class 1E buses are designed in accordance with the requirements of General Design :riterion 17. Each of these sources of preferred O power has immediate access to the offsite power sources. IEEE 308-1974, as endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.32, requires a minimum of one offsite source per train which shall normally be available during operation and accident conditions. The VEGF design has tGo sources of preferred power, each of which is sized Mr the normally connected load and has access to all transmission system power sourses. The statement in the TSAR addresses the normal configuration of the auxiliary power distribution at the 4.16-kV level, t1~8er_ *ha ce=M elana _ dimeussed in_ parastamh _S.3 m1.1.21DA ([f the system i es we recenIigured. to. = 11 _ -, IJ

                                                             - ascana, to..the. a4 ternate -

preferred power source at the 4.16-kV level._ Ifader _the _ conditions insettiled is__ paremraan s A1.1.t.D.FesciugingTthsiconnectio@. [ d (or both class _1s_ beseis to'the_ s_aae AATM oaIF ese Class 18 trala useld le ava1TsWle: therefore, there is no possiblitty of everloading the alternate source AAT. The capability of a RAT is limited by the capacity of the'"Y" transformer winding, in that this winding is sized to provide power to one Class 1E train in addition to the connected non-class 1E loads-(approximately one-half of the non-Class 1E loads per unit). Following a loss of one preferred power Q430.59-1 Amend. 7 5/84 l l

j ATTAC.R/MEMT. T D 6.E. LREV.1) FDA ltE A VCs St,21 pp 2r? d g VEOP-FSAR-Q 1 i

!                     Question 439.60_

FSAR paragraphs and indicate that only i one circuit breaker is provided for the two cubicles available i at each Cl-ass alternate offsite1E power 4.16-kV source. bus for connection to the normal or j Paragraph seems to

    /                indicate that the arrangement may also be used to interconnect the redundant 4.16-kV safety buses when operating from the standby source (diesel generators). Interlocks should exist 4                   which circuit preclude bnahers'.the This                              manual closing,of both interconnecting i                                                                                                      will prevent overloading of a preferred
'                   power source Discuss             your compliance.       and interconnection of the redundant safety buses.

1 t Resoonse { i Faragraph states that provision has been made for manually connecting redundant Class 1E traine tosether. This is j only done under_administra_tive_contirolf4 i W W A fM & M 2rX M X2 0*? n .. aa m...a ta { j paragrapT, tiy removing the normal Class 1E 4.16-kV nm1. j breaker (empty) cubicle. from its cubicle and installing it in the alternate j The normal preferred source class 1E 4.16-kV i breaker the alternate should cubicle not be when removed fromfrom.the operating its cubicle and installed standby source. in j Should this inadvt.rtently occur, interlocks have'been provided ' so that when the diesel generator breaker is closed, neither of ! the incoming the switchgear. preferred source breakers can be closed locally at i Should circumstances arise which would require l the closing of a preferred source breaker in parallel with the I associated diesel generator breaker, it can only be done administrative 1y from the main control room by synchronizing the incoming preferred power source and the diesel generator. At least three manual actions must be performed to reconfigure the system in this manners physical relocation of the 4.16-kV breaker: obtaining a handle for the synchronizing switch and closing the synchronising switch for the alternata sauze,s .. vol.tagaA an6 tuoahar of tho'siternate breaker control switch to {

                 "close" after synchronizing the two voltages.
must be followed whether or not voltage de present from theThese basic steps preferred source.

monitor the current, Ammeters drawn from are eachmounted power in the control source to room to avoid i overload. Considering the failures thati must have occurred and t the administrative steps that would have to be followed to reconfigure the system, credit is taken for the operator monitoring the load on each power source. Information will be provided to the operator concerning the maximum permissible load which can be drawn from the RATS and the standby diesel generator.


Q430.60-1 ' ' Amend. 7 5/84 4

e g, A M [.l [ [

                                                                                                         ~                        #

g hg 'i t Tennnem m anmann g- 2 5f k h/ m.,,,a an i Lo(m F5 St-C99 ' (4 pa lO a TE: -, 1

                                                                                                                                                                                              *ges)m r tv e~s ices               '
' mesownenamore sysum i RE: Flant voetle Units I and II l

Intertie or Class 1E 416V Buses

. REA VG-8621

! Files E7BD108/132CO3 j Log: MPFSG-02142 l security codes Mc i FRON: R. L. George MFSV Manager ~ TO: S. E. Chesnut l Enclosed please find the response to REA VG-8521 regarding the connection of both Class 1E 4160V buses to the same Reserve - Auxilliary Transformer (RAT) during shutdown (Modes 5 and 5). A l Safety Evaluation was performed and the applicable FSAR and

Techn., cal Specifications sections have been identified for

! required changes. Attachments to this letter include connents. j concerning specific aspects of this configuration 'and a compl @ j Safety Evaluation with FSAR mark-ups.  ; If you have any questions regarding this.astter contact David i Gambrell at estension 4486. l This completes REA VG-8521. The original response to this REA , will be tranmaitted to R. E. Lide. . hd- 4


I DLG/tsmi i Attachments 1. Commenta on REA Response l 2. Safety Evaluation w/FSAR mark-ups ze: A. L. Nosha w/att R. E. Lide w/stt T. E. Richar w/o att J. A. Bailey w/o att J. D. Eurd w/o att J. E. Ballastk w/o att i J. E uh,1mma w/a.atA E Theapesar W e,.atA I J. L. Earaytk w/o att E. Kopecky w/att S. Piettsyk w/att A. Farruk w/att W. C. Ramsey w/att NORMS w/att , GPC Beading Files w/att (2) PFE-DOC w/att MPFSG Files w/att 6-02142

  • e O
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} DCP ,,g/,A , j , other REA VG-8s21 ) ] j Page 1 of 5 . t j - SAFETY (VALUATI0p

s. Descriptisa of proposed change, test or experiment.

The following temporary configuration of the Unit 1 AC power systes :s  :

 !                                                                               required la order to remove either one of the Reserve Auxiliary j                                                                                Transformers (RAT; 1NXRA 8) from servloe during Cold Shutdown. Th:s i                                                                                 shall be taplomonted during operatloaal Hodes 5 and 4 only. in order to

$ meet Technical Specification LCOs. To implement this configuration, the I normal preferred offsite source ciremit breaker of one of the Class it I 4100 Y switchgear (1AA03 or IRA 03: 1-1804-SS-A03 and A03 respectively) { will be transferred to the alternate offsite source breaker ombicle. j This will electrically connect both safety buses to the same RAT. The i Non-Class 18 loads will be powered free the Dalt Anzi11ary Transfeemers (UAT) ubich will be 'bsek-fed' from the 330 RV bus through the Mais Step-Up Transformers. This will require the main generator to be


isolated at the disconnect links. Also to ensare isolation and met escoed the RAT capability the alternate faceslag breakers (feed from 4 RAfs) on'the Non-Class 15 4180 V buses must be ' racked-out' and tagged to prevent actuettom by an autoestic has transfer. Applicable plant

                                                                              ' procedures aust be revised to reflect the proper systes a11gament and
, concerns as a result of this configuration.

i This temporary seafiguration of the ' Cross-Train' intertie may only be ! laplemented during si-4es 5 and G. per Tech. Spee. LCOs l and based g en Reggiatory Guide 1.93. per these specifications i one of the emergised safety buses and its oorrespondlag support systems ! (ie. diesel semerator) shall be fully operable la order to supply power j to the loads regaired during Cold Skatessa. I j (oestinued on Page 3 of 8) { b. Reasser for preposes change, test or esperiment. l l . l l The purpose of this temporary configuration is to de-energize one of the i RAfs for maintenames purpocos sh11e providing reliable poser to both } Class 1E bases 1AA03 and 18403, through the reanising RAT and to the { plant aux 11ary leads through the UATs daring sold shutdeus (Nedes 5 and i 8 only). The ' Cross-Train' intertie of the Class 15 bases has been ! discussed la the FSAR for use la emergeasy situat1eas saly. Also the l question and assuer section of the FSAR, and the SER address thae i co'afiguration. Preoperational t'est 1-300-01. "Istegrated Safeguards and j Load Sequencing Test". demonstrated the capability of each RAT to power

]                                                                           both Class 1E 4100 V buses an conjunction with an ESFAS signal. The NRC i

staff (Per SSER 5;8.3.1) found :nts configuration fully acceptable. provided all other Technical Specifications are set. i i

     ~ . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _                                            _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ .

E d. ' ll-] . Dtv ETA , . - etn., au vo-sen ' ASllY $Y i (/q , page 2 of 5 SAFETY EVALUATTON CONTINUAff0W SMEET l Part A. coat.. 3, j The electrical connecties of the other Class 1E switchgear to this bus j will confers to the separatica requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.75 in

that the breaker isolation and availability of the standby power source j will ensure the lategrity of the required power supp1'y regardless of l failures on the alternate switchgear.


!              The body of this Safety Evaluaties will provide more discussion on the specific lapact of this configuraties upon the FSAR and F.O.L. Tech.

