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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-27,consisting of Tape 41
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-I-MOSBA27, NUDOCS 9507030267
Download: ML20086A515 (3)



,, L-///OS/9A - Z7 00L%g pay / Of L TAPE # 41 USNRC (3

SEGMENT #1 95 JN -6 P2'*47 4-1190 Tape # 41 pg. 41, ii. 4 0 Date: 4 11-90 Location: Mike Horton's office OFFICE OF SECRETARY DOCKETING & SERVICE BRANCH George Bockhold : " Initial reports of higher than expected dewpoints later attributed to faulty instrumentation.

That specific sentence was in reference to the March 29, March 30, and March 31 work order associated with the instruments that we later determined was bad, and we got the VC Summer instrument and figured out how to work the EG&G instrumentation."

SEGMENT #2 4-11-90 Tape #41 pg.50 li 16 to pg. 51 li. 9 Date: 4-11-90 Location: Mike Horton's office George Bockhold Oh, yeah, we flapped around with the fact that we got a, you know, on the 29th or so we got a crummy reading and nobody knew about it until Milt Hunt picked it up.

Allen Mosbaugh : GeotDe we had a bad reading today,60 degrees F on 2A diesel.

3 George Bockhold The 2A diesel I think we're working on a prob lem; isn't that right?

j Ken Stokes Voice They had left the dryers off I think, following the PM, both dryers off.


Mike Horton Haven't we had any good readings and-George Bockhold Not on 2A,28.

Paul Kochery 2A was high.

George Bockhold They're trying to drain down the tank and I can double check with operations and we should be bleeding that tank down.

Paul Kochery Cotty's going to do that today.


George Bockhold + Okay, When I heard about it, and I heard about it yesterday or so or the day ,

before yesterday- actually I heard about it just before the meeting with the NRC.

l He mentioned there was a possibihty and they finally took the reading and I got the information just before they finally took the reading that is effective and I think it was i 60 degrees at that point. I thought I told Skip or somebody in operations to go ahead and start feed and bleed on the tank.

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t NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION sca 2 9-cL^ ~ 1 Docket No. C'* 2 f-'* 3 OfficialExh.No. D D in the rnatter of 6X 4& a(-


rw RPl:3nt RECEIVED 7 l Intervenor V REJECTED Contg 0ff'r 9507030267 950517 Contractor DATE M-0-9I PDR ADOCK 05000424 Omer Etness S + . ,. t + 4 G PDR Reporter C , #Jw

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4 Exhibit 2 ,page M of.b j C')

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TAPE # 41 )


Tr. Pg. 45- li. 20 to pg 48 li 3 Date : 4-11-90 Location : Mike Horton's Office Mosbaugh : You know, George, we responded in this generic letter and stated what our mir quality war. We did state that our air quality- the maximum dewpoint acceptance criteria for the Vogtle air start system has been established at 50 degrees F at system pressure see FSAR table ect. That's what we said our requirments are. Dewpoint enteria was established based on a design capability of the air start system (inaudible) and a minimum diesel generator room design temperature. So basically we said that our cnteria is 50 degrees at system pressure.

Bockhold : Yeah, that's what we said in the FSAR. We sometimes wi!! not meet that that and we haven't met that in the past or where we didn't have a good PM demonstrate it periodically. My question really focuses on the recent George ,

Hairston letter and how long-you know, I believe from what I've heard from all the experts that item 4 here is still valid. I mean, we believe that weVe had satisfactory ],

quality going to the control system.

I Kochery Yes, I think that because the dryer, the filter (inaudible) j Bockhold Given the fact that we have an expansion process in the dryer.

Mosbaugh Uh, Again George, I say, you know it depends on what you're going to call o satisfactory. If your going to say satisfactory is what we've said in the response to lO

  • the generic letter, uh, I'm not sure that we can show that we've met that enteria.

The problem is that you can't tell, you can't tell what any of these numbers are because the way the PM's done, you just can't tell. you know, there's a number down here, but there's no calculation. They're doing the measurment at ,

atmospheric pressure, yet they need to be corrected back to a system pressure, )

you know, and we're getting getting high numbers.

i Horton You can't proove that statement There's no documented evidence to proove that statement (item 4) we have nothing like that. I just feel that that statement is true {

i based on observations-Bockhold We' have an engineenng judgment, okay, on this particular statement.

I, You know, I woiild go ahead and-Mosbaugh You know, we're saying if there's intemal corrosion that we're observing, therefore air quality is met and that may or may not be related.

Kochery  : The receiver was good you know, you can see some it's a wedge filter you cin see l that it (inaudible).

Stokes I guess it ooesni meet the specific numbers enteria, but based on our judgment when we blow it down three times a day and operations says based on what we've seen, the filter and everything else, no corrosion, we have to say it's acceptable, but it doesn't in fact meet the the numbers.

Horton  : I think Al's concemed with the lack of documentation.

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