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Public Version of Revised Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedure F3-2 Re Classification of emergencies,F3-5 Re Emergency Notification & F3-10 Re Personnel Accountability & Memo
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1983
From: Jerrica Johnson, Mendele D
PROC-831028, NUDOCS 8403090270
Download: ML20081B657 (168)


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'% UN11 E D STAT Es


'(.g , E W ASHINGTON D. C. 20%'s

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MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Document Management Branch, TIDC FROM: Director, Division of Rules and Records, ADM


REVIEW 0F UTILITY EMERGENCY PLAN DOCUMENTATION The Division of Rules and Records has reviewed the attached document and has determined that it may now be made publici available.

/ ^/

. M. Felton, Director ivision of Rules and Recor Office of Administration '//[


As stated /.

4 1



l 8403090270 831028 PDR ADOCK 05000282 F PM i

l Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapons. M4nnesota 55401

'*** 'sia, 330 m December 19, 1983 Regional Administrator Region !!!

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 PRAIRIE ISLAfi9 NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES  ;

1 Furnished with this letter is one copy of Revision 23 to the NSP Prairie Island Nuclear Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. This revision includes the following procedures:


F3 Table of Contents 23 F3-2 Classifications of Emergencies 4 F3-5 Emergency Notifications 8 F3-8 Recommendations for Offsite Protective Ac.tions 2 F3-10 Personnel Accountability 4 F3-15 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams 7 During a Radioactive Airborne Release F3-16 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams 5 During a Radioactive Liquid Release Some of these procedures includes names and/or telephone numbers of persons having responsibility under the Emergency Plan. For reasons of privacy and plan effectiveness, we have deleted names and/or telephone numbers from the copies which are sent to NRR because those documents will be docketed.

rh. rj/fo' F L Fey Gen Supt Radiation Prot & Chemistry FLF/GDH/GDW VnD I pw Attachment p cc: Director of NRR (2)

NRC Resident Inspector (w/o attachment)

G Charnoff (w/o attachnent)

EP File

int:rnri Corr:Spondence

. Ove DECEMBER 7, 1983

- From J. N. Johnson, Admin Services Supv Prairie Island to Prairie Island Operations . e :.nnn Various Manual Distribution suby / CHANGES TO PRAIRIE ISLAND OPERATIONS MANUAL SECTION F INDEX Rev. 7 F3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Rev. 23 F3-2 Rev. 4, CLASSIFICATIONS OF EMERGENCIES F3-5 Rev. 8, EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS




$E 5% F3-16 Rev. 5, " " " " " " "


Place this material in your Prairie Island Operations Manual set. Remove revised or cancelled material and destroy it.

Sign and date this letter in the spaces provided below within ten working days and return to J. N. Johnson. Administrative Serv' es S nris r, Prai rie Island Nuclear Plant.


8. ' N. Johnson Admin Services Supv Received the material stai.e 1 alsove and complied with the updating instructions.

g Date _,

'= .



Number: TABLE OF CONTENTS Rev: 23 l l History Copy l l /) . MA Retention Time: Lifetime l

/ l TITLE: l l S~up t . Rad Protection l l l Approved By: pg l F3 l l M II l EMERGENCY PLAN l l


l~ l 1 l l NUMBER TITLE REV # l l


. l l

l  ? Onsite Emergency Organization 3 l l l l 2 Classifications of Emergencies 4- l l l

l l 3 Responsibilities During a Notification of l l Unusual Event 3 l l

l l 4 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area, l l or General Emergency


8 l l

1 l 5 Emergency Notifications 8 l l l

l l 6 Activatica and Operation of Technical l l Support Center 3 l l

l l 7 Activation and Operation of Operational l l Support Center 4 l 1

  • l l 8 Recommendations for Offsite Protective l l Actions 2 l l l

l l 9 Emergency Evacuation 2 l 1

l l 10 Personnel Accountability 4 l l l

l l

l 11 Search and Rescue 1 l l

1 l 12 Emergency Exposure Control 2 l l

l l 13 Offsite Dose Calculations. 4 l l

l l 14.1 Onsite Radiological Monitoring 2 l l l l

l' , l 14.2 Operations Emergency Surveys 2 l l'

-1 l


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Table of Contents .,

Page 2 j;'


15 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During a Radioactive Airborne Release ,

7 l 16 Respouribilities of the Radiation Survey leams During a Radibactive Liquid Release 5 l 17 Core Damage Assessment 1 18 Thyroid Iodine Blocking Agent (Potassium Iodide) 2 19 Personnel and Equipment Monitoring and Decontamination 0 .

20 Manual Determination of Radioactive Release Concentrations 4 21 Establishment of a Secondary Access '

Control Point 3 (Cr 22 Prairie Island Radiation Protection SL's Group Response to a Monticello Emergency 2 23 Emergency Sampling -

6 23.1 Emergency Hoteell Procedure 0 23.2 Post Accident Chloride Analysis by Ion Exchange Chromatography 0 24 Record Keeping During an Emergency 1 25 Re-Entry 2 26 Operation of the Recall Display Computer 1 27 DELETED 28 Review and Revision of Emergency Plans 0 29 Emergency Security Procedures 1 3



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/ d Supt'. Rad Protection l TITLE: l l l l Approved By: l CLASSIFICATIONS OF

[/>c3 l 3

1 8 l EMERGENCIES l l P gr.t . . nager l l l l l l OC Date: /8- 9 P- D l l l l 1 I l l 1.0 PURPOSE l l 1 l The purpose of this procedure is to specify the Emergency Action l l Lev.als that indicate that an emergency condition exists and to l l properly classify the emergency into one of the four graded levels of l l emergency classifications.

l 1


l I

l This instruction SHAIL apply to all Shift Supervisors, Control Room l l Operators, Shift Technical Advisors and Emergency Directors. l l


l l

l 3.1 The operator should believe his indications and take action l l based on those indications, however, he shall attempt to l l verify his indications by checking secondary or coincident l l indicators. l 1

I l 3.2 Continuously monitor the control room instrumentation, radia- l l tion monitors, or any other developments which would be l l indicative of further system degradation. Be prepared to l l escalate to a more severe emergency classification. l 1


i l 4.0 DISCUSSION .

l I

I l 4.1 Definitions l

l 1

l 4.1.1 Notification of Unusual Event - events that are in l l progress or have occurred which indicate a potential l l degradation of the level of safety of the plant. l

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( l No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite .

l l response or monitoring are expected unless further l

[ degradation of safety systems occurs. l l l I I 1 I IBM

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F3-2 Rev. 4' '

Page 2 ,


4.1.2 Alert - events are in progress or have occurred which lavolve actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. It is the lowest level of emergency class,1fication when.

some necessity for emergency planning and offsite response is necessary. ,


Any releases erpected are limited to small fractions of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels.

4.1.3 Site Emergency - events are in progress

. or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failure of plant functions needed for protection of the public.

Any releases are not expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels except near the site boundary.

4.1.4 General Emergency - events are in progress or have occurred which involve- ,,

, actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with a potential "J s_s


for loss of containment integrity.

Releases during a General Emergency can be reasonably expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the immedi-ate site area.

4.1.5 Emergency Action Levels (EAL) - specific

instrument readings, surface or airborne contamination levels or radiation dose rates that designate a specific emergency class requiring emergency measures for that class.

4.2 Summa ry I

Attached to this procedure is a Summary of Emergency Action Levels. This table identifies the four emergency classifications, the initiating conditions (s), emergency actions levels for each classification, and, where applicable, ,

specific instruments and indications to be used

! ta detect and classify an emergency. -


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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 3 The emergency action levels for each classification and the instrument readings and indications listed do not reflect a complete list of instrumentation that will show abnormal indications out does list those key parameters useful in classifying the event.

The Summary of Emergency Action levels lists the initiating conditions as required by Appendix 1 of i NUREG-0654 and accidents analyzed in the Prairie l Island FSAR.

5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Any significant event that may be classified as an emergency condition shall be reported to the Shift Supervicor immediately.

l l l NOTE: The events may be instrumentation l l readings or visual observations made l l by plant personnel. l I I 5.2 Attempt to verify the initial indication by comparing the indication to redundant instrument channels or to other related parameters, visual observations, and field reports as applicable.

5.3 Assess the situation and determine the emergency classification, using the guidelines of Attachment 1.

l l l NOTE: Personnel should become familiar with l l Attachment I during training sessions. I I I 5.4 Take immediate actions, using applicable plant operating procedures, Sections C and E of the Operations Manual, to return the plant to normal (or cold shutdown, if determined to be necessary).

5.5 Declare the appropriate emergency classification and perform actions as specified in the appropriate responsibility procedure applicable to emergency classification:

5.5.1 For a Notification of Unusual Event, proceed to F3-3 5.5.2 For an Alert, Site or General Emergency, proceed .o F3-4.


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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 4 5.6 Continue to assess and respond to the emergency condition.

l l l NOTE: Watch for changing parameters or l l visual indication of further system l l degradation and be prepared to es- l l calate to a more severe emergen'cy l l classificacion as indicated by the l l Emergency Action Levels in Attach- l l ment 1. l l l 5.7 As plant conditions stabilize, downgrade or terminate the emergency classification, as

  • appropriate, as per the guidelines of Attach-ment 1.

l l l NOTE: Depending upon the severity of the l l

l accident, it may not be possible to - l l downgrade the emergency classification l ,

l following the guidelines of Attach- l [ [, -

l ment 1. Therefore, once the plant i i l is in a cable

. mode and long-tern l l cooling has commenced, the emergency l l condition may be reclassified and/or l l terminated and long-term recovery l

initiated. The Emergency Director l l should consult the Emergency Manager l l prior to reclassification and/or l l termination and initiation of the l l long-term recovery. l l l l

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F3-2 R:v. 4 Page 5 Attachment 1 SUt! MARY OF EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS IBM

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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 6 AffACHMENT 1 7

INITI.*. TING CONDITION INDEX No. Condition Description h 1 Safety System Functions 7 2 Abnormal Primary Leak Rate , 10 3 Abnormal Coolant Temperature / Pressure 13 4 Abnormal Primary / Secondary Leak 14 5 Core Fuel Damage 16 1

6 Loss of 2 of 3 Fission Product Barriers 17

, 7 Secondary Coolant Anaosaly 24  ;

8 Radiological Effluents 27 ,

9 Major Electrical Failures 30 l 10 Control Room Evacuations 33 11 Fires 34 (

12 Plant Shutdown Functions 35 13 Fuel Handling Accidents 38

- 14 Coolant Pump 40 15 Serious or Fatal Injury , 41 16 Security Threats 42 17 Hazards to Plant Operations 43 l

18 Natural Events 46 19 Other 48 l

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F3-2 Rsv. 4 Page 7


Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification ECCS initiated and dis 1. First out on reactor trip panel: Alert charge to vessel. a. Containment High Pressure NOTE: FSAR Sections SI-Reactor Trip; or 14.2.4 b. A Steen Generator Lo-Lo 14.2.5 Pressure SI; or 14.2.6 c. B Steam Generator Lo-Lo 14.3 Pressure SI; or

d. Pressurizer Lo Pressure SI and

- 2. Confinnation from indicators:

, s. 2/3 High Containment Pressure (4psig) PI-945, PI-947, PI-949; or

b. 2/3 Lo Steam Line Press. Loop A (500 psig) PI-468, PI-469, PI-482A; or


c. 2/3 Lo Steam Line Press. Loop B

('. (500 psig) PI-478, PI-479,

(,. ' PI-483A; or

d. Lo Prz. Press (1815 psig)

PI-429, PI-430, PI-431 and

3. Confirmation of SI Flow indicated by FI-925 and FI-924.

.- or .. .

4. Manual SI-Reactor Trip initiated if Auto SI did not occur at confirmed

' indicator setpoints (#2 above) or when pressurizer level is off scale low on at least 2/3 channels, LI-426,

.LI-427, LI-428.

l Loss of Containment Loss of Containment Integrity, defined Notification of integrity requiring by Technical Specification 3.6, Unusual Event  ;

shutdown by technical which requires a unit shutdown, '

specification as determined by the Shift Supervisor.

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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 8 ,

Attachment 1 <

X" CONDITION #1 (Cont'd) . .

SAFETY SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification Loss of engineered safety Engineered Safety Feature foudd Notification of feature requiring shutdown inoperable, as defined by Unusual Event by Technical Specification Technical Specification 3.3, which requires a unit shutdown, as determined by the Shift Supervisor.

Loss of fire protection Loss of fire protectica systems, Notification of system function requiring defined by Technical Specification Unusual Event -

shutdown by Technical 3.14, which requires a unit shutdown, Specification as determined by the Shift Supervisor.

Failure of a safety or Pressurizer safety or relief valve Notification of relief valve in a safety opens and then fails to reset, as Unusua.1 Event related system to close indicated by:

following reduction of i applicable. pressure. 1. (a) Annunciator " Pressurizer ([h Safety / Relief Valve Flow"; and N' L (b) Annunciators; (1) " Pressurizer Power Relief line High Temp; or (2) " Pressurizer Safety Valve line A or B High Temp" EE (c) Safety / Relief line high Temper-ature indicated by (1) Pressurizer safety valve outlet temperature, TI-436 >

225'F; or (2) Pressurizar safety valve outlet temperature, TI-437 >

225'F; or (3) Pressurizer relief valve outlet temperature, TI-438 > -

225'F. )


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F3-2 i

Rev. 6 Page 9 Attachment 1 J

CONDITION #1 (Cont'd) ,


) Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification-Steam Generator safety or relief valve Notification of opens and then f ails to reset, as Unusual Event indicated by:

1. Visual and/or audible indication at vent stacks of open steam generator safety or relief valve; e and.

2, As determined by. Shift Supervisor 1

2 1

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1 k

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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 10 ,

. Attachment 1



ABNORMAL PRIMARY LEAK RATE Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification Primary system leak rate 1. Primary system leak rate, other Notification of from unidentified or uncon- than controlled leakage sources, Unusual Event trolled sources exceeding exceeds Technical Specification '

Technical Specifications 3.1.c; and i

2. Requires a unit shutdown, as determined by the Shift Supervisor.

Primary coolant leak rate 1. (a) Decreasing pressurizer level, Alert +

greater than 50 gpa as indicated by LI-426, LI-427, '

LI-428; o_r t

(b) High radiation levels in contain-  ;

. ment, as indicated by: l R2 High Alarm - 50mR/hr; or R't High Alarm - 50mR/hr; or F R-11 (Containment Positiog)

High Alarm - 5 x 10 cym, or R-12 (Containment Positiog)  ;

High Alarm - 6 x 10 cpe and  ;

2. Annunciator " Charging Pump in Auto High/ Low Speed"; and
3. Charging line flow (FI-128B) greater than 50 gym more than
  • Letdown Flow (FI-134).

l NOTE: Rapid Temperature decreasel l in RCS results in same l l indications however no l l primary coolant leak rate.l

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F3-2 Rzv. 4 Page 11 (q) CONDITION #2 (Cont'd)

Attachment 1 '

ABNORMAL PRIMARY LEAK RATE Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Loss of coolant accident 1. No Pressurizer Level indicated Site Area Emergency with leak rate in excess of by LI-426, LI-427, LI-428 available pump capacity (Charging, High Head In- and jection, and Low Head In- - '

jection). 2. All available pumps running as indicated by the red light at the switch.

Small LOCA and initially 1. LOCA has occurred; and General Emergency successful ECCS. Subsequent failure of containment heat 2. Inadequate containment cooling removal syste'is over several exists, as indicated by:

hours could lead to core melt and likely failure.of (a) Containment temperature has containment. become excessive, ) 300*F, and is still rising; or (b) Containment pressure > 23 psig with minimum containment pressure suppres-sion equipment not- available:

(1) No fan cooler units operating and less than two spray pumps; AE (2) No spray pumps operating and


less than four fan cooler units; EE (3) Less than two fan cooler units running with one spray pump.

Small and large LOCA's 1. Loss of coolant indicated by: General Emergency  !

with failure of 2CCS l to perform leading to (a) (1) Pressurizer low pressure '

severe core degradation trip (1900 psig); or or melt in from minutes ]

RCS pressure decreasing to hours. Ultimate failure uncontrollably; of containment likely for melt sequences. and n

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F3-2 -

Rev. 4 fj Page 12 1.y Attachment 1 [9

," .4 CONDITION #2 (Cont'd). ,


Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification -

(2) High containment pressure; or i..,

High containment humidity; or High containment sump levels; or High containmeut radiation levels .

. s 'i:2 and (3) Steam Generator's A and B pressures equal g s (b) (1) Decreasing RCS pr,ssure; and (2) Loss of subcooling margin

((10*F) ,

and 2.

Fuel Damage indicated by:

b V -


a. R48 High Alarm - 2 x 10 R/hr; or R49 High Alaru - 2 x 104 R/hr u .


b. High RCS activity, > 300 pCi/cc - -

iodine equivalent, as determined by sample anaylsis and

3. Loss of ECCS indicated by ,

(a) High head SI failure; or (b) Low head SI failure.


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Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification Abnormal coolant tempera- At Steady State Power Operations; Notification of ture and/or pressure or Unusual Event abnormal fuel temperatures 1. Tav8 > 564*F; or-outside of Technical Specification limits. 2. RCS pressure > 2385 psig; or

3. RCS pressure ( 2205 psig, and core exit temperature > 620*F, as indicated by a valid thermocouple; SI

'4. Core Subcooling Margin ( 10*F.


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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 14 Attachment 1 .




l Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification l

Primary / Secondary leak When shutdown commences, as deter- Notification of rate exeeding Technical mined by the Shift Supervisor Unusual Event Specification of 1.0 gpa and Duty Engineer i requiring a unit shutdown Failure of steam generator 1. First out on reactor trip panel: Alert tube (s) resulting in " Pressurizer Low Press SI" ECCS initiation ' ~

and l 2. Confirmation from Prz. Press indi-cators, PI-429, PI-420, PI-431, (2/3 Low pressure, 1815 psig).


3. Annunciators:
a. "A SG High Water Level" r'Q or -u
b. "B SG High Water Level" l

i and

4. Confirmation from SG level indi=


a. LI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 greater than 67%)


b. LI-471, LI-472, LI-473 (2/3 greater than 67%)
5. Ssfety injection flow indicated by FI-925 and FI-924 and pump discharge pressure corresponding to flow Failure of steam generator 1. First out on reactor trip panel: Site Area Emergency l tube (s) resulting in ECCS " Pressurizer low pressure SI" initiation and loss of offsite power and l

I .;

l l


F3-7 R:v. 4 Page 15

' ~

CONDITION #4 (Cant'd)


ABNORMAL PRIMARY / SECONDARY LEAK Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification

2. Confirmation from Prz. Press indicators: PI-429, PI-430, PI- '

431 (2/3 low pressure,1815 psig) and

3. Annunciators:
a. "A SG Water Level High" ,


b. "B SG Water Level High" and
4. Confirmation from SG level indi-cators:
a. LI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 greater than 67%)


b. LI-471, LI-472, LI-473 (2/3

's greater than 67%)

( .-


5. Safety injection flow indicated by FI-626 and FI-928 and
6. All of the following indicators:
a. 4.16 KV bus voltage (O Volts)

Buses 11-14 and 21-24 and

b. D1 and D2 generators running and closed in on safeguard buses:

(1) D1 & D2 Tach, (* 900 rps)

(2) D1 & D2. Volta, (4260-4380 Volts)

(3) Safeguard breakers closed Bus 15, Breaker 15-2 Bus 26, Breaker 26-2 Bus 16, Breaker 25-6

-s Bus 25, Breaker 16-7 i)

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. Rev. 4 Page 16 Attachment 1 .



CORE FUEL DAMACE Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Fuel Damage Indication 1. Hi Alarm on letdown line radiation monitor, R-9, indicating greater Notification of than 1 R/hr and < onfirmed by Unusual Event 3 portable instrumentation E

2. High coolant activity sample:
a. exceeding Technical Specifi-cation for total specific activity in primary coolant or *
b. exceeding Technical Specifi-cation limit on primary ,

coolant iodine activity which requires a unit shutdown.

Severe loss of fuel 1. Very high coolant activi+y sample; Alert ,

cladding 300 pCi/cc iodine equivalent, as n.-i determined by chemical analysis C EE

2. Letdown line radiation monitor R-9 in alann mode and indicating greater than 10 R/hr, as con-firmed by portable instrumentation Degraded core with 1. Degraded core, indicated by: Site Area Emergency possible loss of coolable geometry (a) High primary coolant activity,

> 300 pCi/ce; or (b) High core exit temperature, indicated by exit thermocouples,

) 700*F; or (c) Inadequate subcooling margin,

( 10*F; or ,

(d) Indication of core uncovered (Shift Supervisor's opinion) and

2. Loss of coolable geometry, indicated by:

. (a) Core AT increasing; or n (b) No core AT; or y (c) Shift Supervisor's opinion IBM


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i F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 17

. ..~s Attachment 1 l




Initiating Condition Loss of 2 of 3 fission Three permutations exist for loss of product barriers with a 2 of 3 fission product barrists with potential loss of 3rd a potential loss of 3rd barrier; barrier (e.g., loss of 1. Failure of cladding and primary primary coolant boundary coolant boundary.with potential clad failure, and high loss of containment.

potential for loss of 2. Failure of cladding and containment containment). with potential loss of primary coolant boundary.

3. Failure of containment and primary coolant boundary with potential loss of cladding.

These 3 permutations are represented in the following 5 cases, each with its own set of EAL's:

Indication Used Classification

.. m

) CASE 1: Loss of clad, loss of primary coolant

1. LOSS OF CLAD & LOCA, INDICATED General Emergency

. BY:

boundary (LOCA), and high A.(1)(a) Very high coolant activity potential for loss of sample; 300 pCi/cc iodine containment equivalent, as determined by chemical analysis

  • 2E (b) Letdown line radiation monitor R-9 in alarm mode and indicating greater than 10 R/hr, as con-firmed by portable instrumentation

, and (2)(a) Pressurizer low pressure

trip (1900_ psig); or

't RCS pressure decreasing

, uncontrollably; and (b) High containment pressure; E High containment humidity; or

,,  ;,,)'- .

High containment sump levcis; or High containment radiation levels 1

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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 18 Attachment is g, t-CONDITION i/6 (Cont'd)

LOSS OF 2 0F 3 FISSION PRODUCT BARRIERS j Indicatica Uced Classification a

and (c) Steam Generator's'A and B pressures equal EE B. Valid high radiation levels in centainment, as indicated by:

(a) R-48 High Alarm - 2 x 10 R/hr; or -

(b) R-49 High Alarm - 2 x 10 R/hr; and


A. Containment pressure approaching design pressure (46 psig) and increasing. j,y?h V

EE B. Loss of containment cooling capability indicated by minimum containment pressure suppression equipment not available:

(1) No fan cooler units operating and less than two spray pumps EE (2) No spray pumps operating and less than four fan cooler units EE -

(3) Less than two fan cooler units running with one spray pump EE C. Control Room status lights indicate both Train A and Train B Containment Isolation valves not closed for any containment penetration and Shift Supervisor's opinion. -3



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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 19

- ,s Attachment 1 ,


CONDITION #6 (Cont'd) -

LOSS OF 2 0F 3 FISSIOJ PRODUCT BARRIERS Indication Used Classification

i. CASE 2: Loss of clad, 1. LOSS OF CLAD, AND LOSS OF PRIMARf General Emergency I

loss of primary coolant COOLANT BOUNDARY (SG TUBE RUPTURE),

boundary (SG tube rupture), INDICATED BY:

and high potential for loss of containment. A.(1) Loss of clad n (a) Very high coolant activity sample; 300 pCi/cc iodine equivalent, as determined by chemical analysis 1

21 (b) Letdown line radiation monitor R-9 in alarm mode and indicating greater than 10 R/hr, as con-firmed by portable instrumentation and (2) SG Tube Rupture J

(a) First out on reactor trip panel:

" Pressurizer Low Press SI" and-(b) Confirmation from Prz. Press indi-cators, PI-429, PI-420, PI-431, (2/3 Low pressure, 1815 psig) and (c) Annunciators:

"A SG High Water Level" or "B SG High Water Level" and (d) Confirmation from SG level indi-

, cators:

LI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 greater than 67%)

and (e) Safety injection flow indicated by FI-925 and FI-924 and pump

,. discharge pressure corresponding

( to flow

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- Rev. 4 3

Page 20 Attachment 1 .,

ar CONDITION #6 (Cont'd) .