Spec. Selow is a summary of all applicable references. F.O.L. Techalcal SpecifIcatlos LCOst Bases: 3/4.8.1. 3/4.8.2. 3/4.8.3. 3/4.9.8 Flaal Safety Analysis Report c' Figures: 8.3.31-1 and 8.3.1-I Table 8.3.1-8. Questions: and (Assend. 7) Safety Beslaation Report O 8.3.1 and supplement 8 (8.3.1)

            , GDC-17 la appendia A of 10 CFE Part 50 Regulatory entdes 1.93 and 1.78 (IEEE 384,1374)

Preoperational Test 1-800-01.,(Section s.3.43) Vogtle Design Criteria: 1000-E. 1801, 1804, 1881 t

  • e O

m , -

                                                                         ,,,,,._...,_,,,,,.~,,,..,,,.,,,,.n            m,,.

i [f /,Pgr.]

  • DCP N/A -

Oth3r Rf.A VG-es2! fy EDv5}& l Page 3 ef 5 l

c. Does the proposed change involve a change to Technical j Specifications?

j . . j (Includes Environmental Tech. Spec.) Yes No X i j As stated in parts A and S of this Safety Evaluation, this j configuratica shall be laplemented only during Modes 5 and 8. The j LCOs of and require that only one'offsite power i source and only one train of'the emergency buses must be j energised la Modes S and 8. provided that the corresponding i diesel generator is operable. Therefore these conditions will be j met and exceeded by ths availability of both Class 1E

distribstion systems. Thus a change to the Technical j specifloations is not required however, this eenfiguration
should be carefully considered la relation to the Action j Statements of the above sections.

i j

d. Does the proposed change lavolve a change in the facility as described or implied la the PSAR?



Yes .,,,,L,,,, No , FSAR Section describes the Class 1E power system. The { third paragraph la this section ubich describes the capacity of j the RAfs, should be revised to ladicate that each RAT also has i the capacity to provide poser to both Class 15 Trains. (See j

  • attached mark-up). FSAR Section states that the
transfer to as alternate offsite sonroe by an emergency bus would i be done only if the normal source, the standby source, and the I rodeadant bas were all lost simultabeously. This statement

! should be revised to show that this may aise be done during cold l shutdous for asistenance purposes. Otherse[tionsoftheFSAR.aslistedlapartAofthisSafety j Evaluaties, dioeuse the Class 15 poser systas, but de not require j revistoa.

e. Does the proposed chasse lavolve a chaage la procedures described j er implied la the FSAR?

l Yes I He ! FSAR Sectica implies the adherence to the Class 18 i - distrikettee system allgament preiwderes. These precedures j should be revised, as spplicable, to refleet the changes la the j- FSAR provided as a result of this temporary configuraties and

this Safety Evaluation. These precedures should ladicate the system aligament required to implenest this ceafiguraties O includlag the back feed through the UATs.

should lacInde. but not lasited to: 1) the aligament to remove Specific requirements

either Ai? from serv ce 2) rock-out and tag Non-Class 1E 4160V
breakers (from RAfs) to prevent automatic bus transfer. 3) safety conceras and 4) any appl
csole systes limitations.

l l - - - - _ _ - . _ . - . - - _ _ - . . - . . . _

1 l l E. *-7.?-] 'DCY ElA Ether REA VG-ss21 i y . M 1 .n y g Page 4 of 5 1 i

f. Does the proposed change involve a test or engrsranent not
;                                                                                described er lay 11ed in the FSAR7 i                                                                                                                                          Yes ,                        Ile         X i                                                                              Thier al:gnment is a temporary change in the Class 1E power system configuration and does not constitute a test or experament. The provisions for th s scheme have been stated tn Sec.taon i                                                                              and are further evaluated la Questions 430.59 and 430.s0. This ceafiguratzen see addressed and found acceptable by the NRC as shoun la SSEK 5. section 8.3.1.
g. Does the pregesed change, te't, s or esperiment lacrease the proaability af occurrence er conseguences of as accident j described in the FSAR7 j Yes IIe I i

l FSAR Sectica 18. specifically 15.2.S. does met discuss the { oosurrease of an accident la Modes 8 and S ubich conoeras the j availability of redoadant safety buses. If an event should escuri,

which activates the ESFAS system, the ESF segueaser has .

j demonstrated its operability for this configuestles. (Ref: SSER 5* i Section 8.3.1). Therefore this system aligament does met l lacrease the probability of an accident as descrlhed la the j applicable FSAR sections. h.. Does the proposed change, test, or esperiment incrosse the ! probability of occurrenos or ceasequences of the malfuncties of i any equipment er compeaent assened to functies la accidents { analyzed la the FSAR? l ., Yes No I i

This ceafiguration is temporary and shall be adotaistratively l laplemented la operational Modes 5 and 4. ealy. FSAR section i 15.3 shoes that la Cold Shutdoun the plant aines met require the l eperaties of any equipment er component uhich sould not he j available to perform its safety related function as a result of j this aligneset of the power systems. Therefore this cometrarretour deer mer
scrosse tse probat!'IIty of marfhaction i related to the equipasst assumed to functies la accidents.

i spesiflos11y during Cold Shutdown. i i i i e l . . 1 k lO S

? DCP NJA (d / 93 '/ Cther AEA VG-sS21 . fy. Afd d M . Page $ af 5 i

1. Does the proposed change, test er experiment create the i

poesihility of an. accident er equipment / component aalfunction met { descelhed and analyzed 2n the FSAR7 , ! Yes No I ises~ed upon the FSAR and Desagn Craterten references of part A. 4 this modified ceafiguraties (Meees S and S only) fully conforms ! to the functiemal requirements of the Class 1E buses, the safety l 1eads and the ESy system. Therefers this modification does met j create the possibility of any equipoest malfuncties. specifically . j daring Cold Shetdeus.

  • l J. Does the proposed change, test er esperiment decrease the margia j et safety defined by the bases of the Technical Specificatieas?

! Yes No I  : i I Bases 3/4.8.1. 3/4.8.2 sad 3/4.8.3 mort evaluated concorslag the tapact of this temporary ceafiguraties. The availability of both t Class 15 pseer tratas meets and escoeds the initial conditism .. assumptione of the applicable safety analyses and"provides at ,'.  ; l least one set of distributism systems required for operaties

daring Cold shutdeas. The modified plaat ceafiguraties la these(

Modes is consistost eith requirements of Rasulatory Golde 1.98 j and GDC-17 la appendia A of 10 CyR PART 50. The operahility of


1 the diesel generator Per provides addit 1ons, asserance I that the safety functies of critical systems is act nest i 4 celacident with as accident in these Modes. Therefore this aligament does met decrease any margia of safety defined la the Tech. Spes.

k. Does the proposed change, ' test, or esperi:!ent involve an unreviemed estety guesties?

Yes No I Based upes the reopeases to parts 8.E.I. and J of this safety Evaluaties the proposed configuratica described hereia does met

                                .insolve se unreviewed safety guestica. Furthermore this emmeagummetamAgeMP asospeab6e an6 to searteeserwftFthr" requirements of the FRAR and F.O.L. Teok. Spes. provided that the proper admistP u stive costrels and applicable Lene are met easseded. Speatfic coecerhe and limitations are made evident la this safety Evaluation and t.berefore shall be integrated into this eenfiguraties and the applicable procedures.
t. ann Asdks uN
  • ante &chs O _ hza , ,a,e ;si,,

rS ,e.h a al . ani s C . r / L - .at. '& &

                 ,,,y,.es i-                 frWI&                           . ate   1/x,/ss

! gasp-ram-s

  • E4 /#M -

starting te open utilising an esirly *h" sentret 2). u r / 3 # c se . j - odp@re dering the transfer.No paralleling of the two power eeurses t

  • l Bash unit endliary transformer has the capacity to supply
  • the l ceanested asa-Class 18 lead.
                                 .. .1.1.2     Cia.s 1 s ,.tes i                                The Cines 1E es power eyeteer is the power sourse used in er                              'I assosisted with shastting down the roaster and preventing er l
'                               11miting the release of radioactive material following a desiga hasis event. The system is divided inte inwe independent as
  • I .

power traias, trata A and trata 3, each fed from an independent Class 15 hus with immediate assess to offsite power sources. Figure 8.3.1-1 shows a schematis of the Class 15 as power

system. All safety-related equipment is housed in Seismas

! Category 1 structures. The Class 15 as system distributes power at 4.18 kW, 400 V, and - 120 V as to all safety-related leads. Atee, the' Class 15 as i system supplies through testaties devices eartata setested 1 i i Leeds which are met safety related but are important to the plant operaties. Fayare 8.3.1-2 indicates the major

                                                                                                                   *)      .

mafety-related and toelated nonsafety-related leads supplied by the C& ass 18 as system. The mee-class as as system supplies preferred (offsite) power to the Class 15 as system through the reserve aus111ery ! transformer 4.16-kV windings. Each reserve ans111ary { i treasformer has the sapacity to supply all osamosted non-Class 15, running _ leads _and to Dtart and_ rum the leads ei one C1=ee 15 ! ' trais.rer to start and run the'leade'ef heth Class 18 tesias. Soo j i I rwa = === a = i i = = e r= == dia a==r la addittee to the aheve power distributsee, the Class 15 as e , system sostates staaer power soursee which proride the power 3 required for safe shutdeum is the event of a less of the preferred poser semeses. The poser, sentret, and instrumentation embles essential for safe ehetdeus are routed with adegoate separaties free their redundant sounterparts. . ThefelleshdeserthecvariousfestaresoftheClass.15.. systemer

                                            .{. .
                       ,            A. PeknarSupply' Feeders Eash 4.16-kW load group can he. supplied by one of two                                  i preferred poser supply feeders.or one diesel generater                                  i (staa ey) supply ieeder.             Besh 4.16-kT bus, supplies

S.3.1-2 O 4 9 to

gg ~ m Voop-esam-3 , , ~ jy

                                                                                                                      .                                          *'-o*     r' .5 %

k ast$r leads and 4.16-kV/400-V lead center transformers } 4 witth their associated eco-V buses. l i

3. -Ses Arrangements i .

