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Provides Bases & Estimates of Unirradiated Upper Shelf Energy for Three Reactor Vessel Beltline Welds,Per 910411 NRC Request
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/17/1991
From: Devine J
5000-91-2056, C321-91-2153, NUDOCS 9107230414
Download: ML20082D344 (7)



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. GPU Nuclear Corporation p

m Sne Upper Pond Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 201 316-7000 l TELEX 136-482 j Writers Direct D4al Number.

l July 17, 1991 5000-91-2056 C321-91-2153 1

1 l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Docunient Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Unirradiated Upper Shelf Energy Values for Reactor Vessel Belt 13ne Nelds Your letter dated Ap.Al 11, 1991 transmitted Amendment No. 151 to Provisional Operating License which revised pressure / temperatures limits of the reactor coolant system for operation up to 17 effective full power years (EFPY).

The April 11, 1991 letter also requested that GPUN provide the unirradiated -

upper shelf energy for three (3) reactor vessel beltline welds within six (6) months of the issuance of the amenda.ent.

l The attached report provides bases and estimates of the unirradiated upper shelf energy for th9 three (3) reactor vessel beltline welds. As it is recommended by Standard Review Plan 5.3.1, the unirradiated upper-shelf energy was estimated by using the results of tests on specimens from the previously removed surveillance capsule. Based on the conservative estimate of the

' initial upper-shelf energy it is expected that the upper-shelf energy throughout the life of the vessel v.ill be mainta.ined no less than 50 ft-lb. as required by 7.ppendix G of 10 CFR 50.

1 1

I 9107230414 910717 G PDR P

ADOCK O'5000219 PDR

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VW:C3212153 I GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of General Public Utilities Corporation m.

._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ...._m . _ _ _ - _- . . . . _ ._._ _. . . . . . _ . . ~ .

  • Pegs 2 C321-91-2153 If you have any questions concerning the information being provided, please contact M. W. Laggart, Manager, Corporato Licensing on (201) 316-7968.

Sincerel ,

5 J.

C. DeVino, Jr.

  • l. _,

Vice President and Director, Technical Functions e: Administrator, Region 1

( NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek NRC Project Manager YN/ pip l

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?N:C3212153 l-

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1. NRC letter " Issuance of Amendment (TAC No. 793643)," from A. W. Dromerick 0 to J. J. Barton, dated April 11, 1991.
2. JCP&L-letter " Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program," I. R.'

O Finfrock to NRC dated January 12, 1978.

3. Micnael P. Manahan, Sr. lot, al., " Final Report on Examination, Testing, and Evaluation of Specimens from the 210-Degree Irradiated Pressure i- ~

Vessel-surveillance Capsule for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station," BCL-382-85-1 (Revision 1). October 18, 1985.



4. Paragraph 1.2 of NRC " Branch-Technical Position - MTED 5-2 Fracture ,

Toughness Requirements, Standard Review Plan" rev. 1 dated July, 1981.

5. EPRI NP-4797, "Nuchiar Plant' Irradiated Steel Handbook," September, 1986.
6. GPUN TDR-725 Rev. 3 " Testing and-Evaluation-of Irradir,tod Reactor Vessel Materials Surveillance Program Specimens," dated December 10, 1990.

The reactor vessel at Oyster Creek was built prior to the issuance of Appendices G.and H of 10 CER 50. The requirements of Charpy impact tests for the beltline-welds at that time was 30 ft-lb minimum at 10' F. There were no full charpy curves developed for the beltline welds. Therefore, theLupper shelf energy values were not determined (Ref. 2). However, in 1984, a reactor vessel surveillance capsule which contains welding specimens similar_to the beltline welds.(RACO-3 wire and-ARCOS B5 Flux) was withdrawn and Charpy teots ,

l were performed on the irradiated welding specimens. The upper shelf energy of


the irradiated welding specimens is determined to be 83.5 ft-lb. Since these spec 7{mensthavebeenexposedtoanaveragefast-neutronfluence(E>1MeV).of7.46 2

. x 10 n/cm (Ref.-3), the upper shelf energy of the unirradiated welding specimens would be much higher than that. measured.

L The velding specimens from the surveillance capsule were not made using the-same heat of wire or flux-as that of the reactor beltline welda. However, all

.the welding materials were manufactured by the same suppliers. As it is shown E;.,. in Table 3 of the attachment, the heat treatment conditions for heat No.

860548/4E4F,11248/4M2F and W5214/5G13F are identical. In addition,=as shown on the attached tables 1 through 3, the chomical and mecbinical properties of the welding'epecimens from the curve 111ance capsule are representative of the beltline welds. Therefore, it is believed that the uni.rradiated upper shelf '

' energy.of the beltline welds would be similar to that of-the welding specimens contained in the ' surveillance capsule and would most the initial 75 ft-lb minimum requirement per Appendix G of 10 CFR 50.