LOSS OF 2 0F 3 FISSION PRODUCT BARRIERS Indication Used Classification EE B. Steam Line Monitor in valid high alarm mode:

R-51, > 100 mR/hr; or

- R-52, > 100 mR/hr and -

A. Steam Generator safety or relief valve opens and then fails to reset, as indicated by:

(1) Visucl and/or audible indication at vent stacks of open steam generator safety or relief valve; and a

(2) As determined by Shift Supervisor Yd 2E B. Imminent failure of MSIV, as determined by Shif t Supervisor CASE 3: Loss of clad, 1. LOSS OF CLAD, ' INDICATED BY: General emergency containment failure, and ,

a high potential for loss A. Very high coolant activity sample; of the RCS boundary. 300 pCi/cc iodine equivalent, as determined by chemical analysis EE B. Letdown line radiation monitor R-9 in alarm mode and indicating greater than 10 R/hr, as con-firmed by portable instrumentation agd


A. Control Room status lights indicate both Train A and Train B Containment -

Isolation valves not closed for any _

containment penetration and Shift Supervisor's opinion.


F3-2 RIv. 4 Page 21 Attachment 1 i

O' CONDITION #6 (Cont'd)


, Indication Used Classification E

B. Steam line break downstream of MISV, and open-close indicator shows MSIV nct closed.


  • 1

. C. Steam line break between containment and the MSIV.

i and




i A. Loss of ECCS indicated by a loss of

, High head SI capability.

3 CASE 4: Loss of RCS I. LOSS OF RCS BOUNDARY (LOCA), General Emergency

.1 boundary (LOCA), loss of INDICATED BY:

containment, and high potential for loss of A. Pressurizer low pressure trip cladding. (1900 psig); or RCS pressure decreasing uncontrollably; and i

B. High containment pressure; or, High containment humidity; g High containment sump levels; or High containment radiation levels and C. St :aa Generator's A and B pressures ,

equal and


A. Control Room status lights indicate both Train A and Train B Containment Isolation valves not closed for any containment penetration.

and B. Shift Supervisor's Opinion IBM 3.

F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 22 ,

Attachment 1 m


CONDITION #6 (Cont'd) ,

LOSS OF 2 0F 3 FISSION PRODUCT BARRIERS Indication Used Classification and


A. Reactor vessel level low and ,

decreasing (Shift Supervisor's #


EE B. Core exit thermocouples > 700*F and increasing EE C. Loss of ECCS indicated by a loss of High head SI capability.

CASE 5: Loss of RCS 1. LOSS 01 RCS BOUNDARY (SG TUBE boundary (SG Tube Rupture), RUPTURE) INDICATED BY: General Emergency ~ .')

loss of containment, and v high potential for loss of A. First out on reactor trip panel:

cladding. " Pressurizer Low Press SI" and B. Confirmation from Prz. Press indicators, PI-429, PI-420, PI-431, (2/3 Law pressure, 1815 psig).

anf C. Annunciators:

"A SG High Wate: Level" or "B SG High Water Level" and D. Confionation from SG level '


(1) LI-461, LI-462, LI-463 (2/3 greater than 67%)

or (2) LI-471, LI-472, LI-473 (2/3 greater than 67%)

IBM 4 1

F3-2 Rt.v. 4 Page 23 Attachment I i

n-CONDITION #6 (Cont'd) ,

LOSS OF 2 0F 3 FISSION PRODUCT BARRIERS Indication Used Classification and E. Safety injection flow in'dicated by FI-925 and FI-924 and pump discharge pressure corresponding to flow.

and '

F. High Radiation on Condenser Air Ejector and/or Steam Generator Blowdown radiation monitors.



, A. Steam line break downstream of MSIV, and open-close indicator shows MSIV



not closed.


  • B. Steam line break between containment and the MSIV.

e and


A. Reactor vessel level low and decreasing (Shift Supervisor's opinion).

B. Core exit thermocouples > 700*F and increasing.

9E l C. Loss of ECCS indicated by a Ioss of High head SI capability.

O V _


. . . . , . , . . . . -- - - . = . - - - ~ ~ = ~ ' -~ * * *' - ** * - - ~ ~ ' ^ '


. , . , ~ , y . _ _ . - -

" "~

F3-2 ~

Rev. 4 Page 24 Attachment 1 f...




_ Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Rapid depressurization of 1. (a) Steam General A/B Pressure Notification of Secondary Side Differential, > 100 psig; and Unusual Event (b) High Containment Pressure, 4 psig, SE 0

2.(a) Hi Steam Flow, .745 x 10 lb/hr; and (b) Lo-Lo Tavg,540*F EI -


3. Steam line pressure Safety Injection Signal; EE
4. Failed Open Steam Dump, Relief, or Safety Valve;
  • EE
5. Shift Supervisora Opinion Rapid depressurization 1. First out on reactor trip panel: Alert of secondarJ side (auy a. "A Steam Generator Lo-Lo Steam Line Break with pressure SI" 0-50 gpm primary to or secondary leak rate) b. "B Steam Generator Lo-Lo Note: FSAR 14.2.5 Pressure SI


2. Confirmation from Steam Generator pressure indicators:
a. PI-468, PI-469, PI-482 (2/3 l

less than 500 psig),


b. FT-478, PI-479, PI-483 (2/3 less than 500 psig)




  • ws

1 F3-2  :

R9v. 4 Page 25

-s,. Attachment 1 CONDITION #7 (Cont'd) .


1 Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classi fication and, if primary to secondary leak rate is occurring:

3. Hi radi.ation on:
a. R-15 Air Ejector Rad Monitor s

inalarmmogereadinggreater than 5 x 10 cpm; and

4. Leak rate as~ calculated i

Steam line break with

1. First out on reactor trip panel: Site Area Emergency greater than 50 gpa pri- a. "A Steam Generator Lo-Lo mary to secondary Pressure SI" leakage and Ladication b. "B Steam Generator Lo-Lo '

of fuel damage Pressure SI"

( .. ,,

I and

2. Confirmation from Steam Generator pressure indicators:
a. PI-468, PI-469, PI-482 (2/3 less than 500 psig),


b. Pf-478,~PI-479, PI-483, (2/3 less than 500 psig) and
3. Primary to secondary 1 sat .ge indicated by:
a. R-15 Air Ejector Rad Monitor, in alarm m de reading

) 5 x 10 4cpm; and

' b. leak rate calculation > 50 gpm; and

4. Indication of fuel damage:
a. Primary sample > 300 pCi/cc j

Iodine 131 equivalent; or

b. Steam Line Monitor in valid

,s, high alarm mode:


', R-51, > 100 mR/hr; or R-52, > 100 mR/hr.


__ _ ..-_.,.m..- " ' ' * ^

  • F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 26 Attachment 1 Q.

s;J CONDITION #7 (Cont'd) ,

SECONDARY COOLANT ANOMALY Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification or

c. High Containment Radiat' ion levels indicated by:

R48 High Alarm - 200 R/hr; or R49 High Alarm - 200 R/hr; Tracsient initiated by 1. a. Loss of main condenser which General Emergency loss of feedwater and includes all Condensate and

  • condensate systems Main Feed Pumps; and (principal heat removal b. Loss of all hux Feedwater; and -

system) followed by c. No High Head Safety Injection failure of emergency j feedwater system for g extended period. Core


melting possible in 2. a. Successful High Head Safety several hours. Ultimate injection with failure of containment (1) Loss of main condenser which likely if core melts. includes all Condensate and ,9

' 'd Main Feed Pumps; and (2) Loss of all Aux Feedwater and

b. Either of the following not -

established within 30 minutes:

(1) Aux Feedwater; or (2) Normal RHR Cooling



- ~ - - -+ ~


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F3-2 R:;v. 4 Page 27 j

n Attachment 1 I CONDITION #8 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Airborne Radiological Any of the following gaseous effluent Notification of effluent Technical monitors in valid alarm mode. reading Unusual Event i

Specification limits greater than: -

exceeded Note: FSAR Secti;n 1. IR-22 (5 x 10 3cpa) 14.2.2 2. 2R-22 (5 x 10 cpe)

Due to release rate of radioactive gases (except halogen and particulates with T 1/2 > 8 days) averaged over 1 bour exceed I

C h = 1.1 x 10 m /see per Technical Specification 3.9.B.I.b Liquid Radiological Any of the following valid liquid Notification of effluent Technical effluent monitor readings which Unusual Event i (aj '

Specification limits exceeded exceed:

(1) R-18 High alarm setpoint and Note: FSAR Section isolation valve fails to 14.2.2 close.

(2) R-19 High alarm setpoint (while blowdown is directed to river) and isolation valve fails to close.

Due to release rate of radioactive liquids exceeding values listed in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, per Technical Specifica-tion 3.9.A.1.b.

Airborne Radiological Any of the following valid gaseous Alert effluents greater than effluent monitor readings:

ten times Technical Specification instantan- 4

1. 1R-22 Hi-Hi Alarm (> 5 x 10 CPa) cous limits (an instan- 2. 2R-22 Hi-Hi Alarm (> 5 x 104 epa)

. taneous rate which, if 3. IR-50 Greater Than 1.2 mR/hr continued for over two 4. 2R-50 Greater Than 1.2 mR/hr hours, wculd result in


, about 1 the site Due to release rate of gases exceeding -

\/ boundary under average Technical Specification 3.9.B.I.b by meterological conditions) a factor of 10.


. IBM c

s \

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F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 28 Attachment 1 -

CONDITION #8 (Cont'd) ,



. Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Airborne Effluent 1. Any of the following valid gaseous Site Area Emergency monitors detect levels effluent monitor readings: ,

corresponding to greater than: (a) 1R-50 Hi Alarm (70 mR/hr)

1. 50 mR/hr whole body (b) 2R-50 Hi Alarm (70 mR/hr) for one-half hour or
2. 250 mR/hr for one-half or hour for the thyroid, or
3. 500 mR/hr whole body 2. Offsite dose projection calculations for two minutes, or result in the following dose projec-
4. 2500 mR/hr to the

. tions at the site boundary, greater thyroid for two minutes than:

at the site boundary for adverse meterology (a) 50 mR/hr whole body for 1/2 hour; or

(b) 550 mR/hr thyroid for 1/2 hour; or (c) 500 mR/hr whole body for 2 minutes; _

or .

(d) 5500 mR/hr thyroid for 2 minutes , },v )


3. Radiation Survey Teams measure dose rate.s great:r than 50 mR/hr for 1/2 hour or greater than 500 mR/hr for 2 minutes (beta + gamma) at the site boundary; SE
4. Radiation Survey Teams measure thyroid dose rates (equivalent I-131 Concentrations), at the site boundary, which are greater than:

(a) 250 mR/hr for 1/2 hour, or -

(b) 2500 mR/hr for 2 minutes I


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F3-2 j Rev. 4

Page 29 1

l Attachment 1 CONDITION #8 (Cont'd) 3 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification i Effluent monitors detect 1. Any of the following valid gaseous General Emergency

, levels corresponding to: effluent monitor readings in alarm mode, reading greater than':

1. IR/hr whole body, or j 2. SR/hr thyroid (a) 1R-50 (1000 mR/hr)

. at the site boundary (b) 2R-50 (1000 mR/hr)

! under actual meteorologi cal conditions gr,

. 2. Offsite Joaa projection calcula-tions result in the following. dose projections at the site boundary, greater than:

(a) 1R/hr ahole body; 2r (b) SR/tr thyroid; or

?LL i

3. Radiation Survey Teams measure
dose rates greater than IR/hr whole body or S

4 Radiation Survey Teams measure thyroid dose rates (equivalent i

I-131 Concentrations), at the site boundary, which are greater i than SR/hr.

i 4

Radiation levels or 1. Unexpected radiation levels Alert i airborne contamination above 1000 mR/hr i which indicate a severe i degradation in the control or

, of radioactive materials (e.g. , increase of factor 2. k'idespread contamjnation above l of 1000 in direct radia- 10,000 dpm/1002 cm beta gamma or l tion readings within 500 dpm/100 cm alpha activity facility).


[ . ..

F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 30 Attachment 1 q.



MAJOR ELECTRICAL FAILURES Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Loss of Offsite Power All of the following indicato,rs: Notification of Note: FSAR Section 1. 4.16 KV Bus Voltage (0 Volts) Unusual Event 14.1.9 a. Bus 11(21), 4119304 (4172804)

b. Bus 12(22), 4119305 (4172805)
c. Bus 13(23), 4119306 (4172806)
d. Bus 14(24), 4119307 (4172807) and
2. 01 & D2 Generators up to Speed -

and Voltage and Supplying Safe-guard buses:


a. D1 (D2) Tach (900 rpm)

.b. D1 (D2) Gen. Volts (4260-4380 Volts) -

c. Safeguard bus breakers closed:

Bus 15, Breaker 15-2 Bus 26, Breaker 26-2 f773 Bus 16, Breaker 25-6 - s._/

Bus 25, Breaker 16-7 Loss of onsite AC Power Lost of both diesel generators Notification of Capability Unusual Event ,

Loss of offsite power All of the following indicators: Alert and loss of all onsite 1. 4.16 KV Bus Voltage (0 Volts)

AC power (See Site Area a. Bus 11(21), 4119304 (4172804)

Emergency for extended b. Bus 12(22), 4119305 (4172805) loss). c. Bus 13(23), 4119306 (4172806)

Note: FSAR Section d. Bus 14(24), 4119307 (4172807) 14.1.11 and

2. Loss of both diesel generators Loss of offsite power All of the following indicators: Site Area Emergency and loss of casite AC 1. 4.16 KV Bus Voltage (O Volts) power for more than a. Bus 11(21), 4119304 (4172804) 15 minutes b. Bus 12(22), 4119305 (4172805)  ;-



. - _ _ _ , . - . ~. . _ - _ _L - .


F3-2 Rev. 6 Page 31 Attachment 1 CONDITION #9 (Cont'd)

MAJOR ELECTRICAL FAILURES Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification

c. Bus 13(23), 4119300 (4172806)
d. Bus 14(24), 4119307 (4172807) 3"$
2. Loss of both diesel generators a,,nf
3. Blackout has occured for more than 15 minuten.

Failure of offsite and 1. Loss of AC poster, taftsite & General Emergency onsite power along with onsite) indicated by:

total loss of emergency feedwater makeup capability a. 4.16 KV Bus Voltage (O Volts) for several hours. This (1) Bus 11(21), 4119304 (4172804) would lead to eventual (2) Bus 12(22), 4119305 (4172805) core melt and likely (3) Bus 13(23), 4119306 (4172806) failure of containment. (4) Bus 14(24), 4119307 (4172807) and

b. Loss of both diesel generators a_,nf
2. Turbine driven Aux Feedwater pumps inoperable for several hours.

Loss of all onsite DC All of the following annunciators Alert power (See Site Area received:

Emergency for extended loss).

1. " Safeguard Train A DC Control-Power Supply Failure" and
2. " Safeguard Train B DC Control -

Power Supply Failure" IBM

. . . . .. . . , . . _ _ , _ , p_ .. ..

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. Rev. 4 Page 32 Attachment 1 -

CONDITION #9 (Cont'd) ,

MAJOR ELECTRICAL FAILURES Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification l NOTE: 4 annunciators numbered:l l 47018-0501 l l 47018-0502 l .

l 47518-0501 l l_,_. 47518-0502 l Loss of all vital onsite All of the following annunciators Site Area Emergency DC power for more than received: -

15 minutes. 1. " Safeguard Train A DC Control

  • Power Supply Failure" and ,

2.'" Safeguard Train B DC Control Power Supply Failure" l NOTE: 4 annunciators numbered:l g{f),

l 47018-0501 l ss ,7 l 47018-0502 l l 47518-0501 l l 47518-0502 l and

3. Loss of DC Power has lasted more than 15 minutes.


-s IBM


~ '

_ _ . . . . . J

F3-2 Rev. 6 Page 33 l Attachment 1 .


l CONTROL ROOF. EVACUATIONS Initiating C<ndition Indication Used Classification l

Evacuation o. the control As equired by tne Shift Supervisor Alert room anticip-ted or re-quired with ontrol of shutdown sys' ens estab-lished frem Fot Shutdown Panels and 1 cal stations Evacuation o- the control As required by tn.e Shift Supervisor Site Area room and con col of shutdown Emergency systems not ratablished from hot shutdown panel and local stations 15 minutes t



____.-__-_m__. -_

F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 34 Attachment 1 g2, Gji-CONDITION #11 .

FIRES Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Fire within the plant As reported by Fire Brigade Chief Notification of lasting more than 10 . Unusual Event-minutes after initial use of fire extinguishing equipment Fire potentially affecting 1. Observation that fire could Alert s safety systems affect safety systes.s; and

2. Shift Supervisor's opinion Fire comprising the func- 1. Observation of major fire that Site Area Emergency


tions of safety systems. defeats safety systems or functions; and

2. Shift Supervisor's opinion

, .,u.h.

1 i

I l

l IBM l


F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 35 Attachment 1 CONLITION #12 PLANT SHUTDOWN FUNCTIONS Initiating Condition Indicatica Used Classification Nonfunctional indications 1. Annunciators: Notification of or alarms in the Control a. "NSSS Annunciator System Unusual Event Room requiring a plant Power Failure" shutdown or

b. " BOP Annunciator System Power Failure" anj 2
2. Failed indication as determined by the Shift Supervisor All alarm (annunciators) Annunciators received: Alert lost 1. "NSSS Annunciator System Power failure" and
2. " BOP Annunciator System Power Failure" Most or all alarms (annunc- Annunciators received: Site Area iators) lost while unit is 1. "NSSS Annunciator $ystem Power Emergency not in cold shutdown or Failure" during plant transient or
2. " BOP Annunciator System Power Failure" during a transient, as determined by the Shift Supervisor Complete loss of any As determined by Shif t Supervisor -Alert function needed for plant i cold shutdown i l

Complete loss of any As determined by Shif t Supervisor Site Area function needed for plant Emergency i hot shutdown l IBM

l F3-2

{ Rev. 4 Page 36 '

Attachment 1  ;

CONDITION #12 (Cont'd) ,

PLANT SHUTDOWN FUNCTIONS Initiatina cendition Indication Used Classification Turbine Failure requiring 1. High Vibration (7 mils) Notification of a reactor / turbine trip Unusual Event

.and 4

2. High-High Vibration (14 mils) as indicated by Control Room recorder ,

and alarms Turbine Failure causing 1. High Vibration (7 mils) Alert casing penetration -


2. High-High Vibration (14 mils) -

l as indicated by Control Room recorder and alarms ,

o anf

3. As determined by Visual Inspection Failure of the reactor 1. Any Reactor Trip Setpoint and Alert protection system to redundancy requiring a reactor initiate and complete trip has been exceeded ,

a trip which brings the reactor suberitical and .

2. Intermediate range detector output not decaying Transient requiring 1. Failure to bring reactor suberiti- Site Area Emergency operation of shutdown cal with control rods; and systems with failure to scram (continued power 2. ')h> indication of core damage; and generation but no core l

damage immediately evi- 3. Shift Supervisor's opinion that ,

dent). a transient is in progress IBM

F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 37 Attachment 1 CONDITION #12 (Cont'd)

PLANT SHUTDOWN FUNCTIONS j Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Transient' requiring opera- 1. Reactor remains critical after General Emergency tion of shutdown systems trip; with failure to scram which results in core and damage or additional failure of core cooling 2. Indication of overpressurization and makeup systems (which of RCS because of inability to could lead to core melt) remove heat, as indicated by:

(a) RCS pressure greater than safety valve setpoint (2485 psig); or (b) Rapidly increasing containment pressure and temperature ,

f I

1 6

0 1



F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 38 Attachment 1  ?





Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Fuel damage accident 1. Any of the following containment Alert with release of radio- rad monitors in valid alarm mode activity to contain- and reading greater than:


, (a) R2 - 350 mR/hr; or Note: FSAR Section (b) R7 - 350 mR/hr 14.2.1 or

2. The containment veut monitor in -

valid alarm mode, reading greater '


(a) R11 - 10 cpm; or (b) R12 - 105cpm and

3. Shift Supervisor's opinion Fuel damage accident with
1. Any of the following valid Alert release of radioactivity radiation monitor readings to the fuel handling building (a) R-22 HiHi Alarm, > 5 x 104cpm; or Note: FSAR Section (b) ii 50, > 1.2 mR/hr 14.2.1 and
2. Spent Fuel Pool Area Monitor R-5 in valid alarm mode '

reading > 350 mR/hr ang l 3. Shift Supervisor's opinion l

s j


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1 F3-2

! Rev. 4 Page 39 Attachment 1  !

CONDITION #13 ("ont'd) ~

l FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENTS Initiatina Condition Indication Used Classification

, Major damage to spent 1. For fuel damage in containment: Site Area fuel in containment or (a) Any of the following valid Emergency l fuel handling building radiation monitor readings:

l (e.g., large object (1) R48 Hi Alarm - 200 R/hr; or i damages fuel or water (2) R49 Hi Alarm - 200 R/hr i

! loss below fuel level) and i

(b) Shif t Supervisor's opinion i

  • E
2. For fuel damage in the Spent Fuel Pool:

(a) Valid Radiation Monitor readings on:

(1) R50 Hi Alaom, > 70 mR/hr; or (2) R5, in alarm mode reading l > 1R/hr t



(b) Shift Supervisor's opinion e

1, h

i I



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< F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 40 Attachment 1 ,. ..


COOLANT PUMP Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Coolant pump seizure 1. RCP Trip (over current 86 Alert leading to fuel failure lock-out);

Note: FSAR Seetion.

14.1.8 and

2. Prirary sample analysis indicating fuel failure (> 300 pCi/cc iodine 131 equivalent)

+" b

> < *)

%s' i

e I



J l


--%.- s e. . ,

1 F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 41 Attachment 1 I

CONDITION #15 SERIOUS OR FATAL INJURY Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Transportation of a As determined by the Shift Supervisot Notification of seriously or fatally Unusual Event

. injured (may or may not NOTE: Serious injury is considered involve contamination) to be one that will require 4 -

individual from site to admission for treatment or hospital for treatment observation for an extended period of time (greater than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />) 1 i e i


-=_--.-.-:..-..--. . . _ - - - . - - - - -- - - . . - . - .

FS-2 Rev. 4 Page 42 Attachment 1 e j ..



Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Security threat or Per security plan . Notification of '

attempted sabotage -

Unusual Event Ongoing security Per security plan Alert compromise Imminent loss of Per security plan Site Area Emergency physical control of

. plant Loss of physical control Per security plan General Emergency of plant f

s. c ,a t.


1 f

i I


..J l!.

l IBtf .

l. .


I.____ - _ - - - _ -

' F3-2 Rev. 6 Page 43 j Attachment 1 CONDITION #17 HAZARDS TO PI. ANT OPERATIONS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification 1

Aircraft crash onsite 1. Visual observation by plant Notification of or unusual aircraft personnel and/or plant secur.nty Unusual Event activity over facility personnel; and

2. Reported to the Shift Supervisor 4

Aircraft crash in the Visual observation by plant Alert protected area personnel and/or plant security personnel Aircraft crash within Visual observation by plant Site Area Emergency protected area and affect- personnel and/or plant security ing vital structures by personnel impact or fires with plant not in cold shutdown Near or onsite 1. Visual observation by plant Notification of explosion personnel and/or plant security Unusual Event personnel; and

2. Reported to the Shift Supervisor Known explosion damage Visual observation by plant Alert to facility affecting personnel l' plant operation Severe damage to engi- Visual observation by plant Site Area Emergency neered safety system personnel equipment from explo-sions with plant not in cold shutdown a Near or onsite toxic or Gaseous hazards being experienced Notification of flammable gas release. or projected, onsite (out of ' plant), Unusual Event as detected by portable instrumentation, which exists in concentrations greater ,



._ _ , _ . . , _ _ _ _ . ~ _ -


F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 44 Attachment 1 i CONDITION #17 (Cont'd) b.*. 5

' ~


l Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification l

l (1) 80 ppa hydrazine; or (2) 25 ppe chlorine; or (3) 500 ppe ammonia; or (4) explosive limits as detected by explosive meter, and, reported to the Shift Supervisor Entry into the plant Gaseous hazads being experienced . Alert environs of toxic cr or, projected, within the plant, *

'- flammable gases as detected by portable instru-mentation, which exists in concen-jj trations greater than:

(1) 80 ppe hydrazine; or (2) 25 ppa chlorine; or


(3) 500 ppe ammonia; or -

(4) explosive limits as detected

, by explosive meter, ,G i

} '

and, reported to the Shift Supervisor Entry of toxic or Gaseous hazards being experienced or Site Area Emergency flammable gases into projected within vital areas of the vital areas with plant plant, as detected by portable instru-not in cold shutdown - mentation, which exists in concentrations I, greater than:

l (1) 80 ppa hydrazine; or (2) 25 ppe chlorine; or (3) 500 ppe ammonia; or (4) explosive limits as detected by explosive meter, and, reported to the Shift Supervisor l Missible impacts from Visual observation by plant personnel Alert whatever source on and/or plant security personnel facility 1




m ._ . . -~

i-F3-2 Rev. 4 4

Page 45 i

Attachment 1

, CONDITION #17 (Cont'd) .

1 HAZARDS TO PI. ANT OPERATIONS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification

' Severe damage to engin- Visual observation by ple.nt personnel Site Area Emergency eered safety system 4

from missiles with plant not in cold shutdown a

8 e

v l

l 1


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F3-2 . .