The Class 15 as system is divided into two redundant ! trains per. unit (trains A and 3). yer each unit, i

                                     . either one of the tratas is sapable of providing power to safely reach shutdown for that unit. Each as train i                                         consists of a 4.16-kV bus, 400-V lead centers, 400-V                                                                                               I meter sentrol senters, and iewer voltage se supplies.                                                                                              l The de sentret power to each trata is provided from dc power supplies of the same traia.

c j . C. Leeds Supplied from Each Bus t j maler to figure 8.3.1-3 for a listing of Class 18 l l oystem leads and their respective huses. D. Ilmanal and Amtematis latereennections Between Buses, Buses and leads, and 3mmes and Supplies Its provisions asist for automatically eennosting one i j Class 15 train to another redundant Class 15 trata er i I for automatically transferring leads between trains.

  • 1

! Each Class 15 bus is provided with two (mesmal and i alterahte) offsite preferred power seusses and one staaepy power sourse. During asses 1 eye' r aties with hoth effsite sources available, each Class 15 bus is 1 i

                   .'                 supplied from a separate reserve amm111ery transformer.                  Caly one circuit breaker is peeridad for the two cubicles available at each Class 18 4.16-kV i

{ hus

                                   , preferred     for ceanestions offsite power      to the       normal and alternate sourses.

j Treasier to the 4 alternate offsite sourse would be done mamanally by meninistrative sentrol if the normal preferred power sourse, the standry power asurse, and the reemadest Class 13 4.16-kt has were all test stamitaneously. See paragraph S. for further discussies of _this y (est. _ p h, " Beta 5 emit .txtdem, both Class 13 4.10-ET hoose soy be nammally es setsi t. t.e e no e,, site - ---.==.- e tsai. - s Nthee, thr sueCame II" 4.10-EV W*** by that oseree are abad. __ f- - _ m __ M _- w E. Intereennections Between Safety-Related and 30ensafety-Belated Buses , Its interseasestions are provided between the i safety- l and messafety-related huses at the same voltage level. ' The reserve maalliary transformers supply power threegh ~the same 4.16-kV vfading to both mem-Class 15

                      .             and Class 15 buses.

S.3.1-3 _.wr---vmN* --- " " "

              ~                                                                                            . . .   .


                'm me                                         navision se    37eA *4 s                        VEGF.                                                                  una na   e' s
      .         .                            91002.C                          -   15       .                8 of 15 i

l Sheet 1 of 3 CRECELIST 2 OtERCENCY NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FOR STATE AND LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCIES l! a A. INSTRUCTIONS: i 1. j 2. Complete as such of the information on this form as possible.


Eave the Emergency Director sign the fers to authorize release. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event { classification. ! 4. Use a. commaniesties circuits in the following order of priority: ERN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously) i b. i SC Rackup INN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emergency Response Telephone Directory)

c. Commercial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Emergency Responsa j

Telephone Directory) i d. Radios: 1

1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Preg.1. ask SRS to notify other
l. South Carolina agencies).

l 2. j Use Burke County radis in TSC (ask Burke County to notify the Georgia Emergency Management Agency). S. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following I TEIS JdIS NOT A D  ! Crepe.eut t) EELLO. TEIS IS (Name hfis/) fJ # 14 0 AT TEE VOCTLE i ELECTRIC GENERATING FLANT. PLEASE pflAIN A COPY OF TNE DIERGINCT WOFIFICATION FORM.  ! l STANDBY TO RECEIVE A MESSACE. (Proceed wit ' roll call in the fellowing order. check bon for responding agencies) 1 i . avsmash River Site  % n County heateofSouthCarolina @ lendale County 3 f [ Georgia Emergency revell County Management Agency 4 % Caumey C. 40ffFICATION MESSACE TRANSMIS$10N Transmit complete notification form. obtain roll call and racers acknowledgements.

    -                                                                   MOTE The Emergency Hotification Message for State and Local Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

Checklist 2. of this procedure is I a reproduction of the actual form.

          '                                              The actual fers should be used.

although reproduction of the fers

          ,                                               in this procedure is authertsed.

9 9

EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION Nomes., I 4 j . [d d -7 i i. A TN s s A DRiu. TNs3 m AN ACTUAL G ,

                                                                                                                                                       ,,,,                                7, gf,f J.;

mm I 70 /0 e4 yy

                                                                                                             -    RE                  Y-                  h( ' la U (Name)

C) (Eassom)



                                                                                                                                                  /     70 as
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] Sassom) I j l 1 EMERGENCY TERMINATION AT: TIME /DATE: / / / pf S. go to leem 16.) LDG$ of b4 W ON C#N 4C j 7. EME@CYETION: THAW f r e ne s4Tn swerra n-O AT' 0%2C O'A S TM A/ L


t L, __ ,.i. , f <.

                                                       , . . . _ , .                 > m ir,.2 n +, n9en
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. . . . . g - .AS .,o,,M,,,, . . . ._. ... . g. a, Nan . . m / s. . . . . . .. . . ..


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k 2o2. ;- % -: l'j ' " ' M' ' 4 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES NDTIFIED i f Record the narne, date 9Wne and 4.S 6 iO 1.MAM N' " A

(namef State of Georg6e ,

l K f ,74 fd /d # -

                                 ,.                                                         l                  .         /                                                             ,

I State of South Carolina {n /,'*.'- , ,

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                                                                                                                           /d .,0s,.                                                                                  ANm Cowny, SC (agency) l                                                  (ast                                                                     (tune)
6. ( @> Yh M -

Allendale County. SC

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...........-.......a......+........~......~-.......v. ...<-u......

! ...... .........,m,............-....,....,...........,,......,:......,m...s......

4 reeoc.oune no. asvision i.aos o s.< J7e -i i

VEGP 91002-C 15 8 of 15 Sheet 1 of 3 ,

CNECKLIST 2 l EMERGENCY sorryICATION MESSACE FOR i t; . . STATE AND LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCIES { A. INSTRL*CTIONS: i ~ ' ' 2.t .* * . foiipl. .ete as much of the information on this form as possible. ! 3. Have the Emergency Director sign the form to authorize release. i j 4 These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event. classification.* j 4.

Use casamaication circuits in the following order of priority:

a. j ENN (broadcast to all stations sisultaneously) b. SC Rackup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECP EmerEency Response Telephone Directory) f c. Cosmarcial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Emergency Response i Telephone Directory) { . d. Radios: j 1. i Use.SRS radio in TSC (Freg.1. ask SRS to hetify other South Carolina agencies). l 2. j Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify the Georgia Emergency Management Agency). ( .... .

                                                                                                                     -        '       *-*"*~

l B. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following: i TRIS 39f15 NOT A DRILL! J,fross out onal { RELLO. TRIS IS (Name) ELECTRIC CENERATING PLANT.

                                                                                              ///868 ffW                                          AT THE VOCTLE PLEASE OSTAIN A COPY OF THE l                                                    EMERCDCT NOTIFICATION TORM. STANDBY TO RECEIVE A MESSAC roll call in the following order, check box for responding agencies)

} avannah River

  • Site Aiken County l

! ~ i State of South Carolina lendale County } ...., . . /,....... . . . . . . .

.."a 4mergency *- . e A ' e i Mana sam 11'Ceeftt # ' *' ' * * * * ~ ' '

I - E(Irn.gementAgency C-.a,  ! C. NOTIFICATION MESSAGE TRANSMISSION: Transmit complete notification focu. obtain roll call and record acknowledgements.

                           .                                               .        ..   . .-                         -                       '                        ' ~
                                             ,                                     The Emergency,              NOTE Notification Message for State and Local Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

Checklist 2. of this procedure is e, *p W.#.59hN$WI':Fkbhfa (i d' although reproduction of the form in this procedure is authorized.

         . . , ,         ..          ..,,                 .*.           '
                                                                                              .*     e-      c                            " -   -      ~ ' ' * * * * * ' * * *           * *


1. @ TNS S A DIuLL 7998 E AN ACTS 8W 0 '" j ,,
              ,. uurNENT, ear,DN.                      Oi/43 -                           3 M,;,c L,.W-sawu                                    m
s. TusE/DATE- - ISO tf , 70 i 90 ,,,,,,,,,y, %frw 3. Ia._c (Ememm) mm ed yy (Name)




;            s.                 EasERoENCY CLASSMCADON:
     '" ~*

l' hTMCATIONOFWUS0ALEV NT ALERT @ SITEi AREA EMERGENdh M GE'N"E'RAL 'EM W)b i+A% u a 19y0 uv iu f 7 f ,,,Zj,, f N ,

s. @ snesmasnier oEcLAaADOBLAT: DME/DATE: IEaseems == es yy i1 EaIERGENCYTERRANAT1DN AT: TIME /DATE: / / / p S, go to Nem it.)


7. Easer o ,

m yw neer c-fOndn v- A a '<E8

                                                                        . ln"a                           48 a

tvcoa v+e a s2, paa s j y8 T 2040 ' ' l S. PuueTCONDmON: @' IMPROVING Il STABLE DEGRADem @ UNDETERM6NED l s; EstERGENCT INVOLVES: 1 Staned Expected Duration j [NO RELEASE y A, go to hem 14.) @ ARELEASEISOCCURRING: O POTENTIAL RELEASE M A RELEASE HAS OCCURRED: Stopped 1 Stane.d

        . . . . . ~ . . .




