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Intervenor Exhibit I-68,consisting of Forwarding Vogtle Project Emergency Planning Duties of on-call Project Manager
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/1995
From: Lamberski J
OLA-3-I-068, OLA-3-I-68, NUDOCS 9502020395
Download: ML20078G073 (19)



, - . . _ _ . ~ ~. - . ~ - -> b 7' hbV en TROUTMANSANDERb,

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  • D ATLANTA. GE ORGI A 30308 2218 TELEPHONE. 404 885 3000 g 3 30 N 38 FACSMtLE. 404 des 3e00 March 30,1994 0FFICL Cf Sf CR 0 0 C K E W c & m s1 C L-BR M4CH VIA. AIRBORNE EXPRESS NUCLEAR REGULA10RY COMM;$$ ION go-q.24 cLA-3 Charles Barth, Esq. D
  • M P # # " df3h*b - - --

Office of General Counsel '*"" C*66 ?7M#2*'4 O J Ild /MA One White Flint North

/[ca :t Stop 15B18 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory p.y.., y um]

ctan enr Commission cdm DATE / - 6~ - W ,

Washington, D. C. 20555 om Rener C gnyss Kmee C,1 M c Cor /

Dear Charles:

0 tasi Menday. xeu asked me ie i dentify ce,tain decuments which were ,eferenced in Stipulation Nos. 56 and 57 of GPC's Proposed Stipulations Relating to the Allegations of Illegal License Transfer, attached to my February 3,1994 letter. Specifically, you asked (1) what was the tape on which Mr. Mosbaugh allegedly recorded "a comment by a former SONOPCO manager stating his belief that, in the event of a significant event at a GPC facility, the corporate duty manager would call Mr. Farley rather than Mr. d Dahlberg," and (2) what was the GPC procedure that stated, in the case of a significant l event at Plant Vogtle, the on-call Project Manager was to notify both Mr. Dahlberg and 1

Mr. Farley.

With respect to your first question, the Mosbaugh tape apparently is Tape No. 260, see the NRC's transcript at pp. 8-11. To the extent helpful to the development of  ;

stipulations, we can review the tape and propose an edited NRC transcript, the same procedure used with the diesel generator transcripts.

With respect to your second question, Plant Vogtle Procedure No. VNS-EP-04, ,

entitled " Duties of the On-Call Project Manager," describes the reporting of significant  ;

events by the corporate "du y manager." Section 4.2.1 of the procedure must be read in i i conjunction with Plant Vogtle Procedure No. VNS-EP- 05 and the " Telephone List - On-l O

Exhibitb,page I of$

9502020395 950105 PDR ADOCK 05000424 g PDR i

TaourMAN. SANDERS c.::a..a.: ..:.:x=

Charles Barth, Esq.

March 30,1994

( Page 2 call Project Manager."I' Copies of the historic procedures and telephone list are attached. Personal phone numbers have been redacted for obvious reasons. In addition, see GPC's April 1,1991 response to the Hobby /Mosbaugh 6 2.206 petition, Attach-ment I at p.12 and Exhibit 18 (a copy of the Exhibit is attached for easy reference).

Please feel free to call me should you have any questions related to the foregoing, <

or if I can provide additional information.

Very truly yours, C -

John Lamberski Enclosures xc: Michael D. Kohn, Esq. (w/ encl.)

l I

l'A similar telephone list for the On-Call Project Manager dated "4th Quarter 1989" was produced by Mr. Mosbaugh in this proceeding and forwarded to you by my letter of March 7,1994.

Exhibit ld ,page A of i I

.rh V


i Approved:

Date: N/ 7 /f6 Manager - Nuclear Engineering & Licensing Date: S//7/90 Manager - SaY'ety @dit and Engineering Review  ;


2/ [d '

Vice President - Nucl r - Vogtle Project l l

i Date Issued f~dO- kO Rev. 2 ExhibitN , page 3 ofl i i

l VHS-EP-04 ,

i i

INDEX 0F EFFECTIVE PAGES f Page Revision Number Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8- 9 10 .