Rev. 4 ,

Page 46 -

l Attachment 1 /


NATURAL EVENTS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Any earthquake Annunciator " Seismic Event" received Notification of on the seismograph Unusual Event Earthquake greater than Annunciator " Operational Earthquake" Alert Operational Basis Earth- received on the seismograph quake Earthquake greater than Annunciator " Design Basis Earthquake" Site Area Emergency -

Design Basis Earthquake received on the seismograph with plant not in cold shutdown l

Any tornado visible from Visual observation by plant personnel Notification of .  :

site and/or plant security and reported Unusual Event to the Shift Supervisor.


'n ,]

Any' tornado striking the Visual obserystion by plant personnel Alert .

facility and/or plant security and reported '

, to the Shift Supervisor.

50 year flood 686' elevation  ;.otification of Unusual Event Flood levels approaching 692' elevation - requires both units Alert design levels to be shut down Flood levels exceeding 698' elevation - highest level Site Area Emergency design levels with plant transformers will function not in cold shutdown Low water levels being 672.5' elevation - (At 672.5' Notification of experienced or projected elevation, both 11 and 21 cooling Unusual Event beyond usual levels water pumps trip) 4 j


F3-2 Rev. 4 Page 47 Attachment 1 CONDITION #18 (Cont'd)

NATURAL EVENTS Initiating Condition Indication Used Classification Low water levels being Approximately 669.5' elevation Alert experienced or projected to be near design levels Low water levels being 1. Approximately 666.5' elevation Site Area Emergency experienced or projected corresponding to loss of set of to be greater than design miter gates or loss of one spill-levels or failure of vital way gate  ;

equipment with plant not in  !

cold shutdown. or

2. Major vital equipment failure at low water level Sustained winds being Sustained wind speed indicated by Alert experienced or projected met tower in excess of 90 mph near design levels Sustained winds being in Sustained vind speed indicated by Site Area Emergency excess of design levels met tower, in excess of 100 mph being experienced or pro-jected with plant not in cold shutdown Any major internal or As determined by the Shif t General Emergency external events (e.g., Supervisor and/or Emergency fires, earthquake, sub- Director stantially beyond design levels) which could or has caused massive damage to plant systems re-sulting or potential for resulting in large releases to the offsite

-nvironment in excess .

of the EPA Protective Action Guides 3


_- = -- :. -

F3-2 .

. Rev. 4 Page 48 -

Attachment 1 CONDITIOW #19 ,

OTHER Initiating Conditions Indication Used Classification Conditions that warrant Duty Engineer and Shift Supervisor Notification of increased awareness on the concurrence Unusual Event ~

part of a plant operating staff or state and/or local offsite authorities Conditions that require Duty Engineer and Shift Supervisor Notification of plant shutdown under concurrence Unusual Event r Technical Specification requirements or involve

  • other than normal con-trolled shutdown
  • Conditions that warrant Duty Engineer and Shift Supervisor Alert ..

activation of Technical concurrence Support Center and near- .cw site Emergency Operating $N.')

Facility Other plant conditions Shift Supervisor opinion Site Area Emergency that warrant activation of emergency operating centers and monitoring teams or a precautionary notification to the public near the site l

Other plant conditions Shift Supervisor's opinion General Emergency exist, from whatever source, that'make release of large amounts of radio-activity in a short time ,

period possible, e.g., any core melt situation.

1 #-

l ..



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History Copy l l a , , Retention Time: Lifetime l

/ /l TITLE:

l Supt. Rad Protection l l l Approved By: l l l

l h[]/JNu ~

Plq;ift . dan' age ~r ~

[ l EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS l l l l l l l OC Date: /[-$28- O l l l I I I I I i l 1.0 PURPOSE l l l l This instruction delineates the notification procedures to be used l l during emergency conditions, defines the various emergency communica- l l tions systems available at the plant, (primary and backup), and l l provides the necessary operating instructions for their proper use. l l l l 2.0 APPLICABILITY l l l l This instruction SHALL apply to all Radiological Emergency l l Coordinators, Shift Supervisors, Emergency Directors and Shift l l Emergency Communicators. l l l l 3.0 PRECAUTIONS l l 1 l 3.1 Always speak in a clear, distinct voice. l l l l 3.2 Make messages as short and concise as possible. l l I j 3.3 Always have the information repeated if it was not completely l l understood. l l l l 4.0 PROCEDURE l

l l l 4.1 Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) Responsibilities: l 1 l l 4.1.1 Report to the Control Room l l l l 4.1.2 Complete the " Emergency Notification Report Form", l l Figure 1, (PINGP #577) with assistance from the l l Emergency Director or Shift Supervisor. l l l l 4.1.3 Upon completion of the " Emergency Notification Report l l Form", (PINGE #577) report to the communications area l .

l of the Technical Support Center. l l l l l 1 i I l IBM ,


.------.-.n~.--- - - - '

F3-5 Rev. 8 f.

Page 2

. (i, 4.1.4 Request the telephone switchboard operator to transfer i '

control of the switchboard to the TSC and request that individual to ' report to the TSC to control the switch-board until relieved by a backup communicator, or the emergency situation is terminated.

l l l NOTE: Refer to the Nuclear Eme,rgency Preparedness l ,

l Telephone Directory for specific telephone l l locations and numbers. l

l. I 4.1.5 Initiate and complete the notifications of state, local, and NSP personnel as listed on the Emergency Notification Call Lists, as follows:

(a) For a Notification of Unusual Event, use Figure 3, PINGP #579. '

(b) For an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, use Figure 4, PINGP #580.

4.1.6 Request local offsite support as deemed necessary, i; Coordinate these notifications with the control room.

(Refer to th'e Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone ,x Directory for local support telephone numbers.)

4.1.7 If the emergency has been reclassified, (i.e.,

escalated, down graded, or terminated) complete the Emergency Classification Change, Figure 2, PINGP #578 and complete the notifications of offsite authorities as follows:

1 (a) For a termination from a- Notification of Unusual Event, use Figure 3, PINGP #579.

(b) For any classification change, use Figure 4, PINGP #580.

, 4.1.8 When the EOF'becomes activated, transfer control of l ,

Offsite Notifications to the EOF.

4.2 Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC) Responsibilities:

l 4.2.1 Complete the Emergency Notification Followup Message Form, Figure 6, PINGP #582.

, , l l l NOTE: This form does not need to be completed in- l l

l l its entirety prior to transmitting data to l 1 l l offsite authorities. l n _)

l l l

~ IBM r +


i \

.. - . ~ - _ _ _ . .-. -- ----- - - -- -- -- -

m 4 $

F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 3 4.2.2 Periodically update the Minnesota Department of Health

, and the Wisconsin Division of Radiation Protection with the information as recorded on Figure 6, PINGP #582 the

" Emergency Notification Followup Message".

I I l NOTE: When the Nearsite EOF is activated, updates l l to the Minnesota Department of Health and l l Wisconsin Division of Radiation Protection l l will be handled by EOF personnel. l I I

! 4.2.3 Acknowledge the HPN phone when it rings and periodically, update the NRC with the information as recorded on Figure 6, PINGP'#582 the " Emergency Notification Followup i Message".

I l l NOTE: Be prepared to provide continuous updates l l e to the NRC, as requested over the HPN phone. l l l l-1 i

1 I


. .. .. . . - . . . . - . . . - - - - . _ n.

PINGP #577, Rev. 1 F3-5 ,

Rev. 8 ..

Page 4 FIGURE 1 INITIAL EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Verify that the organization / person called is correct prior to relaying emergency information.




(Emergency Class) (Time) i Pick one of the following:



(Liquid or Airborne)




(Direction) (Speed)


(List sector (s) by letter designation)




. e t, . r.


Emergency Director Approval Name/Date .

Shif t Emergency Communicator _

j Name/Date  ;

.s IBM



. . . -. .-. . . = - - .

i PINGP #578, Rsv. 1 F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 5 FIGURE 2

, EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION CHANGE Verify that the organization / person called is correct prior to relaying emergency information.



a WE HAVE RE-CLASSIFIED THE EVENT AND I I Escalated i I Down graded l I The Event May Be Terminated TO A(N): (Pick one below if escalated or down-graded is checked) 1 I Notification of Unusual Event 1 I Alert 7Fqman l I Site Area Emergency b #2,.hib7il' g h p] ,

l .l u.!%):Ju,P:s

! I I General Emergency Q AT HOURS (Time)

Atmospheric Conditions at the Present Time Are as Follows:

i j Wind Direction is From the at MPH.

j (Direction) (Speed)

The Affected Sector (s) is(are)

(List Sector (s) by Letter Designation)

Form of Precipitation (if applicable)

Give a brief description of the emergency:



Emergency. Director Name/Date Shift. Emergency Communicator j Name/Date.





GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (1) The Shift Emergency Communicator SHALL make notifications to the individuals and organizations listed on this Emergency Call List.

(2) Contact each organization or individual using the contact information '

listed in this Attac'2 ment.

(3) For those notifications made by telephone, un e the call as follows:

I i l NOTE: All primary contacts contained in this checklist have l l pre programed telephone numbers on the Touch-A-Matic l l dialers. Alternate or backup telephone numbers must ba l l manually dialed. l l 1

a. When the party answers, read the text of the Initial Notification

? Report Form.

b. Note the name of the individual contacted and the time of the contact.

(4) For those notifications made by NAWAS, transmit only the information as specified in this procedure. Specific plant data, as specified on f

the Initial Notification Report Form, will be available to those authorities when they call back for a verification.

(5) Proceed to the next party on the call-list.

(6) If a party cannot be contacted in two attempts, use alternate or backup communication channels. If a party still cannot be reached, consider other means such as dispatching a courier, relay through another party or similar actions.

(7) The Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government (DEG) and the Minnesota Division of Emergency Services (DES) are required to call back for verifi- -

cation and/or request further information. Other emergency organizations, e.g., Minnesota and Wisconsin Health Departments may call the plant for more information. Update these organizations, as appropriate. Use the Contact Report Log, PINGP #597.or the verification signoffs in this checklist to note the time and the names of the individuals calling.

i l

(8) If a party not specified on the call list requests information, refer j the party to the NSP Communications Department or to the local emergency services organization in his/her comrunity, as appropriate.



. MHBGE liN @ D

PINGP 579, RIv. 4 FIGURE 3 (Continued) F3-5 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR A Rev. 8 NOTIFICATION OF tlNUSUAL EVENT Page 7 NOTIFICATIONS (1) Contact the switchboaris operator (dial 0 using any plant extension) and request the operator to transfer aad control the switchboard f rom the TSC.

Time /SEC Initials l NOTE: Continue with this checklist immediately. l '

l DO NOT wait for the switchboard operator l l to arrive in,t_he TCS. _

l (2)- Notify the Minneset.a Division of Emergency Services. The telephone number i kJTM ght i .,r day. (Ask for the Duty Officer)

Contact fime Initial Verification Person Notification- Time /SEC Initials SEC INITIALS l L'OTE: (1) This notit tcatton shall be made within 15 rainutes l l of declaration of emergency class. l l (2) If b) ve ri ficatiott is received within 30 minutes, l l contact the state again. l l (3) If the telephone system malfunctions, attempt to l

,. I relay emergency notifications to the DES via the l l NSP systetn dispatcher. l (3) Using the NAWAS network, notify the Wisconsin authorities in accordance with the following procedure:

a. Pick up the NAWAS set, press the talk button and say:


b. When warning center one, west central warning center and Pierce County warning centers acknowledge, press the talk switch and say:

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCl. EAR PLANT IS (Pick correct classification):




Warning Center I-Time Initial Verification I

! t Q tg l

Noti SEC ficatI'gM Initili d ..i Li,;J/$f/Q.

L e., #gn West Central Warna v 7 l Center Time Inital -

1 U$$1[ll7[NO@0[]

PINCP 579, Rev. 4 J!GPr 1 (Contirued) F3-5 E.'It! net.t. ; .:iir:CX:PJN C'.l.. t.[ST FOR A Rev. 8 Noril It.AfluN OF UNibuAL EVENT Page 8 Pierce County Warning _ ..

Center riim. e _ , _ Initial Notification-St.C Initia ls l 1 l NOTE: (18 Th t ., out il ication SilALL be made within 15 l l uunn.tes of declaration of emergency class. l l (2) If at. a or county warning centers do not l l acxtius.le dge, Wisconsin Warntng Center I, II or l l lIf wall ring on the circuit and relay the l l mes:. 4.;e tu appropriate warning centers. l l (3) I t' ttie NAWAS System should become disabled, l l alte.itate methods of notification to Visconsin l l anathucities should be attempted, as follows: l l (aJ Wisc. 1)EG -- Telephone -- ^

r-6 l l (le ) best Central Waknang CenteI- 71efiNie -- l l . _ 75 0 V ,


l is # Pierce County Teleg. hone --

or I _{ ll l l t<adio - Channel 1 l l _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ l (4) Notify the loc .s 1...u no r e i c:. by telephone as follows:

( (a) COOD11UE COUNTY SI:t..< t it ATC , m s.O .


Con LTt fime initial Not.itiration-SEC fuitials l 1 l NOTES: (1) This n..Li fication SilALL be made within l l 15 . . nut es .,t declaration of emergency class. l l l l (2) Alternate means to. communicate with the Goodhue l l County Sheriff is the Radio System - Channel 1. l l ._ l (b) DAKOTA COUNTY SHEHtFt' NIC L.CTEC Contact Time Initial Notification-SEC Initials em r . ;r . qr er:@r

..Osise p May . .m . . e. um

.se b

mi p nr wJUL4L;J n m ;ui.s u wn s(Lud .

w m' la e!> _ 1 .x. .

-m -

PINCP 579, Rxv. 4 FIGURE 's (Cor.tinued) F3-5 EMERGENCY _ NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR A Rev. 8 N0ffEICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT Page 9 l l l NOTES: (1) This notification SifALL be made within 15 l l minutes of declaration of emergency class. l 1 l l (2) Alternate means to communicate with the Dakota l l Courty Sheriff should be attempted in the l l tollowing order: l l a. Telephone - DZLETED l l h. Radio System - 'v .i L E l'd D l l c Point-to-Point relay via Goodhur Sheriff. I l -

1 (5) Notify the Plant Manager (or designee) if not already done so, to inform him of the situation (notify one of the following in the order shown):

Name Phone Ed Watzl r- CTED /

Time / SEC Initials Dave Mendele ~e


Time / SEC Initials Dick Lindsey I ]EQ /

Time / SEC Initials Don Schuelke C~ 7;,TED /

Time / SEC Initials I I l NOTE: The Plant Mana r pager r un a si:~ .2l~ N he pager l l should be used as a backup means of notifying the Plant l l Manager. The pager is passed down the line of succes- l l sion when the Plant Manager is unavailable. l l l (6) Notify the NSP System Di ; patcher (Telephone Nep : ZTgna int rm him of the situatior .

l /

Time / SEC Initials l NOTE: Alternate means to communicate with the NSP System Dis- l l

patcher should be gt3pmgt.9, the following order: l l (1) Telephona: *A*

l l (2) Telephone: C ,'.  :* ,

l l (3) Control huom flotline l l (4) Low Bani: Jadio Telephone l l ._ l f ,/ .,' ; , -

i, I , It'Mg . " .1

  • - - 7 l I i 1


PINGP 579, Rev. 6 'nl'F 3 (Continned) F3-5 EMERGE;4

~ ~

. , l i . CA .18 + CA1.1. LIST FOR A Rev. 8

~ No111- ItdTit EliF tiNUU E EVENT Page 10 s

(7) Notify ONE of the N1(C m ;ident inspectors:

, . _ , . . . - i,i.n: r.x t

,. C.9.CTkU

e. - .- ! M, . -

. ;7S*,,,)

_ nome g /

or Time /SEC Initials pg)

C '~* *"'T.' g Plant Ext.

- llaan.: It C 7? CINY /

Time SEC initials (8) Contact D EL .CT3 I 1:irtrict tin.sger to inform him of the emergency situation.

h.o r n Nnaihe c : DM.CTED ll .i.u. Number: '.C...* /

Time / SEC Initials (9) Update the Hadio Ale rt : o i r .. . spt m ilessac assette as follows:

(4 Insert a blse* r q. ;nt . the t spe recording unit.

(b) Make sure that ti... ir.. .

ci.nt rol unit ' Mike Enable' &

' Transmit Enable' hg .. itches are i,ath off (Green).

l (c) Set tape unit sel- is < witch to 'Hecord Announcement'

- insert microph.i. in t i;ie unit mike jack.

(d) Press t.ipe oist .:' steh and recor.1 the prepared message.

I I l NOTE: (1) i s.: .-.t1 .ti to ha ecorded should include the l l ta t4.e .n.d unit status. l l (2) Whru 1. c... . ling t he message, :: peak slowly and l l c!. s. d .o i. t 3 inches from the microphone. l l ,

. . . . . . . _ _ , . l (e) Set tape unit seiersir switch to ' Check Announcement'.

- press ' Start' v..i.h and listen to recording. (Adjust volume to desired tewt with t:ipe unit ' Monitor Volwne'

Control.) If satistactory, proceed with (f).

(, f) Now, remove the me :.. ige ' casset te f rom the tape unit and insert it .it<, the telephone answering unit. /

Time SEC Initials er ,


h. . . .j k r / .'. 4 ' ... L ::: C . . ' ' .La IBM bb . .,

i re -


(10) Notify or verify the Control floom has estalitished notification of the Nkt C. ergs.ncy Response Center via the ENS Hotline. /

_ Time / SEC Initials l NOTES: '(1) Notificat son of NRC required to be made within l l ore hour of event declaration. l l l l (2) If the I.NS Network should become disabled, alternate l l methodt .,f NRC not a iit.$ tion should be attempted in l l the ful 8 . wing neder: l l

l (a) C.a. cacial fa legehotua Systarm '- NOl l l to .. .C opera t s ons Cente r l l W1 llet ta .l.1 Central Of fice) l 1 l l (b) tesn-rcial Telephone System c-t'..ITif D Il l to NRC Operations Center l ttia Silvec Sprtug Central Office) l g l l l (c) llealth Physics Network to l l Nio' operat ion.3 Center U .~7 ' ,,'[T(fp.

_ l 1 l l (d) C<.naiercial Telephone System CJJ T.TLEO l l t.. NPC Operal or l l t V s. Central ottice) l l _. . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .

I (11) Inform the Shift Supervi. r of the ca.r.ipletion c.f the notifications. __/

Time /SEC Initials CALL LIST COMPLETE: TIMI: _ , . . , _ DATE SHIFT EMERGENCY COMMUNICAloh _ _ , , . , _ __

!..,..P, .r/:fm 5e. P p. el..,^t.c

!<*t *

@s's.. t .

18" INSih5i!!bt JN ElI t

. - - , - - ,,n, , - . -

m s

qs PINGP 580, R;v. 5 . qy F3-5 jd)4y Rev. 8 Page 12 UtilS$ ( '

EMERGENCY N001FICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALER'1, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (1) The Shift Emergency Communicator SilALL make notifications to the individuals and organizations listed on this Emergency Call List.

(2) Contact each organization or individual using the contact information listed in this Attachment.

(3) For those notifications n.ade by telephone, make the call as follows:

l l l NOTE: All primary contacts contained in this checklist have l l pre-programed telephone numbers on the Touch-A-Matic l l dialers. Alternate or backup telephone numbers must be l

. l wanually dialen. l l . . _ I

a. When the party answers, read the text of the Initial Notification Report Form.

i b. Note the name of the individual contacted and the time of the contact.

(4) For those notifications made 'c/ NAWAS, transmit only the information as specified in this prun dur e. Specific plant data, as specified on tue Initial Notificatioe Ucport Form, will be available to those authorities when they calt back for a verification.

(5) Proceed to the next party un the call-list.

(6) If a party cannot be cont icteo in two attempts, use alternate or backup communication channels. If a party still cannot be reached, consider other means such as dispatching a courier, relay through another party or similar actions.

(7) The Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government (DEG) and the Minnesota Division of Emergency Services (DES) are required to call back for verification and/or further information. Other emergency organizations, e.g., Minnesota and Wisconsin Health Departments may call the plant for more information. Update these organizations, as appropriate. Use the Contact Report Log, PINGP #597 or the verifica-tion signoffs in this checklist to note the time and the names of the individuals calling. -

(8) If a party not specified on the call list requests information, refer the party to the NSP Communications Department or to the local emergency services organization in his/her community, as appropriate.


PINGP 580, Rtv. 5 F3-5 Rav. 8 Page 13 FIGURE 4 (Continued)

EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS (1) Contact the switchboard operator (dial 0 using any plant extension) and request the operator to transter and control the switchboard trom the TSC.

Time /SEC Initials l NOTE: Continue with thiii checklist immediately. l l DO NOT wait f or the switchboard operator l l to arrive in ti_i_e TCS. l (2) Notify the Minnesota Dinsion of Emergency Services. The telephone number is 778-0800, night or day. (A.,k for the Duty Officer)

Contact li.m Initial Verification Person Notification- Time /SEC Initials SEC INITIALS l NOTE: (1) This not a fication shall be made within 15 minutes l l of declaration of emergency class. l

'r l (2) If NO verification is received within 30 minutes, l l ' contact the state again. l l (3) If the telephone system malfunctions, attempt to l l relay emergency notifications to the DES via the l l NSP system dispatcher. l l l (3) Using the NAWAS network, notify the. Wisconsin authorities in accordance with the following procedure:

- a. Pick up the NAWAS set, press the talk button arid say:


b. When Warning Center Onr, West Central Warning Center and Pierce County Warning Centers acknowledge, prest: the talk switch and say:


correct class):

P 1 ALERT, or }

.f_~~l SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or n .{h>ht QUA Cl GENERAL EMERGE)f 7 f 7 g p 3rn ]

RELAY THIS INFORMAT:0N T0_EMERGENCf GOVE f 1 ATEL Warning Center I' , _ _ , _ _ __ _

Tin.e ~ Initial , Verification

Notific. tion- Time /SEC Initial SEC Initials '


a o e' f eg_ _ _


. Em -

PINGP 580, R9v. 5 ,

F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 14 1lCURE 4 (Continued) ,

EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY West Central Warring Center Time Initial Notification-SEC Initials Pierce County Wrning Center Time Initial

, . Notification-SEC Initials


l NOTE: (1) Thi:JiEtTfication SHALL be made within 15 l l minutes of declaration of emergency class. l

' (2) If area or county warning centers do not l

, acknowledge, Wisconsin Warning Center I, II or l l Ill will ring on the circuit and relay the l

, I message to appropriate warning centers. l l (3) if the NAWAS System should become disabled, l l alternate methods of notification to Wisconsin l l authorities should be attempted as follows: l l (a) Wisc. DEG -- Telephone - DC- LETED l l (b) West Central Warning Center -- Telephone -- l CELETED O l l

l (c) Pierce County -- Telephone --DELETED l or l

l l Radio - Channel 1 l 1 _-. . , _ . l (4) Notify .he local authori t ie s by telephone as follows:

(a) GOODHUE COUNTY S11EM:FF h:3EL7.TED-Contact Time Initial

. Notification-SEC Initials l NOTES: (1) This notification SHALL be made within l l 15 minutes of declaration of emergency class. l l (2) Alternate means to communicate with the Goodhue l l County Sheriff is the Radio System - Channel 1. l l 1 (b) DAKOTA COUNTY SHERIFF AT CECTED Contact Time Initial f ? " ' ('


$ 3.c

  • r Notification-f .

(g 'g SEC Initials


  • e A.*

s il i l b . .,

__ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ __ -. - , _ ~ -


. . . . . . . . . - - - ~.- - . . . - .. . ....- . . . . ~ . . . . - ~ - . . - - _ . - .

l PINGP 580, R:v. 5 F3-5 l Rsv. 8 l Page 15 a FIGURE 4 (Continued)

.,) EMERGENCY NOT_lFICATION CALL LIST FOR AM ALERT, SITE _ARE.A., OR GENERAL EMERGENCi l l l NOTES: (1) This notification SHALL be made within 15 l 1 minutes of declaration of emergency class. l l . l l (2) Alternate means to communicate with the Dakota l l County Sheriff should be attempted in the l l following order: l l a. Telephone - CELETED I .

l b. Radio System - Channel 1 l l c. Point-to-Point relay via Goodhue Sheriff. l l _, l

, a .. a a ;. :. :. ;. :. ;. ;. a a ;. a k-;e:.<e.r;. :. :. :. :. :. a ;. a-;._:. a ;. aa a a ;. a a a a ;. :. :. :. :. :. :. a ; :. :. :. :. :. :. a ;. a a a l NOTE: IF THE E!!CG.NCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION HAS PREVIOUSLYl l BEEN ACT naTED BY Tills CHECKLIST THE FOLLOWING STEPS l, l NEED NOT BE COMPLETED FOR FURTHER ESCALATIONS. l

. ;. :. ;. :. ;. ;. ;. a ;. ;7;.*a-kM :. : :. .ad5.5h41e:.&.u:.MK-A-Yks1.+M. ;. ;. :. ; :. a a ;. ;. :. ;. ;. ;. a ;.