                              @ IODINE /NOSLE GAS RATIO (If evadette)
                                                                                                                                  ... .. ..... .. g 4 . .

g y . .. ....,CMM y ... .

     ...                    .x     .. . .     .

a gewesel (awom) Deseanse gassenw) inwoonwt SITE BOUNDARY _ r AIR 29 5 MILES to MILES 14.teETEOROLOGICAL DATA: NOT AVAILABLE

         -                     A. WIND DiptECTION(Irem)
                                                                                                        $ PRECIPtTATION (type)                                             j 8 WIND SPEED (mph)

9.M.L W.g@k NO y2 &M*.'.n%

  • i'* d?hW .& L*" .U-55M'4b*s'kh.Q A.s*%40- .e REr*=sNDED PROTECnvE ACnONS
                                   @ EvACuAfr
                                   @ OTNER
      .     ,urPnOvuo ev,                          Au 21.                          RaENe7 oveCron ,,,,,,,,, . . /0 /( :. ..,,1, y .,1 o
                       .                               pInsel         f              (Timet                                   qEmanome            ==       se      yy easeos


                                                                                                                                                                                ?f * ,~ e pN mecore ine norne, daie. inne and e,,encies noemee
s. _2eedl B,4/ $ d!'


              'trieme1 J
                                                                       //)M                                                                          State of Georgia                                           -

f.Jd-[8 ~ legency) (daie) owne)

g. . kh n1A />As . . .

g)-f8 ff)ja/ State et South Caroline

                                                                                                                                                              -(agency) idasel                                             (inne)
3. C we.sw
                $'5190                                               /).9/                                                                                        (aoener)
                 <ai.)                                              owne)
4. ktttfubhtd*r a n==eco-ay,oA
                 <->        6.y        o

w2 4 ener) coie) om ,

5. a - dW - . .

95/~[M //M Aiken County, SC (seeaer) 4 ca.ies onne)

Iwu MSN e . ,/ . ,
                                '8                                  /g js;'                                                                       Allendale County, sC l                  ,           q,'y i

l .-1. k* W h.*::..:4' 12'RY&"?.%. ; &n.V 4.? ;';;;a.;;;,;1. 7 : .. ;.*...M.'7 .* .y. , . : .:

r. A b G. A rr,c -

(name) manmu couney,sc g -p d4e /SJA t eency) l (dei > tiene)

. . . ..~..... .. ..~..~...... -,.. .~ . -.a.~ ., ... . . .

6 1 i 1 .

;*                       s-      .                                      -                        .       ..  ..                   .

I i 1

ANNI >5Y;$#43 a.d NW }+4% W;:.p :w:yp's' M( y.h.1m(;r!.4M tt[w'MW$. m ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..- s.

i 4 i . 4 % '.,' Term(In15WuP M w e esapaan p .6.4*wd ,osve .ee.%4,%,; gem, .  :. t. .em. .: 4, o w . - ,, , +. . ., . . i. . ....:.w y q, . ,;. ,, . ., s , q. y . ., g . .., $. ,. g . .. , .. , ,, , , ,,,, , L______ . . _ - . - . - . _ - . - - - - - - - . _ - . _ . . - . . _ . . . . - . . . - - . . - - ..

 .   . -            . .      . _ .           ~ . .      -    .       . - . .       .-        . _ - . .-              - ._ -.-         ..        . _ - _

u .' u 3  ;~: ,: w i )**. '; : sesyssacee PAGE eso. s,

                                                                                                                                   '/                      j s % :*Spuset880.                                                                                            .

l ,, VEGF 91002-C 15 8 of 15 1 i l Sheet 1 of 3 CHECKLIST 2 DERCENCY NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FOR ,

                                                               $ TATE AND LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCIES i                                            . .

A. INSTRUCTIONS: , j 1. Complete as such of the information on this fo m as possible. t 2. Reve the Emergency Director sign the fo m to authorize release. 4 3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event classification. = l j 4. Use communication circuits in the following order of priority: i a. INN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously)

h. SC Backup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emergency l

8 Response Telephone Directory) ! c. Commercial telephonee (Phone numbers in VEGF Intgency Response l Telephone Directory) a d. Radios:

1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq.1. ask SRS to notify other South Carolina agencies).

I 2. Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burks County te notify ! the Georgia Emergency Management Agency).

5. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following: ,

l TEIS I/IS NOT A DRILL!grose out 7 ! BELLO. TEIS IS (Nees) TL2;_ &_ ,__Atl h TEE V0CTLE


! roll call in the following order,, check box for responding agencies) 1

                                                               ==ah River' Site                         ! Aiken County endals County p      S   e of South Carolina                      h g       Georgia Emergcacy onent Agency revell County 5erks County J{

C. NOTIFICATION MESSAGE TRANSMISSION: Transmit complete notification fem. obtain roll call and record acknowledgements. NOTE ~  !

               .                                               The Emergency Notification Masase for State and Local Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

Checklist 2. of this procedure is a reproduction of the actual form. The actual form should be used, O although reproduction of the fem in this procedure is authorised. - i l tan .



EMERGENCY NDTIFICATION Nwnen . [ g f. i.?~i > { 1. @ TNIS 5 A DRE1 hTNW 5 AN ACTUAL fy 2"7I E .J ! 2. AUTNENTN:ATNHt: OA ^

3. TledE/DATE: 3 I I Y: ~ "W '


s. @ EARERGENCY.DECLARATaott AT:. TIME /DATE: D.asesmi b .: t hmm/.2 se2 1yyN
  • 4 Il EasERGENCY TERIIINATION AT: TIMEIDATE: / / / (It 8. go to nem 18.)

b 7' NCY W, 0 5 1fsr/L ~ a*T* 0"Y &SL 4~Y . F W^



                               % NO RELEASE (W to nem 14.)                                                         C A RELEASE IS OCCURRING:                         Started              Espected Dweneri l
                                                                                                                 .@A                                                         Staned                        Stepped
                               @ POTE.NTIAL REL. EASE                                                                      . .RELEASE. HAS                 OCCURRED.


                             . 5.NOnE G,ES                                                       _.                   .                          .
                                                                                                                                                      @ cDiNES                                  . . _.             .          .. .

h IODINE /NOSLE GAS RATIO (W svedebie) E M . . . . . ,, - J 8

                                                                                                                                                                                                         @             % POWER l                                                                                                                                       .


                                                                         . m . . . . ..,agg,g                                               . .. . ., .
                                                                                                                          .%.ausammut . .. . .w ..g . .. .                                                .. gg ...

t .w . Assammes. . .. ansesafht .. tusust. r . , . . .c . es.nes.. . .. StrE BOUNDARY 2 MILES 5 MILES toamLEs



                  .                    A            NO RECO64 MENDED Pft0TECUVE ACTIONS Ng gt%we*#Wwn.pse.Gavcarva.y.wMw+=o Mwa safin::4.M4=Vi.,a ).9
         . pe.g*t h EVACUATE
                                     @ OTHER
           .       . , .,,                  ,,3,,,.

4LJ4M. *==* .q(" =(=<=anECroRb, . gsa =gf .,.,. .q es.,g,g. . ans.e , y 4 ,, ee.e

                                     -.----,.---..,,-.,--.,,v=-.,r.                               ,..--.,c--*..--.w.,                                                                               y.                                 e*'
                                                                                                                                                                     ?,* # # ""

GOVERNMENT AGENCIES NOTIFIED necers we name. een. inne and agences neined V'1. yos,,,,, m W- - - - 6 l8S~Y S'*** .f H

                           '8-26 90                          -
s. k kirJ.
                                                                                        /30              $               '

e' .m ;so _

                          %%                                           YdeA                        k Ow                                                        ~*


                          +~>                                                                                           y                                            .

y ,R'ut, ., u7h 6$Jn \ v (/ Burt. C.unty. 04 l (ca I (twne) / (egency)

5. '

l Y ,

                                                                                                                            'lN-7JB'l}.,w                           .
                                                                                                                                 ,<j, -                   a -.c            r..e W                                                       b
o. *-*o 6

ms _. . v y

                                                                                                                                                             .. w st... .. .- ...
y. k

O El.


o .a:w . O V e i >

.. ..:.. . .~ ., ,. ....... ,. . . . ...... .....
              .........~.,......-,.n,....-                                                                   . - .          ... . . ... .... - . . .. ....                     .    . . ... .

): 4

                                                                                                      .         e      *           ..

j . . . i 1

  • F , D i

! l p= . . . 4. w . m m.e . . a - p*g . e. . .r.

                                                                                 . gast. .a . g %- e ..g*        .. . .us e . . .           e. .. . . s q . ., . ., . e. .
  • 4.e** *
                                                                                                                                                                                         ,# p I                                          .                        .             . .                       .                          .       . . .                         .    .

r . 1 i



1. Complete as much of the informacion on this fem as possible.
2. Have the Emergency Director sign nm form to authorize release.
3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event classification.
4. Use communication circuits in the following ordsr of priority:
a. ENN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously)
b. SC Rackup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECP Emergency Response Telephone Directory) l
c. Commercial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Emergency Response Telephone Directory)
d. Radios
1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq.1, ask SRS to notify other
'                                                                                                                    l South Carolina agencies).
2. Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify the Georgia Emergency Management Agency).

