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Applicant Exhibit A-65,consisting of Licensee Quarantined Equipment List Effective 900327
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1995
From: Beacher H
OLA-3-A-065, OLA-3-A-65, NUDOCS 9506300261
Download: ML20085N618 (2)


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. At all times. the licensee as responsible for quarantined equipment and can USNRC l taire action involving this equipment at deems necessary to Achieve or maintain safe plant conditions.

Prevent further equipeent degradatton, or 0FFICE OF SECRETARY

- DOCKETING & SERVICE I Test or inspect, as required by the plant's Technscal SpecificattotStANCH l

. l To the easteue degree possible, these actions should be coordinated with the Team Leader in advance, or notification made as soon as possible. l l

Effective Times 241000 MAR 90 l The Licensee as saintaining the following ! tees Guarantined 344p u.- m..-,- ..,_i._.__._._..,z._._.

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l 4 POL Truck ( Allevable to use for nors41 deltsertes) l X C _. . . . . ". : . ' ; u ; ; . ". :..c ', 'C00 nadhilblarus }ZMW g /?ee du?"

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4. 238 KV Insulator to Reserve Ausillary Transformer la (proken on 29 Mar 90)
7. All replaced CALCON $ witches for 1A & 13 Diesel Generators The following restrictions concerning Eiesel Generator troubleshooting, rep ir, and testing are agreed tos pu &fy 4 D$ h $ $$ $ 6& G .
1. Any component replatements will be concurred with by the Team Leader prior i to perforsing the work. All replaced components will be rettained until released by the Team Letder.
2. The following test procedures will be reviewed by the tese orior to per foraance s
a. 13 UV Test i 1 A UV Test (51)
b. I
c. 1A UV Test (52) J

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QyAf4N: <b SQWMM bW 'ft' EWd

. The following tests util be announced to the team 1%ader, or a desagnated c

representative, 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prtor to antt:atton. It util not be performed until '

approved by the Team Leader.

S. 19 Sequencer Test

! b2 IB UV Test

1. lA UV fest (ut)
d. la UV Test (u2)

The following personnel will not take vaCatton until approved by th? Team t.eader (normal off days are not restracted):

a. All Operations Department Management .
b. All casrators (licensed and non-licensedi in the Operations Department who were on duty during the 29 Mar 90 event
c. All Event critique Team seabers.

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