(5) Notify the Plant Managet (or designee) if not already done so, to l

O inform him of the situation (notify one of the following in the order shown):

Name Home l' hone DELETED DELE D /

Time / SEC Initials L.m.LETED CELE* 3', /

Time / SEC Initials -

DE!.ETED a;,et FD /

Time / SEC Initials DELETED GELP 'O /

Time / SEC Initials l NOTE:

l The should Plant be used Man..isg.a rbackup pager means number ish OLY notifying the Plant The pager l

l Manager. The p sger is passed down the line of succes- l l sion when the Il. int Manager is unavailable. l l _ - - l (6) Notify the NSP System Dispatcher (Telephone No.

) and inform him of the situation.


  • ? ] " .pf,j Time / SEC Initials

, , ,' J il ,

(flib I"" I

]a,I}[u@uu@.'M' ll (Qli[Q w .. MRWi i

L .-_.u .

, 'l l


. . . . . - - . -. . . . ~ . . . . _ . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ~

PINGP 580, R;v. 5 F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 16 1

~' s FIGURE 4 (Continued) #

l EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT. SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY I 1 l NOTE: Alternate means to communicate with the NSP System Dis- l l the following order: l patcher should be C- atq" m t l (1) Telephone: , l l (2) Telephone: e ;;/ , .- c- -

l l (3) Control Hoon's 'HdtTUne'9 l l (4) Low Band Radio Telephone l I l (7) Notify ONE of the NRC Resident Inspectors:

Clarence Feierabend - Plant ExtDELCT"D -


- Home #cELCETED Time /SEC Initials or James Hard - Plant Ext. -

,.0 'l

- Home #cELETED Time


SEC Initials 3

(8) Activate the Emergency Response Organization as follows:

O <a) *ormat we = no -

(1) Verify announcement to report to emergency response centers is made ov . public address system.

Time /SEC Initials (2) Contact the F1 Trwitng Center by telephone OELCTED inform them of rtic emergency classification and request them ta report to the EOF.

Time /SEC Initials l NOTE: Alternate numbers should be attempted in the l l following order: g g g l l l l (3) Sej 1 Contact telephonethg f Nuclear 4Ekt.' ,(. Tech g ER.%'k --))7 ces Group byM rm them of the emergency classiTication and request them to report to the EOF.

Time /SEC Initials EXAMPLE ONLY O E@]



PINGP 580, Rev. 5 F3-3 Rev. 8

. Page 17 FIGURE 4 (Continued)


l NOTE: Alternate numbers should be attempted in the l l following order: l l OELcTEg i I . l (4) Contact Ray Steuernagel, !>istrict Manager, or his designee by phone emergency classaficatton.

(6tDELETED ntorm him of the i

, Time /SEC Initials (b) Off-Normal Work liours 3 l NOTE: NSP personarl and Civil Defense personnel l l SHALL be a. u vated by this callout during l l off-noisul work hours. l l _ . = I (1) Insert the p'e-recorded r tape designated "ERO O c 11 t" i t <* < re <<-

(2) Set the tape unit. selector switch to " Answer".

(3) Turn the message transmitter control unit " Transmit Enable" key switch to the ON position. The red "XMIT" lamp should light. ,

t (4) Enter Code 04 on the encoder unit and press "P".

!. As soon as the tones are completed, enter Code 06

and then press "P".

l l l NOTE: Several seconds after the last tone is l l heard, the tape will be transmitted l l 3 tii~ s - then the unit will shut off. l l -

_ l II (5) Verify proper ..peration of the radio alert monitor system by acknowledging that the TSC Radio Alert Monitor did activate. If not, repeat stepr, (1)

. through (4).

o .

. MPLE ONLY e ,O e * * *

,e s ; s El

  • 8'$4 . . l 4

-.----- ~..-- . .- - - - -


, PINGP 580, Rev. 5 F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 18 FIGURE 4 (Continued) .

EMERGENCY,NOTIFIC/. TION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY (6) If the radio alert system failed to function after 2 attempts, use the Emergency Organization Call List, Figure 5 and call .sil Emergency Organization Members.

by telephone.

(7) When the transmi'ssion has ended, turn the " Transmit Enable" key switch to the OFF position.

(8) Remove the mes;iage cassette from the tape unit and replace in ca.4ette storage rack.

Time /SEC Initials

' (9) Notify the Local Residents as followsi (a) Insert the pre-recorded tape designated " Local

, Notifications" into the tape unit.

(b) Set the tape unit selector switch to " Answer".

(c) Turn the message transmitter control unit " Transmit O Enable" key switch to the ON position. The red "XMIT" lamp should light. ,

(d) Enter Code 01 on the encoder unit and press "P".

1 I

l NOTE: Several seconds after the.last tone is l l heard, the tape will be transmitted l l 3 times - then the unit will shut off. l I I (e) Verify proper operation of the radio alert monitor system by acknowledging that the TSC Radio Alert Monitor did activate. 11 not, repeat steps (a) through (d).

(f) If the Radio Alert System failed to function after 2 attempts, proceed with Step (g).

(g) When the transmission has ended, turn the " Transmit Enable" key, switch to the OFF position.





_ _ . ~ . . . - - . - . . - - . - . - . ~ - . . . - - . . . . ~ - . . - - . - - PINGP 580, Rev. 5 F3-5

         ,                                                                                                                 Rev. 8 Page 19
         \]-                                                   FIGURE 4 (Continued)

EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY (h) Remove the message cassette from the tape unit and insert it into the telephone answering unit. Time /SEC Initials (10) During Off Normal Work. Hours ONE , NOTIFY THE NSP RED WING SERVICE CENTER BY TELEPHONE AT 388-4761 AND REQUEST THE RED WING NSP SUPERVISOR ON DUTY \ . TO REPORT TO THE NSF RED WING SERVICE CENTER TO UNLOCK THE FACILITIES FOR THE NSF RADIATION SURVEY TEAMS. Time /SEC Initials (11) Notify or verify the Cont rol Room has established

                ,            notification of the NRC bergency Response Center                                       i via the ENS Hotline.                                                                   '
                                                                                   .                         Time /SEC Initials l                                                                                                    l l NOTES:       (1) Notification of NRC required to be made within                                    l l                        one hour of event declaration.                                              l O                    i l              (2) If the ENS Network should become disabled, alternate l i

l methods of NRC notification should be attempted in l l . the following order: 1 1 l l-l. (a) Commercial Telephone System to NRC Operations Center DELETED l l I (Via Bethesda Central Office) l I

.,                           I                         (b) Commercial Telephone System                  O W- " T E D lI l                              to NHC Operations Center                                              l l                              (Via Silver Spring Central Office)                                    l 1                                                                                                    l l                         (c) Health Physics Network to                                              l l                              NRC Operations Center                    C7LUED - l l

l l l l (d) Commercial Telephone System W LETED l l to NRC Operator l l (Via Bethesda Central Office) l , I I l (12) Inform one Westinghouse contact, using the list in the order shown, to ensure early notification to W of an emer2ency occurring at the plant. Be prepared to discuss as many f acts as are available at the time of ao EXAMPLE ONLY l IBM M1 l J 4

PINGP 580, R;v. 5 F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 20 l

     )                                      . FIGURE 4 (Continued)                                                              -s EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CALL LIST FOR AN ALERT, SITE AREA, OR GENERAL EMERGENCY l NOTE: Un             ndicated otherwise, all phone           s are area code l l             . Where an area code othere thaps e is shown, it                              l l           plies to the office and home. Q#             .                                     l l                                                                                              l Title                                 Name                   Office                          Home Site Services Representative E

Operating Plant Regional Manager 1st Alternate QI$g 2nd Alternate - Service Response Manager 1st Alternate 2nd Altercate 'Q, Emergency Response Director Emergency Response Deputy Director gE(ggy' . . Emergency News a Communications ! W Contact / Time /SEC Initials (13) Notify American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) by Telephone - 203-677-7305 (24-Hour Numo~r) / Time /SEC Initials - l NOTES: (1) During Nc,rmal Office Hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), l l this number will be answered by a receptionist who l l will transfer the call to an appropriate individual. l l l . , l (2) During off Normal Office Hours, an answering machine l l l will intercept the call and notify a designated l l ANI Staff Member. Please leave your name, company, l l and telephone number. The ANI member will return l l l the call to obtain further information. l l l l (14) Inform the Emergency Director of the completion of , the notifications. / j Time /SEc Initials CALL L73' COMPLETE: TIME

                                                                          -= = = = = w u s an g lY SHIFT EMERGENCY COMMUNICATOR                                    P(@ ?
       ""                                                                   UG)S fdMBSBrflTf rafatvincenem

Njk PINGP 581, Rav. 4  %% F3-5 Rev. 8 h'<.jf,,

                                                               ,7 .g             ,. ,,, <
                                                                                           ,,. A Page 21 FIGURE 5            S                '*


                                                                                     .7, .

(1) This call list SHALL be used to activate the ONSITE Emerg k' nse Organization during ot't-m.rm.1 work hours, should the Radio Monitor System Fail.  ! (2) Use the following notification guidelines: (a) Contact each in the order shown; (b) When the individual answers, request that individual to report to the plant; (c) Proceed to the next indiv_idual on the call list; (d) If an individual cannot be contacted in two attempts, bypass that individual and procee.1 down the list. After the other notifications are c'.mplete, re-attempt to contact any bypassed individuals. NOTIFICATIONS Plant Management (OC Memhe n, ) PI.\NT MANAGER i g . Pl.f SUPT ENGR & RAD PROT g g4 g-PLT SUPT OPER & MAINT SUPT RAD PROTECTION q h. {1 SilPT MAINT g H StlPT OPER ENGR t I'l SUPT OPERATIONS 'd C SUPT QUALITY ENGR 7 Sl!PT TECH ENGR SUPT NUC ENGR Radiation Protection Group RAD PROT SPEC HAD PROT SPEC RAD PROT SPEC RAD PROT SPEC HAD PROT COORD CliEMIST C RAD PROT SPEC O

              ;ft I






t PINGP 581, Rav. 4 . '7 3 F3-5 s Rzv. 8 Page 22

                                                                   . ;i                                       0%


                                     ~ ~ '~~                  ^~

NT $ ' . /J . T$' /h

                                                                          ~ N f y     ,)

e. Radiation Protection Group (Cont inucel) Q'zk, .C0. ,' I- ' /

                                                                                                                  ?m' RAD Pl<0T SPEC                              Q
             ,--                             QUALITY SPEC                                  p                     ('O }/
             ,d                                                                            T RAD PROT SPEC i*                              RAD PPOT SPEC                                    .-
                !                            RAD PROT SPEC                                     ,.q j                            HAD PROT SPEC                                      g
                )                            SENIOR PROD ENGR Maintenance / Electricians NAINT SUPV O                          IIAINT SUPV                                     O
                 .UJ                         MAIST SUPV                                       pl
                                             !!AINT SUPV                                      I ClifEF STATION ELECT                              II

[.J STX1 ION ELECT C STATION ELECT 'g t I & C Group O DJ l T. 30PV Ia C COUR i F. C COOR DQ,- ; gg

             .l3 Engineers t.M,8 7 El'R ASSOC PROD ENGR Q                             ASSOC PROD F.NGR                                    g Lij                           l.EAD PROD ENGR                                     g F-                             ASST PROD ENGR                                       -





                                              'lHAINING ENGR T"


  • n 01 %

[ ,- ,

                                                              "Ws.g..,,,7 COMPLETED:        DATE                           TIME
  -       SHIFT EMERGENCY C0f9fUNICATOh      , , _ _          __

l l l l 4 I i

    --m,_                    .      _.                   -


  • t, i
  • 07
                                                                   .                                       1 Date                                                           l'3g        g                              '

Time AM/PM 'Y [

1. Location of incident: Prairie Island i / . I) -
2. Class of emergency: --. 13 J f
3. Type of release ( ) acto..! or ( ) potential:

( ) airborne ( ) waterborne ( ) surface spill

4. Current release data: l
                                                        .                                          I     -

Time: , hours am/pm Release rate: ,, _,,pCi/sec Ileignt of release-Grom.<l level Relative  % Noble Gases uCi/sec Quantity:  % Iodines uCi/sec

                                     %          Particulates                       uCi/sec

( Estimated quantity of r2J:o.ctive material released or being released: - curies

5. Meteorological Conditiom : Wind Velocity mph Wind Direction (from): , _ degrees Temperature *C Atmospheric Stability C... 4 _ , Form of precipitation
6. Release is expected to continue for hours.
7. Dose Projections based cai a re; ease rate of pCi/sec at hours am/pm.

Whole f5uilf Thyroid Sectors Affected - Projected dose rate S.B. _ mrem /hr arem/hr at: 2 miles mrem /hr mrem /hr 5 miles mrem /hr arem/hr 10 miles mrem /hr ares /hr Projected S.B. mrem arem integrated 2 miles mrem erem dose at: 5 miles prem aren 10 miles mrea ares

  • Complete as :auch of the form as information availability and time allows.

All blanks need not be completed. IBM a

4 PINGP 582, Rsv. 2 F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 25 l FIGURE 6 (Continued)

  • I

W A,

                                                      /h,A.               N 'zjl f A.

m o U)h')p 'chh YY 9 < mx.;p&,, u Nga,,_ 4

                                                                                  *q/97 2
9. Estimate of any surface radioactive contamination: dpm/100 cm
10. Chemical and physical form of released material:
11. Emergency response actions underway:
12. For liquid release to the river, estimate release volume, release activity and estimated time for concentration to reach public water:
13. Recommended emergency actions, including protective actions:

i 14. Request for any needed support by offsite organizations: i

15. Prognosis for worsening or termination of event based on plant information:

l l l Emergency Directer IBM I

l F3-5 Rev. 8

                                           .                                  Page 26 ATTACHMENT A                                    :}y TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORX I. SITE TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS
1. Dimension 2000 PBX Normal communt.ations are provided by a Dime'nsion 2000 PBX.

Three separate Dimension PBX attendent consoles are used in the system. All have identical functions and only one can be operational at a time. For normal business hourt, all incoming calls are answered by the receptionist located on the 5th floor of the Administration Building. During backshifts and weekends,. the console at the secondary alarm station is activated. The third console, located in the Technical Support Center Communications area, will be activated during emergency plan implementation. The Dimension System controls approximately 265 main stations and 75 extensions. It is designed with a high degree of fault detection and diagnostic capabilities. Additional reliability is provided by a backup duplicate common control unit. If there are certain' PBX failures or power failure, all stations would normally be inoperative. However, automatic operation of s transfer relays. in the emergency transfer panels bridge preassigned stations directly to the trunk lines. Assigned '] stations are located in control rooms, shift supervisors office, access control, administrative office, and technical support center. A key switch to manually cut over these preassigned stations is located within th.e telephone equipment room if the need exists. Terminated within'the Dimension System are 7 trunk lines and 7 tie lines. The trunk lines are 388-1121 through 1127, of which 388-1121 is incoming only, while 1122 through 1127 have incoming and outgoing capabilities. The seven two-way tie lines <cnnect the Dimension 2000 PBX to the general office exchange via the NSP microwave relay system. Normal power for the system is provided by an instrument inverter which in turn is supplied by a diesel, backed 480 VAC safeguards motor control center and a 125 VDC station battery. An alternate source is provided by a SKVA 480/120V transformer supplied by the 480 VAC diesel backed safeguards motor control center.

2. Gai-Tronics Page System Gai-Tronics paging system is also available and is used to call personnel over the plant and yard speakers as well as to issue plantwide instructions from GTC stations located throughout the .,/

plant. This system is tied to the Dimension 2000 PBX, making access to the paging system possible from all telephone IBM s

F3-5 ATTACHMENT A (Continued) Rev. 8 Page 27 l stations on site. Ar.y one station tying up access to the paging

            ,         system can be overridden with the executive override function J..from the operators console or the plant manager's office.
3. Phillips M100 Intercom System Additional communication capability is provided by the Phillips M100 Intercom System. Stations are installed throughout the
                 - plant with a two digit number identifying its location.
4. Sound Powered Phone System .

Sound powered phones are available for use within the plant and are primarily used for operations and maintenance coordination. Phone jacks are located throughout the Containment, Auxiliary Building, Turbine Building cr.d Control Room. II. TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS

1. Touch-A-Matic Dialer The TSC Communications area is equipped with two automatic dialers. They function as a- 31 name and number directory with an automatic memory. Numbers are programmed into the memory as labeled on the face plate. Both Touch-A-Matics are connected directly to an outside line. The memory button needs only to be depressed once to automatically dial the complete number.

Unit #1 has numbers preprogrammed for all the State and County Agencies, plus the EOF Coordinators and Engineers, Maintenance, Electrical, and I&C. personnel required for notification procedures. Unit #2 is programmed for Operations Committee members and all the Health Physics personnel. The last number manually dialed is automatically recorded into the last number dialed position of the directory. Each number in this position is automatically replaced by the number previously manually dialed.

2. Dimension PBX Attendant Console Located in the communications area, the console once activated has complete control of all incoming communications. The console is activated by calling the console in operation and rJtructing them to unplug the handset receiver.

Operating Console on backshifts and weekends - Secondary Alarm Station Operating Console during normal working hours - Receptionist in Administration Bldg. IBM

      ,w  -

w e a p.

                                           -       m.         --
               .w     .%

4 F3-5

                   ,                             ATTACHMENT A (Continued)                       Rev. b Page 28 em The TSC console is then made operational by plugging its handset             j into the board. At no t,ime should two consoles be operated at the same time.        ,

The console should only be operated by the Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) or someone designated by the SEC.

3. Stations, Extensions, and Hot Lines Individual telephone communication from the TSC is provided for by fifteen separate plant stations with two extensicus of these stations, four General Office extensions, and four Eau Clair FX lines. Three separate dedicated circuits (auto ringdown), are also available with points of connection as follows:
1. TSC - St. Paul State Capital EOC - (REC - Minn. Health 3 Department)
A 2. TSC - EOF (ED to EM)
3. TSC - EOF - (REC - RPSS)

The auto ring down is initiated by picking up the receiver. Ringing ceases when one other point picks up the line. s

4. Phillips M100 Intercom Two stations of the Phillips M100 intercom station are located in the TSC. One is in the Radiation Protection Area while the other is in the communications area.
5. Emergency Notification System (ENS)

The ENS is a leased private line between Prairie Island and the NRC Incident Response Center. The ENS is the primary means for reporting emergencies and other significant events to the NRC/IC Headquarters. When the NRC Operations Center is activated, the ENS becomes the dedicated,line to the NRC for the transmission of operational data. Red phones labeled (GPO 1504) are located in the Control Room and the Technical Support Center. To activate the ENS line, proceed as follows: (1) Lift receiver. This causes the telephone :onsole in the

   ,                                   Operation Center in Bethesda, Maryland to ring automatically.

i w-IBM 1

l l F3-5 l ATTACHMENT A (Continued) Rev. 8 Page 29 (2) The NRC Duty Officer will answer. (3) Calmly identify your,self and give the NRC Duty Officer the required infermation. (4) Designate an individual to maintain continuous communication with the NRC staff member in the Operations Center until the NRC decides that the event has been successfully tenninated 4 or additional communication is unnecessa,ry. I I l NOTE: If the incident has little potential for l l impacting the public health and safety, the NRC l l Duty Officer may only collect relevent infor- l l mation and then terminate the conversation. l l However, if the event is of a more serious l l nature, the Duty Officer will maintain an open l l and continuous line with the site until the l l matter is resolved. l l l

6. Health Physics Network (HPN)

The Health Physics Network (HPN) is a leased, private line system

          .which connects all the nuclear power plants, the NRC Operations Center, and the NRC Regional Office (Glen Ellyn).

It is primarily intended for use during emergencies and will function as the dedicated line between the Health Physics personnel, the Operations Center in Bethesda, MD and the NRC Regional Office. In the event of a site emergency, the NRC will activate the HPN. Before NRC Health Physics specialists arrive'on site, the NRC t Operations Center communicator may request information from plant personnel. l _ l l NOTE: The HPN is a restricted network and may not be used l J l by nongovernment employees at any time unless a l l significant event has to be reported and both the l l ENS and the commercial telephone lines are out of l l service. l l l l l l IBM a i

                                           .                                        F3-5 ATTACHMENT A (Continued)                      Rev. 8 Page 30 Extensions for the HPN are at the following locations:                         _f (1) HP Office (2) Technical Support Center (3) NRC Resident Inspector's Office If necessary to use the HPN phone:

(1) Lift receiver. NO DIAL TONE IS HEARD. ' (2) Dial the requited number: 22 - NRC Operations Center 23 - Region III Office t

  .              I                                                                      l
  ,              1 NOTE:      a. There will be audible ringing signal dial tone        l     ,

I after dialing the desired code. Ringing is l j , l heard at the called station to indicate an l l incoming call. This ring stops when the tele- l l phone is answered or at the end of thirty

  • l l ceconds. You may dial again if the es11 has l l not been answered in approximately 30 seconds. l j l .  !
b. An automatic time-out period of six seconds is

l l j l provided on the HPN to prevent a tie-up if only l / I one digit has be'en dialed. This means that the l l desired code mu'st be dialed within six seconds l l or the call will not complete.

                                                               '                      l l                                                                    l
7. National Warning System (NAWAS) se National Warning System (NAWAS) is a private wire system provided by the Federal Government to disseminate emergency information of a Nati<.nal or International nature. The National Primary input location is the North American Air Defense (NORAD)

Command Center in the Cheyenne Mountains, Colorado. There are over 2000 terminals on this system in federal, military and state designated locations. The Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government (DEG) is responsible for maintaining a 24-hour statewide warning system as

   .            part of the National Warning System (NAWAS). The Prairie Island NAWAS is part cf the Wisconsin State National Warning System. In Wisconsin, there are three (3) state warning centers. These warning centers have operational control over all terminals
 '3 serving Wisconsin (including Prairie Island). This system is so designated that only the State Warning Point can communicate with l           tenminals outside of Wisconsin. All terminals within Wisconsin                         ,

i . . -


IBM l .

I F3-5 ATTACHMENT A (Continued) Rev. 8 l Page 31 are on a " Party Line" basis, in that any terminal talking on the circuit is heard by all other terminals on the Wisconsin circuit. In Wisconsin, NAWAS terminals are located at all seven district State Patrol Headquarters radio dispatch rooms and Area Emergency Government E0C's, 26 county warning centers, the five nuclear l power plants and six U.S. Wrather Station Offices. The State l Patrol and county warning centers relay to and from the other 46 county non-NAWAS centers by radio. The Prairie Island NAWAS talks directly to the State Warning Centers, the Weather Station Offices, and to the county sheriffs. The State Warning Centers and the county sheriffs further disseminate information to emergency organizations and personnel by other communications systems. The state-wide emergency telephone aumber 608-266-3232,is the alternate communications backup for notification to the Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government. THE FOLLOWING WILL SE USED IN THE EVENT AN INCIDENT AT PRAIRIE ISLAND REQUIRES A RESPONSE FROM STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES: (I) DETERMINE THE CLASS OF E:1ERGENCY. (2) PICK UP THE NAWAS SET, PRESS TALK BUTTON AND SAY: -



                           " NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT" (least serious); OR
                           " ALERT"; OR
   .                       " SITE AREA EMERGENCY"; OR
                           " GENERAL EMERGENCY" (most serious)


_ _ - - .__ .. . m_-_ _ - . - _ _ . F3-5 I Rev. 8 l' Page 32 ATTACHMENT A (Coatinued) 4 1 f NATIONAL WARNING SYSTEM i j (NAWAS) i .I i COLORADO SPRINGS ALTERNATE PRIMARY NWC WARNING CENTER OLNEY, MD

,                                :   i
                                 ;   I l                                -  I                                    /



i 3 1 ' / 5 l ,

;                                i  1
                                                       -f                              /                          :
i ,- /

3 i l ,' / 5 ,

        .                        STATES                                     /                                                                                      WISCONSIN








                                                                                                                                              /                     OWER WARNING CENTER II                                                                   -         8                     ,e                      PLANTS DEG COMMO ROOM HILL FARMS g
                                                                                 /                         !         l              ,

e i i ,' . MADISON O

                                                                     /'#s                                :         I     e
                                                             /                7 SP DISTRICTS AREA EOC's                                                     U.S. WEATHER SERVICE


                                                     /         ,
                                                                   '         //                            ji                   {                                  MADISON O'      /             /8                                :8 O' e'                   '                                                            g                                GREEN BAY 1
                                                                 '[                                        !l                     g                              'LA CROSSE I
                                       /' e ' f$                                                           !i                      g                               DUBUQUE 26 COUNTIES
                                                            //                                             -


                                                  //                                                                                  \
                                         /                                                                                             t I


   - - - - - - - - RADIO                                                                                                                  ES o e e e e e e e e eWEATHER TELETYPE l
   .. ..... .. ... .. . . s ,, TELETYPE (TIME)


                 ._ ._-                   -_                  .=              --

F3-5 ATTACHMENT A (Continued) Rev. 8 Page 33



;                                  3         2 1

1 NRC U o 1 (HPN)



                       ,                                                n WISC.



l OC OFFICE Number Name Station, 1 Emergency Primary means for reporting emergencies and - I Notification other significant events to the NRC Head-System quarters in Bethesda, MarylanC. ENS phones (ENS) are located in the Control Room and TSC. 2 TSC - EOF (ED-EM) 2 point auto ring between the TSC and EOF. Either station can activate the circuit. 3 TSC-EOF (REC-RPSS) 2 point auto ring'between the TSC and EOF. Each station can activate the circuit. 4 TSC - Minn 2 point ring on demand between the TSC State EOC and State EOC. Each station can activate the circuit. f 5 Health Physics Multiple station line between the TSC, Plant-Network (HPN) HP Office, NRC Glen Ellyn, & other utilities. i This is a two digit ring telephone. I ! 6 TSC - National Dedicated Line to Wisc. Warning Center I, II, Warning System and III, Regional Warning Center, and County (NAWAS) Warning Center. 1 ( IBM

F3-5 Rev. 8 Page 34 ATTACllMENT B RADIO COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK I. MOTOROLA RADIO SYSTEM This radio system is capable of being operated in either a normal (clear-uncoded) mode or in a private (Coded-digital voice protection) mode. In the clear mode, all communications can be monitored by scanner receivers. In the coded mode, a standard receiver or scanner cannot monitor your communications. In the coded mode, the audio quality is degraded due to the encoding / decoding process. This is a normal condition.