B. INITIAL ROIL CALL: State the following: one THIS HELLO. IS/IS THISNOT A DRILL![ (Cross,ouy IS (Name) ne & # ) AT TEE VOCTLE ELECTRIC CERIRATING FLANT. FLEASE 08TAIN A COFT OF THE p EMERCENCY NOTIFICATION FORM. STANDST TO RECEIVE A MESSACE. (Proceed with roll call in the following order, check box for responding agencies) Savannah Rt.ver Site QAikenCounty

                                    @StateofSouthCarolina               Allendale County
                                   @ Coorgia Energency                  Barnwell County Managensat Agency QBurkeCounty C.      NOTITICATION MESSACE TRANSMISSION: Transsit complete notification form, obtain roll call and record acknowledgements.

NOTE 3e Esergency Notification Message for State and Local Response Agenetes (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

  • Checklist 2 of this procedure is .

a reproduction of the actual form. The actual fora should be used, - although reproduction of the form in this procedure is authorized. d . _.

U. i- 904 ,

2. AUTNesmCATION: E l peumeets sCwsmos)

M'O T 3. TledE/DATE: ## C5 /1/*/A 2 8!**C'2TED BY: - I_ M fassenne mm se yy Peemo)

                                                                                                                                                                                               @ 46 - C.% '
6. @ _ -__ - 1 DECLARATION AT: TIME /DATE: b 'N O / 3 1 20 t To a==== === es ry I1 EIEftGENCY TEfuAINATION AT: TIME /DATE: 1 / / pt 5, go to seem 16.)

IEasesmi mm se yy

                                                    @,M       r"I D- & e L                                                                         *c'N-
                                                                                                                                                                                  ' ^ ~ ' -


    -   9. sassansaarTINVOLVES:
              $NO RELEASE pt A,go toitem 14.)                   C ARELEASE18 OCCURRING. Senned                                                                                  Epoceed Duremen I1 POTENTIAL RELEASE                            f.1 A RELEASE HAS OCCURRED: Stoned                                                                                    stopped
               @ PNM"TIVE GASES                               @ RADIOACTIVEPAfmCULATES Il RADIOACTIVE LIQUCS                           l1 OTHER
                                                                                                                                                                                     @           "80WER laassume                              mm          se          yy I3.ESTIRRATE OF Pfl%IBCTED OPPSITE DOSE:                                   N'EW                                  UNCNANGED                               DURATION:                                4M8.

g,,,, oces Ratt ones RATE utmemmeer eman Ta y ees essannes seweawng causman emmene gewone snE aru mmaav 2 ARLES 5kmLES . _ toamLEs _ 14 AGETanans nner as DATA: NOTAVAILABLE A WIND DIREJTION(Irene) *? M * $ STASIUTYCLASS b WIND SPEEU (mph) Q rl PlWCW'ITATION (lype) Om



                  $N                                     .                                                                                                                                                         I

4 pasmal DIRECTOR TIIN/DATE: // IO 1 / d / 1 9./ 1 M (Easemmi aun se yy emies

p . ; :r -. 2 emocaouas =o aswsca >=a ao - , VEGF 91002-C 15 8 of 15 ' { l j SheeC 1 of 3 ,



1. Complete as much of the information on this form as possible.

! 2. Have the Emergency Director sign the form to authorire release.

3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event j classification. .
4. Use cosmunication circuits in the following order of priority:

); a. ENN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously) ! b. SC Backup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emerger:cy j Response Telephone Directory)

c. Commercial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Emergency Response
Telephone Directory)
d. Radios

j 1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq. 1 ask SRS to notify other South Carolina agencies).

2. Use Eurke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify the Georgia fastgency Management Agency).

j B. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following: 4 4 THIS 39f15 NOT A DEILL! (Cross out a) ! RELLO. TEIS IS (Name) 6 4,,c.- ft[ AT TEE VOCTLE i ELECTRIC CENERATING PLANT. PLEASE OBTAIN A COPY OF THE i Ehs3CYJCT NOTIFICATION FORN. STANt3Y TO RECEIVE A MESSACE. (Proceed with roll call in the following order, check box for responding agencies) ll O Savannah River Site @AikenCounty i

                                                                                  %StateofSou9hCarolina                                                  @ Allendale '0ounty

{ Georgia Energency %BarnwellCounty


{. -

                                        ,                                         %BurkeCounty j                    -

C. N0ffFICATION MESSAGE TRANSMIS$10N: Transmit complete notification r J form, obesia roll call and record acknowledgements. NOTE j The Notification Message for State and Local ) Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of !) i Checklist 2. of this procedure is i a reproduction of the actual form. l The actual fora should be used. . 3 although reproduction of the form ' in this procedure is authorised. l! i j O _ l 1

f A TDM O A OfE.L EA l-99~3

 ;                                       1.                                                                    O All ACTUAL N                                                                                                                                     ,e j

ICA- W,f fi. 2'4e f ,1r J 6 i 2. A4FTNEBmCATION: >


j 0.4. . Peummert icesemog #- M' h ,M 3. TIBIE/DATE: 1 3 / 2Q.t 22 fEPORTEC ST: - I isaseme em es yy poemel

,b                                       4. StTE:                                    VOGTLE                          U88fT: .daL., CONFWIb8AT30N PHONE peutASER: 1 404 5644782 j                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . m -3ses I
5. sammansman T CLASSIPICATIOtt:
                                                              @ NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL!! VENT ALERT i+1 SITE AREA EndERGENCY @ GENERAL Eh4ERGENCY
6. @ 8888ma"*'T DSCLARATION AT: tin 4E/DATE: /

5 / 2O t { IEsmemi mm se yy i I I ERWIGENCT TWMNATION AT: TIh8E/DATE: / / / (If 5, go to seem 16.) 3 mm se y

7. saammas'arvDESCRIPTION: bka*- d 4 m *lassiempAMM he - h- h l '

a c>n s , t e_ , m _ , - wo w

                                                                                                               .U w       -


                                                                                                                                                   '1     DEGRADNES                     I=: UNDETERhtINED 1

i . 9. maasensw=T BfVOLVM: M NO RELEASE (W A.go toitsen 14.) A RELEASEIS OCCURfUNG Stoned Espected Owesen

                                                       @ POTENTIALRELEASE                                        ' 1 A RELEASE HAS OCCUfWIED- Stoned Stopped 10.TTPE OF fELEASE:                                           ELEVATED           Q GROUNDLEVEL A pananar*TIVE GASES                                I'l flADCACTIVE PAfmCULATES l
                                                      @ flADIOACTIVE L80UCS                                     Il OTHER
                                     '11. RELEASE:                                   CURIES PEft SEC.                   CURIES l


                                                    @ IODINE /NOSLEGASRATIO(If avellebie)                                                             . D CTHER l                                      12.NEACTOft STATUS: @ SHUTDOWN- TIndE/DATE:                                                                                   1             I                 /                         @                         % POWER      i j                                                                                                                                                inassemp                    sun         se                    yy j                                      13.ESTIRBATE OF PRO.ECTED OPPSITE DOSE:                                             Niw 0 uMCNANGEn                                              Duration:                                                            NRS.

j sumessessy casd Thysets 4 poEnnaTE sees nats unessneer emas Thysses j nemense assum ers enweenut emmense emuesN j srTEacuMDARv j 2tal.ES j s antar j 10kmLES 14.IIETenana naaras DATA: NOTAVAILABLE I ! @ WINDDWIECTIONlheng 7 00 e M STABILITY CLASS A wind spEeDm 9 M pMEcylTATION M ib l i ~


i 1..A,, ROVE .T: / h 4L u manasievos=CToa T , OAT : ne rc , 7, u ,.y1 i '*=== 7 (== is=== mm se yy , ! emise ' I i C _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ -

                                                                                                                           . _ _ _ . _ _ . .                   ..._.m._..,__           _ , . . . _ . _ _ - . _ _ . . . . . _ . . , , _ . , , , _ , _ .
                                                                                                                                                                   - c ;;,       .-
                                                                                                                                                                                      .4, i                                MtOCEDumsNO.                                 AsVWON                                                            6 Age NJ             '/

l VEGF 91002-C 15 8 of 15 I i Sheat 1 of 2 l CHECKLIST 2 f EMERCENCT WOTIFICATION MESSACE FOR , i STATE AND LOCA1 RESPONSE ACENCIES" i [ A. INSTRUCTIONS: } l 1. Complete as much of the information on this form as possible. < 2. Eave the Emergency Director sign the form to authorize release. ! 3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event l classification. l 4. Use communication circuits in the following order of priority: 3

a. INN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously)

! b. SC Backup INN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emergency

Response Telephone Directory) l c. Commercial telephones (Phone numbers La VECF Imergency Response l Telephone Directory)

{ d. Radios

1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq. 1 ask SRS to notify other Seeth Carolina agencies).

i 2. Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify

the Georgia Emergency Managensat Agency).

l t 3. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following: 1 I TIIS N/IS NtFf A DRILL! 1 Cross op onel l EIIlc, TEIS IS (Name) C /ar e Me 41# AT TIE VOCTLE I ELECIRIC CINERATING FLANT. FLEASE OSTAIM A C0FY OF THE l EMERCINCT NOTIFICATION FotM. STANDST TO RECEIVE A MESSACE. (Froceed with roll call in the following order, check boa for responding agencies) l 1 Savannah River Site Afkme County G State of Sosch Carolina Allendale County Georgia Emergency @BaravellCounty Managemest Agency h h Cannap C. NOTIFICATION MESSACE TRANSMISSION: Transmit complete notification form, obtain roll call sad record acknowledgements. NOTE

