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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-91,consisting of Ltr Re Plant CAL Involving 900320 Site Area Emergency
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
From: Hairston W
OLA-3-I-MOSBA91, NUDOCS 9507140365
Download: ML20086G449 (5)



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95 JLN -6 P4 :05 W. G. Heirston. Ill ELV-01516 se,cr vce pres :e -

Numa* Oweces OFFICE OF SECRETARY NUCLEAR REGULATO O AMISS 10N DOCKETING & SERVICE re cu-7 Docket Nos. BRANCH Docket No. Sc 'f 25 "A-3 Official Exh. No. L+ 9l In the marcr cf C PC et ed .

OENTIFiED U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Staff v

Applicant REcElvEo Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W. Wervener 7 REJECTED Atlanta, GA 30323 conto off r Contractar DATE 65-I7-95

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Dear Mr. Ebneter:

?ec"o'ner n C. Mb V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT CONFIRMATION OF ACTION LETTER On March 20, 1990, a site area emergency was declared due to a loss of offsite power concurrent with a loss of onsite emergency diesel generator capability.

Following the event, VEGP received a Confirmation of Action Letter dated March 23, 1990 concerning certain actions to be taken. We believe we have taken the appropriate corrective actions and we are requesting approval to return the

, plant to Mode 2 and subsequent power operation. The following discussion

( provides justification for this request:

i o We understand that the IIT will continue to work and we will continue to )

cooperate to support this investigation.

o The temperature switches removed from the diesel generators will remain in quarantine.

o The improvements concerning emergency notification network communications shown on the attached letter from George Bockhold, Jr. to Emergency Directors and Comunicators have been implemented.

o The directions shown on the attached letter from George Bockhold, Jr. to all site personnel concerning vehicles in the Perimeter Area have been implemented. 1 Since the event of March 20, 1990 involved the failure of Diesel Generator (DG) 1A to remain loaded to support shutdown cooling, GPC has taken the following action to address DG operability. The event critique team, consisting of utility and vendor technical experts, believes that DG 1A tripped due to a combination of intermittent failures of jacket water temperature switches during a recent engine overhaul. Subsequent testing indicates that the diesel annunicator indication of March 20, 1990 can be reproduced on a high jacket  :

water temperature trip. Therefore, GPC has implemented the following actions to l l

,S ensure a high state of diesel reliability prior to declaring these engines operable.



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9507140365 950517 .

92 PROJECT 057782 PDR ADOCK 05000424 H L t%Aq rs O PDR


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/6eorgia Power A Exhibitk ,page A of 6 S lear Regulatory Comission Paae Two

1. Since March 20, 1990, GPC has perfomed sensor calibration and replacement, extensive logic testing, special pneumatic leak testing and air quality reverification, and multiple engine starts and runs under various conditions.
2. Calibration procedures have been reviewed with the vendor to ensure that calibrations are consistent and switch perfomance is reliable.
3. Operators are being trained prior to their next shift to ensure that they understand that an emergency reset will override the high jacket water temperature trip.
4. The undervoltage start of the Unit 1 DGs has been modified such that the non-essential engine trips are bypassed. This change will be implemented on Unit 2 prior to April 15, 1990.

In general,1989 reliability data indicate that the VEGP DGs have been more reliable than other nuclear industry DGs. In addition, the reliability of the VEGP DGs exceeds the requirements of 10 CFR 50.63 concerning station blackout:

Safety System Performance (Emeroency AC Power-BWR and PWR)

IMI 191 15.2 (O ,./ US Best Quartile US Median 0.010 0.017 0.009 0.017 0.012 0.020 Sisters 0.027 0.033 0.030 Vogtle Ul/U2 0.040 0.050 0.006 Furthermore, discussions with the original equipment manufacturer and review of VEGP data demonstrate that jacket water temperature switches have proven to be reliable on these and similar engines between overhauls.

Finally, GPC will continue to work with the Transamerica DeLaval Incorporated Owners Group to improve DG reliability. GPC will also review possible improvements to protective instrumentation and controls and any additional engine enhancements will be scheduled for refueling overhaul periods, iO 92 PRCklECT oS7783 i


\ Exhibit 3 I ,page l of $

j GeorgiaPower h l

O U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ELV-01516 Pace Three In accordance with VEGP PFocedures, an event review team has investigated the events leading up to and following the site area emergency. While the review team results are considered preliminary, pending final management review and approval, the investigation is essentially complete. Those actions considered These <

important for continued safe plant operation have been implemented.

include establishment of a management policy on control and operation of vehicles; extending the backup ENN circuit to all primary ENN locations; the complete retesting and calibration of both Unit I emargency diesel generator control systems; the temporary exclusion of vehicles from switchyard areas; and the issue of applicable night orders to licensed operators.

In addition, the event report also includes several recommendations which These include the sequencing require additional management review to evaluate.

of outage activities; plant conditions during mid-loop operations and the assumptions and conclusions made with regard to Generic Letter 88-17; post-maintenance diesel functional testing; emergency notification system upgrades; changing diesel generator control logic from pneumatic to electronic; and evaluating the duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Director.

Based on the above discussion we believe we have completed the appropriate corrective actions necessary to safely operate the unit. We request NRC approval to enter Mode 2 by close of business on Friday, April 6,1990.

Should you have any questions please inquire.

Sincerely, l 1

W. G. Hairston, III l WGH,III/ JAB /gm Attachment xc: Georoia Power Comoany Mr. C. K. McCoy Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr.

Mr. R. M. Odom Mr. P. D. Rushton NORMS U. S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Document Control Desk l

Mr. T. A. Reed, Licensing Project Manager, NRR .

Mr. R. F. Aiello, Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle 92 PROJECT oS7784

l GeorgiaPower A Anterofflee Correspondenc3 Exhibit I ,page U of 6 DATE: April 4,1990 RE: Emergency Notification Betwork (UN) Comnunication i

FRON: George lockhold, Jr.

T0: Emergency Directors (ED) and comunicators To ensure that ENN communication is timely, Emergency Directors will ensure that the following improvements are implemented:

2. Imediately upon the declaration of an anergency. the communicator (Shift Clerk) will perform a roll call to detemine the operability of the ENN while the message is being prepared by the E0.
2. Burke County and Geld is in the process of being added to the backup ENN and this will be installed and tested within the next few days.
3. The ED will personally ensure notifications are timely and problems are resolved. The ED will assign extra personnel or use TSC facilities to solve communication problems as necessary.
4. The TSC uses different power supplies than the Control Room and TSC comunication systems may be operable when Control Room systems are not.

Since Burke County must respond quickest to most amergencies, ED's will ensure that Burke County receives the highest priority for ENN notifications.

Ide are investigating improved co.munication hardware and techniques.

In the meantime, your personal attention to ENN conruunications must ensure that we do not have the problems that we experienced on 3/20/90. .


O 92 PROJECT oS7785

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! OATE: March 27, 1990 t

! RE: Vehicles In Perienter Ares

FROM: 8. Rockhold. Jr. .

l 70: Site Personnel 4

Due to the recent plant event of March 20. 1990, the following shall be


j implementid famediately: ,

1 All vehicles within the Perimeter Area (PA) in editch the driver i

1 does not have rearview visibility OR that are larger than a

- pickup truck, are required to have a Wagnan at all times adian the vehicle is backing up.

Additional policies / procedures on this issue will be forthcoming.

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O 92 PRCVECT 057786 -



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