1. Motorola Radio Console Three radio consoles provide the heart of the radio system.

They are all identical with respect to function but not appearance. The consoles are located in the Control Room, TSC, and ECF., All contain the same channels and have an intercom feature between the consoles. Indication lights on the face of the console give the status of the transmitter / receiver mode, l coded or clear operation. Check the status lamp located beside the clear / coded switch on the control units. Operate it as necessary to put the system into the clear or coded moda. All consoles are able to wonitor the selected channel as well as the unselected channels. Independent volume controls are provided for both. Frequency 1 and frequency 2 are banded together and are one in the same. Call lights on the verticle portion of the console indicate which channel information is being received on. The second row of channel selection buttons on the TSC console are not connected. l l l > l IBM

F3-5 ATTACHMENT B (Continued) Rev. 8 Page 35 8 Channels give communication ability for: CH1 (60 watt Simplex) Goodhue County EOC - Goodhue County Sheriff's office, Red Wing, MN Dakota County EOC - Dakota County Sheriff's office, Hastings, MN Pierce County EOC - Pierce County

.                                                  Sheriff's office, Ellsworth, WI CH2 (100 watt repeater) - 10 radiation monitoring team portables -

F1 or F2. CH3 (100 watt repeater) - 10 plane, portables - F1. CH4 (60 watt Simplex) - 20 security portables - F1 (primary freq) CHS (60 watt Simplex) - 20 security portables - F2 (secondary freq) CH6 (60 watt Simplex) - Goodhue County Sheriffs office - Red Wing, MN CH7 - (60 Watt Simplex) - System Dispatcher (proposed) CH8 (12 watt Simplex) - Auxiliary Building F2 of the plant portables. 20 SECURITY PORTABLES 10 PLANT r0RTABLES (F2) AUXILIARY BLDG USE SECURITY CAS 'k-

                                '                                           0
                                  's            CONTROL ROOM I          SECURITY         5 SAS              - - -                ;                                         -


                                                    ,                                    2 P.I. VEHICLES 10 PORTABLES                                '


                                    '        RADIOWAVE


F3-5 Xrr'.'" CUT 3 ' Centi:me d Rev. 8 Page 36

2. Motorola Portable Handie-Talkie (Model MX350)

A. Special Instructions (1) Do not separate battery pack from radio. This separation could cause loss of DVP ieature and it would have to be recoded. The encoder and instructions are located in the communications area of the TSC if needed. (2) Radios may be left in charger after full charge signal (green light) is on. You may leave volume turned "on" in charger; however, you must never transmit while radio is in the charger. (3) External antenna jack located on " press to talk" switch side near the top of the radio provides an extended range when an antenna is used with this set. All Radiation Monitoring Team radios are provided with external antennas. , (4) A compatable headset is available for use with this portable. When connected to the headphone plug (on top of set) the headset earphones and microphone displaces the built in speaker and microphone. This accessory provides noise control when required. B. Radio Operation (1) Knob on top marked F1 and; F2 is a frequency selector

  • switch. On th plant portables F1 works on CH3 of radio console and should be used in the Turbine Bldg and outplant areas. F2 works on CH8 of the radio ,

console and should be used in the Auxiliary Bldg. The radiation monitoring portables have F1 and F2 banded together. (2) /Vvi- is the squelch control - it should be positioned to just remove extraneous receiving noises. (3) The knob marked K( ifjl Ci provides a choice of the coded position (left), private line position (center) and l clear position (right). To protect your messages, always use the coded position. NEVER USE THE CENTER POSITION!

             .(4) The red light on top will be on during transmitting.

I It is also a check for battery status. (Weak indicates low battery power.) (5) Operate radio similar to other portables,'using the 2" distance between mouth and the microphone grill, speak clearly, and say when your transmission is complete. Use reasonable volume and squelch. IBM


                                                                                                        *b Yo,U, O p> si .roN L .

79"_ O

                                     . RED                OR TRANSMITTING
                                    '.IGHT l
  • e 4

O e d i 6 9 IBM

                                                                                                  . w-tr


                        #          RADIO                                    !


                  - - - - - - -    HARDWIRE    ,


1. To contact the System Dispatcher:

Lift the handset, push the push-to-talk switch and say:

2. To contact the Minn. State EOC (See Note f):

Lift the handset, push the push-to-talk switch and say:


I i l NOTES: (a) The System Dispatcher can activate the receiver l l at the plant. l l (b) The plant can activate the receiver at the System l

       -l                       Dispatcher and the HQEC (when connected).              l l                 (c) The state can activate the Prairie Island receiver. l l                 (d) Each station can monitor each channel.                   l l                 (e) The HQEC can activate the receiver at the plant.         l l                 (f) The State EOC must first be manned and the               l l                       radio phone activated by the Duty Officer.             l I                                                                              I l

l l IBM L

F3-5 ATTACHMENT B (Cont.inued) Rev. 8 Page 39 III. RADIO ALERT MONITOR SYSTEM k s 5'

                                                             +   %%

s  % o

                                              $l            Q       .m.
                                          ,                      4     -$-

s -s.

                                   %                                                 a n
                                        %           +
                                                             +[%                  o

GENERAL The Radio Alert (RA) System is a one-way radio transmission system from the plant to the receiver. The transmitter i located in the onsite Technical Support Center with receivers installed in the homes and/or offices of the

 . following three groups:         ..
1. Local Residents
2. Civil Defense
3. Prairie Island Emergency Organization Personnel The transmitter unit consists of: (a) message recorder; (b) message transmitter; (c) microphone; (d) telephone answering unit; (e) telephone; and (f) cede selector.

When the RA System is activated, a tone will be heard by the receiver. The pre-recorded message will then be automatically played three times by the Alert Radio Message Unit. Upon completion of the transmission, the pre-recorded tape is then placed into the telephone answering unit. If an individual is not home when the unit is activated, a red light on the receiver will indicate that a message has been transmitted via the Radio Alert System. That individual may then call the number indicated on his receiver (388-1233) and the pre-recorded tape will play the message over the phone. IBM

1 F3-5 ATTACEMENT B (Continued) Rev. 8 Page 40 The microphone will allow plant personnel to transmit messages which are not detailed and pre-recorded. The code numbers for the various receiver groups are:

1. Local Residents - 01
2. Civil Defense - 04
3. Prairie Island Emergency Organization Personnel - 06 INSTRUCTIONS The following details some of the various specific operating instructions:

A. To Record the Message Cassette: (1) Make sure that the remote control unit ' Mike Enable' and

                    ' Transmit Enable' tey switches are both off (Green).

(2) Set tape unit selector switch to ' Record Announcement' - insert microphone in tape unit mike jack. (3) Press tape unit ',S ta rt ' switch and record 45 second prepared messages. (4) When recording the message, speak s1cwly an'd clearly about 3 inches from the microphone. (5) Set tape unit selector switch to ' Check Announcement' - press ' Start' switch and listen to recording. (Adjust volume to desired level with tape unit ' Monitor Volume' Control) - if satisfactory, proceed. B. To Test Entire Alert Sequence: (1) Insert proper recorded cassette in tape unit. (2) Set tape unit selector switch to ' Answer'. (3) Set up desired group code on encoder - Press 'P' (Page) button. Tones will be heard on the remote control unit. Adjust its volume control to the desired level. (4) 18 seconds after the 2nd tone is heard, the 45 second recorded message will be heard 3 times. Then the unit will shut off. C. To Transmit an Alert Message: (i) Insert the proper recorded message cassette into the tape unit. IBM

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              . ., ; %                ATTACHMENT B (Continued)                                                     Rev. 8
                             .                                                                                     Page 41 (2) Set the tape unit selector. :r>!iicii w ' Answer'.                                                     '

(3) Turn the rer:ote contral unit' ' Transmit Enable' key switch on. (Red ')2 FIT' lamp will light.) ' (4) Set up desired group ~ code dn enci:sder ' press 'P'- (Page) button. If other groups are to be alerted to receive the same message, enter the next code or~ codes,as soon as the preceeding tones have finished. The rest of the sequence is automatic - several seconds after the-last tone has been transmitted,-the'45 second; _ recorded message will, be' tunsmitted 3 times - then the systen will. shut off. (5) Now, remove the message cessette from the tape unit and insert it into the telephone answering pnit. i D. To Send a live Microphone Iransmission: ., (1) Turn the remote control unit ' Mike Enable' and ' Transmit Enable' key switches =both on. (Red lamps. will light;) (2) Press ' Transmit paddle on microph'one and transmit desired message. l - l l NOTE: (1) ' Any message sequence r -re' corded or live, l ~ l can be aborted'at any time simply by' l l turning 3tLe remote control unit ' Transmit l l Enable' hey switch off. (Green ' Test' ~l lamp will. Light.J - - - - l . l


l - l l -(2) None of ,the volume centrols on any of the l l units affect the volume of the transmitited l l message They are for your convenience l l in monitoring the, message. I I l . I-l (3) In rase the automatic alert sequ'ence has - -l been inadvertantly started without's. tape'-l


l l in i.he message unit, simply press'the' - l l blue ' Reset' button on the alert radio l l message. unit - insert the proper tape ' l l , sessage, and start the sequence over. l l 'l


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PAGE 1 0F 24 l l EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING l l PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR PROCEDURES l l GENERATING PLANT l l NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Number: F3-8 Rev: 2 l l - History Copy l l n _ l Retention Time: Lifetime l l Reviewed By: fjf f / / I i l /A/4. dzJul </ l TITLE: i . l Siip t . Rad Protection l RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OFFSITE l l Approved By: l PROTECTIVE ACTIOPS l l M Plag 'Mada'g er

                                                        -l l

I l l l 1 l l OC Date: //-/M-P3 l l I I I l l l 1.0 PURPOSE l 1 l l The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines to establish l l the basis upon which protective actton recommendations are to be made l l to the offsite authorities responsible for implementing such actions. [ l I l 2.0 APPLICABILITY l 1 I l This instruction shall apply to all Radiological Emergency Coordina- l l tors and to all Emergency Directors. l l l l 3.0 PRECAUTIONS l l l l 3.1 Initiation of protective actions for offsite areas is the l l responsibility of the State of Minnesota and the State of l l Wisconsin. If it is determined, by the Emergency Director, that, l l immediate protective actions are required, and the State EOC's l l are not activated, the Emergency Director SHALL authorize such l l recommendations to be made directly to the local authorities. l l On e the State E0C's are activated, all protective action recom- l l endations SHALL be made to the State E0C's. l l l l 3.2 The protective actions in this procedure are limited to protective l l actions for minimizing the exposure of the public within the 10 l l mile plume exposure pathway, to external and internal radiation l l exposure from the passage or inhalation of the radioactive plume. l l Other protective actions for minimizing the exposure of'the l l population within the ingestion exposure pathway should be deter- l. l mined and implemented by the appropriate state authorities, j i I l 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES l 1 l l 4.1 The Emergency Director has the non-delegatable authority to l l authorize protective action recommendations. l l 1  ; l 4.2 The Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC), once activated, l SHALL be responsible to promulgate protective action recommenda-l tions and SHALL channel all such recommendations through the l ) l l l Emergency Director for approval. l 1 I IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 2 4.3 Upon activation of the EUF, the Emergency Manager (EM) SHALL assume the authority and responsibility for offsite protective action reconnendations. The Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC) SHALL continue to formulate protective action recommenda-tions until relieved of that responsibility by the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor (RPSS). Until that time, all protective action recommendations submitted t'o the Emergency Manager SHALL be channeled ihrough the Emergency Director. 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.1 Plume Exposure Pathwat; The 10 mile radius around Prairie Island defined for the short term " plume exposure". The principal exposure sources from this pathway are: (a) whole body external exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and froin deposited materials and (b) inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive plume. The duration of principal potential exposures could range in length from hours to days. 5.2 Projected Dose An estimate of the radiation dose which affected individuals could potentially receive if protective actions are not taken. 5.3 Protective Action An action taken to avoid or reduce a projected dose. (Sometimes referred to as protective measure). 5.4 Protective Action Guide Projected absorbed dose to individuals in the general population which warrants protective action. 5.5 Protective Action Options 5.5.1 No Reconr.endation No Protective actions for members of the general pinblic . should be recommended for incidents involving radio-active releases which are projected to result in doses less than 250 mrem whole body and/or 1250 mrem thyroid (child). , IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 3 l 5.5.2 Sheltering (1) Sheltering is a protective action which involves members of the general public taking cover in a building that can be made relatively air tight. Although sheltering, particularly in masonry build-ings, will also reduce the exposure of personnel to external radiation as the plume passes, this effect is less significant than the corresponding reduction in internal exposure. Generally, any building suit-able for winter habitation, with windows and doors closed and ventilation turned off, would provide reasonably good protection for about two hours; but would be ineffective after that period due to natural ventilation of the structure. Sheltering is an appropriate protective action for:

a. Severe incidents in which an evacuation cannot be implemented because of inadequate lead time due to the rapid passage of the plume (" puff" release).
b. When an evacuation is indicated, but local constraints, such as inclement weather, road conditions, etc., dictate that directing the public to seek shelter is a more feasible and effective protective measure than evacuation.

Inclement weather can increase evacuation times up to 30%.

c. As a precautionary measure, while a determin-ation of the need to evacuate is made.

(2) Sheltering of the general public may be recommended at 250 mrem whole body or 1250 mrem thyroid (child). 5.5.3 Evacuation (1) Timely evacuation of members of the population is the most effective protective action. There are, however, disadvantages and constraints that may make evacuation inappropriate. An estimate of the time necessary to effect an evacuation of the emer-gency planning zone (10 mile radius) surrounding Prairie Island has been completed. Evacuation Time Estimates are summarized in Figure 8. These time estimates are expected to increase by 30% in inclement weather. Evacuation is an appropriate protective action for: IBM

                              ,                                F3-8 Rev. 2           i Page 4
a. An incident involving a release, or potential release, ln which the lead time between dec-laration of the emergency and population relocation is compatible with plume movement.
b. Situations which do not provide for advance ,

warning, but for which substantial reductions in population dose can be made by avoiding exposure to residual radioactivity (plume fallout) in wake of sudden severe incidents. (2) Evacuation of pregnant women and children may be recommended if the whole body dose is expected to-exceed 500 mrem. (3) Evacuation of the general public may be recommended if

  • the whole body dose is expected to exceed 1000 mrem or thyroid dose is expected to exceed 5000 mrem (child).

5.5.4 Thyroid Blocking Agents The effect of ' thyroid blocking agents, nc emally potassium iodine (KI), is to saturate the thyroid with stable iodine and significantly reduce the probability of thyroid uptake of radioiodine. Since some individuals may have allergic reactions to KI, it is administered only under medical surveillance. For this reason, thyroid blocking agents should not be recommended by NSP personnel as a protective measure for the offsite population. 5.5.5 Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) (1) The Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) is used to alert the public within the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone, of an emergency condition at Prairie' Island. Once alerted, the public should then turn to local commercial broadcast messages for specific protective action i instructions. The Public Alert and Notification System surrounding Prairie Island consists of the following:

a. Fixed Sirens for 100% coverage throughout the 5 mile zone and in population centers in the 5-10 mile zone.

i b. Emergency vehicles with sirens and public ! address in the 5-10 mile areas not covered by fixed sireas. IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 5

c. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ]

(NOAA) activated tone alert radios in institutional, educational, and commercial facilities. I

d. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) wnich has access to television and radio stations within the ,

area. l l (2) Activation of the Public Alert and Notification l System should be recommended i f:  ;

a. A General Emergency has been declared; or
b. A Site Area Emergency and a protective action I such as sheltering or evacuation has be.en recommended for the public within all, or a portion of the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone, j  !
                                                                                                                  '               1 5.5.6  Designation of Affected Areas                                    l               i
                                                                                                                  ;               j t               1 The designation of the area requiring protective actions is      !               I going to depend on the nature and extent of the incident l

and existing meteorological conditions. Generally, the j i affected area should resemble a keyhole, consisting of a 360* - area surrounding the facility, out to a distance of about J) two to five miles and continuing in the downwind direction, I which should include one sector on either side of the affec-ted sector, out to a distance, as determined by the Protec-tive Action Guides. Initial efforts for protective actions should be in'the downwind direction. 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Liquid Releases l l 6.1.1 Determine the source of the liquid release. Estimate the volume released, activity released, and expected duration of the release, if known. 6.1.2 Determine the activity being released to the river, as follows: (1) Determine the activity in the discharge canal utilizing R-21 (Discharge Canal Radiation Monitor) readings and/or by sampling the discharge canal. (2) Obtain, from the Control Room, the blowdown flow (cfs) through the sluice gates. (3) Obtain the Mississippi River main channel average flow rate, using Figure 10, or by calling the Lock anu Dam #3 Lockmaster. 1 IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 - Page 6 1 (4) Calculate the main channel activity as follows: Main Channel Dschg. Canal Blowdown Flow (cfs) Activity (pCi/cc)~_ Activity (pCi/cc)X River Flow (cfs) 6.1.3 Calculate the MPC Ratio for the river main channel (refer to 10 CFR 20 Appendix B). 6.1.4 Initiate the " Protect'ive Action Recommendation Checklist", Figure 11, PINGP 585. 6.1.5 Initiate a 3-way conference call with the Minnesota Team Coordinator and the Wisconsin State Radiological Coordinator to discuss possible protective action recommendations. l NOTES: l l l l 1. Protective measures to consider are to limit use l l of river for summertime recreational purposes. l l 1 l 2. No withdrawal of river water for city water l l supply occurs for at least 300 miles downstream. l l 1 3. l Minor withdrawals of river water for irrigation l l purposes does occur, the nearest being 53 miles l l downstream. l l l l 4. The estimated main channel average river l l velocity is 0.75 mph, therefore: l l 1 I a. time to reach Lock & Dam #3 is 2 hours l l b. time to reach Eisenhower Bridge is 9 hours l l 1 6.1.6 Consider possible onsite measures to stop or minimize the liquid release, for example: (1) If activity / release is in the recirc canal, consider terminating use of cooling towers to prevent activity from becoming airborne. l (2) If activity / release is in the discharge canal, consider closing down on the sluice gates to attempt to contain the activity in the recirc canal and/or minimize the activity being released to the river. 6.2 Airborne Release 6.2.1 If in a " GENERAL EMERGENCY", refer to Figure 5, " GENERAL EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES" for immediate protective action recommendations. IBM i l

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 7 l l l NOTE: DO NOT DELAY protective action recommendations] l during General Emergency conditions. Figure l l 5 contains protective action recommendations l l for General Emergency conditions based on l l Control Room indications and require no dose l l proj ections . l l 1 6.2.2 Obtain the offsite dose projection data, utilizing F3-13, "Offsite Dose Calculations". 6.2.3 Initiate the " Protective Action Recommendation Checklist", Figure 11, PINGP 585. 6.2.3 Using current meteorological data, determine the plume direction and wind speed. Evaluate the potential for wind direction shifting. I I l NOTE: Weather forecast information may be obtained from l l the National Weather Service Printer (See F3-13, l l "Offsite Dose Calculation", for operating l l instructions) or by calling the National Weather l l Service by telephone. l I I

 -     6.2.5  Based on plant conditions, estimate the duration of the release (applies to releases in progress or potential releases).

6.2.6 Using the data obtained above, estimate the projected dose to the offsite population. 6.2.7 Determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendat' ion by comparing the projected offsite dose with the Protective Action Guides listed in figures 1 thru 4. In addition, l recomme 1 activation of the Public Alert & Notification System at the General Emergency Level or at the Site Area Emergency Level if sheltering or evacuation measures are being recommended. 1 IBM i

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 8 I 1 I NOTE: fiAure / may be used to determine the effective- l l. I ness of sheltering. Sheltering protection l l provided by a large variety of public structures l , i can provide a significant reduction in whole body l l and thyroid dose from exposure to ' radioactive l gaseous fission products that might be released. l l l Figure 7 represents attenuation factors from l [ l Gamma Cloud Source, airborne radionuclides and l , i surface deposited radionuclides. l l 1 6.2.8 Document all Protective Action Recommendations and justif-ications for such Protective Action Recommendations on the Protective Action Recommendation Checklist, Figure 11. l 6.2.9 Forward the Protective Action Recommendation Checklist and l discuss the Hecommended Protective Actions with the Emergency Director. l 6.2.10 The Emergency Director shall make recommendations for appropriate protective action to State authorities identify-ing the af fected area by sector letter designation and by radins in miles (e.g., " Evacuate within a 2 mile radius and in sectors C, D and E out to 5 miles. Seek shelter in all l other sectors out to 10 miles".) 6.2.11 Prior to or simultaneously with the transmittal of protec-tive action recommendations, the Emergency Director should initiate a 3-way conference call witu the Minnesota Team Coordinator and the Wisconsin State Radiological Coordin-ator to discuss the protective action recommendations and explain the basis for such recommendations. 6.2.12 The Emergency Director SHALL then authorize the Protective l Action Checklist (PINGP 585), Figure 11, to be transmitted I to the Minnesota Team Coordinar.or and the Wisconsin State - Radiological Coordinator via the TSC telecopier. I i l l NOTE: Prior to activation of the State EOC's, protective l l action recommer.datons shall be issued to state and l l local authorities. Once the State EOC's are acti- l l vated, protective action recommendations shall only-l l be transmitted to state authorities. .i l ' \ l IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2  ! Page 9 1 d 6.2.13 If, as a result of continuing assessment, dose projection results or meteorological conditions change significantly, re-evaluate the recommended protective action and, if necessary, update the initial recommendation. 6.2.14 Verification should be made with state authorities, regard-ing actual Protective Actions being implemented and the affected populace. 4 s e 1 s 4 1 1 IBM '

F3-8 , Rev. 2 Page 10 4 4 FIGURE 1 EPA Guidelines fo r Recommended Protective Action to Avoid Whole Body and Thyroid Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume Projected Dose (Rem) to The Population Recommended Actions Comments Whole body (1 No planned protective actions. Previously Issue an advisory to seek shelter recommended Thyroid (5 and await further instructions. protective Monitor environmental radiation actions may levels. be reconsid-ered or terminated. Whole body I to (5 Seek shelter as a minimum. If constraints Consider evacuation. Evacuate exist, spe-unless constraints make it cial consider-Thyroid 5 to (25 imp ra ctica l . ation should Monitor environmental radiation be given for levels. evacuation of Control access. children and pregnant women. Whole body 5 and above conduct mandatory evacuation Seeking Monitor environmental radiation shelter would levels and adjust area for be an alter-Thyroid 25 and above mandatory evacuation based on native if these levels. evacuation Control access were not immediately possible. Projected Dose (Rem) to Emergency Team Workers Whole body 25 Control exposure of emergency Although res-team members to these levels pirators and Thyroid 125 except for lifesaving missions. stable iodine (Appropriate controls include should be used time limitations, respirators, where effec-and stable iodine.) tive to con-Whole body 75 Control exposure of emergency trol dose to members performing a emergency team lifesaving mission to this workers, thy-level (Control of time roid dose may exposure will be most effec- not be the tive). limiting factor.for lifesaving missiona. IBM-


  • PREVENTIVE PAG'S 1.5 rem projected dose committment to thyroid 0.5 rem projected dose committment to whole body, bone marrow, or any other organ l RESPONSE LEVELS FOR l l l l l l l PhEVENTIVE PAG  ! I-131 l Cs-134 l Cs-137 l Sr-90 l Sr-89 l l l l l l l l l Initial Activity Area l 0.13 l 2 l 3 1 0.5 l 8 l