  • The Emergency Notification Message for State and Local Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

Checklist 2, of this procedure is a reproduction of the actual form. The actual form should be used, although reproduction of the form in this procedure is authorized. O _

                 --__w------_a                  _.m  ----m-e--ww..-e            _e-wunew-e.---,.,,.e--,--,-,-.w...,%u#w.m. m                     --,----rw.w---r        e, e,w,_



Q.*C53. TEIE#DATE: !1' I / 212.1 A fEPORTED BY: Nmv < Isassese mm ee' yy peamot l 1 404. M i 4. StTE: VOGTLE UNIT:On A CONPWWAATION PHONE NURABER. , i yc % 26.5Seg-S

                                                       @ NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT @ SrTE AREA EMERGENCY I.1 GENERAL EMERGENCY j                                              s. EN DECLARATION AT: TIME /DATE:

S 90 f 3 /.10 t.39 a=N mm es yy j l1 ERIERGENCY TERIENATION AT: TRAF,/DATE: I / / M S go to elem to.) se == es yy



s I<>SLE .A.ES tIOD S j S IODINE /NOSLE GAS RATIO pleweisspe) D OTHER l I /  % POWER l



se yy


l j sees RA1E sees naTE weisesteer ches 7t r ess pasesAe gewemsus esweet saweep

samenews I StTE SOUNDmRY i t amLas,

? 5teLES toesLEs 14.tETIOROLOGICAL DATA: O NOTAv g A wgg3 DefECTIOff prom) M 3 Y 5

  • M STM CLASS b l WIND SPEED pngh) N I _ E PRECIPITATION pypog Dea 4
                                                         $. *SN TER
                                                                           .Neo,      i              m==                                .E                    mm                    e.                ,,

i seeme j. i i

        **octavat wo.                         naymon                                     ?; N '     ' M
                                                                            ,, g , , ,

a VEGP 91002-C 15 8 of 15 Sheet 1 of 3 CHECKLIST 2



1. Complete as auch of the information on this form as possible.
2. Have the Energency Director sign the form to authorize release.
3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event classification. ~
4. Use communication circuits in the following order of priority:
e. ENN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously)
b. SC Backup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECP Energency Response Telephone Directory)
c. Commercial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Emergency Response Telephone Directory) i d. Radios:
1. Use $15 radio in TSC (Freq.1, ask SES to notify other j

South Carolina agencies).

2. Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify the Georgia Energency Management Agency).

B. INITIAL ROLL CALI.: State the following: THIS 30fIS h3 A DRILL! (Cross out ne), EELLO. THIS IS (Name) 6 /re:c/ c 6d AT TEE VOCTLE ELECTRIC CENERATING FLANT. PLEASE OgTAIN A COFT OF THE O EMERCENCY NOTIyICATION TORM. STAND 3T TO RECEIVE A MESSACE. (Proceed with j L/ i roll call in the following order, check box for responding agencies) Savannah River Site @AikenCounty

                                 %StateofSou#th Carolina            Allendale County
                                @ManagementAgency klaravellCounty Georgia Emergency

C. NOTIFICATION MESSAGE TRANSMISSION: Transait complete notification form, obtain roll call and record acknowledgements. NOTE

  • The Emergency Notification Massage for State and Local Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3)

Checklist 2. of this procedure is a reproduction of the actual form. The actual form should be used, although reproduction of the form in this procedure is authorized. i


!             2. AUTNENTiCATioN:                  S                    %#/ccr                                                       -         O ffl.M3. TWEE/DATE:


                                                -                                                                                             *o*- M 25C9 4


TIME /DATE: 1 I I (If 8, go to seem 18.)

(Easism) == es yy

7. ERERGENCYDESCfWPTION: OSM C L' h o u- L= km * " htC l
'3                                                                                                                                                                         '




                   @ NO RELEASE qit A go tolesse 14.)               A RELEASE IS OCCURRING.* Stoned                          Espected Dwellon I1 POTENTIAL RELEASE                       I.1 A RELEASE HAS OCCURRED- Stoned                                         Stopped j                                                                                                                                                                   .

! 10. TYPE OF fWLEASE: ELEVATED Q GROUNDLEVEL i j A pansnar yyyg gaggg @ parunar Tyyg pAgyggyLAygg { Il RADIOACTIVE LaQUIDS l OTHER 1 l 11.asisaas. C CufuES PER SEC. CURES M IODINES i A NOSLE" GAggS 8 OosNE/NOSLE GAS RATIO (W evadette) @ OTHER l i l 12.flEACTOR STATUS: @ SHUTDOWN. TIME /DATE: / / / @  % POWER semeni - a ry 13.ESTRIATE OFPROSCTED OPPWTE DOM: DURATION: NRS.

NEW D uNCNANGED SoGERAl% DOGE NATE Wtntehety Ched flipseed l sanommwp essene emmeno Desesame seweenut

) I SITE SOUNDMtY 2 ambas, 5AmLES toamLES 14.IIETenaru aner as DATA: NOT AVAILABLE A m g)lfECTIOff M 245

  • M STM CLASS b l WIND SPf'A (spl$ 8 S PRECIPfTATION(typel h 1

1 15. fSCORIINN'hED PROTECTWE ACTIOfS: NC PSCORARWWED PROTECTWE ACTIONS 1 l SMTM l EVACUATE ! @ OTHER l 18.A ,, rov 5D .T: Mile u f ==Ramev o=WCTOR TumuDATm: it:J & , I,u,# pasmet ( m al p meme em a y, me e L i

paocaouns no. aswsca n Arts Mt 1 VEGF una no. / 91002-C 15 i

                                                                                                                                                                                           ,                                   8 of 15 i

l Sheet 1 of 3 i 3 CHECELIST 2 i l EMERCENCY NOTIFICATION MESSACE FOR ! STATE AND LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCIES l A. INSTRUCTIONS l , } 1. j 2. Complete as auch of the inforustion on this form as possibis. Rave the Emergency Director sign the form to authorize release. i 3.

!                                                                                                These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event classification.                                                                                                                                        ;


4. Use casusunication circuits in the following order of priority
a. ENN (broadcast to all stations simultaneously) l b.
!                                                                                                           SC Backup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emergency Response Telephone Directory) i                                                                                                 c.         Commercial telephones (Phone numbers in VIGP Emergency Response

! Telephone Directory) j d. Radios: 1

1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq. 1, ask SR$ to notify other i

South Carolina agencies). ! 2. 1 Use turke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify 1 the Georgia taergency Management Agency). j B. INITIAL ROLL CALL: State the following: spe) ! TEIS 40/15 EILLO. TEIf IS NOT (Name) A DRILL!#/ es (Cross f og(cktTIAT TEE VOCTLE i ELECTRIC CINERATING FLANT. PLEASE OSTAIN A C0FT OF TEE j EMERGINCY NOTIFICATION FORM. STANCST TO RICEITE A MESSACE. (Proce roll call in the following order, check box for responding agencies)

                                                                                                                @ Savannah River Site                                                                 Aiken County
                                                                                                                @Stateof$5uthCarolina                                                                 Allendale County

{ >2 Georgia Emergency QBarnwellCounty j Management Agency 4 j @Bube Couer t C. NorIFICATICW MESSAGE TRANSMISSION: Transmit complete notification i i form, obtain roll call and record acknowledgements. i NOTE * } The Emergency Notification l Massage for State and local i Response Agencias (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3) { Checklist 2. of this procedure is a reproduction of che actual form. The actual form should be used, although reproduction of the form j' ' in this procedure is authorised., !O 3

l EREERGF.NCY NOTIFK',ATM)N m 8 . i EK t-90-3 ' 4

1. @ fDes O A DIWLL

{ E. AUTN.,m Afi N: 63 TNIS O% ~ AN ACTUAL 7 - fr *f4 M

3., , phm o s.o O fl05 3. TRIESATE: 111 16 1 70 RDOftTED BY: 84 8*' II 8

, Isasasse mm . es yy (namel

4. SITE: 90GTLE UlefT: Onar CONPWMAATIONPHONENUtdEER: 1 4044644752 i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '/ev-52( EoS

A NOTIFICATIONOF.UNUSUALEVENT N StTE AREA EMERGENCY I.1 GENERAL EMERGENCY j 4. DECLARATION AT: TIMEtDATE: D t 3 I 10 1 TO 3 stamome == es ry ) I1 sammansw Y TERIENATION AT: TIMEtOATE: _ / / / (If S. go to seem 18.) (Eassume == es yy i 7. EIAERGEldCYDESCfrflogi. cC's. 44- p *r ca m rer n - 3

                                                                                                                                @ STABLE                                       DEGRADING                                           H UNDETERhmNED
s. PLANT coNomoN: %msPROVING i .. -swoLvEn:



4 _ _ _ _ ! 900ERalk DOSE Wheleteer Chad ThyseM Desemase tausmaug samassaws emuume esamme SITE am mammy l

2 temat

! SteLES I J 10 kmLES ! 14.aETenaru wa' DATA: NOT AVAR.ASLE A yRND DWIECTICfd(ten $ N$

  • M STASE,lfY CLASS l WIND SPEED (ngs, 5 ra p,iecip,TATiON (i,,e, Moq l 1s. = -: T Ta-PROTOCTivE Actions:

3 O ~ ,.-CT,v5 ACTio 3 N SHELTER l l EVACUATE l @ OTHER 18.A ,,R ED ef, 45eeALL suene NeY a.MCma ,,,, ,,, n c, ,3 ,ao,90 s==== m== is m. e. ,, j sesee

i enocsouas no. tavmon j VECF me o. v 91002-C 15 i 8 of 15 4 Sheet 1 of 3 CHECELIST 2 O ENERGENCT NOTIFICATION MESSACE FOR - STATE AND LOCAL RESPONSE AGENCIES $ A. INSTRITCTIONS: 1 1 1. 3 2. Complete as auch of the information on this form as possible. Rave the Eastgency Director sign the form to authorize release. 3. These notifications MUST be made within 15 minutes of event.