By conservatively estimating the initial upper shelf energy of 83.5 ft-lb-(based on irradisted welding specimen data) and 0.35% of copper (Ref. 4) for

, beltline welds,.a-34% reduction of upper shelf energy can be expected by the end of 32 EFPY per Figure 2 of Reg. Guide 1.99 Rev. 2 (Table 4).

This would

YN C3201152 L

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result in 55 ft-lb of upper ehelf energy (USE) for boltline wolds at the end of 32 EFPY and natisfying the minimum requirement (i.e., 50 ft-lb) of Appendix 0

- of 10 CFR 50.

The approach described abovo -in estirrating the initial uppor shel . onorgy value is in accordance with Standard Review Plan 5.3.1 Reactor Vescol Materials which staton'that "If uppor aholf charpy energy values were not obtained, conservativo notii..ates should be made using resulta of teste on epocimens from

- th9 first surveillance capoulu removed."

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'RACO-3 86054B ARCOS B5' '4D4F' O.41 0.02 0.013 1.67 0.12 0.50 ,0.35(a) 0.2(5)' Beltline Welds RACO-3 86054B ARCOS B5 4ESF. O.34 0.02 0.015 1.64 0.12 C.51 'O.35(a) 0.2(b) Beltline Welds:

RACO-3 1248 ARCOS B5- 4M2F O.22 0.02 0.015 1.26 0.097. 0.57 0.22(c) 0.11(c) Beltline' Welds RACO-3 W5214 ARCOS B5. SG13F - 0.25 0.013 0.018 1.58 0.14 0.51 0.28 0.05 Surveillance Specimens NOTE'{a): For the combination of 86054B/4D4F and 86054B/4ESF, a copper content of 0.35% is ured as specified in Reg. Guide 1.99 Rev. 2, Section 1.1 because actual data.dces not exist. We anticipate that this provides very conservative results since the as-deposited copper content of a tandem-arc deposit of RACO-3 weld metal (Heats 95654 and 86054B).in the EPRI data' base (Ref. 5) is 0.22%. Considering that it is highly probable that both wires were copper coated and dilution occurred, we consider that it is unlikely that the as-deposited copper content of either 86054B/4D4F or 86054B/4ESF is.near the 0.35% used in the Regulatory Guide 1.99 Rev. 2 calculations.

(b): The nickel content for 86L34B/4D4F and 86054B/455F is 0.2%. We consider this to be a realistic upper bound value even though the Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 recommends that we use a value of 1.0% if no data is available. The as-deposited nickel content of the liACO-3 tandem-arc weld-(Heats 95654 and 86054B) in the EPRI data base (Ref. 5) was 0.046% which is consistent with an expected value for weld wire with no nickel purposely added. .The nickel content of the Heat 1248, a RACO-3 wire in the EPPI dsta base, is 0.11%,.and the nickel content o" the HACO-3 weld specimens in the Oyster Creek surveillance' capsule is 0.05%. Therefore, the use of 0.2% for the 86054B heat of weld wire is considered conservative since similar weld deposits of RACO-3 have nickel contents ranging from 0.046% to 0.11%.

(c): For the combinati<n of 1248/4M2F, the. copper and nickel contents from the EPRI data base (Ref. 5) are used. The copper content is 0.22% and the nickel content is 0.111k.


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TABLE 2 (Ref. 6) _

TENSILE PROPERTIES MELDING FILLER MATERIAL FLUX Ultimate Elongation Reduction in 2" (%) of Area (%) REMARK TYPE HEAT NO. TYPE BATCH NO. Tensile (KSI) YIELD (KSI) 75.0 29.5 64.5 Beltline Walds 86054B ARCOS B5 4D4F 90.5 RACO-3 75.5 27.5 69.9 Beltline Welds 86054B ARCOS B5 4E5F 90.0 RACO-3 63.0 27.5 64.3 Beltline Welds 1248 ARCOS B5 4M2F 80.0 RACO-3 65.0 27.5 67.0 Surveillance W5214 t.RCOS B5 5G13F 84.0 RACO-3 Specimens i


l l

TABLE 3 (Ref. 6)

CHARP7 DATA WELDING FILLER MATERIAL FlIV Test Impact Energy (ft-lbs) REMARK HEAT NO. TYPE B77.lF NO. Temperature (*F)

TYPE 1, 10' 32, 29, 31.5 (31 avg.) (a) : Beltline Welds E6054B ARCOS b5 20.2 RACO-3 I

66, 64.5, 65 (65 avg.) (b) Beltline Welds 86054B ARCOS B5 c5F

  • 10' RACO-3 4 4M2F 10' 53.5, 57, 65 (58.5 avg.) (b) Beltline Welds RACO-3 124S ARCOS 35 SG13F 10* 61, 52, 58 (57 avg.) (b) Surveillance RACO-3 W5214 ARCCS B5 Speci.aens NCTE:

treatment of 1150' i 25'F for one hour, 20 cycles plus 1150* i 25'F for (a) Heat 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />, 2 cycles. After each cycle, furnace cool to 600*F.

(b) Heat treatment of 1150' i 25'F for 3G hours, furnace cool to 600*F.

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