) l Deposition (pCi/m 2) l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l Forage Concentration (pci/kg) l 0.05 l 0.8 l 1.3 l 0.18 l 3 l l (Fresh Weight) l l l l 1 l l l I I I l l l l Peak Milk Activity (pCi/ liter]! 0.015 1 0.15 ,1 0.24 l 0.009 1 0.14 l l 1  !  ! l l l l l l Total Intake (pCi) l 0.09 l 4 l 7 l 0.2 l 2.6 [ I EMERGENCY PAG'S 15 rem projected dose committment to the thyroid 5 rem projected dose committment to the whole body, bore marrow, or any

          ,            other organ I

l RESPONSE LEVELS l l l l l l l FOR l I-131 l Cs-134 l Cs-137 i Sr-90 i Sr-89 l l EMERGENCY PAG l Infant l Adult l Infant l Adult lInfantl Adult l Infant l Adult lInfantl Adult l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Initial Activity 1 1.3 l 18 l 20 l 40 l 30 l 50 l 5 l 20 1 80 - l 1600l l Area Deposition l l l l l l l l -l l l

;     l (pCi/m 2)                 l        l      l          l      l         l      l          l         l       l      li l                           l        l      l          l      l         l      l          l         l       1      l l Forage Concentration l        0.5 l. 7 l 8           l 17   l   13    l 15   l    1.8 1 8 l 30 1 700 l l (pCi/kg)                  l        I      l______l          l         l      l          l         l      -l      l l                           l        l      l          l      l         l      l          l         l       l      l l Peak Milk Activity        l 0.15 l 2 l          1.5 l 3 l       2.4 l 4 l 0.09 l 0.4 l              1.4 l     30 l l (pCi/ liter)              l        l      l          l      l         l      l-         l         l       l      l l                           l        l      l          l      l         l      l          l         1      -l      l l Total Intake (pC1)        l 0.9    l 10 l 40 l 70 1             70 l 80 l         2     l   7 l 26 l 400 l


Accidental Radioactive Contamination of Human Food and Animal Feeds; Food and Drug Administration Recommendations for State and Local Agencies, Federal Register, October 22, 1982. s 1 IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 12 FIGURE 3 RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS ACCIDENT PHASE EXPOSURE PATHVAY EXAMPLES OF ACTIONS TO BE RECOMMENDED EMERGENCY Inhalation of Evacuation, shelter, access controi, PHASE 1 gases, c7dio respiratory protection, prophylaxis (0.5 to 24 hours)* iodine, or (thyroid pratection). particulate Direct wnole Evacuation, shelter, access controi body exposure Ingestion of Take cows off pasture, prevent cows milk from drinking surface water, discard contaminated milk, or divert to stored products, such as cheese. INTERMEDIATE Ingestion of Wash all produce, or impound produce, PHASE 2 fruits and delay harvest until approve substi-vegetables tute uncontaminated produce. Ingestion of Cut off contaminated supplies, substi-water tute from other sources, filter, de-mineralize. (24 hours to Whole body Relocation, decontamination, access 30 days)* exposure and control. inhalation Ingestion of Decontamination, condemnation, or food and water destruction of food; deep plewing, contaminated condemnation, or alternate use of LONG TERM from the soil land. , PHASE 3 either by resus-pension or uptake through roots. Whole body expo- Relocation, access control, decon-sure from deposi- tamination, fixing of contamination, (Over 30 days)* ' ion material

                                  .                    deep plowing.

or inhalation of resuspended material. 1 Emergency Phase - Time period of major release and subsequent plume exposure. I 2 Intermediate Phase - Time period of moderate continuous release with plume exposure and contamination of environment. , l 3 Long Term Phase - Recovery period. ! * " Typical" Post-Accident time periods. IBM l

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 13 FIGURE 4 NSP CONSERVATIVE GUIDANCE FOR PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS EPA Manda to ry l Evacuation l Recommend Recommend l Evacuation Evacuation l Pregnant Women General Public l and Children l l 2 l l l Recommend l l l a Sheltering l l l

No l l l l Protective l l l l t Action l l l l 0 250 500 750 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 i

WHOLE BODY DOSE (MILLIREM) EPA. Mandato ry Evacuation l Recommend l Evacuation l General Public l l l Recommend l l Sheltering l l No l l -l 1 Protective l l l Action l l l-0 1250 5000 25000 1




a. No Protective Actions will b'e recommended up to 250 mrem whole body dose or 1250 mrem Thyroid dose (See Note la & lb).


a. Sheltering is a protective action which involves members of the general public taking cover in a building that can be made rela-tively air tight. Generally, any building suitable for winter habitation, with windows and doors closed and ventilation turned off, would provide reasonably good protection for about two hours; but would be ineffective after that period due to natural venti-lation of the structure. Sheltering is an appropriate protective action for the following:

(1) Severe incidents in which an evacuation cannot be imple-mented because of the rapid passage of the plume (" puff" release). (2) When an evacuation is indicated, but local constraints, such as inclement weather, road condition, etc., dictate that directing the public to seek shelter is a more feasible and effective protective measure than evacuation. (3) As a precautionary measure, while a determination of the need to evacuate is made.

b. Sheltering of the general public may be recommended at 250 mrem whole body dose or 1250 mrem thyroid dose (See Note la & lb).

l 3.0 EVACUATION __ l l

a. Timely evacuation of members of the population is the most effective protective action. There are, however, disadvantages and constraints that may make evacuation inappropriate. Evac-nation is an appropriate protective action for the following:

(1) Situations where the lead time between declaration of the emergency and population relocation is compatible - with plume movement. IBM

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 15 FIGURE 4 (Cont'd) NSP CONSERVATIVE GUIDANCE FOR PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (2) Situations which do not provide for advance warning, but for which substantial reductions in population dose can be made by avoiding exposure to residual radio-activity (plume fallout) in wake of sudden severe incidents.

b. Evacuation of pregnant women and children may be recommended at 500 mrem whole body dose (See Note Ic).
c. Evacuation of the general public may be recommended at 1000 mrem whole body dose, or 5000 mrem thyroid dose (See Note Id).

l l l NOTES: (1) The values given in this section are conservative guidance for l l recommending protective action to the state (s). This guidance i , I is to be used at the discretion of the Emergency Director and i j l is based upon the following: l l l l a. The dose expressed is based on 1/4 of the EPA lower limit l l dose for evacuation. l l l l b. The thyroid dose expressed is based on child thyroid dose. l l 1 l c. The dose expressed is based on RG 8.13. l l , l l d. The dose expressed is based on the EPA lower limit dose l l for evacuation. l 1 l l (2) These recommendations are based on actual offsite dose l l measurements or a high degree of confidence that these doses l l are actually expected offsite. l l 1 l (3) All protective action recommendations should be discussed with l [ the State Health Departments. l l l l (4) The EPA Guidelines for Recommended Protective Actions located l l in Figure 1 shall serve as the maximum levels. l l l l (5) Further guidance may be found in Appendix C, Protective Action l l Guidance, NSP Corporate Nuclear Emergency Plan. l I I IBM


1. Control Room detects GENERAL EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend sheltering 360* out to 2 miles and 5 miles downwind.
2. Loss of physical control of facility (to intruders)

PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend 2 mile precautionary evacuation. -

3. Core melt sequence where significant releases from containment are not yet taking place and large amounts of fission products are not yet in the containment atmosphere.

PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend 2 mile precautionary evacuation.

4. Large amounts of fission products ( > CAP activity *) are in the containment atomosphere..

PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend 5 mile downwind evacuation (45* to 90* sector). Recommend sheltering in other parts.of the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone.

5. For core melt sequences where significant releases from containment are not yet taking place and containment failure leading to a direct atmospheric release is likely in the sequence but not imminent and large amounts of fission products in addition to noble gases are in the containment atmosphere.

PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend precautionary evacuation, 360* out to 5 miles and 10 mile downwind evacuation (45* to 90* sector). ! 6. For core melt sequences where large amounts of fission products other ! than noble gases are in the containment atmosphere and containment ! failure is judged imminent. PROTECTIVE ACTION - Recommend shelter for those areas where evacuation cannot be completed before transport of activity to that location. , 1

  • Containment activity may be determined by referring to Figure 6, CONTAINMENT DOSE RATE VS TIME. The 1% Regulatory Guide 1.4 represents the gap act.ivity. Plot the point corresponding to the containment monitor reading versus time after shutdown. If the point is above the 1% Regulatory '

Guide 1. '+ curve, the containment activity exceeds the gap activity. IBM


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7 6 l 10 .' F , d

                                                                                                                                                                     .     .a..                . u.. ..
                                                                                                                                                                                               ..                                                               100% Core equipibrium                                                                                                       '
                                                                                          . ,. a . ,. .. -;                                   ,. . .
                                                              . . ,. , . . . .,                                                                                                      . ' ,m, . .
                                                                         .s ,6 . . .. ; , 4. R
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                         .i . ...;.                                    i.:.                                                                                               . , . ; .U.i                                                                            50% Core equilibrium 100% Regulatory Guide 1.4                                                                                                                                                                                                              halogen inventory 1% All other tission products
                                                                                                                       ..  .. , . . , . .    ,                      .    . . , .. , . , ..v~.



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0.1 l'. 0 ld 100 1000 10.000 TIME (HOURS AFTER SHUTDOWN)


  • Shieldingg ,)
Structure or Location Factor Representative Range Outside 1.0 --

l Vehicles 1.0 -- Wood-frame house ( } 0.9 -- (no basement) Basement of wood house 0.6 0.1 to 0.7(C) Masonry House (no basement) 0.6 0.4 to 0.7(c) Basement of masonry house 0.4 0.1 to 0.S(c) Large office or industrial building 0.2 0.L to 0.3(c,d) (a) The ratio of the dose received inside the structure to the dose that would be received outside the structure. (b) A wood frame house with brick or stone veneer is approximately equivalent to a masonry house for shielding purposes. (c) This range is mainly due to different wall materials and different geometries. (d) The shielding factor depends on where the personriel are located within the building (e.g. , the basement or an inside ro am). SELECTED SHIELDING FACTORS FOR AIRBORNE RADIONUCLIDES Wood house, no basement 0.9 Wood house, basement 0.6 Brick house, no basement 0.6 Brick house, basement 0.4 Large office or industrial building 0.2 Outside 1.0 ,

     *Taken from SAND 77-1725 (Unlimited Release)

IBM l i I

      - - . .                p          p.

F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 19 FIGURE 7 (Cont'd) REPRESENTATIVE SHIELDING FACTORS,FOR SURFACE DEPOSITED RADIONUCLIDES , Representative Representative i Structure or Location Shielding Fector(,) Range 1 m above an infinite smooth 1.00 -- surface I m above ordinary ground 0.10 0.47-0.85 1 m above center of 50-ft roadways, 0.55 0.4-0.0 50% decontaminated Cars on 50-ft road: Road fully contaminated 0.5 0.4-0.7 Road 50% decontaminated 0.5 0.4-0.6 Road fully decontaminated 0.25 0.2-0.5 Trains 0.40 0.3-0.5 One and two-story wood-frame house 0.4( } 0.2-0.5 (no basement) One and two-story block and brick 0.2 ') 0.04-0.40 house (no basement) House basement, one or two walls 0.l fhI 0.03-0.15 fully, exposed: One story, less than 2 f t of 0.05(b) 0.03-0.07 basement, walls exposed g,) Two stories, less chan 2 ft 0.03 0.02-0.05 of basement, walls exposed Three or four-stogy structures, 5000 to 1,000 ft per floor: First and second floors; h) 0.01-0.08 0.05((h) Basement 0.01 0.001-0.07 2 Multistory structures, ) 10,000 f t per floor: gg , Upper floors: 0.01 0.001-0.02 Basement 0.005 b) 0.001-0.015 4 j (a) The ratio of dose received inside the structure to the dose that would . be received outside the structure. (b) Away from do7rs and windows. l i I

           *Taken from SAND 77-1725-(Unlimited Release)

I l 4 IBM i l l

f-F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 20

 !                                       FIGURE 8 EVACUATION TIME ESTIMATES
  • Evac. Zone Distance Evacuation Time (Minutes)

Map Sectors Oliles ) Population Best Adverse Confirmation P-1 Q-F 0-2 238 10 13 26 P-2 G-P C-2 111 10 13 26 P-3 Q-B 0-5 370 22 29 58 P-4 C-F 0-5 610 22 29 58 P-5 G-K 0-5 2302 22 29 58 P-6 L-P 0-5 378 22 29 58 . P-7 Q-B 0-10 2153 42 55 110 I P-8 C-F 0-10 - 4355 42 55 110 P-9 G-K 0-10 14016 76 100 200 P-10 L-P 0-10 1790 42 55 110 j E E 0-10 713 8 11 22 F F 0-10 2238 12 16- 32 1 G G 0-10 10057 43 56 112 H H 0-10 2cl7 8 11 22 l i

  • Taken from Evacuation Time Estimates, dated March 1981, Rev. 3 and Evacuation Time Estimates for- 4 worst case sectors, dated, March 1982.


F3-8 + Rev. 2 Page 21 FIGURE 9 POPULATION ESTIMATES / POPULATION TOTALS POPULATION ESTIMATES SECTOR 0-2 2-5 0-5 5-10 0-10 A 27 137 164 453 617 B 134 89 223 553 776 C 24 83 107 547 654

    ,                       D           8           75          83         645            728 E           8-         103        111         602             713 F           0         300         300       1,938          2,238 G          11         288         299       9,758         10,057
           ,                H           6       1,508      1,514        1,103          2,617 J           3         355         358         402             760 K          12         102         114         415             529 L           0           76          76        263             339 M           0           78          78        138             216
;                           N          57           40          97        431             528 P          92           35        127         474             601 Q          28           19          47        349             396 R          19           11          30        323             353 1

POPULATION TOTALS RING CUMULATIVE RING MILES POPULATION . TOTAL MILES POPULATION 0-2 429 0-2 429 2-5 3,299 0-5 3,728 5-10 18,394 0-10 22,122 IBM

r-F3-8 Rev. 2 Page 22 c'IGURE 10 illSSISSIPPI RIVER FLOWS


January 7,500 Feb rua ry 7,000 March 10,500 April 36,000 May 25,500 Ju::e 24,000 July 14,500 August 11,500 Sep r 11,000 October 10,000 hvember 9,500 December 8,000 I

  • Median Mississippi River Flows at Prescott, between 1940 - 1965 l

l t IBM i 1 I


1. Release Volume Gals. Release Activity pCi/cc
2. Main Channel Activity pCi/cc
3. River Flow cfs River velocity mph I 4. Protective Action Recommendations: ,,.. ., ,_ . _ _ _ _

E, , ,) ! '. i 'I"' (f', lr':3;W

                                                                             . D u .-

c-ph"' r,< 7 ,,p pq

                                                                              .> .a s'
5. Forward and review this Protective Action Recommendation with the Emergency Director.


1. Review latest offsite dose projections.

PLC Initials

   ,          2. Record plume direction and speed plus

associated date and time on Page 2 of this form. REC Initials

3. Indicate Protective Action Recom-mendations on Page 2 of this form.

, I!EC Initials i

4. Indicate basis for justification of Protective Action Recommendations on Page 2 of this form.

REC Initials

5. Forward and review this Protective Action Recommendation with the Emergency Director.

RLC Initials Time Date

PINGP 585 0 Rev. 1 F3-8 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 2 Page 24 - FIGURE 11 (Cont'd) PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION CHECKLIST NOTES: (1) This form may be used 3* , in conjunction with an

                                                ,                  y                                             Emergency Notification
                               $                o,                t                    .                         Followup Message.


                                %#* NNW    R\N,,

7-- ,,, NNE (2) When this form is tele-

                     %6.        0 ' ',-

eg s

                                                                             'CN NE ejo'$

COPi ed to call must the state, a be initiated

                                 /                                                   s                           by the ED    to explain
                                        ,             __                     g                                                                  ;

l pf 9

                                     /     '      -        '            g       N              g                 the basis    for any            ;

whmf ' \ GENE recommendation. 2 89.25 1 y \ \ \ 78.75* I i

                                                                         \                                  (3) Designate affected

Ni wg i i ii g Ii l l1[ zones as follows: 258I g \ / j




M\ Ts N - '

                                                                                         'F ESE
                                             *                        '                                                      SHELTERING p.@

r (sws __ /c  %>,, AREA SSW* - (SE - 4 K s H +%, - 8 - J s

                                               ?                  $*

E . Date Time Wind direction / speed

  • At From (mph)




                          .ib.5bg]Qpqq,Jtijub'U' LJ                CONTAMINATION CONTROL IN                    SECTORS OUT TO                   MILES l     l           CONSIDER TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE ACTIONS IN l                                                                               PE0GRESS 1


  • Prepared By: Approved By:

Emergency Director . 1 .. , ..

l 1 PAGE 1 OF 9 l l EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING l l PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR PRCCEDURES l l GENERATING PLANT l l NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Number: F3-10 Rev: 4 l l History Copy I l a , Retention Time: Lifetime l l ,/ / tdl /b.1 I TITLE: l l Supt. Rad Protection I l l Approved By: PERSONNEL ACC0UNTABILITY 1 I l I M u N b. Pla#t Mandgdr ~ l l l l l l l l l l OC Date: //- / A' - ?'3 l l l l l l 1 I i l l l 1.0 PURPOSE l 1 I l The Instruction SHALL delineate the procedure to perform the l l personnel accountability check within the Protected Area, I l following a plant evacuation. l l 1 1 I l 2.0


l l l l In the event of a plant evacuation, the personnel accountability l l check within the Protected Area should be completed within thirty l l (30) minutes following the evacuation to allow an orderly search l l for missing personnel. The Emergency Director is responsible for l l the completion of this personnel accountability and may delegate l l this authority to the Guard Force and the respective Coordinators l l at each of the emergency operating centers. All personnel l l accountability results SHALL be forwarded to the Emergency l l Director. [ l I I I l 3.0 APPLICABILITY l l l l THIS INSTRUCTION SHALL APPLY TO ALL PLANT PERSONNEL. l l 1 I i l 4.0 PRECAUTIONS l 1 I l (1) All individuals remaining in the Protected area following l l a plant evacuation SHALL be verified by a direct contact l l (either in person or verbally) and their location, name l l and badge # recorded on the personnel accountability l l sheet, Figure 1 (PINGP #601). l l 1 l (2) The Emergency Director should ensure that this instruction l-l is completed. l l 1 I l l l l _ l IBM i

F3-10 Rev. 4 Page 2 (3) When the initial accountability is completed, access to the Protected Area shall require coordination between the Emergency Director, Radiation Protection Group, and the Guard Force to ensure an ongoing personnel accountability throughout the duration of the emergency situation. (4) To ensure a continuous personnel accountability, an

                       - . accountability check should be completed once per shift (every 8 hours) or when requested by the Emergency Director (See Step 5.12).

5.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 During an evacuation, all nonessential perscnnel SHALL proceed to the designated assembly area.



                         'l NOTE: The designated assembly area may be either the                  l l                  Screenhouse or the C.onstruction Office Building. l l                  Licten for instructions over the public address     l   ;

l address system ' prior to evacuating. l l l l 5.2 . As scon as the evacuation alarm sounds, the CAS operator _ SKALL type EEV (Emergency Evacuation) into the security computer to activate the OSC, TSC and the Screenhouse accountability card readers. 5.3 As soon. as the evacuation alarm sounds, all personnel in the TSC and OSC SMALL' insert or ensure that their badges are inserted into the TSC or OSC card readers. 5.4 As soon as all OSC personnel have inserted their badges into the'0SC' card reader, the OSC Coordinator should inform the . Emergency Director. (Ext. 330 or Ext. 332). . 5,5 When it has been verified that all badges (OSC and TSC) have been inserted into,the. card readers, the ED should call the gu,ard force, (Ext. 324) and inform them. 1$ . 6 The OSC Coordinator should:

                          . ';3 . 6 .1          Designate an individual-to-perform a Control Rcom Accountability, listing all Control Room Personnel and out plant operators on Figure 1 (PINGP #601).
                          ' 5 6'. ' . 2 ' , Ensure that the Centrol Room Accountability sheet,
                                   .          ' Pingp transferred to the Emergency Director i s the TSC, as soon -as it is completed.


                                 -                                                                    o i         IBM           -
x. ' ';

f _

 ,                                                                'm 3

F3-10 Rev. 4 Page 3 5.7 Actions Of Personnel Evacuating The Plant Shall Be As Follows: . 5.7.1 If the Construction Office Building is the designated assembly point: (1) All Personnel Shall evacuate via the Guard House or as designated by the Guard Force. 1 (2) All Personnel Shall give their badge to the Guard Force as they exit the protected area. (3) All Personnel Shall proceed to the Construction Office Building and assemble in the designated areas, as indicated (See Figure 2). 5.7.2 If The Screenhouse Is The Designated Assembly Point: (1) All Per.sonnel Shall evacuate the plant and enter the Screenhouse through the east door. (2) All Personnel Shall file through the Screenhouse, as indicated on Figure 3, and insert their hadge into the Screenhouse Accountability Card Reader. l . CAbrION: Do not insert badge into the card reader outside the Screenhouse east door. (3) After each badge has been inserted into the Screenhouse Accountability Card Reader, all Personnel Shall follow the assembly route (See Figure 3) and proceed to the Accountability ifolding Area. CAUTION: Do not exit the Screenhouse until instructed. IBM l

                                                     .k F3-10 Rev. 4 Page 4 5.8 The Guard Force action SliALL be as follows:

5.8.1 If the Construction,ce. Building is the designated assembly point, the Guard Force action SHALL be as follows: (a) The Guard Force shall collect all badges from personnel as they leave the protected area via the Gua rd. House.


l t i .N9T E : Evacuating personnel need not stop at l l the Portal Monitor in the Guard House l or at Access. Control. l l l, l L. The Guard Force SHALL insert all badges into the two (2) Guard House exit card readers as soon l as possible.

c. As soon as all badges (evacuated personnel, OSC personnel and TSC personnel) have been iitserted into the card readers, -the Security Shift Sup.ervisor should obtain a list of unaccounted personne11frcm the security computer by typing in EVACNP (Evacuation Accountability).

I' l l NOTIO This unaccounted personnel list l l include.s~-missing persoitnel and those l. l , who have n,ot inserted their badges into thel

                ]          ' card readers,                 e.g.,     Contr21 Room Operators l l           and out plant operators.                                                   l l                                                                                      l (d) Av soon as the'"Unaccount'ed Personnel List" is s

generated, the Cuard . Force SHALL bring this list to the Emergency' Director in the TSC.

                                                               .-             3         ,

5.8.2 11 the Screenhouse is the designated-assemby point, the Guard Force action SHALL be as follows: , (a)' the Gua d Force SilALL. proceed to-the assist in the evacuation"and ascountability. , (b) The'Gaard Force SHALL ensure that all' personnel evacuating insert their badges into the accountabi{ity card reader.

                     '(c) The Guard Force SHALL ensure 'all personnel                                        -

I proceed to the accountability h'olding area. l

                              -                            , , m.       - -



IBM  :' , .-


d 4 y ..

F3-10 Rev. 4 Page 5 (d) As soon as all badges have been inserted into the screenhouse accountability card reader, the Security Officer posted at the screenhouse assembly point Shall notify the security shif t supervisor (Ext. 324). (e) As soon as all badges (evacuated personnel. OSC personnel and TSC personnel) have been inserted into the card readers, the security shift supervisor should obtain a list of unaccounted personnel from the security computer by , typing in EVACNT (Evacuation Accountability).

!                                  l                                                              l i   ,                               l NOTE: This unaccounted personnel list                        l l
!                                  l            includes missing personnel and those              l l            who have not inserted their badges into thel i                               l            card readers, e.g. , Control Room Operators l l            and out plant operators.                          l l                                                              l (f) As soon as the " Unaccounted Personnel List" is generated, the Guard Force-SliALL bring this list to the Emergency Director in the TSC.

5.9 The Emergency Director or designee shall then compare the

                             " Unaccounted Personnel List" with the " Emergency Operating Center Personnel Accountability Check". Figure 1 (PINGP Form
                             #601), to determine if all personnel are accounted for.

5.10 If all personnel are not accounted for, re-check all

 ,                           Emergency Operating Centers, the Guard House and the applicable assembly point for missing personnel.

5.11 If all personnel cannot be accounted for, the Emergency Director SHALL initiate a search for missing personnel, in accordance with F3-11, " Search and Rescue".

