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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-85,consisting of Tape 24,side B
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-I-MOSBA85, NUDOCS 9507140328
Download: ML20086G411 (2)



8-f2( /25 -Od d DOCKETED g gg TAPE #24 siM 95 JN -6 P4 :03 fl d

$$IsNeo Exhibit 6,page _ of _ I Location : Paul Kochery's office OFFICE OF SECRETARY DOCKETING & SERVICE BillChenault: They did- Talked to the maintenefMNiBhilast night and they did find like a dozen leaks and fix-Mosbaugh : Last night a dozen leaks?

Bill Chenault : No earlier.

Mosbaugh . Earlier, like Thursday night, yeah.

Burr . We also found-Stokes : (ON TELEPHONE) Like everybody, big sister?

Burr There's still some leaks.

Stokes : (ON TELEPHONE) Let me make sure they want annunciator front face panel so they can tell, well whatall the wording is.

Mosbaugh : Was that in the tubing that was disassembled?

Stokes: (ON TELEPHONE) Also the imputs and outputs (inaudible)


  • Poured out of it.

Mosbaugh : Poured out-Burr  :- of the end.

Mosbaugh Right.

Stokes: (ON TELEPHONE) You can go to the control room. Okay. All right. Okay.

Bill Chenault : It was in the line, in the trip line where the leaks was.

Mosbaugh Was anything disassembled in the tubing? There's an orifice at some point in here, a fairly small orifice. Was anything disassembled upstream of that orifice?

Stokes : (ON TELEPHONE) Okay Herb.

Burr Well, there are orifices, several ofifices. We even added three orifices with the DCP this outage.

Mosbaugh Okay.1 . Have you guys looked at cleanliness, you know, and that kind


\ of area? (pause in response) Did that play any role?

(longer pause in response)

Stokes Hum, when we went inside the logic, or inside the control-Chenault George did they flush the lines out when they added that new tubing?

Mosbaugh You know, when we disassembled, what cleanliness precautions did we take; you know, do we assure that no foreign materials got in there, cleanliness classes, post work flushing, you know, all that kind of-How small are these oiifices Ken?

Chenault Six thousandths.

Mosbaugh Six thousandths. Pretty small, huh?

Chenault  :(inaudible)

Stokes  : The ones that they put in were 014 but still.

Chenault 014 Mosbaugh . The new ones are still small.

Stokes Yeah, all of them are pretty small.

Burr . There all be like this.

Chenault . Probably the work they did would not cause a problem. Probably wouldn't have not got back up in there. It would have gone out to the engine.

Burr . The orifice was down hore so that anything would have gone in that direction, would not have gone toward the logic. No reason for it to have -

gone towards the logic.

Chenault Which engine was it they cleaned that logic element on?

Stokes That was A train.

Chenault A train. Before the incident?

Stokes That they cleaned the logic element on ? That was B train.

Chenault B train?

Stokes I was confused. They just replaced that board (meaning a pneumatic logic board)

-p on A train.

Q Mosbaugh  : Okay, Thanks.

9507140328 950517 PDR 0 ADOCK 05000424 PM


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