;                                 classification.                                                *
4. Use cosaunication circuits in the following order of priority:
a. ENN (broadcast to all stations staultaneously)
b. SC Backup ENN (Two digit phone numbers found in VECF Emergency

{ Response Telephone Directory) i c. Consercial telephones (Phone numbers in VECF Imergency Response ] Telephone Directory) j d. Radios: ' ] . 1. Use SRS radio in TSC (Freq. 1. ask SRS to notify other 4 j south Carolina agencies).

2. Use Burke County radio in TSC (ask Burke County to notify

{ I the, Georgia Emergency Manasensat Agency).

State the followings
          '                     TNIS 30f!S NOT A DEILL! (Cross out                                                             )

i EELLO. TEIS IS (Name) E /, rev sc //s AT TIE VOCTLE i ELECTRIC CENERATING PLANT. PLEASE OSTAIN A C0FT OF TIE i t EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM. STANCST TO RECEITE A MESSACE. (Proceed 4 roll call in the following order, check boa for responding sgancies) l j  % Savannah River Site d Aiken County l

                                            @Stateof$5uthCarolina                                                                   @AllendaleCounty Georgia Emergency l                                            @ManagementAgency %RarnwellCounty ShW C.      N0f!FICATION MESSAGE TRANSMISSION: Transmit complete notification j                              form, obtain roll call and record acknowledgements.


  • The Emergency Notification
                                                            ' Massage for State and Local j

Response Agencies (Sheet 2 and 3 of 3) Checklist 2. of this procedure is l a reproduction of the actual form. l The actual form should be ased. ] although reproduction of the form j in this procedure is authorised. i' o _, 1 i



O AN ACT1AAL B0WIGGICY L,* -- -st7m - fy 2nd JK j

 ;        4                                       P il4 0 =mem>3 /        i 20 i 90
                                                                                '   acm===

REPosTe eT: 8 /**ie - /.)MI,<N 4 1:353. TNumATE:

!                                        sen N           mm       .a      yy                                       P=mei WOSTLE                                     COMPWIMATION PNONE 80UtdSWt:

N - j 4. StTE: uMIT: Q13

,i                                              .                                                                               40% .C4 .T.CO8
                            """"""*Y CLASSIFICATION: A n <,.

! 5. A NOTRCATONWUNUSUALEVENT I1 ALERT I-l StTE AREAEAERGENCY M GENERAL EMERGENCY ' 1 j 6. Q maammasw=Y DECLARATION AT: TIME /DATE: 9D /di 10 1A j pompe em ed yy I1 maa==a=**Y TWEENATION AT: TIME /DATE: /347 f ,3 / 20 /oi N 8, go to nem is.) gememi mm ed yy T. BERMBICYDESCfrTIDII: 1 i 1 S. PLAfff 00NOmON: F1 IMPROVING I1 STABLE @ DEGRADNES lel UNDETERMINED l

9. maa'answ y ggygtyg:


9 IODINE /NOSLE GAS RATIO (If simmatist i


                                                                                                                              @           % POWER Sanomi           mm         ed       yy i

DURATION: N,is. 13.ESTMAATE OP PIIDACTS OPPSITE DOM: O NE'w uNCNANaEn l ! .'"."."L"4 gewesweep

                                                                         "."." TJ                      emmes

among 1

                            .eemense                                      eeweswsws sfE arm ammy l                    2 hAILES

! 5 hetAS toemLES ) 14.bETunans maar=as DATA: NOT AVAE.ASLE A yjepg)DN4ECTIOff memp

  • N STABE.ffY CLASS I Wife SPEED (mplil 'l Pf4CFfTATION (typel i


18. menmanamn" PIWTECTIVE ACTICIS:


18. APPROVED ST: A l4 ShWWENCY OWWCTOR g g gg I .* Y 7 f T f M f M j
                                        '8    -peemet ' ' ]              (TIsol                              Seensel           eue       se       yy    l l

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                                                                                                                                            ,a .                   sv                   ~                              a                      ,

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7-9 en I,T h l ll s t = -2.0
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i csc surron yh.177rC 3K l MOVEST INFCRNM20N FOJtN Dnto_{/4*_/ff ! T.a. . I __ on.ii./o,,sie. I Radio Channel 1 / 5 ___ j . Telephone . 4552 /724-8642


! Time of call ,_a _ Received by: OSC Mgr C# Other - _ _ , _ _ _ . ,

i -

Source: TSC Mgr C 3 Maint Supv C 3 ED [ 3 Other { ______________,____ i TYPE OF MEIMEST M#&B 1 _ __ __

l _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ ______

i ) Destinations 31de __, Lv1 Re__, Other & ) 4 Plant Statues Poseer C 3 Alert C 3 Site Area [ [ Gen Emerg C 3 4 j Radiological /Hazardconditions: None C 3 Specify __ - - _ _

,                                   Number of people:                                                       18sC.,_,                   IF__                MEC_           EL__                          OPS __                  CMM__                        SEC__


                                                                                                                         ***g3#{$~                              ** "

1, &Ibum/R2. _ "* R " k 2._/m/t.'$YEh' 56 7/1 /000 _ _ _ _ _ _

3. _ , _ _ _ _ _

i I 4- _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. __ ___

6.- l - i


! 7 __ __ _ ______ i

8. _ -
9. _, --

a 18. j {

  • Call OSC every 38 einutes l
  • Periodically check Dosimeter j eObserve for any unusual conditions i eReport to'OSC Mgr for debriefing when returning to OSC i eSign out before leaving OSC l eCall OSC eshen you have reached your destination -

White copys OSC Mgr Green copys Status Loop Yellow copys Teae Orange copy Doc Cont TIM OUT /f_:!*, TIME RETURNED __:__ a

    ~ . . . _ .
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                 = ve,iie n..ior fiant .ensin , to .,.~te i. ..iert          4ieri-is the second least serfeus energes.4y stessification. The plant is stable.  .

Unit I was already down for its second refueling estage. Switchyard maintenance was inlregress in conneetten with that estage when a construction j

        ' vehicle struck a suitehyard power pele. One of tWe diesel genersters ettempted to start to supply power, but failed. It then was started manus 11y. The second diesel generator was out of service for p1taned maintename, aise in tennection with Unit'l's planned outage. That insM11ty to espply~ emergency diesel-geprated power for more than il minutes resulted to the deeltration of the 'stle area energency' et 9:00 A.R. (t$f). Unit 8, operaties 44 normal       ,

eow6r tripped effeline due te power fluttuttfeu en the Unit 1 tide of the plant. Unit i did set lose essentis1 eientriest power, however. O thertly after liet A.N. (cs?). sen. essential persum) were assenbled and acteented for in esserdance with eastgency sporttieg presederes. They were Mt evsousted u initially reported. - l Werk is underway to restere Mrs 1 power te Unit 1. 1 meits., mii ..iu.d ih, d . ne e.e no ier.d. .w we n = reio n .r ruven u nty. Ip dh gem 4,o~i 7Aw o ni ivar $4.fA wmd # 4.u O

                                                                                                                                   ^                                        ' ' '
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,e h .L9 4 eC KL VEGF                      91002-C                                                                                                                                 15                            11 of 15

( i Sheet 1 of 3  ; i CHECKLIST 3 NRC NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST i j . i Initiate.. contact on the ENS line. When contact is made, the i caller shall states j

          "THIS IS/IS NOT (cross out one) A DRILL"                                                                                                                                                     '

i i

          "RELLO. THIS IS (NAME):                                                                                                                                                              AT THE V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING FLANT.                                                                                               FLEAsE 05TAIN A GUrY OF THE EVENT l

NOTIFICATION WORKSHEET AND STAND BY TO RECEIVE A MESSAGE". i NOTES i i a. If no res obtained,ponse use aon the ENS isline commercial i and one of the following numbers: 4 j (301) 951-0550 (301) 427-4259 (301) 492-8893 (301) 427-4056 ! b. i ' The Event Notification Worksheet

(NRC Form 361) in this procedure is a reproduction of the actual 4

NRC form. The actual NRC Form 361 i should be used, although reproduction of the form in this procedure is i authorized. 1 e e I I O -. i

                             **"                                                                                                                              oPSOATBoss5 CEttTE2 EVENT NOTIFICATION WORKSHEET                                                          64 /-93 J Met . 1 # [ e N

asWTIF8CAriose reaE PACsur, oft .8bSAfsE2Af sose useer CALLE A"5 seAast CALL SACK e

  • Efet
                                                        /gf(- M lik                                                    T T 6d55 V                                 "'"*'I' E N
                                /)%ff57                                                                         ([t O     [O  z    y.h      en-C W 3 iteifC                            nA,     13 n t      - -">