     .             5.12 Once each shift (every 8 hours) or when requested by'the Emergency Director, a personnel accountability check onsite shall be conducted as follows:

5.12.1 The Emergency Director shall request the CAS Operator (ext. 318) to activate the OSC and TSC card readers. l The CAS operator SIIALL then type EEV (Emergency Evacuation) into the security computer. 5.12.2 All personnel in the TSC and OSC SHALL then insert their badges into the TSC .ind OSC card readers. IBM

                                      , ,                 ,    y -            ~

f F3-10 Rev. 4 Page 6 5.12.3 As sm,n a= all OSC personnel h.sve inserted their 3 leidges into the OSC card reader, the OSC Coordinator

]                               should inf.orm the Emergency Director (Ext. 330 or Ext. 332).

I 5.12.4 When it has been verified that all badges (OSC & TSC) have been inserted into the card readers, the ED should call the guard force, (Ext. 318) and inform them. l 5.12.5 The OSC Coordinstor should: (a) Designate an individual to perform a Control Room Accountability, listing all Control Room. Personnel and out plant

operators on Figure 1 (Pingp #601).

(b) Ensure that the Control Room Accountability Sheet, Pingp #601, is transferred to the Emergency Director in the TSC, as soon as it is completed. 5.12.0 as soon as ali OSC and TSC personnel have inserted their badges into the card readers, the security l l shift supervisor should obtain a list of unaccounted I j personnel from the security computer by typing in EVAC.'TT (Evacuation Accountability).


l' l l NOTE: This nnaccounted personnel list l l l includes missing personnel and those who l l have not inserted their badges into the l 1 card readers , e.g. , Control Room operators l l and out plant operators. l l ___ l 5.12.7 As soon as the " Unaccounted Personnel List" is generated, the Guard Force SHALL bring this list to the Emergency Director in the TSC. 5.12.8 The Emergency Director or designee shall then compare the " Unaccounted Personnel List" with the " Emergency. Operating Center Personnel Accountability Check". Figure 1 (FINGP Form #601), to determine if all personnel are accounted for. 5.12.9 f f all per.connel are not accounted for, re-check all Emergency Operating Centers and the applicab~le assembly point for missing personnel. 5.12.Iv If all personnel cannot be accounted for, the Emergency Director SHALL initiate a search for , missing personnel, in accordance with F3-11 " Search and Rescue". IBM

n . F3-10 Rev. Page 7


PINGP */601, Rev. O FIGURE I EnERGENCY OPERATING CENTER _ PERSONNEL. ACCOUNTABILITY ClfECK LOCATION: Cont rol Room L__J Technical Fupport Center I I Operational 9spport. Center [ l Railiat ion Protect ion fi> "op  !

                                                                                 -l Date:        _                                                      Time:

I NAME Batige t' NS) Barige 't i I I I I I I I I I I I I i  ! I I I I i i I i I I i l I l I i l i I ' I I I l d.w I I I I g . ,i, I I I I f i i I

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I I I I l 'M i 1 I I I I le i I I I 1 I I I 1 . u~ l I I pf, i ' l 1 i  ; i Nm ' #I i i 1 - I I i I i l i  !  ! I I I ' i l I I i l I i l l l l 1 i  !  ! I I I I i  ! I I  ! I i l i I I I 1 i i l i l i i i i l I  ! I i i I i i  ! I I I I I I i I i i 1 I I l _.I co.npl et. .: i,3- _ _ _ IBM l

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N L' . O I L Y ^N _ T _ A D - f U lT R C EN O _ A SI V SO AP D E -

PAGE 1 OF 26 l l EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING l l PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR :PROCESURES l l GENERATING PLANT l l NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Number: F3-15 Rev:7 l l History Copy l l m _ Retention Time: Lifetime l l TITLE: l l Supt R d Prot _ tion l l l Approved By: [j l RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE l l (4 - 1 RADIATION SURVEY TEAMS DURING l l PlaM Managef}l l A RADIOACTIVE AIRBORNE RELEASE l l l l OC Date: bM-b' l l l l l l l 1.0 PURPOSE l l l l The purpose of this instruction is to describe the responsibilities of l l the Radiation Survey Teams during an airborne radioactive release to l l th- offsite environs. l l l l 2.0


l l l l Three radiation survey teams exist, each consisting of a minimum of four l l Radiation Protection Specialists. One (1) Rad Protection Specialist is l l required per team (minimum) to perform the required offsite surveys; l l all other team members should report to the Radiological Emergency l

              \          Coordinator (REC) onsite, for further assignments (e.g. , onsite             l l         sampling, monitoring, analysis, exposure control, etc.).                     l l                                                                                      1 l          In the event of an offsite airborne release, the Radiological Emergency      l l          Coordinator (REC) may request support for offsite surveys from the           l l          Monticello Radiation Protection Group. When the Monticello Radiation        l l          Protection Group arrives at the Prairie Island Near-Site EOF, they will     l l          accept the responsibility for offsite surveys from the Prairie Island       l l          Survey Teams. This allows the Prairie Island personnel, who have            l l          completed the initial offsite surveys to augment Radiation Survey Team      l l          #3 performing onsite .2rveys. All offsite surveys will then continue        l l          under the direction of the Emergency Manager at the Prairie Island          l l          Near-Site EOF.                                                              l l                                                                                      l l    3.0 APPLICABILITY                                                                 l 1                                                                                      l l          This Instruction SHALL apply to all members of the Prairie Ialand           l l          Radiation Protection Group.                                                 l l                                                                                      l l    4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS                                        l l                                                                                      l l          (1) Each team shall obtain information pertaining to the magnitude and      l l               the direction of the release, either from the Control Room or the      l l               Radiological Emergency Coordinator.                                    l l                                                                                      l l                                                                                      l l                                                                                      l l                                                                                      l l                                                                                      l


F3-15 f Rev. 7 Page 2 (2) Radiation Survey Teams' SHALL observe the respiratory orotection requirements and the field dose rate precautions as stated in Attachment F. (3) Report airborne activity sample results in round numbers, (i.e., microcuries per cc with no decimal places). (4) Report all radiation levels in whole number millirem per hour, (i.e., three Rem per hour shall be reported as three thousand millirem per hour). (5) Preface each communication with the title or name of the receiving party and your title or name. For example: " Prairie Island TSC;

                              " Survey Team #1..."

After the communication is completed, request the receiving party to repeat the message, if numerical data was relayed. End message transmission with an appropriate termination phrase. For example: " Survey Team #1, out". (6) When making field estimates of gross activity, if background - exceeds 1000 cpm, notify the REC and proceed to an area of lower background. <1000 cpm for counting, if so instructed by the REC. (7) The normal means of transportation for survey teams during any emergency is NSP vehicles. Extreme environmental conditions (blocked roads, snow, bridges out, etc.) may preclude the use of these vehicles. The following alternate transportation is available: I I l NOTE: This does not prohibit the use of personal vehicles l l in cases where NSP vehicles are not available in l l sufficient numbers. l I ___ l (a) Power Boats - Sheriff's Department, NSP environmental monitoring team, Red Wing Police. (b) Four Wheel Drive Vehicle - at Prairie Island (c) Amphibious Duck - at Prairie Islae.d (d) Helicopter - available during suitable weather conditions from charter services in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Arrangements to be made via the corporate Emergency Organization at the EOF. IBM

F3-15 Rtv. 7 1 Page 3 ' (8) The normal communication channel for the survey teams is the portable radio stored in the lockers. The normal telephone system will serve as a backup communication system. Telephone numbers in the TSC for the Radiological Emergency Coordinator are:

                                         ,            Ext. Dg.3
                                        'Q            Ext. f..
                                                *?y   Ext.      \j k               gA O-           .

(9) Periodically check dosimeter readings and report results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC). 5.0 EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL REQUIRED 5.1 Team Members Team I

  • Team II Team III O

C. .'. *1 Oe~rGTEO Q3

                                                               'f EC              %                    -

i l l l NOTE: The Radiation Protection Coordinators SHALL l l report to the OSC and assume onsite responsi- l l bilities as directed by the Radiological l l Emergency Coordinator (REC). l l l 5.2 Team Equipment Required 5.2.1 Team #1 (1) Vehicle (NSP or personal)

                               .(2) Offsite sample kit (Attachment A) 5.2.2      Team #2 (1) Vehicle (NSP or personal)

(2) Offsite sample kit (Attachment A) 5.2.3 Team #3 (1) Normal counting room equipment, if available (2) E.O.F. counting room equipment (3) All available onsite radiation protection equipment s IBM l 4

ra-ts i R:v. 7 Page 4 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Team #1 6.1.1 All members of Radiation Survey Team #1 SHALL assemble at the appropriate location as follows, unless directed by the Emergency Director or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC): (1) During normal working hours, all Team #1 members SHALL assemble in the Operational Support Center (OSC). (2) During off-normal working hours, all Team #1 members SKALL a semble at the NSP Red Wing Service Center. l 1 l NOTE: During of f hours, the Shift Emergency Commun- l l irator (SEC) SHALL ensure that NSP personnel l l are contacted to unlock the NSP Red Wing l l District Service Center. If personnel are not l l available at the service center when the l l Radiation Survey teams arrive, notify the SEC l l to again call to request the NSP Service l l Center to be unlocked. l l 1 6.1.2 Obtain the necessary information from the Control ( Room Operator or TSC personnel regarding the type and amount of release, wind direction, etc. 6.1.3 Designate two (2) members of Team #1 (if available) to perform offsite surveys. The other members of Team #1 SilALL report to the OSC and assume onsite , responsibilities, as directed by the REC. I l l NOTE: Any available NSP personnel may be designated l l as the driver for a single team member. l l l-6.1.4 Obtain ti.e necessary equipment (Attachment A) as follows: (1) During normal work hours, proceed to the Construction Office Building and obtain the Field Team Survey Kits; ~ (2) During off-normal work hours, obtain the Field Team Survey Kits from the NSP Red Wing Service Center. IBM


F3-15 Rev. 7 Page 5 6.1.5 Obtain an NSP vehicle or personal vehicle. 6.1.6 Obtain TLD's and dosimeters. I I l NOTE: Survey Team Members should keep their l l personal TLD's if departing from the plant l l site. l l 1 6.1.7 Zero and record dosimeter readings on the dosimeter signout sheet. 6.1.8 Operationally test the portable radios and response check all meters with source, prior to departing. 6.1.9 Proceed to perform effsite surveys depending on the wind direction and time of erargency: (1) If the wind is from the north or west, proceed on the Emergency Route from the plant, or the NSP Red Wing Service Center, through Red Wing, to. Diamond Bluff, to Prescott, to Hastings, and back to the plant as shown on Figure 1. (2) If the wind is from the south or east, proceed on the Emergency Route from the plant, or the i NSP Red Wing Service Center, to Hastings, to Prescott, to Diamond Bluff, to Red Wing, and back to the plant, as shown on Figure 1. 6.1.10 When departing the plant site or NSP Red Wing Service Center, conduct a search for the plume, in accordance with Attachment B. 6.1.11 Observe the respiratory protection and the field dose rate precautions, as stated in Attachment F, at all times while conducting a plume search, taking dose rate measurements or taking air samples. 6.1.12 At areas where the plume is encountered, or at each designated survey point, perform beta and gamma surveys in accordance with the applicable procedure, Attachment C, as directed by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. l 1 1 6.1.13 Identify survey locations using either: (1) Predesignated survey location numbers, as shown on the applicable Radiological Sampling Points map; or j IBM

F3-15 Rzv. 7 Page 6 (2) Known landmarks, road intersections, grid coordinates, etc. to identify locations the plume is encountered and/or sampling is done when not at a predesignated survey point. I l l NOTE: Map coordinates and/or locations should l l also be identified as per the mobile l l sampling locations list. l I I 6.1.14 Report results to the Radiological- Emergency Coordinator via the pottable radio or telephone. 6.1.15 After completing the initial emergency route (Figure 1), report to the REC for further instructions. 6.1.16 When directed by the REC, assist Team #2 in conducting a plume search and air sampling. 6.1.17 Obtain airborne samples (particulate, iodine and gas), at locations requested by the REC, as per Attachments D & E. 6.1.18 Report results to the REC via portable radio or telephone. 6.2 Team #2 6.2.1 All members of Radiation Survey Team #2 SHALL assemble at the appropriate location as follows, unless directed by the Emergency Director or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC): (1) During normal working hours, all Team #2 members SHALL assemble in the Operational Support Center (OSC). (2) During off-normal working hours, all Team #2 members SHALL assemble at the NSP Red Wing Service Center. , IBM e mMW

F3-15 Rev. 7 Pege 7 I I l NOTE: During off hours, the Shift Emergency Commun- l l icator,(SEC) SHALL ensure that NSP personnel l l are contacted to unlock the NSP Red Wing l l District Service Center. If personnel are not l l available at the service center when the l l Radiation Survey teams arrive, notify the SEC l l to again call to request the NSP Service l l Center to be unlocked. l l l 6.2.2 Obtain the necessary information from the Control Room Operator or TSC personnel regarding the type and amount of release, wind direction, etc. 6.2.3 Designate two (2) members of Team #2 (if available) to perform offsite surveys. The other members of Team #2 SHALL report to the OSC and assume onsite responsibilities, as directed by the REC. l l l NOTE: Any available NSP personnel may be designated l l as the driver for a single team member. l l I 6.2.4 Obtain the necessary equipment (Attachment A) as follows: (1) During normal work hours, proceed to the Construction Office Building and obtain the Field Team Survey Kits; (2) During off-normal work hours, obtain the Field Team Survey Kits from the NSP Red Wing Service Center. 6.2.5 Obtain an NSP vehicle or personal vehicle. 6.2.6 Obtain TLD's and dosimeters.

     .              I                                                        l l NOTE: Survey Team Menbers should keep their            l l         personal TLD's if departing f rom.the plant    l l         site.                                          l l                                                        l 6.2.7    Zero and record dosimeter readings on the dosimeter signout sheet.


F3-15 Rev. 7 Pagn 8 6.2.8 Operationally test the portable radios and response check all meters with source, prior to departing. 6.2.9 Proceed to the affected sector per instructions from the REC. 6.2.10 When departing the plant site or Red Wing Service Center, conduct a search for the plume, in accordance with Attachment B. 6.2.11 Observe the respiratory protection and the field dose rate precautions as stated in Attachment F, at all times while conducting a plume search, taking dose rate measurements or taking air samples. - 6.2.12 At areas where the plume is encountered, or at each designated survey point, perform beta and gamma surveys in accordance with the applicable procedure, Attachment C, as directed by the a Radiological Emergency Coordinator. 6.2.13 Collect airborne sample, (particulate, iodine and gas), in accordance with applicable procedures, Attachment D and E, when requested by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. 6.2.14 Report results to the REC via the portable radio or telephone. Identify survey locations using either: (1) Predesignated survey location numbers, as shown on the applicable Radiological Sampling Points map; or (2) Known landmarks, road intersections, grid coordinatesf etc. to identify locations the plume is encountered and/or sampling is done when not at a predesignated survey point. l rdTE: Map coordinates and/or locations should l 4 i also be identified as pr:r the mobile- l l sampling locations list. I l__ l 6.2.15 Accurately document all survey data on the Emergency Results Log, Figure 2. Enter the date, time, name of surveyor, instrument serial number and model for each survey data. l 6.2.16 Proceed to the next survey location as per ! instructions from the REC and take requested i surveys and samples in accordance with applicable ! procedures. ! IBM l

F3-15 Rev. 7 Page 9 6.2.17 Frequently check personal dosimeters and request relief if cumulative exposure approaches administrative limits. l . l 6.2.18 When directed by the REC, deliver samples to i designated location for pickup by member of Team l


6.3 Team #3 6.3.1 Report to the Operational Support Center when the emergency is declared, unless directed by the Emergency Director or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC). 6.3.2 Perform all operations requested by the Emergency Director , or REC. 6.3.3 Control radiation exposure onsite (internal and external). 6.3.4 Analyze air samples obtained by the onsite and offsite i survey teams, using the Count Room facilities and/or the E.0.F. count room facilities. Store all samples for future analysis. 6.3.5 Perform onsite surveys as requested by the Emergency Director and/or REC per F3-14, "Onsite Radiological Monitoring". 6.3.6 Perform required personnel monitoring at the emergency _ operating centers and supervise any necessary personnel decontamination per F3-19, " Personnel and Equipment Monitoring and Decontamination". 6.3.7 Obtain and process samples from the reactor coolant system, containment air, stack release, etc., as requested by the REC per F3-23, " Emergency Sampling"

   -                        and F3-20, " Manual Determination of Release Rates".

6.3.8 Report all results to the REC via available communication system. f IBM


1. Each offsite survey team SHALL be equipped with a kit of the following:

QUANTITY REQUIRED ITEM 1 Dose rate instrument R0-2 or equivalent 1 Count rate instrument RM-14 or equivalent 2 2" GM pancake probes 1 Battery powered air sampler 2 Personnel self-reading dosimeters (0-200mR) 2 Personnel self-reading dosimeters (0-5R) 2 TLD's (if individuals have a normally assigned TLD, they should wear those assigned) 1 (package) Plastic Sample Bags 1 (package) Gargage bags 1 (package) Paper towels

2 (roll) Masking tape 20 Silver zeolite adsorbers l

2 GMR-I cannisters 2 Full face respirators 2 Gas sample chambers 1 Filter assembly (gas sampler) 1 Suction bulb (gas sampler) 1 (package) Filter paper (gas sampler) 10 One liter poly bottles 1 (box) Four inch air sampler filter papers 1 (package) Survey sample labels 1 Portable radio 1 Portable radio antenna 1 Flashlight 4 D-Cell batteries 1 Compass I 1 Clipboard 2 Peas 1 Pad of paper (8-1/2" x 11" minimum size) l 1 Road map of state of Mir.nesota i 1 Road map of State af Wisconsin i 1 Umbrella 1 Watch or c. lock 1 Calculator 2 (pair) Foul weather (rain) gear 1 Line (100 feet) l 1 Weighted poly bottle holder 1 Snow Scoop 1 (package) Surgeon gloves 1 Procedures binder (see #2) IBM


2. The Procedures Binder SHALL contain:

1 package of the following maps: (a) Prairie Island Radiological Sampling Points Map and related list of location descriptions (b) Monticello Radiological Sampling Points Map and related list of location descriptions 1 Copy of EPIP 1.1.10, "Offsite Surveys" 10 Emergency Sample Results Forms 1 Copy of EPIP 1.1.8, " Communications Equipment and Information" 1 Copy of F3-15, " Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During a Radioactive Airborne Release" 1 Copy of F3-16, " Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During a Radioactive Liquid Release" e f r IBM

F3-15 Rev. 7 Page 12 ATTACliMENT 3 PLUME SEARCH TECHNIQUE I. Precautions (1) Meter SHALL have been source response checked prior to use. (2) Check batteries by switching to BATTERY CHECK position. Replace if necessary. (3) Observe the cold weather operation restrictions (ATTACHMENT G). (4) All surveys SHALL be taken at approxima.tely one meter from greur.d level unless specifically directed by the REC. (5) During inclement weather, the instrument may be placed against the inside vehicle windo*w or on the dash. II. Procedure (1) When departing the plant site or NSP Red Wing Service Center: I a) Energize the instrument observing proper precautions for cold weather (ATTACHMENT G). b) Allow meter to' stabilize and zero meter if necessary. (2) Periodically hold the instrument out the vehicle windew, while in transit, and watch the instrument for a meter deflection. l l l NCTE: During inclement weather, the instrument may be placed l l against the inside vehicle window or on the dash. j i I (3) When a meter deflection is observed, stop the vehicle and perform a beta and gamma survey of the area as follows: a) Hold the instrument at approximately 1 meter (3 feet) from around level and scan around the area for maximum meter deflection b) Open the probe window for beta gamma reading 1 [ c) Record the " window open" reading (Figure 2) l ! d) Close the probe window I IBM

l i F3-15 RLv. 7 ) Paga 13 1 l l ATTACHMENT B (Continued) PLUME SEARCH TECHNIQUE e) Record the " window closed" reading (Figure 2) f) Determine the corrected beta reading (4) Record the readings and calculate the beta and gamma dose (Figure-2) I l l NOTE: A beta plus gamma reading will indicate that the l , l plume has been encountered. A gamma reading with l l zero beta reading indicates the plume is elevated l l or displaced. A gamma reading and a beta reading l l indicates that the plume is at ground clevation. l l l (5) Report the results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator as follows: a) Location: b) millirem /hr gamma c) millirem /hr True Beta l 1 - l NOTE: If not at a predesignated survey point, use l

              !              known landmarks, road intersections, grid         l l              coordinates, etc., to identify the location.      l l      - - - -


F3-15 NEl . I Page 14 ATTACHMENT C ( BETA AND GAMMA SURVEY I. Precautions (1) Meter shall have been source response checked prior to use. (2) Check batteries by switching to BATTERY CHECK position. I Replace if necessary. (3) Observe the cold weather operation restrictions (ATTACH-MENT G). (4) All surveys shall be taken at approximately one meter from ground level enless specifically directed by the REC. l II. Procedure ! (1) Energize the instrument. (2) Allow meter to stabilize and zero meter if necessary. (3) Switch to the highest scale and scale down until a onscale reading is obtained. ! (4) Hold the instrument approximately one meter from ground level and scan area for maximum reading. (a) Open probe window for beta gamma reading and record on Figure 2 as " Window Open" reading. l (b) Close the probe window for gamma reading and record , on Figure 2 as " Window Closed" reading. (5) Determine the beta and gamma dose rates as follows: ! GAMMA (mrem /hr) = " Window Closed" reading l l BETA (nRem/hr) : " Window Open" reading minus " Window Closed" reading times CF or (w/o - l w/c) CF l Where 1. CF = beta correction factor for meter or assume 5.

2. Beta dose rate reported in mrem /br assuming a quality factor of 1.

I j (6) Record results on Figure 2. l (7) Report results to REC. IBM




1. The air sampler shall,be placed in an area that will ensure a representative saiaple. DO NOT place the sam-pler on the ground or on contaminated surfaces.
2. Particulate filters and silver zeolite adsorbers must be installed and removed carefully to prevent cross-contamination from foreign objects.
3. The sample should be a standard 25 cubic fcot sample.

Sample collection time may be affected if the activity is too high.

4. All samples SHALL be laoeled properly with the required information and saved for further analysis.



1. Carefully install a particulate filter and silver zeo-lite adsorber into the cartridge / filter paper holder.

s l l l NOTE: Install the silver zeolite adsorber as follows: l l l l INLET l l l l HiQ l l AgZ Flow I I 4 I I Outlet l 1 ___ l

2. Connect the air sampler (CF-18V) to the vehicle power supply as follows:

(a) Connect to 12 Volt oattery terminals. Insure there is a good connection. I I l NOTE: Engine should be running to main- l l tain a steady battery voltage. I I I l IBM q 1

F3-15 Aav. 7 Page 16 ATTACHMENT D (Continued) (b) Set the TINER toggle switch to either the TIME , or the MANUAL POSITION. l NOTE: (1) If in the TIME position, set l l the TIMER DIAL to selected l l time. When the timer times l l out, the sample pump will l l automatically stop. l 1 I l (2) If in the MANUAL position, thel i sample pump must be stopped l l manually when a designated l l sampling time has elapsed. l (c) Set the FLOW TOGGLE switch to the VARIABLE pos-ition. The air sampler will now start. Record start time on Figure 2. . l NOTE: (1) DO NOT use HIGH switch position l l tion (causes high flow and l l motor damage). l l l l (2) If the sampler begins to run l l hot, (flow decreasing contin- l l uously) stop the air sampler l l to prevent damage to the unit. l (d) Adjust the flow, using the flow adjustment knob to 2 CFM. (e) When the sample collection time is complete, stop the air sampler. Record time on Figure 2. l NOTE: If the TIMER was in the TIME poa- ! , l ition, the sampler will auto stop l l when the timer times out. l (f) If the TIw.ER was in the MAN 11AL position, the air sampler must be stopped manually by placing the FLOW toggle switch to the CFF position when the-selected sample time has elapsed. IBM

                                    -      .                              --.~   _ _ - _  .

F3-15 4 Rev. 7 Page 17 ATTACHMENT D 1 (Continued)

3. Average the initial sample flow rate and the final flow rate.

Calculate the total sample volume and record results on Sample Results Log, Figure 2. . 4. Carefully remove the particulate filter and silver zeolite adsorber and place in a plastic sample bag.