J i

i 1 X X X 2 X X X  ;

3 X X X  :

Attach. I 4 X X Attach. 2 ,

5 X ,

1 i


i i

b i

F t


_j. Rev. 2  ;

Exhibit N,page of

- ....-.r-

  • VNS-EP-04 (Qj V0GTLE PROJECT EMERGENCY PLANNING DUT;ES OF THE ON-CALL PROJECT MANACER 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to the On-call Project Manager and delineate his duties and responsibilities regarding classified emergencies and other significant events occurring at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP).

2.0 APPLICABILITY This instruction applies to the Corporate staff member who is designated the On-call Project Manager at the time that an emergency classification is declared or other significant event occurs at VEGP.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The On-call Project Manager is responsible for selected notifications following an emergency declaration and other significant events at VEGP.

4.0 INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Emeraency Classification Declaration. In the event of a Notification '

of Unusual Event (NOVE) or Higher Emergency Classification, the On-call Project Manager will:

i 4.1.1 By referring to the Corporate Emergency Telephone Directory, i notify the following personnel: i (1) Director of Corporate Response (2) Senior Corporate Management (3) Public Information Manager Georgia Power Company Atlanta and the Administrative Services Public Affairs Section-SONOPC0 Project (4) Joint Owners 4.1.2 Maintain a log of events following initial notification.

4.1,3 For ALERT or higher emergency classification complete  !

Attachments 1 and 2.

Rev. 2 ExhibitM,page[ of M i

- VNS-EP-04 O 4.1.4 For ALERT or higher emergency classification report to the GOOC after niaking the required notifications. Assist the i Director of Corporate Response and G00C Manager or begin activation as appropriate. i

-NOTE-The Public Information Manager can make an fnitial i press release with information specified bi the  :

Initial Message Form (Attachment 1). 1 4.2 Normal Operations and other Sionificant Events.

t During the day to day operations of VEGP the On-Call Project Manager will act for the Vice President during non-working hours and during i absence of the Vice President. He will:

4.2.1 Report the following types of events to the Vice President, l the Joint Owners and the Administrative Services Public Affairs Section - SONOPC0 Project.

1. Unplanned Unit shutdown, major load reductions or derating.
2. Significant releases of radioactive or potentially ,

radioactive effluents.  !

3. Deaths or serious personnel injuries. >

O 4.


Work disruptions or stoppages.

Other conditions which are likely to result in ,

unusual interest by outside agencies or the media.


-NOTE-The above types of events should be reported to the Joint Owners as occurring. However, with discretion, considering the severity of an event or the probable intensity of media interest, the notification of the Joint Owners and Pubile Affairs may be deferred to the following calendar morning.

Oglethorpe Power has established a 24-hour Oglethorpe Power '

System Control Center. The System Control Center operator is responsible for informing oglethorpe Power Corporation management. .

i 4.2.2 Inform the Duty Executive of any major problems occurring at the plant on a daily basis including weekends and holidays.

.ia v .

O --

Exhibit _ W,page b ofN

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5.1 Corporate Emergency Plan - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 5.2 Emergency Communications Plan - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 6.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1, Initial Message Form Attachment 2, Action Checklist for On-Call Project Manager ,

i i

t t

O O .,.

Exhibit bT,page ofd

VNS-EP-04 Attachment 1 O INITIAL MESSAGE FORM Date Time Name of Caller Title of Caller Check Affected Unit (s):

() VEGP-Unit 1 () VEGP-Unit 2 Class of Emergency:


[] Site Area Emergency

[] General Emergency Initiating Condition Safety Systems Operate? [] Yes

[] No, Explanation Radiation Release? [] No ,

() Yes, Explanation Plant Status -

On-Call Project Manager .

Date/ Time (Completed)  ;

Rev. 1 ;

Exhibit bY,page_1 of N l

VNS-EP-04 Attachment 2 (h


I. Initial Actions Time Initials  ;

1. Complete Initial Message form.
2. Notify Director of Corporate Response. >
3. Notify Senior Corporate Management. .
4. Notify Public Information Manager.
5. Notify Joint Owners. .
6. Maintain a log of events.