Au Acne no.eamoon Artsa swei ru o e Aosv . A.A. Famoon espone / Isd ospesas Conseen AoGG eunt een teamennae Sees out Assese eher ham Emisryonst ',0 CPR SIL72(inh 23 I EVENT CLASSIP6CATIODes otes/AAEC wsC same osames av opiress pl Gerummens acleC AfetA V w WI omerase se APS Asmussea sanone AaAs AMPS E oessGAAL SesERG&asCY E 5tet AmtA 5WENottCf" SfT/AASC ~' gisi pasas ANFL F M EW ^ - AESP AL&/AAEC 900 team. sin ApeseW em.HA3 goes SS Cassemeev AssaA E ALERT 3 -= ==> eve r unw usC sai AseC wies nemC w , A as E 80.73 peoes4asERGEasCY mus amar assummes geo Lemuse Afskt emHCl Cou.elof And Rosesse AsseC e CAL. iru,, om ru A -- A s ro ,Ar ,,r- , - At .A. A. - > A . s . .Ar...Avo .. . o ,. . . A- ., ,=A. .uo g_ ornsa esoAnon.Co.nent.mme.mLrn.nown w s se Aams = on is A sso a ca. . .. =o., - . - - -C , o~ A,.. Co.,T

                                 %*                6ake4. id.                     + w u-           is       5~ W *J              c8*5/3       fu 4 i4 + ts l        pts. Tks caesed                             Alas /l ti/>* At- /* M iA SM i e- 'bl.
                                .fA fnyeJ. Fr /O kl, . ed #*l//d , fd d wJlay u,A 44 d ot' r. ck 4 51- bl6 A Fe d +s k h"S .

O or uru n w. ws a u te asi v.< n W1 z & toa7.~ ts19 GT (88 t%ug%. J#f o Ibb3 ce4up-L l nn : let p a> ' A A W it t w B l sw c.s r - .m-eL 1


i DeAuse. Spenume sflusser amusmEB.8 Suur samunung mesuth summan. eMum ed oment en punt. aghus tchen er gesugud, egg. W


! . .e =.e. r y , srAtsu Y- om Au.sistsas puncton As asaunasor J mo AI  ! ! local # estanArs ex - A 2+* t k *aama == Aooito ALiwo

orusa sov Asenau i sees os onemArom

! em iseenansisAan y uwretcommeceso: h mastAmr oats: Uak@e3A osseACat j .m. - t

            - sr. om                                                                                         aa%=.4             r== m.                                                                Ja               e : c-        ; .u        cw...<~-.....'1 Eamosotooscat
  • a taases casscs om eeu. ses aprucasta etseas ame.a -- - r ea. .a- amar.u====,

I unum me Laans enamous astaAss ussPLAseman netsAsa sLAaseem s aosana omeonso Tei.wesiatan i E aseserTomte tsesspawfoes?,e oppstrgL.sLEAst TS ENCatosa mas ALAmass i Ameas tws.cuatta l PGAEbepsEL EatPONO On CossTAassenATag OPPJTS PacTgCTfvt ACTIOss5 EECDesess8s08) l [ E *stsee eemsmus soon .= eseswnsen. l ~ _. - j E maammes asse fC.desel s TA Lass:T se00 GunOE Taias Ass e, ec.I s TA usseT es00 Guiot 1 Esusess ces c.s Csses scoe G f E nsemme to wGiuse cal C. ! I aw.=sias. i=cs== s n.c. I i i l l l"Lammeesshasaqrspisesaasumanew - se .,c.- e.i c. l E Lammes twansas 0.2 Can a e C. j ss Asessaw .


j M E o 5 PLAstr 37Acx EtuR@i h M '.."tT 67 cossessessR/Asa EJECTOR tadues 57E Ate Lisst SG eLOusOOums Of tet A RAD ts0sstTOft REAbses08: 1 4 I- - i 5 T.R. LanNT Asf assammess# Av a. - . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .;r-                   4 ' At
                                   ...                   su.s.           u          .              --                                                                   _                                   , _ ,

gLAT_.P_ _ LEAR AATE: upssts. gesigns TA unstT5: , supoess 04 LossG TEmes OEvtLortaENT A E LSAK ETART DATE: Teest: COOLANT ACTivsTY & unsTs. paneeAav . ssCDes0ARY . 7 OF SAPETY AELATED SQuspastelT esOT OPERAf foonAL: l EVE 8si DESCAWTIOfs (Conrwiwo som fronti 4 d b . a i P e

                 .___                      _ _ _ - . _       _-..w,...      - - -       -,....-,-...,,..m_,,               -.e-.- - - - - . - , - - - . - , - - _ , _ , . . . _ . . , . . , . - , _ - - - , , , , ,                                       , , , . , . - --.

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mm noems.

VECP 91704-C  % _ 3 i 12 of 16 i l [NM # M"." _CHECELIST A Sheet I of I l i 2

                              -                              VECP SECilRITY DEPARTMENT CALL CHECELIST NOTE
  • 1 Afte , i norinal working hours or after an early dismissal j
or a te evacuation, there may not be any personnel at the ocations listed below. -

) Organization or Individual Persen Contacted Primary Number Alternate Number Central Time / Initials

  • Visitor Center hs *M4 -3630 -3631 /d5 /

i Training Center bd -3901 -3903 /6 M /

                . Recreation Park         M                                     -3650                          -3494                               MM       /

o! c Department

                             !n"                                               -3580 (days)                    -3585 (days)                        /d      /

J beeper i beeper i i 64 -828-9400 -828-9510 4 / M e i 1

              ,   CPC Vogtle Central l                  Warehouse              (* 4*f*)                              -3425                          -3297                                 M      /     aj4 (Corporate cause             IJch [W88-                          -4205                                                               /dVO    /

i Nuclear Operations (M8 W) /* Inprocessing Center -3352 -3120 / M NOTE Q If an Alert. Site Arara Emergency or General Emergency ! p .. ' j is deglared and is after normal working hours, perform } the f6110 wing in accordance with checklist B "Essergency (#* $ j Recall Instructions" ght, d'. VI:GP Daergency Response organivation Recall , jg fik

o O - O  : i

   !      hesammeno                                                                                  neem                                                                                                    ,
   ;              VEGF       91704-C                                                                                                                          %                                           _

3 12 of 16 9 ,e A w a /k o m e - Ss..t n .f I i CHECKLIST A l > ! t i ' VEGP SECURITY DEPARTMENT CALL CHECKLIST E ' ' After normal working hours or after en early dismissal 4 { or thealte 1peations evacuation, listedthere below. may not be any personnel at ! Organization or j - Individual Person Contacted Prissary Ntember i Alternate Number Central Time / Initials ! ' Visitor Center b @^f -3630 -3631 /667/

     '                                                                                            d
         / T raining Center                               gf                                                   -3901                            -3903                            /C/l /
         / Recreation Park                                         (d*                                         -3650                            -3494                           /d/#        /

oh ruc n lf ### -3580 (days) -3585 (days) /O'7 / Department beeper i beeper #

                                                                                                              -828-9400                        -828-9510                        M          /    M
        ,CPC Vogtle Central Warehouse                             b"#f                                                         -3425                            -3297                            /0/7       /

a e, Corporate Garage !MA- -4205 /d/S / i Nuclear Operations j }

        ' Inprocessing Center                                            ((4#4h           '
                                                                                                              -3352 NOTE
                                                                                                                                               -3120                            M         /     /e i                                  If an Alert. Site Area Emergency or General Emergency                                                                                                           ' w. i 4

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1 To State weife ) TERDs George Sohneider

  • s Seb Doggleby l FRON:

[ ante: Narek 30, 1sse 4 SUB2ECTs TBSP SAS.

1. SAE declared at VEGF at 0940, 3/30/90. Reason, loss of on-and off-site Ac power for more than 15 minutes.
2. State wp received ENN meg. 91 at 0959. WP notified sCEPO and DEEC 1910 and 1014 respectively. SCEPO operator confirmed Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell 6 .i.1 notification 1016, 1918, 1028 respectively. I
3. Concurrently with ENN emil to State WF, operations Bransk manager received 1st ENN message. 330C activated at 1010.

county desk officers confirmed Aiken, Allendale and sarnwell county notification at 1010, 1015 and 1010 respectively.

4. Significant action timings, eta, desumented on operations Desk Journals (Encl.1) . Green sheet messages (Enel. 3).
5. effsite amargency notification precedures to all S.C.

agencies were ZAW NO3tEG 0654 standards. State agency emergency response anos11ent. l

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sAvArousama COMPANY AD3N, S.C. 29001 I

)4 EAX CQVER SHEET l l ! DATE: -- 3 /zt. /pe

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! 'ID: Name: t'A>ssver 46uu . ! Location: E 4. vo.A 'Tr4i ).a. tLL i i Phone Number: 7ar- or.s 4 ! Confirmation Numbe'r: >zz-osav i i j i lO rao=> *==== Location: 75 > o ^a ikak/EA f^." -44 km i WSRC Emergency Preparedness i (803) 725 - 15e n FTS 239 - 1 rosy

RETURN FAX NO. (803) 7254392/FTS 239 3392 l 1

i I i i l l Number of Pages 2- l {; (Cover Page Not Included) ?

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 ,            Omarsia Power nest vosdeTraintas

.' River Road Waynesbers. GA 30830

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