5. Place a sample label on the sample and ensure that all in-formation is completed.
6. Make gross activity estimates in the field by the following methods:

(a) Particulate Activicy - count the particulate filter using an RM-14 (or equivalent) with a 2" GM pancake probe. Estimate the gross particulate activity using the following formula: Activity (pCi/cc)=(Background Corrected Count Rite)(4.5x10" pCi/dps) (Probe Efficiency) (Sample Volume, cc's) (CF) i l NOTE: (1). Probe efficiency =0.1 for RM-14 with l l a 2" GM pancake probe. l

. --                                   1                                                      I l         (2) Place the 2" GM pancake probe about l l               1/8" from the filter, with filter      l J                                       l               outside poly bag.                      l
.                                      l                                                      l l         (3)   CF= Correction factor for sample.      l l                    CF is .3 for 4 inch paper         l
 ;.-                                   l                    counted with a 2 inch probe.      l l                                                      l l         (4) If background exceeds 1000 cpe,          I l               notify the REC and proceed to an       i l               area of lower background, <1000 cpm l l               for. counting, if so tastructed by     l-l               the REC.                               l l                                                      l 4

i IBM l

F3-15 Ta r. ' Page 13 (b) Iodine Activity - count the sil~er zeolite adsorber using an RM-14 or equivalent. ,C41:ulate sample acc-ivity using the following formula: Iodine Activity (pCi/cc)= (pCi's on adsorber)

!                                                (Sample Volume in ec's; i

l l l NOTE: (1) pCi's on adsorber = activity on adsorber l l determined from Fig- 1 3 l ure 3 using the cor- l l rected count rate.  ! l l l (2) Place 2" GM pancake probe directly on [ l adsorber, with absorber inside poly bag. l I I l (3) If background exceeds 1000 cpm, notil/ i l the REC and proceed to an area of Icner l , l background, (1000 cpm for counting, if l I so instructed by the REC. l l l

7. Record the air sample results on the Soaple Results Log (Figure 2) and report the results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator.
8. Save all samples for future analysis.



1. If hands are contaminated, handle chamber with surgeon gloves.

II. Procedure

1. Remove S.S. Gas chamber, suction bulb and filter ass-embly.
2. Install new filter in filter assembly.
3. Assemble kit so air passes through filter, gas chamber, then suction bulb.
4. Squeeze suction bulb 10 times to obtain representative sample.
5. Shut the stop cocks on the gas chamber.
6. Using an RM-14 or equivalent and a 2 inch GM pancake probe obtain a count rate of the chamber volume by placing the probe over the mylar window. Log the result as " gross CPM".

I I l NOTE: If background exceeds 1000 cpm, l l notify the REC and proceed to an l l area of lower background, <1000 l l cpm for counting, if so instructed l l by the REC. l l l

7. Obtain a secor.d chamber labeled " Background". Do not open the stop cocks of the background chamber. Deter-mine a background count rate by placing the 2 inch GM pancake probe over the uylar window. Log the results as "Backgrous.d CPM".
8. Determine the " Net CPM" by subtracting the " Background CPM" from the " Gross CPM".
9. Using Figure 4, apply the " Net CPM" obtained to determine the gross gas activity in pCi/cc Xe-133 equivalent,
10. Record the air sample results on the Emergency Sample  !

Results Log, (Figure 2) and report the results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator using the portable radio.

11. Save the sample far future analysis.
     , IBM i


                                                                       ->:. 7 Page 20 ATTACHMENT F SURVEY TEAM RADIATION PROTECTION GUIDELINES I. Respiratory Protection (1) Radiation Survey Team members should don respirators with GMR cannisters if the following conditions occur:

(a) A General Emergency is declared and the affected sectors have been evacuated; and (b) Measured dose rates are more than 100 mR/hr S. 4 (2) Respiratory equipment may be removed if the following is indicated: (a) field measurement of gross iodine activity indi /.es less than IE-7 pCi/ce; or f (b) the Radiological Emergency Coordinator indicates that no significant iodine is or has been released from the plant. II. Plume Dose Rates (1) Survey Teams should not linger in areas greater than 100mR/hr (2) Survey Teams should not proceed to areas greater than 1 R/hr unless directed by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. (3) Survey Teams SHALL NOT proceed to areas exceeding 10 3'hr. l l l 4 IBM

                    - '                                                                F3-15 h<v. 7 Page 21
   ,.                                    ATTACHMENT G I


1. If outside temperature is greater than 32 F (O C), instrument use is unlimited.
2. If outside, temperature is between 32 F (O C) and O'F (-18 C),

no instrument should be used for more than 5 minutes.

3. If outside temperature is between 00 F (-18 C) and -20 F (-28 C),

no instrument should be used for more than 2 minutes.

4. If the outside temperature is below -20 F (-28 C), no instruwent should be used unless special batteries (alkaline or Ni-CD) are in the instrument and this would increase the temperature range to -40 F (-40 C). The instrument should only be used for very short times (less than 30 seconds).

s I f t t n m O e t

        , IBM                                                  ,

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E g 1 FIGURE i n-15 22 3 RADIATION SURVEY TEAM oi 7~ 7

                  $     l                   .                SURVEY ROUTE                                                            ;

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5302 4 4 E I a sixm a l 8 z g 2 l l 2 9 7gg 9 _ _ P T

PIN G P //t, ., Rev. 0

                 .                                                                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2 EMERGENCY SAMPLE RESUI.TS LOG Retention: Life l                                                                                                                                                                                     DATE
                            , Survey ISample ISample 1                              1         l              l Sample         r lS ta rt                                                          1 Open   l Closed I (see back                    l            Serial            i l                   l Point l Flow        IVolume IGross IBKGD l Net Ipci/cc l Type
  • I Gamma for formula l Number i Rate I (cc) CPM ' CPM l l l Beta-Gamma l Stopi l CPN 1.

I I i I I I I I I I

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f i - I I i & I I ? I E I l-1_ 'f l L I 1

                    '                                      i                i          l          l             I i           I         I                                                                                                                                                                          I    E I

I I I I I l  % l l l I. . [~ l l _ l l I i l l l Tg_ i i I I f' l I I I I I l.-'/ I I I -l i I L__ . J-I l- 1 I I I - - - i t, '

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l !1 I I i I i i @ I i l l l I I 1 i , i I i l i 1 , I I I i .I l l I i 1 'l i I I l l l l I J .I i [ i i i  ! I I 1 , l I i l 1 l- 1 I l- 1 I I 'I i - I i l I I I I I I I l I I I I I I

1. Formulau IIsted on back.
  • Sample typy inclueles: Particulate, Gaseous, Radioiodine, Liipalil, Area Done Rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $$Y lIlH                                                                                                                                                                                                        y s ta

72- 15 h i. 7

                                                                      ? age 24 PINGP #647 Page 2 of 2 FIGURE 2 (Con' t)


1. Gross Counts Per Minute - Background Counts Per Minute = Net Coun'. Per Minute CPM (gross) - CPM (bkgd) = CPM (net)
2. Cubic feet x 2.83 x 10 = cubic centimeters Ft x 2.83E4= cc's 3.

pCi/cc (particulate) = [ CPM (net)] [4.5E-7 pCi/dpm) [ inst. eff.][ sample vol.(cf)][2.83E4j[CF] NOTE: See notes 2 & 4 below


X Beta Correction factor - (see Note 1) NOTES:

1. Assume 5.0 if correction factor is unknown.
2. Instrument efficiency depends on probes. If using 2" GM pancake probe, ASSUME 10% (0.10) efficiency; if using GM tube probe. ASSUME 2% (0.02) efficiency.
3. List factors affecting reading; heights of probe, reading inside vehicle, etc.
4. CF (Correction factor for air samples) = 0.3 for a 4 inch filter size paper counted with a 2 l

inch GM pancake j probe. i l EXAMPLE ONLY 7 j WhEST illWO@DD IBM


   '                                                                                                                                                         FIGURE 3                                                                                                                                                                                                               1 GROSS IODINE CURVE USING RM-14 WITH 2" GM                                                                                                                                                                                                                    F3-15                         -


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pCi/cc Xc-133 EQUIVALENT

PAGE 1 OF 17 l l EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING l l PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR PROCEDURES l l GENERATING PLANT - l l NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY l Number: F3-16 Rev: 5 l l l l History Copy l l A i , Retention Time: Lifetime l l TITLE: l Sup l l Approved By:  ;*dfro.ction l l RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE l l l l RADIATION SURVEY TEAMS DURING l l Pl\arrt 'M'Ariagst


l A RADIOACTIVE LIQUID RELEASE l l l l l l OC Date: b $ I- 9 3 l l l l l l 1.0 PURPOSE l l l l The purpose of this instruction is to describe the l l responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams during l l a liquid radioactive release to the offsite environment. l I I l l l l 2.0



l l l l Three radiation survey teams exist, each consisting of l l a minimum of four Radiation Protection Specialists. l l One Radiation Protection Specialist is required per l l team (minimum) to perform the required offsite sampling; l l all other personnel should report to the Radiological l l Emergency Coordinator (REC) onsite, for further assign- l l ments and/or instructions for onsite sampling, monitor- l l ing, analysis, exposure control, etc. l l - l l In the event of an offsite liquid release, the Radio- l l logical Emergency Coordinator may request support for l l offsite sampling from the Monticello Radiation Protection l l Group. When the Monticello Radiation Protection Group l l arrives at the Prairie Island Near-Site EOF, they will l l accept the responsibility for offsite sampling from the l l Prairie Island Survey Teams. This allows the Prairie l l Island persennel, who have completed the initial offsite l l sampling to augment the onsite Radiation Survey Tum. All l-l offsite monitoring will continue under the direction of the l l Emergency manager at the Prairie Island Near-Site EOF. l l l l l l 3.0 APPLICABILITY l-l l-l This Instruction SHALL apply to all members of the Prairie l l Island Radiation Protection Group. l l l l 1 l 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS l l l l (1) Each team shall obtain information pertaining to the l l l IBM

F3-16 ) Rtv. 5 l Page 2 magnitude of the liquid release, el her from the Control Room Operator or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC). (2) Report all liquid sample.results to the REC in round numbers, (i.e., with no decimal places) microcuries per milliliter. (3) Preface each communication with the title or name of the receiving party and then your title or name. For example: " Prairie Island.TSC; Survey Team #1...". After the communication is complete, request the receiving party to repeat the message, if numerical data was relayed. End message transmission with an appropriate termi-nation phrase. For example: " Survey Team #1, out." (4) The normal means of transporation for survey teams during any emergency is NSP vehicles. Extreme environmental conditions (blocked roads, snow, bridges out, etc.) may preclude the use of these vehicles. The following alternate tran portation is available. l NOTE: This does not prohibit the use of per- l l sonal vehicles in cases where NSP l - l vehicles are not available in suffici- l l cient numbers. l l l (1) Power Boats - Sheriff's Department, NSP environmental monitoring team, Red Wing Police (2) Four Wheel Drive Vehicle - at Prairie Island (3) Amphibious Duck - at Prairie Island (4) Helicopter - Available during' suitable weather conditions from charter services in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Arrangements to be made via the Corporate Emergency organization at the EOF. l l l IBM l

I l 1 F3-16

                                    .                                      R:v. 5 Prge 3 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (Con't)                              l l

(5) The normal means of communication for the survey teams is the portable radios stored in the lockers. The normal telephone system will serve as a backup communication system. Telephone numbers in the TSC for the Radiological Emergency Corrdinator (REC) are: D Ext. D Ext.  ? q@ Ext. '@ . b\.s @D 5.0 EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL REQUIRED 5.1 Team Members Team I Team II Team III D

                         'c               %            C Qh               'g

b\ A 0 f Q C D (

    -                                                       A+o l                                                       l l NOTE: Rad Protection Coordinators shall assume on- l l         site responsibilities as directed by the      l l         Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC). l I                                                       I 5.2 Team Equipment Required 5.2.1   Team #1 (1) Two vehicles (NSP or personal)

(2) Offsite sample kit (Attachment A) 5.2.2 Team #2 (1) Two vehicles (NSP or personal) (2) Offsite sample kit (Attachment A) 5.2.3 Team #3 (1) Normal counting room equipment, if available (2) E.O.F. counting room equipment (3) All available onsite radiation protection equipment IBM 4

F3-16 Rev. 5 Page 4 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Team #1 6.1.1 All members of Radiation Survey Team #1 SEALL assemble at the appropriate location as follows, unless directed by the Emergency Director or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC): (1) During normal working hours, all Team #1 members shall assemble in the Operational Support Center (OSC). (2) During of f-normal working hours, all Team #1 members shall assemble at the NSP Red Wing Service Center. I I l NOTE: During off hours, the Shift l l Emergency Communicator (SEC) l l shall ensure that NSP person- l l al are contacted to unlock l l the NSP Red Wing Service Cen- l l ter. If personnel are not l l available at the service center l l when the Radiation Survey Team l l ( l members arrive, notify the SEC l l l Lo again call to request the l l NSP Service Center to be l l unlocked. l

         .              I                                                                                             I I

6.1.2 Obtain the necessary information from the Control Room Operator or TSC personnel re-garding the type and amount of release, etc. 6.1.3 Designate two (2) members of Team #1 (if j available) to perform offsite sampling. l The other members of Team #1 SHALL report  ! to the OSC and assume onsite responsibilities as directed by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. IBM i

F3-16 Rsv. 5 Page 5 I i l NOTE: Any available NSP personnel mayl l be designated as the driver l l for a single team member. l l l 6.1.4 Obtain a vehicle, and a second vehicle (if necessary) for transporting samples back to the plant or designated location for analysis. 6.1.5 Obtain the necessary equipment (Attachment A) from the NSP Red Wing District Service Center. 6.1.6 Operationally test the portable radios and response check all meters with source, prior to departing from the NSP "ed Wing Service Center. 6.1.7 Proceed to the Eisenhower Bridge and obtain a one liter sample from middle of the Minne-sota channel, and then a one liter sample from the middle of the Wisconsin channel, in accordance with Attachment B. Obtain liquid samples at thirty minute intervals or as directed by the REC. -

 ,               I                                                      l l NOTE: (1) If the river is frozen and unable          l l               to sample the river; contact the Ra- l l               diological Emergency Coordinator for l l               further instructions.                  l l                                                      l l          (2) Traffic control assistance on the       l l               Eisenhower Bridge should be obtained-l l               from the Red Wing Police.              l l                                                      l 6.1.8    Document all survey data on the Emergency Res.lts Log, Figure 1.

6.1.9 Report all results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator via the portable radio or telephone. 6.1.10 Label bottles correctly for further analysis _and storage at.the plant site. 6.1.11 One team member shall continue the sampling schedule while the other member transports I the samples to the location designated by REC for analysis by Team #3. Additional bottles may also be obtained at this location. l IBM l I

F3-16 Rsv. 5 Page 6 6.1.12 Continue sampling until directed by the Radio-logical Emergency Coordinator. 6.2 Team #2 6.2.1 All members of Radiation Survey Team #2 SHALL assemble at the appropriate location as follows, unless directed the Emergency Director or the Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC): (1) During normal working hours, all Team #2 members shall assemble in the Operational Support Center (OSC). (2)' During off-normal working hours, all Team #2 members shall assemble _ at the Construction Office Building. 6.2.2 Obtain the necessary information from the Control Room Operator or TSC personnel l regarding the type and amount of release, etc. l


1 6.2.3 Designate two (2) members of Team #2 (if available) to perform offsite sampling. The other members of Team #2 SHALL report to the OSC and assume onsite responsibilities as directed by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. I , I l NOTE: Any available NSP personnel may l l be designated as the driver l l for a single team member. l l l 6.2.4 Obtain a vehicle for sampling, and a second vehicle (if necessary) for transport of samples. 6.2.5 Obtain the necessary equipment (Attachment A) from the Construction Office Building. 6.2.6 Operationally test the portable radios and response check all meters with source, prior to departing the Construction Office Building. 6.2.7 Proceed to the discharge canal and obtain one liter samples of water flowing from the plant in accordance with Attachment B. IBM I

I F3-16 i 1 Rav. 5 1 Page 7 6.2.8 Proceed to the intake of the inlet screenhouse and obtain a one liter sample of the upstream water for background activity determination as per Attachment B. 6.2.9 Document all survey data on the Emergency Results Log, Figure 1. 6.2.10 Report all results to Radiological Emer-gency Coordinator via portable radio or telephone. 6.2.11 Deliver samples to designated location for - pickup by member of Team #3. ! 6.2.12 Proceed to Lock & Dam #3. i 6.2.13 Obtain a one liter sample every 15 minutes i from the roller gate area in accordance l with Attachment B.

6.2.14 Document all survey data on the Emergency I

Results Log, Figure 1.

6.2.15 Report all results to Radiological Emerg-ency Coordinator via portable radio or
       ;                                              telephone.

6.2.16 Label all sample bottles properly for storage and further analysis by Team #3. 6.2.17 When directed by REC, one team member shall deliver samples to designated location for pickup by a member of Team #3 and a new supply of sample bottles may be obtained at this location. 6.2.18 Additional samples may be required at ! the discharge canal. If possible, spare . team #3 members can obtain these samples and allow Team #2 to stay at Lock and Dau #3. 6.2.19 Continue sampling until directed by the' Radiological Emergency Coordinator. 6.3 Team #3 6.3.1 Report to the Operational Support Center unless directed by the Emergency Director or the Radio-logical Emergency Coordinator. l l l.

j. IBM l


73-16 3ev. 5

                                                                  ?sge 8 6.3.2   One member should be design 2ced as a rtmner to pickup all samples at the designated loca-tion from Team #1 and Team #2.

6.3.3 Assist plant operations in minimizing and con-trolling the release. 6.3.4 Analyze samples obtained by Teams #1 and </2 or as i required by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. 6.3.5 All results shall be reported to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. 6.3.6 Store all sample bottles for further analysis. i i 4 4 f I l

  • l IBM
                                                                                       -         ..        .                                            PINGP #6s., R v. O Page 1 of 2 EMERGENCY SAMPLE RESULTS LOG                                   Retention: Life DATE I     TIME    I          I                    SAMPLE RESULTS                            DOSE RATE RESULTS - MREM /hr        I INSTRUMENT I IStart        i Survey ISample ISample 1             I    I    I        I Sample        VINDOW l WINDOW I TRUE BETA         I     Model         i I,   j        i Point IFlow         IVolume IGross IBKGD INet lpCi/cc'l Type
  • I Open i Closed I (see back l Serial I V Sto Rate (cc) I CPM ICPM CPM I IBeta-Gamma Gasuna l for formula Number I I , I I l l l l 1 1

I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I l i I I I I I I I l , I l l 1 1

1. I l l I I I I I l l


                                      /l    .

l I I l i 1 l l Al l s VL l l l l l i l I I 1 /I I I I I I I I i 1 l l l l I l l 1 1 I l/ I I I I I I I I l 1 I 1

                                         /    I l

I i I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l M,/ I I I I I fll r%


l l I l l l

                                           /1 l          !       l        l l        l     #A             Q@              '

l l l I p' I I I l I i l I l I I I I I TL M i i l l I l' I I I I I I I I i l l l 1 /1 1 1 I I I I I l l l l l ,/ . I I I I I I I l l l l l l 1 1 I I I I I I I I I ,/ I I I I I I l l l


l l 1 1 1 l I l I l I l I l I l I l I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L- 1 I _ l l l l l l l l l l l

1. Formulas listed on back
  • Sample type includes: Particulate, Gaseous, Radioiodine, Liquid, Area Dose Rate
2. Remarks:


                                                                                                                                                                             $$Y S    g

l F3-16 Rev. 5 Page 10 PINGP #647 Page 2 of 2 FIGURE *1 (Con't) FORMULAS:

1. Gross Counts Per Minute - Background Counts Per Minute = Net Count Per Minute CPM (gross) - CPM (bkgd) = CPM (net)
2. Cubic feet x 2.83 x 10'= cubic centimeters Ft x 2.83E4= cc's 3.

pCi/cc (particulate) = [ CPM (net)] [4.5E-7 pCi/dpm) (inst. eff.][ sample vol.(cf)][2.83E4][CF] NOTE: See notes 2 & 4 below


X Beta Correction factor - (see Note 1) NOTES:

1. Assume 5.0 if correction factor is unknown.
2. Instrument efficiency depends on probes. If using 2" GM pancake probe, ASSUME 10% (0.10) efficiency; if using GM tube probe, ASSUME 2% (0.02) efficiency.
3. List factors affecting reading; heights of probe, reading inside vehicle, etc.
4. CF (Correction factor for air samples) = 0.3 for a 4 inch filter size paper counted with a 2 inch GM pancake probe.



1. Each offsite survey team shall be equipped with a kit of the following:

QUANTITY REQUIRED ITEM 1 Dose rate instrument R0-2 or equivalent 1 Count rate instrument RM-14 or equivalent 2 2" GM pancake probes 1 Battery powered air sampler 2 Personnel self-reading dosimeters (0-200 mR) 2 Personnel self-reading dosimeters (0-5 R) 2 TLD's (if individual have a normally assigned TLD they should wear those assigned) 1 (package) Plastic Sample Bags 1 (package) Garbage bags 1 (package) Paper towels 2 (roll) Masking tape 20 Silver zeolite adsorbers 2 GMR-I Cannisters 2 Full Face Respirators 2 Gas Sample Chambers 1 Filter assembly (gas sampler) 1 Suction bulb (gas sampler) 1 (package) Filter paper (gas sampler) 10 One liter poly bottles 1 (box) Four inch air sampler filter papers 1 (package) Survey sample labels 1 Portable radio 1 Portable Radio Antenna 1 Flashlight 4 D-Cell batteries 1 Ccmpass 1 Clipboard 2 Pens 1 Pad of paper (8 1/2" x 11" minimum size) 1 Road map of State of Minnesota 1 Road map of State of Wisconsin 1 Umbrella 1 Watch or clock 1 Calculator 2 (pair) Foul weather (rain) gear 1 Line (100 feet) 1 Weighted poly bottle holder 1 Snow Scoop 1 (package) Surgeon gloves 1 Procedures binder (see # 2) IBM 1 I i i


2. The Proce- res Binder shall contain:

1 package of the following maps: (a) Prairie Island Radiological Sampling Points Map and related list of location discriptions (b) Monticello Radiological Sampling Points Map and related list of location discriptions 1 Copy of EPIP 1.1.10, "Offsite Surveys" 10 Emergency Sample Results Forms 1 Copy of EPIP 1.1.8, " Communications Equipment and Information" 1 Copy of F3-15, " Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During a Radioactive Airborne Release" 1 Copy of F3-16 ," Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During a Radioactive Liquid Release" s l l IBM l

F3-16 Rev. 5 Page 13 ATTACHMENT B LIQUID SAMPLING I. Precautions

1. Always collect full one liter bottles.
2. For samples at the outfall or point of discharge, assume that the bottle, weighted sampler an'd rope could possibly become slightly contaminated.

Surgeons gloves should be worn at this sample point and bottles should be placed in a plastic bag.

3. Observe cold weather operation instructions (At-tachment C).
4. Estimation of gross liquid activity must be made with probe in position shown on applicable calibration curves .
5. All meter readings shall be corrected count rates (subtract background).

i II. Procedure

1. Obtain a one liter poly sample bottle of liquid from the desired sample location.

l NOTE: Place poly bottle in sample rig in such l l a position that it will not float out. l l l

2. Throw the weighted sampler into an area of water which will supply a representative sample.
3. Collect a FULL one liter sample of liquid.
4. Withdraw the weighted sampler and cap the sample bottle.

l NOTE: Observe precautions as sampler may be l l contaminated. l l l

5. Label bottle, properly.
6. Estinate the gross liquid activity by the following methods:


F3-16 Rev. 5 Page 14 ATTAC!E.';T 3 iCec.. 3 (a) RM-la or equivalent with 2" GM Pancaae position the probe at midpoint on the one liter sample bottle as shown on Figure 2. Using the corrected count rate obtained on the instrument, the estimated gross activity in pCi/ml can be obtained from Figure 2. (b) E120 with HP-177C Probe - position the probe (shield open) in a vertical position, centered on the bottle, as shown in Figure r

3. Using the corrected count rate obtained '

on the E120, the estimated gross activity in pCi/ml can be obtained from Figure 3.

7. Record results on Sample Results Log, Figure 1.
8. Report results to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator

. (REC).

9. All samples SHALL be saved for further analysis, csing-I either the Count Room or the E.O.F. count room.

I L l i h IBM t

F3-16 Rav. Si + Paga 15 Figure 2

          -                                                                                                                           GROSS LIQUID ACTIVITY CURVE USING RM-14 OR EQUIVALENT WIT'l HP-210 PROB *.s 1 X 10.2_             . _. . .._
r. _,.

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g. i I 1 X 10"N, " ~ ~* "' - ~ 2 3 8 5 6 7 * % i 0 21 X l'01 LLD 1 X 10 2 1 X 10 3 1 X 10 b/ CORRECTED COUNT RATE (CPM)

F3-16 Rnv.5 Pag's 16 Figure 3 [T RM-14 CR EQUIVALL'T WITH HP-177G FROBE G2OSS LIQUID ACTIVITY USISG 10-2 -- - - -- -

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1. If outside temperature is greater than 32*F (O C), instru-ment use is unlimited.
2. If outside temperture is between 32 F (O C) and 0 F (-18*C),

no instrument should be used for more than 5 minutes.

3. If outside temperature is between 0 F (-18 C) and -20 F (-28*C),

no instrument should be used for more than 2 minutes.

4. If the outside temperature is below -20 F (-28*C), no instru-ment should be used unless special batteries (alkaline or Ni-CD) are in instrument and this would increase the temperature range -

to -40*F (-40*C). The instrument should only be used for very short times (less than 30 seconds). ( +

  • IBM
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