O 7. Report to G00C (for ALERT or higher V emergency classification).

l l

On-Call Project Manager i I

Date/ Time (Completed)

Rev. 0 l

ExhibitM,page 3 of.N f


l l



s Date: uh6F Manager - Nuclear Engineering & Licensing l

{ ff NliA Manager - SFeff' fudit and Engineering Review Date: /Z '5 ~8?

Date: 1i 13

Vice Presfdent - Nuclear - ogtle Project /

MANUALSIT r i Date Issued 12 O iTS

{ia d Rev. 1 Exhibit b Y,page /0 ofd

VNS-EP-05 L-INDEX OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Revision Number Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-1 X X 2 X X 3 X X Attach. 1 1 of 2 4 X X Attach. 1 2 of 2 O

Rev. 1 Exhibit ,page II of


.O VNS-EP-05 I


1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to the Director of -

Corporate Response and delineate his duties and responsibilities. 1 2.0 Aeolicability .

I This instruction applies to the Vogtle Project (Corporate) Department i executives and personnel who are the designees to be the Director of Corporate Response during an emergency at VEGP.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The duties and responsibilities of the Director of Corporate Response ,

will be assumed by one of the four designated Vogtle Project managers as  !

indicated below. The designated managers will be assigned according to a predetermined schedule on a weekly basis. Those managers identified for this assignment are: .

l o General Manager Nuclear Support  !

o Manager - Nuclear Engineering and Licensing o Manager - Nuclear Maintenance Support o Manager - Licensing l The Director of Corporate Response is responsible for the activation and direction of the Corporate Emergency Organization.  ;

I The corporate cinergency preparedness staff will be available to provide advice and assistance on a 24-hour per day basis until the emergency has teminated.



, The duties and responsibilities of the Director of Corporate Response are as follows:

, 4.1.1 Activate the VEGP Corporate Emergency organization.

Rev. 1 Exhibit , paged of 6

VNS-EP-05 D'D 4.1.2 Notify the GPC Corporate Management.

4.1.3 Ensure the Joint Owners are kept apprised of an emergency.

4.1.4 Support site efforts for the following:

(1) Determining the cause of the incident.  !

(2) Assessing the overall damage including personnel, equipment, systems, facilities and/or fuel.

(3) Developing mitigation and recovery plans.

4.1.5 Identify available resources within and outside the company to assist in mitigation and recovery as requested.

4.1.6 Identify and procure outside services and equipment, as requested. ,

1 4.1.7 Coordinate with the Georgia Power Company Corporate l Communications. Approve news releases issued from the GPC i General Office or ENC prior to EOF activation.

4.1.8 Request /obtain assistance from outside legal counsel as I appropriate.

4.1.9 Management of the Corporate Emergency Organization can be assumed by the GOOC Manager as delegated by the Director of Corporate Response.

4.2 Action Guidelines 4.2.1. The Director of Corporate Response will be notified by the On-call Project Manager when an emergency occurs at VEGP.

4.2.2 The Director of Corporate Response, or his designee, will activate the VEGP Corporate Emergency Plan at the ALERT or higher emergency classification.

4.2.3 The Director of Corporate Response will notify the G00C Manager of the emergency and instruct him to notify the members of the Corporate Emergency Organization to activate the GOOC.

4.2.4 Notify the appropriate GPC Corporate Management and brief them on the emergency.

4.2.5 The director of corporate response should be prepared to relocate to the site at the direction of the Vice President Nuclear. In this event his corporate duties and responsibilities will be delegated to the GOOC Manager.

O Rev. 1 Exhibit , paged of / 7 1


VNS-EP-05 fT d

4.2.6 Maintain contact with public information personnel and ensure they are kept apprised of the emergency and any l

significant changes or major events.

4.2.7 Report to the GOOC to brief the personnel on the status of i the emergency, and ensure that the G00C is functioning i properly. j 4.2.8 At an ALERT or higher classification emergency, review the need to dispatch GPC technical interfaces to the l State / Forward Emergency Operations Centers of the State of Georgia and of the State of South Carolina.


5.1 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Emergency Plan 5.2 Corporate Emergency Plan - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 5.3 Emergency Communication Plan - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant i

6.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 - Action Checklist for the Director of Corporate Response O

l l

O Rev. I I

j Exhibit _I1Y,page/Y of /f


1. Initial Actions 11!!!1 Initials
1. VEGP Corporate Emergency Plan (s) activated.
2. GOOC Manager notified and directed to contact the Corporate Emergency Organization.
3. GOOC Manager directed to activate the General Office Operations Center.
4. Notify the appropriate GPC Corporate Management and brief them on the emergency.
5. Contact public information personnel and establish communications.
6. Approve news releases issued from the G00C or ENC prior to EOF activation.
7. Report to GOOC to brief the personnel on the status of the emergency, and ensure that the General Office Operations Center is operational.

II. Sucolemental Actions

1. Review GOOC staffing and logs as well as the i events to date.
2. Ensure that adequate support and resources are available. --
3. Evaluate the Action Messages received in the G000 to ensure appropriate actions are taken.

O Rev. 1

%hibit page$ Of b

VNS-EP-05 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2



n ling Initials

4. Coordinate with Public Information and GPC Corporate Management to ensure that adequate and appropriate information is-transmitted.
5. Evaluate and approve 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> staffing schedule.
6. Ensure that all communications links are functioning properly. .
7. Issue periodic emergency status reports.
8. Meet with Corporate Emergency Response O Managers to evaluate the progress in each area.
9. At an ALERT or higher class of emergency, review the need to dispatch a GPC technical

. interface to the State / Forward Emergency Operations Centers of the State of Georgia and the State of South Carolina.

Director of Corporate


Date/ Time O Rev. 1 Exhibit bY,page b of /'[


4 r


Work Phone Home Phone Name/ Title DI KCTOR OF cngp0 RATE RESPONSE.


1. W. 8. " Shipman, General Manager 1-205-C77-7104 Nuclear Support 8-821-7103 ,
2. P. D. Rushton, Manager 1-205-877-7103 Nuclear Engineering & Licensing 8-821-7097
3. J. A. Bailey, Manager 1-205-877-7097 Licensing 8-821-7802
4. L. A. Ward, Manager 1-205-877-7802 Nuclear Maintenance Support GEORGIA PO K R COMPANY Cnnp0 RATE ""_"_^^rMENT a


1. Joseph M. Farley 1-205-868-5513 Executive V1ce President-Neclear The Southern Company i Birmineham. AL T 2. R. P. Mcdonald 8-821-5540 5 Executive Vice President- 1-205-868-5540 *

= Nuclear Operatfons Alabama & Georgia Power Companies

b Atlanta. GA i


-4 1-404-526-3848 y

<a N

. 'd SL 448 t

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  • _ _ - -



Work Phone Home Phone Mobile Phone Beener Name/ Title GEORGIA POWER COMPANY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT (continued)

W. G. Hairston, III 8-821-5581

3. 1-205-868-5581 Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations
4. A. W. Dahlberg, President & CEO 8-526-6000 Georgia Power Company 1-404-526-6000
5. C. K. McCoy, Vice President 8-821-7122 Vogtle Project 1-205-877-7122 m

er l


_A E

E ioCL e.

448 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ._

O DATE: December 7, 1990 RE: Voatle Electric annaratina Plant j Georgia Power Company Crisis Management Plan Log: ELV-02333 l Security Code: MC FROM:

C. K. McCoy l

T0: W. G. Mairston, !!!

' The Vogtle Project Corporate Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (VNS-EP-04 ano VNS-EP-05) satisfy the commitments of the Georgia Power l' Company Crisis Management Plan regarding notification of S Management.of Corporate Response, as appropriate, will Theycall willyou or Mr. Mcdonald 1

accordance with the Corocrate Emergency Telephone Directo unless directed otherwise. There are no other inconsistencies between our procedures and the Crists Management Plan.

O 000' C. K. McCoy

/ /11h xc: NORMS 798 O l Exhibit page I)ofM 1

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